Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 04, 1901, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates:
One Year, in 'dyerce,
Hix Months,
Three Months,
Xingls Copies, - .
II 25
Advertising Rates
Furnished on application at the office, or
by mail.
Fkopr. k Mnor
Entered at the poat office st Grants !',
Oregon, ss scoiid-cuua mail niauer.
Aguinaldo took theoatb of allegiance
to the VniUxl States on April 2.
Victor Lavaon bas sold the Chicago
Record to Kohlsaat of the rimes-Herald
who sill combine the paper under the
name of Record-Herald. Lawson con
tinues the publication of the Kvening
A Isw pained by (lis recent legislature
make it compulsory for bicycles to be
provided with bells at all times and w ith
lamps at night. The penalty for non
observance o( this law is a Gne from fj.r
Kunslon ir a former hero, lauded in
days gone br, and one of a auccession of
ike individuals, targets for the expres
sion of our pstriotic adnvration. He is
the only one of the series wbo bsa come
to the front a second time. He has
now proven beyond doubt by hia terond
appearance, his heroic worth and that
the former glorr accord! him wai not
miaplaced. It is to be sincerely hoped
that he will be able to carry his honors
with a level head. All hersei should
take warning from the fate of llob.on
whose gallantry is obscured by (lie
ridicule incident fo bis later exploits.
Agunaldo, the life of the Filipino
resistance to American authority wai
captured by stratagem on March 13 by
Genera! Fred Kunalon with (our A inert
can officers, four ex ini jrgent officers
and 78 Macabebea. The party ap
proached Aguinaldo nnder the pretense
of being a psrty of Filip-xo troops with
American prisoners. The ruse worked
perfectly snd Aguinsldo was captured,
though with some difficulty. Kautiago
liarceluna, treasurer of the insurgent
government was captured without resist
ance. All of Aguinaldo'i correspond
snce wss also secured. This is un
doubtedly Ihe most Important event In
the history of the war and can not fail
to exercise an important influence for
the early cessation of hostilities. Agui
nsldo bad strong personal following
and has always been the moving spiril
in the Tsgal uprising, though delt in
keeping himself out barm's way. What
to do with him is somewhat of a prob
lem, but the weight of opinion seems to
favor taking him to Uuara, as has been
done with other iniurgunt leaders. He
la now at Manila and ia being well
treated, aa a matter of rourae.
McKlnley to be Entertained.
The executive committee of the Urania
Teas Mining and Commercial club met
on Saturday at the bank parlors to
make arrangements fur the proper
reception of I'reaident McKlnley and hia
party wbo are expected to pais through
(Iranta I'aas on their weatern tour about
the middle of May. Those preaeut were
Mesars. W. M. Ilair.T. F. Cramer, Geo.
S. Calhoun, II. C. Bobxien, II. C. Kin
nev, J. 1). riy, I'reaident J. O. Booth
and Secretary E C. Psntland. After
tome discusaion, it waa decided to
arrange a program f ir the entertain
ment of the presidi ntial arty and the
matter was rtferred to the entertain
ment commute wrb poaer to act and
to arrange detaila.
me tiitertainment cnminiltee met at
the Hotel Eaylou on Saturday afternoon
Chairman Arthur Conklin, C. E. Smith.
I.. V, Stewart and Secretary E. C. I'ent
land in attendance. It was decided
btfore arranging any details to ascertain
the hour at which the train would prob
ably pass through and Ihs number and
pertonuel of the company. They alio
decided to estimate l he piohalile coat of
sugealed detaila of entertainment.
Secretary lVnllaud haa received a
letter from lico. II. Cortelyou, secretary
to the president, in reMinie to a letter
of inquiry, stating that the president".
Itinerary waa not yet fully arranged,
but giving aaniiiam-e that the date of
arrival and tin personnel of the com
pany would he announced later. The
enliment of the committee waa that if
the party came through In the night no
attempt at a dcuionatiatinn would he
adviaable but that if the hour of the day
were favorable, we ahould endeavor to
give Mi Kiule) aud hia party a reveptiui
that will cam them to realiie that
(iranta I'aaa is on the map.
There is nothing more certain than
that the committee will be given the
most cordial support of the citiaena ii,
ny program which they may ariange
and il the cin-uiiiaiancee u time and
weather do iheir part we wi't ham a
gala day when Mckinley cornea.
Special Election.
An adj inn e. nieo i.,g ( ihe cny
council , , 4.t Wedi.eaday
evening The im.l imporiaut aelion
taken was the nideiieg ol a ipi ial elet
tiuu tu lu heal un ilonday, April at
which the auhjoined .rop.,iinin will i
presented. I'nder Ihe new i harier, ulv
thoae who pay laxe, on S 1 1 KJ woi'lh ol
property ae eligible to vole.
1. To purchase a clie.nical vugiuei at
a coat ol lliViO aa aols (ire protection ami
discontinue use of hydrants.
2. Tu puichase a chemical engine
and re am 6 hydrants in the business
pjrtion at a cost of H per mouth
3. To purchase a chemical engine and
retain 20 hydrants at a cost ol ! 50 pet
month each.
4. To contract with Ihe water com-
pany, lor zu or mora tiydranta at a coat
mnonoaxceed wr l4l0,0 each, (
" . e..K,..r.
When yon art
you are uinoua, use iiiom i
famous little pilia knoaru
aa DeWitl'a
Little Karly Kiaeri to cleanao tba liver
nd boaels. They never ria. r.
W. F. Kremer.
Don't Send
51-or I hem.
Jolia Marlowe Shoes-for Ladies
If you see tbein you will want them.
W. E. DEAN, & CO.. Propr.
Front St. opposite Depot,
Kerby Breezes.
Will Masiin ,waa seen on nur etrrcls
last week.
A magic lantern show in town Tuet
day night very good.
There will be Kaster aervict-a at the
church in I Kerby on the evening ol
Eaater Sunday, April "ill.
vie are again threatened with rain I
which no doubt would be the means cf
making the miners smile.
Miss Ella Ilyder, formerly of Kerby.
pirsed through heie on her return to
Creicent City. Kile has been visiting
her ais'.er, Mrs Dick Hays of Fort Jones.
Mr. Geore Duncan, who baa been
operating the Ray mine, has sgain
moved hia family to the berg, the mine
having closed.
Mr. Oscar Naucke arrived in Kerhy
Saturday evening to his old home
and friends. Mr Naucke haa spent
most of the psst three yearn in Ie
Mr. Will Stout, who was stricken
down with psrslyss is slowly improv
ing. Kd Coineliua, has been by hia
bedside constantly. There fs no reason
why Mr. Stout should not he walking
around soon. Ed alwaya carries aun
ahlne In hia face and with all his funny
jokes it would help snyone to get well
Mrs. 1). Kittermsn and lister in-law
Mrs. II. Skeetera, came near meeting
with a wsteiy fsle bile croaking Sucker
creek. The tugs ananel and the horses
would have lelt them lu the buggy had
not Mrs. Skeeters bravely walked out
on the bugiry tongue and faatenej them
gain. Ciiattkr Box.
Hugo Items.
Mrs. Sexton and Charley Sexton are
very sick with lagrippe.
Mrs. Iloyd, Mrs. "Annie Chapin'i
mother, died at her residence March 2!l.
Mrs. Iloyd bad been vlidtiiig at Mrs.
The Greatest Values ever shown in
That is l ull of Stylu
You run no risk in luiyinjr, those suits,
tee everv claim we make.
Our l-oliey :
Your Money's Worth or Your .Money Hack.
The mini with moileiiite means who must limine
closely on his clothinj' hill slioul.l take the almve facts
into consiileration, for he can jjet a ln-tter value.
We also carry a full stock of Kiirnthin;'s, Hats,
Shoos, Trunks and Valises.
Chapina, for aome limii past. The re
mains wer.i taken to Woodville, her old
Mr. ti. McCormiik had an organ put
Milo his h imw laat week.
Section men are putting a diamoi d
litili on the Hug,, track.
Mia Mahle Sander., is ipiiie ill other-
I wis the Tunnel y e pie eul g x d
h. . tii.
M'. Ji hn liU sprain. .1 her ai.kle,
which i. ve-y paiulul and disahles her
fnfii ll (il g
.Vhool ieued Monday uioiuiuit April
I, ilh !M scholars, Mis l.ula M tsiin,
presiding as lea. her. I
Mis Tom Haven nil a
last sieek tilth made l.ei
ad .111
I'llte 111 and
she iaa no oiaer
TheS. 1'. i. A mill is running at
last and is mantifaeliinn 'a..liful
lumber from the lofty pmrs of llno
l iterary nviety every Satuiday nik'lil.
W'leslion ,next Saturday, April ti, j,,
' Kesolied that Mai riate is a Failure."
The question, "Unsolved thai the Cnitcd
Statra ahoiibl retain the I hilippiiirs"
aa on by Ihe alliriiiative.
The ball at lliuo. Maul, -m .
aucv - a. The ri.tertainineut. ,e,e nh
o.i. none can emigre with the dance j
.t iiiunoi net so mui ii ;ni..ney but en-
joyuent over bilancnl that Wild th
eiception ol atrona-colfee I hem waa no
drinking i had been prophesied, con
eiiuently it was an eacelleut All
Mpreaa lliemaelvea aa well pleaaeil.
The music could not be excelled; the
time waa perfect, which ia the import
ant thing in dance music. Lunch at 12
o'clock was served in the school home.
Everybody bas commenced
gardens though the weather remains
cold and disagreeable M. II. II.
Defnes Cannot be Cured.
By local applications as Ihey cannot
reach the
diseased portion of the ear.
There ia only one way to cure deafness,
and that ia by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an Inflamed con
dition of the Eustachian Tube. Whin
this tube ia inflamed you have a rum
bling sound or imperfect hearing, ar.d
when it is entirely closed. Deafness ia
the result, and onless the 'iifUmma'ioii
can be taken out and the tube rev orcd
to its normal condition, hearing will
be deatroyed forever; nine rate out of
ten are rauaed by Catarrh, which i
nothing but an infl tmed condition ol the
mucous aurlacee.
We will give One Hundred Ilollars for
any cane of lieafneaa (caused lv cslarrh,
that cant ot be cured hy llall'a Ca arrh
Cure. Send lor circulars, fr.
F. J. Ciiknkv A Co., Toledo, O
Sold by all llruirumte. Too.
Hall's Family Pills are the beet.
A Attack.
An attack was latly made on C. F.
Collier of Cherokee, lows, that nearly
proved fatal. It came through hia kid
neys. His back got an lame he cou'.l
not stoop without great pain, nor tit in
a chair except propped by cushions no
remedy heled him until he tried Elec
tric Hitters w hich effected audi a wonder
ful change that he writes he feeis like a
near man. Thia inaneloua medicine
cures hackachs and kidney trouble
purities the blood and builds up your
health. Only itic at l)r Kremer'a Drug
Leave orJera for granite for sidewalk
with W. I.. Ireland, at Cramer bros.
and Moderate in Price.
e :uaiaii
A familiar name for the Chicago, Mi'
waukee.tSt I'anl li.iilaay, known all
over the I'nion aa the (irent liailaay
riiiniing the '1'ioiie. r Limited" trains
every day and night Ix-taeeii s. I'aul
and Chicago, and Octaha and Chicago.
' t he only (a iled Uaina m the world '
rtiderntand : Connections aie made
with vll Transcontinental I. imw, aim
ing to paaaengerw the hi st service knoan.
I.ununoua co, he, eiectuc I'irlit-. sl. aui
I at. ol a
veiny equa'led iy no u'her
.Ne that our inkct reads via "The
Mil ankee" hi 11 koiiij to anv in
All t ik-
et 1.
nt sell 1 hem.
late, i.suiiihle
or oilier intoi-
mati-ui, ad o
J . W . lsM
Trav. I'ass
Si vrii a
C. J. I't.i.v,
General Aent,
l'..Kii.iM, (Ir
Y IMl.
, i,r r n.uiy yon a
packa, f t.HAIN 11, Ihe hew f.w.1
diink that lakes the placo of cvtlce.
I'he children inny
jury aa ell as (be
it witbuut ill
A II a h.i t,
......en on u. .. nas tnat rich seal
n .1 M,h ha or J.a. but :t is made
lr.uu pure urnins, and the most ilelnale
stou.acli leceives it l
,'Ut dlst -. I.
Ihepri.ei)! ctf.-a. IV-. and SVta.
package S,', hy all HK-vra.
Tha oM MliaUas-Tne Weekly Ongoaiaa.
fSMntna motes.
i 11. M Ll jiiald of the A ah; and mine
camedowi, Saturday to ininin
properties in ihia county.
K. Kn'riken, who baa been engaaio
in wining in tie M-. Kecben district
for several no-i-hs
Grams Pass this week
J. O. ll&deD, a
mine owner of the
urave tr.-ex UKtri::, was ill
town ou
fhurwjav. He ia very profitably operat
ingaii arra-;re ua big quart property. Laie, p,.p,,Hor cf the L-. i.
ihe. very larger! hydraulic operation. In
mai pan ol the Mate, was in loan rri-J
Mr. ai.d Mr, G.-o. E. llow;and spent in Grama l'ats oil their way
fiom l'ortland to Jacksonville. Mr.
Iliwland is intending to devote his
atler.tiun to h.s quart properties near
J. M. Bava.'o, who i employed i the
jo d Uug mine, was in town Fiiday.
fo: mine ia running steadily l ight aid
day nli a five siamp mid. They have
reached a depth of over 400.1 tr, a: which
depth the properly looks belter lhan
l.'M seek our iou of ore from li e
iiiil N..e mil, e on iiailj crea n(
cllhtil al IIohi k'oi-t. luf, m il and eV?n
pounds of goli- resulted. 1'lie "Hii1
Njo" is one of the ri. hest mines in tlii
Miion of the coumry. Ou!v er.ougli
ore in brouitht down to make a ihor
ouyh test and the re-ult wax ta islaiSfiy
t i the onera of iho property io d
Hill Ntwa.
Recently Purchased by D. S. Rae
of Montana, Seven Miles
from Grants Pass.
Ihe Klomnko quar's mine on Lome
crtck liii-tiici lulily owned and operated
by ii. A. Heed ol (iiMis IVfr. at
pun-baaed la-t weea by 0 S. Iae of
Mo.-.tani, who is taking the necesfary
tteps toaard the permanent i oiiipnient
aii-1 operaiion of the prr.peiie. Mr. He
is a Ihoiougb miner and the Klondike
seems certain to he hard smongour
foremost mines in the near future. H.
A. Keed, who haa develop? I tliia mine
and demonslraied it ex enl and worth,
is interested in fevral other valuable
qiarla pr0pert.ei, them !o
claims on the same vein as Ihe "iJill
Nye" near fioid Hiil.
The bas three turn. els and
slows an ore body ien feel inwidih
fet ween wai I. Hip ore run? from $12
to .'u by mill tea's in quantity. He
large sizeol th- ore body ami lie ceriain
lirotllable values m ike i a property ol
exlraordinary drsiiahilitv.
The tnit e ia ei-uan-T about seven
n iles almoet due north of (.iranta 1'a-s,
in (he I.iiiM) crick dis-tiicl ami is
located on thn ai.uihwe-t elopo of Elk
mountain Dear Mm is creek, one of Ihe
iributarin of l.oue ere. k. Il is not by
any means a new discovery but was
woikedatlhe einface with an airamte
many jeaia e i. ha history is similar
to that of ninny of (be be-1 olethir
in iiti properties in K u hem Oregon ; it
Ins bcn locaud, ahandomd and workid
in a desultory m,d primitive manner, j
ollen with potit, by a suit- :sioll of
parilet. Ariih tpot j, work. . I out or
the ore be. omes Ii .si. and the mine is
a'l.nd n..'. i. ua lake bold of
the property who III-, fnill, to pit
systematic hi. I j .dn ioiis il, vciopmenl
upon ir, a mine ol value n. deuionirali d.
In the same nun. r. I iln-t i i. i and
:l o-l
tin in,
:s not.
hah b.
d i n thi
er Of Othcl I
caned bv
same inoiin'Min ar- u j
'I'Mrz r ipi rto s .. :.e
lipieuraiice One o!
Ho I, li.oili and .M.U1
x lili n s en p mill and
I- i ! 0 1 1 pel
.hie lor I lie
tirit're of ro-:ti that
en taken doi.i it. i lo- in. r
pr-.p.-ily, which was profitably cpeialnl
with an arrastre for j.aia ia anoil er
Mcl-ar.ane Co. are ipiietly developing
a property ifhont a mile and a bull die
taut from (he K'on.iike. Thi.y have a
two foot vein of highly ininerallicd ore,
the appcataiice of which Meadiiy no
rrov.a with Ihe .1. p h. U.eie aie a
uiiinta-r of .11. eis Unnh a Hit a-, aome
of them more or h-as devehip-d, n this
same district, which seeun ahsolutrly
u ria ii to b. c me one of Ihe heat mill
ing campa in sontln rn O.egi n. With
the en, ption ol the lry Ihggiiua dis
trict. Louse vie. k is more n.arlv
a.ljac nl I ) t.isii's l ai-s than any n.her.
IIS en-v Uivc-Mhlllll ho.-.. i . . 1 1 . '. . a I
P'.ima la-nig an a
11. in in
s:2 ,
.s bei 11
1 i on-i.l.-rali oi. Consider. ng
Ills citcii is (i,e .. ti,,- t,
atieaius in ihe comtrv. It I
oi K.-d (or on i In . at and Ihe g'iivl
pj-i'a will Hot lie Uliu-. d (o- iii.u y
i ai-i y-1 to come.
Rich Rock tit Orcuon Bonanza.
We. I nu ll
iili.ated rei-i.rn t
. k t:i a t ih
.ilie Iron. has
Williams .r
been untile
t in- t If. Coll
ll .nsi 1 l in t a: dl-lr.c: At 'Ii I , st
lelcl. ni x plh ot soii.h 2 0 I. et a to
hvt '"'l I. .is lain t:i.!,k h-,h
i-:ic. ultl-s ol 7J to fs ,,n j,
l!J I a i l 17 lo ;t per nn; copper.
C 1 i r so plr.h s 1 s. i f,..' In ..I lii'nera'
l.i..n i.i l,i. h ' I e s c,, u-. Th a
HUH" is l e nk. d.-lviop. ,1 l.y Mr !.., t,
a noio-r ol u.iii. ,..tfM si .ser e-n e. lo
i- e.u .lu
iinil.-i. r
!: tne work in a sis'. a ic
:ll .
A t.eiule 11 1 it I .
Ill our styleol i ll. i av, ltl; i s -u l b n
changes ,.f l nip. ra' ure, im, iil and
sunshine uftcp iuie. iiiiiik'l. d m a siiule
dav,,i i. I,., , ur ,-(, , ,Ir-tt . 1
Ii lend.' and ti lai ivi a
Sil lrqicn'lv
j taken from us hv ne.iee'e.1 col,!, half I
j me iiea'i.s re.uit'i.gj dim-ilv i.oinil,,, I
'csu - e. A bottle of I
-cllee e I t.-r rti-ill I
home for i nine j
v.-i jus sick ncss, a I
I up k'
Jiale ii-i
1,1 -Wv .le.
br the
tit ah -ut i ot
1 w di (.'event
tor's loll, a
oe of Ibr.
I per haps !.. ti
oe f mr d.
for cnrii'K Cvisuiiipti in, lle'i-orrh
" ". severe I ."..ens, I roup, or I .fc-NJ II I aa) tj a i -.- 1 ! Hi:l
any .lis. ase of the ur l.n:i.., r. 1 I C f I gj Li I ' r
aiicnm is atinpy won leriu', as your 1 V - .fo J 1 ' VT I r v - j the
,t.,in!:s'-:d tell you vl a wmp'o 4 j ' H 'J 'VtPirUZT-1 i n'ht
h.ttle fre fm, llr. Kremer. j ilij 1
Keiiiilar aiie. ;5 eta. Get Grtvn a Pr.i-i N?' t 1 Ib
Ledand Sittings.
Otcar Hunkers l'.k s trio to Merlin
fa t Week.
The cars ae running on the Kii.n. v
; S iort line,
i Mr. Frank Fletcher t.x.k a t,i;. ir.
! Grants' Pa,a last week.
! Einnejville is a lively town J 1
' Kinnev haa built .n ,M,.;,.n I.:.
p.-.l, ii vnitingljtoie toaavoinmodate the growing trade.
' The miners have plenty of watrr a
'the enow i.i the moantains ia nieliio
and will furnish water for some lime
! Jet.
i Oiir iKjliUlation . in.'rain.. n.,.1..
rapid.y ami the farmers are racing a
UI)je , r,t xuiilrt to
,upptv the g'oi:ig need.
1 line ia aloo talk of budding a town
hall for the benefit cf our fa-t grow ing
town. We aieo have materia! for the
Organiiaiion of a literary eociety i-i Ihe
near future
H. L. Wiieon, of Ij land, is bringicg
hia new- st.e building to completion.
Ii will he a nice luddin,'. Ae the peo
ple of La-land an; eoii.i men, they dou't
want any cheap buildings.
Uiisine-a in Kinin-) ville is good. Tj
see i ue o;g loa n ol iniht hauled lo
Kinney e s ore hi M i. I mal l a: d olliere
does not long like dill timea The
Kinney vide bti.ines moil are talking ol
puiiiiu up snioe pub ic building, eome-
tlnng that is needid in a fast grc.wir.g
w i . .
e nave ine prom s ol a new ware
bciife at our ata'toir. The .r-e nt one
d.a c-t bold ti e freight. The arr.onnt
of freii;iit that come here is (crpn-ing.
Much of it ba to be left at ih" :
until it can be taken awav a-, the Ireild
bouse is so small.
Keimrt says that Wilson wi'l give a
house and lot i'l a desirable locality tr.
the nerfnn who bui a Ihe laig-st amount
of goods during the first week af'er open
ing his store. Le'and will soon b the
center of trade "beta ee-i Itn-ebu.-g and
(iranfa I'as.
We are Laving some iinniigibtion from
California. They say limes air- haid
there. What e need is MM,le with
money, I nt fcuus ol those that Com
plain of tiie haid tiuieb have Lad lo
come to Siulhein (reon lo make a
lii iug.
We luve been having a good deal of
cloudy e' her. Trie people are plan -ing
their spring gardens.. As we have
two town in our vicinity, also many
wood cu'tert. there will le a lare
amount cf vtstelabVa consumed here
this summer, go the farmers are rai-ing
I irge gardens.
It is almost Ujelcsa to say that the
people are healthy for in this vicinity
we have a balmy atmosphere and gi d
law ahi lingcitizensi, no use. f ir lawyers
and b it little u-e for dor-torn. We lince
some people who want lo change their
situation or, in other worda, to join Ihe
matrimonial rains.
Thn nilnal company h red Jam to
load the wood cars on tiie Kinnev short
line. Thev could not load n,.,,
half as much aa white men. They got
tiled of the work and now thev am a'l
gone aa ay and there is nobody to load
the wool. We think if the lompany
would pay a. fair price they could get
plenty of men.
We notice an article in tbo Cociiiru
under the beading "lirave Creek lirave
leta " We think the writer ia nniu.
tinny, but w hat looks like iiiipnasibiiiii. s
that he jin's may come to pssv, as our
town is forging ahead so rapi i'v The
amount of goods sell would rurpriM
any one not familiar willi the -olmiie of
Lei.i';d " isinesv.
Dan Petersen, our general section
foreman, ia going awav. He ha been
foreman for a long lime. He intend, to
.lev i'e his u'tenlmn to f r r.l
lo. kru'.sing and will locate in thin Joseihi.c : v tuiti him.
Kilvrt Crucketi lake hia p'ace Koheit
is an old .H.lroj.l man though young in
ye-rp. liotn-rt i
liajifiv tio-e.isv,
slea I, jouiiK nun, The cuiipany would
better ctrif they had 111 ire such men.
Wc ol -rve a Lumber of new facta in
I.elan I, of people who bavo r'nppvd
here I kiiitf for new opening: Many
iiave come to stay. II. .11.
The man who can hardly crawl, and
lias just strength to get through a day's
work, has no atrrngih lett lor family
life. He wants to be quiet ; to be alone,
out of si'lit and sound of cveryboilv.
Whit u lUtierence In-tws-en auch a
man and the bealthv, hearty man, who
romps with his children and tides his
Utixhinir lhv to "H-inhurv Cn.'
What maWea the dilltteiiie Cstiallv
disease of the atom.icb, involving the
entire digestive and nutritive avstem.
IT. Pierce's Golden Medical InVovery
cures diaeases of the stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutrition. When
these diseases, are cuml the hindrance to
the protr of the !li- is
removed and strength rumca Isack a.un.
" 1 am hspr-y lo w 1 ,m e-'tt-ni: M frrt fi-r -
Ir A J'tw..liT .4 s-t w r 1
Strru, Chu-dK-., Ill "In !1 1 h nr
t..k. ll si tsstlrs ,. l.ol.lrn Mr,tu-,vl Liio.i.rv
sn.t I, .it nr nals ..I ttic hole ' Ivllrt ' rh. v
hsiT ,1,-ne me woit.ts i ir.sst. Thr nir...
Ctnes h.ii- ls-in;!il Ihf .v'rill fhin;r in me
fr.iu. s slow n.sir ,4 s Ihil i'ul.t hinllv
CTawt. tirr,t ami si.-k a'.l Iht dtue ami conl.t .to
n.. wi'rk N w I cin work, slrrp. an, I srrt
hat. Ril.t Hut usr.l 1c .-tin is y.i (.,.., I isiT I
..ll Vrrv tti.niktul I lo .r firsif
HI. ' C.Mcn lli-i-ui-rv ' mi.t his lul.e ' lvltrts ' liai l!rH.-.l ms.W a new map of
nie. 1 tret v.hiku as I a. t at thirty vcr. ,
islher UsMor t i mc. caly nr. Pirn's-."
-rr. ISercc'a Common Sense Medi.-al
Adviser, in p.iixr cowrs, is sent ,; on
mvijn of it e.- e cent stamps to pay
etieiis- nf tn.iilm.r ,.ms l.l.lra.. Is
K V. IHercc, liutJalo, N. Y.
rchif cess imT
.wt-L j" nth --'...
a tt; at : ruaa
..Easter Eggs..
109 ES5S 5C
Simple. Cleanly, Esdly Applied.
Xosiaine.1 lint'er.and no dirt and nius
to clean up after u-ing
Sloier Drug Co.
front Sr., Opposite Depot.
A few
in Clay
npo, on Big' Otter creek,
i nty, W. Vo., reports the
Cincinnati Knqtnr
er, Mrs. I'.'ip.js,
over 70 veary oil!.
La tier hay
waa myaleriouidy nniri'eri'd. F.I13
lived by herself, and v.n aitt'ntf at
a window when a aletir- -i el. :ri-e in
tered her body, Ull.iug Ui i:..-tant:y.
The mystery surro n.ilin - ll.c minder,
it ia claimed, baa bun partially
cleared away by the arrtat of a nmu
named Cottrill, -who ia now in the
county jail on suspicion of having
be-en iiiijiliiated in the murder. It
brinps to light a genuine case of
witchcraft superstition. Cottrill ia
under the impression that lie has suf
fered from Kuisrrnuturfll power exer
cised by Mrs. Ilocca. He claima that
at times during the last three montha
he has been ridden by her all over
Clay and Calhoun counties, in witih
fashion. On one occasion the old
hidy's house appeared to him to be a
blacksmith shop, and he was shoeing
hi horse there at night, when the
witch appeared and told him that
I lint would be the lu.-t iiijrht be would
ever shoe the horse. Within a day or
two the horse died. It is aaid that
other neighbors of the old lady were
affected with the same hallucinatidji,
and that threats were previously
made to kill her. Cottrill refused to
talk about, ihe murder, but talks free
ly on the wronrs he thinks he suf
fered at the hands of the n:l om
an. Many cases of sickness 111 the
neighborhood were attributed to her
supem itural influence, and on sev
eral occasion. it is claimed a hmdiing
a threatened, but 10 one could he
found with siiflieinil :-our;ii;e to had
1 nose who fancied t ley mid U-
vt rouged.
The lioaton Herald hatt. r..r n,l
the lady in pursuit of u cook: "A
fry das n:fo a lady in pursuit of n
cook was interviewing and l.-ing in
terviewed at a ci ria in employment
oureau. - sliall want you t
. 1 . . . . .
uie coumry witn nie,' s,,
to the mighty p.rsonajje
eyeing her from head to
ma'am; and do yez ha.e
r. 11.1
"it. 'HZ.
low -in ek
ir .iuir. d.
dinners, ma'an:?' Mrs. Co,.!; i
''Low-neck dinners:" What
lio loll
mean by that?' said the lady. 'Well,
nia'ani. do jiv eat yez dinner in low
neck i!r, sse.s? I hev a frind who says
she'll not take no plrice i::.lis the
family :iT in iow-r.eeks. an' I t hoiitfV.t
I wouldn't, either.' fo tliis is what
we are all ei niirg to: IS
domestics will endure '1
1 m n oiir
1 liviri:.'
and if one wants a six dollar
she can t hate her with
to t at in low -m ci-sl' "
inn promiaii:
.tuoni- t.he
brought home
tourists is i.iii
ti.e t'oiii.ii.Ti in
talca of a traveler
by certain ItutTalo
wlrch, ncL-ordintr to
I. ihey il. e'.are true in
every particular,
between two j.-ir's
V., i.i. rl', ;i.-,l fru::
chairs en the st,
said .u. 1, "who i
now.'" "Win. T,
3. the w !! iiiforn..
thinif. "A ! ! ti. ,
let'a see, what w
S could not recall
ly, but she yot ii
of a (-..ii v
Mti n
from Heches Ter,
i nei.-hhoi ir.i.-
I' "l.Ci's SC;',''
s the 1H t-itltllcnt.'
n::y-on." salif .
'I. w ho knew eierv
oic hi fore hini w .ir,
his naiiu-V' ::
t''c nam,- inst.n.t-
:'t l i-t. "(,h, y, s;
it wn, Whittier
now 1 r-incin'oer- it
John (ireenlcaf Whit tier: II
poet-laureate before Tennis,
was thL.
Fortrettir ha
cause il permit
-or. s,
! s el
's to hai
vp. r
!- It'
: (s to fail, ,t
n'aiiist hi.,-. Lett, r
t'l on faiaircs, sins
Gli ia -Pi n.ocriil. TI
K'''s failtir.s may sue
tainly will n.,t jf )1H
new halt.,. , ,1 ,.
reclleciion f j,,,., ,i, f(
in a mi amp crw , tl.1M.
l"ok of the It, UH.n.btarce
"f the s makes one l,ll;t.. .N ,.,
i l...rn a p..,. :.,.;,t. U. lm i
lUlC I'V It
"rp-cmnj; the wronir things
"f a dud ,
f. '.i.i. re of
ot:e j.
1 It.,
a br. ,,;
'pr-.-e in
ican l.istori'.
Put if the i
say s a w nter in s
ff. rent cases are ,
shall find that t
in the stai ho
p:ti tin tiou
of the see'.iiini;:;, J,,;; ilV" ,h(
i .i . ...i - . '
al'ility t
all clr- i
- -..... ,,,, , a r,,k li,,.1.r
to a... w u..'
him from his pur',..,.. inn erratic ts.y,
der of a f,r, p,irp"tt,
l"er ami wast, ,..
upatiUk; them it sc., r ii
' to
vert ,
"c o e
1'' the rui'.
Ii ralies his
rs-y by ,,.
.mi nti-Htent in r, al 1. f- :
as dencrlhet!
in the It. s-
I'V ChieMy Ala lit I'e, pi,,
ton Journal: -The nKl
stiial'est p.,!,:;,.,
was st:-.i'.,' ,, ...
of 'h.t fru.kfurn
corner di tK'liool and W
atnets the other clht.
l- . , . ...rMl
lin lining
i ne i.iisuiess yourself'.'
I r:eri,.'
'Naw,' aaid th
vount-atrr. 'I'm ,,
Iiilr.dinaT the "dvis-." mi li.,,..i..
! back.'
Ia wrtaln places in New J,.r,,j.
; are a drug in tha market. At Vu' e,
recently thev cl, :enn . .
wheel, atopped the ruucinj- of
cyuamo and ahut off the fVn,;,
nevebvnd ,o.) barsin-eo.,r....
the other da nn.
wrirt svaa broken anil aotuer'a aiioul
dr waa rii'rat4. -av.
lit 1
o ,1,. , ; Portland,
at ll... !
We are howing the very finest assortmeut of
Novel Sash Duckies, (New for this Year)
Ladies' Fine Silk Chiffon Bows,
"AU-the-Go" Kelts, Wo have them
Ladies' and Misses' Trimmed Hats
Xo out-of-date patterns every flower, ribbon aud leather is
put cd to stay. ,
Up-to-Datc Hats for Little Money at
Smith's New York Racket Store,
Don't Trust to Blind Luck
for the New E-a E Mtion of
The Emporium hconornlst
, sua in F.-tSJ.
Our lare, profusely il
lustrated Spring and Sum
mer Catalogue, describing
the new fashions, and
piving lowest Deraitnv:nt
Store prices for every
thing to eat, drink, wear
or use.
v aa k . ee-'g -mc.
Nin- sere fl .or tnc .m cb-rka.
Donomore 29644
Brown Horse, Foaled 1896.
1'ijo Hands, w.iihs lliVill.s.
Sire I by Altamoiit llii 0, ihe itrratost
sire oi extreme f.eed in Ihe aorld.
liain. Sleepy Ka e (ilam of I'i ile Air
i:r-i and Athu.a 2:'MS hv .Mike.
.'UtU; Grand dam, Kibbou, "by Yeiinoiit.
lii.i:otnoreill n-nke Iheseasnu ol 11)01
at the lace Itai k, '., nn e west of city,
lei nis I.) 'he season ',0; il s.iiane,-f?15.
t'a'e ii id I.,- ink. n to prey- nt accidt ills
bin w:ll inn h- respon-ihle should an
A. L. FORCE. Keeper.
La nut aaa
B3SS 038301
To all suirerers from whatever neaknes
or debility, rheumatism, Ian e back.i le".
I r tier my - ''
Dr. Sanden
Electric Belt
upon one or tuo tnnnihs'
ahsolule free
trial, will. out oiio cent
a 1 int or di n.ited in
bei in; paid in
anv inanner.
i" ii at 1 ask is i i.i
tin. r.. . ...... .1
I.or.esllv bv me ua I .in v... i-
c , , - - . " ." in lllll).
I send funny latest book of infoiuution
J"-t published, niviiK all information
l i.-iaidine my invenli m and free t-iil
Ore ion.
apq-p i
I have a Lime
of "Bi'ijian IWj
- k ..f the
lea.liii.. striiiw
hue lot of youiiB-tera
ibleprin-s Wrilen.e
ne and s, them
i'he Ii Mtimr.ti ehhk
,ti l'.msI e .1,,.,,,
l"r -.ll.- :u very r. i- .ii
i .it y ..ii a. on. or .
1 h.m a illt. .
;'U." it w. III,! i y
i in- ivin ,.,,,
lies tl- Iiiyii18,,-Uli,il(,f
class and il. ..r ,i..
lie ii. ae
iarvr hi
ittill,',, I-';,, "'
I am al-o inakinc a sw. i: '
11'. ll-. atid h;tl e 1, .:.,1 ,. ., ;
;. I 1 a -"'.it Inativ new ir,..,;,,,,,,, !
he adai i.l i. ' .' to
in) 1.
"e plants
Vir-i and
for safe of the f,,l,,',i 'i
. 'esoilie
' -t ol a I is tl...
l'i.en,.,,,..,,,!" - r . H.Tld
,., ,, ,; 7 "eiwiin 1.1.1, kNirv and
; t?M';'.S:--iS;;-
I'' " t-. . s' i.,, ,. si, fr ji , - 1'
(uinivrt laaiden-Ktin-ka" Vack Ci,,
tarly HarvtM. Uwt,,,, n,,,,.
I-inni.d amount i to ,. .. ,'"
-rciia. in.-
,,T':.v-l'i''e 3 tear
' eadi,
U for o.S.,
i'i i.n-li,-. ii,.,!
.'.ir H.i. tear
in.iii.ali, 1m- ?1
1'iarl ( Is, -.
t.i, It,
per J.
' A' ser d.-.r:!
o.-b K .a. J,
1 Wine, liX- kuI,,
I- ...It; ..nv.l 1.... ... T
n eints
Electric Belt Co.,
w ho for- I '
ii , . .. ! Russell Block,
Gkaxts Pass, Qke.
30c Can.
None Better.
31. Cleinons,
....Poultry Yards..
llretder of l'rizs Winners
Scot ing
and llis'i
Itnrred Plymouth Hocks,
H. C. Bniwn liejtliorna,
llronzi Turkeys,
Siotcli Collie lions
The highest soiinij l'lj nnmli K i k
andllrowu ly'u'iiorn Cocks ia tli.t Stale;
at Uosehurir Show one 1st and 2 id mi
riynioiitli H.jek Coca a; I e.oorn- 1st
and 2nd, Cockered, 1st 2 1 1 a'ld :i-d
1 ei iiln Sfl.5(, ti Seitli.)s SJ .-,u
Land vithce at K isebiirit. Oiej! I
March 4, ItOl.f
Notice is hereby c.iven that : las- follow
ini; named seltler lias filed notice of his
intenlion to make final proof in support
of his claim, ami that etid proof will ho
made belore U I,. Barlle t, C-nintv
Clerk, at Grants Pass, Ute;on, on April
1 , l'.Wl, vnr:
.Inlin . Kincnirl.
On M. K No 70-';; for the NWV V.'.,
SW4. Sec ,'i2. Tp :m S. U. fi w.
lie names the following witnesses lo
prove his ci minimus residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
C. K. Ilarnuin, ol Grants 'Pass, Ore
gon ; John Howell, of Grant-Pass. On-
j "H ; G Howell, ol (iranta Pass. Oregon ,
'-aw illiains, Oregon.
J. T. BUIUGK?, K.'ister.
M. J. Shields & Co,
Growers and Importers
of all kinds of
We can name seed for evergreen pasture
in uur section of ti, p..,s h i .. .......
I I' With Ulllrml l-- ifi... -. .'.
seeils With tiiieell
years ol personal
experience in crowim:.
,l;iperieiiiot the Apnciilliiral
1'?' " N''o ami Pullman, we sill.
t...t .1... i . . ' - 1 .., we p.."
hue tira-s,'
r.nclish Pye Grass, Orchard
proper? ?o Kr,-S" fi"'l": ,re
"i'i price" '"' '" '!u'ira,lU'e re"u"9
Try our miicd eras, seeds for evercrre n
a- ureoi, dry ground; fl'iM per hun
re,l or-c. er pound.
e are also fs.n... nna i . ..r
n. . ' .
c ..j u,,, iii.j.i ,i mj,s ii.
. .... .vill. I.CttS,
Russia r-'oeltz. fviilleti ni ati
kinds of Field S. eda.
iSL.n''n 'e oi!e ou ,0 w '
l l ,o '' tof:r "I Arrieulmreat Ihe
Airriciiitnra . ....i... ... ,.
an.l ii t I- -"--s-7 s i unman, via-ii-,
.i.L" i '. Y"1'1'. Proieswrot Airricnmire
the Idaho Mate I niver-itv. Moscow,
uo. r, prices and furUi'er uifurrua-
t.on address.
Trie LaiFstYara.
A Pittsbi-' Jrtinnir tall, thji r-.i
I way, ,lr,v t bottle of Kemp'i
oaisain to n.y grip,
"d a fear dosca ,,t
n'ket toti well
. I. take cnid easily
tha Balsam alaays
man. Everywhere I
'J KooJ word lor Kemp I
hold of my cus!oroerI uke 0:d
""",J ?tK men, and tell them
Jfidenti.ll, h,t i do , uk,
oo'd. At drngjisu, 25c. and 60c