Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 08, 1900, Image 1

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    VOL. XVI.
No, 5a
San Jose and Mackinaw
Reduced prices to close out line of LADIES and CHILD
General Practitioner of
Medium and Subqkry.
. Office iu Williams Block
Life, Fire and Accident Insurance.
Practices in all State and Federal Courts
Office over First National Bank.
Grants Pass, - - Owcoon.
Grants Pass,
Special attention given to Mining
and Land Laws, and Land Ollice practice.
Ofllce opposite Hotel Josephine,
Grants Pahs, - Oukoon.
Willis Kramer
Myrtle Creek
Extra Family Flour
And Even tiling that goes with First
Class Milling.
For oale by Chiles, Delematkr,
Wade, Pike and Cornell.
Call for it; name price as other brands
Painters are not made they are Bom t We are Natural Born Painters."
-: Wo XCmlmlm
The Grants Pass Painting Co.
Booo & Co. Proprietors.
GET our prices before making your contract
Satisfaction Guaranteed
t.V A Postal Card Receives Prompt Attention.
' v '
J Representative
You will find
J. Reliable Watch Maker
i" at Kremer's Drug Store.
Watch and Clock Repairing a Specialty
With Every $20 Cash Purchase of
UrOi-eries You Are Given a
Handsome, Life Size Crayon
or Water-Color Portrait
Thome No. 85
" Courier " Office.
The popular barber shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three c'uairs
Hath room in connection
G. 1). CUSINO,
Watch and Clo k repairing
All work guaranteed
t Offl.-s with Wilson A Ko)er.
j; Grants Pass, Ore
.Shirts and Coats,
None better !
Vo Ys Write?
Get your writing paper by the ream
and tave money. We offer a ream of
Dote paper, 4X0 sheets, L,l' pounds, for
-toe. We set the paper in large quanti
ties and ran sell cheap; this is not cheap
paper but Grst class goods. Coi'bier
Capital Stock, - - $50,000.
Receive deposits subject to check or on
certificate payable on demand.
Sells sight drafts on New York, San Fran
cisco, and Portland.
Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in
the United States.
Special Attention given to Collections and
genera! business of our customers.
Collections made throughout Southern
Oregon, and on all accessible points.
J. D. FRY, President.
J. T.TUFFS, Vice President.
R. A. Booth, Cashier.
Quinine is 10 yenrs behind. Colds do
not now have to be endured. Mimirl h
liYNiHic T a bulks (ealled dynamic from
their energy) crowd a week's ordinary
treatment into 12 hours and Alxiut the
worm of colds over night.
"It wa the worst case of ftrip 1 ever had.
K half dozen friend; had sure cures, Still
ithiinVon. Heard of ttie Dynamic Tah
iti,. To my amazement they Plopped Iwth
cold and cough the tirrt night. 1 endorse
and recommend them to the people."
IUrclat H km ley, Kx-memler of ( ongresn
and Attorney. I'll Sanguine Street, ban
Kraiu-foco, July 7. liH0.
'Winter colds have always been serious
things to me. They are hard and May tor
months. Hut the last was stopped tuddenl v
by Mendkl s )ynah Taiiilts. Hotn
cough and cold disappeared in a couple of
days. Nothing else does this for me."
Mrs. KmmaL. Uollin, 14 Mum M., ban
Francisco. Aug. li, 'UO.
"I live across the street from where
MusnmH Dtamic Taiuj. es are made,
l'hat in huw 1 first took them. They stop
colds without notice, I took a dozen boxes
with me for self and friends when I went
to Nome." lit I. Va Wimci.k, Capitalist,
M017 Washington .Street, ban Francisco.
August 10. 11W0.
Sent postpaid for 23 cents in stamps by
INLAND uKlfl CO, xi Washington
Street, San Frrncisco. AUoon sale by our
local agent M. Clxmens.
Grants Pass Business Firms.
Fine Ruttcr a Specialty
White House Grocery
Staple and Fancy Groceries
tub bicst of evskvtiiimi
at all timk8 ..
'Phone 131
Sixth St.,oip. Crrr Hall
Every Day and Night
( Next to Coe's. )
local IbappcrUngg
Bert Burrows was in from Kerby last
Bicycle hospital for all repairing at
Cramer Bros.
Dr. F. R. Bowereox, of Kerby. was in
town last week.
Joe and Dick Sowed, of Alt&ouse,
visited the Pass last week.
Judge Chas. Prim of Jacksonville
visited Grants Pass last wask.
C. M. Stites of Wolf Creek spent
several days in town last week.
No other pills can equal DeWitl'
Little Earley Risers for promptness,
certainty and efficiency. W. F. Kremer
Win. Crow, one of the prominent
citizens of Merlin precinct, was in town
on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Cramer returned
Saturday morning from a visit with
friends in Portland.
The best method of cleansing the
liver is the useoi the famous little pills
known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
Easy to lake. Never gripe. W. F.
W. T. Cobum arrived on Saturday
mornin from Klaniathon, Calif., to
spend a few days in Grants Pass. Mr.
Cobum is now in business in Klamathon.
He notes an appreciable improvement
in our city in the short time that he
has been absent.
Torturing skin eruptions, burns and
sores are soothed at once and promptly
healed by applying DaWut's Witch
Hani Salve, the best known cure for
piles. Beware of worthless counteifeits.
W. F. Kremir,
The Beach A Platter place at Althouse,
containing 500 acres has been bonded
by Jack Cooant, the well known mining
man of Redding, Cal., for placer
purposes. The ground will be thorough
ly prospected and the channels located.
It is the intention to work it by the
dredger process. Mr. Conant is acting
for an eastern syndicate.
Feelings of safety prevade the house
hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure,
the only harmless remedy that produces
immedia'e results. It is infallible for
coughs, colds, croupe and all throat and
lung troubles. It will prevent con
sumption. W. F. Kremer.
11. L. Keyte ot Merlin was in town
on Monday. Mr. Keyte is one of the
owners of a mammoth quarts proposi
linn on Morris cresk, , a tributary of
of Louse creek. It is one of these
gigantic mineralised dykes which
occur in this district and the vein is
said to be 400 feet wide with an average
value of $i per ton. Several open cuts
hav been made on the vein and a pay
chute of higher value has been dis
covered. It is .ituated in a rich mineral
district w hich gives abundant prom im
of productiveness.
It is well to know that DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve will heal a burn and stop
the pain at once. It will cure eczema
and skin diseases and ugly wounds and
sores. It is a certain cure for piles.
Counterfeits may be offered you see that
you get the original DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. W. F. Kremer.
Total Papalatloa Is 76.a9s.sao.
Washington, Oct. 30. The official
announcement of the total population of
the United States for l'JOO is 76,295,120
of which 74,12" ,907 are contained in the
45 states representing approximately
the population to be nscd for apportion
ment purposes. There is a total of 134,
158 Indians, not taxed. The total popu
lation in 18:H), with which the aggregate
population of the present census should
be compared was fi3,0i;9,75i. Taking
the 18UO population as a basis there lias
been a gain in imputation of 13,225.4)14
during the last 10 years, representing
an increase of nearly 21 per cent.
R. O. McCroskey,
Dry Goods, Shoes, LadiCaiekand Jw-k-ebt,
Ladies' and Gents' Ftiroiahing
Goods, Hats, Miners' ( ioods.
Trunks and Valines.
Grants Pass Greatest Store.
Phone 21
...E. C. DIXON...
Ladies' and Cents' SHOES
Full assortment of Watches, ('lurks, Sil-
vcraear and Jewelry. A tirf 9
Assortment of ISracelct and K
Heart Bangles,
Clemens' Drug Store.
Dealer in
Front Street.
Washington I.rllei-.
(From Our Regular Correspondent).
Washington, Oct. 29, 1U00.
As this is the last week of the cam
paign the presidential election naturally
occupies the center of the stage in VVa-h-
ingtoo as well as thronghout he
country. It is needless to tell intelligent
readers that political signs are not in
fallible, and yet there ia nothing else
npon which to base an opinion of the
result of a political campaign. Most
of the political signs are now pointing
McKinleyward. This is aumitted even
by Mr. Bryan's most ardent supporters.
The republicans are claiming that ft is all
over but the shouting and say they are
speculating only on the extent of thoir
majority in the electoral college and in
the next house. The democrats say
there are some big surprises ahead of
Mr. McKinley and hit supporters; that
there is an undercurrent among the peo
ple which figures neither in the nows-
pape rs nor in polls made by political
committees; that is for Mr. Bryan and
will elect him. This claim may be
borne ont by the vote, but it is certainly
not worrying the McKintey managers at
this time, and if they don't know what
their opponents are about, they differ
from all other political managers. A
strong Bryan man said: "I still hope
for Mr. Bryan's election, but my judg
ment tells me that nothing short of a
miracle can accomplish it."
Reforms are sometimes contagious.
Although none of the South and Central
American governments were represented
at the Czar's peace conference at The
Hague, the preparatory steps toward
the court of arbitration provided for at
that conference, appear to have imbued
our southern neighbors on this continent
with the idea that if a court for the
arbitration of disputes between big
nations is a good thing, it must also be
a good thing lor the little nations. Con
sequently a movement is on foot to get
the matter befoie the Pan-American
congress, shortly to assemble in the City
of Mexico. The plan provides a court
of international arbitration, modeled
after that provided for by The Hague
conference, except that its jurisdiction
will be confined to this continent. This
is a good thing, and if put into practice,
ought to alow the wars and rumors of
impending wars which keep the little
republics to the south of us stirred uu
all the time, to the detriment of their
Paymaster (ienoral Bates recommends
in his annual report that the law allow
ing ten and twenty percent extra pay to
officers and soldiers serving in the
island possessions of the United Stales
and Alaska, be amended so as to Include
all soldiers serving in countries beyond
the limits ot the United States proper,
and that the amendment take elfeft
from May 20, l'.MHl, the date of the law.
Under the law as it now etsnds, men
serving in Cuba, Po'lo Rico, and the
Philippines get the extra pay, while
thn.e serving in China do not. Gen.
Bates doesn't think this fair.
Professor W. H. Parker, of Pennsyl
vania, a chemist who has made a study
of high explosives, expresses the opinion
that no smokeless powder has yet been
made that can be safely kept for any
'ength of time, without deterioration
and liability to explode without appar
ent cause. He thinks the recent explo
sion al the government proving station
on the Potomas, below Washington, was
caused by smokeless powder, which our
naval officers had declared to be perfect.
One ef those who believe that a na
tional election in this country is one of
the most uncertain things on earth Is
Mr. A. T. Bracker. of Albany, N. Y.,
who is visiting Washington. He ssid,
while discussing the iibjuct: "It hat
been demonstrated time and smiiii that
no reliance can be placed in the ante
election indications. I am a republican,
and I feel as confident as one can of an
event in I he future, that Mr. McKinley
will be re-elected By no way of reason
ing can any man nuke himself believe
that Mr. Bryan has a chance, but 1
have noticed the way election go for
years, and freely admit that I would not
be a least bit surprised over a regular
landslide for the democratic candidate."
If Senator Sullivan, of Misii-sippi
were not a comparatively new man in
public life, the accusation contained in
a suit against hi in for breach of promise
of snarriat, filed in Washington, several
dsys ago, by Miss Leeton of Mississippi,
would htve created much more of a
sensation. The suit alleges that Miss
l-eton wan brought to Washington h
Senator Sullivan and lived with him as
his wife while being introduced as his
niece, and that for a time they lived in
Alexandria, Pa. openenly as man and
wife, under an assumed name. Senator
a'ullivan has set up the usual defense
blackmail. The worst part of the nasty
mess is that neilher Senator Sulliviin
nor his fiiends have denied that lie
bionglit the young woman to Washing
ton and lived with her as his wife. The
most they sav is that the women hai
no claim on birr. . That may be, but
his stale, the United States and corum n
decency has claims, upon every man
sent to the United Slates senate claims
which in this case hare ben ignored
Things are not as they once were. No
public man can openly live an immoral
life and retain the respect and suppon
of either his Immediate constituents oi
rhe general public.
Brave Explorer
Like Stanley and Livingstone, found it
harder to overcome Malaria, Fever and
Ague, and Typhoid disease germs than
savage cannibtls; but thousands have
found that Electric Hitters is a wonder
ful cure for all malarial ditea ea. II
you have chills with fever, aches In
back of neck and head, and tired, worn
out feeling, a trial will convince you ol
their merit. W. A Null of Webb, III.,
writes: ''My children suffered for more
than year with chills and fiver; then
two bottles of Electric bitters cured
them." Only 50 cents. Try them.
Guaranteed. Sold by Dr Krener.
Weather Itepurt.
Following is a summary weather ob
servation at Grants Pass during the
month ol October, 1900, as reported by
J. B. Paddock, local voluntary observer
for the Oregon Stalo Weather Service.
Max. Min! jlean Prerip
Teni. Jy'n JTeni inches
1 63 45 54
2 60 44 62 20
3 63 43 48 83
4 66 4tl 61 M
5 63 43 53 01
0.1 66 86 61
7 74 36 55
8 79 89 59
9 64 44 64
10 73 S3 6t
12 77 37 67
13 76 38 67
14 75 87 56 ..'
15 75 39 57
It) 76 40 68
17.. 72 48 60 ' ..
18 64 60 57 67
19 60 50 55 80
20 66 40 48
21 71 51 61
22 62 38 60 17
23 69 81 48 23
24 64 30 45
25 62 38 45 19
2(1 56 88 46
27 62 82 42 82
28 49 87 43 33
29 b4 84 44
30 46 40 43 94
31 65 45 60 S2
Summary : Mean temperature, 51 ;
maximum temperature, 79: date, 8th;
minimum temperature, 32; dato, 27lb;
Total precipt. inches, 6.45: number
days clear, 13; partly cloudy, 2; cloudy,
16; prevailing wind, S W.
This is the season when motlieis are
alarmed on account of croup. It Is
quickly cured by One Minute Cough
Cure, which children like lo take. W.
F. Kremer.
Cloic Season for Game,
The killing of deer and the catching
of trout of all species ceases on the first
of November. It it the opening day of
the close season, and those who persist
in continuing the sport may figure on
the extreme penalty of the law in the
event they are caught, No more deer
can be killed until the 15th ol next
July, and those who have not already
had a taste of venison will have to get
along without it until the law gives
them another opening.
Trout of all species are1 protected from
now on until the 1st of next April.
This ban extends to salmon trout, as
well as all other species. There are fish
ermen who have an idea that the law
does not apply to salmon trout, but the
act of the legislature is plain on this
matter, and salmon trout are given the
same protection as all other species.
Sportsmen, however, still have various
kinds of game to fall back upon. Quail
can be shot until the 15lh of this month,
and pheasants, grouse and prairie chick
ens until December 1. Jacktnlpe can
be shot until February, anil ducks, geese
and swan until the 15th of next March.
Deafness Cannot be Cureil
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness ia caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tebe gett
Inflamed you have a rumbling sound
or imperfect hearing, and when it is
entirely closed deafness is the result,
and unless the Inflammation can be
taken ont and this tube restored to its
normal condition, hearing will be des
troyed forever; nine caws out of ten are
canned by catarrh, which it nothing but
an Inflamed condition of the mucous
We will give One Hundred Dollars foi
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, Iree.
F. J. Ciikney t Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by lnugKists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Oregon State Poultry Association.
The executive committee of the Ore
gon Slate Poultry As-ociation is already
arranging the details for the annual ex
hihit, to be held the second week
if January. This poultry show promises
to be the moat successful ever held in
the iiortbwest, both by reason of the
number and character of the exhibits
that are already assured. A special
feature of the shew will be the Belgian
hare exhibit. There will be 17 classes
of hares and suitable premiums are pro
vided for each class.
The subcommittee appointed to pre
pare the premium list ha already made
its report to the executive committee.
Die cash premiums will he higher than
in past yeart, and for the purpose ol
stimulating Interest in the association a
number of special prizes will be offered
to be competed for by rnemben only.
F. W. Hitchcock, of Denver, and W. W.
Browning of Ogden, two judges of
national reputation, have been engaged
lo judge ihe poultry show. Special rail
road rtlet will be announced in due
lime, as also the location of the rooms
in which the show will he held. Presi
dent Robintun it looking for a suitable
location already.
The executive committee of the Ore
iron State Poultry Association in whose
hands lies the arrangement of all detail
for the forth coming poultry show, con
sist nf Professor It. F. Itobinson, presi
dent; E. Fenwick, secretary; II. (J.
Paget, E. Carlisle and 0. W. Ilowna
At Ilea Time!
I take a pleasant herb drink, Ihe next
iiorning I feel bright and my complex
ion it better. My doctor tayt it acts
ently on my ttomach.liver and kidneys,
and it a pleasant laxative. It it made
from herbs and is prepared aa easily at
tea. It it railed Lane' Medicine. All
druggitta tell it at 75 cts. Lane's Fami
ly Medicine move the bowel each day.
If you cannot get it, (end fur a free (am
ple. Address, Orator F. Woodward, Lt)
Boy, N. Y.
Grtat Dairy Industry.
Dr. Jamet AYilhycomb, vice-director
of the Oregon Agricultural Expeiiment
Station, is now in the east observing the
work of the experiment stations and
the method and result of various
agricultural operations, particularly
dairying. In a letter from Chicago,
ouder the date of October 25. he write
a follow, t General Freight and
Passenger Agent Markhatn, of the
Southern Pacific, who ia taking a deep
interest in ihe development ol the dairy
ing industry of western Oregon :
"Perhaps a few fact relating to the
statu of dairying In Wisconsin, Minne
sota and Iowa, obtained from personal
observation and from those engaged in
the industry, may be of interest to you.
"During the past month I have had
the pleasure of making a tour of the
experimental station and tome of the
principal dairying lection of the ttatet
mentioned. The trip baa been full of
irterest to me and afford ample oppor
tunity lor a study ot the method em
ployed In dairy hutbaudry and the
various detail connected therewith.
Condition are quite favorable tor dairy
ing in these states, although no note
n than they are In Oregon. The rich
oil and the splendid water furnished by
the almost Innumerable lakes of Wis
consin and Minnesota contributed ma
terially toward making these lection
desirable one tor dairying. These lakes
are more or lea deeply Iriuged with
rich grazing land, well sodded.with blue
grass, makfug almost Ideal cow past u ret
in the tpring and fall. But our com
paratively short winter and the abun
dant crop ot valuable protein-giving
plants we can grow mora than offset the
advantage possessed by theee.itatet tor
lucceasful dairying.
"A visit to the dairying section ol
these states cannot tail to lniprett one
favorably, a the earmark of prosperity
are in evidence on every hand, To
illustrate tbit point, perhapt, itatiatic
obtained in Jefferson county, Wisconsin,
will best serve my purpose. Tbl count
ha a population of about 40,000 people!.
and there are 40.0JO cow kept in thi
county, yielding an annual revenue from
tklm-milk, butter and cheese of 12,000-
000. Before the advent of dairying
mere, grain growingliwa the principal
agricultural industry. During this
period the average crop ol wheat dropped
to about eight bushel per acre anil 00
per cent of the farm were mortgaged.
Since the introduction ol dairying the
average yield ol wheat ha been brought
up to 22 bushel per acre and Ihe farmers
have $2,006,000 deposited to their credit
in the bank of the county. The
nhenomenal growth ol the industry In
this county is largely due to the personal
efforts of ex-Governor Hoard and to Ihe
influence of hi apendid paper, Hoard's
"After invealigating the dairying In
dustry here my conviction are ma
terially strengthened In the (act that the
cow will ultimately become the corner
stone ot agricultural prosperity In our
late, probably more especially so in
western Oregon.
"From here I go east to visit Ihe
principal experiment nation and tbe
older dairying tectiont."
Mining, Ileal Batata and Insurance.
Tbe scarcity ol house for rent In
Granlt Pas Is causing a demand for
building lots. I have a choice (election
of lotsat the lowett prices and (ome ol
them on very easy termt. Be lure to
call and tee me.
1 am getting In touch with the mining
men of this county and Investors from
abroad. Would be pleated to know
what resident of the county have, even
ii they do not need ray services Just now.
M .e you placer or nuartxT Will
you nell slock or lease T
I represent solid Ore Insuramie com
panies and would be pleased to write
your policy. I also attend to collections.
K. C. Pknti.anii.
Opera house block, Grants Pass.
Manufacturt of Applt Products.
That the project for the establishment
of an apple butter and jelly factory in
thia city promises to bear Iruit Is evi
denced by the fact that Francis 1.
McKenns, of the board of trade, is in
receipt of a communication Irotn a man in
Kenlon.O., who write that ha will leave
there about the 20th of this month,
for the purpose of investigating the Held.
The writer is a man uf experience in that
particular line of Industiy, and will
probably make a success ol the venture
il he undertakes it.
That the opportunities for succei s In
this line of manufacture are ample Is
evidenced by the fact that thousands of
busheli of applet annually go to waste
in thit state. Many of them are unfit
fur shipment, because they are not per
fect in form or color, while ate
more or left wormy. For the purposes
ol manufacture into apple butler or
jelly they would be Just as satisfactory
a the choicest ruil raited lo Ihe state.
Mr. McKenna states that there will
tie no difficulty In procuring a suitable
site (or the factory, aa a bonus, and if
thii inducement is sufficient, anothtr
industiy ol importance will be addtd to
Portland, The market lor the products
ol a factory of the character contem
plated is unlimited, as aince the imita
tion jellie and butter drivsn out of
the markets through the enforcement
ot the pure-food laws, there have been
scarcely any inch products in the
market. Oregon produce enough fruit
to keep such an establishment running
full blast with a large capacity, during
eight months of the year. Telegram.
An Observation Car
Of unique design, will alwaya be found
t the end of tbe Northern Ptcifk'i
North Coast Limited, both eatt and west
bound. Observation platform is six and
a ball feet long and entire width ol car.
Ladiee' observation parlor is 23 feel long
A. I). Charlton, Aas't Gen 'I Paw. Ag't,
255 Morrison Hi., Cor. 3d, Portland, Ora
Last week we called your attention to some prices tba't aoundad
unreasonable- Of these bargains we have I few left, so we repeat
the sale.
, Big Gov. Blankets, 76x98, weight 5 lbs $1 f5
Iron Beds, full size, white enamel , ; 3 95
Rugs, 60 inches, with fringe, Scotch Wilton . . ....... 1 95
Tea Kettle, solid copper, seamless body, full nickel plate 9S
Milk Pans 5
Table Covers - Rockers - Chairs
Iron Beds - Suites - Linoleums
Oil Cloths - Rugs - Portiere
We have by far the largest and handsomest line in Southern Oregon far
the prices.
" We are Headquarters
ncTUiia Mom.niNoH
Applet Valuable.
Oregon apple will be worth 3 per
box inside ot three weeks, lays the
Portland Telegram.
Colonel II. E. Dosch, secretary ot the
state board of horticulture, wbo Closely
follows the market, bases inch an asser
tion upon the big jump ot price ot
applet In the New York market.
Baldwin apple hav advanced from
1.60abarrello2.60; Kings, from the
sain price to $2 60 and $3 a barrel ;
York Imperial, from tl.60 to $4 a
barrel. Red table apple will bring in
New York over these price an advance
ol 25 and 60 cents a barrel. 1
A soon a these tacts become known,
Oregon apple will naturally raite a
notch In price, because the local
market I lympatbetlcally affected by
the New York quotation. Colonel
Dotcb advise grower not to b In too
big a hurry to sell. The growing favor
of the better class ot Oregon apples for
ilia export trade, taken together witb
the failure ol the apple crop in the main
Eastern bolt), It a good Indication Ibe
The manufacturers of Royal
Baking Powder have always declined
to produce a cheap baking powder
at the sacrifice of quality.
The Royal is made from the
most highly refined and wholesome
ingredients, and is the embodiment
of all the excellence possible to be
attained in the highest class baking
Royal Baking Powder costs only
a fair price, and is cheaper at its
price than any similar article.
for Things for the House,"
loaitiTiwAi ,
.. CRookkhy..,
trice will bit th top notch. Quito
number of apple hav been placed kjr
dealer upon cold storage (or th Christ
mas trade, which help to itrangtbaa
the market.
lie Thought It All Ova.
"I have called," said the young- man,
"to ask you for your daughter."
"Take her, my boy," th greet finan
cier replied, "take her with my bl Mat
ing. I hav liked yon from tba first
moment I ever avr you. Ther ia bo
man to whom I would rather five her.
But ther' one thing I feel It my dot
to apeak to you about. You must be
patient with her. I am afraid that aha
baa been spoiled by her foollah aid fa
ther. Remember that she baa not Sad
a mother's care, poor child."
"Oh," exclaimed the anxlou lover,
"I'll never think tbe lea of her for taa.
I'll be willing1 to roaks ample allow
ance for her m'otbsrleee coadltlosx.
Dear girl I I've thought of that fraaa
the flrrtl" Cleveland Leader.
It takes tba tuaka of over TS.OOO
elephant a year to supply the world's
plaao keys, billiard balls and kalfthasv
Simples of mixtures made in imitation ol baking
powders, but containing alum, are frequently dis
tributed from door to door, or given away ia)
grocery stores. Such mixtures are dangerous
to use In food, and in many cities their sale is
prohibited by law. Alum ia a corrosive poison, and
all puysiuon condemn baking powden wntaiiiipg it.