Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 20, 1901, Image 3

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at the
Some interesting points about
Our Evaporated Peaches are better than a great many of the
canned Jciud and are much cheaper at 8,'ic per pound. Best we've
ever had.
Four pounds of best Dried Apples for 25c; (They are front good
sour apples, and we know who did the drying).
Petite prunes that are extra good large and sweet at 5c.
Some fine Columbia Pitted Plums at 7c.
Fruit Jars lots of 'em. Masons Jars'and the celebrated Vacuum
Sun Fruit Jats glass Covers Self Sealing nothing better made. Call
and examine them
. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Daily.
White House Grocery
To see a well kept lawn and garden with
everything fresh and green. You may have
yours in this condition by rotting a piece of
Garden Hose. It will save all carrying of
water and keep your house cool at night.
We have a guaranteed hose at 9 cents per
Cramer Bros.
For Sale by
HniivKiddlc Hardware Co.
The Cost of a
Is covered by its purchase price. You don't have to keep
feeding dollars into the repairman's till to keep your wheel
in a satisfactory condition.
Vie the "wheels that Bland up."' The new
models will interest yon. Call and see them.
- at
Phone 144.
We have the largest and most com-
ptele line of Tble Delicacies in the city.
Hills Select Olives In bottles 15c
Hills Horseradish Mustard 15c
Hills M'xed Pickles 15c
( how Chow 15c
Mexican Hot 15c
Hills Supeifine Olive Oil, absolutely
I uic iii' I111 IJnidr.
No. 1 Pickles in bulk, the Kind that's
Kood try them.
Orange Marmalade (this years) 25c
Anderson Cranberry Sauce 25c
for Sunday's chicken dinner
All Kinds if Lunch Goods.
Nansen's Imp't'd Smoked Sardines 12'vc
Lawn Mowers
Chain Wheels $25. to $55.
Chainlcss Cushion Frame
All makes of Tires from $5
per pair up.
Fast of Depot.
If you want meat you should
only be satisfied with the best.
We are only satisfied when we
sell you the best. We know
how to cut it to give you the
greatest pleasure. Not ex
pensive, but first class.
C. W. Gray, propr.
local ljappcitfnfla
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentist.
Oo to Coron for Plumbing.
Whips, 10c to $2.50 at Hackett's.
Cash for Uold Duet at Cramer Bros.
M. Clemens, Prescription Pruiririet.
Wood wanted on subscription at the
Coraikg office.
Deenng Ball Bearing Mowers at
Cramer Bros.
Bee Hives and Bee Supplies at Hair
Riddle HJw. Co.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Colon's.
Harness of all Kinds, tirades and
Prices at Hackett's.
All ready made dress Skirts, Some
rare bargains at Mrs. Behkopf's.
Sht D Sherman Williams Taints.
.VV.l .Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
IVering Ball
Bearing Mowers at
Cramer Bros.
'01 Ramblers (10
Roadsters ;15 at
Hair-Riddle Hdw. Co.
New Photo Monnts for amatemes at
the Courier office.
Leave orders for engraved calling cards
with A. E. Voorhies.
A two quart Arctic Ice cream Freezer
f jr only (2.00 at Cramer Bros.
Fred L. Colvig graduated from the
pharmacy department of the Oregon
Agricultural college last week, with a
degree of B. 8.
11 J. Winters, an experienced jeweler
and optician, recently of Newberg, Ore ,
has opened a jewelry establishment in
Dr. Kremer's drug store. Mr. Winters
makes a specialty of glass fitting and
optical work.
Clcvtngeris showing a line of enlarg
ed photogiaphs of a quality that has
never been sui passed in thir city. No
need of sending away for work of this
character when it may be secured in
such excellence at home.
Flies, lines, poles and all the fisher
man's needs at Cramer llros.
Mr. James Brown of l'utsiuouth, Va.
over 90 year of age suffered for j ears
with a bad sore on his face, Physicians
could not help him, DeWitts Witch
Hazel Salve cured him permanently.
Dr. W. F. Kremer.
Scott tirifFin handles Ashland Hour,
Utah aifalfa seed, Oregon red cluver
seed, winter oats, large Russian white
rye, new crop timothy seed, wheat for
seed also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa, Tim
othy Hay, Oat Straw, Chop Barley,
Corn, Wheat, Oats..
Prof. J. P. SkConnell closed his
chool at Wilderville ou Friday and
left on Saturday for Ashland to remain
during the summer months. He re
turns in September to resume conduct
of the Merlin school.
An Astoria minister secured a nickle
in lhe-s!ot machine and tried it 100)
pushes, I lie cost of which ut 5 iciils
would have been (50. The returns were
(24.50. A losing game time wh ill uh
trated. W
Work is being rushed on the new Tulle
brick on Sixth and II streets and the
brick work of the first story is Hearing
completion. The brick woik of the
Grants Pass Banking A Trust Co's
building bus been started during the
past week and the walls aie well under
F.nj iy the cool of the day in one of
Cramer Hros. new hammocks.
Ilaird Clinton's dog and pony show
will be here on Thursday, June 27.
N. Delamater, formerly of the Hotel
Layton, of Grants Pass, has leased the
Gold Hill hotel from Chas. Young,
taking possession last Monday. Mr.
Delamater, being an experienced hotel
man, will no doubt receive Ins share of
the patronage GolJ Hill News. .
Dr. J. G. Goble, the optician, w ill be
at the Josephine hotel on Wednesday I
and Thursday, June 20 and 27. Tho-e j
wimiiiik lo nave incir eyes cxnmineu
anil glasses titled will please call at
the hotel. All work postivelv guaran
teed to be satisfactory. (YiiMillatmn
free. Office hours from 1 to 6 :30 p. in
Tin ee Ladies Ilii-vclcs (I 00, (lo.OO
and (20 0J at Cramer Urns.
Toe Standard and New Home sewin
machines. All style and prices. Jos
eph Moss, Agt.
Hon. John Kelley, one of he eiirlv
and very prominent Oregon pioneers,
it native of Ireland, died at his home
in Lane county, at Lunelle, Saturday, in
his H3rd year. He. came to Oregon in
184V mid has held a number of public
positions of honor in this stale. F.ight
children survive and of them are Mrs.
H. IS. Miller, n I John F. ami lice. II
Kelly, formerly of Groins I'.iss.
The city council has placed four
trie lights at the bind pined in tin
depot park Jo be used by the band in !
their series of midsummer concerts.
This is a feature that w ill ho upprei iati d
by the public as these conceits are;
amolo; the most pleasant of the lm pen- ;
ings of our summer season and are ,
always enjoyed by a large number of'
people. I
The Mfdlurd merchants have siloed
an agreement for Sunday closing of 1
their respective places of busiuedS und
"further agree, for the sake of religious '
privilege and bodily rest to encourage a '
quiet Sunday within the borders 'of their
city." A fine not less than filly dollars
is adjudged on each and every ctlVridfr j
of the agreement, said sum to be paid
into the cuv treasury,
lon't cor. found Griswold'a company
with other so calltd L'ncle Tom's Cabin
companies that attempt to p!ay this
piece. This is the only company that
bis the authority to legally produce it in '
America. Sune unscrupulous perrons:
have produced it without authority an 1 ,
with a poor company. This show
carries 30 people and presents it com
plete, j
Selling out at Cost !
Mrs. Rehkopf is not going out of
business, but in order ti mate room for
new Fall Goods will sell her entire Stock
at Cost beginning from this date.
There are turns excellent bargains in
all lines, especially in triomed Hats.
It wool 1 be to your interest tocall tu iy
before the best are gone.
Hartford Bicycles at Cramer Brci.
Kodak fl'iin fiedi everv wick at the
Counts; effice.
V. C. Stiles is very ecriou-!) ill with
pneumonia at his homo near Wiitiams.
Mrs. J. O. Ml- iee is reported to be
very seriously ill at her hume near Wil
liams. If you aro going to paint get prices
ou PaUoa's Sun Pioof Paint at Cramer
The Viiard Oil Co. is giving a series
of entertainments at the Opcr.i house
this week.
tiriswold's Vucle Tom's Cabin Com
pany will exhibit hereon Saturday ..June
22. They are finest
Dr. Talcolt A Co., of San Francisco,
specialists, will be at Hotel Laytou on
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday o!
next week.
The Boys llrigade is holding an en
campment this week on Jones Crtek, a
few miles from low n.
A dance and suppei w ill be given at
the Greenback hall at Placer on June
Deuiaree's orchestra will furnish
the music.
Co. 4'H" will leave mi the early morn
i train of June 27 to attend the au
nual encampment of the O. X. O. at
The ministerial association of die M
I'.. church adjourned after a short
business session on Friday morning.
Able addresses were delivered on Thurs
day evening by Rev, D. T. Suinnierville
and Rev. ll.lrbitt.
GriswoUl's Uncle Tom's Cabin Com
pany carry one of the finest bands on
the road playing all of the standard and
popular music of the day, under the
eadership of George F. Lille. All lovers
of music should not fail to har them.
Everything up to date.
Garland Ranges from (JO 0J up at
Cramer liios.
Rev. Robert McLean, oi the third
Presbyterian Church lias decided to go
to Hood River to renew his acqu.iin
tuuee with the lUh he ilid'nt catch.
He expects also to take a large number
of views of the liver sccneiv for future
use. (irants 1'ass will be his hcadipart-
ers fur the Hummer. Tele 'ram.
Three Lidies l'.iuyc'es (I5.00, (15.00
and (.MOO at Cramer ltioj.
A. 11. Gai"on. eointnis?ioner for the
Third district, report that the present
condition in Southern ' ! begon jtnlifies
the follow ' i 1 1 Lf el incite: .pples, WJ per
nt ; peache5, li5 per ( ei:' ; prunes, 10J
percent; pmrs, 70 T i.nt; apricots,
75 per cent ; straw lien ics, s i per cent.
Tickets will he on s.ile July 3'd and
4.h, good foi return up to July Oth, in
clusive, between all points on Oregon
lilies, at one hire lor the round tiip.
Don't fail to take advantage of this os
portunit) to visit Jcur friends Grand
celebrations will hu held at difl'eieul
points on tl.e S.p.Cu a litus.
Helen 1). Harford, statu piesnhut of
the W, ('. T. V. spoke at the M. K.
Church on Sunday evi uiitg. Mrs liar-
ford is a forcible ur.d 1111 entertaining
speakir, and held the undivided interest
f tier audience throughout her speech,
lie told of her visit to Washington to
lliu national convention of the W. C. T.
I.', and ul the siiocc.-slul ( ll'orts of that
organist ition in getting toe ami canteen
aw passed. She delivered n foiclile
lecture against tho liquor evil.
Comini! Events.
June 17-2.' Wis-ird Oil Co. at Opeia
June 2-' (iiiiwoids "l'ncle Tom's
June 27 llaiid Clinton t'iicus.
J illy 4 Grand celebration.
For live I'm ride.
The Fourth of Ju'y committee extends
an invitation to all the orders and orgn-
nlzatioi.-e of (tie cilv, to participate in
Ihe parade on the morning of the
Take Your Choice.
"I Clothing1, Hat i, Bonis and Shoes,
) I ruuks and Yuliscy.
Forest R. angers.
The followii.g p r --. r 1 - wi n npp..ii,tr d
foi eht rangers for tl.e s- a-on to go on
duty en lie.- r- si r c- I mi' lo: Sou'liern
( reg n I'l vir.-n, . .1' loinn I J anca-li, Mi
pel v i-or
ll. I',
or.' ;
. .1
. (
aila ; t loci
R. Wok, ,
, 1 t. I. am
I a . i - ; .1 11 x
VuilZile, Ko- l.'.llg;
land; Ja. II. W I,
S. it, ligiit, h .0
h I'o.iy. and licnl
;d, Jio-k,
villi-. (If the c- ri'i.i! dtvi-ioii,.
I):xon of Ho..-i,..r.', 1- upp anted
v ir ai.d tl.e 1. in.'- 1 an- It. V. V
I Coitas;e (
i burg ; II
1 ro . 1
l. r,
M ini-, II irn
-111. . i-ii, .-.-'er-eue,
Char. J. DM
oia , L'-l .mori ; .'
'.V. II II. Uo!.i
tioitl,. ru 0 v 'to I
j L. R. Live,
! SpnnglieM
I'. D
1:. L
is in
Kxprcssiou of 1 hank.
1 her by ile-;re t)e!pr 4lny s
thanks to all my i o-i, I1 an i rie.g li 0 j
sin (rave laip an I f-jmj a'hy dur.
the tilM'.e.s 'if Hit l-to'.e.l h :
i t.a:. I. I't: .v : 'i.r.v ( it Kii( 1 u
Worth Striving For.
I The pru-f in tit-- main event of t
loorlhof July hiiye'e ra-.s i i-i.f meil'
i worth the -I!"rtw of any wheelman. It!
: i- a bioyce an I a beauty ; a i s) g I
whee', li,:ht roiil-ter, weiht poon l-,
a tboro'ighiy up-to date wheel in every j
particular slid remaika'ily m at and at-
tractive in at ic-araree, The pr;o is
furnished br W. A. pa-1 1, k at who.-
t-i-yc'.e ttal.
hmer.l it may l- teen arid
Tlie content will l;
two out of three heats
a in.le rar-i. l-at I
Dr. Jessiip Shot.
The following dispatih of June IS from
Berkeley, Cat., relates the shooting of
Dr. Jessup, dentist who formerly prac
ticed in this city :
Dr. J.G. Jessup, a dentist, was shot
and fatally wounded last night by Rev.
Charles O. Adams, formerly an Episco
pal minister. It is stated that Adams'
daughter called Jessup by telephone and
asked hiui to come to her home and pre
vent her father from whipping her.
When Jessup arrived at Adams' house
and remonstrated with hiiu, Adams diew
a revolver and shot Ihe dentist through
the breast. Adams is in jail, and Jessup
is dying.
School Notes.
In district No. 11 at Leland, the school
under the manngemeut of Miss Alice
Smith is progressing nicety . This dis
trict has 108 children of school age
enumerated. The total enrollment on
the teacher's register is SO, while on
account of the migratory condition of
the patrons, tho average attendance Is
but S8.
Miss K.llft Parks is leaching in the
Junction or Krg school. The scholars
have "F.ducation for their aim" and the
teacher is so instructing them that
success is assured.
At Wolf Creek the school, although
with not nearly as many pupils enrol'ed
as should be according to the number
enumerated of school age in the dis
trict is in fine working order under effi
cient management of Prof Martin
An interesting school is iu session at
Golden with Miss Hilda McCurdy as
teacher. This is Hilda's first teaching
expc(ieiico and the attempt is quite we'l
stamped with tho word, success.
School was just organized at the
Vicjor Junior with Kgbert Robblns for
their teacher. 1 want to compliment
tho school and the teacher on getting so
well organized and on getting to work
in so short a lime.
Miss Agnes While isteaching the
school at Placer with success.
Miss Lula Martin is teaching the
school at Hugo. The scholars have
advanced well in the studies Bince mv
first visit, which speaks a good word for
Miss Martin as teacher.
The little school at Pleasant Valley is
doing nicely with Miss Tilla Ilarrett for
their teacher.
The local institute and school picnic
held at Williams la- Saturday was a
success, in every way. The Woodmen's
hall was not largo enough to accom
modate the people who came to see and
hear the excellent program carried out
by Ihe school children, teachers anil
others who participated. Dinner was
piead on the Woodman's lunch tables,
the like ol which has not been equaled
iu Josephine county for along lime
Tho people can j istly feel proud of the
Williams school and their efficient
teacher. Lincoln Savauk,
County Snpt.
Specirvl Rate to Y no; 11 In a.
The Southern Pacific company an
nounces a special round trip rate ol (12
to Viopiina during the summer mouths.
These rates continue until September 30.
Bcltllan Hares.
Riverside liahbitry llreeder of thor
oughbred pedigreo Belgian Hares ol
popular Strains, pens herded by supeib
imported Dash Meteor and Princess
Heat rice, scores V(i. Dash Meteor is one
of the finest bucks ill America. Ho Is
the winner of the First Prize at the Yolo
county fair, California. Youngsters
from these hares for sale, also some
heavy weight Belgians, will weigh from
2 to 14 pounds each when matured
the only heavy weights in Southern
Oregon. Writo for prices or call and
see my Hares before buying. Visitors
alwavs welcome. Address IIAHItV
MARSH, Riverside Hahhitry, Giants
1'asis, O-etfon, box 104.
If you don't like one collar, we
have another.
If yon don't like one lie, we
have another.
If yon don't like one pair of
gloves, we have another.
There's a ",re;it chance lor a
choice here.
The popular lliins in shade and
shape yon can wear.
H. Harth & foil.
.vl! at Leland.
'IU- bnll at Virture's hull at Leland
hut Wedn esday evening is rep ute I by
those w:io attended as a very stptce-'sfiil
aud ph-a-ant event. The supper, in
par'.u ular, receivi-H litany compliroeiitH,
It was ijuite elaborate and utlogether np
peliing and the arrangi merits were
much more mei ropoliton then would
naturally be expected in a town of Li
land's dimensions.
(Joite a large crowd attended the ball
which was given on the nccaiiou of tl.e
1: n.p'et:ori of S irture's new hall. Dern
arie's orchestra of live pieces filmiio'icd
the music.
Band Concert.
Tl.e following program will be given
by thelirants Pans hand at th! Railroad
par orf Friday evening, June 21 ;
! Man !i " I'll ler the Doub'e Kagle"
I Wagner.
I '.-i-.rtmg Life" Medley Overturn l-)er
I I 't sive Vu:i.e" Severuue
' . " J ramp Tramp 'f'ramp" (irand f-an-
taiia KoiliriMn
Karitone Solo, Art 1 rier
"Mszijrka1' Iinlore Voelker
Ni-.lle) "Sweet Old Hongs". .. Dlhey
' On Ihe lvee" Hall
Silver Medal Conteat.
On Friday evening, June 21, tho Mer
lin Sunday school will huh a contest for
'.he Angel! pnw lor let recitation on
Ifi.u.ariu educaiion, and has invited the
1 1 00 srnl Oik drove s- hc.ols lo send
their best "peakers under 20 years of
The j ples hoseu for the contest are
Rev. T. P. Haynes, W. M. Hair and
J Mls Magie Chiles, all of Orants Pan.
Will Smith came up from Wolf Creek
Hon K. A. Booth visited Orants Pass
on Saturday.
Mrs. Hattie S'evens visited relatives
in Jacksonville last week.
C. I.. Mangum spent Friday in Jack
sonville on business trip,
J. A. Tate spent a few days in the
Kerby district last week,
T. P. Cramer spent a few days in the
Waldo district last week.
W. T. Cuburn visited with his family
in Ashland last Wednesday.
Mrs. J. Burke left on Monday for
Scott's Valley, Cal., to reside.
Ilrs. Geo Simpkins visited Tolinan
Springs near Ashland last week.
F. V. Je tiers and faoiily have returned
to Central Point from Yreka.
Mis. Sawyer and son Clyde, of Kerby,
visited (irants Pass last week,
Mrs. J. Franxen of Ashland visited
friends in this city this week.
F. O. Plotner and Chas. F. Nail, ol
eileiidale, were in town Friday.
Mrs. R. C. Churchill of Sehna was
in town on Thursday and Friday.
Mrs. II. A. Corliss left on Monday
evening for Portland to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cain of Wolf
Creek, visited Grants Pass on Thursday.
Mrs. W. F. Ferrier relume t to Ash
land last Wednesday after a visit in this
Mrs. K.M. Drake returned to Ashland
Friday after a few days visit in Orants
Mrs. Anna Horn left on Friday morn
ing for San Francisco to remain for
some time.
Miss Kilns Harvey closed a successful
term of school in the Oak drove district
last Friday.
N.J. Stark, of Wil
bur, Douglas county, visited Orants
Pass last week.
- J. 8. Ileckley returned to Roseburg
Saturday evening, having closed out his
business interests here.
Dr. W. F. Kremer returned on Thurs
day from Portland, where he attended
the Masonic grand lodge.
Dennis II. Stovull returned Wednesday
from a trip to Lelnnd in the Interests of
the order of K. O. T. M.
F.nsign and Mrs. Wilbert of the Sal
vation Army expect to leave for Cen
tralis, Wash,, next Monday.
M.C. Miinsnn, Sunday school mis
siomuy, was a passenger on Tuesday's
train en route to Ashland.
l-'iU James McCarthy of the tiazetle,
published at Colorado Springs, Colo,,
was in (irants Pass, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K Hegland of Saw
yer's liar, California, returned on Friday
after a week's visit in Orants Pass.
Mrs. I). A. Cords arrived from San
Francisco Sunday to rejoin Mr. Cords
in conduc ing the pine needle factory
Or. . II. Fluuuian leturned on
Monday from Portland where he attend
ed the Masonic grand lodge as a dele
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Cowan are now
residents of Junction City, Mr. Cowan
having a position as day operator In
the S. P. depot.
Mrs. J. M. Hunter has been visitin
here during the past week with the
faoiily of her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
tieo. Rowley.
Judge and Mrs. II. L. Benson and son
Harry, of Klamath Falls, stopped here
Friday evening to visit with H. W
Benson and family.
Mr. und Mrs. M. M. Brown of Kan
1 raucisco returned on rnday after a
visit here with Mrs. Brown's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Reed.
It. C. Kinney of Portland arrived
hero Friday and went nut lo Onllca on
Saturday. He is interested ill the Big
Yank mine in that district.
The Masonic (irand Lodge held their
installation of officers in Portland on
Friday. Dr. W, II. Flanagan was In
stalled as Senior (irand Deacon.
Miss Florence lleherlieof Chico, Calif.
w ho has been vi-itlng in Ashland arrived
hero last Wednesday evening lo visit
with lor brother, L. A. Ileberlle.
Prof. S. W. Holmes expects to leave
on I relay morning for L'ugene wkeie
he w ill remain until fall, when he will
take charge of the Corvallis school
Mrs I lolrnes and the children will spend
the runnier at I'nion,
Mis. J. 1. Wiley and daughters de
pirttd Tuesday for Oakland, Calif.,
where they will join Mr. Wiley and son,
Orto't, w ho piecedeil them several days
ago. They will made Oakland thsir
future home Mail.
Mis. K. J. Longley and daughter,
Miis I. sin, left 011 Sunday evening for
Montana, where they will reside. A
lame number of their friends 'assem
bled at the depot to hid tin-in farewell,
I . K. Kedlletd rams up Irolil Leland
011 I relay and went to Meilford on Sat
urday. He will probably attend the
northwcHt shooting events at Walla
Wio'ii on the 2'ith.
Mi-s J " -i-1 h 1 r 1 Crow was a pissuuge,
011 Tlims lay evening's train, returning
to her home at Merlin from the Ashland
Normal. .Miss Crow is the winner of
the medal in Ihe elocutionary contest
he! ween members of the Junior class.
Peter Siiullback , tho well known vet
eian, in again in this city, Laving re
ie:iily returned to Oregon from the
hers' Homo at Santa Monica, Ca lf.
His many friends here are glad to see
him back again. It- sehurg Review.
Waller Parson, who it in the civil en
gineering department of the Southern
I Pacific in Tesi, has sent to 0. K. Ijne
( a box c nitainiiig two tarantulas, a cen
; tipede and a horned tosd. The two first
1 playful ifiinpamona were captured by
him in the tent in which he slept. Tid-
j Mrs. K. Harris Mcintosh, who spoks
on "M irmouiain" at the M. K. church
last week, left on Saturday on tier re
turn home to San Francisco. She spoke
' at Med lord on Sunday evenint and oa
j Tuesday evening delivered a lecture at
, Central Point. She will also visit
I Redding before returning to San Fran-
Chaut&viqua July 9th-18th.
Many attractions at Ashland including
Dr. J. M. Buckley, N. Y., Polk Miller,
Va., Ward IMckard of Ohio, Park Bisters
ol New York City. The finest quartet
of 1 ady cornetsta in the world. Prof.
W. J, WUteman, musical dirctor; Mrs,
Alice Hamill Handcook, elocutionist,
and other schools. Chorus classes for
children and adults, Concerts, Round
Tables, etc, Tickets (1.50, Good tenting
lEpworth League Excursion,
There will be an excursion from Ash
land to San Francisco, July 15, on the
occasion of the Epworth League con
vention. Ten full daya will be given in
the city.
Opportunity-is given for enjoying the
grand concert on July 10, to be given
by 6000 voices.
The excursion i 1 under the manage
ment of Bolton A Peil of Ashland.
Fare, $12 for round trip.
Boston Bloomers.
The "Boston Bloomers", a female base
ball club, are scheduled to appear here
next week. We are not to be con
gratulated thereat. While we know
nothing of this particular aggregation of
Boston Bloomers" tbey will have to
be a shining exception to the similar
companies, who travel under the same
name if they are any more than a band
adventuresses out for a time and on a
money-making tehenio. They can't
play baseball and are not expected to.
They put up a farce of a game with
good natured nines, who let thetn, for
looks sake make a few runs. The in
fluence of the visits of such people Is
wholly bad. They herald their ap
proach with Police Gasette-like pictures
indicative of the character of the per
formance. Probably few in the outfit
ever saw Boston.
Auction SoJe.
An auction sale ot household goods
kitchen utensils, musical instruments,
etc., will be held at Howard's corner,
John Raudle, auctioneer, at 2 o'clock on
Saturday afternoon, June 22.
II0CKF:TT In Ban Francisco, June
15, 1U01, to Mr, and Mrs. Claud Hock
ett, a son.
LOVELESS-At Williams June 12, 1901
10 air. ana Mrs. Albert Loveless, a
CURRIER At Roseburg June 19, 1911,
to Mr.and Mrs. Win, Currier a daught
er. DIED.
JOHNSON In Minneapolis, Minn..
Thursday, June 13, Madard Johnson,
formerly ot this city, aged 62 years, 3
months, 20 days. - -
STRONG In this city, Bunday, June
HI, 1901, of lonailitis, Mrs. Blanche
Strong, sged 23 years.
CIIARTRAND-In this city, Thursday
June 13, 1901, Paul Chartrand, aged
84 years. 11 months, 22 days.
Mr. Chartrand was a native of Canada
but removed in early life to Michigan.
Ill health caused him to move to Ore
gon. He lived first at Medford and
afterwards at Grants Pass. He was
respected by all who knew him.
ItlTTf It'll Ka A. I IV..I.....I..
June 12, 1900, Hiram C.' Butler, sgeJ
M years.
Olljce on Uth Bt. oppo. Court House.
Residence North 7th Bt.
Millinery Mast Go!
Mrs. Weidman wishes to dispose ol
every dollar's worth of stock in her store
between now and the Fourth of July,
as she positively is 2oing to retire from
business as soon as sold out and to do
litis she must sell at your price, not hers.
Now this Is a bona-flde sale, and no
fake advertisement to draw trade. It
don't mean to place a big tag on some
hats that we are nearly out of for less
than cost as a catcher, but means every
Hat, Ribbon, Bilk, Mull, Iatce. Velvet,
flowers and everything In Millinery
lines at cost or less,
AH who want the best come first.
Cash sales only.
Don't forget the place.
The farthest Millinery Store Fast,
on Front St. Corner 7th. ol Front.
4th of July Suit
1 rie id
, ...
Until July 1 we will
20 Per Gent
Hero aro a few valuca
Boys 2-i-iece Wool Suita 80c $1.00 $1.'J0.
BoyH .l-pioeo Wool Suits long Panta $3.20 $3.07 $4.40
Mchh Suits, Coats Pants and Vents, $2.80 $3.07 $4.58
$5.40 $7.00.
Kxtra value all Wool Suits at $7.00.
rriio Hit? Storo.
Bancroft & Co
Bancroft & Co., having purchased
the grocery stock and business of the
Calhoun Grocery Co., announce that
they will follow as near as possible the
lines carried out by the former firm,
retaining a portion of the help, and
friends and patrons of the Calhoun
Grocery Co., are assured of the fame
courteous treatment In the future that
they have been accorded in the past.
Bancroft & Go
II AVISO Mining interests that require
"iiij attention I will hell my block con
sisting ot Ueula furnishing goods, bhues,
Hals Caps, Notions, etc,, at leas than cost,
as a whole or In lots to suit purchaser.
Jt. A. Kain,
Oild Fellows building.
1 L' OO I ICS, carriages and mountain backs.
Anyone thinning of buying any ot
the above, it will pay llieiu to go to Kelikopf
and KaucU and eiaiuine their vehicles and
gel tlieir prices and terms before buying.
They also carry the liuckeye mower aud
rake. Uemember the place, tilli street
opposite ftecond liand store.
I'lnACUK ranch within three miles of
town, Kugue river hottoiu, lOaeres
orchard good water and fauces, two story
bouse, Address box (j'J, Metllurd, Ore,
HOHrtK cheap A pcntl6 buggy and
addle home, weight about eou lbs,
aliout a years old. (.ail on or address
T, P. trainer,
('AMKItA A 6x7 view camera and outfit
lor sale cheap, Inquire at this oilun,
JANll paid for gold dust. Cramer Bros.
'I 'A Kb! your wheel to Cramer Xros.
-L repairs.
VEAT and convenient cottage. Good
11 location.
All I, K 8 hall, corner Fifth and II streets.
Is now opened to Ihe pulilio and will
he rented by tho evening. Apply to Mrs.
J. Il.Ahlf.
1,'Rl 1 T farm of acres one mils east of
town. Oood house and ham, young
fruit tree. Fur sate at a bargain. Inquire
at this otllce.
. CJ
ip oLore
continue the Great
Discount Sale
that nro making this salo fam-