Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 08, 1900, Image 2

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satu or ii'Mcupnoa :
One Yer, in f dvance, - - 11-25
Hi Montiia,
Three Months, ... .38
Bingle Copies, , " .06
Afl mbacriptioiM continued until ordered
to cmm, and until all arrearaa-ea are paid.
Law. custom and the keeping of account.
make Uie payment of dents imperatire
before the naiut can
mailing list.
be renioTed from Uie
Adveniaint rates on application. -py
for change orad"must be banded in before
Tuesday noon, otherwise setting of the
matter will be charged for at Uie rate of 6c
per running inch, aingle column. Altera
tionaand addiUona to copy will be charged
or at the rate of lUo per running Inch, ain
gle column.
Entered at the post office at Orente Ps,
Oregon, aa eecond-claae n.ail matter.
Thuksday, November 8, 1900
The Germani are accaaed o( carrying
on their warfare in China in barbarous
manner giving no quarter, maltreating
in a moat brutal manner Uioee who fall
into their handa and sabering them to
aave sm monition. In tbil they aro aaid
to be only obeying orders, and that inch
action la the official course puraued. It
It very possible that only garbled reporta
hare reached 01 and that when the facta
re more fully known the German army
may apjear in a far lea acandalooa
Unlit, If the facta aa reported ahould
prove true, the nation ahould lose do
time in conatraining that nation to con
fine ileelf atrictly to civilitd warfare.
It i no eicnae that those opposed to
them dm brufjl methods. A civiltaed
nation it supposed to be above degrading
iteelf to barbarian levela eren when it
dealt with aavagoe.
A preaidential candidate it the can
didate ot party. After be it elected
nd inaugurated, he It president, not
of any parly, but of the nation. Aa
inch he ahould be accorded the support
ol every citizen, regardlesa of party, in
bit efforts to serve the nation. If
either McKinley or Uiyan it elected he
will be president of ut all and not only
ol the particular party of which he
was a candidate. Bat whichever it
elected, the bitterness of a partisan cam
paign it surt to folltw him through his
term ol office and bu every act will be
criticised and warped to the worst pos
sible construction by Uie prejudice of
political opponents. This is aooodition
nd sentiment which la utterly wrong.
It is only fair to wait at leatt until there
it tome tangible and sensible reason lor
criticism and opposition and until that
time to give cordial support and loyalty
to the president ol our nation.
Education ol f illpinot.
Sixto Lopei, the Filipino, bt written
an open letter to Jacob G. Bchurman,
president of Cornell University and of
the Philippine Commission. The latter
in part is aa follows:
"The report ol the lata commission of
which yon were president professes te
deal, In addition to other mailers, with
education in the Philippines. In
mattert educational the Filipino rec
ord is creditable to degree. During all
the) Spanish regime, notwithstanding
monastic opposition and 8paniah indif
ference, eur system ot education
flouriahed and increased. In most
very branch of knowledge In competive
examinations the Filipino! have thown
themselves luperion of the Hpaniarda.
In all the learned professions in puil
ephy, in theology, the moat prominent
men are Filipinos.
"The latest addition to higher educa
tion in the rbilippinet it due entirely
to the energy and liberality of the Fili
pinos. In July ol thla present year,
mid the clash of armt and political
strife the Filipinos founded the Manila
Lyceum, with 41 teachers and professors
II whom with three exceptions ere
pur Filipinos. Among the tubjecta
taught are Greek, Latin, fcoglmh,
French, Hpanlth, universal and com
mercial geography and atatiatirf, htt
tory, theology, philosophy, xoology,
physics, chemistry, general acinic),
drawing, etc. Tliit Institution owet its
origin to Benores Uuerrere, Meudiola
nd Villamer, all ol whom art pure
Filipinos, two being Tagaloirs and one
Yiaayan and the lunds havu been pro
Tided exclusively by Filipinos."
Matte Yoang Agala.
"One of Vt. King's Now Life Pills
each night lurtwo weeks bat put me In
my 'teens' again" writes I). 11. Turner
ol Oempaeytown, Pa. They're the best
in the world lor Liver, Hloma.h and
bowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe.
Duly 2oc at Dr. Kremer's lrug Store.
Our stork is larger in Ihoso linos llian nnv
in both price ami quality.
A Useful Present
Ladies Taiior
To Close Out at
W. E. DEAN, & CO.. Propr.
Post Office Building.
Cow il Meeting.
The regular meeting ol the city
council occurred Thursday evening,
Novctnbe' 1st, the mayor and all the
council being present.
The principal busineaa ol the evening
was the election ol a new recorder the
resignation ol J. W. Barker having been
accepted. Mayor Kinney appointed
T. P. Judaon to fill the vacancy and the
council came to a deadlock regarding his
confirmation. Smith, Koykendall, I)tin
bar and Hood voted to confirm and
McGrew, Fetach, Hawkins and Rehkopf
voted for rejection. It was the opinion
ol the city Attorney May bee that the
mayor, in tucb case as this, was not
entitled to deciding vole- There be
ing no election it was in order lor the
mayor to appoint temporary recorder
to serve until the election ol perma
nent officer. T. P. Judaon was appointed.
You will find a complete assoitment ol NEW FALL
COODS in every Department.
Dress Goods
Wool Waists
Also a complete line of
IN MY SIIOK DEPARTMENT you will find the best
makes to be found. In light, medium and heavy weights.
I handle nothing but strictly First-Clau l'p-to Date Shoes,
E. C.
Prtildlnj Fldcr's Appolntmtnti,
Rev. K. L. Fitch, presiding elder.
Willamette district .M. K. church South,
will bold quarterly meetings aa follows:
Grants Pass, Noveinbor IS-III; Apple-
gate November 2t ii5.
Advert lueii Letter Mai.
Following it the list ot letters adver
tised at the Grants Pass post olllce fur
the week ending November 3, 1900.
llordon, Lucreaia, Copper, Mrs Junnie,
Carman, Mra l.etha, iardiner, Mrs II K,
Wlllard. Miss Ida,
Davit. Jay, Urail", li L,
Hill, Williams, Williams W K,
WelUUen, Mr.
C. E. Harmon, P. M.
Hals or Kxctiangn.
Kighty arrue on Williams creek, three
mih't from post otTire, L't) miles from
Grants Pass. One-half under cultiva
tion, orchard of four acres, good water
right. Two burns, comiiirtable house,
good outbuildings. Vleiilv of hurries,
lift acres standing timber, good for lum
ber. Mew saw mill near. Will exchange
for town property or sell (or flkMO.
besides the Discount
- Made Suits
a Reduced Price.
Vast Trade Prospect for Uncle Sam.
A semicircle of countries stretching
from Asiatic Ruseia southward lo Aus
tralia, with Manila aa its mott central
oort ol distribution, contains half the
population of the world, and their an
nual purchases amount to more than
1.000,000,000, or fully 10.),ffl,030 per
month, says O. P. Austin, Chief of the
Bureau of Statistics, in the Home
Magazine. Their chief demand is for
the very classca of gooda which the
United Plate is producing, and for
which it ia desirous to find market.
The increasing quantity of goods which
those countries are taking from our own
suggests the commercial possibilities
that aaait us with a Kicaraguan Canal
to facilitate transportation of our goods
to the point of distribution at Manila.
Enterprise Meat Cutters at Cramer
Rubber Goods
Fatal Accident.
The news has been received that C. P.
lieardsley, ol the Old Chauiml Mining
company accidenlly shot and killed Mr',
lieardsley on Monday evening In Chi
cago, while leaching her to use a revol
ver. Mr. Dcardsluy was just on the
point of starting to this place.
Flour 10 tCiclinnuP.
Farmers, do not haul your wheat 20
to 50 miles to exchange, Scott (tritlin
will give you aa many pounds of flour
for a bushel ol wheat as any mill ill
give you. You will find Scott Urillin at
his Hay, Flour, Feed and Seed Store.
Cor. tills and I streets, Grants Pass, Ore.
K.lectrlo l.lghla.
In the berths of the Standard Pullmans
of the Northern Pacific's new North
Coast Limited will be appreciated by
Pacific roast and inland empire travelers.
Two light to each section. Alc our
agents lor the North Coast Limited leaf
let. A. D, Charlton, Aw'l General Pas
senger Agent, L'.VS Morrison St. Cor. 3d,
Portland, Ore.
SALE . .
Suutlit'in Oivl'oii ami
Josephine County Gives McKinley About
200 Majority. Jackson County
Goes Republican,
IUsturnt ao far received indicate that
McKinley has carried the election by a
much larger majority than in '15, in
creasing bis el-ctoml plurality by per
haps 20 electoral votes, betides receiving
greatly increased popular minorities.
The returns show largely increased re
publican gains in nearly every portion
of the country.
The Brat reporta, which came Irom
New York and Chicago, were bopeful to
the democrats aa Bryan was leading in
the count in those cities. It became
apparent very soon, however, that bis
lead was not sufficient to enable him to
overcome the certain majority which
McKinley would receive in New York
and Illinois outside their large citict.
The complete returns give McKinley
mall majority in the city of Chicago and
Ilryan a similar majority in New York
City. ISoth these states go for McKinley
by perhaps l(M.rtO. Ohio givet Mc
Kinley about 80,000. Indiana it close,
probably 50OO for McKinley. Michigan
gives McKinley 100,0)0, New Jersey 75,
000, Kansas, 15,00 J. Nebraska, Wyom
ing and Washington are close, the re
turns strongly indicating McKinley
pluralities. Missouri is a close state,
but probably goes for Bryan. Kentucky
is uncertain. McKinley carries Mary
land and West Virginia. Bryan carries
Nevada by 8K) and Colorado by perhaps
5000. California l republican. Ore
gon's republican majority will probably
reach 10,000.
The electoral vote will probably be
divided somewhat ns follows, leaving
out the uncertain slates of Kentucky,
Idaho, Wyoming and South Dakota:
For McKinley California, Connecticut,
Delaware, Iowa, Illinois. Indiana, Kan
sas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan,
Minnesota, Maryland, New Hampshire,
New York, New Jersey, North Dakota,
Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode
Inland, Vermont, Wenhrugton, West
Virginia, Wisconsin and Nebraska;
2H3 electoral votes.
For Bryan; A'.abuma, Arkansas, Geor
gia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi,
Montana, Missouri, North Carolina,
South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia
Colorado and Nu iranka; total 130.
Following is the manner in which
Josephine county voted, with the
exception of the precincts of Galice and
Allhoute, the returns for which had
not been received tip to tlio limo of
going to press :
votk ) Maj.
i kki inct K D VlTT) H D
North Gr Pass.. . t'.2 R. 1 7107!
South " " ... !l47ll!i 4.. UK
West " " .... 101 70 II: 0 311
Merlin tit! (ill...!.. :i
Lucky Queen 18 0 .... 18
Woll Creek fct 31 .. .. 2-'
Leland 47 4G 1 . 1
Galice . j 5
Slate Creek U ...... .. . i 12
Murphy j -'' 4: 4 4. j 10
Williams 7 62 . . '. . ft
Kertir 80 44 . . '4 M
Alth'iuso j. .
Waldo ...I.. 10
Mount Reuben. . . H 10. ... . 1
Oak Hat 5 11 ...I. I 7
("R," republican;
hl", social democrat
"D", douux-rat;
'P" prohibition).
Later return, give Washington and
Utah to McKinley, Kentucky and Idaho
to I'ryun. California girs republican
by about 2S,0 :0, Oregon by about 14 0 0.
Nebraska is uncertain.
ruHse rartout IlliHlilig.
Gummed Passe Parlout Binding in
assorted colors, also r'asse Partout out
fits at the Cot hikh olhco.
The Killing Cars
Of the Northern Pacific for the Improved
and new train service taking ell'e. t May
S, am thoroughly modern, electric light
ed, and w ill be cooled by electric la it.
They will accommodate .10 persons at
one time. A. D. Charlton. Ais't Gcn'l
Pass. Ag't, 25j Morrison St., Cor. 3d
Portland, Ore.
Hal bed ami llarbered
Are luxuries that all can enjoy no the
Observation Car ol the new North Coast
l.liniti.I, in operation on and aficr Mat
ron the Northern Pacific. This Obser
vation Car will le a dandy. Get s
North toast Limited leaflet. A. D
Charlton, Ass't Gen'l I as. Ag't, J.Vi
Morrison St., Cor. 3d, Portland, Ore.
wo can
oao viiti
Missouri Flat Kerns.
The heavy rsina make the miner
realize that boulder rolling eaonisi
near at hand.
Chas. Irven and family have moved
in our midst. Chas. is goins-to work a
half interest in the Milii
er & Savage
placer this season.
W. 8. Bailey our clever merchant in
company with Zeb Hyde have been
spending the past week in the Steam
boat and Nine Mile vicinity.
Several of the boys have been laying
in a supply of venison prior to the
1st of the month realiiing that deer
hunting teason was about to clow.
C. T. Davidson the mining man from
Williams was with us Sunday, be is
superintending the Monger gulch mine
and is running a No. 1 giant day and
night with a good supply of water.
A. L. Bailey the young photographer
of Phoenix Las been vioitinn friends
and relatives in this vicinity the pant
week. He returned Saturday by way of
Foots Cieek where he intended to
inspect some mining property.
Theoaners of the Mt. Lion quarts
mine, returned work last Monday.
They have a tunnel over 600 feet in the
mountain, having cut the north vein
They are now driving a crosscut to tap
Uie south vein this mine should de
velop into a valuable piece of propertv
as indications are favorable.
W. II. Miller and G. E. Davideon,
are prosecuting work on the Buck Eye
mine. They have the pay schute opened
for about 75 feet in length and it still
continues in the face of the tunnel.
They have several tons of ore on the
dump, which Ihey will mi m g short
time. Tui mine is ' situated about
taontyone miles from the Mt. Lion
mine, it. has well defined walls ol
granite and the ore is red ocher and
white talex.
W. H. Miller one of the owners of the
Dixie Q'leen quartz mine situated ou
Foots Creek, nude a trip to the mine
Saturday. The mine is at present pro
ducing very rich ore, and the owners
intend milling their rock in about two
weeks, J. J. Houck of Gold Hill fill
treat their ore for them. They took 1 1
tons of ore to this mill a short time ago
and had it crushed. It yielded thein
$1,024 35 or nearly 100 per ton. The
first-ore from this mine assays from
l'J6to225 per ton.
Uland Sifting!.
Pufus Acres and wife are running the
B. F. Moss is staying a few davs in
Grants Pass.
We have a flourishing school with
Miss Onene as teacher.
K. i:. Kedfield is running his sawing
machine. It works like a charm.
People are buty plowing for wheat.
Crops are good in this vicinity this year.
Kinney has a big force of Japs cutting
wood and also a g-iod force of white
Cox is cutting a big lot ot wood. At
present, he has all the men that he
Milt Reynolds has moved back lo
Merlin, lie has been cutting wuod for
0. D. Burnett has purchase the "Dew
drop" from Bob Virtue. Mr. Burnett is
a rustler.
Geo. Gay has the rheumatism so he
ha a.cepled a job cutting wood for
Mucki.i and will not mine this winter.
We are looking forward to the glad
Jay, the Sixth of November, when we
can re-seat McKinley and uLo Koose
velt. The miners have nearly all made the
necessary preparation f..r the coming
eaon and are now w.iiting for the
winter rains to begin operations.
Wc are having frequent showers g,n,
for grass but not fur hauling wood. The
roada are very .9.J, t0 mm h teaming
being done in the vicinity of l.eland.
Several weddings ha ve occurred lately
in our midst. Marriage is an honorable
institution and nece-sary for the support
and maintenance of our public scho.ils.
Tha health of the people is go,. We
have quite a number of people in our
midst who have come fiom the north.
Hiey say that it l too wet in thai
G. W. Chspin moved Angell nn.l son
to Merlin. They have heen eng.ied j
cutting wood for Cox ami are now go
ing for the winter to Galice where th.y
have a mining claim.
New mines are constantly being
struck in this dfMrict. l'l S.-hanng-son
is opening a ledge that ho tliinks is
as good ai the famous "Greenback "
He has quite a force of men working on
the ledge. 6
Stump Town is lively. It i, , msr
Uland that -we draw . uue .mom
ol tr.ide from Miat place. Wo think
-'tump Town will he the place ol business
uiM-adof l.eland, lor we have cipi.alisN
in Mump Town who .re big busies,
Wehave iolsof men on Grave creek,
hut few w..nien to we are unable U give
many inarnane notices. p,,.
FH ladcr tha Mhceli.
Gold lidl was a scene of a n.o.t dis
ressmg occurrence Saturday eveniiu
n which S;.en,er t'hildcrs, of Midford'
lost his life.
Chiller and another voung man
named Ira Anderson had planned to go
tothe dance which maj to be held in
Sold Mill that evening. They missed
:h passenger train, and being unable
to secure a bogey, concluded to ride
town on a freight train. They boarded
the train at .Medkird, but be.nga thiougb
freight, it did not .top at Gold Hill and
they attempted to make the dessent
from it while it was running at the rat
if about :0 miles per hour. Anderaon
; -scaped with few bruise, but Childen
fell under the wheels and was terribly
Subicribs for THt COURIER jt jt jt
flMnina notes.
F M. South in iroin
the Victor ;
Jr. ir-pie on Tuesday. j
joe. Calhouo came in this week from ;
the Kocky Gulch mine at Galice. j
Geo. E. Ho land went to Mediord;
Thursday to meet his partner, Mr. Cook,
of Jacksonville and Mr. E. Davis, of j
Chicago, to arrange the transfer of the j
U. 4 C. mining property, ot which Mr. j
lloland was one of the principal j
owners. J
Frank Colvig came up on his bievcle j
Sundav from the kocky Gulch niir e at
Galiie to spend a few d8 in Gmi:!S
Pa-sand psrticipale in Tuesday's elec
tion. The Uu;;y Gulch mine las beeu
running lately wiih reservoir heals,
the water supply bing a little too short
yrt lor steadv piping
The big hydraulic mine at Galice.
furmeriy the Alexander and Bent mir e
and now the prooerty ol the Old Chan
lie! mining company, is being operated
by means of reservoir head" and a b'ge
force of men are employed. The new
company has instituted a numbtr of
improvements ami intend lo mork the
mine on a larger scale than ever.
The executive committee of the min
ing and commercial club met on Wed
nesday at 10 o'clock in the parlors of the
bank to consider the constitution and
other business matters of the organizi
lion. After an hour and a half cession,
the committee adjourned till 2:30 to
complete the meeting. Every member
of the committee was pit-sent t the
meeting. The next regular meeting of
the club will be held Tue-day, Novem
ber 13.
V. A. Snyiler arrived this week from
Flagstaff", Arizona and will probably
engage in mining here. He repoits
that mining operations in the section
from which he comes have been con
siderably handicapped by lack of water,
the past two seasons having been
unusually dry. Some of the people
there are obliged to obtain their water
supply from the railroad company at
the rate of 75 cents per birrel. The
water fupply for one mill that is run
ning costs $150 per day and is brought
to the place iu cars.
Wright's new quartz mill, situated on
the east side of Gilbert creek near the
railroad has almost reached completion
and will be ready for operation on our
auriferous ore in a short time. It is a
three-stamp mill and well and com
pletely equipped with all uecessaiy ma-
cbineryior the working of ore. The ore
will be crushed on the main floor and
then elevated to the ore bins, whence
an automatic feeder delivers it to the
stamps. The mill is also provided with
a concentrator. The motive power will
be furnibhed by a gisoline engine of
approved pattern.
Seveial rich quartz strikes and pocket
discoveries in the Galice district lately
strengthen the well earned and well
known reputation of that locality as
mineral district. At least to pockets
of several hundred dollars each have
been taken out in the last few weeks
besides permanent ledges o value be
ing discovered. Tlio development of
Gali.e since the wngon road opened it
to the outsi it! world has been very rapid
and Urge mining enterprises have been
already inaugurated with grand possi
hilities for the fuuire. Ttie wagon road
has been a strong factor in the district's
development, and tins (act is Weil worth
conidirii!4 when propositions ate
hroLght forward for roads lo open otiier
interior districts.
The rains which
far this f.ill have h
urate the ground in
the next rai.i I
have occurred this
en sufficient to s it-
go id shape, ao that
coiin-s will furnish
water for a hi.-iw
mines to bepiu aciivi'
n umber of placer
operations for the
season. The ground becomes so 'dry
during the u:n mouths that it takes
up all of the An', rain-, b it alter the
ground is weil saturated, each rain tiiat
fi.ll has its efT.-'-i on the flow of water
Cumidcrubte development work has
been carried on throughout the summer
at a number of pljcer mines and many
improvements hive been inaugurated
which should render certain an in
creased placer oulpjl it the coming
sen-on shou! I be ns favorable to thai
industry a-i was the last.
Sale of C & C Mine.
TheCAC hydraulic property, shoved
on utqwr Ju:np-otr Joe was leased last
week by itowland and Cook to W. E.
Davis and associates, of Chicago. The
lease carries with it the option to
purchase. The consideration is li t
ma le public.
The property lies iu both Jusi piiine
and Jackson counties an I embrace
about three miles of creek bottom, in
eluding nine i-la'iu ami lea-.e to .I2d acres
of patented ground. It is well t-quipH-d
with hydraulic plant, ditche', buildings,
reservoir ami',! of 0.0)-) leet
daily capacity. The ditch, which is
ttiree miles in leng'h. has a capacity ol
r.'iTO inches with a pressure of 2"0 hvi.
This properly was tilted up ami
opened last fail and winter under the
management ol W. D, O'lirlen and was
operated during the latter part of 'he
season, l'orlioiis of it havelieen worked
by primitive methods lor many years
and il is known to be abundantly pro-ducti.-e.
Ttie gn.vel is live or six fee!
deep and the boulder are small and
easily handle I. Toe ine.-em mana,e
ment is onteinplai ing puttir.g on a
Ku'.le griiz'e) to facili'.i'e the handling
ol the ground. ia one of lie iu.por'ant p a er
prop, r'.ie of ih. di-tr ct and sill in li
proheli.lllv I e lis ed aitiM-.g the largest
prodmers in (ii'ure J. 11. Wvthereli
is the pr soul su perin temlenf.
Dtmocratic Rally.
The democrats closed their campaign
in Josephine county on Monday evening
with a rally at the opera house. Itey
had no terch light par.vle, fireworks or
giant powder as did their republican
adversaiies on tie Saturday night
previous but the bund ss entafd for
the occasion and rendered several pleas
ing selection. The speikerol the eve
ning wa Hon. Sam Wl ite, of Baker
county, former remieur oi iirauts Pass,
and t.i open house was filed to over
flowing by the lire audieuce which
assemb'ed. Mr. White In I ptepared no
special sp-wti for Ih ocvaion but
talked from his general lund. Tnnts and
"imperialism" were his principal themes
and he pcl,;e at some length on lhee
suhjovi. Alter the speaker had linished
Jude Abe Axled spoke briefly and
nude an appeal to the voters la the
Interests of lirvan.
and Labor
Sold on Easy
Take One on
a Week's Trial.
Big Bagswods
Keep The Hud Off
with a set of our steel mud guards. Don't forget we re-
pair sewing machines, baby cabs, umbrellas, locks, make j
keys, grind scissors and knives. '
T. A. HOOD & Co.
East of Depot.
Tin Coffee Pots 8
9-in. Pie Plates, 3 for io
9- in. Sieves 6
10- iti. Jelly Cake Tins 5
Gem Pans, 6 holes 7
Stew Pans 5
12-in. Milk Pans, 6 for 50
Tin Tea Kettle 15
Wire IvKg Heaters ,
26-in. Hand Saw 5
;,6 Clothes Pins "5
Biscuit Pans 6
l& Another B,ir sloe, oi iiruerr. E.-ervili ng oil want at
the same old prices at the
New York
Not slow as the fifth wheel
F. H. Schmidt.
Who Also Keeps
Reapers and all Farm Machinery
Light and Heavy Wagons and Euggies
Recently there have been several cases
of prominent uieu suddenly falling in
collapse just after eating a hearty meal
These nun have all Wva under treat
ment for gastric "trouble,'' and yet the
result Jiows that the treatment thev had
received had smothered the svmptom,
but had not retarded the proKre'ss of the
There U a real danger in the use of
palliatives when there is disea of the
stomach and its allied ore,,,, of diges
tion and nutrition. The Sisease in such
cases goes on, while the distressing
' luiijxni. ircsently,
like a smothered "
fire, the disease
hreaka out in
new places, in
volving heart,
lungs, liver, kid
neys, or some
other organ.
The use of Vr.
Pierce's Gulden
Medical Discov
ery results in a
radical cure of
diseases of the
stomach and oth
er organs of di
gestion and nutrition
It cures diseases
ot heart, lungs, liver, kid nevs nip
mps. liver Ici.ln.. . .i
the disease of these organs'has its'origin
tn the diseased con, tint, .1 . .
ai.1 .K..-.J J " "omacu
,, nuinuve system.
I Will Irll vm -k.i . ...
of 1.111.0,,, Uvnoli r , v ,rJwrl'.
-- iitaiar ruT sj((U. J
d'wn. uur hanilr tit
t wrsk I cuul.ln 1 II.
"V thl w,T ,
receipt of ji one-cent atamps. to rwr
o( ""''JI! only. Addres. Sr
K. . Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
by using a
St. Louis
Washing Machine
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co,
ns)t)oiQiCs) Css04 Ootoonl
In new and second hand Bicycles. I f yon (
want a wheel cheap, now is the time to
huy; if you want to sell your wheel, let rjj
know about it. . i
Something New
in tires; do not puncture and do not have t
to be pumped up. OUR SPRING SEAT
POSTS add greatly to the pleasure of li- '
cycle riding, relieve all jolting and are
easy on the wheel and rider. ;
Racket Store
of a hearse ' are the celebrated
You Will
it right by purchasing
your school supplies at
our store. We have a
complete stock of School
Books, Tablets, Pens,
Pencils, Inks aud the
New National Note
Books. To ree them is
t 1 purchase. Prices
very low considering the
Sloyer Drug Co.
Krolil St., Oppoallr- leol.
Sewer Connections
Metal Roofing
(Ias Fitting
...Pipe work of all kinds-Hid-
furnished tor all work.
Trainer Bro. irr.l:"
Haii-Uiddie Hardware
lave luuers with
Ne line of srriltiii;
it CoimtBcfB.-e.