Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 11, 1900, Image 3

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    Something good
fop breakfast...
Nice fat Mackerel at 10 cents,
this year's catch, best we've
had for a long time.
Some nice Salmon , Trout
whole fish something
What is
why it is that new breakfast food made of the celebrated
Red River Wheat. We also have the Celebrated H. O.
Mush and Self-raising H. 0. Buckwheat.
New -tYrrlvali t Extra Fancy Whilo-Comb Honey.
ew Home-Made Sorghum,
Bananas and Nrw Curranla, at the
is the time to plow with an
" Oliver " i)U 'n your crop
and let Nature do the ' rest.
' You then know that you have
done your best, and can await - .
results with a clear conscience.
01ivM X'Iowh CS iv ' Jitiwlufl ion."
Walk-Overs need no intro
duction to the general public, as
they are known as the best at
the price in the country.
All the materials used in this
celebrated line are the best
obtainable at any price.
Walk-Overs are made by the
best ot skilled workmen, and are
model products of ap up-to-date
They are made on lasts which
fit the feet, and cut by patterns
that fit the lasts.
By a combination of the essen
tials BEAUTY, EASE and
WEAR, a most desirable re
sult is obtained. This combi
nation is found to a greater tx
tent in Walk-Overs than in any
other line.
More Welted shoes are made by the Walk-Over makers, ( GEO. E.
KEITH COMPANY), than any other concern in the world. Thus,
purchasers of Walk-Overs get the result of the greatest experience,
combined with the best and largest facilities.'
All Walk-Overs made from American stock are sold for $3.50.
In order to maintain the presclit high standard on our imported Heyl's
Patent Calf and Sueur's Enamel they must be sold for $4.
In ordering by mail or express, state STYLE, SIZE and WIDTH
plainly, giving name and address. Add 25 cents to the catalogue
price, for transportation charges.
Plumbing and Metal Hoofing
Iiiils furnished for new hot water system and pipe
work of all kind.
New Store
New Goods
New Prices
Xocal "bappentngs
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Denlul.
C. St Louia for watch repairing.
Whips, )0c to 2.50 at Hackstt'e.
Tablet ot all kinds at the Coi alts
Koh-I noor pencils at the Corsica
Old Papers 10 cents per bundle at
Wood wanted on subscription at the
Cot'nmu office.
New line ol writing tablet 5c to 50c,
at CoiBiEK office.
Wanted A (rood girl fo general
housework; Immediately. Mae. F Jl.
W. E. Deau & Co. baa a lew odd sites
of ladies Tailor Made Suite to close out
at a reduced price. .
The Masonic lodge of this place is
contemplating the erection of a new
three story brick hall.
When you want a mackintosh that
will shed rain, buy one of mine.
R. O. McCroskey.
The assessed valuation of Drouerty
within the corporate limits ot Ashland
lias been increased $300,000.
Lobt Between Grants Pass anil
Grave Creek, a drab colored overcoat
Finder return to this office and receive
Hon. Win. Colvig will address the
people on the political issues from a
republican stand point on Monday.
October lo.
Ladies and eentlemens shoes from
the very coarse to the finest hand turn
ed shoe in black and tan.
R. O. McCroskey.
Klamath Falls has or.aile a contract
toi street lighting by which they pay
,l0 a month for 50 lights of 20 csndle
power to run all night.
A district C'hristain Endeavor conven
tion taking in Southern Oregon, will be
held at Mid lord Friday, Saturday and
Sunday, October 19, 20 and 21.
Have you noticed the number of new
Rambler bicycles on the streets recent
ly ? They are sold at the Hair-Riddle
Hardware Co. store, and the price is $40.
The Foiesters of America of this
place have rented the opera house for
Thanksgiving evening and will give a
grand mask ball on that date.
Dou'l forget the Ideals when looking
for a good medium priced Bicycle. All
kinds for old and young, prices $20, $25
and $30. Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
Why pay $1.25 per tier for wood when
you can get good Blab wood from
W.I,. Ireland for 75 cents per tier?
Leave orders at Cramer Bros. Hard
ware. A good chance (o start in the Belgian
Hare business 1 Pedigreed Belgians at
a bargain. For particulars call on or
address., Col. W. Johnson, Grants Pass,
Ramblers are establishing a good rep
utation for themselves. A pleased cus
tomer is the beet of recommendations.
Those who-ride Ramblers always praise
their wheels. Price $40. Hair Riddle
lldw. Co. ,
EON'T wait until it begins raining
before you order your winters wood.
Order now and get good dry slab wood
ol W". L. Ireland at 75 cents ner tier.
Leave orders at Cramer Bros. Hard
ware. The Nipper saw mill at Williams has
been shut down for a few days but it
now in full i last again. The heavy rain
softened the roads to it was impossible
for the teamsters to haul logs to the
Train No 15, south bound, after leav
ing here Sunday morning succeeded in
getting as far as Bloody Run, where the
engine broke its piston rod, which forced
the cylinder head out, and was compelled
to back up to tnis pi ace on its own steam
for temporary .repairs and another
engine. The train left here about 55
minutes late.
Mr Frank L. Findley the only resi
dent piano tuner in the Rogue River
valley, will be in Grants Pass for a short
time. Mr. Findley has been tuning
pianos in the valley for the past half
year and has on his list many of the
beet musicians In this section. Orders
may be left with J. E. Peterson, or he
may be found at the Western.
John McMahon has figured promi
nently in the police court in the last
two or three weeks, having been in the
city cooler on four charges on the charge
of being drunk and disorderly. The
sentences aggregated about 17 days and
he enriches the city treasury lo the
amount of $10. He was advised to leave
town and he acted on the advice.
An eccentric old man having a'mania
for polishing was a prominent figure 00
our streets a lew days mo. He spent
most of hi! tune polishing the handle
of his cane or his clothes or whatever
happened lobe in his hands. A benevo
lent householder seeing his need for a
shirt made him a present of this article
of apparel. The old man proceeded to
polish the bosom with his dirty sleeve
and copious supplies of saliva. Ha was
on his way to Portland but was "broke."
The authorities helped him on his way.
Card ol Thanki.
The members of the Grants Past
Library association desire to publicly
express their sincere thanks to the
members of the Demarec orchestra, and
all other persons who assisted in their
recent sucessful entertainment, thereby
realizing a handsome sum, which was
unanimously voted to the library and
mott gratefully accepted.
Stan. J. P. Ji-poox, See'y.
During the past twenty years it has
been the leading study of Dr. Jennings,
to produce a safe and effective medicine
for the alleviation of pain io filling and
extracting teeth, as to how well be
baa succeeded may be learned from bis
patrons, lie is now a very busy man
10 his office. He does all the late styles
io Crown and Bridge work,
Ferry Plctarc.
A large aworlaeot of Perrv Dictnrr
at the Col wis ofllce. These oictnrM
are copies of celebrated paintings and
are especially useful for mounting and
decorating your room. They are cheap
call and see them.
Shoes repaired at Hackett's.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist.
Ice-cold Soda at WILSON & ROPER'S
Wuere do you get jour hair Cut? Try
Wilt Mallorv.
Wantsd A iiii-e panther skio.
Cramer Bros.
Deairab'e furnished rooms for tent.
Inquire at this office.
Fresh Groceries arriving ron'.inually.
Croiton't Urocery.
Some good bargains in Fur Collarettes
at Mrs. Rehkopt'a.
Harness of all Kinds, Grades and
Trices at Hackett's.
All the la'e novelties in Fur Collar
ettes at Mrs. Rehkopf's.
Take your ahoes to Hackett fur nood
work and light prices.
RAMBLERS. High grade Bicycles 140
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
Oysters in any style at Blake's. Sixth
street, next door to Coe's store.
rriLDI Opp. Court House.
lou have beard it said of some thing
"It takes the cake." But Myrtle Creek
Flour makes the cake.
If interested in Coffee ask for a sample
package of our Mocha and Java, just
arrived. T. F. Croxton.
Smokers will find rare opportunities
for selection in the many linea of choice
cigars at Wilson A Roper's.
Schepp's Cream, Fruit Pudding with
rose, vanilla, orange, lemon or chocolate
flavor, 10c pkg. Croxton 's Grocery.
Don't forget the Rebekah entertain
ment at the I. O. O. F. ball on Monday
night, Oct. 22. Admission 15c. Every
body invited.
Jumbo Mush a delicious breakfast
mush made from finest Sonora wheat 15c
a pkg., two for 25c, also Cream Rolled
Oats. Croxlon's Grocery.
RAMBLER Bicycles have a distinctive
"style" of their own. See the samples
at Hair Riddle Hardware Co's Store
The price is $40.
Remnant Silk Salti 50 pieces of silk
in all Bhadus, in yard to 2 yard
lengths, to close out at one-half palce.
R. O. McCroskey.
The "Old Maid's Convention" will be
held at the opera bonse, Grants Pass, on
the evening of October 26th. Admis
sion 25 cents, children 15 cents. Every
body Invited.
Rambler Bicycles are becoming more
popular every day. Don't forget to look
at the Ramblers when looking for a
wheel. Price $40. Hair Riddle lldw.
An entertainment, consisting of musi
cal members, a drill by little folks and a
farce is to bs in the I. O. O. F. hall by
the Rebekah lodge on Monday, Oct. 22.
Admission 15c. Everybody invited.
A Large number of the friends and
parilioners of Rey. L. C. Wilson made
a surprise visit at the parsonage last
tnday and spent the evening, bringing
with them a number of valuable pres
ent. The visit was greatly enjoyed by
Continued Cam.
Circuit court adjourned last week
leaving the following cases untried,
some of which will be brought up at
the adjourned teim, December 3.
Davis Brower vs Frank P Silva ct gl
action for money,
H L Benson vs Joseph R Oliver ot ul,
action for money.
B W Ruldwin vs Manuel Joseph-do
Silva Nunez, et al, action (or money.
Antoue Knos, et al (Frank P Silva
substituted) vs Antnne Rose, action for
possession of projierty and for damages.
The Hammond Co, incorporated, vs
The Kiiglisli-Cunndian Co, action for
Antone Knos vs AnUme Rose, for
Joseph K Oliver vs Antone Rose,
action for ejectment.
Frank P Silva, Antone Rose and J R
Oliver vs Antone Rose, action (or money.
HMGorhamvs RP Miller and J C
Dysert, (or an injunction.
B F Goorge vs Jumt-s Frauev. (or in
junction and dumages.
J F Kellogg vs Jumos Oswald, for an
F FctHch vs The Lauce Gold Mining
Co nd L L Jewell, suit in equity.
Alatmlde K Cords vs Louise M Grouse
et al, for an injunction.
Carrie E Colwcll, et al vs A Aiulorson
etal, suit in equity.
B E Meredith and E Wilson vs Illinois
and Josephine Gravel Milling Co, for an
V J Gohrea vs Illinois anil Josephine
Gravel Mining Co, suit in equity.
Sugar l'nie Door A Lumber Co. vs
R I) Ijiw soii ot al, foreclosure of Mech
anic's Lien.
M W Espy vs Virginia Espy, for a
Stute vs J R Reeves, asHault and bat
tery fined $20 and cost. Plead guilty of
simple assault.
Opening of I lie Oyster
season has ocenrred at Blakes, next door
to Coe a store.
Harry Colvig and bride are visiting
relatives in the city.
Nat Fees, engineer at the Nipper mill,
made as a call Monday.
'Arthur Huwland spent a few days in
.ha Grave creek country this week.
Mrs. J. C. Campbell returned Friday
from visiting her daughter at Roseburg
Mr. And Mrs. J. Longenbecket and
son Al left for Bakersfield, Calif. Wed
nwday to reside.
Miss Sue Burt, of Voncalla, arrived in
Grant Pass Saturday on an extended
visit to Mrs. R. P. Cheshire.
Dick Haunan and family, of Douglas
county, weut to Ashland Wednesday
after visiting J. O. Booth and family.
Miss Ida Knight, ot Apfdegate,' left
Tuesday evening (or Chicago, where she
will visit her sister, Miss Jennie Knight
II. C. Kinney attended a meeting of
the executive committee of the Southern
Oregon Normal school at Ashland
Stenographer O'Neil left Tuesday
morning for San Francisco after the
jouipletion of bis duties in this district's
e'reuit court.
Mr. and Mr. Thompson, of Eugene,
arrived here on the 10:30 p. m. south
bound train and departed for Waldo
Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Chas. Davis was in Roseburg
visiting relatives, on her way home to
Grants Pass from the Willamette valley.
Roseburg Review.
J. Kessler returned Tuesday from
Shovel Creek, near Klamath Falls,
where he has been spending tb past
month on account of his health.
Misses Mattie and Leaa Jess,'
daughters of A. M. Jess, a prominent
citizen of the Wllderville country, were
visitors to the county seat Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Reaineo. ol
Gold Hill, and Miss Maggie Marhouer.
ot Crescent City, were in town last week
011 their way from Crescent City to Gold
W. 8. Barrie is In attendance at the
meeting of the Presbytery at Roseburg
and Synod at Portland, this week, as
elder from Bethany Presbyterian
The family of C. E. Smith, of Placer.
left Tuesday to spend the winter at
their home in Denver. Mr. Smith and
B. J. Hall accompanied them as far as
Sun Francisco.
Father Hickey is In the Kerby country
this week giving lectures on "Conditions
of Modern Society." Wednesday be
lectures at Waldo; Thursday at Althouse
and Friday at Kerby.
Rev. O. A. Cross, pastor of the M. E.
church South at Williams, left Monday
(or Myrtle Creek to which place he has
boen assigned. Mrs. Cross and the
children left here Tuesday.
G. W. Pettit and wife arrived last
Thursday and will make Grants Pass
their home (or the present. Mr. Pettit
was host of the Central hotel at Rose
burg before coming here.
Rey. W. J. Fenton will preach at the
M. E. church South in this place next
Sunday morning and evening. Rev.
tenlon was a former pastor ol this
church and has many friends In Grants
Phil Meteclian, formerly slate treas
urer, but now president of the Imperial
Hotel t o., l'ortland, was a passenger on
Saturday's overland train for San Fran
cisco, from which place he will short' y
emnarx lor Honolulu.
Editor E J. Kaiser and fi. u. Good.
of Akhland, were passengers through
here bumlay evening on their way to
Astoria where they will act in the
capacity of delegates to theGrand Lodge.
h.. of 1', which convenes there this
8. Oleson, a resident of Grants Pas
(or the past six years, left Wednesday
for Albert Lee, Minn., on a visit, Mr.
Oleson will spend a year In travelling
and it is his intention to visit his old
home in Norway before returning to
Rev. L. C. Wilson has been appointed
by Bishop Duncan, to the pastorate ol
the M. E church South, at Red Bluff,
Calif. Mr. Wilson and family will
leave for his new field in about 10 days.
They will spend the coming Sunday in
Grants Pass and will visit next week
with Mr. Wilson's brother in Medfurd.
The Southern Oregon Presbytery met
at Roseburg Tuesday of this week and
the Synod of Oregon met at Portland
Thursday, Rev. Chas. Hay is in
attendance at both of these gathering,
in consequence of which there will be
no preaching services at the Preibyterian
church neit Sunday. Sunday school
at 10 a. m. and C'hristain Endeavor
meeting at 0::W p. in. as usual.
To rent a piano lor the winter. Ad
drei"I. A." Cociiikx office.
We carry a full line of Racket Goods and Jewelry.
Our goods are all bought direct from the Eastern lactones.
Our weekly SPECIAL PRICES appear below :
Flrtmca ' Hunting Co tut.
The Bremen's hunt, which takes place
Thursday the lltb, bids (air to be a big
event. The array of names on the
two contesting sides is a formidable one
and the supper labia Thursday will bo
doubt be loaded down with wild meat.
Following are the sides as they have
been chosen :
8 M Wiley,
T Y Dean,
H D Chaosce,
J Wolke,
R S Wilson,
M C Stewart,
J G Schmidt,
Herbert Smith,
W E Mallory,
W T Lempke,
R Benson,
J H Alf,
E A Wade,
B A Williams,
G W Donnell,
I. L Jennings,
Jos Shaska,
Jos Mom.
J T Lay tun,
J 8 Moore,
Henry liarth,
B McArthur,
O Wclseh,
Roy Pool,
Geo E (iod,
H C Bobuen,
R O McCroskey,
R G Smith,
R Thomas,
Wm Hair,
H D Norton,
Amlv Colvin,
J M'John,
W C Bnrnstein,
Ed Lister,
Bert Barnes,
11 L Lewis.
Sah Itililmn, silk and satin...,
nany Ulblwi
flannelette, suitable for wrap-
prr, .
Lariira fat-hlack How
t'biMran'a fa-i-hla. k How, pair
Hiiia. heavy grade
Dust Pain
At Harwliea
Ale yd I'nlililer Outfit
4 v yd
' j, to sc yd
"S, .c yd
8, 10. Vlr
l-'ljc yd
au renwtion lamp. ,
n an iM)wit
Tea Kettle, nickel plated! . .
(Mm h hbeari
V ol J. .1 I'. Coata Thread
.'! wool i(u-, fringnl f I !
'JOChiihr I'lns
hildrelis WawU
La.Uet and M isms CoraeU
We carry a full line of Cent's an J Boys Underwear and
Over Shirts, and a full line of Ladies and Childien
Hoping to rteeivt a liberal thin of your patronage, we art
Colors Blue.
Geo llartman, Gee S Calhoun,
W M f ields, John Hackett,
Ed Feister, Scott Griffin,
Newt McGrew, H C K inner,
E B Browa. R M Clark.'
C C Case, F W Van Dyke,
11 .oiler, M Clemens,
L H Heberlie. W F Horn.
T B Cornell, W E Dean,
tl waiters, rredEuoian,
W 8 Wood. John Schallhora .
F Fetch, (1 Baber,
I McDavis, I 8 Tompkins,
l-.rnest I.uter, John Blalock,
F W Chausee. W I Sweetland.
Frank South, T W Williams,
F B McGregor, J T Ive,
Art Lister, Chas Taylor.
Dr Major,
Colors Red. '
idles :
Rule I: All hunting shall be done
on Thursday, Oct 11, 1900, between the
hours ol 6 a. m. and 6, p. m.
Rule II : Alt game shall be delivered
lo the committee at Firemen's hall, tor
counting, by 12 p. m. of same day.
Rule III: All game will be turned
over to the supper committee (after the
count) to be used in preparing a supper
lo be given by the losing side, on Friday
October 12, 1000.
Quail , . , 5
Jack Snipe 15
rtieaaant (except Mongolian) 25
Grouse 25
Ducks, Canvashack 30
" Milliard 20
Ducks Teal in
Widgeon IS
Sprig 15
Geese 50
Pigeon 16
Siiirrel, Grey , 10
Itahint, Cottontail 10
Rabbit, Jack (both ears necessary) ft
Boar boo
leer as)
Salmon Trout (per pound) 10
The judges are Geo. Slover. Geo.
Pheby and Geo. llartman.
The ball will b given In the opera
house Friday night Instead of the Fire
men's hall as heretofore advertised, as
the Firemen's hall is too small to
accommodate the crowd that will attend.
The supper will be given In the banquet
ball of tie I. O, O. F. rooms at about
11.30 or 12 o'clock p. m.
Oaaw Law 4 looo.
For the benefit of those who have a
Josiro to know, the following from the
game laws of Oregon are printed :
Deer July 15 lo Noy. 1. Caunot be
hunted for market or with don.
Ducks Sept. 1 to March IS. Must not
ne minted at night.
Grouse. Pheasant. Mongolian Pheas
ant, Quail or Partridge Oct. I to
Dec. l.
Snipe Sept. 1 to Feb. 1.
Silver Grey Squirrel Oct. 1 to Jan. 1.
Trout April 1 to Noy. 1. Hook and
lino only. Must not be sold.
Elk protected until Dec., 1010.
Beaver Protected until Feb. 25, 11115.
Song binls protected at all time.
Fresh Tillamook Cheese. Croxlon's
County Clerk's kmb Annual Report
Showing the amount ol claims allowed
by tbe County Court of Josephine
county, State of Oregon, for what al
lowed, the amount of warrants drawn.
and amount ol warrants outstanding
and unpaid, from tb first day of April,
1000, to tbe 30th day of September, 1000,
both inclusive:
Warrants outstanding April. .
, iiwu 74
Warrant issued from April 1
to October l,1000,road and
bridira 1
PatllMr i-mnnl 1
Criminal account, Circuit court
StatinnHrv aiu-mint
Court bouse and jail
School Superintendent
County Judge
County Commissioners
Road Supervisors
Insane account.
Jury "
( Nironnp "
County Treasurer
nssensor ,
Election account
Tax remittance
Itamittanoe probate lees .....
Over-nln lav aalai
County litigation '.
Cm I mated interest accrued on
outstanding warrants 7
474 67
,m zi
.VM 21
Wfi 05
2S3 15
4IIS 03
5l 23
930 00
VV 60
48 00
244 4H
310 00
102 40
319 00
f,3 20
723 30
M 20
100 VH
707 70
3H4 00
7 50
178 M
9 0:1
223 ID
,305 06
Total IOt.000 50
Warrants cancelled to Oct. I,
1000 $13.(544 01
Cash in hand of County Tres'r S.IH4 Ml
Current Taxes unpaid tor the
year iry.w BJ34 m
A mount due county on tai sales 1.200 00
Not liabilities .
...124.703 02
. . . 10U, 24(1 48
Stats or OaxooM I
County ol Josephine f
I, R. L. Bartlett, Comity Clerk of the
County of Josephine, Slate ol Oregon, do
bertby certify that the foregoing 1 a
true and correct statement of th num
ber snd auuwnt of claims allowed by tbe
County Court of said County (or tbe sig
months ending on the 30th day of rVp
temher, 1000, on wbst account th sains
are allowed and amount of warrants
drawn and amount of warrants out
ataading and unpaid, as tbe same appear
upon the record of my office and la my
official custody.
Witn my hand and tbe seal ol lbs
County Coort of aaid County, this 1st
day of October, A. D. 1900.
R. L. Babtlxtt,
County Clerk.
jNrV : lor lsargYiins
I mm
Coming Events.
Oct. 11 Firemen's hunt.
Oct. 12 Firemen's ball.
Oct. 12 Game Supper I. O. O. F. ball.
Oct. 13 Hon. Tilmon Ford speaks.
Oct. 17 United Artisan lecture.
Oct. 25, Hon. Thos. II. Tongue opera
house 2 p. m.
Oct. 22, Rebekah entertainment, I. O.
0. F. ball. '
Forester's grand mask ball, Thanks
United Artisan Lecture.
Remember the United Artisan lecture
at the I. O. O. F. hall next Wednesday.
II. L. Hudson the lecturer, comes highly
recommended and wilt be sure to en
tertain you. You should not miss this
opportunity ; of learning more ol tbe
United Artisans. Ladies are invited as
well as gentlemen. Make it a point
to be there.
TUCKER In Grants Pass, Oct. 3, 1000,
to sir. and Mrs. J. b. luckor a son.
We are after your fall wants ....
Our second-best rice, sixteen pounds for $1.
Just unloaded, a car of the best salt we ever received.
It's pure and white as snow. Put up iu heavy fifty
pound sacks tha 1 we sell for 60 cents. -
We have not raised the price. Our best sellers are the
mYi and i6j cent kinds. We carry all the other
brands and can make you close prices.
If you like the best ROLLED OATS boy it of ns.
No specks, no hulls, 5c a pound twenty pounds for $1.
a-.. J WsTtaawawaVaafMu
Grocery Co
day, Oct. 7, 1000, 1. I'attinger, ol
Med ford and Miss Laura Cox, of
Ashland, Rev. W. B. Mooreofllciating.
YOUNG CR ASP In Grants Pass,
Monday, Oct. 8, 1000, Wm. Younir, of
Del Norte county, Calif , and Miss
AltaCraspol Josephine county, Jus
tice llolman olliuiaiing.
ville, Wednesday, Oct. 10, 1000, E.
Sherrilt and Miss Llziis Smiluline,
Rev. C. L. Wilson officiating.
Mr. Bberrill Is a lurniture dealer of
Hood River and Mis Smithline 1 one
ol Woodvillo's popular young lidiee.
Office on Olh St. oppo. Court House.
Residence North 7th St.
Juitica Court.
The examination ot M. L. Strew on a
charge of rape occupied the lime ot
Justice Holmaa Tuesday. Strew was
bound over to appear at the next term
ol the Circuit court. .
Van TeQVn was also brought before
Justice llolman nn a charge of rape
and his examination occupied the at
tention of the coort Wednesday. .
Had tbe Ceurag-e ofHIe Conviction e
and Consulted Dr. Darrln.
Ma. Editob : For some time I have
been allllcled with deafness and catarrh.
I have tried many things without relief.
I was influenced to call on Dr. Darrln,
through the published testimonials ol
many Josephine county people. Though
I met bitter opposition with some of my
neighbors who told me not to go to Dr.
Darrin, my Judgment prompted me lo
try once more. I did so October 10th
and success crowned my efforts as well
as that of the Doctor. He cured me of
deafnasa with electricity, medicines and
a slight operation. I can be referred to
at tirave post office, Oregon. I most
earnestly recommend all to Dr. Darrin.
C. H. Buto.
Subscribe for THE COURIER J jt Jt
School Books
supplies AT
M. Clemens,
r. l. coe & cor;
. . leaders in . .
" (flood shoes ilon't grow on
bushes, I hey are iiiaclc by GOOD
"I wore ft jiairof
your WHALE
or two yours
ami then sold
them for if 2," is
tlicti'stiiiioiiy of
0110 of our oli I
"Wo liavt"
bought nearly
all of our shoes
of you during
tho past ton
years and they
never fail to
tfivo perfect saU
isfaction," says
another old customer.
1 JU
5.OO 4 4.00
l.75 .
: r, aV 5 .
FOK O"' .gia
It will pay yon to eramlns the W. a
L. Dougla hoc, and tea fur
yourself that they ars jut as ,
good In vary way as those tor ,
which you bav been paying ,
tl to j. For slyle, com- j
fort, and rvu., they .
cannot b aorpasMd
by custom-mad .
"I will always
send to you for
my shoes. You
have the right
slyle, price and
quality, and'
they give mo
hotter satisfac
tion than any I
over wore," says
for tho
Simmons Hard
ware Company
who lives in
Sau Francisco.