Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 10, 1901, Image 4

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flu..., Umuub OVknaO
fITOUDNT that bump yon!"
VV murmured tha faro dealer,
reflectively, u a thin pock-marked
man passed tha corner of Broadway
and Thirty-eighth atreet.
"VVhafa thatr aaked tha red fol
lower. "Stein" yon throw the (rapped oun
tenance up agalnet Hcnuecsr. Ray,
waan't yon feedin' him couple yeari
ago, when I aeen yon down V Hew Or
"Sure!" aald tha race man.
"And now yon throw him down?"
Thafa right."
"Woman ?"
"Kot on your life." ' -
"What tbenr
"Say," aald the raoa man, "d'y artr
hear how me and Henneaay come to
gether, an' what happened to both of
"Well, Ifa a qntvr itory, and It floae
to ahow what a freaky thing luck la.
We couldn't ever trot double. If Hen
nessy la flying high, I'm cold broke,
an' if I'm winner, Ilenncssy't on tha
pork. Besides, he could never etay
aquare with a friend nohow."
"Well, how about It?" aaked the
faro man.
"It nil lifter the season eloaed at
Brighton Ileaoh In '87. Henneaay had
been up against It for four lung,
warm, weary montha. He'd been
playiu' tverylbln' In the buaineaa
from favorite to 100 to 1 ahota, an'
he couldn't win breakfaat money.
I'd been foll'ln' tho western circuit
11 aummer au' had nursed up quite
a wad, an' when I come back to New
Tork the first man I run againat ia
Henneaay. He was eomln' out of
Blxth avenue beanery, where they aell
coffee for two cents e oup, an' say, if
ever any man looked like a bad nickel,
It was Hennessy. I'd seen him when ho
was rollln' high out In California,
an' I had a few drinks with him then,
an' some guy had told me that Hen
neaay was a man 'at never stood by
his friends. Hut say, I was sorry to
Me a man down on his lurk, an' I aaya
to myself, I'll help him to take
brace. So I flta him out from feet to
finish, an' then I promises him W a
day for two weeks to play the ponlee
me layln' off awhile to real.
"Well, after a few days Henneaay
begins to do business again, and in
side of a month had nursed together
a little wad of about three hundred
" 'Now,' aaya J, 'we're off to New Or
leans.' "An' we went an' started Into the
game the next day. Hut Henneesy's
luck had changed again, and there
wasn't anything he could win. Neith
er of us could mnke It out. Uennrasy
said he's gone into the theater, with
hia umbrella up, an' I gueas p'rhapa
that's what it was, but anyway, be
whs a dead one from that on, and in
two days he didn't have hut $.W In the
world. Then I told him to stick to
me and follow my plays, and ha did,
and In two days I had lost $1,700 and
all of Heunvssy'a $50 was gone. So I
gave Ilenneasy $1(1 to start fresh on
and told him to lay his own money
an' keep away from me. So he did
and lost every nickel of it before
"Well, It waa up to me to take care
of him. So he goes off and geta a
little more somewhere, and overy
mnrnln' bo's 'round to my room for
break fast money and I'm glvln' hlin
in to feed himself and play with.
That kept up the whole winter
through, me giriu' him IS every day,
besides drlnka an" clgnra, an' Inumlry
billa, and every now and then a ten
ner to get bis stuff out that he'd
hocked. Hut I guess It waa luck In
me, because 1 lived high every min
ute of the time and quit the game
$3,300 better than when Ilenneasy and
me started south.
"I guess Hennessy thought the
same thing, 'cause he cornea 'round
one morning and snys If I'll slake him
to a little roll he'll quit mo and try
his lurk on the western circuit. Ho I
gave li I m $5iio and he started for Chi
cago. It waau't long before we heard
of his luck, and my five hundred be
gins to come back.
"Good? Why things just swam his
way. I waa glad of It. although I
wasn't doing so well myself. As llcn
nraey's stock went up mine started
to slump, and pretty soou I was In
the hole up to my neck. When the
QMwting elueed it left me stone broke,
with only one suit of clothee left and
Mvin' In a ball room near the corner
of Ntuth avenue and Thirty second
treat. Thin I began play In' the
pi )1 rooms with what money I could
borrow here and there, but 1 couldn't
get enough ahead to make any kind of
play, and I Imuran to think If thlnga
dfclu't come my vay I'd hava to quit
the game ami go to work."
"Hey, wouldn't that bump you?"
aid the faro man.
"Well, ulxmt this time one day," re
sumed the rare follower, "I waa coin
ing down Broadway, fueling pretty
ore and mean and raggy. I'd hail
nothing for hrt-Akfeet but batter
eakee and ooftoe, ami I didn't Just
know who was going to stake me for
dinner, let alone a dollar or so Just
to try If my hick had betrun to
change. Well, while I waa feelln' thli
way, uot es sally sure If I wouldn't
ehiiek the whole business and alias
Job, who do I run against but lieu
ruwsy. Me was Just coming out ol
Manln'e wish toothpick eticktnf
out uf hie Jaw and a look on his faet
like ho was full up to tha rliln wilt
green turtle emip and linked troui
and roull ranvnalmek and ncsselrudi
pudding, with a pint of champagne
Don't Rub It In.
cotcli Remedy
rc four food kiiodi why tftry
fcoald sm this mncdyt
1 nvFr ana aeeavst
weeum -v o. sits nnn el
w ii-ir QMoutwf ie
ar posiu....
medicine, 60c, ew.e
drug tore.
tire litis liver Dills
Little Kerlv Risers.
ra .
Trial PK Cv -i
Vv 'T
W. F. Kremer
and a poaace cafe at the end of ell.
Say, tt made me hungry Just to look
at hia mug, and he was wearin' a hot
sllkex an' a long coat and a diamond
lamp fit to knock an eye out of the
ptinoe of Wales, and, any, when t saw
Henneaay that way I thought 11 waa
like flndbi' mine. There waa ready
money all over him.
"An', of course, he staked you good
nd plenty T said the furo man.
"Did I say that Ilenneiiay bod
pint?" mused the race follower. "Well.
maybe It waa two of them and maybe
It waa three. Anyway, Henneaay had
a little skste on. It waan't enough to
excuse him and It waa Just enough
to make mean man nasty.
" Hello, Ilennessy, says L
'Hello,' ssys Hennessy.
"And t saw then and there that my
gold mine was a frost. Hennessy waa
gtvln' me the go-by. But I was too
hard up to be haughty, so I stops him
"Say, Hennessy,' aays I, 'are you
gotn' to walk past a man like that?
Don't you know me T
" 'Yea,' aaya Hennessy, with a kind,
of an ugly grin, 1 know you well
" I've been m bard luck since I saw
you, Hennessy,' aaya L 'I'm on the
bog for fair stone broke, old loan I'
" That don't surprise me,' says Hen
Bessy, 'not little bit.'
" 'It don't I' aays I, and you can hot
I was surprised, if he wasn't.
" "Not particle,' says Hennessy,
'you went broke when I quit you, be
cause I was your mascot. You stole
my luck, aud I figure that you owe
me about $5,000. The minute I left
you things came my way.'
"Well, I tried to laugh. 'Why, Hen
neaay, old man,' snys I, 'you're string
In' me. D'ye take me for a hoodoo 7
"That's what I do,' he says, 'the
worst hoodoo this side of the Kocky
"'Well, ay, Hennessy,' snys I,
'stake me for a hundred and let It
go at that?'
" 'Not nickel,' aays Hennessy.
'You got my luck onoc, but you don't
get It again, see!'
"Then he turned bsrk Into the cafe,
and I could see him through the win
dow nrdvring new quart."
"Wouldn't that bump youl" eold the
faro man. t
"Say, Isn't luck about the queerest
thing on earth?" continued the race
man philosophically. "Here was Hen
nessy a tramp only a year before, when
I waa a high rider. Now, I'm on my
uppers, and llennessy'a on the wave,
and yet at that very minute my luck
was on the turn. I walkril around the
corner where I could curie llcum-ssi
on the quiet and there in a little hea
of wet dirt by the curbstone 1 saw
something shining. I picked It up. It
was a five-dollar gold piece, and then
is a hole In It. Ray. do you remcntlmi
me coming Into your bsuk with it?"
'Sure," said the faro man.
'Say, it needed lot of nerve to lay
the whole five on one card, and nu
hungry, ton, but 1 was sfrsld if I'd
break the five I'd break uiy luck, see?"
1 he faro man saw,
"So I laid It In one bet, and won ten
times running. Then 1 culled the
turn, and Anally quit $4,000 winner.
Bay, that was about the dizziest ganie
I ever played, aud when 1 cashed in I
went aud rat the best dinner that the
Tenderloin afforded. .
"Well, I tliilu't see anything more of
Hennessy until January, when I went
to New Orleaus again with a small In
terest In a string of good ones
aud another Interest in a com
bination book that a guy tunned
Shorty Allen was running. I us
riding high again, aud IIciuicshj
wuau't. It did aeem queer, but II lonktil
like we both couldn't do ImsiiH-Mt nl
the aauie time. 1 ran against him sev
eral tliues-auik made as if I'd forgotten
the throw down he gsva uie in front of
Martin's, and at last out day became
aweatin' around to my rooms, loukin
for tip. Oue of our horses Has en
tered for seven furlongs on the neat
ilny, wltb about one chutirr In a million
of winning, but llruuisay hail an Idea
In his hat that the race et to be Used
Ha ifldii't know I was interested ill the
nag, but ho did know that 1 had an In
side track with the stable ami came to
find out which way the cat was gulu' to
" 'Kay, old pal,' he said, "I've only gol
$1,000 left and I want to make a big
play to-morrow ao'a to get rven ngnin
and I can't take any chances. Can't
you put me wise?' "
"Say," said the faro uian, "wouldn't
that bump you?"
"So I told him to see ine au hour be
fore the rare," the rare follower went
on, "and he went away, Hay, d'ye think
It was up torn to give hlin any struighi
"After Ilie way be turned you down?
Nltl" returned the faro man.
"Well, next day the mare was a five-to-one
ahot. and about an hour Iw-fore
trie race Henneaay came sneaking up.
" 'l'o I play her? ha says.
Tor all you're worth,' aaya L
" Snre?' he snys.
" 'Sure,' says L
"Well, the book I was Interested1 In
was offering a shade better than the
others, and llennoesy went against It
to the limit. In 10 minutes every nickel
he had In the world was laid against
my horse. When I hey were at the post
llcnnesaf- sneaked up sgaln.
'Sure? he asked.
"1 gave him a cold grin aud juat said:
"lie turned pale and gasped. 'But
you nab): "Sural"'
' 'Oh, well, Henneaay,' I said, there's
nothing aure. I always thought I
sure of ou until you fouled me. The
mare might spring a tendon, or nin
wuhi, or anything. See?" And some
thing 'id hspen - I'm not ayln' what
Au)ny the favortle romped III an
eaajr winner and Hennessy was broke.
lies liceu liruko ever since." N. V.
The New Inm-lst HIeeplug Cars
On the Northern Pacific, have the wo
men's toilet rooms an I lavatories si pur-aU-d.
Men's lavatories in these earn
have two wash baiiiia ami are also dis
tinct from Men's toilet room. You will
apprrriatit all Mm. A, ). Charlton,
Ass'l ticit'l I'ass A,:'!, Si.) Morrison St.,
Cor 3.1, rorlland. tiro.
Don't tme any ol the countc. fails 1 1
IV Witt's Whn-li llsiel Salve Most of
thrill arc worthless or Imbls to cause
injury Tho iiiiginal le Witt's Witch
Hasol eslve if a certain nut lor piles,
ecu ma, ruts, scalds, bums, sores and
akin diseases. Dr. W. F. Kremer.
Klrclrlo Lights.
In the bertha ol the Standard Pullmans
ol the Northern l'acitlc'i new North
Coaat Limited ill le appreciated by
ccoast anil inland empire travelers.
to each section. Ask our
i North Coaat Limited leaf-
larltou, Ane't Oners! Tas-
Morrison St. Cor. 3d.
aur tl
Is rstast ssnisea ilssess ana Is sxet with
eateafst rmaf wnmee. It Is sensed from sa
lsievsTtabs4 esndltlea ef the Meo4. Btlof a
set lassas Cklerusls
esa be sarsa r
Teastsble rsmsdf for
Uie Mens ssd aarvsa
UCUTAI win e
rich ths bleed sod five
It back lis besllhr, nd
solsr. Ths bleed betaf
la a er sondUtsa,
ens ef ths erxssa ef
tbs bedf srs preverlf
sortibed. ntia,
YAH will essse ths
blood to bseosis ssrs.
UsvYAN vtltreitorsthsorfanftasksslthr
esadlttso. MIIDYA9 wlU brlu bask lbs
kleea te ths ebesks sad essis tks rrsee tints
Is dlnriwsr. II yoe ksvs Uit irnpUaii, toss
CDt'AS aow.asd Ibsr IU Isavsjou.
eiu asks ths blood pars sad aauitloos sod
ths hssdsoh will dluppssr,
. oernvuri, or. rRLLeviifi orkbh
COMPLEXION -BI D YAM will msks ths
sowplsilea nd snd rosr.
I Ois wstsrr eoodltioa ef ths blo(Hl, and will
disappear ihortlr alter tin aas of lltDYA
la eonmsaasd.
THS nCART.-HUnYAW will ilrsuslbas
Ihs heart sad make lbs basts full, ilrouf Slid
TTJVYAIf la ths rsnisdr that vsu wast.
The osier will rstsra to yosr slioaks Yosr
Bsedochs will dliappsar aad res will so loot or
spwMr weak snd silisrsbls flHTA will
rasters ths fssottoss ef oetsrs. Itsaem .ar
hat BO YA II ll for sisa sad franin, Oe
Is rwsr dm nl it snd I IICUTA.l sad
Mlow ths diraalloas as ftvaa Is tbe elrenlsr.
TAX la aoid at IS esala per packafl,
Sr I paehages for $2.80. If rosr drasclat dool
set kap It, saad dlrael te toe lllnYAI
Bat BUY COlrAIT, lan rianclfcs.
Cat. Rmafsbar that yea eaa eoiilult tks
VB-YAM BOCTOfts) rHRS, Call a. d
sss the doctors Toe aisr sail and soo tboa ot
Witts, as r daalra Addroae
Hudyan Remedy Company
emer fee fan, Uartl and Mil StniH,
The Lijht of the World,
Our Saviour in Art.
Coat ncsrty H0).00) to produce. Con
tains nearly 100 fiill-iiave HiiKravitigH ol
our Saviour aud ilis Mother I7 tiir
world's gresiesl psintert. True cniea
of the greslrat MsHterpiects in the art
slleriefl ol Kurope. Kvery picture is sm
rK-snlilul s s sunrite over the liilitnps.
(ioiitsins dociiption of Ilie puintiniia,
biovrsphy of ll 1 e painters, the name
and lorsti na of the gailoriet in Kurope
where the orminali may lie aeen. AI-k
contain a Child's I pa r 1 111 r n t , inclu 1
nigs Child s ntory nl tna t hrirt and
Ills Mother, bestitifully written, to lit
-aib picture. Thia wonderlul book,
matchless In lis purity anil lieauty.
4ipeiiia lo every mother's Iteirt, ami in
every Christian home s, here there are
children the book aells Itself. Clirimi in
men and women are uiHking nionej
rapidly taking orders. A Christian tnnn
or woman ran in this rotntnumly soon
iniOte 1,000 taking ordi-rs lor Chriatmsf
preaeuts. Mrs. Waite, our agent In
M shsschiisetls, his sold oyer f;l,O0X)
worth of books 10 a very abort time
Mrs, Packet!, our audit in New York,
has sold over tl.fiilO worth of books in a
very short time. The book is prinled
on velvet-flnii-lieil pser, bi-uiitilulli
bound in Cardinal Ked and gold, and
adorned with tiolden Hohi s and Lilies
It ia, without doulit, the most beautiful
'Mink ol thin century. lViile for term
iiiickly anil get the management ol thai
territory. Von can work on salary 01
'ounnisnion, and when you nroye your
success we will promote you to the posi
tion ol Manager and Correspondent, at
A peiinanenl eabry, lo di vote your tiim
10 Alli'iiding lo aifchia and the cor
respondence. Wanted also a Hiute Mutt
titer to have chariie ol ollice in l.i-.nlina
Citt of Die Stale and manage all tlie
htiHuees of tlio Slatn. Semi lor terms
Corcoran Kui'iliiig. Opposite l N. Treas
ury, ashiiigtou, 11 V.
Oreek In llor.
All echiing iiiotca the follim-tiih
rouiciantioii hctwcin hiisliuud and
wife. lihc suddenly luhtrmtca him:
"What are Jou reudltig ao ulisorb
Ingly?" "It's a new Scotch novel."
"Oh!" erica the wife, with enthual
tiHin. "I'm ao fond of those dear dln
Icct things! Ho rend tnc a little!"
"t'nn .ton iiiidci'stiind It?"
"Can I iimlerstiiml it?" she repeats,
loftily. "Well. I should hope anything
von lire reading need not le Creek
to ine!"
"No, but It might lie Scotch."
"Well, go on, read jut where yon
" 'Ye see, Rlaple,' aald Duncnii,
doucely, '1 might line niiilr the iniittor
wi' me thna ye wad he aplcrin'. Al
IpIius 11.11 ecu in bit daslit, an' I'm
liciitin' the poolM-K tlnnhliu' in tna
ears, nu' m.i toonguc is elm in' when
it and tic gacin'; 1111' div )e no henr
the dlrlin' o' inn hnlrt, an' feel the
sliakin' o' ma lioud thie ihiy rin I gat
a gliiupM' o' ve, 011 i r hiiplin' like an
nuld 111011? Hil ye line triicas what's
n' the steer, hiiiney, wl'out me gnotu'
It mail- words?' "
"Stop! Stop! Kor giKslncse' aakr!
What in the world Is the creature try
ing to my ?" '
"lie's making a declaration of love."
"A ili-eliirittion of hs! 1 thought
he waa telling u lot of symptoms o
hia diH-tor!"
Tho t ( a Till.
The following story of the late Sir
John Mtllnis u couirlliiited by Lord
.lames of lltrrford to a rccnilly pub
lishcd biogtaphy of the great English
artist: Shotily after his title wascon
tcrred upon him Millnn paid a profes
sional 1s1t to Manchester. I poll his
return, inldn ssiug some friends In hia
cheery way, he suld: "on -fi-llowa
think it ia nothing to be made a bar
onet, but I can tell you that it means
a great deal, and 1 like It. Here you
ace I went to the hotel In Muntheatrr,
and 1 said to a lieautiful young pcrsou
at the otliee counter: '1 want a bed
room with a fire In It.' Oft she went to
a piM- anil said: 'Whist I No. sjs, and
a Hr.' She then asked me to write uiy
name, which 1 did. 1 nuking at me. she
said: 'Arc you Sir -loliu II!I,m ," Cp.
on my answering 'Yes,' hack to the
same pipe she went amlanid: 'Whist!
No. It. So. S3, and a good fire In it.'
Now you see the use o( being a baronet,
mr boys!"
The Latest Yarn.
A I'ltlsbuig diutnmer tells Ibis ysr 11
I always carry a holtle of Kemp's
Halsam in tnv grip. I take rhl easily
ami a few doses ol the lUlaam tlwa
makes me a well man. Kverywhi re I
go I speak a good word for Kemp. I
lake hold of my customers I take o!d
men and young mm, and le'l then,
eoiitidenlially what I do when I Uke
cold, At,diiik-,ul, Sic. and (kV.
Ik2- 3
There Is Oue Sll Which Is Inleaded
for Oenllenew with Blbnlows
Teadeacles. - '
A recent parade of about 100 motor
:ars in London exhibited all the latest
and best devices in the line of horse-
less vehicles, and many new designs
wrought over from the continent were
rcn for the first time on English
reads, reports the Baltimore Bun.
Lighter modes of constructin were es
pecially noticeable, and some of the
turnouts stand comparison with first-
pluva vi.'tfii-lfiK nrwt Itrniiirlianii flnj,
! cur in particular, which has earned for
itself the sobriquet of the drunkard a
ar," by reason of Its adaptation for
:!coholisti, attracted not a little at
tention. It is steered by a bath chair
handle, which is kept slightly pressed
lonn when running, but if the prea
mre is relieved or the bancle Is turned
in wide and erratic fashion It runs off
the presting pin and the motor auto
matically stops
The motor bicycle was also repre
uii ted in the procession a neat little
machine, hardly distinguishable from
the ordinary safety bicycle, except by
the adliiion of a tiny petroleum en
gine attached to the handle bars,
which is jcined up by an endless band
0 the front wheel, so that it is both
a front driver and stccrer. In ordinary
use the pid:i!a can be used as boot
rckU, Lot the petroleum can be
witched off and 1 lie machine driven
3y pedal 'and chain the ordinary way
it the rider's plennure omi the motive
power restored when a sicep hill has
to be overcome. Complete, this motor
bicycle weigh about 63 pounds. s
Tlie young mother thinks, when she has
complete! the baby garments that are to
clothe the little form, but site is not all
ready for baby's cotnine. unless she has
done something more for the baby than
merely to prepare his clothes. litany a
young mother who goes through hours
of pain and suffering wonders why it was
not possible to prepare in some way for
the baby's advent, and to avoid the
agony that seemed almost unendurable.
Dr. Tierce's Favorite I'rescription is the
one medicine for women which prepares
them erfertly, both for the burdens and
pleasures of maternity. It prevents the
morning sickness from which so many
women eullcr. It strengthens the whole
body, so 1 1 111 1 there Is no nervousness nor
anxiety. It promotes a healthy appetite
and causes refreshing sleep. It gives the
mother strength -for her trial and makes
the baby's advent practically painlees.
Healthy mothers have healthy children,
and it is tlie general testimony of those
who have used Dr. lierce's Favorite
Prescription as a preparative for mother
hood, that the children were healthier
and happier than those born after
months of mental misery and physical
anguish on tlie part of tlie prospective
Sick and afliug women are invited to
consult Dr. Tierce by letter absolutely
without fee or charge. As chief consult
ing phvsii ian to the Invalids' Hotel and
Sureicil Institute, HulT.ilo, N. Y., Dr.
R. V. Pierce, assisted by his staff of
nearly a score of physicians, has ill the
sist thirty years and over treated and
cured more than half a million sick and
sullering women. The testimonials of
these cured women are on record. A
large mitulK-r of them were cured when
doctors bad pronounced a cure impossi
ble ami after enduring years of useless
1-t no sick women hesitate to take ad
vantage of Dr. Tierce's oiler, but write
at once and so secure the professional
counsel of a socialist in the diseases of
women, entirely Jut. Ail correspond
ence strictly private and sacredly eonii
dential. Address lr. K. V. Tierce, Buf
fulo, N. V.
Hopod for Doathm
s For the sake of rsxir atinVrlns women, I fret
It my ihilv to inform you of thr K"ut tienrnt
our, Ine li is given titc," writes Mrs. Callte
lowU-s. of Walls, lrclcll Co., N C "Iwnsina
liio-O. initrrnlile condition when I wrote to you.
I lisil tilrritu itlsr-SM- so h.ot I eilit n,-nrcrly
walk sn.l sullrrrd siuh ilrenitliit misery 1 hoMM
to tie ri-lievfit tiv itr.ilh V.Hi wrote lo me lo
tske your ' Fsvonte I'resenplion ' sml t hsve
liikrn eleven t-tltlrs of II. suit two of your
' rii-SMlll I'rllrts.' 1 sill entirely well sml leel
like s new woliisn. I teet thankful to I.ikI aud
to llr. 1'ierce lor the hlrsslnits 1 now enjoy. I
have a tine tits hoy. two mouths old anil uei-vr
Hot atonic it well in my life, 1 csti I pratso yuur
uictnlues enough."
Vory Thankful.
1 will it very kIihI to uny t frw wonl fur Dr.
Plenr i h'dvmttc 1'ie-criittitin,- write Mm. I'. 14.
lKmj(U, (l MMitfrinvUlr. Ilrome Co., Qiirtprc.
"tttiMiihi th ftrt fiMir ttn'tillt whrn I ltmkril
(orwonl to tttvtuinii mother I utlrrrtl very
miuh Hum inmni Htitl vomiutiu mud I frit o
triritilr ik I oiUl M-atvrlv t.l or alt i ti Ik any
thniht 1 lutrrl nil kn.rW ol A-xl. Al tht tune I
wrtite to Ir Tirttv mtw he titltl me to urt hit
' I'ttviirttr frr:!ijiUtii ' ami ttotlle of fe..ilen
MrtWcnl tn overy ' 1 got txtle of each ami
when 1 h ti.t tiihrti them a ft-w ilavn, 1 fell tntuh
tu ttet, nnt heti I hnl tnken hinllv tltree t.trts
u(r.uh oottlr 1 U X urt-tl ami omltt rut ns well
nv tmr, n4 otiIl l tnv wuik wlthnut nny
tiintliie. (1 omul lint iloanv ttniihi tK-fntei, 1 fret
yrrv ttnukfitt to Ir I'irrcc to' hit uritl
1 tt M nil who Ir ll ine tht y ttre k k to get tltca
tuctltciucs ui wittc to Ut Vie ice
Vr. IScrx-c's Cimininn Siihc MtMical
Attviser, sent free oil receipt of tamp to
pay exjxnae o( mailing only. Send 21
one-cent t.t(ints for Uok in paper cuvcri
or 31 sutn4 in cloth tumling.
Dyspepsia Cure
Diaests what you eat.
It artlficlallT digests the food aud aid!
Nature lo atretiytbcDltig aud recon
structing' tlie citiauttted dlsostlv or
gans, ll la t ho liitcstdiscoiereiiiilk'cst
antaudUiula Nu ol Iter preparation
can upproAch It in efficiency, ll In
stantly rvllevesaiiil permanently cures
liyspepsla, ludltiestiou. Heartburn,
Klalulwtice, Sour Stomach, NauseA,
Sick lltiadaolicUastrulitia.Crampsanii
all other resuliaof iiniHtrfvcltliKestlou.
Irlce60e.anul. LarteaiteeontslnaMtlmea
sniallsiao. Iioek all al'uiilis-uiuiisirrvo
'rooors v . C DeWITT 4C0-Cblt0Q0
When Ilie stomach is tired nut it must
have a rest, but e can't live ithoul
food, kitdol Pyspepsia Cure "Jineets
hatyciieal" so Hist you can eat all
the sood t ied von sratit Inle it is re
storing llin ilii.-estivn organs to health.
It is tl.e onlv preparation that ilie-ts
all km. Is nl fiHHl Hr. W, F, Kremer.
Help ia needed at once when a person's
lite is in dancer. A net lected cough. re
did niy s,kiii hcci-me senons and
aSould he stopped at once. One Mmo
CjiikIi Cure titiit-k t cures roughs and
colds and the worst cases of croup,
urouclulis, grippe end other throat and
lung tioubiua. lr. W, I', Kremer.
hf Far
Beetle That Has the Cigarette Hab
it in Worst Form.
Bores Beles la Paper Covora am 4
Thrlvoo the Coatnaiu W hole
Stoeka la Itereo Mot fao
lories bestrewed.
There's a new bug In town, and it has
the cigarette habit in fact, it's called
the "cigarette" beetle, because of its
foi.UiH.ts lor the paper cigars. While
c caieuik are ite f.-.vorite "dope," this
bug iiijc not hesitate to lunch on the
dried tobacco leaf, and aa a conse
quence much consternation prevolla
among the growers, manufacturers
and ikcalere of the products of tobacco
leaf throughout the country. Great
loss i being suffered by the ravages of
this bug, principally in manufactured
In makirig an investigation the ex
perts of the department of agriculture
aaoert that among the many insects
injurious to curci) tobacco none ap
proach, In economic importance, the
species which has become knowivasthe
cigarette hectic The nnme of thle in
sect is more or Icae of a misuomer, since
the beetle not only feedw on all kinds
of dried tobacco, and even uujJT, but
also on many other substances, audi ai
rliuhsrlj, giriRer, rnyrnne pr-pper, ergot,
tumeric, yenat cskrs, rice, fig-s, pre
parI fish food am! dried plants pre
pared fur the herbarium. In short, its
eating rinhit! eulirm the assertion
Unit a stomach that eaa stand ciga
rettes cnir hold nnythhig. ,
Working aa ft dors in all kinds of
cured tobacco, and living In this sub
stance durintr all stages of its exist
ence, this lit:? diiningi s cigarcttee and
clifare principally by boring out of
tJiem. m.ikiuir round holes in the wrap
pers, ao that tliey will not "draw."
Leaf tobacco is injured for wrapping
purposes by bclnff . punctured) with
holes nmile by both the larvae and the
bcetlce, and fillers ami fine cut are de
preciated by the reduction of their sub
staucc by the acfjtnl amount consumed
by th Inrvne. Cigars and cigarettes
Infected by the bug have a 'cry diatinct
and dlrniT'cahlc flavor and odor.
As a protection for the shop keep
ers agnlitst the ravages of thia pest
the government recommrntla the
ftiniii-ntion of the stock of the estab
lishment with bisulphide of carbon.
Where the infection is confined to
show enrrs containing tobacco goods
a snuccrfiil of the enrbrn may be
placed therein over night, which will
L-e suflicient time to rid them of the
When the cigarette hug has once
gained a foothold in a factory it Is a
matter of consiilrrnhle time, expense
and energy to get r!il of it, and at tlie
same lime It In ns much as the reputa
tion of the factory ia worth M ullow
goods to f out nnivi the market con
taining the Insect in any form. Iloxcs
or piles of eitrars or cigar- If s should
be dirr.lnyrd in r.toi-es on';- in t ie'itly
c!oi.mI cases. This precaution ir. more
important during the letter part of
April, May and Inte in August nnd
September than any other time of the
This beetle also Inhabits drug stores
during the s.itumer months, and feeils
on many ortelei o;i the shelves of the
herb snd rof.t choraeter. The carbon
treatment should be made for its ex
IC Is Not Vol Completed, Though
Shown H'Mbont llreak on
Some Herman Maps.
Some recent works of reference apeak
of the trans-South American railroad
from Huenus Aynt to Valparaiso as
though it were now in full ojii-ration;
mul on at least three (iernian maps of
IMI8. aitppotctl to be authoritative, the
road is shown without a break, says
the New York Sun.
The fact is. however, that this Im
portant iiililitiou to the railroad facili
ties of South America is not yet com
pleted nnd is not likely to be for some
years to come. According to Mr. E. A.
Flta Gerald, the explorer of Mount
Aconcagua, the road has been advanced
on the Chilian side of the Andes up to
the mountains and some way into them
on the Argentine side, but in March last
there were still 44 miles of the most
difficult part of the road to build and
further progress will necessarily be
very slow.
At that time the road had been com
pleted up to Punta de las Vacae. in the
mountains on the Argentine side, and
toSaltodel Sohtedoon the Chilian aide.
The part yet to be built includes a tun
nel under the Cumlire pass, the summit
of which Is 12,7m feet above the sea.
The road through Uie mountains is 3 1-3
foot gauge, with rack nnd pinion for
the steeper grades. Even greater diffi
culties are involved than had to be over
come In building the lines into the
l'eruvian mountains.
By the Rsotsl Ilea l h of Christopher
Srkoo, Who Waa ftotd for
Ills lllasiera.
Christopher Sykes, the bosom friend
of the prince of Wales aud all the royal
family, died the other evening in Ches
terfield street, Mayfair, says the Lon
don Mail.
I.ast August Mr. Svkes had a par
alytic stroke, from which he hsd recov
ered; but the other morning be was
scrzed by a fit, and, never recovering
consciousness, passed away peacefully.
"Christopher," as his friends loved to
cail him, was the younger son of Sir
Tatton Sykes, the fourth baronet, and a
brother of Sir Tatton, hose eccentrici
ties and matrimonial troubles are well
keewc. lie was a big, loosely-built
man, a typical Yorkshirenian iu length
of bone, hard-headeduess and grim hu
mor, lie viai formerly conservative
member for the liuckrose division of
Yorkshire, and was the owner of Brant
inghamUiorpe, iu the same county.
.Mr. Sykes was a noted bon viveur.aml
la said to be the original of the "Mr.
rtrancepeth" of Disraeli's novel "Lo
thair," the grave young man who only
did one thing well, which waa the giv
ing of dinners.
The prance and princess of W'a'ei
were moil fund of Christopher Sykes.
and will feel his death keenly. Hut he
was wall kuown throsghout society,
and wherever he went be was exceed
ingly popular, lie waa in hia sixty
cifhlb. year.
At Red Time.
I lake a p'eassal herb drink, the nex'
morninit I leel bright and my complex
ion is better. My doctor says it arts
tenlly on my itomsch, liver and ai.iuei.
and is a pleasant Unlive. It ia mads
from berhe and ia prepared aa easily as
tea. ll ia called Una's Medicine. Al:
diUKtiats sell it at 76 cts. Lane's r ami
It Medicine moves the boe!a each day.
If yoa ran sot jet it, send f a Iree sam
ple. Address, Orator Woooaard, Lr,
lUy.N. Y. I
For 50 Years
mothers have been giving their
children for croup, coughs and
Cure v
Mothers have you Shiloh in
the house at all times? Do
you know just tvhere you can
find it if you need it quickly
if your little one is gasping
and choking with croup? If
you haven't it get a bottle.
It will save your child's life.
"Shitoh alsrs curej bit bstr of eroop,
coushsat.dcc.Ui. I en A not be without IL
MRS. . b. MARTM, Huoisvllla, Ala.
Rhllnh's Crmsnmntieo ire la enM try all
IrucKlatS at !-. SOo. 0)1.00 a birtlle. A
pr-lmeil arnranfre goes srlrh every buttle.
If ru are not salisle,! so to your urns-gist
sutl gel your luuney bsea.
Write foe itTttst-ared t-f-tr l cnfituuipilon. Sent
itbout est lo y.i. S. C. Wots Si Co.. lkor.M.Y
Some Reasons
Why You Should Insist on Having
U'leoualed by any other.
Renders hard leather soft.
Esjiecially prepared.
Keeps out water.
A heavy bodied oil.
An excellent preservative.
Reduces cost of your lurucss.
Never burns the leather; iu
E fhciency is increased.
tecures best service,
titches kept from breaking.
I s sold in all
Localities MannrVtoreJ!.,
Ntaaitard Oil i surslir.
Ttwro have boon placed upon tlm markot
tovenil cheap reprints of an DrrkMc wiitini.
of " WolMter'B Dtotlonary." Tlifjr fire beliif
offered under various names ut a low irieo
AfteaiAr OTOffT-a nffpnt. Oto.. ftf. 1
in a few Instanous as a premium for suUwrip
tiotia to pa,)ers.
AuooUDoements of thone comparatlvoiy
mprlnU ar rprr mlsleall(ig: frn Inntpnr?
they aw atlvertlsM to bo tho UihiiIihI
ejulvaUnt of a hiirber-prlci-cl Uik. wliuii ia
reality, w fr as wc know und bvliivu, tuuy
are all, t row A to Z,
Reprint Dictionaries,
phototype coplm of a book of er r fifty
ears airo, which in its titty wanwtM ttr hUnit
aifl which was imich MinTlor hi pHer,
print, tutd himliiiK to tlHfoiiiiitrtti"tj', trt-iti
tltcn a work of mmo merit iiiHttwl : hub
Long Since Obsolete.
The supplement of lO.OOO so-caHi-l "new
wonts," which some of thrtelHHkr.iutfirtvrr
tiwxi to contitin. wiw conipllc.! l.y n nentl''
njan who diet! over fortr yesrt n-f"' W"1 w-tul
pulillHliid U'fore Ui d'-ath. t)tlnr minor
addiliuns aru probably of wore or )cf value.
Tho Webster's Uatritjfed DletlMt uit
liithotl l.y tmr liouwo is tho only mei ifnnous
oim of that name fntniliiir to tins jreii-rit ion.
It contains nyr a0 pnvca, with liuet ra
tions ou noarly every pujie, and lx t our
imi'rtnt on the till' piifre. It in prulitjed by
vojyriirht fnim ctttap imifntio.i.
ValnaJjle a- thia work K wc have it vat
exiMMiso ptibliHhed a th--roiulily ri'viw d
au(fMtnr, known thi-onirhovit ill' wi Id tut
Webster's International Dlctioriry.
As a dictionary Ishu a lilt'tlmo iuu 4iuuid
Get the Best.
mustratcrl pamphlet frco. A'lditss
atC. MERR1AM CO.. Sprlni"tlJ, Asss
Qiiiiiine 10 yenvn behind. Colin do
not now have to bo endured. MiKt, h
)yn,mm' 1 a hulks (railed dyntunjc from
their encrpv) crowd a week'.- nn:arv
treat merit into V hours and aIhh the
aorfts of colds over niht.
"It was tho worn! caseof trrip 1 eveilind.
A half dozen friend had Hire cure-. Mi l
tt huntf on. Meant of tlie Pyn m n'T a n To my ntunzeinent they sliMipedlxith
coltl and eolith the (rt niht. I eniure
and recommend them to the peode."
iUnrxAT HuNLtY, Kx-memher of t onrresn
and Attorney. V'l .unxome htreet, han
Krancisco, July 7. 11HU.
Winter colds have always been seiotis
thin-pa to me. They are hard and sta: for
months, .tut tiie i&st was stopped sudu-nlv
by M xk pel's Iynaic. Tahulkt. loth
coui;h and cold disappeared in a coupt of
days. Nothing else does I Ins for ne.'"
Mm. Kmma Is. Hoi lin, 14 Moss M., San
Francisc o. Au- , '00.
"I live aero. the street from wiere
MrMKL"s Pyamic Tahuiks are irdc.
That is how t lirst took them, fhev-dop
Cstlds without notice. I took a duuu feics
with me for self and friends hen 1 et;t
lo Nome." il. I,. Vah Wiuklk, fapitiit,
Ml Wu-liiiiL'iun Mreet, San i-Tauoco.
August 10, l:n.
Hent postpaid for 2.r cents in stamp by
INLAND ()Un. r, 2! WaMimson
Street, San Krnn-ico. bjsiur
local hfieni M. Clkmks.
rA j&.jtV A jtV A A. AA AJi9
$000. YK.Uti.Y n n.riPtin K
in- i ui n't in u ir iro i
sfirr onr firon irjE Imrinei-s in thi Jf
and Adj-iiiii) ('"in'ii.; jo a t a
MAnsi r ami Cot n pp unit ni ; otl f
can 1-p done at Knr!osiP
m e-scd, ti.?mH i) enyM k
(ui pamc't!r In II. A STi'Tt-n n
ti-"etsl Mms'.'rr. Corcnran Itnilil V
i c, i)i i-.le Maws Irraifj
jj llr- . Wsslillikr ori, 1). t
tV -V V -V V V WW V Vi,
Wlien Ton reel 11 sooiliing sil
inf aniisepilr aipliriitu,n (nr y
1111. p ee, n-e tlm nrigirnl IV Wi
V inn Mmii-1 !iti-, s aell Vnoaii e e
fur 'i es ami ) in ihli-ssrs. ll. tits
Mre.- I. siii.g a sear. lli r.
iviih'i 1 ,', 1:.., Ill . - . K. K rem. r.
fir -ssy-sV
ttT CM. afOnDAN'S hntki
f MUSEUM of knm
TS. t.urM Autawkol Mfli r. s,
M.u,,anui.Cous tu 7
6. JC.Dsl-OillsSHIf fj
oTeeiLia , .-.w,tS
Sm itiN. MIH.I ll. ... l SlMoorf
rmenSM 1 NVM1H,
, or s, 'e,
w.r-uk.o, Wni. So
t- run eaos-HY ,
aaaaiaes. a. teas sssa. (i. mmtu k
Off. MaotR It 00.. ttll ahuea, Asa
Cavesss. aoo T4-af..h.-t. , .... e
, . - - - - - -" mm su rw
2o,...,. IT -TV"'" "ta.
aaa Saj
f " - - HMO SMS
"""t-- ei.'W sr .SrSe., '
,arra. Oor rt sot
" N"l,a ar a
JS S-.eowi.rT '-Hw a, Oks, --"- 1
Don't Be Duped
Send for Catalogue
United Tyi'iwhitcb & Svyvuea Co.
$17,500 in Prizes
THE DELINEATOR, the Magazine of Fashion well known for a generation,
celebrates the dawn of (he new century the year 1901 by offering 1901
prizes ranging from $500 to $5.00 to 1901 women. Total of prizes, $17,600.
Prizes will be awarded, not to those sending the largest number of sub
scriptions to THE DELINEATOR, but to those sending the largest number In
proportion to the population of each town In which they are secured. The
womanjlving In the smallest town has just as good a chance to win a large
prize as the woman living In a city.
To thlsT.end all towns and cities In the United States and Canada are
divided Into seven classes, according to population: .
CLASS ONI Includes all cities of tOO.000 Inhabitants or mr, In this olasa thers
are as prltaa to ba art van a war. tha highest beln ssoo, tha lowest SS.OO.
CLASS TWO InoludM all ortles from 00,000 to 200,000 inhabitants. In this class
thsrs are 133 pisas to be given away, tha highest bstng S400, tha lowest SS.OO.
CLASS THREI Indaoaa all oltlaa from 30.000 to SO.OOO Inhabitants. In thia olaas
there are 208 prtiee to be gtven away, the hlgheat being g3S0, the lowest SB.OO.
CLASS FOUR Inoludes all oities from 10,000 to SO.OOOslnhabitanta. In thia olaas
there are 257 prises to be given away, the highest being S3O0, the lowest SS.OO.
CLASS FIVI Includes all towns from S,000 to 10,0001 Inhabitants. In this olaas
there are 307 petiea to be given away, the hlgheat being S200, the lowest SS.OO.
CLASS SIX Inoludes all towns from 1 ,000 to 8,000 Inhabitants. In this olass there
are 3S7 priiee to be given away, the hlgheet being S1SO, the lowest SS.OO.
CLASS SCVIN inoludea towna of 1.000 Inhabitants and under. In thia class there
are SOI prizes to be ghren away, tha highest being SI 00, the lowest SS.OO.
Mill IlTR ATI ON A woman Ukme subscriptions in a city of .ooo population would
ILLUJUVrUlUil in Um fc T, woufd CODinete vilh others sending subscrip.
tions from towns of ,0.040 population up to 10,000. She would have sn opportunity of winning
one of prises, which migbt be as high as $100 sod could not be leas than $5. She would wis a
larger prue if she sent in twenty subsmpltons than would a women who forwarded twenty from
s town of n,ooo, because her proiirlion of subscriptions to population would be larrer. Tsis
betit OK case, some verr smsll lists will win soma very Urte srlzea. 1 11 one of our recent
prise oikxs, a wuiiun iu WasiirutOQ, U.C., won a prise of $,s lor securing- only 14 subscriptions.
NO CnSnmflN Th,e sLn" can srin seTtral prises la erery class by taking sub.
11U WUUlllVlta si riptions in different towns. The contest borius with this announre.
ment and will terminate FtbniaTT IStS, leal. Providing the 6rst order contains two or more
subscriptions, the will he acceprd al so oosta oars. Subscriptions tu be scut afterward at tho
so-u-'O.t ' "I'll f eoruary i rth, vm. 1 he regular price of Trie delineator ia Si.ooa year. Sub.
acription. must begin with November or December of 1900, or January, February or March of TjoiT
PROFITS FOR ALL Eve,nr omn who fails ito win ons of the above prises, but who
,-nh,hi,r. l . . TT d snbscrrptions at the propon ion of one to every two hundred
inhabitants of a town, will be paid a special prise of tea cents oa each subscription secured, ia
addition to the tea cents allowed above. r
and women can best recommend It to women. It Uarreat favorile aruoug lhe,n. -Hiere are
now more I tun four hundred and eighty thousand subscribers. If you us not interested in
this ollei, call the attention of your friends 10 . ' lu
ALVhW?T .l?.,w'In"L!,,e.,I'L5ro"0, "ortnore nhacrlptioni must mention that
' thfT are to apply upon ibe above ofler; comolele information rerarding priies7 with
THE DELIFATJH,'V,,IMSi'l,",-who ,,.n0' """ouhl iuain with the SriS ol
IHt UtLI.NhAlOK, full information will bs seat upon request. Address,
7 to 17 West 13th Street. New York
Courier and Oregonian i year for $:
1 mi n1 hi 1
rnmsitT n
Shasta Route
Trains Leave Grunts Paas for Port
land ami Way Stations at 4:40
a. 111. and 11:13 p. 111.
I.v. I'ortlanil 8:3,) a.m. 7:0) n m
Ar. tiraiital'ass... 1(I:-IS n m lit - in .,,
Ar. A-lilm. . . -j ,xi a.m. ll'lMam!
Ar. Saeraiuento A mint,, j .
Ar. SuiiKraiii'ieco. 7:45 p in. O.'ao .,
Ar. Otilen S J.'i t m
11:45 a. in,
" Ol a 111.
Ar. Ii.-nver 9 :fH) a 111.
at. ivsneaai.iiv. ::; a 111. 7 :2. a m
Ar. Oiteago 7:,V)a.iti (l:J0s.iii
Ar. I.,s Anjeles. . 1 :2') p. m.
Ar. Kl Push 0:o:t p. in.
Ar. Fnrt Worth. . ti m) a ,.
Ar. 1'it v ol Mexii-u :?", s. in.
Ar. Hon. inn. . . 4 :0t) a. m.
Ar. Near Orleans 0 :'. . ml
Ar. Waehington . fl:4J a. in
Ar. New York. .. 12:4:1 p. m.
7-ii)r. in.
0 p. in.
ti::;) a. 111.
II 5"i a. 111,
4:1 0 a. 111.
6:2.j p. m.
0 4'J a. 111.
12:4.' p. m
both trains. Cluir ears Sairamento In
leu ami Kl lVo. anil Tourist cars to
CliifSijo, St. Louis, XeW Orleans and
('(pntiffliiiit at (an Fianeiseo with
several steamship lnes lor Honolulu,
jspan, Chins, riiilipuine.. fvi,i ..i
South Amerii.
See J. Jester, agent at Urants I',
Pass station or a.Mress
C. II. MARKIIAM, li. p. A
Porllaul. Ore
.-"-. J se
Irnri'i oisioan
aloa'. i ana seoiTtrSto-. m i,
If.V.tS """""laL llsnar,,i
Scientific Jim;
I .. . -73 .
. e... os is-eras
A n.naw .1. nv.. . 1 . . . .
II-WWTTTK-- W1 trr
tav ! . . ' ;
Sewing Machine
Ball Bearing. Hi;b Grade and r-upenorin
eTery respect.
Kos Hals Br
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co,
Shortest and Quickest
Throuuh Palnt-p ami Tniiriat .i--p.
era, llnHK nml Hcr,., st,0klr,r
1. 1 lira 1 j Cars.
.1 ' " "', 1 "".ana ana
He t.KK.vr NOUTIIEK.N UY., on salt
7: """ i"Iiil ll.k.t Ofliee,
iTiniis li-s, o, ..UKAT MHU'liKrd
I2a Tiilnl Kire.i, I'nnlaiid.
Fur K,iti Fl,i, ,,i r,.i
rtynnling Ea..tern trip, eall on or sil.lresa
"T I:" "'' Tieket Auent. Portland
A familiar name for the Chicago, Mi'.
waukeeA8t. Paul Railway, known all
mer the Union as the Great Railway
running the "Pione-r Limited" train
every .lay ami night between St. Panl
and Chicago, and Ousha and Chicago,
'Tht only perlw-t trains in tl.e woild.'
Understand : Connections are made
with All Transcontinental Lines, assur
ing lo pass, ngera tht beetttryiot known.
Luxurious coaches, tiectrie 11. 1.1- ....
heat, of verity equalled by no other
eVe that your ticket reads .i. "Th.
Miltstikee" when eoimr in... .,:. :n
the United Stales or Canada. All tick-
tl agentt sell them.
For rales, paoiphleta or other infni-
matiun, address.
J. VV. dv, C. J. Eunr.
Tray. Pass. Agt. , General Agent,
8httl, Wasn. Pobtwsd, Ol