Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 27, 1901, Image 3

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    There's no
From the evidence of your senses, and when you
see our stock and learn the prices your senses
will tell you to buy here. If you're "up a stump."
about anything in our line, come in and your
troubles will vanish.
A Fresh Lot of Lunch Goods Just Arrived.
I.ibhy'a Pork and Beam. 3 tana (or 2.rc
Vancamp, Pork and Beans, lare 2:
Libby'a the very best sliced haul or bacon 30c
Deviled Ham 5 and 10c
Lemonp, Per Doi "... .'..15, 20 and 2fc
Orange, and Ireeh roasted peanuts.
Special wholesale price in quantises.
Celebrate the Fourth at Grants Pass, make our
store your headquarters. We'll have plenty of ice
water and lots of other good tilings to give away
on that day. We will demonstrate to you how
good our teas and coffees are by serving you with
a hot cup of our high-grade tea or a cup of our
celebrated Chase & Sanborn's coffee, FREE, Re
member the place, the
White House Grocery
Store will close about o p. m.
M ' It ffl ; I.
When you are buying a stove, get one
of a standard make like the Garland ?
Every stove guaranteed aluminum
finish, aluminized ovens, quick bakers,
economical wood burners. We have
sizes to suit any family
Cramer Bros.
For Sale by
llair-lliddlc Hardware Co.
Better Than an
Accident Policy.
rROOF Over -JM(J(iO Crescents fitted
with our stamped sheet steel Crescent
arch fork crown have been sold, and not
one Crown has been broken.
They are-the "wheels that stand up."
Come in and see the new models. They
will interest you
Phone 144.
tting Away..,
r;. . j.i ...
4 'r
. . . 1S1
4- cr;
Kast of Depot.
tii,; ii,(iiiT KNI)
If you want meat you should
only be satisfied with the best.
We are only satisfied when we
sell you the best. We know
how to cut it to give you the
greatest pleasure. Not ex
pensive, but first class.
C. Vi. Gray, propr.
iiilltiliil "
. s sw rn, . swns.s.,sswsv
I'r. F lanagan,
Resident Dentist.
liotoCoron (or dumbing.
W hips, 10c to $2.50 at Hackett'a.
Cash lor Gold Puet at Cramer Bros.
M. Clemens, Prescription DruirKi.t.
Wood wanted on subscription at the
Coi rikb office.
Deermg Kail Bearing Mowers at
Cramer Bros.
Bee likes ami Bee Vupplie. at Ilair
KiJJIe HJw. Co.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coion'a.
Harness of all Kilds, Grades and
Prices at tiackett's.
Three Ladies Bicycles $15 00, 115.00
and 20 00 at Cramer Bros.
Q hf D Sherman -Williams Paints.
O.VVa, Hair-Kiddle Hardware Co.
Peering Ball Bearing Mowers at
Cramer Bros.
'01 Ramblers (40. Roadsters too at
Hair-Riddle Hdw. Co.
New Photo Mounts for amateuies at
the Courier office.
Leave orders for engraved calling cards
with A. E. Yuorhic..
H, I). Norton of this city w ill deliver
the address at Jacksonville on the
Tne Standard and New Home sewing
machines. All styles and prices. Jos
eph Moss, Agt.
The S. 1. railroad company is willing
to haul one car load of sample ore to
the mining congress which meets at
Boise on July 23.
Mrs. Jessie Vert, of the O. K. S. assist
ed by members of the order from Grants
Pais, organized a lodge at Glendale
Friday with a membership of 25.
The case of P. H. Tynan vs the North
ern Pacific railroad, fur damages for the
death of his brother, John Tynan, lui?
been decided for the plaintiff with daina
ges fixed at (5000.
Clevenger ie showing a line of enlarg
ed photographs of a quality that lias
never been suipassed in this city. No
need of sending away for work of this
character when it may be secured in
such excellence at home.
Mr. James Biown of Putsmouth, Va.
over Ut) years of age suffered for years
with a bad sore on his face Physicians
could not help him, HeWitt. Witch
Hazel Salve cured him permanently.
Dr. W. F. Kremer.
Scott Griffin handles Ashland Hour,
Utah alfalfa seed, Oregon red clover
seed, winter oats, large Russian white
rye, new crop timothy seed, wheat for
seed also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa, Tim
othy Hay, Oat Straw, Chop Barley,
Corn, Wheat, Oils,.
Dr. J. (i. (Joule, the optician, w ill he
at the Josephine hotel on Wednesday
and Thursday, June 2ii and 27. Those
wishing to have their eyes examined
ami glasses fitted will please call at
the hotel. All work postively guaran
teed to be satisfactory. Consultation
free, Olllce hours from 1 to 5:00 p, in
Garden Hose !'c ft. at Cramer Bros.
J Pardee, who for the past few months' '
has been asi-i?ting at Smith Bros.' store
has resigned that position and is taking a
vacation at present. Mr. Pardee is a
salesman and business man of many
years' e.erieiiee, whoso service has
been of appreciable value to the. several
mercantile establishments with which
he has been connected. y
Liberty Car.
The girls who ride on the Liberty cur
will meet at the Western hotel on the
morning of the Fourth.
Sunday School Picnic.
The various Sun lay schools of the cilv
have recognized the advent of the pic
nic season. On last Friday the M. K.
Sunday ecbool held their annual picnic
in Tutf's grove n' had an enjoyable
time. The Presbyterian Sunday school
are holding their picnic to ly, WeducH-
lay, at the same plice.
Fourth of July.
The program of entertainment ar-
ninored by tliu executive committee of
the Firemen for July Fourth anil Fifth
include a number of features of mniv
than ordinary excellence -J',,. ,a
irauics, bicycle races and hoc,,, raiv.-.
events to awaken the kiMiest
interest and are exju-eted to Im closely
and warmly contested. The nliixit.intf
'(intent, hose race, and othereveiil-are
also. of tile most i -r 1 1 . -i-1 i i n i n ir rharact- r
and the time allotted is well taken no
by the program, so tlc-iv will be no
dull season.
II. A. Itis'il, us speaker of the day,
la well litted in all was for Unit ulliee
and is highly spoken of by those who!
have heard him, us a s ake, of enter
taming ability. The Grunts l'a-s bund
has U-en engaged to furnish nm-ic f,
both days, will attend ull the events
and will constitute no mean portion of
the entertainment. They will give a
concert on the evening of the Fourth
and this will bo followed by a display
of fireworks and a grand ball. The
following program has b.-cii arranged:
Jl i.v F'i"krii Kon k Noon .
Parade Form at Smh an 1 A ntn-e's
at II o'clock ami march to the grove
i ioddess of Liberty, L'ncle .-am, Orders,
Organizations, etc.
Prayer At grove, ty Rev. N. I'.
Reading Declaration of liidepcndcni e
Miee Maud Balier.
Oration llor.. 11 A. Reed.
Snoolin Coiite-t At 11b. m. Tbiee
prizes, 7. ".), f i- -'.50.
Bicycle Races At 1 mile race, liest
two out of three, prize 'M Raiding
nicycle from W. A. I'ad lock's. Between
firt and second heats ol this race, there
will be a bicycle race for boys of 14 or
under; 2 5 mile, prize bicycle lamp
Bicycle iow race, !) yards, ojiitesiants
must move forward, r.z, biejcie bell.
Ball Game At li, Grants Pass vs
Fugene, purse -"
Band Concert At 7 ::').
Fireworks At :i.
Grand Ball At tl :M.
jilt rir-rn riii.i-s.i,
ILn-e Rice Wet test, at H.
Ball Game Ashland v winning team
of Fourth, for ct.amf lonslup of soul'.ern
Oiegon, I ure lt).
Horse P.aees At r.:e track at 2
'clock. Had uii:e race. Saddle rnce,
4 li, He. rony race, j.rds.
Official judges for all -onte(s, If.
oiler, 1. P. Judfon, Scott (irilliu.
Bunches Firecrackers
Aud all other kinds of Fireworks at tho sanio
small margin at tho Chicago Racket Store.
"We want to sell everything we have in tho
Fireworks line, so we are marking them down.
We have a fine line of Summer Goods left,
at cost we are closing them out.
Ladies' Shoes, Gents' and Children'. Shoe.
Shirt Waists 15 per cent discount
that means cost at factory prices.
An elegant line of Lamps, Crockery and Glassware.
Overalls ffO 48 j Calico, per yard $0 4'4
Broom. 2i Percales, " 7la 11
Hammers 20 1
Squares 35 j
Saws SO'
h e Cream Freezers 1 60;
Hammocks -95
We want your trade, and wo will givo you
goods and quality at prices that will make you
guess how we do it, We are giving away a
pistol and box of caps to every child that calls.
Kesslers' Chicago Racket Store.
It you want a hammock when you go
camping, gel it at Cramer Bros.
A g"oJ ore body has been at ruck in
the Sunshine mine on Missouri Flat,
owned by W. S. Bailey.
There w ill be preaching in the M, K.
church, South, at 11 a. in. aud 8 p. m.,
Sunday, June ;!0th, P.I01, by the pastor,
T. P. lla nes.
J. K. Kerley has made a number of
impoititnt improvement, at his livery
stable and will be piepared to entertain
abuul CO horses on the Fourth.
A very complete equipment of ma
chinery for the Rising Star mine on
Williams creek arrived this week from
Denver and is being transported to the
Silver Modal Contest.
An oratorical contest for tho Angell
pii.e for best recit:itiou on humane
education was held it t Merlin on Fri
day evening with tho following con
testants: Miss Mary Massie, Miss
Maltio Guild, Merlin; Louis Crow,
Alice Given, Hugo; Glenn Flier, Mar
garet Scovill, O.iU Grove. Unfort
unately the Hugo contestants were
unable to attend. The others spoke
well and nil ucrjuittcd themselves with
credit. The medal was awarded to
Miss Mary Massie, of Merlin.
Kev. W. t.' Loii:,' and Miss F.dith
Mitchell favored the audience with
recitations and a recitation by Kosa
Frier was also greatly enjoyed. Music
was furnished by the Merlin quartet
of four children. Hev. T. 1'. llayncs,
W. M. Hair and Miss Maggie Chiles, of
Grants Pass, acted ns judges.
A strawberry supper was served
after the entertainment and was an
additional feature of enjoyment. Those
present from Grants Pass were, Kev.
T 1'. llaynes, V. M Hair, Mrs St
Louis and Misses .Maggie Chiles, Zella
Hair. Oris St Louis and Jessie I,
Scovill ,
Band Concert,
Tho following program will he given
by the Grants Pass hand at the Railroad on Friday evening, June 28:
March, "Colossean" Dalhey
Sextette, "From Lucia Hi Laniuiermooi"
Fantasia, "My Old Kentucky Home"
"Blue Danube Wall," Strauss
Musical Jokes, "Grand I'olp urri"
"America," Overture on National Airs,
Georgia Catnpineeting" Mills
Take Your Choice.
I .' --',''-':rr--i-Mak. w
Clolhind. HsMs, Bonis and Shoes.
Trunks and Valises.
Advertised Letter List.
F dlijiiig is the list of letters remain
ing uncalled lor in the i liauis I'a-'s post-
d'icc, Saturday, June 21, I!;0 :
Brown, Mia R I, .Mitchell, Mm M J,
.Mct'iiire, M rs ' di,
OliMl.l ' I K
Ch niciil", A r' bur, 2 L"avy, ( 'larence M 2
Mall, Mr J, S( hens, C II, -j
Topping, T, Tale, J T,
Williams, J W,
(.'. K. Haiimon,
I'r'.-j'iet sets at Cramer Bio.
Belgian Mares.
li.verside Babbiirv Breeder of lh'r-
otiglihred ,id:gree Belgian Hares of
P', pillar S'.r iin", s-ns herd-d by suib
imported Dash Meteor and Princess
Ilea' riie, scores '.si. Daeh Meteor is one
r.f Hie finest b'lrl.s in Aiuern i. He is
the winner of the t ;rst Prise at the Yolo
cii'iiy fair, California. Young-ters
I from tie -e hares for sale, also some
' heavy weij.t Belgians, will weigh from
I 2 to 1 1 p'.nnes es, h when maimed
jtl.e only In avy :,ts in S aitbern
Ongin. Write for prices or call aud
I lee my Han s In-fore bi.viug. Visitors
alaays welcome. Address HARRY
MARsll, River-ide Itabtjilry, Grants
j I'as, Oregon, box J 1 .
j f ourth of July
j The Jecntive committee of the
: dipiriui,: eilei.,1 au invitation to tie
"""-I ooi.-r- ai 1 orvat u itions ol this
I c.iy to a-sit and paitkipatu in tne par
..i i -.. . .i .i i
I wo morning 01 inr rourifl.
Gents' Underwear, suit 48
Socks, 5 arir. 25
Summer Corsets 28
Rope, 4 feet 01
Bird Cages... 1 00
Detvth of Robert Kahler.
Robert Kahler, a former resident ol
southern Oregon and a man well know n
and esteemed throughout this portion
of the state, was fouuddead in his cabin
near Sumpter on June 10.
The Sumpter Morning Reporter has
the following account:
Robert Kahler, well known in Sump
ter, having formerly been deputy post
master here, was found dead In his cab
in on Peer Creek, three miles east of
this city, yesterday afternoon by his
hrother, V. K. Kahler, and M. V.
Wheeler, and the body was brought In
at 0 o'clock last night.
Deceased was 50 years of age and
leaves a wife and two grown sous in Ta
coma. He had long been a sull'erer from
kidney disease and had undergone a sur
gical operation for it several years ago.
Rev. Shannon had been with him at
the cabin and returned home Wednes
day noon, leaving Mr, Kahler in his
usual health. He had retired to bed
and left the following pathetic letter:
'Jane 12,'ll)01. I expect to ilie to
night. Bury me at Sumpter" here
follows some ruference lo his business
airalrs and his signature.
His family is expected to arrive to
morrow. Cramer Bros, want a good black hear
skin us soon as possible. Parties who
are in possession ol a line hide will do
wdl to bring it in.
Frefxht Trivln Wrecked.
The Southern Pacillc fast freight from
San Francisco was badly wrecked Satur
day afternoon seven miles south of Ash
land, coining down Die Siskiyou
Mountains. A car wheel broke and
three loaded cars wero thrown into the
ditch and the track was torn up for a
considerable distance, but fortunately
none of the train crew were injured.
The north bound and south bound pass
enger trains were both delayed about
six hours, transfer being made around
the wreck.
Fine new line of dog collars just re
ceived by Cramer Bros.
Drowned in Butte Creek
Frank Scott, son of W, V. Scott of
Central Point, was drowned in Big Butte
creek on Thursday, lie and his brother
William were fishing in the creek,
Frank was last sein by his hrother,
standing on a ris k in the stream. IDs
dead body w as found in the w ater a short
distance below the place.
If you dou't like one collar, we
have another.
If you don't like one tie, we
have another.
If you don't like one pair of
gloves, we have another.
There's a great chance Jor a
choice here.
The popular things in shade and
shane you can wear.
H. Harth & fon.
New Laundry Machine.
Baker Bros, have lately installed a
new washer at their steam laundry am!
are now prepared fo do family washing,
rough and dry at 7o a pound, gentle
men's shirts not miscluded.
Tree Methodist Appointment.
At the conference of the Oregon Free
Methodists held at Logciie, the follow
ing ap,ninliiienl. were announced by
Bishop Sellew, who presided:
Grants Pass District W. F. Goode,
D. F..; Grants Pass and Centennial, I'r
villa C. R-ese, supply ; Golden, Glendale
and Meilin.M (;. Davis, supply ; Apple
gate, Williams Creek ami Wihlerville, J,
M. Reese, supply : Ashland and Klamath
I Falls, II. W. Countryman, supply ; Med
' lord and Talent, M. D, Wilson, supply.
Trout flies and spinner, at Cramer
I Special Rale lo Yaquina.
I The Southern Pacific company an
j iiouiiccb a special round trip rate ot f)12
; to Ysipiina during the summer month".
, These rates continue until September 30.
Selling Out at Cost !
Mrs. Rehkopf is not going out of
business, hut in order lo make room for
ne Fall Goods will sell lior entire Stock
at Cost beginning from tins date.
1 here are some eicellent bargains in
all lines, especially in trimmed Hals.
: It would be to your interest to call early
Wore the lrt ars gone.
E. 8. Merrill of Galice visited Grant.
Pass last week.
A. F. Nelsoo returned to the Kureka
mine Thursday.
Mrs. Tolsoh of Tunnel 9 visited Grant
Pass Weluesday.
Miss Mcda McKenzie was in town from
Woll Creek Saturda .
Try "Rising Sun" flour, manufactured
at rrovolt by Moon & Co.
J. T. Tutfs of Wolf Creek was a visitor
to Grants Pass on Tuesday.
Mrs. Ray Wright went to Roseburg
Thursday to visit her patents.
Mrs. K. W. Kuykendall is visiting this
week at Portland and Kugene.
Alex and Miss Lucy George of Kerby
visited Grants Pass on Tuesday.
John Turner of Kerby has been spend
ing a few days in town this week.
Miss Bertha Wood of Newberg is visit
ing here with Mr.. . B. Cornell.
Miss Jessie Scoville returned from St,
Helena, .California, Friday evening.
Mrs. Maurice lies returneu from Horn
brook, California, Friday evening.
J, J. Bacher has been visiting here
from California for a few days this week.
Mrs. Nettie Crooks of Holland ha.
been visiting friends in Grants Pass (hit
Mrs. F. W. Van Dyke and son, E. 8.
Van Dyke, returned from Eugene Satur
day. Robert Crockett, the section foreman
of Leland, visited Grants Pasa on Mon
day. C B. Beardsley returned on Thursday
from a visit to the Old Channel mine on
Six Mile.
W. V, Lippincott, H. P. station agent
of Medford, visited Grants Pass Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. II. L. BiMison and son Harry
went to Portland Friday to make an ex
tended stay.
Joseph A Wharton, the merchant ol
Doe creek, Douglas county, was in town
Wednesday. ' .
Attorney L. V. Stewart returned on
Friday, from a visit of several week, at
Forest Grove.
. Rev. C. W. Hays and family return
ed on Wednesday last after a week's
visit on Deer creek.
Miss Mabel Smith returned on Thurs
day from Kugene where she has been
attending school. x
The street sprinkler is now in opera
tiou. S. Norton is the olllcial rain
maker for this city.
N. C. Boyntou is visiting on Williams
creek prior to removing to California
where he will reside,
Mr. and MrB. A. D. Leeity ol Pendle
ton have been visiting here with Mr.
ami Mrs. J. T. Baahor.
Mr.' and Mrs. D. A. Cords went to San
Francisco Monday to look after their
business interests there,
Miss Alice Smith returned to Grants
Pass this week alter completing a success
ful term of school at Leland.
Mr. and Mrs. Buell of Myrtle Creek
returned lat Wednesday evening, after
a visit with relatives in this city,
Mrs. Arietta Smith of Sims Valley
relumed on Monday alter a visit here
with bur sister, Mrs. C. J. Kurth.
Mrs. I'M Weston of Grunts Pass visited
relatives in Ashland this week and left
yesterday fur Etna, Cal. Town Talk.
Gold Hill has Instituted a curfew at
8:110. Afler that hour the youngsters
are expected to keep olf the streets.
Mis. Alice Grimes returned to Ruse
burg Sat unlay alter a visit of be vera I
weeks with relatives and friends here.
Fiauk Colvig went lo Portland Friday
evening and etpects to continue his
journey to Seattle nnd other northern
Mr. und Mrs. R. M. Ehurle have gone
to Coleslin for the improvement of tho
health of Mrs. liberie. Mr. liberie will
return next week.
George Ferry is ill town this week
from Selma, suffering w ith a had car
buncle on his band, which incapacitates
him from work.
Mis. M. I.. L'laike, who has been visit
ing here with the family of her sou, It,
W.Clarke, returned on Friday lo her
home at Beikehy.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Marshall were
vii, Ming heie on the firs', of the week
from (iold Hill, They will probably
return to this city to reside,
C. II. Chilcot went over to llornbrook
from Grants Pass Thursday, lo take
John Louchlan's place as licud car in
spector while Mr. Lomhlaii takes a
layoll Of 110 days to visit over California.
Town Talk.
Mi-s I i,i in a llelainater returned on Sat-
unlay to Gold Hill alter spending a few
leys in this city s-iisling Mns La Rant
at the telephone olliee. Miss Merle Hock-
tt has assume I I be position of assistant
in the olliee,
Prof. Holmes mid family took their
depa-iuru on the eaily train Friday
inoining, tic; professor to Eugene for
the summer, while Mrs. Holmes will
visit Portland and t'nion. Prof. Holmes
will take charge ol the Corvallis school
next fall. inii a John Patrick, 11. Zoller,
ami J. W, Grillitli left on .Monday eve
ning. for Forest Grove to attend the
annual m' e'ing of the W R C. as dele
gates. Mrs. E W, Kuykendall, who lias
been ', i-itmg at I'.iigenn is also in attend
ance at this meeting.
Stephen A. Del'uter aud family of
Portland, Oregon, arrived in Crescent
Cily last Saturday. Mr. D-I'iiter is on
a camping tour lo tint ci itt. Hi li t.
lbs best camping oil ! li I that has been
seen ill this p!.o t- for years. The wagon
being built ripici'illy for the purp se,
aud is drsan ,y a magnificent team of
grays. 'I he four Shetland ponies aud a
small rubber lired cairiage which f--rrn-cd
a part ol the outlit were of consider
able interest to the kidsof Crescent Cily.
Del Norte Record.
Undo Yom
Giaits Pass gave "Cnelo Tom's
Cabin" a erowihsl tent, packed to the
doors. Tho show was quito disap
pointing'. Little Ki a was ph using be
cairno that part was taken by a pretty
little girl who could not lie otherwise
than plcufliug. The rest ol the show
' iot of the highest order. Tho
band wascxi-elleiil and tho attaches of
thi! show were uniformly courteous.
ChautBLuqua July 9th-I5lh.
Many attraction, at Ashland including
Dr. J. M. Buckley, N. Y., Polk Miller,
Va., Ward Pickard ot Ohio, Park Bister,
oi New York City. The finest quartet
ol 1 ady cornetsls in the world. Prof.
W. J. Wtiteman, musical dire tor; Mrs.
Alice HamiU Handcook, elocutionist,
and other schools. Chorus classes tor
children and adults, Concerts, Round
Table., etc, Ticket. $1.50, Good tenting
Epworth Lee.gue Excursion,
There will be an excursion from Ash
land to San Francisco, July 15, on the
occasion ot the Epworth League con
vention. Ten full days will be given in
the city.
Opportunity i. given for enjoying the
grand concert Ob July 10, to be given
by 13000 voice..
The excursion i . under the manage
ment of Bolton & Peil of Ashland.
Fare, $12 for round trip.
HOMES In Ashland precinct. June 14,
1901, to Mr. and Mr.. Chas. I, Homes,
a daughter.
WILEY In Ashland, June 17, 1901, to
Mr. and Mrs. James Wiley, a sod.
LANE In Gold Hill, Tuesday June 18,
PJ01, to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lane, a
BRADY In Ashland, June 19, 1901,
to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brady, a son.
McINTOSH In Ashland, June 20, 1901,
to Mr. and Mrs. John Mcintosh, a
BOWERSOX At Kerby, Ore., Wednes
day, June 19, 1901, to Dr. and Mrs. F.
K. Bowersox, a sod.
G1KARD JARRETT. In Grants Pass,
Ore. June 15th. 1901, Karl F. Girard
and Minnie J. Jarrett both ol Jose
phine Co. Kev. Robert Leslie officiat
ing, HALL COOK-In Jscksonville, June
10, 1901, by Key. N. M. Hansen, Mag
nes Hall and Edna Cook, of Big Butte.
ARBUCKLE TARR At Jacksonville,
June 17, 1901, by W. J. Plymale, J. P.,
T. P. Arbuckle and Mies Clara Parr.
ville, June 17, 1901, by W. J. Plvmale,
J. P., J. W. Calkins and Miss May 1.
JACKSON BERRY In Jacksonville,
June 17, 1901, by Judge Chas. Prim,
Alfred Wallace Jackson and Bertha
Elaine Berry.
Wednesday evening, June 19, l'.Hll,
by Rev. J. T. Ahbott, Elmer Patrick
and Miss Ethel Walrsd.
HORN At Galls crecK, Jackson coun
ty, Sunday, June 10, 1901, Martha,
dauuhtcr of Mr. and Mrs. D. Horn,
aged 11 years.
(JOULE In Medford. Tuesday, June 18,
1901, Mrs. Martha A. Goble, wile of
s Dr. J. G. Goble, aged 25 years.
STITE8 At his home near Williams,
Ore., Wednesday. June 19, 1901, of
pneumonia, W in. C. Stiles, sged 05
Mr. Slites was among the prominent
residents of thi. county and was held in
uulveisul high esteem. He. leaves a
wife and family. The funeral services
were held on F'riday at the Williams
Office on (Ith St. oppo. Court House.
Residence North 7th St.
Millinery Most Go I
Mrs. Weidinan wishes to dispose ol
every dollar's worth ol stock in her store
Iwtween now and the Fourth of July,
as she positively is joing to retire from
business as soon as sold out and to do
this she must sell at your price, noLliers.
Now this is a bona-llde sale, and no
fake advertisement to draw trade. It
don't mean to place a big tug on some
hats that we are nearly nut of for leas
than cost as a catcher, but means every
Hat, Ribbon, Silk, Mull, Lace, Velvet,
Flowers and everything in Millinery
lines at cost or less,
AH who want the best come first.
Cash sales only.
Don't forget the place.
The farthest Millinery Store East,
on Front St. Corner 7th, ol Front.
Until July 1 we will
20 Per Cent
4th of July Suit
Here ere a few values tlntt are makin;' this sule fam
Hoys L'-i-iece Wool Suits 80e $1.00 frl.'JO.
Hoys M-jiieeo Wool Suits Ion-,' Pants $3.20 !?3.07 $1.40
Mens Suits, Coats Pants and Vest:), $i.S0 $:1.07 $1.58
$.').() $7.00.
xtra value all Wool Suits at $7.C0.
Bancroft & Go
Bancroft & Co., having purchased
the grocery stock and business of the
Calhoun Grocery Co., announce that
they will follow as near as possible the
lines carried out by the former firm,
retaining a portion of the help, and
friends and. patron, of the Calhoun
Grocery Co., are assured of the same
courteous treatment in the future that
they have been accorded in the past.
Bancroft & Go
II AVISO) .Mining interests that require
niy attention 1 will entll my Mock con
sisting ol tients lurnishmg goods, oboes,
llata i aps, Notions, etc,, ui Jess than cost,
as a whole or in lota to suit purchaser.
11. A. It mi,
Odd Fellows building.
I J l OUl ICS, carnages and mountain becks.
Any one llnukiin; ot buying any o(
the alHive, it will pay tneiu to go to Helikopf
ami Hum n and examine their vehicles and
get their prices aud terms before buying.
Ihey alo carry the Buckeye mower" and
rake. Iteiueiiilier the place, tilli street
opposite ecoml-hand atoie.
ACKK ranch within three miieauf.
'K' town, Hoiiue river Isjiuim, lu acres
orchard goou waier and fences, two story
house. Address box let, Mudlord, Ore,,.
("AMEHA A Co.7 view camera andoiitllt
lor sale cheap. Impure at this olllce,
QAMll paid for gold dust. Cramer Bros.
'TAKE yuur wheel to t'rmuer Bros, for
-X. repairs.
VEAT ami convenient collage. Good
t II I.F'S hall, corner Fifth and 11 streets,
be rented by the evening. Apply to Mrs.
J. II. Ahlf.
VlllTr farm of IP ; acres one mile east of
a- town. Oooil houie and ham, young
f mil trees. For sale at a bargain. In, (Hire
ul this olliee.
continue tho (Ireat
Discount Sale
rrho llitr Store.