Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 27, 1900, Image 3

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We certainly take pride in havintr
celebrated Coffee for this part of Southern Oregon. It is used by people
all over the United btates and Canada who know what good coftee is
Comes in 2-pound cans (full weight,
so-caned Mocha and Java, at 40c per
(In bulk), another of their finest grades, has a mild, rich flavor, only
tound in the finest grades of coffee. We grind it, or pulverize it, just
as you prefer.
Mining Supplies
fiS5-Wo aro HEADQUARTERS for tlio above-3i
Cramer Bros.
Hair -Riddle
For Gush or on the Installment Plan
General Hardware, Stoves, etc.
I .m prepared tofurni.b iny thing in
Xe.rlyhirtyje.ofeiperien.intbMrb!eba,1.le..rrntt my saying
tint Inn fill your orden in toe Teryam........
Cenfurniab work in Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any k.nd 0
M"ble- J. B. PADDOCK,
rrouc 6trct Next to Greene' GeiMihop.
Importers, Boston,
the exclusive sale'of this justly
not ground), no higher than the
Hardware Co,
tbe line of Cemetery work in any kind
Xocal tappeninag
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentist.
Go to Corun (or Plumbing.
Whips, 10c to $2.50 at Ilackett'l.
M. Clemens, Prescription Drugiriet. -
Freeh OyBtera at the Post office store.
Get one of those Opals, free, at
Bicycle hospital (or all repairing at
Cramer Bros.
Wood wanted on subscription at the
CoL RlKB Office.
Send yonr ore to V. G. Wright's
New Custom Mill.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron's.
W. G.iWriglit custom mills ore test
ing and assaying.
Another invoice of China Lilly Bulbs
just in at Japanese Bazaar.
Wm. Bybee, o( Jacksonville, waa visit
ing Grants Pass on Thursday.
Clearance Sale China, Glassware,
Crockery, Tinware. THOMAS'.
The Japanese Bazaar will have a new
lino of bamboo this week.
W. G. Wright custom mills, assaying
and ore testing.
Freeh Oysters, the large Eastern
kind, at Hanan's-oysler parlors.
Carl W. and Sirs. Borchert, nee Fan
nie Wertz are visiting in Grants Pass.
F. W. Blake is in charge of the con
fectionery department at Hanan'a oyster
Unmounted photographs of ill. Hood
by Hicks; 5x7 inches, for 25c at the
Courier office.
The 0. N. G. will hold a muster at the
opera house on Monday evening, Dec.
31 at 8 o'clock.
Mass will be celebrated on Sunday
December 30lb, at the home of Miss
Pryce, of Gold Hill.
Dan Green, the prominent placer
operator of Galico spent a few days in
town this week.
At the Catholic church, New Years
Eve "Watch Meeting" will end with
Midi.ittht Mass and eermon.-
The Sunday schools celebrated the
Christmas season by the customary en
tertainments and Christmas trees.
On December 27th and 28th the Rev,
Geo. D. Dszlo will visit the missions ol
of Kerby, Waldo and Althouse.
The opera houre presents a much
improved appearance, having just been
given a handsome new finish throughout.
The NativeDaughters will award prizes
at their New Years ball, one each for
die beet lady and the bent gentleman
Dr. C. S. Evans, the oculist and
optician, returned oil Saturday after an
absence of several mouths and will
remain for some time in Grants Pass.
Jos. Moss has a 10-horse power boiler
and puleometnr which throws a $i inch
stream of water, in good condition, with
ail connections, which he will sell cheap.
A. Burdick has opened a meat market
n the Williams brick on Front street.
He has a clean, roomy and attractive
establishment and a fresh and alluring
Hock of meat.
Remember the Watch Night meeting
at the opera bonne, New Years Eve. Ad
mission 15c. Received seats 25c. Heals
(or rale at the Poet office store. Program
will begin at 8.30.
A job lot of second hand Hydraulic
Pipe, Elbows, Tapers and a large Head
light for sale cheap. Enquire of L. L.
Jewell or Eclus Pollock at the Hair-
Riddle Hardware Co. store.
Last Saturday was a' very busy day
for our merchants and the throngs of
people 011 tlio streets gave our city a more
metropolitan air than usual. Christ
inas shopping was the order of the day.
The residence of M. W. Mowers was
broken into Saturday evening while the
family weie absent. Things were turned
topsy-turvey and bureau drawers were
ransacked, evidently in search 0
valuubles. Nothing has been missed,
however, and the burglars evidently
failed to find what they were looking
R. L. Coe, & Co. 'a window scene of the
snowed where SantaClaus with his rein
deer, was quite a source of commenf to
the passers by during the past week and
was both ingenious and attractive. Santa
was again on the scene Saturday dis
tributing candy to the assembled youth.
The many friends of N. P. Dodge are
pleased lo hear of the great improve
ment in health which he has ex
perienced. He is now able to walk a
mile and baa much more use of his left
band than he has had at any time since
bo experienced iha stroke of paralysis
some two years ago.
The reception to be tendered the U
of O. Glee Club, Thursday evening will
be held at the A. O. U. W. ball (Dixon
buildinn) instead o! I. O. U. F. ball as
announced. Those who have invita
tions pleace take notice.
J. M. Booth, Sec'y.
Manv persons have had therxperienc
pf Mr. Peler Hliortnan, of North Slrat-
lord, M. JL, Lo says: " ror years I
fullered torture from chronic indiges
tion, but Kmlol Dyspepsia Care made a
well man ol me." It diverts what you
eat and is a certain cure for dyspepsia
and every form of stomach trouble. It
givee relief at once even in the worst
canes, and can't help but do you good.
Dr. w . r . Kremer.
"A Bnecy Time" which will be seen
at the opera hoose on Dec. 29 is one of
the most effective farce comedies in
town this season. U is divertliog with
out being Insane, and has a alight story
which makes a very strong vehicle for
introducing the various specialties of
different members of the cast, each one
of whom if an artist In bis or her line,
Hon. N. Langell has sold his residence
property, situated in the northeastern
part of Jacksonville, to Geo. Malbewa,
wbo recently arrived from Grants Pass.
Wt art sorry to learn that Mr. and Mr.
Langell intend to leave os, and will
probably locate in Grants Pass. They
have been prominent citizena )( oar
town lor many yeare, whom we are loth
to part with, Time.
If you want a box of fine candy, go to
Pocket knives in all styles and prices
at Cramer Bros.
Full line of Cigars and Tobacco at
Harneet of all Kinds, Grade and
Prices at Hackett's.
Take your shoes to Hackett for good
work and right prices.
Meals served at all hours at the
Novelty, Front street next to Fetsch's.
rnLDI Opp. Court House.
You have heard it aaid of somethiug
"It takes the cake." But Myrtle Creek
Flour makes the cake.
School closed Friday for two weeks
for the eajoymrat of tbe holiday vaca
tion. Smokers will find rare opportunities
for selection in the many lines of choice
cigars at Wilson & Roper's.
August D. A. Singler opened his new
bakery Monday at Front and Seveutb
streets. His bread is handled by the
various groceries.
Scott Griffin handles Ashland flonr,
Utah alfalfa seed, Oregon red clover
seed, winter oats, large Russian white
rye, new crop timothy seed,' wheat for
seed also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa Hay,
Timothy Hay. Oat Straw, Chop Barley,
Corn, Wheat, Oata. , ,
The following named Grants Pats
people went to San Francisco on the
Midwinter excarsion Wednesday morn
ing: Mr. and Mrs. Ed F. Hannum,
Mr. and Mrs. 8. Vanderhayden, Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Haskins, Mrs. P.
Lorenx, Mrs. Horn, Mies Nell De Peatt,
W. F. Byrne, L. U. Adams, L. Bannis
ter, V. Bannister, J. V. Schmidt, Geo.
H. Binns, Louis Gentner, Frank Brvan,
Ed Jewett, A. Morrill, J. Keseler.
There'll be a Hot Time in the
Ahottimo? Yea, verily, a rod hot timo I Red hot in
real and reliablo reductions red hot in remarkablo " good
riddanco prices on GOOD GOODS. Tlio Clearing Sale,
like good wine, as it grows old, grows better. Tho end
isn't far off, and the closer it comes tho deeper grow tho
price-cuts in tho un-wantcd clothing. Thero will bo a hot
timo in tho old store next week. Remember wo have only
a limited timo in which to close theso goods.
Our Windows
P. H.
See Evans the optician's offer.
See Joreph Moss the Real Estste
The Senior clasa of the Grunts Pass
high school gave a pleaiant reception
on last Friday eveuing.
Mr. and Mra, Chas. H. Cowan ar
rived last week from Hisson, Cal., Mr.
Cowan to assume the position of night
operator for tbe S, P. company at this
A serious landslide took place near
Duusinuir Thursday, delsying all trains
and making- transfers necessary. The
track was not cleared until 4 o'clock
Saturday morning.
Mrs. L. lielfllt and daughter, Mrr.
Selina Anderson returned to their home
at Tulare, Calif., Tuesday evening after
several weeks visit at this place and
Portland. Plaindealer.
Chrielmat day was speut for the most
part quietly by Granta Pass people.
The day Itself was beautiful, cloudy and
not cold with the air mild and balmy,
one of our perfect winter daya.
Jot. Magill, who drove stage In South
ern Oregon in the early dsys, alongside
nf 8. P. Jones, was in Jacksonville
several days lately, accomptuied by kit
son Archie. They will soon move to
tbe old Schieffelin place on Bogus river,
which tbey have purchased. Times.
L. F. Gardner, a commission mer
chant, of Medford, is here with a tiring
of horses for isle. II ezpeci to remove
to Foots creek ins short time end. re
port much industrial activity In that
district. Tbe outlook for the mining
industry it particularly bright. The
lumber business it alto receiving a good
deal of attention and it; it canceled that
a mill of 40,000 feet daily capacity will
shortly be erected near the month of
Foots creek. A dam will be put in and
the river raited to secure the requisite
W. J. Wimer spent Christmas in
Grants Pasa.
Ed. Binns, of MeUford, spent Christ
mas in Grants Pasa.
Judge W. C. Hale visited Ashland
Friday and Saturday,
G. W. and W. J. Wimer, of Waldo,
visited Jacksonville last week.
P. Matzgolf, of this city, was a visitor
to Jacksonville last week.
Mr. aud Mrs. Roper are spending
their honeymoon in San Francisco.
Miss Maud Kremer la home from
Portland to spend the holiday!.
Mr. and W. F. Farrier, of Ashland,
spend their Christmas in Grants Pass,
J. R. Hyde came in the Greenback
mine Saturday to spend the holiday!.
G. Karg, a prominent citizen of Ice
land precinct, spent several daya in
town last week.
Miss Laura Thomas arrived last ol the
week from Jefferson to visit with her
sister Mrs. T. B. Cornell.
II. L. Marsters, ot Roseburg.'came op
Thursday to look altera marble property
in which he is interested.
Roy Kremer, who baa been attending
a medical college in San Francisco It
home to spend tbe holidays,
Joseph Dimmick, of Oakland, brother
of B. Dimmick and Mrs. J. 0. Campbell,
is visiting his relatives bore.
Geo. Thrasher, a miner from Spokane,
arrived on Thursday and will try his
fortunes for a time at prospecting.
I,ee Hendricks, the well known con
ductor, has assumed position at train
master of the B. P. company, at Duns
muir, Cal.
Bear Witness of
No man who really needs a Winter Suit no mother
whoso "little men" want now clothing can sco our dis
play without coming in and making an investment. Our
windows or tho price-wonders in them bear eloquent
witness to tho truth that tho Clearing Sale has cut prices
hero to a point utterly impossible in any store in Grants
Pass, savo this one. No selling out at cost, mind you this
will not bo considered. You'll wondor what haB gone
wrong, but that is our affair. Wo have tho goodB and you
have tho money,
O. P. Ifarvev spent several dsys at
Wolf Creek last week.
Herbert McCarthy came down 1rooi
Ashland for Christmas.
S. E. Ducoinmon came in trout Waldo
for the Christmas seaaon.
Mrs. C. M. Holmes was down from
Ashland to spend Christinas.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lyon of Glendale
spent Chrietmae in G rants Pass.
Mies Lvlo Watson wont to Ash laud
Sunday uight to spend Christmas.
Misses Ina and Luella Fay are home
from Suxkton to rpeud the holidays.
Will Smith came up from Wolf creek
Thursday to spend a few daya In Grants
Mitt May Hutton went to Ashland
Saturday to spend tht holiday vacation
at home.
Lee Brock man went to Wolf Creek
Saturday evening to speud the holiday
vacation at his home.
Fred Colyig returned Saturday night
from the Oregon Agricultural college at
Corvallit to spend tbe holidayi at home.
Dennia II. Stovall arrived Monday
from Portland to rejoin Mra. tilovall
and will probably remain some time in
Grant Pass.
John Galvlu came borne Saturday
from Oaklan J, where be bat been attend
ing school, U tpend the holiday at
Grants Pas.
Miss Stella Paddock returned laet
week from Placer, where aha has been
teaching a very successful term of
school, to spend the holiday vacation.
ror Hale I
Foa Sale Twenty five acres one and
one-half mile east of Granta 1'aa on
Rogue river, partly cleared, email or
chard, price I'JtjU half cash, also fifty-one
acre of what is known at the Hyde
place, price l, nal! cash, for addi
tional Information address,
Ci am Baoe.
La Grande, Oregon
irisisii IMJawiai5JaaMMM.
Southern California.
Notable among the pleasure afforded
by the Shasta route it the winter trip
to Southern California and Arizona.
Renewed acquintancet with thlt section
will ever develop fresh points of in
terest and added source of enjoyment,
tander its tunny skies, in tbe variety of
its Industrie, in its proline vegetation
and among it numberless resorts of
mountain, thore, valley and plain. Tbe
two daily Shasta trains from Portland to
California have been recently equipped
with the most approved pattern of
standardand tourist sleeping cart, but
the low rale of fare will still continue
in effect.
Illustrated guidet to the winter retorts
of California and Arizona miy be had
application to
0. H. Makkuam, O. P. A,
Por tland, Oregon
New Yean Ball.
The Native Daughters will give a
grand ball on New Yean night, the drat
otthe new centuary in Grants Past.
This organization has achieved an
enviable reputation in conducting suc
cessful social events and the arrange
ments tor the New Yeare ball are being
conducted with the view ot making this
one of the most enjoyable dances of tbe
Demaree'i orchestra hat been en
gaged to furnish the music and the
grand march will be given at 9 o'clock,
Supper will be served by Mrs. Geo.
Almy. Tbe following member will
officiate as floor managers : Mrs. E. 0.
Dixon, Mrs. Dick Bland, Mrs. Ernest
Kverton, Mrs. A. B. Cornell, Mrs. C. E.
Harmon and Mist Emma Hyde.
For Bale.
General merchandise store and stock
in Josephine county for tale; stock in
voice, $400 to 1500 ; building;, 1400. Pos
session given July 1, 1901. Inquire at
this office.
Old Store How.
Our Bargains.
ZI MM K EM ANN In Grants Pase, Tuet-
uay, uereinoer zo, 1UUU, Uiristmss
Day, to Mr. and Mr. E. Zimmermann,
a daughter.
HALL BANTZ AtBt. Lnke'e Rectorr,
Grants Pass, Oregon, Dec. lUth, I'.lOO,
by the Rev. Chas. B001I1, Mr. Ben
jamin F. Hall and Mist Alice C.
BURKS NEKLEY At the home of
the bride's (irsnte Pan, Ore.,
Dec. 2:i, 1900, Robert G. Burns an
Mist Kin Neeley both of tint city,
Rev. J. II. Brown officiating.
GROSS WAGONER Ai the home of
air. llannuin, Dec. 24, 1UO0, Henry
tiroes, and Mrs. Hattie Wagoner, both
nf Josephine county, Rev. J. 11.
Brown officiating.
GRIMES-REED At Ilia residence
of Mr. F. G. Burns, (irant Pass. Ore.,
Dec. 2.1 1900, by Rev. J. II. llro.n,
Andrew Grimes, and Mrs. Mary Reed,
both of this place.
Pass, Dee. 8, 1U00, Wm. Saunders.
ex county surveyor, and Mrs. Louis
home of the bride in (inula l'iu
Tuesday. Dec. 25, 1900, by Judge Abe
Axtell. W. M. Williams, and Mies
Lid Van Buskirk.
ROI'ER-WII.UAMS-Al Central Point
Dec 2.1, 19)10, Fred Roper, and Mies
Ells Williams.
Office on 6th St. oppo. Court House.
Residence North 7th St.
To tell you about all the Rood values we have to offer
so this time we will just mention
If you want the very best that's sold anywhere, ask
They are both genuine Mocha and Java Coffees, and
a better grade can not be had at any price. We sell
at 35c a pound. Our Crystal Blend has always given
the best of satisfaction. We have handled this brand
for oyer seven years. We sell at 25c a pound. Re
member these three brands can only be had In Grants
Coming Events.
Dec. 29 "A Breexy Time" at opera
Dec.31-Watch Night. W. R. C. at
opera bouse.
Jan. 1 New Yeara day,
Jan. 1. Native Daughters' Grand New
Year's Ball.
Jan. 7 to 12 Griffith Hypnotic com
pany at opera house.
Calico Chriitmat Danes.
On Christinas night tbe Firemen gave
their annual Christmas ball at the opera
house. 'There wat a large attendance.
The ladiet were attired In bright new
calicoes making a picturesque and pleas
ing effect. The goutlemen wore huge
calico cechliei, tome of the hues thereof
shouting with inch an exceeding loud
voice that tht caller was obliged to raisa
hi voice several degrees.
The music wa furnished by the
Demaree orchestra ( six piece and
wat of the same lively, accurate and
attractive qualify which has contributed
to the pleasure of to many of such
events as this in thia city.
One of the very enjoyable feature of
the occasion wat the supper which wat
served at the oyster parlors of D. Uanan,
at the postofllco building.
The affair wat an entire social and
financial success, AH present enjoyed
themselves to the fullest extent and no
unpleasant occurrence marred the pleas
ure ol the evening.
The Ctruue of 1000.
A booklet giving tbe population of all
cilice of the United States of 25,000 and
over according to the cemus of 1900,
hat just been issued by the Passenger
department ol Ihe Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railway, and a copy of It may
be obtained by sending your address,
with two-cent stamp to pay postage, to
the General Paaaenger Agent of the
Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway,
Chicago, III.
A Breezy Time.
"A Breezy Time" which hat been a
laughing success for the past seasons,
H L. COE & G
Special Sale
200 pairs of Shoes for Ladies,
Men aud children, all styles,
nil oiyivn,
sites and widths.
Your choice lor
lirokon lots of 2jc, 40c aud
50c Wall Paper one, two and
three rolls of a 10
roll buudle.
White Shirts, linen bosom,
collar and cuff bands, made from
New York: mills muslin, equal
In value to any $1.50 custom
made shirt. di ff
Our price, pLSJJ
We have gathered together all short lengths from all depart
ments and placed them on sale at very tempting prices Ginghams
Shirtings Muslins I)iisdalt. Cambrics S heetings Henriet
tas Cashmeres Series in black and all colors. Plaid, plain and
striped worsted and silks just what you want for waists and skirts.
We are determined to close out broken lines aud remnants re
gardless of worth or cost, aud it will pay any one to look these
remnunts over early in the sale.
"Remember remnants are sold regardless of cost."
Full 10-4 Ulatikets sold at 85c
per pair.
Big lot of Silk Initial QK
Handkerchiefs at rwU.
Hundreds of articles
No house tin earth is offoring bottor valuo than
wo aro on Footwear.
R. L.
at the
Grocery Co.
and in which the managers, Fits and
Webster, have acheived fame and for
tune, will be at tbe opera house on
December 20th. It it a musical farce
comedy creation with an abundance of
fun and a paucity of serious interest.
In other words, itt purpose it to divert
rather than to engross the attention.
It believe the general opinion that a
farce comedy cannot have a coherent
plot. In point of fact, it ha a scheme
of interest that run throughout the
entire play, and makes a very good rack
upon which to hang a series ol specialty
performances of a high order and en
joyable nature.
Tbit musical comedy fairly scintillates
with mirth and , merriment, has tbe
sweeteet tongs, jolliest joke, and hap
piest hits. The novelties Introduced
include the three legged tailor, lawn
tennis .quintette, frolic of frogs, the
rooster dance, and a grand cal walk ,
by the entire company.
Another Fatality.
Passengers on Saturday' couth bound
overland brought tbe newt of another '
fatality on the railroad, which occurred
as ibe train waa leaving Glendale. The
victim waa Louis Hodge of Redding,
Cel., who wa trying to board the brake
beams and in 1 doing (ell under the
wheels, several can pasting over his
A Twltt of tho Wrist
In the night will turn on tbe electric
berth light in tbe Pullman Standard
Sleeping Cart, ou the Northern Pacific's
North Coast Limited. Two light in
each section. Get a North Coast Limit
ed leaflet. A. D. Charlton, Ast't Gen'l .
Pass. Ag't. 255 Morrison St., Cor. 3d,
Portland, Oregon.
A New 10 Section
Wide veaiibuled Tourist Bleeping Car,
with all up-to-date convenience, i a
part of tht Northern Pacific' new North
Coast Limited, which makes it first
trip May 8. Procur a North Coast
Limited Isaflet. A. D. Charlton, Ass't
Gcu'l Pass, Ag't, 205 Morrison St., Cor
3d, Portland, Ore.
Ladies warranted dji ff
Kid Gloves, p l.UU
Special value.
Ladies Iced Wool Shawls and
Fascinators. d1 ff
Special values, pl.VU
All silk Jap. Initial Handker
chiefs, good value at 50c.
Special ale price, $Q0
j cents buys the best hemmed
stitched Handkerchiefs ever sold
for the price.
200 Pairs of Ladies', Men's
and Children's Shoes on Bar
gain Counter, di ff
Going at pl.UU
ot special value offered