Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 13, 1901, Image 1

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Wo. 30
An Opportunity
Rogue River valley is full of Oil,
Natural Gas, Artesian water and
other valuatile minerals.
Nature's storehouse is bulging
out with wealth and only needs the
magic hand of man to unlock and
reveal the hidden wealth stored up
for the use of the Twentieth Cen
Our at id lands will produce won
ders if we once can procure Arte
sian water to supply abundance of
water with which to irrigate.
Oil and Natural Gas ate the
greatest economical fuel of this
generation. Shall we Jet it be dor
mant here in Rogue River valley,
while other sections of the country
are using nature's storehouses?
Oregon cannot be beaten any
where in the world, for natural Gas,
Oil or Artesian water. Rogue River
valley is truly the Italy of America.
Here we have the finest climate, the
best apples, the largest peaches
and the prettiest girls.
Shall the people of Grants Pass
forever continue to drink the slime
and slush and sewage that pours
into Rogue river while we can have
the best of Artesian mountain water
by the very simple process of dril
ling a few hundred feet?
What a beautiful city Grants
Pass would be if there were a stream
of pure Artesian water flowing
along each side of her streets.
It is the intention of The Oregon
Natural Gas, Oil & Mining Co. to
soon begin active operation of dril
ling a number ot vlls to the depth
of 1000 feet to ascertain the pres
ence of Natural ,Gas, Oil, Artesian
water and other valuable minerals.
They are now bonding land in
and around Grants Pass. Within
the next six months they will be
drilling on some of the property
they have bouded for that purpose.
They intend if it is possible, to
supply the city with plenty of pure
Artesian water before the coming
The Oregon Natural Gas, Oil
& Mining Co requests .ill farmers
and property holders to give them
the privilege of drilling one or more
wells on their property. They
will give a percentage of the
output of ihe wells to paities
granting the privilege.
In order to get I he people of
Grants l'ass and Josephine county
interested in Natural Gas, Oil, and
Artesian water they will give all of
them a cli nice to subscribe for a
few shares of the capital stock of,
the company on very liberal terms, j
Suppose you take a few shares of
the capital stock of The Oregon
Natural Gas, Oil & Mining Co. of!
the par value of $1 per share.
You pay 10 per cent, down, 40 per ;
cent, when the machinery is set up
and is ready to begin operation and j
the remaining 50 per cent, when
they strike a flow of natural gas, ,
oil or artesian watet or have drilled :
to the depth of 1000 feet. If they1
strike oil. natural gas or artesian .
water you have the option of tak
ing ten times as many shares asyou
subscribe fot. They will pay you
back all the money received from
you if they fail to drill a well as .
agreed upon. I
You are invited to thoroughly
investigate their proposition. You
have nothing to lose but every
thing to gain. If you are a cap
italist it is a safe investment. If
you are a farmer or property holder
it will pay you to invest as it will
enhance the value of your place a
hundred fold more than you invest
if they should find either oil, gas
or water near your property. If
you are a working man it will pay
you to take shares as this will open
up a vast and a new work for you.
The merchants and business men
should invest in shares in order to
start this enterprise. Professional
men, in fact all classes of people,
should take a few shires in this
vast and new enterprise and it will
be a help to all in Grants Pass and
Josephine county. If you cannot
tak 100 shares you can tak 50 or
ten shares. Remember every dollar
will be returned to you if the com- i
pany fails to drill a well as agreed
upon. The stocks are non-assess-;
able and fully paid up as they are
used. The by-laws of the com
pany do not allow a debt to ex
ceed 1 per cent of the capital. ,
Scott Griffin of Grants Pass, Ore-;
gon, is a stockholder, a director
and the secretary of The Natural
Gas, Oil & Mining Co, who will;
take leases on lands and subscrip-(
tion for stocks and will give any ,
information regarding the company. :
The closer you investigate the
more you w ill help the company by
taking stock and leasing your prop-1
erty for the purpose of arilling one
or more wells thereupon as you
have nothing to lose but all togain.
For lurthtr information call on
The Moral Gas, Oil &
Mining company.
Grants Pas, Ore!
A sudden quirk in the weather ueed not catch you
napping. We can furnish you instantly the best of style
and quality with a neatness and perfection of fit that will
of custom made wearing apparel. Our suits are worn by
many who have a reputation as dressers.
OHice, ltooni 2 over Post OHice. Residence
Kane House, oppo. Ihe Western.
General Practitioner ot
Mkdicink and SrmiKHY.
OHice in Williams Mock
li actives in all Suite anil Federal Court
Ollice over First (iaiional Hunk.
i RANT8 PaKH, - - OriSdON.
illA.NTh 1'ASB,
Special attention iiiven to Miniiii
ind Land Lawn, and Land tlllice practice.
HoHEIII no. OliKtlON.
Olllie opposite I Intel .Josephine
illANTH 1!-K, ' - OllCMIlN.
X. K. McGUIiW,
I-urniMire md 1'iatio
The popular barber shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
ltath room m connection
Full assortment of Wiitcl.tft, ('lurk, Sil
ver wear anl Jewelry. A itnl
Aortment ot' linurk'ts ami
Heart Handles,
Clemen' Drug Store
Sixth St., orp. City Hall
Eine Uutter a Specialty
Piiosi 21
Sewer Connections
j Metal Rooting
(las Eittins
...Pipe work of all kinds...
Bids furnished tor all 'rk.
I.a f,r'!r iih ...
Cramer H'" Hardware
Han-Ki.l'lie HariWars
Question Answered.
Yes, August Flower still lias the
lamest eale of any medicine in the civil
ized world. Your mothers and grand
mothers never thought of using any
thing ele for Indirection or Biliousness
Doctors were scarce, and they seldom
heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostra
tion or Heart failure, etc. They used
August Flower to clean out the system
and plop fermentation of undigested food,
regulate the action of the liver, stimulate
the nervous and organic, action of the
system, and that is all they took when
feeling dull and had with headaches and
other aches. You only need a few doses
of tireen's August Flower, in liquid form,
to make you satisfied there is nothing
serious the matter with you, Uet
Green's Prise Almanac.
MalurU Causes Biliousness.
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic removes
the cause.
Willis Kramer
Myrtle Creek
Extra Family Floui
And Everything that goes with First
Class Milling.
For nale by C1111.KS, Dklemathr,
Wade and Cornki.i..
fall for it; same price as other brands
Capital Stock, - - $50,000.
Receive deposits subject to check or on
ciTtitu-ute payable on deiuund.
Sells sulit drafts on .New York, San Fran
cisco, and PufUund.
Televjapliic trannf- wild ou all iioints in
the t'nited Stales.
Special Attention Riven to Collection! and
i(t'ner:i! hiuqnest of our customer.
Collections mrule throughout Southern
Oregon, and on all accessible points.
J. I. PUY, President.
.1. T.Tt'FKS, Vice President.
K. A. Uooth. Cashier.
Grants Pass
Banking and Trust Co.
Transact a itt-ncral I'ltnkihK business.
I'eecives deposits subject to check or
on demand cert ideates.
Our oistoiiicrs are uipurcd of courteous
treatment and evciy consideration con
sistent with sound banking principles
J. Frank Watson, Pres.
Fills ruu. ck, Vicel'res.
I.. I.. Jkwki.i., Cashier.
J. Frank Watson, J. S. Moore,
J. J. Ho'ick, Feins Pollock,
llerh.-rtSinitli, Scott (irifliin,
A. K Sheehan.
30c Can.
None Better.
31. Clemens,
Monmouth, Oregon
Ornind lor Graduates The demand for gradual".
of the .Normal S, ie,ls during the past Tear has l--n
niui li bevohd the supply . I'iitir,u with from $40 lo
f r." l"r iieintli.
Stats CertihcitM and Diplomat Students are pre
pared for the Mate miiiii.iimn", and readily take
M.-ite papers on graduation. Strong Aiademir and
Pr ne-nil rour-e. Wi II epuipped Trsinirtd is part
iiient. Y.-m' range fiom il.U to 171 -r year.
Fall term ojns Sept. 1 7th. For catalogue con
t tinins' f'lll aiui'oiKt-m nts, address
P L. Campbell. Prea
Or J. B. V. Butler. Secy.
Street Sprinkling Uncertain.
Damper on Medicine .
The city council met in regular session
on Thursday evening, the mayor and
all the council being present.
A petition signed by members of the
band soliciting the placing of four lights
at the band stand in the depot park, to
be used tor one hour on one evening of
each week, was read. It was favorably
considered by the council and was
referred to the water and light com'
miltee, with power to act, to investigate
the cost and advisability of placing the
Herbert Smith presented a petition,
signed by residents ol the Fourth ward
asking for a hydrant to be placed some
where in the vicinity of Pine and Bur
gesi BtrceU. It was suggested that
as the water contract had just ex
pired, no intelligent action could be
taken iu that ('irection and the matter
was relerred to the fire and water com
mittee for investigation.
The street committee presented a
report In regard to sprinkling the streets
and a subscription list was read, signed
by business men with the amounts that
each was willing to contribute toward
the monthly expense of sprinkling.
Some discussion ensued at to the ad
visability of sprinkling across the rail
road track hut the prevailing opinion
was that it should be done. Bids for
street sprinkling were submitted by S.
Nor.ou, J. C. Harper and J. W. Coflmaii.
It was decided to refer the matter
again to the street committee to obtain
subscriptions from a greater number of
business men. A motion was made thai
city would contribute not lo exceed 1!0
of the monthly expense of sprinkling
This motion passed, with two disseniing
voles. The estimated cost is about $100
per month.
The Oregon Natural (ias, Oil and
.Mining Co., by Scott tirillin, secretary,
presented a propositi-Jii to the city lo
furnish water for 50 hydrants at $s;'
per month, should Artesian water be
secured, boring to commence immediate
ly if the proposition were accepted.
Motion was made that the proposition
be laid on the table; carried with one
dissenting vote.
The following bills were allowed:
.1. A. Montgomery 10 00
Dr. W. II. Flanagan 30 00
J. K. Peterson 1 "j
l.l'-Judson 6()
Engleaood Hairy 3 20
Slover Drug Co 4 (HI
(1. P. N. W. I.. A P. Co U (M
Irwin llodson Co 12 00
An ordinance amending tlio license
ordinance passed its three readings and
became a law. This ordinance was
passed for the purpose of excluding
traveling medicine companies or indi
viduals who give entertainments to
advertise their medicines and fixes the
license for such shows at 25 per day.
The bond of It. I,. Davis for auditor
and police judgo was presented and
found correct.
In the matter of printing city ordi
nances the contract w as awarded to A .
K. oorhies.
Ttie water contract having expired,
the fire nnd water committee was in
structed to interview the water company
in regard to terms for a new contrac t.
An election for chairman of the coun
cil was held. J. II. Williams and J. I..
Frier were nominated. Williams re
ceived a majoiily ami was declared
No further business appearing, coiiii
il adjourned.
How's Tills?
We oiler One Hundred Dollars Ite
ward 'or any cas of Cutarrh that can
not he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chxnsy A Co. Props . Toi.ano. (.
A'e, the undersigned, have know n F.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions ami financially
able to carry out any ahlia'ion made
by their firm.
West A Tut' ax, Wholesale Druggists,
Tin kiio, O. "
Wai.oinu, Ki.ssa'n A Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toi.Kin), i).
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern
ally, acting directly upon the blood ami
mucolis surfaces of tiie system. Price
"ic per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
The follow ing resolution was adopted
by (ii n. Ijigiiii Post, (i. A. It. Juno ,,
psil :
Ill-solved That e am thankful for,
anil appreciate, tin- patriotism mani
fested by the citizens of ('mints Pass and
vicinity in the observance of Memorial
flay and especially are wo grateful to
Hon. It. A. Uooth, for his masterly ora
tion, he never fails to respond to our
solicitations. Also to the choir that
rendered sui h sweet sad tnusic, neither
lo they fail us in time of need. Also
the V. It. ('. that so generously and
efficiently assisted in the ceremonies.
Also the fire company boys, who show-
1 their patriotic sympathy. Also the
cadets that w as a uniiii and laudable
feature in the observance of the festival
of our dead. Also an appreciation for
the assistance rendered by the ex-Con-ledcrate
soldiers on the occasion.
isiltr n iris; ;. -.rl
niiVri r i S 7 ;. '.rl I
School Notes.
On a viaitto the school in district No.
23, I found the room well filled with
busy children. This school had one
more week lo continue. The teacher,
Mr. Hobbins. informed me there would
be seven scholars to receive diplomas
of honor. To these seven I shall be
very proud to issu said diplomas.
Mrs. Ida Savage is teaching the Jones
Creek school. The achool board of that
district understand and appreciate the
good work done by Mrs. Savage and
have shown it by employing her con
tinually. In the school of district No. 23 I found
the teacher so busy that she did not
know I was in the room until fifteer.
minutes passed by. I was much pleased
to see some of the work of our institute
out into practice and I want to compli
ment the teacher, Miss FMna Harvey,
and the school on the good results.
School in district No. 2(1 closed Fri
day. The scholars and the teacher
closed the school by taking an excursion
to Rogue river where the children en
joyed their school exercises and picnic
I ain in receipt ot a letter from Prof.
McCoiinell, at Wildervillc, stating (hat
his school will close next Friday and for
me to issue three diplomas of honor for
his scholars. These diplomas are veiy
nice and they are great incentives to get
lierfeet attendance.
County Treasurer, J. T. Taylor, in
forms me that the clerks of district Nos.
21, 2li, 37 and 42 have not presented
their orders for the January apportion
ment. I) strict clinks should r m imber
that these orders should bo presented as
8o.)ii as possible and save bother arid
unnecessary trouble. The same applies
in case of receipts to the county superin
tendent. To every school clerk I send a
blank receipt when an apportionment Is
made. It seems lo be but Utile trouble
for clerks, immediately upon getting
the order, to sign this receipt and mail it
to me. Lincoln Savauk,
County Supt.
County School Apportionment.
To partly satisfy the schools, districts
and the teacheis employed I have made
au extra apimrtionment. The amount
apportioned is $2431.13 ami the maimer
of apportioning the same is: First, to
each district the amount making balance
of the January $0 apportionment and
the balance in proportion to number of
pupils enumerated in each district lo
whole enumeration. The amount each
district receives is as follows:
1 ."i4 H2 2.1 12 H2
2 411 f)!t 24 72 73
3 r3 M 2o 41 1
4 M 37 2ti 41 12
5 fel W) 27 fill ;t7
"0U2 2 fiH 04
7 4li() 77 2!) X, S2
H MM 30 40 02
33 47 31 4(1 47
10 40 07 32 M) 47
11 75 HI 33 3u !2
12 37 02 34 44 27
13 40 23 3.'i ;ir, ;i7
14 41 r.7 30 34 112
Ki 40 (IS 37 34 02
io ri'i 37 :;n r,o 02
1 ".... 44 24 311 41 57
IH M 37 40 3H 112
III 45 f7 41 31 II.'
20 48 0 42 3S H2
21 4S :Ti 4.) :w Wi
22 M) 02 44 !A 4.'i
l.l.NCdl n Savaiii:,
County Supt.
Some, ftritisli Fusiliers act
ing ns tsilicu at Tientsin sought to pre
vent l'reuch soldiers fiom housebreak
ing, when they were, attacked with
bayonetH and bricks. The Fusiliers, in
self-defense, Urol in tlio air. This
brought n number of (iermaua to the
aid of the h'reuchmeii. They niimlHiri'd
together 200 men. Th Fusiliura tiled
again, killing a F'renchinun and wound
ing three, others. In subsequent light
ing four Fusiliers, live liermuuH nnd
one Jiipaucsu weiu wounded. Thu ar
rival of 11 Ucrtnnn ollicer mid a strong
guard ended the fray.
A Peking disputch dated June 2 says;
lrielil Marshal Count von Wulib-rsee
will start tomorrow. II,. will, however,
leave hem I 111 r.irily nine skeleton
biitnlioos ot 3 'I' 111011 cueh, which
nearly tqiia'a (lie Iiiiinler ol I'.riiisn
tloop, iieie. Tile 1-leliell ale ) :1 t r.l W
111 ll'.lll till- ploviliee ot 1 III il, .Nllle
'tion-, iiel .l.t),.ue - , II, '.o i Ilniisii noil
the 1 civ-s;X 11 li lll'- l s'all -eM'ell
.eft ,'.-1 I ' 1 il V . 'I'll.' I'c at ot tliolloop.,
v. ill i'. iii.iiii until .Inly, ol- until ti.e
ant's return is I'ei'liiiii ami evidence ;i
1 V, II t ie Dolllese llllllleritles lire
tthlf lo lll.llir .Oil IN del'.
A I';; dtspab'll kis (Jinni's
lllie-.e II I . II. li I.e. . pl.utei) of 4,I1,U IO, 'I ill
l.lein as tie' I l.llelll n 1 1 to b) pal'l tile
p ovtr c iu-id ;.:ii at hat:sf.icii,,n
-nuong the l r i;:n loniisteis, us it b aves
pi ,iet ii-.illy 1 lily a minor details to
cnipl t e 1 h" lo i;ot 1.1 1 ions. The pbia-e
111 tile J ..111 lio'i , "lo the J il,t,,,-t,oll
of tne p'-'A els," may cause some delay
ill tl.e elaeuaiioii il Chun su tei ntory,
as the liillostei s fa.i to s 11 llow ( 'lun.i
call gualiilile..' l-ayiie lit, unit us all llui
ministers be.ieve 11 would bo a nn-talui
to have a lal'e ti-sty ot fop-tgli otlienils
Colli i.'tllU' I' v lllle. W re 1 111 reVellll-.s
lo be lol.e;t,ii u thl W.iy oVi-r ,ljl
otlie.a A -.. one! U- r iuu ej, and Hie iig.,. saltios of ihesi) ne-n would
amount to more than the or liiiaiy
Chines.) ".,',,., e." Thu majority ot
the iniiiis'e s litv-,r raising the cu-toins
to In s r cent and taking " in,
yi ai iy Iroiu the bkiu tax. 1 iits,i t)e,d
would give, nfor the payment of mi, r
est on foreign d- b's now 1 xisiintr, aii-.tit
i.i.'SSi.isiw taels it year. T lio 1111111 t. c
would agree to this system if C.iiiia
wou.d ilis -oiitiuti the collection of ail
hkm dutl.-s 011 foreign
A li-rliu ill-patch siys the (o nn.ui
govi ruiiieni has ch.u ten., l.) s:. ..iui rs
to bring home tip. troops in Oium, Jt
la rumored ubout l v"i nn'ti w ill
liavu arrived by the eu i ol is. ptciuber.
"The Doctor lob me my cough was
incurable. "One Minute Cough Cure
made me a well man." Norris Silver,
North Stratford, N. II. IWcame you've
not found relief from a stubborn rough,
don't despair. One Minute Cough Cure
has cured thousands and it will cure
von. Hate ami sure. Dr. W. F.
live Men I.ynrhnl In California A
llrlilo Attempts to PuUon Her llua
biui.l lluttt), Mont., Mill M ill 111 A
(111 lllryrl Thief.
R. Wilkin, the president of the South
ern Bee Men's associntiou, died at his
apiary uear Newhall. He was Ti years
of age.
The lumber schooner Alice Kimball,
well known ou the coast, was wrecked
at Kahulul, an island of the Hawaiian
(Troup. The crow was saved.
Madame 'n, the wife of Wu Ting
Fang, the brilliant diplomat who so
ably represents the imperial government
of Chiua at Washington, and is herself
the most noted woman of her race in
America, is vlsitiug San Francisco, the
guest of her husband's nephew, Ho
Vow, the oonsul general.
There were brought luto the, county
clerk's office at Visalia ouo day recently
83,000 squirrel tails from the White
river couutry. This is tho largest num
ber ever brought in by oue squirrel
hunter. The bounty ou those tails
amounts to f'.MJO.
Herman Lukhcrnth, the suspected
murderer of the boy Kobert Hialop at
Sun Francisco, was released from cus
tody, as it wits evident to tho author
ities that ho had nothing to do with tho
A Seattle, dispatch says that many
persons who failed to procure accom
inflations on tho stciiinors for Nome
wero offering large sums for tickets, but
those lucky enough to possess the pasto
boards refused to part with them. Oue
offer nf 1 1,000 to ship two horses on the
Centennial was refused.
At While Horse, Alaska, the llrst and
only brickyard 111 tho territory is now
making brick ou a largo scale for ship
ment down the Yukon ou scows to
Dawson. Tho business is being oper
ated by B. 1'. Whitney nnd O. J. Young,
the latter having discovered a mountain
of clny for making rod brick a short dis
tnnce west of White 1 lor so. Duwsou
builders olV- a large prioe for tho brick,
their desire being to erect buildings that
cannot bo so easily destroyed tho next
time a flru sweeps through tho Klondike
As a result of the explosion of a blast
in tho Golden Hill mine, Cliass Valloy,
(Jul., William Dowun was instantly
killed and James Lodwich probably
filially injured. Wheu the mou went
on duty in tho morning Foreman Hich
111 1! Barry was Informed by the night
men that A blast had missed lire. Tho
foreiniin guvo orders to Dowau and
Lcdwlch to flro thu blast, which was iu
a drift of tho 70-foot levol. It is not
known whether tho night men had loft
two blasts uud supposed there, was only
one, or tho irfvu failed to tiro thu blast
after being told to do so.
Hazel Hoss, 11 1 1 year-old orphan who
has been making her homo with Mrs.
Frost tin North Fifth street, San Juso,
has half a dozen stolen bicycles placed
to her credit. On several occasions sho
ciin 10 home with bicycles, hut as she
never gave ft very satisfactory explana
tion the wheels win) put aside and
lliuilly returned to tho owners. Re
cently sho stole a wheel from tho Nor
mal schisil grounds, but was Identified
us sho wus riding away, and the cuso
was reported to the pollco. They re
coveted tho wheel ut tho homo of Mrs.
Frost, but the Unas girl could not be
found. Sho had left the city, and it is
siipKjsed she took somebody else's wheel
with her.
Ono of thu worst oases of lynching
evor known in California occurred ut
lookout, 12 miles from Alturas, in
Modoc county, when Culvin Hull, 72
years of uge, and bis three sons ami sou
in-law, I). 111 Yiiutis, were hanged by a
mob of 40 uiiisked ineii. Hall formerly
lived with 11 u Indian squaw, uud by her
had three sons, aged 20, 11) anil 10 years.
Tho family wus worthless, and was
suspected of inaiiy petty thefts. A
search of tho house revealed hay forks,
harness, barbed wire, and other things
that had been recently stolen. The
neighbor had determined to rid tho
county ot thu worthless gang, and,
without giving them any chance tor de
fense, hanged them to l'itt river bridge.
Thu coroner's Jury rendered a verdict
that "tho deceased nuiiii to thctr duulhs
by hanging by parties unknown to thu
jury." Governor Gage has olTered a
reward of i,bO0 for tho at I est ami con
victioii 'of those concerned in thu lynch
tugs. J. II. Witt, a morphine "fiend," who
was iu jail at Fresno, Cat., for vagrancy,
hangiil himself with a picco of cloth
lusteiii d to thu knob of tho vault safe in
what was formerly thu tax collector's
ollice, but is used as a teiiiHirary plucu
of detention wlnlu the jail la under
quarantine. Witt foiiuerly lived ut
Vis. ill. 1.
Fire Commissioner Carter of fcjau
Diego, having had a personal difference
with Fire Chief Cuiriius, has been doing
his utmost lo prevent thu lire chiefs
re-election, llu-iuess men of ihe city
furnished alliduvits, uceompanled by u
long petition, asking Mayor Frary to
take such action as hu might deem
pro's r to prevent the carrying out of
Carter's plan. When Mayor Frary re
ceived thu petition and thu allldavita bn
cut a iiotllkatioii to Mr. Carter remov
ing In 111 from ollice. Carter will tippeul
to the courts.
Ts ster Kemp, a lO year-old paralytic,
was being removed from tho Sun Fran.
Cisco Children' hospital, where hu had
been since lh0, uud oil arriving at tho
city hall the boy was transferred to the
almshouse vehicle. As he looked about
ui,ii thu miserable creatures who wero
to be hi Companions, and the full
meaning of the change dawnod upon
him, he exclaimed, "Death would be
preferable to this," and txptrod.
The strange sliding movement In Hie
eity of Unite, Mont., has again maul,
fested itself by five large cracks in the
earth in (fir.reiit parts of the oily.
Three of tho openings occur on the
west sido of the town and two ou the
east side. There is 110 caving, bat a
distinct parting of thu earth, and tho
granite walls can easily be aeon in thorn.
The continuation of the strange pho
iiotiieiion is beginning to cause somo
alarm among the citizens of Butto.
Miss Augusta, Williams a stenog
rapher, residing at bM Madison street,
.Thomas, the
Folding Camp Beds A great invention, covered
with 12-oz. duck, sizo 28x74 in., size when
folded 30x5xi inches, and weigh 15 pounds; will
carry over half a ton, only qq
Folding Camp Stoves with oven; the entire Stove
folds Hat go anywhere; top 10x25J inches, r Cf)
Hammocks, goc to $3. 50. UmiJlf
Folding Chairs, 35c, 50c to $1.75
Folding Meat Safes, $2.75.
New Goods This Week
Beautiful New Glassware, Mixing Bowls, Cots, Iron Beds, Parlor
The special sale of Carpets and Iace Curtains still goes on. If you
want to take advantage of this opportunity BUY NOW next week
may be too late.
Matt In gi
" Cots
Oakland, Cal., wus held up and robbed
at 10:30 o'clock last Hundiiy night by
two footpads utter sho had been bru
tally beaten. Tho robbery was com
mitted within a block cf the young
lady's homo.
Johu O. Clematis was nrrestod at San
Tranclsco on a warrant from Los An
geles charging him with eiubezxloinout
Clematis waa formerly bookkeeper for
tho ice nnd Cold Storage company of
Los Angeles. Ho loft tho employ of
tho cumpany on Feb. 0, ami it is said he
is short in his accounts botwocu (800
nd t!KX).
A dispatch from Fergus Falls, Minu.,
says that a stranger ciimo to tho Occi
dental hotel and leglstorod as George
Uillart of Portland, Or. Ho was next
morning found lying on tho floor of his
room with a bullet-hole iu his foro
heud. llu died a short timo afterward
without regaining consciousness. Gil
bert had evidently killed himself, lie
was 1)0 years of ago, well dressod and
had coiisidurublu money.
l'olioe Commissioner Carmichiiol of
Sun Juso, who wus unending a meeting
of tho commissioners in New York olty,
foil into tho hands of tho Philistines.
Insteud of enjoying an excursion to
Coney Island Curuiichaol deuldod to
study tho life and vicissitudes of the
Nuw York Milioo. Whou he returned
to his hotel he found that he had been
robbed of his watch, monoy and return
William K. Keith, a niiichlulHt belong
ing to Union No. US of Sail Frau'oisoo,
attempted suicide ut San Jose by taking
three kinds of poison, and whou an at
tempt was made by tho doctors to use a
stomach pump ho bit a part of his
tongue ulf iu ilesairato resistance. He
came to run Juso from tho Noodles, and
failure to ohtuiu work induced despond
ency, resulting in the taking of the
At Wilkeson, Wash., Mrs, Vincent
Hendricks confessed to having at
tempted to poison her husband by put
ting curbolio acid In his wiuo. She Is
only 17 years old, and tho couple were
but r ccntly married. After taking tho
wine ho was seized with spasms, and a
a doctor had dilllculty iu saving his life.
Au Investigation showed that the glass
given him bore a strong odor of carbolic
acid, wlnlo tho glass from which she
drunk had nothing but thu smull of
Articles of Incorporation were tiled at
l'lerre, S. D., for tho United Copper
coin puny nf Montana Willi a capital of
Iso.issi.iHKI, half preferred and half com
mon stock. The incorporators are
Arthur 1'. Ilutuxv, Stanley UifTord,
Franklin Nieu, Frederick Kckstoiu, Carl
Swunsoii and Oscar Nelson,
Thu report of tho grand jury at San
Francisco charges Chief of Police Sulli
van with "willtulviolutiou of tho law,"
and further says that "Wo recommend
an amendment to the charter taking the
appointment of ollluials from tho mayor
and giving election of the iiimo to the
M)nplo us heretofore."
Tho United States supreme court de
cided that Charles W. Nordstrom, under
sentence, ot death iu the state of Wash
ington for murder, who Inn escupod the
gallows nearly ten yoars, must hang.
Hubert Kasinusseii, agent for Wells,
Fargo & Co. at Angels Ciiinp, Cal.,
committed suicide by shooting himself
iu the head, llu was iu bad health.
Word coiues from Kuseuada, of the
cupturu and Incarceration tliuro of Pedro
M', rales, tine of the must uotud outlaws
Get the Best.
We sell Extras in all sizes.
Spray Pumps.
Of all kinds,
General Hardware.
White Sewing Machines.
House Furnisher.
WaU Papar
of the lower ponlusula. He Is charged
with almost every crime of importance
that had been committed la the upper
district of Lower California, and he U
wanted both in San Diego and Los An
geles counties. Iu Los Angelea oonnty
he killed Deputy Sheriff H. W. Wilson
several years ago, and the officers' of
that county have been anxious to have
him oaught and extradited.
Aggie Kelly, a well-dressed woman ol
83 years, was arrested at San Francisco
and charged with enticing 15-year-old
Sophie Fiuegold of 1108 Bryant street.
Ban Francisco, away from her home.
The girl was plied with liquor and
shipped to Eureka, where the supposed
that she was to be given employment in
a theator at a salary of $18 a week.
Aftor reaching Eureka she wai met by
a notorious woman, who U known to
the police as Eveline Miller, who took
her to a disreputable house, where the
was held a prisoner for two weeks.
The girl's brother from San Francisco
ultimately rescued his sister and took
her home. The Kelly woman wae
charged with felony, and released oa bonds.
Iu a fit ot Insaulty induoed by sick
ness and by an alleged insult, Hon.
Frank S. Lasoelles, who has a ranch la
Windermere valley in Kootenay, B. 0.,
killed his servant, a Chinese, who had
beou iu his employ for some yean.
Lasoelles belioved some one waa trying
to break luto bis house. He shot the
Chinese In the hall just after the ser
vant had entered the door. He waa
taken to the Provincial Insane asylum
at Westminster. Lasoelles is a brother
ut the Earl of Harewood.
A company has been formed which
will build au eleotrio railway that will
encirolo San Bernardino county. The
line will touch Bodlands, Colton, tbe
state insane asylum at Highland, Idle
wild mission aud Urbita Springe. It is
lutondod to extoud the road to Los An
golos, a distance of 80 miles, within a
A Few Pointere.
The recent statistic! of the number of
deaths show that the large majority die
with consumption. Tbie disease may
commence with an apparently harmless
cough which can be cured instantly by
Kemp's Balsam lor the Throat and
Lungs, which guaranteed to cure end
relieve all cases. Price 25c. and 60c.
tor sale by all druggists.
Advertised Letter Lint.
Following is the Hat ot lettere remain
ing uncalled for in the Grant Pass post
ofnee, Saturday, June 8, 1001 :
Ileek, Mr! L E,
Clements, Arthur, Fuller, 0 A,
Kisher, Ueo 8, Jones, Mr Edd,
Lambert, Harry, McCord, Tho. S
Smith, K A, Ylam Peter,
U. F. Damon,
A Terrible Explosion
"01 a gasoline stove burned a lady
here frightfully," write N. E. Palmer,
of Kirkman, la. The best doctor!
couldn't heal the running sore that
followed, but Bucklen'i Arnica Salvo
entirely cured her." Infallible for Cut,
Corns, Sores, Boils, Bruises, Skin Dis
eases and Pile, 25c at Dr. Kremer's.
Sulphur, Blue Vitrol, Etc.