Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 14, 1901, Image 2

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    m its -we
One Year, in rdvance, - 1-!S
Sir Months.
Three Months, ... .
(Single Copies, - - - .Co
Entered at the post ollice at Grants l'"s,
Oregon, as second-class mail matter.
Thursday, March 14, 1901.
Count Leo Tolstoi, tho famous Rua
iaa novelist and social reformer, lias
been formally excommunicated from
the Greek-church on account of bit
writings which were deemed heretical
and dangerous to orthodoxy.
At the present time there is a con
siderable influx of immigrants and
borneseekeri to Portland from Eastern
points. About 50 arrived on Saturday
and hundreds more aie expected to
follow, (irants Fibs should take some
measures lo present to these people
the advantages of this section. The
absence of suitable literature for dis
tribution la a serious handicap when
we wish to impress outsiders with the
excellence of our resource! and ad
vantages and it is a deficiency which
should be rcmodied.
Chicago and the neighboring country
was visited on March 10 by on of the
most severe wind storms of Die season.
Thousands of telegraph, telephone and
electric light poles were blown down and
property was damaged in the city lo the
extent of $175,000. In reading accounts
of such occurrences in other places, our
Own climatic advantages are brought
more forcible lo our minds. We are
very prone to forget our many blessings
in that regurd and to exclaim volubly
in denunciation of the weataer when
ever it is damp underfoot and overhead
or when we shiver in the March b'ottv,
A few experiences of the sort lo which
oilier people are subjected might make
ns think twice before we grumble at
Great Britain's reply to the amended
ilay-l'auncefoU) canal treaty has been
received in Washington and, while its
contents are not yet made public, it Is
understood that it is a dignified but
complete rejection and leaves the United
States the responsibility for any further
action In the matter. This respon
sibility should be cheerfully accepted by
the United Btates and the canal con
structed without asking any Kuropean
nation's consent. )y somoones blunder
we were placed in such position that
we were under moral obligation to
onsult with (ireat Britain regarding
the matter. Wa have consulted, but
we are under no material obligation to
subject ourselves to her ideas. No great
calamity is likely to follow aven if we
were to go a little contrary to her
Hugo Itcmi.
Mr. Mastin, who has been quite ill is
The H, I'. I). A L. mill ir almost com
pleted and we all anticipate new houses
at Hugo loon,
A California fruit car, studied to the
north bound 8. I, freight, Hunday after
noon, concliidtid to sldotrsck, its self at
Hugo Heights and plant some potatoes,
and caused quite an excitement and
plenty of trouble and work, for the
wrecking train and men, and caused a
short delay lo other freights and to the
evening express.
The weather Is dreadful, rain and si 0 v
and mud. We hopo it will be fair next
Saturday the Mill, for our entertain
ment. We winli lo say that we hae
changed our admission fee loll) cents
and will rallta the baskets, endeavoring
to please all. Kvory body invited and
ladleaarn requested lo bring baskets.
Our school election was held March 4.
Two new trustees elected. Mr. l.enard
Strung and Mr. Charley riexton. Min
Lula Martin has been engaged to teach
three months and perhaps lunger. Mr.
Crockett was elected clerk. We wish
them all success in their respective
Our literary society is a success in
every respect, and all are doing what
they can towards the program, and
giving careful slimy lo the question.
On (Saturday, March 23, I lie question is
"Unsolved that the United States should
retain the l'liilippinus." We would lie
mure than pleased to have our neighbor
ing towns, participato in our debate aud
program. M. li. II.
" wroto Or Pterva fgnaa'd
Ing my oma, mnd recavex
m prompt repJy, im."
1 endurad nearly
I foor years of suiTer-
I tun." writes Mrs.
. L. Myers,
'ctueti ortucitaaliv
I (ruin imrvupar uied
leal allatnrkui after
I the birth of a child,
ad female weak
ness, resulting in a
onmpUcartwu of dis
eases. Had a terri
ble cough and an
inoMeam pain and
wwmuwmt 111 mugs.
Was reduced In flesh from rti ponrxls to
about im pounds in eighteen months. I
n nppruie, ami nacame so we
and nervuus 1 could scarcely (ft up. f
doctored with our home phviiti (or
two years wtth no benefit, I was tinulty
lndiu-u! In trtf TV
fierce' medicine.
I wrote to boctut
Pierce regurdlug
my case, aud re
ceived a prompt
reply, free, ad ris
ing th proper
mediciuas fur my
Case. After taking
four bottWs of Ih,
Pierce's Favorite
rVasarntttlnn n A
four of his 'Golden Medical IHsrovrrv,'
three donee each dav, alao taking one Kit
tle of Isr.-Pierce's Compound F.itract of
Smart-Weed and some of his ' Pellets. 1 I
ceased coughing, and am awr tmmytnf
ifienJiJ htiilth and k.m ii(W WrY
fiiKundt in tvrixkl. I atln feel like
my former self, thanks to rr. Here and
his great medicines."
iu umnen arr mnW to ammll V.
Serct v Utter FkKE. All nyrrrxm,l.
met iacrrdly nmhdrntial and all nvm
only (omfiJtncri uard,d ty slmi prafn privac, Addrtu l)r. Ji.' V.
tier, Sujait,, aV. y.
r'or Rale.
(General merchandise store and stock
In Josephine ennntv for sale; stork In
voice, WW to INK) ; building, 400. Pos
session glvvu July 1, llHM. luqulreat
liia office.
m eh
Don't Send Away
For Them
Julia Marlowe Shoes-for Ladies
If you see them you will want them.
W. E. DEAN, & CO.. Propr.
Front St. opposite Depot,
A resolution was Introduced in the
Kansas state convention of Modern
Woodmen, held at Wichita, Wednesday,
13th Inst ; cordially endorsing Mrs. Car
rie Nation's efforts lo "smash" the
joints. The resolution, after an exciting
debate, was declared out of order by the
chairman. The Woodmen society dot
not admit to membership any person
engaged in the liquor traffic, either in
thecapicity of proprietor, stockholder,
agent, or servant.
fiprliiK Has Conio,
And the era of house cleaning will
soon be at hand. Don't wait till the
minute you want painting done before
seeing a painter, but leave orders with
Win. lioog, cilice opposite Dr. Van
Dyke's residence.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
Ily local applications as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by 'constitutional remedies.
Deafness Is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the Kustachian Tube. When
this tube is Inflamed you have a rum
bling sound or Imperfect hearing, and
when it is entirely closed, Deafness is
the result, and unless Ilia inflamma'.ion
can be taken out and the lube restored
tolls normal condition, hearing will
be destroyed forever; nine cases out of
ten are caused by Catarrh, which is
nuthing but an inflamed condition of the
mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Dealness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure, Hand for circulars, free.
K. J. Ciiknky A Co., Toledo, ().
Hold by all Druggists, Trie,
Hall's Family Tills are the best.
During the Past Week
We Have Received
Silk Waists
Conio in nnd nro what wo
Sattcen Waists
Mercerized Sattoi'ii, looks liko silk. In nil tho laloHt
fthutU'H at $-'.r0.
Dress Skirts
Wo tiro uliowin an ii-to-(latt lino of Skirts at !f !,"(
to $10.00.
Dress Trimmings.....
rioatcil Chillon, Silk Allovors, Iaicos, Insertions, Tuck
ins and liruids in all t lit latest dosijins.
Spring and Summer Dress Goods....
Wo haw a romloti lino in nil tho latest styles,
Wo invito you to eonio
trouMo to show goods.
Lvvvrs Wkn Uaarrvlvd ana Separated
la 1N4U Har.1,4 la UI4
Slity years sgo KisWr W (Iriswnld.
Uii-n IS mm of mm , i hmI U'
nmrry n , i t. Maul, n Uu.nn. i,K,-, -;:
"h "f whi-.n rr',;.,! In .-i,'-. N V
A !oi !' II I ,'t I. .;i..,H ,! -Ill v i,
On-,..: w, . t t.. i, i , i , , ,.,.,(
mio.i.i u.t.:,- wcnlili i, a no, L n un
M:il 1. 1 la in ,1 r mi Klitlliii- v ;t vti , i., ,1 to
Julni Ulniniin and after ln death
at i -ui'n'i il c ,inv jinn to tupHrt her
self .Mill ftill.l,y Aiiriivt CrUwoliI returned to
Naples to ...ind the rriniiiiidrr of Ids
life. There lie no I Mi, Into, an, a
woman of m. mid .,Ki Saturday they
were man in! nt the heme of F. A.
iloualian, in Koel-, ,ir, N Y.
lavaMll.tM itf mm ttinettluus Karl.
The eurl of Wrinik, m ,l March ha
IlKeulnl a ii, in. it nhie-h hn.,,,
adoiteil In the ur ..111. e. nml which
cm l.e lird a, a npidr, ..ek,ik or .
an. I iiImi n a Lull, i sliirld The
ii..irniii,iu, ,.1V the Hritiah
Weekly, will become art of every aol.
iirr's kit.
Hiis question arises in the (aniilv
every day, A,t us answer it to-dnv.
IrvJelKI, a delicious and healthful
dessert. 1'iehare.l in tan ininiiln. No
boding! no baking! simply s.l.l liln.g
water sn.l set to cool. Flavors,.
on, Urange, Kaslwrrv and StraaU-rrv.
a ra. aaue at your giocerstodfT
How m Rallwar Knarlneer Gained a
nepalatloa fur llraverjr la aw
baa? Way.
Aa a rule railroad engineers are a
clnsa of people who realize the respon
sibility attached to their position, and
are known as good fellows the world
over, snys the Denver Times. It would
oe unfair to say they are vain as a
Hints, and yet It would not be unfair
to any that occasionally one is found
who would not care If he could be
come the hero of one of those stories
you re-id In the pupers. The otherday
a Sunta Fe fireman became reminis
cent and was telling the curious sto
ries of the ways of these heroes of the
"I am JiiKt going to tell you of one,"
he snld, "and show you how they some
times work up reputations foi bravery.
The one I speak of was particularly
vain, and had charge of a fast train
on the Iliirlinglon when I (irst knew
him. Thi-Dii"h cusiern Colorado there
n re niiinv muill Iiihiih where no stop
i mud-', aud Juki before wc would
roach them he would jcrl the old
throttle wide open and go through the
lit tie lung at the rate of 115 or 70 miles
an hour.
"lint this was not nil, for old Dick
was a smooth one. Before he rem-hed
the point lo open 'cr up and let 'ersuil
he would pick up a nickel rigii r stump,
light H and lean out of the window,
ninoLing as coollv ns you plenae, w hile
the liili.-iltiiiinla of the little town were
net mill) nwc-etrlekr n."
"Did he get n reputation out of it?"
wns linked.
"Well. I should say he did. When It
was known that on some certain day
the train was In Mop I lie Inhabitants
of the lin e won.! always turn out to
look foi- their flying hero."
Full line of Cigars and Tobacco at
New Novelties hIiow you fur $;l..r0 and
and see what we have. No
Mistake la Ih. ( anal l.ada ta Hsaarl
Thai lavealur Had B..a,.d I'laM
la Hall .. r,at.
Aecordlnir to t'haii.eUr Henry M
MacCTackcn, of Jie New York niiier
ally, an error a made by the count committer In the enm.iM. of v. lea
jeeut in hj the pal Kail of lain,
el.ctors by which yt lot. a were cr, ,1 to K!ia Howe instead of 47 lie
jlniatakr arose through counting I?
chief jiibticca a, kii.ortn.e him, wl en
jlhe correct uuniln-r a II. Kn .n.n
jtlu-refore, to re.-e;e 51 otca. t!.e
(name of Khaa Hon.. Is not ini .u.'i .1
inuoliK tluMie to be iutcrlln-d ttu i r
l'hia rediicea the roll of iiam.-a to ."'J.
and leaves M vacun pnnela to ho
- rilled two yeara hence. Theaaarlicial
'count will he pulilivhrd in a trvt
hverka in the look of the Hall of
I to atay.
The prior of eoal took the elevator
when it went up, but, sa)s the Chi
cago KoiMrd, it will leimirele walk
down the ataira coiulcff t.ack.
DitiolutuMi Nolics.
Notice i lietrby given, that the llrui
hitherto known aa T. A. Hood A IV,
by mutual consent, have diaihdved
ptrlnerah p, W. A. 1'addock retaining
the hitfine-a and aiaumea all accounts
I duo to the alke lb in and all obligations
I of no, I firm. W, A I'iiukk k,
I I A. lioon.
i Oalee January 111, P.Hll,
I tiranta I'oss, tire.
Quick dellvery-Tbe Wsckly Orsn!aa,
flMning Hotca.
. 1
A. II. Lewis ol I'lacer, formerly coi -necled
aith the Victor, Jr., came in on
Wednesday last to remain for an indeti-1
nite period. '
(). W. Ilerren, a m'ne-owner of east
ern Washington. I as b i-n developinK
quartz properties on Luure en e' during
the past month.
J. I. Wiggins of the Fortune Mining'
company operating in this county. i
uihking a visit at St I'aul in th'interuti
of the company's prorties I
il. W. Hurlbert of Portland and
Angus McQueen of .Montana were here
this week and examined mining prot cr-.
tier in the Waldo district. '
A. B. Croasman, postmaater of Port
land, came in Thursday from Williams
where he has been looking alter mining
interests, and left for Portland on the
same evening.
A. H. Stevens, ieproenting the
the Victory Gold Mining Co , ofTacome,
has bonded the mining properly or
T.J, Owens and Miles W. Carter on
Jump-off-Joe, for tliGOJ.
B. K. Meredith came in last Wednes
day from the Wilson-Meredith hydraulic
placer on the Illinois, for the MrBt time
in two months. The monitors at .his i
mine are running steadily and the
quality of ground they are working is
gratifying In the extreme.
John K. Harvey, of Ihn Old Channel
Mining Co., has been spending a few
days In town this week; His company's
placer operations are extensive In this
county. The mine at (lalico, formi r'y
the A. h B. is being worked on a larger
scale than ever before and its produc
live quality Is well known. The mine
on Six Mile creek is experiencing a very
"iiccestful seas-on and has had a long
and steady run.
W. O. Wright, our able assayer and
ore teatifr, returned last week from a
tur from Kmpire City to F.uieka, Calif.
His trip was for tho purpose of buv-
ing platinum for llaker A Son, platinum
refiners, New York. Platinum is found
In more or less quantity in the w ash of
this portion of the const. It la observed
that platinum is found mostly where
the serpentine formation predominates,
it is found in small quantities in nmnv
of the p'accrs of tills county and occur.
in small whitish looking grains.
The hydraulic placer of A. B. t'ontin
at tialicc has during the absence of the
owner at l'oilland been operated by
Terrell, Matliewsuud the Kiser brothers.
The mine lias made a most satisfactory
show ing this winter and quite an area of
ground has been worked. The ground
lies well above the creek, a feature
which makes it feasihlo to work the
ground for a considerable distance back.
The bcdiock is very uneven and full of
depressions, some of the ground being
l.j feet or m iru in depth while at other
places the bedrock riles nearly lo the
surfaces. The gold on this part of the
creek 1b very heavy, but dues not run to
large nuggets, seldom above in value
and the prevailing size is that of wheat
grains. Thu"pny" ia distributed very
evenly throughout the ground, and ifl
ainnle and eitaiu.
llulli t alilni-ls.
If you wish to bleak up that bad
cold or I. il tirippe, get one of tho.-o Five
Dollar llalh Cal.innts Iroin,
Juski ll Muss,
Invade th Somber Place and I
Brings About a Wedding,
Fair Asnsrleaa Olrl HeoAmvs the Wlr '
of Iks Hrotasr of Her leauol
llrl llinm-A rrillf Flu.
The marriage of Morris engrave '
Ialy, of Cork, Ireland, to Miss Marie!
M, Doyle, of No. SSMT Clifton uvenue, j
St. bonis, was the epilogue of an old j
world's romance, begun in a Paria
convent two years ago.
Miss Daly, a sister of the groom,'
wns the chum of the American girl (
in the hih-walled convent in the en
virons of the French capital. With
the nWl of this "sister chum" the little'
god, Froa. scaled the convent walla
and started the chain of circum
stances thnt brought the toon" Irish-,
man serosa the sen to claim his I. ride.
Miss D.-yte had irrnduatc.l from the
Sacred Heart in St. bonis In fore go-J
lug abroad to Hnih her ci'.ue.-ition. i
bike accomplishment and a ei nimon1
lanfunice brought the two girls to-j
get her. Soon they bigan "cliuin-init-g."
Ft each schoolgirls hold their
elnilr-. iteanr than sisteia. T he St, -l.ouis
c'rl and the C.-rk In-s were not
ev.-ej'ti.iua The! stuuicd t.iiethcr
and t. 'd nil their secrets !
' oil should see my brother Mor
ris," vies t;vs Dalv's iiijuiu-t ion when
ever the Vmirieiin spoke of suitors
aeros the sen ,
M... P.y'e grew a bit curious to
see tips wonderful brother whose
praise rang in ncr ears. Across the
l-'nglish channel the yoi;i;if Ii'.vhuiau
lull ns uli;,'r to see hi. i'.r'i cliulll,
for li-s Duly 's h tiers t..l.l of thu
goodness and beauty of the western
K"! '
last M ireh on her wny to America
Mi- D.vle to-ci inp.iuieil her chum
hi - e I here i.unu Dalv met the t had heard so lunch about.
'1 hr int'ii-xt started in the cloister
di.l cot !hc; ,1 .it ir.i; t hr v Ml
M as l.-le traieled and saw tho
pi, t nrea.juc sights in the emerald isle,
Mr D.ilv saw that life without the
l.'iiiir nieric.-in g:rl would be bleak"
sn.l bare. i
Wh.-n M D.ivle returned home ia
.lull, Mr. Daly decided he would soon
cro.-is U e aes the olher day he
rr:u tied St. louis The buna were
pt!!ished In Si .lames' church, Clif
t'Mi iie'ghta. The wedding iieeulTed
nt the I hurch of the Visitation at
l'.-st-oi and Tailor avenues. The
ni-wriage w.ts celebrated quietly.
There were no niiendai.ia. !
Mr and Mrs Dalv will travel a
month in Ainerua Tti v wi!J live in
Cork, where Mr IVv has a lurge
business. He is a member of an an
cient Irish amitv. 1
lake Oliver Twist, children ask for
more when given On Minute Cough
Cure. Mothers endura it highly fo
croup. It quickly cures all coughs and
colds and every throat anil lung trouble.
Il is a s;ecilli- for gritq and astlima
and has long hcvn a well known remedy
for whooping cough. Dr. W. F. 1
tary of si TracaaJr la Whloh Twa
lea Were Killed aad al !
One nlffht, eaya the author of a
curiously interesting rticle in frank
rslie'a Popular Moi (hly. things came
to a climux. Marshal Mclnness
at Sitka; hia substitute, liowan, was
sitting- in an all-night lunch room,
when a man with blood running down
hib face stntfgered in the place, lie
shouted for tome one to give him a
"gun," and K.jwan, viho wa a square
man, explaining that he was acting
marahal, asked hiiu what his trouble
was. The wounded man Excitedly
told hia story. He had been rubbed
of hia money, and had been beaten
on the head when he had protested
to the bartender of the Theater
Kovul, where the robbery had oc
curred. Finally be had left, prom
ising, however, to get a gun and
square accounts. "Come with me, and
I will investigate thia matter," said
Itowan, and he helped the man along,
for he wax quite feeble from the lose
of blood. When they got to the the
ater the wounded man, opened the
door, nt the same time making a
Krmhta-nce of drawing a pisUrl from
his "gun-pocket." Fay, the bartender,
had been expecting him. Quick aa a
flash he pulled his gun and Cred,
dropping the poor fellow dead in his
tracks. Kowan, his re-olver in his
fist, pushed hia way into the room,
only to be shot down by the desper
ate IfHi-trnder, who afterwards disai
peuird. A who was employed by
the citizen to net aa fireman hap
pened to be passing at the time. He
was Intoxirtt-ted, and In his excite
ment emptied his revolver at random.
One of the bullets struck the propri
etor of the Nugget saloon, who was
eating at a lunch counter on the side
walk, and crippled him. Marshal
Kowun atnggered to hia feet, man
aged to crawl to Pr. Moore'a otflce
nrotiud the corner, and then dropped
dead. Oddly enough, the doctor had
recently returned from Rowan's
home, where the first baby had just
been born in Bkaguay.
Maaolialsn aad Sla Uiai Ia
raasad Over a Hnadrsd Pes
Cnl. Darluaj Paal Tsar.
The year in automobiles hss been a
good one, but even with its increase of
about ino per cent, in the manufacture,
the business was not entirely gratify
ing to manufacturers.. At the outset
the makers looked for tremendous
sales, but with the unsettled condi
tion in business, generally due to de
clining values, many purchasers held
back. Prices of autos, however, were
well held throughout the year, and Tn
some instances advanced. The auto
mobile is not a novelty, allowing a
wide margin of profit to the maker,
aa 4t is essential that all parts of the
machinery included in its construction
be of equal merit, which prevents in
ferior productions and keeps prices
The demand for pleasure vehicles
represented only about 21 per cent, of
the total increase In Die output dur
ing Uis yiar, which indicates their
growing popularity. The striking
growth was in the output of delivery
nnd truck autns. One of the features
that developed during the year was the
formation of several bus and truck
companies for the purposj of hand
ling country passengers and farm
prohiel. lo and from towns. It has
developed that this business iz a suc
cess, and will eventually expand to
vast proportions. The export' demand,
has also grown mnt riaKy, und the
American make of every desrription is
going to all parts of the world, rvin
to France, where they originated.
th Wrll-Kaowa lloualer Past
alas a Wialiiu lor tae
It has been noticed thnt at nil the
entertainments given by James Whit
comb liilcy there is always a violin
d i the programme. There is
never an exception to the role. His
manager says the custom is followed
on i of deference to Uilcy, although
it ia not known that he ever re
quested such n favor. There is n
story back of that. It appears that
Itiley's ninldtioii early in life wan to
be a violinist, lie ia quoted as say
ing that an accident spoiled a mighty
line fiddler lo make a second-rate
poet, but then people may not agree
with him on that, score. When he
was a young man he exercised a fiddle
a good deal. It is said that when he
began uirct icing out on tho front
porch the neighbors went in nnd
closed the doors and windows, no
matter how hot It might be. hut that
may be a slander. At any rate, liilcy
wanted to be a violinist, aud was
getting greatly wrapped up In his
studies when he met with an accident
that caused the los of his left
thumb. This made it Impossible for
him to pursue his violin ju-ni tiec, nnd
the songs thnt were strucgling for
lit i. ranee through the medium of the
violin found escape through verse,
und the world is better off on account
of his Kiley's malingers
know- of h's w.aknesa for the fiddle,
and that t . reason there is al
ways a violin . i!o in the enterUiln
nient prei:rn;
N.w CitniiielllHr W heal Trade
The far noiiiiwest hna -ntered into
competiti. u with the Mississippi valley
for the wheat trade of the w.-rid. A
Itrilish st. -a nice hna loin',.' -vl at at
Tacoma for Liverpool via tv Stiea
fanal. The Cape Horn re-.te is short- 1
cr, but is Uss tiesirsble loeause of the 1
cost of nnd difficulty in procuring i-oal.
....Poultry Yards....
I'.rce ler of Prij Winneri and High
Scot ng
llarreil l'l)iuouili ll.n-ka,
H t'. Itrown l.eghorita,
llrotisei Turkey,., I
Hi-utctl Collie Dogs j
Tiie lug'ieit scoring l' l-umih K c'i
and llrown I. -.-b rtt Co-M 1:1 t li- Si i e ; '
at K iseh.irj Sho v one lit und U.i I on !
riyuiouth U.H-k l'o.k; l.ei,,on- 1st j
and 2iiJ. C vk,r,.a, ,i . a id J d
Kut.s :
t rVitlnti l no, 'J Helling. 2 .V)
Mlsaloaarr Tkva Deride That He
Will Go Hark Is lbs W ilds
f Alaska.
Like oce risen from the dead. James
Chapnin made bis appearance in Ak
ron. ()., the other day, alive and well,
aiul w ith a purie well filled w ith Klon
dike gold. Kighteen yeors ago Chap
man left Akron. His home life had
not been particularly happy, and he re
solved lo go to AUska as a miisionary
among the Indians. His wife consent
ed and agned to care for the children.
Time passed and the husband did not
return, lie had written recu!-urly for
some time, but finally his letter w holly
ceased and his wife concluded he was
dead. Two years ago she was married
to Charles K. Ives.
In the meantime Chapman had
worked among the Indians, prospect
ing for guld-when be had opportunity.
Three years ago he joined the rush to
the rich new fitids of the frozen north
and cleared up several thousand d-ol-Ian,
He planned to come to Akron and
resume his domestic relations and with
bis wea It H assist in forgetting the past.
On his arrival Chapman lt-arned of
his wife's second marriage from her
own lips. Almost without a word he
left the house, ar.d after a visit in the
country with frier.ds will return, to
ladlan Snake Jnc;a!ere.
Capt. It. II. Kllitt. who lias been for
some time crinductitjif n-M a'-e: into
the nature und ncti-.u t.f - ' :n
in Ir.d'a. I.a.- arrivtd a! :h. f !:.-v.i
conclusions: Firsi. :le u c;i of
S.uth India are ct-rt-tirly ign .ra:.t cf
anv ni'-th-.d of pvo:! i'.-f i '. -,h:in-selrcs
n Lightly deii ..-pit; coioii::--:, of
immiiuin; second, snue few ihe.n
appear to prnetir:- tin- m ail.iw It of
venom i-r the iuunciion of into
their limbs, hut it is doubifci if they
thus obtain some dt y;-ee ef i:i:i, ioniza
tion; third, they confine themselves nl
inost exclusively to the cobra and es
cape harm by their intimate knowledge
of the methods of handling this snake.
New Kiihere of t scfulness.
The best sutures for sewing up
wounds ore now obtained from the
tails of rats. Later on it may be dis
covered, says the Chicago Times-Herald,
that evi n the lied bug was created
for some useful purp-jse.
Wooil-ttuwlnu; ! y Girls.
A wood-sawing contest by girls wi!l
he held in Trenton, X. J., for the bene
fit of a church.
Narrow Folks
And f hort-sigbled dealers don't
like to be criticised. We do, if
there is the least shallow of pre
text for it. liy listening for years
for the faintest nolej of d sccn
tcnt, we've learned to give peo
ple what I Ley w ant, need, or
This is a modern Drug Store.
If there is ever apparent cause
for dissatisfaction tell it. You
wi'l find us tailing your pirt.
Slover Drug Co.
' AI'orilKCARlKS,
Front sr., Opposite Ilerior.
The Klnic of lleninm k Tried Ills Hand
at It, Hut Mel Milk Jll la
fuel ii n e.
The king of Denmark lubes nn ac
tive interest in the welfare of even
the hi: oldest of li..-, subjects. '1 he
man L i is now- tl,? "h-n.-o fat-mcr"
to his majesty had h; . .i I,:!..w u by
him fn.ui li s e:;; y i u 1; i I a d was
;!'.(' sc:i of one o: li.e kill.; s wea.lhiost
far;. it is. A fi vv . ;u s ii:i:. i n ys a Lon
don paper, he Ml desperately in love
with n pretty milkmaid who w.-.s in
the employ of his parer'a .',
the coiit-sa of true love ...d not run
smoi,::., for the father was extrep.iely
nnnovid and hutt.iliatrd win:: Ik
hcai.l or this little ai'Yair and unicr. d
his i.llV ring to pivi- up ;.!,a of
ever becoming wedded to a girl l-c-loiiiring
to the servant ciai-s. Nothing, the yiutnif fi-.h-w win I
straight to the kin,' and entreated
him to intern rie for him nt-.d for his
fair in iiiioratu. The good l.l-ig. m-:c h
loueh -,! by the ev.d.-nt di-ln-s of
the 1.: I, did as he was ,kcd. ii:ul, of
coiir-e. there remaimd t: tling f r
the irate father to do but t yield
with n good a grace as he could
muster. As soon as the iv; Vi;; hail
been c lebrated Kin? Christ 'a- gave
the v im:,' man th .-1, n . ' (. v ,,,.e
farm ai I showed i , ,-ai I. r ,ii i -s
gen. i
fort in
v to tl,e
1. l oo,
y ano: li
heel' ' .- I ii '
v e li; I . I'll
e". t'!- I ,-,e match,
tr:;r 1 nut badly,
-ore :-n ! i-iore fre-
l.l IIWlll.1 u' toO
-t tint i ; ir! from
wife I ;; ! few of
.'li til
hit-, n' ' t
her p . ,: 1
the t; .; . -..',,-h h,
ii d have
m to for
l:h. .! ; - .i
!, . .
feet i n of !: :
ilavs n;-. i t1-.-aii-1
1 1-v . ' . i for th, '
a w
. '! the of
n'ly. a few
t'-e farmer
c a t ng.
litM-clf in
a itionietit of li. ; ii. di r.-itragenieiit,
and the kin-,- is .'..-plv eni.d and
ninch ,,-sfd o- this c:l 'ist r.' he.
which he f- els t , have been brought
about by his interference with a nnre-
ly family mntter.
fa- th New Ers F. of
The Kmpormm hcoaomlst
v turn ia Press.
Our Lire, profusely il
lustrat ed Spring and Sum
mer Cdtsi!o-ue. describing
the new fashions, and
civin - lowest Department
Store prices for every
thing to eat, drink, wear
or use.
N' a. acraa tbr apca l.uuo elrks.
Everything in
flarden Kakei
(ilots Ktnrch
Stove Polish
C A 8 Axle Uieaee. 2 cans.
Ribbons and Spikes
Lace and Embroideries
....TndieH Gnrden f-oK....
A big stock of goods in this week at
Smith's New York Racket Store.
Don't Endanger Your Life
By riding a tin frame Bicycle. Ride a
Kacyclc, Stearns, Crescent, Crawford, B. & II.
Special, or Spaulding
And you will be in the lead from start to finish. These wheels
weigh flora 22 to 26 pounds, aud are constructed of the best material
obtainable. We sold over too Crescents last year and but one frame
proved defective. The Racycle is warranted for one year. The
Stearns will be made by the Crescent people, and will be the same
fine piece of mechanism as usual. The Crawford aud B & H Spec
ial will be greatly improved and are perfect beauties. The Spaul
ding is a new one in this place but is one of the leading wheels in
the East, and Is fully warranted.
I sell for cash or on installments, and take old wheels in part
payment, I equip any of the above wheels with any make of
Tires, Handle Bars, Saddles or pedals, with or without Coaster
Brakes or Cushion Frames.
Ilsndle Ham.
. 75 to f3 00
. 1 50 to 2 50
. 1 00 to 3 10
. 60 to 3 Oil
. 2 50 to 0 0J
Second hand Bicycles all makes, all prices. One second-hand
letter copying press, good as new cost $12 yours for $5. One
new Star Lathe with all the latest improvements, chuck and tools
complete, 1 1 inch Swing, 6 feet 6 inches between centers, a bargain
for the cash.
First-class repairing at reasonable prices.
XsSrYour Money's Worth or your Money Back.
I hnve a luru'e stock of the lending strains
of "Belgian Hares.'1 a line lot of youngsters
for sale lit very re:i.uiablo jirioes Write me
whut you wunt, or emne and see them
1 luivea line lot of "Hhu-k Miuorea chick
ens," it would do you goo,! to see them
This breed TOinhincs the laying iiiulilics of
the 11011 senini; class and tin- si.e of the
larger birds. $1.50 for Fifteen Kggs.
I 11111 also making :i specialty of small
fruits, nnd have tested 11 great many new
kinds, iroiiigatiiiLr only those that irovc to
lie adapted to this section, and have some
line plants for sale of the following varieties,
l irst and best ol' all is the "New Hybrid
I'litnoiiicnal" enaw between Illackberry und
Kasplicrrv. Much belter than the nc- l.o
gnu berry that is being so higlilr praised
plants, '.'.'.c each, six for fcl.ifl.
t'utlilicrt Louden Ktireka Iliai-k Cap
Itliii-klicrry, 5c eiu-h, fill,- per dozen.
Kaspbemcs 5c each, "()o per dozen.
Karly Harvest, l.awton I'hilds Tree
(Limited amount,) UK- each, 3 for 25 rents.
Heiiliriy l.lnietiii, 10c each, 3 for 25e.
(ioosclR'rry l-'ine 3 year old huslies tint
sill bear this year, Mammoth, lilc. each, $1
per doen.
Kngli-h 1 'carl Oregon Champion, bl
each, 5ik' per docil
Uliubarb Roots Itod Wine, 10c each, $1
per dozen.
Horseradish Knots, per dozen 25 cents.
If you want anything in nr.- line drop me
a l'ostal Card and In ill deliver anvwhere
in the city or send nnyhe e bv Kxpre-s
Mi-mlier, S. (). r'imliry and I'ct Slock
Chants Pass, Ohe.
liruwers and Inis.rti rs
of all kinds of
We can name seed for evergreen pasture
in Vollr -e.-lion .if 1 1, o ....... u-i
. : 1 nv i.rns-
peel with untried seeds? With tiwn
years of personal experience ill growing
a so wiib ti. a .....;.. i. , . ..
., --..I.v..v..,c lllc rtgncuiiural
( ollegesat Moscow and I'ulluian, we mis.
.... ...r ....,,.iiiif in ,Prtl, out ot k
hundnsl duterenl kinds tried
Hronuis Ineriniis, Tall Meadow KiMiue
r.iic i,l. Itu.u i:r..u i . ' . '
,. V. . " .'leauow oat
t.rass. Italian live Ornss. Flat riiemnifl
lilue drass, Knglish live lirass, Orchard
Those are l.',H.h s. a .. .
growers ot iheni and will guarantee results
We are aiso growers and imiMirters of
Clovers, Alfalfas, Peas, Corn. Wheat,
Kussia tpeltz. Millets and all
kinds of Field Seeds.
For references we cite vou to W J
l.iilman. I'rotessjir of 4 ,'.rl,...t.. .'.i. '
Agricultural I til I...1. ii- .
i i, .. r '"'limit, liasll.,
V, J f'.1'lmi,'h' I'rofessorot Agriculture
at the Idaho Mate I niver-itv, Miww,
Idaho, ror prices and tunlier infornia
t:oii address.
Land Office at Itoseburf, Oregon,!
v ,- , , . Mardl 4. I'.Wl'f
Motive IS herebv elven Ih.. ,1. r.n
ing named settler has tile.) nonce of his
lutrnlion tn ii, ai... ni
. . , . "' ""oi ill suniHiri
ol his claim, ami that sid proof aid be
V, r ""!'" , tiartleti, Countv
''' "brants Pass, Oregon, on April
John H. klm-lail.
t'n It. p. No. 7ti.'3. lor the N IV SK'.'
NK'4 SV4. Sec :1J. Tp ;W S. K. 5 VV
He nanus the following to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation o( said land, vis :
C. K. Harmon, ol Urants Pas. Ore
gon ; John Howell, o( tiranta Pas. Ore
eon ; (i Howell, ol (irsnl, p,, Oregon
bam Tetherow. of W i,lw,n,, Origon '
J-T.BR1D,,E1. Reli.te,.
To Wear on
ST. PATRICK'S DAY, March 17.
Sapolio, 3 for
Corn Starch
Magic Yeast, 2 for..
Half Soles
Tin Cups, 2 for
.. 5c
.. 5c
.. 5c
.. 6o
White Bed Spreads,
Lace Curtains, GOc pair
Oil I.antein?.
(as Lanterns.
Hells ..
Hiiu Capes .
Air Tubes
$ r0 to $1 00
. I 10 lo 3 00
. 25 to
. 2 50 to
. 1 50 to
1 00
2 50
2 00
At the Bicycle Den, East of Depot.
$2,25 for $1.50
The Bost and Most Practical Farn and
Family Paper Published.
P.elicviu that every one of our renders
should hitve at least one good egncultural
nnd family journal, we have perfected ar
rangements whereby we can send that
priii tii id und in-.lru. tivc journal, Kami
and Home, in connection niili tin- weekly
Courier und Homemade Contrivances, on
remarkably lilierul terms as given lielow.
l.m-k of space forlmis hut a tuiet dc-rin-
1 tion of the contents of Kami and-Home,
I which is uneiiiiilcd for viuiety and ex
1 cellence. l'rouiine .t iimong ' iis many
departments may lie mentioned the Kami
ami liarden. Market Heporls, Thetjueslioii
l.ox, Around 1I10 Mlohu. I'lans lnven
I lions, The Veterinary. Fashions anil Kan.-v
Work, The Apiary, The I'oultrv Yard,
Talks with a Luwver. Kruil Ciiliii.e I'lnms
nnd l'lowers. Live Mock and Hairv. I lie
Veterinary Fashions and Kamy Work,
Household Features,
Kami nnd Home is published semi
monthly, ilius giving, yuu L'l numbers a
year, the whole making a volume of over
5ii pages, teeming with all the lutest and
mosi reliable inlurination that experience
and science can supply, tiu better proof
of ils popularity can be ottered than its
enormous circulation, which extends into
every province, each number lieing read by
no less than a million readers.
I'.y special arrangement we make for a
limned lime the follow ing liberal oiler;
Courier, one year,
Farm and Home,
Home Contrivances,
Total, - -
All for Only - -
Iloiiietnailo Conirlvam on Is a won
dcrt.illv useful l,k. It is adapted to tho
tami and garden, dairv and workshop, and
to indoors as well as out. It covers Ilia
whole lunge of farm conveniences, farm
appliances and femes, gales and liridges--in
tin t, is a combination, under one cover,
of three separate Isioks. It tells how to
make over low handy appliances and lalsir
saving devices. It should be in the hands
of every forehanded man. This Isaik- has
never before sold in the trade for les Ibsu
,' . which is the price ot the regular cloth
,',n,' ,X e Bre B,,le '" "ke this un
paralleled oiler bv printing an enormous
edition lor popular distribution. It is
hand-omely bound, illuminated covers.
?, ' ' 1- inches, and contains nu less
than us) pages and 7.s) illustrations.
Do not iielay or fail to take advantage
of ihis great oiler, lor nevtr More was o
much ottered for so small a sum. liemeiii
ber we send l... lb papers one year includ ng
book, all postpaid, at the very low pric e
alsive named, but in order lo secure this
combination all arrearages on the Corama
liuisi I e pant and one lull vear in advance.
Anyone having already 'paid in advance
mav secure i he Farm ,d Home and the
hook by sending 35 cents.
A.ldrass all orders to
Rogue Kivcr Courier,
Grants Pass, Oregon.
r p
; 5 T senty Paj:s; Weekly; Illustrated.
Ne tPE-came T" M'N'Nri Mrs.
J tuaatt coisu rail.
I WNIKfi lKn syinmric torce
I arvi-"u IV 1 II LOO,
Lowest rates, quickest time and beat
acconimodati.n, to , ,tn point,.
Write f ,r pfp.icular. and full informa
tion R. VV. Foster,. Ticket Agent.
Burlington koute. IW. i .j c.i.
. muu otaiak
pU. Portland, On.