Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 24, 1901, Image 4

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; i
well u
tlif crit.
the wc
ii M
time ;
Tw wuiter buy thet heifer, ZebT I don't
believe yew can;
1 wouldn't sell thel heifer, lr, to any Uv.n'
No, ilr. If yew ihould come an lay a fifty
in my band
I'd go an' ht the stable door an' let that
hetfet atiind.
I'd let ht r taiiil rlht where ihe la till aha la
o d an' Kray
Afore I'd dell una alda of her, thet'a all la
got to ny.
Taw heard 1 wnnted to dlapoaaT Taw muat
hev hetnl It wrong;
I'd buy a dozen Ilka her, Zeb, If yaw'd bring
them along.
Of coume I've got a lot of atock, mora stool.
n what I need.
An' I am hurt of tanl room, an' aoma-
what abort of fed;
But for atllln' Diet there Waat I
wouldn't, no alreel
Lat forty dollari coma betwen that heifer,
Zub, an' me,
I am a ont-pri- a rrlttar, Zeb, no man kin
bent me down;
She'a wuth a ht-ap mora'n forty, Zeb, aak
any man In town.
HI Hunker w:ml her purty bad, an aodoea
iXektn Hale.
But ea 1 atild before, of couraa, tha helfar
ain't fur mile.
Bhc'a gentle an' aha a good an' kind, an'
slicker then an ael;
A child could milk her any time, ahe'd nevar
rittse a hrd.
She nevrr hiioka nor Jumpa tha fence, aha
never runa away.
An' cotnra around at oil I kin' tlmaei rag'Iar
eg the duy.
You'd oner tha milk aha givmrn, It'a
yallfr, thick an' awect,
An el for iun!itlty, by gum, that htlfer
cau'l be bent!
They'a Junk a of butter float In' round Inatda
the nillkiri' ull.
An Mukln nf hr butter, Zeb but than,
ahe ain't for aula.
Tew aay y w're bound to hav bar, Zeb?
Vew wart her purty bad?
Tha allrkrM piwa of ruw-fleah, air, a farm-
rr vr h id'
Wuth thirty :ollara as aha alanda, an' not
a dollar U t
For I m a oiu-tirlre critter. Zab, yaw'U And
I hot out, I gueaa.
Wuth thirty duilum ei aha atanda. I'll tall
w 1 II drw:
I'll awHp her now for twanty-flva 'twlxt
me nn' lu r an' yaw.
Jral twitit) -rve, no mora or leaa, for I'm a
one-price man,
An' If y'd want to awap har back, why
durn It, '. U, yew can.
Joa (.'una. In N. Y Hun.
Finders and Losers
BKOAUI-V prnkllir, IfirU art divided
into two ifrettt clnaara the our,
who Hnd mm thr iiiirn who low.
Mi-iu In irirl who limla. () iirrUrt
. I l. I.... ....I .1.1. I. I
r"r""l; ' """-- - "
aru scattered alotiir her pathway, en-
. , 1 , . , i
treat ng her to pick them up, which-
. , . , ,.
ever way
ahe atrolla. mnl llltk' lliiiK
like hiirttcaliotM iiimI fmir-lrnvt-ri ftuvera
ae em to Iciiji up In the intuit unlikely
plarra at thv flrut mtiin.! of heratp.
"(iiifna what 1 fin.nil lo-tlay ?" la Iht
ri'Kulur frm of trrrt tliift; to noone wna
Ul irlei1 wliru the queatloa cailia that
duy nt (ieurKln'a leu.
"Oh, 1 don't know," aaid Milan, indif
ferently. " a cotton hnixlker
ohlef or noinrlMKly'a other clove."
Mllnn la one of 1tie irU who cunliln't
find anyl'l"f If tli'y W4uld. 1'ufcKihlv
thnt'a thr reiiion le iifutiiitii'H the mail
H4T of one who wouldn't If ahe could.
Met guve a withering' Iiice nt the
atoffer. Then alie renmved lirr I.ndy
amlth hat and extrnt'teil from Uncrown
a roll of uiuui y, which ahe spread upon
hrr lap. A $M), a t) and a $1U bill
atnrvd out.
"C'-ouiiterfeitl" pimped Lilian.
".No, air. I'liole Muc aaya Uirj're aa
(pood aa any ever mnde."
"You didn't find them, Mela; you're
jokliitf," protcHtcdi (.eorifia,
"No Joke ithout it. 1 waa walking
down Wubukh avenue, nud atneka of
people were pufcaintf in both directions
too, but smldcnly there was nn open
plnce about a yurd atuure riht In
front of me, and atrnllit in the middle
of It lay this money, nil rolled up. It
Just aet ihi'd aa though the crowd parted,
and ever) hoiliy liHiked the other way on
purpose to let me hnve It."
"Well, 1 never!" auttff the ehtrua.
"What are you poiiijr to use it for,
Metu?" a4)iiuliody nhked. but 1-llinn.
whose Intereat hnd revived wonderful
ly, dldji't trive her time to answer.
"I'se It for?" ahe r-Tted. "lo you
s'poM1 Me I it Wfiuld spend llutt money?
Think of the poor wonutn who lust It!"
"Woman. Indeed!" retorted Metn.
"I' in-It- Mar tlnt-Kii't think that. lie
says thire's n little porkrt ju vt liihide
the ai1hnid of 1iIh imtiM-rs where he
keeps a nnd of hilln whenever he hns
one-iud thnt It's the enli'l thiiif; In
the wortd to slip tliv money In hark of
the poekvt Instenti of Into It. And 1
aKked him If that twr hsppem d to him.
You otiht to hate seen how guilty he
looked when he said; 'Oure- but don't
tell Kllru!' I bat's my nutit, vou know.
Well, we think - I'nele Mae and l-ll.ul
some rieh club fellow loat it, niul thnt
he'd put it to soute extravagant me
even if he had it aain."
"Hut I enn't help thltikiitjf about
some ptuir old nJn i nouian who
hadti't another eent lis the world," mtir
luurtd the ltli,e-efd iiiititeent.
"Wiuhe I'w omen without another cent
are mi likely to jjo strewnifT $s0 rolls
around!" Mtid M. in.
"More likely 'twas a aehool-teacher
with her mouth's salary - and trai-hih
ts such nervous work!" suueMi-d
"Or a fAggrtl-ttut woman clerk," abid
ed (ieorla.
"Well, 1 wouldn't take it from a wom
an any amnicr than you wxoild," de
clared MVta "Of cure 1 wnuldu't
mind so uuu'h if it h longed to a man
Jlnt 1 in it tul to tn i-rt Ue it, an) wn ."
"Certainly !' exolaiim iV Lilian aa if
a'd bten thinking of that all toe
tune. "That's the prcprr tiling to do,"
and blm i d inuoct iit hUU d : "I
shouliV jnM UN- that nunit v for ai!wr
tlhlii eery day in vwvy uHr until
their waMi't a cent 'eft."
Meta puied her hp. "Well. I'm thk
ln$T I'nele Mnc's at'uvi' kIhmiI this." she
aid. "He ni to liu! the papers a
liny or two and see it the loM-r mli, r
ttm s, Tht ii, ttfwr tliat, he to ad
vert iae: 'Kotim! Sum of niom-v
Time to Oil Up.
like every other complex machine, the huivin hoiiy h.ts its
periods for icair. Sleep is Nature's time r rest, when the
repair shops ot the brain make pood the damage ot" the waking
hours. Ths man who cannot sleep, or who surt'ers from headache,
nervousness, lost appetite, indigestion, heart trouble or pain, is
running with a hot box. Inve the tired brain and worn-out
nerves a chance to rest. Stop! It is time to oil up.
" Lailrlppo left me with nlmtter.! nerves and a weak
ened heart. 1 W.ii short nf hreiilll. my he:irt llullered
and I wan mi nervotus and Irritable tli tt I eouid not teev
The firs two doe of Dr. Miles' Nervine bnniiflit n
relief. Kir hot ties Invior-Med niv whole, msLmh an. I
cured mu. Altlioutih I am AS yean old 1 am as t nmrf and
uearty lo-day a most men are at to."
(.'APT. JoBKI'II Kbi.Umhi, lVrCaud, Ore.
Dtf. Miles' Nervine
fda and reorti the weary brain and weakened r.erves. It
ttlveaiest to th appetite. tlmiilat- diK'esiloti. increasen
circulation and restore beUu U budy and mind.
Sold by rulU on ruarante. D. Milm Medical U., Elkhart, Ud.
auch a place, at such a timr.' Not
word to Rive a fulu- claimant niij help
In lil ntifyiliK tlif liillr. vou n-r. Hut
he durrn't think I'll tv t Km! tlif own
er, and, my, Rirl. if lie ; linulilii't turn
up, what 1.0 oti ruy to u ItiKr trip to
pfthiT u r ;mr kiiul of a ri'K'uIur rprre
with tlii money?"
"I couldn't enjoy it," said theright
eoiin Lilian.
"Xot unlew you (rate half to a hos
pital," iiim-ntU-il another.
"Oh, I don't know," disnentrd fieor
iria. "I think my roimi-ivnre would take
In a trip to Mnrkinuc"
"(iotnl for you!" replied Metn, as she
rolled up her nihil and put on her hut.
"We'll hpend it ull for (funi if we want
to, (ifoiftia; nnl we won't treat them,
either nee if we ik!"
They didn't see her nfrniii for three
weeks, and then die enine flying into
luncheon ut Lilian' with a look in her
eyes as if she'd Just fallen heir to a mil
lion in gold.
"I've hud the loveliest experience in
the world!" she nniiounred. "You re
member that money I found'.' Well, I
waited a few d;iy, lin Mae mid.
and no one adu rtind the U.rt; mi I pn:
one in myself. Told tin in to i.iMri r X
the nrnspuper oilier, you know -iht
way they do. .N sl moi niiii; I wei.:
down to );et the r lurnn. 'I In re ui . i
nine, ami nf nil the piiih'iii
thlncfsl Xot one of llu .n..i.- v.!,.
wrote had lost their moiuy ( n ihedny
or at the place I foun:. mine, I ill they
were Just us hopeful, fi r all that, and
they actually mnde me feel responsible
for their losses.
"First there was man who had
dropped a small, tint, tiliujk book, with
a pawn ticke.t, a laundry bill and two
two-dollar bills in It. And distressed
over ill You'd think he'd lost a frold
mine. And he was so sure 'twas his
money I'd found poor fellow! Then
a woman poured out a n!m!r sheet ful
of her heart, and i!n.v n picl ore of t lit
purse she'd lout, and to d me how Ihe
money In It lie! HL'.'d to her sinter,
who was In thr IniKpit.i! mid who need
ed It dreadfully, and how I'd be blesked
forever If 1 only restored It. Next
tl.crc ir?.'. an old man who had dropped
two 1-0 bills, and he went on In a
haky, feeble hand to explain that the
reason he was carrying it wraa because
he couldu't trust the hanks; and then
another girl, who told alsout nn alligator-skin
pocket book containing a
latchkey and a time puss over the Cin
cinnati, Jackson & Mackinac road.
When I showed that to t'nele Mac after
ward he said that road was a regular
J()k,.,, because It didn't run toanyofthe
J , .... , .
places mentioned In lis name, and he
,. .
, , i...,.(i ,,.. flip ninui. hecallae
- . . u Itllt
tt had expired September ;!), 1HD7. Hut
It wasn't funny to me. I thought the
yirl must In a sad way to be hau
1 on to an expired pnKs over a road
like that for three whole years. l!e
sldei, she mentioned In a postscript
that thera was a five-dollar bill in her
"1 got awfully worked up over those
letters. Then, suddenly, I had a bril
liant Jdva. I juxt made up my mind to
wail a week and then, if no one cluinu d
that to mud for nil thofce forlorn
(H'ople n ml pay the In w luit ttu y had lot
out of what I had found. I didn't ilnm
tell t'nele Mac the ft-heitie until tlif
week lunl pnM-d and 1 had nn!!y w t it
ten notifying them at! to be nt hi of
fice at ten o'clock thin nioriiiny. Tin n
1 Just gate him the news all in one
piece. I don't bellco In b:iik:nir
things, eHpccially when you'te 1 1 1 you:
heart on doing them, Oh, In thou; lil
I w as eraxy, of courae, and wlslitd he'd
answeretl my 'ad.' hintst lf ami c!aiu,t r!
the money. Said he could haw dtiuc
it through mime one cUc t-o would
never hnve auH'eti'ilt and ihen cuuM
have kept the money for mil tint i ! th
fit of sentimental fotdishniKa I ;n
pained otT and nil that sort of l.i..
Hut the end of it was' that he l.n
a chair over by the window in hi (
flee and let tuv hnve things all my own
way with the people I had m-m fi t.
They all citute, mind )nu, niul nf a'l
the surprised-lottking helm! I'ach
one was expecting to find the ii!rutir.i
purse he had loM, ami ut liiM i
one looked stiopicioun of everyone elm-.
They couldu't seem to jjrnp I he i I u.i
"I hnd the money, nil changed into
the right amount mid lving in t'in.i
log Utile he a pi. on I'liete Nine's ilel,
Kiikt 1 made a little rpeci h atid th, n
I served gold and silver I eft eiuieni
It took rtery cent of tin- nio;te, ami
1 had to put tu a dollar Immuii, o
there goes our gum, Oeorui: lull you
wouldn't grudge it if you'd Im eu thete
Such larko! 1 ueer ft It mi mm Ii like
a beuetleeiit f.urv in in) lif, (Hi. t't.u
fun! Yaudevilteit are nowhere - and
say. thr man who lost the pawn ticket
will never get over hi gnu'ee lu'iim-l
Uie becnUM- I eouldii't gi,- that h;u k
He think" I've lil him a foiiune' Cut
the rest were more than invert, i.n!-,
I've been blerd and IniuiT' tt ;n i' the
old mini with the two i-oid f ,-
actuaUy kni d mv li.tmi. Think . f t !m
-will von? And the woiiun with the
sinter in the hospital wa.s no h.i )v !
And I cried. Me crying can you Mi
ll? And t'nele Mac needn't pretend
hevvttMi't wiping hi own ev t, en lu t !
Hut whin they were gone he Mpmed
around nt me, stern as item, and said,
in a disgusted way:
"'Well, of all the ffirly-4'irly per
formances! '
"1 looked straight back nt him and
(list said: How would y on hav e a gi 1 ,
t'nele Mac, if not girly? Poyou want
me in 11 11 iiy ? And honest fact, he
didn't know a single thing what to
say."-Chicago lni!y Keeord.
A lllra mm farad.
"What wa it My rlilla did that wao
d reai'ful?"
"Why, our literary club met at her
houc, mill she w n n ted to show h r
new hat, m she wtp it."- - I'nck.
Uhrrc He lrMi ih tin.
('am y - I'liat do y prefer as a chafer
aft her dhin king w his h key ?
va4i'y- Vimy thing but mr woifc- -Jut'tr.
Or Chronic Indsnmstlon of th, Kldnoys Is a
vary common sllmenu
Uks sll chronlo dlsessss
tha symptoms com on
Insidiously. If props,
trastmsnt Is oMslned la
lu esrlr suits, Brlshfs
IMsesM nsr bs eursd.
HIDVAN will car. It It
It IstsktnlnUm,. UVO.
VAN will rsllers sll th,
symptoms. lo not dolsr
loo Ion. Don't wslt an.
til your ess becomes la
eurshls. Kegln tbs ns,
of III DV AN now, wblls
70a msy bs eured.
HEADACHE H U D Y A N tskeu as d l rectad
will reileva tha bealacbo lununlljr.
3- s. purriNFSH or thb bkiw
UNDEH THE EVES, dua to arol'emton ol
flulil-lu-ulir, DKOFHY. HUOYAN
wilt causa tha s.xlra amuunt of fluid to ba
taken up by tha blood and ba eliminated t
fba Kid Hoys,
ION. HUOYAN will reatnre the cfrrulMlon
to tts normal eonIUiun sad caiwa tlta chu.-ki
to bscoma red sail rosy.
HUDYA'J Mill strengrhen tha norvt and
uuvclva ol tha heart aud uiske It strong snd
ragular In Its buatlufts.
HUDYAN will cauw tha kldneyx to pet 'oral
Uisir Inn 'tloin irojily, tliuruby rulltvlug tht
pain and wktjflu.
Gat llt'DV X al ones and tt.ko It regular!?.
Ilt'OVAN Is sold by all truarIara for &. ,ot
psekafttor iarkjt tor I-! II yourdnrf
glittltjea ti't ku lt.i'i)d illrrct f tho HI (
1AM HKMKDY ( OHI'AW, Putt KralK iaro,
Cat. kuiiieiiiWr tlmt you enn owl I nud conmilt
IliS HI lVA IMK T'lltH V li K K. l ull nx4
ana them. If you cnnti'it t:ll, write to tli'i doe
tort and (h.;y will s1viu yon. Tliu -lvke m ill
ba iUta (ri. Addre.s
Csr. Stockloi., M.rk.l anil Ell.. IU.,
Bts C.I.
Dyspepsia Cure
Diaests what you eat
it rMl!rlttlldli;eststiic food and aid!
Ni.iiim In stretiulbeallill Slid tecou-
structlng the cxImusU'd dluesttve or
Kttni. U Isttia liiteHtdlscovi rcddineitt.
ant and toulo. o ol her prvpaniilon
can approach It In ciliclency. It. In
Ktutitly relicvrsiutid pcrniaiiently cureii
I)ysH'pilii, ituiiKesi lint, iitm ldui u,
i'Utiii..iien. Sour rilninacli. Kausca,
Kick Hc;uliic)ie,0ii8tralKlii,'riiiiipi'atid
all other results of linperrurt (liirest mu.
l'rleeone. sucl ft. r.sritnsirerontiilns 24 times)
smallslis. ll(K.uaHKlK.iitilyi'imumillltr:
e'fSDarsil by E C UsWITT CO . ClJIcaflU.
The y(Minvt tnothrr thinks, when she 1ms
cumtili'tt'il tlu- lirihv .Ltniciits thnt me to
clothe the little tuim. Hut she not nil
fe.niy fur hahy'.i cninini;, tuiU-ss she h.ia
(luno EkiinethitiK inurv tur llu Kihy than
iiurely U tMvp.ire Ins floilit'. lnny a
youn mot lur who k-s through hour
ut vitn anil suffering wonders w hy it w is
not jMiMihle to prt'ktrr in s.tnie wny for
the. Uihy's advent, and to nvoitl the
nony wemed almost unendumble.
lr. Tierec's I'uvoriti I'rev-i ij-lton is the
tine inedii ttie f r women which trri:ires
thnii tK'tteilly. Uith for the hvirttens aint
h-iisuies ot ni.iternity. It pievettts the
liioiiiin siekwes.i tiiMU vvhiih so many
women stiller. U strrni;tltens the whole
Knly, so that there is no nervousness nor
anxu tv. It promotes a healthy apjK'tite
and eauses retieshin; sleep. It gives the
mother strength for her trial find make
the kihy's advent piaetuallv pamle-vs,
llealthv motliers have liealthy children,
nnd it is the general testimony of those
who have tised l'r. Pierce's lavotite
Vreseiiption as a pteivuative tor mother
hood, that the childn'ti weie healthier
and happier than those horn utter
months ut mental inisety and physual
anguish on the jmrt ot the prospective
Sick and aHing women are itiv.tet to
consult I r. l'letee 1y letter uhstdutely
without fee or ehaiv;e, Aschii t consult
ing phv sii 'Mil to the Invalids' Hotel and Institute, liutlalo, N. V.. l'r.
K. V. rieice, assisted t v his st.dT if
tieatlv a score of phwicuus, has in the
past thtrtv veais and over treated und
cured mote than half a million sick ami
sutleiiU women. The testimonials of
these cured women ate on tecotd. A
huge numlK-r ol them weie cured wlnn
d'Vtois had ptououncetl a cure imH'SM.
Me and ailet endunng News of u.-clcsa
Let no sick women hi sit ite to take ad
vantage of l'r. Pierce's oiler, hut wute
at once and wo seeme llu protr-vsional
couiwl of a sjh-cu1.!-! in the disc si sen ot
wonn-n, entm'.v '.('. All coriesjKUid
rnce strict'. v iniv.ue and vicn-dlv couti
dciin.d. Addiess ir. R. V. 'u-rce, Hu:"
talo, X. Y.
Hoped for Doath.
It ttiv illitV ti' tut. " rtl M
ti tt l'im ut
.'Mt iiu tix i"P Iini irn mc." 1 u M c l '.ic
of ttt In .U It V N C "I w.nim
niv-M itiiart ir o n.lit txll wieil I 'l
1 Iii I uifiMi' .h-rstf ... Im I 1 .".Il ir.r'.v
w.-tlW i'd iii(vrrl u h I'lH.t.i'u'. tn tn-1 t 'I'lK-vl
to . tl.V l'l V.'il t'ti tv llu- tt
t4kf w.iT 'tiixoritr rtev'trpK ' tul 1 h..e
tkn rUuu trille 't it .'i.t tw. ol tr
'1'U.imiiI t' lir( ' I rtiit v'tnrlv wvll ami ttfl
like I new woman 1 tn' ' t fx i ti k ttl lit i i t m tll
tv IM 1'kivv lot (hr l 'iMV' I ! r-r.'v I
hv tuif b N v, ''h :,! n I tu-.-rr
.4 nU'ttn r''l ut utv litv. 1 .ai I itt y ur
UK-xlKllltt "
Vory Thankful,
I will tV vtv jl.i.t li' x tr v. .i!w f.-r t.
P-rv I- .t vot Mr lirrii!! ntttMr f A.
.VhkUv ot M t' tile Hi.-nir ct , OuIhv.
liiuii thr tiit K-r tiiotit'i htt I ".-kM
Ivvrwj-.l to rr.-tin a mmher 1 tnuKirt niv
wwuU ttottt niiitett nA n'tnium and I t
tt-tttMr ck I -ulsV -tt-rl ot hi-ik
tin tin I :l fciMtl ( l.ol Al tht timr
wt4e lr Ttt tw tui he !. t i t hit
'iVxt1t lTTiMJili HI lxl W'ttiC Ol
MtMHAl tH' " I 'U Ml.e it Httvl
when I h.l tftken Ir.em few .iw 1 t 'A nn. h
Wttrf, ntut whtl) 1 hvl taken h.tlt tt.t
tl rh Uttle 1 ft II well u.l nlit eI mil
mnv oitf. nit.. (ihiM i w" witii.Hit
ttiMr. 1 1 O'li'.-I u vto nv in ti N '"if I U
et ttutnlkittt b LH l'erve Ki h. itieili, mr n.t
I trll U 1k tell ow tht te u k to grt theX
neUtoue ot ttnr to lt Vttivr
IV. lVrcc'n Comnum Sen-r McsUotil
Atk.srr. ncitt ftrr on rroeijt stdiu io
uv cxnar of ti.hns Situl 31
on-Cf ut ump fr Kk in cww,
Wlt: A"
( I i ! Ready
J P V For
1 Raby,
3 &t-yf&U)W$044
T T I' i" a pity Jaek i(
not a
Vy l,i n !" niched Mnry,
r cuiitniiiinif a Imt of the
:.u of the V. C. "I)ul in
...v on r.(i!di(Tft jui't now."
:'. toun! a il.'ui.; y w ri ting
l:i!-M i
: ,ii- t,
. wi.ue the plifitogrojui or a
liiinili-niiie eurly-hen'leil yoiiiiff bar
r,. irr i,ei il n proininent plee.
Power :. i ni;eil in i very one of
tlu.e elenr-eiit fi i. I ul t t lie j.'iwer to
elcne a v..i.v tliro;it.h tiie voil'l.
lint Co:. Uiirwlck could tliink of
nolliiii' but koliliei-H, ami hi t!atirli
1, r, .S.:i e'i.i.i!i !incly earrinl on
In r line i.lY:iim, coi.ei-eterl all
t.t,it.i (1 i,!:j)'.hiti!e jjIhiih to traiihforin
her eiulian lover Into iiinethinr like
a man lor ll.e eo'onel. Slie ein went
to the liin;lli of iniiiiriii'.' at the war
olliee if l::vyeri, an will us (loetol
niul rliTv men, were not atiru heil to
the l.eiii! ii:i li-m itiiff of the a; iuj in
.South Afriea. anil, being ili::oii:t
til iu thai, religioii.'-ly ket to vioik to
iiictiic.ite mine martial anlor in her
liner by riiimtiii him to take her
to all the military function in town.
Y t the unt'outcioua Jack would not
be a hero.
-Why don't you help me, lleat?"
lie cried, plaintively appealing to her
cousin, uiio. cTaci-fully reclining on a
velvel ottoman, wan devouring the
eoniiiilH of the latent novel from
Miidlc'. "Vonr nffair i all nettled,
and you've no trouble In the world.
lo pl that wretched book away and
help me think of .lack!"
"Marv. you're a niiinnee!" ex
elaimid the calni-lninded joung lady,
hli'.ttiiiu' i-er l ook with n slam. "And
no i .luck! Why don't you think of
Fotrething else for a few cla.vs? If I
woriied half o much about lleolTri-y,
I should pii.e inynelf into a ennva-1,-M-i
lit home!"
"Vn, bill vou don't have to. You're
e"-: i;:i d; and, be-idc. your dad hsn't
mail on noloii rn."
Mis Ib-atriee burnt out laughing,
niul her charming cousin nsMimid a
dignified pout. "My girl," "he
taid. patronizingly, and Icnnring the
pout, "iiiicIc'k only a Hilly old man
und he doim't tiienii one-half be
i-.-i m! "
Mary wa lout to enpoiiKC hi
e.-iiisc, and even (.acrifiee her Jack in
his dcfi use, when her coiuin utoppid
"Hut in for being n hero, why, .lack
can be that an well n i.nvone if he
Ml i-i and he khiill be, for nil your un
wrrll-i- t e."
"A hero! How, Heat how?"
".--iir piiiul. You nay he' coming
to 1. 1 a v over Kundav
"Yis I worried dad into nvking
him. and he couM-lltcd - just to keep
me i -lit-t ."
Iicatr'i-e irave a sympathetic nigh
"Well, fhin, next Saturday wi.l put
him to the ti.t. and unless be prove
I: i in-.. If a hi to and a man under such
di r, i-a!e circiim?.! line, s I shall lie
m l!v t'. a i oil, I, d. Now. ?ti.p wor-
ivii'ir. ii in) iii niul read the w:ir news
to uncle i:,.' dying for it, I know
And lu-foie Mary had time to stop
her and demand an explanation 'he
had IIiomi from the room.
Jack Wmi-hllcld put in nn appear-
ai-re on the following Saturdav. and
vvi:h a li'tlc i-oa.-airg from the tvo
e' l is. made uuile a l-oik! im pri i Ion at
i'iiiiii-r, when he discussed military
taetii-s with ke-n Interest, if not cor
ri e t m ss
.'.t l alf pnt It. after a game of bib
linnN. and a one-.-ided ai-L'llni-nt on
siibi ct of caMi'rv reiuouiits. the
i inn r.-lireil. and an hour later
hi iim was dink and silent.
M.:v, ate oni awake?"
Hathrr! ' came iu a sleepy voice
tliarli! you wire ncwr coming"
"l in-!, 's- bei n ri ailitig and only
tin i -. I his light out a few minute
ago. but lu's mioriiig now."
The two girls shiw-retl situilllaU'
em !. and in s I'll at hy. Midnight
cut ri-risi are wont to trv tlie
sin nx-ist ticrvt . Marv turned on the
"Whv., fhe exc. aimed. vou
Im I. -list like a man! W in te did
el th.
Id i-lo-thc'.' And. oh! vour
fine i.
lirty and tvinndgy!"
laughed. In Mitc of her
net es.
Shall 1 do
she nslied.
-iniplv honib1
il :e
"(In. iVhy, then Listen f
ilig In' s : and if on hear t
ope n tie i'i or and I t me i
I n oln I'icni'c to w hieli
Mai . as .iiutt as her cutis
tne com
im ma nd
had left
the r,i"iit. hvhi-d the door, thn
e'f ni.ii Mie bid and lao.-'-i
ct ii I in-er hi' letit'v until si;
a-liep fi -'"'i r exhaust ion.
The ut'ii'eiir burglar g
niched h. r un i!.iw ust as, ami
new h
1 tin it' it
.eelieg he
I., k,
w ,t
of the
.1 the I
. the
.! her
1 lr an
it and
W .1 i 1 1
in It
1'. -,rl
tin m
In .
aw 1 1
' g
, the
s crept
loom, and
in eve t i ci
etion ol tin
W 111
II. nh
a n i
il .; ... i 'f II tit t .
I i lines of hid
din 1 iiiiil'i i.s's
e IT e,- she. k I' I -f'f
bell i I .1- ell.ind l-.nlli
chum ,i a id pa' t ' f..i hi r
tn nt the I...,! pi. ' i- . 'I l o
a .1 rem. in
tn 1 . 'p her
as a burc 'a r ' o n r . r
.lack an. I to 1. .-! It . . a
lii,'ht of .!a it was a t -Willi
isill-l! t ,i j- - It
less fun I'l l h.le. in
hiletit bbl.r. at one .-.
morning. It was cruelly n
Creak. cn-M TM I u
trv, for th library w.u
I i.
,.'k ,
. in the
i ut ie
w a no
S-ti.l b.r t at.-il. itue
I'miih Tirstsairsa A Si iriiss 0i.
'..10 si Iks. siKi sr, rosri ji d
'i ..,! ttiri.tnrli the
liifr luntru upi-ii, ,,....s--
blinds came the cccatoi-dl lo.i-n oi a
lantern. ' In a n: -njifnt l .-atii.e a
on the alirt. Of a ituld. (Inwiitn
upon hi r that iriMead of a t.:.iroii
k l,.-:g..r the ui,:-.. -n;i.i. s- .-
ht haie to ileal with a gat g of
aid-Hid erluinnb, and tae rroba i.e
result of seer, an eiicou::; -r wfiuld to
lar.gemcnt that Jiary would
In future thank her to leave ner ai-
. alone. So the lif.le joke had de
veloped into a huge trag uly, and Jak
must not be tacnliccd. Kveu in me
hour of danger she could not riprits
a Kmile a ulic thought how the pa;.cr
would make such a tensation of the
affair. .Nn; Beatrice deemed that it
hotild not be. And o Jaek slept on,
Wiiconsciou of the opport unltie lor
Mstinetion that awaited him down-
lu the meantnie, the enterprising
young lady with the smudgy face Htid
ragged clothe had seizeu an old duel
ing pistol and intrenched herself in
the rear ot the sola, from wnicn sue
ould obtain an uninlerruptt d view of
the proceeding within the room.
There she propped herself up. with
one arm extending over the l ack of
the sofa, pointing nn unloaded pistol
in a nicnrtcii'g maimer. ..nd tin re she
meant to light and die. as the had
beard her uncle tell of brave men in
the trenches, for it wa a desperate
matter now, and it was scarcely real
izable thnPsueh a terrible plight could
ever have originated in a. intra. let lit
tle joke.
A man crept stealthily into the
room throt pit the half-open window
and cast tne ngni m ms linn i n u. no
directions. Then, upon n tign that all
was right, i.noiher long-it .:;cd villain
followed, and the two eouferrtd in
inuh'lci! ' nes. Then they carefully
shut the w't.dow, cloud the shult.Ts.
lit tlie c.'.s and jioui-.ctd upon the safe.
'Hint was Heat' opportunity.
"liands up!"
If an i h-ctrie wire hnd been connects
ed wiih tii.' automatic figures, and a
but tint had l.ecn pressed, the upper
limbs c.iilil not have rcspow'i'l more
print pt.y than did the hand of those
two dispei.ite burglars, ricariil ario
biii".!i(l us ihtv were, they sniggered
and on their heel., to disco. ci the
nice of that Mi'h'i-u command, and
I'lH'oiiitti-red thr frowning n.t:.'e ot a
pistol. It was enough. The j niiiigr
man ito i. d ai d the o!di r one said
tuith'i'7 tiitieath his i-itnlh.
yi' mlnu'.is p.:s-td. and not n vvcrd
iini s i.:.ej. I'lin pairs ol nanus sun
moved ae ;t ii nil two purs ot cowut
f aifti'ly w-itched the mu'.eof
the '.tul. I'.ut it never moved, ihe
III la was iieii.i .1 1
frry i p eiiv'nor!"nt last gront
thejou'igii n an. "King for the -en
unts, or what vcr like, on.y don I let
u get cole in our .irmpiif!"
In support of which the older man
again swore, nut ti-e .ctorious one
said nothing. (Inly the pistol contin
ued to frow n threat, i.iugly.
Two more minu'e that seemed lire
hours to the captured men passed h.
and the older burg'ar ciiiitiu-.u-' .! to
swear more loudly. The y onng. r tu.-t n
abo began to indignant ly n-sert hi
rights to hninane treattnetit. atvl it. a'
ten were j.lst heeotning sir. i tied w !; n
the tloor opened, and n poket . folio a .!
by the white face of Jack W'iiichlle.d.
nppearcd upon the scene.
It was the first time Jack hnd taken
nn active part in n ntiigiiry case, at.u
he w as coii'-'di riili'y n i n i'i us-e.l to hnd
two hard-feat me, 1 vi'lini.s s-raining
their arms to the cilli.g nt sight of
common doini'st ii- pik.r. Hut he
coticlini'd it must b- 'he i- n.i! thing
au.oltg such gentry, and !.:.- fa e 1.'
gained souie of its color us he 1 .1
the card from his d :; ssi r- g T -v ti ai-.i
reipiested one of the melt to ho'..! .1 wu
his Intuits to be liotmil. vhieh he .'ii!
with a gra'i fid giallei'. A enrt a i ti cei-,1
served for the ol tier, nil.! t l.e tin. o. n
-to iil side by side, trus-cd like eock
rreN. "Now. then, guv'nor. tell the bloke
belrl.d the sofy to shift that pistol.
I iii n't like it!" exel limed one.
"List..!'.' What pistol?"
.V'ek looked rouu 1 in the direction
in. heated, and -!a iercd back as he
i It-:i .n!il
ti f fi cv tt 1 1: tr v
tK'-tirt-t .! to !: i
i r Im r j it r i n It :.!
vrA i I, !
r. it m!
- tin-
m! ii.
a in t.r V
tin'! w.'iilil pro!
lUit n In ::.-t tV t! - i
1 -
f;il!v in it p'.u-i-. ;im( at ;:..-t .c n :i
nt n vert i r' u im f am! i!ip t i t .1 :i -' !. t
firm, i!rM-i! in injirnl in. if c!,.t ln,
anil pi(itp'il np with t'uhuni8 aiu!
' Now. voting 'un. put tip thnt run.
It' a'l tii-r. Why, Uok ht-rt'! t rr:i t
Sftitt! It"i Hi ;itriof! Ami flu's
"Knintftl ?" rrhottl th? two triist'tl
nit-n in thoru. "Kitintt-il? Faintt-il?
"Bre, pin'imr. li t us Ju sf to kick our
flirt, niul wi-'ll irti ipiit't.
"A m;trt capturr, .I.tfk. ami n bt!tl
vi' n tu re on your part," nuitl thecohtu-l.
"Vou ouirht to haf tu-m h mtliiU'r.
my boy. Thrri,' a iarirr waiting for
on in 1 hr army!"
"Vt." saitt j:i,k. "but"
A viv-i.uiv tn.' Ht tit k cost tail ttopped
him. am! at tliat iutiiitiit thf foloiifl
m ntt ra.'fi! :ti .
"If j i i in rn ;i on my elisor a n ful part
iu thf alTair," nait! Heat. "I'M rxpiw
lour t-t' .v on tht -pot. I'lit'!
wtuilii time n tit if lit ktt' I lu i n
in a. -.pit ; .i.! ii: in bo fin! l,t "
"Mut t'.M on tJti'ih were you tfoini:
with that p;'!?"
"Oil, tirwr niiiiil Perhaps I ware
heatMn a p'a. cu the burc!a! en
teml at ,tn iiunvi n t nt tn:
ret of the ti:iu1 went f rr
t houtfh. tMi' t li- p. k i' r w .'.
uno tirii. Put t!i- aili1 .e;u-i'
ttt be Wf!! . ,i : i n f 1 1 1 1 an, I th,' e
part leulnr in i! 1 c ! t (! r!i t
lo imr tvt fr l!u!e p.. r
w In n mi v'eff ri!
act tlit'ir part nux
Ifii to Mr . Shr'
"hicgo airraid.
fill, for Ti
t beautiful
!y ipfcf to se u!,
A familiar nanitr for tht Cbieao, Mr
uV.eeASt Paul HailVi known all
over the I'nion a tbt tireat Kn:ly
rumiinif the "Pion-r l.iniiteti ' traitu
every iia a tul tiiht N'(ceti S'. l'au1
n l rtiieito, ami (H.iaha au-iri.tDi
Id on'v periett Ira n in the wor1.!.'
t'i:tler-tttinl : Conneel i n 'e m U
ailh All Tmneoniu.ental Line, niir
;n; to pass n.-rti llu l't er t4 ko n
I.nxut loin eoaehe. elect mc h . bt- ft sir,
of a eii'y t.pllr.l t-v r. o'l.t-r
See ttut vour tn krt reiU via "Tlif
M;l ttuket1 whi j;oiti; ti ai.y jniiut in
Ihe VtiitcJ States ori.aiii.!. All tick
et i'nt fell the ui.
Kor ratei, pmrphleU or other itifot
maiion, a Mtec.
I. W. 1'k, C. J Kinv.
Trav. Pa Ai. llrnfral
P rain in
Do Not Trille
with dan':r and remember
every cough or cold means
will cure your cough or cold
at once. It will heal and
strengthen your lungs. It is
a safeguard for you always.
Take it at the first indication
of a cough or cold.
A eiei 'M Klllrd in throst r.J lironcHisl
j1wj. U:ed vaJ m'iDiiit. I
anj it cured mc at once. 'Am
K.ail lu Ail l itty t"Om. ny.
Kt'.ur -It Miik i Church, LeKoy, N. Y.
fllill'ih's l' iii-l'lton Car Is olil ly nil
eiiltiril l fi c l.0 bottle. A
...... . - .nrJrii.'iOiJ
.... . r .. t. m n.ieii Willi STflJ noiii.
It ..i l ..I i . '- - in 'I' " I,"
Mill ;,-l . unr iienii y Ijiick,
-:.:eii b.fiV rrn rontainntien. Sro
'"'''"tot tL.
w YAl
no reflection so 1,J
dainty, no llghto
charming ts the
mellow glow that
comes from
'tfj Is. 1 Pteptrr.liiiinfcnjeL'ortintf t lJt".
:7i 1 ro:iitii'iri in Uinina I t& l.
h it tua v
l Jt w.e li.i.l ruoiii ..r lull. 8-
1 . .
r -
jj. TA-;or.D ' '
t - -j, j
. O'L C0. , '-J
Thrro huvo U'n
wventl elit-ai rt ;nii
,f " Vfljtt r'-. lMcTionar.v- ' '
olItJiMd uuiier various iui:n'- at a Utv; pi uo
dry (Tool rtrvr.l'1!. grocer, fiir-n!, vu. .
in a lew institi. JL-s ui u preinlinu l(M-diiit ip
Auuuuiicviin-tiis of tlie.w cnmpuratlelj
roprliitu nro v-ry niis'.' ii.lli'ir : f"r lntini.
tln-y an a.lvrtw.1 t" '' 1" i-iit.-ii.iit ml
ciiiiiviilrnl "f n liinlii'1-.ini..-.l Imiili. h ii in
n-tilitv. i.i fr ii- wt- kunw un.l lit-tlfVL-, llu-
an-ull, A to .
Reprint Dictionaries,
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Vftirs iu, wnit-h in ir-oluv vti!Hhl
i't io, hii J whi'-h wilt nnii-h jtiipei -mr .u .iiier.
rriiK. u:i1 lnnUlutf lo 1 in-M-ttr.;t at ion . Ik-id
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tn c-.iiiiii'ii. ,-'iniil-.l Ly ii R' .iIii--iiiihi
win .l.i-'l over lirty yft-s it'"'. "'"
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U-M Hi III.'.
Tim Vt'chnler'i U nabridrrd Ditilomry -nt-li-hi-l
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It liilltililli m.-l- '.Mil i:llli-S V, nil illil-lrl
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tl;l.rt'lt nil 111'' til:'- I -l"- 'I i- l,r '
i'ui r.irl.t , -lii-i.l' miiiiil lull. ii" tli-i .."ih - ' l,:'l' "'
l-KI.-ll-l' I'll t .1 .Hlai-i 1 It l!:i'l-"l:-li J H'Mm-1
wi.-.isMir. kiii.'vii lliii-iiiiii'iii! tin' wii.l.! r.
Webster's International Dictionaiy.
A a UiL-lit'liury la-t.-, u ;."-i.;k.- Jihi bliiiuk-
Get the Best.
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tJ'iitiine i- lo M'ni
i ii
nut now hav to tn- cnu
1 'V x Mir Pa i l l (t-a;!t"
their fin r;v i i no. a
nam: - lr-m
lu .tlito nt into J. la ui". tii:.i al.oi
it llu
iir; ol t'.'I'i- ovt r instil.
"It w:b i hr wnr i I'll1!1 ot - rip 1 ever Im 1.
A h:ut il i II 1 1 !i i: i - h a 1 1 Milt- lire-. Ml I
u l.unj mi. Il'-.ti.l t ih- I").-.vmi.- I v
t i ts, I'.i ii t y mu;!. im nl U.i-y t' l pr-l i-.'tii
r"M ainl t-.ii . ri tin- rr-l ntl.t. 1 -noio-t'
.in I i f Mii iit-it i lln-ni l.i tin' pr.'pi.'.'
I ' t i 1 1 1 m : . I a n:tMiii.( r ot on), rr-
iini Alloini v. I I ani'Uie Micet, .-an
t ran- wo, J iiy 7. 1:
' W ir.tiT i mI'K have nlwav- I t'en stri"ii
ih.rtv- lo tut-. are h.iui ai,l ?av Im
inoiilh-. I ul Im' .L-l u a- -.;oin-.i -ii'i'lt ni
y M t- m i i ih m i I v ii ii s. luiiii
u.'h tii ii " I iii- t (M it:i 1 in a ettupie ol
An Ni'iliinc ei-e iltM- tins i.r ntf."
M i 's. I mm I.. II o. l i. It Jin- m , Mill
i r:i:ii ,-n', .V ii-'. ii. U'.
I .ive il. i . - - s 1 . l ti "in u ht'ie
a. i
t i
Mi M
M i
1 K I I ,
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IM.AMi . i:l
1 -t.Olip-i
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i,. i m M i
vhit dr. joricArrs r.i-.T
l.iOilbUi'.i li 1 I
ry test iiurtsT.,sn ren rcMit. Y
lr '".'-;';- - .-.-... i
A-'.. 1 t J. iS.tM CSEAC.SCf Milifl
' 'J ii T.... 'Ml 1 .n. H.dl. i
4 Ji "o-v""- -'-
lti'l 'rfr
CK. JOnQAK k CO . 1061 SI.,
50 V EARS'
1 I ' 1 T
fv'avr it, ar.J I ?
o- taii,i ariti a,. pj,.
fOu0rictilowo.Tt U S PiTfNTOrfici
M bo- W a.! .
ha r. O-it .-r ii . i-t-: .,-,.1
Nthtoniii wiatMiMare
Don't Be Duped
liti-fd ipi-:i ill'? t:irfia't
h of u.i t 1 - lfe i-:.i;o2i
111.' i.
i i ' Coprni-TH-i ;
cfie ' J ii i crfet w
The Amateur Photographer is not as active
these days as in mid-summer but there is work for
them to do work that is interesting as well as
proii table, viz.:
Looking over all negatives, destroying all that
are worthless and preserving in envelopes all that
are valuable. Take a print from each good nega
tive and mount it in a flexible leather album, where
it will be kept nicely and will be convenient. A
person's friends always enjoy looking at a Kodak"
I have albums in stock ranging in price from 15 cents to
One Dollar. Also 4x5 negative preserving envelopes.
I have a good supply of nearly everything the Amateur
may need.
Ji. 5. too'iliicS
Labor Saving Reading for
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The Outlook r;rr,
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A ant a day
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The author of " How the Other Half Uvea will
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CLASS ONE Include all cities of 80Ot00O Inhabitant! or over. In this elate thr
are 88 prliea to b gWn away, th highest being (500, the lowest SS.OO
CLASS TWO Includes all cities from 50,000 to 200,000 Inhabitants. In this ctsai
there are 133 prtiee to be given away, the highest bring $400, the lowest M-00.
CLASS THREf Includes all cities from 30,000 to 50,000 Inhabitants. In this dais
there are 208 prltes to be given away, the highest being S3B0, the lowest S3. 00.
CLASS FOUR Includes all cities from 10,000 to 30,000 Inhabitants- In this cln
there are 257 prizes to be given away, the highest being S3 00, the lowest M-00.
CLASS FIVC Includes all towns from 0,OCO to 10,000 Inhabitants. In this date
there nre 307 prizes to be given away, the hlghoat being SSOO, the lowest $9.00.
CLASS SIX Includes all towns from 1 ,000 to 5, COO Inhabitants. In this otes there
are 307 prizes to be given away the highest being SI 50, the lowest SS.OO.
CLAS8 SCVEN Includes towns of 1,000 Inhabitants and under. In this class thsrs
are 601 prizes to be given away, the highost being CI 00, tha lowest SS.OO.
MIT T IT'vVn? ATTOV wom10 taking subscriptions in a ritv of a;,o(w population wotild
HLUJliniiVn (,e jn Qgj, 4 C;i,e wollf,j roniprlr with othrri knhnff tubtrnp.
tinns from towns of lo.onn population up m v,. She would liave an opportunity of winwrif
out nf 3j pr;.v, hh Ii nnlit be as hich a $ c and toil Id twit be It-ss than $s- She would it I
l.iry-r pnf if she nt in twent v surM lipti.-ns tliun would ft wonien who forw .irdfd tvrn(y from
a tnwn ( jo, lMr.iu-c her pmpuri ion nf stihvTipiionf to pot million would I larger. Till
being tn case, some very small Usti will wia some very Ur?e prize i. I n one of our re eat
ptiicuticts, a in auugtou, D.C, won a prue u( lor eiurui only 14 subscription.
NO Hft nTTMTin Tne Mme womin n w in several prirr in cry cla bv takinf iul
HW WllLrlilVltJ r.ptions in diif-Trnt towns. The contest imt'ina with thi aiitiouru:
ment and will terminate February I5th, !90I. I'rovidine the first ortkr contains two or mm
s.ih-s. nptious Urv will 1 at.' . ptrd at 0 cents earn. Sulr notions ran be sent alterward it tk
o-t fiit r-itr until 1 ebru.irv i ith. rf.i. 1 he reiruUr nrite of 1 he I ut. ,a uitw
ii.npiio;ibinui.t U-Kinwith November or L'ete tuber of 1900, or January, F ebruary or Matxhuf ijcu
PROFITS FOR Al T wrT nnian who fails to win one of the above prize, twit who
Vi viv p-mlsMilMnplioirat the proportionof one toeverytwe hundred
mhahitants of a town, w ill be paid i ;e:il prue of ten cents ou eadi subscription secured, is
addition to the Uu cc-ms alluded aboe.
and w onwn can lt roi-ommend it to women
now than lur hundred and eihtr thousand subscnlxTs. If you are nol Intereaied lo !
L women in sending their firt order of
rr.Vr I'l-i-W- u id rv m-iu To i hove u ho are
mt ,ur o. i ii u Rn uie arxjve onen
mt-. ,ur o. uiw.n uie arxjve oner;
i i-uLu-iiviv, iuii luiuiinauou win ue seat upon request. Address,
7.T0 17 West 13th Street. New York
Courier and Orcgonian i year for $2
Sliasta Route
Truum I .raw (iranta I'aa. P.irl
IiiihI unit W ay Slailnn al 4 III
a. in. ami l:l.i p. m. I
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Ar. K:iiisjs l'ity . .7 a in.
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N'th tr.n .. Sai-raniHiito lo
Vl-n n.l F.i l'.is.). an, I T.iurist iarn lo
Om j.-i, i. I..,,., x,w or,.as
Va.iint,in. ,
I'oniircii! a; San Fum-wo jh'
serri! iran.liip linns ior Honoliili.
Jun, Vliina, I'l.ili if.n,-, IVnlral anil'
utli Arnrrii i.
Se J. I'. Jijier, a.vnt at liranti. I'as. '
I station or a.i Ire-?
c. ii. mahkh.vm, ii. p. a .
1 I'ottiand, lire
3hofo 6 lablicr-
- CoiCdcn Office
en and W omen, m
Under this pseudonym were written two of the
most striking of recent novels, "Black Rock" and
' Tht Sky blot." A new novel of Canadian and
Western life by this author will appear in Tin
Oun ook durinft the year. In spirit, humor, pathos
and strong character-drawing it is even superior to
its predecessors.
To introduce The
Outlook to new read
ers we will send it for
two months' trial fur 25 cents pro
vided this paper is mentioned. Address
in rnzes
TO WniWFN Th. rvKrwr
is published Icrr wiiixti,
It isaereat favorite amonr the. Tliereart
two or more subscription mnut mention tt
comn we in ornu im n-iMr. niv nrnrx wiin
compu-te miorniatlon;
nut thoroughly a. iiuaintfd with iht rueirioI
Shorted and Quickest i ...
I.I.N i: to J
ThroiiKM I'ulm r anil Tnini.! Sli'P"
rr. Iiinlnic anil ItunVl Smukinr '
l.ilirai-j l am. "
T:. kits to j.ii:i. v;:1. vin r,.n!.ul J"1
ii' t.i;i:.vr xuktiiekn ky..
at S"i:tli.rn l'a. !,.,, ,t Ti. kii
i.nnii. or l.KKAT Ni KT1IEK.'
Ti.-k,-i I ii!i,v
I'-S Tlilr! Slrrrl, 'orllml
K'T K:w. Fnl.Krs nrtil full infoniitw
rvpinliri3 Ex.tirn trip, r.ill on or tMi .
I'iit I'sn. and T'u-krt Aisent. l'ortlti" J
f ,1 -l PARKER S
lm HAIR B A Lb Am
P ? -Xt r raiH to htor -'2
ITV- "Bjr J Ha,:r lo as TouVf-l C: -
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