Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 20, 1900, Image 4

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O th rattl and the roar and th banc
In th
Otht Jumblaand th rumblaaadtbaclanc
And the feet
The feet with Iron ahoet that go tramplnc
up and down.
Never ceasing, never atlll In th never-
aleeplns townl
O the late and early pounding In the ahopl
Do toe anna that wield the hammera never
Never, never ceaa to fall
On th bare,
Hard and aoft and great and email I
And the car
O the rumbling care that go
In and out and to and fro.
With their pufflng and their bumping and
their fretting.
And their amaahlng and oollapalng and up
eetttng! ' O th trouble of the engine with th long
Tralna they drawl
O th ringing of the anvil and the eong
Of th awl
O th never ending rattle and the never
ceaalng roar,
What a story they keep telling keep re
peating o'er and o'er
What a atory of atrong arm!
What a tale of buny hand! '
What a romance reaching out
To the farthest foreign landat
What a atory of glad bearta and of face
that are bright!
What a atory of the thank thai go up to
Qud at ninhtl
Hear the anvil wher th red
Rod la laid,
Singing: "Bread, bread, bread
For the maid
For the maid and for th boy, and for th
Singing: "Joy, Joy, joy I" Shouting: "Llf,
life, life!"
And the aong th aaw la singing
1 another long of hope.
And a aong of Joy la ringing
Through th creaking of th rope!
And the feet,
With their never coating elatter, .
In the atreet; I
They are going, aooo or lata, 1
Unto reat somewhere beyond
Leading on to thoae that wait
Walt with anxious eyea and fond
Where the shouting children play around
the doors,
Where th crowing bahle creep upon tha
O th feet go on and on and th rattle never
And a flood of sound 1 poured from a thou
and busy shops.
And throiiKli all th roar and banging
1 can hear
Rising o'er the busy clanging, '
Sweet and clear,
A song of thanks to Heaven for th worH
there la to do,
For the henna there are to do It and th Jon
It's leuillng to!
B. B. Klser, In Chicago Times-Herald, i
H Their Hundred Dollar Bill::
"Q 0 IlK'Sgunea
jj my wile, aril
of her pretty ejeb
0 HE'S rone at Inat, has he?" (aid
illi little elevation
brow. "I began ta
think lie wus soiuettluit gifted with ira
"Dead at last," sold J. "Ami whut do
you think, Jenny? II hoalcft us a hun
dred doHur."
"A hundred dollar I "chocd my wife,
clashing her hunda tog-el her. "0,
Charles) a hundred dollanrl"
Now all this may sound like a two
pence-halfpeiinjr sor t of alTulr to soma
o( my readers, as I am very well aware,
llut us I am only a clerk on a sulury ol
t'JUO a year a hundred dollars drifting',
on it were, out of the sky, aeemed a rerjr
neat little sum to me.
Jenny and I were both young people,
just beginning the world, with no par
ticular riches, except one apple-cheeked
buby, I walked tu and from buslnesa
every day to save the 80-cent furea,
W did our beat tu uiak both end tucel
and a tight pull we found It.
Old Uncle Mote Maneon wna mortal
ly offended when hi niece, Jenny Clif
ford, choa to marry me Instead of a
weazemid, bespectacled old contempo
rary of hla own. He hud never spoken
to her since, and w-e naturully enter
tained no very exalted hopes of any
teatuinentary recollections on his part.
And the $100 bill, therefore, poasessed
th charm of au agreeable surprise. Into
tha bargain.
"Charles," sold Jenny, under breath,
"whut ahull we do with it?"
"That la th very question," said t
"Do you know, Jenny"
I hraltnted a little hare,
"Yea?" ah responded, interroga
tively. "Every fellow In th bank, except me,
has a gold watch, l'ra been ashumed
of Uils old silver concern moro than
once. And Seymour haa a very nlc
secondhand one for sal thut lie will
let tne have for $U If-"
"And turn the $luo into a lucre use
ri'aa ornament!" cried Jenny, with a
strong accrnt of disapprobation In her
voice. "Charley, that ian't a bit like
"Well, then, what do you auggrat?"
"1 should so like to give a social purty
with It," -aid Jenny, cuaxingly. "Only
think how often we've been invited out
since w were married, and never hat
had a chance to return any of the hos
pitalities of our friends. The musi
cians, the supper, and all, would come
within the hundred dollar."
"And you are absurd enough to wish
to eat, and drink, and dance up a sum
Uk that!" I cried. "No, no, Jennet le,
It la entirely out of the question."
"A new velvet suit for th bnliy?"
suggested Jenny, pouting a little at th
emphasis of my words.
"How would it correspond with th
reat of our surroundings ?" 1 asked, uot
without an accent of bitterness. "You
had a great deal better suggest a new
winter suit and overcoat for me. You
never seem to observe how shabby 1 am
"Nobody noticea a genllemun's
dress," snid Jenny. "I can make vour
overcoat look very nice w ith fresh bind
ing ami new bultomr but how I should
like a seal. kin jacket!"
"Jenny," sitld I, somewhat dUguetecl,
"I had no Idea you could be so selfish."
"Selfish, Indeed!" cried ah. "1 would
Hke to know whether you have yet suit-
geated anything which wna not for
your own stieclal benefit and use!"
We were both llni. I don't suppose
either one of u had felt so Ortiictlte
before, since our marriage. tlritrh the
1100 bill had worked nogieat In in fit as
'TU tall you what, Jenny." aiiid I;
Don't Rub It In.
Sore Throat
I'hyslclaaa us this Mytrtne Pans
Tur in their famine ui prescribe It
a their praetke. At dragertte, U cm.
Gentlemen: I never hatat to fceknowW
idae the worth of a t thins, eonea
lurntly I not hesitate to aclrnwle.l(
luently I not lieslt
rial 1 have given your
at, and have found H
to Lxi all you
J. H. PI'TNAM. M. V., RuUattd. Vfc
tcawna Agcay At yAWCJM
'' ..ltipromls. Left buy a new sitting-room
and stair carpel. 1 saw a
beautiful pattern yeatertlay."
"I don't core very for new car
pets aa long as we live on a mi. nil
floor," said Jenny. "Andi u M.n't trim
to remember, Charles, tl.i.l I l.uvt n't
bad a silk dreaa aince we inurritd.
Illack silk la suitable for nil i ci-i.ii n.
from a wedding' to a fuiral. nr.d I real
ly think-"
"I believe a woman' tlicngliK are al
ways running on dreaa," muttered I,
some what contemptuously, "i'm n;re
that black alpaca of your- l hi"
"That' all you know ahou! she unit
ter," said Jenny, delating lir
"Well, I don't care. Sp nil the money
as you choose. Only, I'm lc Mote wa
my relelive."
"And the money was left to n:e, Mr.
Everts," said I.
"0, Charles," onld she, "how can yoo
speak to me ao?"
"Because I'm a brute, Jenny." wild t,
fairly melted. "Forgive me, and we'll
fling the old hundred-dollar bill into
the fire before we'll let it scat ter the
seeds of division between lis."
".No, Charley, don't do that." said
Jenny, laughing through her tears.
"Let's put it in the saving bank."
"Agreed," snid I. "And apropos of
savings banks, did I tell you tilKiut
"No. What about Greene?"
"Why, he and his wife have fust
moved Into the prettiest Utile golhlo
cottage you ever miiv, juM the other
aide of the Harlem bridge, ivilli n lawn
and giirdrn, and space to keep u little)
Alderney cow."
"liented It?"
"Xo; bought It."
"Why, Charle, how can that hcT
Greene ha only 2O0 or 300 a year
more than you, and it takes money to,
buy places in tne country.
"All saving banks, my dear," mid
I. "Greene tell me that he and his
wife have been saving up for yeara,
with special reference to this country
home fur their children. They com
menced with a SO-cent piece."
"We can do better than that!" mild
Jenny, with sparkling eyes. "And I'll
do without the silk drexs."
"And I'll make the old me icon t last
another aeiiaou, at the very leant," I
The next morning, bright nail early.
as soon a business, houra would per
mit. I went and deiMisiteu the hun
dred dollars In the nearest aviiiga
hnnk. I
A week afterward Mr. Munyplj
dropped In, In a friendly way. Mr. i
Miinyply la the lawyer who Irni:acle4
Uncle Mimes .Miin.on'a financial af
fairs a plump, bald he.'iili d, ilecp
voleed old gentleman, who alivnya
dresses In polios black and wears a
big seal ring on the little llnrvr of his'
loft hand.
"So," said Mr. Miinvply, "you've inp,
vested that have you?"
"Yes," said I, with tne complacent
air of one who has an aecount la
bank. -"Hut how did you know It?"
"O, I know a good innn.v things."
tali! Mr. Miinyply, orneulnrly. "Hut
what's the itlcaof It?"
"Economy," struck III Jenny, proud
ly. "We are saving now, Mr. Many
ply. We menu to have a limne for our
little Charley a gnrdrn full of rosea
and pinks and atrnwlicrrica one of
these days."
"And a very laudihle ambition,",
said Mr. Manyply, In that smooth, oily
way of his. "How much would such
a place coat now?"
"Charley thinks If we waited for
a burgaln we could secure it for nlmut
$7,000," Jenny nnswcrcil, promptly.
"Buy It now, then," mid Mr. Many
ply. "Here' a check for Is.uoo,"
"I'.h?" cried I, breathlessly.
"A check," the old lawyer went on,
"sigurd by your uncle Maimou, pay
able to the order of his niece. ,lana
Anne K'varts. Ah! you may well look
astonished. He una an errcentrie old
chap, this uncle of yours, Mrs. Kvnrts
mid 1 have hla written Instruction
to keep nil eve on the manner In
which you invested thai Jllio l)ciieat
of hia, 'If It is Miiaudered In liny
foolish way, he writes, 'there la nn
end of the milter. 'Put my iiwmm v nil
In the hospital for hiim'hhark.-. If
they show nay disposition to nur help
them along with this check for $S,ohi,
to be expended only In the purchase
of real eatate.' I congratulate you."
This Is how we hecnnie potm-to-cd of
ourllttle country home, where Charley
thrives like a growing tloiver anil
Jenny flits about in a hroad brimmed
gardening hat, trimming rotes, prun
ing gooseberries and planting lily
bulbs. And the I MX) bill still lira un
touched in the savings bank.
"It shall be Charley's fortune," -ay
my wife. "It would be a shame to
tourh It after it has wrought uk no
much good."- Philadelphia Item.
Left Out th. Mala Helens.
An ex justice of the peace tells the
following story: During the time he
wa In otllcv a young man was
brought up before him on the charge
of gambling. The evidence wan coiv
elusive, and the judge imposed a fino,
which was paid on the spot. When
the case adjourned the defendant re
mained behind and asked the judge
for a few moments' conversation.
"The case is ovvr," he began, "and
the fin has been paid, and it's set
tled as far aa thut goes, but 1 want
to tell you how it happened. You
re, the cop told us If we didn't stop
he d run us In, Well, we were play
ing a Jackpot. I had an ace, tinea
queens ami a king before the druiv.
1 discarded the uce and king and
drew another queen. There were
good hands out against me, ami they
tried to blutT me out, and 1 stayed
with them. Now, wint I want to
know is what you would have done
In a case like that?"
"Stayed with them If the gallows
had been In sight," cried the excited
judge. "Why in the name of coiooh.ii
sense was not that evidence brought
out at the trial?"- Sail I.ak Tribune.
The New lourlet Hleepiog Car
On the Northern l'ariflo have tha vto
inen's toilet room an I lavatories separ
ated. Men' lavatories in these cars
have lo wash basin and are also dis
tinct Irom Men' toilet rooms. You will
appreciate all this. A. 1. Charlton,
Ass't lien'l Tsss. Ag't, 2bb Morrison St.,
Cor. 8.1, Portland. (Ire.
Juki riaveil III Life.
It was a thrilling escape that Charles
Davis of lloaerelon, U., lately bad Irom
a frightful death. For two years a
severe lung trouble constantly re
worse until It seemed he imisjdieol
Consumption. Then he began to use
Dr. King' -New Diecovery and lately
wrote: "It gave instant rebel and
tl'ected a permanent cure." Such
wonderful cures havo lor '.') year proven
it'a power to cure all Throat, Chest and
l.ung trouble. Price 60V and II. IK).
Kvery bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles
free at Dr. Kreiuer' drug jtoru.
Iton't us any ol the eountei fella of
lie Witt's Winch llaiul Salve. Most of
them are worthies or liahle to cause
i jury . Th ongtnal lie Witt's Witch
llazul Salve it a certain cute (or piles,
ersema, ruts, sfalds. bum, sores and
skin disease. Ur, W, K, Kremer.
Heart Weakness
The heart 1 th most vital organ of th body.
Ills the engln thai prop! the muscle an
sends sustenance to th nerves and brala ens'
le all th organs Of th body. A flaw la It
xchanlsm la certain to glv rite to aerlons
result, weakness denotes
O-S the presence of a flaw, li
11 . ta a forerunner of some.
V A thing more serious that Is
3A.-SV , . V Iha
nginer. Look to youi
s emlne. See that no sock
f dent occurs. HUDYAN
Is what you need. HUD
YAN will strengthen th
7 N heart. HUDYAN will
8 1 ID a KB tu urn uiuaivTB
MronK and hard. Do not
delay loo long. Beflnibfl
dm of HUDYAN new.
VAN will cans th throbbing to disappear.
8-6. BraaraolN THKEARfS-HUD-YAN
stops th ringing and bulling In a short
YAN will restore the clroulstlon ol the blood
to Us normal condition and koep a cou.unt
healthy color In the cheeks.
YAN by ftlrengtlienlng the hosrt muw-lc. and
the nerves thst supplr It, will stop the palpi
tation slid llntlerlng sad cause ths heart to Leal
REGION. Tbli throbbing and pul-utlng uis
appear shortly after the une of HUDYAN.
Thoussndi have boen curei of Henrt Weak,
neu by HUDYAN. You should bo cured
too. HUDYAN will cure yon. Procure
HUDYAN (roin your drungiit. It le sold
In all drugttnros for floe, per parkigo, or I
pscksges for 12.0). If your drUKKldt docs not
keepli.senddlrecttothe HUDYAN REM
EDY COMPANY, an Krmclwo, (!al.
Consult the H U D V A N DOCTOMS
f sE A Yon nisy rail and see them stid have
a fre consultation. If you cannot call on the
doctor writ to them fur s.lvl. . It will U
given free for the siking. Address
Cer. Sleeklea, Msrbet and Ellis (ta
Dyspepsia Cure
Diaests what you eat.
ItartlflclallyrJlRe.HtB the food and aids
Nature In Blreritrtbenlri( and recon
structing the exhausted diifostlve or
Bam. It lathe luteal dlscovercddlta'st
aut and toulc. No other preparation
can approach It In etllclency. It In
stantly rellevcsand permanently cures
Dyspepsia, lndlgentlon, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Ileaducho, Gastralu ia.Cranipsand
8llother resultsof imperfect (liKcstion.
PrleeHOc. and fl, Largeslierontaln! t!mra
mall alia. llookallaixiu.dyi.ipsiauiailedlrce
CrDarad by E. C DeWITT A CO.. Cblcaao-
The Lijlit )t the World,
Our Saviour in Art.
(.'oat nearly elOl.OOO lo iirndnce. Con
tains nearly 100 (nil-puce ciiK'ruvinui of
our Saviour and Ilia Mother by the
world's urcnli m pniuters. True cidea
of the Ktoalest MuHlcrpiecea in Iha art
naileries ol Ktirope, Kvery picture is ae
lieautiliil bh a ninrisa over Hie lnl!tiip.
Uontuina dcrrription of the i:iintitifi,
biiiviapliy ol the piuntcra, the nanies
and lucuti. iih of tlm if.tileries in Ktirope
where the oriiiinais may lie Keen. Al-o
conltiina a Child' Jiepurtnient, inclml-
ni a Child Ntiiry of the ChriHt anil
Ilia Mother, hiiiiitifully written, to III
euih picturo. 1 Ilia wondurltil hook,
niatclili'HH in its purity and licnuiv.
appeals to every nmiliHr'a lierrt, and in
every ChriHtinii home hero there are
children the hook Hulls iliicll. Clirisliun
men and wnmcii aru uinkitu money
nipiilly taking or. left A Clirixtiuu mnii
or wuiian can in this couitiiunilv aoon
make T 1,000 tukinn urili iH lor (.'ImntimiH
pri'vunt. Mia. Wuite, our Hgcnt in
nlithKachiiHi'tlH, Ills mild over $:l,00.)
worth of hooka in u veiy fhi.rt licne
Mra. Sackelt, our aitcnt in New York,
litis sold over cliOO worth of hooks in a
very short time. Tim hook in primed
on velvet-finiKlit'il paper, hcuiitifiillv
hound in Cardinal l'cl and unld, nud
adorneil with (ioldeu KusfS and l.ilica
It in, without doulit, the niost hcaulilul
hook of thin century. Write for terms
iiickly and et the nmmip.ment of Unit
territory. Vou can work on silury or
eomniiHHioii, and when you prove your
ilcces v,i aill promote you to the posi
tion of Manager and Correspondent, at
a permanent salary, to devote your time
to attonilini lo aijenta and the cor
respondence. Wuuled also a State Man
aticr to have charge of olli.'O in I.eudniK
C ' 1 1 of the Slutti and manao all the
hui ineaa of tlio State. Send ior terms.
Corcoran ItuiMint;, Opposite V. S. Treas
ury, WasliiuKton, II C.
Cvnaue Shows Increase of 1O4.0 lr
t ent. In I't.nulatlon Is
a Ileea4.
The census htireau has made puhllc
the returns of population fur the terri
tory of Arizona. The population of the
territory in ta lV'.'.SIL'.nsciunpai'ed
wit h n popiilui ion In IS'JO of .'.'.i.i'.m. This
allow a an increase dill'iliff the decade of
Bi'.V.ii, or IUI.U per cent. This hii'trc in
crease ix due in part to the fact that
there were V's.ti'.ll Indians and IM other
persona, or ti total of in.i'.v;! pi rv(.n. on
Indian reservations, etc.. in Arizona.
lilio were specially enumerated in ls"0
under the provisions of the census net,
I'll! were not in the general
papulation of the territory at that ci n-
The population of the territory in
I'CTO wna U. Ms. and din ini; the li n years
from ls;o to jsso it iuerea.H o .io.7'.'. or
:il.7 per cent., trliinc a population in
Ism) of 40,1111. The pop illation in Ivai,
ni (riven in the report for that census,
was .'.t.r.'jo. reiresentiuiz au increase
duriliir the dec ide of IW.Imi, or 47.4 pi r
cent. The population of Arizona In lyim
ia more than 1? times as Inre as the
population wiien in 170. the first cen
sus taken after its organization ns a
territory in Im'..1.
T he total land surface of Arltona la,
approximately, III.SJ'.'O sipiare mile,
tlie nv-.T'Vire inunlsr of persons lo the
square mile of the censuses of lvi nnd
1V0O Wing as follows: lsnu.n.5; .
Aa r'.aiilanallna.
The chii'f justices who didn't vote
for Klias Howe's a inussiou to the
Hall of I'aii c have it In for
him, aui;csth the Chieniro Tiaiea Her
ald, because he didn't fix his machine
ao it would sew on suspender huttoua.
i ips Hie" a .AJ
r1rBM Uai aWBUt l .4 i--' k
rtuiu..lrl A h.auil)i'l sT'trh.
v a. I" r
ATri av...a,;.
oHiiuui vior.
fill Iw.aia
Northerners Doo'l Know Bow to Treat s
The following are some, of tne epi
grammatic remark of Col. Carter which
are preserved in the recent version,
says the Chicago News:
"My lire is my friend and sometimes
it seems my only friend; it talks to me
for hours until wo both get sleepy to
gether and I cover It up with its gray
blanket of ashes and then go to bed my
self." "Salt yo' food, suh, with humor, sea
son it with wit and sprinkle it all over
with the charm of goodfcllowship, but
never poiaon It with the care of yo'
life). It is an insult to yo' digestion,
besides bein", sur, a mark of bad breed-
"When you are gettln" old nnd have
no wife to love you and no children to
make yo heart glad, a wood Arc, full of
honest old logs, every one of which is
doin' its best to pleae yo', is a great
'Fill yo' glasses, gentlemen, and
drink to the health of that greatest of
all hleaainga a true southern Indy."
"Jelly, with n canvaalaick? No, suh,
not a auspieion of it. A pinch of salt,
a dust of cayenne, then shut yo eyes
and mouth nnd don't open them 'sept
fo a drop of good rid wine. It is Hie
salt mn rah in the early mrxrnln' thntyo'
are dastin', suh, not molasses candy.
Yo now tliencrs don't renlly treat a enn-
vashack with any degree of respect.
Yo' ought never to come Into hia pres
ence w hen he lies in state without takin'
off yo' hat."
One Towed a Launch, Which Was Hack
ing Water at Speed of HIS Knot
The Sportsmen's llcviciv tclla of the
strength of Uie devil fish, which are
caiilit regularly as n pastime ul only
one point on the gulf. The fUlicnnrn
of .Naples on the tiu!f of Mexico llah for
the devil fish nnd get them.
"Col. Hob Ilolloivny," according to
the Itevicw, "wuk fishing for Uie mon
sters with a party of friend, from a
napht ha launch, when they hail a strike.
The launch was 25 feet long and con
tained ten persona. This the Hah towed
around for an hour, attaining a apced of
six knots nt times, in apite of the fact
that the projieller of the launch wna
backing. 1 he whole h'ht was in sight
of the hotel guexta. who had n-sseinbled
to Bee the lmttlc between llu and pro-
iicller. When the nmmnl was finally
tired out und towed ashore it required
six men to di ng it out. On propping its
mouth open a salt barrel could have
been rolled into it. It measured 22 feet
from wing tip to winrz tip."
Another Naples fish atory followa:
".Mrs. Hugh McDonald wa fishing for
hhnrka. She had a bite. On pulling in,
the head of a shark that hud been at
lenst four feet, long wus found. -Some
shark ihnd bitten the capture in
two. Later the big fellow was hooked
by Mrs. McDonald nnd was pulled in.
The aecoiid shark was more than 15
feet long."
When the stomach is tired out it must
have a rest, but we can't live without
food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure "diuests
what you eat" so that you ran eat all
the Rood food you want while it is re
storing Iha digestive organs to health.
It is the onlv preparation Unit dittcts
all kin Jh of food. Dr. W. K K-enier.
Ilutheil and llai tiered
Aru luxuries that all enjoy on the
Observation Car of the new Norlh Coast
Limited, in operation on and afler May
H, on the Northern PaciHe. This Obser
vation Car will he a dandy, (let a
North Coast Limited leallet. A. I)
Charlton, An't lien'l I'ass. An't, i'lb
Morrison SI., Cor. 3d, Portland, Ore.
Home Interetlnu Fealurre of the
l.oatfloM; UitsiiiesM In the Adlron
ilaet vvilileriieea.
The lm;.U'r cuinps, where the ".hull
ty Lius, w no hew unt the annual up
p.j i.i htl.-, in the Auii'unui.i. ,., live uur
,on il.e ,oi. w inter months, ale laiye.
o Lli.ii.', ollilt u; 1'UUlld, II i. lie vv n
le;.-., i,i.i,., ,i al me cud- and laid tu
eiiirr ",u.,i.i,ii6i;" stie. At one cud
lo a ouor i.uiig on luue cut Iromuil
oj.i li..rnen., tuj, t.l the oppor-itc cud u
bi.iuil vv itiih.v. in llu "uieira hliauly"
lue lui.,,..', haulers, skuli:i.iri und
t.-.uiibii . .i.uue am! Mleep. .Near by is
the "cool, c.unp," ituuthei log cublll,
witii u louir, eolith table in the center,
aiulllid wuiell the luell hit on Wooilcll
legyed laiieiies lo eat their 'grub,"
as ituy cuil lour hearty incaiaoi "beuu
avvaer," saieratus bi-cuit, fricil pork
und potatotii, aerved to tlimi at day
liglit, ul ten o'clock a. in., ut three p.
in. und again afler the day's work is
ended, alioiit cic,ht o'clock in ihc even
ing, in the tiid ol tliie "conk camp"
the e.n.k and his satellite, t Ue "eoolue,"
svviat over a hue range, preparing ihc
nil tons tor the biiui y ui m.v ol I-1 v
t aiiaoiaios. In n l.u c log U.,i n at Ihc
oppo.Mie sole of t l:v "itieu's Miai. ly " tlie
lofmo,.; le.iuit. uie kipt, haml Lay be
ing Mol'vd in a loll oveiliea.l. iheu
tlo-ri' al e ll e;rnii.iM , a blav kMinth siuip
unit an ollu e, iv io n- the ioii ii.aii and
e.uer si, t p, vv iih all extra U ,i ior tlie
luiss, or pioprlelor, uluu he vilt tl.e
camp, tlie whole iol tiling ipuU a l..u U
wooilh vili..j;e, sill h the New Vwik iiii.
1'or all average callip of eolec I'AJ
haloid the "an n b shaniy" aad the
"cook ean.p" uie inch ahoul i.a by LJ
feet in bl.e. 1 lie lilt 11 r.ecp in lotlll
woomti I. links, lauijid in ih.ul... liera
aioi.g the si.J. luoiilen tlie
iay on spi nee I., i.Iis, vv u a i,
bialiail p.ead over tllv 111, but iulhvsc
dri;. l.eiate t.ays tloy have thill bed-loi--,
,iviiri....!j stiilTed with hay,
t!i. :.i,.i .l..v huve nut yet attaineii pil
low , a,..: s)., i ts.
With big Move ill the middle of
the loom kept louring Willi four foot
sticks i La. e!i and maple, 1.0 i i.e suf
fers Horn void. Along tl.e lower law
Ol blte.k:. I i:l..s 11 wide M'.lt. II. ...le of a
pine s.ub, li lie'.d hi wviotleti lii.'.;.lld
ea icd a .con seat." Uani it ai.u.g
tli.e the jovial en w s.t i r an
hour or so ni'tev supper, su.i k;t llieir
shorl "tihio'ei lis" tilled Willi i n! lev:
of the st ;'i l.i:t vt i at let i . lol i; il . and
jest c..i around aril voiii;!. ale itoi' and
storits told. T he uiiisician oT the camp
briiikTs out his I'uUllc, aec. ri.iou or
nioiuh orcan, ami the jig dancer cut
pigeon wins r the boisterous "stag
ipiadtille" or spirited "-'rene!i lour"
brings alt hands out on the puncheon
tloor, hoeing it down in isiua,
shoe packs or "larrtguns," the latlt r uu
otTshoot of the moccatin with a top
Itrsldea these liiuiVer c.unp there
are many otlur I c.'.h '.is scattered
thl' ii'.', out tl'. e -'s v !., e il'.nites.
the "i O'e. pit ... . tl lo., th lu.cdfc.
r.:.'. a ' ' .' f:-. m t 'ie Adiron-t'-ol.
. :.: . .',!: eev trvpc of all
sp r.-'i . . .- . .-i, imost i n luelesa
f..r l.;..b. i' I ; :r-s w !:ieh t Mend up
tV... tie:k fi..'. ,!,e to the loner
hraceltca of t! e ..wii, iu most eases
penetrating lo ti e In art of the tree.
This . uin f 'Is n th resin, which ex
udes and hardens, forming the spruce
gum of eoiniriercc.
Koh-l-llCKir t'Bucill at the Col aica
Ulla Bite Wa Hot Uradljr, Bat t'sa
brella Tree "Wmm.
In the far northeastern part of Ari
zona territory, that is to say In. Navajo
county, a young man w-as bitten by s
Gila morjster rt?eutly. Almost at the
tame time, at Yuma, in the extreme
southwestern corner of the territory.
a little girl ate some berries that fell
from the umbrella trees thut grow so
plentiful in southern Arizona. The
young man lived, but the little maiden
died. The lnlter case is the more re
markable, perhaps, for until this in
stance not even the medical profession
suspected that there was anything
poisonous about the umbrella tree. The
child's name wa Dora I.yr.cli, her fa
ther being well-known in Yuma. The
lucky young man in the northeast was
Orrin Harney, who had started out with
a party for Utah. He wa following a
wagon up a hill and "scotching" It with
rocks. He reached down for a rock
and picked up a Gila monster. The
monster's head had to be cuU "off to
loosen the grip on R.irney'a hand. The
latter suffered severe pain for two days,
but then recovered. His only remedies
were tobacco and whisky.
There ia more Catarrh in this section
ol the country than all oilier diseases
put IngKttier, and until the l ist lew
years waa snppoeed lo be ii.ctir.ible
for a ureal many veara doctora pio-
uouueed ita local disease, and proscribed
local remedies, and by constantly failing
to cure with local tieatin-nl pronounced
11 iiicmablH. Science ha proven catarrh
lo be a constitutional diseate, and there
fore it quires conatitutional treatment
Hall, 8 Catarrh Cure manufactured by K
J. Cheney & Co, Toledo, Ohio, is the
onlv cousiilutiona) cure on the market.
it ia taken internally in doses from 10
drops to a Icaspoonful. It acta diiertlv
on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They offer one hundred dollars
for any cs it fails to cure.
Send (or circular" and testimonials.
Address ; F. J.C'iiksev & Co , Toledo, 0.
Hold hv Drii;e;i!a. 75e.
Halle family Tills are the best.
Illeolrlo Light.
In the bertha of the Standard Pullmans
of the Northern Tacit'ic's new North
Coast Limited will lie appreciated by
Pacific const and inland empire travelers.
Two liirlila to each section. Afk our
agents far the North Coast Limited leaf
let. A. D. Charlton, Ass't General Pas
senger Ai'etit, lifij Morrison St. Cor. 3 1,
Portland, Ore.
Parent! by Mas Una Virtnnllr KxtlD
KUlshetl the Deep-Sen Monster.
Whalers, and especially the man with
the harpoon, have always been popular
characters, and, indeed, the perils and
ixpluita of their trade form not the
least stirring chapter in the romnncc
ot commerce, says Uie London Graphic.
It w ill, therefore, touch must of us with
.some slight tense of !os lo learn as n
correspondent of the Tall Mall Gazette
(insure us that, ns fur a the arctic
seaa are concerned, that chapter is
closed. This is a prosaic age, and the
results of Hint famous corporation of
whalers, the Dundee Arc-tie Fisheries
(.nipany, limited, for the last tw o years
have, it is snid, not only not satisfied the
shareholders, but have resulted In a
heavy low. The right whale, which
provides the famous bone, has become
so senrce that a ship if nowadays lucky
if it be rewarded by even one small one
as the reward of a whole season's
struggle with arctic fog nmd ice. A
parallel might be drawn between the
pursuit of the urctic leviathan and the
African behemoth, the elephant. Mod
ern improvement" in weapons of de
struction have so thinned both their
tribes that, as objects of profit, they
havo almost ceased to he worth the
Had to Have a ft al Collane.
She put her arms around his neck and
looked up into his eyes. "Yes," she
said, "I believe in love iu a collage. I
know Unit I could find happiness there
with you." "My darling! he ex
claimed, rapturously. "Hut," she per-
t istcd, earnestly, "you must not petit
Into your head that I am not nn ex
pert on cottages. Youi mustn't think
you ran pnlm off a cabin or a shanty
on me ami make me think it is a cot
tage. Many a drenm of bliss is wrecked
through n misunderstanding of the
meaning of the word 'cottage.' When
you hove one that you would like to
show me I w ill be glad to pass upon it.
There must be room enough, you
know, so that love won't be crowded
on to the back steps every time one of
us wants to turn around. As he
atnlkcd moodily away in the gloaming
he Tenltxed that he could not play the
flimflam game of love upon her. r
'Wanted a l.lltle Credit Himself.
Many years ago Rev. Jedcdiah
Dewey, nil ancestor of Admiral Dewey,
waa holding rervieea In honor of the
nctory in, nnd. as he was
right and proper, was givirg Provi
dence all tile credit for the triumph of
the American arms. Ethan Allen, who
was present, chafed under Ihisiieiileet
of his own part in the buttle, nnd, ris
ing in his pew in the very middle of the
"long prayer," ns it is called, said:
"Parson Dewcv. Parson Dewey, Par
son Dewey." The clergyman stopped
and opened his eyes. The intrepid Al
len went on: "Please mention to the
Lord about my being there." Not
daunted by this outrageous interrup
tion, the holy man thundered: "Sit
down, thou bold blasphemer, 'and lis
ten to the Word of God." Detroit
Free Press.
A Keen Clear rtriln.
Your best feel inn', your social posi
tion or business success depend larceiv
on the perfect action of vour Stomach
and Liver. Dr. Kinn's New Life I'iIIb
Hive increased strength, a keen, clear
brain, hinli ambition. A -a cent box
will make yon bet like a new bcinir.
Sold by Di, Kremer DrtK'nist.
Ilrave Men Kail
ictitna to stomach, liver and kidncv
troubles, aa well as women, and all feel
the results in loss ef appetite, poisons in
the blood, bsckaebe, nervousness, head
ache and tired, listless, run-dnan feetinn,
Hut thre' no nteil lo del like that.
J. W. Gardner, of ldaville, lud.tav:
"Electric Hitlers are just the Ihinn or
a man hen he don't euro whether I e
lives or dies. It yave me new strcunib
ami good appetite. 1 can now eat auv
tlituit and have a new lease on uie."
Only 50 cents, at Dr. Kremer 's Drug
store. L'icrv bottle guaranteed.
At lied Time.
I take a pleasant herh dri.ik, the next
morning-1 feel bright and my complex
ion i better. My doctor ay It actsi
gently on my stomach, liver and kidui,
and I a pleasant laxative. It i made
from herb and is prepared aa easily a
tea. It is called Lane's Medicine. All
druggist sell it at 75 cts. Lane's Fami
ly Medicine move the bowel each day.
II toil cannot get it, send for a free sin.-
ple. Address, Orator F. Woodward, Jjf
Koy, N. Y.
New hue ol writing tablet 5c to 50c
at Cot sua office.
It's a Short Road
from a coug!i to consumption.
Don't nc.jlect a cough take
when your cold appears. The
ounce of prevention" is
better than years of illness.
"T taiTcrcd UtT ywi from cotich, bronchi,
and tun- trouble. Kird blood frequently.
Spent ycaVft iu tiie IakntJ and other ptrltof
wot but (ti,. no relief. Returned east and
bean uli'.jt Shu un. A f-w ba ttles cora
pit-tely cured uc. 1 cuaiider it tbc greatest of
Wnb F. L. Cmp A Co., Broken, fiutfalo, N. V.
HliUoVs CanBiimptlon Cart Uld by it II
dniKK" nt 0e, 51. on bottln. A
pri'.lr l 7'inr;Mitc k with every rntttl.
It yoi r nil &n.i.f-i. go to your druKX-
ui gtit youi jnonry tct.
Wie Sr.r t'W-'rMtd bnt en ontinipt)oo. Snt
fr.UKmt '..ufct vi a. S. C. WelU Co , LcKoy, N.V.
El- '- . .' cje'"i"'"if.
:VA'-S There'
i ir,c&r JT no reueciion so
liZii- dainty, no light ov;Q
lr?vk?' charmlnz ta the n iiy
mellow glow that
comes from
t4 '-?!.
t:l PreparediD minTec!ortittti I'ir 1 1
i Prepared io minyecortittts i'i
L 'Jil ronnniufB in oiaing I i if
C-S? "Tjv. room, dra trine mod. A
dratrmaT ronm. S" ir
Thoro hav lieen tilftcoil upon thn markot
scveml clirup rr'prhiti of an utiiollw tlnioii
of " Wc.Hicr"s bictiDtiury." 'I'lmv uie U-ing
otfurod uudcr various at u lovt priuo
dry froofls tlcolors, frrm-ei-n, flrronta, etc., nrA
in u low insrunctaus a prciuiuiu torsubtkjrip
tions to puiei-.
Auuoiiuoeinfnt8 of theeo coinparatlvely
rfprints nre very mislead, n(r: for .ntt'tifO,
they lira aJvoitip'l to th Kutwitiiitnil
c-piiviilerit of n hiflif r-prlc! Uioit. wli. n in
ntillty, no fur tw mi know uad bcliovo, ttioy
are all, from A to Z,
Reprint Dictionaries,
phototyjte copies of n lunik f ov.r tlfty
vcaivaVo, whidi in Itstlny wasf-ohl ,(i-ntHut
fTt.iW, an J which wa much mi(enor in impor,
print, ami bindiiiK to thene linliat ion;1, being
then a vork of unuo merit iuatctul of ouo
Long Since Obsolete.
Th Rupploment nf 10,nn0 ao-calleri "newr
wonii?," which B-imoof iheec liuokMiiit! Hdver
tisii to contain, wiw ciiiipitel by a irt-nllts
ui.m wto tlit-l over forty yeari nTo. kiiu wiih
piibli-h-l before his in(lt. other liiiu..r
luiUilioiifl uie if more or less vuiuu.
Tho Webster' UnthrldRcd Dictionary pib
liiMI ly our house In Uie only im ritorumq
io of that imine lnmltiar to thii rei.enitiOii.
It contains over : pnrtM, with illmt ni
trons on nearly every puK. and I 'tin our
Imprint on the tille pairo. It in protected hy
eifpvrijrht from cheap imitation.
Valuable thin work we havo at vast
expetifW imhlhhe! h thoroughly n;vim tl
BUceefVaor, known ihroui:hout (lie world on
Webster's International Dictionary.
Aa a dictionary lata u li let into ou bhould
Get the. Best.
niustrattil pninplilit f nj. AJdixufl
G. ft C MERRIAM CO.,5prlr.;tlcld,
Quinine is 10 crtrH brlnnd. CoUU do
not now hnve to b endured. M okl h
j'YNMM' Taiici-km (ealled dynamie froiu
tlair energy) i-rowd a wfe'n'H ordinary
treiitineut into 12 hours and About tlie
wortn of eohiH over niitt.
"It was the wort p:Heof;rrip 1 ever bad.
A hull dozen friend.- hud fine cure. Still
it liunjr on. Heard ot the 1 1 vis am it Ta ii
i i.fH, To mv aniui'ineiit thev flopped Itoth
eo!l antl eou.'h Hie first nilit. 1 endorse
and reeonuneiul 4hcm to the people,
liiht i.av, Kx niember of ( oiigres
anil Atturnev. I'd Sanotne street, ull
rranci.-eo, July i. llUHi.
' Winter cold-- have nlway been Rerioun
Ihin! to me. J hey are hard and Mny tor
moil ths. but tlie laa was .xtoppctl suddenly
hv Mknpki.'s I 'yn a v ie Taiu lkh. Hoth
tonsil nnd cold disappeared in a couple of
dayN. Notliinjr el.'e doe- I him for uie."
.Mkh. 1' 1.. Hon, in, n Moss M.( ban
tram'i.M-u. Au. 0, inj.
"I Jive a ros the street from where
M hs iKi. s liYAMic '1 Atu'i m are inude,
That is how I lirt took them. Thev .-tot'
colds without notice. I look a dozen Unce
with me for self and friends when I went
to Nome." II, I,. Van Winki b, Capitalist,
.tad 7 Wahin-tou Mreet, au Kraiuico.
AtlKUt 10, l!Mt.
Seiit postpaid for cents in Mump by
INLAND lM.l t. ( o, 'ja:
Mreet, :in V rrnci.ico. AUoon sine by our
hx al fluent M. t'l.i
A .)00 YK.VUI.Y lo t'l,ris!
j ni n or wo'iii'ii lo took
3ufti-r our uroainir uuMm't-'fl in tl.i.i
ami a.'j-'iiiiHK' t'ciuntiff ; toa ta-i
Mannvi r and Coi ri-ap itult'iil ; work
fan lie iIoiib at your home. Dncloiifl
Jj HI ll-il Ili'rHfll, plailllH-ll t'IIVl'..IO
Z lor iarticuiar" to II. A Slieriimii,
Oi'iieral Mun.vr, Ton-oran litiilil
t lua, opposite 1'iiitiil Statis 1'iras-
j urv, Waslimij'on, 1. C
Win ti you in. -1 a Foothill anil lieal-
itill unliwptic apiilii'iu.on tor anv
purp.iBc, iti tlie original V tt'itt'i
Wnt-h lhui'l tal v, a null knonnrtirv
for pi.Vs siul i.kin ilisi'ast'S. It heula
4ori-s a Itliont It-aying a scar. IWrare of
tviin'ri .Vira. Ir YV. K. Kn-nirr.
visit DR. JORDAN'S oset(
HilllUETST.llirilKI.Ct.HU i
Tkt I -r (-. Aiutnicl MiraM ! tti J
n 4 .ktiifM or nf ci ntrctd
d ii pJ(lty rirJi tk taM ,
!i.-ti..i ,t. t. jm. bit. jt fsi i
Trail i tWsutVf mftMW i
Item rMai itkK-aitM (mifi.
frMMlttrll-U KBfffftt. MasatU i
I l .-kl rm fM ri.aa, VsSSHra
9 IslaMk. r-j IM. lasMB' HCMs 4b- :
Mil J BJ 1 rwm tw m ! ca
1C. NttJtt FftaYaY. 1 A litVU ton
d ooi a co., lost Mi k. r.
Crfu, fi4 1 ra.Vftrkt ptrMinW and all rt
OvNrnctisattoaircu a Patc nt rrtea
ni w ca c ir pateii im m iun iaam Hmjm
iiret Ir-wti !- ton,
Snl tla-t, Jrwm c-r ttiMiv. with Jmmib
is. U Jte, U v-.triul; or t, bw tj
clutv. tur M wr nil Pttnt it wcl. (
A IHNiCT. " H"w 0bim laliu." with
isi numr n mi an, tuni ottaLrimj
f V rTT-lT WIBMtMTl, p. ,
wnjr, Mid ut
fe'arlf-Mrta5i-.-.- i n i anil,
Bend for Catalogue
United Tyi-bwhiteb & Scitliks Co.
l30 stakk sl'rebt, poktland
"u,,u v"i win siae in me uniua aisiea
of America haviujj over a million and a-half regular raadara.
fl YEARS (remainder of lfcjo iom, 1901, 1901 and loot) will be scot b saall
o any address for A DOLLAR BILL. Wi 7 U
Danpicui rasm uuKiiAL anu
Courier and Oregonian i year for $2
Shasta Route
Train Leave Grants Puis fur I'urt
land anil Way Station al 4:40
a. ni. anil 6:13 . in.
I.v. Portland 8:30 a.m. 7:0.) p.m.
Ar. Uraiiisl'as9...10:4H p.m. 10:10 a.m.
Ar. Ashland. . . . 12 S. a.m. Il:o0am.
Ar. Sacraiutmto. . R:00p,m. 4 a.m.
Ar. SanKrancisco. 7:4,r p m. SI. 30 a.m.
Ar. Ouilen 6:45 p in. 11 :45 a.m.
Ar. lvnver 11:00 a.m. " Oil a.m.
Ar. Killings City . .7:-5a.m. 7 :'.' a.m.
Ar. Chicago 7:55 a,ni. a.m.
Ar. l.o Angtlea. . 1 :20 p. in. 7 .00 a. m.
Ar. Kl Paso 0:0:! p. in. 0:0) p. ui.
Ar. Fort Wi.rth . . .0 ::!0 a. in. 0 :.10 a. in.
Ar. City of Slei ico 9 :55 a. in. t) 55 a. in.
Ar. Iloustnn 4:00 a. in. 4!( 0 a. m.
Ar. New Orleans. fi:-5 a. ui. 8:25 p. m.
Ar. Washington. .0:42 a. m. 6:42 a. m.
Ar. New York. . .12:4:1 p. ni. 12:42 p. ni
both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to
OiMen and Kl Paso, and Tourist cars to
Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans and
Conneitir.g at San FrancUco with
several steamsliip line for Honolulu,
Japan, China, Philippine?, Central and
South Atntyica.
See J. p. Jester, ap-nt at (irants Pas
Pasa station or address
C. H. MARKHAM. (J. P. A..
Portland, Ore
LVM Ocscny
Qol.'fclf .urwtsirt our opmtt.n fra Utl r fct)
tiT.rirMn IS ttroh,bl7 ?MI.aM-iMV 0rni j- w ..
liinrtlTtTtO.IrttaU. ll.icifkim Pii"- '
Sit trt. DI M mti-t f, Ma-ttn. rf itl..
I'At-ni tason thmactt Munn A Lo. rticJT.
Scientific fimlm.
A hMwQrr t!rarvvi wvit I -.--c .
caUlhm f any r-i.-r l. UP j.
t it r ni i'Ii uS S a MO hj
The Courier 1 fear and Farm Journal 5 Years for $1.25.
Subscriptions must be received beiore Dec. 13d.
Sewing Machine
Ball Bearing, llili Grade anil Superior in
every rpect.
. Foa Sals By
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
A Fann Library c" nnequalled Talue Practical,
up-to-date, concise and tomprenensive nana
somely Printed and Bcautlfullj illustrated.
All about Horses a Common-Senne Treatise, with over
74 illustrations ; standard work. Trice. 30 Cant.
AH about (rrowinar Small Fruit read sad leant how
contarini 43 colored life-like reproriuctiomof alllciding
varieties and 100 other lllustraliont. Price, 3 CaU.
All about Poultry ; the bet Poultry Book !a cxl4fiot j
tell every thiiif ; with 23 colored lift-like rcpre-ductiMt
of all the principal breed; with 103 oUier.llluatraliom.
Price, so Cent.
AU about Ows ad the Dairy Business baviflf a yrwt
sale; contains S colored lifVHkc reproduction oreasja
breed, with 13a other illustrations, trice, so Camts.
Just out. AU about Ho Breedinr, Peedlo, Butck.
cry, Jiiseaaes, etc. Cotitaina over m beautinii kaif
tones and other engravings. Price, 50 Ceats.
The BIG OLE BOOKS araunique.oririnal.ustfSil Toaarrar
saw anything; like them o practical, so sensible. They
are having an enormous sale Kast, West, North asd
aoum. uvcry one who keeps a liorse, cow, r
Chicken, or (Trows Small Fruits, ot-rbt to Mad iTakt
away for the BlUOLti BOOKS. Tbt
Is your paper, made for you and aot a misfit. It la as year
old ; it Is the great boiled-down, hiMhe-nail-on-tkc head,
Cuit-aUer-you-bave-said-it, Farm aod Household paper la
circular atscrlbing BIUU1X VO0KI fr.
Shortest and Quickest
and all points east
TlirnuKh I'alace and Tourist Sleep
ers, Killing and liultvi Smukinr
l Iilbrarj Car.
Tiikets to puiiits K:it via Portland and
at Southern IVitic Deiot Tiiket Ofliee
iieaei wince
laa ThlrU Street, Portland.
For K.itra Pnl.lur. .,,.1 r. .it :.,r, ....:...,
regarding Eastern trip, call on or addrew
City Pass and Ticket Agent, Portland
A familiar name (or the Chicago, Mil
waukee A St Paul Ru,l. .. l .11
over the L'nion as the Great Railway
running the "Pionevr Limited" train
every day and night between St. Paul
mw,A !.: , . ...
u vnicano, buj tiuaha and Chicago,
'The only perfect train in the world.'
Understand: Connection are made
auu au transcontinental Line, aosor
ini? lo tiuti ...... 1 1... t , . . ,
. " " uuBieervice IDQ.U,
Luxurious coaches, electric lights, steam
heat, of a verity equalled bf no other
See that your ticket reada -ia "The
Milrailkeei" arlixn . :.
" I," ' w mt'J I"'" u
the l-nited Stale nrl .,,.,1. Ali.i..
et agents sell them.
ror rates, pamphlets or other infor
mation, address,
J. W.C.tKEV, C. J. Enor.
Tray. Past. Agt. General Agent,
Skatti.k, Wash. Portlasd, Or