Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 04, 1901, Image 4

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f..l t AX. . 1 !
uui iiuiu inc miLum
Bj Edgar 8. Br41ej,
U?rlkt, 1M, l It. Auihori' tBdteU.)
MES. RUTHVE.N, tall, brilliantly
dark, with the breath of the prat
rict In bar orriK, me pi out of the
dining-room, and her hutuaud, George
Ruthvcn, and I turned to our coffee and
"George, how Aid you gain that mag
nificent woman for a wife?"
Not at all diacomposed at the broad-
neaa of mt compliment to hia wife.
George millngly reiponded
"You remember the great blizzard
which awept over the wentern prairie
atatea, particularly Nebraska, during
January of 1687? Yea? Well, it wan
from that blizzard that I reacued
by the moat beautiful woman it haa
crer been the happy lot of man to por
"I waa at that time, aa you know,
embarking In the practice of law, and
had, to uae an old-time phraac, 'art!
cled' myaelf to one of the moat prom
inent legal flrma In thla city. I grew
teadlly in favor of my superior, who
are now my partnera, ao it happened
that when nn occasion aroae In an im
portant land auit, requiring that a man
be aeut to Alnaworth, Neb., to obtain
neceaaary information from the ree-
orda, 1 waa selected for the duty.
"I reached Ainaworth without Incl
dent and apent a couple of daya there
examining the court recorda, until
discovered that one link of evidence
waa miming. I atiortl v learned that it
could be replaced by certain aflldavlta
which a banker at Atklnaon, Si mile
down the road could give, if he ahould
be ao diapoaed. Unfortunately only
one paeeenger a day waa then
running and I found that had Jut left
and that no other train would alnrt un
till late In tlie night. That would be a
alow freight, which would not get me
In Atklnaon much before the pannenjrer
the next morning. So I concluded to
drive the 63 mil'i.
"Jlurrylng to the livery atable I In
duced the proprietor to take me aa far
aa Long Hue, the next elation, where
I could and did obtain a relay of bron
choa and another driver to Iluaaett.
There t obtained another relay and
elarted for Newport, the next atop,
and by the time we reached there, the
anow waa falling quite fnt, but atlll
there waa no Indication of the horriblr
atorin in which ao many Uvea were
loat and In which the cattle runrhrl
Buffered almost to bankruptcy by thou
aanda of head of cattle bring destroyed.
Aa we proceeded, the atorm incrrnaeel
In virulence and I waa glad, Indeed,
when I could toait my chilled fret at
the blazing hearth In the amall hotel
the place afforded, while my driver waa
aeelug about an exchange of horaea.
"Tha liveryman returned and In
formed me that he bad not been able
to Induce the local atable keeper to
undertake a Journey, even to the next
town, Stuart, though ha aaid, If the
caae waa very urgent, he would let
me have a tenm to drive through my
aelf, provided I would aaaura him
agninat loaa. Unacc tiatouicd aa I waa
to weatern bllzznrda, I Jumped at thla
chance, and quickly cloaed a deal with
"II produced th aorawnleat-look-Ing
team of bronchoa one ever aaw,
and hitched thrm to a ramahackle
eort of alnt-bottomed buckboard
buggy and bid me godaperd with an
rxpreaalon on hi fuc clearly allow
ing ha never again expected to are
either hia team or myaelf alive. Aa
to the team, he never did aee It, aa
both the aulmal gnv up the ghoat
but I am anticipating.
"By thla time the atorm had as
aumrd terrific pruportlona. Th anow,
which had been falling aoftly and Ins
ily, now pelted down In aolld inaaaes,
mixed with flake of Ice, cutting with
biting force agninat my fate, while
tli aoughlng of the wind had rlarn to
hrlrka and howla and came with a
fore that at time aeemed powerful
enough to lift bronchoa, buggy and
driver Into the next county. My
courie lay along the rallrond track.
There waa no road worthy of the
nam to follow, aa tho level character
of tha country and entire aliaence of
fence permitted one taking a 'straight
hoot' from one point to another,
with only the pomililllty of meeting
with aome amall alough that would re
quire a little careful driving to eroaa.
"Driving along with my head down
ward to aheller my ice from the
pelting alret and ice, I quite forgot to
look for my landmnrka, the telegruph
polea, but a more ugly lilnM than any
I had experienced rnnacd me to take
a quick glance about over my mufller.
Inatantly I awoke to my danger. The
telegraph pole had disappeared! I
hod turned from my road and waa
driving acroui the wild, dcaolut. unin-
nn lilted prairie, on which a tioune
wax not to be met for inllea.
"The atorm now swirled and pound
ad and roared with feroclou power
about me. Already I wna panning
through drift ao deep aa to mnicl
my amall bronchoa to tug and anort in
the effort required to pull the buggy
through them. Heavy dnrkncK ws
rapidly taking the place of the gray
Uh light, the dull, whirling snowbanks
of climils lowering and plunging about
until It act-mrd that they ami the
naoara of anow and sleet beatliif
agalnat me were one. The cold, too,
had become intenae, and the atlnging
pain in my tlngera told me my huiula
had been frost bitten, while my f,.rt
aernird mere chuuka of Ice, no power
of motiou.
Suddenly there cam a Jar and
the bronchoa were to a halt.
Tug aa they would, tiny could not
Tui.e the ulirela over the obstruction
iu our vourae, Now renllj alarmed nt
my situation I Juum,i from the
buggy, uolivithttuiidUiy tae pain iu
Alncrean.,1 deuiv! tUa( y,iU uuw
uada for th book.
The man or woman with
temper, restless, fidgety movements, tail
ing memory and lack of concentration is
tutii'riiig from crippled nerves. The
lines of care, the palid cheeks, the wasting
flesh, the dark circles under the eyes tell
all too plainly of the worry, the pain,
the loss of sleep and disturbed digestion,
that break down the nervous forces and
consume the vital power. Kor cjukk and
sure relief nothing equals
B?o Miles9 Nervine
It relieves the pain, quiets the irritation, strengthens the overtaxed and weak digestion
and feeds the worn-out brain and the wasted nerves. Try a bottle to-day.
Sold by all druggists on a guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad.
iny nearly frozen feet, and brushed)
away with my hand the anow which
waa packing in front of the buggy.
"I waa horrified to aee that the
bronchoa h:nl passed over one of the
many graves which enark the failure
of aome linrily pioneer on theae In
terminable prairiea, and my buggy
had cranhed againat the amall monu
ment that aome mourning friend or
relative had placed at thia aavage, soil
tary renting place.
"I tell you, Harry, my boy, I never
want again to experience auch an un
comfortable feeling aa that which
flashed over me on my diacovcry.
Thia obatruction really appeared to
me to be the mark of my own end. I
am willing to admit that It waa with
omethlng of the unreasoning newer
of a maniac that I lifted and pulled
at the buckboard, until with a ahout
of wildcat Joy, I rained It over .the
obatruction and jumping Into It,
whipped up the fainting broncho until
I had driven far awny from the lone
ly, eoul-harrowing locality.
"Hut now I aaw the strength of my
broncho wa faat waning, and,
threatened by thla new dilliculty, mud
ly urged them on, ahouting and ciirs
Ing, crying in my denpair. Slower,
alower became their pace, while about
me the atorm raged and snarled, re
ceded and attacked, hurling the bat
tering ram of lta power dead In the
breaata of the mean, little, feeble
team, and many, many time bringing
them to a dead atop.
"I think I muat have become a
maniuc aa at lnat I aw one (tumble
and fall, with hi hoof caught In aome
orifice In the ground, while the other
aank aU.wly, patiently, Into the (now,
hia lifo going out In hi laat druggie
to rlae.
"I remember Indiatlnctly of aittlng
by the aide of the bronchoa with that
awful dorm beating about me, and
laughing and chattering aa I toyed
with their eara. or playfully tickled
their aide with the broken butt of
the whip. Then I remember of
aprlnglng to my feet and gibbering a
I run, making wide circlca about
them, daahlng tip to their hcucla aa I
have done In my achool daya, waving
my nrmn to (cure them into a scuin
per. "Then a the fatal warmth began
(traling over me, nnnk Into the
(now and tonned handful of It at the
(currying cloud and flying aleet.
"When I opened my eyea I believed
myaelf In dreamland. About me wna
every evidence of comfort and refine
ment. The delicioua aenae of warm
fur covrrlngn Imprenned me, and I
rained myaelf ellghtly to take In more
of my urroundinga, A I lifted my
eyea they feasted on the fairy who
had provided my dreumland with all
thene comforta. fihe wna darkly, radi
antly beautiful, and I reached out my
arm to beatow a shower of affect lun
ate grutltude upon her. Then I re
called the atorm, aaw again my dead
tenm, myaelf running in niiulncna
ahout them, and how I had eunk in
exhauatlon into the anow. 'And la thia
death?' I cried to the beautiful aplrit
hanging over me. 'No,' ahe auawereil.
'you have been (aved, mid will, 1 hope,
noon tie able to arUe.'
'It la useleaa to dwell on my re
covery to full coiiftcloiiKiieaa, the
myriad of queationa naked and the nn-
(wer returned to them. My rat-ape
I eaally explained. You know, Harry,
how It waa nlmont lmpouoiile in tin to
day to obtain lumber for the con
struction of hounea on the liumcuxe
pruirle land of the went, ami how,
even In the present day, hounea are
built by cutting lung atrloa of aid
from the buffalo-trumped enrth, laid
in lnyera to the desired li t-i 1, t , and
covered with a roof of tlintch ao
clonely woven aa to be impermeable
to the rnliK of amutnrr or the auoua
of winter. Hough na they are Iu
exterior, many of them are the hoinea
of wealthy ranch ownera, and ure
filled with all the comforts to lie
found In the must palatial residences
of the city.
'Well, in plunging through the
drift my bronchi had at laat fallen
In the' yard of one of then aod
dwellinga. Frank Coleman, the pro
prietor of the ranch, pushing from the
barn through the banks of anow
heaped before the door, nan the dead
team. Shouting encouragement to
the driver he knew muat be some
where near, he worked hia way about
until he discovered my unconscious
form partially covered by the drift.
Then, with the fairy upon whom my
rye had opened, he carried me Into
the house.
You now know enough. I am not
going to tall you how my 'fulry' be
came my wife. We occasionally viait
the ranch on which my father in-law,
Mr. (Vilcuinu. haa since count ructed
one of the most handsome resiliences
In the west, and then we live over
those scenes.
Well, going, old boy? (Had to see
you at any time, and my 'fairy may
herself tell you the rest of our story.
"Oh, yen. I obtained the ntUiliwits
I went after In time, and the result
of my adveuture was my present part
nership." Not I.Ik Mahialaar.
"Jimmy," exclaimed the first boy,
"teacher Jumped on you rrtty quick.
Yanked you up and walloped you like
lightning, illilu't he?"
"No," replied the other boy, rue
fully, "not like lightning. He hit me too
often iu the same place," Family Her
ald. A Inn Cnre.
A New York man ctiied himself of
the grippe by merely fntlug This
treatment, however, says the Chicago
Tribune, if cotiiliiunl loiiif enough, will
put slop to sny di.eii-i'.
k-nrel uf f'rlllclam.
We hope the publishtia of "I'ocle
Tom' Cabin" ure prepared, says Die
Ihtcago limes Ilarald, to supply tha
an irritable
chitis, indigestion, constipation, shortness
of breath and general nervous prostration.
1 could not sleep at night and was rest
less, nervous, irritable and low spirited
during the day. I tried many remedies,
but with no sign of improvement until I
began taking Pr. Miles' Nervine and
Nerve and Liver Pills. In a few weeks
I was cured." Mrs. 1'. L. Dctchcr,
4joj I'.rskine St., Omaha, Nel.
a 4 i&iis
r.n-1 rifel-cm f.-o
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the kiii-.i in rii- 'erf. It v 1:1 1 . . .:
to anv i re d -- i-'.u it, V,-,i.? -.r-.r i
L'iaus folly.-. : r.-. 1-. tr.:;l r -i .. V. t
make :: H: .. f r'i 1 :,v-
VAt t '.,!.- f ti L;,.its t j, I.-:;.:.: .
I'l-'jr (liu n Unlit
tlu.t 4 rl. li a:el lirll.
Man!. No o.tor.
?; Btyli-3. buM
r w.v l;i ro.
DH. JORDAN'S oarar
r iCitlittcTsT.,i)fSutnrt,rtL
r ITr Ir'ftt Aoatntnlnil M'lef'jrTI In tl i
bbJaKOM OO tVa LnaM. hl !.
PMIt l ffc-vte-trhl? eltrtd 4
tinni .tim wilt -ui u ti ti lirar.
Tnwi ttH I it an Mtwrt ttMll
I lirt Mvtlare. A q'ltrk ai.'l 1
('trajl r'if lnl rir), rtntntira i
- lailwla, ,f Ut. jtXdaUt'a afCiUl M
rnlltWt tttr ami Mit-tTT cHif TraJtm-M pt- ,
niuil' !. iMiai A Saa'ti't In rt'r riia 1
.w i-fi-."t, V.,ir ir i) su rnn.oi.rMir r J
M tlt(U4f., HAll.itt HtU, fA faiuaula bos, a I
) tll-j mint
cn iz-mnn h co., iqsi,s p.
Just two
did the
liberie inri-. -t Hi'(Trc.l fur (Ihvm nn nnly
i u.,iii-:i , hn-ii-t cm ;iinl in
! l'-i.tMnn I'lptltil Hcolch Kflli a. li'Mi
IlK It Would f.Mf th- ..i'ti.
'I'hn ilrr-t i Mi.iii.iil' ii mivf ri'Mff B"f the
it-fi.ini rmfi.-.i tin- hi . .1 li. iu normal
r ttnti, :t!.Hii liiiii' Mir or cT.-.-t in
th- ,1i.,v of ;-illh. I luiv.' ti .it vi-ur trtiiV
VI v .(( ifuM I'iiln run-, m i n-'ii-'ial Ihmim
nUl n-nit'iiv, f"i iifiir:. n voir .nxi c-n-.'i.r
U h trtau -st i-x'-'-'ti r-Mdlv in
-ho wurltl. M !irl. M. V, D.
( uikJ.ii.. I, Cftl., Jutv 14. l: .i.
i of tho nt of
'.vit.,1 eat .
I.l-ilitliil li:n-,' f
lli'iltlrnit'ii I hrt l;r- v
S: nn 1 -ii 1'i'ln i'urv (-r
Mit nut until u It hin ii f'-v
in'il It nf'"ii mv t -m 'ii
I Mil I ''lltl WV 1l1lll--sltti
' I 111 m t m rill i f,
v tluit II Is one
if f If" Wt rnni ill.s ior i
' T trt-x) Tlii.r..'i h) n
rtv MiTlt':i"". r miiv
lit J iHllllV.Vlt rt'Mi f. It.
A'aX It. CI l'i
.llll I ll ll I
i'M .1 It In. In
t'l IT'VC
II. v( IV
liiik.-rafMil. VL
HoM hv h.I 1'r.K nt , ccum
itclini tKen :y KAN ! K I Nt l.SCO
Vtuinine l III m-,im Uliiml. i U ,,,
not now liavn to' I'd rmllireil. Minimi, s
IIt.kkii (called ilnninm- Hum
their energy) crowd a wees's oiilmarv
trenliuetit into 12 hour and aUn.t ihe
worsts of coMi nyer infill.
"It ias the worst i :iseof i;rip i ever hn.l.
a toilf dozen friends hinl nure i nre-. sit I
II hiiiie on. Ili siil ot l Im PiMsir I'm
i'l is, fo my iiniHeliielit thev stui.j,,-,! lH,t,
cold ntld coiigli Hie lirsl liuiil. 1 endorse
and reeotnoienil lliem lo Hie n-. ie."
em ii infill, IV llieilli-er ol 1
atlil Alloriiev. tol Sin-iinie iteel, .sn i
Krntii ico, July T, l'.i.
'Winter col, Is tiKVC illiiiivs lieen neiiou. i
thilms lo me. I hey ate btitit anil sou im
imiullii. but liiclust ii.siiiipi-il I
hy il'll-ri, iMin mi u, lli.-.h
cmiKll and coiil disnpin itreil iu ii iniiple ol j
dais. Nothing else tluc ihts Inr tne."
Mas. Y.hma I.. Hon in. It M.iv, ,s ltt,
Francisco. Aag. o, 'i..
"I lie acioss Ihe street ftoui ulurc
Maanai. v a M 1 I'uuiis me ma.le
liist is tioiT I nrst tcok llii-tn. I hex st, i.
colds wiilioui iiuiiie. I took a il-'i-it' nun s i
with me tor self and friciMU nlo n 1 .i-t.i
to Nome." II, I.. V an W.nki k, l :i.iin.i,i, -:iOI7
Wnsltingiuii Mivet, nu t i .in, i.i o,
Aucil'l lo, :m.
s-cllt postpaid fol
IM.AMi ill U
'..i I-Cllts HI .laim-s l.y
l ii, .sill N .1,
Mrei-l, an 1 rrni-is. o. Also on s.ue U om
it i'uI iigenl M i i sviicss.
rj U
left me with chronic bron
Eat Been Opened But Will Reyef
Be Hade Public
DlnpoUloai of tier Imnteauaa Kalat
Vmm Oat? Be iarael At Thomatkt
Prlaieeaa Ilealrlee Will Urn
rrlaelpal lsaiefleli.r--
Queen Victoria's will lias been opened
and examined by the rliily conMituted
authorities, but; will sver be
made public oilicial.y t:ii to the provi
sions of the instrument or the amount
of her private fortune.
It i known that the queen made a
will early in her riirn, which was re
peatedly altered and added U as chil
dren and f;iaii(Ichi!iirf'n were born, and
aa her eMutvs rupiilly udtunced in
value. This proceeded until li-'Jd, when
h r maji-Kty iferiiUd to have an entirely
new document drawn, and with great
personal care thia wa accompli: lit-d.
Those In a'poitii, n to make any sort
of a guess as to tli? provisions of the
queen wi.l dei iiirr Unit I'rinci s Hrat
rice, -widow of I'rince Henry of llntten
lier. will 1 the principal beneficiary.
She is the gnvernor-i.f the hie of Vight,
and will probably inhtrit Orborne
houive and the w,t,-!e estate surround
ing it. Then the duke of Connaught,
and his sons, who have been great fa
vorites with Victoria, will receive a
lurt'e portion of the fortune. The duke
will probably Income the owner of Hal
moral and Ihe Scottifch property.
The grandchildren who are expected
to receive the largest bequest are the
two children of Victoria's youngest son,
the former duke of Albany.
The queen' second daughter,
"Princess Christian of Schlt'swiK-llol-stein,
is not rich, nnd it is expected that
she and her four children will be liber
ally provided for. v
Edward VII., who will be amply pro
vided for by the country, and the duke
of York, who coiiwn into the duchy of
Cornwall, and will be the prince of
Wales, will probably not be sharers In
the late queen's private fortune.
New York rolleeman Conin to Grtf
llefur tli Owsir of 9tm
fcoal l ine.
Lady llache Cuiiiinl. of Ixndon, has
bad her first experience with a New
York policeman and she did not come
out aeciiud bint. The iKilicenian ex-
plains It by saying there never would
j have been any trouble if he had
j known anything about it before and
he hiqua he will be ublc to keep his
: dftiill to the pier. Lady Cuniird went
down to the Cunnrd Line pier to meet
her husband and liltle daughter, who
were passenger on the I'nihriii, just
nrriving. Aa the vibm-1 waa lieing
warped into the dock she prosed for
ward e.iirerly and the net caught the
eye of an elderly policeman.
"Vc'll have to get back," he shout
ed nt her. but her ladyship aimply
drew hers.lf together nnd stared
haughtily nt him. lie approached
nnd the noblevvoiunn became more
"Fellow," she said freczinglv, "whnt
do you mean by mich Impertinence?"
"Impertinence. I it?" was the an
swer. "Move brick, now! Don't be
trying to bluff."
"I shall take your number, officer.
I am I.adv Itache Cunard."
"Ho! Ho! Ho. I.ady Cunard
own the Cunard line, I mippose? Move
.lust then a high odicinl of the line
approached, doffed his hut and bowed.
The policeman shivered and his eye
In gan to project.
"Is it l.iuly Cunaril?" lie whlaperol,
In an aue-alrnck voice.
"Sure," was the cold answer.
"Ho she really own the Cunard
"Mi st of it." was the nnswer.
"Will you kindly t:ike me to the end
of the pier nnd kick me overboard?"
For the rc-st of the stay there he
guarded In r ladyship -n zealously that
when a man turned around to stare nt
1 im he threatened to hit him with hia
stick and nrrust him for disorderly
(an Fraoelseo Knluhla Tniularo Ask
1'rtsalilent McKlulejr to Ueet
wllk Thorn.
rapt. A. J. Humphrey lisited the ex
ecutive nianaioti, ashingtuu. the other
day as the special envoy of California
coiiimandery No. I. Knights Ti-n.plara
of Fiiiuclsco to pi-iMinally prociit
to I'ii si.K nt McKiiiliy an iuiitntiou
from the cominauilery to meet with It
upon Irs visit to the t'acillc ast the
coming spring.
The en id of invitation which he hand
ed to Sir Knight Me Kin ley rivals in
splendor any thing of the kind tlmtvvns
ev.-r pti suited to a president. It is n
j solid gold plate :ii, I. v .1', ini-hi i ,ini!
aliout one-eighth of n n inch in tlii,k
j "- 1,1 fhe npp. r right l.m ,! corn, r
I is an eliail-eled tnalti -,- cross, vv ith the
! usual insignia f the oriler, having in
j the cent i r a ditiniond of about one carat
; weight. The "cari!" is beautifully eu-
gi av eil.
One OS the lllll Collector.
There i a young man in n hospital
at Albany, X. Y who has forgotten
his name and mliircs. Imt ,0 i
other li spvets is nient.i
y soriiiii. l-t
the Chicago
Mm rest c:in
i lines Herald, ami
some bill collector
.ioiier or later
will drvp in aiul
establish his iiletititv.
I'rlnei--s Iti-inl.
The title of r. yal, borne by
ine r.mprvss tn.lir.ik of (I
oelure lii-r Ilia r r . rt :f i , s not
given to
e c
ill st (I. llli
but on;
it lini'M'
of I'.llL'liah
to the first
o tie a (firl.
Ttiv Avi-rn-e- 1,'uuttl nt llnili.iu
, tuiKlit l prolonged If inoi'le In
vvotil.l exercise nioi-0 Jililguulit ro
g.itillng their illet.
.Ve lli-i:l science demonstrates that
the t lesenee uf, or lantil-'
r.oi.l. In food in Hie illnvt civns- of In-liiiii-stloli
and dv ;.. i-l,-i, the k:iov le.lgo
f 'itiich led to the vv l-li'-i-i-i',!.! sutistl-.
I'.iM.m of 1 roduct for Imth coff 'O
t mid ted.
Cvtiforiilii prodd.vsi the test and movt
la'atntile coffee i n l leu sutstltule now
in the market Flicprune Cereal. This
ci-ici t f-io-t beverage eonsisls of 51 per
cent fruits nrul 6 per cent Rralns. U
Is n rl.-h. nouil.shina; drink. IVh-n
; poured Into tho cup It has the rare
' nni'oer color of the purest coftise. Thivsj
si ff. rliig fiMin ilysi ci-ala or ncrvoua-
ll. Wilt niior..eliite VlL-nriinA ll It 1 I
; I..,..-. ... .V. I... . .11 I n .. . i.s. f
... iur in. nun aim ocuiiii) i-eoioe
enjoy it. None but coffee experts can
toll the difference between Kigprune
and the heat Mh ha and Java. Ask
, yrnir griM-er for Ftgprune Ceieal th
ivrfwt table bevcrug. .
1901 RAMBLERS. A Superb Line of Bicycles the Manufacture
of Which has Continued Uninterruptedly for 22 Years.
Model 3-S Price $00. .Men's Chainkss
HlMMMhVationa Kramn Vi inch, Oiiion:.l i'O im li and LM inch ; vers
ible No. 0 with exuaiidl'i Hem ; cloiinless 78-incii iear. ouiionul
72-mcli and 84 inch; l.1 j-incli H. k i. tires ; rit trap pedal ; CV
inch cranks; direct tihiuif seat pogf , (or nl L optional, liunt No.
70 saddle.
Model 39. Price $G0. Ladies' Chainicss
Hprcifli-alii'u Frame J2-itn ii, optional i'O nu ll ; ujM Urv.'il No. (j bur
uitb i xpftiiiling gipm. rimiitltt-f CS i i Ii k-ht. nptioiial TJncti, I '.j
uui. (VI Tin-, optioiiHl petUlg; tijg-iiirii cranks; tlirtrt t i 1 1 i n if
fen!, forward 1 rjitionn!. IluntNi-. T7 muMV.
Model 40.
S )( ificadoiif: I riwiie -0 iiii li, cpi ional 22 irt b vrH 24-i neb ; S ( inl
No. 2 forwanl fx'erifiion rarir-ii br ith expamlin 8fptn, nptiona.
r u!ar No, 2i bdr, wiitiout fxlt-rst"!). irt) nn MjilI 41; ti inch
ti-ur, tifitifinal 81-hh Ii ami K" Uw.U ; 'd'-iurh irhaln ; 1 'yim Ii Il.irt
(fird Spf-ciiil lirt'i, ni'tiontl (i. tt I (h tiotcj ; (i7 im h cranks ral
trap ta-t ; ft tWHfd 1. ffat (ki, il.n ; tilling uptiuna! ; Uiowti
Tucit'l! ; iliftiiuiive f.ilur, frini-on witli ii'iut' t?t riiiii .
St-TH. WVibt as sjicfifi-rd, O'j p ui'lc, which may be rclui pil
tr. than 2 ) p.nritU by ilu rtihri;i:ui :m o' ll tin Ii li an fori Nu.
7') rat-iuK (ir-a Htiii b ure tni !iybt. bowtver, for roui u e an'l are not
Model 41. Price .$40.
Specit'catiiin- Krnine "2-ii.cli, nilifinal 20 incli nnd 24 inch ; No 20
I ar ii ll exi'iiudiiiK i-'i-m ; 8i im li iuir, oit;onnl 77 incii Mini ft 4
ii c ; J lil i-i ll i-liiii, li70 inc'i i r.u kp ; p.j im ii (i ,A J. 'iu.. i..
linoiil lliintnnl So. SO; r.U lino ped nniniial ru'ohcr; ili-ec". tilt
in' mat P'-st, omiotial lorwar I L; lunt Nu "ti i Idle
Model 42. Price $40 Ladies' LiRht Roadster
Slitcificalioiif Fiamc 22 inch, optional 20 inrli and 24-iin li ; i:p
curved No. ti liar witli expanding stem ; 72 im li u'.'iir opii-in il (ii inch
anil 77 inch ; 3 lii i ich chain ; (i'.i-iiich crni; I1., inch (i A ,1,
lin e, otiiioual Ilarllonl Nn. HO; diiect lillini- n :it p.i.-t. Hunt No
77 SHildle.
WE have sct'iircil the services of T. A. HOOD, an exfiert Bicycle Repairer, and will conduct a lirst-class Re
pair shop. Our Bicycle Trade for ltlOl) was very eiieoiiragini; to us, and we shall be better prepared this year to
give our Customers the Best Service.
Our Sundry Department will contain cverytliinr in line of Bicycle Supplies at Prices which will make our Com
petitors wonder how we can sell them at such Low Figures.
Hair-Riddle Hardware Company.
Sixth Street, Grants Pass Oregon.
f ix--!
If m$B,m
Tho l'ttrlington Rctte r inks aiiiong ilu-gii-ati-st
of the worU's r;i:io;ls.
Over ri.ouo nii!i-.i lo:tf; ftnji'ovintr 35,01
men; rc-ailiitij; 1,31.10 t iv.r..; n:-...l cities in ttc-i-li-vcn
st.itc-s Iravv i:-,i-il by i 1 -t lim-s; having
llinitmh-car arhuif;i tin "is w liii 11 1 ti-;ul uniti
than half v ty acruss tlm coti'.itivnt antl earn
estly stiivip;; to give
-.rvici, it
Select, next time you
Omaha, Kansas t'itv. St. I.uiii, .
I-'.Vl-UVWllKKK lic-vund.
71. .-
.f. I. . VLi-a" CJ
r r r. -".--
cures coughs and colds at :
( ... ; tl.'.i't mean t' it
rt licves j on for a little while
;t i::r,s. It been tlain
this for h;.lf a century. It has
iuvi'il liumli v i f iliousr.iuls
of lives. It will save yours ii
you oivt" it a t.ianco.
1 11 .
.Ai A.-.. V ', N. A.
"ti C inw'ii'ii li i ( irr It
! jAo, .'ii . t.t .irt n I ,. . ,
.1 nt -;m 1. , v (' li ; pr ) !:!
I ')rv tl-i -I'll" lit jutir lt.U4;nl
t. 1 t-
Dyspepsia Cure
rv x . ...L-x ...... .4.
Digests what you cat.
ItartifioiallvcliKesUthefoodandt'.dS ;
Natur la sireiiitlbunititf aud recoo- t
slructing the exliausteU dlt;tle or-
Can. It lthe latest disoiertddlttest-
ant and Ionic. Ko other preparation
can approach It In ffliclcncy. ll In-
stautiy reltevesand permanently curs
lrsicpsia, lndiet ton. Heartburn,
I'Ui nluiit .tuvne .ritnmeh. Kiire..
Sick Headache. Uiistralkiia l'rampatid
allothcrresiiltsot iniperfcctdii.'esUon.
PrleeW! and ft. I-rte:werta!n!St!mf.
maai. u.iviklihii.-uivlysicpiAu.u-eittivti
Prteartil ty E. C-0ITT CO.Cb'cogo.
run CALL OI W. r. Rhttrt.
, 1 i mini I
r '
.Men's Lia;ht Roadster
Vi i
l"2 1
v ,
J fJ!
!' l-fvl j
A t J
; ' Hi
J t n '
1 1 L"2 i
; J
its jut 1011s ahsolitt.-l
I'.iui.-lis illisur.ui-l-,
is the li:v; YOU shottltl
go last
' I ' 1
; j A
M I &
; 1 ; -
A. ('. Sun.
Thlr.! ar.i S:
- -r, Ccn
.1 Acnt,
ik S;s. i'ui
L.r. l, Ore.
1 i
"T - --XV . -i v-:
- - ; K.
; V; rrrV:,,r-i-' -
1 .
T... : :
r x
A'it m 1. .
qM, kT 111..
Intel. I'-.-n I
-1 . . i-
, mill,
TVV tv . . . ,
A lim. !
: f .11 r
1 "1 : .: :
A Family Library
The Best in Current Literature
12 CoMPLCTt Novil. Yearly
$2.50 PtRYtAR; 25 CTS. A COPY
r 7 ,
s ', -
J Tl
, ',
. '
K':;!S";sc:Lr.r.f-iCtiS. I
' N'-.;t Sr . S'N fjc.r v v '. I
1 :
ii i -i
. (
i -i
.,"..: ,
Model 43. Price $35. Men's Roadster
Specification Frame 22-inch . cntr-inil 2llin.l., 24 inch , l0.
inch: No 20 bar with adjustable tu in ; 81-inch gi ar, op.i,lull ;..
in. h and; a-10 inch cliaiu ; O.'.-iin h cranki : i,lt, (J- 4
J, tires; rat Hap pedals ; direct til iiu' seat p )t; Kmnbltr N'.j. 2 a.
B. raddle.
Model 44. Price $35. Ladies' Roadster
SiKcificalioii Ftamo 22 inch, opiiotml 20-inch and 24-iii,,; 0o.
" 1 . . . . i i .i :..u . ...
i-Mveil y. o inir wnu ' j'i
inch aad 77-imli; ll-lti-incli
kres; rubber pedal;
, diu'ct
1901 IDEALS 1901
An Excellent
Men's Model (JO. Price $25. 28-in Wheels
Specific: ions Frame 22-inch optional 20-iucli, '24-inch ami 2(i-iiiili;
reversible bar ith intciiiiil fatlener 83 inch geHr, 72 inch and 91.
inch optional; 3-10 chain; 7 '.(inch cranks, (). inch optional;
IVincli "-ingle lube tireH; rat imp pedals: L rent post with iiier
nal faslener; (jarford saddle.
Ladies' Model Gl. Price $25. 2S-in Wheels
Specification" Frame 21-inch, optional Ill-inch and 24 inch ; revrr'i
ble bar with fastener, CS inch neat ; Cl-inch ami 77-inch up
tinnal: 3-ld inch chuin; ti'a.inch crankn, 7,'incli optional; 1 su'-iinh
single lube tins; rut.licr pedals ; L seat post with Internal lasirner;
Harford ladies' puddle.
mi be dupe
Thorp haw Ihmi ilm-'l upon tlio murkot
iv vera I t'licup n'priiits of mi tx. cii.t ion
ot Wt,Bt er' Illi-t iutmry.'' 'i'lirv hiv ln-in
offurvd uritit'r rariuii.t uuiuea ut u luw n iv3
ilrys-nftls donSfrs. KrKi'i-. nj.-pnt. ctp ii.;
Aimouiicvnu'iitof thite co!npun,tive!y
sprint aro vrrr n.i-Uwliinr; fur IntPiu ,
ttu-y tin alvt'itiw-.l to Its t:ir PulNtiintLii
?iwivu:rnt uf a hurlnT-nrutM :,, wli n in
riiii(y, w fur we know ui:J Uchmt' iliuy
mvull.lmui A to Z.
Reprint Dictionaries,
r""ttyK mplm uf a lMi.k nf ov.r llfty
i,,,ln,"i"lttlll'11 1,1 i'lny whswi'O MrittxHi't
il" 1 ,T,,ii"h iw niiH li siiiK-i lur ,n Uki-
rri,,t' liiii'ttnir to ihi-Him:iHiio!i: lviuir
j H 11110 nieni iiisu-;ttt niiu
Long Since Obsolete.
i Tli" " iiilcmcnt nf lii.mi M.i alli-1 ' new
wiii-iis." u In. h iin...,f iii... iu ,.1.. ., 1. .
in 1- inn. mm iiiiii;,i;., 1V n .-i-.uii;.
1111111 who ilii-il over forlv years iiii'n, iniu wiw
iii''I:.!.i it ttiir.. ni4 iti u: ii. iiihcr minor
iVilliuiiauie in.ti,il..y uf inmvi i ki value.
i.T1"! ,''cb3,;r'' Ur.jridii Di.iicinary li'lh-
iHl.nil.;- mil- hac-i- i. Hi,' ii -, 11, i.lii:j,ii;
1 'lie uf I lint iiuiiie hiiiiii;,n- tr i;,'; ,jrvt i)(n
It ciillluiii. ever mil ihii-., viul, (IHhii-,,
1 , .ivi. i'.i,.' . i-.i-u m-.u-s inn-
I impniit nn iln-im,-(mi-... 11 1.1 jin.u-.-lcil hy
v.i-i-,1 1 mm inilll clicip iiininlii.a.
iiliml-lc iw .i vv-i.i k i, ne ln.c 11; i--t
cth-iisi i.uli'.uliiil i! Il,i,i,,in,,v iv I
Bicccwr, kiiiiwii tl.n-uu -i.-it i;.,-' ivurl-i u
Webster's Internnti. i'l D'ctiontrv.
A3 Ulcliuiuiry Iil'U a . i :.:c ji.u binmU
Get tl 5cst.
IUlHtPatlsl liiVliii.!- el
ijlitll. Mn
G.CMERRl,.'.t CO. S:-
iTHEONiY BlLl.nrjD,.,.
f'enil fr Ctalre
f-MiKh TvFivvmn:,, A s, ,.,, C
-:-0riiK.KKr, pktum,
0u. Orr, oT-4,,tVu 2.""'
-'"OYf tim vh.,n,.l lv "'-4Q woe
r-"M.v.7.',: "----I e.
H'ow hi Hxliibi.
lion in'
- 'v" " utiu-.nat q.
chain; tl.'eincli cranKs, inch (j 4j
til' in 4 ffi't post; ltamultr N '.Hij.u,
Medium Grade Line.
Shortest and Quickest
riiriintli Puiat-H anil Tomlit Fl.ep
cr, I) i 11 1 lift and llun'el Fiiiokini'
l.llirai j Cam.
Tii kct.-i to pninta KiL-t via rurllmul and
tlie tiKEAT .SOUTH KRN UY., nn ale
nt Southern IVilic I)eirit Ticket Oliice,
tirmit l-nss, or I i UK AT JiuHTIIKKN
Ticket Otli,-e
S'J'J Th Inl Stleel, I'lirllnnil
Tor Itiites, l'olilem nnil full infnriiiatiiin
rciruriling Katern trip, ciill 011 wr mlilrcm
City Paw ami Ticket Agent, Portland
Trains Grain Pass f ir Port
limd ulid Mj Slallniii. Ml :!
. ni. nnil C:13 in.
v. I .ininii.l .. , S:;
i v (jian l ():4:t p ,
U. l-iilni.,1. .. 12.3., H m
y. criiin,t0 5:10 i,m.
Ar. Sinrranciaco. 7:45 p ni.
"'",''n 4 55 pin.
Ar. Denver 9 .30 a.m.
Ar. KaiiKieCity. .7:25 a.m.
Ar. t. hicaifo 7;3j a ,
Ar I.n Angelen. .2:on p.
Ar. r 1 Phpo. . . . Krn ,. ...
f? ::l:l (i ni.
10:1-1 1".
u ni H in-
5:0) a ni.
HAS h.iii.
7 :iM a.m.
H:13 p 111.
7 ;i-" a.m.
8:110 a. ic
g (15 a. in.
0:0 p.
Ar. Port Wortl.. ...;::o ' '. m.
A. I'd.. :.. .. ...
......t .,. ,..enilll :;(!),, ll -yn . ill.
A r. Houston... . 4 :!!. n,.- 7.1 0 a. in.
. ,.?w 0rlen 0:30 p. in. 6:30 r. m.
i. vv ULl.......n ....
"I..... ..nut a 111. ti:4'.' m.
Ar. .xew York... l2;io p. m IJ.I11 p. m.
fUl Ll AN AXDTiirm Tfilts in
lioth train. Chair . ... ...,i,. 10
Ocleniirl El V,. un.l T-niii-t earn 10
Cliicat.-r,. s. T.-.ii., NeW OricAii
rn,,n...:. . r7. .1.
.-. ui.g ai in r inci-o im
7 "" 1emsiiiD line. for llomlulu,
Pn, Cliini, Philippine Omral anl
Sou: I. tm..;. .
!'. station or ail lre
I 0
- v
" ' Y.
' h
r a
I a
i li
f -i
f X
1 1
( :
i- 1
I :
Portland, Or
r. o. e. 1