Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 25, 1900, Image 1

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w i hi in in in in in r ,
No. 30
' San Jose and Mackinaw
, . gt..-o an(j Coats,
None better !
Reduced priced to close out line of LADIES and CHILD
' ; General Practitioner of
: ' Office iu Wtlliam Block
JT P. DODGE, . ,
, .INSURANCE and . - '
. Liiie, rire anu Acciaent insurance.
Graxts Pads.
v. nuuon,
P.acticeein all .State and Federal Courts
Office over Firet National Bank.
Chants' Pahh, ' ' Obkoon.
IT a itr-iinTV
bBARTi Pass, Ukkuon.
. ,
Special attention ' given to Mining
..i 1 1 r 1 t -...i , in:.-.
Office opiHmite Hotel Josephine,
Uhamts I'aks. - Ohkuom.
Willis Kramer
Myrtle Creek
Extra Family Flour
And Everything that goes with First
Class Milling.
For sale by Chiles, Delkmater,
Wade, Pike and Cornkll,.
Call for it; same price an other brands
" Painters are not made they are Borni We are Natural Bom Painter."
-: We lmlMiliii :-
The Grants Pass Painting Co.
Cedar & Boor,, Propkiktoks
GET our prices before making your contract
Satisfaction Guaranteed
A Postal Card Receives Prompt Attention.
representative urants Fass Business Firms.
You will find
ti I'll. iirt wi
,j ncuauic vvtticu luaaci
at Kremer's Drug Store.
Watch and Clock Repairing a Specialty
With Every (20 Cash Purchase of
Groceries You Are Given a
Handsome, Life Site Crayon
or Water-Color Portrait
'Puoxs No. 85
Eisman & Burns Bros.
Fresh and Salt
Fish on Frtdays Poultry on Saturdays
The popular barber shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
jj& On Sixth Street Three chairs
J Hath room in connection
T' Watch and Clock repairing
All work guaranteed
f Office with Wilfon A Boper.
Grants Pass, Obb
.". Do Yo Wme7 ..
Get your writing paper by the ream
and tave money. tVe offer a ream of
note paper, 480 sheets,- 2,4J pounds, (or
45c. We get the paper in large quanli
tieaand can sell cheap; tbia is not cheap
paper but first clans goods. CouaMKa
office. .
, - OF
Capital Stock, - -'$50,000.
Keccive deposits subject lo check or on
certificate payable on demand.
Sells sight d.-hfa on New York, San Fran
Cisco, anu Pol' land.
' Telegraphic tranufcni sold on all point in
tne Lniteu JMatea.
Special Attention given to Collections ant
general business of our customers.
Collections made throughout Soittherr
Oregon, and on. all accessible points.
J. D. FRY, ' President.
J. T.TUFrS.Vic President.
R. A. Booth, Cwhier.
Fine Butter a Specialty
White House Grocery
Staple and Fancy Groceries
tiii BBkT or XViaVTHIHO
'Pilous 31
Sixth St., orr. City Hau.
Every Day and Night
. ( Next U Cot )
local ftappentnos
Bicycle hospital (or all repairing a'
Cramer Bros. .
Mr, H. L. Keat, ot Merlin, was a
visitor to Grants Pass last Saturday.
A. Lempke was a passenger to Jack
sonville on Monday's south bound train.
Fred "Roper went to Central Point
Monday on a bunting and fishing ex
pedition: t '
Judge Axtall went out to Williams
Sunday to inspect the Upper Williams
creek bridge. He returned Monday.
Mrs. C.J. Kurth returned from Sara
ii ento last Friday evening where she
bad taken her son, Carl, to school.
D. A. Uillitt and C. fY Haley, of
Winona, bo have been . visiting in
Chicago returned to this place Monday
morning. U. I. Gilllit went to Portland
to meet them and accompanied theiu
back lo this place.
The minstrel show of Beach A Bowers
last Saturday evening at the opera bouse
was, as all shows of tbat variety are in
Grants Pass, well patronized. They
give a good performance but waa not
any too long-wiuded on acts put on,
still the majority present lelt that they
bad got their money's worth,.. The
trick bicyclist was a "warm one" and
the singing was good, some of the jokes
were stero typed while others passable.
Tbey lelt for Medford Sunday morning,
A. E. V corbies, editor of-the Courikk,
has been laid up with illness in the shapS
of tbroat trouble the last week and dur
ing that lime the ComiK "baa gone lo
the Devil", that is, that member of the
Courikk slatf took charge ot the editorial
reportial and mechanical departments.
All he had to do waa to build fires, aaw
wood (as well as copy) clean the ink
fountains, run the piessea, sweep out
and "chew to rag-time order," the
"feminine genders" in the composing
room. Then he waa not ratisfied!
While running the press ono day he
remarked! quite modestly, that he did
not feel aa If he was the "main squeeze"
of this concern and because he wore red
sox that it waa no sign he could ' dig
up" red hot editorials. Jam $atuf
At Bel Time. -I
take a pleasant herb drink, the next
morning I (eel bright and in y complex
ion is better. My doctor rays it acts
gently on my stoinacb, liver and kidneys
and is a pleasant laxative. It is made
from herbs and is prepared aa easily as
tea. It is called Lane's Medicine. AU
druggists sell it at 75 eta. Lane's Fami
ly Medicine moves the bowels each day.
If yon cannot get it, send fur a free sam
ple. Addrevs, Orator F. Woodward, Le
Roy, N. Y.
, Quinine is 10 years behind. Colds do
not now have to be endured. Mimisi.s
IIVNtHic Tabulis (called dynamic from
their eiiergv) crowd a week 'a ordinary
treatment into VI hours and about the
worsts of colds over night.
"It waa the wnrstcaeof grip 1 ever had
A half doseit friend had sure cures. Mill
it bung on. Heard of the Dynamic Tab
Vl tn. To mv amazement Ihev stonned both
cold and cough the lint night. 1 endorse
and recommend them to the oeotile." Hanlkt, Kx-memher of ( ongress
and Attorney. 1"! Sansouie Street, (San
Franclaco, July 7. l!JO.
'Winter colds have always been aeriouo
things to me. They are hard and slay for
months. Hut the lat was stopped suddenly
by MgatisL's Dvnasic Timiin. llotli
cough and cold disappeared In a couple of
days. Nothing else does this for me."
Mas. Km ma 1,. lloi.ui, 14 Hons hi., ban
Francisco, Aug. (J, 'UU,
"1 live across the street from where
MamtiL's Dtamic Tadihu are made.
That is how I first tcok them. They stop
colds without notice. I look a doten boxes
with me for self and friends when I went
to Nome." II, 1.. Vas Wikkli, Capitalist,
3017 Washington Street, ban Francisco.
August 10, l'JUO.
Sent postpaid for 2S centa In stamps by
INLAND JJKIU CO, Ml Washington
Street, Kan Frrncisco. Also on sale by our
local agent M. Clxhsss.
. ,P
R. O. McCroskey, i
I)ryGooils,ShKa,,Capei.andJack- Jfr
ets, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing
Goods, I laU, Miners' Goods, . ' k
. Trunks and Valises. V
Grants Pass Greatest Store.
Tuoni 21
...E. C. DIXON...
Ladies' and Cents' SHOES
Full assortment of Watchea, Clocka, Pi I- ,)
verwear and Jewelry. A Good
Assortment of Bracelets and
Heart Banglea,
Clemens' Drug Store.
Dealer in
a- roni Direct.
An Ekctioa law. j
Considerable inquiry la being made
regarding registration requisites, to en
title suffrage at the presidential election
to be held November 8.
The most perplexing question with
tbe voter is whether or not he is entitled
to vote outside tbo precinct, in wbicb
he waa registered, prior to May 15, tbe
day registration closed. In other words,
if be Is registered in one precinct and
subsequently moves to another, will he
have to re-register? Following is sec
tion 16 of the law passed in 1899 provid
ing Inr registration of electors, etc: '
"If it appears the elector fa not regis
tered in the precinct in which he applies
lo vote, the elector ' in any case, as of
course, shall be considered challenged,
and shall be required to subscribe and
swear or affirm to the blank "A," pre
scribed by section 3 of this act, filled
onl according to the facta, and in ad
dition thereto be ajiall be required to
procure six freeholders of the county lo
take and subscribe to the second oath.
as specified in said blank "A" ot section
S of this act, and tho same shall be con
sidered by tbe judges and forthwith
decided and after noting thereon with
ink whether the elector is allowed to
vote or not, and if allowed (o vote tbe
pollbook p umber ot the elector, they
(ball file the same. Unless the elector
in every such case so establishes his
right to rote in tbe precinct, and to the
judges, bis vote shall not be received.
In carrying out the provisions of this
act, tbe judges of election, or either of
them, are hereby authorised to adminis
ter and .certify nalhs, and to issue
subpoenas to require tbe attendance of
witnesses before them.
' Thus it will be seen that the voter
wbo votes outside the precinct, where
he registeted prior to May 15, will coin
cide with the person who has not
registered, and bis vote will not have
to be sworn in by the aid of six attesting
A Thousand Tongues
Could nut express tire rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of Philadelphia, when Dr.
King's New Discovery cured her of a
hacking cough that (or ni.iny years had
made life a burden. She says: "After
all other remedies and doctors failed it
soon removed the pain in my cheat and
I can now sleep soundly, something I
can scarcely remember doing before. J
feel like sounding its praises tliroughoul
the Universe." Dr. King's New I'S
co very is guaranteed to cure all troubles
of the Throat, Chest or Lungs. Price
50c end fl. Trial bottles free at Dr.
Kroner's drug store.
Crowing frantic.
Bryan ia losing his nerve and is rallied
at Ulie prospects of tepiiblican success
He accuses republicans of coruption
and intimidation. In a speech at Salem
III., he said: "If the election were held
today Iheie is no doubt . that we would
have a majority in the electoral college
and on the uopular 'v le. But the
republican manners pre now collecting
from the monopolies a targs campaign
fund. They aill buv everv vote that
can be bought. Tbey will coerce every
vote that can he coerced. They will
intimidate every laboring man who can
be intimidated. They vill bribe every
election jinle tbat can be biibed.
They will corrupt every count that be
Hob beil Tne Grave.
A startling incident, is narrated by
John Oliver of Philadelphia as follows:
I was in an awttil condition. My skin
war almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue
coated, pain continually in back and
sides, no appetite, growing weaker day
by day. Three physicians had given me
up. Then I was advised to use Electric
Bitters; to my great joy, the first bottle
made a decided improvement. I con
tinued their nse for three weexs, and am
now a well man. I know they robbed
the grave of another victim." No one
should fail to try them. Only 60c.,
gua'anteed, at Dr. Kreincr's drug store.
hYia "Bilker."
Auotber advertising faker has turned
op in Albany, and took from 170 to flOO
from some cf the l ading merchants,
The young man was a smooth looker
and also a talker "out of sight." He
was supposed to be gutting up a book or
folder, tbat was to be used in the
Catholic church. One side of the page
waa to contain tbe reading matter,
while on the other side would be busi
nest advt. Us had comniendatory
tetters from various people, and a "fake
tetter" Ironi Father Metayer. Some
one happened to Investigate and found,
after he had left Albany, that he waa a
bilk. Messages were sent to Eugene
but the young man bad worked the
same game there, took in a nice little
sum in the same way and then moved
south. He operated in Grants Pass and
Medfoid ia a like manner, but did
little business. Tbe people should
"look a little out." Jacksonville Times
akes abort roads.
sal 4-fend light loads.
'VsVood for everything
tha't runs on wheels.
Selsl Everywhere).
Vaataeket Has Oaa Elsht Mllsa Laaa
sal Bat Oae Peraoa Carries
a Pass..
A rather curious and very econom
ically managed railroad la the Nan
tucket Central, which run between
Nantucket and Siasconaet, a distance
of about eight milea," remarked an old
resident of Martha' Vineyard to a
Washington Star writer recently. "A
found-trip ticket on this road cowta SO
cents for the passenger and 80 eenta
for hi trunk. - A second trunk Is car
ried for 30 centa and a third for 24 centa,
but as the schedule allows for . only
three trunk the conductor baa on sev
eral occasion ruled that at the fourth
trunk he must begin over again at 0
cent. . .
'Only one paas Is issued on tbe Nan
tucket Central, and that ia used by tbe
proprietor of the road. The conductor
is the general manager of the road.
train diapatcher and division superin
tendent. The engineer i master me
chanic, chief of transportation and
overseer of theroad bed and track. The
fireman drives the express wagon and
Irep the book between trips. Last
year some 230 round trips were made.
and a novelty Introduced during the
ummer season wa the entire aboli
tion of the steam whistle, partly be
cause ot It waste of art cam and partly
because it frightened the blue and
other fish off shore.
"The rolling stock of the road con
sist of two locomotive and six or
even antiquated passenger car. The
earning of the Central last year
amounted to about 110,000 and the op
erating expense were a little over
Raw Jnt Faatlly Was VUIU4 r
Francis Fielder, who lives at Turkey,
a small village near New Brunswick,
N. J., Is wondering why misfortune is
persistently pursuing him and his
family, says tbe Nw York World.
Iterently his son F.dward fell from a
scaffolding at Long Ilranch and waa
ao. badly hurt that for a long tlm
hit life waa despaired of.
lbrl Mrs. Fielder slipped from the
stoop of her home, breaking her collar
bone and several riba.
The uext day Mr. Fielder slipped on
some loose bay and fell out of the mow.
He waa shaken up so badly that he had
to keep In his bed for several (lays.
next a favorite horse died of glanders
and all his live stock had to be quaran
tined and the oulhuililings dislnftcted.
. bile this was being dons a message
was received from a son, at Asbury
I'ark, announcing that he bad lost a
horae by theft.
The younger son, Garfield, wss the
next Ticltlm of the family Nemesis.
He waa riding his wheel to work nhen
ha ran Into a chicken and was thrown
against a post, having a collar bone
broken and a shoulder dislocated.
Now that all the members of the
family and moat of the live stock have
been victims of misfortunes in one way
or another, Mr. Fielder hones ths fatea
have been satisfied and that brighter
daya are about to dawn.
Tkr Psw Throach liases at
Tears mm Thaa Await
ths Km4.
It is heli! by a rscent writer on wom
an that the seven stages of her life may
be reckoned a composed of multiple
of seven. The first seven year are In
fancy, the second seven childhood, the
third seven girlhood, the fourth seven
bring a fully developed womanhood.
From m to 35 the fifth seven might
be called ths Infancy of age, fur in
those year one learns to exercise the
faculties and perceptions that have
been develoed in the previous groups.
I'p to the age of 42 the lesson go on.
Character 1 being matured and fixed,
the definite trend of life established.
After that few changesare made in the
real person. Slight variatlonsand mod
ification of opinion there may be, but
nothing d--p or vital ia likely to trans
form the life.
The common phraaes, "a confirmed
old bachelor," and "a confirmed old
maid," applied to unmarried men and
women over 40 are tacit admission of
that fact. Intimating that mental and
physical habits are ao strongly rooted
that the adaptability of earlier yeara
ha ceased to exist, and the person 1
lucpable of adjustment to a new en
vironment. The tale goes on. Flfty
six, a sturdy middle life; A3, the en
eroachnifmt of age; 70, the span of ex
istence tbe decade of sevens, beyond
wkicb lie a mere waiting for ths end.
Tss-Hesvr Jsatles.
An Indiana fence I hardly an ideal
place from which to divpenae justice,
according to tbe Lewiston Journal,
which repeata the story on the sutbor
ity of an eminent occupant of a Judi
cial bench: A justice of lb peace in a
country district was oppressively im
bued with in idea of hia own responsi
bility In seeing that the psac was
kept in the atats of Indiana. He never
lost an opportunity of showing his au
thority, lie farmer, and hla farm
bordered en the state of Ohio. Indeed,
one of his fences was on the stats line,
One day bis son snd tbe hired mau got
to fighting near this line fence. The
Justice, quick to set the situation,
jumped to the fence, as a better "bench
of Justice," and assailed the fighters,
demanding "peace in ths name of the
state of Indiana." Hut ths farmer Jus
tire's defense af ths pence wss not
based on good premises. lis bsd no
sooner asnerted hia authority than the
fence be waa on gave way, carrying him
over backward into the stats of Ohio.
A se felt himself falling he ahouted to
his son: "(live him the mischief, Jim I
I've lost my Jurisdiction!"
fllamark Iron Nerv
Wat the result of bit splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found wber Stomach, Liver.
Kidney and bowels are oat of order
If you want these qualities and tbe
tucces they bring, ass Dr. King's Ne
Life Pills. Only 25 eenta at Dl.
Kremer's Drug Store.
I Old Papers 10 centa per bund la ai
tbia offio.
- Washington Letter. '
' (From Our Regnlar Correspondent).
Washington, Oct. 15, 1900.
That the administration regards the
crisis, ao far as American interests are
concerned, a past, lu China, or tbat it
ia anxious to make the power think it
duet, is shown by the withdrawal of
American warship from northern Chin
ese waters, In addition to the withdrawal
of our troop from China. This indi
cates that the purpose for which tbe
recent ordering of the battleship Ken
tucky and the cruiser Albany lo Chinese
waters was done has been accomplished.
The only two American warships now
remaining in northern Chinese waters
are the New Orleana, at Takn, and tbe
Monocasy in the Pel Ho. Those two
will remain all the winter. Admiral
Remy, aboard the. flagship Brooklyn,
is on his wsy Manila, which
ia the headquarters of the Asiatic
squadron of ; which ha it commnnder.
He will be In easy reach of China If be
is needed. Hon.. John U. Carlisle, who
was Mr. Cleveland's secretary of tbe
treasury, said whlht in Washington, a
day or two ago, that he did not intend
to vote (or either Bryan or McKiulev.
but bo believed the latter would win.
A delegatiod of prominentdignitariet
ol the Catbolio church, headed by Arch'
bishops Corrigan and Kyan, had an ex
tended conference with tba president to
discuss the status of their church in
Porto Rico and the Philippines. Mem
bers of the delegation stated aKeiward
that they were satisfied with the presi
dent's explanation of the policy of this
government toward their church and
its property in the former Ppani-b
The published atory tbat General
Chaffee captured $278,000 in gold In
Tein Tsin and shipped it to Washington
is amusing to official circlet. Secretary
Root waa Inclined to be facetious about
it when asked whether Iba atory was
true. - He said : "I never heard that
General Chaffee look anv gold at Tien
Tin, If the treasury people got hold ol
it, they tock advantage - of my absence
1 wouldn't have let them have It bad I
been here." Tba facts are ancient newt
Soma money wat captured by Rear
Admiral Remy'e marines when Tien
Tsin waa taken, and it was about Hie
amount mentioned. The other powers
mad a demand tor the money, but
Admiral Keiny declined to give it up
and deposited it in his own name in an
eastern bank, subjected to the order of
the nsvy department, and It it there
yet. Thit government hat not decided
what will be dona with it, and It may
be said to be held in trust at present.
Tbe Chinese government ha made no
derr.aud for It.
Although there are no parly politics
in tba daughter ol tba American
revolution, it waa brought out at tbe
celebration of the tenth anniversary of
the organisational Washington, several
davt ago, that the leading candi
dates for president to succeed Mrs
Daniel Manning, of New York,
whose reelection is prohibited by
the constitution of the organisation,
and ahose time will expire Feb. 22,
1801, are Mrs. Bryan, wife of Hon. W. J.
Bryan, of Nebracka, and Mia. Roose
velt, wife of Gov. Roosevelt, of New
York. The election will not take place
until the 22nd of February next. Both
ladies have active partisans, but the
election (or president of the United
Stales will probably b an imortant
factor In determining the winner, the
daughtera being fully aware of the
social and other advantigea of elsollna
either the president's or the vice presi
dent's wife to be president of their
Acting Director Sullivan, of (lit bureau
of engraving and printing aaya the
series of postage stamps lo be issued In
commemoration of the Pan-American
exposition at Buffalo, will not only bo
different from any ever If sued, but will
be the handsomest work of It class ever
turned ont by the bureau. Each de
nomination will have tba body ol the
stamp printed in the color prescribed
by law, wbila It will be surrounded by
an artistio border printed In a con
treating color. They will be tb first
stamps printed In two colon ever Issued
by the government.
Dr. Geo. K. Lane, of Portland, Maine,
wbo need to he an army surgeon. Is in
Washington, Ha said on a subject
tbat hat been widely discussed'. "Al
though ourt ia a temperance state,
more liquor has been sold ther than In
any other slat of lis six. Tba feet of
the sheriff of Cumberland county the
put year amounted to about' $60,000.
The prohibition candidate for sheriff
who was recently selected and will go
into office the first of tha year, has
charge of tbe city mission In Portland.
Republicant and democrat united giv
ing him tba largest vol cat in years,
because b announced that ha would
take only $.1,000 aa hia aalary, tnrniog
the other fret Into the county coffers,"
Dr. Lane tayt prominent republican!
are advocating legislation that will fix.
a salary for the sheriffs and give the
state a high license liquor law.
Secretary Hay, who wat one of Presi
dent Lincoln's secretaries and joint
snlhorofa voluminous life ol Lincoln,
declares that language recently used in
a speech, by Hon. Adlal E. Stevenson,
snd said by bim fo bav been a predic
tion of President Lincoln, as to the
ultimate distraction of our republic by
tbe aggregation of wealth in a (ew bands,
waa never used by Mr. Lincoln, bat waa
undarslood to bav been Invented by
t spirituslistic medium not long alter
Mr, Lincoln's death.
Job CoalUn t Ilav Blood It
II he'd bad Itching Piles. They're
erribly annoying; but Hucklen's Arnica
Salve will cor lh word cat of Piles on
isrth. It ha cured thousands. For
Injuries, Pains or Bodily Eroptlona It's
he best sal v In the world. Pile 26e.
box. Cur guaranteed. Sold by drug
gist--Dr. Kremar.
About sending
Yon are not doing yourself Justice when you send away for roods.
First, because you get your living out of Southern Oregon and the
more business that is done in Southern Oregon the more chance you
have yourself of getting more of it. And more business will bricx
more people and more people will help the price of real estate, and so it
goes. .. A personal pride in the advancement and building up of our
community helps everyone ' yourself as well. Again, you will find
tbat ottr prices will average lower than those of the retail catalogue
books, aside from the expense and inconvenience of sending away tt)
remote city for goods and many people who do so wholly overlook the
fact that they must pay transportation charges and collection, etc., and
find that when they do finally get the goods that tbe express or freight
charges have eaten up all the saving.
' Belter tall early and gtt ths pick. '.
Wall Paper: Over jooorolls.
Pipe Thimbles 25
6 gal. GalvanisedOil
Cans, Nickle Fau
cet 60
Kitchen Scales..
Winch White-wash
Brushes 25
Stove pipe Dampers 10
H orae Brushes.regu-
lar 2ta goods 15
Galvanised Camp Kettles
4 qt. 16c. qt, 260.
Tin Pail ad Covers
2 8 4 quart
5 10 . 20 centa ,
Patent Mouse Traps 7
Clotbea Pint, 8 dot 6
Coffee Mills 10
Harness Hooka,... 6
Milk Pans, 6 qt. C5c dot.
(to each, 4 qt.
75c dot. 7c each
14 ot Copper Tea Ket
tles, full niokle plat 08
School Companions.. 5
Hooks and ayea, (144) 6
Sateen Shirts, fine
black goods 98
Buttons, white porc'ln
A dosen 6
Buttons, black, coat
- and vest, par dosen 6
Hose, Men' seamless
)t hose.natural grey 16
Mem. books A pocket
ledgers... Prl
Jap Valise 86
Niikle Plat Stove
Black, reg 10c good 6
Match, doxen boxes 6
ric-TtiHa Moui.nisoH
...CARPK.fS ...
Was a rasl Raaast. '
It ha Just been discovsrsd that
Caesar and Ponipey fought 00 miles
from their celebrated battle ground,
This ahowa that Ponipey ran faster
and farther than haa hitherto been
supposed, says the Chicago Tluiet-lfsr-ald,
and we take pleasure in correcting
the mlatak.
Gsraasa ! Kalis,
Germany's export in steel rails Is In
creasing each year. In ItSt she export
ed 110.410 tons, worth f2, 1511.1011. In
lSSa it increaaed to 121.830 tons, worth
$3,004,000. The Importation of steel
rail Into Germany decrensed from
3.M2 tons In 1W to 2(17 tons In 19.
There are many
brands of baking
powders, but
" Royal Baking
is recognized at once as the
brand of great name, the powder
cf highest favor and reputation.
Everyone lias absolute confi
dence in the food where Royal
is used.
Pure and healthful food is a
matter of vital importance to
every individual.
Royal Baking Powder
v assures the finest and
most wholesome food. :
ftOYAi. sajono.
away for goods:
Furnitnre :
' Rocking Chalrt,-
($15 op
Suites, all new,'lg
Iron Bedt,'t3.7t op
Tables, a beanUful
line. $1.60 to'$20
Couches, $7.75 p
patterns 26a to
$1,100. Besoarnaw
Brussels, Moquett
Axminstert nM
New patterns! New effects I
Flerscher's Zaphyt
Yarna, big
Tin Preserv Kttl. 10
Table Goblets, pr do 00
' ' . Jap Tea Pot
10, 15 4 200
Door Mala, upwards. . 66
Red Embroidery Cot-.
, ton, six for......
Coraet Clasps, pair. . .
Biaa velvet skirt bind
' ing brown, garnet,
alata and myrtle, 4
yard for.. . , I
Pocket Mirrors with
comb and ease..... IS
Lamp Sbad Fram. IS
Sperm Sewing Ma-'
china Oil 7
. aUAtswAsa
LAM ft ''
Tks kla-ajxtfWlaat Mssi41 s ths
lassats Prssosssse
. 8. O. Burn, manager of the Oallateo
covve.y, operating on ths Ortla grant
In Santa Fa county, mad tha orflelat
announcement that ths new KdVson
process of extracting gold from gravel
st the cost of but a few cent per ton
of (Travel haa proved a success at tha
experimental mill at Dolores. Th na
ture Of the process I kept accrsi.
Thomas it. Edison will b at Dolor
this month to mak th preliminary
arrangements for tb erection of a
large plant. ,
Subscribe for THE COURIEU
is a
Powder "
There are rnnny imitation baking '
powder, made from alum, mostly v,
sold cheap. Avoid them, as tbey : Jf,
make the food unwholesome.
towna oo., nr. voag.