Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 11, 1901, Image 3

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jlover leaf Butter
The Best Creamery Product
Like the Celebrated
I Is of StandardQuality,
Pure, Sweet, and the finest to
be had 50e.
Old Government Mocha and Java and Seal Brand
Mocha and Java Roast Coffees
(Chase & Sanborn's) Nothing Better.
South Sea Blend.
A 'most excellent Coffee for 30c; better than many so-called
f Mocha and Java.
FREE A Dainty Dish FREE
Served at our store this week by a lady demonstrating the many ways
to prepare the celebrated Shreded Wheat Biscuit. It's good we'ye
tried it.
Celery, Asparagus, Lettuce, Bananas, Lemons,
Oranges, Grape Fruit,
A. Twelve-Year-Old
Has strength" enough to
Wheel Hoe, so lightly and easily does it perform its work.
It is mere child's play for a strong boy or man to use this
quick and easy tool, and make
the wheel hoc is no mere toy or plaything, but a real little
giant in the truck patch or garden, well able to do the work
of three men using old fashioned-hoes. It is built for men's
use in the business garden.
Our new stock of Hoos, Rakes, Spades, Forks, Etc.,
has just arrived.
Cramer Bros.
For Sale by
i Hiiir-Iliddlo Hardware Co.
Don't Trust to Blind Luck
101014 pVVH.M -J-
Qourier and Oregonian, $2 a Year
R. O. McCroskey....
This week I will show the prettiest line of LadicsJ.Mus'in Underwear you have
ever had the pleasure of seeing this side of the cities, and a big lino of White Goods for
v Ladies, Dresses in hair stripe, check and barred goods.
Men's and Boy's Golf Shirts in the pleated and plain bosom in a very natty
lino of patterns. A big line of Nobby Hats.
Ladies', Misses', Children's and Gentlemen's Shoes. A warrantee to give
best of satisfaction goes with every Shoe.
Door IVortli
run a Planet Jr. Double
effective war on weeds. Yet
Held high
In the estimation of
Practical Painters.
Every gallon of
will cover 300 or more square
feet of surface in average con
dition, two coats to the gallon.
Every gallon is a full U. S.
standard measure. It is made
to Paint Buildings with. It
is the best and most durable
House Paint made.
of IJiuil.
Xocal tappcntnQ0
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentiat.
Bicycle Hospital al Cramer Bros.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist.
Apple Trees 5 to 10 eta. at the River
side Kurst-ry.
Bicycle hospital (or all repairing at
Cramer Bros.
Wood wanted on subscription at the
Coirikh office.
Garden teeda at half prices at Adama
Bazaar, Front St.
The Spring and Summer ooda are
arriving every lew days at Mil.
A aplendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Colon's.
Harness of all Kinds. Grades and
Prices at Hackett's. '
'01 Ramblers $40. Roadsters $36 at
Hair-Kiddle Hdw. Co.
Something new every week in ladies'
and children's Hats at Adams Rataar,
Front St.
Some new varieties ot Extra Early
Teach, 20 to 25 cts. each. Common
varieties 10 to 12?,' cts. at the Riverside
O Kt n Sherman-Williams Painla.
O.VV .1 .Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
Scott Griffin bandies Ashland flour,
Utah alfalfa seed, Oregon red clover
seed, winter oats, large Russian white
rye, new crop timothy seed, wheat for
seed also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa, Tim
othy Hay, Oat Straw, Chop Barley,
Corn, Wheat, Oats.
Bee Hives and Bee Supplies at Hair-
Riddle Hdw. Co.
Demaree's orchestra wilt furnish
music for ' The Girl I Left Behind Me"
on Saturday evening.
The People's Store, every thing new,
latest styles, lowest prices in fact the
most Kipular place (or millinery at
Adam's Bazaar, Front St.
All kinds of Bicyclj Itpiiiinj it
Cramer Bros.
For something strictly up-to date in
Pictures see Weston opposite court
house, Grants Pass.
Yon cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy
cheeks and Bparkling eyes if your liver
is sluggish and your bowels clogged.
De Wilt's Little Early Risen cleanse the
h lie system. Th iy never gi ipe.
A height wreck occurred Sunday night
near Edgewood. Five cars, two loaded
with coal and three empty, were de
railed. No one was injured. Oregon ex
press No. 12. due bere at 5 30 a. m. did
not teach here till 4.30 p. m.
A very pleasant social was given last
Wednesday evening at the 1. O. O. F.
hall- by the Ladies Home Missionary
society of the M. E. church. A very
entertaining musical program was
rendered and refreshments were served.
All present enjoyed a delightful evening.
Edwin Wilkinson, a pioneer butcher
of Medford, was found guilty Saturday
by a jury of selling unclean and diseased
meat to Eli Mayer, a Central point mar
ket man. There are sevei al other charges
to be investigated. Wilkinson is said to
have so d diseased meat right along.
Hit employes testified that they bad in
struclions to kill any sick animal that
was likely to die.
Surprising how many dainty dishes
can be made Willi Mirediiea ueai iit
cuit -now demons' rated at the While
House linirv.
Mr and Mrs. R I. Dmaree enter
tained ihn orchestra and a few other
riendiial their home on Saturday eve
ning, celebrating the completion of their
new nm-ic room. The evening was
spent musically and with enjiunent to
bolli players and listeners. Delicious
refreshment ul coffee, sandwiches and
c ike were served and further promoted
the pleasure of the occasion. All pres
enl enjiyed a delightful evening.
August FbIki h's team indulged in a
small runaway early Tuesday afternoon.
While crossing the track, they were
frightened at an engine and became un
manageable. Mr. Fetsch and his little
girt and Dan Johnson were in the buggy
at the time. The latter jumped out
with the little girl and the team was
stopped about half way between '.he
railroad track and the opera house. A
broken tongue was the only damage.
We make anything in the picture line
from stamp Photos up. See our little
gem, $1 per doien Weeton, opposite
court house.
The open season for trout fishing in
Oregon began Monday, April 1, and
lasts till September 30. It is unlawful
to take, catch or kill any trout or salmon
less than five inches in length, and such
must be carefully disentangled from (he
book and tiansmitled to the water with
out violence. It is unlawful to sell or
oiler for sale any species of trout at any
time. It is unlawful to catch more thi n
125 in one day. It is unlawful to tale
trout between one hour after sunset and
one hour before sunrise.
Signor D. Bcffa of Medford spent
Thursday in tbia city. He waa here
also on Monday evening for the purpose
of participating in the Easter entertain
ment at the opera bouse. He will be
hers no Thursday, April 11, for the
purpose of organzing a violin class if be
is able to secure a sufficient amount of
encouragement. Signor Boffa ii a vl
linist of great talent and culture and
represents a high degree of musical
ability. He will meet the class at
Clemens hall on Thursday afternoon.
O. McCroskey.
Something New...
G. D. Cousino, the practical Watch Maker and Jew
eler, is at the Chicago
guarantee with all of his work. If you want a ring
or anything else made call and he will make it for
you, and at a priee that will astonish you.
Our Motto is to Make Your Pocket Book Last.
We do not want all the
a small .amount of money for a largo package.
Marbles, tops, fishing tackle, Ladies', Gents' and
Children's Underwear. Overalls. Latest Novelties in
Summer Goods.
We start to enlarsre our
is your chance to save money.
A full and complete lino of Shoes, Hats, Caps. Etc.,
will bo hero by May 1 for you
A Fine Line ot Jewelry at
Kessler's Chicago Racket Store.
First Door
Go to Corun (or Plumbing.
Writing Paper ol all kinds at the
Coihikb office.
Leave orders for engraved calling cards
with A. E. Yuorbies. .
For aale cheap, second band piano,
address box 05, city.
A large supply o( Hardford Cactus
Tires on band at Cramer Bros.
Shredded Wheat is bting demonstrated
at the White House Grocery this week.
John Randle baa received the ap
pointment aa constable in the place of
M. E. Stockbiidfce, resigned.
Company B, O. N. U. of Ashland are
expected to present the drama, ' The
Girl I Left Behind Me," in Grants Pass
on the evening of Saturday, April 13th,
at the oi era house.
Louis Steelhammer arrived Monday
from Silverton and will remain (or a
time in Grants Pass. Mr. Steelliammer
is a clarinet player o( ability and is a
decided acquisition to our musical
A New invoice of Reliance Wrappers
and House Dresses, having the corset
Lining which make them so much in
Demand, at Mrs. Rehkopf'a
A fire alarm was sounded Friday and
responsive citizens dragged the hose
cart in the direction of the supposed fire.
It proved to be only a chimney burning
out and its only effect was the dispens
ing of unaccustomed violent exercise to
those who ran with the cart.
Our $4.95 offering in Men's
Sack Suits has astonished til
those who have beeu fortunate
to see them, and the rapidity
with which they are going out
is sufficient evidence that the
bargains are genuine.
We invite you to inspectjour
Men's Suits from $4.95 to $10.
We also have a full line of
Boys'.Youth's aod Young Men's
Suits at right prices.
Superintendent Lincoln Savage ia
conducting teacher's examination here
this week.
For the very latest styles in Phot
tee Weston the new Photographer op
posite court house, Grants Pas a.
Spring coughs are specially dangerous
aud unless cured at once, serious results
often follow. One Minute Cough Cure
sets like magic. It is not common
mixture but a high grade remedy.
Several boys were taken before the
Recorder last week at Roaeburg charged
with throwing rocks at the bouse of Hop
Lee. a Chinaman, and breaking window
glass. A fine of (5 each waa imposed on
all but two, but the fines were suspended
during the good behavior of the boys.
W. J. Rogers, "Ben"' has opened a
new bicycle dun on F street west of the
bank. "Ben" is the pioneer bicycle
man of Grants Pass and in the earlier
days of the bicycle age enjoyed a
monopoly of the bicycle repair work in
this city. His ability in that line la well
known here and he needs no introduction
to Granta Pasa people. Mr. Rogers aaya
that the report lliat he would build a
boarding house on E street ia unfounded
The ladies of the V. of II. treated the
A. O. U. W. to a surprise party on
Monday svening in the lodjie rooms,
overpowering the sentinal and entering
in fores. The conaternation of the
order waa allayed at sight of the refresh
ments the ladies had provided and lie
presentation of an entertaining program
fnrther soothed the disturbed equanim
ity ol the members. A delightful eve
ning was the result.
Racket Store. We will give a
money for a 6mall parcel but
building on April 20. Now
to select from.
Cut Rates.
Below Po-IacelHotel.
Whips, lOu to t2.50 at Hackett's.
A lull stock of all kinds ot Garden
Tools at Cramer Bros.
Tims for the payment of taxes has
been extended until June.
A. J. Pike baa bought an Interest In
W. G Wright's quarti mill.
A full line ot Japanese goods at
Ac'ams Bazaar. New Goods every week
Front Street, four doors below Palace
Remember tlie Evans Optical Co,
bcientmc correction of defective vision
specialty. Lenses (ot complicated caaea
ground to ordor. Consultation (res.
Office at residence, Grants Pass, Ogn. ,
Leave order! (or granite for sidewalk
with W, L. Ireland, at Cramer Broa. .
A military band ia being instituted by
membera of Company II and will be
organized this week.
A. P. Eatabrook baa opened a drug
store in Gold Hill. Mr. Eatabrook,
during his association with the National
drug atore lias proven himself thor
oughly capable and reliable druggist aa
well as a courteous and pleasant gentle
man. You can make an Independent living
by working (or the Portland Art Com
pany at your own home. We can teach
you how to make portraits in your own
home by our improved methods. Write
Portland Art Company, 270 Oak Street.
Something New in Ladies' Wrappere
and House Dresses at Mrs. Rehkopf'a.
Yours for Business Bargains,
P. H. Earth & Son.
Pleasant Social Party.
A very enjoyable social party was
given on Friday evening at the home t(
Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Van Dyke, in honor
of Mr. Condon Bean, who had been
spending the week in Grants Pass tbs
guest of E. 8. Van Dyke. The occasion
was one of more than ordinary pleasure
to those attending and the social and
musical entertainment was of a character
to promote the most perfect enjoyment
of the evening by all. The first enter
taining number was a unique prize con
test for the ladies, in which Miss
Maggie Meade was victorioua and
secured the trophy.
A very enjoyable musical program waa
given. Piano solos were rendered by
Misses Laura Parker and Ethel Palmer
and piano duel by Misses Vida Moore
and Ida Williams. Misses Edna I'a'rker
and Maggie Meade and Mr. Bert Barnes
favored the company with vocal solos
Refreshments of delightful quality wsre
served and added further to the eve
nings pleasure. The occasion waa
enjoved to the utmost and its pleasant
memories will remain long in the hearts
gf those who were present.
"The Girl I Led Behind Me."
"The Girl I left Behind Me" which
waa presented in Ashland by Company
B. of that city on Saturday svening will
be given here by the asms company on
next Saturday evening, April 13. It ia a
military drama of mors than ordinary
merit, the scene being the Blackfoot
country in Montana. Of the rendition
of the play as given in Ashland, the
Tidings says: "The play given by the
thespians of Co. B, at the opera bouse,
Saturday night, scored a big bit. Of
the different dramas presented In Ash
land by amateur talent, it is safe to say,
that In the happy selection of cbaraters,
and the smoothness and effectiveness
of presentation, none has been superior
to that given on the above mentioned
night. Those who were looking (or
crudities and rawneaa wars happily
disappointed, and lbs proformancs was
equal to many givan by professional
actora. The prompter, who so unpleas
antly chilla the snlbosiaam of many
amateur entertainments, was com
spicnona by bis absence. The stsglng
and costuming of the play were on a
scslfrtiiiberto unsurpassed by local plays
and players and there was nothing
lacking to make the affair an unqualified
The 1001 Vedette sold lor ,25 by
Cramer Bros. Is a One wheel.
J. D. Hayes is now located at Clacka
mas. Miss Cbloe McKenzie Is visiting rela
lives In California.
W. L. Wilson, the Leland merchant,
came op on Wednesday.
J. 8. Tucker and daughter visited bere
from Trail on Wednesday.
Miss Fern Norris ot Medford visited
friends in this city Friday.
J. T. Tuffs ot Wolf Creek was ta town
on Saturday on a business trip.
Superintendent R. L. Fields of the
8. P. Co. was here Wednesday.
Mr. E. Musiuk, ol Crescent, City is
spending the week Id Grants Pass.
Geo. W. Colvig has been appointed
U. 8. consul at Barranquilla, Columbia.
Dr. J. C. Goble, the optician, spent
Friday in Grants Pass on business
Mrs. T. W. Patty of Crescent City la
visiting bere with her sister, Mrs.
Mary Simmons.
L. L. Jewell went to Portland Monday
svening to te absent (ew days on a
busineea visit.
E. D. Thompson returned on Thurs
day from Poitland and la much im
proved in health.
T. 0. f-aucke, Cbas Hansen and Bert
Burrows, all ol Kerby, apent several
days in town this week.
Ed Van Dyke and Mr. Condon Bean
returned to Eugene Saturday evening
after a week's visit in Grants Pass.
Mr. and Mrs D. A. Fitzgerald
turned last week to Medford and will
make that city their future home.
E. C. Pentland spent last week in the
Evans creek district and on Monday
went to Gold Hill to spend a (ew days
in that section.
Mrs. G. W. Donnell, with Mrs. II. 8,
Donnell, ol Portland viaited several days
this week with Mr. and Mrs. W, V,
Ifipplncott, of Medford.
Hon. II. E. Ankeny has been ap
pointed a member of the Oregon com
mission of the Lewis A Clarke centen
nial, to be held at Portland lu 1006.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Hark n ess returned
last week from Oakland where they
have been spending the past lew montha
and will reside bere for a time at least.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Stovall left on
Monday (or Drain and will visit Cor
vallia and other valley towns. Mr.
Stevall will work in the Interests o( the
order K. O. T. M.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Burns lelt last
week lor Ft. Klamath, where Mr. Burns
and his brother have a stock ranch.
They travelled by team and ei peeled to
consume about a week's time in the
II. D. Norton ol Grants Pass, one ol
the ablest members ol the southern
Oregon bar, and who has been attend
ing the present term ot circuit court,
returned horns Friday. He made many
friends while here. Times.
Prol. J. B Swidenaky, an eiperienced
military bandmaster stopped here Bun-
day to look over the musical field in our
city. He went to Ashland Monday to
visit friends in that city and will prob
ably return later.
Fred J. Booth of Newport is visiting
here lor a time with the family ol his
parents, Rav. and Mrs. Chas. Booth.
Mr. Booth is engsged In the jewelry
business at Newport and also attenda
the baibor lights at that place.
Miss Ada Umphletto returned on
Tuesday evening from San Francisco
where she has been for several months
past, taking a course in violin Instruc
tion. Miss Ada is a young lady ol high
musical talent and has made a great
advancement lu that line under the
tuition of one ol the most thorough
violiu teachers ol the coast.
Rev. W. P. Teitsworth, agent ol the
American Tract Society ol Oakland.
Calif., will preach in the M. E. church.
South Sunday April the Uth at 11 a. m.
The pastor T. P, Haynes at 7 :30 p. m.
Meagre audiences were accorded the
Easter entertainment at the opera house
on Monday and Tuesday evenings. A
good entertainment was presented on
each evening, very worthy ol a much
larger audience. Prol. Ryan's exhibit
ol bypbotic power was wonderful and
very entertaining.
Medford citizens have made complalut
to the effect that boys of the town have a
well-organized scheme for robbing chirk-
en yards. The boys are from 12 to 14
years of age, and their method is to visit
a residence aud while one of them en
gages the lady of the house in conversa
tion, the other makes away with all the
eggs he can find.
City Hall
Benjamin Mensch has filed a claim
against the city of Grants Pass lor (470
and interest. It is lor a warrant which
was ssaigned to bun but which was
afterward delivered to the assignor. At
that time Mr, Mensch had an action
pending against the contractors, for a
larger amount and attempted to attach
a larger sum. The attachment waa dis
solved and to tbs surprise of Mr. Mensch
the warrant that had been assigned to
bim waa also paid to othera. Tbia he
did not learn until after the trial ol the
action In the (all ol 18U5. At that tiae
Mr. Mensch contemplated suing the city
for the amount hut members of the
common council suggested that the
matter be submitted to a vote of the
city and if carried the whole amount
due about (1100 would be paid. This
was done and by a large majority the
volera decided In favor of payment but
the city still refused to pay. Tbs claim
baa been under consideration by the
council (or some time, the purpose be
ing lu determine the legal standing ol
ths claim under the statutes ol llwita
tiona. Mr. Mensch'a attorneva are con
fident the claim Is not bsrred because
be did not or could not learn ol the de
livery ol the warrant nntil October 1890
and the aubmisaion ol matter to vote
prevented the running ot the statute
ontil after the time ol voting. It is
proposed to press the claim in the
courts II not paid an i It certainly has
strong moral grounds ss wll aa legal
ones. Other claims have been paid
that perhaps have had lees foundation.
Coming Event.
April 12 Arbor Day.
April 12 Arbor day.
April 13 "The Girl I Left Behind
Me" at opera house,
Apiil 15 Circuit court convenes.
Apr. IS. "The Strollers" at opera
April 22 Special city election.
May 1 D. ol H. grand ball at opera
May 8 Annual city election.
May 15-17 Annual teacher's insti
tute. .
Enoyable Social Event.
Mrs. Joseph Moss and Mrs. M. Clem
ens gave a very delighttul parly at
Clemens ball on Tuesday evening to a
circle ot Iriends and invited guests.
Over 100 were preeent. The first part
ol the evening was devoted to whist
after which refteshmeats were served.
Dancing was the order ot the later
portion ol the evening, Demaree's
orchestra ol five pieces dispensing
melody lor the occasion. The decora
tions were especially artistic and beauti
Circuit Court
Circuit court for Josepbiua county
will be convened on Monday, April 15.
There are (our or five criminal cases to
be handled at thia term.
Masculine Entertainers.
Arrangements are under way by cer
tain male men to have an entertainment
which has been denominated "Bee"
in the Odd Fellows ball May 15th for
the benefit ol the Presbyterian .church.
The indications are lor something very
striking. Boms curiosity is manifest as
to the method which ths creatures will
pursue in order to produce an entertain
ment. They have little to say at presant
but look exceeding wise.
Belgian He. res.
Get fine strain ol Belgian Uarea and
suppy your table with delicious meat al
3 cents per pound. Beats poultry. Tux
80LTHKBK Ohkuon Raubitby Associa
tion at Golden now offers some bargains.
Belgian Hares.
Riverside Rabbitry Breeder of thor
oughbred pedigree Belgian Hares ol
popular Stralna, pens herded by superb
imported Dash Meteor and Princess
Beatrice, scores 90. Daah Meteor ia one
of the finest bucks in America. He is
the winner ol the First Prize at the Yolo
county lair, California. Youngsters
from these hares for sale, also some
heavy welgnt Belgians, will weigh from
'. 2 to 14 pounds each when matured
the only heavy weights in Southern
Oregon. Write for prices or call and
see my Hares before buying. Visitors
always welcome. Address HARRY
MARSH, Riverside Rabbitry, Grants
Pass, Oregon, box 104.
Almost an Accident.
One of the passengers ol Monday's
south bound overlsnd got off the train
while it stopped bere and waa convers
ing with the bystanders, when ths train
atarted up. In attempting to board the
moving train, he missed his hold and
tell almost under the wheels. One foot
went under the trsln but its owner had
the presence of mind to draw it back
again before the wheel caught it. Some
of the bystanders pulled him out ol the
way ol the train, which passed on, but
stopped for him at the edge ol the
Flour to Uxehange.
Farmers, do not haul your wheat 20
to 60 miles to exchange, Scott Griffin
will give yon as many pounds of flour
(or a bushel ol wheat aa any mill 111
give you. You will find Scott Griffin at
bia Hay, Flour, Feed and Seed Store.
Cor. 0th and I streets, Granta Pasa, Ore.
Gap Cloud.
The operation ol through trains be
tween San Franciaco and Los Angeles,
via Surf and Santa Barbara, will begin
on Sunday, March 31, IVOl on the new
Coast Line two through trains daily.
The Coaat Line Limited leaving each
terminal In the morning, equipped with
elegant cafe and parlor cars, will make
daylight tripa through the moat picture
esque, varied and entertaining scenes on
the continent. Inquire ol agents ol the
Southern Pacific.
fruit farm (or Sale. .
Fruit farm of 8i acres one mile east ol
towu. Good bouae and barn, young
(ruit trees. For sale at a bargain. In
quire at thia office.
R. L. Coe & Go.
Special Bargains lor This Week
Boys' Wool Suits, $1, 1.25, 1.60
"They Are Beauties"
The Big Store
The Sensational Shoe Sale
Only Lasts 10 Days Longer
How to buy the best
Groceries and spend
the least Money.
We can solvo the problem
for you by tolling you of cur
Creamery Butter. Its full
weight and full goodness.
The last piece tasts just as
sweet and good as the first
The present price is 25o a
pound or 50c for a two pound
Again wo wish to call your
attention to our "White
Squadron" brand of pure
Mocha and Java Coffee. II
matters not what price you
pay you can not get a better
Coffoo than this one that we
sell at 35c a pound.
Our Crystal Roasted Coffee
is another good one. It just
suits some of our most par
ticular Coffee drinkers. Our
prico is 25c a pound.
Wo havo just roceivod an
other car load of Sugar and
Syrup. Our Sugar is all
pure cane, manufactured at
the Western Sugar refinery.
Wo have a great variety of
good Syrups come and sam
plo them and let us make
you somo Trices,
Grocery Go.
April 3, 11)01, Mr. Harry Harvey and
Mias Maggie Miller.
COSME In this city on Mondsy April
8,11101, Infant son Mr. aud Mrs. J.
WAGNER In Ashland, April 4, 1001,
Mrs. F. 0. Wagner, aged 20 yeara.
WAIT-In Medford. Anril 6, 101, Dr.
James B. Wait, aged 60 years.
Office on 0th St. oppo. Court House.
Residence North 7th St.