Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 25, 1901, EXTRA, Image 2

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    2 To levy aud collect k special l.,x, of
not to exceed lour-tenths per cent-
am upon all property setMed,by author
It; of the first Subdivision of tliii Sect on
for ny ipecific object within the'iuthority
of this Municipal Corporation, including
the payment of an existing debt, to be
levied in the tame manner above pro
vided. '
3 To levy and provide for the work
leg of a City Koad Tax within the corpo
rate limits of said City4nd opon the
streets and public highways '.thereof
and the Council may in its diicrelion
cause to becollecled annually from each
male Inhabitant of Jibe City, between Zl
and 50 years ol age, except a person loo
infirm to perform labor, and all perwns
. r , I
ku -xemnt. tueiumol inreeiw
In be used for the tnipioveuieni i
and repairing of atreets ana seaersoi
the City, provided, that the City limits
are hereby excepted out of the jurisdic
tion of the County Court o! Josephine
County, on the following subject lo-wit:
10 divide the same or any pari thereof
into Road Districts or to appoint
Koad Supervisors or Road Super l
Intendonls for any part thereof, or
to lay out, open or work on the high
ways therein, and the City Council shall
have the power to direct by Ordinance,
that all persons refusing to pay such tax
in money or in labor, be punished by
imprisonuieui, iu the City Jail not lew
than one day for each dav they are re
quired to work, and no person shall be
entitled to a receipt for such Koad tax
unless he .bnll have performed two days
labor on the streets or highways of said
Oily, or paid said tax In money,
. 4 To license, lax and regulate hotel
runners, brokers, auctioneers, hawkers,
peddlers, pawnbrokers, places of public
amusement or enlerlainmeDt, including
theators, operas, exhibitions, shows and
the like; to license, lax and regulate
public laundries, billiard tables, pool ts
hies, pigeon bole tables, bowling alleys
and shooting galleries, and for the pur
poses of this Act to define what shall
constitute any of such professions, call
ing or employment or places of amme
mentor entertainment, provided alwa)s,
that no tax shall be imposed, or license
required, for the sale in said City, of an;
of the natural products of this 8 a'
when sold by the producer.
6 To license, lax, regulate hacks, car
riages, wagons, csrte, trucks, drays, or
other vehicles used for the transporta
tion ol persons, paBSengura, wares or any
goods or merchandise, rock, earth, (um
ber, building material or other article,
within Ihe limits of the City, and to pra
ter iha the ratet to be charged for such
0 To provide for the survey of Ihe
bout dary of the City, lots, bloeks.slrceU
and alleys of the City, and for making
and establishing the boundary lines ol
tald blocks, ttreels and alloys, fo' the
naming of the ttreett, widening and
straightening the same; aud lor number
ing the houses and business places there
on- ...
7 To regulate slaughter houses aud lo
provide for their exclusion from the
City limits or from any part thereof.
8 To prohibit the throwing of any
filth, garbage or other Impurities of any
kind Into itogue River or any other
water or stream within Ihe limits of Ihe
City, or the doing ol any other act by
which the water supply of the City
might be contaminated, or the genurul
health of tlie inhabitants Im paired,
0-To establish hospitals and to pre
vent introduction aud spread of conta
gious and infectious diseases in the City,
and to remove or quarantine persons af
flicted therewith.
10 To prevent and remove nuisances
and to declare by goueial rules what
shall constitute the tuuie and lo uutkr
the expense of abating a nuisanre a lien
upon the properly wheru such nuisance
exists; to fill up or drain any lots oi
blocks where any ataguatil water Blonds
and to make the costs thereof a lien up
on the property ;but in such case the mine
must be repotted to the council end
the necessity thereof declared
and Ihereupou Ihu work muat he
lot to the lowest bidder, and the coals
thereof he made a lieu aud colluded in
like manner as street improvements,
11 To provide for the establishment,
equipuieut aud maintenance of a lire lie
partuient aud Uie companies, aud l it
their regulations
12 To provide for Ihe prevention and
and extinguishment ol files, to appoint
fire wardens and prescribe their duties,
to compel all perilous to aid lu theexlin
guishmeul of fires aud the preservation
of property exposed lo danger on account
thereof; to construct cisterns aud wells
fur water lor the extinguishment of fires
and to presenile hy ordinance suchothei
powers, piovisiuus, rules and icgulatiuiite
as shall be necessary or expedient for
such occasions.
13 To regulute and coiiliol the stor
age of gun powder, giant powder, uitro
glycerine, aud other explosive and com
bualihle nialeiials, the use of lumps aud
other lights iu shops, stithies audolhei
places; to prevent remove or secure any
fireplace, stove, stove pipe, chimney oi
other appaiatua which may be danger
ons iu raining fires, aud to regulnte the
nisiiiiei of building partition and pail)
walls and fences.
14 To determine and prescribe hy
ordinance, the nuuiU-r and sue of all
places of entrance and exit to aud from
all public halls, churches, theaters
M-hools and all other buildings nse-el lm
public gatherings; also to presenile the
manner of hanging doors llietelo.
It) To esiablish nie limits and lo
prescribe the kind of buildings lo It
constructed then-lii; to prohibit Mid
regulate the erection and repairs ot
woods a buildings within iich lire limits
and to limit Hie maximum height ol
buildings wllhin such limiis.
18 To permit, allow and regulate) the
laying down ol tracks lor slreet can
aud other railroads, upon mi ll streets
a the Council may designate, to rcgu
late and lo prevent public criers and
advertising noticex, steam whistles
ringing of belli and blowing of loco-
Motive whistles, the spd ol locomo
tives aud trains, playing of tianda in the
ttreels, and limit and control traffic oa
th- atreets, and to limit and control
ignt, sign posts, awning and awning
pottt on or overhanging streets; lo reg
ulate and control the construction ana
location of all telegraph, eleclilc light
and telephone line, and telegraph, lele
nhone and electric light poles, and all
electric and Other tppar.tut for llghllng
lenricsauvu ri
lie Biroevs, ji.ra. uu r., s.- jauiusement, hilliard salemna. or other
of Ibe City and the laying of wa'er anduutiDM houses or places Irom keeping
gal n-aini and pipf. ' J open on Sunday.
17 To reimlateor" tirohibit" the run I
I vi..i." tri....i. . .i.-..
. . -u7 )- - -""
wheel vehicle upon any of the aide
walks, and the running, driving or con
veying of any steam engine, traction
engine, harvesting or other machinery,
that might in the opinion of the Coun
cil be dangerous or cause danger to per-
tont, horses or property, upon any or
all of the streets and alleys, and to
designate upon what if any, streets and
alleys the same may be done or prohib
18 To define who are common drunk
aide, to prohibit the sale or giving of
any intoxicating liquor or liquors to
sny such common drunkard, and to fix
the penalty therefor,
in T ,i... ......l
n-iiwuiiii u
iug ui opium ur mo eueiiuug m uiium
houses or places lor smoking opium, to
define what is an opium bouse or place
(or smoking opium, and to the
proprietor or keepers thereof, and opium
smokers, and frequenters of such homes
20 To suppress, restrain or prohibil
bawdy aud assignation houses, houses ol
ill fame and prostitution ; gaming and
gambling houses.gamiug ai d gambling,
all model artist exhibitions and other
shows of immoral nature, and to define
and declare by ordinance what shall cou
stitule the same; to punish by fine or
imprisonment, or both, any persou,
who owning, controlling or being in pos
session of any house, or rooui or roomr
therein, uses the same or any pari
hereof, or knowingly permits the same
any part thereof to lie uted as
bawdy or assignstion bouse or houses c f
ill-fame or prostitution, a gaming or
gambling bouse, or for a moiK-l artist
exhibition or other shovr of an imiiiornl
nature; to punish by fino or imprison
me nt or both any and all p-irsons who
occupy, vitit or resort to such house o
houses, and to punish by fine or im
prUonmenl or both any person or per.
sunt who engage In gaming or giinibling
as Ihe same be defined by ordinance
to punish by fine or imprisonment or
both whores aud lewd women mid wom
en of ill-repute; to puniah by fine or
imprisonment or both sny person
persons who loiter about or inhabit or
frequent any bouse of ill-fnmu or ill
repute, or lites wiih a whore or prosti
lute, or woman of ill-repute, us the
same may he defined by ordinance.
21 To tux, license, regulate, restrain
or prohibit the sale of spirituous, viuoiiH
or malt liquors, bars, barrooms, drink
ing shops and tippling house', billiard
tublcs, pool tables, pigeon-hole tables or
any table wheru balls and cues are used,
bowling alleys and shooting galleries
provided, that each applicant at the
lime of making applicaiion therefor (ex
oept those applying for a llcente for hil
lurd tables, pool tables, pigeon-hole
Ubles, or any table where balls and cues
are used) shall present lo the council
Iflmd in tiro penal sum ol $1000 with two
or more tullkent sureties, to be approv
ed by a majority vote of the Council
conditioned that he will keep an or
lerly bouse, and that he will not permit
my unlawful gaming or riotous con
duct in or ubout his house, that he will
not open or pennit lo be 0iened, his
place ol tiilsineHS lor the purpose ol
trallic. on the first day of the week
commonly called Hiinday; that he will
uot give, sell or supply spirituous, mall
or vinous liquors to minors, common
ilrunkarils, any woman or girl, or to any
person at the lime. In a drunken or In
tuxicnted concilium, and 1 hut he will
comply with all the requirements of I his
act and of the ordinances in this beliull
paused and shall pay the feu require!
iherefor and pay lo the City Tre.oniroi
such sum as may by ordinance be re
quired per annum; provide tl, furihir
that no license for the sale of Hpirlinoiii
vinous or mult liquors shall ho issued
lor a sum lens I li ran is prescrilied by the
k-cneral laws of Ihu Stale, and not l-ss
loan the restrictions anil pmviriiona fur
the same for the license of spirituous,
vinlious or malt liqtliirs in force at t he
lium of the issuiinco of such license;
provided (urllier, Ihat no license shall
tie issued for less than six months nor
moio thsn one year; provided fur-
iher that no license to sell tqiirit
nous, vinous or malt liquors shall be
granted to any woman, or to any
minor, or lo any person who ahull
permit any woman or girl or male minor
to frequent his place ol bu-inesH, either
as guest, servant, waiter, waitress,
lancer, sinner, actor, or mu-iciiin; and
provided, lurther, Unit if alter license to
sell spirillum, vinuous or mall liquors
shall have lieen granted, the person to
whom it has been granted or anyone in
bis employ shall give or sell any such
liquor to any cc uiiiicn drunkard or lo
any iutoxicnled person, or to ui y
woman or girl, or to any minor, or to anv
Indian, or shall permit anv woman or
girl or minor to lreiuent, visit or loiier
around his place ol husimi'S, either s
Ktiest, seiv ilil, waller. waitres, dancer,
singer, actor or musician, or shall be
found guiltv before any Court having
jurisdiction thereof of violating unv 4
the provioicuis ol any ordinance that
now or herealler may in this beliull be
passed, or the provisions of this act, such
judgment of conviction shall be a reo
cation of the license of such person or
pciMons, and such perhons or persons
shall not be grunted another license for
the period ol one year, provided further
i but the revocation uf the license hIiuII
not iu any manner opeiate to relieve the
tieison or persons to w hom the same lias
la-en gianted from such penalty or pun
ishment as may, bv ordinance, be pre
scribed lor the violation ol any ,1 the
tiriniaioua ol ibis Act, or such ordinance;
to provide bv Kcucrttl ordinance tor the
punishment by tine or imprisonment or
iHith.ol any person who sh in aell, give
awavor in any manner uisivise ol unv
spirituous or malt liquor within the cor
porate limits ' Ubout lirst h ving ob
tained a license therefor from the city,
its beieintK-lore provided ; to provide hy
idiusuce tor the punishment bv line or
imprisonment or both, ol anv person
who shall sell, gue or in any manner
dispose of any i-piriiuous or malt liquors
hi unv common driinkiinl or any intoni
cuted person, lo liny woman oi iirl, or
to an minor, or lo any Indian, or who
shall vtuiit or allow any woman or Kirl
or minor to frequent, visit or loiter
atocind the place w here such spit iluoiia,
vinous or mall liquors is sold or kept lor
sale, either us uuest, seivaut, waller,
waitress, singer, dancer, sctor or niusi That the Jurisdiction ol the Coun
ty Court ol Josephine County is hctchy
except) d out ol the coritoMle limits ot
the l it y ot (irautt I'.o-s for the purpose
ol grunting liquor license and controlling
such iralbc under the provisions of this
2'.'- To iletine what shall coualitute va
grancy and to provide (or the supKii t.
restraint, punishment and employment
ol vugiants and psiiHrs; to prevent toe
ale and dislrihutioti of olecene litera
tine, liicludiriK hooks, pajiers, printa.
pictures and the like and lo punish any
perioo who makes selUor offers for sale,
or who circuU'es ur dispoacs of any such
literature, ami to d'liue aud declare
(torn time lo tune, what, II any. hooka.
papr, prints, pictures aud the like, are
nhiK'iiie, within the purpose n,l province
ol this provision
2:l-To regulate or prohibit any and
all .lores, shop, theaters, public bull,
j places ol public euteriainiiient and
24 To control and regulate the nian-,
nerofiettlig out ornamental trees and ;
shade trees within the streets or public
property or parks of tlie illy.
2o To regulate the w eights and intas-
ores within the city hunts.
26 To prevent from running at laige,
and to othriwise regulate alt and any
domestic animals wiitiin the city limita
and I o provide for the impounding and j
. 1 . . 1 ,"i .
sale ol ancn animals, aim lo provine lor
. 1
ttle punishment of tneowners or keep-
era of such animals, who sll-'W the ,me
to run at Urge; also lo luipo.e a license
tax uoon all rloea. within lliecltv lliM'S. !
and lo provide for killing and impoond
tug of all such dos upon which such
license tax is not paid, and lo provide
lor the punishment ol the O'Uers or
keepers of such dogs.
27 To provide for the vacation of any
street or alley upon the. petition or wbli
Ibe consentor uot less Irian tluen-l iurths
of all of the owners of the properly ad
joining or abutting upon suru street or
alley or part tlieieol lo ne so vacated.
2H To build -culverts," bridgt-a an 1
2!) To provide for the liglitine'of
stieets, alleys and public buildings of Ibe
city; also to provide lights for the pri
vate houses, stores, shops anil all otb-r
buildings, both public and private, vviih
in or beyond the citv limns and to
charge and collect a reasonable price
30 To provide water for the city, both
for public and private use, and lo charge
and collect a reasonable price therefor.
31 To provide Judges and Clerks of
I'.lertion and to appoint and provide pla
ces for holding Elections.
32 To provide and enforce t enuities
for the violation uf any ordinance which
said Council is authorized to pass.
33 To locate and construct any ditch,
canal or pipe, for the conduct of waier
and any drain, sewer or culvert, It may
deem necessary or convenient, and for
such purpose It shall have a right to en
ter upon any lands between the termini
of such dilch, canal or pipe, drain, sewer
or culvert for the purpose of examining,
locating and surveying the line of mi -h
ditch, canal pipe, drain, sewer or cul
vert, doing no unnecessary damage there
by; and to appropriate so much of said
land as may be necessary for the con
struction of said ditch, canal, pipe, drain,
sewer or culvert in like manner a is
provided by the laws of the Male for
the appropriation of lands or right ol
way hy Corporations; and to appropriate
and divert from its uatural course or
channel for Ihe purpose of drainage or
flushing any drain, sewer or culvert, any
spring or stream of wner,
34 To spprnpriate money lo pay
debt", liabilities und expenditures i,f the
Ci'y, orsnrpirt or item thereof, from
any fund app'icable Ihereto; provided
however, that the warrant indebtedness
of the City shall uoi ul nnv lime ex
reed the sum of Twenty Thoina id Dol
lars; and all jobs or contracts lor cou
strueting. repairing, improving or orna
menting any place or object in the city
or out ol it, Ihe expenses ol which, are
to be paid out ol the City Treasury and
a piobablc cost ol which will exceed
One llllr died Dollars, shall be let out
to the lowest responsible bidder, to be
done acci rding to the specilicHtions,
furnished from llm pi riper nlllier ur de
partment M the city government, and
which shall have been approved hy Ihe
Conned, unci made public "I least I en
diys before the closing of the bids, lm
Bitch job or font rac t, except such cases
as aie herein expressly provided; ami
no contrite! ahull be emere l lino, or
debt coiitrae ted, for any spei ttic object
unless hcreinotherwise provided lor, the
nrobable cost of which will exceed the
sum of Vim Hundred Dollars, without
first submitting the same to tbequalilied
voters, to bu voted oil at an election,
called for that purpose, and sucu propo
sition shall receive a majority of all the
votes cast at such election to authorize
such expenditure,
m To borrow money oil the faith ol
the City or loin the crudil thereof
boili, anil lo that end to provide! lor the
issuance of bonds by said City lor any
specific purpose, ami to elesignatu In
iriiiuner and the time for naviuent there
of. und the inwroil tlutseon, provided
ihat the amount ol slid bonds so issued,
shiill not at any time exceed Ninery-live
Thousand Dollars und that the rate ol
interest on said bouels shall not exceed
Six per centum per annum, and pro,
vldi-il lurther. unit lliclolul imietiien
ne-B of the Citv shall not In the uggre
gain exceeel tine Hundred ThoeiHiud
Dollars, and Unit any and all propusi,
lions lo issue bonds lor any puiposr
iluill first he suiiiniiled to a vote of liie
iiialilied electors of the citv, at a spec I el
election, to oe cancel lor ttiat purpose
and such proposition shall receive a inn
jonty of all Ihe votes e ist ut such elec
lion, to authorize the I suatice ot anv
bonds, and no bonds shall ever be t -sue-d
except as here in provided
;10 llotids isnieel by the citv shall be
siguuel by Ihe M.iveir and Auelitor an t
Police Judge, Willi then inline ot olh r
ami shall not ne eliawn tu lm gi r iinioiinl
than Due Thousand Dollars, und le
made pu able within Twenty ve.i a,
tercst pav able scini-tiuntl.illy, und shall
not be sold for les-e than their pur v due,
nor other lm than (or cash pud cIoah
,il Ihe lime ol sale, nor draw a greiirr
late of Interest than in Una act piovnh d.
37-Uefore disK)stug of any ot tin
lends provided lor in this ne t Ihe Won
cil shall require the Auditor and Police
Judge In advertise for Unity days, in at
h. st one newspaper .in tins Mate, lor
seuleel proaisals lo pur- base said l-on thcrco!, winch said u-lver-li-eiueiil
shall state the amount of
bonds to be sold, the time the sumo wit
become due, lite elate at which prevpns.ds
shall be tepelle.1 anil collHideieel and thai
the IkiiicU are issueel und di-qioecd of
under tins act.
3S -At the time specified in the noli e
provided for in eh pieccding sip-division
ol this ejection, the counc il ahull pr
cred lo open till propeisels received I a
the purchase ot the Ponds ottered an 1 tc
be ehspexed ol unci shall sell the said
bonds to the perMin or peis-n s uiiik
the best oiler or otlera iheiefoi ; proeid-
ed Ihe council shall have tin- author, iv
to rcjcvt any and all lei, Is and proposals
he t otincil shall at the seme
time Ihe tax for g uciiil tax is levied, in
each year alter lite la-uiance ot any
such leonels, hvv an.) collect a apccral
tax on all the taxable properly will
s.nel e'i V .seilbrleni I 1 1 .else tnoncv enoili; h
t i pav I'no mierest on all bonds isced
unci, r tins act, aid to pieivide- n sjiWinr
bind wi b which lo pav the principal
a ml Isitida at mtnntv. t- l-1 te tniiv
tie included In lieu other ttivrs ol and
Citv, ti list considered a part Uie-reol (.t
Ihe penpese of lervilig aiief collecting
the siiine. einet as er-t as the texts uie
collecod its proportion to the olhei
taxes collected w nil or im In-led in "the
sum collected shall bes t apvrt Irom
the other taxes as a special fund for the
pltrpeeae, Hllel to tee Used ill the manlier
li ti -1 for ihe piri'c-se hereinti. f"e pro
vided, ami shli not be ued lor any
other purpose tliati that (or whic h the
same was levh-d an 1 evllce-lcd.
Ill Tbo money ln-lceui,-lni to the
slicking fund plo'vide-d fdt by the pic
eedlhtt nlbdlv Isi. Il ed this section, ef
this Act, umy he by auid City invc-lcd
from timo I" tune, in Interest
bond- of the I'nile-el Strites, or of thi
st.elc, or eef iiniliic Ipul coi poi ill in
tin rein, or may be ned In putvh iit j
anv outstanding ,,iu,U or weitiuiits
. f the Citv of tltiiht- itsei, illsposed
of lllieler tills Act.
41 To purchase, t.ikennd bold rent
estate, when enhl for tiixea (or anv
Itilproveliieht ordered by the ovUiucll,
Hil l to -sell und elisnise" e'f the a nne.
12 1 license, lax and leul.i'e fd
the purpoM' of City revei u h I
such business, rulliiu's, trade' nnd
'." """V"" V ... I .! .,
may tee,.,, r. t.. t lirt nse, '" "
n,.' pH'b.blU'd by tho las ..f the
4:1-1 n llt'eli, rea-iiliite
li olTeusive!
prohibit, ur suppres a
trades and occupation?, and for the of this Act t ileflne whut nro
offensive trades, employ
mi nts or oc
44 To pnvent, reatrain, nnd pun
inh l y line or imprisonment or both,
any trot-ia-a upon real or personal
proeity; boiiHeoreakinir, uisin, lut-ci-iiy.
Intoxicutlon, flightlnR and qunr-
ruiinrr, awis hi, ru-suiii ami miitc.y, fir, ..flli.ert. unit nnv tint noleeeH
I j - -
,,n i ,(.r ii, i,u i, ..H tr t 14.,1 ,i.ri v ne
, -
" eireer. ou or
,, T 7. , ,
. . .' ' """ ,........ u, ........
in i! indecent expomire. vuli.r, lode
cent, ob.-ecne, nbiialvu huh profane
laninie r.rrd to di fine w hat tliall con-
atltute the amn.
45 To provblo for the prevention
nnd removal of nil obstruction-!, from
the street', iilley, croi-:-eHlks, side-
walka ij 1 1 1 1 1; pa.'Ha und other public
plneeB and for the repuirint! Hilef clean
inr the Hume, and lo grant building
penults for the temporary ute of the
41 To ri ctilute, rest ruin nr,d pro
hibit by fln. or iinprlonnirnt nny
pe-rHoliH who uli.ill iiialntHin any hog
pen, atuble or etr;k yard, mIio to reg
ulaie the b'lilul of the (lend, hiuI to
provide for inn punishment of nny
person or persons who shiill sell or
offer for sale nny unwholesome or
adiiltuniterl provi.el ma or unwbolo
oiii or dlseused tneitts, nt 1 to de
fine what shall constitute the name.
47 To recillutfl nnd prohibit the
use of bean ahonters, ellng shots, nlr
KunB, kuiir, platow, flre-urms, lire
ruckerH and flr -wort-s of nil kind.
bombs nnd t etoniitlnK works of nil
44 To persons who leave
hor.ic;, rnules or other ilotiiestin anl
rrrila In. tho streets or alleyi,
49 To prevent cruelly lo nnlmnls
and the leavltiR of Ihem exposed un-
reiiHoniibly to severe nnd Inclement
weather within the limits of the City.
.W To punl-h by fine or Imprison
ment, or both, fhe kllllnur of nny or
all kinela of birds within tho limits of
the City.
51 To prohibit the exhibition of de
formed or eiipple l perseonr i.nd to
prevent piie-h or nny other persons
from be(.'(-iif on the h'Ii -ets anil al
loys or upon iiilvate propeity within
the llinllB id tho City.
52 To provide for the clennlna and
Hprinkliii"; of the streets nml iilleys.
53 -To prohibit r er-oiH from lolter-
Inp; nrininil pnblio biiil,lin,';i, roaming
at utireasotnible hours nml to dell ne
what shall constitute the same.
I To prevent the erection of build-
in iit within the ci'y limits which Hliall
be ditnKcroiiH lo pas-era by or to
adjacent property and in curb nnv
bmlilli'K on nny piiinm street hiiiiii
beeonie rlnngemua to p users by, the
CouiK'il t-lisxl I liavie power !o i-aiise,
upon live! days In tleu to t'. e owner ol
nil-lit tliereoti, the s mm to l et r-'inov-
1 or liiaile safe lit llreespeiiseof the
properly, uinl to ib f.-nnlne by lesolu
lioll when the smue is ilannnrnus ;
such expense shall be made a li"ti
upon the propel ry nnd tdinll be- rolleet
1 111 the same in littler us street liu-
.15 To provide for tho ere ction nnel
iiiiiltitetiaiii-e of a City Jail and Um
government and iiiiiiian.-tuent of the
5ti To ei.ri' t any ami all nrdinrii'ees,
lesoliitl'iiis, by-la.vs ane reitubiti'-iis
not iiiec'iisisi' iit vvirli ihe eonsiitiitioti
or luws of this State or of Hie United
StaliH, as shall bo needful for the
pence, good order, health, elennllnei-s,
ornament, prosperity and iverieral
the City, anil lo secine lire
of per-eims an. I property
i r HTHKI" Td, Til Kill f 1 K A 1 1 K ANI IMPKOVR
MKNT. SKtTio.v H. Tho O million Co incil
hIiu.11 MiwiT unrt untiioritv, w lieii
ewr it (U'Ciiih ttvxpnIii'iit,tM'stjiljIih the
ru'lc nf, and to itni-rnve nr ri'jtiiir nny
part tlirri-of now or In-ri'.'ifU'r hul nut nr
cHtiililisluMl wilhin Hit 'irNintto liinitH
of the ntv, nml the kind of iinpmvmm'iit
or repair nhall In nidi an the Council
rtliall provide; Midi p-wr and nuthority
-hall ini linlc the riv:lit to improve, huild
or repair the pidewulkx, piiveinentn or
onrhinvr on any hirer t or alley, iihd to
determine and provide fur everything
convenient or necef-nary coiiceruiiit! ucli
improvement, alteration or repair; to
provide for the construction, cleaning nnd
repairitiL' of ide and crissvalkH gdja-
renl to property hv the owner tliereof, or
ly the city at the expense of hucIi owner,
and that such expense be u Men upon
Min li propurtv.
Sw. Its"). The Common Council may,
hy ordinance, delegate the power to en
tulilinli the rnde of, aul to improve
and repair, nt recti; nlwi to construct,
improve and repair hide and croHHwalkn
hrrebv piven it to nnv committee or oltl
cer ol the city ;and prescribe rulen and re-uuliitiou-'
not iucoii!itcut with tin Act,
for tliu enforcement of pitch power and
for niukini; the expeuei of fiirh im-
pn'vcincntf , construction, alteration
:inl repairn a lieu up'n the property
liable therefor, or the Council may pro
cecd in the manner hereinafter provided
for the radiu and graveling if uny
street or alley. ,
Sk. !('. The work of improvement
bv radi ir or yravclinn nnv utreet ir
alley oball he let by contract to the U-
cut repoif.ttiie tuii'ler, whoMiiall e.ive n
Uuid to the citv of Grants Tn-ft iu nvh
a 'urn n-may U determined Umih- by
the Street Cuimittee. not exceciini! the
contract price, conditioned for the faith
ful performance of ihe work to th sati
faction of the Street Su)Krititendent and
the Committee on Street.-, with hiirety
appmvc.l Py t he council and the provis
ions nhall Im eniorced lv net ion iu anv
court having juriwtictinn nf that amount
iu the name of the city of (i runts l'ar-r
Skc. K. No contract to vrudit ol
gravel anv street or iillcv sh.tll be let till
alter the auditor and jniIuv jude ty
order ot the Common Council, shall have
tfiveti ten davs' notice thercot hv publi
cation in some newppaiver published in
the city of ( 1'a-f or hy p -i-tinj!
UothVf" thercot in three puhlic place tn
?atd city not le-- th.iu ten tlavi prior to
the lime of letting Mich contract.
Skc .14. Such notices shall state the
time and place when and where bids fr
such contract or contracts rdmll W oi-n-ed
and considered, chall refer to the or
dinance providirw for such improvement
bv d.tte and huuiIht and shall siecily p.irt of such improvement or
i I a - -!i II li e!( t in one conti.o i, and
the time within which the t-ame shall be
re-jiurctl t I c.mipietc,.
Sec, If no rem"n.traniv N tiled
the contracts to yrado r cruvcl .such
vtrcet or allcv, may U let ;Kctrditu to
said notices, pro ided that the Mnvt
t'omnnttce and I'oiuu il mav reject
or all bids.
Sec. W. If n i-i-niotistrance I h filed,
signed by a twit-tlunls majoritv of the
tmrsofthe pmiHTty abuttiujon uid
street or alley to 1 4 m improxe-l or re
paired, no contract "hall tie let therefor.
Sec. 101 . After the probable eM of
such tmprowiiieut or re airs has Nvtl
asv'ertaiius! and lie projsrt innate .share
I tIieriHl to each lot, par: oi i.-t and acre
iiie pros-rlv liable thcrel r has U-en de
jtennincd, the Common Council shall
declare tne same by ordiutimv and di-
reel the nsnnlcr to enter into Cicdocket
) of city liens u s-Utcnient thereto con-
tamini: ;
I A description of each lot. part of
lot or acreage prvvrty liable for ueh
if The name of the owner or rvputed
owner thereof, or t h At (tie name of toe
owner is unknown.
;1- 1" ""' .-! um the said
pn,,,.rtv and the dav ,.) enterims the
" ( , i ( , J
but sii. b date u.-sel be
s'l i't'tl
but once
j,,r n t,tf mlifivit a,u. u1(.rvin
4 For all nurnoecs of this Article
any number of lots, parts of lots and
acreage property owned by any one
person mav be asisesiwl Uigether, but
each part shall be liable for the assess
ment ot the whole.
r-Kc. 102. The docket of city liens is a
public writing, and the original, or a
ropy, certified by the Auditor and Policu
Judge, of any matter authorized to be
entered therein are entitled to tho force
and effex-t of a judgment, and from the
time of the entry therein of an as
sessment against any property, thesum
so entered is to be dr-emed a tax levied
and a lien against such property and all
other pro-rty within the City of
(irants l'ass then or thereafter ownei by
such person, which lien shall have prior
ity over all other or subsequent liens or
incuiuhrances whatever upon the prop
erly against winch the costs of Hard tin
provements or repairs is assessed, and
priority over all subsenucnt liens or in
cumbrances on all other property in the
city owned or afterwards aujiiirtsl by the
loruon owning the prrqierty against
which such assessment is made, and
shall be enforced in the manner in this
charter provided.
iSko. 103. If any assessment levied nnr-
siiant to this Article which is not paid
within twenty days after the same is
entered in the docket of city liens, it
shall lie the duty of the City Auditor
and Police Judge to issue a warrant for
the collection of the same, directexl to
the Marshal, or any person authorize d
to cillect delinquent tnxw due the citv,
which warrant shall have the force and
effect of an execution against real prop
erty, and shall lie executed in like man
ner, except as in this Article specially
otherwise provided.
Hue. 104. Such warrant shall require
the person to whom it is directed to
forthwith advertise the property against
which such as essment was made
other nronertv against
which such assessment is a lien,
and sell the same or such a part thereof,
as in his opinion can be sold separately
to advantage, sullicient to pay such as
sessment, together with interest, cost
and disbursements, in the manner pro
vided by law, and return the proceeds
of such sule to the Citv Treasurer, nnd
the warrant to the City Auditor and
Police Judge w ith his doings endorsed
thereon, together w ith the receipt of the
City Treasurer for the proceeds of such
Sec. 105. The City Auditor and Police
Judge shall keep n recorel of the returns
of all sales made for faxes and assess
ments so made, showing the description
of the property so sold, the date of the
sale, for w hat tax or assessment the sale
was made, the name of the purchaser,
the amount n( the co."ts of aelvertiing
ami making such sale, the amount of the
tax ami the name of the purchaser.
Sec. HSi. The a'rson executing the
wurratit shall immediately make a cer
tificate of Bale, describing the property
so sold, to tho ptirchuser, stating that
the property wus sold bv virtue of
a warrant from the City of (irants Pass,
and the da'e thereof, and that the same
is made subject tej redemption as provid
ed in this act, for a deliimuent tux or as
sessment, and the amount bid therefor
by the purchaser. The style for tin
warrant lor the collection of deliniiuent
taxes or assessments shall he: "In the
name of the City ol Grants Puss.
Sec. 10, . Within two years (if the
bile id such sale, the owner, his success
or in interest, or any person having a
lien uy judgment, ilecn-e, mortal
otherwise, on the property so told, or
niv pari tnereot. mav ree eem the snnie-
in mo manner hereinafter provided
jskc. KiM M hen nnv tax assessment
ur lien of any kind becomes deliniiient
any jierson iiiivtni; a lien tliereoti, bv
juilivnioiit, decree, mort!nL'e or other
w ise, may at any time before the sub
of such priijierty pay the same and bui-Ii
payment siiull iliscliario such iiroarty
irom me enee ta oi iiic tax ami a.-esi-ss-
meet or other lieu thereon, und tin:
amount of such dcliuipic nt assessment
lax ur lien and till accruiiiir costa und
Names it so Paul ih then-after to be-
deemed a i:irt of the said jmlirmeiit
lerree, iortL'at;i', or other lien, unci
shall be-iir like interest, and mav be
i-nfeirceel and collected as part there
Sue-. Hill Any jierieon ln.Mniu a ci-r
lilie-ate ol Ue tor taxea or ntssencnu-ntH
limy pay uny siie-h eiilisi-eUe-iit de-lin
cUent assciehiiiciit or tux cither Citv
I'ounty, Stale or School, takini.' elupli-
catii rcceipia iiierelur ami upon
niC one of wild recciptn with lie
Auditor and Police Jtulne, the Auelitor
unci l'ulice .luelge mIiiiII iiiimciliali-lv
note the amount bo paid on the winu
pane with the re-corda or nbstraetn ol
tin-original sale, together with the elal
of filch payment and (rum the time u
nile-b entry the iiiiiount wi jmid shall be
come aa and be ek-rim.l u part of th
oriuinal purcluiMV jrricu bid ut the cal
t:e'. 11 1. Ke-e t-lieletleiie fr,,Oe m-iIo ill
any tax, lien or uasessment shall he
made ut uny time within one year from
the elate of the ci-rtilicate of sale by
paviiij; the purchase money and tweuty
pcr ivntnm ihercon, ami "all taxe-i and
asscssinctits which the piirchai-cr may
have paid thereon, in current (juld or
silver coin uf the I'nited States, or
within two year from the date ol the
e-ertillcati', by payini; Ibe purchase
money, to.'ether with thirty per centum
thereon, and all taxe-a unci ussessmenta
paid by the purchaser, in such pild or
silver coin, the real estate of uiinur
heirs w boat the time of sale have no
iriiarclian or other re-sjMinsible (s-rson
lo take cure of their interestn. may be
rccb-eini-el by them one year alter arriv
iiilt t maji-rity, and the purchaser, if
he ahull have received a deed, shall re
convey the premises upon rc-jeuymciit
by the heir, us recpiired bv other re
elemptioners, with mterest at ten jr
cent H-r uiinuiu alter the expiration of
two years (nun the dale' of the ee-rtili-cate
of sale on the iiiiiount ri-eiiireil in
other cases to redeem.
Sir. 111. After the expiration of two
years from the date of suc h ce-rtrtie-.ile
eef ualc, if no redemption .m 1 have
bivn inude, the Auditor und I'dice
.hi.le shall make, execute and delive r
to the purchaser, his heirs or assigns
a ileeel ol conveyance recitim; or statini!
a ele-scriptiuii ot the prierty sol. I. the
date' ot" ihe- sale, the naiiie- eit the oricin owner if known, the amount bid.
the character eef the' repair or improw
iiient lor w hieh the sale was made, unci
thai rede miction has not bevn uiucle;
auel such elee-d shall oc.-rate to conve-y a
leiL-al and eciiitble title in b'e simple to
the purchaser e" iirante'e his heirs or
assigns iiuuuhI in such deed ; upeeti tuak
iiii: siie b de-tsl, the Auditor and Police
Judje shall take up tin- e-crtificate of
sale thcrctofor issued to the purchaser
and phuv the same on tile, and tin-
same shall be a public record ; ami iiui ;
delivery of such devel, all the proc.i-d-!
inus rciiirHl or dirvcti-d by law rcl.Uue !
the-n to, shall lee presiim-Hl to U per- '
for mill and regular, und such devd shall !
1h prima facie evidence ot title in th.-j
k-raiitee. Alio 111 miy ilctioll, Mill, e-r i
prcKe-isbi,K' b-r tho n-esceerv of lands'
mI-I uiicler any lieu entensl in ihe el-'ck-!
t ol l ily 1. lens for in
101 e.f Ibis charier, except where the
assessment ha even paid, or the l.iud :
nslei-nicd as prouded by law, the jurty I
claiiniii): t" Ik-the ecn tier a u.-anist the I
holder oi tille uiid.-r such de-esl must, I
Willi his complaint or answer tender,
and pay into court the amount id such;
assessment for which such pn't rty was
sold, teye-tlicr With inters'st thereon ut
twenty p-r centum lvt annum from the I
dale e'i Ihe sale, aiul alisei all taxes the:
pun-hasei-r it his siu-eYs-scrs may have!
l aid en sai l lands with interest thereon r
lnm the date eef leavment to the elate of :
tilmc said c-e'iie d i i re t nr answer. I"r the ,
tH'lle-lit ll the holder eef Slle-b de-s-el, bis r
heira or a.-sn:us, in e-ase the tille eef such
pun-hascr sbieiild fail in said action, suit j
or pnx-eedin);.
Skc. 11?. That any purchaser or Ins'
smwssor iu interest rhull from and
alter the deliwrv to him of the certiti-.
! vale e'f sale, bale the riht to ti
the rents
I and pnetitsof inch property, aud such
rights mav be enforced under the general
laws of Oregon, applicable thereto.
Sec. 113. F.ach lot or part ot lot ab
utting a street praeled or improved, or
ttinga strex-t pra-led or in
-paired, s ha 11 be r hat. e the full iJLt ,
of making the same iijsjn the half ol the
street in Iront o! auej, abutting ujion n ,
and may also for a proportionate share
of the costs of improving the intersection
of two of the Mreets boundiiiiz the blejck
in which such lot or part of lot is situat
ed fend the Common Council is hereby
authorized to make any and all neces
sary laws to earrv this provisioo into
effect. Hut when "the land adjacent to
said stnx-t shall not have been laid off
into lots and blocks, then the costs of
improving such streets shall be assessed
Ui the owner or owners of the land lyimr
within one hundresl and sixty feet of
such improved street.
Stx'. lit. The probable cost of im
proving Btich inti-rsection is to be assses
sed against the lots or parts thereof t-it-riatid
in the iUart(!rs of the four
bloe:ks adjoining such intersection but
oulv ujwn or aiiiiiist the lots and parts
thereof iu the eiuarters nearest there
to und in the following proportions:
Five-ninths id the cost to tlie corner lot j
and friur-nintlis to the lots or parts of lotg
inside in equal proport ons per 1 sit ; ana
when any tract adjacent to said improve
ment is nut laid off into lots, the jiropor
tiouate cost of euch intercession shall be
assessed to the owner or owners, in like
proportions aa above,- of such land as
lies within one hundred and sixty feet
of such intersection.
Set. 115. If upon the completion of
anv improvement it is found that the
sum assessed tln-refor iikjh any lot part
of lot or tract, is insuthcient todef ay the
expense anei cost uie-rwu, me vouucii
shall ascertain theeh-licit and eleelare the
bv same ordinance, and when so decuired
the Auelitor ami Police JihIl-is shall
enter the sum of the deficit in the dock-
t of city liens in a column reserved or
that purpose in the original entry, with
the date thereof, and suc h deliscit shall
thereafter be a lien upon such lot und
other property in like manner and with
like effect, as in the case of tho sum
orfjinally assessed, and shall bo collect
ed in the same way.
Sec. 11 Usm the completion of any
imiiroveriient, if it is found that the sum
assessed therefor upon any property is
mure than sutlicient to pay the cost
thereof the Council shall ascertain and
apportion the surplus in like manner as
in the case of a deficit; and when so as
certained and declared, it shall ho en
tered as in the case of a deficit in the
ki t of citv liens, und thereafter the
Person who paid such surplus, or his
ietjal representative or u.sin, is entitled
to repayment of the same by warrant on
the Treasurer.
kc. 117 All money collected uwin
assessments for the improvement of
streets and nllevs shall be kept as a sep
arate fund, siiui iu no ease shall it be
usi-d for any other purpose whatever,
p. IIS Whenever anv property sold
under this charter shall bring more
than the tax ur assessment thereon,
with costs unci charges of collection, the
surplus must be jiaid to the Ireasurer,
and the person executing the warrant
hall keep a separate receipt for such
surplus and file it with the Auditor and
Police Judge on the return ot the war
rant, and ut any time thereafter the
ow ner of said tiroperty, or his legal
presentatives, is entitled to a warrant
on the Treasurer for the amount of such
Se-. I I'J. Wheciever ihe yra le of any
street has hern es'iihlishi-d the Council
may aiilleir:r-! Ihe owner or uanrs of
any prop'-riy iibuiiing Iherton or ad
jacent thereto t i cut iloun or fill up
said si ree t in Iront o 8'iicl iirceperty ac
Cccrclint2 lo lie- esrahlished grade, at the
exp' use nnd cost of such owners and
tinder such tei ins anel conditions as the
Coun.-il may determine upon.
Si.c. lJrl. Whenever the Council shall
elee-ni it expedient to oell, lav out,
tstublisli. wicb-ri, straighten, or extend
a si leer or alley, it shall cau-e Ihe City
Mirveior lo Miivev sucli. proposed
ehiinne or new sireel or ulit-y lend make
a le-p-il 1 I hereof e-ontailliug a pint of Ihu
surve-v e,f stirh change, extension, street,
or hI.i-v, nnd the poiiion of each lot, part
ed lot urliaci recpiired tj be ujipiopnat-e-ei
for em-li change er new street or alley,
whii li report, il satisfactory lo tire Coun
cil, ri,u I he udoile.l by oldii.aiice t-m-i
od', nig the same : procieh d, ihat before
the adoption theieof, ihe Auditor and
Police Judge shall give notie-e of the
tiling of such report, by pitlilre-atiori,
for two weeks in home neaspiipe-r jiuh
lished fn the ci'y of lirants Pa-s, or by
cArilicu licence po t.-1 (or two w -eks at
ihice public pheccs in said citv, and at
the next rtL-nlar mcet-ii'.' of the Coum-i!
after the completion ol sn -h notice, pre
sent lo it, the sulci report, and attaetied
thereto a copy uf such notice with the
prool oi puMic.itioti or posting endorseel
lliereon Tln-reatter, and wilhin sixty
days irom the adoption of such report,
Ihe Council shall api oint three eli.-inler-esle-tl
Ireeholde-rs of the city of (iranls
Puss, not rclaieil by consangtiiniiy or
allinily to any oh in r or person inteiesl
nl in any property to oe appropriated,
and posse sstrig ihej 'j-iantii aticius ol
jurors in court of juslii-o tor Jo-ephinej
County, to v:e,v such pio(iose-d stre-et
or al'cv, and t.ra'st' an appia seiueiit of
the eliiin.iges, it any, to the lespeciive
ont-isui lire tiroperty recpiired lo he
appiopinilfel, and report the sune lo
the Couiniciii Council. I he said view
ers shall mi-i t at such time as may be
des iii.i'ed bv i lee Council, and after
ha.'ing bi-e-u daly siiui n or e.ili. nced to
disc beige li e.r dunes, shad
pr- cee-d nnd Vlets lite While distance
e f sard preipo-id stree t e;r alley ami h
cerlaiu and dclermini- how ninth 1 te
Mtlne, il any, the- ie mists ol su h
OA Ct IS re Spe-Ccle, tto,ll .,. rcill--ed
hv the or e loliii n; of tie- s.nn..
1 Hie Couiieil is s.n:hed t,f
a i. mint of d. image s ui,,,tv,tl t,v i tu--saiel
V.IWelS, or l-.t lilt- llleCIlt eolirl IHion
ttl'l -i-.i I. a hi-ieaOer proil-l, is jn-t
a id lepillable, ami t i i , t tin- priposcl
slreet, hIicv or i loiiit:e u id be of s uh-i-ieni
iiup'-nam-e tee t tie- piibnc, tl,,.
Coul.e ll shall oreie-r ll.e- il.nn i, e so rise's-!
c( atiil ele le riu'.lied to be p.od l.y the
tilt lo Ihe-sai-1 otte-.t rs re spective V out
tif He" ciiy treasure, , m:.) mu- ,'i rs.ui
receiving Ihe Hill- llitl so determined
and Ic-ndi'ied shah be lorever barred
and tie. pp.-,! from min.iilk' any huilier
clil In ol tbiinajts on a.'e I'm! there d nn l
irom appeillng Horn such h w a r . I
diim eges ; but if la lie- opinion of th.
Co'iricl! sne tl stleel to allt v is trot
sillli. '.. Ill Itnpor'ailc e to the i nld.i' ,'
that sui h aar. !ioni. be ivird bv t!,e
I III, the Collriiil 1IMV rc-'ll-c to ,.;!!
ic, !. citil or alley, ur widen m ex end
lie' s itne, as tin- e' i-e mat' be, unle ss
the elamsites. or such part Ihere.if .
Ihe C Hliic'i! mav think proper, hal .e
p i,d hy jirtt ale p-.lrlies.
.e-. 1JI. If it shall ap,.e,ir to the
t'.j'.iiic.l ; lent lice attar. 1,-d Hre
exctssiteor unie.i-oioihi,., u,,, i'oiin.-il
n at- set itsl'le soeli a't ir I, ,,r. ,.r
an tin-r iictv em l.-r the-ame regipaii "n
a-) Ihe ticst v.f. lit. viewers shall
receite ,i, h c a p-ii-tioii for Iheir
sen li e s As Hie l'e, i;,,, li shall allow, Hot
exceeding I . ,1 , p,-r dav.
'' "V pers in feeling. u-t-r:e-t-.'. I
l'y I lie a si's-meiit ot u, h
clatnwes ,e
h i p."v.,!ed. nnv. wilhin ,i,t,r.-.l.. 1
In in lice adopti cn ol ihe report ul the
viewt-.s by the Ct.nnctl. apvii from jm-h
'ep-ri i ' the' cifU't court of Hie S'aeo
l'r.k-'ll o' Ihe Cemi'v of .1 c.-ep!. me.
Ai y number o' per-ons iin,'re-i.d nnv
join iu shell aptal, sn.l the on.v
-pie-eiion to I t- eiettrii ined on (men
appeal sua I tl.e ni'oeint ol dam
sucli appe, iir ts ,e entitle, to
on ae
cunt ol ll. esK-mn of ejiu-li
street oi.
alley, or uiakie g audi chane thsrem
evc. 1". Such apieal shall It taken
in 'ne same manner as an ,.eal in ihe
"""''" en iiimmss iu hid latin,;
.id .
s aui'sronir nig:iiM ir Uieivuntt-
ext-ept that Hie notice ot
shad be
l-crtesr t'V ailV It-rsAn iiv.-p
twenty-ore- years ol at-e, and not a putv
ei uie ip.ig. njvi Hie Mivc r. and
j rrexil ol sue h sei vice my
be an le m
. . .
of summons,
K-re If Pauls fail to rt covers
juilginent more favorable I ban the award
all costs
P1 djf .,, o( lho ,ppTOl.
125. In estimating the damages
to the premises of any peison pursuant
to this Article, the viewers and jurors
shall be governed bv the differences in
the market value, if any. ul the premises
of such pe rsons before and aller Ihe
opening, widening. extending, or
straightening of such street or alley ;
and mar consider any n'e of the pretn
ins (nr which it is adapted, inuliidimj
the plat ing ot the same into lull and
blea ks, and they snail contuieL unej
such Jamagecr convenience caused by
such street or alley as affects the use of
said premises for the purpose lor which
it is most valuable iu ihe market.
Svc I 'd. When tw o or niore persons
join in an appeal and a part only recover
tlamaues more lavorable than the report
aipealtd from the circuit ccuit enau
apportion the cos's among tho partiee
thereto as in us utacrcu-oj eiy
eq citable and just.
Sec. 1-7. No judgment lor damages
ageinsttbo cily obtained in any court
shall te enforced agatii6t said city wt.en
the Council shall determine Hiai u e
street or alley is not ol sufficient import
ance lo justify ihe establishment of ibe
ssuie afier the a.ipeal fhOH leave Been
Sec. 128. Such appeal shall be deemnl
anJ be heard and determined and Ihe
judgment thereon eniorced, so far as p-
ulie the same manner as an acn-m
at law ; and in case two or more pr-e)rrs
jejin in said apal, Ihe jurors aha. I hear
Hie evidence concerning uie e:noiiei.-ef
sustained, and in their verdict find the
am Mint of lire damages, if -tained
breach appellant. Ihe verdict ol Uie
lurors shall be a iinai anu conclusive
determination ot lho matter 01 men
Sec. 129. If no further view be ordered
the Council shall, within forly days after
the expiration of the lime herein limited
for appeal, ot after the judgment of the
( iriuitcjuri is rendered, when an appeal
is taken, order a warrant drawn upon
the treastner o! damages, or damages
aiul costs awarded to the owner or
owiietH respectiiely ol the properly
appropriated in favor of such owner or
owners if it e-h ell deteimine to open, lay
out. esiai.lish, widen, ipruighten or ex
tend said street or alley, and cause such
report, survey, and plat to he recorded
in the "record of the ciiy surveys," and
from thenceforth said slreet or alley
shall oe considered laid out, established
widened, straightened or extende'l, at
the case may be, end Ibe Council shall
cause an order lo issue directing said
stieet or alley lo be so opened or
Sec loO. The "record of cily fur-
vets" is a book in which must be
entered by the recorder the report i nd
plat of the (yitv Stirvevor of anv survey
ma le by him under the direction of Ihe
Council iu the mailer of opening, laying
out, establishing, widening, or straight
ening hiiv slreet or alley, the date uf Ihe
filing thereof with the Audi'or and
Police Ju 'ge. the date ol the publication
or posting ihe notices thereot ami tl.e
li mi 1 action of Ibe Council in relation to
such sireat or alley or change, with
the elate thereof, und the re porl ol such
o'her suivevs made by Ihe City Survey
or as the Council may direct.
Sec. 1,'!1 The ' Ileinid of Citv Sur
veys" is a public writing and '.he orig
inal, or cojiies thereof, ivrtilied to by
Hie Auditor ami Police-Judge, of any mat
ter itui fion.'-d lobe entered then in are
entitled to tn-. foice and street thereof.
Sec 1.12. The Cotniii in Council h i"
authority and is hereby uuthoii.ed,
alien it shell elerm ir expedient, to
open, e-'tabiisli and locate streets ujion
trie roadl ed nf mid upon or acniss any
i mini y re c d or public highway wilhin
the c rpoiaie liuii's of Ihe Ci'y oi
lirarrs Pass and when so located or
estal li.-hi'd, said county road Or public
hiezhway i-hal! bo and become pubi c
slreetsul said cily ami subject to the
jiirisdielion and ce ntiol of the Council,
the same us flieuigh such streets hail
been deeiicaltd by the uwue'S in 1 lie
usual tvav.
section 1311. The Common Cu'iucil
shall have ower and is hereby author
ized to construct or purchase, acepilre.
in eii.t in, own, tmnuit'e and op-la'e a
cut p'ete system of wa'er works with
id. iicce s'.ery implements and appliances
for ihe supply oi waler to
citiivns of line cby of iiraiifs Pass ami
vie iuii y, to be coiislractpcl at sin-h time
am in such iiirinner as shab s-i-m to the
Council mo I peAclicalue; and Ihe tinier
Iherefor mav be taken from any siieiim.
epilogs, well or wells, ci.teins or other
s,ip;il; wli ch ,! a I h- de'ermined by the Council; or the said Coun
i ii iruv, in lieu ot constructing such a
system am w, purchase any naer works
in or (or tlm supply oi the ci'y now or
hereafter in operation or c.inb tnp'atioti.
Sec. Kit. The C. ti ,ci ,,i:
have pott i r and is he rein am ho, le,l ,j
co-i-t ru 'i, ered, ai epiite, cm n. maiu'ain.
tu. eiiage und operate a complete s, ste ni
of electric lights, lm the imrpo-e of idli
ng ihe sheets and public buildings of
ihee in- and furnishing hghis lor private
citizens; including the erection upn the
sin els. a leys ami public grounds of Hie
citv, of ail neces-.iiv and convenient
poles, wires and other appliance's, the
purchase or construction of the nec
essary b'lileliiiL's, peewer, rlinamris, ma
chiiiery and all other things necessary
to Ihe complete eipiipiiictit ami opt ra'mn
of .-ni b electric light svstcm. (r j.
stead of the const ruction of a new si stem
"f lights. Ihe Council may purchase any
iiie'OKiii iinui won lis eepi ptlH'U'S
existence or hereafter inn
structed, and operate the same as here
inbefore provided.
Sec 1,;., The Common Council shall
have power and is herein- authorized. t
eoustrrie-t nr repair ami lav down all
nece ssry sewers and drains nf a char
ic'er and capacity sufficient to provide
a complete svsti'm of sewerage, and to
declare hy ordinance rehire doing the
same, whether the cost thereof or anv
put of such cost, and if so, what pari
liall be assessed against the property
hree-tly benefited by .rich elrains or
-ewers: and what part shall be paid
"Ut of the sewer fund, t0 ,e provided
'oereior, and the determination of the
I oiincil concerning Ihe Pavment fur anv
sewer or drain shall be tl n 1 1
Sec. l.s.. If the Council declare that
a propose.! sewer or drain shall be con
s:rucied laid down or repaired at Ihe ex
pense, in w no, e or in part, nf the
eriv elirectlv benefited there'-v
alter 'he pronos.-d sewer or drain
'hat pirtofthe expense thereof'
to be
i .ii i i . i "'-e,tv U nefi ed
dia l bed.enieel an improvement, and
the ( ouncil shall proc-ed in all respect,
and with the same anth'iritv and p, ,er
in the improvement of a street bv
griding or gravelling as rr.vided in
S-cPon. .,.. i: eis.ndcio ,'... -UJ ln.
I this Charter. en-eel il,.,. .1...'.. . : 01
: -in s'r.-s 1 ...i . " ""nittiee
unite,, or special ,.,;,....'.. '.
v ciunc ii snail view the sire
t ion of an ...... 1 ,
view ihe siree-a ., .1 I1
.,,,... i i... '""
a-H-. .tain an I " ml
,ir,.n . ,1 , , " "cti sewer or
pro.erty to b,-beneliic.l, and to ,Pp ,
l ie .ttii, l el.- . . ' report
whi h..l,.. i u r e l "ruing,
-mitr iu me . nntiM i- '.
ni wrillner
the lame manner M prool ol ttie lervice-
i. r 1 De feJ with the " -'Tr' ""etofore enacted ncoie
An 1. or and I'o.u-. juJw. j nratm, lhe , it. o( UrRn( gt j
S.e 1.17. Cpon the reteur, provided , T rHlleJ
for in he ,irece,l,nf K,-,in ,ein . 1'2- If being ot great importance
with the Auditor and Polie. tl ! ,'i ? h" f the Citv of (irants Pss, give notr ,,eo bv pnn ieM, "".'"flur sh-.ll he op" iv.
i Cr ten dav, , Mnie nrKt ' the earbest da-- nossible, an
, "hed,,orbv ,,iM I ,r" I en by declared, and sail
I thereof m thrre public r'ai in .iTd L aftfr h"" '-ke 'trect anJ he in full
aid . force from .mj iti .pp,ovl.
ciiy ior sm y? ".' )., wuicu
, :J :.l ,.i I .. ; ,
DOllt eo iieeios .-i-.i.j wi,,. . uie reiirii.
certainty the atreets, or parts I hereof nn
which said ewer or drain 19 pro.iosed
to be located, and the properly ascer
tained and determined by said com
mittee lo be directly benefited by inch
eraer or drain, the extent and port on
of euch benefit.
Sac. 138. Wilhin six days from tlin
final publication of such notice or com
pletion of Ibe lime of posting Ihe same,
the owner of any proierty ascertained
and determined by guid committee, to
b directly bent-filed hy said sewer or
drain, may file with the Auditor and
Police Jndiie, any obj etion he or she
may have lo ihe finding or delermina
tiou of said committee.
Sec. 130. At Ihe next regular meeting
of lho Council after Ihe expiration of Ihe
time provided in the precfdir.n seelion
for tiling objection to said report, the
Auditor and Police Judge shall present
the same with the objectioni ihereto,
if any, lo the Council and it shall there
upon pioceed lo examtno and consider
said report and Ibe objections thereto
if any, and mav adopt said report iu
whole or in part, modify or reject the
same or by motion or resolution poet
pone the coneideraiion ol sa d maltex
anil thereafter at any special or reu
lar meeting the Council may consider
said mailer.
Sue. HO Shou'el the Council adopt
said report either in whole or in part
or as modified, it shall proceed to as
certain tho probable cost of construct
ing such a sewer or drain in like
niannr ss provided in the above Sec
tions (Hi. )7. ys, nn, and shall assess
upon each lot, part of lot or other
property liieble th' refer its proportionate
share o' fiich cost and shall declare
the same by ordinance as provide.) in
Section 101, of Article 8, of this Char
ter relating Iu the improvements of
streets, ami all further proceeding in
relation to such seaer or drain and
the collection of such assessments shall
be Ihe same as in said Section 101,
A I tide 8, of this Act, relating to the
improvement of streets by grading
and graveling.
Sk3. 141. The Common Council shall
have the power and authority to com
pel all persons erecting or maintaining
privies, water closels, sinks, drains or
cesspools within one tuindreel and sixty
feet of any street or alley on which a
seaer lias or may hereafter be con
structed, to connect the same therewith
at bis own cost and expense', and to
provide by ordinance that when Ihe
penon erecting or maintaining saiel
privies water closets, cesspools, sinks
or drains neglect or refuse aber ten days'
notice in writing bv the Auditor and
Puliie Judge or .Marshal to so connect
the same with said sewer, the city may
make such connection and assess the
cost thereof against th property upon
which nich privy, closet, ces-pool, sink
or drain is situated.
Sec. 142. In every action, suit or
proceeding in any court, concerning
the exercise or eiiforcenn nt by said
citv, (lit Common Council or any com.
milieu thereof, or any ollicer or board of
the citv of any power or authority by
this Act given or delegned to said ciiv,
Ibe Common Council, or any of its
officers, boards or coinmi'tees, all acts,
proceedings and doings of said citv, the
Common Council, any committee there
of, or any officer or board of said citv,
shall bo presumed lo be reclllar atiil
duly done or taken from Ihe beginning,
and no error, defect or omission in any
act, proceeding or filing recpiired lobe
done or taken by this Act or any
ordinane-e of the city shall air-ct or
invalid . te such a -t or proiee -ding, un
less tho person attacking Hie same shall
allege and prove that bo has been
misled by such errors, defect or omission
lo his damage" .ami the court shall dirH
g ird evcrv error, defect nr omission which
does not ailed the substantial rghls of
such person ;nd any proceeding, mailer
nr thing by this Act com nilted or left to
the discretion or judgment of Ihe Coun
cil, when ?erciseil or declared, is final,
and cannot be reviewed or called into
question elsewhere.
Sue 141! The Common Council, at
its earliest convenient'! after Ibis Act
takes effect, niusf provide bv ordinance
for rndifving and piihlUhing in hook
form this charter and ail tWinnncea or
parts thereof in full force at the limn of
such codification, ami from time to time
therea'ter. as it may di em proper.
Sec 141. All gem ral or special taxes
or asse ssments levied nr cmated under
thi9 act shall iiear legal interest from Ihe
time they become deliniiuent, unless
otherwise specially provided
Sxo. 145 All ordina -ces. laws, rules
and re gnla'ions bereiofore paescel or
male hv the ciiv of lirants Pass, which
are in force when this Act takes elici t,
and not inconsistent herewith shall'
b and remain in full f,,rnl ,i
elfe.-t alter Ibis net, takes pIFji-i nr., I
thereafter until repealed hv t1(,
Common Conned, AM rigVs ves'ed or
liabilities incurred tinder cither Ihe Ar t
nf Incorporation nf Ihe Cily 'f Urnrils
Pass nr the amendatory Acts theriof. or
anv orelm-nce, when this Act takes
ell'-ct, rball rot lh"rebv 1 e lost im.
paired, nr in any wav discharged or de
sirnt ul.
Sec 14il. All actions and procerd
nil! pending in anv court when Ibis net
lakes effect slull thereafter hn pro
ceeded m according to Ibe uovisinns of
Ibis Act, nr anv ordinance applicable
there-o. and continued in force bv this
Act and nn suit, action or proce. ilicg
now pen Img in any court shall Rl,.,-e by
virtue of this Act. N'o nrneme.l
the collection of taxes or for street im
provements, snet no proceedings under
any assessment for street
or o'her matter or proceeding) m ating
thereto, and nn proceedi-ig fnr the sals
of property shall abate or be alle -ted hv
r us Act, hut mnv he detennined as
though this Act had not beoit reamed op
under Ibis Act as the person enforcing
the same mav determine, and nil tax s
nereioiore levied in favor of said citv are
hereby legalized and declared to he
collectable, if levied upon the Fume
basis as are other similar taxes.
Sec 147. Any person or persons
hereafter laying out snd plallii'g nnv
addition to the city of (, rants Puss,
ith in the l'nii's or adjacent llieielo,
shall cause the same lo conform in
sir.e of I locks and wid h of slnels ti
'hat portion of the citv alreadf laid ...-it
and phitd adj-icent Ibereio. and tn be
i laid nu tint all streets shall corres
pon I with and he a coi t nuanc of the
streets alre.plt- Ui, OIlt jn (jtr-
Anv per.on violating the provisions e.f
us section shall forfeit and p:iv unto
lire citv of lirants P... .,.,' ,. ,
in" h" i"-e,-r,i)cd by ordinance., to be
collected by action in the name
ot tl e cdv, in anv court of c "tu
pelerij I jiiri-eheii,,,,. 0nd all Bitch pla's
shall be void and belel for naught.
Sir. 14-t x0 injunction or restrain
ing order shall isfle from nnv court to
enjoin nr prevent the is.tmnee or en-
on-enient of any warrants for lire col
lection of ant street nr .....m. ni
provided for in lhn Act titer the rrk
tor w hu h the as-element is na.Ie Im
hT (inpU'eJ,
Sec. 141) The ppr and anthoriiv.
granted to the Common Cotinril bv this
ai'i ".'""""I lo the municipal corpora
, r"'"" Pass, to o
a Ol n Iha l a m
aciorilmir tn ilea
ol tins A''t
' 1-''V All indebtedness hereto
1'IFI'lil hi' Ilea ,11. ,.( .- I'.. a
I i - SOT .,, ..IWIIIp , arn
1 all eviden-esnf -1-l.t t .a.i ii,r.
fore are hereby
leclared valid legal
upon the city of
I ".iranls Pac.
.-IC III I I i-M , i.
Sir- is,i
, ., eaei vuariers anti pans