mntkt GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY a, 1901. s" An Opportunity FOR Rogue River valley is full of Oil Natural Gas, Artesian water and other valuable minerals. Nature's storehouse is bulging out with wealth and only needs the magic hand of man to unlock and reveal the hidden wealth stored up for the use of the Twentieth Cen tury. Our arid lands will produce won ders if we once cau procure Arte " sian water to supply abundance of water with which to irrigate. Oil and Natural Gas aie the irreatest economical fuel of this veneration. Shall we let it be dor mant here in Rogue River valley while other sections of the country . are using nature's storehouses? Oregon cannot be beaten any where in the world, for natural Gas, Oil or Artesian water. Rogue River valley is truly the Italy of America. Here we have the finest climate, the best apples, the largest peaches and the prettiest girls. Shall the people of Grants Pass forever coutinue to drink the slime and slush and sewage that pours into Rogue river while we can have the best of Artesian mountain water by the very simple process of dril ling a few hundred feet? What a beautiful city Grants Pass would be if there were a stream of pure Artesian' water flowing along each side of her streets. It is the intention of The Oregon Natural Gis, Oil & Mining Co. to soon begin active operation of dril ling a number of v Is to the depth of 1000 feet to ascertain the pres ence of Natural ,Gas, Oil, Artesian water and other valuable minerals. They are now bonding land in and around Grants Pass. Within the next six months they will be drilling on some of the property they have bonded for that purpose. They intend if it is possible, to supply the city with plenty of pure Artesian water before the coming foil. The Oregon Natural Gas. Oil & Mining Co requests .ll farmers and property holders to give them the privilege of diilling one or more wells on their property. They will give a percentage of the output of ilie wells to paities granting the privilege. In orck-r to get the people of Grants Pass and Josephine comity interested in Natural Gas, Oil, and Artesian water they will give all of them a chance to subscribe for a few shares of the capital stock of the company on very liberal terms. Suppose you take a few shares of the' capital stock of 1 he Oregon Natural Gas, Oil & Mining Co. of the par value of $1 per share. You pay 10 per cent, down, 40 per cent, when the machinery is set up and is ready to begin operation and the remaining 50 per eeut. when they strike a How ol natural gas, oil or artesian watei or have drilled to the depth of 1000 feet. If they strike oil, natural gas or artesian water you have the option of tak ing ten times as many shares asyou subscribe for. They will pay you back all the money received from you if they fail to drill a well as agreed upon. You are invited to thoroughly investigate their proposition. You have nothing to lose but every thing to gain. If you are a cap italist it is a safe investment. If you are a farmer or property holder it will pay you to invest as it will enhance the value of your place a hundred fold more than you invest if they should find cither oil, gas or water near your property. II you are a working man it will pay you to take shares as this will open up a vast and a new work for you. The merchants and business men should invest in Shares in order to start this enterprise. Professional men, in (act all classes of people, should take a few shares in this vast and new enterprise and it will be a help to all in Grants Pass and Josephine county. If you cannot take 100 shares you can tak' 50 or ten shares. Remember every dollar will be returned to you if the com pany fails to drill a well as agreed upon, The stocks are non-assessable and fully paid up as they are used. The by-laws of the com pany do not allow a debt to ex ceed 1 per cent of the capital. Scott Griffin of Grants Pass, Ore gon, is a stockholder, a director and the secretary of The Natural Gas, Oil & Mining Co , who will take leases on lands and subscrip tion for stocks and will give any information regarding the company. The closer you investigate the more you will help the company by taking stock and leasing your prop erty for the purpose of drilling one or more wells thereupon as you have uothingto lose but all to gain. For further information call on SCOTT GRIFFIN, Secretary, The Natal Gas, Oil &! Mining Company. Grants Pass, Ore Investment .. .YOUR SPIUiNG SUIT.... Have you neglected ordering that spring suit? Don't you see it is getting pretty late if you want to be in the early spring fashionable procession? We would like to furnish that suit for you. It will be well made, will be fashionable and will fit. The cost will be right, too. CLOSING OUT LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. WELCHS' CLOTHING STORE NEXT TO P. O. GRANTS PASS D R. R. E. SMITH, PHYSICIAN and Sl'RGEON Office, Room 2 over Post Office. Resilience Kane House, oppo. the Western. (iKAN'TS PASri. - - OKEOOS, )R. CLIVE MAJOR, General Practitioner of MeDICISK AND Sl'HUEHY. Office in Williams Block C. HOUGH, ATTOKN E Y-AT-L A V, Practice! in all State anil Federal Court Office over First National Bank. Jkantu Pass, - Orkuon. J.J C. PERKINS, u.s. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR, ORIiOON. liKANTh Pass, QOSHOW & SHERIDAN, MINING ATTORNEYS, Special attention given to Mining and Land Laws, ami Land Office practice. ItonKiirno. Oregon. QEORGE II. I3INNS, ASSAYhR, Office opposite Hotel Josephine ilMNTS Pak. - - OllKOON. N. E. McGREW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY t il 1 11 1 1 il re li il Pidno Moving. GiiANTS PASS, OREGON The popular barber shop Get your tousorial work done at IRA TOMPKINS' On Sixth Street Three chairs liulti room 111 connection II. II. BARTON, WATCHMAKER and "JEWELER. Full assortment of Watches, Clocks, Sil verwcur and Jewelry. A Ijmh1 Aortinent f llrucelrtu and J 1 curt utigleA, Clemens' Drug Store CLAIS SCHMIDT STAPLE GROCERIES CANNED GOODS FLOUR and FEED Sixth St., ore. Orv Hall J. M.CHI LI'S GROCERIES HARDWARE TAHLEWARE Fine IJuttcr a Specialty FRONT and FOURTH STS. SWEETLAND & CO. FRESH and SALT MEATS.s-" Piioni 21 G. 0. FISHER Sewer-Connections j Metal Rooting (ias Fitting Flumbing ...Pipe work of all kinds... Hid furnished for all work. Leave orders milh 1 miner Bro. ltardsare Hail-Kiddie Hardaare )Mtii)to)nmitHw RELIABLE ....Poultry Yards.... pjree'ler of Prize Winners and High Scoring Barred Plymouth Hock, H. C. Ilriiwn I.eitliorns, Uronz4 Turkey, Scotch Collie Dog. The highest scoring Plymouth Rock and Crown Leuhorn Cocke in the Stale; at Hoseburg Show one 1st an. I 2nd on Plymouth Kock Cocke; Leghorn 1st and 2nd, Cockerels, let 2nd and 3rd Pullets. ;gos : 1 Setting, a Sellings a BO Address E. A. KRUSE. ROSEBTJRO, ORE To Advertise My Belts Mori extensively among the male rcaili're 11I tin Courier I Shall Distribute a few Belts Free of All Charge. . Cut out this advertisement ae eoon as you see it and mull it to me at once and I will explain to you fully how you may Becuie a belt flee. When writing mention sue, occupation nature if ailment and how lung vou ha' u veil at your present address. In return I will mail you my illustrated bnoke des cribing fully mv appliance and what Galvanic Klectricity can do for you, to gether with particular about my special offer. Address Sanden Electric licit Co, Russell Block, Portland, - - Oregon. FUK 8ALK UY Hair-Riddle Hardware Co, FIRST NATIONAL OF SOUTHERN OREGON. Capital Stock, - - $50,000, KtTe(l-Hiu mihiert to check or Of certificate payable tn demand. fUn pijfhl n:kft od ew York, Fan Fran :i.icn. ami J'ui J and. - TelcvnL'hic tnuwfan told im ill point in the United Sutt. SjrfX'ia! Attention given to Gdlntioiu am1 (fnenl biicine of our custoujer. Collection made throughout Soiitherr j Oregon, and od all arcible poinU. J. D. FUV, JWlmt. J. T.TL'KFS.Vii I'rriMrnt. K. A. Booth. Cuhier. a oonh b; rup. i , !. Cm A ., 1.1 laV,lA. 4 O a c I l, y 1 n iS?A'-. . r.n. yy, EXCELLENT QUARTZ MINES. Good Showing of the Granite Hilt. Little Dandy &nd Other Friday's Telegram contain the follow ing communication in regard to some of our promising quarlx properties: "The Granite Hill mine is reported making in excellent showing ae the dweloproent work ' prepresses. Thia mine is in the Grants Pans district eight utiles from the town, and is owned by J. O. Booth and C. L. Mangum. The vein is in a granite formation and the ore is free-iniljini;. The ledge strikes north Gi degr-es west and dips about 45 degrees. There is considerable de relopmnnt consisting of a tunnel on the letlgolsouie Z0 feet and a shall down 60 feet. iim mine yie us soino very ricti ore. borne aainplei taken from: the 160 foot level assay 700 gnld. These were an average of very high grade of pay rock from the hanging wall. Specimen rock carrying uiuchj higher values can be had. The mine has been worked coiv S durably wilh an arrastre and mill, and there is apparently about 700 tons of tailings on the dump. The ledge is in a granite dike, which lies between a blue porphyry and a black diorile. TtiiB granite belt or area is some 10 miles wide. The eulphurets are high grade, but the ore generally would be classed as a good free nulling rock. There is a five-stamp mill oil the property. There is a good road to the mine, and ample facilities ol timber and water for mining operations. The development of quartz prospects in the up,wr Big Applegate district is likely to assume more importance Hub season than in former years. There are a number of protr.ising claims in the neighborhood of Ruch, and 11. S. Heed, who has done a large amount of work in that locality, has gotten out some high grade gold ore. Further up in the Thompson creek country, Hodman and I ool obtained about tS00 from some 10 tons of ore milled. This ore was taken from a new vein or shoot on what" has been known as the Archer ledge. There is Borne good ground in this section for quart exploration. The veins are com monly small, but if one is found to cairy gold at all, it Is generally found to be rich. In past years attention has been given almost wholly to placer mining and work on quart properties haB been very limited. Occasionally a ledge is lound in South ern Oregon carrying substantial but no very high values, in free gold, but is made to pay, its way through somewhat extensive development, until it reaches that n tu ne of importance as a proporly which allows it to he called a mine Where that is so wilh a poor man as owner and worker which is ordinarily I he case ho will be found to possess an uncommon degree of industry and perse verance, and a deal of hard practical senee about mining. Withul, he is only after the free gold. Kich sulphides and base orei geneially do not interest Mm. The Little Dandy, in Burgiss gulch, (Jrave Creek district, is a good instance of such a mine. It is owned by J. G. Hayden, who discovered it. It is a iniall vein in di 'rite, striking about east and west, with a width of three inchel to two feet. The formation is very siinl lar to that of the Victor, Jr. The aver age width ol the vein is probably 10 Inches. This man is now working in a tunnei' designed to tap the leJve at a depth of 150 feet, and has progresn'il with it 1H0 feet. There is an upper crofs-rulof 10J feet, and drifis on the vein at that level amounting to 210 feet. The ore is free milling, but the sulphur ets run high. He has worked 3o3 ton k of ore, with an arrustre, near the mine, and, according to the returns from the mint and a smelling company, shown the wriler, lie obtained from that amount of ore T")2o5 2'), or $15 78 K-r ton gold. The arraslra need liai a 12-foot tub and a 20-foot wheel; it is a relf-dineharger, ar.d four to six torn of lock were crushed per day. He will not mill anv more with an ariastre If the development are good in the lower tunnel, he will have an tip-to date stamn mill. The figures given as to the develop ment represent a great amount of hard work for two men much of it haa been done by Harden alone but it gave him a living and the means of making a mining property. He has a good houne constructed of lumber ami a good road to the mine. .Should the lower tunnel tap a ledge of good size within some fit) feel more, as it nium if it continues down normally from the upper level, then llayden is a wealthy man. It is a very good example of what may be done hi a steady, hardworking miner without apiUl. The Cycle Season. Much secu!alioti has been indulged in during the past three uioulhi as to the probabilities of the bicycle trade for Hie prttont year. ltased solely upon (acts, '.he statements that the aggregate sale of American bicycles will be Irom lr to 33 1-3 per cent larger this year than was that of l'.M, may be safely accepted by the mcl conservative trade critics. ur. her than this, the demand from all quarters for the highest grade ol wheel is to a mot satisfactory extent largely in excess ol such demand in l'0. More t-V) wheels and fewer ) wheels ol the chain tvpe, and from it) to per cent more chainlesa wheels will tie sold this year than has Uen the care since there two grades were adopted as standard, or since the advent of the chainlesa machine. These are the facts, as nearly as they can be arrived at by chance orders re ived Jlroui bicycle agents throughout the country. As to the causes, they are easily arrived at by those who have watched cycle trade developments for the past two years, snd a bo know some thing of the plans of the trading u a;.n (acturea for the coming season. Nominating Conventions, On last Wednesday evening, conven Hons were held in the various wards for the purpose of making nominations for councilmen for the short term which will expire in December. The mem bers of the council whoa term has reached its expiration are Tom Smith, h. t. Dunbar, Jv. E. McGrew and Frank Fetsch. The following nominations were made: First ward, K. Thomas, J. L. Frier : Second ward, J. II. Williams. T. A llalleck; Third ward, Harry Lewis, J. K ileou j Fourth ward, Scott Qrii- fin, Herbert Smith; T. Y. Sean and Henry Schmidt. . The plenitude of coun cilmen in the Fourth ward was in accordance with the expressed determi nation of Councilman Haskins to resign. On Thursday evening the city nomi nating convention was held at the court bouse. The celerity of the proceedings was greatly enhanced by the previous appointment of judges and clerks, so that the work of the convention was accomplished in a very few minutes. Only two nominations for mayor ap peared, those of 11. C. Kinney and Dr. F. Kremer. The vote on these was taken by acclamation. Col. Johnson was renominated for city treasurer and no allied nomination was made. The election will be held on May tl. Death of F. T. Downing. Fred T. Downing, formerly of Central Point and for several months past en gaged in the flour and feed business in this citv, died on Saturday evening at his borne in this city. Mr. Downing had been in poor health for some time, but had not been considered seriously ill until the last few days preceding his leath. On the day of his death, Mrs. Downing returned from a short absence from bis room and found him un- conscience, a condition from which he never recovered. An injury to his bead received last (all by falling from a load of hay is thought to have contributed in some degreetn the Causes of his death. The remains were taken to Central Point on Sunday and the funeral ser vices were held their. He leaves a wife and an adopted son, William, besides four brothers and a sister; J. L. Down- ng, of Ashlanu; T. II., of Gold Hill; W. II., of I lay ton, Ohio; J. H , and Mrs. ieo Hesselgrave, of Central Point. lie was a native of Kngland and was 61 years of age. A Minester's Mistake. A city ininiMer was recently han led a not fee to he read fiom his pulpit. Ac companying it was a clipping from a newspaper bearing iiKn the matter The clergyman started to read the ex tract and found that it began : "Take Kemp's Balsam, the best Cough Cure.' This was hardly w)iat he bad expected nil, after a moment's hesitation, he turned it over, and found on the other side the matter Intended for the reading. Commencement. The commencement exercises of the liranls Pass high school will be held on Wednesday evening, June 5. The en tire program of entertainment, eicenl the orchestral music, will ha furnished by the clans and will Include musical, oratorical and elocutionary entertain-1 ment. The present class 'Ib one of the largest in the history of the school and there will be 'JO or more graduatrs. " FORTUNE IN ONE OIL WELL. Tkrs Old Irish I'supls la UmI Vljr Slala Whs Arm UsIIIbbj fl.lMMI a Day. Weston, V. Va.. is the center of the most wonderful oil Held that has biwn opened in the I'hitid Stntes In years. 'Mine old' Irish people of Wistnn, as siur as the fniui on which they lived, have become sinlilenly possessed, Itirou'ii 110 ftTort of their own, of an Iticit'iir of over $1.0:0 a day, sys ths l'!ii:iii!i'ljilon It, emit. Thai ii.iMine of f I. not) a ilriy Is all from one nil well. 'Ihrie are three other wi'Mi in ;ii in eiiuiplei ion within a few Mm: 1I1-. d vaiiis of this one, each of wliieli is sine to -"iir out lis much money. And llir end is not yet. The I11111I is so ui:jiioi! .i-tive of vegetation thai only .iy poor people would irwn It, so the t'oplry lieiis, bring (Mior, have a tiig iiereaj..-. riHim enough for 200 more v.'l!s to he sunk. Vi one I.:h. , In liat ilirtct ion that In kt- of oil. h will ilouu 2.200 feet helow tlif surf o e. rxti mis. Such pools are of viiry ing Me iniil sl.iipe; siwiietitni-a only a few hundred yunls wide and miles In length: winei iinrs circular and inilt-s lu ili.-imeter. There ia tint one way of llnilii.); out todrill holes down below Iriid. To day the Copley well Is the only one tupping the pool. Kverybody vtiiht. to r'nk his inouiy In an effort 'o j,-rt a holr into t he siol. To thai no' :l- i.j Sllll'ts of people are lltivilitf. 'isVii;f. bolliRxing uinl limbering fiirin-rv fur tnllrs around the hig gimher fir the privilege of sinking wells. The Copley well, which has wrought all this to Ix wls county, can ill from the (tordon oil sand at adejrlh of 2 2MI feet on S'. pte III l r St. Il km iinriprctrd, and, like a shot from a I'll Inch gun, blew away I he oil saver and casing head anil s'nt a solid strram of oil six Inches in dismrter clear over the t.'p of 1 he Ho-f.Mit drrrick, nearly drown ing the woikrnen. It flows continually, l et, like the geysers, has certain hours o'Jl uf every 2- to put forth Its grratot force. When the oil came 200 liSO-barrel tanks were put up. They were filled In a lit tie more than an hour. Tvirce dams were built In Band Fork creek bed. which, thanks to drought, wasdiy. the lower ilsm two miles from the well. Thrse hold a pond of oil two miles lonir. averaging tin fiet wide and six feet deep. A two-Inch pipe line has been carrying away 60 barirla an hour all this tiiu. A four inch and a sis Inch line have been romplrlrd. He siib s w hat the pipe line hns carried off, and what Is in the dam, the well has prod'irtrl enough to fill 88 2VMarrel tanks, one l.?'M,srrel tank and one aoo-tiarrtl tank, all erected since the well was struck. Kerby Breexes. Ye printers and editors I'm with you once again alter an aDsence of one week. Joe Schmitt made business trip to tierby last week. Mies Carrie McCarg, of Salem, is visiting ). F. Bowersox and wife. Tom Yarbrough left Keibv Tuesday for Selma where he will have charge of the engine in the sawmill at Draper. Miss Sylvia Anderson, ol Grants Pass, has opened a millinery store in the brick adjoining J. K. Hodgdonon Front street. Mr. Aberhart, of Los Angeles, came out to Kerby oo flying trip to see about his farm he purchased from II. S. Cook. formerly known as the Jack Henderson place. Mr. Aberhart is on his way to Klondike but expects to move his family here in a year or so. Clarence Sawyer, of Kerby, discovered coyote den one day last week to in company with his brother and Alex George went to the place and captured eight little coyotes. They are very small. Clarence says be will try to keep them for some time. Miss Ada Uuiphlette, of Grants Tata, is visiting at the home of Agnes and Lucy George, of Kerby. Miss Ada has just returned from San Fvapcisco where she has been studying musio. Her many friends here are very much pleased to learn of ber improvement. The 85lh annlversity of the I. O. O. F. was celebrated in Kerby on Friday April 20th and all who attended far and uear went home feeling well repaid for coming. No pains were spared at the free dinner spread in the reception hall in the Odd Fellows building and after partaking of that delicious repast all marched up stairs where a program was rendered by the Odd Fellows assisted by the sister Kebekaha. The program was excellent, and everyone was well pleased. Then the Odd Fellows and Kebekalis paraded up and down the street. With the Odd Fellows in tlioir regalias and streaming banners it was a pleasing Bight, lu the evening a dance was opened with grand march. A large crowd attended and the night wore quietly away until the wee hours of morning. A prise was awarded to the beet waltxers, it being a tie between Mr. and Mrs. F. Desslnger, Mr. Krvin Anderson, of Bly, and Miss Agnes George, of this place. Chattkh Box. TELL OF NAVAL PROGRESS. Drserlk. Attssstt Mat br the Kaunas i ths Last Tsar. In the latcxt imue if the naval an nual, published by the otllee of naval ""eiiigence. la an uMlcle by Lieut. ... i4. iioivarii, summnrlzlng the In crease of naval strength effected dur ing the past year by the great mari time powers. Lieut. L. It. DeStelguer diactiasee the suhjiH of wlreli-a teleg raphy, relating wlmt euch of the naval powers has done toward the utiliza tion of Miirwini's discovery, and In cluding a review of the state of the art of long distance transmission by a competent tieruian authority. In gen era! it aooeuiH ttn.i tl.. ..', have resulted satisfactorily. The British army In Mouth Africa, by the of Kl,,' 'or the vertical wlrrs, have "'""If"' to Irutismlt messages a alstnnce of HS mllea, or more than ten ml rn.iliu. , 1. .. n . t. .11...... ..... I I. .....ot .un,, ,c uinHiiice wmen separates Tientsin from Peking, which still proves to be linpnn't ienlite for ordinary telegraph methods. There la shui nil Illustrated description of the fastest vessel In the world, the famous turbine torpedo boat Viper, which runs over .14 knots an hour with ease. GAVE MONEY TO FRIEND. Sw.s.s, Tars lls.pp..,.4 suss 11m Nut llssa less Slaes Trowbla Over the Miiiif, "Say, old man, you have ; always been good to me, take these bank books, draw the money, and have a good time. I am going away and you will never sea me again," I These words were spoken by John Bweeney, old and partly blind, to his irienn anil employer, Daniel Tyrel, a contracting carpenter, mors than nine yeara "go. Two hank booka were shoved Into Tyrel's hands. Sweeney walked down the block, turned the corner, had a drink with Tyrel's son, and true to his word, has never since been seen. Tyrel waa then well to do and pros perous and thought little of Uie bank booka until adversity overtook him. Now he would like to get the money Hweeney gave him, some tl.OOO, but the bank refuses to surrender it and the courts have been appealed, to to 't tie the matter. Wr Womea Fight saaleksess. "Are women more subject to sea sickness than men?" An Atlantic cap tain replies: "lea, hut, on the other hand, they stand it better. A womun struggles up to the. oliit of despulr against the what I might call the im propriety of the thing. She ian't so much tortured by the pangs as she Is worried by the prospect of lieromltig disheve'ed, haggard and draggled. Hhe fights against it to the last ami keeps up appearances as long ss she can hold up her head." Question Answered. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine In the civil ized world. Your mothers and grand mothers never thought of using any thing else for Iudigestion or Ililiouancss Doctors were scarce, ami they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostra tion or Heart lallure, etc. They used August I-lower to clean out ths system and atop fermentation of undigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they txik when feeling dull and bad wilb headaches and other aches. You only need a few dorer of Green's August Flower, in liquid form to make you satisfied there is nothing serious ths matter wilh you, Uel Green's I'rixe Almanac New 1901 Whether yon with to buy or not we most cordially invite yon to call and inspect one of the great inventions of the age and well worthy of your at tention if you're in the market for baby Carriage. Iron Beds thoroughly np to date 3 25, $3 90, 14.25, np to as far as you care to go. Linoleums 3 more new lots in, fine goods, saves back ache, scrub bing.once use it Ltxce Curtains 25c each It's no low, we carry an immense line. New Dining Tables Seme besutieB. Picture Frames More new mouldings This Week Wc arc Giving Away FREE OIB1 CHARGE A Coffee Mill With every Aftate Coffee Pot. Tents Full line all sizes, full camping Furniture " t'arpets Mattings Lacei'iirlains t'ots Mattreiaea Pillows Linoleums Leland Sittings, H. Trlplett has sold his faun to Dan Peterson, We are having a nice gentle rain which comes at a convenient time. Grass and grain were needing a little rain. We are having quite in Influx of emigrants from California. I'eople coming from that state say that times are bard there, little work and small The railroad company is shipping a large amount of wood to Grants l'ars and other points from the Kinney short line. Times are lively here and we Uave no idle men. All that are seeking employment can find It. J. J. Kenney has arrived from Port land where lie went on btisines trip. He is carrying a good stock of goods lu bis store. The clerks at Leland are generally busy wrapping up goods. It is nothing unusual to see several teams standing in front of Mackin & Virtue's store, with the occupants In the store waiting their turn to make their purchases. - There are some Inquiries from eastern Oregon regarding the price of land in this section. I'eople that have formerly liyed here desire to come back again. Our venerable neighbor Burton Is making a big garden this year to supply the Greenback mine with vegetables. Although Mr. lturton Is sn old man, he gets around as sprightly as most of the young men and does a large amount of work, being of Yankee parentage. C. D. Durnett, in running a tunnel to tap his quart! ledge at a greater depth, has founds large ledge with good rock which is richer than they were looking for. The company has hard work to open and develop this mine, but per serverance has rowarded them at last. The road down Grave creek will b) built to the Copper Ktain mine this milliner. That mine is being developed into s good property. Our county should then extend the road on to the Gold Hug mine and then the trade will come over ourwav. With two hig stores here and with plenty of accommodations for travelers, we would be all right. Desirable building lots aie going up in our town. The people who expect to invest should come before the rush, A new arrival in O. W. Chapiu's family. It is of the masculine gender. Hurrah for ti. W I Hon Modocs Dying Off. The ancient Modoc tribe has dwindled to 77 members, mostly women and sick or diseased children. The death of a Modoc brave lately, has left only 13 abl e bodied warriors, who will probably never go to war again. From .the most aavage and indomitable ol lighters they have lost all ambition for anything but their government supplies, and, while viitually prisoners of war 011 a small reservation, they ate left unwalched The spirit of old days has gone, and nobody will ever hear of a story shout "the last of the Modocs."-Yreks Jour nal. Get the Best...... THE ...BISSELL... PLOWS UGHTIvST RUNNING PLOW ON EARTH. CUTS THK CLIiANli-ST FURROW. We sell Extras in all sizes. Spray Pumps.... Of all kinds, J. WOLKE, General Hardware. White Sewing Machines. No. 24 Go-Carts and vou'ra its friend. fault of tL.e Curtains that (),! i. outfits Wall Paper. Crockery Ulasswars Lamps Tinware Graniteware! Wood tinware Tools Mirrors 5 110 SIXTH STREET THEY NOW KNOW BETTER. Osoloa-lsta Hsvs of Lai. DlMase the 014 Hollow Asosl S)la. elal lovisitats, A few years ago geologists corUtdent ly asserted that at one period of the world's history a great ice cao oama moving down from the polar regions nnd swejit over North America as fur south aa latitude 38, carrying with it g-rent bowlders which lie about on sloies and hilltops to this oay to prove it and scratching the record of Its movement UHn cliffs and ledges. Then this Ice cap kindly melted and disappeared. This waa taught In ths schools, and to doubt it was heresy; for science, when It takes up with a theory, ia dogmatic, and all geologists said: "Heboid, how wonderful is our . knowledge; what aeereta we ean wrist from the past!" After awhile science ruther gave up the polar ice cap theory and laid down a new dog mathat of a single continental ice sheet for North America. Ths recent Investigations of officers of the Canadian geological survey prove that the scientists evolved their glacial theory out of a vivid imagina tion. It has been found that in northern Alaska there is no evidence that that pert of the oouritry was ever covered by a glacier In fact, conclusive evidence exists that It was not. At the mouth of the MrKemU river Is plenty of evidence 01 glacial action, and also that ths glacier which left Its records came front ths south, On the western snores of Hud. son bay are marks of a glacier which cams from the west, and on the east ern shores of one which cams from the east Fast Of the Canadian Rock ies Is a long belt which shows no evi dence of ever having been exposed to glacial action. ' These and similar discoveries hsre put ths geologists "all at sea." and they now have evolved a new theory regarding ths glacial period. It is that one big glacier did not at one time cover all the North American continent, but that several glaciers, moving at different times from dif ferent centers of distribution, made their way in different directions and left the glacial records which are now found. They have even gdven namea to these glaclera, such as the "Cor dllleran glacier," the "Lahradorlan glacier" and the "Keewatln glacier." l'rof Law-son, of the University of Cal ifornia, In writing on the subject la ths Internntlonnl Monthly, says that as yet it cannot be an Id that the suc cession of these great glaciers in time has Ixrn catalilished well enough to warrant an unqualified acceptance, but he seems to have little hesitation In accepting the theory of different glaciers moving from different points. Graln.OI Gralrt-Ol Itember that name when you waut a delicious, appetising, nourishing food drink to take the place of coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all who have used it. virain-0 is made of pure grain, it aids digestion and strengthens the nerves. It Is not a stimulant but a health builder and the children as well aa the adults can drink it with great benefit. Costs about '4 as much as colleo. 13c, and Hoc, per package, your grocer for Graln-O. 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