Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 03, 1901, Image 3

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    v mum
We certainty take pride in having the exclusive of Is justly
celebrated Coffee for this part of Southern Oregon. Is usedW people
all over the United States and Canada who know vi eoodfcoffee is.
1 i
Comes In a-pound cans (full weight, not ground), fhighethan the
so-called Mocha and Java, at 40c per pound. I
(In bulk), another of their finest grades, has a miliich tor, only
found in the finest grades of coffee. We grind it, bulvee it, just
as you prefer.
Begin Right in 1901
And supply your Kitchen with rticj
that will last. Just think of thejycj
of uso you can get out of Strana
Steel Ware and a Garland Std
They will not only adorn your Kitq
but will brighten your home as l
because they give satisfaction.
Try them and bo convince
Cramer Br
Hair -Riddle Hardware
-For Cash or on the
ailment Plan.
General Hardware,
oves, etc.
Cob. 7TH and Front Sts.
Orders taken for all kinds of
Fancy Pastry, Wedding Cake,
Cream Puffs, Lady Fingers, etc.
Fresh Bread every day. Leave
order at Calhoun Grocery Co.
Aug, D. A. Singler, Prop.
lire Saved Him.
My wifft advice laved my life
write F.Ioh of Winfleld, Term ,
for I bad! bad cough I coald hard
ly bread tdily grow vorw under
doctor'! ;nt, bat my wife urged
me to o ling's New Discovery for
Coniam which completely cared
roe." I , Cold), Bronchitis, La
Grippe, onia, Atthma, Hay Fev
er and aladiet of Cheat, Threat
and Lun positively cared by this
marvel liedicine, 60c, and 11.00.
Every bkaranteed. Trial bottles
Xocal "feappentnas
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentist.
Go to Corun for Plumbing.
Whipe, 10c to $2.50 at Hackett't.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist.
Freeh Oysters at the Poet office (tore.
Full line of Cigar and Tobacco at
Get one of those Opals, free, at
Bicycle hospital for all repairing at
Cramer Bros.
Wood wanted on subscription at the
Coukikb office.
Send your ore to W. G. Wright's
New Custom Mill.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Cor on 's.
Harness of all Kinds, Grades and
Prices at Hackett's.
A new floor it being put into the
o. P. D. 4 L. store. . jn
W. GJWright custom mills ore test
ing and assaying.
W. G. Wright custom mills, assaying
and ore testing.
For Notion and Japanese goods go to
the Japanese Basaar.
Fresh Oysters, the . large Eastern
kind, at Hanan'a oyster parlors.
Prof. Griffith, the hypnotist, will make
a blindfold drive on Tuesday afternoon
at 3:80..
Unmounted photographs of Mt. Hood
by Hicks; 5x7 inches, for 25c at the
Courier office.
County court meets next week, pro
bate court on Monday and commis
sioners' court on Wednesday.
J. Pardee has resigned bis position at
the White House grocery after having
been for nine years connected with this
merchantile establishment.
An enjoyable whist party was held
last Wednesday evening at the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. A. C.Hough.
The regular quarterly muster of our
company H. O. N. G. was held at the
opera bouse on Monday evening, Dec,
Assessor-elect Chaa. Crow arrived In
Grants l'asa from Galice on Monday.
He will assume his official position on
next Monday, January 7.
A job lot of second hand Hydraulic
Pipe, Elbows, Tapers and a large Hoad
light for sale cheap. Enquire of L. L.
Jewell or Eclus Pollock at the Hair-
Riddle Hardware Co. store.
J. W. Criteser is carrying with him a
very badlv bruised band, the result of
getting it between two logs which he
was helping to more while working at
the Miller place near town.
Eastern butter it being shipped into
Grants Pass to supply the mining
cirops, and yet there are tome who
profess to think that a creamery will
not pay in Southern Oregon. Roseburg
Otto J. Knips left ou Monday morning
for bis ranch near Jacksonville which
he has recently purchased. A typo
graphical error in our last issue made
the acreage of this place read 30 instead
of 300 seres, as it should have read.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Cords operated
the Pine Needle factoiy sevcralj;days
to assure themselves of what it needed
in the way of equipment, and expect to
begin operating steadily about tbt mid
dle of Jauuary.
Sunday evening, the electric lights
went out and the town was plunged in
darkness for several minutes. At the
churches the lamps were ordered lit
that the exercises might proceed. After
much fumbling tor matches, rattling of
globes and turning upend down of wicks
the unaccustomed lamps were finally got
under way and just at that moment the
light returned, glorious and effulgent-
One choir than sang very appropriately,
'The Lotd is my Light."
A directory of Grants Pass is being
compiled by the manager of the Novelty
Directory company. The directory will
contain the names of all residents of
Grants Pass, with street address. In
connection will be published a street
map, business directory, telephone,
numbers, postage rates, secret societies,
churches, etc., and no effort on the part
of the publisher will be spared to make it
a valuable book of reference. The work
will be issued sometime during the latter
part of the present month.
Many persons liavo had ttieexuerience
of Mr. Peter Sherman, of NortnStrat-
iora, . ii., wno fays: "for years I
suffered torture from chronic indiges
tion, but Kodol Dyspepiia Cure made a
well man of me." It digests what vou
eat and is a certain cure for dyspepsia
and every form of stomach trouble. It
gives relief at once even in the worst
eased, and can't help but do you good.
ur. u. r. rtremer.
Tbe "Breeiy Time" company was Id
town Saturday and gave their entertain
ment in the evening at the opera house.
They give a very livey and entertaining
performance though some parts of it were
a little too metropolitan to suit the
classical taste. Their three-legged sailor
was undoubtedly one of the funniett
productions ever brought on this ttago,
and the barnyard fowl wat a moat en
tertaining bird. The musical features
were good, the bell ringing by four tirls
ith tennis racquets Iringed with sleigh
bells being exceptionally worthy of
Week of Prayer at the Baptist Church.
Tbe services on Canday, 6th inat. will
be Bible school at 10 a. m. ; preaching
at 11a.m. and 7:30 p. m, B. Y. P. U.
at 6:30 p, m. Every evening, except
Saturday during the week, services will
be held, beginning at 8. A short address
by tbt pastor will be followed by a sea
son of testimony, prayer and praise.
All are cordially invited.
Kobkht Lieua, Pastor,
ialvatioa Army Juniors.
The Juniors of the Salvation Army
will bold a special meeting at tbt ball
on Saturday evening, January 5, and
will prerent "Motet in the Bullrushes."
Coffee and cake will be served after the
meeting. Ereryont welcome.
A Twlat or tbe Wrlat
In the night will turn on tha alertrie
berth light in the Pullman Standard
Sleeping Cart, on tbe Northern Pacific's
North Coast Limited. Two lightt In
each section. Get a North Coast Limit
ed leaflet. A. D. Charlton. Ats't Genl
Past. Ag't. 255 Morrison St.. Cor. SJ.
If you want a box of fine candy, go to
Tbe weather report on the first page
it for November, not October as it
Take your shoes to Hackett for good
work and right prices.
Meals served at all hours at the
Novelty, Front ttreet next to Fetsch's.
r nLlOI Opp. Court House,
Yon have beard It said of something
"It takes the cake." But Myrtle Creek
Flour makes the cake.
Ir. R. E. Bmith hat permanently
located here and bat opened au office In
room 2 over tht poetoffice.
Next week, Jannary 6 to 13, it the
annual week of prayer and will be to ob
served at tbe several churches.
8mokert will find rare opportunities
for selection in the many linen of choice
cigars at Wilton A Roper's.
The bakery and restaurant of Gua
Kutechtlit were purchased, last week by
The New Year celebrated its advont
a Ith a very heavy and rather cold rain,
with mow on the near by hills,
A local teachers' Institute will bt held
at Kerby on January 19 by Superin
tendent Savage and an interesting pro
gram by tbe teachers of that district-
One change wat made in the passen
ger train schedule of the S. P.' Co. on
this line at the beginning of the year.
Northbound train No. 12 formerly arriv
ing here at 4 :35 a. m. now comet at
5:26a. m.
Scott Griffin handles Ashland flonr,
Utah alfalfa teed, Oregon red clover
teed, winter oats, large Russian white
rye, new crop timothy teed, wheat for
seed also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa Hay,
Timothy Hay. Oat Straw, Chop Barley,
Corn, Wheat, Oats. .
The quarterly meeting of the Grants
Past Mining and Commercial club, will
be held in the parlort of the First
National bank, Tuesday morning at 10
o'clock, January 8. Reports of tbe
president, secretary and treasurer will be
read. ''
Miss Emma Telford will reopen her
kindergarten and primary school on
Monday, January 7, and will receive
pupils. Miss Telford has had a great
deal of experience in primary and kin
dergarten work, it very successful iu
commanding the attention and best
efforts of tho children and thorough In
each detail of the mental and mechanical
development which is the object of the
A very enjoyable musical program was
rendered. The orchestra played some
fine selections in their artistic manner,
Cramer Bros, sang the melodious duet
of David and Jonathan tod Prof. C.
J. Kurth favored tht company with a
well executed and pleating cornel tolo.
The Glee club wat called on tor songs
and responded with soma of their bright
and lively college alrt which were
greatly appreciated by the company.
Mr Fratisr's piano solo wat one of the
most pleasing numbers of the program.
At the conclusion of the program,
refreshments of cocoa, coffee and cakt
were served after which, the hour being
late, the company dispersed. The U. of
O. boys made many friends In Grantt
Past aud are sure of a cordial welcome
on auy future visit to our town.
Hay Flour and Tui.
Hay, grain, flour and ieed for sale at
wholesale or retail at tbe new warehouse
near the depot. Hay by the car load
a speciality. Dowkino & Stbicklamd.
Natlvt Daughters' Danes.
Tbt grand ball, given by Margaret
Tuffs cabin, Native Daughters of Oregon,
on New Yean night, wat a very pleasant
and joyous social eveut and wat well
attended. The ball being given by
Oregonians and in tome degree a cele
bration In honor of our Webfool state,
the weather very appropriately con
tributed a copious downpour of rain for
this particular evening which made the
attendance of spectators lest than it
would otherwise have been, but the
'number of dancers wat large and tbe
ball was none too spacious for their
The ladies of the order assumed,
through their committees, every detail of
the arrangement and the result of their
efforts were very complimentary Indeed
to their ability as entertainers. The music
was furnished by Demaree't orchestra,
the program being arranged by the ladiet.
No detail wat spared which might con
duce to the entire social success of the
occasion aud the assembled company
enjoyed the evening to a degree not sur
passed at any of tbe previous events
of its character. Tbe hall wat very
prettily decorated with evergreens,
mistletoe, and other appropriate adorn'
Prizes lor best walliers were awarded
t) Mrs. Dr. Harth and Ray Jackson.
Quite a numberof visitors were present
from the valley towns and altogether
the dance was one of the pleasantest of
tbe season.
The through freight division at this
place has been discontinued, the crews
running through to Ashland. The local
freight ariangements remain as before.
The Hot Time Sale
Is a Big Success.
It greatly surpasses our expectations Wo
are selling lots of goods and tho purchasers
are saviug money.
Now is your time to save money on Clothing.
Do not delay or you will lose by it.
P. H. Harth & Son.
Tht U. of 0. Glct Club.
Tbe entertainment given last Thursday
evening by the Glee club of the Univer
sity of Oregon, wat one of the moat
pleasant that Grants Pass people have
enjoyed for many a day. Their songs
wert full of life, map and anergy and
almost perfect harmony of the 16 voicea
wat a theme of nearly universal com
ment. Evtry individual voice teemed
smooth, pleasant and melodiout and the
perfect manner in which they blended
evinced the most through and judicious
training Prof. Glenn, their instructor
and director sang several solos and was
a decided favorite with the audience.
Hit voice In addition to being well
trained and powerlul, has peculiarly
pleasing quality of its own and bis solos
were intensely appreciated by the
audience. Tbe impersonations of Mr.
Eaton and Mr. Fraiier's piano solos
showed Ulunt of the highest order and
their selections met with deserved ap
preciation. The travesty of Ingomar,
presented by Eaton and Fraiier was ex
tremely amusing and was given with a
display of a dramatic talent of a high
quality. .
After tile concert, a reception gi"en
by the Music club of Grants Pass, was
held at the A. O. U. W. ball. Tho hall
wat well filled by tbe company who
attended, 200 or more being present.
Hyde Wads WtddlnJ.
Ou the evening of Dec. 31st. at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Swacker,
near this citv, Mr. John R. Hyde and
Miss Nellie Wade were united in mar
riage by Rev. 8. F. Jenkins.
A very beautiful and choice display
of presents from their many friends bore
witness to the high esteem in which
this young couple are held and many
guests were present to witness tbe
nuptial ceremonies.
Among those present upon the occa
sion we note: Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Wood, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hyde, Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Wade, Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. Hood, Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Blillinger,
Mrs. Ed Lister and Mrs. Annie Frye,
Misses Ina Lister, Anna Wade, Emma
Hyde, Masters. E. II. Lister. Arthur
Litter and Walter Harmon.
Altera pleasant repast and a social
good time the guests took their depart
ure wishing tbe newly married couple
much happineta upon their voyage ol
life at they enter into the years of the
new century.
Griffith the Hypnotist.
Griffith the hypnotist and fun maker
opens a six nights engagement at the
opera buose Monday night. Go and
you will kuow why others go. Popular
prices, 10, 15 and 25 cents. Ladies
absolutely freu the opening night.
Beginning Saturday, January 5th, 1901, I will
place on sale at One-Half Price all my Ladies Tailor
Suits, sizes 32 to 30. .
Ladies' and Misses' Jackets.
Ladies' French Flannel Waists.
Ladies' Flannelette Waists.
Ladies' Mercerized Waists.
Ladies' Wool, and Wool and Cotton Underskirts.
Ladies' Morninp Jackets in Swnnadnwn nnrl Flan.
Sofa Pillow Covers, and all odds and ends.
All the Above Named at Onc-IIalf Price.
A Big Discount on Silk Waists.
Yours for Business,
Mrt. J. D. Fry visited in Medford last
Russell McGalliard of Waldo spent a
few dayt in town thit week.
Mrt. H. A.. Botermnnd and children
are visiting here from Montague.
J as Evans wat down from Central
Point thlt week for a tew dayt visit.
R. F. Scott of Creewell has been bere
lately looking after mining interests.
Mrt. Howard Robinson, of Ashltnd,
tpent theholidayt visiting relative! bere.
Mist Nellie Wade has been visiting
here from Dunitnulr daring the holi
days. ,
Mi. John Winters of California visited
for several days this week with F. 8.
J. W. Frater came op from Roseburg
thit week to visit for few dayt in
Grants rata.
Mrt. H. 0. Bickett of Roseburg re
turned on Saturday after a weekt visit
in Grantt Pats.'
Mist Lillian Hogan, one of onr suc
cessful teachers, attended the state in
stitute at Albany last week.
J. D. Hayes returned Wednesday
morning from Portland where he has
been for several weeks past.
Mrs. T. A. McCourtof McMinnvllle
hat been vititing here with her parents,
Mr. and Mrt. N. B. Meade.
Mist Barbara Booth arrived on Thurs
day evening from Eugene to visit with
ralativei in thit city.
Mr. and Mrt. C. C. Edwards of Sagi
naw spent the holidays visiting with
relative! at thit place.
Mist Ziegler, of Eugene, hat been
visiting bere with her sister, Mrt. I. U.
Knotts, for the patt week.
Miss Elsie Wiley, of Medford, It vitit
ing friends in Grantt Pats thit week,
tbe guest of Mitt Edna Parker. . .
J . II. Howard came in from Kerby
last Weduesday to tpend a few dayt
with hit family in Grantt Pass.
John Hall left Saturday evening for
hit mine in the Grave creek district after
spending Christmas week at home.
Mr. A. J. Bingham a prominent, con
tractor of Portland, is visiting his sister
Mrs. Herbert Smith, of Grants Pass.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Voorhiea are once
more residents of Grant! Pass having
arrived on Saturday from Portland.
Mist Jessie Scovill left on Monday
morning for St. Holena, Calif., where
she expects to remain for tome lime.
County Superintendent Lincoln Sav
age and l'ref. S. W. Holmes attended
the state teachert institute at Albany.
Lnther Hanan of Garden Valley,
nephew of D. Hanan, Is assisting tht
latter at hit oytter parlort and will
attend school here during the remainder
of the year.
Mrs. E. E. LaBrle and daughter, of
Garden Valley, near Roseburg, returned
on Saturday after a visit with relatives
and friends In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roper, returned
Saturday evening from their wedding
tour to San Francisco to take up their
residence in Grants Patt."
Superintendent Paly and Professors
Hitchcock and Clayton, of Jackson
county, attended the state teacber't in
stitute ot Albany last week. .
Engineer 8. K. Willett has been
transfeired to the Portland and Cor
vallisrun. Mr. and Mrs. Willett will
make their home in Portland,
L, A. Robertson a former resident of
Grants Pass and now one of the large
farmers of Bams Valley, spent several
dayt In Grantt Pan last week.
Tom Barry of Crescent City arrived
here Saturday evening and left for San-
Francisco to attend the legislature of
California of which he la a member.
E. R. Hanan of Roseburg, brother of
D. Hanan of Grants Pats, passed
through bere on Tuesday on bis way to
San Francisco where be is shipping
some live stock.
II. M. Bliaw. 8. P. agent at Aumsvllle,
Or. and liana Shaw returned home
Monday morning after enjoying a few
days visil'willi their brother Willie
Shaw and taking in the sights of tbe
KANZAU Near Grantt Past, Deo. 20,
1M00, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ranxau,
a daughter.
OWENS In Grantt Past Deo. 20, 1900,
to Air. ana Mrs. Unas. Uwent, a ton.
of the bride near Saginaw, Lane
county, Ore, on Christmas day, Dec.
26. 1IW0, C. O. Pearson and Miss
Margaret Whittott.
KUGKRH Near Waldo, December 13,
11KW, of pneumonia, Kuth, infant
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Eggers,
aged 2 mentua and 27 days.
EUliERH Near Waldo, November 30,
1IKX), ilennle, infant son ol Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Ejgers, aged 10 montht
20 dayt.
PATRICK In thit city, Tuesday. Jan.
1, 1001. Melcom, ton ol Mr. and Mrt.
Chat. Patrick, aged 4 yeart.
If had undergone an operation on the
preceding day, for an abscess, and bad
teemed to recover at rapidly and at well
at could be expected, but early on Tues
day morning be tank rapidly aud died in
a few minutet alter bit coudtion wat
Office on 6lh St. oppo. Court Home.
Retidence North 7th St.
)R. R. K. SMITH,
For DroalifasL...
Malt Breakfast Food.
Cream of Wheat, and Pictures free.
Cream Wheat, a pound packages ioc.
Cream Wheat In bulk, 5c a pound.
II. O. Oats, Pillsbury's Oat Food.
Pillsbury's Wheat Food.
Rolled Oats in bulk, best grade.
Cream of Maize In bulk, 3 pounds 15c.
Gertnea in packages.
Germilla, 10 pound sacks 25c
We have genuine Eastern Buckwheat in packages at 15c and i
ten pound sacks 50c.
Woodland Maple Syrup is guaranteed pure maple. Quart, half
gallon and gallon cans.
Calhoun Grocery Go.
Watch Night.
A watch night meeting and entertain
ment was held on Mouday evening at the
opera house under the auspices of the
W. R. O. as part of a concerted move
ment all over the United States, the
object being to rajw fundi for the Red
Cross society.
There wat a very fair attendance,
though the crowd wat not large. ' The
program which had been arranged fell
at the last minute on account ol the
inability of tome of the participants
to be present and also because the
greetings which should have come failed
to arrive. A new program wat made up
on the spur ot the moment and though
hastily arranged, wat both entertaining
and pleating. Tbe telectlont by the
orchestra were rendered in theif very
beet ttyle. Some of the musio played by
hem it a grade rarely altera pted outside
he larger cities, yet our orchestra
handles it In a manner worthy of pro
The Choral Union, though few In
number, gave tcveral telectlont which
were well received by the audience.
Cramer Brot. tang the duet of David
and Jonathan In a most pleasing manner
and one ot the very best numbers wat
tbe piano solo by Miss Eula Howard
Rev. Robert Leslie and Rey.C. W. Hays
gave short though excellent addresses
As the midnight hour approached the
audience dispersed until only about a
doten remained to herald the advent of
tht New Year and century.
A Keen Clear Brain.
Your best feelings, your social posi
tion or business succesa depend largelv
on the perfect action of your Stomach
and Liver. Dr. King's New Life Pi lit
give increased strength, a keen, clear
brain, bigh ambition. A 25 cent box
will make you feel like a new being.
Sold by Dr. Kremer Druggist.
Coming Evtnl. '
Jan. 7 to 12 Griffith Hypnotic com
pany at opera bouse,
Jan. 7 County court.
Jan- 5-"Moses in the Bullrnshet" at
Salvation hall.
EJan. 14 Blcnardt fc Pringlet' Georgia
Minstrels at opera honse.
See Evans, the optician's offer.
Notlct to Muilc Lovers.
Several parties representing them
selves as dealer in pianot, have repre
sented themselves at agents for the cele
brated Weber, Wbeelock, Btnyveaant,
United Makert and other pianot. We
desire to notify all resident! of Josephine
county that the Cobs Piano Honse, at
Medford, Oregon, are the soli Aanrrs
for these makes for Josephine, Jackson
and Lake counties, and if you want one
of these pianos or an organ, you will al
ways get a better deal from headquar
ters, and not be led into buying Inferior
grades from supposed agents. We guar
antes perfect satisfaction, to when you
need an instrument, just drop us a line
and we shall be pleated to call on yon
or meet you at our wareroomt in Med
ford, where we have a large itock of
instruments always on hand.
Cost Piano Horjst,
Medford, Oregon.
A New IS Section
Wide vtstlbuled Tourist Sleeping Car,
with all up-to-date convenience!, Ii a
part of the Northern Pacific'! new North.
Coaat Limited, which makes its first
trip May 8. Procure a North Coast
Limited leaflet. A. D. Charlton, Ast't
Gen'l Past. Ag't, 265 Morrison St., Cor
3d, Portland, Ore.
R. L. GOE & cor;
Office, Room 1 over Post Office. Residence
Kane House, oppo, tbt Western.
Special Sale
300 pairs of Shoes for Ladies,
Men and children, all styles,
sizes and widths. d1 ff
Your choice for pUJJ
Ladies warranted Ji1 ff
Kid Gloves, pl.VAJ
Special value.
Broken lots of 25c, 40c and
50c Wall Paper one, two and
three rolls of a 10- d1 fr
roll bundle. Cpl.VV
Ladies Iced Wool Shawls and
Fascinators. (hi ff
Special values,
White Shirts, linen bosom,
collar aud cuff bands, made from
New York mills muslin, equal
in value to any $1.50 custom
made shirt. djl AA
Our price, p ItVA
All silk Jap Iuitial Handker
chiefs, good value at 50c.
Special tale price, jjl QQ
We have gathered together all short lengths from all depart
ments and placed tbem on sale at very tempting prices Ginghams
Shirtiugs Muslins Lonsdale Cambrics S heetings Henriet
tas Cashmeres Serges in black and all colors. Plaid, plain and
striped worsted and silks just what you want for waists and skirts.
We are determined to close out broken lines and remnants re
gardless of worth or cost, and it will pay any one to look these
remnants over early in the sale.
" Remember remnants are sold regardless of cost."
Full 10 4 Blankets sold at 85c
per pair.
5 cents buys tbe best hemmed
stitched Handkerchiefs ever sold
for the price.
Big lot of Silk Initial QK
Handkerchiefs at CU.
300 Pairs of Ladies', Men's
and Children's Shoes on Bar
gain Counter, dl1 ff
Going at pl.UU
Hundreds of articles of special value offorod
this week.
No houso on earth is offering bottor valuo than
we aro on Footwear.
R. L, GOE &
tret at
Kmer't drag store.
Portland, Oregon.