Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 20, 1900, Image 2

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A. E
bate or ubschiitio :
One Yew, in rdvapca,
toil Months,
Three Months,
(jingle Copies,
1 25
All snliscriptions continued until ordered
to i-ease, and until all arrearaie re paid.
Lw, custom and the keeping of accounts
make the payment of dehli iniperatijre
before the name can be reiuored from the
mailing list.
Advertising rates on application, Co py
for change ofad"must be banded in before
Tuesday noon, otherwise setting of the
matter will be charged for at the rate of 6c
per running inch, single column. "';
lions and additions to copy will be charged
or at the rate of Wo per running inch, sin
gle column.
st olllce at Orants l'a-s,
Oregon, at second-class mail matter.
Entered at the post
Thursday, Dkcbmbek ao, 1900
I Some Ladies' Jackets
and FurS
Tbe Boers once mors command the
world'! attention by their recent bild
opeiations and tlielr capture of a few
British companies by way of variety.
Following close on the heels nf Lord
Bouert'a announcement that the war
was over, the Boer forces under De Wet
have Inflicted more eenoui injuries to
the British forces than for many months.
The scene! in London when the newa
arrived rivalled those of tbe beginning
of the war. Kitchener haa called for
more men.
The assertion ii widely published that
the house of representatives was not
really in earnest when it passed thr
army bill amendment abolishing the
canteen, and that they depended on tbe
senate to strike out that amendment.
The W. C. T. U. was in seskion at
Washington and the legislators were
compelled to vote under the very eyes
of the women, which is supposed to
account for the' large majority in favor
of the amendment. Bo far ai we arc
able to learn, no stops have been taken
to prevent the senate'! being subjected
to a like ordeal, but, being older and
more hardened sinners, they are ex
peeled by the canteen people to be able
to withstand the disquieting influence
ud to kill the amendment.
nouncement of rooms to rent brings an
immediate rush of applicants. There
hai been no timt Juring this year when
there has not been a half dozen or more
I millings in course of construction here,
yet the building has signally failed to
keep pace with the increase of popula
tion and the town at present is literally
full to overflowing with people. We
need more house! and we need them
badly. Oranti Psbs has always been
rather conservative in her progress and
bai never run ahead of the reasonable
demand in the matter of enterprises.
Tbe advancement of the town has al
ways been along lines of solidity, never
building on air and so ill progress lias
been steady and substantial, little affect
ed by booms or hard times. Its re
sources lie to the greatest extent in the
vast tributary mineral area which is too
firm a foundation to be effected by any
temporary conditions. Of course, times
ifapreueion delay development by mak
ing capital less abundant, but as long as
its resources are known to be in exist
ence, the town can not receive any ser
ous set back.
A moment is on foot to have the fish
and game laws of Oregon amended at
the coming session of legislature, tortu
natelv for the long luflering, the pro
posed changes are in tho main uniui
portent. If ever a subject has been
cruelly manhandled by legislator! it Is
this of the game laws. No game law in
Oregon bai yet continued long enough
to be fully comprehended by the people.
The present law, nearly two yean of age
has by peraisteut publication kept its
most important points before the people
sufficiently to make it! general ob
aervance possible. No law can be framed
which will suit everyone. The present
law cover! the ground in probably
a latlsfactory a manner ai any
that can be framed and unless the ad
vantages of change are plain and sure
it ii better to let it alone. If, there is
ny weak or wrong spot in it, it should
be fixed np right, once for all and iegi
latere should then keep bands off for at
least three years more.
Before another week rolls around
Christina! day will have come and gone,
In childhood, wo all looked forward to
Christmas with impatience (or the gifts
It would bring. In maturer years, we
still look forward with expectancy to the
Christinas time, but with our childish
sentiments changed and modified and
with the fuller understanding which
years bring to us, we price our gift! not
for their iutrinsiu worth, but for the
sentiment which accompanies them
the real, true sympathy, friendliness
and love, which la far more frequently
found in the vale of teara than it haa any
credit of heinu. We are fortunate that
To bo closed out at
-Less Than Regular Price-
it will surely pay you to examiue these if you wish
to purchase.
. W. L DEAN, & CO.. Propr.
Front St., oppo. Depot.
Poultry Show.
The Southern Oregon l'oiiiliy associa
tion will open it! first annual show in
onto suitable building in Medlord ou
January 2 and it will be open to the
public on January 3. The following
rules will govern :
On all poultry, turkc.'S, geeee, ducks,
pigeons, hares, etc. An entry fee of 60
cents will be charged either for sin
gle specimens, pairs or pens. A pair
consist of a male and female, a pen of a
male and three female;. If there ate 12
or more entries of any breed of fowls or
lures, $4 will be paid for 1st and (2 fur
2nd. Eight or more entries, 2 50 for 1st
and tl .50 for 2nd. All fowls and hares
should be In the hands of the superin
tendt-nt by the evening of January 1st
The association will furnish free id
charge, coops for all fowls, also food and
water during the show. All exhibitors
who can conveniently do so, are re
quested, however, to furnish their own
Chrlitmii Coodi,
Full and complete line of Xmas goods
at Dr. W. 1'. Krernera .
Christmas Furnishings
Cultivate the Social Features.
(.ik.NTs 1'ahh, Dec. 14. 1900.
I have befuie ma an interesting tics
paper account of a banquet siven in
liackenfuck, New Jersey, by Hie board
of trade, where two hundred and fifty ate
and drank together. The menu was
very elaborate, consisting of eight
The toaitmastpr of the evening, in his
intioductury remarks raid: "Our
board of trade, though in its infancy
has had n most successful career, and
its greatest tucceu is this dinner tonight."
Here are sum of the toata given :
Welcome toOur Oriests", "Our Board
of Trade", "State of New Jersey",
Bergen County", ''Our Country," "The
Ladies". Iu (he course of the remarks
marie it appe.irri that the Newark, New
Jersey, boird of trade held a banquet on
the same evening, which shows that
such gatherings are popular !n the
The president in bis remarks on "Our
Board of Trade" said, among other
good things: 'Our board is a very
young animal, as it has had no birth
day, but it lias proved its value to the
town. Its mission is to educate properly
to know the advantage which are to be
found in Hackensack, and it is succeed
ing admirably. I believe tbe progres.
wo are now going to make is beyond
belief, nnd that Bergen, the banner
county of the state, will double in popu
lation in five years, and the place offer
ing the biggest inducements will grow
the fastest, and our dear town of Ilack-
en-ark w ill do that".
Now let ai apply I In- above to Grants
I'ubs. We have u Mining ami Com
mercial Club, and it is provided in tbe
laws of the dub that lit re thallhea
banquet during lire month of January of
ach year. 'I ho membere here seem to
think it a uncle's expeinliteiire of
money to go lo the expense of some
(ony dollars or so for an annual ban
quet, and it is very piobable that no
banquet w ill bo held this year, but it is
a mistake not to do so. While there ir
considerable expense entailed, the money
is all spent riisht in our own town,
an. I is not sent away as it is so many
times the case. Wo need to cultivate
the social element in our organization,
and bring our business men together at
lessl once a year, in a social way. 'The
lub binquct" thould be made tire
event of each year, and we rcgrel to
learn that it may be omitted next
month. Si'bscbibkk.
You are often troubled
about knowing what to se
lect or the different mem
bers of the family. We
will offer you some suggestions:
Are always acceptable. We
have a big line of the very
latest styles.
Cloves, Mufflers, Silk
Handkerchiefs, Fancy Sus
penders, etc., are good gifts.
Kid Gloves, Purses, Silk Handkerchiefs, etc.,
For the Ladies.
Make appropriate Christmas presents. We have an elegant line of
Dress Goods iu all the different shades and colors, and latest novelties
lor the holiday tra Jc.
E. C. DIXON, Front St.
Oruafs PiMOullook.
Hiikur City, Iec. 12. F. J. Conroy, a
well-known minim? evtwrt. who Iihm
e have one time In the year PHlly ' bc-on iu this section for several months
let apart for the exercise of the very best
sentiment of which we are capable. It
keeps us in remembrance of the best
that this Ufa has to offer, not outward
accomplishments or acquirements,
wealli or positien, knowledge or any
thing, but the real heart to heart sym
pathy or love. The failure to realise
this truth ii tbe cause of a large portion
of the world'! nuhippinesi. At Christ
mil time we should absorb realisation
of tbli fact lufflciont to keep it In
remembrance throughout the year.
Firei are calamities always, but doub
ly so In Uranti Tans, where living room
is almost impossible to obtain. A dwell
ing a week burned lo the ground, our
record for tbe past two weeks, comes
hard on a town where every bouse or
anything that in any way resembles a
bouse ii occupied and where the u-
t n tho iutereat of 1'ittnbiirg capitalists,
haa just returned here from a trip to
the li rants 1'iuts region. Mr. Conroy In
very familiar with all Kuritcru Oregon
ores, and Is CHRcially qualified to pass
on tho respective merits of districtn in
the stale. He is highly plcaxud with
CiranU Pas. While the oro bodies
there, he says, are not so lurgo ns in
Eastern Oregon, Ihey tiro very promis
ing. He thinks that au especially good
field for capital, us it bad not been ex
ploited so much na some other purls of
the stuto.
Eighty Acres.
Kighty acres with House and Barn,
uleuty of limber, 30 aces improved and
fenced. Will sell cheap or trade for
City property.
See Joseph Moss the Heal Katale
Milling, Ural Kxintrt nml Insurance
ine scarcity ol Houses lor rent in
(Iran In l'ia is causing a demand for
building lots. 1 have a choice selection
of the lowe-t prices and some of
tliern on very easy lerius. He sure, to
call and see me.
1 am getting in touch with the mining
men of this, county and inventors from
abroad. Would be pleased lo know
wnai reshienis in tnu county have, even
ii they do not need my services Just 'low
Have )ou placer or quarti? Will
you sell stock or lease?
I represtMit solid fire iusiiraiure com
panics ami would bo pleased to write
your Rlicy. 1 also attend lo collections
K. C. I'kxi lami.
Opera house block, lirunla i'ass
On Saturday, Nov. 21, ner II
Millen'i place wet of town, an account
book containing check for fiiM am:
deposit slip for $000. Owner may apply
at tins oiu M.
Kinneyvills lunn
Vie see articles from lime 10 tune
printed in the Col kikk he i. led (.eland
Items or Silting. As we have a lliriv
ing young town situated on Tnnntl
creek, we wish to receive space in your
valuable paper for a few iteuu. Our
town is rapidly increasing in population
and size. It is so close to Leland's
"dewdiop" that some of oi.r population
have a habit of coming borne in rather a
bilarions condition and as, in a town of
our dimensions, wo are entitled to the
privileges of municipal government, we
held a meeting in the City ball, Ben
MacOouald in the chair.
It was resolved that for the protection
of ojr best young men we tbould
organize a rity government. J. J.
i :
; 1
fUMning tlotes.
Kinney nominates Ben MacDjiral J as
mayor. Others were elected aa alder'
men ; Fddy Nolan i f the First ward ;
E. K. lied field of the f-rcond ward ; Kd,
our citv blacksmith, as city marshal ; for I
city recorder, Hoy Agee. As our city is
very prosperous, we deem it necessary lo
rechristeu the town so hereafter and
forevermore the name will be Kinnev
ville, the name titiiiiip Town sounding
too primitive Business is very lively in
our town.
Miss R'jpe Cochran has been chief
cook at the Hotel Hcdfield, but if going
to California where she will take charge
of the culinary department of a hotel at
Kufus Acres and family have gone to
Ca vote creek where he has acceu'ed a
position as night piper in a hydraulic
It has been quite foggy the last few
davs, but the afternoons have been
warm ami Hiinsniny with no wind. At
present the weather looks as thouh we
mUht have a little Oregon in i -t .
To say the roads are muddy is no
news. e, as a correspondent ol tbe
CotHiKK, wish to write news that is
breex) and eiiti r'aming, abo edifying.
State news we have no ue for as we are
an enterprising peoplo ami expect lo
have ft weekly paper ptiblirhed in our
town. The roads urn so bad that there
is a large amount of freight wailing at
l.e!and to by shifted to our town. Per
haps we can't get our paper out during
the coiniii'! week, but we will keop the
Coi rikk posted from lime to time.
The miners arc all readv for work And
attire present outiooa iney win i I keens up its high
wu'er in a very snort lime. A person I . . '
would think that the most of the freight
whould have been hauled before this
time, but one can go to Lland and see a
nood many tenuis loading for the Green
back Hint other points in that locality.
itro'kman A C . on Coyote creek are
developing their quarlx mine and are
hi.hlv pleased with the proepecla.
Nearly every day ws can see people in
f.eland who want to buy pack ri'i In go
Patrick O'Lkahy.
The mine owners' club of Portland has
disbanded and their rooms and collec
lion of minerals have become the proper
ty "of the Oregon Stock Exchange.
Tbe Vindicator placer mine on Ramsey
Flat near Wolf creek, H. W. Kearnp,
manager, has been purchased by Her
man Snow who is equipping it for the
winter's run.
The Exchequer quartx mine on the
Applegate U being developed by the
iMonirch Mining compiny who have
the? properly under hond. Tbeo. l'ayne
haa taken a contract to rink a 50 foot
shaft on the vein.
Consisting of useful as well ornamental presents for Wives, Sisters,
Fathers and Brothers, Uncles, Aunts and Cousins,
Joitphlne County Mining Stocks.
Last week's bulletin from the Oregon
Mining Stock Exchange has the following:
Increasing trade demonstrates that
Oregon mining stocks are becoming pop
ular. Home people as well as outsiders,
are interested. Investments iu the fol
lowing blocks help to develop the slate
and almost sore guarantee large returns
on prices now asked :
''The Champion Hold Mining Com
pany own the Hiding Star ami Eccentric
claims, in Josephino county ; have a well
developed property, over 1000 feet ol
tunnel work and a complete camp, in
cluding assay oflice and five-stamp mill.
Have produced over $20,000; have ore
to warrant much larger mill capacity ;
also a tramway is needed to enable the
transportation of oro from mine lo mill
tbe vear around. This w ill be a divi
dend-payer vory soon, Price steadily
advancing; will go high as soon as im
provement! are completed.
Frank Colviu' returned on Saturday to
the Rocky Uulch mine at Galiie, the,
rain having insured a good run of water.
In a mortar test made qf the rock fiom
his qiurlz prospect on Evans creek, he
secured 10 cents from two p.iunds of
rock, a $100 per ton rate.
A. W. Silsby is developing a very
promising quartz property on Powells
creek. There are two tunue'.j on the
vein, one of 100 and tbe other 175 feet
in length, which expoe a largi ore
body. The ledge carries a narrow vein
of very rich ore while the whfila b nly
carries high enough values lo hv' p-.iti -ably
Cary W. Thompson, snperiotend-nt
of the Greenback mine, was in town on
Friday. He wore as a pin, a recently
found specimen of quartz and gold which
is held by those who ( it to be one of
the very hanijomeet tl in.'i in that line
ever found here. It wai aharoIt.'-'M
joined lo a pieie of quartz the whole
specimen bein perhaps un inch anil a
half in length. Pesides i'a curious
shape, its beauty lies in the pure, clean
whitencs of the quartz and the extreme
brightness and purity of the gold. 4 The
Greenback has produced Borne of the
finest specimens in the Mate as wi ll as
the richest milling oro and its 15 stamps
are now running steadily on urn which
grade q rnlify in on
elating manner.
Books and Stationery.
Perfumeries, Fancy Bric-a-Brac., etc.,
W. T. KllEMEITS Drug Slot
Chicago Racket Store
Notice to Music Loveri.
Several parlies representing them
selves as dealers ill pianos, have repre
sented themselves an agents for the cele
brated Weber, VTIicolavk, Sluyvesant,
United M.ikers nnd other pianos We
de dre to notify nil residents ol Josephine
canty that the (ess Piano House, at
Mcdlorl, Oregon, are the Bo IK auk nth
for Iheso makes for Josephine, Jackson
and Lake counties, and if you want one
of these pianos or an niau, von will al
ways get a better deal from headquar
ter", and not to led into buying inferior
grailcs from supposed agents. We guar
antee perfect satifaclion, so when you
need an instrument, just drop us a line
ami we shall bo pleased to call on you
or meet you at otir warerooms in Med
ford, where we have a large slock ol
instruments always on hand.
Cos Piano Hoi:k,
Medford, Oregon.
Muilcsl Club.
The Twentieth Century Musical club
was organized on last Wednesday eve
ning with about 20 members. Geo.
Cramer was elected president and J. M.
Itooth secretary and treasurer. The
object of the club is to promote Hie
musical interests of the young peopled
Grants l'ass.
Comment of the Press.
Following are comments concerning
the IJ. of O. Glee Club, who will be here
on December 27, by some of the leading
newspaper of our state:
"Mr Eaton's monologues are very en
tertaining. His ease and naturalness
add greatly to the merit of the work."
CorvalliB Gazette.
"The concert was largely attended snd
much enjo) ed by all present. The club
was composed of we'd trained musicians
who seemed to sing because they enjoyed
it". Oregon City Enterprise.
The Glee Club of the Universi;y of
Oregon gave a delightful concert before
an appreciative audience at the Marquain
last night. The selections chosen were
both classical and ol the popular order,
and eoemcd to suit the tastes of the
house to a nicely. 'Ihe voices iu the
club are unusually fine, and blend with
a sweetness which is rarely found in
organizations ol the kind. The club is
particularly strong in hashes, being far
stipertoi in ibis respect to any organiza
tion of the kind that has been heard in
Portland for a long lime. Every sehc
tion was rendered artistically nnd gav'
evidence of careful tiaihing and hard
practice. Morning Orejionian.
Holiday Offer.
I'oinning from Dicember 5 lo Jan
uary 1, 1!KH, will tell uoij filled specta
cles at $i per pair, usual $5 50 value.
We teat your eyes and g ve you an ac
curate lit. This is a rare bargain to get
a nice pair of glasses for toe old folks
n Clint'. mas present. We have the
good-, ou have the money, you need the
goods, we need the money. Evans,
Is the place to make your purchases for
We have a fine line of W atches, Clocks, Jewelry. A fine
line of Hearts, Bracelets, Tie Holders, that is
worth looking over.
A Christmas Offering.
With every dozen t ) cabinets you will
get a heauiiiul Opal photograph of your
self, at Clcvouger'u. Come soon, tor it
takes time lo finish good pic! urcs.
See Evans the optician's oiler.
Remember that a
Line of
Oyster Pjrlors Opened.
On Moi d ly cvsning tho oyster parlors
of 0. ilanari at the ollioe store
were opened to Ihe public Mr. Hanan
has been ready for the opening for some
time, with exception thai ho was do
laved by the non arrival oi his ahj
cases. The l'ost olhco building has been
rearranged lor Mr. Hunan and a pirn
lion has been put in near the middle r f
the room in the roar, of are the
oyster parlors, neatly and attractively
(uniislied ail airaug.rd. Tho oysters
served by Mr. llauaii have tbe fresh
quality s eminently desirable in these
shellliali, as the stoci is always kept on
ice ami neverallowed iodeterioate bsfore
being served.
The front part nf tho building is oc
cupied, by Prof. Dietz, thu optician wiih
his stock of jewelry and optical goods
and by the cigar and confectionery de
parlmentof Mr. II man. He hasaverv
complete line of cigars and tobacco and
his stock of candies contains soma of tbe
most delicious conleulioneiy lobe found
in Southern Oregon. He is assisted by
F. M. Black, who needs no introduction
to Grants Pass people as a. confectioner.
Calico Ball.
The Firemen will give a grand calico
ball Christmas ntht at the opera house.
Supper wiil be tvened at Dalian's oyster
parlori in the post oflice building.
Muic wiil he furnished by tho In'iuaree
Tni-; is the Firemen's annua! grand
Christmas ball, which has always been
a rjiucstful and enjoyable event with
the d.mce going public and the com
uil.tce are taking care of the pre
liminaries in a manner that is and as
surance thu present occasion will
keep up lo the traditional highly enter
taining and enjoyable quality of its pre
decessors. 'I he lolloning cominiUe will oiTicialc:
Floor committee, Geo. Ilarlman, David
Duncan, Tom Willia-...", I.. L. JenningB
reception, Uaj Heuson, A. J. McKinney,
A. Col v in.
Can be found at
Telephone to Williams.
The Sunset Telephone company is
preparing to put iu a telephone line
from Ci runts P.-s to Williams ami lias
already awarded the contract lor furnish
ing the poles to W. K. Nipper who will
cut them at his mill. Grants Pass wid
be bound by telephiioie comnninicatit n
toher suburb of Williams in the not
far distant future.
Thecoiistrut'ion of this line evidences
the growing ini ortiince of tbe Williams
cres k ditdrict, one of our very best in
point of mineral and agricultural re
source. It brings Williams virtually
and perceptibly nearer to Ihe rest of the
world and is another progressive step
in our county's development.
County Treasurer's Notice. '
Notice is hereby given that there are
funds n tbe county treasury for ihe re
demption of the following warrants pro
tested lo July ,Vh, iS.iJ. Interest on
same wid cease from ibis dale, 1H.C. 1"
" By their fruits ye shall know them.
The way to jitdc of the value of any
medicine is by its cures. Apply that
test to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
and it is at once lifted high above all
other put -up medicines designed for
the cure of womanly diseases. Chronic
forms of disease which local physicians
have failed to cure, aud which have
yielded to no other treatment, have been
perfectly ami permanently cured by the
use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
It establishes monthly regularity. It
dries debilitating drains. It heals in
flammation and ulceration auA cures
female weakness.
Mrs. 8hnphire, of Bnlloti, Shelby Ca, Ohio,
writ,: "-My mntlicr hail In ovsrlnn tumor
which wr irvntirht would rctull In her dritlh,
but we hid read your uvrnirmrnU And w
comnieuiT,! uin your Fsvont Prwcrtption."
We et one ,toim bottles to comnimcr with,
inn Wfere she had Uken three bottle she
Ikvhu lo improvr ; she is living tolny snd we
hnvr Kiveu your medicine the crtittt. Mr
mothtr wits ixtv-n yesrsolil when the tumor
ci'inmcner,! to kiow ; she is sevrntv-six son
n,l t He tumor i All Rune, she hurl eotlrn
wfiil'.y larne. sutl her tlmhs lien to nwrtl
before we Wfritti to ue your ' havorite I're
. scriolion '
Ir. Pierce's Pleasant PellcU cure biliousness.
1 !...
Noa oti'.l 4i1 -I".!) 00,5,
KM 4'iH ,-i!4 047
SSJ osti U0 (5.4 5l'7
Sl: 4:'4 4.!,'i tsU tk)
:'. 545 4:il tSl.'i :'T4
IISS 6 III !W5 so; out
4tKi 547 4tW tiyj
413 &4:' 571
J. T. Taylor,
Treasurer Joeephine Co., Gre.
Notks to Stock holder.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders ol the First National bank of
Southern Oregon will he held at tbe
office) of sa d bunk Tuesdav, January 8,
liHU, at 10 a. in. John D. Fa'v.
. Grants Pass, Ore. Dec. S, I'JOO.
A man to work on placer claim,
ply at r-. P. O.iiU Store.
Ap- l
Archena Star rombination
Game lJoard.
Never lias there been so many
games combined on one Hoard
for the tnotiey.
No. i, 24-in. Board, 44
Games jj 50
No. 2, jS-in. Boaid,
with Hag Trave'.ette,
50 Games
No. 4, 2S-in. Board,
with Flag Travelette,
54 Games. . ,
No. 4 is the handsomest Board
ever offered to the public.
3 So
4 7!
Drug Co.
I'root St., Opposite Depot.
io ivcyr FORGET UN.
5TWe Caury Evehythixg.
Racket Store
One door west of Talaco Hotel.
also ox-
Air-Tight Heaters, Steel Ranges, Stoves,
Cutlery, Paints, Crockery, Etc.
This is Your Opportunity to Save Money.
Wo arc still agents for the White Sewing Machine,
new Khipmcnt just in.
Wo have the famous
And all farm machinery, Wagons and all
manner of wheeled vehicles.
Hardware, Paints and Oils,
I am preufreJ to furnish anything in the line of Cemetery work in nf
.Nearly lliirty years of eiperience in the Marble buiiie! warrants my
that I can till your orders in the very best manner.
Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any kind 0
Front Street Next to Greene'a Gui.sli
Big Bargains
In New and Second Hand
If you want a wheel cheap, now is the time to buv ; if you wan'
to sell your wheel, let us know about it
03iiriiirvc ivi3W
Iu tires: do not puncture aud do not have to be pumped up. 01
SFRJXG SEAT POSTS add greatly to the pleasure of Bicycle riding
relieve all jolting and are easy ou the wheel and rider.
Ifeep ilio 3Lml Oil"
With a set of our steel mud guards. Don't forget we repair scin
machines, baby cabs, umbrellas, locks, make keys, grind scissors 1
T. A. HOOD & CO.