Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 08, 1900, Image 3

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    FONE 131
have just received another lot of the celebrated
Chase & Sanborn
Their " Old Government " Java and Mocha can't
I beat for strength and fine flavor.
' SOUTH SEA BLEND,'' one of our new
roasts, is oue of the best roasted coffees on the
market, per pound ,30
If you like a fine Rio coffee, try our No. 46 at. .,25
If you prefer something milder, try our celebrated
"Climax Roast" at .25
Or a very fine Caracol or Pea-berry coffee at. . . . ,25
Rio Siftings, 7 pounds $1
tiuaranteed better than Package Coffee.
Mining Supplies
Caps ami Fuse.
Also a 6ne line of
Stoves& Ranges
Xocal tiappcninijs
We've been telling you a lot of
good things about our Men's
Suits for Fall and Winter wear.
We don't expect you to take our
word lor it. There is an easy
way to settle it for yourself :
Call and ask to see what we
advertise. If we can't do better
for you than others can you can
have your money back.
Dr. Flanagan, ' .
Resident Dentist.
Go to Corun (or Plumbing.
Whips, 10c to $2.50 at Uackelf.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist.
Notary Public at the Coraix office.
Koh-i-noor pencils at the Coi'rikh
Slaw and Kmut Cutters ai Cramer
Wood wanted on subscription at the
Coi'UKB otfice.
Send your ore to W. G. Wright's
New Custom Mill.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron's.
Saratoga Chips, (jrapes, Comb Honey,
New Nuts White House Grocery.
Gorton's Minstrels are announced to
give an entertainment tere about No
vember 20th.
J. L. Myers has commenced the
erection of a dwelling on C street west
of the echool house.
Gov. Geer spoke at Medford Saturday
evening. Hoodlums attempted to break
up the meeting, but were subdued by
the crowd.
J. Wolke, the hardware merchant,
has removed his former location and
now occupies the building jiiBt west of
Cornell's grocery.
To cure that cold or stop those
rheumatic pains try a Turkish or Rus
sian bath. Joseph Mobs has different
kinds of bath cabinets for sale.
E E. Redfield came up from Leland
Tuesday to attend to some business
matters and take in the election. He is
running bis sawing machine, which
worked well siuce be received the new
The largest lino of Um
brellas in Southern Oregon,
45 cents to $8. Good school
Umbrellas for 45 eents.
The Sugar Pino Store.
A serious freight wreck occurred on
Sunday morning near Keswick. An
aile broke on a loaded car derailing
four cars in the rear of it. A number
of men were riding in one of these and
two of them were instantly killed and
three others badly injured. One of the
men killed was Al. Bryan, of Denver,
Colo., and the other man could not be
Do not get scared if vour heart
troubles you. Mo.-t likely' you suffer
from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
digests what you eat and gives the worn
out stomach perfect rest. It is the only
preparation known that completely
digests all classes of foods ; that is why
it cures the worst cases of indigestion
and stomach troubles after everything
else has failed. It may be taken in all
conditions and cannot help but do you
good. W. F. Kremer.
T-vo bibulous politicians made matters
lively Monday night in the "Corner"
saloon. Oue of them, bubbling over
ith enthusiasm tot McKinley, gave
vent to the same bv means of various
hunahe and other sounds, which were
resented by a stanch supporter of Win.
Bryan. An altercation ensued which
terminated ill the Bryanite's seizing
McKinley's supporter by the neck, with
evident fell intent. A lively fight ensued
which one of the warring politicians
endeavored to brain the other with a
spittoon. The were finally pulled apart
and one of them was persuaded to go
home and defer the election until the
next day. The other then waxed ex
ceeding fierce and warlike.
Coron the Plumber. !
Shoes repaired at Hai kett's.
G. St Louis for watch repairing.
Air Tight Hestirs at Cramer Bros.
Let Coron figuro on your Plumbing
Stove boards and pipe at Cramer
Old Paper 10 cents per bundle at
this otfice.
Wanted A nice panther skin.
Cramer Bros.
Where do you get your hair cut? Try
Will Mallorv.
Some good bargains in Fur Collarettes
at Mr. Rehkopt's.
Harness of all Kinds, Grades and
Prices at Hackett'.
Take your shoes to Hackett for good
work and right prices.
AH the late novelties in Fur Collar
ettes at Mrs. Rehkopf's.
There is no longer need to ship ore
away for tests take it to Wright's.
Suitable for dress
or business wear,
all-wool black wor
sted, neat effects in
all-wool Cassimere,
homes pun and
Cheviot sack suits.
The kind you
would expect to
pay $12 for. Take
your choice
For wise men who
don't go to a cheap
merchant tailor be
cause they can be
fitted with our
ready - to - wear
clothes. Fine blue
or black all-wool
Serge, fancy Cassi
mere and Worsted
Dress Suits
Gentlemen we'll
give you every
thing the high
priced tailor giyes
you for about half
his price. If you're
hard to fit we alter
the garments same
as he does. Come
and see the suits
we are selling at
$16, $17.50 & $20.
Having mining interests thai
require my attention, I will
sell my entire stock at
cosisting of
Mackintoshes, Hats, Caps, Etc.
Rlx Frightful Failures.
Six terrible failures of six diffierent
doctors n'earlv sent Wm. II. Mullen of
Locklamt, O., to an early grave. All
said he had. a fatal lung trouble aud
that he must 60011 die. Hut he was
nrged to try Dr. King's New Discovery
lor Consumption. After taking five
bottles he was entirely cured. It is
IKimively guaranteed to cure all diseases
of Throat, Chest and Lungs, including
Coughs, Colds, Lsgripp, Pneumonia,
Bronchitis, Asthma, llay Fever, Croup,
Whooping Cough. Ma and 1 1 00. Trial
bottles free at Dr. Kreuier's drug store
Odd Fellows Building
Next door to Cramer Bros.
Southern California.
Notable among the pleasures afforded
by the Shasta route is the winter trip
to Seuthern California and Anions.
Renewed acqtiiutancea with this section
will ever develop fresh points of in
terest and added sources of enjoyment,
under its sunny skies, in the variety of
its industries, in its prolific vegetation
and among its numberless resorts of
mountain, shore, valky and plain. The
two daily Sha-ta trains from Portland to
California have been recently equipped
with the most approved pattern ol
standard and tourist sleeping cars, but
the low rates of fare will still continue
in effect.
Illustrated guides to the winter resorts
of California aud Arizona miy be bad
application to
C II. Makkiiam, U. I , A.
Portland, Oregon.
nu rnv photographer
r I! L D I Opp. Court House.
Fancy Cranberries now in no higher
than the Door kind hue House
I have just received another shipment
of Fur Collarettes from 3 to $15.
R. O. MoChoskey.
A new house, in good location (or sale
cheap. Enquire of Joseph Moss the
real estate agent.
Ten Cents will purchase a bundle of
old papers at this office come handy In
underlying carpets.
First-class apple orchard for sale
Best investment can be found. Pee
Joseph Moss about it.
You have heard it said of some thing
"It takes the cake." But Myrtle Creek
Flour makes the cake.
A republican rally was held at Ash
land Monday evening. Hon. C. W.
Fulton was the speaker.
Smokers will find rare opportunities
for selection in the many lines of choice
cigars at Wilson & Koper's.
South Sea Blend What is it? Finest
roast coffee in the city only 80c per
pound White House Grocery.
No other pills can equal DeWitt'a
Little Earley Risen for promptness,
certainty and efficiency. W. F. Kremer.
We understand that Mrs. G. W. Pettit
will soon open a bakery at the corner of
Fourth and Front street. Look for her
ad in our next issue.
T. A. Hood A Co. received a new lathe
on Monday, which is an important a I
lition to their already well equipped
bicycle establishment.
Charley" Nickell, of Jacksonville,
was a north bound passenger to Portland
Tuesday evening, to be, as he said, in
the thickest of it". We opine that bis
hopes will lie realized to perfection
If the Grants Pass high school could
elect the president, Bryan would stand
little chance of election. A .ballot was
taken recently in two' of the rooms and
and McKinley was "elected" by a vote
of 73 to 17.
Scott Griffin bandies Ashland flonr,
Utah alfalfa Beed, Oregon red clover
seed, winter oats, large Russian while
rye, new crop timothy seed, wheat for
1 also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa Hay,
Timothy Hay. Oat Straw, Chop Barley,
Corn, Wheat, Oatg.
A largo line of Shoes,
Prints, Vicugua Dross and
Wrapper Flannels at a 10
per font Discount Sale.
The Sugar Tine Store.
We were pleased to receive 'a letter
from Ben E. Slahl, now of Boise, Idaho,
and regret that we were not able to give
it to the public last week. Mr. Stahl
sent his greeting to the "boys" and
urged them to vote right in the election.
He predicted that Idaho would give Mc
Kinley a small majority. He expects to
visit Grants Pass in the near future.
Dr. W. H. Lewis, I.awrenceville, Vs.,
writes, "1 am using Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure in my practice among severe cases
of indigestion and find it an admirable
remedy." Many hundreds uf physi
cians depend upon the use of Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure in stomach troubles.
It digests what vou eat, and allows you
to eat all the good food you need, provid
ing you do hot overload your stomach.
Gives instant relief and ft permanent
cure W. F. Kremer.
J. R. Entrikeo of Leland was in town
00 Thursday.
Arthur Howland made a trip to Jack
sonville Tuesday. '
Judge Davis Brower visited Jackson
ville on Thursday.
Governor T. T. Geer was passenger
on riaturday evening's north bound
Chas. Drew ol Klamath county, who
has been visiting with Jack Crow of
Merlin was in town Tuesday.
Mrs. I. G. Knotta left on last Wednes
day evening for Eugene where ber
daughter is seriously ill with append!
Mrs. Auten, who has been visiting
tere wilb Mies Dora Chausse, returned
Wednesday morning to her home at
Miss Aggie George, who has been visit
ing here with Mine Carrie UmphletU),
returned on the first of the week to her
hime near Kerby.
Mrs. Amos Smith went lo Medford
Saturday to see her brother, "Chub1
Hamlin, who is ill with typhoid fever.
She returned Monday.
Raymond Scovill left on Wednesday
mornini for Berthoud, Colo., to visit
there with his eibterr, Mrs, F. G. Person
and Miss Harriet Scovill, and will prob
ablv remain for some timt.
Ensign and Mrs. Wilbert, of th Sal
vation army arrived hem last week to
take chaige of the work of that organ
ization at this place. TLey came here
from Olympia and will probably remain
with us for some time.
E. B. Brown spent several days in
Medford last week in the capacity of
deputy organizer for the order of For
esters of America. His efforts were
attended with success and a goodly
numbers were added to that order dur
ing bis visit.
Rev, J. P. Coleman, who has been
spending several months of the summer
here visiting old friends and scenes, left
on Thursday for his home at Los Angeles,
He enjoyed several camping trips whil
here and got a shot or two at the light
footed scamperera of our timbered bills
W. R. D. Allen has exchanged his
Grants Pass proerty in Ashland and
will make his future home at that place.
Mr. Allen has been an esteemed citizen
citizen of Grants Pass (or a number of
years and Ashland will gain a good
citizen. He carries with I1I111 the best
wishes of his Grants Pass friends (or
unlimited success in his new field.
New pupils continue to enter every I
Examinations aia being held this week I
in the third, fourth, fifth.'.sixth, seventh
and eighth grades ol the Grant Pass
scheols. This closes the work left on-
finished by closing the school but
March. Promotion will be made next
Merlin Local Institute.
The local Institute held at Merlin,
Oreg., was organized at 10 a. m. with
he following teacher in attendance.
Supt. Savage, Prof. 8. W. Holmes. J.
McConnell, Stephen Jewell, Misses
Olive Owen, Katie 0Sbea, Bell Sturge,
Alice Smith, and Mr. Bell Huden.
Q. A. Savage being absent the subject
Purpose of Local Institute" was
very admirably aiscusseu oy o. n.
Miss Jessie Scovill being unable to
attend, sent ber manuscript on the
subject "Language in tb Primary
Grades". Stephen Jewell kindly con
sented to act a her substitute, reading
and discussing the subject In manner
Appreciated by all.
Arithmetic, in grade work wis ably
presented by S. W. Holmes aud ab
sentees missed soma valuable practical
W. A. Maesie being one of the b
sentee Bunt. Savage made a
Old Maidi's Convention.
By the repeated, solicitation ol the
people of Grants Pass the ladies of the
Reliuf Corps have decided to reproduce
the ' Old Maid' Convention" in the
near future.' Everybody invited.
Dulh of Louis Btlfili.
Louis I'.ellils, tho well known watch
maker and jeweler died suddenly on
Monday evening at Mrs. II. Thornton
where he was hoarding, lie ate anpper
as usual and then lay down upon
lounge and seemed to fall asleep. When
noticed a short lime afterward, he had
ceased breathing. A phyrician was
summoned immedUlely, but li'e had
already depjrlod. His death was pain
less and raxv. Apoplexy is named as
the cause of his death.
Mr. Belfils wan about 74 years of sue
and enjoyed the acquaintance an
respe ot of a large number of people
this part of the state. His son arrived
from Koneburg Tuesday and the retnai
were removed to that place Tuesday
evening. Mrs. Belfils and daughter
who reside at Tulare, Cal , passed
thiougb Wednesday muinliig on the
way to Roaoburu.
Now Articles This VccZ
White Comb Honey 1 pound frame 15c. White Plgi
one pound pack ape 10c. Bulk Pickel per quart Wc.
Lemon, Orange and Citron peel per pound 20c- Strained
White Sage Houey per pound 120. Armours Sugar cur
ed Breakfast Bacon. Full Oresm and Limberger cheese,
Mince Meat, in bulk and package.
omh .n l WIIK inl,. nl hotter. 9."0 cases, too dozen
ems of this years rruit and Vegetables including
best brands ever put into cans.
Grocery Co
A inall though pleasant party was
held at the residence ol Mr. and Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Griffin entertained
few friends at their home and enjoyed
few pleasant social evening.
remark upon the tuhject, "Writing." A select ocil dance was given at
The subject, "Reading In the Second Clemen- nail, Mr. anu aire. . ...
nd .'bird Grades," which was presented Demare furnishing me music ior w.
by Mis Olive Owen was very instruct- occasion.
ive. A lively discussion followed this Tb evening of Halloween was the
most excellent paper. Institute then occasion (or lb celebration ol a number
adjourned until 1 00 p. m. I of pleasant social events in the vaiious
At 1:30 p. n. "Grading Country portion of our city.
Schools" was thoroughly explained by
Supt. Savage.
J. V. McConnell ably and eloquenty
disposed of the subject "Attention".
Alice Smith filled ber place In the
program by reading a paper "Teaching
Geography in the sixth and seventh
Mis Bell Huden presented th sub
ject "Supplementary Reading" in so
able manner that every on present
could understand the value of such
reading matter in the band of children
our schools.
Mis Bell Sturge' paper on "His
tory" was very able article, and
emphasised the value of supplementary
work. This paper was appreciated by
all and reflected much credit upon the
The entertainment In the evening
given by in tciioiar 01 me mernn
school was well attended . and the
children performed their part well.
A Lie Smith,
Secretary of Institute.
Lincoln Savaui,
County Superintendent.
Mr. Dr. Moor and Mr. R.L.Coe
gave an "At home" to their Iriends at
th residence ol Mr. Moore and the
evening w pleaaurably spent by the
assembled guest.
Dr. and Mr. A. P. Harth gave sn
elaborate whist party at their new home,
which eclipsed all provious similar
events which have been given in Grants
Pas. Refreshment of salad, cake and
coffee were served at th close ol the
Grand Mask Ball.
th Foresters of America will give
masquerade on Thanksgiving evening
Nut. 29. and th order is making
elaborate preparations (or th occasion,
which will be on of the social events of
the vear.
Demaree'l orchestra bo been engaged
to furnish the musio and lappet will
be served in the basement of the ball
by Mr. Almy. . -
A reception committee will D In
attendance to whom tb masker may
reveal their identity on entering the
hall. Ticket (or th dance, II ; specta
tors 25 cents.
"Thai Ms."
About Nov. 22, Walter Walker, assisted
by Mildred St. Pierre aid specially
selected company, will appear at the
opera house in the (arc comedy, "That
Man." This company, with the sm
play, In a six night engagement at th
Herald Square theater, New York, ad
vanced their ticket receipt from 1570
on the first night to $1160 on the closing
evening. .
Coming EvsnU. .
Nov. 20 Gorton' Minstrel at opera
Nov. 22 Walter Walker and company
in farce-comedy. "That Man," at opera
Nov. 29. . Thanksgiving Day. '
Nov. 29. Forester mask ball at opera
R. L. GOE &
Firm For Sate.
The Van nor farm containing 200
acres of bottom land on Rogue river
about five miles west of loan is offered
for sale. Fur particulars apply lo
S. E. Hahkncos,
Grants Pans.
I km preosred to furnish anything in the. line of Cemetery work in in. k.n.l
Nearly thirty year of experience in the Marble b
that! can fill your orders in the very best manner.
uuiefs warrants my saying
Con furnish work
in Scotch, Swede or American Grsnite or any kind c f
Front Street; Next to (irrene'e Cai.sliop.
Just the Fad,,.
A new lot of
Shopping Baskets
Thursday evening, by Rev. C. W.
Hays, Chas. M. Wiiron and MIsj
Luella Vvrdin.
N E ATI I A M M E It S 1 1 E K 1 1 A N In this
city, Wednesday, Nov. 7, 1 11(10, Jesse
Neatharnmer, ol Jackson county and
Miss Nora hheehan of this county,
Kev. C. W. Have olliciating,
deuce ol Joseph Maris, Smith River,
Del Norte county, Calif. Oct. ill. 1U00,
hy the Rnv. Chas. Booth, Daniel
Woodruff ami Miss Lily Johnson.
Girl Wanted
Immediately, for housework In small
family. Inquire of A. E. Voomiikh.
Romanes in Real Lilc.
Mrs. Kutli Muxliam, o Umtfur.l, )ia
left New York for Lebanon, Or., where
she will marry Charles II. lireen, a rich
grocer. The marriage will end a
romance that began half century ago.
When she was 0 years old, Mrs. Max-
ham and Green, an adopted orphan,
9 years of age were playmates. The
children were reared together, and
when Green was 17, he asked the girl to
marry him. She refused and married
Mr. Maxhatu. Green went to the war
and afterwards married and went West
Mr. and Mrs. Maxham lived in Hart
ford for 23 years.
Mr. Maxliam died last spring, and a
letter from his w idow to the friend of
ber youth brought an immediate ol.-r
of marriage, a lireen is ao a widower.
Mrs. Maxliiim awrpted, aud le'l foi
his borne ai'tordinflv. Tim groom is
01 tears oil, and tiie bride .'.
The l.atefel Yarn.
A Pittibiirg drummer tells this yarn:
1 always carry a bottle of Kemp'
Baltam in my grip. I take e"id rasily
nd a few doses of ttie Balsam tl ay-
make me a well man. Everywhere I
go t speak a good word for Kemp. 1
take hold of my customers I lake old
men and yocng men, and tell
confidentially what I do when 1 take
cold. At druggist, 25c. and 50c.
AVERY In Merlin precinct, Saturday,
Nov. 3, l'.RIJ, Flora Avery, aged 10
BELFILS In this city, Monday eve
ning, Nov. 6, l'JM, Louis Hell Is, aged
74 years.
AVERY In Merlin precinct, Wednes
day, October 31, 1!KK), Kern Avery,
aged 0 years.
Bcntficsnt Hallowe'tn Prank.
It sometime happen that the evil
designs of the wicked are frustrated In
most unexpected way and oft times
th trend of event conceived ol and set est Shoe Makers."
in motion by the machination of the
minion of mischief are diverted into
cbaunels of beneficence and blessing.
A notable Instance of this character
occurred on Wednesday evening, Hal
lowe'en, in the eastennost corner of our
Joseph Felzner bad, during the sum
mer, caused to grow a supply of pump
kins, which numerously cumbered bis
lot. With these he bad been supplying
some of his neighbors, notably II. II.
Barton, the jeweler. Mr. Barton
appreciated th pumpkin and the only
drawback to the arrangement seemed
the Inconveienc and fatigue of trans
porting the golden fruit the quarter of a
mile, more or loss, which separates the the testimony Of
iwu resiliences. i . i
v ...!- i. .1.. ono of our oll
and bent on maintaining the traditiuus
of the night, pemdved th pumpkins.
It is an inexplicable fact that a Hal
lowe'en pranker I attracted lo a pump
kin like a moth to a candle. The
globular products on seen, it was past
argument tint something had to be done )()ll'rht tlCltrlV
with lliein. The bov decided that all
that was needed to promote their
unalloyed happiness was to carry those
pumpkins over to Mr. Barton' and
stack them in his yard. This was done
and the pranker gloried in glee at the
havoc thev had wrought.
Both Mr. Fetzner and Mr. Barton
were well pleased at the favor which
had been done. The boy bad their
fun, Mr. Barton has the pumpkins and
all is serene.
..leaders in..
Good shoes don't grow on bushes. They are made by Good, Hon-
Ollice on 0th St. nppo. Court House.
Residence North 7th St.
31. Clemens,
oppo. oetsa housc
At the Riverside Nursery you will find
fruit trees, berry plants and shade trees ;
slo Monterey cypress fur hedge.
'Iworoa jutirol
your WHALE
for two years
and then sold
them for $2,"
i in on
ono ol our
Wo h a v o
I "f'Tvi .
Tablets of all kind at the Couaiia.
all of our shoes
of you during
tho past ten
years and they
never fail to
k'ivo perfect sat
isfaction," says
another old ens'
I It
5.(i0 4.0o
3-50 '3.00
rem men.
2 502J00
r ... si
For Rale !
Fo Sale Twenty five acres on and
one-half mile east of Orants Pass nn
Kngue river, partly cleared, small or
chard, pi ice IJX) half cash, also fifty one
acre of what is known as the Hydr
place, price IV O, half For addi
tional ililotmatkin addrees,
Cir Boos,
La Grande, Oregon.
Agents Wanted.
No Cspital Nieetssry to sell our Tssi,
Coffee and Spices.
In every city and town in the State
nf Oregon and Washington outside of
Portland, ladiea or young men who have
two or three hours per day to spare will
find selling our Teas, Col lees and Spicee
pleasant work and tbsy can make big
money for themselves. Writ for full
particulars and Catalogue ra.
Grind Republican Rally.
Saturday evening the republicans of
Grants Pass and Josephine county held
a grand rally and demonstration for
McKinley and Roosevelt, closing the
campaign in this county. The speaker
ol th evening, present for the occasion,
was Hon. C. W. Fulton, of Astoria, who
is recognised as a man of much ability
and oue of the foremost speaker la the
la the railroad park, explosive and
various combustibles wer provided and
the noise and scenic fire wer greatly
suggestive ol the Fourth of July or the
battle of Spionkop.
Shortly after 7 o'clock torch light
protection formed on Sixth street, and
marched down that street lo Alain,
thence down Main street and around
the "trisugle" to F. street and thence to
Sixih street and the opeia house. The
band was out ill force and lualeriall)
assisted in I lie entertainment of Ihe
ouaainii, t.uJjring their selections with
liveliness and vim. Cheers for McKin
ley weie numerous aud Very audible.
At It o'clock the meeting began in the
open House, whli li was densely pacseu
and filled lo overflowing, it capacity
proviug far too small for th accommo
dation of th audience. Th band d s
cojrsed music and a male quart',
Messrs Cramer, Kinney, Cramer and
Suaian, gave s pleasing vocal (election
which was well received and the gentle
men war accorded bearty encore.
Mr. Fulton was then introduced and
made a most able and pleasing address.
While hi speech was strong and forceful
there wa not a trac of abusiveness and
. I L ... ...InlailUil Itintl nnalitt
... ... .. i ii i.. .,l,i,M. .1,1 h for Ladle's. Men and Children
mluht wall be Imitated campaign pair
, sneaker lenerally. He leotived
. .. A
It will pay you to axamln th W.
L. Douglas shoes, and ss for
yourself that thsy ars juit a J
good In svsiy way as those for ,
which you have been paying
t$ to 7- For style, com
fort, and service, thsy i
cannot be surpassed a
by custom-i
"I will always
sond to you for
my Bhoes. You
have tho right
style, price and
quality, and
they give mo
bettor satisfac
tion than any I
overwore, says
ii traveling sales
man for tho
Simmons Hard
ware Company
who lives in
San Francisco.
t f mi
IsT Jl i. X Jll
For Udk'i, Men and Childrtn.
$1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.25
W re showing 0 or 60 different
styles of Ibis mnu(sclorer's make aloi
and call special attention to their
I i-fiA.
c. ,vrnn
31'1 Washinaton St. Portland. Ora.
Lament distributors of Teas, Coffees and generou measure of applause, videnc
Spices on the PaciDc Coast. 100 tores irI to oearusn F,.v..
in incceeeful operation. audience.
ol his
$1.50 Shoe
light, heavy or
Rargains at
.59, .79, .98, $1.25, $1.-W.
Don't ml tbem. COE'S.
warrant.). In
medium weight stock.
We have just received our fall stoik of
this celebialed niak ol footwear. For
They sre jmt a little better than nr
iboe I ever wore," is th testlrnouy of
very person who has tried them. W
liandle them in four grades, in which wp
can give you all styles Id both Lndlej'
and (ienls. . ., - .a
$3.00, $3.50, $1.00 and
$5.00. , , j
Try a pair of Pingre Shoe, wear tbenl
'or six months, and II they fail .,
roil perfect satisfaction return Wm
and get your money back, , OOB'Ss ra