Jgh Quality Ware msiafcr m4- Is usually associated with high prices, but our present clearance sale is a revelatiou in values. If you want a glass Berry Dish, or Sauce Dishes, or a Glass Set, or Cups, Saucers and Plates, now is the" time to buy them. All our Fancy Souvenir Ware in Card Receivers, Vases, Fancy Plates, Etc., very cheap. Don't miss this opportunity to get a goud Lamp while they are being sold so cheap at the White House. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. ? Yellow Dauver Onion Sets, White Clover, Blue Grass. ; Specially prepared Fertilizer for the Lawn, Rose Bushes and Strawberry Plants. What Have You Good for Dinner ? Is often asked Our answer: The celebrated Olney Sweet Corn, Ol ney Beaus, Blue Lake Beans, or Padlock Tomatoes. Nothing better on the market. Good canned June Peas at Syic Oranges, Grape Fruit, Bananas, Lemons, Choice Apples. WHITE HOUSE GROCERY . . OPPOSITE POST OFFICE , local fcappcntnflg IF IT IS STRANSKY It will bo a continual source of pleasure anil satisfac tion. Four coats of enamel on steel, all price?, white inside ami a Five Year Guarantee, make this the Best of All enameled ware. Sold only by' Cramer Bros. ODD FELLOWS II LOCK garland srovm. BICYCLES HELD HIGH In the estimation of Practical Painters. Every gallon of The Sherwin-Williams Paint will cover 300 or more square feet of surface in average con dition, two coats to the gallon. Every gallon is a full U. S. standard measure. It is made to Paint Buildings with. It is the best and most durable House Paint made. For Sale by Hnir-llitltllo Hardware Co. AT JEWELL'S OLD STAND. Don't Endanger Youf Iiife f : l?y riding a 1 in frame Bicycle. Ride a ' Racycle, Stearns, Crescent, Crawford, B. & H. Spe- MAM cia', or Spaukling 'And vou will be in the lead from start to finish. I sell for cash or on enstall lnenti, and take old wheels in part payment, I equip any of the above whaels with any make of Tires, Il.tndle Bars, Saddles or I'eduls, with or without Coaster Brakes or Cushion frames. First-class repairing at reasonable prices. JimcT m his new bicycle. I me of the i(fhl of the wwa. tits ia pro'irt ut it l ait, te hkk lo boid li.rrwlf up whh ose tiul, .i keep (ruin tu-. off backward! too will i'5 j.ist a- p-oi;(j of yours, If you it from the af etu tr,r CRAWFORDS OtJVoj moneys worth or your money back. W. A. PADDOCK, at The Bicycle Den ' East of Depot. Bicycle- llun iul at Ciaraer Bros. Ir. Managua, Kesident Dentist. M. Clemens, rTescrtption DruugiBt CASH FOR GOLD DUST CRAMER BROS. Apple Trees 5 to 10 cts. at the River side Nursery. Bicycle hospital (or nil repairing at Cramer Bros. Wood wanted on subscription at the Coi'rikb office. ' ' Uardcn seeds at half prices at Adams Bazaar, Front St. The Spring and Summer goods are arriving every few days at Mrs. Rehkopf's. Send .) our ore to W. G. Wright's New Custom Mill. A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak Ranges at Colon's. Harness of all Kinds, Grades and Prices at Mackett'a. W. U. Wright custom mills ore test ing and assaying. '01 Ramblers 40. Roadsters 135 at Hair-Kiddle Hdw. Co. Remember the Genuine Oliver Chilled Plow is sold by Cramer Bros. 12 doz. Window Shades, assorted colors. Price to close them out 25c to 75c. Smith Bros. Something new every week in ladies' and children's Hats at "Adams Bazaar, Front St. Some new varieties oi Extra Early Peach, 20 to 25 cts. each. Common varieties 10 to 12',' cts. at the Riverside Nursery. Slf n Sherman-Williams Paints. . VV .1 . Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. The body of Senator A. V. Reed, of Douglas county, who, with Finn Com mifstioner, 11. 1). 'McUuire, was drowned in Hie Umpqua river on April 8, 1809, was found last Friday in the river, about 12 miles south of Oakland. If your bicycle needs tiling or cleaning bring it to Cramer Bros. Bicycle Hos pital. Scott Griffin handles Ashland flour, Utah alfalfa seed, Oregon red clover need, winter oats,' large Russian while rye, new crop timothy seed, wheat for need also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa, Tim othy Hay, Oat Straw, Chop Barley, Corn, Wheat, Oats. Ilee Hives and Bee Supplies at Ha4r- Riddle Hdw. Co. Hay, grain, flitir and feed in Downing A Co's warehouse for sale by bale or ton See Smith Bros!, Howard's corner. An Raster song service will be held at the Presbyterian church next Sunday evening. The Merlin Union Sabbath school will 'wis a literary program and lunch on t ie evening of Friday April 6th at 7:30 a. m. Tlw proceeds are to be used in the purchase of their new organ. The People's Store, everything new, latest styles, lowest prices in fact the most popular place for milliner; at Adam's Baiaar, Front St. The ladies of the M. E. church, South, gave a very enjoyable social on Friday evening at the I. O O. F. hall. A very entertaining program was rendered ant efreslinents served. The telephone Una to Sams Valley I ill be completed by Saturday night anil I hit lion ion of (he country will then have ronvrnii nt c minunicntion iili 1 lie onlsiclo world Gold Hill News. V. M. Woodworm; of Table ltock, owner of Ii-n Jr. aa in town Wednes ly. Mr. W. hits a splendid specimen 1I1 nil Iioise nii'l will eland him al Lister A Culverts stable Fridays and Innlnys dining the reason. II. L Uilki-y.of Medfurd, will shortly .triune the portion of cashier at 1 lie First National bai.k in this cilv. Mr. Fry will retire from the cashier's post (ion, though still remaining one of the board of directors. Work has hten commenced on the Grants Pass-Williams teleplfbne line, by Foreman Ed Thorn p. on with a crew and the line will soon bs in operation This is an improvement of importance and will give the Williams people material advantages in tne way of com munication with the rest of llm world. Bicycle hospital for all reparing at Cramer Bros. The F.aster day service at St. Luke's church will be as follows: Early com million at 7:4, morning service at II o'clock and evening service at 7:30 The greatness of tho day will receive special notice in the way of music, decorations a:il all a.e cordially in vited. One hundred snd 11 neteen township plats have been transmitted from the department of the interior at Washing ton to the Lakeview land office. The remaining plat", numbering COO, will he transmitted as rapidly as the work of litlxvrapliing can be done at Washing ton. Wesley DoHsrhide, grandson of the late Jesse Dollarhide, of Ashland, was shot and killed on Tuesday of last week at Klainalhon by Constable George Norris who attempted to arrest him. Dollarhide was crated with liquor and had attacked the brother of the constable with a knife. Dollarhide's family are among tne oldest and most highly respected pioneers of Jackson conn'.y. The Grants Vnt brick yards have both commenced operations lor the season and are making brick as the weather permits. Bricktnaking requires the drjesl of weather and is an uncertain and risky business when the weather is at all rainr, but the brick famine in Grants Pass and the buildings to be built as loon as brick can be procured render it necessary to get brick on the market at the earliest possible time and this ia being done. Lace Curtains 55C Per Pair We have a largo quantity of bargains this week for you. A child can buy as close from us as a grown person. Havinjr iust returned from San Francisco wo have j put in several new lines that were bought at job lots. We have 20 dozen Uentlemcn s Jersey mooed Lnaerwcarat at C5c a suit; Overalls 48c per pair. A fine line of Lawns, Dimities, Organdies, Lawns, figured, per yd t 0c Calicos, per yd Workinir Shirts -no 10 yard Press Pattern 68c Ready Made Skirts el 35 to 2 Itt ShirlWaists :.. 50c Sun Bonnets 25c Misses Summer Tain 'O Shanter, -48c Lidies' Stockings, per pair. .8c to 25c Sateen, per yd 120 Scrim " V White Sbirta 70c Golf Shirts s8 lo boo Summer Vests for ladies 10 op Gent's Balbrigan Summer, Under wear o up Latest Ties, Gents' 10c to 4:lc ' " Ladies' sue to Too Spikes, etch lo Men's & Boys' Suspenders, 10c to 25c 6 Cups and Saucera 50ii 0 Dinner plates 50c Lamp complete 20o Wash Bowl and Pitcher 1 35 Knife Boxes 12c Towel Rolls 12c Broom, a dandy ... 25c Tooth Picks 6c Matches, 1 block lu Shoe Polish 8u Ink 4o Tablets ' s Cobbler Ou' fits 05c 6 Milk Pans .30c Bed Spreads 75c Ribbon 3 inch, 15c yard, all Silk. We carry the celebrated F. C. Corset. Each one has a 30-day guarantee as to fit and quality, or mouey refunded. 1 We are headquarters for Tin and Granite Ware, Wood aud Wil low Ware, Crockery. You will find a fiue line of Jewelry to select from at cut prices. Repairing a specialty, at Kessler's Chicago Racket Store. F'.rst'Door Below Palace Hotel. Go to Coron for Plombing. Easter Egg Dyes 5c pig M. Clemens. Writing Paper of all kinds at the Coi KiEB office. Leave orders for engraved calling cards with A. E. Vuorhies. For sale cheap, second baud piano. address box 95, city. Men's Soft Shirts a big line at 50 cts. Overalls and jumpers at Smith Bros. The ministerial association of the M. E. church, Grants Pass district, will convene in this city on June 14. Blanke's Mocha and Java Coffees are the best for Strength aud Flavor. Smith Bros. Welter, Pracht A Smith Bros, sawmill near Woodville is accumulating a sup ply of logs aud is expected to start saw ing in a week or so. Company B, O. N. U. oi Ashland are expected to present the drama, ''The Gir( I Left Behind Me," in Grants Pass on the evening of Saturday, April 13th, at the 01 era house. A New invoice of Reliance Wrappers and House Dresses, having the corset Lining which make them so much in Demand, at Mrs. Rehkopf's The Blue Ribbon Euchre club met on last Wedneeday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs C. E. Harmon. The high est scores were made by W. P. Sharman and Miss Gertrude Coron. The next meeting of theclub will be on April 10, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shannon. Whips, 10c to $2.50 at Hackett's. W. O. Wright custom mills, assaying and ore testing. Glazed Tile paper tor Kitchens and bath rooms at Thomas', Fresh California produce aud fruits received daily at Smith Bros. A full lino of Japanese goods at Ac'ams Bazaar. New Goods eveiy week. Front Street, four doors below Palace Hotel. Remember tae Evans Optical Co. Scientific correction of defective vision specialty. Lenses for complicated cases ground to order. Consultation free. O'lii'e at residence, Grants Pass, Ogn, You can make an independent living by working for the Portland Art Coin pany at your own home. We can teach you how to make portraits In your own home by our improved methods. Write Portlund Art Company, 270 Oak Street Something New in Ladies' Wrappers and House Dresses at Mrs. Rehkopf's. Th.i Columbia Chainless Bicycle seems lo be the correct thing to ride this year, judging from the sales being made by Cramer Bros, this spring. In spite oi the rough weather, wheels are in good demand. Ralph Losher, a br&keman on a wood train, lell off the train Thursday near this city and one tif his heels was run over, lie was taken to his home at Ashland and left on Friday for the hospital in Portland. personal 1 $4.95 $4.95 4 mm mm S 't ' 8 Our $4.95 offeritig iu Men's Sack Suits has astonished all those who have been fortunate lo see them, and the rapidity with which they are going out is sufficient evidence that the bargains are genuine. We invite you to inspcctour Men's Suits fiotn $4 95 to $10. We also have a full line of Boys', Youth's and Young Men's Suits at right prices. Yours for Business Bargains, P. H. Harth & 1 'on. $4.95 $4.95 Courier and Oregonian, $2 a Year ADDRESS ORDERS TO THIS OFFICE. Banking e.nd Trust Co. The recently orgrnized Grants Pass Banking and Tiust Co. held a meeting on Monday, all the stockholders, some 25 in number, being in attendance. J. Frank Watson, president of tho Mer chants' National bank of Portland and also a stockholder in the Banking and Trust Co., was present at the meeting. A board of seven directors was elected, who elected ollaers as follows: Presi dent, J. Frank Watson; vice-president, Eclus Pollock ; cashier, L. L. Jewell, The new bank will neu its doors for business as soon as their fixtures arrive Ironi the east ai.d necessary details of location and equipment are arrang-d. The new institution will be condutied strictly on banking principles and the well know n worth and high standing of its members make its inauguration highly auspicious. As early as possible, a building will be erected for banking purposes on the site recently acquired by the company on Sixth street. WHAT SHALL WE HAVE FOR DESSERT? This question arises in the family every day. Let ns answer it to-day. Trv Jell-O, a delicious and healthful dessert. Prepared iu two minute. No boiling! do baking! simply add boiling water and set to cool. Flavors: Lem on, Orange, Rasberrr and Strawberry. Uef a paikage at your giocera to day lOcts. The first rehearsal of the cantata, "The Haymakers," was held by the Choral Union at their meeting on Mon day evening. The music of this cantata is bright and sparkling throughout, very melodious and some portions are ea pecially beautiful. With appropriate costume, its presentation will be one of the most attractive events yet offered by the Choral Union. Tuere will be three more rehearsals this spring which will familiarize the vocalists with the music and make possible Ihe presentation o' the cantata at an early date next fall. Every member of the onion should make a special 'effort lo be preseut at each of the remaining rehearsals that they may keep pace with the uulon in the progress of the cantata. New Photo Gallery. E. D. Wcstland, formerly of Des Moines, Iowa, lias oientd a photo gallery and studio on Sixth street, oppo site tho court house. Mr. Westland comes well recom mended for excellence ami artistic talent in photography. He has a very complete equipment and is prepared to do all kinds of work from stump pictures u'. Suicide of Walter Simmon, nailer Minuions, lor many years a well known and respected resident ol ihir county, committed suicide on Satur day by shooting himself with a pistol The di ed was committed in the West part of town near a former residence ol Mr. Simmons. The luneral services were held on Monday under the con duct of the A. O. U. W. of which the deceased was a memlxjr. He had been in ill health for a number of years Five years ago he experienced a para lytic stroke, from tile effects of which he had never fully recovered aud financial misfortune had added lo his despond ency. Mr. Simmons was a native of Zanes ville, Ohio, and was 01 years old. He came west when he was quite young and has spent most of his time in min ing. He leaves a wife, Mrs. Mary Him mona of our city and a brother, Geo. Simmons of Waldo. W. A. Wooliever visited Ashland and Medtord Saturday. Pat Tynan, 8. P. traveling conductor, was in town Wednesday. Mist Louise Southwick returned .Suu-J day to her home at Salem. Attorney H. D. Norton it attending court at Jacksonville this week Rev. Chae. Booth held church service in Gold Hill last Wednesday evening. Geo. Su John, of the Champion quarti mine at Williams, was.in town Saturday. J. F. Stub, the merchant and post master of Kerby was in town Thursday on a business trip. J. II. Miller, the merchant ol Williams, was in town Thursday on a business trip. Dr. and Mia. C. E. Fry left ou Thur day evening for their home iu La Grande. Misses Abbie aud Daisy Stiles re turned on Monday evening from Colfax, Wash. E. S. Van Dyke is home from Eugene this week. Mr. Condon Bean is visiting with him. Geo. E. Floyd, proprietor of the Pioneer hotel at Keiby, ia in town ou business visit. Will Smith came up fram Wolf creek Monday to spend a few dat visiting in urants Pass. Clarence Brown, for met ly of the Union Pacific, baa bien spending the week In this city. Harry Akeritl, a prominent mine oper ator of the Althouae district, visited Grants Past this week. Mrs. G. W. Burnett returned ThurS' day evening to her home at Myrtle creek after a week't visit In this city. George Pheby went to Jacksonville on Monday as a witness in the case ol Brlggs vs. Fortuna Mining Co. Miss Kylvia Anderson returned Sun day evening from San Francisco where she has teen attending school. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Patrick left on Friday morning for Roseburg and will make their residence in that city. Mrs. rrank McGregor visited last week at the home of her oarents at Love's Station on the Kerby road. H. T. Kessler, proprietor of the Chicago Racket store, returned this week from his visit to San Francisco, A. B. Cousin was up from Galica on Tuesday to meet his partner, Mr. Atkii. son who returned to Portland Tuesday evening, Rev. Robt Booth returned from Rose burg last Wednesday evening after visit with the family Jof his ton, J. II. Booth of that city. Mrs. Kh. Peter, mother of Mrs. R W. Clark, left on Saturday for Los Angeles, to be absent three or four weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rigdon. of Al bany, arrived here Thursday on their way to Galice, where Mr. Rigdon is to open a sali on. Clyde T. Ilockett, who hat been attending the medical department of the Willamette university at Salem returned home Saturday night. M. Armstrong, II. W. Jackson, W. L, Jackson and J. II Ray. of Med lord were in town Thursday on their way lo Del Norte county. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wrlghtarrivtd from Roseburg rrlday morning to make thei home here for a time at east. Mr. Wright is an S. p. fireman and now has run out of Grant Pass Dr. Cliisholm, of Gold Hill, was in Grants Pass on Thursday. He is In terested in some verv promising uiiniu properties in the Meadows district. II. B, Miller lias received the appoint incut of U. S. consul at New Chwang China, the disturbances having made it impossible for him to reach the point of his former appointment. Harry Marsh aud Cecil Royal went lo McCloud Friday evening to spend tome time in that district. Mr. Marsh it the proprietor of the Riverside rabbitry near this oily, which during hit absence it continued under competent manage ment. Mi. and-Mrs. K. L. Payne of Green ville, Mich , spent Friday in Grants Past visiting with tli Vooihlea family. They have been spending the winter in lb west and were on their way to visit Port' land and other northern points of in terest. Mrs. Dr. Bertram Stone returned Monday last from a pleasant trip to Grants Peas. . She accompanied her father, U II. Colvig, the able represent tative of loaephiue county to the Ore gon slate capital at Salem. She voted for Mitchell for senator and broke tl; deadlock. So you see that Oregon has help from California occasionally. Cies cent City Record. Coming Events. April 7 Easter Sunday. April 8 and 9 Easter entertainment, Catholic church. April 15 Circuit court convenes. Apr. 15 "The Strollers" at opera house. May 1 D. of H. grand ball at opera house. May 15-17 Annual teacher' insti tute. Typewriter for SeJe. Nearly new Smith Premier for Sale. Address box 00, Grant Pass. Found. Small turn of money found on Monday the 19th.' ..Owner can have tame by naming amount and describing. Call at tbit office. Meal B-t the Josephine. After April 1st all tingle mealt at Hotel Josephine will be 60 cent. Kates for regular boarders made known on pplication. Gno. Good, Propr. . PINE NEEDLES WANTED. The Pacific Pine Needle Co. is ready to enter into contracts for the regular delivery of Pine Needles Apply at factory. Advertised Letter List Following it the list of letters remaining uncalled for iu the Grants Pass post- office, Saturday, March 30, 1901 : Lauiis Armstrong, Mrs. Blanch, Brown, Mist Kittle Gkntikmkn Lang, Q W, Kise J A ,-2 C. Hahmov, Postmaster. He Fouled the Aurgrona. All doctors told Reoick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O-, after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, be would die unless a costly operation was per formed; bat he cured himself with Buck len's Am iua Si!e, the best in the World. Suiest Pile cure on F-srlh. 25c a box at Dr. Kreiner't Drug fetor. Furniture House Change. J. R Hale, one of our pioneer bus I ness men, wbo ha been in the furniture bnsines in Grants Pass since the town's infam y, sold his stock last week to M VV. Wilbur. Mr. Hale has extensive lumber interests in Douglas county lo which he will devote bit attention. Mr Hour hat also been prominent amor.g our business men lor a Dumber of years, formerly in the taw mill busmen and more recently connected with the Pro- volt Hour mill which It now being oiatd by kit former partner, I. U Mon. At present tfi slots it under th conduct of W, A. Haskint. (arden tools and ladies garden tett at Cramer Bro. Mill HAI.K 5C0.0O0 strawberry plants. I have Ihe Kxcelsive, which is extra early and good shipper. The first crate of Oregon strawberries that arrived in Portland last season 1 tent from this palcb. I alto have the Hood River berry, which Is large red berry, being perfect in shape and a fine thinner. Both are perfect flowering plants. I will put on can either of the two kinds (or $1.60 loose, or 12.00 hunched and tied per thousand plants. L. S. Coon, Dillard, Oregon for Hale t For Balk Twenty five acret one and one half mi let east of Grams Pass Kigiie river, partly cleared, tir.all chard, plica -tX) half cash, also fifty-one acres of what is known at Ihe Hyd place, price t-WO. half cash. For addl tional information address. Ci'kht Bros, Li Grande, O.ugo Gap CloMd. The operation ol through train be tween Han Francisco and Lot Angeles viaSurland Santa Barbara, will begl on Sunday, March 31, 1901 on th n Coast Liu two through trains daily Th Coast Lin Limited leaving each terminal in the morning, equipped with eleitant cafe and parlor cart, will make daylight trips through th most picture etqne, varied and tulertalnlng scenes on th continent. Inquire of agent of thai Southern rtciflo. tilt Perplexing Questions Belgian Ha. res. Get a One strain of Belgian Hares and suppy your table with delicious meat at cents per pound. Beat poultry. Tux Southern Orkuon Rahihtry Associa tion at Golden now offers some bargain!. Belgian Hares. Riverside Rabbitry Breeder of thor oughbred pedigree Belgian liaret ol popular Strains, pens herded by superb imported Dash Meteor and Princess Beatrice, scores 00. Dash Meteor is one of the finest bucks in America. Ho is the winner of the First Prize at the Yolo county fair, California. Youngsters from these hares for sale, also tome heavy weignt Belgians, will weigh from 2 to 14 pounds each when matured the only heavy weights in Southern Oregon. Write for pricet or call and see my Hares before buying. Visitors always welcome. Address HARRY MARSH, Riverside Rabbitry, Grants Pass, Oregon, box Hit. Teachers Exe.minB.tlon. Notice is hereby given that the county superintendent ol Josephliie.counly will bold the regular examination ol appil cants for county certificates, commenc ing Wednesday. April 11. at nine o'clock- in, and continuing until rrnlay April VI at lour o'clock. VIRBT, HXC0NO AMI) THIRD OH AUK CKHTIN- Wednesdav Penmanship. Hlstorv.Or- thography, Reading. Thursday Written Arithmetic, The ory of Teaching, G rammer, School Law rrHlav Geography, Mental Arthme- tic, Friday Geography, , Physiology, Civil Government. FOR PRIMARY CERTIiriCATIH, Commencing WedndBciay, April 10, at nine o 'clock a. m. and continuing until Thursday, April II, at four o'clock, Wednesday Penmanship, Urtbogra- phy. Readiug. Ihuraday Art ol Uoestioning, lheoiy ol leaching, Motliods. Lincoln Savaok, County Superintendent The Finest Strvict to the Etit snd South. The O. U.& N., In connection with the Oregon Short Liue and Union Pacific, offers the finest service and fastest time lo Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City Omaha, St. Paul, St. Louis, Chicago, an all points east. Threo trains daily from Portland, with choice of many diffurent routes. Palace and tourist aleepui library, dining and chair cars on all train. Write A.L. Craig, (i. P. A., O. R. A N Co., Portland, Oregon, for particular!. Flour to Kicliange. FarmerB, do not haul your wheat 20 to 60 miles lo exchange, Scott Griffin will give you as many pounds of flou for a bushel ol wheat as any mill will give you. You will find Scott Griffin at hit Hay, Flour, Foed and Heed Store, Cor. Olh and I streets, Grant Pass, Ore, How to buy the best Groceries and spend the least Money. Wo can solve the problem for you by telling you of our Creamery Butter. Its full weidit and full eoodnees. Tho last piece tasts just as sweet and good as the first. Tho present price is 25c a ound or 50o for a two pound square Again wo wish to call your attention to our "White Squadron" brand of pure Mocha and . Java Coffee. II matters not what price vou pay you can not get a better Coffee than this one that we sell at 35c a pound. Our Crystal Roasted Coflbo is another good one. It just suits some of our most par ticular Coffeo drinkers. Our prico is 25c a pound. Wo have just received an other car load of Sugar and Syrup. Our Sugar is all puro cane, manufactured at tho Western Sugar refinery. Wo have a great variety of good Syrups come and sam plo them and let us make you somo Trices, Calhoun Grocery Go. BORN. CUKMK In thlt city, Monday April 1, 11X11, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Cosine, a ton. MARRIED, P. K Y N O L 1)8 C U L P A t the Hotel Lav ton, in this citv, Saturday, March 30, ' 1MJ1.J. F. Reynolds and Miss Elva Culp, Rev. Stephen Jewell officiating. died: COY Near this city, March 27, Mis. Julia Coy, aged 54 years. 1001, HOLM AN & SON, UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS. Office on 0th St. oppo. Court House. Residence North 7th St. GRANTS PASS, ORE. R. L. Coe & Co. SENSATIONAL ...Easter Bargains... 1 100 Trimmed Pattern Hats No Two of Them Alike. We were fortunate in bcinj; able to secure a few Original French Design in Pattern Hats for our ICastcr Salu that will interest you. There are nouie designs in Fine I'lain Straw that it will be impos sible to reproduce at fa, t$ aud $6. Tailor-liade Suits $), $12.50, $15, $18.50, $20 It will simply be impossible for any one to duplicate these values for the prices that we are selling them. ' GUAR.ANTF.E A PERFECT FIT at about the cost of material alone. Sensational Shoe Sale 10,000 Pairs Ladies', Men's anil Children's Sbooa One-Fifth off. it. l. uoe tk uo.