Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 18, 1900, Image 4

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Wonderful Exhibition ol Glut Creations
GU Cloth, Class Eyci,
Glut Dough
(From Our Rexulur Correspondent)
Pahib. Sopt. 21, 1UO0.
The filaaa and cryatal exhibit ol the
1'aris (air attracts all lio like flitter
and sparkle. The interior of the hull
look like a perpetual exhibition of fire
work!, flaabea radiating from all the
cut edgea of the glass, reproduced in a
thousaud reflections, and appearing in
fugutive rainbowa on every aide.
There la atrong eomlation between the
glasa worlcera of every country, and the
artistic gnniua of the vurhns racea ia
ahown in the divora forma and the
details of ornamentation of all thia
crystal work, in which color Itself often
appears. Especially charming are the
gobleta, carafe, and bottleaof all aorta.
Home of the objecta are blown to dimen
eioni truly colossal, and one wonders
from what human lunga could have
issued the breath thai Inflated them.
Aa a matter of fact, the pieces are now
blown mechanically, by means of rum
presxed air. One sphere ia nearly five
feet in diameter) from thia enormoua
bubble, three thousand watch glasses
could be cut.
Here we aee the g'asa thread, as One
aa eilk, from which dreasea are made
These are not for every day wear, It is
true, but quantities of the glaaa thread
are used by ladiea for difloretit purposes,
notable for making aiurettee for the
hair or for bat. There are also aped
mena of glasa cotton and woolen, which
ia used for purposes of insulation, or to
prevent the passage of heat.
A novel employment of glass thread
in Germany la the fabrication of In
destructible burners for lamps; the
inventors claim that they are Incom
parable for allowing the regular passage
ol the liquid where petroleum or alcohol
ia used. These burnora have not yet
come into general use, liowoyor.
Ulasa ia alao utilized by the manu
facturer! ol artificial flowers. Crushed
lua special manner, it takes the form
of a very flue
tion of modern science to agriculture.
The exhibit of Hungary ia of special
intirest. Agriculture is the principle
occupation of the inhabitants, and
thirty yesra of peace has given them an
opportunity to take rank among the
foremost nations in lie sdentitlc tie
TtMopnient of agricultural industry. Lena
than five per cent of the surface of the
country is left uncultivated, and every
year, thia apace diminishes with the
extension of ayjtema of irrigation and
Itobbrtl The Grave.
A startling incident, ia narrated by
John Oliver of Philadelphia, aa followe:
" I waa in an awlul condition. My akin
waa almost yellow, eyea sunken, tongue
coated, pain continually in back and
sides, no appetite, growing weaker day
by day. Three physicians had given me
up. Then I was advlne.l to use Electric
Hitters; to my great joy, the first bottle
made a decided improvement. I con
tinued their use for three weeks, and am
now a well man. I know they robbed
the grave of another victim." No one
should fail to try them. Only 60c,
guaranteed, at Dr. Kremer'a drug store.
Shooting Cannon at Clouds in France.
An effort ia being made in some aec
lions of France to dimipate hail storms
by firing cannon at the clouds. Fifty
twocannon, manned by 104 cannoneers
and their chiefs, have been distributed
over an area oi z,;xnj acres ol rich vine
land. For the expense of the experi
ment, the Government appropriated
2.000 trances, (,)80), the departmental
council 1,500 frances ('J8!li, the National
French Agricultural Society and a
number of wealthy wine growers added
12,090 francea ($2,31(1) and furnished
fourteen more cannon. The Minister of
War supplied powder lor 2' cents per
A high point in the vine land to be
.loverod by the experiments was selected
as the central post or observation and a
signal code adopted. When a shot is
heard from the central post all the
cannon are fired, at first twice per
minute; more slowly after the first ten
alioto. I translated the report of the
powder, resembling lirlng at the storm clouds this
diamond dust. It is supposed to give
the effect of dew on the flowers, tlws
increasing the naturalnesa 'of their
In one corner you fancy you have
atumbled Into mythology, and have
encouulered Argus himself. All around
are yei thai stare at you fixedly; eyea
that have a disturbing air of vitality,
eyes of all colors, eyes to auit all tastes,
eyes mora beautiful than many in
Datura. You wonder involuntarily how
o many false eyoa cm be "consumed,"
to use the word In the commercial
eiiae. Certainly, it ia not yet tiie
fashion to have lalse eyea fitted in, as
one would false teeth. The man in
charge courteously explained that there
re many more people with only one
eye than the wot Id in generul imagines.
Artificial eyea are so well made thut the
Infirmity passes almost unnoliced. Hut
me greatest demand cornea from doll
seaann :
"The farmers of Denico wer aroused
at 1.30 o'clock on the night of June 6-0.
The storm was very severe. The
artillerists, from 40 to 50 strong, fired
their guns and stopped the thunder Hiid
lightning. In the neighboring com
nnnes, the peoplo saw columns of flames
rue 300 feet above the cannon when the
shota were fired. At several plaow,
women recharged the cartridges."
The wine growera are organizing to
attack the hail storms in ninny of the
great wine-growing regions of France.
Tiie two experiments thus fir reported
are pronounced auccoasful, A writer in
one of the wine growers' organs aaja-
"The results obtained from these
experiments are such that organization
will be established at once in all the
places that have heretofore been
ravaged by bail."
I am told that the practice of ahooting
extensively carried on this year than
ever before. Joiih C. C'iivkiit,
Job C'oulilti t Have Htooil It
If he'd hail Itching l'lles. They're
terribly annoying; hut lluckleu'e Arnica
Halve will cure the worst cane of Piles on
earth. It has cured thousands. For
Injuriea, i'aina or llodily Eruptions it's
the beat salve in the world, price 'l!u:
a box. Curogiiatanteed Sold by ding
lliat Ir, Kremer.
Diakera and from riaturalinla who attifT I t,,u clcmila waB UnoA-n in France over
animala. Koll eyoa, especially, must be hundred yeara ago, and that il
Tor careiuny prepared, and must not ."a"1"1 ,n llaiy. is io Do more
be the least crohsodj The youthful
purchasers of thia line of goods are very
particular on thia poiut.
One of the curious tilings in thia
curious exhibit ia what socialists call
"glasa dough." Imagine glass, real
glass, that one can knead and mold, and
into which one can drive nails ua into
lead, without chipping or cracking it.
Thia way of preparing glasa, it seems,
waa known to the ancients. They
modeled it like clay and made all aorta
of objects that could be thrown on the
ground or even at aomebody'a bead,
without breaking them. It la recounted
that an artisan who dlscoveied an
esiiecielly excellent formula for making
glasa dough bad the unfortunate idea of
allowing sampled, with an explanation
of their merits, to the Kmporor Tiberius.
The F.mperor examined tliem and
liateaed with condescending IntoreHt.
and inunedutely had the inventor's head
cut otr. Historians assign as the reason
lor thia liurerial deciiion, that Tiberius
aaw somo thing unnatural in the dis
covery, and in order to avoid the
trouble of investigating the unpatented
iiiveiuion, ne suppressed il in the
person of ita author.
Among the other interceding objecta
In thia aectiou are the lwads, the paste,
the pearla, and above all the ataiued
glass, which in design and execution
Tery nearly approachei the famoua pro
ductiona of tlio middle ages.
An exposition wheie all the produc
tion! of the glol-e are collected, with
the document! necessary to show the
progress of civilisation and the social
movement in the diuVrent countries,
the development of their agriculture and
their Industries, permits the moat in
teresting comparisons. Oriental agri
culture ia represented on the Champ d
Mara, by the exhibitaof Itussia, Japan,
Hungary Uoumanla, Servia and Itosnia
llersegovina, and although these nations
differ widely in geographical location,
iu climate nature uf soil, etc. they have
certain characterii.lics in common. In
II, tho right of holding land belonged,
until a relatively recent date, to the
overeigns and the nobility ; and In nil,
at about the same time, there was a
remarkable development in the applica-
The Far West Loit to Bryan.
John P. Irish, the noted sound money
lemociatic orator from California.
addressed a good audience across the
line in Kansas City, Kan., uiging bin
bearers to vote for McKinley ax the
aurest means of retiring llryan and It) to
1 for all time.
Four years ago .Mr. Mutinied the
country fur Palmer and lliickner, and
he is making npeeches this year
especially to the men who voted lor
Palmer and lliickner lour vram nun.
Mr. Irish haa been in the imnpaiirii
three weeks, and he had tl,i, ti say of
the political outlook :
"llryan will lm beaten in California,
Oregon and Washington, and I believe
that bo will also lose I'tul, and Idaho.
I have lceu stumping three weeks to
the gold Pemoi-racy ol the Fast, and I
am confirmed in tho opinion that SO per
cent of the gold iHmiocrats of tiie
country will votu ugaiust Itrvan.
Indiana will beat llryan by more- than
the average uiajoiity,"
At llnil Time.
I take a pleasant herb drink, the uext
morning I (eel bright and my complex
ion ia better. My doctor cays it acts
gently on my stomach, liver and ki,lnes,
and ia a pleasant laxative. It in made
from herbs and is prepared aa easily as
tea. It is called Lane's Medicine, All
druggists sell it at 75 els. l ane's Fami
ly Medicine move the bowels each duv.
II )ou ciuinol gel it, send for a free sam
ple. Address, Orator F. Wooiiitiitil le
H"V, X. Y.
Subscribe for THC COURItR .w j
These unwelcom. vialtora usually appear in the spring or amnnirr, whet, the Mood ia nuking an extra effort to frr.
Itself from the iiimtv imniixii, tl,.,, i... .... i...-i .-... ' lw llrm
I v v. uinumieu Mining U1C wittier IllOlUllS.
Carbuncles which are more painful and dangerous, come mot fivitnentlv on the Kick of the neck
eating grea Holes m the t r.h, exhaust the .trenKtli and often prove fatal, k.ila are regarded by some
lujople M blewmg., and the patiently and uncomplaining! endure the pain and incnuvemc nee uiXr
N..u. of tlmt l"rr ST'if U '""""'J. 'lood i' too thick anvwav, and I Z s
Nature man of thin mm it T l, Ma-v. u ,.. ,,. ...... ,........:.. 1.... : 1 . .- .. .""
llMl.u " 1 - . n A . ' iUW "m IS uinciwa is lull ot ihhsoii ami
trouble., which are only wa.Witg for.favr.l-leorir,ui,;,o,levelop. wan oid" i Julr
tilinO fill , . K'CP tlie 1'1,vh1 Inur. lul wH fcfP the
n tlrur of nil the irritating impuritic that
S. S. S. cures boils and carbuncles easily mZTttl If f ft firtn
and nermanetitlv l,v r..! j llil V i
building up the blovsl and lidding the system of all accumulated v. .He matter
b. h. b. Is made i.f ro.tsand herb which act directly on the blood, and all poiwns, no mailer
how ilerp-aeated, are a.xm overcome and driven out bv this powerful purely vegetable medicine
w. k.. nut m new, uninro rrntetiv, out lor
fifty years has been curing all kindaof blood and tkiu
diseases. It haa cured thousands, and will rure you.
It is a pleasant tonic aa well aa blood purifier im
proves the appetite and digestion, builds up your
general health and keep your blood in order.
Our phvsiciuns have made Wood and akin dia
eaaea a life fii,tvwr,t tti..n, fi.n.. .lu. .
nd any Infor nation or advice wanted will be cheerfully giTn. c make no charge
- . v 'uis mfiM. ovuu iuk viu uwx ou xuoou ana oitiii uiacaaea tree.
Mr. . M. Pratt, C., !. C, wrilei :
J1" '.w''? "' 1 aa
aulirttj will, bulla an J r,l,
UKd by unpun blool. Uuiiiiis
able todwntx my auariuf ; pan i
theliase being unable to woik or lrp.
feveral doctors treatett me. and 1 Irtr ,1
all iht so-clle blots! rrmeJka, but
nothinf Mrmnl to do me any ,hm1.
Iiuiiua tha aum-nrr of isss I was tr
astadcu to it H. H. a, a otl a Iter taking
arreral bolllra w ia cntiirly currl anil
hv had no n urn of ihrac paiuful
pcau up to tfaa prcacut Uuia."
Addrvaa, Tke Swift Specific Ce., Atlaata, ,
WanlilnKton I, t iler.
(From Our Itezn!arCorrcpr.ndentJ.
WashisotoS, O.-t. f, l''0.
There is juat so much apparent friend
ship between the powers in China tiiat
it arou-n suspicion. Aa one gentleman
put it, "they remind me ot a gang of
rounders in the small bourn, who ping
'Anld LangHyne" vociferously and hug
each oilier shortly before engaging in a
free fight." The anxiety of the pow rt
to agree with each other may lie real,
I.... If ..1 I t '
nub ii w, me ciiane lias oeeu ex .rnoro
inary and haa come about without
apparent cause. Of eotir.-) ever body
hoie to see tho whole business scaled
peaceably, but that doe-iu'l nu'ko il
necessary to be blind. There ia tome
sort of a diplomatic going on underneath
all this Auld Lang Byne business, and if
it doesn't mean the prcludo to a free
fight, it probably means A diplomatic
gold brick for somebody when the game
ia played out. The president .will
return to Washington thia w'.cli, and it
will he bis btisineKS to see that the gold
brick isn't left with Uncle Sam.
Heretofore this government lias con
tented itself with politely reipics'ing
the Sultan of Turkey to pay (hoM-
American nii-sionary claims, but accord
ing to a current Biory in Washington, i
ia about to change its tactic. Iu fact.
it is said thut I'ni c.l States Minister
Straus, who was withdrawn from Con
stantiiiople some mouths ago torn:
phasic tho displeisure of this govern
ment ut the turdinest of the mil. in in
keeping hiu promifu to pay those cl-iiins
may return and present un ultimatum
demanding that the claims, be immedi
ately paid or force will be used, unless
the sultan pays before he can get Ihcra.
In odicial circles it is believed lhat the
sultan Inn only dchiyid p.iynii i;t be
cause lie thought this government was
too busy in China and tho Philippines
to b Jther about him, and that he will
soon 1-01119 down without any tlio ot
The biiMnem of die postollice depart
ment has iucieasi d one third In the l ist
four year! or Tl8.,0:i0,001, an I ihe
difference between expanses and receipts
is slowly but surely decreasing, having
been $1,000 OIK) lets for tho lust fiscal
year than for the year previous, but Un
balance on the wrong ridu of the ledger
is still considerable, tho exact figures
for the year being I l,8!i-l, 718,81 Unless
the abuses of cluss mail, v. Inch
are entirely loj liiimeroui, hntwhicfi
congress lias refused to legislate out of
existence after two bard and hitter
fighls, am ullnwod to inctcai-e, llie
business of the post ollicn will be in a
few years self-sustaining. It iB hardly
likely that it will ever be alloai-dlo
become profitable to any con.!dcrabl
extent, as Ihe liioveuient for one cent
letter poslu.-e, wnich has not been
actively pushed for several yeuia can
be depended up, to becoiin- popular as
sooir as tl.o delicit in the po-tul service
is overtaken by the receipts
lieu Fitzbugti, ill his iiiinu-d
report to lite war department, conn s
out flat fooled In favor of the unnv
canteen and declarer that ii tends to the
moral improvement of thu nu n, and
cites the condition of one particular
oinmund, which had no cantceu before
they cattiH under him to prove the
ilechiration. Tho adiii!nlstrntinn takes
giid care to publish evety good word it
receives fur Ihe army can Ice 11.
Advicea received from Senators Chand
ler and Oalliuger, indicate that the
latter ia iu a lair way to close the
former's career as a senator. Mr.
Chandler admits thut bis chances for
reelection aie not more than one iu six.
while Mr. liallitigiir that he
has no chance at all. While .Mr. ('hand
ler claims that it is combined
of New llainpshiro uhlch aie pn-hing
la i ii toward the private life exit, it is
well known in Washington that a long
lino of peisonal af'.'ronU lo ihuse who
dated to oppose lira niil in pirly nM'.iira
made willing woikers against him.
Although during tin- , , . . . -1 of his loi.
career in olli. e, dating im.iy la a to
Lincoln days, Senator Chandler has
been, as a iu;e, tie most ladicnl ol
paitifntpt, bo ban p.isi d as fr. e Itime
during tho last three years and made
several speeches iu the senate ciiti. i.
ing the policy of his party to au extent
that threw Ihe sympathy, if not the
actual sot port of the national haitv
leadcra to his opponents, ('handier is
a bom lighter, and as hu is also a rich
man, be can indulge in the limnynf
lighting just to woiry thu other fellows
and be will do it. The eountrv may
confidently expect to hear from Chand
ler, ami soma of bis tcmarks univ be
Tho Cittoti Veterans' Cuion, ut its
annual encampment, held in Washing
ton, hist week, unanimously adopted a
resolution in favor of building the pro
pose. I memorial bridge across the
Potomac fiom Washington to tin
Natio.ial Cemetery at Arlington, mid
directed the commander - in - chief to
petition congn-ss iu Its favor
There was some smiling in Wa-hn.;;-lon
over Mr. Pryan's charge that Ihe
election of Mr. Mckinh y would mean
the establishment of u foil near evciv
town. From the experience ol llie war
department with delegations of buMne-,-men
from cities anxious to have armv
posts eMahllshcd in their vicinity foi
llie tai-iness they make, V r. Mekiulei
would make more voles than lie would
lose, ii he bud the amhotiiv io
announce that lie would t-siahlirdi a l. rr
near every lowu.
b now mplng rich bxtreM. Modlcal statla
f(T ' complied br tha bwt
iV phyalcians of the world
'J,IW sliow that rrer stxtr r'
LAQHtPPB. ThsrsarsalM
other points el weakness.
Refer to the nam ben on the
chart, fltady each one carev
falfy. Familiarise yoorself
with them. It row hart ea
attack ol LA ORIPPI Uxia
the ase ol llt'UYA aa
soon ai tha arnte irraptoms
have snUtoed. II t III' A will hrtng aboul
Ihe restoration to perfect health.
The Parts Affected Are:
1. thb ni.covs nrniRANB UNINO
oiaes Inflamed and tblckoaed, and a Chronic
Catarrh tf the result. Ill IIVAH wlU reduce
the Inflamina'ion. end leave the macoui menv
brane In a r-crfr-ctlr healthy condition.
flamed and thickened, tiring rlie to almoal
total drsfneu. H I'll VAX will prevent the
spread ol Ui Inflammation. The drum will not
be aflcctcd a:el htiarliir wilt be unimpaired.
BOKU THHOAT.-KreiD the unie caue tue
two ireev.H.K. IIL1VA will prereut Its
aomlog ou.
Y.l will sr retithe n the heart liervei, equalize
the rlrentatteti ol hfinsl, and raue the avail
bcata to bt-r-ftrne strong and remitar.
LOWER t.Ollli.H oil III! I.UN01-HI UVA V
Will caiiRe me lung tuaue to becuuie strong
and henllhr.
T. LUM0A1O, 0? WEAK BACK.-ni D
V. will siiciiKilicu II almost liumedtalelr.
III'IIYA wtllenreatl of the eliove suip
lotus and leave your whole system In a perfect
conilltlee of health. Co to jour driiKiilHt at
onee and prtK-rire a mi-knKe of IIMiYAX
for fo rerita, or sis paekavs for I'.1. to. If your
drurrlt drws not ku-p It, send direct to the
llllVA IU:lll.lY I OHPt Y,Sa.i
Krani-taro. Cat. Iteiiiriiits-rtliat yntl ratieonautt
the III lY t IHK'TOIlst I l!KF.. Call
and see the d-s-tors. yon may call and see
tboin or write, ae yon 1etra. Address
fludyifj K?mcdy (omr.ny
Cornr Stockton, Market and Ellit Strttli,
Yarrrt-ll Knmri More Now, llavlns;
l'altl Tvro Flnaera for Ilia
Know ledae.
In the counse of a visit to the zoo
logical "-aniens in Ittonx park, New
York eity, the other day John Fnr
rell aeiptired home wisdom concern
injr the liisinliantuecH of nasni-hiting-too
iiitimntely yviili bears. For hia
experience he tinderl two (itinera.
'I'liei-e ns a ei-.nvd aiounrl the bear
pits wiitehinj.' the hnie iinitual.s, who
were close lo the tens, heirin- for
dainties, when Fiini-ll cnnie up with
a biiir of pent, ills. Formerly he was
employed ns an u.ssi'itiint in the park,
niul he knew- ihe nniiiiiil.i. or thought
lie knew- then,. 1 1 luiniediatel.v
pitslieil through the crowd iu front
ni ine pit where the polar bears are
kept, and climbed the mil there
.lust ns l-'nriell wns cuphiuing that
he knew nil about tl- animals the
tirst bear to arrive look into his
month the olTen d a ,-inutH ami tic
i.iinii nun ii. -io mem. i Here wiik ii
shout of piiin and terror from Fur re 1 1
Mild it growl from the other bear.
which was also trying to get a frrip.
The first bear made no remarka; just
hung on like jjrim death to the hand
until Keeper llecy came up with
neaiy oar unil uaiiiniereo linn over
the nose nud head. 'I hen he bnekel
i;T, Ki-owlitiif fiiriimsly. They took
l'arrell oer ,, the r. f r. .-hmt lit house
nud sent for no aie. hri 'ii uee Hint took
llllll to the Flowi-r 11 ispil.-ll.
The Miriri-on aid thut there wasn't
enouedi left of Ihe middle linger of
Ins right hand to he of nuy use, nud
thnl ihe third tlmrer would very like
ly be lost, loo. bin for the Interfer
ence of Keeper lloey the n lurry iiuimal
woulil doubtless h.iM- drawn the
man's whole arm In through the Intra,
in which ease the other bear would
have neeured n hold, and there
wouldn't have been any iirni left.
Thrilling: Ksiirrlrnee nl a I'alnlrr In
.Midair, 1X1 let from
the tlroiiuil.
Joseph Henry Specr, a boss painter,
wiisengau'c.! by t lie low II of liloomliclil.
N. J to cliuil) the HatrvtalT iu the park
to tcplncf a rope broki n iluiit.g u re
ccut storm. To i relent being natehrd
by a irnpini: ctoud. Spi , r i.i-ied four
o'clock ill ! tie moi nin- t,i .lo the work.
He took oil' his coat and v, ,-t. and. ll.l
Jiisilng lii. s; -urs. lM(,-an the a-eet t.
Specr ri.l.-beil Ihe top. IV :, f,-.-t from
the I'rolill.l, lit day lftt , niul. to al . id
lieeicellt, tin! ole end nf tl-.e rope
iiroiind hia left .inn. lie was jiu. in
ine nei or putt llie u. w
throu.,'li ti
ll hen he fe
sol'l'cd niul
pecii - ,-i, iv mc
The rope held
ttlen Speer mantle;
and slice linn n It
I be!,
c at
w tl,
loivt. v ar.l.
ti mi
d to
w ay ton n. In re hi i , n .,
an hour before pvkln j, i,
eont ; :i in- t he lit , n t. i
reached the ground. S;..
Folic, man baw r, ree II
Jiieki d up his coat arid
was ihe one n ho r Mv-vr-Sneer'
t hr.lhnc. . --ci o
r f
I'll r. line
e himself
bar. half
i' tor ha, I t-.
he tirially
ii in! Hint
liorter had
t. tittd w ho
the rope,
has I'ulil-
him and turned hi
ptetely iintieried
hull- -i-.-iy.
Nut KatiMln lliiw to Itun It, He
('were reeW. Hut 1 , !-
Ii-rliiai Injury.
r ni)-
it to tct
. Ndliaii
.-k.. a loeom,
of ti a. k. Th
u free ride
i St. t'liiir. u
tin- and lore
c en-;iue was.
111 an
Ihe nihil
1 1 limp, w
up I ro,
standiiie; iu t!,e
and St. i i lir
pu'lc.l op. u t!u
lin' cut ou I )u main
was soon layoinl his
w as nol sleam i none-
the li
and Kidi-way. l hen about tiie miles
out of town the i-:i)ilili- wa seen bl
nil a-eiil of the r. ninny conpany. It
passed linn al h leiri'i.- tp.-id. mid inl
ine. balcty ufici-Mard. ni rniindit'e; a
sharp i-iirve. jumped lite l luck. Hails
and ties Were lorn, twisted lltl.l
br. 1,1-n. 'Ihe lender was split from
end to end, the engine, nftcr
bil-npiui; aloti en the ties tor si) rods,
rolled ....r a wrick. St. flair, who
wn hinii-o; from the eat wiutiii),.
for an opportunity to jump, waa
thrown marly JO feet iuto tha britsh,
CI me unit OrylctlnB of
Woman's VtwH la Drook
l, X. Y.
FlatbiiFh. whoho beautiful hmrn
r.)r stit;itt; u li( coiiiii-2 frill to the out-
tiki: ft, f 1 troy Id 'u, hut a woman's club
th;:t 'I'.fK i.of lt!(ii:i; to -the fttlra
tioi:. no rt;Ii!, r.u by-lis, no fiiir-
linim-iitury friKa'iin:., 1.0 in:f:ntiou j
f-f. no !aiK noihiiPA in f:ift, t hnt j . .,yt)ril)( CkJ ,iCiit tWvU if 1
.do.ea,,!..,: , ",.1. .
nuintititMautiir, ti,,,, - " " " ... a I . of U IVf'V fJ 0 U I t:l
o tit m ra i ng" !. sure bi.u fiy
The Ds-kwIimI L.-n)i is the Kon.fwliat t Nt' lint oiir
in.aniiilciift title i.fid to -r.nlp Miiftiitf.-" wU' n .jiri; In any p'nt in
the oraiiiutiob. Ihe club iu iis jn-
Ay mi- ('Xi't-tlit'nt
A familiar name tor tho Ch:e.ic, Mil
waukee A St. Pan! Kailv, snovwt al!
over the t'nion ae th tireut H?i.ay
rtiliLli:; the '1'ionc r Lituiifd ' Ira'"?
every dav and nht between .-t. Paul
audi'l.icW'. '"l "'" i!,:l"',,;
' 'l i e only perfect trains iu the world.''
rndiTiitand: Cotnieclii-ns are made
with All l-in-'S. amtii
itix to pa:-sen-;,-iB Ihe best servics kno D.
;hl", sleain
l-y no oiner
! in al, of a
See that:
via "The
All tick-
eeptioil With
ll.eet the I X i 'j " lie it s of birebtiess,
when on i-nt urd..y nights the male
. hcmiH of half u tUv.-n ftntiilii a tii -rerted
the hearttiKtoiii-H to lime nit eieni.ig
tofcctiier with cauls ut the club, re
tiitnii. nt the wee. Munll houra.
"We women nat nl home tilntie H.-it-ltrilay
: : cit-os half the winter." one
of the Dir. ; ied Urn explained,
a hai.-pv tlo ucht came to one of
We woulc no-it, have ean'h iitu! mi p
per our"i lien. The first nnctiri' whk t
held at I y home. The hidii s ci-i!; ri d !
a carri..:;e to come for thnu nt one!
o'cli-h. 'i he men were not U. be in-1
ff.i in. 'ii of our' pin on. but I mi i.t ii. lied 1
to ir-y iiiisoucd im ideutallv thi.t I ex-
p. did a few- hidle.i for c.-iiiin t ! : ii t t-pe-j
l ial eveninir. Ijnite to my mrp.-i.'-e hej
emne hoiue just tin we were hi.viuc
Mippcr. lie ra.-pid the hituiiiinn at j
once, and thought he had' a rare joke
on the men lie had left behind him at '
the elub. Kvery Satuniay evening j
fiittee then those men have eoine trail-!
intr In at It o'clock." '
the lit serleil1 IT.-riK. aa thev saw'
. ! Ihe I'niu-d t-'t- ortatiada
et agents fell litem.
l-'or raleK, pimpbiets or oilier li'.tot
nialiou, add-et-s,
J. W. t'ASilV, - J- E"UV-
Trav. Hh-s. At; I. (ieneral A-'ont,
W.tftlt. J'OlllL.lMl, UK
lave a CAMMUA do tn-l fail lo
li-o'i on our mppiies :
neeial and I'tulmn Ve!o. A r.-to-I'.llt
fit to cull tlteniKelves Ix-fore they took ino. Kirkliind'.i l.itliiuiu, Id-ul I crro I'l-u
matters ttito tiieir own hitniln, are no
longer so i!e.erted ns they were, ltut
the odious- name still elitiH.
Aetlon uf
lo Tlxlit
the Ortcaai laivuted
lltlusi Cloth.
Aiihwert nays: "Very few soldier
who have seen nitieli i-erviee ei-eajie
what b: eiillnl buttle lieiirt. The ordi
nary mate of the heart iu healthy peo
ple is, one i f irritability, but in the wi
ttier of tiie or nix .vials' st n ice tin- irri
Hlt'eetH his. tempt r. '
"The lltiii.-h soldier," we ure further 1
told, lib-men the Army and Navy
Journnl, "wears such lijiiit eliithii't; '
that his hi ai l has not room to bent j
freely, and tin- peroet u,-i I st n.c:; le to do
itn work in. tier ilillieultii s iiijims it. i
The Koltlier's trousers are tiphi nt the '
waist, lili eoat if bnttotnil a... lightly i
lis possible, and very rift, n he Mpi;i::,'s :
l.iin.-i II Willi a beit. 1 lie ii e l, ,n i.
iitareh his ehisi is eoin;iti -.-.-ii by the
weight of Ids kn...Mick. catiti-i ii, jjrent
eout iind heavy t-nrtritlve belt.
"If you watch a company of no'.dicrs
when they are doin;; a lonj; maicli you
will obsei-.e that moM of Hum have
tin '.lied lac, .-. n d eats, ri d iiom-s, s w ol
I'" necks -showiiiL' that the hi art is
r:-utly oieitaxcd. Some, on iliemhir
hand, ate pule, which pn.v, s thnt their
hearts tire not eipial to tiie work
thrown on tliem. Win fler a iery
lore, itiarch. the iin-n have to ili-ph.'y
into fiyhtinjr order, and perhaps lusii
a hill, a very Iur;re ininiher break down
altogether. Their overstrained heart
never hi-eonics really a-trontf and
healthy niriiin."
Kite. Hovul unil treticli .-a'.in, Jr. l.iue
Prim. "
Metol (jtliltiil. K. (!.. Mi-lnl llydr.iehi
iiotie, Amidol, liyilto-.Mctol, Katn.u.
Ari-to Siticle Toner, Kitrina, lioi.l.
I.iihiiiiit l'owders.
, ail, from the Stump
l'ii .'lit m vies ol Ixo.
'or.t .Miitlnt
t'liotos to -l.o.
Print Triiiniter-i. I'uMin Hoard and
Wheel I'utlen: Tnf..l-. I'n-es, Punt
! Krallies, Neciilivu Ita- l.s, I'lllll Hollers.
inline, V.'.v . K-
I-'irst Slc..-i it
i-H't oml " "
Amateur riintHLTiipIicr I'uilraHurc al II
: i: Al Vista....
! I'm O It. t.) . .
No. 5 t'yi him1
llrV, tul'lillk'- .
j I't . -V '
; I'o.o .Mlicil'lie.
! Pull's l-:Ve, No.
l-'or lite
ii e and i
ee ef lev
. a(
.. Vll-
lll HI
In ii
Don't Be Doped
An In vluurntlnit (lutdiior Snort Thnt
Trade tu Stlniulntr the Nerv.
eus Nyeteiu.
One of the prominent women c-olf
players of the city says that the iraine
has proved very hem liciiil in eiii"-
'""""" "i iierie llluolie; won
I lie nature i,r I lie jratne and tin i-xl.i;.
iinitiii on til cor atmosphere i n v .:-: t
Iind Mimuiate the nerves nni! lit women
for (.'renter t t',,i t and hi t j r i :i-enu-trol,
rays the .ew Vork World.
One i.f the i xasp, rat inir f, a
tures, however, in connect ion with tl,,
panic, from a feminine point of view,
is vthe injunction (.f sj, ,.,. y,.t ;, j,
this very point that trains in .,-lf-r, ni
tre!, for tl.e player soon hams
fierce is e!.!eti when her am ii lion i-cnu-ai;.
d with the hall, and tlmt il she
I- I., .-ne well she must think
la' her :h;,n chatter.
The trol r sehisol is probably the lies!
si-hoi,: in wl,jeh the bo.veot tinir of c.i
iu. try ;.. tauhl. l-'tirtherinore. w hi.,
the fi i. r of j-olf is relentless when i
takes hold of a womnn, and iincci- its
fascinatini; inlluiiiee she forgets her
w-irst c.miesin. triiiredies, her 1
frb ti. Is and hue no lime for Itmw n
leaiiini-s or tiin-ieales, the i-on-e-ipienees
in this direction are olTsi t by
In ticlioinl i ITcct nil. m temperaniciit, for
it serin to solidify ambition,
straiirhten her jm-crment, calm her im
pulses and control her temper.
There have It-en nlaee.l upon the market
several etiean n irlnts of hii i.t'solete islitmn
of " W'elistei 'ii llletiiinar.v." 'I'l.ey HIV ts-llnf
ollc-reil uudt-r various iiuuieg ui u low price
nryirnol! draler. crroeoit. nirrnM. etc.
in a ti'W iiwtnntx's ha u jnumiuiu toruutkHtjiii
tioim to paK't-i.
Anuumiix'uient! nf thew; conmaruttvcly
pppHntu ore very mU'itilfiitf ; for inti'ncn.
they nr Htlvertirt to It th
cHivulent uf h tiiirhcr-prii til Imorf, lun 1:1
mility, fr us wu kuu.v ituu U'lievu. they
uic all, fn un A tu Z,
Reprint Dictionaries,
lhotntyc e'iptcs nt a lxw,k uf o r tlflv
yiin-H tivu, wtii.-h fn itMliiv wa-"i( i(ralMiit
S.VU0, tit. 1 whifh wtw tniifh siipcriur m ih(ht,
print, u:hI hinilitiK to tin m niii!ationr. I nig
tlfcun u v ork "f hiiuu merit instt'iid -ji mm
Long Since Obsolete.
The n'li-rUwut uf innu nu-i-allei uew
wuriN," which noiiH'uf th-w hiHtk-tare il'lx t'r-ti-.
ti rnniHin, wn ( miipiktl ly a irentle
man who dnit over forty year mro. arm wnn
liiitilirthetl U'i'niT his ilt u'.li. m!iit iiiim.i'
tuMitiout iiiv pruUilily uf mui-e or iUul-.
; a i;c net
Tho WeMtcr's Uaridgid Dictlonsry puh-ii-huit
h'' uu.' hoii-s n ttn- on!. 1111 nlori'iiis
oiieuf that imtKu' to thift m'in-nttn.ii.
It coiiia..!,- tivvr pae, v. Ah .Initia
tion!, un tHttrlv eiorv pujfi-, ami U-m-s our
tnipritit un Hit' til I aw It 1.- piotivUd by
cupynjfht from t-lieup uuiiiit ion.
Vuliiiil-le le 1,111 work m. c hnve at vut
rxp"nj puhli-inil a tlioruujrhlv iv N il
am -fi-Mir, known throiiL-hont itif' Wurdl m
Webster's International Dictionary.
As a liictnmury Uuis it lilt timu jtiu uliuui'l
Get the Best.
IltlHtratisI panil'lilet fi-ee. Addi-i-M
C ft C MERRIAM CO.. SwIntfltiJ, Mass.
r- r-r-- ' "yj-(gtuis-e gf-iT
nt. Lt 1 tST IMPBovt)j
Sewing Machil
liali Bearing, HiKu un, f
very re, ,;
" r
i'oa Hah Br
Lir: vV l01 fn lir i
Hair-Riddle Hardware ,
' I
I r.
! ? ;
I Send for t'alnhurue
I UmI'KO Tl I'KIVttlTKIt it St'l'l-t.lKti Co.
! HI. IKK S.ItKET, I'01:TI..VN1)
$17,500 in Prizes
HE DELINEATOR, the Magazine of Fashion well known for a nenmi;.. t
celebrates the dawn of the new century the year 1901 by offering isc-i,.
pnes ranging Irom 3tUU to t.UU to laui women. I otal of prizes, $17,5(8
Prizes will be awarded, not to those sending the largest number (ti nt '-'
scriptions to THE DELINEATOR, but to those sending the largest numtxrn '
proportion to the population of each town In which they are secured. T.'
woman living in the smallest town has just as good a chance to win t larji - .
prize as the woman living in a city. ':
To thisfend all towns and cities In the United States and Canaduv
divided Into seven classes, according to population: . '
CLAS8 ONE Includes oil olttea of 200,000 Inhabltanta or over. In thli elasi ttiei '
am 28 prliea to be given owny, the highest being $500, the lowest fS-00. u
CLASS TWO Includes all cities from 50,000 to 200.000 Inhabitants. In thu tin
there are 133 prizes to be given away, tha highest being 1400, the lowest U.jt'i .
CLASS THREE Includes all cltlea from 30,000 to 60,000 Inhabitants In this cisu
there are 208 prlies to be given away, the highest being S3S0, the lowest isoo.
CLASS FOUR Includes all cities from 10,000 to 30,000 Inhabitants. In this ctsti
there are 297 prlies to be given away, the highest being $300, the lowest I9,(t '
CLASS FIVE Includes all towns from 8,000 to 10,000 Inhabitants. In this tinti
there are 307 prlies to be given away, the highest being $200, the lowest It
CLASS SIX Includes all towns from 1,000 to 5,000 Inhabitants. In this classthei
are 31)7 prlies to be given away, the highest being 91 SO, the lowest ls.00.
CLASS SEVEN Includes towns of 1,000 Inhabitants and undor. In this clan tin k
are 601 prizes to be given away, the highest being (100, the lowest 11.00.
AN II I TKTT? ATTfiN .A m tMng subscriptions in a city of population wivo'j "
ill ILLUOlIUUlUn l, Class. She woulj compete with others m,ltn( tubscie.
linns fmni tnwnsof . , pnj.uldlioti up lo io,ou. She would have an opMrtunily olsinmu -one
..f i .7 pines, lii. h inmlil lie aslitijh as and could not tie less Ihan $,. Shewitli.i
larner proe it she sent in twenty sulis. upturns than woulil a women w ho lor.inli-.l twentr We
a tiiwn v,.,xx-, uee.-iiise her pri.p..rti..n -f Mit.senpttons lo population would lie hrerr. Tsa '
bulne tha esse, some very small lists will wta some very larce prizes. Iu oneoluurtr-n .
pi ue ullfcts, a wutuaii tu W a&lnuKtuu, U.L., won a prue ol Jjj lor securiiij,- only 14 subscniiiKi ;
NO COKDITION The s-1me wom-1n cn "'in several prires In every class hv takinri -.
w ,"1''"v'i'J s.n,ti. .ns in towns. Ihe contest hFKnu with thisannoiiin.
ni-nt and will terminate February lSth, HOI. I'rovtdinir the first order contains twnorise.
sul-s. upturns tli'j; mil lie an rpo-.l at 0 cents rath. Siiliscriptions can tie sent allermtdaiui "
eut rate unlit f-el.tu.i. v ,-.t!i. .... '1 he r.-Kular price ol The Delim-ator isi.ayf. Sal. '
n upturns uiui Uttiu with .Nosuniuerot December of lyuo, or January, February or MarclKsV 5
PROFITS FfiR AIT Fv"' u'"ni"' fails to win one of the above priws. hot vVi .
l i i "i-A. s.:ii.sMil,s,riptions.HlheproiK)rtionofoneti.evervt.ohiiiMi4
inhabitants of a town, will tie paul a s)..-cial ptue of tea leu's on each subscription lecunsla
addition lo ilic uucuntj, allowed above.
and women ran best irenmmend it to women. It is a ereat favorite a. uuior them. Th.m .
ii.iw iii.-ie thin I.Hir hundred and eurhtv thousand suWribere. if you are not inltrestela
tins oiler, ca.l llie altentiun of out Inendi 10 11. '
yLI. women in sendinir their first order of two or more subscriptions must mtntios ret
1 i.-v are to apply upon the above i.lfer complete information recarilnig pnin, i .
Is-i l"i is.", .-e V'V ,1 ,lh"se who are not thoroughly acquainted with Diemcnuilt i
1 lit. Pl.l.l.NtAlUK, full iiiforiuatioa will be seat upon request. Address,
.7.TO 17 West 13th Street, new York
(iron th of II I it (III,.,
Amiriirinnl'.t liililout by William Tenn
riiiluili-ll.hiii mis tu,, niilis l,,!, ,,, I
one mile i,le. Tonnsliin Hfti-t- town- i
t-li'i nn nntiexeil. till nt Inst the eity
lioillll'lirie l-oinei.lei! viith of 'u
foimty i';' niili-K lot e. H,..-i,, ,,,, rrun
tin- old nniiity lines niul tm k in tin
until itilt timiis. Ilrenler Ni Vrk
unit I liieiiiro tioiv i-,-ei 1: in nre.-i tun!
impiiliu ion some l-iiu , i :,n iirim-inali.
ih-Ii e..-i ei l.- .'i. .,!:,, hs
11 p'-'e i-fi: til lie j, ii.t ,,,-tion
! Mil.nrl.s. i it h Ii irisliitite uu.
VIA Till."
iilfgSllCsKNtf1l Sh.-ist.-i Koine
Ol'sveata, and 1 1 n-l -.M.irks r.i,tnint.l r,l nil I'at J
,lrnllmi,n,-s,t,.n,!u.l..l,l,rMo,rTt rr(1 i
eOuaOrnctisePKisiTC u 8 Pitcnt Orncr)
j ,111a we can secure r .1 t 1:1 lei , f .., 0,,,.,
,.reinote (roin a.l.- i;.,u.. f
. ; Scnil niiulvl. ,!, .ii. j , r -r ... ill, .te.nit, $
",'"" "''". " I" ' I-..I. Her oti
aeh.ire. l,ir fre ,i ie 1. 1 ..,r,--.t is .-,-.1. i
m P1HSHI tT, 11 'W t. ii.m i.n rj-niis," w
II ic
sent tree. A.l.lrrns.
I Oar Parr NT
Ir.iln-. I, . in,, tiraiiis I-.ish r,
limit ami uj stiiiiia., .
ii. 111. noil ; 13 p. ,
ir I',
I . Ill
Oil CT Uau.kTAU
III. ..,,., 4
o. e. !
n 111-1
lliorlatinti. lint the pro!.
K-'ii'l tiiiii tit tfri.w i i-,ii;
iitiin i;ro in xitv.
'ems of i-'ty
rxity lis tin-
Tlie t'lilneae riatall.
I'ntil Ii.;? tin- Cliinesc wore their hair
lor.iT urn! i-.ileil on tin- top of tl-ir ln-inl.
iilure it as fastetieil ivirl, nil oittn-11:1-111:1!
pin. The .Vatuhit i.liet iiiakiin:
tlie I' ttllil 11 .siiTti uf lolliltl, i-linii..ei!
s t
tjiiitiiiie is 10 vi-rs Uhitnl. I'oM, !
not now liave to be endured. llisi.n s
I'lM.atu- l'iii-L4 leultesl (I V lllltlii.- tr,,m
their eneyi ,-riiw.l a wtet's onlinurv
Iteatiiient into I.' In. urs and ,il,i,i ihe
nor.-l.s ,. ei.l.ts over tniilil.
"Il was the wornl e-ise uf . rin I ,.-..,l..l
A ball it.zi-n 1'riends bad stite cores. Mi I
11 l.utiir 1-11. Meant 01 ibe I'y si 1 mic T ii.
I l . lo Inv ali.nellient lliev stopped Ik. Ill -i-lil
and e.-iuti llie pr-l liilit. 1 ,iidr-e
11110 re. 01. in., no :irm i,. th,.
l.-tii'i i II so v, 1 -in I r o1
and .A llornev. p I .at
r mti i-eo, J illy 7. pan.
Tin- New 1 1 in ist .,.
On II:,- X ir I.. 1.. I',,,-.-; .
OU it's- l-.ilel 1.....-1 ,;l: 1 !.
at , .t Mi-r,' iiivi-.-i ,.-i
iinve two ii.-,.), 1, ,. :.,
itit-t It .111 M.-nV 1 .,.,1 , ..
.ippleci it,. A
Ass'l lit o'i l'.i-s v,t't. JV
t'ot ll.l.'a. ,1 11, ..
Tin- IXiiinu
tI till- N.iltli, Ml IV. lie
ail.l lii-iv tt.iiti p,- rvi,-.- ;al.
lire- l!ioro:ili:v tm ,i- mi
e.l, .UP I will lie c-... 'e. I In
Ti.ey ill : .1 r. tn .1
X f.u-
' tin u 0--l'."s
' ii-
f a -. 1 il.s
V -I
rri-01 S-.,
I v. I' rtlaiel . .
l lll-.l'l- I'.l-V.
r. I 1,:. ,, ,1
r. let .hi, -ol,,
Vr. S in I l.iiiei,-,
r. ii; let, . . .
r. ..-ner
Vr. K iti-is; c,u
r. fi..eal;,, . .'.
s 1 a.m. 7
-M is p i. jo
i- ii.i .1.111 11
1 11,1 P.m. 4
p to. it
! ' p 111.
MM 11 111.
-'i 11.10.
1 11.111.
I ilrs
i- r ti.,. i;i
Ar. I,., A,u..:,.. 1
Ar. I I i';,s . ,;
Vr. l'.-rt W, ni,. . ,,
Ar. till ol Mexico'..
Vr. ll..i;--,, , .,,
Vr. New tirl,..,s t --j-, a
Vr. V aOriii...,.,,
Vr. Ne V01 is . . j j.; .,
. 111.
":; I', in.
i'lit 111
111. l 'J
:d p. 111.
.ID a 111.
l m
i'i :l ill
. I 11. to
I :4"i a.m.
J 0i n to.
i" :-"i a.m.
'-it) a.m.
i"l -i. in
"'p. 111.
"i' .1. to.
' 11. 111.
-' " a. tn.
'-' p. m.
-i- a. 111.
-' p. tn
otl-i .
A Iv (',
-'' M.i
pinV.-ii j
- t Mai j
- lilsltt- I
:.- u u
'.'i.i at
I'I'I.I.M V. AM'. 'uiI IU-rt'l
I...: 1 1 1 r .... , ! .
1 ...i:r 1.
"i-'leti an. I l: I'.,.,,
s.i.'ia:ii.-iito t
1 Tourist
''' tlrle.HH an, I
Shortest and Quickest
Throuitli I'lilnrn mill Toiint Slrrp
t rs, Diolnej noil Itu ITi't Sinekiff
l.iluai-jf l am.
111 ...s
ti-el. an
t . l o!., I
t lie i-.tli .Hid 1
tie. Af-.i-r u.-t- j
Int.- t ti 0 i n -ine !
L-oiiitul. loeri'i "Winter colds have aluavs l-een ,.j, u. '
1 to hol.l it 1.11 lions- 10 llie. 1 lie, nre liard ai.,1 .... :
iloiMi ,.1-ail,. b llieet, Oiirni I """,!'x- l''1'""''1-' OiiiiMoppeil-iiod,.,,., I
I . .. s. , euiiji- I III, :. 1
j isnuh and eol.l iti-npprareil in h,J . ,
"V ......K I.Sl- ,... . ,,p ,'-l
II atova t.( .van
trotn n b. re
an- made !
1 nev ,sp
Mas listi I.. Hot un
rrnnelsA-o. .ui;. ti.
"I live a. ross tlie str,-,.
lHl' I'VlWll- Tatar, ra
ftial is how I nr-t to,,!, the,,,
tMt.ts w tiboitt rioiii e. I 1, tail .1 '. ' 1 l.,.ii
i,l, .... . 1. , . - " " "uses ' "
... , ., -, , In,Mi,l wile,, j w ,
1 '.,:.-"vv! , V" tt''-'-.pit:iosl
I Mreel, I rrn, is,,,. Mm on , b
lossj sjretrt M. (. uiniMa. 1 ur
A Family Librahy
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J. P. FRY.'Presiilent.
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B. A. Booth, Caalu'