Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 01, 1900, Image 1

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No, 51
Reduced prices to close out line of LADIES and CHILD
General Practitioner of
Medicine and Si rush v.
Office in Williams Block
Life, Fire and Accident Insurance.
Geants Tabs. - Okkooh.
in all State and Federal Courts
Office over First National Bank.
. Grants Pass, Okkoon.
Ghants Pass,
Special attention given to Mining
and Land Laws, and Land Ollice practice.
. Ollice opKwilc Hotel Josephine,
Urants Pass. - Oregon.
Willis Kramer
Myrtle Creek
Extra Family Flour
And Everything that goes with First
Clan Milling.
For Hale by Chiles, Dklemater,
Wade, Pikk and Corniu.l.
Call 'for it; same price as other brands
" Painters are not made thty are Born
-: AVo JSmluilm :-
The Grants Pass Painting Co,
Cedar & Boor,, Proprietors
GET our prices before making your contract
Satisfaction Guaranteed
tf A Postal Card Receives Prompt Attention.
Representative Grants Pass Business Firms. J
You will find
Reliable Watch Maker
at Kremcr's Drug Store.
Watch and Clock Repairing a Sicially
With Every (20 Cash Purchase of
Groceries You Aru Given a
Handsome, Life Sire Crayon
or Water Color Portrait
Tuons So. 85
The papular barber shop
Get your tottsorial wotk done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Hath room in connection
Watch and Co k repairing
All aork guaranteed
Office with Wilson A Roper.
Grants Pass, Orb
Jose and Mackinaw
.Shirts and Coats,
None better !
Do Voo Write ?
Get your writing paper by the ream
and lave money. We oiler a ream ol
nole paper, 480 sheets, 2' pounds, (or
46c. We net the paper in largequanti
tieaand can sell chap; this is not cheap
paper but first clans goods. Covbieb
Capital Stocky - $50,000.
Receive deposits subject to check or OD
certificate payable on demand.
Sell night drafts on Mew York, San Fran
cisco, ana Put '.land.
Telegraphic transfers old on all points in
the United elates.
Special Attention given to Collections and
general business of our customers.
Collections made throughout Southern
Oregon, and on all accessible points.
J. I. FKY, President.
.1. T.TUFr S.Vic President.
K. A. Booth, Cashier.
Quinine is 10 years behind. Colds do
not now have to be endured. MrNioti.s
DvNtHic Ta hulks (called dynamic from
their eneruvl crowd a week's ordinary
treatment into I-' hours and about the
worsts of colds over night.
"It was the worst case of crip 1 ever had.
A half dozen friend had sure cures. Mill
it Lunii un. Heard of the Dynamic T, To my amazement they stopped Isith
cold and cough the first night. 1 endorse
and recommend them U the people.
Hi ar lay HhSLkY, KxinemUr ol Congress
ana Attorney, .101 Hiui.MUiie Mreet, ran
Francisco, July 7. 1!JU.
"Winter colds have always been criou
things to me. Thev are hard and stay lor
months. Hut the last was stopped suddenly
tiv MKNoris 1vnvio Tahci.s. llolli
cough and cold disappeared in a couple of
davs. Mothing else noes tots tor me.
Mas. Kmma I.. iloiLis, 14 Moss M , ban
Francisco. Aug. li, '00.
"I live across the street from where
Mkmkl"s Uyahio Tabu es are made
Thafis how I first took them. They stop
colds without notice. I took a dozen boxes
with me for self and friends when I went
to Nome." II. I.. Van Winele. Capitalist,
:017 Washington street, sian Francisco.
August lu, l:xi.
Sent postpaid for 45 cents in Mamps by
IN l.A NIC bltl'd CO. am Washington
Street, fan Krrncisco. Also on sale by our
local agent M. 1 1. muss.
i We are Natural Bom Painters."
Fine liuttcr a Specialty
.White House Grocery
Staplk and Fancy Groceries i
'PlIONK 131
frumi ft., orr. Citt Ham.
Every Day and Xij;ht
( Next to Coe'i. )
Xocal 1bappcntnfl0
Bicycle hospital for all repairing a
Cramer Bros.
Sheriff Orrne, of Jacksonville, spont a
couple of days in tbe Pass last week.
Miss Stella Paddock left Friday morn
ing 'or the Victor Jr. mine where she is
to teach the coming term of school.
No other pills can equal DeWitt's
Little Earley Rijers tor promptness,
certainty and efficiency. W. F. Krenier.
V. E. Kelsey, It. Pierce and H.
Juker, of Yamhill connty came to
Grants Pass last week expecting to
locate and engage In mining.
Eastern Oregon jack rabbits are en
tering the Portland markets iu. competi
tion with Belgian hares, which sell' at
l. The jacks sell at 50 cents.
The best method of cleansing the
liver is the used the famous little pills
known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
Eaey to lake. Never gripe. V. F.
Will Murphy, who recently sold his
mining pioperty at Cape Nome wss in
Grants Pass a few days last week. He
returned to his home at Crescent City
Friday morning.
Torturing skin eruptions, burns and
sores are soothed at once and promptly
healed by applying DeWitt's Witch
llaz?l Salve, the best known cure for
piles. Beware of worthless counts, feits.
W. F. Kremr,
J W. Utipatnck, who used to mine
on Williams creek, this county, but now
a machinist of the McCloud river,
California country was a visitor to
Urants Pass last iok.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hart, of Port
land are in the city looking for a loca
tion. Mrs. Hart's health is not good
and her physician advised Southern
Oregon. They spent a few days in
Ashland but were unable to find what
thev were looking for and came to this
place Saturday,
Feelings of safety provade the house
hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure,
the only harmless remedy that produces
iiumedia'e results. It is infallible for
coughs, colds, croupe and all throat and
lung troubles. It will prevent con
sumption. W. F. Kremer.
Sales of hops at S.ilem are continuing
utiitely at about 15 cents -per pound
Growers are quite confident that there
will he no drop below this price, and are
selling at their leisure. No advance is
expect"d in the immediate future, but
it is anticipated that when all but a few
thousand bales have passed out of the
hands of groweis, there will be a con
sidorable rise, much fo the profit of those
who have held for the highest price.
It is well to know .hat DeWitt's Witch
Huxef Salve will heal a burn and stop
the pain at once. It will cure eczema
and akin diseases and ugly wounds and
sores. It is a certain curu lor piles.
Counterfeits may be offered yon see that
you get the original DeWitt's Witch
Hand Salve. W. F. Kremer.
Horse a
R. O. McCroskcy,
Dry titssls. Shoes, Ijuli,CaeJ.and J:u-k
els, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing
Goods, Hals, Miners' Goods,
Trunks and Valises.
Grants Pass Greatest Store.
Phone 21
...E. C DIXOX...
' Ladies' and Gents' SHOES
KvsaYTiiiNo I fcrvLi
Full assortment of Wat.-hes, Clis-ks, fil
veraear and Jewelry. A tjiod
Assurtiiient of Hracelels and
Heart Ilaligles,
Clemens' Drug Store.
Dealer in
fioat Btrset.
' A food ksiklnit ZtTUjl 1
tiorm and txr look- -
lug burn.. lli. r- W
worst kiwi of a con. f??
Uiuulua. 5sW
Eureka 3
Harness OIlr'
notoiilmftkMthrhrirnMBnflth Ira
ttunM Umk twtu-r, but mik th Yk
lakUJttr tuft tin. i iiiinlilf , putt u in con- 1 1m
.it sir duw n to Iwit-twiM kit long 1
'it'sVUt (h u ' ordinarily would. Wft
. Washington letter.
(From Our Regular Correspondent).
Washington, Oct. 22, 1U00.
The president left Washington today,
for Canton, where he will remain until
he carta his vole on election day. He
went away in a very pleasant state of
mind. He believes that he is going to
be re-elected, and he knows that
the agreement between Germany and
England, just mads puhlic, not to take
any territory from China themselves or
to allow any other power to do so, and
to maintain the open door in Chinese
commerce, gives the United States all
that it has asked tor, an equal chance
with all other nations to maintain and
increase its trailo with China. That
agreement is the most important event,
regarded from the standpoint of Ameri
can interests, that has occurred in con
nection with the Chinese mijt-up. It
insures our getting peacably what many
think we would have been justified in
going to war to get, Had it Dccouie
necessary. Germany and England be
ing our leading rivals for Chinese trade,
were hardly actuated by a desire to
help us. It is more likely , that they
wished to make sure that Russia should
,,ve up Manchuria, the big Chinese
province which it is already practically
in possession of. that is their lookout
not ours. This country has no interests
in China other than ol being allowed to
trade with the Chinese, and that this
agreement assures to us.
General Fitihugh Lse, who has been
spending several days in Washington,
doesn't go so far as to predict failure
for the Cuban constitutional convention
that will meet November 5, but he
makes it quite evident that he doeHiTt
believe the convention will provide a
constitution that will be accepted by
congress. General Lee made a state
ment concerning the present epidemic
of yellow fever in Havana, the worst
since American occupation, that is
calculated lo arouse interest and dis
cussion in the medical and scientific
wot Id, that the best physicians in
Havana had been about convinced
that sanitary precautions were not a
bar to yellow fever.
One of the Americans who occoin
panied the Boer envoys -to Washington,
Mr. St. John Gaffuey, of New York, Is
again at the National Capital, He
expresses the opinion that Kngland will
never be able to hold the territory it
has takeu from the Boers, even if the
European powers raise no objection to
the annexation of the South African
republics, and he would not be surprised
to see several of them object. He savs
the Iioers and Afrikanders will bide
their time and will start a new revolu
tion the moment England gets involved
in war with any of the great powers.
The career of W. 8. Wright, who was
a citizen of Logansport, Ind , just be lore
the opening of the war with Spain, and
who is now in Washington, as the
pergonal and business representative of
President Jimenet, of the Republic of
San Domingo, is romantic enough for
the theme of a novel. He bee line a
lieutenant in the signal service and
served In Cuba on General Fits Lee's
staff, and lator as a nsaspaper corre
spondent. He got acquainted with
.limenet, who was living in Havana al
the time, hiving been banished from
San Domingo, by Heureaux, the then
president of the black republic, and the
result of that acquaintance was that he
accompanied Jimenex upon a re vol u
tlonary expedition which resulted in
making Jimenet president, Mr. Wright
has been called the "prime minister'
of Jimenez, but he says he holds no
official position. He admits, however,
that ho is closely associated with
Jimenet and that he is now in the
United States as his personal represen
talivo, for the purpose ol inakiu
arrangements for the development of
the rich resou-ces of the republic by
Ainerlcad capitalists. Mr. Wright say
that although local estimates are much
larger, he doesn't think the population
of Ran Domingo exceeds 100,004, four
fifths of whom are black. Mr. Wright
doesn't say much shout his own Onan
cial fortune, but t ho style in which h
now lives manes it evidunt that hi
resources are ni'ich greater than those
of a lieutenant In the signal service.
Governor Sayers, of Texas, alio ma le
many friend during his long service i
congress, has Is en in Wasbington
several days. Ho said ofhisvirit: "1
am here in the Interest of tbe stale of
Tcxjs, which has not been reimbursed
by the national government for expenses
incurred in supplying its quota of
volunteer troois during the Spanish
American war. I came lo arrange for
I the payment of that money, in accord
anco wilb the provisions of an act
pasted by congress, July 8, lh'.IS, provid
ing reimbursement to lbs various stale
governments for the expenses incurred
in inobolixation of volunteers Iwfora
they were mustered into service. At
my conferences with treasury officials,
tltey indicate every desire to facilitate
the payment."
The statistician of the department ol
agriculture estimates that the farmers
ofTexsslost fully tVKJO.OOO, exclusive
of damages lo msctiinery and buildings ,
by the Galveston storm, $:,4W fXU of
which a as represented by cotlon des
troyed, t-VX),0ti0 by corn, r.'ltf.OuO by
rice, and l-TjO.ntrf) by live stock.
Hon. John Sherman's life is slowly
but surely ebbing sasy in ths msgnifi
cient white marble residence he built in
Washington while be was s muni'ier of
the senate, and ahich he has slres-ly
giyen lo bis dsngbler who lives with
bi.n. The physicians bold out no hot
of bis recovery, but ssy that if be ran
retain nouisbment bis life may be pro
longed a lew aeeks. It is s general
breskdown, fioni sge.
This is ths sesson whro mothers sis
alarmed on account of croupe. It ia
quickly cured by One Minnite Cough
Cure, which children like to Use. W.
F. Krenier.
How a Chleaa-o SaaSwIek Mats
Brwasrfct Hla Coatrary Ewployaa
tw T.raaa.
For some months paat an elderly
man haa succeeded in earning bis
livelihood by promenading the north
side of Randolph street clad in a rub.
ber rain coat on which waa smbla
xoned in yellow Utters the ability of
Dr. Trueblado to remove corns, bun
ions and warts without pain. During
the winter months the aged person
found the job to hia liking and kept
the sidewalks clear of snow by his
constant marching to and fro. Hut
with the arrival of the summer hot
spell the sandwich man tired of the
tnak and spent most of hia lima In
shady nooks along the line of hla
beat, says a Chicago exchange.
One day lately the heat became ao
oppressive that sign bearing grew Irk
some and tbe man resolved to atrlka.
After invading the "doctor'a" office
and satisfying himself that he could
not obtain an increase in wages the
wearer of the rubber coat sought the
outer air, and after turning ths rub
ber coat inside out printed on It ths
following legend in chalk: "Dr. True
blade will amputate l.o more corns
until the sandwich man collects
money enough to have his bunions
eased bj' Dr. Callous."
Callous is the chiropodist across the
street. After reading the Inscription
he agreed to supply the sandwich
man with a linen duster for the warm
weather and increase hia wages.
' Two Pictures,
Mr. Bryan and his newspaper organ
constantly represent the American
workiugman ss a helpless, bopeU
cringing slave. They depict him clad in
rags, half starved, humbly Imploring
leave to live the mere wreck or
shadow of a man.
Besides s reproduction of these insult
ng caricatures liie Jictiiniey papers
print the photograph of American work
ingnien in the garb in which he earns
his living. It is to be no fancy sketch,
but merely an exact likeness of one of
Chicsgo's great army of artisans.
Look upon th two pictures as they
appear. The creature whom Mr, tiryan
regards as ths typical American work
ingnian shambles In his gait, lacks food,
bears uron bis face the stamp of despair
and strotches forth his empty hands for
pity. The other man stands erect and
looks the world in the face, fearing none,
asking no compassion. Upon his rsso-
lule countenance are the signs r( self
reliance, self-respuct, and energy. His
whole figure gives the impression of
power directed by intelligence.
Mr. Bryan's Idea of American working
man is the grossest of libels upon Amer
ican manhood. The Bryanite cartoon
ista find their model not among the
millions of men whose brain and brawn
make this nation great. 'Instead, they
seek the victim of disense, the born
incompetent and failure, the dissolute
trump. They depict this unfortunate.
label him "Typical American Working
man," and thus outrage the dignity of
the very men whom Mr. Bryan claims
to befriend.
Which is the American workingman
whom you know? Is ha the bony idiot,
the cringing pauper, the tatterdemalion
skeleton that Mr. Bryan describes in his
speeches and that Bryanite artists draw
for Mr. Bryan's newspaper organ? Or
is he the self-respecting, bsrd working,
vigorous, snd intelligent man? Look
snd see, and according to your answer
judge the sincerity, honesty, and
American loyalty of Mr Bryan and hia
political frionds.
Ilrave K.iplornrs
Like Stanley and Livingstone, found it
harder to overcome Malaria, Fever and
Ague, and Typhoid disease genua than
savage cannibals; but thousands bsve
found that Klectric Bitters is a wonder
ful cure for sll malarial discs-ea. If
you have chills with fever, aches In
back of neck and head, snd tired, worn-
out feeling, a trial will convince you of
their merit. W. A Null of Webb, III.,
writes: "My children suffered for mors
than a year Willi chills and fiver; then
two bottles of Klectric hitlers cured
them." Only 50 cents. Try them.
Gosranteed. Hold by Dr Krenier.
Bryan's Paramount lnu ii to Lower ths Ha.
Col. James II. Davidson, of Chicago,
spoke thus of Bryan's PopnlipticDeitio.
erst party :
"It proclaims as a paramount Ustie Inst
the American flag, instead of holding
the advanced position to which it has
Issen carried at the behest ol all parlies,
at the cost ol American blood ami Ireas
ore, shall be lowered; that our bugle,
instead of sounding the 'advance' shall
sound the 'retreat;' thal8,Oj0,tXK) brown
men liberated from Spanish tyranny by
the valor of American soldiers snd
ssilors, ehsll be sbindoned to anarchy
and hopeless despair, and to the tender
mercies of a Filipino Benedict Arnold.
It asks that tbe solemn compact of the
Paris treaty, made in ths presence of
civi'ixjtion, spproved by the consensus
0 ,,, best judgment of mankind
ratified by tbe s-nl at the solicitation
of William Jennings Itrjsn and his
friends, shall be repudiated, anj that free
America shall brand iUell with Justly
earnel stigma, should we accept ths
democratic suggestion ol relrost Slid
At Bert Time,
I lake a pleasant herb drink, ths next
morning I feel bright snd my coinplsx
ion is betlrr. My doctor ssys it sets
gently on my stomach, liver ami kidneys,
sod is s pleasant laxative. It it mails
from herbs snd is prepared aa easily a
tea. It is called Lane's Medicine. All
druggists sell it st 75 els. Lane's Fami
ly Medicine moves tbs bowels each day.
If yon cannot get it, send for a free sam
ple. Address, Orator F. Woodward, L
Hoy, N. Y.
Aw Eaall.h Tama la Which the Olw
Prsaaet Is Sol4 ha .
llaal Sleaawra.
Probably Cambridge, England, lathe
only place In tbe world where one
would) be likely to find Putter sold by
lineal measure, but here, in accords
a nee with the old custom, It is sold by
the yard, says the Southern Agricul
turist. For generations it has been
the practice of Cambridgeshire dairy
folk to roll their butter into lengths,
each length measuring a yard and
weighing a pound. Deftly wrapped
In strips of clean white cloth, the
cylindrical rolls are packed In long
and narrow baskets made for the pur
pose, and thua conveyed to market.
The butter women that In white lin
en aprons and sleeves preside over the
stalla in the mart have no need of
weights or scales for dispensing their
wares. Constant practice and an ex
perienced eye enable them with a
stroke of the knife to divide a yard
of butter Into halves or quarters with
almost mathematical exactness.
The university people are the chief
buyers of thiscurioualy shaped article.
In addition to being famed for ita
purity and sweetness, tambrldge
"ynrd butter" is eminently adapted
lor serving out to the university stu
dents in the daily commons. Cut in
conveniently sizrd pieces and accom
panied by a' loaf of the best whsaten
bread a stated portion is sent round
every morning to the rooma of the
undergraduates for us at the daily
breakfast and tea.
Thrifty Psopls la Niagara rails Jsav
acr Ov.r to CaaaSa sal Mall Let
Sera Ahrwaa foe Twi Csats.
A unique method of saving a few
cents and thereby cheating ths revenue
la in vogue la Niagara Falls, N. Y. That
city has a good many English people
for resjdenta, while it la annually vis
ited by thousands of tourists from ths
British Isles. Consequently there is a
large outgoing mail to ths UnlUd
Kingdom from thnt place, and every
mail day 15040 ft)0 letters are sent to
various parts of Great Britain. Ths
foreign postage on the American side of
the river is five cents per half ounce.
but within the Inst has been re
duced on the Canadian side to two
cents. Since that time, says theChtca
go 1 rinune, a custom has sprung up
among ths Anglo-American rewideiits
of having sins of them collect ths let
ters and then walk over to Niagara
r alia, Out., and port them, saving thras
cents on each missive.
In the case of a single letter there Is
no saving, as there Is s toll of tenceiifa
for the round trip scross the railway
Dringe and 13 cents serosa the steel
arch bridge. When a large number of
letters are collected together, however,
Uis saving mounts up, and It is a regu
lar custom tn various households when
a letter has been written to inquiro:
"Who Is going to Canada to-day V" In
addition many residents of the Cana
dian side who daily cross to the Amer
Ican make It a regular custom to col
lect and mail letters for personal
Dcarness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the tlisessed portion ol the ear.
There is only one wsy to cure deafness,
nd that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an Inflamed con
ditlon of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tuba. When this tube gets
Inflamed you have a rumbling sound
or imperfect hearing, and when it is
entirely closed deafness is the result.
and unless the inflammation can be
tsken out and this lube restored to its
normal condition, hearing will be des -
troyed forever; nine cases out of ten are
caused by catarrh, which is nothing but
an inflamed condition ol the uiiicous
We will give One Hundred Dollars lor
any rase ol Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh
Curs. Send lor circulars, free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Tolsdo, O.
Hold by Druggists, 75c,
Hall's Family Pills ars the best.
Charlton Pcrkiat at Cslambs.
Calamba, P. I. Aug., 31, 1010.
Having located myself once sgain I
will writs a few lines, 1 resigned my
position st Cavile on the lfnh Inst, snd
excepted sn sppninted in the posts!
service on the I7ili. I wat in t l.o Ma
nila office tor several days an I then I
waa sent hers to establish a lies office,
Calambs is titusted st lbs southern end
ol tbe Lsgiina de Hay, S8 miles Irom
Cslambs it a farcly nice place, llii re
being only about lull a dotrn wooden
buildings in lbs whole place, and tbs
rest ars nips huts. Tbs Insurgents ars
I quits active bare in this providence.
Only night tutors last a bsnd.ol perbspt
25, csms down to ths river and fired
over into ths pueblo. I could hesr tbs
bullets ss tby camo ovsr it sounded
natural. No one wai hurt and Hie
guards did not firs shot. Four ol tbs
bsnd and two guns wers captured this
morning In a bsrrier nesr by.
I bsve now procured what I wanted
lor so long snd at last leal contented,
thst It, nntil snot her opportunity
presents itsell lor advancement. This
position is far better than the oilier (tie,
in this one I will bo clssssd under the
civil service snd will bs entitled to all
ita benefits. Hers 1 am my own boss
My hours are from 9 a. in lo 12 in. and
Irom 2 tu 4 p. m.. This It lbs first
tiina I bars been able to sleep at long
as I wished, ol mornings, lor lour yesrs
My expenses here will bs small. I pay
no rent, lira in lbs otllcs snd est wilb
tbs eominlsssry sergeant of lbs SO.b
infsntry here. Ws hsvs sll ths msrkel
sff jfds. Cslsmba It one ol tbs largest
msrknt plsces In ins Islsnds today
Friday is tbe dsy nstives coma from
40 to 50 miles with ponies loaded down
with every thing they csn tell. I bsve
seen at least a thousand ponies psts
linos 0 a. m. this morning and at least
luOO natives. Cmabltom I'ebeibs.
That Sound
No. 1.
No. 2.
No. 3.
No. 4.
No. 5.
Its a Big Blanket, 76x98 inches, weighs 5 pounds, $2.95
Government Wool Blanket a "warm bargain,"
Full-size White Enamel Iron Beds, $3.95
Rugs 60 inches
Tea Kettle, , solid copper, seamless
nickle-plated. A royal kettle. ..... .
Milk pans. . ,5c
Another lot New Iron Beds.
Popular More New Suites. -
New Rockets Eastern goods at bottom prices.
Price New Wall Paper the very choicest at popular
prices. . -. ..:..:.-."
Handsome Portiers please both eye and pocket
Prevail book.
Picture Frames 6xjo handsome oak and gold,
all complete, $1.75. .
Special Sale of Lace Curtains to
We can furnish your house from top
...CARPKTS ....
Ossstrssl Two Don hr Jassplasj Cm-
ties a r.ass a Cosa aa4 Oaa
. lasT Oat a Hahhli.
Tor many years Manuel Mart I u has
bssn champion coon hunter of ths Pes
Dea coautry. Scores of wily ringtails
have fallen victim to his cunning, and
stories of his exploits have been spread
far and wide by sportsmen w ho accom
panied hlru on his hunts. Duckersfroin
ths north and west regard s ooon bunt
with Martin ss oue of the features of
their outing, He guarded corn patches
and ben roosts against midnight depre
dations, and farmers ar distressed now
that be haa forsworn coon hunting.
A few nights ago he took several deep
pulls at a dispensary bottle and strad
dled a sack of coffee in lien Kdgc's
grocery to give bis reasons for swear
ing oft, as sumethlng dns tbe coir.mun
Ity. "It happened this way," bs began,
"Ths fellows as I took bunting told
coon stories In uewspapera and scut ma
ths papers all ink marked. I aanie al
most to believe their yarns snd thought
I wss siunrter than any coon that ever
shucked su ear of corn. Toketuhcoons
you got to remember they are wise
and you are a foul; else you can't start
low down to get around their tricks.
Treeing, shaking down and a fight will
do for she noons, lie coons is different.
Besides their strength and endurance,
every one has bis own way to dodge
"Not long ago Jim Dickson sent ids
word that a bs coon was eating all his
corn down in a bottom next the swamp.
He knew It was he coon 'cause he
couldn't ketch him. I took General Ue
snd Btunewall Jackson over to help
Jim out. General Lee Is a cur with a
little hound and a ltttla p'lnter in him,
snd Stonewall Jackson is a half hound
and a half bull. They've got sharp
1 noses, pluck, end ursiice, strength and
character enough not to run rabbits,
foxes or possums under no corcu in
stances. Best of all, they don't get
Jealous like real officers lu ths nilliu-
"Me snd ths dogs jrn that coon
through water, bogs, rattan, grape
vines, brambles, ranebrakes and
cypress knees, and would 've run hlin
through the Atlantic ocean If It had
been in I he swamp instead of somewhere
else. Fverv time General Tee snd
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to bottom.
Wm t
Stonewall Jackson trailed out to high
land and lost the scent at a rail fence.
I tried a)l manner of circling and hold
ing General Lee's nose along the top
roil,' but had to give It up for a bad
job. One night I made a nigger atand
at the fence to ace what tbe coon did
with himself. Sambo, that's bis name,
swore to gracious tbst a coon went
under the fence, turned around and
oame out a. rabbit. All the niggers got
scared. . They took It Into their tu-sds
I was chasing tny grand fa tlier's ghost.
The thing did look kinder curious, but"
t made up my mind to ketch him any
how, though Jim's corn waa aafe in ths
crib and mine w asn t. -
I wore out both dogs, and bad to fall
back on ours. Curlike, when ths coon
went under the fence and the rabbit
come out, they lit off after him, yelping
like they were trailing a box car full
of coons. I went home powerful mad at
cur dogs. Next night I went sgain with
curj, 'cause I was bound to keep things
lively. It took bolt of me to ketch that
soon like a leech takes holt of a rot
ten log. And we caught him. That is.
tbs curs got in a tight with mm under
the fence, and I busted his brains out
with a club before he had time to lick;
them and get away. ,
"Ths thing seemed simple enougn
after I found out, but it showed how
much sense a he coon can have. A rab
bit had his bed under the fence. Into
which the coon ran when he got tired
poking fun at me and my dogs. Nat
urally, the rabbit got out, and In doing
so brushed his sides against the mouth
of the bed. Itabbit scent among wild
animals Is like goat scent among tame
onea. It's rank. At ths first sniff both
dogs were completely fooled. After
the curs made a moonlight meal on ths
rabbit trailing waa easy. What 1 want
to know Is how in thunder Mr, Coon
found out hs was safs In a rabbit bed
and that General Lea and Stonewall
Jackson wouldn't cross a rabbit trail.
"I took ths ooon home and let General
Lee and Stonewall Jackson smell him.
They stuck their tails between their
legs and sneaked oft with their bellies
cluse to the ground. Both are ashamed
to look anybody In the face. While 1
wua hunting all night and sleeping all
day November rains gave my corn the
sprouts. . One look at the meal made my
wife so mad that I had to awsar off coon
hunting to pacify her." N. Y. Bun. ,
Subtcribs for THE COURIER
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