ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRA.KTS PA88, OBEGON. Published Bvery Thursday. Subscription Rates t One Tear, In sdrarce, Hi i Monthly TLrea Months. Blngls Copies, 11.25 .66 .86 .06 Advertising Rates burnished on application at the ofllce, or by mail. A. E. VOOBHIES, Pkoi-u. 4 Mngr FRED MEtfSCH, Editoh Entered at the post office at Grants Pat, Oregon, as second-class man matter. THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1'JOl. Presidant McKinley, in conversation with Governor Geer, during the latter' recent visit to San Francisco, requested the governor to express his regrets to the people ol Oregon Hint lie would be on able, al this time, to visit the s'a'e. lit aid that he had, or yean, looked for ward with pleasure lo visiting Oregon, which he considers on of the coming great slates of the union, both on account of her varied natural resources and her position in regard to the con Stanily expanding trade with the Orient He stated. bis intention of yet visiting Oregon nj the northwest before the completion of his U-rra. The big battleship Ohio was launched at Han Francisco on Saturday. To br present at this lsunching was one of the objects of the visit of MuKinley and the presidential party to the coast at this time and fortunately the condition ol Mrs. McKinley wa such that the presi dent was enabled to attend and partici pate In the exercises. The event war considered a success in every way. Hit Union Iron Works, where the ship was built made an enviable, reputation In the construction of the Oregon. The Ohio has a displacement of 12,440 tons, 1000 tons greater than that of the Ore gon. . Her length is 388 feet and the main battery consists of four 12 Inch breech loading rifles and 1(1 six-inch rapid fire guns. The very successful teachers' institute of last week was one of the most im portant gatherings, probably, that will be bsld in Grsnts Pass this year. There is no more Important or responsible profession than that of the teacher. The teacher builds not for the present but for the future. They aru the trainers ol the young mind and their work di rectly affects the future life of the nation. In view of these facts, it Is most en couraging to see that Institutes, teachers' conventions, are being recognlxed, con stantly more and more, as Important and necessary events. In the institutes, the teachers exchange ideas ; their per plexities become common property. The various problems and methods are presented and discussed systematically and the effort lo get at the best method and solution can not but result lo some measure of illumination. It is encourag ing also to see, as in the recent institute, the teachers so generally earnest and seemingly conscious and heedful of the bigh responsibilities of their profession, The most important part of the teacher's work is Inculcating, as much as possible, right principles and ways ol llioiinlit iu the minds of his or her charges. This Is more important than the dissemina tion of kuowledge, as knowledge tin guided by conscience or principle is dangerous. Tue long expected fight is on between the Ashland city government and its saloons. The claim has been made for some time that the suloons were selling liquor openly In violation ol the law. It seems lo be true that they have been selling liquor, yst not very openly, as evidenue against them hss not been too easy to obtain, l.sal week a num ber of the saloon keepers were arrested and were tried In the Justice's court, all being lound guilty, end wars sentenced to fines of M) to $76 each. It Is ex peeled that the cases will be carried to the supreme court by the quickest possible method and the matter legally settled. Both sides are determined tn go through to the end of the matter. Judge W. C. Hale ol thia city is assisting City At torney McWilliama of Ashlsnd and W. M. Colvig ana O. 1). Watson are con ducting the case lor the saloon men, The lustier is being watched with great interest from all parts of the stsle and the moral effect of the ultimate decision will be important. Ashland lu the past few weeks, has been pointed In ss sn linlun -e of pioliiliitlon that dors not prohibit Shd the lesson drswn by the opponents of prohibition is that prohi biliun never does prohibit. It is a mat ter of publio sentiment. If the people waul saloons they will have theui. When tliev do not want them they will abolish theui, but lo accomplish this will require a strong public sentiment sxalnst the liquor Institution. Ashland voted o elxilinh saloons, but the majority in favor of to doing was not larxe and the town is m evenly diviilej on tlieqni-slion thai the enforcement i f the anli saloon oid. nance seems a lu Her ol ililn nil j lie on t ome ol til- pretrnl c.-e it awuiltd with liiu-rrst Special Meetings. Mii-aCsirie O. Millspauh will ho'd special meetings at the Paptist I'liurih, to which all arecoroially Invited. Thursday 8 p m Address before the B. t. P. I . loung peuplt of sister societies will be socially iu'eies'ed In this address. rrl.laysp. m. Addrers totheihiU dren ; 8 p. ni. Evangelist ir servitvs. On account ol the Union Memoiial services In the Presbyterian church, the preaching ou Sunday morning will be omitted. Sunday 10 a. m llible school ; 0 -M p. m. U. Y. I'. U ; 7:30 Preaching Monday 8 p. m. Evangelistic service. Wednesday 2:30 p. m Ltdiei mil sionsry lueeliug. Miss Millspauglt is Missiousry Secre tary of the It. Y. P, V, and ol Woman's Mission Work, for the Stale of Oregjn Her addrasie will be interesting and instructive. You are cordially invited, liniikMT I.ksuk, Pastor, To Keep Trade Moving - A St We rely, on Reliable Goods Sold at Honest Prices. There ate hundreds of people who want a good article 4 at the riffht oriee. That is doing. How does it suit you? RED STAR STORE, W. E. DEAN, & CO.. Propr. Front street, oppo Depot, TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. Most Successf-ul Institute Ever Held for Josephine County Teachers. The annual county teachers' institute held Isst week by (superintendent Savage was a grand success in evety way and it seems ssfe to say thai it was the most successful event of its kind ever held in this county The interest and earnestness manifested and main tained throughout showed these teacher lo be thoroughly sincere in tin ir pro fession and the excellence of the papers presented on the variout topics wa complimentary in the extreme, to the ability ol the teachers participating. Mils Lillian llogan was appointrd secretary of the institute, wiih Mise Dora Colvig as assistant. The enroll ment included 47 teachers. The following special subject were ably presented. Beading Miss Kdna I'arker. Arithmetic I'rof. 8. W. Holmes. Geography Miss Minnie Tuffs. Theory and rractice J. II. Orcut'. Class Drill in -Phonics Miss Florence Akin. Beviews and Dally Marking' Hits Astolla Moodin. Orthography J. II. Orcutt. Writing in Country . Schools Miss Lucy George. History Hupt. I'. II Daly. Besionsihilities of the Primary Teacher Miss Allie Pool. Grammar Pres. W. M. Clayton. Nature Study Miss Caroline- lletlin. Course of Study and Eighth Grade Examinations State Hupt. J. II. Acker man. Civil Government J. II. Orcutt. Professional Specialties Prof. J. P. McCounell. ACME TURN Is becoming more popular each season. from the fact that their value is beccni Ing better kaown. They are inuih more coin loll able Ihan a shoe with regular sole. The all-wool felt suln lining forms a flexible and elastic pad for the sensi tive part of Ihe foot to rent upon, ami also protects the foot from cold and dampness. Any lady tumbled ith tender feet should try a pair of Acme Shoes. You will surely be pleased with Iheni and advist) others lo use II. em. Menial Ariihmetic A. P. AriiHirong. Beading lu I bo Seventh and K:glith (iradet Miss Daisy Stites. Curront Kvi nt an, I Meiimrv tiems Mrs. Belle linden. Social Pait of a Teacher's Life I. II. Oicn't. Ami ma llui many excellent pip.ri pres. nis.1, lb it by Misa Stiles Wis com plimented highly Hiul on motion, ii decided that her aer sbuiild h uiven lo the Oregon leaclier'a Monllilv loi pulilicaliou. The piper tiv .Mi-s lleilio on Nature Suidv wu also a snhiecl ul much favorable comiuent On motion, iiniiiediately liefore lie closing ol Ihu limtltiim, the filusing ros lut on wan ahp ed : livsolved, that the leailieis of this county extend lb ir lliauks lo the vi-iiii g teachers and to all ollieis who, by there presence have eiii-ouraged us. an I I y then i Xi-ellent work snd sugh'estii ns have helped 10 irako lbl iimituie a suites , A vote ol ttianas was lendered at lti, close ol the Thursday allcrnouii session. to S ale Supt. J. II. Ackeiman, whore helpful siiugetlions and explanations were of Ihe greatest va'ue and ho-n irons ill U'lia f ul Ibe insl:iu e were an imKrtant laclor in it succea. One ul I ll-t Important points brought (urwaid by Plot. Ackernian, iu his ex planation ot the M-liool Its, sat in regaid lo graded K-hools; that a pupil might cany on studies in dilfeient grades, contradicting the idea, that many have understood lo he correct, that a pupil inu.t be in lbs same grade .L'rr 3 1 - - - - J 4 the kind ol business we are 4 n all his studies. Prof, Acker man idea was that a pupil should be giv o doi.b'a work in those studies in whi' b he is deficient and thus be evened up by degrees, not constantly degraded to his lowest level. Prof. A. P. Armstrong, of the Port land llusiiieas college created a senea tion in the institute when upon request be delivered bis opinion on I lie veitical system of peuinaiii'hip. He said: 'I think vertical writing is a short lived lid that will be unheard of in 10 yi-ars." Among tint pleasant features ol the institute were, the evening programs given on Wednesday and Thursday al the opera house. Musical numbers of entertaining excellence were rendered and a lecture wns delivered on each eve ning, tho II ret by Pro!. Aikennan and the second by President W. M. Clayton, of Ashland. Every semion of Ihe institute was brimful of intercut and the time was all too short fur the discussion and con sideration of the questions. The teachers were n n i vernal I v faithful in Inteiest and attendance and there was a spirit of earnestness evident that made the institute successful in the highest sense. The following teachers were in attend ance: Grants Pass Caroline lleslin, Edna Parker, Maggie Chiles, Minnie Tuffs, Mrs. Polls lluduu, Cora Lemon, Anna Wade, AtilellaCioodin, May Button, Mrs. G. A. Kavage, Mary Day, Florence Akin, Allie Pool, G. A. Saviue, Stephen .luwell, Dora Colvig, Lillian llogan, Mrs. Josie Busk, Prof. H. W. Uoliata, Egbert Kobbins, M. ,11 jblnson, Eula llaynes. Selma .Vargaret Hanselh, Golden Hilda McCurdy. Williams Lillian Pence, Daisy Stites, Abbie Hlites. Kubli P. M. Corum.John Moriarty. EASY WALKING F ir nil w mi ion iii iixwil)lc only in Sliotn lliut fit projicrly. TIm QlJI'l-N QUALITY Shoe for Women Im h rt'iimrkiiUu Cumlnimtion of and Absolute Ease Is Keiliv l.ucy .M. lieorgc, Mm. Cora D ednchs, Anna Fie ter, I. -tand-Ella Parki. A I it- Smith. Waldo liliinche Fe'lerly. P acer .lines While. i;. Muick" Mii'pln li'iuv llarn-il, Stella Pad' ila. W,l l-rviM, I I' Mc'Vmieli. t, S ni'll, I'. II -itur,.., Winona-- Tilla rUirett. Piovoh laiper Miller. W,.,.,hlllc -P,f Walker, K-.hel llaik el. Win,, r f U;..,v. Unto-- Lulu M.irtiu. V:f Ce. k-N. M He.t.m. I'nlriful Accident. Some one, ne, aolv a cai-less jounts ir. left a Ion stirip ef b it,l stn kins ibrM.iuli a (em-e on l liird street one eemng lal wwk ut an angle with the end poiiiinij i,,ii ,e street W. S. Htrrie, riiling home en In wheel in the dark, ran Ihe end of the Mick sonar,. ly inti) h eje, ctiug a very p.iud 1 wniiiid hut foituiiateiy not rernusly injur ng the iik mber. - . Ihe Orrsonian Pictures. The hauilMima pictures sent out with Ihe Sun-lav () e;,iiiinn can Im rendered much more attractive hv being mounted mi a nice dak tilorel melton face mat', w hi, h can be had al lh Courier olt'ue al2K.'vr i.he.-t. sue i' x 3 in. One sheet taii:e enough for four pictures. Wt lone scieial shades to at Uvt frum. v' Memorial Sunday Decoration Day. j Memorial Sunday will tx observed ss ,fol'ows: The services will I held at ' the Presbyterian rhur.-h, all! o'clock. a. ni. Sunday, May lu 1901, at which time and place, It' v. C. W Hays has kindly coni-entid lo deliver ihe pennon. All ministers f ilie Gospel, mid other persons who ili, sie iieieby kindly in vited lo a'lend said Memorial Sunday sei vices. Delation dat wi'l also he obnrvid as follows: Thursday thu30lidiy of May, 1U0I, ihn sunn- i ei:ig I) cir::t:(,n day, will b ohs rve I aiid h-l.laittie 0 ra hall, a: Uiiii ,'.is, Oi , mid r the lea iernlnp ul luiio Pa-ink, com mander of Gcner.l Login pott No : '.i'J ', G. A. It ; and I Lie a 'jut n , Ii ti by under his diiec.ion'. do hereby i n nounce: Thai tl.o 1'oit nod W K. C. meetatihe A O U.'W hull, at' 11 o'c'ocit p. m. of mid diy, an.' toarih in procession theme unci tin ;it il.c opera hall at 2 o'clock p. m. Now undtr di rections from the n mn.ander I bendy extend special i:iv tvi'.n for sew li in take part and a:t ml Hi if, i- i!,i exercises ai folloan: lo Co. "ii ", O. N. li.: To tin C .ii.paiiy of t'n To the 1 1 . I i a n r '. t, rni : l.,i!,e Ex-Confederate S Mi,s; To im l iie conpaiy: To all Ira t-rnal a'0 ia i -re: To the schools, tt'ar Sunday n-lio.i' To the mayor and citv i.ft'.ci il-: T the county ofliiia Is : A so to all ivbowi'li to attend : An nppn pria'e pmrsm will be carried out u-idr ihe d :e'iou of John Patrick, pot commander, ou said day. V ry rcfpec, InKy. Ann Axtki.i., A' j 'ur.t. Notice to Miners. The following notices relative lo lor. l: iug quartz claim has been issued b. Peter Applegaie, recorder for Jackson county: "It is necessary, in order to entitle a mining notice to rec.ird, that an u'fi 1 i.-i . to the eirect that tlie work rmnii.-d I' be done by seciion t oi a-t apiirov I February 25, litjl, has been done, In attached thereto. All localio s iiimle since Kebruarv '25. l'.lbl, are r ff cted. The bee', way is for the locator lo add to hie notice that he has dug the hole or made the excava'ion required by the act of the Oregon L gislaluie, epproved February 25, HKd, and swear to it before a notary public or justice of t lie peace. All claims that have been located since February 25, 1U01, and have been re corded, must be recorded again." Fought For His Life. 'My father and sister both died of Consumption," writes J. T. Weather- wax, ol Wyandotte, Mich.," and I was saved from the same frightful lute only by Dr. King's New Discovery. An at tack of Peuumoiiia left an obstinate couth and very revere lung trouble, which an excellent doctor could not help, but a few months' use of this won derful medicine made me as well ss ever and I gainud much iu weight." In fallible for Coughs, Colds and all throat and Lung trouble. Trial bottles free. Guaranteed bottles 5ilc and tl at Dr Kremer'e. Kerby Breezes. Mrs. Dave Ihiggs and daughter, Mies Bessie, were iu town Tuesday. . J. I). A ut i ii , of KUiliathon, spei.t several days in our city last week. Mr. Davis and son, of Medfind, registered at the Pioneer tact week. C'nptain Draper, of Wu'do, reg steicd at the Pioneer hotel one day- lust week. 'Mr. Joe Schmitt and Lengthy Tom, if Draper valley, were In our city Friday on Frank Hart, Ihe Ittownlnwn nml Althume eliige diiver, is Inking a vac a tiou this woek. F. W, Chausfe, editor ol the Oregon Observer, spent si vcral days iu our city this week on business. Mr, Hurry Akerill spent Friday iu our town and from here he foes lo visit his mother of Grants I'ajs. Mr. Peter Hansen left lor Haker City Friday morning. He goes as a delegate f ir Keihy Indue, No. 55, I. O. O. F. The school ma'ams and proh-s.ors ill begin their work again M iml.iv after a wtek's vacation attending teachers' institute.' Mr. Joe Himsell, w ho is looking around in our valley lor cattle, was called home last week to see his little child, who is veiy ick. Mr. Hoy Cooper, of descent City, Cslif., registered al the Pioneer Friday on liis way home fiom itoichurg, where he bus been doing some abstracting on timber lamU. There will be a grand hall given on May Itlin the I. O O F. hall All are eonliallv invited to attend Supper at I'nion li net CiiATmi Hex. "The pitcher that goes often to the well is bruken at hint." There's a wmhl of wiwloin in that familiar proverb, and a sound application of it to disease, especially to such familiar forms ii'. ease as coughs and colds. Siuc,u,.uly enough the very tiling that one, hi to cause alarm is given as excuse for a feel ing of safrtv. " It's nothing ; only a cough. I've had it before." The fact O!.,...--that a cough re--';'' '"' V1? curs peruaiiciiHv Tf ii -.' W should he waiiiing f.i, i-iV enough to take it i : f X "V i .:,. c,r it,. luosi srniHis ami itijwlr,,ii nf all tiiitl,,, li,. I, e n a with a cough. Sji, The one ol Ir. Pierce's Golden Mcilical IHsi-overy not only stojvs the rough but cures the cause. It cures obstinate, decp- i -r l. rougna, rsin broiK-hilia, weakiiJl' lungs, n e m o r- 4 ; r b a g e s. diheaaea which tt neglectwl or unskilfully treated i liud a fatal termination ill consumption. I Aciept no sulmtitutc for"lKldcn Med- liiscovrrv." There is no other tiled- ' icine "just as .uihhI " for weak lutixJ. "I wni i-erv tnrtrl. wilH- Mr Molli ' l,ust, M Veium. kt-iilCo. tsuwitt. "ei-l.'iir t fiinlv itvx-o.r iit I h.uUsm-'ni'i.lioii llli.Hivtit ' I mud ,! K ' 1 Ml tvvl It i l I cvllkh. .ell M,.J. J vrtv uli.irl ol ,:m! rttlil hAt.llv Sfl wv lrth t itll ..iuc lltttr.. I hatl vin. tit ntv ch-t tt,l rtlit Ivit'S U' hil ,lv-.. l H.l.Tr I ,,'til t.,-1 Ira Mr.ll.-itl ItUKXW't'tv ' Atltl ' l'l -t I rllrla' 1 wi wc.k 1 cttuM n4 ttwrrp t,Htt. iul utw I Cntl ,to . ttiAll w-l.hittf I Vr.,tlr. lit lh cttutmig ft.1,trv Ihl tall uvl I (c'l ttk.1' a ttrw prttkui. 1 lltr-r lllitt tltr I.,t,,l att.l .,t tttr.ll cittr hav-l my-1 ntv Itlr 1 .m t'-W t Iv-aj I mi. 1 l"fc Sttlr-i tt It,.- ' t'.vvl.iru IflK-iil ttiwrv.' u,l f.Htr vutU ..I llr rirfv' Ir. JHcrc's Conmion Sni- MitUoal Advtsrr, lMjx'r (wits, i wit Jnt on m-tflpt or ji mie-oviit atamits to p' cxpctiar of niailirnt ny. AtlUrvai R. V. lterct, Bultaio, N. Y. A.F . .1 f7 Notiitng will be sweeter thsn the '"Hunch o' J!!a kberries ;" new two step to he presented by Deinaree's orchestra at the hall on June 4 At Bed Time I take a plaiant herb drin'i, the next morning I feel bright and my complex ion is belter. My doctor says it acts gently on Ihe etomacb, liver and kid r,eye, and is a pleasant laxative. It is msde from herbs, and is prepared as easily as tea. It is called Lane's Medi cine. All druggists sell it at 25c. and 50:. Line's Family Mediciue moves Hie bowels ea-h day. If yon cannot get it, rend for a free sample. Addrees. Orator F. Woodward, Le Kov, N. Y. REVOLUTION NORMAL. South and Central Americans Never Pleased with Rulers. Aailatora Floarlah Bad Oflen Sell Ika SUIna of (Isrerssitsl-Ko-iBlloaa Keaalt l le.ou of llatcberr. RctolutloD is a perennial Institution In Centrul mid South America. The southern r. public that does not have Its iipiising once a jenr feels that it is Ionium worn thing, it In not always nrc rskary t lint there ahould be just cause for a po'.ilical uplieuvni, but only that tome :ntral may experience a hunker ing for Ihe executive ofhee, or that president may wish to become a uctntor. In such cases the agltutor g-athers a fnlloviini?, ihsues a proclamation and sdziR the reins of (!Overrimcnt, if he din. He ki!! as many of his enemies as he cnii, in the nuii e of tbe republic, und holds svvny until oinc other fellow conies alniiK and oio-Ih him. Or, if un successful ulter ll few sbir mislies. tlirs the count i y ncd Inter Is fi on., I ; iii I ing a revolution iu some neifjl-.l.oi ing fctuie. 'l'he rioii!liou are not j'.k i riy mat ters, lio-aeviT, for those engaged in them. 'Ihe mean busiui-M u iiiie tlo-y Inst and are uncill.v ntteniled with sceni'S of hulclu ry niu! Ihe utinost tyr nnny. Tiny can: e u j:riul dial of trouble for the I'uiled Stntm ;oiern mciit. too, ii.i tin- iiiistiirt ievo!ut IniilKt le.'idi is locally tbiek il t.' ii eiinihent upon thiiu to triad upon I'liele Sam's coat tails at soiim- la.e of the glimc, sill s the t bieau'O tin ijiicle. Kcinltiticus loiu- Inen !o frequent in Central ami South America in recent yi-nrs tbnt llicy an- IooUmI upon by this (rnvernnu'iil us it mat ter of.cotirse. The t'uiti'd Stiites cntiHi! tefernptia the state depart nii rit that n revuiotiou lias broken out. l'he siei-etiiry of state, with a siyli of p:ii iness, walks over to t Ii c nnvy depurlmeut and aks that a ship he sent to 1 lie port nenrei't the scene of the trouble. The navy depart, merit complies, and the henior naval oflieiT brit!-l!i.n up cm the instructions tiuide nnd proiiibrl for such eaiies. He knows Just what lie will have lo do, for if he has been long- upon the sta tion he has been through many such iiiHirrcctious. He buiils a few murines nnd then de votes the rest of his time to seeinp to It that the hellicert -ut k do not rnnfcnck the American b y it ion and consulates nnd seize American inei-chnr.t vessels in their search for fleelnir cnVials. The weaker pnrtit s often n.nke n break for protection iinilei- tbe fools of Ihe American llair wlo-n ntlairs become critical, ai-tl it ii ,iin i. a threat di al of watclilulness to p:, lit the plusllers from mint my the r lbl of as Sum. Th" arc ii.-it n!v;is sin-cissfnl this, for tl.i v:e' ,irii ni i" im rn!- 1 jive n way of ,!in.rtir;i! 1 1 eir viet in-- f li t nnd Hon i'i itiiii, iifltrcaiil i;nt ihev Inn ii.i lb, i iMs of m ul raiily. ami n salute to the i! llntlll!!.' s follow. 1 i !p tin- c' :-i! ii, an, a -t ni! v vi i It ' Ibri lis iTrfn: Aini i i Hut 'I 11 I, of Hi Ili:;h A n:" I fO Mi dlist if i-rtni ft ii t i in i w : 'i.: nt w bat it is in i be f He (', i.tral anil South )ii,'!is liieh I elui, I s I lu-lll ;I'!i' lu tl.i- ebnrms ,r Ibe rev Of ci ursc, rnosf of Ihe j:,iv ;ire bail ri.oil-li. toil I bere nre n i-1 . Ills i-stiilo-i s w l,i re tnUii: up tirniH n-tti-rei! coni!: I iuiif anions (bene lilt'.r 1 1- p ! 1 1 1 1 -1 - s . It seems to be n natiiinl ii Icon disire to fitrht fiery from ami to inula 1 1 nnhlt killing; i owr tlii-v nfsj1'1''. t!:c i p; , -ill.' i lovr until t tic ih t 1 1 Hint !i1;i-!v :i nut 1 h As soon ns the dwell turethcr ili s. in l.n.lberly ,nl: ceo h aloeir, com i i.i! in '- par- t it h r I.i n hMi pnMt ionft n nil (llit afninst tlie irt-ii lluv fmifsrlit fur be fore. The triulenr? to mioh dif ttirlinncpR rnr.M to Im' inhvri'iit hi the lUoit of the Lntiu A ti. r r ii-if n pu p!c. Tl.U is prnb bMv in part liif t. tlieir cvrltitl;'.' ti in prr;i:init. IUit i" r ho Y.n t uilii ;1 t h- -.f -nn ti r ii f!it:vtl t. t 1 .1 k it it" lo n fi.!! 1 :t t ycr i! ere' ut 1 1 "1 u t ;dile to II: it Ll-ion ;it:tl t r;n!i t ion. Tlu-ir froriiiint-iiiti nre often rt pul.lics In nHihf ottty. (hie tlil.ii'iilty ith the SoutTi Amer irnit pi'oplt'K U tliat th hne tiiuli-r-laki'ii to rrirt rcpuhlics npun tlu cixil lnw nf in prr;al l'ium ninl upon nn-n areliifnt r;o!it!f:?4. Th v !-ne frfifutl ailpfl I i 'M ill tln ; li'ipc vt "lit- ten 1'. 1 : ,t 11 1 ii.f. i t!t-l( t', ' ti 1111 ny in-siatu-.- nfu i t It f n M-tit.iti. 11 (if the I'liitu! Stitt, .. h::t tll-il p,.'i I i.-il! f, ft - V: m ( lei) 1 1) w h lust am! t hv t niss of ttni! hi can m' tlu-ir fountlut ion hne bi-fii faulty. The list of revtiJuliottr. miht he ex teniTrtl aliiiuM (ml, -flultrly. The hit tory of Sout h Aim r-1 consist (f lit 1 1 vl'. Tiny ro all of tin same 'iHTaI A so-im!'.,! prmi Iviit tit tains pier, pt'thnpn h iiit-un of a nutt t or l'!-s fau it al elcMion. He rnli'i his riMintrv a- a vnit.ililr lmirarch tin 1 tie nJ'itiin ri;tl t'nii yatlu r nliout him nioiirh i!ialT ,M,',1 pt'!i!i,-r to nr rniit hi ni in ut t tit p: inr to sviA1 the chief -iviiUo oll.if. T!n n toini-s llie r, olui ion. Son:ci imi'.w it U mux, ssful. I ftotiuMiuit-i it 1 r.t t. but it imik, s little ! dilTt ri-i'Cf to llit j of tlie country I who are not in tin- iM:tm,lime fulUminip of one rirul or 11m- other. I li.l v.. If:i iiiiriin; ir-iili 1 y st pt p-i. for 'lie p ,' twei.i r cr .ri.l li,veln', n l.',i' a::i r Irun all pr-:,n, ions a nil p:i i, ii,,:i lo , an, i, 1, f. At'er i il, i c ne IkUa' ti K' ,loi lv-;p-ia (' i v I S.iui'l rtli l .'I'll am n i.v in tt .t li htn 1 l','n f.trlttmtv ),! I 11.1 ii,, i tr.-e Ko.lo' 1 it P ',i. f ir.' I, ., liij!l'.ly.' tlinn ti ntt s M. j. C W. -lr W V ll.tlf KtlMV N :! f'1-.k, Ark If p.. ip!e only kne what we kunw ' shot:! Ko.l.'l 1 fn-pii i Oure, it wmld , b ud in neirlv ev,'iv rtitu.-t.-hohl, at 1 there a: Ii pt'. ple vtltJ d.i not suffer f rom a h e!i ); i f f,.'li ess sfler eating. I bib hii g. fit'.utrni'e, our sti niaeh or wa-ibrah, lavsvd by inl'go'lon oi j lp..p'n. A prvpara'ntn. sucti as! ! Kt.'iol Pvi..p.ia I'u'e, w hich, w uh'r.o ! aut fii'io rl. e, wi'ldi fMrviiur. j i, o I. M i n ran"! l'.i.!,i but g -ahi . i. r m. ni-' r Quick acllvwr Ths WMkly Ononta& "Shufflin Ja-sper" Oiuolthenew piej-cs which will be presenud by Demaree'a orchestra al the ball on Jane 4. In laostep meas ure, the dancers will shuflli with Js P-"'- "Our linle girl was uncon-ious from strangulation during a sudden and ,nd terrib'e attack of croup. I quickly , nred a botile of One Minnie Cough Cure, giving her three do?es, Tbe croup was mastered and our aneedilv recovered". So little darling writes A L- Spafford, Chester, Mich. Some new varieties ol Extra Early Peach, 20 to 25 cis. each. Common vaiietiee 10 to 12!,' cts. at the Kivereide Nursery. LvWiit's Little Early Bnurs fea-ch tbe remotest parts of the bowels and re move the iuipm ities speedily with no ilitcoinfo t. They are lanious for their efficacy. Easy to take, r.evergripe Dr. W. F.Kreuier. 500 Hats for summer wear, Worth from to each; fot Men, Boys and Girls, all go at 25c Each. 200 Ladies Leather Belts 25c. Ladies'.Duck Skirts $1.00 each H, A REED'S, Odd Fellows Bldg. Banking and Trust Co. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000. Transacts a general Banking business. Kecives deposits subject to check or on demand certificates. Our customers are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con sistent with sound banking principles J. Frank Watson, I'res. Kcus t'oLLOi-K, Vice-Pres. L. L. Jewell. Casliier. DIRECTORS. Frank Watson. .1. S Moore, J. lloiick, Eclus Pollock, Scuti tiriinin , tier li er t S Ii , A. K. Shwhsn. Fry's Squirrel Poison Every Grain Kills a Squirrel. :$ is;i Out If yttu nre nut wit i('uil ytm get your nioiu'.y Itiii'k, Sloyer Drug Co. APOrilKCARlES, Front Sr., iinirn Ilppite. Does it Pav to Buy Cheap? A cheap remedy for counlia and ooliU is all riMit, but you want Bometliinn that will relieve ami cure the nmrt "evcre and daiiyi-rous rt-su 111 of Ihroat and lung Irouliles. What fliall vou ilo? 'io to a wa nier and ni ire regular oliu.ale? Ve, if possible; if no! possible for you. tlii n iu either rasn inkn the only remedv ha lietn inlro In 'ed in sll cm ir.H.I I'ountrieM with nuc ess n evere Ihntat and lunu tninhl.H, "So--!ie--'8 teriniin Syrup." Il not onl heals and a'iiim'ateti tin. n-n,. i" ilf tmy the ci rni ilisuja.', bill alaoii B mi in ul ion . raiiu s rusy exit rinrnii m iiv-s a good night's nit, and inre t! patient. Try one Ik. i il... U-coinim-nd, il man years by all ilrugists in tin world, lii-t liieeu'b Priw Alnunm Pr. Krenter. What do the Children Drink? iMn't give them coiree. Have you 'rii il Ihe new food drink called lirain-0? 11 is delit iiiiB anil nonrifhiiig and take, ihe pljf of e ll'. The l.iore liiaiu U vim ;ne t'.e clnlilrrii the innre hea'.tl. vou distribute tin ii.'h i lit tr ftini t'iraii-0 ; ii. td-' i f pine erains, ami when (iropciiy prepared ta.-te" like ll clioire grail,-, rf c T,- ltu' cosH ah iu. '4 niu.h All t-rortrs mII it. 15,' ii d 2j.- Hairs Lightning Squirrel Poison, 30c Can. Hone Better. 31. Clemens, ruE-TKirnoN prcu'.ist OR.NCE FRONT. Ot. orta MOUbt BUTTER! BUTTER! The Very Choicest CREAMERY 2 Pounds, - - - 45c Call and Get Our Prices on of every description. Tinware, Graniteware, and Men's Furnishing Goods. Smith Bros. Mercantile Co. A SIXTH AND FRONT STS. m Bicvc es iJ Chain Wheels $25.00 to $55.00 Chainless $50.00 to $75.00. Chainlcss Cushion I'Yaine $05.00 Coaster Brakes on any of these Wheels $5 extra. All makes of Tires from $5 per pair up, --at- THE .tlARIJLE AND GRANITE WORKS- J. B. PAUI'OCK, I'koi'R. I am preusred to furnish any thing in the line of Cemetery work in any kind d MARBLE or GRANITE. . Nearly thirty years of experience in the M.irhle buiitefa warrants my saving hat I can till your orders in the very beet manner. Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American (irnnite or an; kindo Marb'e.' J. Ii. PADDOCK, Krmii 8lr-: N.-l 'n Gi'i'enn'a Oiir.Klmp. Tin's Week's Bargains at the New York Racket Store. Onr well known Opaque Window Shades, with fringe :52c The llest Machine Oil, large buttles 5c Fine Lace Curtains, a hnrusin at 80c Ax Itantllff, i!!)-cent qu lity fur .' 18c Large Willow Clothes Backet (iHc Silk Chiffon, Blue, White and Pink, 45c quality for L'Sc Sth Thomas 8 day Clock t ;S The Farmers Saw 50c 'tl Clothes Pins 5c Tissue Paper, all colors, per sheet.. . lc .u i.ariiiiig i.veuies e Large size BisKets. At smith's New York Racket Store. Sensible Talk for Sensible Farmers 1 . In buying a machine tlie buyer should ba posted. The good points of the Osborne are too numerous to mention. Thev are evident to every man that compares Osbornes with other makes. This is no bare assertion, but has been proven time and time again. Let me show you the Osborne Columbia Mower tlie neatest, strongest and most modern on the market. 1 II. CJII3IIlrl STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Monmouth, Oregon Dimind for Graduates The iliniund fi.r er:iilimi. of I lie .N'iniiiil Schools liirini? the i,;i-t year iiiikIi beyond the mpply. l'o.ition kiih from (10 lo f7-y pvr imuitli. 5tiU Ccrtilicatti snd Diplomat Sanl.tiiii nre pre p.irnl for the tate exaiiiiriiiioi.s. and readily Stale piiperx on gnidiiiitit.rj. Slrung Aiadeu'iic and I'rol'iwionnl cimrve. Well i'raitiind lt rt nient. KxpniH-s riinje $U0 lo flT'i per year. l's!l term npeiui Sept. 17ih. l r caialogiie m. Mining full anuoliinvt m, nUM P L Campbell. Prea. . J. B. V. Butler. Secy. Willis Kramer MAM KAlTI'KKB OF Myrtle Creek Extra Family Floui And K.yer thing that govs with I irtt CU. Milling. For sale by Chiles. Delkmatkr, Wadk and Coknkll. fall for it; nine prii-e a other braiul. 1 E3S Howard's Old Stand. v ivinjj Daily At the Bicycle Den Nine Standard Makes. BICYCLE DEN, East of Depot. nair rin, per paper lc Ii.i Ihhii Donomore 29644 Brown Horse. Foaled 1896. Ul ' . ...v.n- j g iiauuif, wens lllAlit'S. j Sire.1 by Altamont 3t0, the greatest J 'ireol extreme speed in tbs world, j lHin, Sleepy KaiH (dam of Pell Air 2:U'4 and Athena a 2ii't) hv Mil, i 34(1, ; Urand dam, Kiblwn, by Verrjiont, 3-.'-'. ; Ivtnomnreaill make lheea.on of I'.iOl at the race tratk, !,.; mile west ol rity. Term by the tvatun $10; insurance V5. Care will be laktn to prevent arridents in will not lw re-ponible should any o, i'ur. -mmm M)l ' r.d l" : -. 1 A. L. FORCE. Keeper.