Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 14, 1901, Image 2

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    mm wm
One Year, tn rdvance, 11-25
Sir Months,
Thre Months, . . - .S5
bingle Copies, - - - .W
Advertising rates on application. Copy
lor rl,nira o("ad"inust lie handed in More
Tuesday noon, otherwine netting ol the
matter will be charged for at the rate of 6c
per running inc h, eingle column. Altera
tions and additions to copy will be chafed
or at the rate ol luo per running mm, tu
1 gle column.
Entered at the post oBice at Grants Ta-s,
Oregon, as second-class mail matter.
Thursday, Fedruaky 14, 1901.
The monotonous senatorial deadlock
at Salein has furnlBhetl more Interesting
feature this neck. Mcliride apparently
realizing the iinprobahility of his eltc
tion, withdrew and liii followers trans
ferred their support to ueo 11. n imam.
ir., . Av m two. On Tueflay'i ballot
the Mcliride votea went to Hermann
who received 29 voles, with 31! for Cor
belt. The democratic vote is still given
to Smith. Mitchell's name has not yet
appeared as a candidate, but it is sus
pected that he has deep id schemes
for capturing the aenator'uil t"a In the
taut hours of the voting.
St. Valentine's day is the survival of
au old heathen festival of ancient Koine,
the Hupeicalia. It was the custom at
this lestival for the young men to draw
tablets, on which the names of maidens
were inscribed, from boxes, alter the
manner of a lottery Each youth
tupposed to be lailhlul to the lady
whose name lie drew, until the next
succeeding Hupercalia. HI. Valentine
was a prieHt who was uurtyred in the
reign of Kmperor Claudius. When lie
was canonized as a saint, February 14
wajjcel apart In his honor. When
Koine was chribtianized, the heathen
festivals were replaced as far as iniglit
be, with religious celebrations and so
the Hupercalia and St. Valentine's day
became one Mid the same.
II all the labor that hafheen thrown
away and wasted by fixing ban roads to
no purpose, in till county, lisd been
expended in a manner tending to perma
nent excellence, we would by this time
have a system o( boulevards, com
paratively speaking, all over thl county
instead of Hie siiectacular affairs which
now blast our sight, both in and out of
town. The weathor lor the past few
week has been conducive to the forma
tion ot mud and the elements have re
sponded with enthusiasm, therelore our
roads are sight to behold. Uood mad cost
but they pay. The wear and tear on ve
hicles horseflesh alone would, the energy
being expanded in a more Judicious way,
build a lew tulles ol road esch year.
Uood road are ag-. .its ol civilization and
prosperity. Their worth is beyond
computation a la also the calamity ol
being deprived of them.
Ht. Valentine' day had a heathen
origin and .it has a most heathenish
characteristic clinging to it, the custom
of sending the so called "comic"
valentine which aro no more comic or
tunny than la a coarse insult nf any
other kind. In fact, they are ol a lower
order ot than insults ol other
varieties, as added to malice and venom,
'they have the additional feature of
cowardice to make their depravity com
plete. The United H talcs mails should
be closed to them as they are tu other
Indecent literature and every means
should be used by which their disrepute
mav be iienerallv comprehended. The
eron whose evilly working mind tlrst
first conceived them should he hailed as
public malefactor. Every one who
receives a missive ol this disreputable
variety should have the strength of
mind to cast the villainous thing into
the stove without even unfolding it and
ao defeat it purposes and designs.
Representative Htory lias introduced
In the house a hill c.iliblishing a mining
bureau tor the State ol Oregon and
creating the ollice ol commissioner ol
mines. The bill has been reported
favorably to the legislature by the com
mittee on mine tn whom it was re
let red. The passage ol the bill will be a
recognition by the slate nf one ol its
most iiiiKirtaul indiisliies and lollows
the example set by California, Washing
Ion and other states whose mining
interests have been materially advanced
by similar Institutions. The I'oiiiniis
sioner of mini's is required to collect
specimen lor study or reference, dish lie
ute Insinuation, c'assify minerals, rep rt
geological lormation ol various mineral
districts, record metallurgical operations
and labor saving devices perform
many other duties as his olliee may
require. Ho is to lie appointed by Iho
governor lol period of lour ear but
uhji'ct to removal at any time for in
comtH'tence or neglect of duty. The
salary is llxed at til. fill per mouth and
the principal nlllee is to be at l'oillainl
Colonei Frank . Piake, a well known
mining man says In regard to the bill:
"The ell'ecl ol the bill, w lieu a law, w ill
be recognition by the state, through
legislative action, of a most iiiipoilatit
source of wealth, a Held inviting enter
Prise and capital. Managing nlnVcra ot
the O. It .V N mid Southern I'
Companies, rei'oguitiug this, l.avi
olleied to transport sp riiiiens I. r
Inuieutu hiii! cabinet tree of charge, ll
1 a bcainess proposition, instantly
recognized bv iheseuicn, ltranch ollices
and c.thiuet collections are to be main
tained oi.e in Eastern Oregon, one in
Bjutheru Oregon, with deputy coiumis
llons in charge. All these things will
constitute a continuing and
advertisement ol Oregon 'along neglected
mineral resources. The commissioner
can apply for and obtain geological sur
veys to be made by the geneial govern
ment, and maps and reports will be li
the government published and supplud
to the people ol the United S ale, free
ot expense."
Council Mftlint,.
The city council held their regular
meeting on Thursday evening. The
principal discussion was upon the
advishility ot procuring a chemical
engine tor Cr j protection. A c. iiiiuitue
ol which Mr. Ilaskiu is has
had thi aut ject under consideration lor
several weeks and made their rrt-it at
thi meeting. No definite action was
Black Cat.
Many who have tried them arc calling for them.
They cost no mote than common brands but wear very
much longer.
Front St., oppo. Depot.
Ulsnd Siltingi.
Kinney ville is a lively place and a
gxid many men are employed ir. and
about the town.
Home of the mines have suspended
work, the fiosty nights having cut olf
the water supply.
We are doing a good business at the
hotel as so many miners stop here to
look alter different proportion.
I'lolessor Hampton was seen on our
streets one day last week, lie seemed
in good epiiits ss he has hail a good long
run in the mine.
Mn kin brothers am hauling wood to
the short line. The road will soon be
completed at the south end so they can
begin to take away wood and make room
for more.
A tsood many men are looking lor
ipiar x. Homo good ledges have been
found. With the present (.;ariz lot n
tions and prospects, we can look lor
beh.iid lo l) a center lor the mining
business of Josephine County.
We hear of two of our widoweis who
who have taken unto themielves wivs.
We have In our midst men of all ages
that should be married but wu think
some are too baidiful. Others haven't
lime. The last 1 think, refers lo me.
We are having frosty nights but warm
days, clear sunshiny weather which is
conducive to health. We can hear ol
people who live at a distance that have
the grip, but so far our population are
healthy. As we aro an enterprising
industrious people wo live an nature
demands, so have little sickness. Etui
grants that come from a distance were
in poor health when they arrived here,
but as soon as they ale our vegetables
Big Reductions
To clt'iin out nil lirokcii
Clothing. Dry Goods,
You t'iiii I'it'k up some
rare hit renins in our
slope (lining the next
;!( days. Come while
tin1 assortment is I'ootl,
ami tli unit our puic Kpr iti wuIit llu-y
Knt Wo urc ri'friiit inn ptMipli (rom
itlluT HltiU'H tliut nro lookiiiht (or lnintn.
lnlVO notlll t luHt'O llltiil tlmt
Will HUkf KOod lltlllHH,
How h Thiti?
WiMitlfr Ono Hinhlrt'tl 1 Mlutd lu'rtiu.l
for miy cu-o of ('Htnrrli tliut. i rtini t ho
our I'd ly llrtll'ti (atiurli Cure.
K. J. I'llKNI v A Inlrd.t, O
Vt, tlu utiiliTPitftn'tl, liKvc kin'ttii I .
I. Clu'ii.-v fur tin- IhnI l.i voaiji, and
Vwxvi him prrlYrtty hnnorrtidi' lit nil
tniHim-!H tnuif AiiiniiH iuil liutitit mil v
ttliti' to onrry out miv ohli,iiion m.iilt'
!y the tit in.
Vr;i' Tin , Wliolt'-iiU' I'rni-"-,
r.d -d..,)
VnuMi, Kinx N M u is, W holt t rutfrfiHt h, 1'oU'dii, ( I.
Iliili'tf Cattitrli i'litt irt I ikrii in
ti'mally, t-tin diivotly upon thf ni
iul niiii'ou mirfrti t n of the n Mem
IVotiiiioiiuld nl fitv I'lit'o vr
lottti1. KtiUt hy all I'nu'ni-i"
lluli'n Kaiiiily ViWf at iho lnrt.
Crcr And thrutr ol Abrhm Lituoln.
An ttdriit!t hy Jtt'ph MutKto, Am
la0Htlitr to Uit'ttl i ituin. tin the
onrotr mid i Imi vr of Ahralutiu l.i..
cln hin vry ufW Aith tin woild
hu fUioliT t(4 tti'Vt'loivd hi l In Uti r
yearn of bin li'i nd hit titliuiniMiatiuTi,
hith pUied 1iij iuiuo no hlli on Uu
world'i roll of tioiuir ttul fume, hat htvn
publiphinl hy thi 1 1 U o( Milwdukft
St, 1'muI Koilvtay hikI umy ho hl h
t'iittiii)t hi x -A oi'titu in pumtit'o to I .
MllliT, (rnerl IVm'iihit Ajfciit. I'hi
onrv), III.
3 U,lia MSUI ,l list U.13. rj
nt t'tnili hjrwis Tiw.- i.,.-l. I'm Pi
W. L DEAN, & CO.. Propr.
Notice to Muiic Lovers.
Several paniea representing them
selves as dealers in pianos, have repre
sented themselves as agents for the cele
brated Weber, Wheelock, Ktuy vesant,
United Makers and oilier pianos. We
desire to notify all residents oLosephine
county that the C.oea Piano House, at
Medlord, Oregon, are the sol.K aiiknth
for these makes for Josephine, Jackson
and l.aue counties, and if you want one
of these pianos or an organ, you w ill al
ways get a better deal from headquar
ters, and not be led into buying inferior
grades from supposed agents. We guar
antee pci led satisfaction, bo when you
need an instrument, just drop us a line
anil we shall he pleased lo call on )ou
or meet you at our warerooms in .Med
lord, where we have a large stock ol
instrument always on hand.
Cohh I'uso Hot sK,
Medlord, Oregon.
A Irlgtiiltil
Will iiiten ennui
Sciild, Cut or liruise.
ulve, mil kill the
It I ci nder
n horrible IImiii,
llueV leu's Arnica
ain and proinji' ly
hi nl it. Curen Fever Sore-, UlefM,
Moils, Corns, and all Skin I'.riinl inn
llest I'iih cure on nirth. Onlv i.Vts. a
box. Cm;) guaranteed. Sold by l'r.
Kremer, druggist.
A TmIhI ol the U'iIhi
In Hie night will turn on the electric
heith light in the 1'nilniail Standard
Sleeping Cars, on the Northern l'-u illc's
North Const l.imiled. To lights in
each section. (Jet u North Coast, l.imil
ed leallet. A. I. Charlton, Ahh'I (ien'l
l'as. Ag't. !iVi Morrison St., Cor. lid,
I'orila id, Oregon.
lines mid l I sizes in
Jackets, Mackintoshes.
Native Daulilcrj' Ktricplum.
I.HHt VftlmHiltlV t'VlMllllkt tlll'N.tlW
Pmthtt ir.ivt it very U a"int ti t '-
, tinil rtl tin III. i . I . hull 11' ii ii u i ii -
rrotiM ooiup.iuv aM-i iii''U'd Hint rnj - .
i thi t' ti (In- f u i lot ch nt. V. tn!
1 their nriuNw.itioii ht'io if com p.ita! i
in- the Nu'ive 1'iouh'eiM have a linn!
1 ri-tahltiOH'd ii'piit:itinii a. i-nicrlaiM-i
nhiili the pii-eiit u-s'iiiitt mitt?:ai
j -V very p!eaHi:tf pr.i am vu r n . . r
I MiMen t'oia Suitih an I aw I'a'.i..'
tlave lM.) p. auo tliieti nd M uimIi ,
1 piano all t ( wliith iMiml fi- tn.
the 1 1: iit lii-ai t v ttppt t Ml o:i o id
i ttihl eiuv. I'lmrr Veitc rt--iN' I in tn
pi n-uui ! y a i.'Tiu-I c lo. l
j vei v k i ! ) u I f lor one co jtun
I ih dt s r niiT t'l in iu li i on u or n i
! :i"H t. ic hii'i n
j " lot tu t n in -at1'
loiiuii tiii. 'e.l llit int
I ti"U of her lisvn
t-lot n'lonarv t.i.i nt
it lullil! I'Ml
HI U lilt ll
! tUtit Uppi
an 1 ilp1,
i n
I. V. Sii'tmrl k.i, '" u.l.iit ks ,is
: (u:l ul In'.t'rt'st tlilo-iK'niat, t -p U)
t'ftv 'inans Hi- ,l, li iiai.ily mi lliv
; I'uihliooiLs tthn h ,r, V;ii!.-,l ,ii,r t.i llu
j si-llU'ili.'iit ,,f Ol, i;,,n In A int'il, l.s I:, 111
, llli' t' is'cni n'ttU-s HI"! ,1, l;i,t'.Ut ,1 IMA
I iiil'liii1 luaiinri th,, t l,rtrit,r ,t t
! Mi'l.sai Jrm, iln llii !s,,u 1, ni,.in
j llKikiiiil,', lin filf.l i'st,rn ( )
, .1 ti n, I it,,,i Hi,, t ut, il.iiiin,,, l
1 ,'Iumi 1, ,1 will it liti-rni v ; mi,' pr.n i,, ,
' I'V till' I " ,11111 l;r :t,.,l III lilt h a!! tl,,,
riilll,:lll I' ll t.,'l; ,l It Uii in.,,,, , r I, ,
s'.i','t'-s At lilt- t ,tm !,isi,,n , t tin' i ,i
wain n l'fsiiiiii iii of ,-, il',.,-, Mtritl 1,
UII 1 I'tti V tt fr,. M-rti'.l, itllt'r ti ;,i. !i ! ,,.
f ill'.IIIV f lllt'l l.litlt',1 lIlrlhM I . fs tt r It
k' tnif, 1 ti -i- n, I c,ii,'i,.i:i ,11 I il,,.
rt iiiiiu .lrr ,i tin . ry i,i, .i-.tii: ,-t t-n 1, w'.
All e ls ins .in
t'ltllll til lilt till tS 1'
t tt n'.ttii tinier.
It liy tt ,itr,, , , '!
ll 1 V tli'i-tilllil tt lll.ul.t
A. F. VtHiuiui s I
ru,lJ" l'" " -. I
t ju-'tniiuj sivuv, j
Geo. It Archer ,ai been up from his
hydraulic mine near 1-el.nJ this week
visitius with his lamily. .'
J. I!. t-neliing, one of thej prominent
miners and n:ine owners of Uaiice, has
Lie. C. II. Hay who is interested more
heavily in uiining than any oilier man '
in tins .ei-ii.m i.l iI.m .ui. i. i; ,-,.,.
,.,.:,.i... ...,. : . .....
building a smeller in or near Uold Hill
Uold Hill News.
John K. llarvcv relumed nn I
to Oalice, ultcr speniiing several da; in
town. The style ol weather prevailing
for several weeks past is utieuiled to the
industry of hydraalic mining, as it
cheiks Itie flow of water very materially.
Frank lolvig relumed Sunday to
Galici! to work at the Iiocky (iuich mine.
A piece of new ground is being pros
peeled at present the wuter supply ha-
ing temporarily run short during the
I pichcnt frosty wtalher.
The Su,iar I'iue rjuariz mine at (jalice,
familiarly known as the Holt ledge, has
been bonded by (ieo. N. Holt lo II. W.
Kin heirand I). W. I ,ttler, considers
tion, I2i" 0. These gentlemen are tak
ing hold of the properly in a manner
significant of enterprise and have al
ready heun operations Inward the
development of the mine.
A Kern Clear He tin.
Vntir best feelings, your social posi
tion or l-ii-iness success depend largely
on the perfect ueiion of vnur Stomach
and l.ivi r llr. Iving'-n New .if I'iHs
give mcn-HMd strength, a teen, clear
bruin, high ambition. A S cent box
will inak" y-ii feel like a new being.
Hold by Or. Kremer Iiru rgisr.
Choral 1 onvcnlloii
Tin- iiiimuI musical i onvr-ni ion of the
lt'.ue Itiver Vadey Choral Union w ill
he held in this city on .March , (I 7 and
S VMliiitf d-degile from, Ashland,
Me-lford and -la. k-onviile i)l I,,. present
and no rea.-on nun i s whv this e me. -ii-
tion sho.ild not hi, the best that I. us jet
been held
'I he eliuial union of 'ir ints Pas" is
wi iking with I! lelitv wiih I In lull
silere-s ot Hie C'Jinenll in in vie a id
is airangi-ig I ir th . e i "r avi n r of
tl.e gin tls f:o;ii the vallev to.-, u i. The
fohrmiie,' ci.aimitiee-i were iiiiiioiiueed
at the iiieeti'.v on M unlay evening:
f.i.tei liiinmenl a'. I reci ptio:i ; Mrs.
I'eni -on, Mia. Mitel-:i, T. T. Cramer,
Arthur Coiil.liu ; s'ae, 1. E lV'erson
J. M. Ilooth, li (1. f-'iw'M-r. I-:. M. s:,i,h.
W. I,. Ireland ; punting ami advert i-ing,
'''' Cr'Mo r, . I-:. Voorhie', C. W.
Il,i vs; music, II. C. Kinney, MisKinnev,
Mi". Mangtiiii, ir. Van hike, T. i'.
t.'iiiini-r, Hi o, Cr.. no r.
Following is tin; hst i,( c!ioru-e- which
w ill he l:il,en up at the lotivelltii ll :
lull iiiiinaii:s Iioin Sin tin i M.iier
I'.rnlal Ciioiii- I.oieoi:i,n
liver lie Happy I ioin Kin haul less
H eleoiae IV.arina
liiis-iiin Holiday I horns
Spirit Immortal From At'ila
llalleli.j ili Chorus From Messiah
Snncliis . iv i.onnuil
Nighlof.lov . i'loin 111 in- I unit,,. Will s
I lie M.u lellous Works From I 'teat ion
What from Vengeance vet Ke.l i aim me
From Lucia
Come with Iho ( it p-y llrid-'
From I'.ol.i-iuiau t;irl
'I'wo concert will h given, oil the
evenings of the 7ih and Sth. Three
relnai-iils will b? hel.l daily, e.c.cnt as
the concerts nhnirli i he time,. The con
veiihon w ill I e iimlcr the dnciorship
of I'rof, Nah of I' lene.
Mi". U C. I'.rook", who is welt knovin
a iftheveiy hi si lJl.ln,,s nn - i,e
a-:, s-in. a y i fuil .if pow.r
ai. ,1 In , on v, ill he I ere iiixl will si: , a
nolo at i ai Ii ol the i erts. H.-rpies-
euce w nl ... gieally t i the aitiactive-
lless nl ll ci Miss
Siiiliyot -ht.i-i-l i Is ii , inli iilucii.iii
ll ' It ,V..!,- Ul'4 I'm an I c
Ii ue a ritfM t i mu el iluit the duct l.,-I.e.-.
!i .in I M,s. l;, i,, wu! ,,t
t'ie ;'!.lil'l--t Voi-.i; huoilicrs IV, riell
tl.Tc.l iii i Iii- fit y.
I .I'll- r . iiiiih 'c ..t M:
A i;iit nl i .irt a'liii' v ,
I 1-
tlt'l-l IN lilt' S'lll'i i tl
A' i tin- l-t-t u i , i r (in
pur: ii 1 1 . 1 aint Hi.
e Hum lu '' a umidl
wiiU'li ho iniiit- lnvir t
I ll..' fMll.
;i th'.i
tt 11
"i I t u r n i .
1 1 1 ui mi
imi 1 1
. .Ui'
ii t
r. h. ;
ti o: i
nil ait- titiln
.t iy UM' i
V, 1 . Krt'ii.i
.ii'! it'-
npiifti.- I)r
SI. Ill) (t
I. ft
rl' .ITK .1
i .Ml, J
.i I
Is n
in 1 1
il i'.Mtnut which
, itself
: ! .is 'U ai slit' ii 1m
nil! enough
'.c tlift'iei Ui lu't -lol!
I ulor-
tau .!,
ali .i :
tlie wt'in.nih hcultli tloes not
.tfp put' Aii!i t),- motl'.ctlv in
Ht'.iut. and wiun
V'j, conn s it o 1 1 e n '
COKKs t, tlkitlllT
' t" '..'AeriM .Imir.n ina-
J v S.' S it riiitv nii.t v.h
. uif uu.iMf to
' : ' ' v "1 J v" wf-ik-
'v- 7, r() Uu r'M "
SJ . v , V. '
tuts ,uwi
in tlu-ir ,um.
iMctuiif-1 tor .i
t'l.'M.lttl tor
Ly'. -s - ', v t'if ii-t- ot Pi.
Lv-'s-t V.'l'r "' '-'J I'lfii't'S r.ittintc
&hx-Ur--r ivs,i,,,tlli. 11
1' 11 r t- s u .1 11 s r a,
tlttl!iU'.'.UfS tllC
lift t, -s, mtrs a
lu-lltlit itpKtite
hll,! pii'llH-tt'S icst-
fj t 11 i 1 r f jt . it
m.ikts t!-,- Kilty's iMiiilt-ss, an, I ;!vcs
!irr .il'liiuVmt stirui-tll tti inns,-
t no s iSstitutf for " Kii.trin- l"rc-
till- III -
li. r . l.i
t'iHtuMl. Tiiir is ii,-tl:-.ii "just l
,ks!" t,,r ,u',t i, k!t' ttouit'ti.
"T"" 1 i -i i. -,.! s-.-.tti
l,k,i.S v, ir 'iWni, It,.. r,-,.;,..u - .?.r,
M'- 1.1 H..sktlt ,(,! 11 1,1 1 11 it C
t -lllir , , , ! -s , , in,,- hr tt.-i(hrtl
1,,'vi- y .mi.;, un.l it h.i.l It ivr h.,1 g o4
hi ,aii rri iiiiit unli'i lvul ISii tt.rk. a,1,
tt! 111 ,-,, i,i i: v Isilt ! o'tniB.T,! 4 br.t.Y
.m:,i "i i ,Kia .,T osii.w,i Mis'ust: in ,.vs
r't ' I fn I! , ikfu! th.l js.-i siirlvirr, ht-
llill A tfT .11 1 v ''.,!.', ti, K-.'tlll I'ltll h. ah v
u.i-n Pt Ii , . n-tslhiua. 11 s,it ink,
js.y I,, 1,-!! t i, ,,,1 il I,... ,t -iic m ,-ui (BTiillv
itt .. in 1 uiativ III if Urnilus, uujcr niy
ti! Tt sll. ii
I l!uu,k t ,11 ft-r win k ii.t nu, !kii! n.ltK-
Ii 11,
,-'s A.KiM-r in n.itsrr
em tit is st-1
in imc-ot'iit
hi.h'.iiu .", . 1
Ml' on ttsflpt tit Jl ttuts
sln:vt 10 Jsiv r;srnsr of
K. . l"icre,
HuU.iIo, X. Y.
nj.h(( tncj 0n each evening the opera'
hou) was crowded to its full capacity.;
They give dramatic entertainments o( a
high orddr and have a strong and well I, fe Tills. These pill" change weak
balanced company. They have a first-'nets into strength, listlecsnecs into
ntasa l.v.r.,1 an.) nn-Lnln on, I I lie ...t.i lirain-taZ into mental P Wer.
x.,0,hon, wo, oI Mr. Drew were en-,
penally plea-ii.g musical featurce. '
JK9,e Shirley, the star of the com-
pa,,.-, has a faculty of commanding the ;
mofl ure,vcd .pprova. of hr !
audience in whatever role she appears. ,
The q iaint manner asauroed in "A j
r,.nnir liirl" i. Uved nn Tlmrwlav eve-1
. ' -ii. .i n
FriJay evening she assumed the role ot
'he "L'gly Duckling" but wisely nude
no pretense at homeliness as her skill
would not have availed in that direction.
On Hilurday evening the play wan "A
Sheaf of Arrows" in which II. W. Gil
bert S9 the old Dutch governor was one
of the central figures.
The criticism is justly maJe that
Grants Pass audiences are altogether
too economical with their applause
They aro not unappreciative but fail to
reali.D the assistance and pleasure which
a demonstration of applause gives .the j
company. On Saturday i.iu'ht the
actors applauded the orchestra behind
the curtain while the acdience were as
inuin as miie. Yet' the audience were
pleased bv the orchestra's selection but
had their eyes snd attention glued tn I
the curtain in expectation of its rising
on the next act. Their eilem e n old not ;
fail to depress llie orchestra who could,
not know the extent to which their
music had really been appreciati j
(Phlla.ltrlphia R-cnrd i
Each provi::ee is Ruhdividi-d into de
piirtnieuts, rnh d hy prelects, and each
department into districts, each with
a dihtrict ruler.
( hi mi proper has nn urea of 1,33V
h 4 1 stpiare miles, with a population,
aeeordiiiR' to a recent estimate, of 3fit-
Three relliunn are acknuu ledt'd hy
the hinese n indigenous and adopt
td, a,: t'oiifuciuniMn, lUidtlhibin and
.Most of the nhuripmil hill trihes
ure utili nature-worshipers, und etli
nieaJly are distinct from the prevail
ing Mongolian population.
The total area of China and its de
pendencies amounts to 4, 21s, 401 square
mih'8. ami the total population to no
less than 4"C.S0.0t'0.
Durinir th: year 1?h 52.W1 vessels,
of 'M.'SyAA''1 tins. entered and cleared
( hinese ports. Of these vessels 7-1', of
2:i'J.l.U tons, were Americans.
Ten "hinese tie wspuperH are pub
lished in .Shanghai, and, the Fiiceess
they have achieved has led to the es-tahli.-diment
of others at some of the
other treaty ports.
About onedialf of the total number
i if foreigners resided at fShanhni.
The French municipality at that town
enternd on the extension of their con
cession on March t, r.nn.
According to a return of the im
perial customs authorities the total
number of fon'iirners resident iu the
open ports of China was 1H,41 at the
end of the year H'.'S.
I'aeh of the Is pn i net's of the
(Ylest ial e in ire is ruled by a gov
ernor or k'ow rnor general, who i- re
sionsilde to (lie emperor for 4 lie en
tire admiui-tration, political, judicial,
military and fiscal.
A iiion g t he fore iir tiers w ere 5.1 P
Pritish subjects. 'J,i'p.n Americans, 1,
' t Jap;. in-sf, X'n Krenchint'ii. l.'t:t
' . r'nan. 1.' " Port ucfiioe. H:i5 Spa.i
,.;nis aril Swedes and Norwegians,
all other nationalities he i hit represent
i d by i ry few members.
The dependencies of China are Man
churia. ;:i-J.(M Kiiiare inih-s. with 7.
;,o,i i. i souls; Moiiirolia. w it h I.C i o
n(li;ire mile-; ;;pd 2.01.' a, souls; Tibet,
with t.o ! ... o stjuare milt s and C.' "
soui.-: Vui:e;:uia. with 1 17, '..) .) Fipiare
miles und t-o-i.tMiii t,uls, and Kast
Turketaii, with 1.(1. sim square miles
and ".i) souls.
When trau'Iiii Tolstoi takes the
slowest train he can tind, because he
holds that the charm of travclinir is
inw'ively iroportioiied to iis rapidity.
Herbert Sp iieer neer made any
money oti his bonks, and iu seeial
ea-es lost some. On bis eilit volumes
of "Principles of Sociology," for ex
ample, there was a deficit of .lniv.O,
Ir. Murray, of the new Kmrl'sh dic
tionary, wants early instances of the
u-e of "intentions" iu t lie sense of
whiup: to marry, lie has been un
able to trace the word further hack
than 11
l'r. i:. A. V.. l'ettd. of CleMdand, 0.,
wrote a poem not lonir ni;o on (ier
maiiy. "To My 1'atherland.' which was
copied in the P.erlin papers, and
brought him a congratulatory letter
from Kmperor William.
iconic tune aro the Vrinceton (New
Jei'srv) university presented to the
I "ait ih museum LV. speciaieiin of
North A me ri. n birds' eirs many
of them of rare pteies. Now tin- Itrit-i.-li
iiiiiM urn reciprocal! s by present
int. to the Princeton u n i t-r. i t y ;'.iio
mount eil birds. in chid int brilliant
sccunciis from India, Australia and
the Malax i-lau.U.
The I.nnu -XrrUt'il Viiluutl '.(ini lit
IU l ith. Iri; fht Xorlh
1 ' 1
' '
.' tt.111
fur the
fr'op Salt- I
Titfn'y tivti at-rt' st one
it ivM of lllllllt Pas
Fi'U Si.k-
'M'.t I'A'.f lltllt -I
U":int rivt'".
t lnit.i, tiii, t" i.
rtt-rrt i-l m l.ut
I'Lu'f. rritv
1 1111
aretl, tiiimll or
ti lni!f i us!i, a!to :i it one
is knoan the llv,!e
0. till' t'Hsl,. t,r ,JJ,.
tit-nal ii.fiirii'ittioii ,i,!nss
Ci i;k Pki !..
La drill le, Dit on
Working Jiigtit and Day.
The busiest and mi tfhlient little thing
that ever was made is Ur. King's New j
They're wonder! . I in baildU up the
health. Only 25c. P"T box. Sold by
jr. Kremer.
,I0UI,e, l'rompt a-tiou will save the
hnle ones from these terrible disease,
We know ol i '.ulliing so certain to jrve
instant relief a One MitiuteCongb tuie.
I, ,..,. he re'ied nion in grippe anJ
all throat and lung troubles of Bilullr.
I'leasant to take ir. W. F. Kremer.
I'lour to Exchange.
Farmers, do not haul your wheat SI)
to SO miles to exchange, Scolt (irifTin
will give j on as many pounds ol flour
f ir a bushel ol wheat as any mill iil
give you. You wiii find Scott (tritlia at
hia liay, Flour, Feed and Snd Store.
Cor. 0:!i and I 6' reels, 'irauts I' iff. Ore.
The most Soothing, healing and
antiseptic application ever devised is Ue
Wilt's Wileh Hazel sa ve ll relieves
at once and cures pin, sores, ecz-ma
and skin diseases. Ileware ol imita
tions l'r. W. F. Kremer.
Narrow Folks
Ami f hort-silii. ,1 ,i-,i.-rs il n't
like tn lie ciiiiiisnl We ilo. il
there is tlie I, ast sliS'lo ol pre-t,-xt
t'-r it. Ity I'Hi-nii ii fur years
lur tin' tiniest ini'es d: il ffcn
tfiit, we've lenrni-il tn ii n o
pie Lat iliey want, mtil, or
i-l pert.
Tliitisa iiwlern Iirnu Slnre.
It there in ever n ..ireiit cause
for ilisMUi-finti'in t';i ir. Yon
Mi1! Hi nJ ns ial. iii) our i irt.
Slover Drug Co.
Al'ill IIL'.MUH'.S,
l Yiilll S'.. Oppnt I'e Depnl.
Al l!,-il ' I
I la'. e ii i', '.'.s,nt ti.-1 1 ilrink, the next
nn.: niiiL' I I' el Inijlii iin l my I'ompii-x-imi
is h 'ti. r. .My il.ic' ir suys il sets
Ki nt'l t i n y f iiiinai h.iiver iiiel knlii'M ,
i.t i.s it pleasant lixalhv. ll is iniiile
li' in In rhs ami is pn p;ireil as easily a.
ten. Ill" rail 'il Lane's Mulieine. All
ilrntis's fell i; al "" els. Lane's !', mil-
Iv Meilii-ine ni'iveiJ the Imwi'Ih each
i am
il u'et II,
-s , Mnii,
finl f-,r a free smu-l-'.
Wuii iivartl, I.e
S2.25 for $1.50
The Rogue RiYer Courier
The 8 st and Most Pi actical Farm
Family Pdpcr Published.
l't licvi'ur tliut cviTV
-Ii imI'1 liiiw n! Ii-a-t nt
.iriil :nni!l iniintiil. wi
itie nf niir r'uU'r-i
i:.k1 mltii uitural
1i:lw p. in-rtcil ar
u' i a 1 1 t nl that
r.itiL'rnii-iit u fit'ii-i'V
pr:l''tl'-!il Jlii'l ili-tl'li t
"iiriial, Kami
I Hmnt'. in ruiiTii'i tu 1 1 wiiti l iit Week
ly nri.l :tnt M"li.f m:iiIc 'i)iilliv:llirt-, ntl
r- inurkaMy Iii'cral It rins 11- uiven ln-luw.
I. iii k m -..n c turl'nl-- l ui a luit-f itr-.rriji-tii'ii
nl thi' i niiti nt- mi I'aiiii ikkI llmiu-,
rtliii'h i- um it !nr vaiifiy ami cx-
rt'iN-Ili't. rt'-llilll;'.'!! HllHUiL' il Ilillliy
li :il MH'lit - in;i It Hi flit i( iiit"l 1 1 Kami
aint (.ai-lcn. .1;n'.'t 1 : t j - 1 1 -. rinMut'.-iion
l'.ii, A ri'iiinl the (iliii.r, I'lan-' an-i lnvt-n-iMii-,
t.' t it riiiarv, I-;-ln..i-uii-1 Kam v
Wnik. Tin .', 1 lit- I'miliry Vani.
lalks wiih a l.atr. 1- mil I'uiluri'. l'I:iiil
au.l I'lnt-r. I.ivt- .-lin k ami I'airy. Hit'
ft.'i inurv I 'a-hi mi- an-1 lam v Work,
llmt-.huM IVaUirr-,
I- itrm aii'l lltHMc ui'ii-litt -ciui
niiniti!', 1 1 1 ti - ivnii: i'ii :'l tiuiiihiT,- a
ar, tin- Imic inakniL' a vnlunie nl uvt-r
('a''-. it'riiiiiii: wiih nil th'- laic-t amt
iih'-i 1 1-i i; t if iMiii mat inn thai i-t'i-rifine
aihl -i ifpi c i a:i -n ! . Nn tn-itt-r rnni
nl tl- I'.'i'Ulaiity i, ui In ii U'iv.1 thai i t -i
i-tiiii nn Mi-s i irt'U:;ii!t 'ti. lurii f ifii' t- into
I'Vrrv pri uii c. t a h miiiiln-r ln niu n a-l hy
mi ir-- than a iniilluii rcnler.
I'y arr;i:ii;i nn hi ut- maki- for u
iKniit'l L:ii.i' Uic; ;i.iii:: ,i! tT.u nihr:
Cornier, one yiv.
Farm and Home,
Home Cuiiti nances
I 'v
All for Only - - $1.50
i i:,,l., 1,, tin,
i,,'rl.-li.,., n ti. 1
ll ,,iMr. llu'
lurui 1
hi I.M.I.
Vii .V
1 to
!:... ami ll.r!
I 111 tin. Ii.m.l-
1 tins i.,,k h:i. i
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u: Km-
- 1 II
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rr.:ii;.ir . ;..iti
l.i kl' tlllN uii-
t r l.y .i
ill, 1, .llln,
au.l I-..;
I :
! til.
1 il.u-
lilt Mill I', I.
"l ll.i- . r, .it
111 . '1 i,, ,'i,"t
h t ,. -,'n.l ,,1
t,ilt- il''i-I'l'lurt-
sa.u. Kt iiit ni.
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- 1,1, tin- I 'ul K! KK
1.1 ur in :i,lt .111, t-.
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:: ,,ti,. i,:it ;!- n;ri'.
. iir,'
t 1 111
s I y s,. .j;,
A,,lrt-s :!
Kouue River Courier,
Grants Pas, Oregon.
N 1 ' 1' i t ' !'. Fni; l'f ; I.IC V I ii N.
I. an,! v M K.-fliii-tf. "rt s' n )
.'it. nan :l, I'.l ! i
V'ti.f 1- h. r. '.iy ulti-a that Ih.-t.ilUiw
ll.l'l ' ,1 si'l! !t f ll!,, I.'i'l e i, Ins
a'l. 1 1 ..,. ti, a- , j,, .,;,.,,,,r
., ),i- , 1
in.1,1,- I
I th It sanl .i,,.,f 1.
AHi il. 1 ,iaitt 1 .Aj
,-,,r A
ii' 1 limits Fit
I Nil, V t.
-i. F
till,", I, r l'..r
l ir
ai I tt ruaty 'tt
Fan mi
n 11. F..N
i, . M A us
'. .H '
.;; s. 1; :. v.,--.
lit- lutiiii-.- tin- ,!,., i-pr.ivt-
lr.s , onT 1:. u, tns rt-i
t- ,l!l I V ill l-i-l Mil 1 111 I. V
tt 1 ness,-s t
it' Ulsitl 111,
n il' 1 l'-i i-!-. -,.( M .1 j.l,v, Ur
tii-oiitf I t-llil, I ! :r hv. llrrf,.!!;
-isiii sw u.,i, h . .,; i 1; 1 ,li t , ( irt't.', 11 .
I:ii. ll.ltfs,-! Mnri lit . l He;- 11.
J. l'. I'.iaiuKs. i;,-tfi-t,-r
cow msiMs--Rubber
Boots, Coats and Hats
Ladies' Aprons, Underwear, Door Mats, Towel
KoIIers, Croekery & Glassware, Wood,
Tin and Granite Ware.
(Jranite Wash Pans 15c Foot Scrapers 10c
Horse lirushe? He Hammer 7C
I ress Pal terns 70c Cake Turner 5c
Machine Oil 5c! Dippers Rc
Vaseline Re A 'inner Plates, six for P4c
Syringe Mlc ; Tumblers, lilaes, J 27n
liuttcr Moulds. . . . . .. .liic j Men's Felt Hate 75c
A Splendid Assortment of Fresh Garden Seeds
At the
Smith's New York Racket Store.
:h .a. :r, k o ws i
Wc have the famous
yuacijsj : I C W N
And all farm machinery. Wagons and all
manner of wheeled vehicles.
Smith Bros, Mercantile Co.
Kiill-vci;ht Fancy Creamery Huttcr.
A few more of those Ticiiic Hams at 10c a pound.
Choice line of Canned Fruits and Vegetables at pop
ular prices.
- Lenten Season Begins Feb. 20 Ends Apr. (i-
Nice line of Suit and Canned Fish.
We havo a lare assortment of Men's Soft Shirts on the
road and which are due shortly. Give us a call and we
know we can interest you.
Tin and (iranite Ware at lowest cash prices.
Smith Bros. Mercantile Co.
Howard's Old Stand.
Don't Endanger Your Life
By riding a tin frame Bicycle. Ride a
. Kacyele, Stearns, Crescent, Crawford, ll. & II.
Special, or Spaulding
And you will be in the lead from start to finish. These wheel
weigh fiom 22 to 26 pounds, and are constructed of the best material
obtainable. We sold over 100 Crescents last year and but one frame
proved defective. The Kacyele is warranted lor one year. The
Steams will be made by the Crescent people, and will be the same
fine piece of mechanism as usual. The Crawford and B & II Sjhc
ial will be greatly improved and are perfect beauties. The Spaul
dinj; is a new one in this place but is one of the leading wheels iu
the Mast, and is fully warranted.
I sell for cash ot on installments, and take old wheels in part
payment, I equip any of the above wheels with any make of
Tins, Handle Bars, Saddles or pedals, with or without Coaster
Brakes or Cushion Frames.
$ 75 ! $;t IM
l "hi t,. m
l i"i ., :; i n
,"i,i io :i ii. i
J T,n t,i 11 0 1
II ,,:,
P.-1 II Is
I'lIM .
I'. ir.s.
Second hand Bicycles ail makes, all prices. One second-hand
letter copying press, good as new cost 12 yours for S5. One
new St ir Lathe with ail the latest improvements, chuck and tools
complete, 1 1 inch swing, 6 feet 6 inches between centers, a bargain
for the cash.
I-'irst-class repairing at reasonable prices.
-.r-Yuiir Money's Worth or your Money Back.
' . , ..
1 11 t lit I. mm t y court 01 the Mu e ol
1 in'i;, 111, f,ir iliu t'uiuit) of J.jsi'I'Iimic, In
., rulmte.
I hi tlie iniiMt-r u( I lie c.-tatf of )
! Aiiliis ii. II, in k:ns, ijia-iastil. f
Niiin t' is lit-rt-hy liiven that .luiiu-i? S.
Muiirt', tin' I'Xt'Cnlnr of the estate ot e.iiil
, Annus 11 lloi'kins tltt-i-at-il, has pre
! -t-iitt'il ft ,r M-ult'ineiit mitt fileii in ttaitl
t'niintv Court the linal mrouiit of his
ail-iiiiiistration ol s;m estiite.
It is then-fore onlereil 1 h At Tuefilny,
'the l'Jtli tlay of Ffiiriiiuy lH',11, at 10
o'tlttrk in the liireiioon ot eaul day in
1 the Comity Couit room, in the Court
tiuti-e a; liranti! 1'asii 111 sai-1 County
of Just'iihitie, Slate ol Oreiznti, be autl
1 he same hereliv it tt tminteti l-y tins
'Conit inr the nettleint-nt ami alluwanre
ut i-ai.t tinal ari'ount anil fur the dis-'iharK-e
of the !.n,l exeA-uior ami hm
; siiieiief ; at whii-li tinitt aiul plat-e all
iitis.iii- interesteil in sai l esutu may
: api ear ami file exft'iitionst or ubjectiune
I in ttiitniK to taul account or any
p.-ntii u'ar iieni thereof.
I Ami it is furl her onleritl that this
I in ti e Iki puhlilieil once a week for four
I sn. c.-ssive eek in th Knui K KivtK
IColKiKu avetkly newnpnper publieheii
i ami pnnlt-l at the illy ol Uran'a I'ass.
County of JiseLhnie, ami !t;ate ol
l'-ine in oi'eti Court 011 this Ttb day
of Jamiaiy, A. I I'.nM.
Ahk Atii.,
1 - Count; Judge.
A lw Pointers.
The rt'tvnt stotimics of the number ol
deaihs show that the lrije nnjority die
vii li ciiMiii pti'tn. This tlisease niay
coiutiit iite ith an apiarvntlr barmlesn
foiit;h, wtikli can cure ! instantly by
Kemp'a I'-aKnn l.r I lie Throat and
Luntt, a In, h id yuarantet-d lo rure and
I relieve all CJst . i'rice ijc. au J 5lX:.
1 For sale by all drufiau.
and Paints,
flff. SSUI1BT.
Oil l.mii-iti.
ias I.Hiiifins
IV. Is
It lin Cupt-a .
Air Tnlii'S. . . .
f,0 10 $1 01
1 7'i to il I'D
:'."i tu 1 co
. i fill tn 2 ,'i0
. 1 CO In 2 III)
At the Bicycle Den, East of Depot.
M. J. Shields & Co.
(irotvom ami Iuiiirti-rs
. of all kinds of
Grass & Field Seeds
W e ran mime see-l for evergreen pasture
in your se .11011 of ihe rouiurv. Whv prns
pf, t mill untried -eetl? ' With 'liiieeti
ytars nl perstnml expi-riem-e in cruwini!.
alsti with Hi,, expeneiii eof the Aitrn iiltunil
( olleni-s at Mtist-iiw and l'lillmnii, we sul'
mit the fiihitwinp li.t of seeds out of a
hundred ihilertnt kinds trietl:
llrniiiiii Inermus. Tall Meadow Fi.-niie.
KiiKlish 11111,1- (irass. Tall Meadow Hat
(ra-s. Italian Kye (Irass. Fiat Stemmed
lime lirass, Kiiftlish Kve (ira-s Orchard
Those are l-'ri-Mi KeedH; Wc are
iTowers ol iheni and will guarantee results
and prices.
We arc also growers and iniiHirtrra of
Clovcra, Alfalfas, Pea, Corn. Wheat,
Russia fc'peltz. Millets and all
kinds of Field Siedi.
For references, we cite von to W. J.
Spillmaii, l'ro!est.r ol Altii uliure at Ihe
Atrrn uitural I t.llefe at rullman. Wa-h ,
and II. T. French. I'roiessnr nl Agriculture
al the Idaho Male I nirersity, M
Idaho. Kit prires and lurlljer informa
tion aildre-is,
IVpsm preparation! ol'en fail to lelieve
ir.J.ct-tion U cause they ran dij-e.-t only
albuminous looda. There in one prepara
tion that diirrstla all clanoea of f, o-l, and
that is Kodol l)!pt pia Cure. It cureii
the worn case ol inJ-BeMion and gives
instant relief, for It dieeta what you
eat. Dr. W. K. Kremer.