Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 07, 1901, Image 2

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    hue wra mm
atki or BunHi-KiiTiox:
Una Year, In rdvac, $1 25
Hit Mouths, &
Threa Months, ... .SA
eHngle Coiea, - .1
A.lrertlslnff rnten on antillratinn. I'.wv
tor clianiro of 'ad"inual lie handed in More
Tuesday noon, otherwise settiiiK o( the
matter will be charicrd (or at the rate of In-
per rumiltiK Inch, single column, a ni' ra
tions and additions lucopy will lie rliarired
or at the rate ol luc )er runmiiK mm, sin
gle column.
Entered at the pout ollii e at (Irani !'",
UreKon, as second-class mail matter.
1 lie funeral of vjuei'ii Victoria was
held on February 4 Memorial services
were lipid all over Hie United Nlatea in
lier honor.
Tin tentorial deadlock continues and
it aeema probable that no senator ran lie
elected thia year. Tliero la onoconwla
tion. Hncli occutrencea Imslcn the day
when tenatora will be elected by popular
The report ie current in I lie news
papers Ihii week that the Union I'acilir
inauaiieniout liae obtained control of the
Houthern Paclflo and that rhanifei ol
importance in Ilia railroad world ate
Disconsolate l'ortland itanililera now
without occupation anerl all manner rj
financial Ilia for the town on account ( (
suppression of I ho vice. That reminds
Ui that the fly on dm coacli wheel made
elimination "How we go around I" or of
aiinilar Import. (lanililinK ha less to
do with l'ortland prosperity than the fly
with moving the coach wheel. On the
contrary it is an eater, destroyer, learer
down Insteail of a producer and builder
up. Kugnne (Inaid.
The observance, of Kehiiarri, aa "John
Marshall" day, in honor of Chief
Justice Marshall, is a tribute, long de
layed, to a man who ia rerun ni ml, more
nd more aa Ihe years (11 by, us one of
our greatest Americana, Ilia sound
logic and strength of mind operated as
in appreciable, aid to the adoption of
many principled Into our government in
Ita beginning which have beon condu
cive to ita atabilily and integrity.
Marshall wue u man who waa great
enough to be above partisanship, a posi
tion to which few of our statesmen
attain. Ills merit aeema tu have been
solid rather than brilliant and his logic
and Ihe principles which he advocated
have stood the test ol years and their
Sun nd liens has been dcmonatraltfd. He
was the colleague and trusted advisor of
Washington and steadily and strongly
aupported him and Ills policy throughout
hia administration.
Our city ordinance governing the con
atrucllon of granlto sidewalks particu
larly aiHtcifles the quality of granite to
be used and should be strictly adhered to
In that regard There la no more satis
factory material (or sidewalks than pure
granite, and It endures all kinds of
weather beautifully. The long period of
Iroaty mornings and thawing allurnoona
which we have recently eiperienced
has been severe lest (or any kind of
dirt sidewalk but the pure granite tw
liavei Itself very satisfactorily. The
same cannot be said, however, of that
which contains a large percentage of
clay. On Sutli street near Ihe court
house are several shining eiamplee ol
Ihe work inns of thia article in (runty
weather. It stands rain (airly well, but
a little (reeling soon gives it a surface ol
soft mud which is Undesirable. It is
necessary that some care should he used
In the selection of material (or Ihe
gtanite sidewalks and nothing used but
the pure granite which is satisfactory
tinder all r
Swtvk.of Multnomah, has introduced
a hill in the legislature regulating Ilia
aale of cigarettes. While the hill is
ostensibly a license measure, it is
virtually little short ol prohibitory.
Section 1 reads aa follows: "Mo person,
(Inn or corporation shall be permitted to
ss'll, oirer to sell or give away, or have
In possession (or the purpose ol selling,
chViiiig for sale or giving away, any
cigarette or cigarettes in which tobacco
(onus a component part, or any rigarelin
piper or substitute therefor, without
Hist having obtained a license from the
county court of the proer county for
Ual purpose." The It cense. Is t'm d at
fftsj per year, to Iki issued by the county
Clilrt. IValera ate prohibited by bond
tu the the penal sum of (1000 from
selling cigarettes to niinois, lorletting
also f 100 to the parents or guardian of
any such minor. In order to sr. me Ins
license the dealer must obtain the
signature of an actual majorly ol the
v.'tcis in Ins precinct and the petition
is to lie published in a newspaper (or
(our consecutive weeks and no license is
to lie gi anted until such a majority ol
uaioee is obtained. The priialtv tor
selling cigaieltes or cigaretU paper with
out a license is tlsid at J W tor each
Violation and $100 lor every dav lliai
uch violation i.i continue I. A tine ol
lots.) is provided for soiling to miners at
any tune. The M.k-e ol the bill and
enforcement, of the law would 11h1.1'. v
prohibit the sale oi 111.. I ,;;.
vttes in tins sia e. I'u.lonMe.l.y .lun
ettes would still be lined by tliwn- who
would buy lobaoio and mauiilai-iiue
cigarettes for themselves but it is well
know n that aueh home made cigarettes
are far less injurious or distinctive than
Ihe ready made at i le and pmpoiimii
ately less satisfactory to the real cigar
ette fiend The cigarette hitbil is one ol
the most deadly of the many
practice which thiealeit our youth,
unmanning ila victims even more
than the Honor habit, though les vio
hint in Its rlucli and on ruling its
harmful results more to Ihe Immediate
Victims. Any measure which will in
any way lessru lb consumption ol
cigarette will operate effectively (or
the public good.
Kur Hale
to Sai. Twetily Ave acres one and
one bait unlet east ol Orants 1'asa 00
Kotfua river, partly cleared, small or
chard, pic tJlXl half cash, also littv one
acree of what le known ai Ihe lied
puses), price) IA00. half rash, For a.ldi
tkMial inlorn-aUou addreee,
CveeT llkoa,
La CsraJhJa, OeragiM I
M eks :
At the Kcd Star Store tliore nro somo very j
f tlcHirable, stylish, up - to -
L forcJ for less tlian wholc'snle prices to close out.
t This is on opportunity to buy at a very low
price, which sliouM not ho missed.
t Front St., oppo. Depot.
Oravt Creek News.
Health in thia vicinity la good.
Tlio (armnrt are taking a real, wslting
for spring to oM)ii.
Mackin A Virtue are d iitig rushing
business at I-elaud.
There will be a grand ball at I.elund,
Feb. 4th. All are invllnd to attend.
K. M. Light .nd H. II. 1'elllngill, id
(.rave, vlaited (iranta I'ass one day last
W. S. Williams ami wife have tttken
their departure for Collage (irove, where
they es peel to reside.
Mr. Meiicuer, of Merlin, has leased
the Ksny ranch and will raise vegetabhs
(or the local trade.
Win. Light arrived here (rnm Win.
dom. Wash. Ho ia now olf (or the
genial cliiimle ol
There was a social hop at Inland, In
which every one participated and the
evening was passed very pleasantly.
The Hi en in Hcer mine ia purliully
closed (or the Isik o( water. Kioni a I
riH)i la there ia lo lie a new store and
hotel at Lelaud in Ihe near luliire.
J. W, JolinsUill and wife intend to
tart fur Dawson in the spring and will
be accompanied by their grand-daughter,
Miss Frances Davis.
Quality and not quantity makes De-
Wilt's Little Early Kisera such valuuble
IlltUi liver pills. Dr. W. K. Kramer.
Leland iiltlns,!.
We are having some froit but at
present writing it looks as though we
would have a break In Him weather.
Many ol the children in Merlin have
Big Reductions
To cli'iin out all lirokni
Clothing. Dry Goods,
You can iicl; ii soino
rari' liariiins iu our
htoiv tlurinr tln not
lit) days. C'oino hilt
I lu assortment is .'ootl.
tin' . lilt keiiisn but no lei kius eases ate
I he miners liava listl ipiite a ,-mhI run,
tlioutiti tin. slurp frosts liava eoiisi ler
ably shorteneil the water supply.
The eopl.t of tins vieinitv are in ,;,hhI
heallli. Tina has been a very dull week
aitb'isso the I'm mi a iniisl e. UM n
short letter.
tieo. V. t'hspin, one of our best
knoan . iluens; ti. uiitl.d in tnatriiinuiv
.n tlar last a.vk to Mis l.uev
M '.inkers, l. imerlv ol t'ott, liitne
The ivi. inotiv pel lolllie.l at the
rvKi.len.v , Melxin t'ulp u, Merlin.
Key. Ila.ens ollieiaiinu. After the ten
in. 'iiv an pteimj dilin.r !. seived
V lea Kiiesls, the luiui.slia'e liuinlsol
the -it 1 1 h. tii'i; t-.-iiti,s, srai pr..'iii
ll'iu s Tin'.1
He.llei One llun.lir.1 IV.hai s Ue ai.l
for anv ol t alsrrli that canii. I if In Hail s ia'Airli t'nre.
I . J. I'likMt A t o , l'o e.lo, ll
We, Ihe iln.lersnned, have knoan r.
J I hen, , for th U.t l.t years, and Ix
lie... him peiLvtiy lionoiah' in all
Imisi.i. as tiaiir-.t'tions and Unaiieiailv
able to e.rrv out anv ebl gat ion made
by the til in.
Wksr A I'm tli Wlio!e.ale Itr.igattsls,
r,.l-d-. W
W l I'IN.l. KlNMN ,V M IKVIN, Whole-
sals Ihui-.n, !,',e,l.i, it
Hall s I'aianh . iUr is taken in
leritally, a.tiuj diret tly upon the bhvo.!
and iniuvus ..ii!e, ol lite svstein
rmliinouiala sent dr. 'iw ; r
Uilllv. Sold by all lrugists
Hall's raniily Tills a' the Ust.
Kor Str ;
(nirs.l mrrvlian.lins stvrx. sn.l :
ill Joseph I n coiintr l.w Mir: si.vk in i
Toir. to f-'Hki; liuiiilinc. f M. I'.. ,
ion July 1, 1)A1. Inonirval
hu olbca.
Pakh, Ore, Jan. 5, 1901.
.lao Lnilios' Jackets of- 4
E. DEAN. & CO.. Propr.
Notice to Muiic Lovers.
Several parlies representing lliein
selves aa dealers in pianos, have repre
sented themselves aa agents (or tho cele
hraled Weber, Wheulock, Slny vesant,
United Makers and ulher piauoa. W
desire to notify all residents of Josephine
county that the Coss l'iano House, at
Medford, Oregon, are the hoi.k aokxth
lor these makes lor Josephine, Jackson
and Lake counties, and II you want one
ol these pianos or an organ, you will al
ways get a better deal (rum heailipiar
ten, and not be led into buying inferior
grades from supposed agents. We guar
antee perfect satisfaction, to when you
need an instrument, jusl drop us n line
and we shall be pleased to call on jou
or moet you at our warerooms in .Med
ford, where we have a large stock of
instruments always on hand.
Cosh I'iano HurxK,
Medford, Oregon.
hrlnlil tut IllunuVr
Will oiten cutiKH a horrible lonn,
Sculd, Cut or llruise. Iluekleu's Aiuica
Valve, w ill kill the pain and piomii'ly
hi nl I'. Cures Fever Sore-, Clrers,
Boils, Corns, and all Skin Kruplimis
licet Pile cure on i urlli. Only 'J.Vt. a
bni. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Dr.
Kleiner, druggist.
A ThUi ol the WrtNt
In the niht, will turn on the electric
hv'rth liht in I hn I'nllinatL Stniidartl
Slrcpiuji Cain, on the Nortbern l'.n ilu:aH
North CoHMt Liinilrd. Tao 1 if 1 t h in
each Heetinn. 'nt a North CoH-t I. mill
ed leiiilet. A. I. Charllon, A-'t lien'l
I'hcd. Ait'l. .'r MiiTriKiui St., Cor. 3d,
Tort a id, Oregon.
lint's mul odil sit's in
Jackets, Mackintoshes.
Vou tan make an intlep inl, nt livinir
by Vorkuta' lor the TortUinl Art l oin
pAiiv at your own home We can t a, It
vou how to make portraits iu your own
lioine by our improved methods. Write
IVtlland Art i'oinpaiiv, I'TO l..k Miec'.
Worltlnii n; tit anil la
The busiest and iiiii;lit,est little li.w.R
that ev.-r w ss uia-le is Pr. km,;' Net.
1. fe Tills. Ih,-e pills .-banc. Si'.ln
Itess into slieligth. lislh'slies llt:o
ettetv, btain-h.,: into mental p-vter.
I'liev're won.hil l in lull, lit, k- up ihe
b.'4lth. ibitv :.h- p r lsx sold bv
l . Ki, nier.
This thr.e is a l..rk, desth rate
auionc .-hi dren it, in eroup t.n.1 butt;
Itoubi.x. I'rompl at'lion will sve lue
lilt e ones Ii .mi. these teiribe tii.eas, s
We klow ol lelhlntl hi ,,"'..'ii to le
ins'sut rs-! i I as t'ne limf. l tiili I i:e
It f..n so It,' re'ie.i Usi in grippe a:i I
a 1 throat an. I Uuu troiltnes ot ad :! .
Tirasant to take - I'r . K. Kri-ni. i
k Keen Clear ltr .....
.'ill tte-l Ireliiis's. votir S.H14! p-'st-lion
or husiness iieo,' ,1,'iMtnl lare-v
-tu l!ie pei i.h t aeiion ,d .our, It
and l.n.r I'r. Knit's Ne 1 lie Til's
line tliere.lse.1 strentitll. a keen eieiii
hi am, liiifh aitibttioin A J-i eent Is.x.
will ui4k.. vou l.t' I like a new beii'it.
Sold ty lt. Kretner I'rttist.
Ir'lour 10 Hy. hai.e
1 anuria, do not ban! your wheat '1
to miles to . v h-.ue, S.'tt lirulin
will ,!!. . on as iitsiiy poiinds of f! oir
hr a bushel ot wheal as any mlUaiU
line Jon. Vou will tin. I Sooll i.ritl'tn at
bi llav, Hour, l .-rsl and Ser.l Sto r.
Cor. t'.ili aiol 1 sirerts, lirants Pass, li
VI. most S.Hlliinw, liraliiw s.n.1
aniiwi.t n- ii' rrt .lrvisr.1 is IV
W I'.l'i W it. h llsirl s,v ll r'!ir.
4t uu.v uJ cut l'u.f, .rMi, o-fina
and sKm ivtsf. l-.'r ol iuiua-
u.. lr. W. k', Krri.ur.
ftOintng Hotcg. j
Willis Kramer, the well known flour
mill and mining man of Myrtle Creek ,
visited (iranta i'asi and th Hogue river
valley last week.
Captain T. W. Morgan Dr.ip r ol the
Waldo C )pp:-r mines returned to San-t'rniicin-0
Thursday after making a
business trip to Orants Cans and vicinity.
Superintendent A. C. llosund of the
Davis pincers came in (roin Junp-olf Joe
Friday evening, on Saturday,
At that time the mine was running with
a limited supply of water, the long
period of freezing weather having very
materially checked the flow. The
amount of snow in the near vicinity ia
stillicient to insure a good run till late in
the se iguri.
J. K Loomis. (Julio's postmaster and
merchant, spen. Sunday in (irauts l au.
He reports that mining aHairs in hie
district are progressing an u-uul, no new
strikes or i x:iteiuent having appeared
lately. 8 Hue of the filacer mines are
exi eriencing a shortage of water by the
long period of (reezing weather which
checks the melting of the snow in the
higher mountains. Many quartz mines
are being developed, liesidea its re
sources in gold the district is also rich
in ropier and other minerals.
Requires a fonwhttioti. Tliat u just u
true of the building up of the Ixxly as of
the building of a nouse. The founda
tion of a strong lrody is a strong stom
ach. No man can l stronger than his
stomach, A weak stomach means a
weuk man.
Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery
cures diseases of the stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutrition. It
enables the perfect dilution and njwunii
lation of the food which is eaten. Thus
it builds up the body and restores
strength in the only way known to
Nature or to science by digested and
assimilated Uhk,
"W'hil living la Charlotte. N C your medf
etnt? cvtrrd me f iiMhiiia and 11nn.1l ciitarrh of
U11 ywra' tttniMnK " writra I L Limaien,
It! . of m Wlntathsill fttrrvt, Atlanta, a. "At
tlint time lHe wit a tmriten tu me, and afttr
tMnline lmndrei of dotlara uiMrr numrrotia
(I ct. ir I wui alytns tV tnthm I wihed init
io MittiMl In twrnty ilnya aftrr I coinmeiicril
y..ui trrHlmriit I wan well nt IkHIi troubUa, and
In an nmniha I wftnh?.t 1-0 tmmta and wm in
jicrlfct hriilili I liav nrvtr frit the ahglitrat
avinplinn tit t-t titer linct. Am sttity-Tivr vrHta
ol.t mul in jsrilcct hrnltti. atttl writl l6i poumta.
Ni iimnev r..til'l r v' vou for what you for
pie I wntiM n t rruua In the cc.mfttton I waa
iu, iu CMotsei, iM7i, (or Rtickefellei'a wealth."
Dr. Tierce's Tliaaatit Telleu assist the
action of tlte " Discovery," when a Lmju
Uvc is rmjuir!.
Mueteea Onlnrlra Or fort Chrlaf
lh I'roi'rai ut Mul Inn llerr
Wat l'nit(lit.
When the lloinaiis first iimided Cut
tunny thi fnuml th.i; Tin hi er.tjj,' .if
the mm(i!i was a leer I'l'lmi! Irmu
barle; Tut that waa at n iunr .:m
)m r :i 1 1 T v nuiil. rii. Trn'u tto- i.i;!i.-t
t i iiw 1.1 d in ( v 1 tv e : if . ms
an 11.1t l.oi ity, itta 1 h. 1 ;i.l te-
Suit !'l Kn .1' - tllli 'i !.'. t II: H ill.:! -
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thit' t-'i f a crent i-hati"' ii.n titnlt'
in ie ipialitv of I'm b r r inaniif.ii'
!tu'' ! Iu 1M tlr ti:t b-ewerv a
-'.' ,-'..' at T.ii-t.'U-oli I'reltt. ami
by t ' 1 1' 11 -1 of t h, -t t ,':it , n : It et n t ury
. be, r liad become the national ilritik.
SotBir ir Hatlruntl Are Molilrtl ut
i tarltiutt KtBkls wf 4 lay antt
j lULitl I lit llrirk. ,
i It ! ; ft r e. ( . V..i '' Ni ? ' h e:ern
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Coatrai ipiblt to FtnUh Tor-
ptlo "v :tu mmd Drotrojort 1b
Tim Speclflrd.
( There in more delay in the complr
tion of the lare innnt t r vt torjio
boats and torpt-flo l' t (c-::m. v; is
which the povcrn:::' m ::: Lui . i 7 un
der contraftH ut tr:i.t ; ' ::
rioua parts of tl.c , i ? v. A 1 ;
afo the navy th pal t ui' 1. 1 1 1 r.r ! f : J
extend the time of tli ct i.;j;.L'.t.... i..
afed on this work for 12 t .i.ulLh. it
wh expwted thiit there wi,tild he iu
diftloultv in coinjilf tiriK1 the i-rn.t
I within that period. The delay who oc
caHionfd. the contractorH say, by the
Btan ity of ntet'l.
The particular quality of matt rial
j required wim such an to demand hpv.
ciul jiroresyen, und the Breli! m rt'
ftiKed to take order for the ht el w h-n
they were leaded up with other cr?' th
1 requiring leh rare and producing'
I greater returntt. The representat i-ns
wero niifttained by the departn;. nt in
an inquiry conducted on iU own ac
count, and the enntructs acc -n.iii.yly
were extended with the expectation
thiit there would be no more diliicnlt v
and th:.t the hmitH would be compEctid
by t'u in time.
Th? yearn extemdon hat expired, nnd
moht of the Umts and dmtrfver an
Rtill far from compk-t ton. many of
them arc but thi p-quartc rs n ady
for trial, and a jriiitt deal of f,rk rc
intifiiM to he done on hoard t'iK I -fore
thty can be turned nc tf 1';.'
(rovcrnnu nt. It is quite 1 vilt nt. : -ay
the iiavi; const ru(jrs. flint there 11 11.-. J
be anntbrr extension of Ipiit. r the
contr:i ..ens uil bf suhj.n,!, to lc nvy
fiiieti which will drpriv; it r
nieaper prrfh Involved in the- n up
turn of Mich binall hhips of war hm tor
pedo bouts nnd torpedo boat cleat rov
Attendnnta at thp lloaaehuld Eoo
auuilc Aaaorlnllun tonalder
I'rolilrma uf the I)uy.
The Niitinnnl llmisehnlil tniiim:ip
conv'iilii,n nt, lint., the oil:,;
t!:iv wiis iidiln'.'.s.d hy Mrs. i!iiil;,.,a.
o( lliin.i.toii. Out., who s:n, Uiiit tlic
Onturio M'uv.TiUM'iit c.s l.'.c tirst in
the Mm Nl. so far 11s kin- l,n lii'i'ii ul lf
in Icani. in linn- ;, unnnal s.-hunl fi,r' M'it ,'ii'c t. iii'liiiii.'.
At the iifl, riii'(i:i M .'.-imi the nil
absni'liii:)! "icrvnnt Kir irnli!riu"
came up for i. l.ate. In t-oiri in n t 1111
the MiLvi stion t i.u I . ns tin re tire lii
tvVLrit,T -ir!s se.-l.ii.j; ,!ac,.s lo ,,,u.
conk, .'ii::nier.vul 1 ihn-ulii:il for (rills
lie (!k. m out of the pill, lie ,:hc I
en r 1-: 1 1 i . : in and vuul. i 11 Lr put in its
tila.'?. Mrs, II, len ( an. pi i ll made a
sih,,1. nijii-ij t!u. Ul:l. . m. f
jinijrr.'fs. nnd the ilonir.c,., after lorp
jears, mih ruining to i( ,,wn. Thoe
cntCl,"''! in this Hoik Mere (,'oinj, to
rise Iu Ihe M.eial plane. ,. aid. -,.h.
aililv I v the p- ral H!ii.r ion of the
New Zi.'i'ai.d M-t.-m i.f do'iiisiii- la
bor Iiiii. ias. radt
other i'n.'nlalioi:ii
the ttai i:s i f a Ira.
i.'ed wafers, ai.d
r.tihing service to
Mrv l : ,.'.i'e Kellev faid her ex-perii'i'.-.'
i-.i Hull i.,ii-e. t niea'o. hml
prceii that ll's real olijeeti.m to do
meMie as that it sepnrntt-tl
giris from their own home life.
Ofllrtrs Draerlhe Id.ssrn Made l,y
I Iha in n,a
! Last tear.
j in the latest itsiie of the naval nn
I1111J. piililisiied hy the oilice of
' illtellienee. is no n . ,v l.i.ut.
, W. I..'. urn:";:. !.; . in.
crear.e of naial .-1 r. i :. : h t it' . tt ii ,!ur
injr I hi- ..-t year l.v the ,; i:v.:-i-
I time p ier. I.i, ..t. I.. II. . ,; r
diki'Hs. s the suh , e of iijir., .. l.-'. .-.
rnph.i, n 1 : . 1 1 -1 l:al i a.-li of Ihf v.:A
po i-is I is ih'he towav.l tl:e n:,!..
tion ..f M.iiwui's ris.'o.iri. n n! in
clll.iinf a ri'i.". of th, : la:e i f the
art of Iot.:r ,!isla::i'e trail -mission hv a
' cniupiti ::! (i.Mnan ;iatl'. :t hie T1.
M'I it apj.ars that the , . r'.li.-nt:.
h.ive ie.i.lted Miiisfaiti'i . Tie
'ltriti-h tt rni v in S.inlh Afri.-i. hv Ihe
Ue of k'tt-s for He lr: , ' w i r . ..
luive in t : a i .1 t . I r.m-a : .a
; distal. .-e i.f s ft.j s . r phl,,. tha-. t-n
miles fnrt her t hall ! he tliMn!.' v. Ii Vh
sep. ii a' i s Ti, III - :n f . mil I't i n:- n 1 Vh
still ),. Oti s t.i In- impra" . ' '. for
or.lini.ry le'rcrnpl ineiho.'s. Th. re !
al.s-t all i! ' list ral e-l deseript-M:! . f tl:e
fust, si v, st I in the w ol '.-!. the fa mom-
turbine torpedt boat Yiprr. whi.-h
runs oxer .'it knots nn hour with .use.
Joh. flntfnry Thrn -ml
Una ot Hern Mrrn ktnr- Tritalila
Uvr ihe )limvr.
"Say, old mil n. y tt lte always
biu-ii ;tot! ti) me, t ;t ke t ln'sr bit: k
Imtikit. I'rnw ttit' tiHM-.y. and hnw n
pood t i t'M. 1 n m it i-.l :i ny n:.d
Jimi ri'ViT fit' n.'- .iL-ii- ."
j TIitm' w s-n!s w i rt- nv'i,. n ly ,1.0: i
Surt'iii . .'.1 ii in! m r : y " t Irs
ft nt..- :n .! em j'i t 1 ';! i i t r ' ;v
CiT 1 1 ; i r; r : : . r. n;t : ( t ' :t n ":rc
j Mrs .".i:v 'Yyn I'aik t r e
sV. - iiM ' rt .'s : w . . p( y
u.i !. ii i'..n Ihe b't !.. i ,; ' .
,Ct r; Int.! a dr:::k ,th l'it v..
it i 1 1 true io hii n t r), in i r : : . r
hw". 'tn.
I) ;! w ;i then ut'1 t .i . . .
pcr'i:s j-i't' tht'-.i! t i::: e f tl . V w
Ik-H'k nut! .ithrt'iiv tttr..k ) i:
. .i. )t uM;i :;ivf t. tit ;.
v . t 'u f-ne l:;ti, 'itt 1 t
t'.k- 1 i 1 ri7nM ti Mint ii'tr it .r !
t he c.irr!' nv l.rt tt n h .i.i'i! tu u
t'U '.e t hf r. nt trr.
Korlun 'Irttrr In Tart.
Vort t!.;iii ixi-nic turn aliaiin;
in r;ni i ft.Mci.e
i-HPt vartuiij: lk ii. ittiiuatoil at
Caked Breast
Just two
' did the
Cmin.-r-t ".rsr. t .r as cnl
"" '"'h c k.-l t.; ,,. , ,n n- ,n
I'r-sii.-. . t ss..t.-i ..,.;. t,.,
rir.1 .' ti'..--j. . ..-. t.K riir an4 th
lr.. : t rI. : I l;:r I'lr.v t.. '.i.-ri:!-.!
.'!'.! :' -n. wu' ..ul t-'i:::'s ..r .T.s-:
ih r! . ,f T'i k. I hr ...,sl v...4r ' ' 5
"' I'i''" r. . ri. h.,::-.
..i t r-n,.l, . r i..i,, ,.r si-.t cs tv.
.''.-r n S.,A;V-. . r. ;n. .r :a
h. w,tM ;VS. VI. K.IJl
.VtK.aua. .Is. Jll'x U.
lVH.T.'lw' I S" IT.
.rtlrnirr-1 hs. kn.'t n i.f tti us
Mv.:.'U.u. Oust' f.T -s.. r .1 .r.
.i. rt.'t ur.tlE lihln f- m..nih hArrl
'.. t: urM' n.... r,"-.. n. in n, f;, .-v.
.. .I I . n S4. ':rn,.ti'.'. thA. tt ' ,"ia
.; ui' isst -sn... r r v.,n :i.t I
-r tnl Th,.r..ah:, s.,-'.,i ti
..s.rl". . p irs t,. kv sii s
.no :.rmrt r... f rt' s:.-;f.., 'r.
OKsA ti. Ci ' . ! R. M r
Hk, r;'..4 Vl.
R b it -'rmt- m rtnit
Harrow Folks
An.l thort-eiuUte.1 dealers don't
like to be critieiseil. We do. il
there ia the ! aat shaJo of pre
text for it. By listening for years
for the faintest notes of d sccn
tent, we've learned to give li
p!e what they want, need, or
This is a modern Drug Stor.
If there is ever apparent cause
for disnatiefaetion tell it. Yon
will find us taking your part.
Slover Drug Co.
front Kr., Opposite Depot.
Opera House
Jessie Shirley
The Shirley Co.
In a repertoire of Knstern. Successes
Uniformed Band and Orchestra
Tii'sday "A Woman 'a Power"
Wednesday ''The War of Wealth"
Thursday. "Ihe Country Girl"
Friday ''Fur Liberty and Love"
Sat Mat.. . . ."I.illle Lord Kauntlerny"
Hat "A Sheaf of Arrows"
Special! ieg by Verne Kelton and Wm.
-f lire.
PRICES 10c, 20c and 30c
At lleil 1 :n e.
I take a tili'nsant In ih diink, the next
iiiiiriiin I feel bright an I my com ilex
ion is hette.-. My ti'ieUir says it acts
uently on my stomach, liver mul kidiiH s,
ami in a pleasant tiivalive. ll is made
: r . i i lurbi ami is prepared as eanily as
I'll, ltiscuiitd l.ane'tj Medicine. All
dniu'iii-ii sell it at 7-3 cts. Kane's Kiiiiit
Iv Medi'-ine moves the bowels each day.
If uiu rminnt iret it, send f-.r a free phmi
n'e. A I'lrt"", ( Ira'.er F. Wooiinard, Ij?
I'-f S. V.
S2.25 for $1.50
The Rogue RiYer Courier
Tho Btst and Most practical Farm and
Family Paper Published.
iW'lit'vinc tlint everyone of our readers
lruii-l have ut ltal one blti. ultural
:iii'l ttttiniy j-Hirniil, we have j-ertertetl ur
r,ttiL'eiiuiit wtitTel'y we run M-ml tiiat
THih ul iinti in-lruitLve jnuriKtl, r unit
mul 1 1 1 m ii t. in t onne, titui with 1 He Week
ly W urn. Hi'ineit.iiile ( (tiiinvain-e-. dti liiieral lerm a.- jriveti ln-luw.
I.rti k or pitt-e furt'j'N I'Ut a hnei ilr. -r i -t!"ti
ot : the rontenN of Kami ani limine,
ultiili i.-. i;nr.ualel tor variety ami vx
eet ;e tu v. 1'rniii inent tun on i; it man v
ieiartinenl rimy he nieiiti.tunl tin i- ariii
unit liar. it'll. .t;irk't lieporti, t he tJo.e-tin
Aroiiml the iilohe, I'lnnx ani Itiveti
ti' n-, I he 'eterinarv, ra-lnoti" n 1 1 1 I'mii v
Work. The Apiarv, The rmiltry Yani.
l:i!kswiha l.avwcr. Fruit ( nitiire. riar.t
ami Flowers, Live Mo.-k. ant 1-airv, The
Yettrhiary Fa-lii.m unt lamy Work,
iloii't lniKl Fe.mtre-,
I arm ami II. n. c J- j'tt'-o-he.! mi
tnotilhly, i lni - cmiitf you tuinihers a
veiir, the v. lio.e m.tkni a volume ol tvt-r
.' .aL:e. tfemim: w:ih all the late-t ami
mo-.i r.'lial'ie in!oriii:ttinii that experience
an t -t u iu e t an mij y. .No t-u,T pnot
ol itn ',i'Uinrily can he reti th t it nn u .at i). w hi. h exteini into
evny j-rovin. ( I, t,umt.,T ht-ini; rea l hv
n i I.-" ihann iiuilii.ii re..kler.
Hv --:al nrranjt iiuMtt we m;ike for a
iinnie-l iime I tie t i..-w iin; Ijin-ra! oiU r :
Courier, one year, $1.25
Farm and Homo, .50
Home Contrivances, .50
Total, - - $2.25
All for Only - - $1.50
ll'tm.'i.tii.le I' .t,ii i,.ut,-,-s. i. .1 ...-i-
II'IIIV ll-."-'I it. It I- a.!.,,. u.t Hie
tarn. !:! car-ien. d.irv :tr.. ,.,.rk-i -. a-i-i
I. ' ui.l. ,.r- a .1 as ,.;, It ,.,, r, ,!,
wh.'le r.tnn' ,.( ::i:m . . -:i im ,u:n
:t - i.i:i- . - and . -. - .-.:..t i ,,.',
-ii :.-i I. I- :l i i'iii'-::i.ii:..:i. u:i u r .ui,-
tl lltree t-. trine i. --K-. It i,,,,, ,,;
insse ... r h".i !,.,!,.;. : .,. , , ,,,( ,,,..,r
''in.' .h-.i. i'-. ll .I,,..,,,! - . .., t.,. .a-,,.
ever. :, l,-l..l!;-l.-.l tl .m . 1:.. t,
II. .. r i e -,,..1 m :! t-, ;,. :, r ,,,
- "' '' - ihe I"'-'' ; t:.e r .-u- ir .
"' '"" W ' ' i" in.. .- t:,,. .,.
I'.tr.. ,e.e. ,-r l-v i-r-.'i;:,... ,, , :;, ,r ,, , .
' -il -'It I. r ;.'.... r d.-l:. u;. -:i. t .
nil', -i-.. in. '!. .s-nt,.i, t. unin: ,,,lt.r,
' 1 '' ' I -' '-'" !--. an.l , - M.,.!,. i... ..,
it..i:i t.i' .i.e. -. r ,. ,:.:ni:-., -:-,..
I... mil llelrt. ,.r :s ' (.. i ...
I .'i Hi:- trr. ai . :, r , r ,., ., r :, ., ' ' T ,
!i '1 Ii ...ien-.l .. r -.. -in...: u ,.. ;,
is r '. ,::.! l-.,;l, I ..js-r- .,r
. n.i p -11:.. I, f.l ih- ve! I. .. , r. e
-l-.'i.- l..t:i,e.l. i.u: ill , :-:.r I.. itre ,..
. '-:i.' -M a.; arr, .. a ,., t(,(. , , . f.
li 'l-l l . l-i -i t, ,. . , .,. .., :1 , ,.
-I:. i .me i a. .:..: a r. -t :v ., t ma,i'-lv v
m t. -.s K... r .,-: II,,,,,,. a., . --t.
A :-ir,-- a iTih-r- t .
HoUw' River (..onricr,
Orini, Pj.$i Oieoi
: -N"i'i'i: f".: rt : : u tu '.
v. - ..-.,.,
I ' . . .: I - 1 .'
I N " " --"v . . :..4' Ii.,
( 1 1 s. ! .1 I . . ,, ,,.,. i,(
I "' ''' '" '1 "' : .' ' "V I si,; jv .rt
! '' 1 " '". ' 'i.Jt s.u.l (..,. .( ..; (,.
I"'11" '' 1 '" V ' k!''l. .' " '...!i-.'
i ;.: !. I ... i ir , i. i, . ii r . I rn..''v I S
I..'', i ' '
M . Kik.ui.t I..
f..i it's M : -, :. ,n H. ,
i-: :. r st'.v. sW
:: -. V ....
l '''
I !! i .ln - !,.(:: ... n ...... .,,
I I"'.'' 1' ' :"'': " '' i'i-..sV v.i.':- -
vt!,;naii..i . I i .j:,.:, . t
'" ' !':.' . : M . - ...
i's'- I :in, i.lir.v. i i
'''' '" ' M I'tht. t'r.'i.-n! w!l
Ill rs, i i M-riiiv. . '-.' n
.'. r. I'.il'.l. ,V-s. U. st.-r
W I'l'r:, ;.', .v . fjTll.sri , ,
,..,rr Ijl'.t t'-'.i ,-. .. r,.j. j ,
n-.Vs- .rr. i i ,U- , t., ,..'iT
r a.,i .1 i i.'.ss' ;,At y,
.""n.'h v'urr v u.rn s. . i a m.l , t
ti'.us ol liivMi :k.'i i.-ij rr r. i,J
I currsqji.k ? an.l us us pr, ;
Ivrntj twsuu.puoa. lr. VV. F. Krru. .'
1 Cent Each.
Rope per foot
Glass Covered Oil Can-. .
(iranite Vah l'ans
Water Buckets
Sickle Plated Tea Kettle.
. 30c
. 2:lc
$1 00
A Fine Assortment oi
Fancy Valentines
Long Values for Short Purses at
Smith's New York Racket Store.
Fresh Garden Seeds of Every Description.
H .A. K O -W S I
We have the famous
And all farm machinery, Wagons ami all
manner of wheeled vehicles.
Hardware, Oils and Paints.
1 Iff. SIffiHIIT,
We are now o'iei. for business and our line is very
complete. We are adding to it continually. OurOroeery
line is A 1 in every respect.
Get our Prices on it.
We carry Snowy Butte and Medford Flour.
Eastern Ham and Breakfast Bacon.
Pure Buckwheat I'lourand Maple Syrup.
Choice line of Teas and Coffees.
Choice Fresh and Dried Fruits.
Cooking Utensils in (Iranite and Tinware. These
goods were bought for cash and will be sold low as the
fmith Bros. Mercantile Co.
Howard's Old Stand.
Get Your Old Wheel Repaired
Now ami In- for the spring ritiinj;.
Soiiu-ttiitig new in Bells, Lanterns an.l Tires, at the
NuTir K til' FINAL .t. KMKNT.
In l!ir I'uiKitv t'ouit ti... St;re . f
"K . 'ii, l"r tlir I'uutitv cf J js. i.iirll. in
In tlic iiM'ter n( tlu- .'stato ol )
AiiKtis i'.. 11, . lijns, i,v,.s,.. .
-N.iii.r i hrrrhy nivrn Janios
l,.rr, tne .,..-, :t,.r ni u, ,,'iir ut si'. I
Atiitus 11. ll,Tk!,,, ,,,vas-l, (;, ,ir'P fr rl!l.'!lirli: n.j rjlr.l in sai l
t Court tt,.' titi..l ?,.s.,unt ol lii.
'li"iiiistran.iii oi sa;J vtutr.
Ul- tlirr, :orr or.'.rr. ,! 'Iki! Tui'S.lav
ir l'Jih .lav nl Kfiru.trr l'V, at ii.)
-.s,,, ,r i,.rriisjn ,, s4i, ,i.,v ,
.i t oimty Conn rowo, in .,. (Joint
11-u.r at '.rants I'ass , (.mmtl
Ji's.pliinr. s'a'.r ,.i ,n i. .. '.
l.r s..n,r l,rr,-t,v is a, ,,.,u,!,s r
(. onrt ..rtl.r sntlrmnu a:i I ioaan.r
ol sal I final au-uutit a:ol J..r tiip di
- sr.-r e( the s,.'..i rr.uior a-ij lii.
uie!irs;al aliuii ie 4j .,U(.e t)
arsons mirrrstr,! id sal t .., nuv
4,,,jr wi S'e '' ft ion-or v.birrtIn-,
"i r,l, to miV,;m '
'.uti.n ar n. m tl.rrrol, '
it is tnril.rr 0;,lrr,d t,, ,,if
r br rul.oshr.! ..,.,-r a -vk lor lour
;i.CH.s,v rk ra tlir K .ii E KtviR
ami cnrit,,! at thr out , t ..rams I'..,
Jfl.'iir. ar.,1 j;,,,. "oi
l '..r ;n o,n C :n on ,), 7(1 j
of Jan lary, A. 1 1 -l. '
Am Ajtiu..
County Ju.iite.
A l r,.lnirra.
r!.rrx..tst.t,, ic c( ttnuri,Woj
J.'.hs .(, that il,. AT)it mtJ(ritr Jif
rh cvnuiuipiion. TLis ,lisrJw. m,t
.xuimm.- auu an arrar,ui:v harmless
-yh, .hiih can curvi ia,nt!? u
c. ia.. by a struct. MJ
Gal. Pitchers .
3Ie. Silk 'KihhoD, per yard.
Tin Cups, 2 lor s . . .
Mush Boilers
Shoe Brushes
Iover Efc!H Beaters
A large Stock of the above Wheels now
on the w.ty fn.iti the factory.
Bicycle Den.
1: sr of ikpot.
M. J. Shields & Co. ami
"fall kinlsof
Grass & Field Seeds
in v oVU U" "-"-wn pi.tiirr
j Irar. or , ' r","1 w"'-'' WilU i.ttern
i',.,v,., , , T"p:"r"1 Aen. uluiral
I ,o t . - ""' l'u!l'n. we mi:-
i mi.i .rr.1 .Intrrrnt kin,. tne,l-
I I'r.'llin. Irirr,,..,. ri, ' . ' ,ir l.' rtHitls.
M, l s, , .,,e , Xea(iw. Il4
il .'r iirl Z Kv ,;rv"' rl Mrtinnr.1
"rat.! ' l-nn'b ")' ra.. On'UarJ
r -l' yt ,rr
' an j prT-r" i" fnntet rrsuii
We are also primers and iii.p..rlerK of
Clover.. Alfalfas, Pea,, Corn. Wheat,
"uia Speltz, Millets and til
kinds of Field S.eds.
SlHllliian 'T"" ci" ron in W. J.
U ir a .'"'.X,r ' A'uilltre .1 Hi
and II t l (''.'ep " ''ullman. Wa-h ,
a the i i., r"'h' "I AK-ri.ulture
"ah V- , 1'r'-t--:'.t. Moscow,
fin aldrei's. ''" ,ml """"
in V'?,'.n prri ri'i of'en fail to if lr
ind.irstion brrana i: . i.,inon..1.. Ther-e (; one
ha, "'i'-TV" " c!w"
'"at is Kivl.i !,... :. ,. '
n!,." . ,t,Car.of "J (flion and gire.