mntttt w . 5 i VOL. XVII. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1901. No. 12 f ! J . HEAVY UNDERWEA Reduced prices to close out line of LADIES and CHILD REN'S SHOES Jtjtj'jt WELCHS' CLOTHING STORE NEXT TO P. O D R. R. E SMITH, PHYSICIAN anit SUKGKOS Ollice, K00111 2 over Post Office. Residence Kane House, oppo. the Western. (i HANTS PASS. - - OREGON". D K. CLIVE MAJOR General Practitioner of Mkdkisk and Suuukry. OHice in Williams Block A. C. HOUGH, ATTOKNKY-AT LAW, P.actices in all Stale and Federal Courts Ollice 'over First National Bunk. (HANTS FASH, UKKdON. II. C. PERKINS, U. 8. DEPUTY MISEBAh- SUBVKYOK, Ga.lNTh I'AKM, Ol'.UUON. c OSHOW& SHERIDAN, MINING ATTORNEYS, Special attention given to Mining anil Land Laws, and Land Ollice practice. RllHEBl'KU, Oiikuon. QEORGE II. BINNS, . ASSAYER, OfaYe opposite 1 Intel Josephine, (f 1IANTH PASS, Okkoon. Willis Kramer masi'Kact;'ui:r hit Myrtle Creek Extra family And Everything that goes with Class Milling. For hale by Chii.ks. Wade, Pike and Dki.k.mater, CoRNl'.f.L. Call for it; same price as other brands MAUULE AND GRANITE NVOKKS- J. B. PADDOCK, Phoi h. 1 am prei.ered to furnish anything in the line ol Cemetery work in any kind of MARBLE r GRANITE. Nearly thirty years of experience in the Marble business warrants my sayinc that I can till jour outers in the very best manner. Cm furnish work in Scotch, Suede or American tirauite or any kind c Marble. J. 11. PADDOCK, Krom Bircor Next to Urrcne'a Giit.kltop. Representative N. E. McGKEW, ! I PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY I Furniture kiid Piano Moving. ! GRANTS PASS, OREGON j N. DeLAMETEK I GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED A full and complete line of all kinds of Maple ami Fancy tiroreries, I aimed (ioods, Ktc. Tiionx No. 85 The popular barber shop Get your tonsorial work done at IRA TOMPKINS' On Sixth Street Three chairs Bath room in connection INSURE IN THE TRAVELRES (ACCIDENT) OF HARTFORD, CONN. x A. K. VoouHir.s, AiT. G. 1). CUSINO, WATCHMAKER. Watch and Clock repairing AH work guaranteed O 111 re with Wilvn A ltor. Chants Pas3, Okh San Jose and Mackinaw -Shirts and Coats, None better ! GRANTS PASS THE New Bakery AT THE CORNER OF 4th & Front Is now opened and stocked with Fresh Pies, Cakes, Cook ies and Bread. Don't forget i the place, opposite Chiles' orucery riuic Mrs. G. W. Pettit FIRST NATIONAL IB A 1ST IK1 OF SOUTHERN OREGON. Capital Stocky- - $50,000. Keceive dc-posits subject to check or 01 certiticate payable on demand. Sells siht drafts on rew York, San l'ran elsco, and Pol land. Telegraphic transfers sold nn all Kints in the L'nitiii States. Special Attention (riven to Collections anc' general business of our customers. Collections made throughout Southerr Oregon, and on all accessible points. J. P. FRY, President. ' I. T.Tl'Kr S, Vice President. R. A. llotrrii. Cashier. ftur Gifts Talis, Grants Pass Business Firms. J. M. CHILES GKOCERIES HARDWARE TAIiLEWARE Fine Uuttcr a Specialty FRONT and FOURTH STS. White House Grocery Staple and Fancy Gkockkies THE III.ST or EVIKYTIIINO AT A I I. TIMkS .. 1'IIOXE IU1 DRESSMAKING. I am now prepared to do all kinds of Dressmaking, and will guarantee entire satisfac tion. Tailor Suits a Specialty. In connection, with Dress making I have decided to teach a class in Cutting, Fitting and Dressmaking in general. Any one desiring to learn the trade is invited to call and see mc. MItS. W. P. SHARXAN, Over R. O. McCroskey's store. local Ibappcntnos Attorney Oliver S. Brown visited Ash land last week. , W. (i. Wright .'custom mills, assaying and ore testing. Leave orders for engraved calling cards with A. E. Yuorheia. Miss EfHe Yost of Placer visited in Grants Pass last week. s Mrs. A..B.. Cornell isjvisiting tor a few weeks withjier mother at Newberg. Mrs. Henry Reed and, little son went to Aebland Thursday to visit with friends in that city. Mis. J. A. Slover and daughter Lelis have been visiting relatives and friends at Med ford during the" past week. A hotel has just been erected at the popular summer resort, Bybee Springs on Evans creek. Oeo R. Justus is the manager. A social was given last Wednesday evening by the Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian church at the church parlors. There was a good attendance. A brief but very excellent musical Jpro 151am was rendered and efreshments served. Now is the time when croup and Lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that produces immedi ate results is One Minute Cough Cure. It is very pleasaut lo tako and can be relied.upon to quickly cure cough, colds anil nil lung diseases, it will prevent consumption. Dr. W. K, Krcmor. Mr. O. S. and family, Gooduow, late of Koieburg, are now residents of this city and have purchased the Blake property on Eighth street. Mrs. Goodnow ar rived here 011 Thursday. Mr. Uoodnow who has been a resident of HuBeburg for the past 15 yeats, has acquired exten sive mining interests in this County and will make his home at Grants Pass. Last week the friends Rovf Isaac Dawson, tendered him a surprize party. It wits the Reverend gentleman's birth day and the fact becoming known before hand, the details of the surprise were accordingly arranged, and while Mr. Dawson was down at the postoflice get ting his evening mail, there was a rally of the participants nt the rectory, and all was in readiness to givo him a hearty reception on his return home. The worthy minister was indeed very much surprised when lie returned, to find his home in the possession of a large assem bly of friends, all eager to extend their congratulations. Several hours were pleasantly whiled away in social .inter course, and a delicate lunch was also discussed. Ymiuinn Bay News. A Most Charming Semi. Monthly. I' arm And Home, always attractive and iuteiesting, appears with decided improvement for this year. A most charming farm and family semi-monthly; pure in tone, and treating a diversi ty of subjects, it meets the wants of every person actively eugigid. or at nil inter estcd, in agriculture pursuits and family life copy of Homemade Contrivan ces, a inout uselul hoik, containing 05.) pages and 750 illustrations, is included with each subset iplion. Old IVole Mailt Young. J. C Sherman, the veteran editor ol the Vermont vtllo. (Mich.' Echo, has discovered the remarkable secret ol Keeping old people young, ror years he has avoided Nervousness, Sleepless ncss, Indigestion. Heart trouble, Con stipation ami Ki.ciiniatism, try using Electric Bitters, and he writes: "Ii can't be praised too highly. It gently stimulates the kidneys, tones the stomach, aids digestion, and gives i plcndid appetite. It has worked won uera lor my mte and me. lis a mai- vellous remedy for old people's coin plainis." Only 50c at Dr. Kiemer's drug store SWEETLAND & CO. FRESH and SALT MEATSmT 'Pilosis 21 G. 0. FISHER Sewer Connections J Metal Roofing ""IGas Fitting l'l umbing ...Pipe work of all kinds... Itids furnished for all work. I-ave orders !th I 'ranter Itros. Hardware flau-l'.iilitle Hardware w II. II. 1JARTON, WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. Full nwnrtincnt of Watches, i'lm-ka, Sit verwear ami Jewelry. A I rood AsirtUH-nt of hnweh-u and Heart Bangles, Clemens' Drug Store. CLAUS SCHMIDT STAPLE GROCERIES CANNED GOODS FLOUR and FEED Pixth St., orp. City Hall rty iay y' aya ti' y V'V V'titj Leland Sittings. E. E. Redfield Is cutting a large amount of wood with his sawing ma china. Ed is a rustler. The Steam Beer mines are running night and day with a good bead of water. They made a cleanup last week to ascer tain if they were on the pay channel. The cleanup was satisfactory. Grass and grain are growing nicely, the warm days and nights favoring their rapid growth. Some people are.lhiuk ing of making'gardens in the near future if the weather continues as It is. We are having mild balmy weather, more like spring than January. The weather at present has the appearance of rain. Some of the mines that depend on water from gulches could use a little more rain. J. C. Lewis ia running both of his mines night and day with a big force of men. He is doing a large amount of blasting as lie has cement to contend with and he is moving a laige amount of ground. The railroad company is getting along very nicely with the spur. J. J. Kinney has arrived from Portland where his family resides. Times ari good in Mc- Kinley villa and business is good. The city martial is doing his duty well and peace and harmony prevail. Ex-Judge Crockett and his son made U. W. Chapin and B. F. Moss a pleasant call oiib duy last week. The judge's health is quite good for one of of his age. He is one of the oldest pioneers of Ore gon, having Berved In the Indian war. His Son Robert is trackwalker from Tunuel 0 lo Wolf Creek. Mac Bannister has new aspirations. Having practised boxing with local sluggers of Lelaml, he now intends to take leavo of his friends here for a while and go to San Francisco whore he will engage a trainer.- He ia quite certain that he can match Coibett or Jefferies. Well, Mac, there ir nothing like confi dence and self esteem. Several of tLe wood cutters have quit culling wood rnd gone to prospecting in the vicinity of Tunnel !). Some have found good ledges. The rock has a good showing of gold and uUo carries silver. The lii! Is in the vicinity of Tunnel V have plenty of float rock on the surface, the country rock in this vicinity is black slate mixed with piophyry. II the weather holds good, we shall look for soiqe good ledges to be found in this vicinity. Itoii Peri-ons who suffer from indigestion can not expect to long because they cannot eat the food required to nourish the body and tne products ol the un digested foods they do eat poison the blood It is important to cure indiges tion as soon as possible, and the best method of doing this is to use the preparation known as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It diuests what vou eat and re stores all the digestive oriianB to' per fect health, Dr. W. F. Kremer. Williams Creek Letter. Dkak CoimiKK Nut Laving heard any thing from this district for some time, 1 thought 1 would write a few lines in connection with our gloiious climate. I must say that we have a good climate. Since we have been here we have paid for our home, ll0 acres of good land, which was all brush and timber a good many years ago. 1 was one of a big family when we settled here. Wo all went to work, big, little, old and young and we hail lo economize In order to live, but we did. We paid for our place and also accumulated property so wn got to be good livers with plenty to live on. I write this letter after all these long years to show others that those that have no homes can do as we have done. Times are better now for a poor man Ihiin they were when my father settled on this creek. My father was a tier man, a close calculator. When he died he left Ins family in good ciicumstances, with a good banking account. This was all brought about by hard labor and good management. As I look around and see so many men of families that are depending on days labor for support, they had better seek homes and quit talking of hard times and lay up something for their old age and 'increase the tux roll. As it is now a few taxpayers have to stand the burden of the taxes. We have on this creek some good farmers that are farmers, then we have others that don't seem lo care, just so they exiBt, Perhaps I am a little haul on the settlers on this creek, but if others had worked as our family has done, we would be paying thousands of dollars in (axes where now it is only hundreds. We have bad an open winter ro far but there has been a good deal of water for the millets. Being a (ieruian, I have not djne justice, to our own crock but if this 1b publiahelin the Comma I will write again. A liKKMAN FROM Wll.l.lAMS CliKKK. Maile Young Again. "One of Dr. King's New Life Pilli each night for two weeks has put me in my 'teens' again" writeB D. II. Turner of Deuipseytown, Pa. They're the best in the world for Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25c at Dr. Kreuier's drug store. Hlood Ileal h Off. . B. Monday, a lawyer of Henrietta, Tex., once fooled a grave-digger. He says: "My brother was very low with malarial fever and jauodice. I per suaded him to try K.'ec'rtc Bitten, and he was soon much better, but continued their use until be was wholly cured I i-1. ..-. t.:... i i.i- i:f ft i aiu iur r.iecinc itinera aaveu ma ine. j This remedy expels malaria, killsdiseaie germs and purifies the b'ooJ; aids digestion, regulates liver, kidneys and bowels, cures constipation, dyspepsia, nervous diseases, kidneyt troubles, female complaints; gives perfect health. Only j oOc at Dr. Kreuier's drug s'.ore. I A Reconsidered Decision t By Nellie CraTej Gil more. tfna tti Bom Hiailn.. Wk.Mivrloft. luprtntaa fef THERE was no doubt in Dorothy's mind that she had niai'e a wise decision-. That is, according to a pe cuniary view of the thing and the smil ing approval of a host of p -or relations whose proclivities for advice, hereto fore, were in ill proportiuu to the sue of their purse. And though Inwardly rebellious, the idea of sacrificing herself on the altar of Mammon seemed to her as interest ing as it m odd-. But money could do anything! All the pinching little econ oinics'thiit they had been compelled to practice for years would vanish like snow under n noonday sun, und some sense of independence be established. But there is no getting over the hitter fact that other thoughts, and, perhaps, other hopes, had been crushed into the background. "All that is past and gone, though," Dorothy told herself with a' stanch sense of propriety, "and 1 mustn't al low my self to think too much about It." She passed her hand, a little wearily, through the brown hair that waved buck from her face, and- leaned one el bow meditatively on the window sill, thinking of the future she had laid out for herself, and living over, in a hun dred ways, Ihe past. Then she thought of Hurry, and look ing gloomily for nn instant at the dia mond that sparkled on her linger, drew It off, slowly, and with a sigh laid it on her I tip. No, it hail not been an en gagement, exactly but There was all the difference In the woi lil now. Had he not, .only the night before, after all that had passed be tween them, entirely Ignored her and cariiei:. Adelaide Hunt, a bright, dash ing brunette, to the surliest hop of the M-asou, while she remained at home? 'l b tit was all. But it was enough. So that when Col. Kggerton, ns usuaL called around, und, us usual, promised, she promised, in desperation, a final oil fewer on the morrow. So that a nt i r--of acceptance was written und higned with a scruwl, and laid on the library table to be posted. In one ifny everything had been changtd. It did not seem prtMble, yet as &he sat by the low vine-hcrcened win dow, n so.'t w ind lazily lifting the loose hair on her forehead, each event rosa up in lurid distinctness before her ntind. Thin a Inillinnt red flamed' over the face, aixl failed ofT suddenly, as a. tall, athletic young man came quickly it)) the walk. As llnrry lliunbridgo stepped on t he low vcmndn, she left her M-tit l.y the winc'ow. and gave him her I). mil with n trii iHlliness that lll-be-loL tied any inwaid agitation. The shining rigard that broke overL Ins lace in sight ot her, brought the kofl color to her cheeks. .She smiled a little uneasily and drew her handout of his. "Will you sit out here ?" she siiid. "It is cool, and plcusnnt." lie howiil u smiling assent and sank into the empty chair nest to hers. "Vou did not expect me?" ha qurritd, studying the girl's fare critic u!!y. She was pretty very pretty. A tall, slim girl, with nguhir features, ami cxpi er-Niv e gray eyes. "I knew jou were here, and I came," he went on. ".May I tell you why? I ' want to n.k run to ti ll vou how much I hue you. and to ak you to marry me, if y ou will." Dorothy Hushed and turned away, a sort of desohil ion sweeping over her at hiH words. "I would rather you would not not say such things," she returned, nerv-otn-ly. moving iiwuy from hi sit. "Hut I iitiift." he continued, half smiling and tiyiiig to look Into her face. "It is my first opportunity tonnk you. I did not feel I lint I hail a right to lw fore. But now, I nm In a fuir position to" lie paused for one moment to ghiure lit her fine, now turned to him, half frightened, and with an earnestness al most pathetic. "Vou must not, you must not, In Hi Ml." she choked back n little dry sob. "It has all been a mistake - a wretched mistake." she went on brokenly, her face pale with suppressed feeling. She was staring past him, vuenntly, at Ihe wide green garden, now bril liant with a thousand perfumed blos soms, while, with bauds cold anil trein- Lbling, she took the ring from her Inn ami reaching toward him suddenly laid the glistening thing on his knee. lie looked ut her in a dazed sort of way, the happy light dying nut of Ida face as his fingers closed inrehauically over the trinket. "Why Dorothy-what's the niattrr? Won't you keep It ?" A look of keen disappointment crossed his fi aturi s at he looked at her. "I would rather rwil," the returned, her voice tremulous in tpite of herself. "Vou are" twisting the end of her sjisIi -"! am going to marry some one else, and " "Dorothy!" He hud risen and was leaning against the biinistrr rail, where he could look her directly in the face, and where she, too, could see him. He hud grown v.-ry pale, nnd wi-h a deeper thiol) of pain than any he had yet know n, waited in silence for her to say something, but she did not, slid he went on, never taking Ms eyes from her fnce. "I came here to ask you to be my wife, feeling and believing that you would give me the right to think of and love you -iilwny t. Was I wrong?" he inned, hit brent h coming quick and dry, "nf'rr nil that has passed between us - to hope ?' The girl looked up for an instant, but the slern K learn that shot from her companion's eyes caused hr to turn away. Suddenly the thing that the I. ad The l.aieal Yarn. A Pittsburg dru amir tells this yarn I always carry a bottle of Kemp's Balsam in my grip. I take odd easily and a few doses of the Balsam alwaya makes me a well man. Everywhere I go I speak a good word for Kemp, I take hold of my customers I lake old men and young men, and tell them confidentially what I do when 1 take C ld. At druggists, 2oc. and 60c. The old reliable The Weekly Orcsonlsn. done rose, gigantic, before her, black with a thousand nameless doubta. She aJniott fa! ered; only a strong sense of propiii ty withheld her, and a sting of memory of the night before tufiiced to strengthen her resolution. "Could you not easily console your aelf with Mis Hunt? You aeem to admire, her very much." She spoke with soma bitterness anu her face hardened. The girl's heart was mak ing Ita protest, unconsciously, but aurely. U An expression, halt of amusement, came into Cambridge a face, as he caught the atrange light In her eyes, but he made no answer, and, in apite of the girl's indifferent shrug, a look ot annoyance crossed her face. A breath of wind, heavy with the fragrance of summer, fluttered the ribbons ot her soft gown, aa she turned to him, her eye black with audden amotion. "You took her to the hop did you not?" "it waa by the merest chance," he answered with a gesture that seemed to indicate: "What else waa I to do?" There waa alienee for a little. Then he looked up auddenly, and said: "I waa surprised not to see you there." Dorothy said nothing, but shaded her eyes from the sun with one small hand and gaxed idly at a climbing rose at the other end of the veranda. He had not asked her to go, and a aort of silly pride forbade her to let him know that no one else had. "1 meant to come here," Balnbridge began, after a pause, "to tell you everything. I thought perhaps," he went on slowly, "that you would not mind to much. But I heard some one told me, that you would be at the dance with Eggtirton. That is the rea son." The girl's heart began to beat, and a look of surprise swept the latest re sentment from her face. Something in the man's tone, In the earnestness of hla manner, forced his sincerity upon her, and she half relented. Hut the die was cast, and there wai no going back now. Site caught her breath, and the wave of tenderness that overwhelmed her for a minute was quickly crushed down. Dorothy drew a deep breath. There was a pause. Presently she spoke. "No one asked me to go to the hop,' she said, determined to let him know everything now. "'I knew you were there with hrr, and I thought, of course, you dldn t care about me." Her heart Waa throbbing painfully, as she went on, unsteadily: "And now since I am going to marry some one else I don t see the use of talking any more about it. "I suppose not," Balnbridge re turned, coldly, reaching for his hat. lood-by. The careless tone made her heart sink. She could not let him go like mat. "Hurryl" He turned back. "Can't we be friends?" He gaited at her fixedly for a mo- ment and an ominous cloud gathered on tils nrow. "No. I think not." A glimmer of disappointment passed over the girl a face, "Do you mean," she asked, locking her hands tightly over each other, while a look of hurt surprise appeared on her race, "that we are to be stran' gers?" "I mean," he answered, slowly, in I voice In which pain mingled with paa slon, "that it will be everything, or nothing. I shall always love you, and I cannot pretend to a friendship which I do not feel." He pnused for an instant and looked atrolght into the girl's eyes. "It ia better," he suld, calmly, "to ba an enemy than a hypocrite." Something in his voice owed her Into silence. The sun had begun to set and great patches of gold fell on the man's face, now white and deter mined a face that brooked no com promise. Suddenly he came close to her and, stopping, pressed hla Up to her white forehead. She shot a quick glance Into hla eyes and the worm color died her face scarlet. "It is for the last time," he said, tremulously, and was gone. There were tears In the girl's eyea the white lids quivered, and her, lipt trembled. Broken down by the vio lence of her emotions, she turned and hurried the room, to be alone with her misery. In a aort of desperation ah tlirew"i glance toward the table. The letter! It had not been posted I Her breath came In quick, sharp gaspt. In the moment that followed, she realised everything and did not hesl tate. The next Instant she waa back on the veranda, a deeper color in her cheeks, and a railiant light in hrr eyes. She cast one sweeping glance at the retreating figure. Balnbridge was al most at the gate, and not 50 feet away, coming directly toward him, handsome and smiling, Adelaide Hunt. "Harry!" Dorothy's voice was cleor and firm, and there waa a new thrill In It. He turned, a little coldly, and lookeil back inquiringly. "Vou have forgotten something." He paused for a second, then, under the potent spell of her voice, retraced his steps and followed her into the library. She went straight up to the table and Indicated by a gesture the blue tinted envelor lying there, while the soft color slide into her cheeks. "Harry!" She placed one hsnd tremulously on hit arm, and the eyes lifted to his were full of meaning "I might tear it up, you know." lathed and Harbored Are luxuries that all can enjoy on the OhservatlonCar of the new North Coast Limited, in operation on and after May 8, on the Northern Pacific. This Obser vation Car will be a dandy, Oet a North Coast Limited leaflet. A. D Charlton, Asa't Gen'l Pass. Ag'l, 7J Morrison St., Cor. 3d, Portland, Ore. All Incorporated companies should look at the CoiatsB stock certificate samples complete line. ..Buy Housofupnishinys lliglit. ONE-FOURTH LESS THAN ELSEWHERE This is an age of specialties. Our special line is furnishing you every thing for the house. These are why you should buy now. Cotton Toweling 5c yd, 6 yds for.. Big Government Blankets, 5 lbs Gal Water Pails Tin Water Pails Milk Pans 6 for Clothes Pins, 4 doz for We are closing out the following Fleischers Yams and Zephyrs per lb Klienerts Dress Shields per pair Reeular Hooks and Eyes, 6 doz for Genuiue Delong Hooks and Eyes 4 Corset Clasps per pair Porcelain Buttons per doz Elastic per yd PICTURE FRAMES County Court Proceeding!. In the matter of keeping the county poor for Josephine county, the contract with Jerome B Benton waa renewed for two years. In the matter of the tax levy for the year 1QU0, it waa ordered that the same be placed at 30 mills for county and state purposes. A Jury list of 200 names was drawn from the assessment roll. In the matter of petition for wagon road diBtrict No. 0 Lucky Queen precinct, the same waa disallowed on account of a remonstrance being died by residents of that diBtrict. In the matter of the road petition ot Q W llowarter for public wagon road in road district No. 12, Slate creek precinct, the same wai declared a public wagon road and the road supervieor waa ordered to open the same. The assessment on blocks 78 and 81 in the original towntlte was remitted on account ot the same being used for public purposes. Andrew J. Trustee, an indigent pet son of Placer, Oregon, waa allowed the sum of $8 per month from date. In the matter of the resignation of J. O. Turner, constable of Kerby precinct, it was ordered that Hie same be ac cepted. In the matter of tho road petition of David Hour, objections being filed, it waa ordered that further action be de ferred until the next term ol court. F. II. Osgood waa granted leava to redeem certain mining property sold at tax sale for the years 1890 and 181)7. An error having been made in the advertlement and sale of the NW, of NK'i of section It), township 30, 8. It fl west for the taxes for the year 18117. Arthur Conklin the purchaser of the same was remitted the inra of $5.32. In the mailer of the claim of T. Wailswortli for the sum of $52 for the care of Robert Itogers, an indigent person, the tame was disallowed by the court. In the matter of the claim of Frank FuUcti for the sum of $05 asked for on the ground that his stock of goods had been destroyed by Ore, it waa order el that the same be disallowed. lu the matuir ot ihe payment of bills the following were audited and ordered paid : Thomas Smith, assessor, balance ol salaiy $1 10 00 Thomas Smith, posting, present owner book, making Twp plala t-4 00 Thomas Smith, stove for asroes- or's olhce P P Payne, road Sep., dist No. 15 J U Sowull repair Illinois bridge. Ase McVey " " " James Sowell, repairing Illinois 7 Ot) 08 60 18 00 15 00 K SowdiI. draw i mi iurv list Kerby precinct 3 00 Ase McVey, Asst dtawing Jury, 2 00 Geo II Brings, " " " 2 00 11 Sowell. ius. fees state vs I) S Plelfurlo 1 00 O W Lewis, constable lees state vs D S Plellerle 8 60 Chas A Gilinure, Mdse pauiier. . . 32 50 Simmons A 1man I u in bur road disl No 16 7 03 W E Dean A Co Mdse pauper. . . 42 80 Lister A Calvert, livery hire roads and bridges 10 00 Fid Lister, stamps 7 45 VA Lisler. board of prisoners. . . &1 b' M Clemens, stationery 2 61) J 1 lulls, nidge eleu, Woll week precinct II 00 (1 W Kearns, judge election 6 00 W O Jones, " " IX) MC Ruble, clerk election 0 0(1 II C Mcintosh, clerk election,. . . 0 01) lleniy Cattily, work on roads. ... 3 00 Ed Dailey " " 0 00 Homer White. " " 4 00 John Mitchell, Mdse roads 2 00 Orr Hrown, judge of election,. ... 3 Oil Geo W lwis, judge election.,.. 3 0U J M Hone, judge election a ou J 11 Kobintoii, clerk election. .. . 3 00 John Findley, " ' 3 iki (i W Lenta, bringing elec returns 4 00 Mis II A l latl washing for pris. . J bO W F Kremer. med A attendance paupera I'M Go Geo Cronk, work on bridges ... 70 00 DT Cox, board A nurse paupera 10 00 Jones A bherer, medical service pauper, 31 50 ( list Slrsng, rned pauier 0 00 W 11 Parker, index Or. reports. . 6 00 J K lxoii,is, mdae pauper "5 00 8 P DALCu.lum roads A bridge 4J1 82 F K liowersox, med atten pauwr 40 U0 J C K McCaiin, rent building Nov election 2 00 M Clemens, mdse pauiier 35 70 11 Drake, work roads A bridges. . 8 00 G P Water Co, water A light. ... 38 40 M L Burns, work on bridges 0 00 Lincoln Savage, stamps 0 00 F W VanDyke attend. A exam. I state causes 17 00 Furniture g Mattresses M Mint Zfm ffktffi pillows . MM Z?wZf C n. mWy Linoleums rw ' M MlwMJ' m PletureMoul- sy af only a few of the good reasons 23c , .$2 45 2C . . 18c 50c , 5c lines regardless of cost: 80c 10c 5c doz for 5c - . 5c ic 34c $1.50 ALL COMPLETE Wall Paper Crockery, Ulasswara Lamps Tinware Granite ware Woodenware Tools Mirrors W N Cambell, work bridges. ... 10 50 W Burns, work bridges 2 00 Owen Merry, care insane person. 7 00 r (J Milton, eip Insane person-. . u 20 tl IT lIUnRIUs 111 I OO IUIU9U Wis XJ vaj R L Hart loit, express A sta'ery.. 5 00 K L Bartlett. stamps 15 00 J (J Houck. work rosilB A bridges 20 00 DBUihnore " " " 20 W Jerome B Benson, care paupers 589 83. Oregon Mining Journal, printing and stationery 19 Ml Aba Axtell, money exp on part of county 40 00 A 0 Trask, wood pauper 2 50 Trimble A Cook, mdse roads..., 8 85 A K Voorbies, flag court house. . A 25 A R Voorbles, repair No machine 2 38 F.lisa Clark, rent build June elee 2 00 1) O i .... - IV...i. n.ln.lnn 11 9A 8 P D A L Co lum roads A bridges 65 94 Ham Axtell, work on roads A br. 352 50 Chaa Ellis, work on bridges 6 00 A 1) Houck, digging Grave paup. It) 00 E 0 DeAriuond, lum road dist No 12..." 7 65 Sherman Jobs, work road dis Mo 12 6 60 (leo Cronk, digging grave pauper 8 00 Geo Cronk, work on bridges. ... 30 00 Geo Almy, board A lodge pauper 20 45 M Andrews, work bridges 2 00 S Fiester, " " 2 00 V Wadswortb work bridges 2 00 Geo McCormick, work bridges... 22 00 Geo Almy, board A lodge pauper 6 00 Fllnter Colvlg, work on bridges. . . 2 00 James llolman, jus fees state vs Strew 12 05 M E Stock bridge, constable tees state va Strew 6 00 BA Williams, wit fees, state vs State 1 60 Mrs B A Williams, wit fees.' 1 60 Ollie Shattuck, wit fee 1 60 James llolman, jus fees state vs China in ' o It K Bell, marshal! fees, same. . S 00 Bert Barnes, wit fees, same 1 60 Dave Keenan, wit fees, same. .. . 160 China Jim, wit fees, same 1 60 James llolman, just fees, state va Van Him iu oo M E Stockbridge, const fees, same 5 60 Tim Wailswortli, wit fees, same. 1 60 ranny r tester, i ou Stella Fiester, " " " 1 60 Wm Mitchell. 1 ou Chas Fiester, " " " 1 60 James llolman, jus fees stale vs Monker i w M E Stockbridge, const fees, same , 2 40 Mary Patton, wit fees, same,... 1 90 KoyPalton. " " " .... 1 0 Cecil Kichars. " " " .... 190 James llolman, jus fees, state vs Moore o oo M E Stockbridge, const fees, same '13 30 TJ Mackin, wit fees 6 90 K K Dunbar. " " i ou E Coron, mdse court house 7 00 W Burns work bridges 11 00 llolman A Hon, burial paupers., lus ou Irwin-liodson Co mdse court house! . 1 50 Ulass A Frudhomme, books and. stationery o ia L L Jennings, work bridges 10 00 Calhoun (iron Co, mdse pauper.. 4 35 C Major med attend pauper.... 70 00 Chas Ladd, drawing jury list .Merlin precinct 3 vu An.lrewCaspeschs.asstdraw jury 2 00 W Helling, asst drawing jury. ... 2 00 Lay Ion Hotel, board pauper.... la UU Oman aid on second pat. Forewarned, Forearmed. Tlie liability to disease ia greatly It- so ud when the blood ia in good con diiio.i, and the circulation healthy and vigorous, l-'or then all refuse tnnttet id promptly carried out of the system ; otherwise it would rapidly accumulate fcrnicntutiun would take place, the I hxxl Income polluted and the consti tution so weakened that a simple malady might result seriously. A healthy, active circulation means good digestion and strong, healthy nerves. As n blood purifier and tonic S. S. S. has no ttjual. It i the safest nnd best remedy mr old j.eople and children brcntisc it contains no minerals, but is made exclusively of roots and herbs. No other remedy so thoroughly and effectually dearies the blood of im- STt ti purities. At the T !,amc time builds VX, up the weak and de KjQkJfi bilitated, end rcno-v.-.U-s the entire sys tem. 11 cures permanently all mannel of Mood und s'-in troubles. Mr. E. It. Kelly, of TJrbsna, O., wriust Ml had Kaaeina. cn my hands andfaoe lot Ave y.l t. It would braak out In Utxla whllo p.tulea, crusts would form and drop of7, l.vivtns the akin rad and moan) et. Ti.a d. rotors (ltd ms no sd. I used all tho iaolH'.od sua pa and sal vea without boners. t. B. f . oi.nd nu, and mr akin la sa c.aar and salt-Jin aj any one's." Kn. ltnry BMi'rlnd, of Cape May. N. J., uy i itc twsnty-cna bottits ot tt. a. B, ourett ),or cf Cancur ot the brsaat. Doo inra and friends thought her caaa hope laas. Jttihar.l T. Gardner, riorenco, 8. O., suffered 1 r react with Boils. Two bot tles ol 8. B. P. pot hie blood in stood sou diuou and tuo "tioi.s (Uaapearsd. Send lor our l.-co book, and write our physicians about your case. Medical advice free. TNI Mif t tPCCIFIC CO, ArUNTA, .