Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 30, 1901, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates:
One Tear, In rdraoce,
Six Months,
Three Months,
Hingis Copies, '
Advertising Rates
Furnished on application at the office, or
by mail.
Propr. & Mnob
' Entered at the post office at (Irants !'",
Oregon, as second-class mail matter.
THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1901.
Tennessee was risiled last week bjr
flood ol rerjr unusual severity anil the
resulting loss ol life and property
makes it a calamity et importance.
Some 14 lives are known to bsve been
lost and $1,000,000 worth of property
was destroyed. It is such fantastic
climatic occurrences ss this in other
places that gives reminders to the peo
ple of the Pacific coast of their own
climatic advantages.
Senators Tillman and MiLsuriii, of
South Carolina, have tendered their
resignations, to take effect on November
15 at which time they will go before the
people In a joint canvass to allow the
people to decide between them at the
primaiies. This position is the outcome
of a spirited debate between the senators,
who are determined opponents on many
issues and they have o arranged that
only one of them will continue In office
afier next fall.
It is very likely that Aguinaldo will
visit the United mates neit It II lie
hss informed General McArthur of such
desire on his psrt and no objection is
likely when the proper tune arrive',
though It Is not deemed advisable at
present to sulfur any laxity of restraint,
his own safety making this course neces
sary at the preterit time. He is reported
as quits anxious to come to the United
States and study our institutions and is
advised to this course by Judge ArHano,
one of the ablest of Filipinos. The
acceptance of American institutions by
Filipinos of ability Is a tr.ost encourag
ing feature of the Philippine matter.
One hundred and sixty glaea jars of
large six and all of them filled with
fruits of Oregon, were loaned to Califor
nia for exhibition at Paris. They were
asked for by the Californians, for the
purpose of helping out their exhibit, and
the Californians promised to let them
csrry the Oregon labels. Of the 100
jars only thirteen were returned : the
remainder "disapieared." Those that
were returned bore labels as California
fruits. The Oregon labels were turned
to the wall at Psrli, and California labels
pasted on the front of the jars. The few
that were returnsd are now at Buffalo,
where anybody who may desire can see
the exposure of the California trick.
Oregon ian .
The United Htates supreme court, In a
decision lately tendered, disposes of the
much argued question as to whether or
not the constitution follows the flag.
Their decision is that it does not. The
clause, "all duties, imposts and excises
shall be uniform throughout the United
Htates" is held in the opinion of the
court, not to apply to the territorial
possessions, and the claim is put forth
that the trainers of the constitution had
no thought ef its application In that
sense, but was Inwrted to allay the
jealousies of the various states. The
court went back to the beginning, when
the constitution was framed and en
deavored to ascertain the intent ol the
founders ot the nation.
President McKinlcy and party
atarted on their homeward trip on
Saturday. Mrs. McKinlcy was greatly
improved and seemed elated at the
thought of going home. All demonstra
tion was avoided and though large
crowds assembled they evinced a
thoughtful consideration for the con
dition ol the invalid and were commend
ably quiet. McKinley's visit to ths
Pacific coast has not been altogether
joyful, but it can not be said to tie a
failure. He has been brought into
closer touch with the people, ss a man,
and has made many Iriemls. His Isilh-
lul devotion and kindness to his invalid
wife lit I been productive ol a sentiment
towsrd him ol warmheartedness that no
amount ol executive ability could have
It is quite likely that the customary
yacht race for the America cup will not
materialise this year. Sir Thomas I. in
ton, the nndiscouraged challenger built
a new yacht, the Shamrock II, lor the
purpose but the cralt seems not to have
been altogether satisfactory and now it is
so severely injured by a squall which
came up suddenly.during a trial race that
It is doubtful it it can be put in condition
lor the supreme trial ol speed. In two
trial races with the old Shamrock, the
boat that was bestun by the Column!,
jo.r, me new Dos I was bealen in
... iii.iamr. rviug jviaarl war
ah iirdlhn yacht at the limn it was strin k
b, the squall and narrowly eseaied dealh
frooi a lalliiiK spar lie is said lo have dis
played eoiiimeiidible nerve and coolnris
o i that occasion TV a ilors o Inetbst
I .i Mi uiiriic II it a "Hoodooed" craft
It is pleasant to unnerve, as the years
go by, more sr.d more of a cordial feeling
between the old soldiers of I he Iw
armies srliofoiuht one another so desper
ately In the war ul the rebellion. lVoor-
ation day, a day set apart lor public
reuicmuiaiiceol the victims of that war,
and a day which must bring Hie old ex
perirnces vividly to the minds of the
veterans, seems never to lie productivi
of rancour or ill feeling, but on the con
trary, the good ill existing between the
former foes is never more apparent than
on that day. The old issues have bs
come things ol the past, but the com
mon hardships and suffering endured
hive united the men In bonds ot brother
hood that will endure as long as life
War ia something that lias heretofore
seemed a ueceseily. We live in hope
that the time may come when all wars
slisll cesse, lor war is too horrible to
merit favorable couaideration by any
people and it is only in desperate cases
that it finds excuse tor occurrence.
The effects of war, however, are not all
To Keep Trade
We rely on Reliable Goods
Sold at Honest Prices.
There aie hundreds of people who want a good article
at the right price. That is the kind of business we are
doing. How does it suit you?
Front street, oppo Depot,
bad. Like a destructive Sturm, ar
purifies while it destroys. Wsr deals
with the sternest ot realities and pn-
tense, simulation, superficially snd
unreality of all kinds are shown in their
true light.
Memorial Sunday,
The churches united Sunday morninif
in the memorial services at the i'resby
terisn church. The church wss deco
rated very appropriately and beautifully
with the national colors and with floral
decorations. There wss a very Urge
attendance. The front sections were
reserved for the U. A. It , W. It C. and
the Boy's Brigade, which orgiinixitions
attended in a body.
Prayer was offered by Rev. C. A. Dot
son, Sunday-sellout Held worker, and
scripture reading snd prayer by Itev. N.
F. Jenkins of M. K. church. A grsnd
anthem was rendered by the choir,
followed by a most excellent and
appropriate sermon by Rev. C. W. Hays.
Mr. Hays divided his discourse into to
portions; the first, "Why Should We
Honor the Soldier;" the second, "Our
Dutiee and Responsibilities to the
Soldier." The sermon was lull of good
thoughts throughout and from among
the many, the following were gleaned;
Why honor the soldier more than the
cititen? No man can be a true soldier
who is not a good cititen. It ia not be
cause he differs from the citixen, but
because ha has added to his citizenship."
Our heart goes out lo the people who
have offered willingly to devote them
selves to this portion ot citiseuship"
"True soldiers reserve homage (or the
citixen who stays at home." "If we
la becoming more popular each season.
from the fact that their value Is becom.
Ing better known. They are much more
compilable than a shoe with regular
sole. The all-wool felt sole lingng forms
a flexible and elastic pad lor the sensi
tive part ol the loot to rest upon, snd
also protects the foot fro I.l .,,.1
Any Isdy tumbled with lender leet
should try a pair ol Acme Shoes
You will surely be pleased aith them
and advise others lo use them
honor patriotism, we honor those who
have given their lives to defend the
nation." Tetiiotism Is devoliou to
neighbor, companion, home hialory."
"Suffering, to be noble, must be en
dured lor a purpose." "The spirit ol
patriotic devotion should bs in private
life snd in times ot peace aa well a
- . .. . - - , .
The complete novel in the June ' Ne"
I. ppiiico't M.igainii is "Four leaved
Clover," by Maxwell lirav, author ol
that not d book, ''The Silence ol IVan
.vi ..i. hi, i, I. lo keep on a par with t:j
la !cr, any s;u ee.lm; tiU unique ix
ceeJingly goo I, and it is not claming
too much lor ' Four Leaved Clover" lo ,
assign it equality with its predect ssor.
It is the narrative ot a y.-iing Koloh
girl's heart m conflict with many di.-!
courageiiienta Al . rir triumphs in
me love ol a nohle smith-man who was
the victim of a boyish iriek only too possi
ble in real life.
Convicted ol Selling Trout.
J. C Corurii was convicted beloie Jus
tice ol the Peace Steaart. at Medio,, I
Kriday. of a violation of the game laas.
tt has been more or less generally
know n that trout have been told in the
county duriiu the past winter, snd
tiame Waadcn k rooks has been "lav
ing" lor evidence Tke use ol dynamite,
ii it claimed, has I Men resorted to in
some lint slices. The trout sold b)
Coriiiu had been hauled in from KVno
Justice Stewart let hnu utr with a light
flue. Tidings.
The least in quantity .ud the moat In
quality describes IVWufs l.ittle Kaily
Risers, Hie fsmous pills lor constipation
and liver . ouipiainis ! W. K.
K remer.
E. DEAN, & CO.. Propr.
Farewell Reception.
Ou Monday evening, the orders of
Masons and Eastern Star united in a
farewell reception to Mr. ami Mrs. Geo.
W. Colvig, prior to their departure for
Bsrranqnilla, Colombia, where Mr.
Colvig goes to SBcuine the position o1
U. 8 consul at thai place. The recep
tion was held at the I. O. O. F. hall and
members and guests were present to the
number of 200 or more.
A superb feature of the event was the
floral decoration which was exception
ally elaborate and beautiful. In the
quantity and beauty of flowers and
plants, elegant and art i tic arrangement
and general pleasing effect, these decora
tions have probubly never before been
quailed in this city.
The addresses were without exception
delivered with sn earnestness and
a'li-erity, well evidencing the esteem in
which Mr. ami Mis. Colvig are held
among the members of the'r order and
their many acquaintances and iriemls ss
The musical numbers .were most
worthy of the high degree of appreciation
accorded them hy the listeners
The entire concert orchestra of 14
pieces under the leadership ol l'rul. C.
J. Kurth rendered a number ot 'classical
selections, A quartet composed ol Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Kinney, and Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Human gave two vocal selec
tions in a manner which brought them
many deserved compliments. The fol
lowing program was presented:
"Lucia Di I.ainuiermoor" Iiouizetti.
Dm iiKsTk.
Introductory Address,
I.. V. Htkwaht
Fur all women is m kittle only
in Shot that lit iruH-r)y. The
Shoe for Women
Is s remarkable. Combination of
Fashionable i Absolute
iv Tjte
. i .. -. '
"Jolly Koblvem"
Mas. T. II. Cohm.
"The Sea Hath Ha Pearls" .. Parker.
ti am kits.
Mil. A C. Hoi mi.
Selection, " I annhaiiser" Wagner.
I'rvsenlation of liiplomas,
Ji pok- Am si i.
' Sp'ing Soi g" Pinnili.
tic mi i rru.
farewell Address
I'm J. S. Mimas. .
II W. Col iu.
Fantasia, ' l. ran, I American" lieu In,
I K in si K I.
After ihe close ol Hi program, a
deh.i ma lunch was served ami enjoyed
in the hat quel rooms of the hall.
Wlllnmetie Valley Chautauqua.
The next sniinal session ot the
Willamette Valley Chautauqua Associ
ation il be held at liladsione Park,
Orego i 1'iiy, Iroui July ord lo the Uth,
inclusive. An especial It a' lire ol Ihe
session is the big ronrlh of July rally
which the Chautauqua management is
making strenuous tlloits lo make the
crowning event of theses Hon. Ham-hall
games hsvebeen ariiutgtd (or each week
day ol the session, a i7S trophy heimr
ottered , lo the winning team The
I hamauq ia grounds ia a beautiful
natural park with conini-Hlioua camping
grounds well supplied Willi water and
shade trees, cl wely adjoining the South
ern I'm irie railaay. Trains on th s road
will b run every hour between Iliad
:one and Portland lo a. coinmiHiale
those in attendance at the assembly.
YVilderville Items.
Mr Meredi'h, ot the Meredith A
Wilson mine, pas-ed through our ci'y
last Wednesday on his way to Kali
Chas. Wlrner, ol Waldo, put up at the
hotel Wednesday on his way lo (irants
Pass on business.
Mr. Mi'liallisnl, of Merlin, was seen
on our stier's one day Ibis week.
Messrs. Ki'ter an 1 8 one pissed
ilnougb Wilderville last Monday with a
drove ol beet cattle lor .he Grant pass
Mr. C. Deasinger and Mrs liecker, of
Kerhy, put up si Ihe hotel Sunday
They were en route fur 'irants Pass.
Mr. C. t JjOVfUcc tus a ere of
men at work repairing the lower Apple
gate bridge this week, uod irotu nil
repoits the bridge n very mu:U in
need ol ths repair.
Mr. King McL'a.ui ia bui.ding a ham
for Mr. Slue.iait.
Mrs. C. Cart is repirted ss being very
Mr. t o Boo bhis been d ring me
good work on the county road the
Applegnle bndge tld-i week.
I kathkii IJk.U)
Klnneyville News,
Kinneyville ij a lively pLc ; even
oue haul at work ; wood cordid up as (ar
as the eye can reach
Stalwart woodman, spare no ine.
Clear the land ot brush and pine,
Haise Ihe price fioni one lo lhn-e,
By planting garden, fruit and vine.
If you want a good meal slop ar Mrs.
Ch spin's or Mr. Itedfiel.l's hotel. They
are both first class.
Mr. and Mrs. Ileur sold out and will
soon return lo San Francisco, their old
home. All their neighbors regret loring
I understand there will tie a new
barber shop at Kinney vi'le. Hot water
baths free.
Hugo Il.-ei ze is still blowing.
I wish to ask the l.eland corrcf-p ini'
ent for information : I wish to p ant
an orchard. I havu It) trees which 1
must plant in I) rows, 5 trees iu a row.
How must I plant them ?
Why is "Bob" always asking lor mure
breeze Irom Hugo? Is it leeau-e it
blows the wave of prosperity on l.el.iii j?
Ht uo Bhkkk.
"I have been sulf-ring trom Dyspepsia
for the past, twenty years and have been
unable after trying, all preparation; and
physicians to net any relief. After tak
ing one bottle of Korlol Dyspepsia Cure
I lound reliel and am now in better
health Ihsn I have been lor twenty
years I can not praise K'o lul D, s
pepsia Cum too highly." thus writes
MrB. C. W. KobertB. North Creek, Ark.
Dr. W K. Krenier.
BeltJInn Hares.
Iliverside Babbitry Breeder ot thor
oughbred pedigree Belgian Hares of
popular Strains, pens herded by superb
imported Dash Meteor and Princess
Beatrice, scores Wi. Daah Meteor is one
of the finest bucks in America. Ho is
the winner ol Ihe Kirst Priie at the Yolo
county fair, California. Youngsters
from these hares (or sate, also some
heavyweight Belgians, will weigh from
2 to H pounds each when maiureii
the only heavy weights in Southern
Oregon. Write tor prices or call anil
see my Hares before buying. Visitors
always welcome. Address IIAHKY
MAKSII, Kivcrside. Babbitry, (irants
Pass, Oregon, box Hit.
Sunday School Convention.
The annual Sunday school convention
lor Josephine county, held at the Pres
byterian chiirih on Tuesday, was
thoroughly one and fullol
inler"st ami proli: to all who attended.
ilesides Hie local Siiudav school
w irkers ami thoe i f c-nr ow n county
there were pre-eiit Itev. C. A Dotson
Sun. lav school fiel I worker for Oregon
and Miss C:i:reO. .!illp:ingh, mission
ary aecielury of the II. Y. P, I'.
Three sessions w-re held, the time
being well taken up with addresses and
discussions. In the ferciionn, a hires
were given by Itev. X. K Jenkins and
Uev. T. P. Humes; in the alternoon by
Dr. I-eslie, Kev. C A. D dson ami Kev
C. W. Hays. Mrs. J. N. I'.-nnisoii sang
a solo in her accustomed pleasing man
ner. In the evening, Uev. C, A. Dot-
son and Miss Millspaiu-lt spoke and
Miss IMith Mitchell of Merlin eon
trihuted a very excellent paper. A
pleasing vocal selection was rendered by
a male quartet. At Hie close of the
exercises a uliorip'ion was taken h
provide funds for Sunday school work
iiietoruier otticers ol the union were
retained ; president W. M. Hair; vice
president, J. II. Kobinon; secretaty
aittl treasurer, tieo. Cramer.
s-i !l
; fim as
I'r. Pierce's Favorite Pievnption and
liwrrunee ill its use will work won
rrr lor the most hopclrsa If
Mis. Newton, wlittsr letter is given
k-low, ha.l not persisted in its use. she
might never have known the happiness
ot iwtteit health, l'etlmpa the n-.itn
tor tier insistence was rH-i-.iuse she ummI
"Favorite l'rcv nnlion " as a "list re.
sort" Phvstcians had tailed. If "Favor.
ite Prescription" could not help there
was nothing to hope hv. lldidheltv It
alwava helps and almost always curca.
It establishes recuUritv. tines weaken
ing drams, heals intUmni.i-.ion ami ulcer
ation ami cun-a tetnale wr.iknesa. It
imparts strength and el.istu-itv to the
organs ol in.itcrnity ami in ikes the
Iwliv'i advent practically vtm'.ess.
"Wlvra I ts'tisiiHe.! voit 1:: A;.nt isw. I was
In iss.r heatlh " wtttrs Mrs ST 11 N, t,.n tM
Vsitl.iitrn, AtW.vl Co, M llltr H.t.l Itrrn
kS k ll wtnl, i Nit. I lo s.t.l t, niv InMil.le ,t
ett Ihr rttM.I to tttalrltiltv ts-huh Ihe said
W.sii.lctt.l nts .l.tts I w, ..,...( ,lis.s.tirijr.t ,
tli. I ttol rts-t sits lt. Imi th.HtKhl Ihf ro.t
W is otilv a Mtsttrr ol tuttr, tt.t v,h ! ttty Iwu
p-s.i, Itllle, hrtlrss t hil.t.rtt
- II w. lit tins o-ti.toion thst 1 ts-y.n the use
ol s.sir trlttlilr tiic-,ltvttie tin ttr-(M tt, vour
lellrr o Apnl Nh mv putcltssetl sti
K-lttr ol Fsts.sttc- ISrss-ttSt..t n.l t...t.ten
Mrtll.-sl ll.aotvtrs ' " stt.l I tlM.t It list
tliiffs-tr.1 ahm vts, mrAt mt wt-vls of eo
osttsrtnrttl on ,-lh I hs.l ,rs-rive,l no
IsMtt-ril fiom lit nttstionr ttttl tlelrlmtttcsl ,t,
Usl r.stttl totrttr tl li, rtt I ,u now tsk
lti ln Ihirtrrnlh stt-l I. si K-lllr I hat-r a
k'Vvlv Isshv stt, I Ihirs- stt-it ol.l thst wrmht-tl
Ii S IsMOt.lsst hitlh Mv Issltv atttl I sr rtt;.-v-Ins
ttles-i hettlih ts,it lo vour woittlrilul
aitsti.ine lo wht. It I twites 1 owe niv lire -
lt. lhctve's Pellets stimulate the liver.
?rder of Pendo.
W. K. Mallcry, deputy supreme organ-'
izer for the order ol Pernio ie doing live-!
ly work for thai order in this city. Last
Friday evening, Hi new member were
initialed. dreshinnts were served
and a genera' good lime was enj eyed.
Some 25 candidate are to bo initiated
on the coming Friday.
Hugo Items.
Sunday school at 2 o'clock every Sun
day. We were b'eaje l with a magnificent
rain Saturday.
First claw meals and pretty waiters at
the Yancey Hotel.
It ia whispered that there is lo be a
wedding here ia the near future.
Mrs. Crocsett, accompanied by Claud
Williams, visited Urania Paaa Wednes
day. Mr. Bob Crockett, w ith his crew was
at Hugo Friday. He repoits times good
at I.siand.
Mr. Tolsoi.our section bo is, with the
aasistant-e ol his men, has put a neat
artistic finish on the Hugo S. P. track.
Mrs Henry made a flyii g visit to
Kinneyville, Tunnel 0 and Merlin this
week. She is soliciting trade for per
fume ixiruci and silver waie.
Mr. K. C. Newell with his crew of
men aud car are at Hugo, lor a few days
until they put in a spur at Tunnel!).
They will put new limber in all the
tunnels up the line.
The whistle from the mill sounds in
lha distance, reminding us that im
provements are in progress, They
sawed one tree measuring 0 feet
rhrougli, this week, snd also sawed
3d 0)0 leet of lumber in one day; good
for energetic Hugo men.
The Oregon. an Pictures.
Tlit) liiiinlfOMie picture Kent out with
the Sun luy Orttgonian ran b rendered
nun li inure attractive by being mounted
on a iiirt dark rolorrd melton fare. mult.
m hirh r;tn Iim hud at th Courier office
at 2 )c r.r-r Kheet, size 22 x 2S in. One
t-hri't lars fiioiinh for four picltiiee.
We liHve eeveral fbadeH to select from.
l'lultl Cniitnlnltifr llnrr CnrlMinle Arid
Tli an I.l mi l)o the Work.
Soin? intri ckI fxperirneiils nn rt1-sc;i!-(
iii; ii to the ability of wr.tor toex
err'ise a ilfstrurtive Inflnewe on iron
pife, which have reintly been made
In K n rope, hi:ve yieldiMl results not pen
i rally expet'trd, rrportfi the Philiulel-
phia liecord. It hnn been ascertained !
tluit vnt,erH x-oii'tininiTip little lime, i
but an appreciable fpiantity of dis- ;
solved rarimuic a4'id, were obspnnl to 1
ern ie it nvont nation upoii the iron, j
t.nd the courveof theartion w.istnu'eil. '
A Known quantity of iron fninps was j
placed in each of tliree vessels, which j
were respectively filled with ordinary
rlvor wati-r. and the ;anie waiter after j
mrbonie acitl hn.s j asHed through it fo-r
a few minutes, ami after the addition
of sufficient lime t'i just neutralize the
enrbonie acid. The MseLs were sealed
by r'cn ury f-mn contact by the air,
and . f ter the lapse of ft certain time the
iron dissolved in each case was deter
mined. In the fust case the water
had dissolved about O.Oco.'t per cent.;
in the second, 0.02 per cent., while in
the third only trr.'cs of iron could le
discerned. The v. a ter in the second
caj' was clear, but nn standing ex
tM.scd t the air ferric oxide sejirnted.
It was therefore inferred that writer
t unlaininj carbonic acid and very Tulle
lime ifssnlxi'd iroM a.s ferrous ;irln
ale. Vi!-- latter is tl.en deeomtiosed bv
the ii'it.. nf the a:r. ntnl fi n ic oitle
is deposited and mrbonie acid ftrmed.
The latter ran Ji'Miii nttaek the iron,
and thun water ct.i.taininp little car
Imiiuc acid may u powerful ac
tion ui mhi iron pipes.
I.nliorer IH-rovrri n inn ot PreaerTed
I rnit In un (I1 oiltir.
f'anneil nat dies at least 7.1 years old,
w Inch, like w ine. w iu to have improve
ith lonu standing, were a feast n few
days a'o for the family of rharles
clln an. of Iladdinc;ton, reports the
ritihultdphia Keeord. It was w hile dijf
iriiiLr with fellow v.nrKnicn forthecel
lari ef a low of new houses on ground
ili:it was once p; r of the old i.:!lon
fnrri that ZcMmnn struck his pick into
a caity. lnvestic:ition revenlcd a sort
of stone-lined well not more than six
fvt t deep, which hail been covered over
and concealed. There was a foot, of
clean cold water at the bottom, in
which stood an old-fashioned rdned
ar!henw:,re jar, with the lid sealed
tightly on with wax. It wn not with
nut some ditVieulty that the jftr was
!ci. hi t it was finally done by
foi-i.i;r it i:h tlic cdireof a .pai!c. Ihe
men h:id cxp'-ttsl to se-. treasure of
-"ine ki'el and were surprised, not to
s.i v,ieO, w hen only bl ight yel
low eaehes met thcirpie. The fruit
w.'M perfe-t'y prvened. Zellnmn
ckiiieed the prize hy ritfht of tl.'sc-)ery.
-i:ul his family dioured the contents
of t he ;:ir, nt-ont tw o ipiarts, w itliout re-j-ti-d
to Invtorie ,ilue, Close by the
cow re-l well is the now Icwled site of
the old Pulton farmhouse, stibnmlonrd
e;rh in the preenl century. How the
iT'Md wife who put up the pen hi s hap
pened to f.T-t them In tin- spring is
more tlian-ean be told, nor does elliuan
creatlv care.
ihw tj-ie-Jt ini ari!ev iti the funi!
Viv I
IrliriiMH Mtltl i;!h(tll
t '1 in to iiiin'ite- Ni
I'll ' frimnly nil lsn if g I
I' I'.'P
.iti l Kli 1 t i
'M', t -Mi U
lift ft m )-
10 Hv
.... K
.iv'.r- :
I'tlTi t
,500 Summer Uni
Hotter Values
rwul I'p-to-U.-vto Mmpisa. j
Our Stuck i-i' t'liiKlrcu's
In .ill ik w sty!,-, atul ii ir.miiiis are t!ie e!!rs ol lite mmsou
Buy Here, ivrvd ttctiJc S!tn Money you uet ihe I
"est Possible
Nv CuhhIs Rttrivcd Thij Wk l'e.irl
lCC-i, Ssjll-liolt.ti-rs lilltC.l.l. r.irii S
Ittittons, P. utter Tails. l.coVtt-,. (
vt saiincs New York Racket Store.
Courier ami 0re!oitian. S: a Year
Bids for Street Sprinkling. j
Bids will be lec-ived by the Street
li.iniuittee cf the C mmon CtUfci','
it I. I.twts i-hairntan. J. A. K-hkopI '
and J. I. Frier, for ep.-inkiing streets as
S xth street from I nrmt to D street.
ti street from Sixth to Fourth.
II street from Sixth lo Fifth.
I street blo.-k wtet from Sixth.
The council reserves lire light to
reject any or all bills.
Bids will be opened on Thursday eve
ning, June 0, 1001.
500 Hats
for summer wear.
Worth from 25c to $1 each; fot
Men, Boys and Girls, all go at
25c Each.
200 Ladies Leather Belts
Ladies' Duck Skirts $1.00 each
Odd Fellows Bldg.
Fought For His Life.
'My fattier and fd-uer both died of
Consumption' wri'es J- T. Weather
U.-OY nf Wtumlntte. Mich. and i was
saved from the same frightful fate only
by Dr. Kina'a ew Discovery. An hi
tack of Penuraonia left an obstinate
couiih and very revere lung trouble,
which an excellent doctor could not
help, hut a few moniba' use of tliiB won
derful medicine made me as well s ever
iind I tia'.ned much in weight." In
fallible for (Jouh. Cohls and all throat
and Lnnu trouble. Trial bottlea free.
(iuiirHiiteeil battle? 5dc ami $1 at Dr
Every Grain Kills a Squirrel.
;$() poe Cim
If yon are nut fattitil yon et your
IlKllll'V liitl'k.
Sloyer Drug Co.
h'mnt Hi., Opposite Depot.
Question Answered.
Ye, August Mower still has the
larufst sale of any nieilirine in the civil
izimI aorhl. Your mothers anil grand
mothers never thoiiKht ul iiMing any
ihinii el'(! for In.lieuion or Ililiousne.-s
DiH'tors were si ane, anil they seldom
hesnl of AiipeiHlieilie, Nervous I'rostra
liun or Heart Uilure, eie. They useil
A tiuudt J lower to clean out the system
unil stop (eiiiieiitatinii ol untlinesteil fooil,
regulate the action of the bver, stimulate
ihe nervous ami organic ai tion ol the
system, and thst is all they took when
feelinK dull and lm, wiih healaclies and
other ai hcs. You only need a lew doses
of lin en's August Hower, in liquid form,
to make you satjsil,.,! there U nothim
tierioiiB the matter wilh you, IJel
lireen's I'rize Almanac.
Grain.OI Grain-O!
Kemlier that iianie when you want a
leluious, appetizinK. nourishing food
drink lo take the place of coffee. Sold
... ... kti nu.i nKcii Dv an who have
ueii it. !!r,un t) is made of pure grain,
it aids digestion and strengthens the
nerves. It ie not a stimulant tuit a
health builder and the children as well
the adults can drink it willi great
henetit. Costs shout '4 as much as
coffee. I'm-, snd 2,V. per package. Ask
miir griM'er for lirain-O
30c Can.
jNone Better.
31. (lemons.
oss oscaa housc
liottijht direct fiom the
Our Prices Just e.bovo
W Kols&le Cost.
Buttons, Insfot PLwilcr. Shoe I'tsh Keels, Automatic Pitent
ass, ativl oilier notion
14 lbs Dry Granulated Sugar for $1 00
2 lbs. English Walnuts 23c
3 1-2 lbs. Fancy Evaporated Apples .... 25c
Wash Boilers a heavy one with
nl Srraiiifr Pail
H:,iiiiU'iri.c nl. Coffee Pot
A small line of men's shoes to
Men's Heavy Work Shirts, and Sox.
Smith Bros. Mercantile Co.
4 Howard's Old Stand.
Sensible Talk
Sensible Farmers
In buying a machine the buyer should be posted. The good
points of the Osborne are too numerous to mention. Thev are evident
to every man that compares Osbomts with other makes. This is no
bare assertion, but lias been proven time and time again. Let me show
you the Osborne Columbia Mower the neatest, strongest and most
modern on the market.
1 II. WCinilDT.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon lor Josephine County.
It V. l'ratt, Plaintiff.
Horace O. Williams, anil
Lizzie Williams, Kranklin
K. Wliittaker, anil
A. H lnltaker, M. W. Kspy
aud Virginia Kspy, J. 11.
Kspy and Carrie littpy and
L. L. Jewell Hefeniiants.
To Franklin K. Wliittaker, Lizzie A.
W'hittaker, J. 11 E-py and Carrie Kspy,
the defendants above named :
In the name of the Stale of Oregon
you and each of you are required to
appear iu the above entitled Court and
answer the compiaint tiled against you
in the above entitled suit on or liefote
the last day of the lime presn ribed in
the order of the publication of this sum
mons to wit: on or before tho 12 h
day ol July, 1SID1, and if you fail to so
appear or answer, the plaintiff will a
poal to the Couit lor Ihe relief de
manded iu the complaint tiled herein
against you and each of you ;
Ihe relief demanded in said com
plaint is lor a judgment ami decree
iliat the plaintiff Have a judgment and
recover from the defendants, Horace 0
Williams, L;zzie Williams, Franklin K.
Whitiakei and Lizzie A. Wliittaker. M.
W. Kspv and Virginia Kspv, ihe sum
if l.'iOO 00 with interest thereon from
the first day of February, l'.KJl at the
rate of 8 p.T c nt per annum, for the
lnrlher sum of 45 IN) with interest
thereorrat the rate of S per cent per
annum from the titst day of February,
l'.Wl, for the further sum oi t.'.'Ovll iis
attorneys' fees with interest tliereon at
per cent per annum trom the day of
the entry oi the decree herein and for
he costs and disbursements herein ; and
for a decree that the plaintiffs said
in rtgage mentioned in ihe complaint
be foreclosed and lLat lou aud each o!
you be barred an 1 forever Irom
any and all right, title, interest and
e uiiy of redemption in or to the lollow
ing described premises and i verv part
thereof, all of which is situated in' Jose.
I'hine County, S ate ol Oregon, to wit
lion twelve ili'i in townshn,,
- iu,i,rr ui
lour :t), south oi rane six (ti) west of
the W ill.imetie Meridian, tuuninn theiice
south twenty ,L'il! chains; thence east
twenty i at) chains; thence south
twenty iiil chains; thence west eighty
HO) clmius to the northwest corn-r of
ine northeast q'urier ol the
ooisiier hi Mi-lion eleven t ill In
ship and ran;e alof sael; ihemv
I lilil
sixtei-n M chains and lorti on (11
linns to toe south hue o' the lona'ion
i.anu i ntim to James 11. Tw
:ood ;
uience due west t enn euht '1
and cixli'v live iSV' links lo
thirty . :W chains son'h and
, ciniiis
a point
t Weill i-
seven I chains and seveti'v (70i links
east of the norihwrst corner ol the li ma
Hon Laud Cl-iiiu ol M, H .,naiu Dark
ness; north to iheci nire channel
of (nave or l.eland Cnek; thence ..
lowuu said Creek in a iiorthw. s., rv
direction to us intcrscrt'oii wrh the
Sec'iotl line between Section il.,.u en
and tn ail of the tuWIlsi.MI Ull.l ra......
aforesaid; thence east on said last
mentioned line to the p 'ace ol I.eiii
unm, containing in all tnree hiiinn,,!
eiKlii-nine no ni) a, res. more or
liss ai cording to Ki.vernmclil survei
wilh the i xccplioii ol t..e loll. ,;.. .1...
scribed r.a! ptcnisei siliu'ej ill Jos,,
piunel ou.-ity, Ma:e ,.f (heiou, to-r :
s ui.imeii, n-t at a cedar post set si He
southeast corner ol iheorciard 'ei n
Hie norih-ast ,, wrier of section el. v-,,
11 ', lonn-hip thirtv fi.ur (:U .,,!,,
rarv-e six nil west Wdiain.Mic i,.n iu
I hence luitn on llica-l side of orchard
a one the f-n,v t the south hti ' u s -c
II m tw i i'.'i; llience ea-tlothenonl..i
. iner
south twemv i Oi chain. ,., '.. '
taent, ..ill W,ri .e.rr
pecie-u iwnve I 1 i tlx ......
1 chains then,-,. Iv,e,v
-dl chains- then.-e 1
i.ienee west hi a
s.ini i
v so o 11 ol ttie .U, e ,i( 1.,...
r o i in me h a, e ,,l
inch excepted proiiertv ,
V ',",!;
Herein ha H., rp,.. i (ri
'""" 'he hen ot i
saio mor'e.iee
ltn suuimi ns i. published in pur-tji-n-e
to .n cider ( Honora'de ' K
anna. plj. f iUv
r;:",.:;,,!-v ";
I" . I'"1!, and I he ,l.o- l .... .
nude ..n ,.,V ; b laS
Vat, I ml.
J. TlloKltl'kV It'...
r - K S. Mii:u.,K,
Wm. A Mislv.
Attorneys lor l'laintitl'.
It Saved HiaLeg.
A. I'snford. of Ui;
suffered for t,x months wub a .'rlwhifu!
rii.nii .t s ceoi. hi. Wt tut ,., ,
B". '' A"lir !4lvr wholly cure,i ,
-""7 me ond
K'i:ntee.l Unlv ""M.
copper bottom for $i 50
6cc I
close out AT COST.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of
Oregon for Josephine County.
K. V. l'ratt. Plaintiff
Horace II. Williams aud
Lizzie Williams. Frank
;n i.' v',n. ..n.i
Lizzie A Wtiittauer. .M. '
W. Kspv anil Virginia,
Kspy, J. li. F'.spy and
Carrie Kspy and L. I,.
Jewell, Ilelendaiils.
To Franklin K. Wliittaker, Lizzie A.
Wliittaker, J. 11. Kspy and Carrie Kspy,
I lie defendants above named :
In the name of the State ol Oregon you
aud each of you are n quired to appear
in the above entitled Court and answer
the comp'aint li ed against you in the
above entitled suit on or before the last
day of the lime prescribed in the order
ol 'the publication of Ibis suiuiiiuiis to
wit ; on or befoie Ihe 12tli day of July,
'."JI, an I i( you fail to so appearor
answer the plaintiff will appeal to t lie
Court lor the rebel demanded in ihe
complaint tiled ben in against jou and
eai h of you :
I he relief demanded iu said complaint
is .for a judgment and decree that the
plaintiff nave a judgment" and recover
from the defendants, Horace O Wil
liams, Lizzie Williams, Franklin K.
Wliittaker ami Lizzin A. WhHtaker, M.
W. Kspy and Virginia Kpy, the sum of
Ifitl i.liil with interest thereon from t lie
first day ol Fehruary, 11101, at the rate
ol 8 percent per annum, lor the limber
sum oi H' 0 I with inteiest theieoii at
Ihe rale ol S per cent per milium Imm
Htelirstdav of Februarv, J0l, fur the
further mm of 2-.0.U0 as' attorneys' fees
Willi interest thereon at 8 per cent per
annum from the d iv ol the entry of t!ie
decree herein, lor the further ' stun of
ol.SS wilh accrued penalties with inter
est Irom the Till day of February, lull,
and for the costta an 1 disbursements
hen ou; and for a decree that the plaint
iff's said mortgige mentioned in II. e
complaint be foreciu'ed and that you and
en hofioiibe birred and forever fore
closed Irom any and all lijht, life, inter-
t ami equity ot redemption in or lo the
luiiiiniin; ueserioeii pieilllses anil everv
part Hieieol ;all ol which is situated in
Josephine County, Slate of 'ireton,(o- it:
Coinmeiiriiirf at the Norlhwesi corner
ot the N othiast q inner of the North
eat iparter of Section eleven (11) in
township ihirtv-four it, South of Itmn
SIX ,tll West if U iii.mi,.. l.... I
1 ruiimtiK thence North sixty i)) i haiiis;
,ui mriitii mrty ( -pij chains; t ,e
. XU h 1-.r V chains: tlism We.t
tiieuty :jo. chains; llience Norih twenty
("d.i chains; thence West fottv ( tO)
chains to th center of Section three :l)
of 'ail township and ran.'e; Ih-tiiM
S mtli twenty (:'ii; cha'tip; thence West
twenty ::'ir I'baitis; thence Soutii to Hie
.North line of the Donnion Land Claim
of Jiun-s Johnson, Claim No ;i!l, Notiti
cation of the tonshii and ran.e
aloreeaid; thence West alon the Noilh
line of s.nd ciaim lo the Northwest
corner thereof; thence South alon tins
ne't line of sai l claim to where said
es! hue intersects the section line be
tween Section four (41 and nine III) nf
t'.e township aud ranae aforesaid;
thence Fast Hlonk. s,.i.l last mentioned
line one hundred and forty-two ( I l-'l
chains an t trteen llo) links, mine or
icss, to ihe .lace of beifinninu, contain
iu in M live hundred and ten and Inrtv
liuiidre lihs (.110 4i) acres, more or less,
aeiorditii to novernineiu survey; with
the evc.'ption ot the i,.iojni: ,iesctil.e I
feal premises arnated in .1 , .... m li i no
s ."in , s.. ate o
I Iree in. to- wit : co:ii-
mencitie at a iioiiit on Hie S .uth liueol
JV1' lo l-'1 wlin-'i point s iu the
V '" ' tu o, chard feme and X ir:li
ul the ,,.,. p,,,t , ihe S Mittieist
rner o' said orchard : lh,.-i,-.. nth to
s..i. . . "' -
corner of -a id orch ir d ; I hem e
'(-) .!; thence Norib lo ,
' 'r" t he rave of I he
cm. 101.J. li Harkn,s. I, .cat...! s.cth-
fi (iiurd.r W.....
"P!".v-foar (;U) South ol Ksnjes.x
II. tVe-t of it., vv.n .. m i
llience due I ..t t . . .. v " ., ..J
South cenier line of the Snitheasl qu ir
ter of ect,,llvo (j.. , hence Soinu to
the ..0,th ilnif (). ,,.,.,, . ,hen,.e
"est to the place of bcSinnit.t', w he h
sad except,) ,r,,eriy ss des.ii'sd
herein has ,n releaaed from the ben
of said niorteae;
I'll" suuiinins is published in pursi:-;ic-tjst,
order ol Honorable U.K.
Manna j i l. ,h9 above en'ille l
' oii't, duly d on ths 2:!r.l dav "i
''ay. L"1. and the ita'e of the first
pu iiication was made on the .10 h da ol
H'U. J. TllORBt KN Koss,
K. li. SciuaiHiK,
Wm. A Mi sly.
Attorneys for I'ltint iT.
Those lami.iK iinle pills, 1m Win's
' l"""ielroin our vstem, cleanse the
' ''oe., make thein regu ar.