Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 16, 1901, Image 3

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    Want Sometliino Good to
A Deep Sea Shell r'is-h.
Healthful, Nutritious and Mot Invigorating of all
Shell Fish, A beautiful Ahalone Shell given Free with
each purchase purchase of two cans while they last.
( Abalo-ic is mind in (mm sis to eiitht hrhmns f water on tlie Southern coast
of ('alii , mar Monterey wl.ote muft f tie beautiful eheils are obtained by
Japanese diver-.)
It's Good Try It.
All Kinds of
Sardines, 5e, 10c, 12Jc, 20o.
Minced Clams, Oysters, Lobsters, T-tc.
California Strawberries net coining in freely and qual
jty somewhat inferior on account of wet weather,
Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Etc.
A Good
Is the source ot
' r
,. P'
the lic'st.
Planet Jr. Garden Tools,
Jackson Hoes, Rakes and Forks,
Oliver Chilled and Steel Flows.
A Full Line of Hardware at
Cramer Bros.
For Sale by
Hair-Middle Hardware Co.
Sensible Talk
Sensible Farmers
In luiyinc; 5 m.K-hine the li:iyer s'wuM !) po.te.l. The good
points of the CKl'onie are tor numtr'His to mti-.tioti. Thev are evident
to every man that compart-. O-lmrnvs with other tsiakts. This is 110
bare a.-stition, but has been ; r-.v.-n lime and lime aain. Let me show
you the 0l"nic- (V.iim'-i.i Mower the m at' si, strongest and most
modern on the market.
j as. w;!i.Miirr.
A Summer's Comfo.-t for
Swivel Tops 4c V.uh
Croquet Sets,
Bicycle Foot Pumps '
Ladle-,' Vesfs b'c
Have you lie. ml , l.ut how cheap Triinnud Hats tire
Si!;;:,;: til?
At smiths New York Racket Store,
1. !. I'.1.!'! 11 IC, It..
i mil prei -cd in fi,n;i.-:i a:: i :.n- iin o: - u.- t. r urx in ny kind
of MA2S1.E cr GANIIE.
Ni-arly lliiiry a' .' m ia '!. M.t-t..'e tu - arrr.::t my faying
lliat I cao ti l vuiir or.l. ra ,v. tl,.- v ry i,.- t r. -.n'T.
Otn -iicit'i wrk in .'.', ,-rh.i,, ,,. A-if:ic..ii i,.i.,t c,r any kindc
much satisfaction
Snaths 6f
to Match.
-- II - , -i
In the estimation of
Practical Painters.
Every gallon of
will cover 300 or more square
feet of surface in avenge con
dition, two coats to the gallon.
Every gallon is a full U. S.
standard measure. It is made
to Paint Uuildings with. It
is the best and most durable
House Taint made.
f '
Ail Kinds ;f Shoe Polish
S lialis ;;i.20.
f-tt. Tape Lines,
if. c
Xocal tappcnfnoe
IV. Flanagan,
Kcsiilent I'enlicl.
M. Clemens, l'reacription OruBL'ipt.
Wall paper, 10 cents and up at Wil
bur's. B.'B. B's! ' Ke " ioiiiglVt "at 7(Tq. ,
I'atton's Sun Troof Taints Cramer
Appie Trees 5 to 10 cts, at the River
side Nursery.
Wood wanted 011 subscription at the
Coi'kikk olfk-e.
The Spring aud Summer jjoods are
arriving every few days at Mrs.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Colon's.
Harness o( all Kinds, Grades and
Trices at Hatkett's.
'01 Ramblers $40. Roadsters 135 at
Hair-Riddle lldw. Co.
Some n varieties ot Extra Early
Peach, 20 to 25 cts. each. Common
varietit-s 10 to cts. at the Riverside
Nursery. '
B. Mini-li finished burning bis first
kiln of brick for tbe season last week
and tbe kiin is now nearly cool and tbe
brick ready for use.
Sf n Sherman-Will
.VY.l, Han-Kiddle 1
lams Taints.
Hardware Co.
Bee Hives and Bee Supplies at Hair-
Riddle Hdw. Co.
Peering mowers (Ball bearing-) at
Cramer Bros.
Two of the largest spruce trees ever
lota-d in Southern Oregon were dumped
111 Mill from W. H. Noble A
Son's camp, near West Marshfield. The
butt log of one of tbe trees is nearly nine
ti-etin diameter, and tbe scale of the
two trees shows 50,000 feet. Coos Bay
Scott OrilOn bandies Ashland flour,
Ulab alfalfa seed, Oregon red clover
seed, winter oats, large Russian while
rye, new crop timothy seed, wheat for
ft-td also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa, Tim
othy Hay, Oat Straw, Chop Barley,
Corn, Wheat, Oats.
Dr. F. K. Clark, tbe Christian En
dcAvor worker, will pa's through here
Friday evening on his way to the state
C. K. convention. An effort will be
made to have hi 111 speak briefly to
Christian Kndeavorers while the train
J.T. Flynn, formerly townsite agent
of Grants Pass, is tbe inventor of a
petroleum burner of which he expects
great things, lie has lately returned
'rom a visit to St. Tetersburg in tbe
interests of tbe appliance and has orga
nized a company called the American
Petroleum Supply Co.
Mil's Nora Sydow, who has held the
position of vice-principal of Jacksonville
choole for tbe past school year, was
t Irs week elected to a position in the
higher grades of the Grants pass schools
1 lie ensuing year. Miss 8. is an
e'hci nt, painstaking educator, aud will
lou'iih hh piovH a valuable addilion to
the coips of teachers who will have
charge of tbe gchonls of the capital of
lofepbiiiH coun y. Times.
Question Answered.
Yi, Augnn Flower still has the
lareiat Faleofany medicine inthecivil world. Your mothers and grand
mothers never thought of using any
thing i-Imi fur lndige.uion or lliliousnoss.
Oudnrs were ncarce, and they seldom
he.. rd of Appendicitis, Nervous I'roul ra
tion or lleait tailu.-e, etc. They used
A tuiiHt 1-lower to clean out the system
and stop fermentation of undigested food,
regulate the action of the liver, stimulate
the nervous and organic action ol the
system, and that is all they took when
feeling dull and bad with headaches and
ither aches. Yon only need a few doses
of Green's August Flower, in liquid form,
to make you satisfied there is nothing
Herious the matter with you, Get
Green's Prize Almanac.
Drowned In Rogue River.
Oilie, the little daughter of J. S. Tuck
er, who now lives at Trail, situated on
Itogtie river above Sams valley, was
Irounid in that stream on Sunday, May
i She was placing along tbe river with
her two little brothers and in venturing
1 1 wade was swept away by the fierce
currtut. No one i n-ar to rescue the
hijd ami llie bodv was not recovered
until the following morning, w hen it was
found by .Messrs Weeks and Berrien and
was taken homo.
St&te C E. Convention.
The annual state convention of the
Clin-tinii Endeavor aociety meets this
week at Salem, and hoi Is from Thurs
day till Sunday. A very interesting
program is announced. Dr. F. E
Clark, well known in Christian En-
levor work, will be present on Satur
.lay mi l S'liiday and w ill speak in tbe
afternoon and evening of those days.
the Grants Pass society will bo repre-
sented hy Miss Vida Moore.
Church Notice.
Services will be held at the Catholic
chinch next Thursday, Ascension Thurs
day, at 7 :"t) a. 111.
Election of Teachers.
The board met last week and
elected t-aihers for the lehool year
which will oien next September. It
was decided to add a third year to the
buh h h'S'l course.
Following is the fai ultj : l'riuciil, J.
M. S -hilling, of .Montana; vice principal,
Mim Astella Goudln; teachers, Misres
Minnie Tnlh, May Sutton, Mary Day,
Li'.lian !l igjn, Allie Foot, Call Healin,
Dura C-ilvig. Florence Akin, Nora
rydow, Eva Akin.
Demand for Normal Gr&du&tes.
The State Normal school at M in
airjiiili rep iris that the demand (or its
graduates during tbe past year has been
much beyond the supply, lira luation
from the school practically assures a place
worth from $10 to 75 per month. The
tu.'fonte taxe tr-.e state examinations
Inring the regular course, and are easily
5'ile to pa 00 all subjects required for
(ta'o i-.- iers before graduation, The
school has a well equipped training
iepartrnnt consU'.ing ol a ninth grade
town school and of a typical country
Go to Coron for Plumbing.
Leave orders for engraved calling cards
with A. E.Yoorhies.
Stransky Enamelled ware I years
guarantee Cramer Bros.
A New invoice of Reliance Wrappers
and House Dresses, having tbo corset
Lining which make them so much in
Demand, at Mrs. Rehkopf'a -
Those famous little pills, De Wilt's
Little early, R sen will remove all im
purities from your system, cleanse the
bowelr, make them regular.
The least in quantity and the most in
quality describes DeWitt'a Little Eaily
Risers, the famous pills for constipation
and liver complaints. Dr. W. F.
Whips, 10c to $2.50 at Hackett's.
Something !'iew in Ladies' Wrappers
and House Dresses at Mrs. Rehkopf'i.
' A few $30 Harifords left at Cramer
Bros. ;
Mr. W. J. Baxter of North Brook, N.
C, tays he suffered with piles for fifteen
years. He tried many remedies with
no results until he used DeWitt'i Witch
Haxel Salve and that quickly cured
him. Dr. W. F. Kreiner.
New Photo Mounts for amateuies at
the Courier office.
You can make an Independent living
by working for the Portland Art Com
pany at your own home. We can teach
you how to make portraits in your own
home by our improved methods. Write
Tortland Art Company, 270 Oak Street.
Turkeypile Brothers have had a run
of five tons pre milled this week which
netted them $465, $93 per ton. Tbe
owners of this mine keep two men con
stantly at development work, only tak
ing what ore they are compelled in
driving their tunnels and up-raifes.
Geo. Short and Fred Bolt, two very
competent miners, are doing the develop
ment work. Gold Hill News.
If people only knew what we know
about Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it would
be used in nearly every household, as
there are few people who do not suffer
from a feeling of fullness after eating,
belching, flatulence, sour stomach or
waterbraib, caused by indigestion or
dyspepsia. A preparation, such as
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which, with no
aid from the stomach, w ill digest your
food, certainly can't help but do you
good. Dr. W. F. Kremer.
The "Dutchess"
There's a county way down in the old Empire State,
Where the valleys are rich and the statesmen are great ;
Where the swift wheels of industry ceaselessly roll,
And their rythmical bum is the joy of the soul.
'Tis the county of Dutchess as all men should know,
Where the classic old Hudson's blue waves over flow,
Where the famed Dutchess Trousers, well known to the trade
As the best, and the strongest and cheapest, are made.
The county and trousers both wear the same name
Some ladies in Europe are wearing the earns
(The title, I mean, not the garments of course)
Although the dear creatures might do a deal worse.
Our motto is this; "Frcm the rhrep lo the man,"
We've adopted a novel and excellent plan:
In each town and city the whole country o'er.
We have one special agent, and not any more.
But tins is the point we wish you to see:
There goes with each pair a complete guarantee:
If a button comes off during two months of wear,
We will pay you ten cents don't you think that is fairT
And more: If you find that the trouseie should rip,
At ibe teams uf the waistband, the seat, or the hip
We will pay you a dollar, or hereby agree
To give you a new pair of trousers, scot free.
Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes.
Trunks and Valises.
Products of the Pine.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Cords have been
making a considerable improvement in
in the pine needle factory lately, but
have also been operating the factory
to a considerable extent. Last week
they made a shipment of 3000 pounds ol
filler and 30 gallons of extract. Thoy
also sent six barrels of eoiras and needles
to tbe floral society at Tortland, to be
used at McKinley's reception. Three
barrelsol these will be sent on to the
Pan-American exposition at Buffalo.
Mr. and Mrs. Cords went to San
Francirco on Monday to bo absent about
two weeks.
Oil Boring Plant Purchased.
The Southern Oregon Oil Company
have completed the schedule of machin
ery wanted for oil boring and will place
their order at once. W, L. Mercer, on
the Portland Chamber of Commerce
arrived here lo interview tbe ofllaals.
He represents the F. C. Austin Co. of
Harvey, Ills. Tbe purchase was con
summated last night of Mr. Mercer, of
favorable terms, and the machinery will
be sliippdl from Chicago as soon as
possible and is expected to reach here
about June 1st. In tbe order is included
tusny duplicate pieces to replace any
that may be broken. This company
has 05 plants in operation in the Bakers
field district. Tidings.
Spring Weather in Alaska.
Mrs, Ada Sparhawk Young writel
from Ketchikan, Alaska, under date of
May 4, and encloses a Siec-imen ol the
native grass of that country, which is a
rather coarse grass wi'h a nu n'wr ol
long blades. Mrs. Young says:
We are having lovely, spring-weather,
wild flowers are in bloom, trees are put
ting forth their leaves, and the wild
grass has already grown to the height of
one and one-half feet.
The recently discovered gold mines in
this section of the country bring many
new comers. F'ew towns are coming to
the front as rapidly as is Ketchikan.
New buildings and new enterprises sre
daily being added to its short history.
The report that smallpox was prevalent
0 this part of the country was false, as
there hss not been a case in this vicinity-
Ashland Saloon Matters.
Judge W. C. Hale, of Grants Tans, ar
rived here yesterday and today ha and
Mayor R. P. Neil have been in consulta
tion, presumbly mapping out a plan ol
action against the alleged violators
of the liquor ordinance. The matter
will come up at an adjourned meeting
of the city council tonight. Tiding',
May 13.
FrskterneJ Farewell Party.
Tbeorders.Ii. ot 11. and Rebekahs,
united on Mondav evening to give a
farewell party in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Smith, who departed on the fol
lowing morning for Spokane. A large
attendance was present. The bait was
tastefully decorated with flowers and
with the colors of tbe orders. Tbe fol
lowing program of entertainment was
presented :
Music "Grand American Fantasia"
Address L. V. Stewart
lUvt :Mre. Emily
Schmidt, Mrs. Emma Schmidt
Recitation "Socrates Snooks"
Miss Marian Haynes
Instrumental Duet
Mrs. Huden, Miss Myrtle Ctley
Recitation "Whistling Regiment"
Miss Essie Hartinan
Vocal Sole "Anchored"
R. L. Demaree
Music ''Remembrance of Naples"
Each number was rendered in the
most pleasing manner and was heartily
appreciated by the listeners. Added
effect and beauty was given Mies Hart
man's recitation by the song "Aanie
Laurie" sung very softly and beauti
fully by Mrs. Denison.
After tbe program a most delicious
lunch was served ,and later in the eve
ning a portion ot the company indulged
in a social dance, Mr. and Mrs. Demaree
furnishing the music.
Board of Agriculture.
The members of the first Southern
Oregon Board of Agriculture met at
Medford Saturday and organised by the
election of T. E, llillis, of Ashland, as
president; W. II. Gore, of Medford,
vice-president; W. J. Tlymale, of Jack
sonville, secretary, and J. E. Enyart, of
Medford, treasurer. No definite con
clusion was reached concerning the
holding of a fair, but it is understood
that a fair will be held and the best ex
hibits shipped to a state fair.
Presidential Excursion
Tne S. P. railroad company will toll
tickets to Ashland and return on May
21, occasion of tbe president's visit, at
the rate of one fare for round trip.
Old Soldier's Experience.
M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, ol
Winchester, Ind., writes; "My wife
was sick a long time in spite of good
doctor'! treatment, but was wholly
cured by Dr. King's New Life Tills,
which workod wonders (or her health."
They always do. fry them.' Only25c
at Dr. Kremer'i drug store.
H. Harth & Son.
Rising Sun Flour.
Mrs. John, of Williams, says that
Rising Sun (lour is the best made in
Southern Oregon. Everyone who has
ever had occasion to stop at the John's
ranch is fully convinced that Mrs. John
is a competent judge of flour and knows
how to handle that article.
Rising jinn flour is made by 1. G.
Moon at the Provolt mills.
HAI.I- In this city, Sunday, May 12,
HiOl.tnMr. and Mrs. O. II. Irall.a
CKOW-MATIIEWS In Jacksonville,
May 5, I'.ml, at Catholic church, by
Rey. Father llerthiaiin, Frank Crow
and Mary S. Mathews.
HF.I.MS-HMITH-In Jacksonville,
May 0, mil, by Chas Prim, county
judge, A. M. Helms and Mary S.
land May, 8 U'H. Hubert J. Whipple
and Miss Iva Etta Washburn, by Rev.
J. F. Tout.
Pass Sunday, May Pith l!M)l,John
IxK-khard and Marie Wethnrill, both ol
Josephine county, Key. Robert lalie
DCFAt'D JANHON At St. Anne's
rhurvh Minneapolis, on Tuesday, May
14, lOtil, Paul P. Dulaud and Miss
Lillian Pearle Janson, formerly of this
SlI.SHY-ln Ashland. Wednesday, May
8, 1111, Col. W. II. Hilaby, aged 71)
KEHSI.ER In this city. Tuesday. May
14, l!KJl, Joseph Kessler, aged 70
Mr. Kessler wss one of the well known
and highly reect-d cititens of Grants
Pass and followed his profession as
jeweler here for a number of years. He
had been in very poor health for several
months preceeding hie death. The
funeral services were held Wednesday
afternoon at his late residence and the
interment took place in the I. O. O. F.
Office on 6th St. oppo. Court House.
Residence North 7th St.
Rev. I. O. Knotts held services in
Roseburg Sunday.
Judge Hanna ol Jacksonville visited
Grants Pass last week.
J. C. Mattison, one of Galice's miners
visited Grants Past Monday.
Manuel Hege was In from the Rising
Star mine at Williams Friday.
Wm. By bee spent several days In
Grants Pass during the past week.
Claud Russell and Mark Bollenbongh
ot Canyonville were in town Saturday.
Rev. Robt. 'Booth virlled in Roseburg
last week with the family of bit ton,
J. H. Booth.
John Hall went to Ashland last week
to visit there with hit daughter, Mrs.
W. F. Ferrier.
Mrs. Mallon is visiting here from
Portand with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Griffith.
Rev. D. T. Summerville returned last
week (rom a five weekt visit to Klamath
and Lake counties.
Mrs, J. T. Taylor returned home one
day last week I rom a visit with Mr. and
Mrs. W. As Taylor at Ashland.
J. P. Wentx, a merchant of Smith
River, passed through Grants Pass
Sunday on hit way to San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Kinney went to
Ashland Friday morning to attend the
'uneral services of Col. W. II. Silsby.
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Goodwin and
child, of Tortland, were passengers on
Tuesday morning's train for San Fran
cisco. Mrs. F. E. Peter, mother of Mrs. R.
W, Clark, returned last Wednesday eve
ning from a visit of several weekt at Lot
Oscar Naucke'of San Jose, Calif., left
on Tuesday morning for that c'ty after
a visit at Kerby with his brother, T. O.
Dre. Van Dyke, Moore, Kremer, Smith
and Major went lo Jacksonville Tues
day to attend the medical institute at
that place.
Mrs. J. WT Howarl aiidMrt. JTD.
F'ry entertained the members of the
Senior class at the home ol Mrs. Howard
on Friday.
W. H. Wehrung, president, and M.
D. Wilson, secretary ol the Oregon ttate
lair, spent a short time In Grants Pass,
Monday evening.
Walter Harmon It taking a vacation
liia week and hat gone to Klamath Falls
to rusticate for a few dayt and look over
that portion of the country.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Neat arrived Fri
day from Iowa to spend the summer
here visiting with their daughter, Mrs.
Rehkopt and other relatives.
Mist Edna Tarkor went to Medlord
Saturday to visit with Mist Elsie Wiley,
who is toon to depart lor California
with her parents and family to reside.
Mrs. C. E, Sparhawk and ton, Master
Lynden, arrived on Thursday to visit
for a time with the family of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sill, at their
home near Murphy.
Mrs. C. W. Uorchert went to Han
Francisco Monday rooming to' visit that
city for a time. Mr. and Mra. Uorchert
will probably make their home at Tort-
laud in the future.
J. M. ;Hoe and F. R. Hauls, 1 1 New
York stopped here Wednesday evening
on their way east. Messrs Hoe and
Dams are former New York acquaint
ances of Arthur Conklin.
Mrs. F. O. Person and rhildand Miss
Harriet Scovlll arrived here last week
from Colorado and willtpenda month
or more visiting with relatives and their
many friends at this place.
Dr. J. P. Bowman, of Crescent City,
ho has been visiting iu Southern
Oregon, (or a lew dayt past, departed
or hit home Sunday by private convey
Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Frye returned
Monday from a month's visit among
friends and relatives in Ohio. Their
many friends welcome their return
home. La Grande Observer.
Mrs. C. E. Harmon left on Monday
evening (or Salem where she will visit
(or a week and will then join Mr. Har
mon and accompany him to Baker City,
where hognei as a delegate to the grand
lodge, I. (. O. F. which convenes there
on May 23.
Ralph Davit has returned to Seattle
after spending several months here with
bit parenti and friends. Ho will
probably resume his old occupation on
the boats, the water having an Irresisti
ble attraction lor him.
R.J. and Alva Lunar, former well
known young men of our city, are
visiting relativea and friends In Grants
Pass tli is week. Riley is now located In
southern California and this is his first
visit here for several yean. Alva It
located near Nisaon, where he is engaged
In mill work.
C. II. Marshall and J. T. Robertson
have gone to Klamath county, where
they will work in the interests of the
order of Modern Woodmen snd incident
ally look over the attractions and ad
vantages ol eastern Oregon. They will
operate In Klamath, Lake and Malheur
counties. Mr. Maishall went by wheel
from Ashland lo Klamath Falls, s hard
Tom Smith and family left on the
eirly train Tuesday morning for Spo
kane, where they will reside, Mr. Smith
being now an owner In one ol the
principal undertaking establishments ol
that city. Mr. Smith and his family,
during their residence here, have made
a great many Iriends who sincerely
regret their departure. Mr. Smith has
not yet disposed ol bis property here.
O. N. G. Encampment.
Plans for the annual encampment of
the Oregon National Guard are now
decided. The Third regiment und-ir
command of Colonel Everett, with head
quarters at Portland, will engage in a
practice msreh. The Fourth regiment,
under Colonel Yoran, will go into camp
at Eugene. Company II, of Grants Pass
it included in the Fourth regiment.
M. C Church, South.
There will be preaching in the M. E
church, Bjuth, Sunday, May 10th at
11 a. m. and 8 p. in. 1'reechiiig at the
Centennial school house May loth, at
S . m. T. P. ll.tvur.
New Location. '
The Courier it now located in itt new
quarters on Front street near Sixth.
For the past two weekt the journaliatic
machinery has operated under difficul
ties. Two issues have been printed with
office and press rooms wrenched vio
lently apart and one with the pressroom
building on rollers and en rnnie to Itt
new location, but we h ive come to rest
at last and invite all our friends, old and
new. to visit us in our new location.
Coming Events.
May 21 President McKinley and
party past through.
May 28 County Sunday school rally
June 6 High school commencement.
Repairing the Dam.
The water company has commenced
operation! towurd the repairing of their
dam which was severely Injured by the
high water ot last winter. G. I. Brown
is here to superintend the operations.
The company have a pile driver now on
the road to assist in the work of re
building the dam.
Tbe source ot supply (or city water
will be moved further up the river to a
poiut 200 feet above the mouth of Gilbert
creek. To that end a (offer dam will be
constructed across the head of the race,
temporarily shutting off tbe water. A
ditch will be sunk in (he bottom ot the
race and 18 inch pipe laid therein. At
the intake or source of supply, a cement
basin will be tonslructeu and will be
guarded by screens against the entrance
of any kind ol debris, Tbe water (rom
the pipes will flow into a reservoir or
well (rom which the pumps operate.
During the last week or so ol warm,
dry weather, the Grants tun people
have been uBing a large amount ot
water, probably 300 gallons per minute
or 18000 gallons per hour during the
hours of sprinkling.
Old Maids Conventisn
The Old Maids will bold their next
convention in Grant! Pass in June. .
AT the I. O. O. P. hall, Monday evening,
a Kingsbury ilerhy hat, marked on
inside with initials, H. 0. 1). Finder please
return to this oltice.
1)ltEMD 11 45 Camera, almost new,
$lft, for sale at $11. Inquire of lieu. P,
fH)l)K wanted on hydraulic, mine man
preferred, Inquire Wright's assay
ITAKK this means to Inform mv many
friends that I am now associated with
the Hiuiili Bros, Mercantile Co , corner
Front ami Sixth His., and respectfully in
vite you to call and see me.
JASIl paid (or gold dust. - Cramer Bros.
'I'AKK your wheel tu Crumer Bros, for
-a- repairs.
AHI.K'S hall, corner Fifth and 11 streets,
is now opeueil tu the pulilia and will
lie renteil hy the evening. Apply to Mrs.
J. 11. Ahlf.
I, Kl'IT farm of nXf acros one mile east of
town. Unod house and hiirn, young
fruit trees. For sale at a bargain. Inquire
at this oil Ice.
Men's & Boys' Clothing
Big Bargains
Men's Sutis, $1.58, SAO, 7.00, SAO, 9.20,10.90
Hoys' Suits, 80c, $1.00, 1.20, 1.00, 1.80, 2.00
Ladies' Suits and Skirts.
Ladies' Tailor-Made Wool Suits, $5.10, 7.20, 10.00, 12.00,
11.80, 10.
Ladies' Crash Skirts, -10e, 00c, 80c, $1, 1.20, 1.00.
Ladies' Wool Skirts, $1.(10, 1.80, 2.00, 2.10, 2.80, 3.20, 4.00,
Miss Mary Coo has returned from San Francisco with
a most complete and artistic
Children's Summer hats. You are invited to visit our
Millinery Department,
Inarins at 10c, ,'l."c, tOe, ."Oe, G.'c, 7.'c.
Brussels, Special Values, matched and made, at 75c.
Window Shades, extra heavy, extra lonr, extra wide, 37 Jc.
f lHL$RaEE;
$3.5 0
Worn and recommended by
News for
If you marvel at what
wo offer, there's a great
er surprise in the goods,
and the prices are just
right for you. Never mind
us. Here's a picking
for prudent purchasers.
Some more of those Pretzels or
German Biscuit per pound.. 10c
One gal. ca.ts Pie Fruits all
kinds 25c
Pound package extra No. 1
Macaroni for .'..ioc
Schepp's Cocoanut, lb pkg....25C
Schepp's Cocoanut, ;4 lb. pkg.isc
Pillsbury Wheat Food, lor
breakfast, per pkg 10c
Home Baking Powder, 25 ounce
cans for 20c
Extra Soda Crackers, one-eighth
size boxes . .606
Deviled Ham, lb cans 10c
Deviled Ham, lb cans ...... 5c
GoldenGate 50c Baking Powder,40c.
Cream Wheat, fresh and good,
per pound 5c
Grocery Go.
You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy
cheeks and sparkling eyet It your liver
is sluggish and your bowels clogged.
DeWitt't Little Early Riteri cleanse the
whole system. Tbey never grips,
Ask your Grocer to-day to show you m
package of GRAIN-O, the new food
drink that takes the place of coffee.
The children may drink It without in
jury si well as the adult. All who try
it, like it. GRAIN-0 bat that rich seal
brown of Mocha or Java, but it It made
from puro grains, and the most delicate
stomach receives it without distress.
the price ol coffee. He. and 25cts. per
package. Sold by all grocers.
that are
Business at the
stock of Ladies Missos and
Thc Bt Shoe Made in
America for
a rn
the best ladies in the land.
L. COE & CO.
rrho J3Itr Ntore.