XjjSlIMIIFS I LAMPS I Uas Lamps, MctaH. Lamps, t Vase Lamps, Nignt Lamps israckct Lamps, Kitchen Lamps. See our New Leaders. A good metal Lamp (nickel) complete for $1.15. Cadet Lanterns, 25c. New Orleans Molasses. We have Bplendid one (or cooking purposes, or for lable ate. New Sorirbum, home production, best quality, thle year, per gal., 65c Good cooking Molasses, per gal., 50c. Hunsliine Drips, a good table eyrup in and 1 gal cans, oer ga!., 65c. kocs laruiy Drips, in gal. or )i gal. cane, 75c per gal. (Special low price in 2 auu gauon jactets.) The loader, of course is our well known TEA ROSE tbe very best syrnp to be .uaa. iry it, we are sure it will please yon. OLD SETTLERS CANADA MAPLE SYRUP is tue DeBt tiling we have to offer in a strictly pure Maple Syrup, in 60c, 85c, si.ou psgs. v oodland is another good one. REMEMBER THE PLACE ..WHITE HOUSE GROCERY.. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Bargains.. We have made a special eflbrt this year to offer on our Bargain Counter nothing but distinct Bargains. All the goods on this counter will be sold at a uniform DISCOUNT OP 20 PER CENT. Xocal tbappentnos Dr. Flanagan, Htaident Dentist. Go (o Corun for l'lnmbing. fiLeather Goods at Clemens'. Choice Confectionery at Seiferta. Whips, 10c to 12.50 at Haekelt's QToys, Books, Games, atCleuW M. Clemens, Prescription DriT nese ..... ... l uei una ui itiuoo v'ay Clevenger's. A new line of Xinas DUCDV PHOTOGRAP1 rrlCDl Opp. Court Ho for 7 Mrs. pairing at in Counter. ription at the G. Wright's It will pay you to call. Cramer Bro ODD FELLOWS BLOCK ROGERS SILVKRWAE. FINE L ARE. n fan Pictures at Clemens'. . th"r'e Chocolates at Cloiiens.' cket knives in all styles and prices ranier Bros. ilarnoaa nf all Kinds, tirades and ices at tlackett's.' Take your shoes to Hackett for good Work aud tight prices. Toy Carpet sweepers, Bissells, 2oc and 50c Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. Blue baking dishes that will stand the oven. A fine present. Cramer tsroe. Meals served at all hours at the Novelty, Front street next to Fetsch's. PHOTOGRAPHER otise. The Famous Berkshire Pattern in Rogers Silverware Hair-Riddle Hard ware Co. A special table of Christmas articles atlOcts.,15 its,, 20 cts. and 2o cts. at Cramer Bros. Pure, wholesome home made Con fectionery at W. Seiferts Candy Kitchen Sixth and D. streets. Yon have heard it said of something "It takes the cake." But Myrtle Creuk Flour makes the cake. Cramer Bros, held their opening day on Saturday and many souvenirs were presented to purchasers. The Daily Times Mountaineer of The Dalles has suspended publication. Tbe weekly will be continued. Don't forget the boys I Foot balls, Air euns. Tool chests and Bucksaws at Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. Smokers will find rare opportunities for selection in the many linos of choice cigars at Wilson & Roper's. Try the Novelty for Christmas candies, oysters and tomales. Front street, door east of Fetsch's store. The Chinamen who were arrested last s Candy Kitchen. weefc fur running an opium joint were ve you seen the Toilet Articles that fined t&0 by Justice Holman. .id make your friend a lovely Amaa j p Hayes has filed a petition in r nts at Mrs. Rehkopl's. bankruptcy in the United 8tates court. L. Clevenger made some flash light Liabilities, $3214,77 ; assets, 13183,50. posures alter the cantata Wednesday mi.. Nell De Peatt is selling tickets at yen ing and secured two very good neg- lIie W(j)g x'argo express ollice for the attves of the chorus. midwinter excursion to San I rancisco. Jos. Moss has a 10-boree power boiler p . . g T)e. the optician, exam- and pulsometer which throws a $4 inch neg eyea (ree Optical goods a special personal CMS lltWffiltlT. Rehkopl's. Bicycle hoepilal Cramer Bros. BARGAINS on o Cramer Bros. Wood wanted on CoiHiKB office. Send your ore New Custom Mill. A splendid liner" Lbar,er U" Ranees at Coron c . e Amas presents see them at Mrs. IT F " . ,, , j of China Lilly nuutuci til T jiwt in at Jap Bulbi ,B6 Bazaar. .: - with RoAArwiir. Steel Rani" "- Unmoa,PhoV0graPl,'0'0f-"r1B by Hicks'7 lnchM' ,0r 250 Courier r' ..- .Cyco-Bearing carpet sweepers 1 .1 il. . t. ..litaptinail ll lin .1 flj 1 11 11 1 n ntiuiimiii me . Kiddltfhrdre made Candies, all kinds 01 Holiday Confections, at W. Thos. Bulls was in town Friday from Placer. F. Jasinyn ami family visited In Gold Hill Tuesday. Q. W. Chapia of Leland visited Grants Pass on Wednesday. Cbas. L. and Adam Wimer of Waldo, were in town Friday. J. W. Howard of Kerby spent a few davs in town Ibis week. I). F. Fox of Ashland is spending a a few days In Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Howlsnd went to Portland Monday evening. J. M. Marksbury of Ashland mde Grants Pass a visit Monday. Chas. F. Hart and Bert Hogue were visitors from Kerby this week. J. L. Bingaman of Williams made Grants Pass a visit on Monday. Willis Kramer, of Myrtle creek, was here last week on a business trip. J. F. BtilH of Kerby, merchant and postmaster, was in town first of the week. Mrs. A. A. Porter, of Grave, came up on Tuesday to visit with Grants Fass friends. ... . ....... -I .1 1 .. r.. v.; " v rr p . canned r ine Apples of the week. Sliced, wholo or grated, G. F. Hudson, manager of the Oldrnnno.l (vrt Finest Maino wo sell CALHOUN GROCERY CO. EXTRA GOOD VALUES rf)R . CHRISTMAS. Honev. one pound comb 12Jc. m2J YUM Behold How Good! Our goods are often tempt ing enough to make your mouth water at sight,, and make you want to samplo them right, oji tho spot. Nut Sei 1 if Hoi Channel mine at Six Mile, came lo from that locality Friday. J. T. Tuff and C. M. Stiles of tbe S. P. D. A u Co. came np from Wolf Creek. Wednesday morning. H. L. Kevte. of Merlin, has been re cently granted a patent on an Best Walnuts 15c a pound. Fresh Oysters DOc a can. Navel Oranges 25c a doz. Plain Mixed Candy 10c a pound. Seedod Raisins 10c a pkgo. Minco Moat in bulk 12Jc. stream of water, in good condition, with all connections, which he will sell cheap, Mrs. O. W. I'ettit has opened her new bakery at the corner of Fourth and Front streets. Fresh Pie, Cakes, Cookies and Bread. Good Bread, satis faction assured. A young man created some excitement Capt. T. W on Thursday from San left on Saturday for tho Waldo copper mines of which property hs is superintendent. Miss Allie and Roy Pool entertained a Saturday evening by getting gloriously party of Irienda at their home on Batur type case which he has invented. Mrs. N. La Raut, mother of Miss Ida La Raut, arrived last Wednesday eve ning for a abort visit lo Qrsnta Pass. M. C. Munson, Sunday school mission ary of the Congregational church, spent several days in Grants Pass during the pant week. S. W. Eorbos. the well-known mer chant and postmaster of Browntowa. on upper Althonse was in town Tuesday on ty. Fine selections in jeweirv ana sii- irgai uuiiu. verware. At the Poet office building. Rev. N. F. Jenkins left on Saturday Morgan Draper returned morning loi Central Point where he LHflLnA an.) I AaSiHtcU 111 UfltillTstllUll VAOIVtrc VI I at 12Jo a can. For lOo wo can give you aa good a can of corn as is usually sold at 12Jc. improved i... 2oc and aOc a can. its tender and good as that you get fresh from tho gar den in tho summer time. Tomatoes, Stringless Beans and Teas. All good and selling at 10c a can. White Figs pound package 10c. T.onso Muscatel Raisins 3 lb. for 25c. - . Baker's Cocoa is a good article at any prico. Bananas at 25c a dozen. Tcanuts Fresh roasted tho day you buy them. 15c a pound. Onr Whito Souadron Mo cha and Java Cofleo. None hotter if it does- cost more. Wo sell it at 35o a pound. Baking for the Holidays Or any other day is sure to show satisfactory returns for labor expended if your materials are good, sweet and fresh. We have now flavors and icings, just the thing for holiday baking. Fresh Cocoanutin bulk or package. . . ill . T . . (ienuino open kcuio iow Orleans Molasses, quart and two quart cans, 30o and 60c. Best brands of Corn Starch. Tearl and flaked Tapioca. Schepps Cream Fruit Pud ding. Unrivaled for con venience, quality and taste. Only 15c a package. Egg Noodles is a new soup preparation. We have just got it in. A hundred dollar guarantoo of purity goes with each pkgo. W e sell it at 12 Jc. WINTER SUITS Wo have received several large in voices of Clothing, and are ollbring many attrac tive things in up-to-date Suits, I Vom $ to $10. An opportunity to do yourself a good turn for a small amount of money. A handsome line of Smoking Jackets. P. H. HARTH &. SON, CLOTHIERS umilnvM will nav monthly dues for the ...aa nresent for a friend, and can be support of the institution, and when any easily mailed. Call and see them. of them requires medical or surgical jjCarv W. Thompson, superintendent treatment he will receive it without n, the victor Jr., was a visitor to Grants further cost. A contract has been made pMJ on j.-rj,ay. The Victor tis running drunk and publicly hilarious, u re quired the efforts of four men to trans port and lodge him in the city Jail. Arrangements have been made where by the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company will provide a hospital in Eugene for the benefit of the workmen who may at lie taken sick or injured. The day evening. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed with games and other amusements, making a very enjoyable occasion for the gathered friends. Clevenger has some very unique Souvenir Photographs of Grants Pans and vicinity, bound in booklet form. They make a very appropriate Christ- with Drs. FaineW.id Kuykenuau lor nrofpsaional service and medicines for a vr. Ttiev will select a suitable build- ; , .apitai reauy w receive patients by the first of January Uuuthei's Chocolates at Clemens'. KeBwick is a town of over 2000 Inhab itants. Within lis borders, saya me Free Press, there is not a living plant that has verdure or blossoms. Newcom ers frequently think they can rear pet plants. Such attempts always prove failures in a week or so. It is the sul phur smoke from the roasters and the smelter that kills vegetation. It does no other harm. It really purifies the at' mnenliere. kills ni.ilarial and other germs. It causes no inconvenience or in jury to human beings except when it comes in unusually large doses, whlcn is the case very seldom and for a short time. AMUSEMENTS. church on Sunday. Miss M. M. llollenbeck, Miss CM. Lindburg, Arthur M. Dow and Herman Horning, all of Boston, Mass. arrived In Grants Pass on Saturday. W. J. Rogers arrived on Tuesday morning from Inland to visit (or a time in Grants Pans. He is suffering from a sprained ankle and finds locomotion both dilllcult and painful. Mrs. Gillette arrived Thursday morn ing from Portland to rejoin Mr. Gillette, who is holding a position aa druggist at Dr. Kremer's drug store. Mr. and Mrs. Gillette are lately from Indiana. t Geo. P. Furman left on Wednesday morning for Klamath Falls to be absent about two months, hoping that bis A production is being prepared by one of the ladies societies of our city that will be a decided step toward the solu tion of that soon to be present problem of the selection of suilablo snd appro- oriate Christmas gilts. It is a calendar, each of the 12 sheets - ner dozen being illustrated with half tone views of Uatianos, per aozeu Grants Pass and vicinity. A number of the views are of the differont churches and other buildings of interest in our cily while others are beautiful or interesting scenes of our surrounding country. It is tastefully arranged and will be especially Uesirabie as a gut to send to (riends in the east or to those who are so unfortunate as to live any where escept in bouthern Oregon, READ A TELEGRAM From Santa Claus! Coming Events. Dec. 25 Firemen's grand Calico ball at opera bouse. Dec. 25 Christmas Day. Dec. 27 U. of O. Glee club at opera house. Dec. 29 "A Breeiy Time" at opera housH. Jan. 1. Native Daughters' Grand Sew ear's Ball. Jan. 1 New Years day. His Goods are all Here ! 700 Doz- to Select From COME A.3STID SEE I The finest stock of DECORATED CHINA WARE.. Everything you and cheap. HAND PAINTED CHINA direct from the Painter. Beautiful designs at SMITH'S New York Racket Store. LAMPS FOR Till HO LI DATS ! FIXE CHINA. SILVER WANE. CARVINJ SETS CARPET SWEEPERS. JARDIIIERS Hair-Riddle Hardware Co, AT JEWELL'S OLD STAND. and 50 rents onpiaie at Clemens'. Wanted. A man to work on placer claim, ply at ri. P. D, & L. Htore. Ap- Calico Ball. The Firemen will give a grand calico ball Christmas night at the opera bouse, Supper will be served at Hanan's oyster parlors in tbe post office) building. Music will be furnished by the Deraaree orchestra. This is tbe Firemen's annual grand Christmas ball, which baa always been successful and enjoyable event with the dance going public and tbe com mittee are taking care of the pre liminaries in a manner that is and as surance that tbe present occasion will keep up to tbe traditional highly enter taming and enjoyable quality oi Its pre decessors. The lolloping committe will officiate: Floor committee, Geo. Hartmati, David Duncan, Tom Williams, L. L. Jennings; reception, Kae Benson, A. J. McKiDaey, A. Colvin. ' New Yean Ball. The Native Diujbiers will give a grand ball on New Years night, the erst of the new centnary in Urants Pass. This organization has achieved an enviable reputation in conducting suc- cessfcl social events and the arrange ments for tbe New Years bail ars being conducted with the T?cw ol making this one of the most enjoyable dances of the year. Demaree's orchestra baa been en gaged to fornUh the music and tbe grand march will be given at 9 o'clock. Supper will bo served by Mrs. Geo. Almy. Tbe following members will officiate as floor managers: Mrs. E. C. Dison. Mrs. Dwk Bland, Mrs. Ernest Everton, Mrs. A. B. Cornell, Mrs. C. K. Harmon and Miaa Emma Hyde. Monday OHer. Beginning from December 5 to Jan oart I, PAll, will sell gold filled specta cles at 3 per pair, usual f 5 50 valoe. We test your eyes and give you an ac curals Ct. This is a rare bargain to get a nice pair of glasses for tbe old talks Christmas present. We bsve the goods, yoo bate the money, you need the goods, we need the money. Evaxs, Optician. steadily with its 15 stamps and without health will be benefited by a change of anv fuss or bluster, constantly extracting climate. His family will remain here. tho nrri'inua metal lroin one of Ilia best ore bodies on the coast. Scott Griffin bandies Ashland flonr, Utah alfalfa seed, Oregon red clover seed, winter oats, large Russian white rye, new crop timothy seed, wheat for seed also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa Ifay, Timothy Hay. Oat Straw, Chop Barley, Corn, Wheat, Oats. J. E. Kerley's new livery and feed barn which is now in process of con tructlon on Sixth street near J will be a very creditable building. It is a very substantial frame structure, SOifiO feet in dimension. Weidman and Grove are now building the front The souvenir calendars with views of Grants Pass and vicinity will be on aale Saturday and thereafter at Cramer Bros'.. Mrs. Kehkopfs and the 8. P. I). & L. store. The calendars already ordered will be delivered. Tho price is 60 cents. This calendar is an especially annronriate and desirable Christmas gilt. Cramer Bros.' Opening Day was a de cided success. Crowds of ladies were in the store all afternoon, and the sales ol holiday chinaware were satisfactory to the firm. A look at the window and ta bles will bIkiw that all the pretty things were not sold, and customers can be sure of the best selection to choose from in the city. The town of Jacksonville, having paid off the first series of bonds oli500ii' sued lo aid in the construction of the Kogue Kiver Valley Kailway, has decid ed to call in the second series of 50U0 and refund the debt at a lower rate of in terest. The present Iwnds bear . per cent interest, whereas it is believed the new issue will be taken at a rate not ex ceeding 6 per cent, interest payable annually. The C. E. society of the Presbyte'ian chua-ch held their monthly business and social meeting ou Tuesday evening at tbe residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Cra mer, with a good attendance. The meet ing was called to oruer oy rres'umi L. Ireland and the business, consisting mainly of providing (or the distribution ef missionsry pledges, was disposed of. After the business meeting, the enter tainment provided by thi social com mittee was a very interesting .ograpbi- cal game which was participated in by nearly the entire company and was the source of a large amount of merriment. At the conclusion of the game, the com pany gathered round tbe piano and sang a few of the old songs before departing for their homes. Our Stock of Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Etc., Is complete. We have just received a big supply in batrcls, buckets aud cases. rnmlv ner nound - IOC tji.. vriwl " " "tfc TWO., " " " "Our Calhoun" Christinas Mixed Ribbon Mixed per pound Best Hand Made Chocolates per pound. . . . Best Grade of Bon Hons Crystallized Fruits Y, pouud box Crystallized l'rulis I yauniX bux...... Walnuts, best kind per pound Almonds, per pound 1 5c and ... . Brazil Nuts, Mexican Pine Nuts, Fccans Filberts, per pound Navel Oranges, per dozen a 5c to.... and .15c .15c .30c .30c .30c . 3"c .I5C . aoc JOC .50c .35c Bo Sure Your -Basket is Filled with Geod Things From our store, such as Celery, Cranberries, Sweet Potatoes, Citron, Ismon and Oranjre Peel, Raisins, Currants, Mince Meat, Bottled Olives, Pickles, Catsup, Salrfd Dressing, Chile Sauce, Pepper Sauce, Olive Oil, BaylesHorseRadish, Mustard and after dinner Cheese. Langs Preserves, Jams and Jellies, Pop Com that pops, Fresh Eastern Oysters joc a can. Figs, black and white. And we also wish you to remember us when in need of Tea, Coffee and Cocoas. We have the very best brand. We Greet all with Good Wishes for Another " MERRY CHRISTMAS." OAMIOUN GItOCEItY CO. married. BEAN BROWS At Medford, Nov. 28, ItWO, P. It. Besn and Miss Etta May Brown, by Justice Htewsrt. BAUHY PKNWEI.L - At Med'""'. Nov. 8, ItWO. Thos Bsrry and Mrs. Uly Penwell. by Justice ritewart. U. of O. Glee Club. The Glee club of the University of Oregon will give a concert here on their southern tour on the evening of Dec. 27, .... .i ; I .... ..1 f ll.a umier vii u-iMi.r. . ..." .......-. ... Tl. M. K. church. The cluh contains two BAKKK Ui.iian''" " of our nwn boys, l.d Nan Dyke and Eddie Palmer and the best vocal talent of the university unites to produce a urand and tuneful concert. Heats Jo is for light Inquire at this office. For Kent. Two large rooms, suitable house keeping Notice to Stock holders. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the First National bsnk of Himthern Oroifon will be held at the office of said bank Tuesday, January 8, tuul, at 10 a. m. John V, t by, Cashier, Grants Pass, Oie. Dec. 3, 1900. Christmas Goods. Full and complete line of Xmas goods at Dr. W. r. K re mere S, 1WH), John Baker of ',?bu,rVn Miss Minnie Demmer. of Medlord, by Uev. Hack, tur tv m.'('lftii Woodvillo !' " 10. W tt. Milton d Miss Florence A. Beck, by Justice Os- hnrn . urtr f timu IlnVT In tblll clt' Thursday, Dec. , lWXt, Geo M tarns and Miss Theresa lloyt. Mr. Williams is the superintendent ol the dredge Josephlns at Waldo and the bride Is one of the well known aud ss tm.l .nana ladle of our city. Tber ltn them In their new life the h..i wi.hea of hosts of friends They left lor Portland on Thursday evening's train. R. L. GOE Ik Special CO PA V Sale! ARTICLES OF SPECIAL VALUE PLACED ON SALE FOR $1.00 DIED. Lost. In Grants Pass, about November 20, some papers and a dlsry belonging to it. W. Chidsey, M. D. Finder will please return to this office. Found. On Saturday, Nov. 24, near II. B. Millers's place west of town, an account book containing check for ttOO andl deposit slip for $000. Owner may apply at this office. D,, LKililiIn Han F rancisco, Deo. 4, lHOO. William Crolford, aged 84 yeais The remains were brought lo Grants i... f,.r interment and the funeral was held on Thursday. nn iuriat M.irlin. Tuesday, Dec. U litis), infant chili ol Mr. and Mrs, Win. Ilefling, aged 2 years. HOLMAN & SON, UNDERTAKERS EMBALM ERS. sill be southern San francUco Excuriloa. A grand Midwinter eicnrsion run to Kan Francisco from Oreiron ixnnts on December 20, The fare from Orants Pass will be tl'i.W if 00 tickets are sold If a lees number, the fare from hero will he the Ashland rate, Ill.uO, plus one and a third lares from here to Ashland. Tickets will be good for It) days. The esrursiou is under lbs management of Kiuil I'eil and T. K. Bolton of Ash land, and Mim Nell IMVatl will act as their agent in Grants Psss. Office on 0th oppo. Court House. Residence North 7lh Ht. GRANTS PAS9.0H BL1CKENSDERFER. Model No. 5, 4. Model No. 7. $50. Piarai-rio 1 Ttmwsjtses Is at Last Ksacheu. BlickoUrf combines good work, eaay operation and durability at a minimum cert. C K. ROOT, Agent, Giiasts Task. A Chrutmas Ottering. With every doaen 15 cabinets yon will set a beantilu Oual photograph ol your self, at t'levenner's. Coins soon, for it takes time to finish good pictures. Kor bale. General merchandise store and stock in Josephine munty fur ssle; stuck in voice, to 600 ; hoilrting. vu. ros emion giveu July 1, 1U01. Inquire at this orhce. For Hale I Foa Dale Twenty five acres one and ons-haif miles east of Orants Pass on rU-gue river, partly cleared, smalt or chard, price ( half cash, also Ally one acres of what is known as the llvda place, price iVK), half cash. For addi tional information address. Ciasr linos, .OBaNGt FRONT ALL THE NEW UP-TO-DATE Holiday Goods. Books for all Bcea. Hig assortment of dolls. The finest assortment of Games, Perfumes, Calen dars, Leather Goods, Box es, Photo Albums, Dress ing Cases. Toys.Ounther'i Chocolates. Make Selections Early. AT M. Clemens, PRKrXnUPTION DRUGGIST 200 pairs of Shoes for Ladies, Men and children, all styles, sizes and widths. Your choice lor fa 1 a V vl $1.00 Ladies warranted Kid Gloves, Special value. $1.00 Broken lots of 25c, 40c and soc VVall Paper one, two and three rolls of a to roll bundle. $1.00 Ladies Iced Wool Shawls and Fascinators. (hi (( Special values, VpX.W White Shirts, linen bosom, collar and cuff bands, made from New York, mills muslin, equal in value to any lt.50 custom made shirt. Our price, $1.00 All silk Jap Initial Handker chiefs, good value at 50c. Special .ale price, $00 KOINAlVr SALE. We have gathered together all short lengths from all depart ments and placed them ou sale at very tempting prices Ginghams Shirtings Muslins Lonsdale Cambrics S heetings Henriet tas Cashmeres Serges in black aud all colors. Plaid, plain and striped worsted aud silks just what you want for waists and skirls. We are determined to close out broken lines and remnants re gardless of worth or cost, and it will pay any one to look these remnants over early in the sale. " Remember remnants are sold regardless of cost." Full 10 4 Blankets sold at 85c per pair. 5 cents buys the best hemmed stitched Handkerchiefs ever sold for tbe price. Big lot of Silk Initial Handkerchiefs at .25 300 Pairs of Ladies', Men's and Children's Shoes on Bar gain Counter, Going at $1.00 Hundred of articles of. special valuo offered thin week. No house on earth is offering bettor valuo t han wo aro ou Footwear.