Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 27, 1901, Image 1

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    v r v' V "s V V- V- v Hi' V-V
No. 32
An Opportunity
Rogue River valley is full of Oil,
Natural Gas, Artesian water and
other valuable minerals.
Nature's storehouse is bulging
out with wealth and only needs the
magic hand of man to unlock and
reveal the hidden wealth stored up
for the use of the Twentieth Cen
tury. Our arid lands will produce won
ders if we once can procure Arte
sian water to supply abundance of
water with which to irrigate.
Oil and Natural Gas aie the
greatest economical fuel of this
generation. Shall we let it be dor
mant here in Rogue River valley,
while other sections of the country
are using nature's storehouses?
Oregon cannot be' beaten any
where in the world, for natural Gas
Oil or Artesian water. Rogue River
valley is truly the Italy of America.
Here we have the finest climate, the
best apples, the largest peaches
and the prettiest girls.
Shall the people of Grants Pass
forever continue to drink the slime
and slush and sewage that pours
into Rogue river while we can have
the best of Artesian mountain water
by the very simple process of dril
ling a few hundred feet?
What a beautiful city Grants
Pass would be if there were a stream
of pure Artesian water flowing
along each side of her streets.
It is the intention of The Oregon
Natural Gas, Oil & Mining Co. to
soon begin active operation of dril
ling a number ol wlls to the depth
of 1000 feet to ascertain the pres
ence of Natural. ,Gas, Oil, Artesian
water and other valuable minerals.
They are now bonding land in
and around Grants Pass. Within
the next six months they will be
drilling on some of the property
they have bonded for that purpose,
They intend if it is possible, to
supply the city with plenty of pure
Artesian water before the coming
The Oregon Natural Gas, Oil
& Mining Co. requests all farmers
and property holders to give them
the privilege of drilling one. or more
wells on their property. They
will give a percentage of the
output of ibe wells to pa 1 ties
granting the privilege,
In order to get the people of
Grants Pass and Josephine county
interested in Natural Gas, Oil, and
Artesian water they will give all of
them a chance to subscribe for a i
few shares of the capital stock of
the company on very liberal terms. I
Suppose you take a few shares of
the capital stock of The Oregon
Natural Gas, Oil & Mining Co. of;
the par value of $t per share, i
You pay 10 per cent, down, 40 per
cent, when the machinery is set up
and is ready to begin operation and
the remaining 50 per eent. when
they strike a flow ot natural gas,
oil or artesian watel or have drilled
to the depth of 1000 feet. If they
strike oil, natural gas or artesian
water you have the option of tak
ing ten times as many shares asyou
subscribe fot. They will pay you
back all the money received from
you if they fail to drill a well as
agreed upon.
You are invited to thoroughly
investigate their proposition. . You
have nothing to lose but every
thing to gain. If you are a cap
italist it is a safe investment. If
you are a farmer or property holder
it will pay you to invest as it will
enhance the value of your place a
hundred fold more ihan you invest
if they should find either oil, gas
or water near your property. If
you are a working mau it will pay
you to take shares as this will open
up a vast and a new work for you.
The merchants and business men
should invest in shares in order to
start this enterprise. Professional
men, in fact all classes of people,
should take a few shares in this
vast and new enterprise and it will
be a help to all in Grants Pass and
Josephine county. If you cannot
take too shares you can tak' 50 or
ten shares. Remember every dollar
will be returned to you if the com
pany fails to drill a well as agreed
upon. The stocks are non-assessable
and fully paid up as they are
used. The by-laws of the com
pany do not allow a debt to ex
ceed 1 per cent of the capital.
Scott Griffin of Grants Pass, Ore
gon, is a stockholder, a director
and the secretary of The Natural
Gas, Oil & Mining Co, who will
take leases on lands and subscrip
tion for stocks and will give any j
informat:.ri regarding the company.
The closer you investigate the
more you will help the company by
taking stock and leasing your prop
erty for the purpose of drilling one
or more wells thereupon as you
have nothing to lose but all to gain.
For lurthtr information call on
The Natural Gas, Oil S
Mining company.
Grants Pass, Ore
MAtaMM C W IT T ITffffHi,tHtOo000( JQD
A sudden quirk in the weather need not catch you
napping. We can furnish you instantly the best of style
and quality with a neatness and perfection of fit that will
of custom made wearing apparel. Our suits are worn by
many who have a reputation as dressers.
Ollice, Itooiu 2 over Post Office. Residence
Kane House, oppo. tlie Western.
General Practitioner of
OHVe in Williams Block
Pi notices in all State and Federal Cdurte
Ullice over First National Bank.
iiiANTS Pass, Obkuon.
tiHA.NTS 1'ASjS,
Special attention iiiven to Mining
4ml Land Laws, ami Land Ollice practice.
Ollice opposite Hotel Josephine
liBANTH l'ABS, - - OllUOON.
Furniture, and Piano
The popular barber shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Hat ti room in connection
Full assortment of Watclun, Clin ks, Sil
vcrweur ami Jewelry. A (iissl
Assortment of Bracelets and
Heart RuhkIcb,
Clement' Drug Store.
Sixth St., hit. City Ham.
Fine liutter a Specialty
PllONK 21
0. 0. FISHER
Sewer Connections
j Metal Roofing
""(las Fitting
..Pipe work of all kinds...
I'.ida fumi-hed for all worlt.
Uave orders with
Cramer brc. Hardware
Hau-Kiddie Hardware
Question Answered.
Yes, August Flower mill lias the
larnesi (ale of any medicine in the civil
ized world. Your mothere and grand
mother! never thought of using any
thing else for Indigestion or Biliousness
Doctors were scarce, and they seldom
heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostra
tion or Heart lailute, etc. They used
August (lower to clean out the system
and stop fermentation of undigested food,
regulate the action of the liver, stimulate
the nervous and organic action of the
system, and that is all they took when
feeling dull and bad with headaches and
other aches. You only need a few doses
of Green's August Flower, in liquid form,
to make you satisfied there is nothing
serious the matter with you, Uet
Green's 1'rize Almanac.
Willis Kramer
Myrtle Creek
Extra Family Flow
And Kverj thing that goes with First
Class Milling.
For sale by Chii.ks, DitUiMATKR,
Wadk and Coknkm,.
Call for it; mine price as other brand!
:b .a. nsr ik:
Capital Stock, - - $50,000,
Kccoive deposit subject to check or on
certificate pavuhle on demand.
Hells sight draft on New York, San Fran
Cisco, anil Por.laud.
Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in
the United States.
Special Attention given to Collections am'
"Mieral husine of our customers.
Collections made throughout Southcrr
Oregon, and on all accessible Minta.
J. D. FKY, President.
.1. T.TCFFS, Vice President.
K. A. IIooth, Cashier
Grants Pass
Banking and Trust Co.
Transacts a general Hanking business
Heceives deposits subject to check or
on demand certificates.
Our customers are assured of courteous
treatment and eveiy consideraiion con
sistent with sound bunking principles
J. Khans: Watson, Pres.
Kei.i m Pol. i.i ck, Vice Pres.
I.. I.. Jkwm i., Cashier.
J. Frank Wat.-on, J. S. Moore,
J.J. Iloiick. Fclm Pollock,
llerbertSinith, Suit (irifliin,
A. K. Sluehan.
30c Can.
None Better.
31. Clemens,
os OPtBA house
Monmouth, Oregon
Dcmtnd lor Greduitcs Tin-li riiarii) f,,r ir.i'Iu.'N
of the .Virtual SclnoU lurintr tin piit v-r li.w In-hi
mui'b hrrimtl Ok Mij'ly. luiMi itii fx "in 4U to
$75 wr munili.
SUti Certificates tnd Diplomu Mu'lrni an- r
joitm! for the Htatt examination. anl ninlily uVr
Mate pifpern on ifri'lmthin. SirPf A'-'1-tiii arvt
I pfM tfni 1 ct'iir. WVIl 4iiiil 'J'rriiiiiiif 1 -rt-nient.
Kin" ruuv fnttu $1.0 to 17 "V j-t -r.
t-nn ien-4 SL 17ih. for cMAxf con
taining full annotinvmt-nt, a'irtf
P L C&mpbe)UPre
Or J. B. V. Butler, Secy.
List of Property to be Re-sold by
the Sheriff on Friday
July 5.
Under the law passed by the last leg
islature, the property formerly bid in
at tax sales will be re-sold by the sheriff
at the court house on July 5. Any of
this property may be redeemed by the
payment prior to July 1, of taxes and
costs charged airafhat it. Following is a
list of the property.
Schrum, George W Lot 12, block 2,
west side addition to Grauts Pass, M W
Mowers, prcient claimant, amouut due
II iir, J T Lot 4, block S Bourne's
first addition tu (mil's Pass, Oiegoo,
amount due $35 99.
Mason, Lucia Lot 8, block 74, origin,
al towusite of Grants Pass, present
claimant, William Cochran, trustee,
amount due l S7.
Panton, A C Krst hnlf of the north-we-t
quarter, section 36, township 37,
S, R H west, present claimant, J E
Smiliin, amount due (13.
Potect, Joseph Southeast quarter ol
southwest quarter of Becliou 35, tow n
Bhip 3S S. H 5 W, amount $4.85.
Sherer & Judsou South half o the
southeast quarter of Bection 12, west
half of northwe st quarter of section 13,
andtlie north half of the northeast quar
ter of section 13, tp 38 south of R 8 W.
Present claimant First National Bank
of Southern Oiegr n, amount due $17.34.
Slither, P C The east half ol the
southwest quarter of RWlj of section 14,
Tp 3!i, S It 5 west. Present claimant
Florence Pearce, amount due, 12.ti3.
Smith, Cora Lots one (1) two 2) and
ibrce (3) block 34 railroad addition to
Giants Pbns, amount due J7 30.
Walker, V. F Lit I block "G", Jud
son's additiou to Giants Pass, present
claimant V N Cole, nmount lue $8.30
Vannoy, lout Lots 2 and 3 of section
16, Tp. Hi'., S, U (i west, amount
due 1(21.37.
Wecler, William West half of the
southwest quaittr of section IKl, Tp 3(1,
S, R 7 est. I'a'sent claimant, J T
Tuff-, amount due (15 16.
Wilcox, W W Lois 7 and 8, blink 18,
Railroad addition to Grants Pass, pres
ent claimants Uoo'.h ci Tuffs, amount
due f.").70.
Outside, J W North hall of the north
.w est quaiter of section DO, Tp 31 S, R (i
west, present claimant V O Oaks,
amount due f 13.3'J.
Haley, Jhiiics II lot 7 block 94,
RUor.-ide addition to Grants 1'a
amount due $11. (JU.
Ileischler, Edward 1! -ginning 5 feet
south fiom nnrtlieist corner of lot 12 in
west line of Searl street in Judson A
Chatislor'a subdivision of block 12 iu
Bournes' first addition to Giants Pass
1 hence we t 011 line parallel with L
street U3 lent; south (17 feet; east on line
parallel with 7th street 1.7 feet; north (11
feel to beginning in block K Bournes
tii el addition to Grunts Pass, present
el.iimant W 1' Kiiiinount amount due
$'J 31.
McGrew, Phoebe Lots 1, 2 and 3
Murk 10 nilioad addition to Grants
Pass. Present claimant J II McGrew
amount due $;ll.uj.
Men in Lot 4, block j, bouiiil.iry line
addition to Gnnts Pass, amount due
f lil.SO.
O'Ncil John South half of the "outh-
eas! quarter of section 211, Tp 3(1 H, It 0
west, and noitli half of the north half of
north half of northeast quarter, ol sec
tiou 32, Tp 3ii S, li 5 west, amount due
ilium, J noes, K-' Vel half of the
soutl east qu liter, and southwest qu ir
ter of the 1, or beast quarter ami lots one
and two of section 'JH, Tp 4 1 S, R 8 west,
amount due f 15.
Seelcy, G F- Lots 15 and 16 block 8
Miller ,V Go's addition to Grants Pass,
amount due i I.L'H
Smith, W V Northeast quarter of
the southeas' ipiaiti r of stction 2"i Tp
3.1 S, It 7 we t, prc-ent claimant Alison
L cry est. amount due f l 1.21.
Talent, A P ;ui I , block 32.
rsilioad addition to Gr mts Pass, amount
due t" ('",.
Tut'le, ! P - Lot 3, bio, k I of central
addition to Grunt Pnse, present claim,
ant Henry Popkin", an ount due $7. 75
At .dreiv, Georue II Lots 17, 1H, 111,
20 hh.-k 47 and lo s 22 and 23 bloc k o0,
ai d lots 7 a id II) bio k CI, lo's 7 and 8
biiii k Mi and lots 3, 4. !, (i, 7, S and U
bio. k 7!) or vri, I tomiMle of Grants
Pas-, amount due 0".
llurri,, J V I,t 1, blo -k , railroad
addition to Gianii l'.ss, amount due
f -Ml
l;iritain..n I) J Lots 7 ai d 8 block
II,'o.d addi ion to Grant- Pass,
pre-ctii claimant Suiir Pine Jjoor A
I. limber Co , amount dee J4.01.
Ils.'h, Mrs A-N'orth half of the
northwest quarter of Sei tion 31, Tp 35
S, K west, p-isent claimant N G Clink
amount due f'l Hi.
If.ngham, J M Cndividcd ,,( the
following: Ile-miiinj. at a joint 4.'j6
chain west, 10 ..",() chains north of f-E
corner of lot 7, siction i'J, Tp 3j S, R 5
et, I hence north 9.50 clmins; west
54 cl.aine, south ' ') chair;; east 4 Pi
chums, i-ection I'', Tp f, K 5 west,
preec-nt el.- iinaiit, First National Batik
of 1-o'lthern Oregon and Junei Siovtr,
amount due f 19.
. Chan Her, I II-Lot j 8 and It block
, tW'3
Id, Miller A Co's addition, present
claimant, Elizabeth and Luther P
Chandler, amount due $4.78.
Chausse, E C Lot 4 block iS, rail
road addition to Grants Pass, present
claimant U P Harvey, amount duef4 S3.
Chapman, G H Lot 4, block 12,
railroad addition to Grants Pass, pres
ent claimant, Carrie Wlltrout amount
Corderee, Peter South half of the
southeast quarter and lot 4 of section 16
Tp 39 8, R 8 west, present claimant
Harvey Welch, amount due $30 0(1.
Damme, William Six acres in the
northeast corner of the west half of Tlie
northeast quarter of section 30, Tp 38
S, R 5 west, present ilaiuiatit Joseph W
Brown, amount due fo.78.
Davis, Giles The north half of lots
II, 32, 23, 24, block 48, original townsite
of Grants Pass, present claimant Geoige
Riddle, amount due $16 25.
Davis, Mrs. T L Lot 0, block 14, rail
road addition to Grants Puss, present
claimant Sugar Pine Door & Lumber
Co., amount due $3 64.
Livunspager, Dan The west half of
lots 6 and 7, block 7, railroad addition
to Grants Pas, present claimaut, Moses
Mansfield est, amount due $7 46.
Mills, E Lot 4, block B, Judson.s ad
dition to Grants Pass, present claimnnt,
Edna Ingram, amount due (4 19.
Paget, May K 150 feet by 290 feet in
section 18, tp 36, It K west, amount due
$10 11.
Itobinson, W II Lots 2 ami 7, block
49, railroad addition to Grants Pasj,
amount due $5 16,
Sheldon, Victoria Lot 8, block 63,
railroad addition to Giants Puss, amount
due $6 52.
Morrision, Israel Lots 3, 4 and 5, of
section 33, tp 38, S R 8 west, present
claimant, Mary Davis et al, amouut due
" 55-
Munsfield, Anna The north 15 i6tlis
of an acre, beginning on north line of
right of way of O & C R R, 10.22 chains
east from west line, of section 18, tp 36,
R 5 weBt, easterly on north line of
right of way, 5.49 chs north in chs
smith 80 degrees 5 W 5 clu and 6 links
to nottheast corner of lot, W O Wilson,
south 10 cIib to beginning, section IS, tp
36, S R 5 west, present claimant, LD
Lelrenger, amount due f6 78.
Itroc.knian, Martha C Forly loot lot,
lot 1, block M, Chanslor and Judson's
subdivision ot block M, mount clue
$3 4.
Hurt, W O Lots 3 and 4, bluck 32,
railroad addition, present claimant 8 L
Uuell, amount due $14 67.
Carles, Ernest Lots 1-2-3-4-,
block 57, railroad addition to Grants
Pass, amount duo Is 28.
Crocker, W J Lot I, block 61, rail
road addition, amount due $3 47.
Davidson, J IaI 5, block 49, railroad
addition, amount due ti 5.
Emard, K- Lot 9, block 8, Miller &
Co. ' addition to Grants Pass, present
claimant, J 0 Waugh, amount due
H 48.
Fay. J I) and I) 11 Kay The north
cast quarter of the southeast quarter of
sec tion 5, tp 37, 8 R 7 west, amount due
f'6 95.
Hyde, W S-Lot 4, block 8, niilioad
addition to Grants Pass, p'eseut claim
ant, Mack Cedar, amount due, ft 37.
Morgan, C O begin 4 1 rods noith ol
SE comer of lot I run west 38.5 tods,
north to north line section 16, east
38.5 rods, to northeast corner of section
thence south to begin ling section ir,
tp. 36, S R 5 west, amount due $34 23.
Osborne. Adelhert The north hall of
the northeast quarter and the southeast
quarter of the northeast quarter and
nortbeii't quarter of the southeast quar
ter of section 28, tp. 35, S R 6 west,
present owner, Louis Shatter, claims
north half of northeast quarter of above
amount due on all fiS 21.
Prindle, John East hall of lot 4,
block 2, in town of Kerby, amount due
f S "8
Wright William Lot 15, block in,
Miller A Co. 's addition, present claim
ant, Christian Rider, amount due fi 09
Wirder, ()-car L Lot 1, bloi k 31,
railroad addition to Grants Pss, amount
due (1 74.
Hyde, I, P All that part of the east
half of I he t ortheast quarter lying sou'h
ol Jutiip-tlff joe creek, in Section 5, tp.
y;, S R 5 west, present claimant W S
llvdc, estate, amount due $13 79
Horn, W F Lot 4, block 09, railroad
addition to Grants Pass, present rliiim-
lii! Chas. E lMards, amount due (651
lla'enbcrg, W F Lots 11 and 12,
block 93, riverside addition to Grant
Pass, and lot 7, Mock 24, railroad a I
dilion to Grants puss amount due
f7 95-
Jurgeti, II-It 1, block J, Jud-on'e
addition to Grants Pas, amount due
f3 49-
Judson, T P Lots 5 and 6, block 56,
original townsite of Grants Puss, pres
ent claimant Mrs. T P Ju-lion, amount
luc f 13 31.
Jones, J I! Lot 13, bloc k 9, Miller ,V
Co.'s addition, amount due $6 16.
Larimote.G C Southeast quarter of K
Eja section 32, tp. 38,8 R 5 ent
caimanl, I. I. Hartley, amount due
li 4".
Little, Jamei The southwest quattir
of section 14, tp. 40, S R 8 wsst, amount
due (14 80.
Abbott, John N Lots in Gr, Pass,
13 and 14, bloik 41. present owner, Win
!, La Id, trustee amouut due (3 30.
Ht'ger, Amanda The southeast quar
ter ol the northeast quarter of section
32, and the southwest quarter and the
southeast quaiter of the northwest
quarter of section 33, ail in tp. 30, S R
6 west, amount due $16 61.
Prown, James P Lots 9, 10, 11 and
12, block C, Judson's addition to Grants
Pas', amount due i8 77.
Iloume, Jonathan Lots 7 and 8,
block 19, railroad addition to Grantt
I'a-s, present claimant, Sugar Pine
Door U Lumber Co., amount due i 47.
Uuell, Clarence' The north half ol
the northwest quarter of section 36, tp.
36, S R 6 west, amount due f-y 20.
Boyd, John 0 The northeast quarter
of section 3G, tp. 40, S H 8 west, amount
due $37 07.. v .
llingiman, R II The northeast quar
ter of soction 28, tp. 39, 8 R 5 west,
amount due 33 50.
Correll, Cornelia The southwest
quarter of the southeast quarter of sec
tion 30, tp. 37, 8 R 6 west, present
claimant, Cornelia Carvell, amount due
t$S 40.
Cousino, Mary Beginning 10.80 chs.
west of corner of soctions 13, 14, 23, 24,
north 4o degrees 30 W, 13.36 chs. thence
north 0.47 chs. east 9.02 chs. south 19.16
clu., in section 14, tp. 3d, S R 6 west,
present claimaut, Jesse Mash, amount
due f 9 01.
Darkis, Willi.-.m-Weit half of the
northeast quarter and the east half of
the northwest quarter, ot section 35, tp.
40, S R 8 west, amount duo f20 68.
illiams, T A The northeast quarter
of the northeast quarter of section 10,
tp. 37, S K 5 west, amount due $4 70.
Woods, W H The east half of the
southwest quarter of lection 31, tp. 30,
S R 6 west, present claimant, Charles
Woelllle, amount clue (1 75.
Murray, Robert Tho west half ol the
southwest quarter ol the southeast quar
ter ol section 23, tp. 30, 8 R 7 west,
present claimant S II Potter, amount
Patterson. August The northwest
quaiter of section 8, tp, 30, SRC west,
amount due f-1 45,
Sexton, David Lot 7 of section 24, tp.
30, 8 R 7 west, (mount due, f2 09.
Shade, Daniel The southeast quarter
of the northeast quarter, and the north
vast quarter of the southeast quarter of
section 30, tp. 80, S R 0 west, present
claimant, Caroline Hums and Josie
Rusk, nmuuut due CO.
Smith, Emily M Lot 4, block 64,
railroad addition to Grants Pass, amount
due f J 4(.
Smith, Edwin The west half of the
northwest quarter, and the northwest
quarter of the southwest quarter ol sec
tion 15, and the northeast qun-ter ol
ol the southeast quarter of section 1(1,
tp. 36, 8 R 5 wcBt, present claimant,
Anna C Smith claims the N E '4 of 815,'
of sec. IB, lOdwin Smith balance,
amount due on al) $21 93.
Gansnider, Jacob Lot 1, biock 64,
railroad addition, amount due (1 U7.
Harris, J T One thiol, and Harris,
Elir.ttbeth D, two thirds ol the west half
of the northwest quarter of tho south
west quarter, les.1 a strip off west side
SO rods north and south by 30 rods cast
and west of section 30, tp, IW, 8 It 5
west, amount dim (31 08.
Lee, Wm L Tho east hall of the
Boulheiis'. quarter, and the southeast
quarter of the northeast quarter, and
the northwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of sect ion 16, Tp 34 S, R 0 west,
olid the south half of the southeast
quarter of section 16, Tp 3," S, K 0 West,
amount due (31 03.
Lewi, II ItLola 3 and 4 block Ull
original townsite of Grauts Pass, pre
cut claimant 11 F Mytick, amount clue
(I II.
Miller, A S The west hall of the
northwest quarter ol lectio 11 111, and the
northwest quarter of section 28, all In
fp 35 8, R 0 west, present claimants A
8 Miller and I) W Mitchell, amount due
2(1 (15.
Miller, Moss and Chanslot Lot 3,
block, 14, lot II, bloik 10, lot 12, block
10 Miller and Co's addition to Giants
Pas, amount due f 13 Id.
Il.iirickman, Kobeit The north half
of the northwest quarter and the north
hull ol the northeast quarter of section
32, Tp 3s S, It It west, amount due
fi2 48.
Ilenson, II 'Tho southeast quaiter
of the northeast quaiter and the south
west quarter of noitlieast quaiter,
ami the southeaHt quarter of the north
wist quarter ol sei tiou 20, Tp 37 8, H (1
et, amount due (17 69.
Iliown, .lames P Lots 5 and U block
F, Ju lson's addition to Grants Pa,
uiiioiiut 1I111: ts I.V
I'.ioliih it Allen The northwest
quarti r of the southwest quarter of sec
tion 29, Tp 36 8, K 5 west amount due,
Cleveiigt r, A C The south hall ol the
mirth! st quaiter ol section 10, Tp 37
8, It 5 Wet, amount due $S.
Eastman, A F- Lot 1, bloik 2. Miller
A Go's addition to Grants Pass, ',0 by
113 feet amouut due (12 28.
Evans, J II -The northeiiHt quarter of
the southwest yuiit'T of section 3d,
Tp 37 8, L 0 west, amount due (1 98.
Fit-geiihaum, I Lots 1 and 2 block li
Judson's addition to Giants Pas,
amount due ('I it'.i.
Juil.-on, T P - Lois II, Tt, (1, 7, 13 and
14 block 0, lot 2, block I lots 1, 2, 3,
I, 5, , 7, H 9, 10, II ami 12 block K,
lots 1, 2, 7, 8, (I, Id, 1 nd 12 block F
all ill .lie I sen's uddition to Grants Pass,
also lot. 5, 1,, It, In, II, , 13, II in
bio k II, also lot 5, 11), II, 12, 1:1 Hlil
I I lu bliH'k 12 Miller A Co s addition to
Grant Pass also lots 10, 11 and 12
block II bournes first addition to Grant
Piis. 11 in an 1, t due 177 71.
A Miniator'a Mistake
A city minister was recently handed a
not fee to la- read from his pu'pit. Ac
companying it was a clipping from a
ncHSjapur laariig ilui the matter
Che clergyiiisn started to read the et
tract and found that it began : "Take
Kemp's ilalrsm, the best Cough Cure."
This wis hardly whtit he had eatiectcd
and, after a moment's hesitation, be
turned it over, and fonn I oil the oilier
side the 11. alter intended r the reading.
A Terrible Explottion
"Id a gasoline stove burned a lady
here frightfully," writes N. E. Palmer,
ol Kirk man, I. Toe best doctors
couldn't heal IIih running sore that
followed, but Iluck lun's Arnica Salve
entirely cured her." Infallible for Cuts,
Corns, Hores, P.nils, llruies, Skin (lis
eases and Piles, 25c at I Sr. Kremer's.
Kodak Film at lhe Courier office
We Take Stock-
From now until Stock faking we will have a
! BIG-
' Don't miss Uiis grand opportunity., to Jbiiy housefur
nishings. WVro closing out soino linos of carpets very low.
Quantity Limited.
Lace Curtains .
Brooms ,
Iron Beds immeose lino, new
See our ant and fly proof merit
Crockery. "
Picture Moul
Partial Llet and Description of
Auriferous Property of '
that District.
Grunts Pass, Juno IS. The rleh idac-1
or grounds of 8ucker Creek, -noteil for
thuir big nuggets of gold and productive
returns, have just undergone their an
nual clean-up. The fruits of tho har
vest of gold, brought In In jnra and
sacks, tempting In the extreme, are be
ing passed, over the counters of tne
banking-houses in this city. Tho weather-scarred
miners receive fat rolls of
bills and coin in exchange, and aru hap
py in their prosperity.
The Sucker Creek mining district, on
Sucker Cretek, a tributary of the Illinois,
is situated at tho head of tho Illinois
Valley, Southern Josephine county.
Along the banks of Sucker Creek are o
orated some 15 plaee-r mines, varying in
sizo from 10 to 1-U acres. 'The creek
flows east and parallel with the Gray
Hack mountain range. The water sup
ply Is good, affording a long anVlrotit
ublii run to the minor of tho district.
On McDonald gulch, near the head of
Sucker Creek, is situated the Klippel
hydraulic mine. This mine embraces
some tit) acres, small as compared with
other claims in tho district, but n leader
in the matter ot producing rich nuggets.
Several years ago a chunk of pure gold,
.,..l...ul ... li!bl ... ..I..I....I ... 1
tniu.-e, n fannj, nna pit Keel eip III HUB
mine. At another time a boulder pro
ducing siiuu was unearthed, 1 ins past
season a nuggot worth I50 was found.
A single pipe and giant does tho work of
this mine.
On down tho stream from tho Klipel
are some half dozen mines, where ground
sluicing and drifting are carried on.
liven in this priineiful way, the ground
is rich enough to nay the operators
handsomely. On Poland creek, a tribu
tary ol Huetkcr creek, a mine is Derated
in this way, which pays from $2.60 to
f I per clay to tho man. Oil this claim,
also, a f'JOO nnggut was picked up some
years ago. Jinny of these ground-sluice
claims are worked all tho year round,
owing to tho excellent water facilities.
The. Cameron A Otiild mine, of this
district, eu,uipccl with a No. 2 giant,
and embrace ml acres. Tho run of this
mine during the past season has been
very good., llelow them is situated tho
Uti-acre claim of the l arr mine, which
is also eiiuippcil with a good hydraulic
plant. This claim produces much
coarse gold, and nuggets weighing a
high as IMA) are often found on its work
ing grounds.
Tho hint mine down the stream is the
Keaton et Dean. For eight years this
property of W aures, equipped with pia
Slid giant, bus been worked protituhly
by tho pwners. The gold produced is
both coarse ami fino.
Like all tho placer diggings of Jose
phine rminty. tuoan of Sucker creek are
easily workud, rotialKting of a gray grav
el on the bedrock, beneath the granite
and loose earth. Subjected to the pipe
and giant, many acres ol Sucker creek
placers are cleaned ot their gold i-ach
year, adding from f''r,(XK) to 0,00u to
Oregon's annual output. This year the
the combined clean-up ol Sucker creek
will reach 'S),(KK),
Tickets to Coleatln. .
The S. P. Usilrrsd company will
sell round trip tickets to Colestin during
the summer months, until October '20,
at greatly reduced rates. Hound trip rate
from (irants Pass, going Saturday and
returning Monday is (2(1). Tickets
with 30 day limit. :1.'X).
Get the Best.
We sell Kxtras in all sizes.
Spray Pumps.
Of all kinds, Sulphur, Blue Vitrol, Etc.
General Hardware. . '
White Sewing Machines.
Sale -
. $2 95 each.
25 each. '
20 each.
stvles. new colors. rvinrha
sales. Beautiful hew elassware.
Wall ' Paper
- Lamps
Tho iunir'ut' Cieiienil Cttillea hat
sigueit terms of surrender.
Orders have bc'.ui issued to fit up the
transport 'Thomas, If the, Sherman it not
available, so that sho may sail from San
Francisco on July Slid as a 'special trans
port for toucher. The Thomns is to be
lHted to eurry 470 femiile teachers and
400 male tenuUvra. to. tho Philippines,
The war department hut recuived from
Jiidtfo Tuft nppiorul of tho selection of
250 teachers who will be ready to sail
011 tho Thomns. Tho Utiford and Lo
gan', which will sail on July 1st aud
Kith, will tulto 150 teachers.
Bids for tho' contract'' to' Improve
Manila harbor will bo opened in Mauila
ou tlio lstr-of August. Tho Work pro
posed will oust t;i,ij(g,000, . unci the ex
penditure of that mm is uiuU'Wiaed. It
is expected that loading contractors of
the Hulled tiiitkHijuriU be represented at
tho opening of tho proposals. The com
petition" U limited to citlzeni of the
United Srnfesrund residents of tho Phil
ippino Island. ' "
Colonel Ifnhiiios, vvitli flvo officers and
41 r.fl' t, hi scrronli'ivrl u( Lipta, 13a
tcngtts pi-nriuc-ty.'. m wk .
Tho recoil bfittli with flio insurgent!
at l.ipn, in which I.imtennnt gpriuger
Wits killed nu. 1 Cnptatur Wilheliu and
Lieutenant Loe were mortiUiv wounded,
was 1k'j;iu by thu junu.-uuiis. The dis-propor-iojiii.e.,
uuiub..'f, uf uUloera hit is
mldj'ib.i ilue to tlni Jf . let; t hut several
dcMr;et from ilio Aniericiu troops
Were with tli"'ii'1 S".s '
Tho 'l7,i::e.V Sui. 'S Philippine Com
mlie.ioii lias ttpi'oiu ed tliu following
supremo ct ti 't 'j i t iV si' L'bii X jt-.atice,
Caictaiia Atvllino ; l'lntvitthio Tot res,
ei allornev-aei.i ;Mi j .). 1'. v'niper of
T. xjf, lltu 1.! 4.mui l'V.-sniitli ol Culi
fij'lilii, Kii inui y tulieeil r (f uuatoms ;
t'lmilia A, Wul.rd of .Miuuceoi,i, Vic
toiinii M. 1 .1 u" 1 olio, ,ii,id .I'litc'ier
Lullo of j; i r.iitii sluie. Tho com
inUioii ''li. s 11; j oirite l I. P. Wtill -y of
Missouri to l' His
tmsistiitit nnti M'ieitor will bo natives.
. , le)Ui.H; iii.u.,
A Herliu i!isii:ch say, that Cun'aiU is
'; eeillcally exo..;,t. d in tho ollleiul an
Uonilfeiileiir th'it'tlie federal council, ou
tlitft iisis of tit'- I r.v of May SO, "has de
cided from Ju.y an to et lid to tllu
proUn t of Ore at I In lain uud her col
onics till) moat favjled unttiiu treiillneut.
Tho lii st vol 11 ne of the coumH returns
Uowa tliu popuMitiou, of tho United
liin'loill tu t o ll.blo.oiU, uii Incretue
lu li 11 yeiii-a of y.7'JI,(i if. lCiijjIand and
Wales show H 4 r cent of this totul,
whilo lielau 1 shows a los.
William J. Sniiforrt, governor of Ala.
banias clieit 111 Tutknloo.a, where Ire had
bueu ill for no'.tiw tiuie, if heart disease,
William 11. Young, tliu mechanic who
worked out mid adapted the ideas of
lilias ndwiV inventor" if 1 110 sowiug
machine, died in the pnorhousj at
liriilgi'lsort, Conn., of consumption uud
alcuholiaiu, lix wn 71 yo-traold.
A Ch-y4iihi! el hpatcli says that Sharp.
UUHi, chief of the KoUlieru Arnpuhoet
o( llui WlU'l liver reservation, is dead,
aged Oil j vais. He was considered one
of the moat bloodthirsty Iutliaus in the
West, ami many munlirs have boeu
traci rl to hltn