DECORATION DAY It Will Abide is Loot is the nation Endures. ONE DECORATION DAY. fOl'R decades have liaised since the cry of war was raised, and men bur ned forward to prove tde issues to svuica their faith waa jouied. Greater zeal no man can show than t;tat he idler bun aelf aa sacrifice fur truth and country. In more tSan a t'inu...-. .! 1 uir It- proof tna.V rr MT;im, a ri till .J ta'..e li.e waa c..'.;td an b-j. li..:c 1.1 i..tup..ii- in with bles-ir h of a i.r;ii.n 1 Juiced to blterty of all. Islocd flmed Im .!y as water n:ter trreat rair.H. Lives ebi ed o it slowly or vent out quickly alter ea-a vulley of ahot. l-egiona were wuunded sorely, only to die Liter of the ahock, or to Imavr od to this lay afflicted by the Lurdcn of the leaden rt.iia.les. So dear and ao priceless the Mewing of a country, one and indivisible. More than two millions of soldiers were eiih'.cd during the civil war on the side of the union, and . bundreda of tliousands id tnose died in t -;e land of the stvpres and the pine Their bi'od baa been balm to the tiealmf of re volt and dissension. In thia, tne fortieth year ainre the first (tuna were fired on Sumter, and in the first year of a new century, more than one mil lion aurvivora remain of the great liosla whose bearta lieat to patriotic barmony while their feet moved to beat of drum. Tney live Ix-anng in their peraoni the wit 1 ,-sa of perils undergone, heroic acta per formed and faithful service rendered for the republic they love. These, the living aa well aa tht dead, ar brought before a new generation, one born and br0Lg.1t to man's estate ainre the day 01 Appomattox, 10 apeak to them of a na tion a glory and of men a daring for the increase of that glory Tney ieak in their deeds and in the reaulta of those deeda. All that the dead rould give they banded in for the union cause. Vet the living oflered just aa much life itaelf, which, in their rases, was not a c-pted. None the less waa theirs the honor and the glory, although theirs is the rewsrd of witnessing the preciousness of the heritage they secured to the generations to lollow after them. Individual meu live and act their little parts. Hut the greatest of these pass aw:iy, one by one, and their places are filled by others. Their deeds only survive, and it u deeds only in this world which receive the laptism of immortality lecorution ITS S'orth and South Lovingly Clasped Hand Once More. HE old soldier stood at the entrance to the lot. He gave one backward glance at the two graves with their b.ig!it tiug fluttering in the wind. Trie turf in the lot lad Keen carefully clipped and the sheila which outlined the mouuds were even and white. Tnere waa one more grave in the lot; on it clums of Sweet Williams and Heartsease were blithely blooming. ' , The old soldier aliaded hia eyes, but not ' . from the aun. aa he looked. I "Well, it's the last Decoration day I'll see here," be aaid, aloud; "I'd better go t' tb' soldiers' home next week, an' have it ' over, A pension's Hood enough, a far as it goes, but it don't keep a man's hon-e an mend bis clothes. Marthy was a 1 A k mm rr'-' " "I MAVl POUND TOO AT LAST I" r -v. .-.fii 1 1 it; ' - k" . . ,:. 4 LsjL 1 f51E following poem as written by Rr. I r. C. O. lirown. of fhl"aifo. JuM kftfr a visit t to Arliruton CT?r:i!ry. In IV. ru ary, when th fi'.nil wa l!ir: i 1i f p In snow fjf in: - i: m k-r Hr. J r-on. ho w;.s hin.-- If a prominent oH'-i- hfti rccntlr writt -,: "ft Is artist ic, atrintic. and a litcrury irm." II3IP, FSliS da CoDditfra Could '. ffmr;idf, wh't R-irntly ilfp 'Nt-ftth th evi-r,:;.! n anH snow. "AU'b nuit-t" h-r . t . low the hill, l'otuniic w tifTr flow. "All 't:Jet" at th front to-nlrht. Ami whit If- ttri.yrA ir.d chill; r or mn" so.j ifj taps, j The riii7ir in ntn,frtt,f ftlll. "All nf''t" h.-re; tUr punn are stacked, j The vuS!'in all ftr f rii; The h:l t are out, ai.J w hll you p IVate ruts your aU-nt world. po -.tjlf-t from no -ntlnel. I Th fhilienir "hfirp I h-ar; No cl;vrlii) horn nor r.atillna; drum j l'rKlalmj the for hi near. Hut yorvVr In pt-rjtjwfive iis Miij' Hitc hseCt ifKl florn The more than .;;-. r. i y city, whenc j The laws of fr in- n come. T hf-r your ft" M;til- mire for The fsOWe-TH i Thrilii Loth th f aarrlflcB f it years, .--! xpandlnt wr rr.j-ilJn.-res. jt millions, yon. "Alt's u'll. t" h- Awakt- th j- t.ij. rare, with vt it (nl nonp. recall , The prle that m.i!. them fre. accompaniH j mucous patches in the mouth, erup tions on the skin, ore throat, copper colored Kt'sUlche. ft swollen glands, aching muv.les lj J and bones, the lhae is making wmyi'i oranway, ana far worse lymptoms will follow unless the Mood is and effectually cleansed of lhi tiolent destructive poison, i S. 8. S. is the only safe and infallible fure for this disease, the only antidote tJT this specific poison. It cures the tin worst cases thoroughly and permanently. .i To the fall cf iV i"!. I ctntrrtd Blood Cave tcei No Worse. XZrA: 1 ,. ... t he i r trestment I did me bo s;ood , X wag cutting worw all the time ; my hir came out. ulcer rtsrrrd in rrr rt tnrjtanl mouth, my boiy waa altn'Mt rf,-rrd with copper clored ft..otchM and cffcntive rrea. I njTred vsrrercly fr'rn rheumattc jMin In bit ihoullersaod arr- My cm'iiti--n cuid no wore; on!v thoa-t-a&icte'l Iras can ttn'JerataDd my aurfenngi. I ha-1 aV-ut, vm an ivrpe or ever betnfc well aeaia wbsa I o.'.ic 1 ilsmHswl In It K - I but mu confea i hi3 4f?T. 4 p:: t little faith left In any f'm medicine. After lakini f , thethird hrtle I notirrd A e-ia A-S a chanee in my ccn!i- l3rI!'A li'.n. ThiawatruWen- k 'J ci.ursffinc. and I deter- A ' V mined to jHva B. 6. ft S A thoronith trial. From M vTfc - thut ttmeontheimprove- JT . r'- ir.ent waa rapid ; ft. S. ft. eeuted to h.e the rfi- ? eae completely under me sVJT-m ana &-' "v"r;:"",v-"',;- j of the disorder ; I have' ' ' bttn Mrons and healthy erer sln'-e U. W. 6mitii. Loct Boa til. NcUeirille, Ind. is the onlr purely rrre- I table blue purifier known. $ t ,000 is j offered for proof that it contain a particle of mercury, potash or other mineral poison. fiend for our free fiook on Blood Poison ; it contains valuable information about this disease, with full directions for self treatment. ' We charge nothing for niedi ul advice ; cure yourself at borne. THE SHIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA. aid It is no rr. .l.t to a man word r.4cat: 110 i.r:e ! ri-r hou.a with the kris. - It n;ay not hurt a juke to crack it. ' hut son.e of the crackers ouyht to be hurt. I.-ie is but a transjMJrt." siys a .-rV V--s, and ao is a canal boat, for Tl a: :i;ater. A '.-i'!y wo f:as bt-en a wi(fow thre a L-rwd ,'ure to get a bus a eQB S9fc e ..f- 1 !t l!se, Vi '1 5 f f . ; ,kf would Vd tu !o. e Lvoirei to reai.ze is n n ritfier- I.efl vered. ri m I'ftiJaii yn. a :: -an! i-.-sd " IV 1 , or.;.! r;. kp to o fl- r T . I : ,.!M:r..f 'co canrifrt Heazt Pains nrr Vanire's '.varning notrt of approaching dinner from a dis-t?.-ed heart. ft you would avoid debilita'ir.T diseases, or even sudden de.irh from this hidden trouble pay heed to the earlv warning, ire.-tlien t!.e he-rt's muscirs, qaiet its ntrv- cus lrr.t- action v.ih that h-.-art remedies, 1 1 cart 'Cure. rctrulate Ti'are " Ur. t o! Mile its a!! tiiT'-'iit i:.y f-boiii'l -r a.i i ; W..1.1.I Ix- u::v. U- "f l.r. r- i, i,rl 1:.- .;: rlrte'yc.r-ii IV. L. Ilvsi it nibt 1 :'i aiid Mil--' II. ,1 -l.i b-.t 'is !.::-t -; i- a:,J ..y t.i. une ,irt Miles' "All's .iulft" hr Your !( .u n-v lnirirlriK p-',I,l' : t-ut through th eart! rtc-rate; to urine V II , e l in And n.itlori. to h- Krcat. IT.irk' dimly rome tn underfone. The rliythm'c w:ni of n.MJnd, From the citlen to th ?lrnn-a That In j our c.imp atound. wie, if she Udo't blue eyes like the little girl tlown south." lie lighted his pip with a fart wag look in hia e cs "V, I II go down t' th' home next week; they '41 take good care of the old man while dajr comes and g')es, each eruptis'iimb the he ruu out- Well, there'll U ot t' ulk (Treat net and glory of the tattles that were but 4t ni:,l whle f'r year fought, and in each rwurring anniverMary Waf threli out. Maybe Ml hnd the numter of hrave survivors grow a omehody that a leen south nt c- I have m ,T; V"ly Vu,UOn "U",l'tr ,T,I '' i'"ie ! '"': l y V' ,"A" !" cmr,.. ., and the snows will fall to U-na of thousands, and then to , tl't u" Jolmny reb she tiiuuavit it her I Thai nuini.e y.,u In white hundreds. The dar is not distant in the ! ,'U,J, walt 'or- W ell, 1 was .ruimt-.l to Ar whisix-rinK - !: to your dreams, years when a bare half-score will remain, j Marthy, too, so 1 guess my duty Has aa I Bleep peae. (uliv tx tiiitht. lurvivor .f'" " " ,.r,,v .h s..a " iil.ll iie-u nn TUU, They are the , . nnrJ throb of Ufa, Which, like a miyhty na. Moves on re:.itit ris In Its sweep j To liaTK r 111m riy. An1 In that bound'cun life your dees Hhuil live for rmore. Till Ji'o'n of ejirth. Mke billows, break j On U.-nven ei. riiiii shore. and. finally, the name of the last iur-ivi,r will tt given. I glanced over at ft little group itand And then the Decoration dayi shall come lnJ m ,ot not far sway, and go nd be eommerooratrd with eual "Tom Jteltier'e folks, I guess;" he said, leal as when the mrvivore were uoon earth "Tm told rue t' wait an' they'd give me s and lent their part to the duplay and pomp ! home. Hhowm' their cm-uy round Bo many yi itrn And, m irrhin- .niii. we 1 To Join you 'iie;,th th re coming on fTlOW. of the ceremonies. The day will I snd 14 I . . , , Ufa " 1 ' X th cemetery a little. 1 sues. Well. I am t in much of a hurry, seem' its th' last time I'll erer see Tom an' Dick's graves Three brothers that went south t' Mil, an' me th' only one t' come home out of a cothu." The sweet May wind broulil In in the scent of uncounted Mowers and the faint echo of "Mart-lung Throiiiili tieorgia," played by a humenard bound hand. "I always love that tune," the old man sighed. "It was (iroigia where I met It tit. How them blue eyes Hashed th' lir.t time they lit 011 a tall Vank Tin y ua float ing in tears the last time I saw 'cm Well. For frosts have tum A us. limb and bro ' And snows un- on our ritoul That ne er will ni !t unill. Tor ua, I The silitit lints ur.- -jiri-ad. Lit" S.i A lo lii ii it r 1. - triii 1 l! Eureka vii? !Ian.G3 OH ' I- r.niv " 1 1 ' r:,.- f- ' ' l.-.r , t r I .t ri.'-ii"" f.a lMlu- r r .(I . . ' T' -1 , !- a I pa 11 r. y i: ! A-l-i-. . ! N. V. I tali- .1 'I i At Btd Timo i. s-.i-.l I.' rb 1 - l; o- II. X' j controls the heart action, aevr-i-erates the circulation and builds up the entire system. Sold by druggists on a guarantee. Vt. iliVs Me-licil Co., Kikhart Ind. ..v.- iTANilAKU oil eo. ' It r H.i.l Your 'V-te Horse a 1 1 Chance! .. i-- , I'. M-l;. Oiat r : -:n:. i1. I e AM X Y A Minder's Mibtake. AS USEXPllCTED BLESSISQ. The Story of Three Men. Good and True, and a Monument. " T'S no use talking; we ran't have n that ninminunt fur aunt her year." SJi siahrd tne major. "We've talked an. I saved, gin-n bean l akes ami iiuiku lan tern shows, but we eau't raise within )ou 1 viht IJfi. JCP.r. Afi'G oniaTi r Itil HliktT5T.,lli:itU!,tll s i j ... i- I . In- re I Uln .k 11 , Ht'r I:--! e-fc In. til " folltl.l '- Hi'..:,, I 1; f 11 1. i. j. : i i,.i-ii II tl, ' J I ! Th:.-1TX:It. r'iL4.51!- -fj ; !- I- 0-t:.r7.'l22 CIRCULATION. ;T.' ;n'y:-;.:-r-i;V;eik;y;i!h:?trjl I i i . r -y : D that monument tor another year, 1 f f '1 , ";"" n p a ST; 'i ,! . -. - i.-. ...i,,.,.' . , ! ... . i I i - : . I, -,t '' v ;, . ,,l ,. v ...... i . . t w r ' .- i-.. isrsst. f 1 I I I'V'a 1 ' -"l-SAil-llStfci-SfJr M(N : " ' ' - ' '' " '' " '" '"".b. Marthy waa a g.iod wile, an' she never km w enoouh to ty f..r it." I il ' " -'" " : 1 earried pair of blue eyes home in my 1 "''' '" "-wfiilly agree.1 the rap- At 3 A4 V.k,''.' i -e.'-V."' .". """i i '"' :''' '": :U' r"' heart, along with the bullet in my shoui- ' "' if c ol.l .le.lnate I it 3 K7 . "-'. i..T. ! i - - - der." tne lot this Isolation .lav, an. I do the un- T L U r"'" ' I ' S oires drew near. A stout, red fseed '""a ni-xi one, out s tomorrow . ; p cwi.t .... .-i ..-eo'.i.. ! ' - woman, two girls and t sweet fa'eed elderly " h-re now." t. T.'rnV'. U: i-! durit a nd-l.-o ;-. ! woman in bla. k were at. nr.a. l.n.a "llwft right," aaid the private; "and j 9 .a ssiuiats. u; .u ia u j nd -erri'iV !'-.. k of .-,.,i. I -,,.;..:.! l bot I,. ..( u,,.. M .tints- f.-.i;-li fv s And the ROGUE liLVI-R COUKIKR for One Yr an.. 111! fcrvjl I :( . I '! :li'ii t.W t c ' 5 ! ' III fesPa:lS iiill life Hrk-- . ! . , , ! ! 1 1 j lavrai ' iri ai;-,r-'-tJ'- " s.'srmiK.m4mmmemqsffg0tffY A ,n ;i; (-1 ti.i i'-auc' ah lor 5.1 ..-.u in .u or $l."iO 'since. -1 1 r. e.vry c e:t -h number b.-itij ra.'T no :e-- than a ini.iioll rrmler-.. 1 r I'y .."nil lirr.uv.-.-lnelit we llinki- (or I i.roM - .1 ;ni e the f iiiowini; oiler: Courier, one year, Farm and Home, Home Contrivances, Total, $1 25 .50 $2.25 $150 n.. :' ihi- .-Klvantare ON OUAHO." abide as long as the republie endures, bt eause it is one which glorifies dee. is and n..t the individuals who -rlormed those deeds. A dies and his memory oftentimes is forgotten. It is (.ermitted to tew only in eaih generation that their names shall Iw handed down to sutieeiue!it generations " for praise and honor. l)e. oratioii day glorifies the deeds of the unknown dead who sleep their long sleep In the nation's rcmetenes equally with the skill and atiat.-Kic force of lirant and Sher man and Hheri.lan. Tht war waa a battle royal between men of tht aamt rare and country who differed aa to ijuesUons of right and ..bty. Kach battle added a new witness to the glory ol courage and patriotism and served to make prouder and nobler tbt citiienship of the republie. The paaaing years have effaced bitter memories and wiped away tears of regret and the former things of discontent snd reliellmn. The first lkw oratnm day of the new century shows a ople united in luvt for the union- a union the mightier and greater and nobler Im-aus it was tried aa by tire and proved itself e.jual to the severest test of human strength. And the e .inmg years of the century will bring with them more sacred memories and higher appreciation for the union preserve, I by Hie trials and heroism of the soldiers ol the eivU war. With the steadily cipan.lmg majesty of the republic w ill mine nuu keliiiig and broadening appreciation of the tri umphs of the incomivrsble v atory ui uiuon over disunion. wii.MAM nosBicR ronus. rietl Mar Death Hesorst. liring the civil war S.KI commissione.1 nflicers and no.SilH men were killed in action or died of woim.U received in little; 2,311 conniniuu,.ncd olh.-ers and 3.M enlMed men dirsl from ibihyise or ac ci.lent. making a total loss of L'sy.TSi men. Ih-albs H-curring after the men left the army are not included m these tigurea. Vlekabaesi Nations! Park. The Wishing National park will soon be complete as fat as the aopnsition of land la concerned It comprise in all 1.231 leres. It is to restore all military features that marked it in the struggle of I didn't know sou had any nenianit ances here, Mis' White." the red In. -.-.j w.-m- an was saying as they mine. " !,.!) ye knew a long tune ago, eh' Well, hi. ain't any of us growing younger. That s th' monument yonder. Til' Ij. lies' auxiluiy made gallons o' oyster soup an' tons o' cake t' help .ay fur it." "An it's a mighty handsome one. bo," replied a soft, dreamy voice. "Well, we Al gol so loyal down nuah way now that nia well lie btul.lin' monuments, too Vy -.n wore th' blue in the wan with Sp.u, a o nothxly was protidah than me. Hi- t . l l.t-i .1 a' been just as proud, if be d lived t see it A good many solda-rs buried hete, an. t tliey! Is is thaih anyUnly by the nam... ol Shrnier!'' "Two of 'em, right over yonder. X..w, look at Km an' tiertie. goin way ovet t' tne other end o' th' cemetery- an' their pa g m t' drive the right up here' Im-i ' tiertie! ( Hi h. Km'" Mie started s.o. I, down the path, l ading sluilly as she n.-nt The swii-t fa-e.l woman wandered on a tittle, with ill--.. ii g head "Two Shnners burieil heah." she sai l, "fine ol tin-ill nuit lie bun. To thu.k I m come so fah to hnd his gi hit1 " Mn- pan. ,1 and looked about her. "Ilig'il i-iall II dah. Mis' ll-iter s.ii.1 III lace timet' look fer it. I..-I0.-1I1 she comes t .e k " A tall figure 111 a grati.l anny uniform at.svl at the ciitian.e to the lot n.-are-t "I beg .nail pain I. hi," she s.n.1. "but is thaih aiiyOoily ly th' name ..I Mniini -Iwis .Snrcier - I.-.11 i.-.l lic.i'i" The old 111.111 stilled "Not that 1 k'i. a of, ma'am Tin well an' luaity tot .-i.l.a.l man; my wile's here, but l-l.-.ttn '" "la-wis' tlh, 1-wis! 1 have found you, at last'" "At Inst, l-oUie; a b.ill.i.-. old bulk on his way to the home, and "tn your way to th' hi.tnc. mv bone, that's a waitin' for youah, la-is f..r ua lnthV N'ortb and south on.e more cla..e.l handa. FI.ISA AltM.sTl.oNii. the list ol names to In? rememlK-riHl all ready, too. What d'ye suppose trie lx.ys'11 f C". lOflUAN 4 CO.. IbSI M.HrtSt.J . (S ns.-.l ; C -C- -Ns. i- -w. -VA--vjs n. t I 'ur ,giv !,;,lFlGPRURE Ceredvl W . a P ... s. -j mu iltMM ,1 rv - s -tv rn 1 Wt:-JL f I SA I at. I -if 'ing I.. .1. t in CMtC F OH IMt eUND." Ail lln rf y-ais a-pa-s nuiiietit to show folks ic are all rvht know it's hnid b.' t out one s natuial iiuiu Hut tune is panning Owr tiresit fitdiileer rmy. The follow ing is a stnnni o y .. .1 int. flirmshcl by each state to the !. ,1. : ,! .11 during the civil w ir New .i ' I . r.'iiiivvhama, ;Us.llo, 1 lino, ;to 1. I. I mm, iW.HV.'. In liana. I'.'l M . ...1. setts, llo ;;. Mi..,.uii. I .. li.J, , 1 ,. sin. t''l. M ., h 1. in, K 111, l.o.a, ; New Jetsev, To. II.'.. Kenl.i.kv, T.'i 2 Maine, l.'.l T3S t 11. nt. land. wtuVt; New II.. .,.'- niont, :u .: '. w.-t ,ig,. lie-see, :tl 10.'. Mione t . Island, .M,.'l.s, K.,.1 ... 0 t obimbia. b...k't , t alii. . ware, l.V.VV ,rk,in-..s . cti. IV.'sil ; l.oui-iana. ,'...V4 . 1 In. Inn Territory. 1 Vs'. ', North Carolina. :t l.s: V Texas, l.urO, Ihenon. I.sln, ashingtoti t.-irilory. .Hi; llakota let nt..r . 'Jtsi Mm . ''. I . r 1. 11 o; K' -!c I oll.t o 1 . Neil VI VI 1-1 I tl. 1 k i.r.:; . 1 1 -, .1 ' ;.;ii. N . 1 I.ovl, Mississippi, tliiuk of us up V by, .-sri.l t hey le reni. Iiil.el . .V "Inc I.. I- up are all riht." lend the t.iptaill ' I ney ' ing l'..r a In mg will is 1 , , , 1T ..I amis aii.t 1. g. , 'and -" " I oere'U Ih a lot nam.-s to I put 1:1 I .e bt by anotiier year," broke 111 jt.'ie mij-.r. "I fcpi.'-j. 11. .1... ,,t 11- n.e.i- to s ,1s- sine ot ivitn. ing tie uuyeiliiu in w v I lit a nuliule. .,ip, wl.ile I lull 11. to t:ie '. t P -I -!h e to a.k t .r 11 1 tna',1, and we'll go I- ! bo-in I fc-. ' 1 1 r " i- I "AH 1 . t ' a.-r.e.I tl.c captain. ''He's 1 11 "t as v .,- 1 ... , ..! t., , p,,r , ,. . I lew In :. I ... II ,.i that unicilmg , I With.. ut 1 1 ... . -1 it . 1 :i,,-. ' I ." 'lliil 1; e.l t:.e prtlate. ' It's I'. . i: V It-Ill' Scctcli 'III, At r Ii )ort Throal PrieumG.iia Khcumattr.ia Lronch:ti3 Head-icha Lru::.e3 Larachd Ntura'.;:a Tcrtl.c'.iO DUiT.S Lutit'oaO Croup Cuts Mv ".1 Pita . . ; . . - t .I.-.I.:.;- u. s I.i,- '. -I 1 .1 in I. I I.. F 1 y ar- ;;i 11 1- Kt.. Shntldcr r..-:l ..., .11 I r i'oitlie At His p !. I, . ! Mil f, 1 ( I., y t fin, I was I: It.l pal 1 1 ... It.-. I ti e - II ; " T:.-. The most wholesome and nutritious substitute for cof- i ; Ice and tea. j Made from the choicest California figs, prunes and : selected grains. A delicious, strengthening beverage holds its delicate flavor to the bottom of the cup. Physicians recommend Figprune. All grocers sell it For GO Years ; mothers hr.vilc:n j' thf-r Miiilreii !ir cruun, coth'iis anil . - o 11 lli-lny ur fail to take i.-ai 0.1.-1. nir in-vir t.eiiire wa- su .-r. .1 lor mi Miriil u Mill) Pell. sin. . -end 1 Ii per- one ear in. lu.l nj a. I p .-:pa:.. at the very i. a- prut tnin.ed. I. lit rder to .. . ure ii.i.i.ui nil nrrearii.-es on the i ni-ain i- p.u-l tin. I one mil year in ii. lvalue. one niuinir ti-n-.ily pii.l in i,, -euro llie i '.it in a;td I loin.- .-uul tl)e f y M-inlin .i". .-.ii!-,. iM'llKSS, Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, Oregon i) o c (IT Oi l THIS Liu-lo.-k; It to Mc Ten Dollars A H ;' X AD VviUr GO EAST VIA r; !- 1 I ? i; s- -t --".- .i ' 1 I ' el " ' - A1..1 rift:. p-r. anv Mil i.lf r:y. C'Ji.r...y co.c.s s i it r. .t sjiiiiii'o-a U5s, 'NERVE WASTE'' ,..-,i V:i' . i Motiu;.-;', liav: : the hoi; - j at !aT-,: 1 MS. I'dlli On ( 1; Sliortcsl and Quickest I.IM-: to ST. TAjL, DUIUTH, MINNEAPOLIS CHICAGO, AM' A I.I. mi NTS V. i I'bf.inyli l'aln-i hihI T..iiii ei -. Iiiiilna and linn . l.ibri.rv funs. 111 : Sleep-l.liif ,. pi y- I . . I . to m ij. .... 1 r bard. 1 l.s.l. I T-ie an l I "A ' le ..t t.. tn 1 ... Tl. i-e ..... as " 1 llletlt IS U II N 1 atlel he S r vas waving V I lie 111 o'.l 1 I-- t'.t.e lon- li - . iti-.l e. A -.. I IV 1 bit . - W'br. I paper a t. il. I ' .tvati. lie .1 t T t.'.e fund. I .l.dl.ate l"lt t ' . let I. I mi .!i.-r burn . I s.-i.ieu tnTe Miieti tl.e tnoiiu I r v 1 V list- H tl ' ' I Ul !n an s A 1 ..I ii. :'i net fusi i It-ierlean Wars. .i.-iii hi . b. i 11 ill e.ii.'.un All ean fr. tti i.!.,.-'i sjtrf' tariTT w 1 w si 'lytT. fhe Ms Inst. "A rose t.i tbe livuur is more than sump- suvua wnaiui io llie aeaa. - ioa atcr ... C'si-'" lie 1 aa f " ir. 1 IV f ' 11. II-!- 1-4. Are You Ooing East .p IVrhaps I ran W of MtKe to you. I can ti. kid you ovtr any railroad runtiinn trams out of l'oitUi.,1; tell you h.-n to It-aw-home; vxlu re to thanKe tats; wu.n Vou will reach yiir tl.-stinatioa, and what thi-ro is to l sera on the way. Call or write 1 '11 ing your questions. Omaha, Chicago. K.mui cm F.VERYWIIKRK iKeyonl. I'll asute in answer St la A. C. SiltLlxist, Genetal Agent. Cor. Third and Sutk Siv. 1'ortland, tbr Mam e .' a Eli.. ' uaJ Mi1'""' it i i I M.I llV Nl wars it ls .. un. !M? I". f 't. .ism. i p.. SllTl.. 1:1 1 r - - - : .' .;- -0 : nii:iry;.ii: ,aitov !-l f 5'"-- if y.'.T Ik'.c o;;,.: i, .;,;n r y "', j j .ir.a choking v.ith cr..V; ? It I Ii 'Ii , 'ij l-vf:u i: K-t a lintd,. '.r: ' ' rVj It w M saw: yui:r t :!'s i;lc. S.'' -.i.-v ' , ; i -- , .... . , )u i'r''..' --" - " "'" ' : i - i ..... :. v 1 lilt! ., vy - f. Tv 1 lJ 9-4 L. fT-s F - J i . ' W i' -.n.v 'it:a;:.; r.T riMi: ; skk- Vii'i: AMi m'KNKKY I " M 'T A I.KK ; . K.N .ii I- 1 ;....t i i i IVrtl .ii.l 4 ' .T ' -itTil I'.KN U V.. on u. ' - :::! l'.l. lli.- P.-; ,. Ti. io ' ' 'It'll. ..1,1. AT .NnUi'ilKKN : - I',-- I-J'J lb I lil Sire -. r. ; I, .-- . I i: i ll H d ,..! :'ii!l i. -11111111.0 . ill on : i :res i'i::M-i n. '-,. t .'... i t, I .rtun.1 EAST ani SOUTH v; 1 1 CililN' h(W IU Route . ,.r f'o't - I.-'tive tiratim I il ami uj- Stations m fl a in. and !:!. p ill Dyspepsia Cure "THE MILWAUKIE." A faiuiliat name lor tbe I liu-si-.. M, auki'St I'd ul liaiiwav. kn..s.i .1,: over tbe I'liinti as tbe Or. .. KhIa. rilliliiii tbo "riniu-r l.nmte.l ' tiit-. eiery day and ntbt n m I am and l'biik-.., and titub.i a;: 1 1 tu. ...... 'rieonly iH-rb-il : ra ns in 1 1. - m ,o ;.t ' I'ti.lerstan I t'ontie, tl o.s ne lo.i i. will) All I ransi out ti.i nul !. :..-:. .,s .i ink' bi pass, ners tbe b- .t s.o i. , i .. . n I. ill il rn nis e a. -lies, , n ,i i n- I . h i . ., ,,, beat, of a veilty e.i.:.ii..-I l ,i- i line. ee tbat imit ti. k-t t.- i.N vm' i i Mils iiiiLt-e" In n h'..:n I i u: . .t'.- i tbe tinted Stales or l ,t Ail li et p'til9 sell ttiein. Kur rates, i.smpble's ot o In t ini. t . 111 at :-..ii , a l.lies., J. W.l'ni, t J I :,v, Trav. I sss ,i. I r .i Ak-nr , SkliriK, '.sll 1'i.l.illM.. l' --MIM br.t . h :w, I .1 t. Digests what you cat. I; srt.beuliy d :.-e- ts tl.e (jed and aids Nature m .r-llw,;bll.vr ai.d reton etruciiisp '.lie ex!i..i'. .i" ci-( -tne ur tf.ii. j. It lit ne 1..'. t t::-oo. a, id k..,t. a: ; a:,.l torn ?. N 1 oMn-r m:i ; ; a. li It. in 1 ,1, 1. ii- r. It jc. -' ::.. t-i.eo--r.,i r-n:ia:.-nt;yct;re . - 1. t,, 1K-; ; Luni, n.u i-uoo. Mi;r .inaci. a;:a M .: 1. -p.c.;i'i.-. i, t ran. j -lai.-l Stiotiierr.'::.--' , -f .1;:: i t, ti.. ;.:.. Pi:.-jv r.- ':-i. ..: vr-aias:-, t'i- ;'" ' - i-.-L...e.::rj rsoa.-cd I,- C C CswiTT a CO , C!;ica;a. '-! -it BY f l.t '-. I I . t, M in,; l'a.-r . it i.i:..e. of a l kinds at 'be I'he old ri I.i -The W.rkln Or. aontaa. I It.- ' t-T rt . s .-I . .' I- I 0! I' ... .0.... e ; .. 1 I.,-- 1, t'sli'.o.t-a. Ktttfr for th Klao. ; - .-In,. a. lin-is's I As-, I r..i, II..- : tban i a-;. 1 -i - M . :i T LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Liaa.Ry T!".3 Esst in Litsrafuie 12 Comslctc Njvtu YcaaLY MANY SHORT STOR E3 A.NO PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 rtnYtaa: 25 ct. a cost .NO CONTINUED S"0RiES cvrnt aunn.cotisuTt in iTStL, f . . 1 ' , ' :'' ' , v- I' "f.-r. 1 .. . ::'i. 1,1. s .' -'.. j. ". ,' . ..Ju- A lv ' ' ' --m -1 '.. - -. .tiiji.i In i: at" ..." - .' 1 '"' '"' ! II' ...1 a. 111 iJ - a .. i''- .-lll-l.'.l .-. ;ll ,,.,. .-, 1' I till ' '. ; .- j Ar. I'll r'runi'iseo. 7:-.'i p m. " - ' i-y'.t ;-Jr ip,,,. : ..-'I -, ' . - . " -.T-i" -if- I '-liver ... . : ::ia .! - . ' ; "V ,'- ,V j. ''"" --t'-'V. 7--.HMI. 7. '''a.i"- - ; -a. ;,;-;;', ' ' 1 --am :- la,-. ' ; i ,''.-"' ' I - A-.. . .-; ',.!.. .',a. tn I" -v .'. ' ."" ,-- " '? 1 i v' ' 1 1 : o 1. '! p. i". ''"I- I. ' ' ' 1 - :. ' 1 '"' '- IL : x ' ' '-.. .; .. ...I: .. s ' ; ; 1 - I .' 1 - I il v ti'. ,:;" - s :- ;.. 11. '-.:: ' i . I ! 1 r j ""; .1 1. 4 a 111. 1. 4: '" !,! liW'!1,' II ! Vl V" -A- ''' I'-"1 "I''"'- 11 1 ,ti ; ' ''I.I.V N .' I- I HI TCAb" nn I ' "ii - 1 I.i 1 (,., a.-ra-iiet t' M X-'. ::,C I. II. :'.,s,a .i r..,Hi-. .ar- 10 A " i.. " '-' "i. I. i.i'-, N,-w tlr'. rJ N: : ,'',-....' - rs, ,,, - - , " ' . -' '. t "V : " 1 . ' . .:.'' J I-""'! ! il:n-hM.;!- a. J-an f- ian, i- o i'n blD !::.e.t fur II .11 llll" I'1.miu..:i;,-. Centn! aid C; : in. C, ''!. A-i-t f.ati.m ur address C H. M A K K ! 1 A ! , (1. I. A.. l o.iland. ll- Moi'iii & i .t-; K Al R BALSAM u '.r.rjta-l ri"- v-i- to fcMcrt OT. - r t ' itn T?-'-if. - nr- siW&.rwt It '