Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 07, 1901, Image 4

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    " f, ' t
' ' London Journal Regarding Our
Late Centut Return.
Om. o.l Oimtk D.rlaa" th tt
Desad I'Hniunl Tkat of
Ar other Kalian torn Ooss
yllualwr Bcauuki.
Statistics arc frequently merely dull
and repellent hoata of fiirures; oecn-
ionally they atrikc home upon the
Imagination, and li-ara a irid Impri'-
tion upon the mind. Wo tnaiitrniiiii
Derion can fnil to realise something at
lrait of all that 1 aiRiiiflfd by the cen
sus return! of the I' lilted Stiitts. y
the London Teleffrapli. Thut inlphty
nation hna been numbered and it Is
found that her population now stands
at 70,210,000. In tin abort apace of
ten year there hat been an Inrrvnae
of nearly U,2.V),noo, which laequivivirni
to almoit 21 per cent, for the !rcaric
or rather mora than 2 per cent, per
annum. When we remember that 2U0
yean afro the population of tliesmtcs
wan under 31)0,000 or rather more than
the present population of Hiadford
anil that 100 yean tio It wna but lit
tle over 5,000WO. It will be cn wiin
what niiiar.iiur rapidily the onnr irlanl
among the nations haa built up hit
strength. The fl rat crnstis m taken
In 17W). From that year down to 1h60
the lucres per cent, per annum was
about 3.50.
From 1H00 to 1H70 It fell to 2 2(5; Ik
the next ten yean It roae to 3.1: from
1MK0 to IMiu It drooped to l4B, and
now, ns we have een. it stnnils at 2 1
This ia a s'.livlit decrease In ratio, but
after all. the Important fuel la that
there are 13,00i,f)ll more pip!e owning
oKefriniiee to th Aimrlcim cmi.tltutliii
thnn there were, ten yean uiro. And
the vrowth of population It the Infill
Utile tint uf national prokirrity am!
Hileaiifement. No nation haa neryet
risen to greatness with a dwindling
piipiilnlion, and probiibly none erer
will. ! rlliiiiiff number! have been the
Invariable cmieoitilKuit of national
alnirniitinii and decndi nee. The growth
i f the powirnf (irenl llrltnlii. Hi rtnnnv
anil liiinain heart witness to the trim
of tliis sweeping gineriiliulinn. mill
there la nothing wlileli gWea Kreneh
inlilicits more eriom grounds fi
liiMiii'i'l ui'e ni to the future of lh
i-oiinlr.v than the evidence of atiigin,
tinn ahown In their cenaui return.
Aim rienns. therefore, may be well con
tent with the progress they hiif tnnd
In the liift decade. Theae figure! af
ford them ample reaaon for pride uin
juliiliitlon. The only great power of
the prmrnt day which can rie with
them In iitiinbrn ii Ilussla. und
wealth. In energy, ill adaptability, In
education and In that cunning Indus
trial aklil which ia the foundation o
inuleriiil prosperity, thay fur outstri
the subjects of the ciar.
What the future haa Jn aton for the
fulled Klutea only the future ran dl
clour, but that It It aomelhing grent
lomething vast and mngnlllcent fur be
vond nnvthlng hitherto wltnisiml
history, no one ran doubt, and there
are few KnglUhiiien who do not wel
coma the prnspsct with hearty grot
IDciitlon, owing to the community of
rare, Ideaa and language which link
both the heart and brill n of the I'uite
St alis with the heart and brain
the llrltlhh empire. Full details of thin
lateat census have not yet been null-
Hi lied, and a cloae analysis la nt prva
r lit Impossllilr. Yet It ia to be unserve
that the increase of population Iih
taken place chletly In the enale
states. In New York state alone Hi
numbers have risen by l.S.Vi.ulxi; I'enu
sylvnnia and llllnnii. aliuw siiullmlt
striking result!. Ai In Khglnnd tin'
tit ban mid nuiniifncturiiig cent err grow
much more rapidly than the inral. X
one will be surprised to II ml that the
Indians are steadily dying out of th
land. There are now but i:i4,('l d
acendiiuti of the red man, who one
foamed in undisturbed pohaiiwioii o
the soil. Hut for the reservations on
which they drag out a forlorn ami
hopeless existence, they would mnhi
become as extinct as the bi.on. Civil I
iiition haa utterly fulled to preae
the red man. Whether It is rivilin
tloli't f n ii i t is another mutter. In pal
doubtloa, It la; In part, and probably
In greater part, It la not.
There la no room for the noiuad in
the modern scheme of life. He has re
filled to sdnpt himself to altered enn
dltlous, and though the remit iniiy I
deplored, the law is inexorable, I'rnlv
lily, however, the iUt'tliui which will
nioNt tntcrcht the Ami rieima la the ret
alive niunbera of the white and c lore
imputatlon. 1 he theory uacil to he very
widely held that the colored races in
America iiu renaed ( r than tl
white. Statlatica, however, prove thut
the Inference was not nurranted M tl
actual llgures. In INSO there were II
Jii.i.ll(H) free colored people in the
states; In HUM there were nenrlv
Sno.tsjo. The proportion In the former
year was nbout two in thirteen; in
th latter It was two in fl'teeu What
It Is at the present time the published
returns do not dlaclore, but hitherto,
except between IMIlhlld iMill, the white
American has Incrcntcd rather more
rapidly thnn the colond. 'I he rueiul
problem In the states ia one of audi fur
reaching Importance that nil will hope
the advantage will continue to rest
with the whites.
A Kw ( art,
In tlit TlcihUjr of (Mrasft nrt wlmt
nrr cnlUit "limutt" vn.-t tlurtmrH
lt-r, wMrh wrra orif?inu!
with t lit si. but iIik.i :!
sifting up ttf sun.) hv li
II I' I ft
Mm. itit now ixtf
Ity iiiriiiis of t'np. i ,iti u r
ill 1 lit ht lltkl'S lmt' Iti'iMli t i',
etl, tux. liif Itrrit rit.' Ut
HUK'h int'tlirinnl tihir ll.n: li t
rurv," n it Is mill 1. is r up i'i t ;
i nl i nt
.. or v
. i ill:
tutu Htmlnr futor. I.itttt I lumiu k-.
A Good
Nothing odds moro to vi?or of Uxly aud
cbcorfulnoss of mind, or aids so w ell In
cboslng away the linos of worry and care
from tho woary brow, as gixnl, sound, re
freshing slcp. But when tho gray matter
of tho brain has boon robbod of Its vitality
and constructive strength by wouk, worn
out and exhausted nerves, sIckp givos way
to rostloss tossing and long hours of fever
ish distress. Do you want a good sloop?
You oan get it if you go about it right.
Bta Miles9 Nervine
Balaxea the strain on the excltod nerves and gives tho repair shops of tho brala a chanoo to
make good the damago of the waking hours. It Is a great brin food and nerve-builder.
Scli by sH cirogsts on a guarantee Dr. Miles Mcdkal Co., Ffkhart, lad.
Honor Seven Honrs Long
A Exhibition of Crmrf by ft TankM
Hell oo I Ma uu.
YT 13 Mid." remarked the old
I doctor, "that s person can't
live and retain hie senses In
tate of blind, animal terror for
more than a eery few minutes at a time.
Kither nature will take refuge In her
cyclone cellar, unconwalousncss, and
the person will faint: or tlie nrnin len
slun will getbeyond the snapping point
and he w ill become Insane; or the hear;
will collapse under the strain, and
death will follow. Or any two or ail
of these things may occur at once, ho
aav the authorities. I wuaof the same
opinion once, but I've known better for
a good nianyyears.although 1 ve never
seen a second case to disprove t lie rule.
Did it ever occur to you when some
lone-standing record of courage or en
durance, or the ability to bear pain lins
been broken, how often it Is a woman
that breaks it?
This was a young woman, a ew
Kngland school-teacher by the name of
Mildred Wicks. Khe had heen inviteri to
visit to two elderly inanh n
auntH who lived on the ouukirts of uu
old town In the central part of ir-
ginia, where I began the practice of
medicine. The house was one of mow
three-storied southern coloiiiul.striic-
tures with broud verundaa and tinted
column the entire height of t lie front.
Krom the left. In the rear, there extend.
ed a considerable wing which, in ome
former period of prosperity, hud been
given over to the guest chambers, lint
which now for yenre nun been nine
II v aotne mUunderManding the
young woman arrived Just a week ear
lier than site was expected, to nun ner
aunt'a hunt in the mlilst of prepara
tory houseclraning. It roiieiiiently
became necewmry, until the room in
the main part of the house could be
prepared for her to put her In one of
the wing chum bers, anil in one oi ini-se,
on the third lliior, sue was uuiy in
stalled. It waaone of those enormous.
high-studded rooms that have entirely
gone out of fashion nowadays, even In
large houses. I here was a great lire
place In It and solid mahogany furni
ture of a somber, old-fashioned type.
"The elderly aunts were mhiicw hut
apprehensive lest the reinotrncsf mid
lung disuse of the chamber nrtght cause
their niece some uneasiness, but she
was a healthy young person not given
to iiervousneMi, and scolTed at the idea.
It was arrunged, nevertheless, that the
housekeeper, who ordinarily slept In
the main division nf the house, should
occupy, that night, a chamber adjoin
ing the visitor'! for th sukc of com
pany. "At bedtime, however, an unexpected
dllllciiltv arose. It was suddenly re
membered that the keyi to both the
young woman's and the housekeeper'!
chnmher hud been missing for a num
ber of years, and the doors were al.wi
unprovided with inside holts. The only
duplicate keys were In the Iioiim keep
er'! bunch held together by a solid
bra ring, from which they could be
removed only by breaking or filing the
brass ring. Leaving the young wom
an 'a door entirely enaeeured wus. of
course, not to be thought of. The
housekeeper dually prnosvd that i-he
should lock thedonr for the nlyht from
the outside, taking I lie keys with her
Into her own room mid unlocking it
agnlu early In the morning. The win
dow! of the chamber being three
atorica from the ground there was no
possibility of Intrusion from that
source, and should the Iioiim l,e i -per'
presence lie needed nt nny lime dining
the night it needed only a fc igor
our raps on the wall to summon . her.
The young woman found no nliji-i i ion
to this plan, and the hnusvkecei, after
bidding her g l-uight, went out and
locked the duor after her.
"Left to herself, the young wotnnii,
tlrod from her Journey, lost no time In
undressing and getting into bed. uni
once In bed It wnsavery few moments
until siie wus sound asleep. Tin- i;ct
she knew she found herself sitting np
atiirlng out Into the room. How Uk
she had been asleep she could not tell;
hours, she thought, since there Inn!
been no moon when shc hud gone to
bed and it now shone in her window
from well up in the sky.
"Then with a start It ciiuie to her
tlint she hud not nwnkrneil no t u in I ly ;
that there had been some soil of a
noise. She peered uroiiml I he room,
but. could see nothing ttlnnuing. and.
ante for the sound of the Inx'cts, tlie
u j:ht wus us quiet ns the grnic. So
lliulilv she luy down again noil in n ft o
Uimui uts n a li ii !f way Ii.
smlilciilv slit foutu! Iirr
it C tl it. In-1 h( art tln. I
Suiui'tliiiii( was niiii;. :
of tht null oppuMtc lit
iuiimI (lift r it in t- :i Miit
r 'I :
in ii-.'
i P
A it
jMitliTHir. hliTlrr.uis muni s,
its though mi it u tint' und .linking Tlir
y tiling Mtuiinn flutrln't! 1I19 l .1 t'luthc
itiul trit i! to pit.' iv i tlti' t!ai km sv Hut
nil i t'oitli! tl ist itibs u ih tiiilv (lit1 taiMtr
tm t lint' of n tTourhinir furiu. Tht' link -Ihtf.
Kurnliun tttiiitnlti, howt-viT. i-oiitin-Ut(l,
uiul ttuii miitiltuly sho ln'itnl the
olftiik ttf n t'hatu luin 1 1 aKtil uloiif;
tin' Hour.
"Tin' tiling rfdolirtl the cornrr of tlu'
wall nnl pnii!t'tl t lie re for a uioiiirnt.
Thru it I'lm rftl ntut bran to t-n-t p
slowly itlonjf 1 lit bnM of thf mooii.1
nail, wh ifh wnulil hrinr it within n
j a rd or two of tht- pnt of t hf 1m i! . 'I' In
youtt woman ot us far tit l.t-r
kiit'i t. ant! rt'iiutiut'tl thi r :it,-hit its
proirtt'sr. Tht'iv was 110 tintion
shru-kin for lit-lp. Shv w.t Iotkfil Ta
with Ihf thiiiK. whutortT It wuv with
tlif k.'.i of hrr t!oor Miiui'M ht'iv in 1 1n
hoiiM'kvfprr's room, mul t In Iimiim'-
ki-t'per nslt't-p. Slu1 knt'W, loo, wiihoul
tr ntf that )it' imuUI gi t no mhiiu! out
of lit r throat.
lt nhuHlft! tloA 11 the stvoiul nail with
"My nerves wore so shattered after a
sovero attack of pneumonia that tho Uast
noiso would make mo fool llko soroaiulng
at the top of my voice. I could not get a
night's sleep, and would often awaken
twelve or flftoen times before morning.
Ono day I purchased a bottle of Dr. Miles'
Norvino on trial, and before It was half
gone I could go to sloop without an effort,
and awake fooling rested and refreshed."
P. E. A. Fung, llarUdiorao, I. T.
many pauses, but choking and gurgling
always. Once she thought it might be
aorne sort of animat, but as it pussed
near the moonlight at tin w .:.('.., she
saw that it waii not. It I r:.iL.T I
horridly grotesque rescinbianci" to a
man. Having reached the second cor
ner it begun to move t.'.i i - -he third
wall straight toward tit i it cf the
bed.. The joutig gill s:uu on: out at
the head to the floor. The tliii.g pulled
fiKi-lf over upon the footboard und he
upon the footboard und he
rch"thruu;'h the ! , .k ! ithes. I
nthing it tore il.e clothe
and hands furiou-ly. The f"
nan watched iie procesa
gun to search
Finding not
with teeth
vounur woman watclitn in J
from half way down the wall. Khe tried
to think what would have l.nppintd to
her had she failed to awuke when she
"Ily degrees It s eined to grow calm
er, mill tlnally In turn crawled down
from the head of the bed. The young
woinuii could not till whether it saw
her or whether it could sic. As it ap
proached, she mowd softly along the
Willi. When she reached the corner
she proceeded down the in xt wall, the
thing following, until, with many
puuses, they had made tin- circuit of
the room. 'I hen the circuit was re
ptuteir. On thin lime round she heard
n clock in some distant part of the
house strike ii. The In u-eki cper ex
ptcled to cull her ulioul n n ii. Later
she heard the some clock strike one.
Once rhe shuddered at tlie thought of
fainting In the tiling's path, but she
knew that she should not faint. She
thought of its having the wail und
milking for her directly ncron the
room, but it stuck close ly to the base
board, feeling its way along. The dis
tant clock si ruck two. Tin n it seemed
to tlie young wouniti thut tiie journey!
around tlie room were b-ing mndc at
a slower rate. The thing pnii'td often-
rr, and longer nt n time. Finally it
must huve slopped for a quarter of an
hour, only to creep on a yard or two
ninr stop tignin. After that it moved
no inure. The young woman stood
watching half a (loen yards further
along the wall.
"In the morning the housekeeper un
locked the door, looked In, und prompt
ly fainted across tlie threshold. The
young woman still stood with her
hands against the wall. Sim tiptoed
across to the housekeeper, dTuggi d her
into the hull, lockii! the door behind
her. und went swiftly downstairs. In
the fciiting-riHini she came upon her
aunts. When they saw her one of them
fainted us promptly as had tl.i house
kieper upstairs. The other run up to
her screaming:
" '.Mildred, what tins happened?'
"Then the young woman smiled and
begun talking foolishness. They culh d
r. "v.":. ,::..'";r .r,!': ,, :
...i i,..r..r. ,, i,r,,. I
eyed, dnrk-hnired. beautiful" girl. It ! Natura In Btrengthenlug d econ-
,"' rrv "i fflW&steW!
was a bit shnky when I had b. en Ba"- " ' Mo ot,cr preparation
brought into the presence or my pa- ,
tieiit. In one night her face had been
seared anir mrroweu nawiui tnc cures
u,l aiirrnivi of li r-fi uu r t e r a of acell-
"... ...... -
lury, and her hair was us while ns
ii,t. it,llv w aiinVrinir i
from' an ne'lv-lookinir ense of bruin !
fi'Ver, and for two months reason, and
life 1 tht-If, liiing in a balance that would
have turned for a huir. Hut four
months lutrr. wlirn slit wrnt buck
liomu undt-r tb! cjire of her mother,
her mind wut ns good u it had nrr
bt'tn, find the lines and fur row h iuid1
bi'cii riibbtMl out of her fnce, and the
plumpm-m 11 ml color of youth was re-
1 11 rnin fust, nut her hair was never
uiiyt hinjf vh but w hit? as kiiow.
"Wiint was the tiling in her room?
Nothlnif In the world but n horrible
example of public Hiiviiery und ollieial
curelesMirhM. '1 here wus 11 iNMir.-furni
some eiht miles from our town, and 11
miserable pauper, hnvinj pint violent
ly iucane, t l:-y km w not Innff bt 1 1 1 r to
tlo with him than chain hint in an out-
houy ami treat him likt a i!mi:;:i i ou
liniiiui!. You can (umpire, or la'lnr.
you can't imagine, the t IVi el on 1m ih
hih pei Miiial appearance am! on l i1- dis
riiM'. tine aflei lotoii he rn:t 1 !. c.n v -I
n If part of l.H chitin will. l-.n.. am! 111
his w 11 m! i-riii J,' reaeht ii 1 1 - 1 'i1' t '
mint's hoi, e. which hlo.n, . ; l. i: .ii
tliitlet of lioi.-c cleai.iliK. -t ' .!. b
the coolm s inidr he I. 1 1 1 1 t lip
into tht ol ' 1 1 1 . wh u lo- l.m.n
tered one t f tht ciianltis ai.d hid
den in tlo- ureal liiep-o-. . ::;d
to tli p. 'I In lit; hi 1 f t h. w oiu-
1111V t .ihdle that niltt h.oi m i.,i il him,
and his joui in roiimi il w. ! were
mere iuntinct seaiel ii ,: for an
" l he c.ilbd for him the same luoi n
lun. anil 1 mi w t he poor i!t il w l; 11 t hey
fioicd him hit'i: 1 p ihete 1 !. i t tn.
it 1-
He il '.!
tli,' li
his tl.i
1 . t 1
sun pt
!l 111 !
for he
rli ii
,.llj;li I
li t
rll 1
. ks of 11 l
ir 111:.' Ii.
s I Mi I ;
li.l : 1,111
1 ;..! 1.. . U
f e n
1. w nt 11 ; e
1' 1 1 lint,
1 II 0.1 1 -
i,;t. , 1 1 1 , 1 1 , li. : I, ! Hi il. list '.:i
.11. Itui Ills llilil'l
hut siu-ii ii iuid t hii :
In ,1 two Hi . l.s iiltt-r 11
Ulifiil t. Hut she nun
f , r of
1 1 i t
k him."
that voor f irm no iuh t
from the t roiibli n which oerto
- N. Y. Suu.
llltl Mplrrtl (itr firliiuM.
A nie has been t!icoi-r. d for old
spiral car tspnni.. It ha bei 11 found
that these often contain enough earbon
to pt runt of making cold chielr.
K01 y. in; into the met ;n y for in U
t us and (he add it im 11 1 ca rbon ir
tpiiiii! may be loh td the cementa
tion prucros. tdd chiseU made in this
tt.a cost half as much as the h : h
praties of st eel v h ieh w ere foi UH 1 1
Used. -American Uai'rond .loin'tuil.
Minltia lritit rulitev.
The n..ii:niun!e of the t vcuril, the
i;re;tt Spatn-h jalace. in.t be inferred
from the fact thai it wouM take four
,) to
',tlt 11 1 1
1 through all the it
.. the 1. lu-ih of th
. at Spat iOi
niiy ai.d
: be
leaius. b .'lit 12 I'm-' h 11 1
Heart weakness
Tb heart Is th most vital organ oi the body,
ft U the enfttue tbst prc-pols the masclee aoe
ends sustuae to ths nerves snd brain sna
to III the organs of th! body, A daw la ttf
asecbsuitm Is certain to flvs rise to serton
remits, weak Dees denote
lbs presence of afisw, 1
Is a forerunner of some
thing mors serious thst 1
to occur
Yoo are tka
Look to yoni I
engine. Bee tbst no sees
dent occurs. HUOYAN
Is whst von need. HUD
YAN wl" strengthen the
besrt. HUDYAN "ill
make the. besrt utuelei
strong sad bsrd. Do not
dolsr too long. Begin tbi
use of HUDYAN no.
VAN Will cium tbt throbbing to (litkj.peir.
itopf th rlngluj and buuiag in a tuori
YAN will rfiiore tti circulation of Hit bl(od
to Its Dormu.1 conlitlnii ncd keep comuai
bo.) Ut 7 color in tlie cheeks.
YAN by nlrM. ,'tliftilng thft (!'.' rt mu:lt.a itud
the nrvet timt itipply
Ution nn1 flut:rlnj( icu
BEOIOM. TiiUthroi,
ftpjor shortly fir tlie
Thoimnii'li hnrs becu cured of Heart Weak'
phi by HUD AN. Yon ihnuM te cured
too. H U D i A N will cure yon. I'wurs
HUOYAN t:w.'. your druiat. It Is tu.d
to all dniKitorf for par pnt k -M, or I
parkitgHa for l.'.M). If your druifKitt lo!S not
kteplt.spudj'rof t Kithe HUOYAN REM
FREE. You msy ,;! six. -l them vw hnvt
frve cotittiltntkoD. Ii you outiot call on tlis
doctors write to thnm fur Ailvka. It will t
flrsn free for lti lukliiif. A l item
Car. Stooktoa, Mar.t asd Ellia (Is.
an rnsNCiaco. cal
Dyspepsia Cure
ninest wh&t you eat,
ap.iro(K.U If, n efllclPUl-J- n
stauliy r.dievesatid porruaticntly cures
)yS,,,psa, Jtldlgeslloiit lltariuuru,
L'luiLnKa Moor KtolIlRPh. NallSCa,
f iOfU ,,v,w, ....... .
Sick" llcildaclie, UaMrulghl .rninpsaiKl
all ot her results or Itnpcncci. ingcsuuo. l. I-argoslrecontolDaSHMinejl
mallinzft. iK.KabiiUutdysH'P''ttiiialiare
VftDarstJ by C C DcWlTT u-. bQicago
" SocH 0 Noise 1 99
The ninther savs to herself Bttiuettnies.
"I can hairtUv end it re it." Then a chill
creej.s over bur ns she thinks of the aw
ful silence which talis iion ihe home
when children are taken away, and she
is kI.kI lu-r children are hardy of body
ami lusty ot anil's.
When a child dtKi not enjoy noisy
sports und Raines there is something
vnmi und that Botnethitii; will often be
found to be a hick of nutrition adequate
to the needs of voutli aim urowtli. 1 lie
stomach is "weak," digestion is imper
fect, nml so the uottrishineiit of the totly
is inadequate.
In Mich cases Dr. Vierce's Golden
Medical Discovery works wonders. It
changes puny, fretful children into
hcalthv, happy eirls and Kvs. Th
prtcess bv which this change Is
complished i strictly alouvj the lines ked bv Nature. All growth ami
strength come from finnl when it has
In-en digested, converted into nutrition
ami assimihited. "(..olden Medical Dis
covery" cuies diseases of the stomach
and other ore; ins of dilution and nutri
tion, ami bc) enables the Kdy to obtain
without loss or waste the lnnrtit of the
nutrition provitUil in fowl. The "IHs-
eoverv " contains iu ulctdiol and is en
tirely free from opium, cocaine nud all
other narcotics.
A Wonderful Thing,
"t tuvr Iktii ttiMiVinc of wtilii'S; lo yi for
Stnte tiiut"wiit Mt W, P, oi Mas-
loti. K ilu-son t , N C.,"lo let vimi Wunwwhitt
a tint Hhiik 1i. 1'irrer t O.-lilrit Mcluul
Div ivrivilul toi tnv little Uv, lie u . Inkt
witM i" !ijT-.tU'H whrn lie u a rnt it ml halt
oi.l 'u- un-U-r ttic tlm t'i li ntiiHtil U
liv. .ir. Wi- ihii( nil wc inoilr lot a-
tot's ;tnt it ilt.i wo KHt He vmii .I rut only
n lttlU- tiu.L 101,1 iTHikrt. itud t'iie tl'lu evcU
lo w.iuKi uiWr In m Mk Mr i viKl ii.'t nit up
nil mul I Kitv" "t 1,11 hojn- ot In ever nt
ttnif ion Ik-Hit I'ho e rnis : 1 teunil one of
v'iir t-'Ls. ;t iid on tn V.tTiit il cut one ilttv I
ll.tll,'tl lt. rirrvn- t'.olilrn Mei'.K-rtl lMsiMver,'
rcinoni ii.U4 lor tn0'trii.' Wc tit some
uA ,MNr It to I'll t t. - tlo 11.1.1 U-rlt tlratrj
I Hi Hi-ivit lv a K1" l'Vtor Hii-1 nt Hrum-lt'
I villi-. S C . Hilil nt Cut tie itn.l l.itil-t1itl Btiil
Mi.xl.iti nti. I ,tti'iil r-:ieTvl lot h ;S.'it Ittnc.
i W e him two lvUle .! lr. J'u ii-A t.ot.len
I tH-h-nveiv aihl it oirni Iiint Hi I well
I tl i. Lit le n '. I t i.Ol .nt Hiitlmis; he w:oi!
it.l u .1 m-h not tiuit turn Hi- h.m lxcit m. k
4 .v si-ice mi4 it tm Ix-cit three e.o.i since lie
look. J 'Ur UiaUvIUC "
A Thankful Mother.
M h,ivr Ml tt tnv tlutv tor s Ktii totie, wntes
Mr M.illte l.-iu s i i'.kh Comiu lit- C . Y'
to tell v.'U ot ttie won. lei hit cure .IUi til 1'V
out ti.'l'lcn MulKiil Iivvri ' mill l'UitAitt
Wil-i' nt! iiiT lot If K'v iiim 'icdtlv
ftsvcii I'M When he . t' moMh ol
he w.i taken with 1. too,t.. ton! il tttlrtl on
hi Iiiiiks mnl ttt hi tho il lit t-noii ni
1iko1. rt ud w!n-ti tie w:i two .0 o'..l we
Itie ilvvtot oier.ilr on then, Ylu-n we 1; td the
Uivtor t;iV.c to toii-i; out iii he itile hnd
wink ol it. If he in thi wnnl he wvwiM
le i k, snd we tried evervllioiK we eitild hetr
of and ti'itsttlted evrrv hviiati we mw, 1-ul
ltn-v did not know v. hjt to ,Kv w hrti he wt
Urtsi'y t vei old in iVioter. i '') he w
wote lh.iil ever, it ml 1 O'n'.d not n . i't teniu
o uue.iftv fsHit him. lie' wa our fourth hoy
ithe oilier three r - drrtd , mid tl M enuM to
no tto:t if he du-t I iut eotihl not fir it. I
Wu'.d lO '(.li f'' ': "d IvK 'il'i ll.xl Ut
nurr lioil. Well. I roit'.d iee he w.i- t.lti
in ik h worte: he w i it iosU ht oii'd he.
mid he kidm v hud l tt Xr "u! i.-srie nil hi
toe I hd it. I K-k Ji'svit Pi I n tie
cine II weiiied to me utt tin wn (he erv
imO.Mif we wx'iti.t. nnd I t 'Id tvv husNoid tl he w-iiiM tmv v-me of It IVtw tnnl-
U-iiie I tell fitiu.Bat me tt would help our ho
lie Mi n'll u -mr nd we eoitutu iKiit with
Ihe 'to. -.den Mi-'.kaI ln-Mifrv' c-t r'nd.ty
muht. nl with t!ie ' rel-ct ine nest rtioi
A'e tsw hi ;tt vir met'.Kour three tone m day
nd tv Snu.Ux he ww tle lo yiv MR in on
month Irom tht- time he iviuim-nox! Mkititi tt
he Md united i s-utid and hi iui;h . !t
5 "lie He xa ti" iino;iel any :tK,e ti'id he
on t ;ke cold inv ttuMr thrtn the ?- ii a.
He -rie NmiI tk.e t'ie ret ol ihe v"hiitea snd
isv. iu the eoM aud ho wewlhcr
Vt. rierce's Cor'ton Sense Melical
Adviser in r co-en is sent rnrt on
receipt of H one-cent slJttnm to r.y
tpeii uf nisi I niv; t'My. AUtvu L
IL. V. lierc, Italic V. Y.
It. will BtitD llif nalni I . . ' l,1 f . I Lj wfi.' 'Vil'.'U, ,
csuU,.ncr,ioLs. stationary e.ectr:cal are.. IJZW ij
Thr-e s virtually mean that the, s i?&'f..&.fm!$
Mines prfi!ucc b ii. v apparatus have p.v.V, vj irf VL ZJ N AvVl
.?.T?.59.i:?? .P..r..l'.:i ,.sr, he,:lse..,reuU which'
uw.,1 HUOYAN. r 1
tESLA 0 WILLOT'S theory.
mmu Is Sot "Jew Eartk Aeis
Like a Wire.
Nikola Te!a ini seen the otner
morn.ii.Kin reference to the statements
of the French electrician, M. Willot,
who said that electrical n-,essa(rei are
transmitted through the earth, not
throuah the air. M. Willot lioids that
h ether sire theory has been dii-
nP,.,H snd that conduction through
. ,,h I. ,1.. mpans of trans
mission. In bis practice M. Willot
mean! apparently to use deep shaft!
as stirtin stations, transnatting hi!
currents through different geological
strata, suited by their density . to cur
rents of different intensity.
The ids-a of the French engineer li
not novel, said Mr. lesla. lie pro-
puses to transmit through tne grouna.
connecting the transmitter at two
points at different depths. I lie amount
cf eneri'V so transmitted to a nis.ance
Is limited, and much more can be con.
veyed by simply connicting the trans
mitter to too d stant points or tne
earths surface. The latter scheme is
much rearer perfect than that pro
noeed bv the French engineer. But
far more enery can lie transnmieu
to a distance by merely connecting one
pole of the transmitter to thegrouodi
and the oilier to a metallic plate or.
ire elevated above ground, 'fhnt the
earth nets entirely like1 an ordnnary
UIKorsIss llrturns Fall of E
taaiu Over th Great Ki
M. H. De Younir, of Han Franelpco,
president of I lie board of United States
eominisslonrrtt to t he runs exposition,
arrlvid at New Yuri; the other day on
the steamer New Y( rk. Mr. Ue Young
wan ii:(t enthusiastic over the expoul-'
tiijii, ni v i 1 1 tr :
The i';.: Is exposition is the prpntert
thi (. ;(' i 1.- ever ; r.. 1 m.v t!.i im
tpi.i ' iii"i ! -t:!i,: n; the many
i . . r 1 : ,t.Mi i. i! 1 ave bei tl in,
(,ii j. i !. :m; : An cn'iiii i. i ior8.
In i,.- . . . of u nnufuc! i:i es, in
, ;. . ... ! e exhibit iuii ir-fiini-'
pl i ' .;r. i I. ic is not u line of
t i. l,v !:itn for triiin porta-;
ii : i . :.r : ii i: v, in tin v hr.wteh I
of :.
I diii' ;
m v I
v. ! i i-1 1 iy I- -liii -.'. Its
nr :i;-; I, ;i '.y ii;!niil-
1 -M:;i 1
in. '
i..;; what
i;.n:s in
!i :;r ur.l
:''!! .Tllli
Cii. fi
1:! 1 ,v vi. i ; . :
lr.:t by in-'.:1:
n. I uu. a :'i i,
not t : : 1. (
Of . !
... I..MIJ-
m i uilly
cf .!
1 :l tn sny." 1
. ii.s li.i'K v.. 1
! 1 1 tiir 11
u.ri iiv.'ii: at i !
:,.l lav li i r.
t :
. ir
dill -I '
i.v.; rd-
ni. 'I .'.
tvrri' I lie I
t.i i i is.tionl
.. a-,,,:, of
'lit ! ;c".i'.) tlie
-t-M- lie t":tli-
u ion. m:d
f the
1 1 t-1 . 1 1 ::-i:it;t
fin'. 'I 'it- r
or.le f!'..:n 1 1 j f-inte
r. hi hit e.ire f c nests I
p :,t .5i::i-'!i jn
and f: h i.ils. If nil the Stales h;id done i
its I. as l . 1 1 or 1; a lit re euinn lie no '
erilieiMii of the Aiutriean shovvini; at i
the 1"
luck MarrlRue In FUte 9t. Louis
Hue let) ( nnfi Ht rluns
1'rti :t ?i!.
A siipposi-d in ot-k
n.arrint' lu'lwfrn !
c ! ami .I. .Mih It. 1
Mi. rv 11. C.11 i !. n,;.::
1 ia a
,f pre I
v :.u II If 1
'of St.!
1 . The !
1. lal in
a riilb
,1 1
",' I 1 "
f a rum-
l,a',- ..,111
I I:.' I
of l!.
tier of fri
iii.' piir-
ll;e air.e
fonli liy
Till' l'f riMl.nny
in 1 in v li.'lail
tlial nt
a i:-.
.1, 1 '! ;
i-! .1 1!
i n.
1 tru'rir
..i-.' I .;
'a 1 ... a ia i 1 hi. 111 nrr
,i: e.M iiit
i rot
. r ei-re-'.v.t
: nee
t f the
. r-. In
t i;it tan
l .- neees-
ja. !. r , ...i. thai a :
ni'iv "1 1 ail ll...t a n
iii.m t ..i ' ii a. 01 ail' 1 ai i a
ii. f 1 1 iat ! ! : L'at in 1 vir
vine! M..i l.ii'iiit - ii ho!
a .
oliUr tn Mraii;lili':'. out
'It' a M pHriition hv iuw n
Thi. inerili-.l ri piitiition 1
int wv
pilia. i-nri'S mul mi:i iHiu'iits
liy IVWiti's Wilrli llai'l S.,lve. tins li.l
10 the makiry; ol worlhles rniiiiU'ra'it".
Hi' m. re tn itrl inly I V Wilt's Sik".
lr. W. K. Kreiiirr
A familiar (or Ihe i'ti ; ijo. Mi!
AHiikee St rani KaitWHV. kiiown 1!
ver the 1' nioti aM the tireat HhI-asv
unnii the "I'lune'T KiiuiteJ ' 1 1 .t i ut
very thiy ami nilit bflween Si. Paul
in! t 'hii-iii, ami (i iulm itiul I hn ao,
l l e-jiily jrerfiet train' iu tin' woil-!
rtnlerntanil : Conneel ion ate uoi-le
ilh All Trani-t oniit.riital Line., a--'i'-
tm to 'ii-i i! je 1 . I he ui ser iiv k t-i t n i
Luxiirioiip eoaehe, et ett ie li, lilt. Kti am 1
o at. of a veiity t ijt: U. hv iu oilier1
See that our tieket rettU via "Tin
an Lee" w 1m n loin,; lo any poji:t in
lie SiaitH or (aiin.a. All tu-L-,
"t aiMitK sell 1 lit ill . j
for rale, t ii pi or uilor ini.i.-.
tnii I- n , a.hltes),
i. w. r..-K,, c. j Ki'tiv. '
Tt.-v. n At:'. lienera! Atren'.
M-AITIK, V ..ill, 1'OKI l.AMt, ili'
rrrsi Trtniur'K A S: itlikh Ci
L.O etas: s kllt, imrtlsnd .- :.,r,-,: I ,.,,llcted. t-U 'ri.'A-W.WU.iJf' V?
rrrrp n j vV:!:5i.t. . . .h.
mean vcakened lunjj-. all
jauned by a cold and cough
Weak lungs sooner or later
mean consumption.
SMfoh's '
will heal and strengthen the
lungs, cure cold and stop the
'T r..iiorirl (or vear--fasti hernofThafrPS.
iJoctoi . 1 was in Uu uge of co;ifcunip
t..n H.t ..Ivrn n til hoDc. I tina!:v uird
..iian it t-rtd me corapleieiy. Am
today tn per'fet h-isitb.'
WkS-rLOi.taNCEDRKW , f. ,
taut (Jaklsnd, Csl.
(siitloVs Cin-mritlon Curm Is sold by all
a .;lt nt y..r, 0, 8'.op b4tlf. A
nrt.ltirtlrfua;rut.fl with afPry Mt s.
II t .ii or ii'.t 4utUl.. -1 po to your imgK
iui fl y-.r i;tinir hack.
'. .- . n.... h i
:;i-ri. h r.r. I lirll- K I!
' " :"- No odor. ("2
' -
Tlirw hovo lsi-a .luii'"l ui'i'ii in;'.;''"'
sovi-rel cli.-it; n-jrilllf uu . .I I f I..IIK..I
i,f Vclu-i' llli lUmary." 'I ' uix- W v.lS
uffijrtJ uuUcr'vunoil" names ut u low (irtcc
dry enfth diHiliwil linnni. nircnn, etc. s'. 1
In 11 fcw HistBiKta uu a i.ri iuium toi Bubscnp
tluns to paiKTS. .
Aiuiuiiuut'ini-nts or tint coiuiiarutlvcly
reprints am very mleiilinjf : for j-tp:
ti.ov nr Hdv(M-tiod to le tint f!iltiini,.il
?iuivatent tf u uif!ier-prieed wi
-iililv. i
1 lull lit
rvulitv, ' us ve knuw und U', n J
areulltfruiu A to Z,
Reprint Dictionaries,
' . 1 I. lift M
ihototvto mpies or n o o, oi .... j
yeant ttVi.whteh lit ifwiliiy wkswU! i,.rnl "tit
k-. 1 m, hii 1 which wiw iiineh t ujfivtr .u phi-'t,
i.rtut, iumI bindinir to tin -e Innmt mn-. Ix-iiiy
tlittn a virU of soino merit iiistei.d a t:tt
Long Since Obsolete.
Tho f lpiili-mi-iit 'f l".i" S"- iiili . "iii-w
wunln." wliu-h s.Mii.M.f lis.- iH-ikaair i;r
tiul t., p.,ntnia. liar roail .U-.l I V 11 fiirli'-
Ui.ul lo iliiil over tony '". aii'i w,i
..!UI,I l..,m- In. 1I111I1. (ltl"T inlii'T
tuialttiuisine ja-nlmiily i t ia' i
; k-i I.
TI10 U'cller's Un.bridied Bi:t.o:ury l'il!
ll.liwl 1'V our h.nw l I. a. "I'l.. ni' '1'11"1"'
one of tlalt l.aim- l.i tl 1 1 1 I- tiMliH 1"" .';n.. am.
It iiilltains oi'T ."-I l'i:"M, x'.lli lll.islia
Ilium 011 mtirly cii'iy .a--.'. 1" 1 I' an i-iu
lniirllil on tin- lllli' I'iivt. II H pioi. i ii'.i L
copyriKlit fii'in rluai' iiaitat ,''!.
lanial 1.' iih Hum woik l.i. (' In"'" "
rxi'iu )ail.iinil 11 lh.11.'...' ily H'v.-'l
sii.-ccHor. ka.avn l hr.'ii '. 'a 1 " 1 ' 1' v .al'.
Webster's International Klitirnary.
As U liltlajiairy liul.i a lilt' ) 'i flaak
Get the Bs! .a'i::''.li''
I M 1 1 i i : ; . h In ie.; ht himl. Co'iN io
I not mov tit, e he eii-lure-i. Mi-nihi.
i v . m 1 1 - l',icirH tlynami'' from
Ihnr enri'L". ) rfowii h ur - olilmarv
IrcfitiiK Nt into t lit ur- jaul al'oiit Ihe
,v.'I ol e.iiiN "Vtr ti!.:l;.
"It tt a- 1 1"' wnr 1 e:i -e of 1 ever
A ha'l' ti"en fiiemU li:ei Mr;- me. Mi 1
It It llli;' on. lit 1. 1 1 1 u I in- 1 - i ;r 'I u
v.ts. I'o mv inii.i. ii.t ni ih' v vi'-iiii' tl I tuh
rol.l ami ei.u.'h ihe ni-t li'i'hl. 1
itn.l reft tuhii irl -.htm lo ;), ( ;.
l n ay 1 1 r Mi Y. I'.x tm mi r ot ( oi. u re
nint Aitorm-f. hi .v:tti-.ine mi eel, ii
l-ritii' ieo, July 7.
i ii ler t ol ,i i li ,i e ill ii i lift ii -( ri -ii-
thitis to tne. 'i 'Ut y iue hac! :a lor
mtinth. I'uit.r. in tu.: -i. iM-.l n-iofiih
hy M t siy t, v ) i. J i,i i i s. I .ni h
rnut-ii mul eoli "ii ipi'i nreit in ti oiiple oi
.lt;,f. Nothing i'Im iloe- th.- lur me."'
Mr.. Kmma h. Hoii.iN, 11 Mtn .M . , n
1 rauei-eti. Au,:. 'i, 'e4J.
"1 live a- the f-trtft Iioiu where
Mr.M'i:i."s J V M 1 ' l'A!:fll.s are
That i-how I i.i-i ie k tin to. J tty U-y
K'tU- V. r.l.Olll tin lice. I lO'.ri ft l. U I Mlf.
wnli tne t.f -t i iiii l iru-ii-l- wiu-n 1 ..i,t
to Noiiie." H. I. W, t ,
.U ;-t.
'.'Ail! U ii-limcinti Mret t, ."an 1 1 .i.i' i- o.
Au.ibi i'. l.v.
Sent t o.'.-mM f.-r i eio- in -t..iM- h
IM.AM i'Ul in, :'.;i s jtMiw.jioi,
Mreet, itn I iim i,im. Ai-oon -a," hy out
lotal nent M. i'i imixs.
vhit DR. JOrSCiAM'ti cniAT?
19:1 iimrsT.,iinrsiTici,ciL f
pOkJtlS ,lj Ml
. ist t: an
klt 1
rJ ".j i. i' Jr,(
It TTf still.1 tir.,!t
TrtiMM trltvd
P(trL Ilstl.
i Will mrt I t I'O-,
Ptatwls. hy IH Jviua.
1M1 tM A
i-thn, Wfte f-T R jt PHU Onritl nl
OH J0RD4! I CO.. M St
t.. t. e
Cr..i, an. 1 l.-..M,ktoLttn,l arj .1.
ii oniiuw .-.nvjrird to. Mlnf iit, r,r.
Ous Ornct is taralin u S O.tist Or.iet
anJ w. es. .-.iit panit 10 u.a.i u.o
motv tt-n s a:.'-'
aoJ !. Jt.w . ... , h ,t ,l,.,rT;p
W. s.1.1.-. i! r...;.i.., rr a 4. Itrr ol
. hail. lur t'e ',( j u !, , la , .r,.
S Sv.WFMt.rr." tt..,. to (..i,: l iw.ti." tl
cl ti ajj..c Ii the V.S. s.nJ rn:ii co-iirici
asaa trco. A.ire.a,
si.tist, Wic-'scrc
A ''-.Wl ' , -i ii Ii J I
Don't Be Duped
vi r
qui. ' m-,.i;,ii:i .'ti; n .. ,i ' - -i-; - ,
1 li.-t-iiM..i t iin- ?. , . ,. i ,- ,.
I a '.: i . t ! -i hi 'v ;
The Amateur Photographer is not as active
these clays as in mid-summer but there is work for
them to do work that is interesting as well as
profitable, viz.:
Looking over allegative.s, destroying all that
are worthless and preserving in envelopes all that
are valuable. Take a print from each good nega
tive and mount it in a flexible leather album, where
it will bo kept nicely and will bo convenient. A
person's fricmls always' enjoy looking at a Kodak
I have albums in stock price from 15 cents to
One Dollar. Also 4x5 negative preserving envelopes.
I have a good supply of nearly everything the Amateur
may need.
A 6. tooiltieS
Labor Saving Reading for
Busy Men and Women, in
izz The Outlook r,rr,
A Weekly Newspaper lad in Illustrated Migizine ia one. Tclb the story
of world hjppenings every week in brief, clear-cut paragraphs. Lyman Abbott
is the Editor-in-chief, and Hamilton W. Mabie the Associate Editor.
The author of ' ' How the Other Hilf Uvei " will
ftve in Thi Outlook an intensely human and vivid
account of hit experience a child in Denmark,
an immigrant in America, a workman, a traveller,
a reporter, and finally a Mudent of tenement house
firobletnt, and an efficient aid lo Theodore Koosevelt
n reorganizim the New York police. Mr. Kiil
write with simplicity, humor and vigor.
will contlbute a t ries of Important paper on funda
mental political principles as applied to twentieth
century problems. It will be called "Tm Right
op Mam' and will define industrial, educational and
religious, as well as political, rights and dutic.
$17,500 in Prizes
THE DELINEATOR, the Magazine of Fashion well known for a Generation,
celebrates the dawn ot the new century the year 1901 by offering 1901
prizes ranging from $500 to $5.00 to 1901 women. Total cf prizes, $17,600.
Prizes will be awarded, not to those sending the largest number of sub
scriptions to THE DELINEATOR, but to those sending tho largest number In
proportion to the population of each town In which they are secured. The
woman living In the smallest town has just as good a chance to win a large
prize as the woman living in a city.
To this'end all towns and cities In the United dates and Canada are
divided Into seven classes, according to population:
CLASS ONI Includes all cities of SOO, 000 Inhabitants or over. In this class thero
rare 28 prlres to bo given away, tho highest being SSOO, tho lowest SS.OO.
CLASS TWO Inoludes all cities from 60,000 to 200,000 Inhabitants. In this class
thero are 133 prlies to be given awny, the highest being 00, the lowest SS.OO.
CLASS THREI Inoludee all cities from 30,000 to S0.0C0 Inhabitants. In this class
there are 208 prlies to be given away, the highest being $350, the lowest S3. 00.
CLASS FOUR Inoludee all oltles from 10.000 to 30,000 Inhabitants. In this class
there are 257 prlies to be given away, the highest being $300, the lowest $5.00.
CLASS FIVI Includes all towns from 5,000 to 10,000 Inhabitants. In this class
there are 307 prliee to be given awny, the hlf-heat being $200, the lowest $5.00.
CLASS SIX Includes all towns from 1 ,000 to 5,000 Inhabitants. In this class there
are 387 prlies to be given away, the highest being SI 50, the lowest $5.00.
CLASS SIVSN Inoludes towne of 1,000 Inhabitants and undor. In this class thero
are 601 prltes to bo given away, the highost being $100, the lowest $5.00.
AW IT T TTCTP ATTnls" wnrr,in taking subvriptinns In a rity of population would
ill 1LL.U3 i Ivrt I Ivll be in Class 4. She wonl'i comtwle w uh oilier, sending- rip
tions from towns of 10,000 population up to v,ooo. siie woulii have an opportunity of winning
one of ,17 prii win. ii nwjrlit lie as hich as In. and could not I ii-ss than $s. She would win a
UrfcT price ii .tie si-nt in twenty subs, riptions than would a women who inruani.-d twenty from
s town of he. ausr her proporlion of nibs. nptmns to p. .iulJ ion would l.e I.UKer. Thll
belnf Ut esse, some very small lists will win some very Iarire prizes. In one of our rereut
.ruc olkis, a woman, in U ailmifa-ton, D.(., woua priae oi $.13 lur securing- only 14 subscriptions.
vn rAWTIlTinVC prires In every class hv taking sub
WU lvilLU llUlliJ srripnons in .lilfereiit towns. 'I lie n.nt.-l Ik-kiiis with this annouin e
ment asd will terminate Fesmsry 15th, 101. l'roi.linK the firit onier contains two or nutro
.ubM riptious. they will be accepted l .0 cents ea. h. Sulriintions can tie sent afterward at tho
9&ent rale until f ebruary iith, nt. I he regular pri. e of 1 lie Delineator is $i.noa year. Sut
airipuonitniul begin with November or December ol 1900, or January, 1'ebrusry or March of ip".
PROKIT Vfin1 ATI F.very woman who fails to win one of the above priiei, Imt whi
lAuf llj IVA iAL.L subscriptions at the proportion of one teevery two hunHreil
inhabitants ol a town, will be pair! a sjteoal prue of ten cents OS each subscription sccureJ, 111
sJdiliou 10 the ten ceul. alluwc-U aboie.
anfi womn ran Nt rpcommcnrl it 10 women. Il is a favorite arnunjf the in. Therr are
now mve than four huri'irrd and eichtv ihnusand iuLscnbcrs. If jou ais nut interctcti in
ihii viict, call the attention of your friends to it.
A I.L wjiufii In Rpnflinii their firt order of two or more suhvriptions must mention tht
itie are to apply 11 Kin the arove offer; cnmpU'ie informatn-n rreaifling prir, with
Or'lfr tl.trik will sent. To ilm-ie who are nut ilinrnuUlv artjuaintftl with ttie merits of
'1 11 tl DLL1NEATOR, full iulonusiuon will be sent uhju request. Addrcivs,
.7 to 17 West 13th Street, new York
Courier and Oregonian 1 year for $2
EAST and S0U7K
. Sliasta . Route
rrnln- l,i'uvr CrmilN I'ash fur Tort
I Hml nml ii)- Siiitlons at 4:40
.1. ill. anil S:1.1 . in.
I.v. I'orllaiM . . . S::: I .in.
Vr. ti'Hutl's!'. .!i:i,Sp,m.
Vr. A-h'unil. . . I'J ;i; a.m.
r. S.t.''.'iito f:() p.m.
Ar. San h raiii'iscii. 7:1.') p u,.
7 0) p.m.
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11 .".D :i m.
4 i iu.
9 :W a. in
fV'lfti .? 4". p iii. 11 :4S .m
Ar. l-ner . . . . .H .0.ain. wiMa.iii
r. Ki.t..iH t'ity . .7 :'."i a.m. 7:l-';s.m
Ar. Cl.ti-o 7:""ia,m !l:;!0 a.m
Ar. I k Aiij.'Ihs .1 :'Ji) p. m,
Ar. V I I'iii-.i ... . fi:,,;', ,.. ,.
r Kurt UCrili. . a m.
Ar. (. in i.( Meji, ,,'.i .s;, s. m,
Vr. Hon!-', in . ,4 .t'i a. in.
Ar. Nut drUars (l:.'i a. m
r. W .1.1.1);,, ii C, a in
7 :i 0 a. m.
.ll . Ill,
::!0 a. m.
U M a. m.
4:K)a. m.
ti p. m.
(i :42 a in.
At. Y. rk I.' 4.1 p. in. 12.4.. ,
H I. I. M AN AM Ti 1 KI r CAKS n
1'n'li ir.n ... eiii.n-ars S.ur...i,.Mo to
,,-,,n '' K! l'.is i. at., TimriMt cars to
t'l.iM-., .,,;s, .w Orleans a,d
':il li, j,,,n
I .'iitifi-lii.f at San Fianrm-o
, ever; oa:,,.!, np, r HomiHilu,
I .snn. I'limi, I'liilipp 'm-, tVnlral ami
i S i,Mi A tvrii'i.
j .1. p. J,.,irr, a,.t tt pass
j l'a-s t:iii,D or d.i Irim
j C. II. M VUKll AM, ti. p. A..
I Purilaini. Om
- Botitlen Office
L'ndtr this pitudonvm M'.re written two of th.
mo slrikine of rent novel., " Blck Rock and
" Th. Sky Filot." A new novel of Canadian .nd
Western lif. by thi. .ulhor will .ppear in Tiia
OimoOK during the year. In iplrit, humor, p.lho.
nd trong character.dr.wlng it U vcn iup.nor to
It. predecessors.
To introduce The
Outlook to new read
ers we will tend it for
ewn mnntln' trial for 25 cents pro
vided this paper is mentioned. Address
Shortest and Quicker
UNi-: to
AN!) AU. MINTS I'. A s r
Tlirnnyli palaif anil Tunrlst Slrfp
er, lllnliiK anil Itiitret Kiuokinf
l.llJrnrj tars.
Tii kot! In pMiii!. y ., v;s p,irtljiinl anJ
thel.KKAT MiKTIiKK.S H Y . , on
at S..ui!iiTii l'.uilK- I h.t ThIm-I timi-!
tirin s l'u-f, in t.UHAT MiliTIIKK-'
Tl.-set t.lli, e
l!12 Tlr.rd Sim I, rmtlnnil
Knr'j, KiiUrm anil full iuforuisti""
rrinliiiK Ka..tirn trip, rail on or sililrrs.
a. n r. m:nmst',
Citv para sod Ticket Atfnt, I'urtisoil
:; 4jr imm s r' Fai".. to XtrtJTt SrtT
L , Bair 5 n. Tir-mrul
SV'Tl. tf3 0 T Hrt a t