L r ! FONE 137 HALLO E'EN! HELLO, YOURSELF 1 - This is the WHITE HOUSE GROCERY. We' have just received another lot of the celebrated Chase & Sanborn FRESH ROASTED COFFEES Their "Old Government" Java and Mocha can't be beat for strength aud fine flavor. ' SOUTH SEA BLEND." one of our new roasts, is one of the best roasted coffees on the market, per pound . ,30 If you like a fine Rio coffee, try our No. 46 at. .,25 If you prefer something milder, try our celebrated " Climax Roast " at. ... .25 Or a very fine Caracol or Pea-berry coffee at 25 Rio Siftiugs, 7 pounds $ 1 Utioranteed better than Package Colfee. REMEMBER THE PLACE ..WHITE HOUSE GROCERY . . OPPOSITE POST OFFICE We sell' Air Tights' ranging in price from $3 ujv. Call and see them. CRAMER BROTHERS ODD FELLOWS BLOCK STOVE PIPE STOVE BOARDS GOOD THINGS We've been telling you a lot of good things about our Men's Suits for Fall and Winter wear. We don't expect you to take our word tor it. There is an easy way to settle it for yourself : Call and ask to see what we advertise. If we can't do better for you than others can you can have your money back. pi Wl MEN'S SUITS. Suitable for dress or business wear, all-wool black wor sted, neat effects in all-wool Cassimere, homes pun and Cheviot sack suits. The kind you would expect to pay $ii for. Take your choice $10. MEN'S sum For wise men who don't go to a cheap merchant tailor be cause they can be fitted with our ready ti - wear clothes. Fine blue or black all-wool Serge, fancy Cassi mere and Worsted Dress Suits $15. DRESS SUITS. Gentlemen we'll give you every thing the high priced tailor giyes you for about half his price. If you're hard to fit we alter the garments same as he does. Come and see the suits we are selling at $16, $17.50 & $20. P. H. HARTH &. SON, CLOTHIERS 1 SELLING OUT AT COST.. Having mining interests thai require my nttention, I will sell my entire stock at ACTUAL COST cosisting of CLOTHING, G F. NT'S FURNISHING GOODS, LADIES', GENTS AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. Mackintoshes, Hats, Caps, Etc. U A DCCn 0dcl Fellow5 Building II. SU I1&.B.U local fcappeninfis Dr. Flanagan, Resident Dentist. Go to Corun for Plumbing. Whin. 10c to $2.50 at Hackett'i. M. Clemens, Prescription Drue-gist. Notary Public at the Coirieb office. Koh-i-noor pencils at the Comm office. Slaw and Krout Cutters at Cramer Bros. A splendid line ol Royal Charter 0-ik Ran rub at Coron'a. Saratoga Chips, Grapes, Comb, Honey, New Nate White House Grocery. Hon. Francis Fitch of Medford speaks at the opera house trom a democratic standpoint this .Wednesday) evening. Election returns at the opera house Tuesday night. Ladies expected as well as gentlemen. Arrangements bave been made to satisfy hunger.- To rare that cold or stop those rheumatic pains try a Turkish or Rus sian bath. Joseph Moss has different kinds of bath cabinets for sale. E. Admin, brother of Mrs. P. H. Harth and formerly engaged in the painting business bore with E. A. Phil pott, has just opened a noveltr store in the room adjoining Hackett's har ness shop on Sixth street. Ten members of the senior class of Pacific University - at Forest Urove appeared in chapel last Thursday morn ing wesrtng cap9 and gowns. The en trance of the seniors was greeted with applause. The use of caps and gowns bv unoer classes is expected to be a permanent custom. The largest line of Um brellas in Southern Oregon, 45 cents to $8. Good school Umbrellas for 45 cents. The Sugar Tine Store. ! L Next door to Cramer Bros. t The exprens messenger on the train which conveyed J. H. Jardin'a shipment of snakes fioin Ashland reports that he was kept busy all the way from Ashland to Portland sweeping juvenile snakes from the car, and suggests that either the shipments ought to be made in lighter boxes or the reptiles should be of uniform sir.e. Record. Dr. W. H. Lewis, Lawrenceville, Va., writes, "I am using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my practice among severe cases of indigeetion and find it an admirable remedy." Many hundreds of physi cians depend upon the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in stomach troubles. It digests what you eat, and allows you to eat all the good food you need; provid ing you do not overload your stomach. Gives instant relief and a permanent cure. W. F. Kremer. Tho organ factory at Dallas, Oregon, is finishing its first lot of 23 organs in Oregon oak. It has found some diffi culty in obtaining lumber in proper con dition, but is now preparing to saw its own stock, and will have boiling vats and drykilns tor the preparation of the wood. Ira Powers, the furniture manu facturer of Portland, has on exhibition and sale at his store In Portland, some handsome specimens of furniture made from Oregon oak which compares favor ably in every resr-ect with the same class of goods imported from the east. The hardwoods of Oreiion will be a big source of wealth in a few years. Io not get , scared if vonr heart troubles yon. M.t likely you suffer from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepria Cure digests what you eat and gives the worn out stomach perfect rest. It is the only preparation known that completely digests all classes of foods ; that is why it cures the wori-t cases of indigestion and s'omach troubles alter everything else lias failed. It may be taken in all conditions and cannot help but do you good. V. F. Kremer. Tho 1900 wliit club met in its first session at the A. U. U. w. nan last Kridav. The entire membership with the exception of three were present. The following officers tor the ensuing year were elected : Joe Mose, president ; Mike Clemens, eecretary and treasurer A series of games were played during the evening when Mrs. McCroskey and Kd Dixon captured the first prize and Mrs. E. C.Dixon and J. A. lllew got the. paramount issue (the boobie.) Messdames flutters, Barton, Hobiienand Blew were the entertaining committee during the evening and as a result of their efforts bounteous repast was served. The party adjourned at a late hour. , The Booth-Kelly Lumber Company have four mills, two at Saginaw, one at Coburg, and the largest al Wendling The daily capacity of these milla is as follows : Saginaw, 100,000 hut ; Coburg, 0,000; Wendling, 150,000; total. 30J.OOO leet. The Coburg mill will be run day aud night from now on, thus increasing its capacity to 100.000, making a total of S50.000 feet per day. This means the turning out of 30 car loads or two train loads of lumber every 24 honra. The force of men required to handle all this business aggregates 450. The Wendling mill at Ssginaw, cut 174,000 in one day, beating all previous records. The com -psny are adding another logging engine to their plant. Oregon Tiuiherman. Coron the Plumber. f- Shoes repaired at Hackett's. C. St Louis for watch repairing. Air Tight Ilestt rs at Cramer Bros. Tablets of all kinds at the Coibibb. Let Coron figure on your Plumbing Job. Stove boards and pipe at Cramer Bros. Old Papers 10 cents per bundle at this office. Wastid A nice pautber skin Cramer Bros. Where do jou get your hair cut? Try Will Mallorr. Wood wanted 011 subscription at the Coubibh office. New line of writing tablets 6c to 50c, at Col web office. Send your ore to W. G. Wright's New Custom Mill. . Some good bargains In Fur Collarettes at Mrs. Rehkopt's. James Orr, has been granted au 8 per month pension. Harness of all Kinds, Grades and Prices at Hackett's. Take your shoes to llackett for good work and right prices. All the late novelties in Fur Collar ettes at Mrs. Rehkopt's. There is no, r need to ship ore away tor tests take it to Wright's. nn rrnv photographer r rl t- U T Opp. Court I louse. Fancy Cranberries now in no higher than the poor kind White House Grocery. I have just received another shipment of Fur Collarettoa from 3 to (15, . R. 0. McCroskey. A new house, in good location for sale cheap. Enquire of Joseph Moss the real estate agent. Ten Cents will puichase a bundle of old papers at this olhVe come handy in underlying carpets. Alex George, Geo. Mathewaon and Ed Dailey are hauling the Woodcock mill machinery to Kerby. First-class apple orchard for sal Best investment can be found. See Joseph Moss about it. You have heard it said of some thing "It takes the cake." But Myrtle Creek Flour makes the cake. Smokers will find rare opportunities for selection in the many lines of choice cigars at Wilson A Roper's. South Sea Itleud What is it? Finest roast coffee in the city only 80c per pound White House Grocery. M. Wilbur met with an accident Fridav by falling from horse, result ing in ths fracture of his left arm. Ex-Governor Moody of Salem was a passenger Ton Monday's south bound train for Ashland, where he will visit a son. Fresh Oregon eggs are a scarce article these days and bring a good price. There are a few packed eggs but they are not altogether desirable. Two rurloads of coke have been un- loaded at the S. P. sidetrack on Sixth street. Will Cheatham has the contract of hauling the coke to the Draper mines near Waldo. The hardware firm of Kinney A Provost who bave been in business in Ashland for the past 10 years has dissolved. B. D Provost will continue the business. A force of men have been salting down the electric light poles. An anger hole was bored downward at the base of each pole and the hole flllo l with common salt, which delays decay. A number of arrettts this week on various chaigis; vagrancy, drunk and lisorderly and gambling for money. The city treasury was enriched to the amount of t-TO Tuesday morning for fines. Judge W. C. Hula, addressed the Me- Kinley club of Williams Creek on Thurs day evening of last week. Notwith standing the disagreeable weather there was a good attendance arm the club is active and enthusiastic. Hallowe'en occurs today (Wednesday). A uuiuber of sociul events are billed for tonight at different residences and it Is probable that the hoodlum element will get in to work and do all kinds of deviltry. We hope not however. A Mckinley club was organised at Merlin on Saturday evening, with 1 membership of fifty-three. Judite W. C, Hale addressed the meeting. The club elected George A. Guild as president, and Chas, Crnw as secretary and treasurer. Scott Griffin handles Ashland flnnr, Ulsh alfalfa seed, Oregon red clover seed, winter oats, large Russian white rye, new crop timothy seed, wheal fur seed also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa Hay, Timothy Hay. Oat Straw, Chop Barley, Corn, Wheat, Oats. personal Dr. and Mrs. Darrin left Tuesday tor Yreka, Calif. J. N. tiotcher was in Irom Williams last Thursday. A. H. Canon visited Roseburg this week, returning Wednesday. Geo. E. llowland visited Jackson ville last week on mining business. Miss May Sutton spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents at Ashland. Miss Ella Verdin returned Friday from visiting at Spokane and other points. Chas. II. Codding, a mining man (roniJDeiiver is slopping at the Layton. Mrs. Hutchenson, mother of Mrs. R. O. McCroskey, loft last week for Victor, Colo , to visit a daughter Mrs. Kline. County Superintendent Liucoln Sav age attended the Jackson county teachers' institute at Jacksonville last week. Mr. Matt Johnson has returned to Grants Pass after an absence of several months. Mr. Johnson vUited Alaska and points east. Mrs. Jos. Griffith and little daughter Bessie, left on Monday evening's train for Portland to visit her daughter Mrs. Kelly Taylor. John Olwell of Central Point was in town again this week. He baa a num ber of crows In different parts of tbe county packing apples. Fred Mensch returned Tuesday eve ning from a trip to Chicago and the east and has again taken up the pencil in the office of tbe Coi'Rikk, Rev. I. G. Knott s of this place, the Presbyterian Sunday school missionary, is a pending a month in Klamath countv. He visited Jacksonville last wt ek. Chas. H. Jones of Salem was In town last week in the interest of the Oregon School Journal. Mr. Jones is a brother of the little girl who was so cruelly assaulted at Jefferson a few days ago. City Auditor, J. W. Barker has re signed his city position and will soon remove to St. Mary's, West Virginia, his former home. We sre very sorry to lose Mr. Barker and family from our midst. t. C. Tentland and family are now located on a 10 acre tract north of town. We will expect to hear Interesting reports later on of results of experi mental farming. Mr. Pentland will do some Irrigating on a portion of the land. Returns si Election. I Everybody is invited to come to ths opera house on election night, when the telegraphic returns of the election will be received and posted there. Beth any C. E. Society is making all neces sary preparations to serve refreshments at moderate prices from 9:30 till 2, The following is ths bill of fare: Sand wiches and coffee, doughnuts, pies, oysters (stew or fry) etc. Saw Mill for Kerby. II. 8. Woodcock and brother, Quincy have received a complete saw mill outfit with a capacity of 20,000 feet per day with 42 horse power Automatic Atlas engine, which they art now hauling to Kerby and will set It up in the build ing which was formerly the Logan mill, the machinery of which la now on thi Applegate. They expect to have the mill in operation in about 30 days if the weather permits. A planer will be added later on. C. L. Clevenger attended the meeting of the Photographers' Association of the Pacific Northwest al Portland last week. He took samples of his work for criti cism in order that be might be bene fitted by bit trip, Mr, Clevenger spent Wednesday in Roseburg returning home Wednesday evening. Win. Marshal went to Ashland Wednesday morning In the hope of securing a house in - which to live. Grants Pass is losing a great many desirable residents simply because there are not bouses enough to aenmmodale them. We should have more dwellings to rent. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cousin were In town Friday, Mr. Cousin having just arrived from Portland. They will spend the winter at the mine at Galire. Mr Cousin took with him an Al Vista panoramic camera and we expect to some splendid mining views as a result of bis work. He Is an expert with a camera. " R. K. Montgomery ia now stationed at Dunsmuir, Calif. In the S. P. depot. Mr. and Mrs. Montgoineiy went there last week to look over the field ; It prov ing satisfsctory Ml. Montgomery com ineni'cd duties at once while Mrs Mont gomery returned and will attend packing up, etc. They may remove In the course of two or three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall de parted Tuesday morning for their old home at Grants Pass, where they still have projierty interests. Within a few weeks they w ill go to California en a tour of insNctioii, aud may locate at or near Los Angeles, where Mrs. Marshall's sister resides. A desire to be near rela tives was the principal reason given by Mr. and Mrs. Marshall for leaving Toledo. The best wishes of our people follow them. Lincoln Leader. PulItU Wanted. This years pullets wanted at the R. A. Booth boufe. "- 'mr Mr. Dodge in Trouble. N. P. Dodge ia In trouble over the loss of one of his favorite canes which slipped out ol bis carriage Monday while be was down town. He was at the postoUlceand then, drove down Sixth street to Harth's then back Sixth and along Front street, returning home by ths way of tbe factory. The cane la a coffee wood stick with a crook and as it was . a present to Mr. Dodge he prizes ft- If yon have fouud auch a cane Mr. Dodge would be pleased to recover It. It can be left at this office. articles of female attire wets emitted from the safety valvs while the Protes ts Women's Reliet Corps at ths opera " belabored by the irate spinsters. Mats Meeting. The republicans will hold a grand rally and mass meeting Saturday eve ning, November 3, at ths opera house. Ilon.C. W. Fulton of Astoria, will address Ilia assembly; the band will play and the male quartette willalng.Mr, Fulton is a forceable speaker and one who it will be a pleasure for any one to hear. Everybody Invited to attend and participate in this grand rally, which will be the greatest political demonstra tion of the present campaign in Jose phine county. Big Bargains In new and second-band bicvcles. If you want a wheel cheap now la tbe time to buy. If you want to tell your wheel let us know about it. Something new In Urea, ibey uou t bave to be pumped up and cannot puncture. Our spring teat posts add greatly to ths pleasure of bicycle riding. They relieve all jolting and are easier on ths wheel and rider. Keep the mud off with a set of our steel mud guards. Don't forget we repair sewing machines, baby cabs, umbrellas, and locks, make keys, grind scissors, and knives. T. A. Hood A Co, East of Depot house Friday night was a mirlh-makiug performance and thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. The convention was a gathering of the Young Ladies' Single Blessedness De bating Society" whoso sole object seemed to be to cspture husbands for the members. Ths members to the number of abeut 20 dressed in the costumes of long ago, gathered in the convention hall and were called to order by Mrt. Wiedman as president, with Mrs. E. W. Kuydendall, as secretary, when a list nf old time names were called, the owners of the names answer- ng to roll call by appropriate quota tions on "man." Tbe ladles brought In a number of local hits. Geo. L. Evans at Professor Makeover assisted by Ilarvy Galhreth at tbe "colored gent" appeared on the scene bringing joy to the heart of tbe conventionale by announcing that he could make them over Into young and beautiful maidens. His machine was kept busy for some time grinding the splutters Into fair lassies until dually the president entered the machine. She was too roach for It and the machine clogged and as tho curtain dropped Unusual Accident. Robt. Rodgert was brought to Grants Past Monday morning froiuVolf Creek with a broken teg, the result of peculiar accident. Rodgers, who is a wood chopper, aud two companions were on a bunting expedition and on Saturday night they made their camp under a live tree, building a fire at the foot of the treo. Early in the morning one companion was awakened by bis fool coming In contact with the fire. When thoroughly awakened he taw that the tree was about to fall and he quickly aroused bia companions, Rodgers, be ing somewhat dated did not realise ths danger In time to get free from the tree which fell across one leg. Had be not been aroused the tree would have fallen across his head and probably killed him. The companions cariied Rodgers til miles over a mountain trail to Wolf Creek where he received inedieal at tention which had been summoned from this place, He ia now In Grants Pass under the care of Dr Kremer. G. O. FISHER Plumbing and Metal Hoofing Bids furnished for new hot water system and p'.pe woik of all kind. LEAVE OPDERS WITH CRAMER BROS. H ARDWARE HAIR-RIO D LE HARDWARE CO HEADQUARTERS FOR School Books AND School supplies AT 31. Clemens, PRESCRIPTION DRI7MIST OBNGE FRO NT omo. oecna housk A large line of Shoos, Prints, Vicugua Dross anil Wrapper Flannels at a 10 per cent Discount Sale. Tho' Sugar Pine Store. A hand of 1.1 China pheasants sere seen adjoining the city limits of Ash land, Thursday. Reports show that amr of these desirable game biids have b-en swn in other parts of the county They are protected hy the game laws against the hunter ami any violation of the law will be sevrrelr dealt with. Tiding. Fun Hai.b Taenty five acres one and , one ha'.f miles rst of (irants Pas on i R'lirue river, partly cleared, small or chard, pi ice J0 half cath, alto fifty ene acres 01 what Is known as the Hyde place, price tVO. half rash. For sddi tional iuturmatinii address, Ci'RKT I!bos, I.a Grande, Oregon. We regret to learn that the report of the Rebekahs' entertainment that ap peared in our columns last week was un favorably rweivwi by some of the mem bers of that organisation. Tbe mere re hearsal of tbe names of those who par ticipated in the entertainment is so am ple proof of its eieellence that it was not even remotely expected that the report would be construed to contain any slur toward either ths order, the individuals who reoderej the program or the enter- laming program wuicu tu given on Jj that evening. His Frightful Failures. Six terrible failures of six dilliercnt doctors nearly sent Win If. Mullen of Lockland, ()., to an early grave. All said he had. a fatal lung trouble and 4 that he iimxt soon die. But be waa urged to try Pr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. After taking five bottles he waa entirely cured. It is postively guaranteed to cure all diseases of Throat, Cheat and Lungs, including Coughs, Colds, lgripp, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Hay Fever, Croup, Whooping Cough. 60c and (I 00. Trial buttles free at Pr. Krecner 's drug store in Hale or Kxcliange. Highly acres on Williams creek, three miles from post olll 20 miles from (irsnls Para. One-half under cultiva tion, orchard ol four acres, good water right. Two barns, comtortable house, good outhuildinge. Plenty of berries. 2ti acres standing limber, good for lum ber. New saw mill near. Will exchange for town prrH-rty or snll fur H-'OO, TREES ! TREES! Made Young Agalu. "One of Pr. King's New Life Pilli each night lor two weeks hat put me my 'teens' again" writes P. II. Turner of Deiuteytown, Pa. They're the best in the world fur Liver, Stomach and Dowels. Purely vegetable. Never grips- Only Zbc at Pr. Kremer't Drug Store, hu a Big Kick. R. A. (iihson ol St. Louis called at the CocaiKH oftlce one day this week and In conversation said that tie had been put off the train this tide of Cen tral Point last Friday night while enroute from Medford to this place, He purchased a ticket to (J rants Pass and on leaving Medford the conductor took up tht ticket but failed to give check. On leaving Central Point tbe conductor again demanded a ticket but Mr. Gibson told blin be bad given aU the ticket be proposed to, whereupon the conductor, according to Mr. Gibson story called In two breakraen an forceably ejected him from ths train bag and baggage. Gibson was forced to return on foot to Central Point there met a tiaveling companion wbo bad seen ths ticket presented by Mr, Gibson and who mule allidavit to that effect. He says be baa a cinch on tu R. P. Co. and will make them pay dearly for the affair, which he char acterima as "stupidity, brutality, lm pu lence. lack of memory and genera worthlessneas of an employe." At the Riverside Nursery you will find fruit trees, berry plants and shade tiers ; alro Mi-nterey cypress for hedges. Paaaet Partnwt lllndlng. Gummed Passe Partout ISiadlng in snorted colors, alto Passe Partout out fits at the Covrikb office. us xt i.1 hit iaua. 9 2 You Will Strike it right by purchasing your school supplies al our atore. We have a complete stock of School Hooks, Tablets, Pens, Pencils, Inks and the New National Note Books. To cee them is to purchase. Prices very low considering the quality, Sloyer Drug Co. Front at., Opposite Depot. 'A'Foiv Ucvs Articles This VJcc:: White Comb Honey i pound frame 15c. White Figs one pound package 10c. Bulk Pickels per quart 10c. Lemon, Orange and Citron peel per pound 20c. Strained White Sage Houey per pound 12Jc. Armocrs Sugar cur ed Breakfast Bacon. Full Cream and Limberger cheese, Mince Meat, In bulk and package. FOR THE MINER 201b. and 601b. tubs ol butter, 2.W cases. 500 dosen,or6000 ctns of this years Fruits and Vegetables including the best brands ever put into cans. Calhoun Grocery Co Tht Old MtltTi Convention, ' Ths Old Maid't Convention given by Tbe program Included a piano duet by Misses Vlda Moor and Ida Williams ; piano solo by Miss Smith and vocal solo by Misa Bertha Barrls. These were rendered In a pleasing manner and were heartily encored. The gross receipts ot the entertainment was $7S. Coming Event. Nov. 3. Hon. C. W. Fulton epeaxa at opera house, Nov. 6. Presidential Elention. Nov. 6. Election returns at opera house in the evening. Nov. 29, Thanksgiving Pay. Nov. 29. Foresters mask ball at opsra house. Advertised Letter Iilat, Following la tbe lis of letters adver tised at ths Grants Pass post office for the week ending October 27, 1000. . , ... LAOIKS. fipaulding, Mrs L M, . OKNTLI-KM. Beers, U E, Evans, E C, Peterson, Geo F, Pierce, Ed, Richer, Frant, two, Shell, Grant, BwoOord, Jobme, Tuilock.Mr. A F. C. E. Hab-ok, P, M. R. L. GOE & WAY . . leaders in.. HIGH - GRADE FOOTWEAR 1 1 Good shoes don't grow on bushes. est Shoe Makers." They are wade by Good, Hon- WE HANDLE ONLY THE MOST RELIABLE MAKES. "I wore ft pair of your WHALE BONE BOOTS for two yearn and then boM them for !f2."i tho testimony of ono of our old cutttoinorH. "Wo have bought nearly all of our Bhoes of. you during tho past ton years and they never fail to give perfect 8iit- iBfaction," Bays another old cu tomer. 1 V it L,rU(SH0CC0P .00 4.00 i1SO'3.00 L2 502.25 '2.5O2.O0 l.75 ' .nVS .THEtATi:- HfB r.,,..u viurt or - VI 1 It will py you to exauilns ths W, as shoes, yourself that they I good in every way as those for i which you bavs been paying IS ! For style, com- "I will always Bend to you for my Bhoes. You have tho right style, price and quality, and they givo mo better satisfac tion than any I jlevorworc, says latravelingsales man for tho Simmons Hard- ware Company , who lives San Francisco. Wort, and I cannot bs service. surpusei they. shoes. ron SALE BY R. L, GOE & COMPANY SOLE AGENTS FOR GRANTS PASS THE HAMILTON-BROWN SHOE! J v. vm THE PINGREE.SH0EJ. fswoz For Udlt'l. Men snd Children. $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.25 j $2.50 We aro showing 40 or fx) different styles of this manufacturer's make alone and call aecial attention to thvir . $1.50 Shoe fur I-die'l, Men and Children, bvvry pair warranted. In liitlu, h-avy or medium weight slock. Bargains at .5), .79, .1)8, $1.25, $1.48. i Don't miss them. OOE'B. Ws hare just received oar Isll stock of this celebrated make of footwear. For BTVLK, DUKAUII.I IY snd PKICE. " They are just little better than any shoes I ever wore," is ths testimony ot every person who has tried tbsm. Wsj handlo them In four grades, in wblcfc ws can ylve you all styles in both Ladies' snd licnta. J . . $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and : $5.00. ; OVR PROPOSITION, Try s pair of Pingrss Bhoes. wear them tor six months, and if they fail to glsw yon perfect satisfaction , return them and get your money tck. COE'S.