mil m ton . PUBLISHED EVCRV THURSDAY l by A.E.VOORH1ES bate of aunacairnoM: One Year, In sdraDC, - H-2S fell Months, Threat Month!, ... J Single Copies, - -fc6 Adiertisinr rates on application. Copy for thanee oi"ad"nial be banded in before Tuesday noon, otherwise setting of the matter will be charged (or at the rale of 6c Cer running inrh, single column. Altera ons and additions to copy w ill he charged or at the rate oliuc per running un a, sin gle column. EnUred at the postoflica at Grants I'a"S, Oregon, as second-tians mail matter. Thcvsday.Feeruaby 28, 1901. J. U. Mitchell baa survived political calamity in way that few men have been able in do. In 1815. as republi can who believed in free ailrer, ha waa obliged to weather a difficult point and narrowly escaped political shipwreck. Hit interpretation 0 the republican platform in regard to free silver caosed republicans to look at him somewhat askance, while he was stumping the state lor McKinley, while the other side could not forgive him that he did not land with the free silver movement. That he could recover to be elected senator is proof ol dealerous ability only in keeping with his record. Mitchell in an active worker in congresa and one whose words and actions carry weight. The terrible marine disaster by which the I'aciflc mail sleamer Ko de Janeiro sank in the Uoldtn (iate and 120 lives were sacrificed was caosed by "taUnf chances" a thing which it at.aolatelv eiiminal when human lives are placed in jeopardy thereby. The responsibility for the awful disaster lies between Tap tain Fred Jor.lon, living pilot and Cap tain William Ward, the dead mauler ol the vessel. There it a standing order issu-d by the company owning this ves sel never to run in or oat of the harbor in a lo,-. They had waited all night and early in the morning the fog lilted for a little while and they mail ready to start when the fog settled again. I'aasengi'rt and crew, having been so long at tea, were over anxious to get on shore and the run waa attempted in the (og, with awlul results. If they bad waited only two bonrt longer, they would have had clear tailing. A movement it on foot to build a number of bicycle paths from (irants I'ats to different points ol the county. Many of the wheelmen are willing to attitt personally in the labor of con struction while others will contribute funds. No appropriation it asked. Four rightly constructed bicycle paths leading out ol the town in the several directions would conduce to itt prosper ity in a manner little realiwd. 1'atht could be made which would be In good condition winter and summer, so that ordinarily good wheelman could come to town from any part of the county, transact a lair amount of business and go home the same day. Anything that makes It easier for people to get in and out of town hell trade and con duces to the liveliness ol the town in many ways. The other end of the path it benefited similarly and in roitortion. In connection with Ibis subject we are informed that the wheelmen ol Williams a're fully determined to have a bicycle patb to Grants 1'ast and have already constructed a portion of it. The move ment it worthy of the heartiest com mendation and encouragement. The wty to secure a bicjile path it to go to work and make it, and not try lo scheme It into existence. "John 11. Mitchell was elected United Rlates Henator at 12:10 this morning. It was the twenty-filth ballot of the day, and the sixty-third ol the legislative session. The result was reached on the inevitable last ballot, and waa attended by scenes of supreme uproar and en thusiasm on the part of the Mitchell push. The grand coup planned by the republican minority management was carried out precisely according to the programme. There was no hitch or jar in the progress ol the Mitchell machine He had put hit dummies forward fur 40 daya, to bo sacrificed in turn, and then when all were out of the way, he made hit teclaeular entry and carried the legialaluro by storm. On the Una) ballot Mitchell bad ill votes, and Cor belt !M. The senator received a minority ol the democratic voles, and these, with the aecessions from the Corliott lorces were lufhYieht to elect him." So says the Salem dispatch to Sunday's Ore gonian. John II. Mitchell it a man ol high ability and it probably more ac ceptable to the citiient of the state than either ol the other leading candidates, with the possible eiceptiou ol Hermann who ia popular in this congressional dis tiict a id. would tie likely to win in a popu- lar election. A supreme effort seems to hare been made at the last moment b) Hit legislators to elect a senator as the storm ol opprobrium that would 1111 doul tedly have greeted tlieni 111 Ibrir failure Has soniftlong worth avoidu g Tliey siiit.-edt-d in bieakmg the Oct I loik and are to he commenced lliereloi Wit-Kou's representation in the 1'. S s-iiaie (or the uest two years mill be 1 fttdtt to ll.e stuff III the mil ler 0 rccotiit'-d atnlitr. .KrH 1-Ar.rt Mist AIT. Tra.le Whirl, ta Itelng IHvlile.l r'rm.i lite Town Mual be t'unlrullc t. To Tilt I IH10K Teiil) the ar or so ago one ol the principal cities t Ohio lound iliM-ll conlioiitrd a torn Inercial problem. A wagon road in oni direction, ami a wagon roa.l in auothei direction ; a lailroad a short distance 11 one direction and a railroad in anotbei direction, were rath one rutting cfT a part of the trade uf the city until Ibr situation became alarming to the busi liet men of the town. A little divertii f of trade here art-) a lutlii there amount loa considerable in the aggiegal. The businesa men were wideaaak. and aggressive and a meeting ol the citiient was railed and alter much dis cussion it wat decided that the out) solution of the problem lay in Ibr building of a railroad a length of about 110 unlet. The ttock wat subscribe, for bj the business men, the road was commenced and in few yean capital Don't Send Away a e "sr- 1 6 ror I hem WJ' IIAVJ5 I'lIII Julia Marlowe If you see them you will want them. RED STAR STORE, W. E. DEAN, & CO., Propr. Front St., oppo. Depot. kA AAAAAAAAi waa interested from tho money centers and the road wat built and the town became again the undisputed center ol trade and the result was the Cincinnati of today in the state of Ohio. Grants I'ass today occupies a similar tiluation. A promising mining district it being opened in the northern part ( I Josephine county at lialiee, and in the southern part of the county at Waldo. On account of the lack of wagon road and other lines of transportation tiranls 1'ass hat enjoyed a rronopoly of this trade in the past which could go nowhere else. A gap ol a few milt s only it left be tween Picket creek and Indian Ferry, without a wagon road on Hogue river and leaves 'talice, without any wagon road on that side of the river, so enter prising cititent of another point on thr !i. I. railroad are taking advantage ol the situation and a wsgon road has been built and the channel of trade is being diverted. Another point on the H. I', railroad, nearer ttill lo (ialice, is not casting eager eyet towards that profitable and growing trade and proposes to con struct a wagon road, again rutting off 001 trade. One merchant there alone offer to subscribe 1000 to the load. In the meantime the timber interest of all that section it lying dormant, and will continue to do to under present condi tions. To he continued. Choral Convention. Next week is the time of the conven tion of Kogue Kiver Valley Clioral L'nlon and at the opening jday draws nearer the arrangements shape them aelvet with greater distinctness and the interest in the event increase! with rapidity and intensity. No one familiar with the arrangement! is .baubling for an instant that this will be the best convention yet held and it seems certain to be by lar the most successful in every way. There will be a larger chorus more soloists, a stronger orchestra and a better program than ever before. It is expected that the lull chorus will num ber 125 voices and the selec tions briny of a nature well suited to delivery by a strong chorus, the effect will he some thing grand. The orchestra will num ber probably '.'0 pieces, and will be com posed ol the best musical talent of the valley, assisted by visitors ol great musical ability. M. (). Warner, the celluist, whose ability needs no announce Uient will lie one of the orchestra. Father Dominic of Ml. Angel college i. one ol the uiuniciaii; whose ability will be one ol the attractions ol the occasion, lie ia a pianist ol recognised ability and high culture. Some of his solot will he given with orchestral accompaniment, a musical feature which will be new to many of the listeners. Father Dominic w ill he accompanied by one ol hit pupils, Mr. A. W. Hal Iwm, who also exhibits the highest musical talent as a pianist. Signor 1. Holla lute of Tort land ia a violin soloist, whose ability with that Instrument receives high com mendation. Mrt. K. C. Ilrooks is a soprano soloist who needs no introduction in Southern Oregon. In power, range, and beamy of tone, her voice is excelled hut scldum. Ilcsides a number ol solos, she will sing a duet wilh Miss Father SiUby. Mrs 1 1. Holla la a soprano soloist whose ability la very highly spoken of and and whoso presence add lo the high musical character ol the convention. Spring Goods ARK ARRIVING DAILY Anions sonit" of tlu tiling's Hint lutvc nrriveil tltu in' the lat week ;in: New Dress Linings i ill't'i'ts, tltcv ivpivstMit nil that arc new in colors Mini itialitics. New Trimniinu liuttons ami lira ids In ioM, Silver. Velvet uinl Satin. New Kibhons.... W e are show inr snnie vfrv prettv ribbons for the neck uttil for tiiininiiiL' nroes. New Pulley llclts I'aney dollars Ainl 11 p-eat litany other Novelties too nunicroiiso t mention. W hen yon want a j;oo1 pair of Hose for your loy, remember we have the Iron (Had Hose the best l.'e a nit -Tic hose made. Shoes - for Ladies I'rof. W. Gifford Sash, of Eugene, w ill assume the directorship of the chorus and it well commended for hit abilty in that line. Mist Belle Robinson will ofTicia'e at accompanist, the position which bat teen to creditably fi.led by her at the former convention!. The lecal choral union ia practising faithfully under the efficient and thor ough direction of II. C. Kinney and are achieving flattering success in the mastery of the difficult choruses. The finance committee were out on M'inday soliciting purchases of tickets and met with the most encourtging success, felling nearly (100 worth ol 'ickett. The reserved seats will be open for selection at nine o'clock of Saturday ai Clemens' drug store. No one person may reserve more than five teatt at one time. Season tickets, admitting to two toricerta, with reserved seat, matinse and all rehearsals, fl; single concert tickets, with r served teat, fO cents; matinee, 20 cents; chorus tickets lor tingera. CO ten's for ladies and fl ( r gentlemen. Wreck or Itlo de Janeiro. The 1'acifii: mail steamer, Hi) de Janeiro, struck a sunken rock in the (jolden (iate Friday morning and sank almoHt immediately. Of 200 persons on board, aliout HO rrre saved. Consul- general Rounseville Wildman and his family are among the lost. The greater number ol passengers and crew were Asiatics. It it the most terrible marine disaster that ever happened on the coast. fluco lumi. Hugo is titiMUid 14 miles north c( 'irants 1'ast on the H. P. railroad, is a center of easy access from all parts of a considerable smite of country. The 8. I'. I), A L. are hauling their mill and putting it up on Mrt. Hone's place, they ahiuied it from Woll Creek. The chief excitement ia tho Hugo Literary Society which was organized in NuvemW and is a grand success. There has been a new organ bought lor the school district No. Tbero will be a drama given at tlm school home, title, "iove in all Corners" on the lbth of March, admission 20rls. The procee Is will be given for the iin provemeuls ol tho acbool liune. M II. II. woll Creek Notts. The S. r. I) A I.. Co. have removed their saw mill to Hugo. Their wood camp near this place is a scene ol lively activity and many men are employed. A wood camp has been established about mid ay between Woll Creek and .eland. This section I a large producer ot the combustible aiticle. Miss Martha Hranhain ami Mrs. M. J. Wallace have been seriously ill lately but are now well on the road to re coveiy. Ojiile a number ol young people ill levied tl.u grand ball at t'lacer lately and reKirt a most pleasant time. Working Night and Pay. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is ir. King's New I. iie l'llls. These pills change weak ness into strength, listlessness into energy, brain-tug into mental p Vter. They're wonder! I in building up the health, tln'y 2V. per lx. 'old by lr K renter. "1 flDinina Hotcs. k! ...... ... . on tia return to Alio, B. C. where he hat valna' e pi-er property. t Hnry Pliillifn I -ft on morningfor Yre'a where Hdnee.!ay he "goes t n lain con: ected with the Preston Peak Copper Co. He ej fecit t relu n in a thor'. time. Walter de Varila, the prominent, min ing engineer, hat charge of the a tsar office and rjnarU mill ol W. G. Wright, during the absence of the Utter on hi 'rip to the coat. Ed Smith was in from Williams a few Jays this week. He i doing some development work on the "Bone of Con tention" mine, and the property it mak ing a first clast showing. Chas. Ilarwood of Winona, was in ton this week and reporta a quartz strike nude by himself and S Harrison on Morse creek in the Jumpotf- Joe district. The ore, which it a decom posed fpiartx, is taken from a rein which runt from eight inches to two feet in width and a-'a;t at the rate ol 20 per ton. II. D. Sluter, owner of the Wolf Creek bonanza it still working on his faru,o is property and ia extracting the yellow metal by the cupful. Hit mine is rich almost beyond the bonds ol belief by these who l ave not seen it. It has become a bj word in this county in describing any find that it desperately and tnorniru-dy rich, to say that it 'e "like Siuter't." S hrimpf Bros, were in from Mnrphy Tuesday, bringing with them about II'M I in gobl taken from a pocse: recently found in their ijuaitz mine near Provo't. Ol 1'iiB amou nt $150 was secured from two pa -it ol diit and one ol the bro'hert picked (CO in coarse pieces from the seam with the point of his candlestick Tn-y are the fortunate possessors of a "pocket ledge," a vein in which the "l ay" occurs in bunches of remarkable ri. hi.esp. They have taken out a iioui b:r of pockets from time to time, but this last it the best one they bave yet lound. The "Baby" quartz mine in the Jump oir Joe district has been bj.d-d to Harry Kice, I). Myers and J. K. Smith for loO-i, U-rin of bond ona year. This )roityis owned by Jo eph pollock, I.. L.Jewell and N. I'. lodge and at one lime was very profitably worked by means of an araslra, giving fteady re turns of from $1H U .'5 per ton in free gold while a quantity of sorted ore which as shipped to Tacoma gave values ol over fj'J per ton. T!i p es-nt operators have already begun worx on ti e mine, anil Intend to extend the lower tunnel to strike the pay chute at a greater depth. Tbe le Ige inns boin one to tluee del in width. Henderson and Stribner have a proposition on the divide b-tween Coyote and Wolf creeks that is ' like Sluter's". Thi-te gentlemen worked in the wood camps last winter at Wolf '.'reek and went to Baker count in tbe spring, where they prospected lor some time ailh little success and finally re turned to Josephine county to try their fortunes farther In the pro-recting field They pad prospe cted only a 'ew days ahen they found their present bnunza. It is a vein of very li. h decomposed quartz ol great riebness, some of ityield ing as high at flOU to the ordinary ore sick full. Its extent li u n it ye; been determined. Sh irp Bros , owners ol the' Midnu'i:' and "Challenge" quartz properties on the Applega,!e near Provolt, are working steadily on development operations and are showing up quartz mines that will he heard from Liter. Tlie "Midnight" u the old Kit-sfhng mine, the surface ore of which produced richly ami wat worked with much profit to the unera - tors. Siiarp linn are driving a tnnnul on the vein a distance ol almost 4D0 feel into the hill. Tub vein shows a goolwid'h and the ore it remarkable in the fuel that hardly any on.-, except on very close imperii in, wo ill pr noum eit ((liar's, yet it produces free goM in mortar tests and in some puces the j gold Is plainly visihle to '.he naked eye. I Assays have not been lately made, so ' that the grado ol the ore i- not ae- I curately known, hut the protpects show it to I high. The "Challenge"' in the same vicinity, rod. ices ore uf remark aMe ric hness, some of the mortar tests causing the onlookers to 0n their eves in astouisliinent at the nuiotint of g.iol the lock contains A had in the -tunnel and a consecpient continuo M earth slide has romprlled suspension ol vioik on tins cuiin until llie gnuind sett es. The out uers are prosecuting the .'c vt-lup- men t w oik mill a vim and ear-it stnefs : ti,. , , i T1" l.gvptun woman looks greatly worthy of tin. highest coininenditic n I ovcrhurdrne.1, and yet the physical rrur and they are thorough miners II is i dens she cornea will not cumpnr" with suggested that if men alter llinr stvle were more numerous tlu-re w.tuld be! mire established ipnrt moos in Southern Ongon than tliere arc al the present time. The llaiuioii tireen placer at tialii-e is having a ino-t prosmoctus run tbi winter, proba'ilv the he-t aii't-e li e nolo was l;M'iud and it lias alccins p;ci l wrl! V new liani.c I u is p, ni I 'a-t tear on he e-t soleol t lie creek i tar tbe low.-r end ot the t'U'ms. Tne exlt-ruir shon ing was not gttatii encouragoig. only a s:n i I am, -ui I ol gravel lt-:cg visil.l,. toi cuie ol ibe points of ibc hill, tin into ibis however, a large cl-anm-l wa.-di-covere ', apparcut'v ex'rndirg fr.-in Hlaiichard gu'eh It is .pute mi anci.-M' deMsit, with vna'lrr bo.iio,"s and coarser gold lliau is found in t!,,. more tllodern chaniic-1. The grucrl dep sl eiteuded bai k into the hi I, wi.oh had ' slid ovtr and covered up the tbnonel many years ago. A strip was woikedi from it last ,ar ta I paid reu.rkh: well, the't '. ptce found weighing, t"'S and it was supposed that the "batk' nui" had t-eeu rtat-l-.t-d. I.tst tear, however, Mr. Cireen lan s .me dnf. to further prospect the gr mud and ills covered the g av.l i!p,hi: mil extend ing u, to the lull ami ai oil er snip is being piped cdf this season and the: reu.,s are tnosl tlult-ring One pi piece has bet n secured and pieces ol the ra U" of 10 and 1 1 ' are fair y nnmeroas. The hank is i o about ) feet high, but is i rar'y all nd dirt which tmvn. veni.-j cet tlie wotking very little. The channel s'ill looliiinrs iuto the hill, its limit in w idih not having It-en reached asyct. f he ground lies well up from i the creek, giving subslantial advantages i in the matter ol dump. The prrvnie it J not great but the ground it of to kosej u character that a heavy ore'tnre is unnecessary. The water ia brought across the creek in a riri li line from tbe.Chauese, , .1.. ,..1... tl. , . :.: . tl. . vwcibiwj uiiuri tuc cDurrTWiuu w umu Green whoia miner of aonnd Dractical jojgment and many yean experience. Local Teachers Isutkutc. i The third lecal teachers institute for this school year was held at the brick school boose in Grant Past Satui day February Zl. The teachers were called to order at 9:30 o'clock by Supt. Lincoln Savage. S. W. Holinei w.t elected secretary. Tbe assembly than tang America. Mies May Sutton presented the subject ot "Mental Arithmetic" in the 5th and G:L grales.M-.ssSutton'e paper wat replete with practical thoughts, emphas:x,r;g tbe value of mental arltlnneiic in get ting a pupil's knowledge in definite shape and clearing bit reasoning of much of itt fott an 1 mists, also much rapid drill wat recomended to secure accuracy and quickness of thought. -Learningw Bead," was tbe ul jwt of an excellent paper by Miss Ixtca Colvig, her paper thowed that tbe had etu lied her subject on th- praclicul tide and knew whereof the spoke. Mist Minnie Tuff next favored the assembly wilh a paper on "Grammar in the 7:h grad," Mist Tuffs believes in thorough, intelligent analysis, then much drill lo Gx the forms in the pupil t minds. Altera short recess, Mist Cora B. Lemon gave her uietboda of te.i hing geography, and showed how va'uxble supplementary work it in arousing an interest in the minds o! theiupiis, as well as getting many fac'a not to be found in the fate textbook. Miss Maggie Chiles gave many valu able suggestions on that vexing qui ft. on cI"llowto Combine Work in Country Schools " Miss Lillian llogan pittented the subject of "Spelling," showing how to teach it profitably and successfully. The af ernoon session was opened by tinging "The Ked, White and Blue," Mies Estella Goodiu read a paper on ' Lilerature in Our Schools," showing how a taste for g'xid literature may Le cultivated tbroughont all the grade, Miss Guodin gave a drill such as she gives her l.ih sc hool pupils in cla-s, using the assembly fur a cias, this drill was much enjoyed by all. lhrector T. P. Cramer gave an ex cellent talk on "discipline." He empha sized the value of discipline in giving the pupil power to fight the battles ol life. Discipline should begin at a very lender ag, and be followed through ll.e whole formative period. Mies Mary Day's paper on "Number Work" was pointed and prac tical. j Mr. G. A. Savage read a pajier on "Physiology," in whic h he advocated more hygiene ami lest technical ' physiology. ! Mr. Kghert Koboine addressed the1 assembly on "Civil Government and , How it Should be Taught in Our! Schools." 1 Miss Florence Akin gave a th irt talk i on "Writing'' and advocated the vertical sy.stem, illustrating it on the blackboard, ' All the paiers were followed by die cusrions in which much interest wht manifested. The unanimous verdict seemed to be that the institute was an und ubteil success. Council. The city council held its regular meet ing on Thursday evening, all the mem bers present. A -t ition for the grading and im provement ol Pine street was presented. jdiscM-sed and relerred to the street com. mitiee. ! The saloon bund of I,. A. Heberlie, with the required sureties, was pre sented. Un motion, the bond am j accepted and the license ordered to lie ! iexnrd. Hie matter of recompiling nn 1 re vis ing the ordinances to conform with the new charier waa drought to the coun cil's notice and on motion a committee of three, cotiiialing ol Haskins, U.inbar and II ood. weie appointed 0 investi gite the cost of such compiUtiun and revision, the eliminating of reeall ordinances and ordma-ic-s in cuill ct with the charier, suggest neces-ary new ones and a'so to ascorum the approximate cost of printing a new book of ordinances. The auditor was instructed to confer with the water company and obtain propis!sror fiv(l JtMr t-ont.,,., -rht. fol'o-aii-g bills were allowed: Diegon "t'-erver, printing, IS; -'rank KcUch md p Jo .'0. I OYEiiBURDEMD. D7 "'any an An.T ncan tvonuio. There is no burden like the bur den of ( The woman who siujera from infhmiination or ulceration, bearing-down pains, weak back ana ' nervous, nesa. Ice. us -t hurtltfn which crusVs her verv life. v e r v woman should know that lr. ricrce's I-'avorite Prescription makes weak women strong anil sick women well. It cures tlie womanly diseases which cause wreak. Bess and fceMcnc. It tiuiets the nerves, cures the achlr.g Icack and tlirobUng head, tend gives strength for wifely cares and maternal duties. "When , firs, rrWr t. et- tttl, in . rwd Itlwti and twd atatonaivru upft,v Mrs rtrl.a s.!t! ir ot C!.htt,.c Vmtm Co.. PhKa. -i j c;3ctu.g rr.tu rtinal lr,M of th "s "ta I ts-tt. nil m nttr.g wit hoot " trtat .ll.trtu thrm, hu me H .,::; w. nervous .nj wt-es. Had ournS hati.ts an.1 arms NeouiMt -om .11 trirt vlk nY ts! nJ a.-hiit( hn.l to.) i1v, r, Ksrmnt Ihjtl t cvhLJ n wptk l t:i J i-t. pirv a mtsttor .tttl ttvk It a, directed, .nj lh its w-rk it in i., help m I Ky., three txnl .-.t tt u,l tt. .y it ,)-, nie sraro f,-Jct lhn .1: th ochr mc-tnlnc I cecr kta. 1 fcl bvtler Ihaa I hare kr yeuw. Vt. Pierce's Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent frtt on receipt at 11 one cent stamps to pay expense o mail ing cV, or if cloih bound volume ia desired, send V stamps. Addresa Dc. ik. . iaerc, cualo, o. 1 . v R-ci k.t lJt Uai. T3 Farewell Rccsptiea. . r 1. nt On laat Sitnrday atternoon. rtu.-i, the ladiet ol tbe woman neiieiuorpa gave a larrwen rcn-i "- beloved one of their most ' iwmW. There were abont seventy lire : r.t. ,he (i. A. I. bovs and a few of i r- ' her Iriends who were not members of ! the corps were invited. Home filtir.g '! r.-nrks were mado bv sis(er members I cf corps and Br. K. Leslie. Theu they j i were entertained by a grapbophone which wat much appreciated. After ji this, relreehments were served, every oue seeming to enjoy them to the fullest extent. We are very sorry indeed to loose so true and faith is 1 a member aa Mrs. CLau.-ee. She hat served on our Relief committee several times and was always ready and willing to help Kiul Assist thoet in need or diSftres. vltitni, , 4i,k 4nd .fllicted and lo L A , . A- , r-e.,ii;, love and sympathy. She bas been a resident of Grants Pas, fur several years. Allkajw her only lo love her. She is a charter member ol the order and takes a transfer card wilh her to her new home in Porfiantl crhf-ra hvitl fin. ,,:,.,,. , ,. ,h. .. Riliel Corps, who will extend to her the hand uf welcome. COUPS How Tins? We offer One Hundred Dollars lieward for any ca'e of Catarrh that cannrt be cored by Hall's Catarrh Cure. K. J. Ciiexky A Co., Toledo, O. W'e, the undersigned, have known K. J. Cheney for the las' 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financial!? able to carry out any obligations made by the firm. West A Tm ax, Wholesale Druygist, Tol-do, O. Waldu.0, Kixx.ix A MmviN, Wlmli sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hali'a Catarrh Cure is taken in tertially, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the tvstem. Testimonials sent flee. Price Too. per bottle. Sold by all Drungiets. Hali't Family Pills aie the beet. This season there is a large death rate among children Iroui croup and lung troubles. Prompt aetion will save the little ones from these terrible diseases. We know of nothing so certain to give instant relief as 'me MinuteCough Cure. It can a'so be re'ied tiK,n in grippe and a'l throat ami luug troubles ol adults. I'ieabAiit to take Dr. W. f. Kremer. Flour ic Kicliange. Farmers, do not haul your wheat 20 to 50 miles to exchange, Soolt Griffin will give yon as many pounds of flour for a bushel ot wheat as any mill ili give you. You will fin,l Scott Griffin at his Hay, Flour, Feed and Seed Store. Cor. G;h and I s reets, Grants Pass, Ore. Narrow Folks And fhort-f ighted d-alers don't like to be criticised. We do. i( there is the h ast shaduw of pre text for it. By listeuirg fur vears for the iinteat notes of d seen lent, e've learned lo give pro p:e Mhat li.ey wjnt, need, or CIHcl. This is a modern Drug Store. If there is ever apparent cause for diFsatisfactioii tell it. You wi'l find us taking your put. Slover Drug Co. APOlHF.C ARIES, From St., Opposite Depot. At Heel Time. I take a pleasant heih drink, the m xt in. truing I feel bright and my complex ion is better. My doctor says it acts gently on my stomach, liver am! kidn9, ami is a pleasant laxative. It is made from herbs ami Is prepared as easily as tea. It is called Lane's Medicine. All druggists sell it at 7'i cts. Lane's Fami ly Medicine moves ihe bowels each dav. If ton cannot get it, semi f.,r a free suni h!e. Address, i irator F. Woodward, Le Co;-, N. V. If Vou Are (iolng To get married this firing or siimm. r reserve passage on the Northern Pacific's North Coast Limited, nhethtT east bound or weft !mun I. A right start iu married life nit-at-.s a gjo-l d.-.i!, and vou get it 111 this wav. .N od to p agent lor our litlio It-aH -t. A !. Charl ton, Ase't it-ti l I'.is-en.'er Agent, '.')5 Morri-on St , Cor. :; I I'orti.iud, ile. HAT SHALL WE H WE F0H TESSEoT? This ijisestion ari-es in tha U:aV 'very la; . L-t in a-iswer it ur.Uiv. Try J..;-(l, a delics-iu and hralihful de-st rt. Ptepa-e.l in two miii 1'et. No boiling! no baking! imply a.'.d boi'irg water and s. t t. tool, l-'iavors ; L,.,,,. on, tirsnge, Kvh,-rry ar.d vrl,-i Cct a pa. k.'ge at i0,lr grocers to ,!a hi- s. M. J. Shields & Co. i In.s. rs and (ni of all kind- of We ran paint in your s.-tioti ,:' p.'- t w :;h umr:i : cd f. the . r evergrw-n t.t-nire onnlrv. VI hv i r.. I t s..., 1 c ar- of , elr:en.-e in grt.ktni 1 a -ct w nn ihe c-vim o- e o: it,,. Airm 1 lll'l I'll 'IMII, H - ... 1 1 at Mo-,, I M..I ll:e to ,.:,,c , .t, ou (ij . ",' ti.nerem k:i,.- t.-.,-.; , llronms I s ILo... v. I -I, :,:,. .Ira,-, rail l.-:,dow ' hM ' . Ita.iao 1, t,r.,. s,,, H.ra.s. t'rthsr.I I Tho-, , t'Tt'WiT a-e 1-ret.r. SertU; W'e are ot tiieni ana w u, ; ' iitiarai.lfe re-u:: Vs. VV. e are aSo croaer. and it:o. .n.r- .. Clotcrs. Alfalfas, Pel4. Corn. Whnt Russis Jpelta. Millets and a'l kindi of Field S. edj lor e,itev..u to VV J i!oiiaii. rr..'r.-or of .U-r-. uiinra .t'tt A -rit ii.iura otce at I'ti. in, an. W,., h. l'To--s,.r ,u A--r,-.. , ,1 I and II. r I I .1 tne l.utiu Male l;tv. VI lUalltt to Ti.e and furuirr infcrn..' Loa ad'trvs M.J. SHIELDS & CO,' MOSCOW, IDAHO. I Lace Curtains 60c Pair.... III ! A'rm Clocl"' 95c. S()c 75c Syringes.. , ...... u..b,. I Wo.! Chocoinz Bowls loci i " Marhlet, 4 lor 6c Lemons, seed. est Oil Coats lc 1 65 Everything in CHOCKEHY 10 Packages Fresh Garden Seeds, your own choice for 3k per packet. Bring Your Pennies to Smith's New York Racket Store, We have tbe famous SVRACUSH PLOWN And all farm machinery, Wagons and all manner of wheeled vehicles. Hardware, Oils F. Smith Bros. Mercantile Co. 6:h AND FRONT STS . HOWARD'S OlD CORNER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE New (ioi)ds at low eash prices. Our line of Groceries is complete. We have just added C. F. P.Iank's Celebrated Exposition Brand Roast Coffee and Faust Blend Mocha and Java. We carry Tinware, firaniteware, Woodonware. A full line of Overalls and Junipers. Special Sale of A larjre assortment at oe jer cake. Smith Bros. Mercantile Co. ITmvnrH'c Snn,l COR. FRONT ANO SIXTH STREETS. Have Your Eyes no 10 cv?- n sjViJ II. L12VI'S()S' The Renowned Refractionist of San Francisco It costs n.&a,.!" it ""'"V in fr. week or more. longing vour sudii 17 Lenses Specially Ground If you have tried in vain tn get glasses By His Method Failure It Impossible. ompeten" ..f!itTv!.ur,eve,WIMli;nv ilmu';,';!;,'',,!1:"' V'"y""W t118 hge.tion. heatlal-h. .,,'.1 . ".,f"'K I''I'le suit,-r will, nervous do , know ,e , au-e of ll,el V ft , i';;"'1 'U'y by in.perf.-c sight and l'U I KVIN (IN II '--mote cause ami you remove (hcclidhultv. Sand ,s highly recon,,,.;,.;. r"' f auixi tri in optics. rk ah-uhitely guuranlee.1. Don't Delay In Sc.inj Him at Room 6. Western Hotel. ' Dont Endanger Yourjnfe By riding a tin frame Bicycle.-. Ride a Kacyclc, Stearns, Crescent, Crawford, 1J special, or Ana you will be in the lead from start to finish. These Wheel, obta.nablc W e ,old over ,00 Crescet.t.s last year and but one frame P oved defec ive. The Racycle is warranted for one year The S earns VtU be n.aac by the Crescent people, and will U , he fi e P ece of mechant.m as usual. The Crawford and B & H Cc ia! wtU be greatly improved and are perfect beauties. The Vpaui d,ng a ew one ,,, this place but is one of the !eadinS wheth , the and is fully warranted. aeei lit T . it r 1 seti lor cash ot on installments, put incut, ecjuip any of the XlfL ALJ. 1!irs- Saddles or Brakes or Cushion Frames Saddles Handle liars l'edais Chains Tires 75 to .! no 1 5.1 ,0 ,-si 1 ' to 3(0, 50 to 3 00 - 50 to a 00 Second h in, 1 Ti;..i s"s --es an manes, a 1 pr n . , 'cttcr csopvin, pWM. good as I XnrTfoTT n new Star Lathe with all the latest i,n, $5" ue complete, n inch ei T d,Uck tooh for the cash. tWeen centers. a bargain First-class rerairincr m - "svimaie prices. Vtuir Money V Worth Pruning Sheart. .. Tin Cupt, 2 for.... A xee 25e 20,1 10e Butcher Knivet. Dinner Platea, 6 for. . Wash Pant, large Pint A New Line of .1 13 WIS Lit Y and Paints, II. SCIOIIDT. Examined Free! wo " me n c eans of restorinij and pro- to Suit Difficult Cases. that g:ve you satisfaction do not des,lir. & II. lpauldin; and take old wheels in part a.Kivrj ' wheels with Myjiiake of pedals, with or without Coaster Oil Lanterns. Has Ijanierns Heils Hain Capes . Air Tubes o0 lo (1 m 1 To to 3 00 25 to 1 0) 2 fx) to 2 .'si 1 50 to 2 00 or your Money Hack. W. A. PADDOCK. At the likj eic Den, East of DepoU