H m ion PUBLISHED KVCRV THURSDAY BY I A. E.VOORHieS rath ur ii'iiiicHirTiuii; Ont Ynr, In ilvaiioa, H 26 Hi Months, TIu-m M untlii, ' Biligla Copies, .( AiWerllaliii ratea on application, ropy (or vliaiiK or'aiT'inual Ix Iiamll In uetora Tuesday noon, otherwise m-iuiik ol Urn mailer will l charited for at lh rule of Ac Cor ruimliiK liK-tt. ainitla column. Allera un ud additions lo copy w III te charged or at tli rata ol luo ir runniiiK ln'" i( ooliiinii. Khtered at th post oltlr at (Irani. l'a-s, Oregon, a second-class mall matter. Thursday, January ji, 1901. M kkh : (iiiAsrs Pakk, ()ro Jan. 5, ll01. lly a determined tTurt on Ilia part ol l'orlland people, open itauililing stopped aliort last Saturday niglit at 12 o'clock and all the (ambling JuliiU wero closed donm. Uporta, lomilia aul kindred fraternity are now cniuleimiiiitt l'orlland ai a "drad town" ami Kcallle and Washington towni of Ilka nature kill make doeldnil kIii In rllc-rall nouulatlon. Former Prince, ol Waloa Albert Kd ward waa proclaimed aa Kin; Ddward VII according1 to medieval pincilont , Willi funlare of tin in pots, rainbow colored attcmlmils and all tlin fluinnwrr of the Middlu ages. The English people are great sticklers for tliw uutward foruit of luonaicliy, but the Inner emtence of Ibul Institution fimla little place In llieir liearta aa limy are virtually a sell gov erning people. Tim. nionarcli of I lit Knglisli nation hai no unite, power than the president of a republic and may be comldured at hereditary president rather than aa a monarch. llilla have been Introduced In the Ifglslaluio to lln nunilier of J74; 237 In the liuuse and IV In Hit) aeuale. Ten bill havo been Introduced by our repiu Mutative, U. W. C'olvig. The ami atorial altuation la unchanged. Tin Vole now stands; Cor hell, 111; Hiniili, 2(1; Mcllride IU; Hermann, 8; Fulton, II ; Mooie, 2; Ixiwell, I; Williama, 2. Minllh la the fuslun candidate ami the luii la expected to begin whim lia sup porlori take a hand iu the election of oma if publican. John II. Mitchell, contrary to prophecy, haa not yet ap peared aa a candidate. The (Hipular aiiliuoaity toward the promised charter wai greatly modified alter the publication of that document o that every one bad an opportunity to tee lor themaelvea what It la and the manner In which It iIIhmci of the varioue poiuH ol lutereat. hew lerloua iibjuctloiia aeem lo lie entertained though many would rather have it amended In tbla or that particular. The petition, to accompany Ita reeentation lo the legislature waa very generally Igiird by Ihoao to whoui it waa pre sonted, only a lew refining lo sign. It received the signature ol every member of the council. Covering, ai It doea, m many polute, It naturally la ronlraiy lo the preferences of many on dillorciil points but the opinion la quite generally ei pressed that It la aa universally aalii lactory a document aa could well Ih arranged. . J Senator A let Sweek ol Multnomah baa Introduced a bill in the legislature which it ol niuch Interest to railroad men. He purpose u In leaaen the liability ol danger by accidents. It makes the evaporation liable for any Injury caused br their negligence and prohibits enter tug lulu any private coutrarl by which au employe may waive claim lor dam age in rase ol possible injury. It pro hibits a railroad company from requir ing or per milling any ttaiiiman or oper ator, who has worked lu las capacity lor U rotiatH utive hours, to go ou duly uutll be haa had at least eight hours riMt, evcepl in some unavoidable cases. Voder this bill a discharged employe may demand the leason ol his dischaigc, which must bo furnished In in in writing. The bill defines a train as an engine and not more than .il) freight or passenger rare and requires an eitia brakeman tor every 10 cars or less over thai miia ber. No employe shall be reputed lo make more (ban 4.-00 miles in one month, t'leecent t'ltr people have been ei periencing a great dial of trouble lately lu regard lo Iheir mail service. The private contractor, James K. Hill, gave notice about the ttrel of Ihs mouth thai be would no longer convey the mails from Waldo to i'reee-tu l ily and from that lime till the past week or o, ('res cent O'.y baa bad very lilt n.i'. Soms w as Uou.-hl trvm !-an Francisco, j l ul the slate of attain lias l-ev n siu h a to arvut considerable indignation among the alliens ol that place. I'heViiana 1'ass Oiovrnl iiv mail route is a most IrnpciUi t one and .ari.es the mails I. r a quite extensive s,vi of country.' There has b-en no tioithle on , n.l plltielitie. A divn.on ol Hi-, rvuite at NVaUl.i was ma le otieii I lie U-l i-n-t,l WAsaor.b.l an. I it i oil the Wi dv t"re,vtil 1'ilv section, wtiu h laot,viitc. the diiti.-.i't pt'.i'n ot tlie to re. li ai trout'le I a, . iiinu a'.iM li is oi e more insiA'iiv ol the lo'U ol lading con trails Wlo tiA! i'.mv a'' Mtiotia.'y WOflll. A lniivt,n rni,v lias no bn ptovul. I until I ,r uiaiter caul otb.-iary atrdi-g.t trtviM KotrMwe et lKj'(r Koitia I an o,.,vd to that provision ol the pr,.l iu- charter, Kr lnu.lutg Ihe itaiuio-e in the voting ol bonds, et.- It is u e tlterw ar aiguiueois ol some loioe in fvr v4 It but I kuo i.4 uotio 'o,U woukl uot apply as t 1 to ttiv r n'i.-n oi su & or, aiveerniaiy or ant , tt.er o,).,ers who tiavw lo vlo wilh trie Isvymg ol taiea, o apprwjviiatron of pu' u- (nods aaJ if we gei in the balvit of rr-stri.tiog lh (ranch is there 1 do leilieg ln will etofv. Theu II ihh p remit ss sm is unlair it ia cuaniivetiy enm.r to How lh tuaa wko aya taiea oat I AW worth 4 properly as suocfa mm as Uie vast who par oa It we auwet have reelri, tir aurfragw, let it be aw vluvttioaal iastewJ sis iwvporiy vjualr cwtioa. It ww are erer ta b rareJ b a rtuctcr, of wpK-fi lbs ar sai iaviWatsOisa, aa arietovraojr oi brain la wwjfb)a lo oi wealth. ATtxPaiiB. . At tlio Red St.ar Store there are Home very (lehirnMe, Ktylish, up-to-date Ladies' Jackets of fered for less than wholesale jiriees to close out. This is an oiortuiiity to buy at ti very low jiriee, w hich should not ho missed. RED STAR STORE, W. E. DEAN. & CO.. Propr. Front St., oppo. Depot. County Court Procsi din,l. ((Winuif rum JirM fnnjt ) 11. ('. Kinney, jmlgu eleu west Ur, l'aaa ... J I liulreuer, Judge eloc, I' It Klliott, Judge elcc J K I'elcrs hi, clerk elec N Itevnolds, " O I' ilnrvey, guard II W Kean.exp. insane KOlt, imlee roads briilgea ...... J II Miller, iihIm paiiiers 0 K lientner, judge elect Murphy precinct. W I' Jeter, Jiidi-n election , W Willinms, judge election r, M Cockerlinu, clerk Murphy precinct A 11 1'uaiar, clerk W Williams, hriiiglng returns. . . . II I'rake, work bridges Wilbur ifc Moon, work on road. . . W K I lean. Judge elect S tir I'aaH. , J It Jennings, jiidgeelectioii II .oiler, Judge election ........ I) A Mesler. clerk iolin I' Hale, clerk . il I' riirman, guard 1 (' Handle, itnilesU: Wl'orsun.. W II Andrews, juror iniiiesl . . Sidney Andrews, wi( coroners III- iiesl iV giinrdingibody Melvin A ndrewa, wit impiest K Hndgora, work on bridges .... II .oiler, care pauper II Kccuaii.lioard it ittirrw pauper,. K Cole, work on bridges II A Curious, work ou bridges . . . I Mct'alllater, lumber bridges. . . W II John, dec hoodie woodllghl. J II Houlli, II K entrlca J W Cusiar, lumtM-r bridges. . . . . I.eatuler Sill, work bridges A I t'listar. work brlilges J K llowaid wora bridges J II Miller, Mdae. pailpera J I. I'ysert, judge ol elect I, in ky Queen precinct S Harris, judge of elect. .'. II lUrwiKxI.iudge ol elect .... J l'ollo.'k, clerk elect J J I'ullock clerk elect 4 .'ill i Ad 4 fill 4 RO 4 Ml il IKI 2."i (I I 0 7( II IK) 4 Ml 4 60 4 bO 4 50 4 M 1 (to 11 0.1 ;M (hi 4 Ml 4 nil 4 M 4 bll 4 rm 4 fill 1 HO 1 20 5 Oil ft Oil 4 110 2 (HI V3 f)0 2 (Id H IKI II) HO f. 011 12 III U 4d 6 0i tl 2fi 20 (I I 18 W :t oo .1 on a ik) a no a oo K W Sawyer, Judge ol flection Kciby precinct Wm Kerr K N Nlckeraoii, clerk lid Haiiey, cloik I'.d Hsiley, bringing in returns . j C lilder, judge ol election Wal do precinct Abe llerv-iy II Hgwors W J Wimer, clerk Ora Smith, clerk J CI I'.ldor, bringing in returns. .. (irorge (ircen. Judge ol election (ialice precinct Tom Kinory I'rniik Vox K S Merrill, clerk N A Williams I'. S Merrill, bringing in reltltn Kiank Mitchell, rent ol building for polling plttin l!d Lister, witne.,s circuit court .1 II Miller, mdse pauper W S Koliinson work bridges i;i It priidh me, stationery J 0 Iliatt. work bridges Iliivid Aiexnnder, care of pauper W A llaskins, liiiubrr biidges.. . J V Kellogg, Justice ol pence (era Mrs II H Norton, lypu writing Ini Sp.irlin, wink bridges 1) I, Urowiiitrg, Jnsliie lees lira HUlocs, wiiucns lee I.ulil lllalock, wilnrs.4 lies ...... Mtlion HUlock wilncn lees Stella (Unlock, w itness fees Mist) W lllaloi'k witness (:. - - Sum t'.eorge, csro ol pauper li W HUlock, constable lees J II Miller, mdse pauper J I' lialeener, work unu court houe ) urd II I. t'oti oi Co mdse paupers . . j S Mooie, insane rxaminaiioii . (j Slircen, eipene iiimuio pel son U V Lewis, expciis--a insane M-rson Oregon tlliserver, pilntiiig iblin iiieut tax list Wm M Hunch, cine of paupirs.. Oliver Sargent, work bridges . . . 4 .'.0 4 oO 4 M) 4 .VI 0U 4 60 4 f.0 4 50 4 fit) 4 M 8 On 4 fXi 4 Ml 4 M 4 f0 4 60 4 40 2 (X) 1) 21) It on 0 no 1 01 15 17 1 on If. 24 7 a a on 1 & 51 "n 2 711 2 70 2 7u 2 70 4 (hi fi 2 0 nil 1 (Hi 1-1 00 0 00 10 00 20 On 7ii :io l." oo 47 (HI Big Reductions IN- Remnants. To clean out all Woken lines and odd si.cs in Clothing. Dry Goods, Jackets, Mackintoshes. You can oick up some rare bargains in our store durinj; tln next IU) days, (,'onte while the assortment is 'ood. J f I'vseit, bringing returns .... j J t' t'aiupbell, pldge elwl N I lir I'asa pre,-! j N It Meade, nidge election ... a s tell, judge election I' V Ju.lson, v' lerk. (iiirge .,,.r. clerk .... ! 0 Kiel, guard, !iilansA I'ludtiomuie.stalionery j Kd I isler, expense.-. tvy toie!oiio s, tuvil Ml It Ward.deh.er ballot boxes ! J lloinian, cam as Nov. elevl ' y'tias I add.caii Nov ele, I Kd M.Vann mdge ele-t VIlluMiae I W 1 eonat.t, judge elrt . . . I I' I . i. jude elect .... i K t II ..s.n.1, , ;etx Kraiih V eilu-i ill, clerk K l VI y'aniv'iringing leUlrns Jo'l ! V-I a -iin, jodge ol rlecl Me. in I ) V ver'.on i .idge oi e evl M..I ben '.., judge eU-t . . . i'i. an I . I t. , IN- v'rv , .f K V1 r K M-r. ,iiAt.t . lV.,x,.;r, -aiiiaiis ,V, IWnlu-t A ' .Oll.-t V J V y". "-li. ',,j i Ue r ft l V it K.At v' W s ml', j.i.lge ol elect Kd nun j ,i lfcv .a etevl . t K Nel-n. , ..-rt ' oejo lao,-, . ert . . t..l il lli. I'tiii; ug r-luri! . . t 1. roari.c.e kotcuvl.on lr- i.n I prvtuc'. ii l ri.r V I M yck.n. -u.lk ,-t elcs ion t.,- in I pie,ir.v't W 11 IUu , y V t'.Mle. it K M g-.ur.l t trwr. l inking m if il-ui u i'(. ;i.Ue ol r vt ot. Ml. Keu j p. iu. I , . J W ir-.ue K K .; K K M.Ca-.viS -. c ,r II M M.vrkau H M M.irn rem ,f oj 1 1 ng :iiug Uv.l-. . ... y) k.rg. tvinking in rrlorus t l' lie. ) i.ik o-- e.eMioo W d llan-s pivvitLt J M Cide.l II it Spar 11 n J N lioutiw, clrrt . J U Jokw n' O Siiiss, rxirgng ia rrta-ns . A IVw 2 40 II Piale, woik budges I'.engeb Cronk, w.uk loidgen li rtl lieorge Askew . cite psnprr .... it yk 0 Mj-r, medical sltcndince tl Ovi p .lip,T 0 isl r.igcne Hill, budge woik i is m lliin. li, budge ' k S i 0 S.H1I liniii ti. bridge work 2 Vlieo Turks, bridge work ... , Moo.lv elch. bridge work . 4.t 7 J II It.se.h. blue print 7 y 0 h M.-yiiea. 0 ai ; ge elevlion ivt yV W K N p(e, IuiiiIh-i P'l.lgt-s 5 40 K M I. gan. " " . 4 W r II Scliinidt, mdse rwd and 4 o0 bll lge 4 ;-0 ll I lei., livery l.'rep.yuj-r 4 .NO W tl Ktnagn. nusl i-ni atttul- 4 y.i tiiV iu j'er 5 yVi W II K.n.yg.yn, rn dua! alleid- atne iviup.-r 4 .Vi S .Hi-' IVig y"o M.,se pauivi . . . . 4 Si I' II llar-.li A So-i mdse p.vupe.s 4 V yi'eg.-n vt.!. rver, prtnio-g . 4 Vi l d.lv lit. ts. , .. e p.uper 4 .V H 1' It -b-u-n, ui t,e piuje' 1 iyi yi Yom-g jiuy li-l .yl 'i.use ire. nici I .V A It Morn . Avot i t .'. 0 1 H It Kmc- nun, " .! iV W II : ..Kg .-. l, m.ane r- 5 lV i,llll-.1. :.- i, . ui 0 r l.oye .v, l br-.!,s yM r l'' .!i ti. S Hi K'k M,y' inn, " J -.. M-Va n. " " yV I' K l ov,!.-e, ' 3 vl Jun-s II 'iiti.vn j t,x-s .... - A IV.ne-, li.u.ing lumt-rr rxva.t J vyi t r-.d.,-. $ vV.i Oli o NuU,. r fund en ia s.e 5 yV i.r.ititn.tlii i'4Ujv.. . S lX C t-' r. lt!i,a.teT .. 4 y- 0 Uol-oo, ici.l U'-lii g e cv I i n 4 Tm' 1 li.v H vvl. vvu ncr i-.umd.;ui'.i 4 V K V'.i.'k-as. nt'V W'i'l house S' KAN linu rrs Kvt.l ajetM?.vr 4 A S v Kj'-.f. iii .Nhjvu --r 4 iv y,v-rge Ni.v,r;oi.k, r-.l suj-s-r 1 vi--r I yXi tiror-te M.-Co-uiik. f right p J M oo lni'.yt t J VA ia;cr aoik iN-t arti 4 V br.. 4 x A lam Wiiiwf, i,wl uivior . 4 Si II U.at.o.on ris. supers ve..r 4 V J T Keneevlv, rvwj ii,vii.ir . 4 -V A V.rr s. r.J .io'V,. 4 V' J h; Sa.a le, rval upv:r 4 40 i W tl CartiT. rvNkl iuj-vfvjsr . II II Sp irlin, road BU,crviaor. . . 41 05' Ueorge C itiotb, road super- 1 visor . M o0 II C frrkma, road survey 17 00 llenry W'hitruck, viewer . 3 00 H'inier White, viener. 3 Ou I'r.ink Siltli, viewer 3 40 Win. Ilutli-r, clisinman 'I 00 M W rielda, marker 2 00. II C Vetkins, road survey 13 00 J II Colti,v:eer 6 00 J Y (".sl.t-iier, viewer 6 00 A M Ji-s, viewer 3 00 J I) Agee, cbaiuliiaii road sui- v,.y 2 00- Nick Those, ctmimii iii 2 00 i V llowarler, axuinn I 00 itness l-ys circuit court Sep- I ember term 314 10 Witness feua county' court 20 00 Juiy fco circuit court Sypteni- i ber term '. 'l 00 T A Hood, coroner inquest lo 00 II A Corliss, jury 1 00 l) K I'eunty, juror 100 Y 1' I'ierce, juror I 00 1 I) T McCurtney, juror 1 00 J I, I'u-rce, juror I 00 K II Alirnliaiii. jutor I 00 It A fierce, wiincsa coiouer in- I nnen 1 00' W II Andrews, witness 1 00 T A Howl, coroner fees 10 00 A liitncy AdJtns, juror inn S J lliyvilnu, juror 1 "0 W M Hinckley, juror 1 01) II M hartlrtt, juior 1 00 A A Cameron, iurur 1 00 W 1 Howell, juror 1 001 I F Cubell, coroners iuipiest 2 00 Clma Cobell, ' 2 00 Henry liuitlctt, gruve pauper. .. ft 00 S J ll.iviland, " "... 5 CO Then Hood, coroners fen 11 ! Ttios Smith, juror, coroner in- 1 00 ii t I no I It ll:istow,jtiior 1 00 C, S llrltduw, " 1 00 J M llristow, " 1 00 Win C hu.it I in in, juror 1 on I) f Joliiisou, " 1 00 Time Hood, coroners fees 5 Ol 0 C Tavlor, care pauper 2 00 Davie (roi.T. aitv. lees lliiini v losi-pliine coiintv l-f 00 Nick TIiom.. cnuimiHtiouers sal sry anil mileage 20 40 John Wrlls. i iiniiiiisH uicrs s il- arv ard mileastc 34 00 John Wells, in-iii-i ting budges c ro pauper 12 00 (ioorgo Out k was appointed by the ctiuit et-xton of 1 1 1 o count)' cemetery, with exilusii-e ligltt ti) dig nil grav.e, fir wl.icti he is to receive ft each. In the liinttcr if I lie examination ol t lie county clerk's ahenff's, ttensurcr's I looks mid sccoiints us piDvidcd by l.ivv, Iheiouit cxaniiiird all books and .a per, rcla' ing to the lluauii.il utlitrs n( tiie cotiniy iind ftnd name correct ami mitigiiiclor) . "Ihs Mar Hoarder." Toronto (Unite. The (.iruii.l Opera House, brightened mid improved since last Nca-on, was re- oicned l.it-t niglit with "The Star lioanl or'' on the board, Tlie bonne viae piii'lit-d, in hpitc of the opprcfiivc heat, ami (lie iiinlieticu pup frcijuciit mid moM i-niliiisiu-.tic manifotatioiiH of ita appreciation ol llm la-rforiiKiiae. "The Star ltoiir.h r" is a farce comedy, con-Mrtk-lc I for laiiiilting pttriKun-.-i pttrcly, and uduiiralilc fulfilling its mi.-sion. l'iio cat I'lidiritc,-! many footliglit favor itos, hem led by the inimitable Mr. lioy le, Iioho itnitatioii of John l'hilip oiisa m-ycr full to get a curtain call. Waste of Timber. Forelr. Fyjit-rt, A .1. J-dint-on, who iy act iiyloiiii-d lo se.-ittg g ant nanlog-i in Oii-gon, wan rutonislird at the puny li. tle litings wiiicli lliey c.iiled avy!ogs in some parts in the F.aiM. In large sl.-yl pi'csof some of lh, luinliering cen tcts, be could not tin.l slatis attv lugger limn a man's two ttug. rs Alter con tracting the little hit; if kiii'lling wolhI Willi Hie big Bain tun from s.iwlogs in Oregon and l.cujel into pile? o' w ato, be waf more en i-ced th m c cr of li e l..inii'fttt waste of limber in (ire gon . Mr. Julin-i n has ju-t retttrtud ftoiu Wahingi.-it. II (.'.. wl.eie lie arranged for one of the tiue-t mats e,cr primed bytliel t i.nl S at. lieograpliical IV partm.-iit. It u ill lu-a t- ii.i'cd ma of the h rests ol 1 1.', g li , and at the sp' i tal rvipiosi of Mi. Ji iiii-oti, will U' remind t'iroiigli iti tutu-to be jatt ol the tl-e gon e ex'iil' ts yt t li I'a .-A t er c in I x-po.-ltt in. It will t'C co.rjm.d fr. in a report ol .'l ty pe uiini . ,g. s ol O -e-gin ntnb.T prtj-.ir. .1 by Mr Jolin-on Tlie green tuntier, ti e bu-nt d.!.tt o is. the sluniti ii -tan. In g I; nber ai.d the dltleient species of 'uiil.rr I; he slioau in ciil.ire.l f rin. It wt 1 g.xe a I e- cr idea ol O-ego-iV i':e-i.uit.t.;c nmt-cr r.'S urea li.a:i coluuuis of li,itii r-and wnt'ea laci. lie I. re-'.ri e,;e't one o' t.o- c -i;t 1 ii i 1--i e r it.i ..ntti i hy li er..o- to h.l,. p'ejMie 'If di-p'ar for I tie It i 1 ,. i I ...r. and ion .n; to Ins vi-t to Ne V.-rii vim 1 11-. t!,!,, ai.d Ireli'i .1 t p.-.eot ,S'i' lor tt.o funs'iy exti1. li ot ,ii,t he ha-. a! c'.aige. le egt in.. Chicago Racket Store i sLtAsaiiVI flDinino lotcs. AWsl For Call on L'h. Ladies' Skirts, Oil i cos, " lVrcalcs, Tinware, Glassware, Graniteware, Crockery, Urooms. Six spools J & 1 Coals' Thread for '25c. For ItAIK.AI Call on I's. Chicago Racket Store NEXT TO PALACE HOTEL. . A NtKht of Terror. "Awful anxiety was fell lor the widow of tlio brave (ieiieial r.iiriihain of Mat-bias, Me., When the doctors said she would die from I'neiiiiioiiia before morn ing'' writea Mre. S. II. Lincoln, who site n .led her that learlul night, but she bogged for Pr. King's New Itisoowry, which had more than once saved her life, and cured her of consumption. After taking, she slept all night. Fur ther use entirely cured her." This marvellous medicine is g-.taranteed to cuie all Throat, (.'best and I.ung Diseases. Only ,VV and J1.0). Trial bottles tree at Doctor ICremer's drug store. A I'M ll ot the Wrist III the night will turn on the electric b-ttli light in the I'lillman Standard Sleeping (,'ars, on the Northern facitic's North t'oast Limited. Two lights in each section, liet a North Coast Limit ed leatlet. A. D. t'hariton, Asa'l t.cn'l Pass. Ag't. 2rj Morrison St., Cor. Sd, l'orlland, Oregon. Don't Rub It In. All mm ACHES AND PAINS LOOK ALIKE TO i t l iv' It IV ! IV , IV ;i (V 3 iV 1 IX' 1 s 1 9' ;r i-r 2.i l. yX 10 (V 16 yV t- .! oy c." x 2 cV S4 N.1 ,y iv yV i 2 yM 10 tV I 10 : v 3s I aaijsisi.a j - . ; 'it BuiitSSng U v U AM m- a r,n:n.U.tun. Ti t just u y f i'u VuiU'.-.i't: ip oi the UIv a ol! '."; w .t tu'... The iounv'.- vl: N,' ir ah cut trr iSau hu m vi ,l-.lTtv''n in i mi.TU;on. It c" itr iVe vt.vt vV;r!iV.vn ! .tMV.tt--t o! V.it u tt'iivh i rTrn TVJ U v: : '. 1 v r the N.x! v TrV.otr ! rv b Ui t S k 1 1 wat known to N-i- i'f or r . tKT' by .'..xcsl Scotch Remedy I i:urc . k t ur gtioJ rca :on$ vbr cury j nuvcho d s ouM us; this rcireJT; Hrt ;i vnrrA'. s -1 "y k.T nJ &rfmt It h ill n k:iy .t r IIH-y! itoul-lt i itii'tvj :t and s ir,"ifi nt ,tr ! tv " r. i ti or yttooior th , -kn, t y li'ttn-i ThTyl-U C'v.'.:i pj ch'' r'f rn, ttvisfi t!ii.r' i'..; 'h iim yr t.i;r. and IB ! n l v i t"eufh- list tv.e tt t th or.'v ft. tjulck h.t'lr... w. rttlUvlv fy on tJk m t x k v-1 8 vil t'T Jnist;-.--y At rvniiL SCOTCH REMEDY COMPANY i l., ,;f yN '. aiNCIC Soyivrnir Cslcnoan. The han.Uiiuie svi i, enir iaei.il.yrs cf tirants as w h eh rniii:ii :-.ni'..1. a' i r - the t'h.-ist ii. ti are no p..-d . n a!e at the 1V1 k:ik a' Hie grei'.'y t redti.ed prt.es of - oenl ra h. or Ihr, e or TO em's. These ca'eitda-s m.il.1 resl.ly at ."O ; ceu sea. ii Ttiev ar very hau l-ouit le;i sft ueiu'. prvl ictiotts. do!'! e , slile to be kept v'..lvc'iin or to g e I to tr e'.d-., Ka.-'.i ol the t'e il,e '.'in1! a tine l.!i lore l'.' :trs; it o . .t.. Mi ce in l,r.:-'? Vx or v.nr.-tt ; I itig ivaniry. In sou.e o I' e-e 1 e vsriou to iutrie ate portrayed, o her i.r ..im t i-l:t i-t i'.ii N'lu'.tiiil s. et-.ery sn.l;. o lots o- tomu vieo if ll.e i-i iMi i.v: '.m M : g-. oi lira l'a-!. f..e i uer i h.'-.l t-.-e tt-g-s,i..g i-.-:i ' u it.' g a g i.i p-e ,1 a pi-'.on ol the tos.iaiulite lAtii'.i: a as'.oei-a .'..0l -I ll'l'ir p.:, toil. S.J. Ilavilanl. who ia engaged in mining in the Bohemia district spent a few days here last week vis, I. tig w ill his family O. W. Kay, who has bocn in the Kerby district fur the past lw wcekB looking after mining interes'.s, left on Thursday evening lor California. The Hotel Lay ton. sampling works are well patroniied during the present days. A mortar, pan and tub o! water are provided and prospecting goes on almost constantly on that, corner. Kich strikes are frequent. The Victor, Jr. mine haa a new hoist which is to be installed immediate h Some iiiprovemrnts in tlie equipment have been recently made, necessitating a partial suspension ol the work of tak ing out the auriferous ore. A.C How-land, superintendent of the Dayis hydraulic mines on upiwr Jump- otr-Joe came in on the evening train from Woodville Wednesday, retaining on the 10:30 train the same evening. The hydraulic giants are running night and day, and appearances are good for a very profitable eason. W. E. Davis has returned to CliiiMgo. Al. Dean came up from (ialice Friday. He has been spending the p ir-t few weeks at the Dean placers on Kogue river and has had a yord run of water during the recent rainy weather. Next summer the owners of tliii mine intend lo put on a ditch from Centennial gulch w hich wiil furnish water for the or six months in or.liiiare seining. The ground ia very rich but operations have been handicapped by the water supply which the proposed ditch will remedy. The Montreal and Oregon Uold Mines, Ltd, k. K. Ingerpoll resident manager, litis just completed the cxtensivo addi tion and improvements at its quartz mill, loca'ttd at railroad crossing of Ik'Onaii street, including the addition of n buttery of live stamps. The mill with it.-i new iqiiipitient winch is thor oughly up to date, was started running Friday on ore from the company's inine, the A-hland, and the ten stamps ale c-tm hammering away upon the golden lock. Tidings. $IOU Howard. :(. The readers ol this paa'r will be plcuied to learn that ttiere is at least one drcaled disea-e that science has been able to i lire in all its stages and Unit i t'.slairh. Hall's Caiai rli Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medi. al fru'ernitv. Catarrh being e .oii-i tin. io.ial disease, requires il con Mitiitioua! treatment. Hairs Catarrh Cioe is taki n iiiiernahy, acting din ct!y up.oi ihe hlo-'d attd mucous Mitf.ices ihe system, thereby destiny ing the foui.dation of the di-te. and giving ll.e patient s'ret.gth by building up the contd t ut ion ard asiMing nature liiitig its -vork The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they oll'er ot e lluudrid Dollars for ativ ca-e that it tails to i me. Send for l.sl ol testimonial. Address. F.J.Ciii nkv oi Co Toledo, 0, S od by dinggir-ts, 7c. H.il', Family 1'iiit ate the hist. Elusive. j- line w .-t ks ag'i, one Fred Crocker bought the Novelty store and oyster parlors and astim 'd the conduct of that e-tahhshuicnl. He was a first rate ie-t.iurau! man an I knew, so tils patr .lis sai , how lo serve oysters in tip li p -tylt-. Latwck the shcr-.tf and inarhali eacli received letters with etii-'o-ed photogratdl. frenn tiie e.itlle chief of p-itice itirectitig lIH'tn lo arren I iiarlie Heed and bold htin until further in structions. The letter stated that lie was "the oil ii.nc Char'.i liet-d, ' a grafter of no'1. With tlie aid of the photograph, ti e oll'uvts bad bttle ditlicuity in identifying Crocker as the individual ruiiiired and Marsha's bell and Mott made tiie arrest -Mturdav afternoon. While !'.-;! wct-.t to tiie telegraph ol'i.-e to notify the chief of police and ob'aiu further instructions, Mott remained -t tiie store to take care ol the prisoner. Toa; worthy. apparently agrieie.l at the t rr.i rueiil tie was re ceiving, suggest, i i to M f. that he had p pvs in Irs coat pvSet w h oh w uid e.i:ahl.ti his inn ..,-nt idetni'v l-ey.-t-.d :hehj.J. . i a d ol.'. M. 'l a ". .., 1 h 1:1 t i s ep it.to ti.o -,e-;; r i--;i. : T ios c at. btr Cneve'. .' li -1 I -oi i - I :h i: li:s tiios', pte-s.n need ,s l'e-ii a:r arid a ted ac -rd ng-e. i-p ug ... ) bv ti e bi.k way aid t-r i.,.ie.l t.. gu-a' y w .den tlie nit, r at t - a . . i. I. : ns. ,i a...! M 't. w tio-e , .tip.ir.i' 1.-- s". ii e l.it S l oils "I -h;iii:.in' ':.e;i !. s.!,i.,rt w'e was . b erved t ie I ;e ,itil,r m ra'ed but Kiv I w no: to h.- to'in.!. Il was ti o.i it. t t:.a: in !: i i i s ; d b .t tt i ll Ito e.i IS-.V !..' a a- ?. i-l: t . . t r t!.e ll.-.iso o: Mi-. K . g r,.irti..- , re. i.o 0 o- tn-.ng at I. -ni.'. Tl.t .!'.. r- a e-e not.iir i a:. 1 t'..e t .-. u : ua- 'i , t I : o-l-f"'-:J h s c i.n-.i ai- l.t a:i i ie i i . :i e Cttv , M ll i A f t in ;i a- V f:I ,' I - '. . fti Cif.l ft-.' t lit tri' v'. ttlt ir;td i-r ( t 1a!!it ery ,.::. iri- i ,v. Xr n, the :i 1 !s.a!o l i- t'?-.'', pri v;r.c hm. i iriit-r t i .i.,;, h ah.niy i ..Iv.,; titf u. "t t .:!.u t:a: oa- t'y f l'-- et re, ".en Ul. C.vf V - y,- M.-t-v!.':i Vti- e t S i t ri v , ' W l(lr,i i ti We have a Big Stock. ' A Fresh Stock of ONION SETS and GARDEN SEEDS. Quality I'ncxcelled Price the Lowest. Lemons, each ,c Oranges, 3 for 5C Clothes Baskets 75C Waste Paper Baskets 57C Mouse Traps 5C Shoe Polish ...toe Fire Shovels SC Bread Boards SJC Hammer Handles c Knife Boxes '5 For Bargains go to Smith's New York Racket Store. HARROWS I We have the famous SYHACUSi: And all farm machinery, Wagons ami all manner of wheeled vehicles. Hardware, Paints and Oils. . F. II. SCHMIDT. NEW. FIRM, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES. We are now open for business and our line is very complete. We are adding to it continually. Our Grocery line is A 1 in every respect. FANCY CREAMER V BUTTER Get our Trices on it. Wo carry Snowy Butte and Medfonf Flour. Eastern Ham and Breakfast Bacon. Pure Buckwheat Flour and Maple Syrup. Choice line of Teas and CoH'ees. Choice Fresh and Dried Fruits. Cooking Utensils in Granite and Tinware. These goods were bought for cash and will he sold low as the lowest. ' mith Bros. Mercantile Co. Howard s Old Stand. COR. FRONT AND SIXTH STREETS. Narrow Folks An.l ttiort-siili'.e.i dcili rs ilui't like to In- i-rimisiil. We do. if tliyre is tln least tlia.luw ot pre text fur il. Ily listening for years tor tlie f.iiutest no'es of il secn t, i.t. we've leanie.l to ive peo l.'e l.at lliey unt, netcl, or i .yp i t. Tins is a modern I'm,! Store. If tl.nie i ever iippireiit t-anse for ilis-atisfa. t'.iii t-l il. Yon wi'l tri.i us taiiiiii: i'-'"r 'ir'. Star Drug Co. Front Sr., opputslte Ii-hh. $2.25 Jbr $1.50 The Rogae River Courier -AND I c, 1.1 U 1 iV l vV 13 iV .y !si.r ttl tra.-; 'im 1 ' tX'Wiaji" ; Ui If IDA' ; ir ti . -a . i. t or Itli f f.S-r 1'o-:h- m l.r .tif r tr-il K r:;:it .rl in -r.-i - IT. W . t. KreM:- f Opera House o m inr i .yivK, ;., Tl 1.SDAV 1 Eli. Sth. ;Ny'Ti,-K of H.VAL EriT.K.IKSr. I In tl.e I' M..U y'oii't . f tl o Sia e ol iiirejon, lur ilie yo'inty oi J...-e.lni'e, in , ; ML'.ue. i In llii'lcr of tin- i slate of j Aliens it. HoiAni. Jiveasi J I I Noi ne is lieret.y mven ih.it James S. 1 M.Mire, the eiecltor ol Hie es'ale ol sii.l yiliiils ti IL ) kins d,e,s-.. Las .re -t;l,.l f ir set! lellli lit ai.d ti.e i in sai l (.'oui.tr I'.nirt !l;e liii.il a.v.niii! of l,i a.iii.iuistration ol said es'.ate. li w iiier,:ore oi.lend tliat Tue-dav. ::.e l'.'lli .liy ol Keurliary l'.Ml, t jil "isvK to lli forenoon i i said dav m ::.e (,.i:uty Court room, in the (.'...urt ii -.e a. 'i-anis lass In su: t lountv i Jos- idiiiie. State ot (irri- n, be ai.d l.e same l.rrebv is 8 pointed l.v tus i oiin i.ir i,e seitVment and a loaam-e "i sail tit, At a.'i-ounl sd !' .r Hie do ...aie ui tiie s.t.d eie, (.'..r ail Ins sureties; l tiiih true and (.isoe ail f-rxins interested m sait estate uiav afiear ar.d ti.e f iivpttoiis or ubjev-tions in rit'i, tj sa.d saouiit or any I'yrtnu ar rem tlierevf. And it is itirther or.itrul that lliis roll e b,- i.u'iltsbed on.-e a eelt I.t lour - ! c-ss ve ank, m it Koi.rt Kit lot ma aaerk.i nraspaper published nd i-r.nted at Itie cr.y ol tuanis I'ss. yonnir oi J.wi.hnie. and S'si. ,,i The Beit and Most Piaeticil Farm and j Family Paper Published. r.eiieviiu: that everv one of our readers -li oiil.l have at Ita-t one y-oiKl sirriniitiirul mi. I Iimiiiv journal. e have ptrlivted ar raiueineuts whereby e can send that -ra. n--al and iniru. live journal, Kami an.l Home, in l onneelion uli The Week ly or.d and llomeiuade (.'ontrivanees. on remarkably liberal terms as civen Mo. I. a. oi -paie lorbnls but a btiei deserip ti.'ii ot ihe contents nf Kami and Home, hi. Ii is une,U.ilcil for variety and e le.ln.e. I'rotiiineiit uinuuir ' ii.s manv .ic.iiriinenis may he mentioned the Kami ami Harden. Mark-i ;c1.rt.,, Theijuesiion I box. Around the lilobe. flans unit Inveli- lions, the Veterinary-. Ka-liioiis and Kaii.-v I Work. Ihe Apiary, The Poultry- Yard. ; r.ilk. iih a Lawyer. 1-ruit rnliiue. I lmr. I and Kioers. Live Mo, k and Hairv. The 'Netennary Fashion- and K anev Wor, j lloll elioKI rcallires I Kami and Home is published semi ui..nihiy. thus (.-iviim y.,u :M numbers a I year, the whole niakiinr a volume ol over . J" pae-. teeiiiinit null all the late-t and j ino-l reliai.ie inlormalmii that eierien.e ; ami s. len.e can supple. S lt,.r rr,,t ol its p..pu:arilv can I oilerl tha.i lt enoruiou. .. in u.ali.m. ahieh-.:..!. ii..-.. every pronn.e. ea. Ii ni.iul.er beinn read bv 1.0 jess than a nibjun reader-. I;v -p-tal arraniwnient it mate (ur a .initio! ;ime ll.e loll,. lilieral oiler: Courier, one year, Farm and Home, Home Contrivances, Total, - - All for Only $1.25 .50 .50 $2.25 $1.50 ll-'itit'inattf (v K-re in ojn C un 1 January, A. 1' t I yV! t lV t M Pt t.V m - V! k.. ;..M isj. ij l.W yV ! acent t -r o".r '..r .e .esel. A 1. C; r! lon, (r I virti'I fas:;k-er Acent, 1' Morrison M , ysr Xi. IVrtLanJ, lr. or Sale : Foa St-s Tsen'y rive seres o-e and -ne ba.I oiie east oi y,ran:s far-K.s-.ie river. ra-:'y e'eartsj, sn a.1 vr cryarj, iwk- $-y ha.i fii. a f. -. ,v: ore a Uat i ir. a as The tlde ii'as-v. i-fK-s KsA1. ita ' eash. For addv ixsnai tatv-cu-atK-a a-id-e-s, CtaaT Fail, I La (jcruKi t.Vcca Jessie Shirley The Shirley Co. !.i a rr-erv.-i-e of t'is'..'-3 Jvses-s I't-.t- rtt e4 '.'.inj and v'r.-t.rstr. !!' " A Wo-r-ant IVer" W nl'-rs-lay XI r ,.f (M'ts" rir.ria "Th.- C.var.trv ,.r, ' Kr-,i ' F.st LiVrtr t-.i j Ssi Ma". . 'T. tte I.. tj Fsnt ers, (Sal ". ."A .s.i vi Arr- j Sr-evu'iis-j Yero- Fell.-a tzi Kj. PRICES 10c. 10c in )K on t!,. 7th da; Ab A tt., Couirjr Jn.ie. Niiriy K F"il ITItl.tCUIOV Land otVt.-e at Kos.bu'(, ur, k-in.i Ja: urr J. l.s.l i N .-tti-e t lrby iii,n that the follow .:. r.amesl sett'er I: s fi't-l r.ot.ee of Lis ...ter-.tK.n to tcaSe rina, pn in turr-rt : .'us and to at sa. t p- . tine be! re A'-e Ated. (tin j',,- - . vnijn, ,n tr-.ruiTT li I - , r t Mrs Kmaia Hani, I. . rti erij F ern. M . A i.-e. on II. K So. Vu" W He rats t:,e .;:,.ini .,-BesM.o P'-ne b , lor.'::..!.,., residrnve upon and '.iatMn M sa.i :jn,, V1. .:i.u I.a:r;s. yj jr'p,1Ti rta e-Vi, lesa. d ! irr.t. Ort-i.so ; y,. -ata .clen. of Mi.ptit. Ote-j. V,. am Hayes, ct Mrth-.tivn. J. T. PKUjKS. Re ,ter llirtTani-ai .er..t..v ttM-tu; t..,k. It i, la,,;tlt to the . I';;' "''' w. dairy and workshop, and ,ii .m.,s r-.s ,. u ,ve io..e .at.e "( farm , onveniea. e (arm ; !'"".' ten.vs. eatea and brid-e---i '.' .'." """ i. under one rover. I r f Ay 'I'plian.-. an.l lalor ot eVe'rv'- :T' ""'"-m Ihe t,l,.! . L .'"''-led man. This l,.k l.a- ., ' .7 "' 10 "" in'-' 'or It-, that, ' ,. ! ii'" I'ri- ot the reiuiar eiolli j'., n ,w I" make this un- . . " 1 7 l'rmiti.i an enormous .... , i ...-ir.i.uuon. naii-meiT tmuml. i..u:ui;.i. ' I-- T l-i in. he-. an.l .s,",T.V.r than padres a;;.l u. 1 tlo n,i I ... v, t. iaii u, taut aslyautatte mu. o o.rerest b.r so .ni.l ,,, i....... Address a!i criers to Rogue River Courier, Grmla pti Oregon. i- a won. It no Irs W "B "''.e-.K-l in pnen.-n.vn-a or ant ott er :-JB tr.-ub e. prooipt rel-.el is y.vtaiar,rs.ut,aa,,i1 M UrarewjKa anj it, ,VlT u "T. "rota CMot-onipujo.-l. V) . f Kreier A Kew Pointers. Tt revs.n, ,Uti,tirt 0 ,he naaibr of i-ea.hs show ltut tU Urtf, nnj ji, ;"h sVDsaup-.ion. Thu disa-e mar j dwinieiu, w,.h , .pp.,,,. hMTatrt, h-ooib, .hK-h can W CBwJ in,l4nt;, by kerxpa Patsatu . ,he loJ -up. ,oraP,,j 1 or m br 4,1 riruCt-s.u.