Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 10, 1901, Image 3

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CHASE & SAOTOM, Importers, Boston
We certainly take pride in bavin? the exclusive sale of this justly
celebrated Coffee for this part of Southern Oregon. It is used by people
all over the United States and Canada who know what good coriee is
Comes in 3-pound cans (full weight,
so-called Mocha and Java, at 40c per
(In bulk'), another of their finest glades, has a mild, rich flavor, only
found in the finest grades of coffee. We grind it, or pulverize it, just
as you preter.
Down They Go
Wo have decided to Close Out our
Decorated Patterns in Crockery, and
are making prices that speak for
themselves, Just take a look in our
corner window and soo what a small
amount of money will buy.
Cramer Bros.
Hair -Riddle
jm For Cash or on the Installment Plan,
General Hardware, Stoves, etc
Clearance Sale.
Some rare bargains in ALL GOODS.
Trimmed Hats
We have a few yet at prices that will Surprise you.
20 per cent off Regular Price.
Don't miss this Sale at
fllft, II I. M !t S i uV "V 1 '
not ground), no higher than the
Hardware Co,
J. A. Rehkopf's.
local toappenings
, Dr. Flanagan
Resident Dentist.
Go to Corun for Plumbing.
Whips. 10c to .50 at Uacketf.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist.
Fresh Oysters at the Post office store.
Full line of Cigars and Tobacco at
Bargains in CROCKERY at Cramer
Bicycle hospital for all repairing at
Cramer Bros.
Wood wanted on subscription at the
Cocrjkr office.
Send your ore to W. Q. Wright's
New CuBtom Mill.
A splendid l:ne of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Conn 'a.
Harness of all Kinds, tirades and
Prices at Hacltett's.
,W. GJWriglit cuetom mills ore test
ing and assaying.
TheBybee bridge ou Rogue river Is
undergoing repairs.
For Notion and Japanese goods go to
the Japanese Bazaar.
Fiesh Oysters, the large Eastern
kind, at Hanau'e oyster parlors.
Grants Pass souvenir Calendars, 26c
each, three for 50c. at the Courier office.
Unmounted photographs of Mt. flood
by Hicks; 5x7 inches, for 25c at the
Courier office.
A saw mill is being erected by O'Brien
and Watson on Koagh-and-Ready creek
six miles northwest of Waido.
County court is in cession this week
Commissioners court met Wednesday to
transact the business of the term.
Harry A. Smith, a miner, perished
from exposure in the recent storm, 00
Humbug mountain, Siskiyou county
while trying to reach his home at
. Robert Ogleeby, the Btage driver who
is under arrest for robbing his own stage
near Laieview, has practically confessed
his guilt. He will be taken to Portland
for trial before Judge Bellinger.
The V. W. C. T. U. is arranging for a
social to be given in the near future, and
the Hoy's Brigade will assist in the
program. The place and date will be
announced Inter.
Bargain in CROCKERY at Cramer
Mr. tud Mrs. It. L. Demaiee enter
tained a number of the orchestra mem
bers snd other friends at their home
Saturday evening. Music was the order
of the evening, which was thoroughly
eujoyrd by every one present.
A jib lot of second hand Hydraulic
Pipe,Llbows, Tapers and a large Head
light for sale cheap. Enquire of L. L.
Jewel or Eel us Pollock at the Hair
Riddle Hardware Co. store.
The Rogue River Valley Telephone
company has sold its line to the Sunset
Telephone company. Immediately on
takiig possession the latter company
cut tie line to pieces and destroyed the
Dinnis Stovall and C. A. Woolfolk,
organisers for the order K. 0. T. M. left
OU aturriar fcvaaius to work in the
inUsetits of that order at Leland, Placer
an J Merlin. On next Saturday, the?
will hold s public installation of officers
at Uerlin.
ifcrgains (n CROCKERY at Cramer
Pieby the Photographer, whose Stamp
an Multiple photos have attained such
gnat popularity, is now introducing a
srrill platino portrait taken in three
poitions, which, being given artistic
aui fancy lightings and finished in the
latest carbon tones, are mads extremely
. E. Kerley has opened his new feed
bin on Sixth and K streets. The build-
wliicli is not yet fully completed, is
biih substantial and commodious and
en finished will be very creditable in
abearance. Two rooms will be nicely
fllishcd in the front o' the building, one
oltliem especially for a ladies waiting
and dreieing room
jtlanr persons have had thee
ofMr. Peter Sherman, of Nt
ffd, N. H., who says: "Fc
North strat'
says: "tor vearn I
ultl'erei torture from chronic indiirea-
ten, bit Kodol Dyspepsia Cure made a
ll mm ol nie." It digests what vou
It ami is a certain cure for dyspepsia
4l every form of stomach trouble. It
4es relief at once even in the worst
cjws, and ran'l help but do you good.
. v . r . itremer.
According to a report to (iaine
aidon Quimby from his deputy in
ickson county, J. J. Howu-r, it is
ident that the unlawful killing of deer
southern Oregon has not ceased by
tiy means. During his trips in the
mountains in the season just past, he
discovered several parties of hide
lunters. lie told them that they were
jixler arrest but thev refused to believe
im and in some instances treated bitn
itb derision. Being outnumbered he
unable to enforce their detention.
toei ol the parties were from California
id had Indian guides.
New Enterprise.
A recent incorporation is that of the
regon Natural Gas, Oil and Mining
hinpany, in the rum of fl.OOO.000.
corporators, Scott Griffin, Ora Jewett
knd Arthur Morrow. The object is to
nk a number of wells at different
i laces in western and southern Orevon.
kith the object of securing a flow either
foil, gas or artesian water.
Mr. Urilfin has been for soma time in
lorrespondence with oil capitalists in
Indinana, who have sent representatives
esamine the field. Tbey aeem favor
ily impressed with the appearance of
country and the scheme is to cut
in six wells in as many different
unties, to a depth cf 1000 feet or less
the required commodity is found at a
Iss depth. Each stratum of rock
assed tbiough is to be assayed and
The stock is placed on sale at $2 per
lare, 10 per cent of which is to be paid
t the time of purchase, 40 per cent
hen the machinery for drilling is on
ground and lb remaining 50 per
cut at the completion of the well.
For Bale.
.Josephine county for sale; stock in
lire, H0O to 1500; building, 400. Pos
ition given July 1, 1901. Inquire at
If you Want a box of fine Cahtiy, go to
Take your shoes to Hackett for good
work and right prices.
Meals served at all hours at the
Novelty, Front street next to Fetsch'i.
rrlLDI Opp. Court House.
The S. P. bridge gang arrived here
Saturday, baying several days work in
this vicinity.
You have heard it said of something
"It takes the cake." But Myrtle Orck
Flour makes the cake.
Smokers will find rare opportunities
for selection in the many lines of choice
cigars at Wilson A Roper's.
The 8. P. D. A L. factory was com
pelled to close down this week, the snow
making it impossible for them to secure
a sufficient amount of dry lumber.
E. J. Burnham, superintendent of the
Ash creek saw mill near Upton, Cal.,
and J. N. Davis of Sisson were asphyxi
ated by illuminating gaa Friday night
at the United States hotel in San Krau
Scott Griffin bandies Ashland flonr,
Utah alfalfa seed, Oregon red clover
seed, winter oats, large Russian white
rye, new crop timothy seed, wheat for
seed also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa Hay,
Timothy Hay. Oat Straw, Chop Barley,
Corn, Wheat, Oato.
The large amount of snow in the
mountains have caused the faces of
placer mines to be wreathed with joy
The placer miner is thankful for raiu,
but snow fills him with satisfaction as it
insures a long run when it lies deep iu
higher mounlains and melts gradually
to feed the headwaters of the streams,
keeping up the flow till late in the spring
or summer.
100 MEN
Good Wages Guaranteed.
Buy your Clothing now You'll
Never get another Suit so cheap.
This is our
Remember, wc mean
A really
time at the old
P. H. Harth & Son
The Storm.
Last week southern Oregon and north
ern California were visited by a snow
storm of very uuusual proportions.
The full of snow at Yreka, Montague,
Sisaon and other northern California
towns was reported as almost un
precedented. The S. P. railroad was
blocked from Ashland fo Dunsmuir and
all trains were stopped for three days,
In Yreka, it is reported that men were
paid $2 per hour for shoveling snow from
buildings. Ashland had 12 inches of
snow, Jacksonville 12 inches, Med ford
6, Gold Hill, two feet. Grants Pass had
a scant half Inch early Friday morning,
though it melted immediately. With
snow both north and south of us, we
have been particularly favored, though
it is doubtful if there is another point
in the state which is naturally freer
from snow and a'.l manner of Inclement
weather than Grants Pans.
Trials Bf an Opera Slnnrr.
In the February number of The He
lineator is an article of great interest,
written by Laura B. Starr, as the result
of a journey across the ocean with
Madame Gadiiki, the opora linger.
Madame Gadnki's description of the
difficulties and thorns that beset the
way of those who aspire to oporatic
honors, will be very interesting to all
women and most men.
Beginning Saturday, January 5th, 1901, I will
lace on sale at Unc-IIalf
Suits, sizes 32 to 30.
Ladies' and Misses' Jackets.
Ladies' French Flannel Waists.
Ladies' Flannelette Waists.
Ladies' Mercerized Waists.
Ladies' Wool, and Wool and Cotton Underskirts.
Ladies' Mornincr Jackets in SwnriHiiYiwn nn1 Man.
Sofa Pillow Covers, and
All the Above Named at
A Big Discount on Silk Waists.
Yours for Business,
Souvenir Calendars.
The handsome souvenir calendars of
Grants Pass which remain unsold after
the Christmaa season are now .placed on
sale at the Coi'bikb offico at the greatly
reduced prices of 25 cents each, or three
for 50 cents.
These calendars sold readily at 50
cents each. They are very. handsome
as well as useful productions, desirable
alike to be kept as souvenirs or to give
to friends. Each of tbs twelve sheets
contains a fine half tone illustration of
some scene in Grants Paas or surround
ing country. In some of these the
various industries are portrayed, o.liors
are descriptive of our beautiful scenery
and still other contain views of the
prominent buildinga of Grants Pass.
The cover is a handsome engraving con
taining a a'impse of a portion' of the
town and the calendar as a whole is a
most desirable production.
Griffith, the Hypnotist.
Griffith, the hypnotist, who has leased
the opera, bouse for the present week,
is being given a good attendance each
evening. His hypnotic exhibitions are
remarkably interesting and the earnest
ness with which bis subjects follow his
suggestions leaves small doubt as to the
genuineness of the performance. On
Monday night he hypnotised one of his
attendants and sent him to sleep for
43 hours. The subject has been on ex
hibition during the time at Uarth's
clothing store where he has been the
object of much curious scrutiny on the
part of the public. This eveniug (Wed
nesday) he will be wakened and will
awake, so the professor says, in convuV
On Tuesday afternoon the professor
made his bliudfoldjdrive. Acommlieeof
eight business men were selected by the
Hot - Time
p pular voice from the assembled crowd.
Four of theso assumed charge of the
professor and took him into concealment
while the other four drove around town
by a circuitous route of nearly a mile
and secreted a small pocket knife under
some laundry packages in Tompkin's
barber shop. The professor was brought
forth from concealment, put a copper
wire round his head and was blind
fold. The wire was attached to the
hack and then passed to the com
mittee to hold. The professor, blind
fold, drove the team at a mad gallop
over the route, stopped at exactly the
right spot, entered the shop holding a
committee man by the band and found
the article immediately. It is worthy
of note that be did not follow the exact
routeof the committee all the way round.
It is suggested in explanation of this
that some of tho committee were them',
selves confused as to the route they had
taken. It was a most remaikablcex
hibition and totally inexplicable to the
ordinary mind.
A Twl.t of the Wrist
In the night will turn on the electric
birth lighV in the Pullman Standard
Sleeping Cars, on the Northern Pacific's
North Coast Limited. Two lights in
each section. Get a North Coast Limit
ed leaflet. A. D. Charlton, Ass't Gen'l
Pass. Ag'l. 255 Morrison St., Cor. 3d,
Portland, Oregon.
Price all my Ladies Tailor
all odds and ends.
One-Half Price.
J. T, Layton was in town this week.
A. W. Silsby made a trip to Gold Hill
on Thursday.
F. W. Sawyer of Keiby visited Grants
Pass last week.
Mrs. T. H. White of Kerbywentto
Portland Monday evening.
R. G. Virtue, of Leland, was a visitor
to Grant Paw Tuesday.
Dr. O. Major visited Portland last
week on business trip.
Mrs. Frank Flook of Roeeburg is visit
ing friends in Grants Pas.
C. B. Watson wss a passenger on
Friday' train, en mute to Salem.
Mr. R. M. Presley, visited last week
with her son, C. C. Presley, and family.
Prof. A. J. Diets, the jeweler and
optician, left for California on Thurs
Mr. and Mrs, D. A. Cord went to
San Francisco Tuesday for a brief
This week is the annual week of prayer
and is being so observed at the several
Mrs. R. A. Sooth ha been visiting
relative and friend here during the
past week.
John McAllister went to Roseburg
Thursday evening to prove up on a
timber claim.
R. A. Booth and daughter Barbara
returned Friday afternoon to Eugene
after a visit to Grant Pass.
- Dr. W. S. Uolt was in town Monday
night visiting friends. He went to
Jacksonville Tuesday.
Mr. and Mr. Ed Phillip came ovsr
last week from Preetoin Peak, on their
way to San Francisco.
C. D. Burnett, the prominent miner
of Leland spent several day in town
last week, returning on Friday.
Miss Fannie tlaskin of Medford
returned home Friday morning after a
weeks visit with Mis Alii Pool.
8. P. Agent Geo. P. Jester returned
last week from hi holiday vacation and
baa resumed bis official position.
Jas. Evan of Central Point returned
home Friday after visiting for several
day with W. W. Helms and family.
Miss Elva Aiken, who has been visit'
ing here during the holiday with her
sister Miss Florence Aiken, returned
last week to Philomath.
John Yost was a passenger on Thurs
days' overland, enroute to San Fran
cisco where he enters th employ of a
drug firm a traveling man.
Mr. Elisabeth Goetter. principal of
the school at Bonner' Ferry, Idaho,
ha been visiting relative here and at
Placer during the holiday.
F. W. Chausse left Tuesday evening
for Portland. John Galvin is occupying
the editorial chair of the Observer dur
ing the absence of Mr. Chausse. .
L. F. Coburn, the prominent attorney
of Yreka, came up first of the week to
take testimony in the case of Green
Bartlett v. Preston Peak Copper com
E. 8. Van Dyke and T. A. Palmer of
the University of Oregon visited a few
days last week at home, alter their tour
of southern Oregon with the U. ofO.
Glee club.
E. L. Ingram and family left Thurs
day evening for Wolf Creek where Mr.
Ingram will enter the employ of the 8.
P. D. 4 L. Co,, of Grant Pas. Rose
buig Review.
C. Sneid of Sumpter passed through
here Sunday morning en route to Cal
ifornia. In answer to inquiries concern
ing Sumpter, he said that the town was
more lifeless than be had ever expected
to see ; another instance of the ruinous
policy of overdoing a place. Mr. Sneid
was in business at SuniDter with Andy
8tinson, formerly of Grant Pass.
at ins residence ol the bride's parents,
this city, Mr. F. K. Littlejohn, of
Olympia, Washington, and Miss l.ydia
Mann of this place were united in
marriage, by Rev. N. F. Jenkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Liltlejuhn have re
turned to Olympia where they will make
their future home.
risco, Tuesday, Jan. 1, 1U01, Prof.
John A. Harvey and Miss A. Edith
Gregory of Ashland.
near Glendale, Tuesday, Jan. 1, 1001,
Wm. D. Chad wick and Miss Cora
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. T. It. Johns who reside on the
historic Ella" place on Cow Creuk, while
Mr. Chadwick is a prominent business
man of Glendale.
Office on 0th St. op(o. Court House.
Residence North 7lh St.
For any of the
M. Clemens,
Pro. ioa housc
For Breakfast
Malt Breakfast Food.
Cream of Wheat, and Pictures free.
Cream Wheat, a pound packages ioc.
Cream Wheat in bulk, 5c a pound.
II. O. Oats, Pillsbury's Oat Food.
Pilisbmy's Wheat Food.
Rolled Oats in bulk, best grade.
Cream of Maize in bulk, 3 pounds 25c.
Germea in packages. .
Germilla, 10 pound sacks 25c.
We have genuiue Eastern Buckwheat in packages at 15c and in
ten pound sacks 50c.
Woodland Maple Syrup is guaranteed pure maple. Quart, half
gallon and gallon caus.
Choral Union,
The Cheial union will meet on next
Monday evening, Jan. 14, to take up
the music for the convention which will
be held here in March. A full attend
ance is desired.
Ftll In the Fire.
A very serious and unusual accident
occurred Sunday night near Leland.
An old man named Gordon, who has
for ysars been badly crippled with
rheumatism, fell into the fireplace of
his cabin and, belug unable to extricato
himself, was very badly burned about
hi back and left aide and arm and on
that side of hi bead and face. He had
leaned up against the fire place and
supposes that hi crippled arm gave
way, but does not himself know exactly
how he fell in. His boy was asUtep in
the cabin at the time but could not be in
stantly wakened. When finally roused,
the boy extricated the old man from his
awful situation.,
Gordon was brought to Grants Pass
on Monday morning's train. Judge
Axtell had been notified and after modi
oal attention had been furnished by Dr.
Kremer, had Gordon removed to the
oiunty hospital. He is lu quite desti
tute circumstances.
Hay Flour snd Feed.
Hay, grain, flour and iced for sale at
wholesale or retuil at the new warehouse
near the depot. Hay by the car load
a speciality. Downing: A Strickland.
A Keen Clear Ilraln.
Your beBt feelings, your aocial posi
tion or business success depend largely
on the perfect action of your Stomach
and Liver. Dr. King's New Life Pills
give Hicreasod' strongth, a keen, clear
rain, high ambition. A 25 cent box
will make you fuel like a now being.
Sold by Dr. Kremor Druggist.
Special . Sale
200 puirs of Shoes for Ladies,
Men and children, all styles,
sizes and widths. djl fr
Your choice (or plVJU
Broken lots of 25c, 40c and
joc Wall Paper one, two and
three rolls of a io- dji fr
roll bundle. CJ51.UU
White Shirts, linen bosom,
collar and cuff bauds, mnde from
New York mills muslin, emul
in value to any $1.50 custom
made shii t.
Our price,
We have gathered together nil short lengths from all depart
ments mid placed them on yale at very tempting prices Ginghams
Shirtings Muslins Lonsdale Cambrics S heetings Henriet
tas Cashmeres Serges in black and a'l colors. Plaid, plain and
striped worsted and silks just what you want for waists and skirts.
We are determined to close out broken lines and remnauts re
gardless of worth or cost, and it will pay any one to look these
remnants over early in the sale.
"Remember remnants are sold regardless of cost."
Full 10-4 Blankets sold at 85c
per pair.
Big lot of Silk Initial QfC
Handkerchiefs at fCU.
Hundreds of articles
So house. 011 earth is ollerin-' bettor vitluo than
we aro on Footwear. ,'e " '. .
R. L, COF -Monday, ftb. h
Calhoun Grocery Go.
Coming Events.
Jan. 7 to 12 Urillith Hypnotic co m
pany at opera house.
Jan. 14 Richards A Pringles' Georgia
Minstrels at opera house.
Feb. 4 "A Turkish Dath" at opera
Feb 25 Frank Cooley Dramatic com
pany at opera house.
See Evan the optician' offer.
Notice to Music Lovtrs.
. Several parties representing them,
selves as dealers in pianos, have repre
sented themselves a agents for the cele
brated Weber, Wbeelock, Stuyvesant,
United Makers and other piano. We
desire to notify all residents of Josephine
county that the Cobb Piano House, at
Medford, Oregon, are the son aoknt
for these makes for Josephine, Jackson
and Lake counties, and if you want one
of these pianos or an organ, you will al
ways get a bettor deal from headquar
ters, and not be led into buying inferior
gradea from supposed ageuts. We guar
antee perfect satisfaction, so when yon
need an instrument, just drop us a line
and we shall be pleased to call on yon
or meet you at our warerooma in Med
ford, where we have a large stock of
instruments always on hand.
Comh Piano Hotjsi,
Medford, Oregon.
A New Id Section
Wide vesilbuled Tourist Sleeping Car,
with all up-to-date conveniences, I a
part of the Northern Pacific' new North
Coast Limited, which make ita first
trip May 3. Procure a North Coast
Limited leaflet. A. D. Charlton, Ass't
Gen'l Pass. Ag't, 265 Moirison St., Cor
3d, Portland, Ore.
Ladies warratitcd
Kid Gloves,
Special value.
Ladies Iced Wool Shawls and
Fascinators. (h
Special values, Cpl.UU
All silk Jup Initial Handker
chiefs, good value at 50c.
Special, ale price, QQ
5 cents buys the best hemmed
stitched Handkerchiefs ever sold
for the price.
200 Pairs of Ladies', Men's
and Children's Shoes on Bar
gain Counter, Si ff
Going at Cpl.UU
of special vttluo ofl'ered
t :