Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 24, 1901, Image 3

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' X
...New Arrivals...
at the
White House
COD FISH not flake.
Bright New Mackerel at ioc. New Grated Pine Apple.
Sliced Dried Beef good. Fresh Long Branch Soda Wafers.
Com Starch pure, 5c per package.
Stands, E?g Carriers and Childs Rockers Free
with every can of Globe Baking Powder.
Pic;.ic Hams that are good 4c to 5c cheaper than the regular.
Remember, I guarantee everything it's bound to be good or
we make it so. . .
Will Some One
Plcaso explain the advantage of buy
ing "cheap Kitchen Utensils? Costs
less? Nonsense! Cost twenty times
more than the Quadruple Coated
"Stransky" Ware, because, a piece
of this genuine Imported Enameled
Ware outlasts a shelf full of the other
Every useful kitchen article in
these goods. Sold by
Cramer Bros.
Spray Pumps
Pruning Tools
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co,
Clearance Sale.
Some rare bargains in ALL (JOODS.
Trimmed Hats
"VVc have a few yet at'priees that will Surprise you.
20 per cent off Regular Price.
Don't miss this Sale at
For Cash or
General Hardware, Stoves, etc.
-Tip, ,7?.Tr$
Always Fresh-Strictly
J. A. Rehkopf's.
on the Installment Plan.
Xocal "foappcnlnss
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentist.
Go to Corun (or I'loinbing.
Wbips, 10c to (2.50 at Hackett'i.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist.
Freto Ojsters at the Post office store.
Uuv Stransky Steel Ware of Cramer
Full line of Cigars and Tobacco at
Bicycle hospital for all 'repairing at
Cramer Bros.
Wood wanted on subecriptioQ at the
Col rikb office.
A window full ol Crockery at cost at
Cramer Bros.
Send your ore to W. G. Wright's
New Custom Mill.
Jt splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Colon's.
Harness of all Kinds, Grades and
Prices at Hac-kelt's.
W. G.JW'rinht custom mills ore test
ing and assaying.
For Notion aud Japanese goods go to
the Japanese Bazaar.
Best residence in town for sale cheap.
Inquire at this office.
New Onion Sets, Utah alfal.'a.
White House Grocery.
A shipment of bamboo goods just
received at the Japanese bazar.
Fresh Oysters, the large Eastern
kind, at Hanan's oyster parlors.
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. are agents
for Dunne's Solid Sprays for fruit trees.
The old reliable Pease Pianos for sale
by J. A. Major, office William? block.
Grants Pass souvenir Calendars, 25c
each, three for 50c. at the Courier office.
Unmounted photographs of Mt. Hood
by Hicks; 5x7 inches, for 25c at the
Courier office.
Bert Corthell has transferred hie in
terest in the Novelty store and Oyster
parlors to Fred Crocker.
A dime social will be given by the
Ladies Aid Bociely of the Presbyterian
church this evening, Wednesday, at the
church parlors.
A job lot of second hand Hydraulic
Pie, Elbows, Tapers and a large Head
light for sale cheap. Enquire of L. L.
Jewell or Eclus Pollock at the Hair
Kiddlo Hardware Co. store.
Dr. W. F. Kremer has in Block a full
und complete line of paints aud oils,
lie tarries W. P. Fuller & Co's paints
and has a stock which can not fail to
satisfy 011 inspection.
Bargains fn CROCKERY at Cramer
Bros. .
C. B. Smith, lately of Mmlfurd. has
established a shooting gallery In a
tent on the lot adjoining Smith Bros.'
Dunne's Solid Sprays are manii
ncttired and compounded according to
the formulas of the Oregon State Board
of Horticulture- Hair-Kiddle Hdw. Co.
The young people of Rccli, Jackson
county held a social dance last 1-iulay
eveninic. There was a verv good at
tendance. The music was furnished by
an orchestra of four pieces and the
dancing was continued till an early
miiku Meat in bulk, it's good White
House Grocery.
A lode of the order 0' Modern Wood
men will be organized on the evening of
Thursday Jan 31. W. A. Woolicver has
been here for some time working in the
interests ol that order and his etTbrts
have been attended with a good measure
of surces.
Pheby;tiieI'hotographer, whose Stamp
and Multiple photos have attained such
great popularity, is now introducing a
small platino portrait taken In three
positions, wliiili, being given artistic
and fancy lighlings and llnished in the
latest carbon tones, are made extremely
Ask the Hair Kiddle Hdw. Co. for
pamphlet concerning Spraying and
Spray compounds.
Tne Gold Hill News has changed
ownershipand is now under the manage
ment of Geo R. liamiiiereley. F. K
Churchill, the lornier editor and pro
prietor will remain for a lime nt !eat to
aiaipt in (he merhaii'utl work of the
ollii-e and will Kin'ijiue h's photograph
E. P. Yii kory of I'ppcr Forest Creek,
lnclio:i county, had a narrow eecnp?
from drath during the latcsiorm. He
was under a hay shed, whic h collnpted
from the weight of the enow, completely
covering him up. If it had nut been for
timely assistance lie would have lost Ills
A meeting of the business men was
held at the bank Saturday evening to
listen lo the reading of the proposed
charter and a citizen's inietiug was
called Monday evening for the same
imrpcse. Intelligent discussion of the
charter being impossible un h r the
conditions which prevailed at that
meeting it was decided lo publish the
document instead.
A II 1) 1' Ilritiade social, under the
auspices ol the Y. W. . T. U., w ill he
given at the I. O. O. F. hall on next
Wednesday evening, Jan. 30. Avery
enteitaining program has been prepared,
of which one of the features will be a
drill by the Boys' Brigade. The pro
gram will alno include several piano
solos and other entertaining numbers.
The object of the social is to provide
financial a-sistance for the brigade.
Ticket 15 cents,
The S. P. D. A L. team indulged in a
lively runaway Saturday in which sport
they were joined by other participants.
They started from the depot and struck
a lively gait down Sixth street. At they
passed Calhonu's grocery, they were
joined by the delivery team of that
establishment, who derided that if there
were any fun going on they would par
ticipate. It was an unusual and exciting
scene to sea two runaway teams in
dulging in a neck and neck rare, but
Calhoun's team finally succeeded in dis
tancing the other so badly that the
latter stopped in nisgust. Both teams
were secured withoatauyserious damage
having been done
Such little pills as DeWitt's Little
Early Risers are very easily taken, and
they are wonderfully effective In clnaoe
ing the liver and bowels. Dr. W. F.
If you want a box of fine candy, go to
For sale cheap, walnut cased piano, at
Layton hotel.
"It takes the rake." But Myrtle Creek
Flour makes the cake.
Smokers will find rare opportunities
for selection in the many linea of choice
cigars at Wilson A Roper's.
Downing A Strickland areorenlnga
retail bay and feed establishment on
Front Btreet just west of Fourth.
Hair-Riddle Hdw. Co. carry a full line
of Spray Pumps and Pruning Tools, and
are agents for Dunne's Solid Sprays.
5The S. F. D. A. I.. Co. held their
annual stockholders meeting on Satur
day. No change wsa made in officers or
Harry Peterson, foimerly a resident
of our city is about to open a reading
room, confectionery and cigar store and
billiard parlor in the McCarthy building
Last Wednesday evening the order of
the Eastern Star gave a reception aud
banquet at the Masonic hall to Mrs.
Jessie F. Vert, grand worthy matron,
who was visiting tbu order.
George Sparlin of Williams was very
seriously injured last week by being
struck on the head by a limb from a
falling tree. He is suffering from con
cussion of the brain and his recovery is
considered doubtful.
Scott Griffin handles Ashland flour,
Utah alfalfa seed, Oregon red clover
seed, winter oats, large Russian while
rye, new crop timothy seed, wheat for
seel also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa Hay,
Timothy Hay. Oat Straw, Chop Barley,
Corn, Wheat, Oats.
Quality and not quantity makes De
Witt's Little Early Risers eucb valuable
little liver pills. Dr. V. F, Kremer.
Miss Ethel Palmer entertained a
number of the orchestra members at her
home on Saturday evening. The eve
ning was spent musically and socially
and was greatly enjoyed by every one
present. Several of the orchestra assist
ed with special numbers In the enter
tainment of the evening. C. J. Kurth
rendered a very beautiful violin solo in
a most artistic manner. Fred Cheshire
followed with a tuba solo, the company
manifesting their appreciation by de
manding an encore. R. L Demaree
contributed a vocal solo, "Asleep in the
Deep", his musical baritone voice show
ing to fine advantage. Refreshments of
cocoa aud cake were among the pleasura
ble features of the evening and a flash
light photo wsb taken to provide future
souvenirs of the pleasant occasion.
Good Wages Guaranteed.
liuy your Clothing now You'll
Never get another Suit so cheap.
This is our
....HOT -TIME SALE....
Remember, wc mean
A really Hot - Time
time at the old store.
P. H. Hartb & Son
Grantt Pail School Notes.
The school hand organic! last week
with Louie Axlell leader, and Charle s
Stewart, secretary and treasurer. The
member of the hand and the parts taken
hy each are :
Louie Axtell Solo Cornel
Elmer Werli First Cnrnit
Kirkman Robinson Second Cornet
August Schallhorn Solo Alio
Robert Stiles Vlto
New ill Alio
Carl Ryniers First Tenor
Charles Stewart Tuba
Frank Everton .Baritone
Allan McKentie Snare Drum
William Fry Ban Drum
The boys have secured l'ruf. K urth as
instructor for a few weeks. They meet
two evenings each week and expect to
be an excellent band by the the Pro
fessors aid. The boys desire to extend
their thanks to Ihote who so kindly
aided them in raiting finances.
A lout W new pupils have entered
school since the holidays.
Among those to enter the high st hool
we notice M angle and Anna llann-lh in
I lie graduating class, and Robert Slitei
in the ninth.
From the report of the nionlh just
closed we glean tne following: Number
of punils who attended at any time dur
ing the month, CI7; average number
belonging, CMi2; .average daily attend
ance, uJ2
Choral Union.
In view of the fact that the Kue
River Choral L'uion will hold its (ourth
annual convention in Grants Pass
March Mb to 8th, l'l )1, every member la
urged to be preterit on next Monday,
January 2Sth, as important arrangements
will come up (or consideration at that
meeting. II. C. KiMNtr,
I Gko C'aixta. Rec'r. Tres
Friday morning Jan. 18, probably on
Sixth street, near D, or on D street, a
pair of silver frame glasses in case,
Finder pleat Ware at this ollice.
Wc Touch Your Appreciation
With our display of fancy canned Roods, with
out exception the best ever put up. Let us tell
you why they're the btst. It's an interesting
About Good Coffee - - - -
If you've never tried our Mocha aud Java you'v
missed one of the pleasures of life. Our custom
ers say Its the best in town. They ought fr
New aud choice line of Ladies' corsets
at the Bazar.
' A rare opportunity to buy Crockery at
cost at Cramer Bros.
Sliced Dried Beef aa yon want it.
White House Grocery.
President McKinley likes his break
fast food cooked in a "StranBky"'
Enameled boiler. Sold by Cramer
Bishop Morris will hold services in
St. Luke's church on Sunday next,
January 27th at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m.
All are cordially invited to the services.
Edom cheese, fall cieaiu cheese,
Breakfast Bacon, Sugar Cured Hams.
White House Grocery,
There will be au auction sale of
children at the Salvation army hall on
Saturday evening, January 20, Coffee
and cake will be served after the meet
ing. Every oue invited.
Baker Bros, received on Monday a
very important addition to their steam
laundry, a large steam mangle. Then
laundry was already among the very beet
equipped to be found in towns of our
size and larger, and the last addition
appreciably raises its comparative status
The proprietors are first-class laundry
men aud with the aid of their up to-date
machinery are turning out a quality of
work which insures them a most satis
factory patronage. Ever since they
began operations they have had a
volumo of business fully equal to their
highest expectations.
Thorn: s Gordon, the old man who was
I adly burned near Inland a short lime
ago, is at the county poor lurmanil hit
death is hourly expected.
Williams Bros. t Kendall have pur
chased the McAllister saw mill, situated
on the Applcgate about two miles above
Murphy. They havu already told the
entire output w ith the exception of what
thev will ui-e themselves.
A lniiiidrcM fur hotel . Laundry with
range, hut und cold water, tlalionary
till, fumi-hed. Everything convenient
und no heavy lifting Wukh fitO per
mouth. Applv to
W. 8. WOOD,
I'alui-e Hotel.
At the annual meeting of the nieiubeis
of the First National Bank of Southern
Oregon held on Saturday, the following
officers were elected: R. A. Booth,
president; J. C. Campbell, vice presl-
lent ; J. I). Fry, cashier; K. E. Dunbar,
issistaiit cashier.
Opera House, one night only, Thurs
day, January 31, thai funny farce
comedy, "The Star Hoarder" headel by
Chat. H. Boyle, and a big company of
funny people. New songs and medleys,
and pretty dunces. A host of charming
girls. A number of bright specisltita.
22 clever entertainers. Prices 75, 60
and 2o cents.
An Eariwit Worker for the Farmtri.
That extraordinary semi monthly,
Farm And Home, eltewhere advertited,
it. perhaps, the most earnest worker for
farmers of any of the agricultural press.
It not only believes in and preachet
organization and co-operation, but thowt
its readers how to do it. It is con
stantly on the alert to help them to
make their business more profitable and
put money In their pockets, as well aa to
advance their social, moral, educational
and political welfare. A copy of Home
made Contrivances, a most useful book,
containing UV) pagns and 750 Illustra
tions, it included with each subscription.
Calhoun Grocery Co.
V. L. Crowe went to Horubrook
Miss Dot Day of Murphy Is visiting
with Miss Ethel Palmer.
II. L. Clarke baa assumed a position
as clerk at Hotel Josephine.
Miss May Sutton visited Saturday and
Sunday at her home in Ashland.
Mrs. C. L. Clevenger is visiting this
week with her parents at Roseburg.
Geo. P. Furinan returned last week
from a two months absence at Klamath
Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Dodge returned
Thursday evening after a two months
absence at Portland.
Mrs. A. S. Rosenbaun of Wolf Creek
returned on Monday evening after a
visit to Grants Pass,
C. E, Harmon and J. A. Jennings left
on Monday evening for Salem to attend
the legislative session.
Mrs. J. Little returned last Wednes
day to her home at Medford after a visit
with her sister at this place.
Alius Elsie Howard returned home
last week after a months visit with
relatives and friends at Medford.
E. G. Holman, of (he firm of Hoi
man A Son, went to Portland Thurs
day to take a course in embalming.
Mrs. Joseph Most and children went
to Rnsoburg last Wednesday evening to
vitit with her sister, E. P. Tynan, They
relumed Tuesday evening,
A. N. Suliss, the promlnont Jackson
county attorney, was a passenger on
Monday evening's train, en route to
F. W, Blake, the well known con
fectioner and former proprietor of the
Novelty, left ou Sunday evening with
hit family (or San Francisco, probably
to remain.
Mrs, Fannie Ellis, railroad and tele
graph agent at Seaside, visited friends a
short time today. She is en route to
New Mexico . on a business . trip, but
expects 10 return about the 1st of next
month. Tidings.
Dr. W. II. Flanagan and Miss Lillle
Bradley went to Portland Thursday eve
ning. Miss Bradley is visiting there
with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Grimes. Dr.
Flanagan returned this week.
Rev. D. T. Summeryille returned
Friday after his trip to eastern Oregon.
He had some thrilling exiieriencea in
the recent storm. In travelling from
Lake view to Paisley to fill an appoint
ment at the latter place, lie was lost in
the snow storm and escaped perishing
by exposure by only a narrow margin
Tom smith, our councilman and late
assessor, left Thursday evening lor Port
land and other points to look up a loca
tion. His family will remain here for
several months at least, Mr. 6mith is
an enterprising and esteemed citizen
that Grants Pass regrets to lose and we
hope he may yet decide to remain with
A New 10 Section
Wide vestlbuled Tourist Sleeping Car,
with all up-to-date conveniences, Is a
part of the Northern Pacific's new North
Coast Limited, which makes itt first
trip May 3. Procure a North Coat
Limited lea lie t. A. D. Charlton, Aat't
tien'l Pan. Ag't, 255 Moiriton St., Cor
3d, Porllan.LOre.
Notice to Muiic Lovers.
Several parlies representing them
telvet at dealers in pianos, have repre
sented themselves ss agents for lbs cele
brated Weber, Wheclock, Stuyvesant,
United Makers and oilier pianos. We
desire to notify all residents of Josephine
county that the Cots Piano House, at;
Medford, Oregon, are the aoi.K auknts
for these makes for Josephine, Jackson
and Lake counties, and if you want one
of these pianos or an organ, you will al
ways get a better deal from headiuar
ters, and not be led into buying inferior
grades from supposed agents. We guar
antee perfect satisfaction, so when you
need an Instrument, just drop us a hn
and we shall be pleased to call ou you
or meet you at our wareroouis in Med
ford, where we have a large stock ol
instrument! always on hand.
Cohh Piano House,
Medford, Oregon.
CON KLIN In Grants Pass January I,
llif.l A U. ....I VI I- - v 1 - -
l.nri, iu 01,. aiiu iir, tfBiueS 11, VUI1
I in , a son.
HOWELL In Grants Pass, Jan. 20,
l'JOO, Win. Howell, aged 18 years.
BROOKS In Williams Creek district
Jan. 15, 100!. W. J. Brooks, aged
anoui 7U yeara.
ENOLEDOW In Same Valley, Jan. 11.
1901, Mrs. T. S. Engledow, aged 70
The deceased leaves two daughters
and four sunt.
Office on 0th St. oppo. Court House.
Residence North 7th St.
Advertised better LlaC
Following is the list of letters remaining
uncalled for in the Grants Pass post-
office, Saturday, Jan. 19, 1901 :
Bennett, Mrs. Addle, Jackson. Mrs. Editb,
Kerck.Miss. Moon. Mrs. C. S.
Sbipman.Mrs. Laura, Snider, Miss Nellie,
Beales, Mr. Archie, Green, Mr. Wm.
nerrjert, joe, 1-ong, Air. s. M.
Maston, G. A. Tafllinger, B. J.
Virtue, J. W.
C. E. Harmon,
The most Soothing, healing and
ntiseptic application ever devised is De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It relieves
at once and cures piles, sores, eczema
and skin diseases. Beware of imita
tions. Dr. W. F. Kremer.
r. l. coe & cor:
Hew Spring Stock
Ladies' Gents1
Dependable Footwear.
No house in the United States Is making a greater effert to se
cure, please and retain the best class of trade In Ladies' Men's and
Children's Shoes than the Big Store. At your very doer we are
showing one of the laigest and most carefully selected stocks of
shoes ou this Coast. No house on the Pacific Coast is giving their
customers better values. No house on the Pacific Coast will show
you better made goods. We buy only of the most Dependable
Here are some of them you know them. Everyone knows
woi' 4,
h i(JL
Tingree & Smith for Ladies', Men's and Children's Shoes,
$1.25, $1 50 $1.75, $2.oo, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $.oo.
$3.00, $3.50, $100 and $5.00.
Our Specialties:
$3 4 s3 50 SHOES
2 Union 3
if. j .
Also $5, $4, $2.50, and $2.25.
mane , x
5 IQUirY
Hamilton-Brown Shoe
$1.50, $1.75. j2.oo, $2,25, $2 50.
$150, $1.75. $2.00, $2.25, $2.50.
$1.00, $1.25, ft. 50, $1.75.
If you find any paper or
leather board inner sole or
counter in any of the above
X?t 'J
lines of The II. B. Shots bring them back to us and we will make
you a present of a new pair. No house iu the United States can of
fer you better values.
We are not. afraid to quote prices We are not afraid to show
or compare our goods. We don't want your trade if we can't save
you motley.
The BIG STORK is going to make Business Hum this year.
Look out for Flying Bargains we are after them.
R. L,
Coming Events,
Jan. "3 Ladles Aid society dime
social at Presbyterian church.
Jan. 31 "The Etar Boarder" at open
Feb. 4 "A Turkish Bath" at opera
Feb. 14 K. O. T. M. grand ball at
opera bouse.
Feb. 25 Frank Cooley Dramatic com
pany at opera house.
Jan. 30 Y. W. C. T. U. social at
I. O. O. F. ball.
Another lot of notions just in at tha
Japanese bazar.
OF -
and Children's
These Bhoes are suitable for all classes of
business and professional men. Working
men can wear them with economy, and dress
their feet as stylishly as the merchant or
banker. One pair will wear as long as two
pairs of cheaper goods.
We have just received a fresh line of these
shoes made in CALF, PATENT CALF,
sues and widths and many new styles.
r-r. vnMEN