ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREGON. Published Bvary Thursday. Subscription Ratas: Ons Year, In pdvarc, Hix Months, Three Months, Hingis Copies, II 25 .6 .35 .06 Advertising Rata Furnished on application at the office, or by mail. A. E. VOORHIES, FRED MENSCH, r Don't Send Away For Them w i : 1 1 a v i ; i iii: Propr. k Mnor Editor Entered at the post office at Oranta Pas, Oregon, as second-class mail matter. THURSDAY, APRIL 11, M01. General Catsiu M. Clay ol Kentucky on Saturday declared liimsell at war with the world. He barricaded himself in bis mansion and placed a dead line across bis front walk. The old man takes this peculiar course with I lie pur pose of influencing bis cbildreo lo coo sent to his leaving his pioterty lu bit ex child wife, who is now divorced and married lo ahother tusn. The rapture of Agunaldo and li subsequent taking the oath of allegiam to the United States is expected to have most desirable effect on the insurrec tlon. Aiioinaldo's step was productive of considerable surprise and the opinion finds expression that he is a slippery customer and might perhaps be schm ing to gain bis freedom by strategy Those who are iu the best position lo know, however, donotrhare this opinion but believe him t) be sincere. Since his capture, be La been a great deal in the society of Arrolano and other brainy Mliplnos and has realised the magna' nimity and real purposes of the Amer ican government and is so placed lo see matters iu a different light fiom bis former conceptions. Aguinaldo, it is reported, is very desirous of vieitiiiu the United States and after that wishes to retire to private life. It will prob ably be some time before order will reign supreme throughout the islands as guerrilla method of warfare w ill prob bly be kept up for some time by small parties. There are always a number o1 men who follow warfare for the sake of its marauding and pillaging features and eagerly embrace any excuse lo con unue a uisorneny course. Huch men have no regard for the welfare of their fellows and, in the present Instance It is this class who will make (rouble long after the patriotic Filipinos have all become reconciled. The coming special election presents ui wie voters ol lirants Pass a very Important matter and one in which a mistake might be disastrous. The subject of Are protection is one of very vital interest to evsry business man and property bolder In the city. In this matter the old fend between the city and the water company is apparent but it is not worthy of consideration in the case. I lie straight business proposition of choosing (he Are protection which will be safest and most economical in the nd, is the matter for the voters to con sider. As to the efficacy of a chemical engine, opinions differ, but the generally expressed sentiment In regard to them by those who have observed their work Ing Is that they are efficacious in care of small fire but not in a conflagration hi , u cmoi wuvre cuemicai engines ate need, they do good work iu extinguish ing fires in their inciplency, but arrange ments are such in a city that fires can be attended to much more expeditiously than In a town of our dimensions, with its volunteer Are department who are always scattered far and wide In pursuit of their various voistions whenever the alarm is sounded. A chemical engine requites operation by a knowing hand though this Item is not of great Im portance in the consideration of the question, as doubtless a sufficient num ber of our boys could be educated so Unit we might be reasonably sure of one or more knowing ones in case of Ore. The greatest advantage of a chemical engine over hydrants is Its mobility ami freedom lo operate I't any part of the town. On the matter ol Ore protection as between hydtauts and chemical engine, it would be difficult to find higher authority than the board of Fire Underwriters, who tlx the insurance rates. It is their business to know all there is to be known of fires and lire protection. They are not and cannot afford lo be actuated by any prejudice or sentiment but arrive at their con elusions by cold blooded reasoning and the results of experience and observa tion. II we discontinue hydrants for chemical engine, the Insurance rates will be rtised prohahly 26 per cent. A Few Words Or Vaccination The school board having heard lhs parents are witholding their children from vaccination in the expeetation that iney can return to school In the fa'l with out being vaccinated, wishes ail parents ami guardians to understand that a certificate of vaccination must be shown before a return to the school room ill bs permitted. This action is taken in the best Interests of all concerned, and similar action is being taken in all I lie larger schools ol this state. The board would surest that imuiediala action be taken by thosd having children of a school age under their care, as no excep tions will tie allowed from this rule. To those who are financially unable lo li.. I!...!. .: i . mcir miiurrii vaccinated, we would suggest (hat lliey call upon some memlier of the school boaid, as suitable provision has been made lor such cast's. Should there be any misunderstanding in retard to (his matter, any member of the school board will be pleased to make it plaiu. J. A. Huiviu, Chairman. TllKO. I'.l'mMKk, R. TliOMtH. Julia Marlowe Shoes-for Ladies If you see them you will want them. RED STAR STORE, W. L DEAN, & CO.. Propr. Front St. opposite Depot, J E&ster &t the Churches. Easter Sunday was fittingly observe! by the several churches which were beautified for the occasion by floral decorations. The decorations were without exception very tasteful and beautiful snd some were quite elaborate. Spr-cial services were held at nearly all the chinches, with discourse and music appropriate for the day. XKW'MAX M K. Cllt'KCH. At the Newman M. E. church the exercises were vsried by a Sunday school Easter concert iu the evening and the following program was presented : Song Br School 1'rayer Rev. N. F.Jenkins ong Br Hchool fcxercise Anna Wade's Class Recitation Mairiria Mnnar Recitation Evaline Jennimrt Song. Irrns Silshy's Class neieci Heading Misa May Hull on Young Ladies Quartette Recitation z.,ll ii.i. H"" :.. M. T. Utley'e Class mure.. S"ng. M.l, Quartette fuiuiuyy anu ueneuiction. ST. U' UK'S tl'ISCOI'AL ciimcu. St. Luke's church, in this city, cele brated the great Christian festivul of Easier on Sunday last, with services be fitting the occasion. Following the practice of the church of apostolic days there wss sn eirlv cele bration of the Holy Communion. The 11 o'clock service was sttended by a congregation that filled the church to the doors, all available apace being occupied by extra seats. The lessons, music, sermon and everything in con nection with the service, brought out with special emphasis, the va'ue of Christ's resurrection to all man. The musical portion of the Episcopal service, a service full of richness lu praise and thanksgiving, was rendered with remarkable correctness and hearti ness by the choir, addirnr ona more Pacific Pine Needle Co. Mr. and Mrs. I). A. Cords, since the return from the city, have been making preparations for operating the pine needle factory as stesdily and coustsiitly ss the needle supply will admit. At the meeting of the executive coin niittee of the mining and commercial clnb recently, Mr. and Mrs. Cords listed the present situation of the enterprise and their intentions as to Us future operation. A large amount of money has been spent in the equipment of tb factory and in the introduction of II products to the public and the operator" assert their willingness to spend twice as much more in its conduct. They ask no bonus or financial aid of any kind but it is their desire to be assured of the moral support and good will of the business men of Grants Pass and the community in general. This they justly feel to be no more than their right, as they have worked up the enter prise ftorn the foundation. Specie machinery had to lie devised for the treatment of the material and it wss only alter a series of experiments that the best pal tern could be determined All the machines in the factory are now protected by patent. Mr. and Mrs. Cords were obliged lo creal a market for the products ol the factory and to that end went to Sa rrantisco and opened a store room in a suitable location. They have adver tised widely by letter and ciicular, fact which is of peculiar advantage to Grants l'ass. The number of products made from the pine are surprising to the uninitiated and some of them are of great value. The operators would like to be assured ol a supply of 60 tons for the first month and after that expect to increase the out put to 80 or 100 tons monthly. For the factory to operate to a satisfactory extent, the owners should receive four tons of needles daily. Durlnif the SPEING CLOTHING.... Tlio Greatest Values ever shown in MEN'S, YOUTHS' and JUVENILE Clothing That is Full of Style and Moderate in Price iou run no risk in luiying those suits. Wo iniaian- teo every elaim wo make Our I-oliey: Your Money's Worth or Your Money Hack. . Tho inan with moderate means w ho must limine closely on his clothing bill should tako tho ahove facts into cons'uleration, for ho can't get n bettor value else where. Wo also carry a full stock of Furnishings, Nats, Shoes, Trunks ami Valises. A t-'lemtl.!i Ailauk. Anatlack was latly made,' on C. F. Collier ol Cherokee, lows, that nearly proved fatal, it cams through his kid neys. His bsck got so lame he could not stoop without great pain, nor sit in chair except propped by cushions, no remedy helped hiui uutil he tried F.lec trlc Bitters which effected such a wonder ful change that he writes be feels like a ne man. This marvelous medicine cures backache aud kidney trouble purifies tbe blood and builds up your health. Only 50c at I Kremer'i Drug Store. " tribute lo the musical talent ol our city. An outsider, and a good judge of church music remarked that many a large city church could have done no better, Has well. The solos rendered the lleueicu s, Kyeie, aut'iema, hymns, etc., all showed caielul work in preparation for both the morning and evening services. Too much cannot lie suid iu praUe ol the floral and other decorations of the church over three hundred calls lilies being used, aa well as oilier flowers and potted plant.. SKTJI AN t I'KICHIIVTkMUX I 111 Ht It. A song service was held at the l'res byteiian church in the place of the regular diecourse. Follow ing ia Hie program ol special music which was impressively rendered by I lie iiieuibera ol the choir: Voluntary A n I In-in "There was a lireat Earth quake" Similar 'Rolled Awav" R.K), Ladles' I'horua 'Shout! Ye II mil Heavens" IW Male Unarletle. bulo "Come I nto Me" I'oeuen ieo ('rattier "The 1-ord ol Life is Risen". .. Kairhank Male UimrtnttM "Keioice Oh Sona ol F.arth"...: k-. I'oallude Those famous little pills, fie Wilt's Little eaily Users aill remove all iiu purllie from your system, cleanse the bowels, make them regular. winter time the condition of weather j and roads ill ollen necessairly curtail the needle supply. The price paid for needles is ." per Ion and if I In. desired amount can he secured, the company' pay roll will be a most valuable item to the people ol lirants l'ass and vicinity. line nettlles grow in oilier places besides .Inst phine county and Mr. and Mrs. Cords have been offered substantial inducements hy other places to k-cate their factory them. They have cast their fortunes with lirants l'ass, how ever, and will remain here. "THE MILWAUKIE." A familiar name for the Chicago, Mil waukee A St. i'aul Railway, known all over the I'uion as the lireat ltailaav miming the "l'ione.'r Limited" trains every day and night between St. Fan I and Chicago, and Or.iaha and Chicago. ' The only perfect trains in the world.' I'ndersland : Connections are made with All Transcontinental Lines, assur ing to passengers the best service kuoa n. Luxurious coaches, electric lighte, steam heat, of a verily equalled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point in the United States or Canada. All tick et agents sell litem.. For rales, pamphlets or other infor mation, addiess, J. W. Casky, C. J.Eudy, Trav. l'ass Airl. General Agent, HATn.i, Wash. Fotlai, Of Hotcs. i aAal Superintendent Cary W. Th imps on of the Victor, Jr. wai in town Tuesday on a business trip. B. E. M -redi.h rpint several days of the past week in town from his hydraulic proK-rty on the Illinois. Jobu C. Lewis' powder house at Le land blew up from unknown causes ear ly Wednesday morning. W. L. tngrsin has discovered a large vi in of copper ore on Sls:9 creek. Sui face indications are favorable lo the existence of a valuable property. Five Inch Nuggets. K. J. Kubli, one of Die owners of the Swinden-Kubli placer in the Applega'e district, was in town Saturday. Tbe owners of this mine have had a very prosperous run this season and are now engaged iu I lie operation of cleaning nr . Mr. Kubli had with him several nuggets picked up on the bedrock during the seasoh and among them was one wbicb seerotd a very patriarch of nuggets. Tnii particular piece measures inches at its greatest length and is almost inches wide, a veritable slab of gold. It is flat and not very liijck and its value is about 125. It is almost pure gold, showing hardly a trace of quarts or oilier degrading matter. This mine is situated on a small trib utary of Ihe A iplegate which comes in from the south side a few miles below the mouth of Williams creek. H is sit uated on tbe opposite side from and al most opposite Oscar creek, which has become famous for its nuggets. The creek under consideration is very simi lar to Oscar creek, in general character istice as In nugget producing capacity. This I; property formerly. known as the Cualar mine anil has been a producer of large pieces ever since it was i pened. Peppered with Gold, John Hall has been fpending the week in town from his quarts property on Grave creek. Mr. Hall has a ledue four to five feet in width,, all ol which carries good values, hut some of the ore is extremely rich, with parlicles of gold emphatically visible sll through the rock. He baa specimens which are astonishing in their richness and appear as though the gold had been plentifully besprinkled in them with a salt shaker. Clly Fire Protection, To Tn i KuiroH Notices have been posted calling for a special city election in Grants l'ass on Monday April 22, for the purpose of authorizing the cily council to enter into certain contracts for giving our city continued protection against fire. It in proposed, as I unJer- stand the notice, to purchase s chemical fire engine at a cost nf $1250, or to enter n to a contract with (he present cily water company lor a term .of .years to furnish wa'er in care of fire for 20 hydrants at a minimum . cost of about 110;) a year. I do not favor the pur chase of a chemical engine as our citv is about ,20.000 in debt and we can gut along without an engine. I do favor navtng nyuranis and as many as are needed to protect our city against fire. And now what about the matter of cash If we pay $1.50 pur month for each hy drant it means $1080 a year for 20 hy drants. It mcaiiB the interest ol fj per cen' per annum on neatly $22,00.) in fact if the city wanted to borrow $22,000 on ten years lime it c ml.l get the money at 4 per cent. I think (1.50 per mouth per h)dranl is entirely too much. If the citv council advertise tor bids for a ruiaiient system nf fire protection of our city to supply 2) or in ir.1 hydrants, with wa'er, Willi s.iv 2 feel pressure system I ir lire protection alone, us good as the present one, couM he Insti tuted ly private parliis. The lost to the cily for 20 h,.ln.u would not le more than $701 u ear. 1 can fee no reaon li) liruiit. l'a-s Bhoiild p,iy out $10,00(1 in ten jenrs for tiro protection when llm ptimo ni'glit he nciiied for $7ikkl, a saving of nearly $4iilK). 1 am aware the present company can under bid, if it chooses to do so, any new com pany who illicit attempt to furnish a system iu compel ion w ith them. I am n .favor of economy iu city and public euuirs i lie men wlio own the present system are non-resideuts ami we ss s ity are not under obligation to them in any way I can see. If they want tc supply His city with tire protection let them get it by bid, ling for it. If they are the lowest, well and good, if not, we an have an independent system. A V UTK'H ASI1 Taxcavkk. Deo Jr. V. M. Woodworth will stand le Jr. at Lister A Calverts atuhles on Fridays ml Saturdays ol each week during I lie Seas hi of l'.IOl. Terms (or insuiaicn. in; III each for two, $8 each for three r more. 1' is a ll agnilicelil h ack draught tuilion, seveli-eiulils Noiman. wewlil 40 pounds. He jn ol clean, mn- uitrical build and a perfect specimen of highest order of diauiilil Imrre. II irse raisers . hould mil fail lo inspect inns for excellence befo'e apply ng eUea here. Wllderville Items. Rev. Boache preached at this place but Sunday morning and evening. Mrs. . Kestler, who was visiting with her parents at this plsce left last Satur day for her home in Portland. Mr. Frome and family left this vicinity last Wednesday for California .where they will make their future tome. Mrs. J. P. McConnell, of Ashland, arrived here last Saturday and is visi ting with ber husband who is leaching at this place. Mr. C. F. Lovelace went to Grants Pass last Wednesday and brought bock a wagon load of very fine seed not a toes which were shipped from the Willam ette. Leather Head heard some quite laugh able comments last week, but beware! leather Head is here to stay, and although he appears like an innocent (lower, be is a serpent under it. Miss Belle Sturgess opened school iu district No. 19 last Monday. Miss Stur gess has taught in that district (or two or three terms and the people have shown good judgement in employing ber again. A very interesting entertainment was given at the church Saturday evening. The church was very nicely lighted by two large hanging lamps which Mrs. II C. Jones received one day last week as a gift to the church. Mr. Ed Daily was seen on the streets of our city last Wednesday. He has been to Grants Pass on a business trip and was on his way home. Mr. Daily is interested in the rich strike lately made on Josephine creek. ' Mr. and Mrs. Green Adams, of Smith River, Calif, put up at the hotel here last Thursday. They weie on their way lo their copper mine located near the head of the Applegate Mr. Adams in tends lo run a crew of men both night and day this summer fu developing his I aim. Leather Head is glad to anuouce that the Wilderville school board have ordered a bell for the school houee and we are all walling veryanxiously to hear peals sent forth making iron music through Ihe land. I imaiiine I can hear the musical tones vibrating through the air this beautiful afternoon as it says: "In deeds of Irulh excel excel There chimes out from the school a bell, This is a school not built on sands, Kmblem of one not built with hands, Its morale and sacred truth revere, Come study here, come study here." Lkatiikk Head. ADLETS. FOR SALE. TJKEMO B 4x5 Camera, almost new, cot - $15, lor sale at S'J. Inquire oi ueo. r, Cramer. SMITH Premier Typewriter, nearly new. for sale. Address P. O. box at, Grants Pass, Oregon. IIAUNKMS and Wazon. Two snrine 1 1 wanons and a set of single harness for sale at a bargain, inquire of or auuress J. II. Ahll. AGENTS. 1 GENTS wanted for the best Typewriter -A- on the market, the Pitteburg Vi.iible; writing ,n sight at all times; exclusive ter ritory given. Address Hinley Hardware Company, Pittsburg, i'a. NOTICE. I TAKE this means to inform my many many friends that I am now associated with the Smith llros. Mercantile Co . cor ner Front and Sixth tils., and respectfully invite you to call and see me. JOSIAH PARDEE. GOLD DUST. QASH paid for gold dust. Cramer Bros. WHAT SHALL WE HAVE FOR DESSERT? litis question arises in the family very day. Let us answer it to-day. Try Jell-O, a delicious and healthful dessert. Prepared in two raioulea. No boiling ! no baking ! simply add boiling water and set to cool. Flavors: Lem on, Orange, Rasberry and Strawberry. Uet a package at your giocers to day lOcls. The Latest Yarn. A Pittsburg d'UTmer tells this yarn I always 'carry a bottle of Kemp's Balsam in my grip. I take cold easily and a few doses of 'the Balsam always makes me a well man. Everywhere I go I speak a good word for Kemp. I take bold of my customers I take old men and young men, and tell them confidentially what I do when I take cold. At druggists, 25c. and 50c. Kerby Breezes. Mr. Hector Egger, of Waldo, was in Kerby today. James Howard made a flying Irip to our village Friday. Birn-March !)0, 1901, l0 Mr. and Mre. James White, twins. l'leu-April 3, 1501, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. J. White. Mr. Crosby made a flying trip to his mine on Altbouse Monday. Mr. and Mre. Ora Smith made a busi ness trip to Kerby Wednesday. Mr. Thomas Johnwn whs in from his quarlx ledge Saturday and Sunday. Chas Giltnore, the Browntuwn mer chant, made a visit to Kerby last week. The Waldo school is in session attain under the skillful management of Miss Blanch Fetturly. Mr. George, near Kerbv, has been quite sick for the past lew weeks but is slowly improving. Mr. Fred Stevenson ol Helnili, we un derstand will leave there about llm 15th lor the Haulh Sea Islands. He goes with our little mining man" Mr, O'Brien. Mies Anna M. Feiater will begin a spring term ol school in the Seyferth district, .Monday April 8th. Miss Fiester bus taught this school seyeral terms. a l- i i -. , , u. i.. .uereoiiu s mine is runiiimr in full force. A rock neighing overs ton, o leot long and 2'j feet wide, 17 inches thick was piped over the Grizzly one duv iaM weea. Mr. C. T. Payne was seriously ininrad asi Minnay while watenuu and carim, (or his horse. He was badlv ti.-L,i His many friends are stayinii with him and doing everything they can for him. The house known as the Jack (lender son nouse near herby, was burned Wed nesday night. It is supposed some in toxicated person went in the Louse and tiuilt a rlie and in Borne way caught tl bud Jing on lire. Mr. Chas. Hansen had just vacated this building. A few house hold goods and several tiers of wood went up in the smoke. Mr. Warren Wade left Monday morn ing lor Grants Pass where he expects to spend the summer. Cm ittkk Box. Fry's Squirrel Poison Every Grain Kills a Squirrel. :$( per Can If you arc not satisfied you get your money hack. Sloyer Drug Co. APOTHECARIES, Front St., Opposite Depot. Snith Bros. Mercantile Co. HOWARD'S CORNER, FRONT AND SIXTH 3T3 New Goods Ctiep for Cnwli Come and be Convinced. Fruit and Vegetables fresh every day. Oranges and Lemons, Bananas, Green Peas, Asparagus, Fresh Rhubarb, Green Onions. Special Prices on Tin and Granite Ware. Smith Bros. Mercantile Co Howard's Old Stand. Don't Endanger Your Life . By riding a tin frame Bicycle. Ride a Racycle, Stearns, Crescent, Crawford, B. & li. Spe- ' cia', or Spaulding And you will be in the lead from start to finish. I sell for cash or on 'entail ments, and take old wheels hi part payment, I equip any of the above whaels with any make of Tires, Handle Bars, Saddles or Pedals, with or without Coaster Brakes Cushion frames. First-class repairing uuy it iroui mo agent lor CRAWFORDS reasonabIe Prices- Second-Hand Wheels frohi $5 up. 8s5"Your Money's Worth or your Money Back. W. A. PADDOGK, At the Bicycle Den, East of Depot Jimmy on hla new blovcle, Is one of the lKhts of the town. Ho Is so proud ot It that be baa to bold himself up with one foot, lo keep from fulling off backwards! You will tie Just bh proud of vours. if vou tho agent for or at Srivlp Bounty Law. Tlie new law providing (or I lie d stri c- lion of wild eats, eovotes. mountain liona oiuars, may wolves or liinler wolves. id for tlie payment ol tlie liouiiti-.e on the same, ia now iu force. flie provisions of Hie art aie tlie pre sentation lo tlie count v ilerk ol Die Ips, with an itllidaut statii ii the num- 'erol scalps presented, kind of animal (rom which thev taken, and ilmt il, initials were not win Iped r folred in aplivllv. The ivnnty eleik is required to s nd onthly statements ol Ikiiiivv clainii to the secretary of stale, who will forward to the tvuntv rlerk a wartum m,.,n general lundol the -tite tte.i.nnv loi two thirds ol the lo ut amount ol ran:s diawn in payment of tiim claims. A scalp, within the incniing ol Ihe act, eoiiMsia 'VI both ears of the animal -Mnne.ted hy a s.ripof ikin that grew between them, two inches in breadth, aud all whole and intact " Tl Ka.j In Keel OihhI Countle!s'itioUfand8 hve found a b e-i-ing lo the b.xly in lr. King's Sew Life Tills, which pisitivelv curet'oii'tipation, tick Headache, lhiiness, J.iundice, M ilaria, Kever and Ague and all Liver and Siomacli tumble. Purely vegeia ble; nttit grie or weaken. Only iV at lr. kremer's drug store. Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription Doubles a Mother's Joys and Halves Her Sorrows. It does this by a pre-natal pre paration in which the mother finds herself grow-ino; stronger instead of weaker with each month. Instead of nausea and nervousness, there are healthy appetite, qtiiet nerves, and refreshing sleep. The mind's con tent keeps pace with the body's comfort. There is no anxiety, no dread of the approaching time of travail. Whet; the birth hour comes it is practically painless, the recovery is rapid, and the mother finds herself abundtmtly able to nurse her child. " Favorite Prescription " contains no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine, nor any other narcotic. Sick women are invited to con sult Dr. Pierce by letter ret of charge, and so obtain without cost the advice of a specialist in the diseases peculiar to women. All correspondence strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr R. V. Pierre, Buffalo, N. Y. Mrm. Annie Blacker. Catherine Strr,!. ' N V.wrne.: Voar mrdwon lu dm.. ..J, for m, ytw m, health was l": ! twir n.i.rru. but .in" taking P, r,rrn , ,1Mm prtl . in! "" 1 , n t he bnbr I ! mtyT roommtn,l.d your m!wum lo arml ?W b b.orled by j Dr. Pierce's Tleasant Pellets cure diziiness and sick headache. Willis Kramer MA.Nl'VACTl'KKK OK Myrtle Creek Extra Iamily Flour And Kverything that goes with First- Class Milling. For sale by, Dklkmater Wade, Pike and Cornell,. Call for it; same price as other brands Hall's Lightning Squirrel Poison, 1 30c Can. None Better. 31. Clemens, I'UKSCKIITION DRUUGIST ORANGE FRONT, OP. OPCHA HOUSE , VALUABLE BOOK FREE-. SEND NAME and ADDRESS for the New Era E.Htion of The Emporium Economist t tow is Press. Our kuseTprofusely il lustrated Spring and Sum mer Catalogue, describing the new fashions, and Riving lowest Department Store prices for every thing to eat. drink, wear or use. 1B tiia. aeras floor spae. l.oyo eisrka. Donomore 29644 Brown Horse. Fouled 1896. 5i Hands, weighs llOOIhs. Sired by Altsuiont 3000, the greatest sireol extreme speed in the world. Hum, Sleepy Kale (dam ol Belle Air 2:144 and Athena 2:201 hy Mike, 340S; Grand dam, Kihbon, by Vermont. 322. Donomore will make the season ol 1001 at the race traik, i mile west of city. Terms by the season $10; insurance $15. Care ill be taken to prevent accidents but will not be responsible should any occur. A. L. FORCE, Keeper. To all sutl'erers from whalnvor n.Ln.u or debility, iheumatiem, lan e back, etc., I oiler my Dr. Sanden Electric Belt upon one or two months' ahonlnto trial, without one rent being paid to advance or deposited in any manner. All that I ask is that th ri,-. uoiiesuy Dy me, as I will by him send for my latest book nf information just published, Kivinir all information retarding my invention and free trial ) eiem. Sanden Electric Belt Co, Russell Block, Portland, - - Oregon. RELIABLE ....Poultry Yards.... Breeder of Prize Winners and llifh Scot ing Barred Plymouth Hooka, H. C. Krown Ijethoriia, Bronze Turkeys, Scotch Collie Doga The highest scoring Plymouth Rock snd Brown Leghorn Cocks in the Stole; at Koseburg Show one 1st' and 2nd on Plymouth Kock Cocks; .ejhorns 1st and 2nd, Cockerels, 1st 2nd and 3 d Pullets. . KliGS: 1 Selling $, 2 8iltlnKs 2 l Add real E. A. KRUSE. ROSEBURQ, OEE OHIXJON KAniUTllY. ONE MILE WEST OF TOWN NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office atRosehurg, Oregon,) v. .. . . , , 1IH)1,( Notice-is hereby given thut the follow ing named Bettler has filed nntio of l.i. intention to make Anal nnmi !., un,.. of his claim, and that said proot will be made before R. I,. Bartlelt, County Clerk, at (iranle Pass, Oregon, on' April ii, i'joi, vis: John H. Klncald. " E, No. 7023. lor the NVl' SE.'4', NKW Sec. 32. Tp 38 S. R. 6 W. He names the following witnesses lo prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: C. K. Harmon, ol Uratite Pass, Ore gon; John Howell, ol (iranH Pass, Ore iron ; Ci Howell, ot lirants Pass, Oregon , Sam felherow, of Williams, Oregon. J. T. BKID'jEi, Register.. M. J. Shields & Co. (rowers and Importers of all kinds of Grass & Field Seeds I'Olt 8 Al.K. 61) .000, tr.,,, berry plants. Ihsvethe Escelsive, wbicb is extra early snd a good shipper. The first crate of Oregon strawberries that arrived in Portland last season I sent troin this pattb. I also have Ihe Hood River borry. which is a large red berry, being perfect in sh.r. and a fine shipper. Both am r.(.. fliwering plants. I will put on cars either ol the two kinds for $1.50 loose, or r-'.OO bunched and tied per thousand panta. L. 8. Coos , Dillard, Oregon , ! 'I!,,ve 'il1'-''' !;,,H k "f lbe '""i'" "' t "Btlian Marts " a tin l..i ..r .. . lor sale at very reasonable prices Write me hat you want, or come and il,... 1 have a tine lot of "Mack Minorca chi,!-. 'IK, It Wdllld do linn.ll. . ,1 iioier oinis ir rirtecn Eggs. -,, " " . . "'' With fifteen I am aim maki... . t .. ?! Personal experience in ,m.inV. rruils, and have tested i Li, I ?.V' "''"0'lh.e A(?n'iTaurai k,,K propazin,. y u,, , -.J- mn. w. .sub. he adapted to t ins section, and have some I hundred ditle rent kind!. IH.t Ut ' i?n !,j 'J, u I nerni us. Tall Meadow Fise. Ulna r-.V e V . " nai Meniineu Blue Grass, tnglish Kye Urass, Orchard hue plants for saleol the following varietie, Mm and U-t of all is the "Xew HvbrW 1 henonieiKd" cross between RlackberrV .... .Mn in... .1.1 : , .,. ,,1n ,ie n(?w . plants, 2-ic e-ach, sis for I.(K) latlilart Louden-Eureka Bla,k Cap Lla. klK.rry. 5c each. 50V ,w JOIt.0 Rwi.Wrr,.-5c ea. h, 5uV per down. Early Hanrest, U.ton Chil.l, Tree (I. mitpl amount,) UK.- each, 3 for 25 cents liewberry-Lncrvtia, UV. each, 3 for 25e' t naiseU-rnr I- me 3 Year old li..- .i..! i lll-.,.,l.;. , . "mi ,ri .u iiunioth, IHc -s-r uiuin. English Pearl Oregon each, 5oc ivr doien Horseradish R,.,t, ,,, c- 1 osta t ard ,n.l I will deliver anvwhere in t city r ,,whe , b Ei press Meniher, S. O. Poultrr and Pe, tito..k Amviation, ' R. W. LAWSOX, Grants Pass, Ore. ;each, $1 CliampioD, 5c Urajis. Those are Kre.h Heeds- We are SnTpees'.,be,U nd WU1 1""!- P.Tslf.ULm!.ll, fn ee.l. for evergreen rsstiireon dry ground; IIU.U0 perliun dretl, or Aw. jer pound. v Wa are also growers and importers of Clovers. Alfalfai, Peas, Corn. Wheat, Russia Bpelti, MilleU and all kinds of Field Seeds. For references we cite vou to W. J. ArricuT Li??" of Acultiirs at the anT? t " ""m". Wash., M t '1.i."!nCh' Hro.fe"' ol Agriculture lin I h I' niversily, Moscow, JioaddreZ " mltn"1 M. J. SHIELDS CO, MOSCOW, IDAHO.