Mtaef VOL. XVII. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1901. No. 19 i i An Opportunity FOR Rogue River valley is full of Oil, Natural Gas, Artesian water and other valuable minerals. Nature's storehouse is bulging out with wealth and only needs the magic hand of man to unlock and reveal the hidden wealth stored up for the use of the Twentieth Cen tury. Our arid lands will produce won ders if we once can procure Arte sian water to supply abundance of water witu which to irrigate. Oil and Natural Gas aie the greatest economical fuel of this generation. Shall we let it be dor mant here in Rogue River valley, while other sections of the country are usiuj nature's storehouses? Oregon cannot be beaten any where in the world, for natural Gas, Oil or Artesian water. Rogfue River valley is truly the Italy of America. Here we have the finest climate, the best apples, the largest peaches and the prettiest girls. Shall the people of Grants Tass forever continue to drink the slime and slush and sewage that pcyirs into Rogue river while we can have the best of Artesian mountain water by the very simple procesG of dril ling a few hundred feet? What a beautiful city Grants Pass would be if there were a stream of pure Artesian water flowing along each side of her streets. It is the intention of The Oregon Natural Gas, Oil & Mining Co. to soon begin active operation of dril ling a number ot wells to the depth of 1000 feet to ascertain the pres ence of Natural, iGas, Oil, Artesian water and other valuable minerals. They are now bonding land in and around Grants Pass. Within the next six months they will be drilling on some of the property they have bonded for that purpose, They intend if it is possible, to supply the city with plenty of pure Artesiau water before the coming fall. The Oregon Natural Gas. Oil & Mining Co requests .,11 farmers and property holders to give them the privilege of drilling one or more wells on their property. They will give a percentage of the output of ihe wells to pa 1 ties granting the privilege. In order to get the people of Grants Pass and Josephine county interested in Natural Gas, Oil, and Artesian water they will give all of them a chance to subscribe for a few shares of the capital stock of the company 011 very liberal terms Suppose you take a few shares of the capital stock ot The Oregon Natural Gas, Oil & Mining Co. of the par value of $1 per sliare. You pay 10 per cent, down, 40 per cent, when the machinery is set up and is ready to begin operation and the remaining 50 per ecnt. when they strike a flow of natural gas, oil or artesian watei or have drilled to the depth of 1000 feet. If they strike oil, natural gas or artesian water you have the option of tak ing ten times as many shares asyou subscribe for. They will pay you back all the money received from you if they fail to drill a well as agreed upon. You are invited to thoroughly investigate their proposition. You have nothing to lose but every thing to gain. If you are a cap italist it is a safe investment. If you are a farmer or property holder it will pay you to invest as it will enhance the value of your place a hundred fold more than you invest if they should find cither oil, gas or water near your property. If you are a working man it will pay you to take shares as this will open up a vast and a new work for you. The merchants and business men should invest in shares in ord-.r to start this enterprise. Professional men, in (At all classes of people, should take a few shares in this vast and new enterprise and it will be a help to all in Grants Pass and Josephine county. If you cannot take 100 shares you can tak- 50 or ten shares. Remember every dollar will be returned to you if the com pany fails to drill a well as agreed upon. The stocks are non-assess able and fully paid up as they are used. The by-laws of the com pany do not allow a debt to ex ceed 1 per cent of the capital. Scott Griffin of Grants Pass, Ore- eon, is a stockholder, a director and the secretary of The Natural Gas. Oil & Miuiusr Co , who will take leases on lands and subscrip tion for stocks and will give any information regarding the comrany The closer you investigate the more you will help the company by taking stock and leasing your prop crty for the purpose of drilling one or more wells thereupon as you have uothing to lose but all to gain For further information call on SCOTT GRIFFIN, Secretary The Natural Gas, Oil & . Mining Company. nvestment Grants Pass, Ore A Full Assortment of Ws Furnishings.... WHITE AND COLORED, STIFF OR SOFT BOSOMS, LAUNDERED OR UNLAVNDERED, Shirt for all kinds of wear and at the right prices. . Reduced Prices on Clothing & Men's Shoes CLOSING OUT LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. WELCHS' CLOTHING STORE NEXT TO P.O. GRANTS PASS ooseeeoaeeoepsotooooootosc JR. R. E. SMITH, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Oilice, Room 2 over Post Office. Residence Kane House, oppo. (lie Western. filtANTS PASS. - - OI1ECION. )R. CLIVC MAJOR, (ienernl Practitioner of MkDICI.VK AND Sl'KOKRY. Gll'ice in Williams Mock A. C. HOUGH, ATTORN KY-AT-L AW, Piactitvs in all Stale ami Federal Courts Oftice over First National Rank. Ghauts Pass, - - Ohkoon. II. C. PERKINS, U. S. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR, bu ants Pass, Obkhon. QOSHOW & SHERIDAN, MINING ATTORNEYS, Special attention given to Milling and Land Laws, and Land OHice practice, RosKiirim. Ohkbon. Q.EORGE II. BINNS, ASSAYER, Olflcc opposite Hotel Josephine (iUAKTB l'.tBK. - - OlIKQON. THE New Bakery AT THE CORNER OK 4th & Front Is now opened and stocked with Fresh Pies, Cakes, Cook ies and Bread. Don't forget the place, opposite Chiles' Grocery More. Mrs. G. W. Pettit 1 Voet JIAUBLE AND GRANITE WORKS- J. 13. PADDOCK, Piioi b. I urn preirred tofiirniah anything in tbe line ol Cemetery work in any kind ..( MARBLE or GRANITE. Nearly lliirty rears o! experience in h:it I run lilt your orders in the very beet Can furnish work in Scotch, Swedit Mtirblo. Krorn Sironf Next to Green! Gur,lio. fiAAAAAAAAAAAAA N. E. McGREW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY , Furniture and Piano Moving. GRANTS PASS, OREGON The popular barber shop Get your tousorial work done at IRA TOMPKINS' I ; On Sixth Street Three chairs' Hath room in connection j ' ' G. 1). CUSIXO, ! WATCHMAKER. i'atrli and Clock repairing work guaranteed J Office with ilson it Itoper. Chants Pass, Ohe II II. BARTON, 4 WATCHMAKER and "JEWELER. Full aMrtmcnt of Watches, Clocks, Sil verwear and Jewelry. A i"d Assortment of Hrarelet anil Heart Ilanglcs, Clement' Drug Store. GLAUS SCHMIDT STAPLE GROCERIES i CANNED GOODS i FLOUR and FEED Sixth St., opp. Citt H all If Your House Needs Painting Our paint will be cheaper for yon now than it will be next year. Thin it not because tbe price is going to advance, but becauee it will take more paint, Ihe wood will become more absorbent and it will require more oil to fill the pores. Painting is really an economy. It is the greater economy if you buy the paint ol us our READY MIXED OUTDOOR AND INSIDE PAINT OF ALL KINDS. M. Clemens, PRESCRIPTION DRUdlilST ORANGE FRONT, OPP. OPERA HOUSE 'FIRST NATIONAL OF SOUTHERN OREGON. Capital Stock, - - $50,000. Heeeive deposits subject to check oron certificate payuble on demand. Sells sight drafts on New York, San Fran cisco, and Portland. Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the United States. Special Attention given to Collections and general business of our customers. Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, aud on all accessible points. J. D. FRY, President. J. T.TUFFS.Vico President. H. A. Booth, Cashier Willis Kramer MASI FACTL'KKU OP Myrtle Creek Extra Iamily Flour And Everything that goes with First' Class Milling. For (ale by Chiles, Waijic, Tikk and Dklematkr, Cornell. Call for it; same price as other brands the Marble business warrants my Baying manner. or American Granite or any kind c T. Ii. PADDOCK, AAA: J.M.CHILES I GROCERIES HARDWARE -J TA RLE WARE Fine liutter a Specialty FRONT and FOURTH STS. 3 SWEETLAND & CO. FRESH and SALT MEATSg-- ' 21 G. 0. FISHER Sewer Connections j Metal Hoofing Gas Fitting Thumbing ...Pipe work of all kinds... Hiils furni.-hed for all work. f.eeve orders with......... Cramer llros. Hardware Hail-Kiddle Hard are LOW TAX LEVY A REMEDY. Every Taxpayer Should Endeavor to The County Levy a Five Mill , Assessment. Have To The Editor: Josephine county's finances are in bad shape and yet it the taxpayers would take some interest iu public attain in a few months we illicit have the assurance in Josephine county that tbe tax levy for 1002, which ia based on tbe assessment of 1901, could be lowered from its present amount of 30 mills to not more than five mills. In other words every dollars worth of property on the present tax rolls could be raised six times over in value and yet tbo owner would not pay oue dollar more taxos. But it ia not necessary to raise the valuations six times. There is remedy which can be made to work which will do no injustice to any one and yet brim the lax levy down to live mills or thereabouts and then capital would flow into this county and the mine, the farm, the sawmill, the railroad Hid the business iu towns would all prosper, I refer to tbe method of taxation. A law was passed by the Oregon legis lature, at its last session, which allows the etatn to collect its quota of money from each county in a lump sum, inde pendent of local valuations. There is now no excuse for under valuations, and tbe law on assessments says all property (and I wish to call your attention to tbe law as saying "all property") shall be assessed at its true cash value, which ib held to mean what the property would bring at a voluntary sale in the usual course of business. One great trouble about the assess ment in Josephine county is th at "all" the property is no: assessed. There are five classes of property which should b prominent on tbe tux rolls of this couuty ; the mining interests, timber in terests, farming interests, railroad in terests. Heretofore the time lu'ler interests have been assessed ; but the first two not so. I have broachi'd the subject of assess ment of mining' locations, to some of the mine owuerB and tho first exclama tion tbvy make is: "You can't assess a mining location. " I say you can, and that it is the duty of tho assessor to do so, and that the mining interests of Josephine county would be greatly bene fited by doing so. To illustrate: Eleven years ago Mr. A. loc.Ued twenty acres of placer land, and in order to retain bis tille to that twenty acres be signs a certicate that he will each year add (100 in improvements to said land Tbe assessor is on oath required to assess that claim at least $100 the second year, $200 the third year, $303 the fourth year, and at this date that placer claim must have received $1000 worth of im provements, or else the title to the prop erty is imperfect. If improvements to the amount of $10,000 bud been added in tbe ten years, or $100,00.) in tho ten years the assussor should so assess tbe property hut now lees than $103 each year. What would be the result? The property book of the assessor (and one property book should be devoted entire ly to mine") would show exactly tbe assessed value of every mine in the county. If Mr. A. actually did $100 worth of assessment work each year, for ten years, he would be able anJ willing to pay a tax of 60 cents or $1 on each hundred dollaia ami if he has not added $100 in improvements to bis claim be has no title and tbe public should be made aware ol the fact and then some one elre can take the location and do something with it. A man who holds a mining location and does nothing with it is of no advantage to either himsolf or tbe peoplo of Josephine county. Men who stand ready to lake hold of mining property and develop it should be able to learn exactly what is the trim com uiercial value of tbe property they are buying and the tax rolls should be a guide. If a mine pays taxes at a fair valuation and the tax levy is low, it ia an advantage to a mine owner to have bis mine taxed as it ia a free advertise ment. Some of tbe large holders of mines say their mines aie not for sale, but there ia not a mine anywhere not for sale if somebody will pay enough. The laws of the United Mates did not intend that any man or men should in vest thousands of dollars iu mining loca lions and got all Ihe advantages of roads and bridges, schools, etc., and not pay th) ir pioKjrtiunal share of tho expenses Ihe main thing about assessments is that they shall be equal. It is almost impossible for an assessor to never make an error, but if Ibis county had prorty bxiks, such as are used by ansessors in the stale of Washington, ho could lay be'ore the taxpayer and the county bmnl ot equalization a comparative value oh every lot and acre and mine and stock of goods, etc., and Ihe tax payer and the public could then know not only that "all" the properly In the county was being tsxed but aUo that those taxes were "equal." An unequal assessment is more aggravating to the taxpayer than one too low, or even too high. I have in mind an example: A land owner told me he was as-essed for I.ViO and be would not sell bis land for less thin $:io(;0 and you would imagine be would,' satisfied with such a valuation but no, his neighbor, who had exactly tbe same amount of land, and bis Ke'ling price Is exactly the same, namely I3VXI, it, be said, assessed for only .'M but when mr friend asked the county court to raise bis neighbor to the same amount a-f himself tbe judge ioformed him that, while the board could lower esscstment it could not raise them (1 think the court was wrong) and so, although Ihif taxpayer was being assessed at one-seventh the selling value of his land, yet tie not satisfied becaute bis neighbor - was assessed at only about ooe-tentb of the selling value. If tlit people of Grants Pass would make up their minds that the tax levy in the county should be only five mill next year, instead of 30 mills as now, they could by using a proper system and taxing at fair values find $7,000,000 worth of property in Josephine county, aniin some cases the iower tax levy would actually lower the tax (or tax payers wbo are now taxed as high as eighty per cent of selling values and persona who are taxed on values nf one fifth tbe selling price could be raised to tbe selling price aud not pay one dollar more money in to the county treasury. Josephine county spends $40,000,000 year in round numbers, and the county officers fees amount to over $5000 which should be deducted so that with $7,000 000 of assessed property a five mill tax would bring us out even. If it were possible to find $10,000,000 worth of property in the county a five mill tax would bring in $50,000 a year and $15, 000 a year surplus would soon wipe out all tbe Indebtedness. We should spend $10,000, a year on roads and bridges We could soon save $3000 or interest by being out of debt. Our courts cost $2000 a year and miscellaneous expenses $5000 and stale- tax will be $7200. The state tax levy has 5.7 but with $10,000,- 0J0 of property $7200 would mean about 4 of a mill on Ihe dollar. Then the man owning a mine could borrow .money on his mine at its assessed value, and the farmers of bis farm at ita assessed value and the mer chant on his stock at its assessed value, and tbe real estate owner or bis real estate at its assessed value and the rate of interest would be low, and enter prises ot all kinds would flourish. Hour local organisation, the Mining & Commercial club, would interest itself and back up tho assessor to do his duty and assess at fair values all the property in the county, aud back up the county judge and clerk and assessor as an equalizing board, so that they would do their duty in equalu ng sssesimerfte, net because some interested individual came in nd made a "kick" but based on a system where the values of property could be easily compared it would result In renewed prosperity. There is ouly one data of prosperity that cannot be assessed and that is money, and it escapes everywhere and II the time but you catch it in the note and mortgage and by eliminating money from tho roll you lul the borrower get hia money at a less rate of interest. This county needs capital and there is much more argument in favor of not tuxing mining locations and timber lands. This county should have six property books: One containing every mine and value of Ita lands and Improve ments; another contains all railroad and timber lands comparative values; another containing afl real estate and mprovements outside of towns; another all lown lots in towns, and tbe improve ments; another with all personal prop erty in groups, with values aud owners names. An equalizing board could then act intelligently. From these property bioks the assessor could make up the tax roll and all Ihe .property ol th county could appearand there would be no omissions and no double assessments The assessor might earn under such i system, a lew hundred dollars morn each year than now, but the county would be a gainer ami .the commercial interests ol the county be served ai never before. I have written this article on the theory that the majority of the people want to do what is right and favor taxes being lair and equal. The assessor should bo provided with maps and proper books in which to entor all prop erty and should be hacked up by the people to use his own judgement in assessing according to the law as it is, and lint equalizing board will have but litllii trouble willi the valuations and tho tax roll w ill represent the wealth of the county aud Ihe tax levy be proper tionably loser and money for loaning to our people at a low ratu of interest be eatily obtained and Josephine county and all of Oregon would surge ahead. K. P Count irfei's ol Dj rVtit'a Witch Hassl Halve are liable lo cause blood poisoning. Leave them alone. The original bas the name DeWitt'a upon Ihe box and wrapper. It is a harm leys and healing salve for skin diseases. Unequalled for piles. Dr. W. F. Kremer. Lcland Slftingi. The health of the people In tbii vicinity is good, The little personals Wd will leave for the other writer Jim Tobler and his dogs are vetting along all right at I'lacer where they are living a quiet life. Cattle buyers have been coming in lo buy cattle but our butchers have bought all the surplus cuttle in this vicinity. We took a trip to the Ureenback mine recently and found tbe mine and mill running full blast. It ia a very lively place. We regret to state that Judge Crockett is not enjoying good health this spring but hops be will bo all right in a short time. D ear Munkera was seen on our streets this week. He is thinking of locating here. He comes from Coitige Grove .and likes this county better than Line, Since last writing we have had some March weather; a little snow Squall aud a little Oregon, mist. At present we are having nice spring weather. Gardening stopped (or a nil but as the son shines warm, work is resumed. The last few days nf rain gave the miners a good run. Thus who bad be gun to clean np commenced piping again. Tboy have bad better than an average season and that means a large amount of gold from this vicinity. Tti Columbia mine bo washed; off a large piece of ground and that meant big money. ANOTHER TRIUMPH. Wlreleae Telegraphy Betweee Beld am aa Eaclaa Mall llua.r Always la roach with th Laaa. Consul Roosevelt at Brussels re ports to the atate department that atation has been established at La ramie, llclplutn, (or the exchange ot wirelesa telegraphlo mesengea be tween Belgium and Eng-lawl. La Panne was selected on account of ita being the point of the Belgium lit toral nearest the English coast and a mast of the Marconi system 130 feet high was erected there. Th Dover- Oaten mail boat Princes Clementine was fitted up with temporary ap paratus for use in experimental trials. An additional mast was afllxed to the foremast of this vessel increasing It original height about SO feet. From that extremity th telegraphlo wavea are projected towards each coast. A special room haa been fitted up on the steamer for the instruments and from that room the cable ia carried to the top of the extended mast. It la confidently expected to maintain communication between ship and shore fur at least 30 miles, which ia about half way across. With stations at I-a-1'anne and Dover those on board the vessel will be abla to keep in touch with the land during the en tire trip across, llecent experiments showed that replies arrived with the same regularity and celerity aa or dinary telegrame. When about 40 milea from Ostendo the captain was able to telegraph the atation master at Osteude the probable hour of his arrival. Various telegrams war sent from th vessel to Ostend, Brussels, Dovsr and London, and the reception of each messugs waa acknowledged promptly. Subsequently, th eonaul adds, a message waa sent from the vessel to th station at Dovercourt, Essex, a distance of nearly WO tnllea, including- many milea of cliff and A BIO COMBIHATIOff. Elect. K Tehlele Coaapaar Bars V 4,000,000 Capital Stoek at It Larareet Oampctltae, The Eelectrle Vehicle company haa bought the entire $4,000, 1)00 capital stock of the Itikrr Motor Vehicle com' puny, Its largest competitor, and will probably Increase Its own preferred and common stock each by $1,000,000. Oeorge II. Day wns elected president of the Klectrlo Vehlole company, succeeding ltobert McA. Lloyd, who remains a director. r. C, Stevens, president of the Metropolitan Strset Hallway company, of th city of Washington, who haa bean th pres ident of the Hiker company, waa made a director of the Klectrlo Ve hicle company. John Jacob Astor re signed as a director of the Eloctric Vehicle company, his place on th hoard being filled by Geurg Chap man, his business representative. President Day is also Uir president of the Electric Storage Battery com pany, which has a monopoly of the buil neiis of supplying storage batter ies for the vehicles of th Vehicle enmpsny. As a result of th combina tion th two companies now practic ally own all the patents upon vehicles moved by electricity, the Vehicle com pany having a monopoly of th basic patents upon the running gear. A TIMELY HINT. Oaaaal at Blttaw lar Taal Haw la Ik Opaartaallr ta falroaaa a aie a laaa t"la la Berassr. On aocount of th acarclty of raw tlax In Germany pricea have advanced ten or twelve per cent, and a number of the mills have closed their doors. Koine of the operators are only work ing half time or full time with a few of their spindles, though all the mills could he working constantly If the raw malerlnl could be furnished in aunicient quantities and at a reason able price. Consul llersog, at Zltlaw, In a re port to the slat departmant, says that at the beginning of th new year KiiHflan flax will b In abundance and It the growers of ths United States could Msaibly put th Amer ican flax on the market within a short time, there would be a steady demand for their product. A conference will shortly be held at llreslau, Oernmny, and at Traute nau, Ilohrinls, between (jerninn and Austrian II ax spiunera and Helgian and Ilusalun dealers In rsw flux and the consul auys that tkis will lis a pleni, opK,r.unny to offer samples of American flax with a view to Intro duction of that commodity into Ger many. Aa 04 Tree. There I Iu Ibe utile town of Fort Lee, on th Hud. Hver. an English welnut tree in . n'd, which once every elf"' or ten J ears produces fruit quite fine aa any Imported from Eu rope. There Is no other fruit within a radius of too miles that bears. This ia a fruitful yar, and th nuts are ex ceptionally fine. Teroalo'e Cllr Hall. Twenty yeara ago Ihe city of Toron to, Ontario, began the erection of a city hall, which was to cost fHOu.ooC by the original estimate. The outlay on it to date haa been 11,141,000, and it I not yet finished. Vie I lea al ClreaeMtaaaa. One Knglish poet has written a son set on snother In which It Is said that he has "old world whiskers." Ilelng a post, ssys th I'hlesga Times-Ilersld, the poor chsp probsbly rsn't afford to get shaved. Great Cheasealas al Travel. Ten yesrs ago the cost of a trip from Central llueeia to Tiimsk, Blberla, waa (41 par capita ijo-dsy it U uaJj . TRY GBAIN-01 TRVGRAIN-0! Ask your (irocer to-day to show you a package of URAI.NO, tbe new food drink that take Ihe place of coffee. Tbe children may drink It without in jury aa well aa the adult. All wbo try U, Ilk it. CiKAIN O bas that rich seal brown ol Mocha or Java, bat it is made from pare grain, and the most delicate stomscb receive it without distress. the price ol colTue. 15c. and 25cts. per package. Bold by all grocers. no. mo House Fupnisliini The Souvenir Sale Still Goes Merrily On. That's Right When anybody wants to buy Housefurnishlngs they think of R. Thomas, mo Sixth St., next to Layton. That's Natural Because nearly everybody in this territory buys House Fur , nishings at Thomas' because he sells good goods at bottom prices. That's Sure Because he buys only the best to be had for the money and every article sold is guaranteed satisfactory. Tl.nts Good. MORE NEW WALL PAPER. 2000 Rolls just arrived. To see our prices is to purchase, because they possess that artistic effect and style that's so hard to get; pleasing prices too 6c, 7c, 10c, 1 jc, 15c, 16c up to 60c, 70c, New Goods This Week. Glazed Tile Paper for bath rooms, Egg Separators, Egg Tur ners, Knife ' Sharpeners, Sink Strainers, Water Filters, Pneumatic Churns 85c and $1.00, New Iron Beds, Portieres, Linoleums, Oar-', pets (the largest line ever shown here, 35c, 35c, 45c, 50c, 650 up to $1.40 per yard), Lace curtains some beauties, Window Shades, 25c, 15c, 40c, 50c no paper goods. ( MM I FURNITURE More new Suits, Chairs, Beds Tables, Chiflbuiers, Rockers. We are closing out a few Gloves, Sox, Etc., at 50 Per Cent Off. Furniture t'arpets Mattings I.ace('urtaius I'ot Mattreiaes Pillows Linoleums AMERICA REWARDS FIVI TARS atoeoBalaes th Herolem a Beillaa tailors Who Reeaaea Taaavea Crew. Th United State government, through th Liverpool consulate, haa eubstniitlnlly rewarded five seamen of the Dominion liner Commonwealth for their gallant services In rescuing the crew of the American schooner Leading llreere, which was wrecked In a hurricane off Portland, M., Octo ber IS. The Leading llreex waa bound from Itoaton, Mass., with a oargo of sail for Kastport, Me., and waa in a waterlogged and sinking eondition when sighted by th Com monwealth. Th ream wa effected with great difficulty In a heavy sea. Th sohoon r's crew was thoroughly exhausted nd the men lost everything they pos sessed. When they landed at Liver pool they were supplied with all they needed at the American consulate. Capt. Md'auley, who skillfully han dled the Commonwealth while th rescue wns being attempted, and lb second officer, Mathiaa, who waa In ommand of the boat's crew, will also be rewarded. FORTUNE HUNTER BALKED. Ceaala ai eloaat Caatellaa DeaaaJr f ettlaar A marleea Heleeae. Corole Ademar d Castellans, cousin to Comte llonl. who was honked to sail for Anu-ricu on ihr Kl. Psul, has decided to remain at I'urle. lie wns bent on marrying an American heircaa. "I may not go at all to th United etaUs," he eulil, "certainly not for sev eral months There hna been too much talk about my coikIii. "Frenchmen of standing will be alow in fui'.rc to marry American heiress. What I. tlic good of their bring heir esses If the "hole fnmily and a guard Ian to boot must be consulted before one ran touch a cent of one' wife's Dumry V "The International marriage market haa received a shock from which it will be alow to nvover." Flour iu Kluhange. Farmers, do not haul your wheat 20 to uO mile to exchange, Scott Oriflin will give yon as many pounds of flour for a bushel ol wheat as any mill ill give you. You will find Hcott Urlllln at hit Hay, Flour, Feed and Heed Hlore, Cor. (It la and I streets. Grants Pass, Ore. 1IIO SIXTH 8TREET ...Millinery... New Location : G Street bet. 4th and 5th. I will bo pleased to meet all my old ctiHtoiners and friends and all others who are interested in Up-to-Datc Millinery Styles at my new location in tho Williams bridle on G Btreet, four doors west of tho Palace , Hotel, with Mrs. Adams' Japaneso Hazaar, where thero will bo displayed all tho latest shapes in Spring Millinery, New Trimmings, Etc. ft)! 'X A Heady for Business Now. 8-etu st Wall Paper Crockery Uiasswar Lamps Tinware Oraniteware Wooiien ware Tool Mirrors He Fooled Ihe Bargean. All doctors told Reolck Hamilton, 0 West Jefferson, U., after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, be would die unless a costly operation waa per formed; bat ha cured himself with Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best In th World. Surest Pile cure on Earth, t6e bos at Dr. Kreiner'i Drag 6tore, in tne course of a cross-country drag hunt on Long Island Mr. James L. Kernoohan, of New York, was thrown from her saddle after taking; a double jump. Her foot caught in the stirrup ami aha waa dragged a short distance, but ah (topped th horse, remounted and regained two milea on the leaders, having- to take tea Jumpa over rail fences on th way. The cotton crop of the country amounted to only 1,000,000 pounds In 1793, Last year it was about ,M0, 000,000 pounds, representing thre fourth of the entire crop of the world and valued at 1310,000,000. It filled 0,500,000 bales, and th loss by waste incidental to the process of taking- sample was not less than $7, 000,000. Inquiries havs barn received from the llrillah government coccerolnf the method of taking; the AmericaA Vnsus, because It ha never been able) to aecure eueh ooinprehanaivs data, or even as complete a count of popula tion, in ten year of continuous work a th American system has secured In 12 months. Probably at no time since Um tVU war have there been so few regular soldiers stationed in Mi United Stat a there are tn-day. Of the 100,000 officers snd men constituting- our present army ail but about 17,000 aro serving abroad, mostly in ths PbUlg. For Hale I Foil 8ai.i Twenty Ave acres ons and one ball milea east of Grants Pass on Kogue river, partly cleared, small or chard, piice $200 half cash, also filty onr acres of what is known si ths Uydi place, price 1500, half cash. For addi tional information address, Cuxht. Bros, La Grande, Oregon Bertha B. Barrio.