Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 20, 1901, Image 4

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ft Big Show Comim
Will Exhibit at Grants Pass
Saturday, June 22, 1961
I ,r:F ! ' 1 v. i. I r&'
Tliist cDinii.inv (allien
beautiful Miecial Hcencry and
nf ilir finoKt Imnds and orclieEtra.s on the road. This com
pany has been organized nt an actual cost of $20,000 and
should not bo confounded with other HO-called companies
playing thin piece.
Ia Die Circuit Court of tin Hlale ot
Oregon lor Joaepliiiie County
R V. l"rtt, Plaintiff,
Horace O. Williams, nJ
Lissie Williams, franklin
K. Whiltaker, and Lluie
A. Whiltaker, M.W.Kapy
and Virginia Espy, J. B.
Espy and Carrie Espy and
L. L. Jewell, Defendants. )
To Franklin K. Whiltaker. Lisrie A.
Whltlaker, J. It Espy and Carrie Espy,
the defendants aboye named :
In the name ol the Stale ol Oregon
you and each ol you are required to
appear iu the abovt) entitled Court and
auawer the complaint tiled aicaiust you
In the aliove entitled euit on or More,
the last day ol the time prescribed in
the order ol the publication ol thia m
mont towlt: On or before tho 1'Jih
day ol July, 11)01, and if you fail to to
appear or answer, the plaintiff will ap
peal to the Cotut for the rehel do
manded in the complaint tiled herein
against you and each ol you ;
The relief demanded in raid com
plaint ia for a judgment and ilucree
that the plaintiff have a judgment ami
recover Irnm the defendants, Horace 0
Williams, Williams, Franklin K.
Whiltakei and l.itiiu A. Whiltaker, M.
V. Espy and Virginia Espy, Ihe nun
ol$IMK)(K) with interest thereon Irom
the tint day ol February, Mil at the
rate ol 8 per cent per aimum, lor the
further mini of $ 16 00 with internal
thereon at the rate ol 8 par cent per
annum Irom the tint day of February,
101, for the further turn ol $-'fl)U0
atlorneva' leea with intercut thereon at
H percent per annum Irom Ihe day ol
the entry ol the decree herein and lor
Ihe coals and disbursements herein; and
lor a decree that Ihe plaintiff ! said
ninttgaiie uientioneil in the coiiiplanil
be lorecloeed and that you anil each ol
you be barred ami forever lorecloaed Irom
any and all right, title, Interest ami
tiiiity of redemption in or to the lollow
ing descritied ptemisca and every part
thereof, all of which in situated in Jose
phlne County, State of Oregon, to wit :
Commencing at the northwest corner ol
section twelve (12) in townahip thirty
four (34) aotilh ol range an till weal ol
the Willamette Meridian, riiunlnK thence
south twenty (20) chain , thence eaal
twenty CO) chains; thence south
twenty t'J0 chains : thence weal eighty
(80) chains to the northwest ul
the northeast ipiarter ol the soulhweal
quarter of section eleven (11) In town
slop and range alurcaaid ; theiice nor Hi
anteen (li) chaina and forty-one (ID
links to the south hue ot the lHiiia'inn
Land Claim to James II. Twogood;
Ihence due wept twenty-eight t2K) chaina
and eight) live iiioi lurks to a point
lliuty iSH) chains soii'li and twenl)
seven (27 ) chains and aeveuty (70; liuka
eaat of the northwest corrrerol the I Mira
tion Land Claim ol Mc Donooiih Hark
neaa ; thence north to the centre channel
ol liiave or Inland Creek ; thence lol
lowing said Creek in a northwesterly
dilecllon lo tte intersed'oti with the
section line between set-turn thre i.l'
and tu ilO: of the township and range
alurcsaid ; thence east on said last
mentioned line to the place ol N'gin
Iririg, totitainn.g in all three hundred
eighiy ii i lit and i i loll ircrrn, more or
itMording to go,-rnmenl Mine,
Willi the lieplioli ol toe lulloaillg ilr-
cribtdrra! pieiuise situated m J..s,
plilne Cou:ity, Mate ol Uiegoir, in- it
Commencing at a cedar post set at the
southeast corner of the on hard leuieoii
Ihe uorlli'-ast .piartcr o( section eUtrn
(IU, tiwnhit thiriv lour ( Hi s..uil.
range an (ill wesl Willamette Meridian ,
thence noitli on the asi side ol on haul
along the lence to the aoutlr hue ol sec
lion two (2) ; thence ea.t to the nonhaetl
corner ol section twelve (I2i; thence
south twenty (.0) chain" ; thence eal
twenty U'0) chains thence south twciil)
(I'll) chains; thence went to a ixnni
directly sooth ol the place ol heginning,
Ihence uorth to the place ol tuviminik.' '
which excepted propetiv as described '
herein hfti betn rt?le4(M'i( from the hni ol
aid uiortrau ;
Tbli uuiinoiie ii published in pur
uaiu'e to an order of Hoiiutatlt II. K
llanna. jnde of the aiove entitlft
i-outt, duly made on tbe i;..oi tUy ul
Mar. 101. d the date of thr tirt p(,t
licatmn at
made on the aOiti tUv nliidvaid uuirtae;
War, l'l.
J. TlliiBt SS Koas,
t . li SlAKKUtlk,
Wm. A. Mriav,
Altorneyi lor l'laiuliir
A surgical owralion ia not neceaaarv
to cure piles. IvWitl's Which llatel
halve sares all that inae and never
lails. lieaaro ol couulerleils. Dr. W,
F. R renter.
fort v nooi'lo. a car load of
mechanical efl'ectH, and one
25 Cciils
15 Cents,
In the Circuit Court ol the Stale of
Oregon for Josephine County.
It, V. l'ratt. l'laiuliir,
Horace O. Williams ami
l.lxif) Williams, Frank,
lin 10. Whiltaker and
l. iaie A. Whiltaker, M,
W. hapy and Irginia,
Kapy,J. II. Kspy anil
Carrie Kspy and I., I,.
Jewell, liefendaiits.
To Franklin K. Whiltaker, A.
Whiltaker, J . it. Kapy and Carrie K'py,
lire delendants alMive named :
In the name ol the Slate ul Oregon you
and each ol you aie required to appear
ill the above entitled Court and anawer
the complaint filed against you iu the
above entitled suit on or belorn Ihe leal
day of the time prescribed in the order
of Ihe publication of this summons lo
wit ; on or before Ihe 1-lh day ol J illy,
ItKll, and it you fail to so npcaror
answer Ihe plaintiff will aiqieal to the
Court lor the rebel demnu leiL in the
complaint tiled herein against )ou and
each of you ;
Ihe relief demanded in said complaint
is ,(ir a judgment and decree that Ihe
plainlill have a judgment and ret over
Irom Ihe delendanit, Horace ' Wil
liams, l.ii:i Williams, Kiaiiklin K.
W hltlaker and I. line A. Whltlaker, M.
W. K.epy and Virginia Kapy, the sum ol
II.'KM.IKI with interest Ihsreon from the
Ural day Ol February, I VOI, at Ihe rale
ol 8 percent per annum, lor Ihe luither
sum ol !( IKI with luteresl thereon ul
the rale ol 8 per cent per aiinuin Irom
the first day ol Febiuary, IVOI.Iorlhe
further mm ol 11 id (HI as attorneys' he
with interest thereon at 8 iercenl per
annum Irom Hie day ol Ihe entry ol lire
decree herein, for the further sum ol
(31.88 with accrued penalties with inter
est from the 7ih day ol February, 1H01,
anil lor the coats anil (liatrurnemeuie
hereon ; and lor a decree that the plaint
ili a said mortgage mentioned in the
complaint be lorecloeed and that you and
each ol you be baned and lorcver fore
closed Irom any and all light, life, inlet
eat and equity ol redemption In or lo the
lollowing described ptemitieb and everv
part thereof ; all ol which la aitualed in
J oat- phi lie t uu lit y, State ol i iea,on ,to- it:
Commencing at the Northwest corner
ol the Norllreatl quarter ol the North
east iptarter of Neclion eleven ill) in
tow nahipthirty-lour 'H South of Kau.e
sia ill) Weal of thti W tllamett Meridian,
running Ihence North aivty M chaina,
III. in e Weal lor ty i ttli chaina ; them e
otuli (orty (IU) chains; thence West
twenty (IM) chains ; thein'e North taeniv
(M.i chiiiua ; thence Weal (orly (Id)
chains lo the center ol Section three till
ol sail township and range; theinv
Soulh twenty ('.Mi chaina; theme Weal
twenty iLM! chains; thence South to the
North line ol the iKmalion I. an I Claim
ol .1 : in. s. Johiifon, t'laiiu No ;;'.i, Notid
cation t'li, ol the tow lotlnp nnd rane
aloresald ; Ihence We.t along the Nor th
line ol aald claim to Ihe Norlhuc.,!
corner llu ret.f ; tlience South along the
W et hue of aaid claim to a here aanl
wenl line iulerst CIS the section hue hi--t
wem Section l.iur it) and tune I'D ol
lite toanahiir unit range aiori-iail .
lliente Kaal along eur J latt meninuti-.t i
line one hundred and lorlv two 1 1 I.')
, Iim;ih n I lih -en (In lini,n. moi,-,,
l-5-. lo il,e l.t.e ol lit ii;iiing( coi.t.iiu- '
loc lir all live hilllitrid and ten an. I l.,il. I
hundredth (,'iUI til) acres, more or lea-,
according to govei ritnciit survev;with
ihe evi'cplion ot the following dctcnUi!
rial situated in Josephine
County , Stale o' dreg in, lo-w it . com
mencing al a f,niul on Ihe South Itneol
eciion two (.') winch point ia in the
lla-t line id the olchaid h lice and North
ol the cedar poet set al Ihe S nithe.iat
tourer ol said ori haid ; thence North to
Northcaal comer ol sanl orchard ; thence
Fast two ('.') toda ; Ihence North to a
point due l ast Irom the grave of the
child ol J. 1. Ilarkneea liaated ou South
eaal quarter of Section t o ( .' 1 III lo n
hip tliirlv lour (.141 South ol liaiu-e mi
" ' ol tht Willamette Meridian,
tliftiredu hat to a point on North Mini
Nnilti tvtiler line id the Nonlheaitt ipui i
Irr ut Swtion to ; theme .Snub to
the Saiin hne ol Section tao , them e i
Went to Ihe pla e ol lnit lining; , bu h I
aid vierptrd property at dt rttsed
herein hae ken released Irom the lien '
1 hia aiiniiui.ria is puhliahe.1 111 piirau-1
anise lo an order ol Honorable II. K j
llanna, iod.-e ol Ihe aK.te entitled:
Curt, duly made on the 2.lnl dav 01 1
Mav, I'.Ml, and 1 tit, dalo ol the tlrat
IMililicatton was made on thellOlh dai ul
May, llk'l. J. I'm. am h U..s, i
K. 11. SK.tHtt.Hift.,
Wat. A Mi my.
Attorneys lur l'laiuliir.
Anitrlraiia V rtnrloii-t 0:1 tht I'.n-.liali
Turf Mrwt Kltfitnirr tu H.ikt tltr tt p
friiin (Iiti'o in llmiihtir; rririnwil
Anglo- merirn Ilitiik.
The Kentucky Fcdi rati'jii of Woiiiom'm
Clubii Toted to exdii'lo colon.-tl w)U1' m'
rluba from mr'intn.Tn.iip.
A mob at C'arrollt'ti), Ha., atf'vup! -
to take a iierro from t!i jail f r ir;
purpjfw of lyricliiiiK him, but w i- 'rc
TenteI by tlie hli riiT, whu -r h
ilepntioa to firo, and one man v..v kii! I
hkJ two wounded.
Cliarli-B T. Yrk(), wlio n pr. M ntsa
ryridic.itof Vi iullu-'iii'iil fii un, l .u.1.' rf
mid rapiraliniH, will trmihfcnii t'i' I- m
don Iihtrict railway inf an .::?,
line. The work will oo-nfy two y..:r-.
IrofesBor Oeor'o f). If'-nv.n, f-.-. i-i-r
pruft'ssor of applud ('liristi.uiitv in I-ra
Ollc(0 at CiriniiL'U, was xt .iled If. in
tho Coim,r tiuun L(ly mi a t li n '- i
"conduct nnlH-HWiiniii u CliriMiati -ai l a
gei.tlfiiiiui." KvidtJiKw wan itiir li e-
at tho trial to Miow rrm-l tr-'itiu- tit of
Int. "umihualiy loyal ami (if-vii'j'l wilt
which filially n-hiiltod iu divorce pro
coedihKt and a b pil ht-paraii i.
The AiiM-riran atfaui r Nor; uinan r
rlvcd at Hamburg from Clm-no, atur
a pasnagf) of 3i day, of wlii'-.i l't iu I
1mii occupied travail! if t if; ' in
LnkcHand caualtt ln-fon leaving fiu-U-c
for the oceuu. Tho nclu'iiici of tfoin
through tho canaln wan to pvt. tho
Northman, which i tin; first sti-aiii' r in
(ho new C'iiicitKo-lIauibuiK hrvi(o to
cnwH tlio ot'aii, tho maximum c:irt," to
HufTalo, there partly unload, and aftt-r
pUNHing through tlio canaU. rt'lua-l at
Moiitn-al. Tho round trip id c.':p'" t' d
to take GO diiyn.
Tho London chamber of coiniiin;
jfiivo a buinpiet to tlio deb izdi h of th't
Now Ytirk chamber -f comiufn many
notable jxjople bcin pri s-nt. No n'oi t
wan Kiai'-d to honor I lie Ani' t H aii
KUefHi, and all the Hjirakt-rs - r i d
the beliif that (irtat J;riiaui and llio
United ,Statcn would rub' th-d---tiiii' M
of the world, and tht-ir tui r.tti-u alli
ance would always work tor it ' n t' and
the benefit of inank ltd.
William C. Whit m-v'n Vo!oly.,v-ki,
riibb'ii by an Aiin-iicaii j !:-, 1 u r
iti itr, won the Knli.di 1) ri y in n-.-..rd
tune, liaimly, M t I . Annlln r Knit ill j
raciiiK troiiby, tlm Oak-, v.a- wn by i
(Jap and lif llrt, nwin-d by 1'. h t.l 1'. ;
Iv-eiio and mbb u by lb m v j
Tho owner, horsn and j'
(horouuhhri'd Amtrif .in, mi tin
waw not diluted as it was in He
viftorv I
.' C.W 'I i
the Derby. I
Matin,' Jabone, tho tfivat I r 'tu'li ad- j
vtKMte and tleb-ndi r f ln yMi. wns1
eutertaiiicd at a bauqm-t iu I'iel 'ii by
I ho Ilardwieko woeh-ty, ami ovt r
juden. baiririierH ami holicit'-r-t wito
present. LalMino dtdiv re. I an elo-jii'-nt
aditreHH in KukIiIi, mid tie' bail
nwept with a tt'inpet of npplaiisu.
William J. Dent, alias W. J. .J.idj.,n,
a in phew id the lato "Sit aicw.iH" J i' k
tioii and a iiieiiiln-r of a piomnn'iit K n
tueky family, was m nh-ii'-ed to hfo
iniprid unii'Ut in the pi'inh nliary at
lotititoii, lex, for I ory.-ry. II" btrrd
n pardon for a iniinli ivi' n ii,i. d Iaa-'-,
m ttiiitf htm fu e, ami tv tin-. . iit.iv-
iM'IVed Clli.Oi'O. lb-'. lV. d tie- lili .l
wlnl f-.-rvnitf a wn emu in lln-Tt-xas
M-ii tttMit y It'i forv ry. II' aino to
uMiii, tot a cpy ot a pai-'inii in'. 1 1 1 .J
for aiioilnr ioeviri, ehaii'd th" nam'
ami tody ami had tin K''1"11111' signa
tures of the (;tivt i nor nt.d hM-i i t.f
t.l to.
Tho Midland KaiiW.iy rompaiiv .if
KiiRlainl, r, nee I In lal!r ball i i,i i(
has been u -in;t bt Aim-rua:. hn -iii ':.
and a lferitt n poii ii,- in' i
nik inoiitbt' ei-in; ai.ifi'' tt -i . i.ii-l"
Willi d Mul 'an 1 fiuin s
under the niiin tii!i:i.n v J h" ii-i-
bowed tie1 txlra "th..lp,' t.-t .1' in.,
American locm it nv r lie- i.ivi U
to be from o lo . p i' t ' lit in In. 1, ,i i
r cent m ml and i''' p.-c c ut m re
pairs. "1 he Ann ric.ia-, mi Ih"
port, ea,i nial.t i mini's w.-li a- t
ail, but t! i c-iiel 1 1 e 'UK an- din- i, nt.
htiH an1 belt, r uno- r ao en . ..i:i-t.i in ,
There is no m. u I.. L in t in- l !t;ii-ii t l .!-
w.ivn fur Aimiicaii eiif in-s. A 1 i ..ul i;
Hi dilTerent "
It is it i in 'I ui Uiielo'i J. l't. f.
pnHt is i ii.n,'! d oi aiian.riii
tor the e-tabh-hiin nt ot a -r. at A: ; -
Aimrnau bank wuli a capital t
billion di'l'ars. It it prop.,ni to air. lii
a!l of of tb. pi in.'iial tknam-ial al lien s
and b.iiikn alie.hly eiia'e i iu tho
Anlo- Aim man bti-un .
A k serial einb,i-M' ftvm tin Milt. in i.f
Mtifitt'o l-ariiiKr cnrrat a la Hon-- t Ktn
K Iwill'd oil his iiivrs-i in to the thit:.
aruved in Ioml 'ii. Tor einbaN-y iniiu
Ihis '.M.t pei'Miii. ini luiliiu tin ainl a i
d.'t 's two ii hen tie- d. Mit.i;i n
was oil ir tally rer. ived at the IN it -near :i
pier tho free pi ion w as abi apt ly sa -.-M'iitbtl
to allow tlie l.idn s, clos, lv
rt ih'd, to pa.n tt.'Wii (bo israniK' to
fh.t MMMpinor- i. iil li.i n, a'.i I.iiim
jnaiis Klllj; i'blij;i d lo i ft ire lin ;iin luh.
While the ludie. entered and h tt
v hn '.e atlt miauls ami Immd
their barks. The ambassador of M-r
orro brings Knii; li 1 w aid two i,re At .as
ni ' hiurp, Arab h.'i-fs uad )
in nit s.
Snle by hide, each with a buU4i ho'e
in th-' temple, the ihad K'ins , f a
rouple who itltti.l as I,. HaiUu.u
lllld Wlte Wtlf b'tlinl 111 ! a tl ,;l lac
Ureal North-ni hotel, I'hif.i;' v 1'ne
woman was i IcnntU d us K -a I. hif,
aaneiy arlioss Un.':i as ''K'm'Yi -
le'te." Th" lather of t he dead in an : s
-.lal tt W a waa'.iliy tobaC' dea:r ia
ba-iie-sm Nt w V m v e,iy 'l'it. i '
0'er t .'u d la l ie l"t.;::l !i tiid ol
tiie hu and t .d t o st.tiy i.f i.ui
t! a - lv. It t. at I til 1 i ii" u I , w .;. t
..soii!y ;l . .os t t a.; . w.ts ic.u.e.y
; i . us . his w r-
1'lil INv'.'l' N 1 N . M U I .
tiopln r noid Muiiiij: r.'.i'p ii . 1 ' t
tioii tt pri.u ip 'i pi in i t .i.t -i. - ii.
Kr.iiiei-r., l 'a' iV i n i i I ii'O o i i :
a oi k , J eph ; to outi: v . t ; t fc ei
,M'U'K - ll.ete .e .h-h. ., .. m; ,
t he loi io v :tm .b el b 1 -a .o k
tit Ami"i I'l l N-, I ',e le ! to; I ,'te . . ,
itti ot Aplll. l '-l, ide MiMiti ,1.11.1.;..',.
H.'t oppt.sie t he i a in- - ei '.he i ( . i . i ,
Mi ueheUeri as
S... N...
Certlli. .t'c ' lies V,
... .I".' J
s '. 1 1
.11 t.n
1.' I hi
.. li .. ;. -i
1 1 1-'
Ii. . .; .1
N Mine
J . s t ne hi r
tnd iu s.'.-i rln'ii e tt
order ol the II 'iii.l w I'u.'.'i.irs, ni.t i,- .
tlie 2li'll I -t V '.I Xl'til, 1.. U. s,. .": i.-t
shares ol , s 'h pirc.-l ol su. .1 : . k ,1
mav he nect'ssrtrv tti.i he d t t i'I.c
A 1.. t on al ' he 'il;. e td t::c 1 --in 1 -.. t , 1 -Market
St., San t r.,11. is. .. C.I , -i
Mull. lav, the Kill .lit cl .In v, i- 01. : .
the hour ol 2 0' ' M . .1 r 1 i
d.iy, to pav lit ln i) e t --cs-... , .
tlri'.eon tiveiher ith ,.: a l li . g
and exp -us,., ttf ihe sale
I'. U. I'u t., la , "i'l ifU'i
Ollice-t. tl Maraet aired,
t-iaco, I alitor ma.
an l-ran- j
ti-. i ; li r. .Vw-pr-vir -mw ,,. .js '. v, iVS, -.;-ia
v -vAr J&i Wil
y.j i : r :. -
hi ,v ' k,?.'x--- K
J"J 1 " - "'
T:i i
' ' i 1 ! i U
.i! .1 ul
:-' the uf
1 c ;u-t.- l tho
v- iithlevvd
t !;
v pino
.i. Midi. X -arly
.ii I r i;h. iv .-a iijr
'i i, tlm 1 y ar-o!1
liana, sii-n atnl killed
i t at San t J'-ri-iiimo,
.M.iri. T
'li of I;.
( i
i M:.'U' i comity
not iiis (I :in r
A.ilitii li.
:idv lfjr him whfti
.laiii'S, nit Muimer a'd fll
;;i , living mar Macon, Mo., in a tit
m-'ioal ,;h-. r it em, kiii 1 his wibj
id il;i,iL;iri -, a:' d Pi y u s, and then,
tr I ! -.M'r; tl;.- f tut to l liuiliboi.
I h.i.i .i' ... it'n.
lA';l' A. i.' .!, pi ',-! i- t-.r of u hulad and
1-:) :n i' .. I'.' in, M e!i., ran anuifl;,
. I h b' v. a ov't-roweretl shot
ii 1 lai 1 i:
. r ; l 1 1 v w.-iin.:.
. .1 in r,
..el be n ilrini
'i be !'a'-t I
.-. I y.-ar-obl dan, 'lit".',
d l.M wit" and slmt his
bi-o-a-T a i I i-t. i. Ho
b.r na -I .;. .-.
!' 'a ifi r i, up ill v of ?.lii
ii... mi:.' red a b .-s by lire to tiio
-lit of I . : wt ell .;.', i.o'l ) ami 4 Jin),tK J,
fill V
("V. red by in-iiianc,'. (j:ie man
Jailed d tiring Hie roreM of tho
1,1' iV ( ! oY", the l'i year-old son of a
pn.-.;.. nt: !anu r hviiij,' m-ar Napoleon,
U .ml:... 1 l. s M-t. r, ap-d "J-l. to tho
. art, ia.a, ii-r in-tantly. He then
s:ian::!- d b.s b! y. ar old brother t
i ain and, hini; tin barn, ran in and
ii it hiin-i It tiiruu;,'!i tin; ti'inple. Tho
n.i-e iy o 'em-ivd jit t att r luidiiiht.
!i.s t.iaire-i btsiy was recovered next
lay. I; is Mip.-.- I that be became in-
'-l!lt' If III f" llilllL,' dllll" llOVelft.
A' N'"'-th ;mpr.m, Miss., Mabel Law-
ivm-' Ihu t, a sMcietit at Smith col
la;, and daughter of J
I'uit, a badMi' ntt.ti'tiey of lhadi-lou,
N. J , was ai-i'a'f-rii.-d f-r hti-aliii j W'
t:ty v.-.ith o ti 'in other iri stu
i nt s. lb r t h- t ! - veiuit 1 over several
ill llths. S"IJir tit the .s't.ilen aftiele.S
v re P.uiid in ti pit's rot. iu, ami,
w i.eti i- .ii 1 1 . .nit i , ii t In? evn tenet', s!u
c tilt -m i, mid p v. an ii the w In rr-
al' U'i et the f. 1 1 . .1 1 II i C of lilt' st-lell
J " dry, i.n'.eii t- wl.idi had b-'i-u
i iwi, i. In. .-m.' w.'inaii was visit
i 1 lie-ills iiei" w n- u anesietl. rSLie
1 f
A '.
li.Jj.iL-. IN CHINA.
i that Ia 1 1 u r: lT
llct stating that
d .
e Miian-1 u tin ttd
11 .- pt' lllber l.j.
. u, n t.i 1'.
li.iit e ti-.' luve failed to
!;.i' b . i iu Central Chili,
V 1 1 . n have r.i.-tet'.ile d- fit It d
; h. ii.' 'i n pat inn ot Chen't luj;
. .. r p. ices iu tb it viciiuiy.
i.e. ins arc a-- iv ly al .rl:
I :e .; . : ot tne b -atloii
I li nun:-.' r !iav I
n. lis oil: iiuiinte rules b r
liwieu I he ti:ai I. I and elo.-eiy
the Cl.Mte-e.
in ! S at . vernuit'iit haj
. t.i i.iO p. ivvft's lo u limit
al t a - al I'eivin over tho
p; p i ' i I i i In- a.'biiiat i ia :
;u- ' i' banal. Mr. K.vkhilt,
I t a .ii. -ii : t. i an opp. ir I
I S --re; u v Hay f.r per-
ii, and the
,1 iiis .ui.a. I th s .
fie I'ili.slel-i at lVkltl '
m :. d k vomi vttici.
nt iu'r-s, ani 1 lis
y ;c Mic oii.y w ay out of
1: l, I-
t rll'OlU
Mmifter !
ll.e,va',i,'.-S tilll ;
t;:u-il ty l'ho
V tef ol t.,c '
iVitl C O
i i me
' w it 's-j
1 1 ' in..Ue lea .lis
c at: :y. 1 have '
- .i : i he lai )
I 1 I :iC iVi'TllOl" of
!' v 1 tin ;
:i It .ill
I .11 1
t .
.: 1. u. 11
s : 1 c tt lii
i.iii a t r
: he I'-
I'u. u. I :
1: ..l 11
1 II.
. ll!S
.li t Jllst .Is
i- A a i .e 111
1 . 1 1. 1'. .'. y. t " Mr.
U '.'.' V. 1 111 till' Ci'lll' ,
V. , .: - 1 s-s ,u..iiK' Ui. j,
.. 1 ;...: ll.c A::i, 1 icuis
a c.'-i r tli.ui i ti r
. iv, .-ii'.lv pi-.!.! .h .1
. : . .;i c.'i -ii.s in Am. 1 1. :
' l .11 llic I'H'il. 111 Ci.i- ;
.:: ol t:ii' :iisiK-:a !
. ml to th-.' Ciiititl ;
. - t.lUC IS Vls Ol'U j
I'.i.t .t M.ut'-t have a ,
1 .. :ii s ,n ti.:c.'Ulitry, 1
y , f tin' jH.j'u.atiuu
-t... t c ii.i.iu.u ol iui !
hrttj!, films ti the Courir oflice.
I t " i 1 ' a - " lt 1 1( . r
V4-AcA :'-v;7
Vi 'J .
f lV ' . .4 It r 'l ' V tiv'i.
" -.aa..- ...... T. 1
Itanvr, disca! mi I din!h fol'u.v in -
jE'-ct of the toel. I hh IvWltl't
il-iiile Kitly Hi.-nrs to rei'i'iite thitn
ami yon w ill ft ! 1 var tt j our li( jr.d
j lifiMfi votir v ium. K ihv to tak, ie v r
. i.rjfJta I)r W. K Kroner.
Saves Two From Death.
i Our little 'bitib'er bad t.n ulmoiil
la'td n'lit:': il btieiiii( coitjh nd
broto-hitj wriua Mrn. W. K. i.n
lam', of ninid;, N Y, but, when
other n i,i"i!b'K ffli'e 1, we H'ved her life
with lir kitiif'H . r w Id-coveiy. ". r
i.i-'f v v bu (--id Cm Mimpiion in an
lv.trcnl !-. i:t.( Po nt-ed tliis render
fnl no b trie .ml to dny flie i perbe'ly
vAfll." Ipea'e throat and lir;
difieae" yield to Ir. Kirk's New 1 p
eovery a to no other no'dirine on earth.
Infallible Tor CouiiliH ami CohN. a'r
at, A 1 hottlew litRrantet .I by j ,
Kiemer. Trial bottled free.
A perfect cereal coffee
of delicate flavcr and
fragrant aroma.
The blending of California figs
and prunes with well ripened
grain makes a fruit and grain
coffee far superior to any other
cereal beverage.
I3y our process all the delight-
ful flavor nf the fruit mil HrulrhC.l
strength ot the grain is retained.
Tastes like coffee looks like
coffee. Healthful nutritious
Boil from5 to lO minutes only
Sonic Reasons
Why You Should Insist on Having
J ;u -pi. ,,t.i t.y ,im uiiid.
pji ill. i- lul.l !. .uhi l suit,
E i.illv I!H'..Ul,.
ii i l.s mi t w.ittr.
A !i---ivy iHHin-.l ,.
A 11 t v elu tit pICMTV.llle.
Redikes cost ul oir h ivtifss.
14 i 1 Uilis tb.e leatlu i ; Us
iie h iu v is iiu rea-ni.
JjeClires 1 est ser li t,
Slilelics kept fittlti
s M.I.I in ai;
MttNihil il III! 1 4jhimiii.
i y i J ivneic M!.,j'air.m,.Mii1ijt. r
) A - 1--!..,-,... , .n,r,!,i
' rvS- ' 1 " ' " ' 1 "siif
A r l'-4sft.iltr.t,.t j Cfj i, if,, 1
: 7 i; -.j s-- f
! J V J m!M 0.3EA5LS Of KIM 6
f J , , ; . M.r..-y f
" iwi 1KP I'P.uc.i'j.riL
i.,;rr.v?.,..-'r"T nr.i
9 i' a j - "n co . it 1 Mi VM f . s f
Seven Vc.vrs In H.'.l
I . ii l. rs i . . ,i
N ..I Mr-. I. I
l.,n 'I' l-i.
: U .ir lr r I- .1
.; i
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l k."
I I.
r.i-j I- l'i II- s.l
N.'.t .
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a p'.i. .
II V 1-t
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i. t I Mil
.ir K
.Ml ,.V li-
Ti- l.'i
. I'-l.l t'l
1 I!-. --
". I
l 11 T
. h...
.1 1 . -l'i...
I ,U i
,s l'i,
1 11
Mihria t auws BiLouinot
J cit.'te', ras'.eltsa Chili Tonic reiiu.t
I the cans...
new art jewelry.
Curious and Very Costly Pieces
Kaie by Master Workmen.
Ilfvltal of Wonderful Metal Work of
!trnnUntiee Times Popolarlaed
j hy lh- l'ri Eolllo
lHturra of Work.
A new fad iu jewelry has slowly
been making its way to favor in recent
y - ars ami the Taris exposition
!.;- it intti stoiiethinj; like Mpu-.-.-i
v. Keirtanately, the expense of
l p .rk iiml lb" faet that it appeals
t., h art:: tie ta.-te more than to the
. . ... .. ,,i i b aam e generally current
i. t.i keep ihe fashion from be
e Kitaliv eumnn, eava the New
.:,.i. " ' !
I !i.- SniKpie jewelry is perhaps the
ii . r-i i.:,!i,ji!t of thia new work,
w're'i i . an-r all, old, for it worka
b,.ek . Mi' womlerful metal work of
;;ai. sam e tunes ami makes the pre
:x .jie'ii!:. merely incidental. The
a of b't-ne Salepie s work at
expoMi ion was a revelation to the
t who bad known nothing about
J his wm k has been eagerly sought
f... ia t ait'pe for years past, but hia
pilees are fabt;bnis and he does not
sell to dealer, hut works only on spe
cial onlers. which it nn be his whim
to aceept; so, up to the present time,
hi.s jewels have b'-eii obtained only by
neial person a rej r other illustrious
patrtnis, amp their number is not very
Castelliini, in Home, has hud a repu
tation for work of the same general
order is Saliipie'M, ultlioiih he has
ai hieed nothint' to erpinl the Salhjue
jewrN, and a crowd of lesser lirfita
have been follow inj,' the same path
with more or h-sssinTi
Of course, the central idea of this
jewelry is beauty and excluive.jiess of
d'iiu. The masters of fjpe craft, like
Saii'jiie, often make the jewel, what
ever it m iv be, with direct reference
to the appearance and personality of
the woman w ho is to wear it, and this
opens up an endle.-.-i vista of siifTtfestive
and symbolic potability.
Tin h ti,;itin the ji wel may be made
pi'-r- ly f o fin ry out h concepi ion in the
mind of the ar t 1st. w ii hunt ref
erence to the future owner. Hare
Mom are introduced wherever the
d'si-i: r-piirrs t In ir color, but very
ofi n the semi-pn cioiis stnes an
swer the artistic requirements better
ban the more costly jewels and are
used by preference, without thought
of the comparative cost.
If a pat roti is willing to put a crown's
ransom of rubies into an order and
Snliiie thinks pink topnx or lnpi
an)i accords better with his desiirn,
t be buyer doesn't yvt the rubies.
Moon.-, t.oies are purt iciilar fnvuriteB
with Knlitjue nnd with many of his
follow rs, because t hey lend t hem
selves to symbolism and surest ion
without detracting from the effect of
tlie metal work and Hesiun. One of
the most remarkable pb ces of this
nrt ji-welry ever turned out was n
comb in m desiirn of bats Hyintr throiifrh
the lilt.-nd bidtt of mnfi:somR.
Aiiorican deiLMiers are taking up
rhe art jewel id a. and a new era of
ct "avni'a nee in jewelry is evident ly
ui ban I. Ciorjreous tinras and stoin
rt h- rs of iIiamond will nut do now.
My lady must have specially desiifiied
and ec."!i'iie jewelry of v. bieh there
is in. dnp'.i -ale. which bi ars the sir
nature of a muMer craft -man.
S' - ere I f t he New York jewelers
bri iicbt home tpmnt it ies of signed
iv, I., in unusual designs, and have
o!' ; Ii, !,. r;.pidly. One rinjj for a
imi-i. labeled "The Heart of the Oak"
and mji tl by a famous Kreiieb work
e v us a particularly oud speci
men .1 It !i i 'ij.'b it liadn't a bint of a
pn ei, i,. .ui about it . The r i it lt w ;cs
r. -i-ht in .semblance of bark, aiel a sfranire, satyrlike h:i l. that
i? tirst irlanec looked merely like the
r en i I t not on a limb of a t n e.
Oe.,. ( h-.-ayo woman has taken up
I n"i i w 1 craft with ncniense suc
i s. mi i has orders $o far in alliance
tb-t she s:iy s it will be inii-os-dde f,.r
in r to promise anythiiii; before l'.Mi:i,
Trotiacr for n l.eiitraa Mnn.
"I have an aunt, a dear obi mml,
who roe- the most remarkable thinis
ia the linnie of clnirity," said a I'hil
ed. Ip!ii.;n. "She always has smii"
'ai-shiir f.tiioly to nttend to. She
- o'-i l he ipiite at a Ion) without a
tcv.iu Soiiietiines I know
is .ireadiiiliy imposed upon, bu
u e..ii!dii't convince her of that.
O'ic t!n las week slu' eamc tt me
: . .! mm.'. 'Nephew, haw- you an old
j.t.r of tro;ier.s you don't want?'
i' do you want a pair of trousers
ft r '.' 1 a -ke.1. 'I .. iive to a poor
ran who ha-n't ;o.y leirs, she re-
d. li iv all I could do to keep
from bi'i..h an in her face, but I cn
tiolhd n:-.e;f and said: 'Why. ves;
I can let y.-u haM an dd pair of
t ro'.iM-rs, and an oh I pa ir of shoes,
to" Kv.'.i :hen the absurdity of it
didn't s' 'ike her. (h, mi are si
food!' shty T.-la'i'nd. Ainl she went
j.wav wiili i!:e t rou-ers i ami hoes for
the man wha tbdn't have anv
b'." rhibidelpbia Kecord.
Cal' l'.nlnr r.,r a Rnl.hlt.
Tlu- tini. st r:il.l'its Mandt-ril int..
tt,.- j i.r.l -f ;i IVim-r . .limn rrr,-iillv.
an. I wh.ii tin' fan i'.v rut. a i..tuilr
f.littT. I... :. d..Mi ii j r, lh liitli-l.tun-li
i-f ('ir tin- .,i.! I,, i s , x)v.-l, ,1
I., s, ,. it t r: i.. r .
r. Hi..ii. :s I. . '., I .
It ..V.T. li.-l.. ! ii . -..
to a s:uu l i !'. ii' ' . '
M..W. A.v I I I 1. t:
he I. infill t'.c Ii. , Ic . :
Mi's .1' .1 . i "Il , al r
l :i in.' i ' -. ;vir.i! ...' . !
'i. :,.'!;. i !.,' ,-. .t k,
hi.'kcili 1 111' uU'd, in,
TLontas ha. heen dcai.
, I..
' t...ll;k
i !.. in,.
' "i itn
s. f '.' he
;'. !i time
nl nnd has
Ibown little Interest in his f,,d.
! tl."
C S I t
e Wa-
st he'.fi! h.., k? on nene
' !.-.. .'! !s ctiii'1,.,1
" (v Dr. Saatr ..( San
k " i.' ' " in i'" li. h thmisami
1 "i ' : w.-rk ot 4u eeii,ie'l and rr,a
' ' 1 j.' t s .. :an in atfrt-eal :e contrast
i" 1:.- tsst ..i:.i ,, (j.,. leachin.'
"'Vss.11 iliij liiteiesrnii: sul'j.
It '
and I
real 1
! ' "'' !" I ' laii'll lt 1, lis, 1 -r I
i r 1 'in . iiltiiv. ai.d I'h :l.e tw-
1 11. i Is "l i-t.1, 111 ai d ,ni,tri!ir.
I: .s 11. A rae I hy ) ..;(, ,w :x ,
, 4. .1 s.', .1 r ptv.. T:,e Clu.-..g AJ
1 van- su-. "V p. ri-al ol the book
an. I the app ., ..'i. n ..'1,, rincipVa will
put liea:i!i, h, pP a-i.l h.a.t into thons
, suds of in-.s tint ,, .e,. g
tl.r- Ull n... t !:;,;,, rrii.-nl."
' I'. c lv 0, is 1 Ol I,. sll,(
.i.e .It:.1 lii .? .iir,.,,tu ,-i
" ".ri.
tl.aeer XV,
f l'i-'.; cs-h m I .
i'n N-rtinra n, Nrve
n pr.i t,-.! rei.ara'l as a
aa rp e rhapi. r, an. I ,;; ,rnt to any
'"' tJr " I' I'T the publishers
rmPt.iui 1 1 h Co., it,.s :',.:.., Sat
Fr. n i-o.
The Oldest and Best
m e - ,KJ.-.ilirkTl rsf mot?
O, O. wuiuuiitu-"-
and herbs of great curative powers,
j intrt the circulation
anu wucu w-1-" . ;
searches out and removes all niannei
of poisons from tho blood, without ,
the least snocic or narm w u. - ;
On the contrary, th. general health
. .... : - Irnm the first dose. 1
far S S. S. is not only a blood purifier,
but an excellent tonic, and strength
ens and builds up the constitution
while purging the blood of imputt
ties. S. S. S. cures all diseases of a
blood poison "&in' Cancer, Scrofula,
Rheumatism, Chronic Soresaiid
llcers, Eczema, Psoriasis, ball
Rheum, Herpes and similar troubles,
and is an iDfaWible cure and the onlj
antidote for that most horrible disease,
Contagious Blood Poison.
A record of nearly fifty years ol
r i : .. rtnrA tl M" nrouc
Successfiiu luict ia '"m - - '- r
of. S. S. S. is more popular today
than ever. It nuraDers us mcuuu
the thousands. Our medical corres
pondence i larger than ever in tht
history of the medicine. Many write
to thank us for the great good S. S. S.
has done them, while others are seek
ing advice about their c;..s. All
litters receive prompt and careful
attention. Our phvsicians have mad
a life-long study of Blood and Skin Dis
eases, and better understand such cases
. i .. nmtitit-itifir uhf
man tue oruinaiy uitt.-.n.v
makes a specialty of no one disease.
Vt arm Hni titr crreat
good to suffering
humanity through
ftnr mtiMiltinir de-
nortmotit and invit
a. : ..mi Viavt ativhlnnd
or skin trouble. We make no chargt
whatever for this service.
I'yapi'ptirs cannot be li ng lived be
iiiUc to live reiinirea notirisliment.
Food is not nourishing until it is il'iialed
A disordered stumach cannot digest
noil, il muat liavo asisianre. Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure diesla all kinds of food
without aid from the stoinai-h, allowing
it lo list and regain its natural functions
Its elements are eiactly the same as
the natural digestive fluids and it simply
can't l.elp liut do jou good.- Dr. W. F.
At Bed Time
1 take a pleasant herb diiuk, tl.e next
morning I feel bright and my complex
ion is better. My doctor says it acts
gently on the stomach, liver and kid
neys, and is a pleasant laxative. It is
made from lit rbs, and is prepared as
easily as tea. It is called Lane's .Medi
cine. All druggists sell it at 25c. and
r.K Lane's Family .Medicine moves
the howels each day. If you cannot get
it, fend I ir a free Baiuple. Address.
Uraii.r F. Woodward, I.e Koy, N. Y
Malaria Mdkcs Impure Blood.
(rove's TastelesH Chill Tonic cures
Malaria otic.
'Zjf Trdc Mipks
rffi' Copyrights Ac.
A iifn frn1lng n nkcloli mul (1onrr1il hi i nnj
1 oleit ly H.i.t.Tt:en rnr free wdtttt-cr ni
'iiTi'iin.Mi It pn MlilT'. 4 .iiiitii rn.'-i-Mmiij,
.tinctly rentt.leniNI. nrai-llH- k mi
st'iit fr'. o.jt m.'t).'T ftir "t'eurii't ,w v.
I'tiiritu thrmwh Wuim A in. ro-f've
j-'.-i.i tu'tu, without c'eirce. iu t!..
Scientific American.
A hv!'limrl il'if r.ito-! w.-rktr 1 jirepstt ir.
'linn. ii t.f n-r aeioMin t uir. 'M Ttii f-. i
T-sr r..r . -ul-1. tl. 7 ,1 nrw.ilrmkn.
in m
Scotch Remedy
is the gresteat a'norbent in the
w -irhl and dots its woik through
the pores of the skin.
Don't Hub It Cn
h rmt.:v , ,t ,D ( fc, Bil '
uie tht pta ia g mt.
Ihe best phyiiciius use it,
p-eicrihc lt and unite with tile
general public ia saying ;
'ScPtci k'ttntjy ls tht hit
ex ternal remedy kiowH."
Mdby all dn.s,i,t, ., y, ctBU
MtterD tuencv itw itcv- -
It is 3,000
I !i- llinlitiL' Io,,,
n, n r t n"'kS lGn; ''"pJcH-inra 3S,c.o
ci -v n t ,,iI1S ,'3l' ,UWnS anJ in tlu-
' r , 1, ,,aVirSed by its ,ia-si 'an
; n. u , arMnm.,s w!lKh txtt.nd mor.
- a. !ulf :ly across the connent am, earn
mo ,,,,!r'l'nK ,0 P1V,?- i,S u,ron bolutelv
n vr5; "''00, " 'S ,iM liRe Y0U should
i-s.tct, n. t tune you go tast.
1 .j "i"! m m m
l i il j Xaa . A ' Sl'ti-i'oN. Central ABent. I
M auag-xs,-,-;- f iB I
Dyspepsia Cure
. . f A M
ninoctai what von
Uiyv w -
It artificially driest the food and aldi
. ,n .(Mnirthpnlnir ainrt rw
structlDg the exhausted digestive or
gans. itiatbelatestdlscoTereddlgeat.
. . , Us nOiAr.Hm..,i
aQC Boa tuuiu. viuw ..sifaiatiua
can approach lt in efficiency. It In
siantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Kausea,
Sick Headache, GastralKia.Crampiand
all other results of imperfect digestion.
. ... f ..uaitMrnsitailBatVIJ 4a.
Prieeauc.aiHJBi. MtiF"""iwiwi
imallsiM .Bookababoutdysipsliiniaitairt,,
.l .is, -
Shortest and Quickest
Tin-ouch Palace anil Tourist Stlaep-
ers. Dining arid UurTet hrnoklnf
I.ilirarj Cam.
Tickets to pointa F3aat via Portland iso
the li HEAT NORTHERN RY., onals
at Southern Pacific leiit Ticket Offins.
tirants Pass, or liREAT NORTHERN
Ticket OHice
Vl'l Third Street, Port land
For Rates, Folders and full inforiuatios
regarding Eastern trip, call on or sddrasi
City Pass and Ticket Agent, I'ortlruJ
Shasta Route f
Trains I. earn Gram Paaa for r"orl
land and Way Stations al 5 30
a. 111. and Oils p. 111.
Lv. Portland 8:111) a.m. 8:30 p.m.
Lv. Ciraniel'ass. .1(1:411 p.m. lO lHa ra.
Ar. Ashland. .. 12 :; a.m. 12 35 a.m.
Ar. Sacramento . 5:11) p.m. 6:(k)am.
Ar. Sanhrancisco. 7 :45 p ru. 8 Ai a.m.
Ar. O.len 4 .55 p m, 7 00 a.m.
Ar. IVnver H.'lOa.m.
Ar. Kansas City. .7:L' 7:Wt.
Ar. Chicago 7:3i a.m. 8;30 .m.
Ar. Lna Angeles. .2:00 p. 111. 8:(Aa.a.
Ar. I I l'ao 0:00 p. 111. .0 1 p. m.
Ar. Tort Wi rth.. U;;i0a. m. 6 SO a. in.
Ar.City ol Mexicoll :;1U a. 111. 11 :30 a. m.
tr. Il.iiisii.ii . . .4;ij,). ui. 7:t0s.m.
Ar. New Orleans 6::Klp. 111. :3tfp.m.
Ar. Washington . . fi Al a. 111. 6:4'.' i. u.
Vr. New York. . .12:10 p. ru. 12:10 p. m.
'will trains. Chair cars Sacramento lo
t'tflen and El Paso, and Tourist cart W
Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans si.d
Connecting at San Francisco idi
everal steamship lines for Honolulu
'pan, China, Philippines, Central and
South America.
See J. p. Jesler, agent at, (iraiita I'aH
1'ase station or address
C. II. MARKHAM. i. I. A..
Portland. Ors
"irrsres."i.-'s-sr.I. -m"ir
m Long.