.7-.. Mm VOL. XVI. GRANTS PASS - JOSEPHINE COUNTY - OREGON - THURSDAY - OCTOBER ii, 190a No, 48 i HEAVY UH Reduced prices to close out line of LADIES and CHILD RENS SHOES WELCHS' CLOTHING STORE NEXT TO P. O. JTK. CLIVE MAJOK Central Practitioner of Mkdicini and Sukukuy. Cilice in Williams Block N. P. DODGE, IN.SUltANOK and KKAL KHTA l'K Life, Kite and Accident Insurance. G HANTS I'AMH, - OkKOON. C. HOUGH, ATTOUJiEY-AT-LAW, Hi notices in all State and Federal Courts Office over Ftret National Bank. U hants Pass, . Oiikoun. II. C. PERKINS, U. 8. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR, OhANTb Panh, OllKUON. OSHOV & SHERIDAN, MINING ATTORNEYS, Special attention given lo Mining ana J.atui i.awg,and Land Ullice practice. ROHKIII'HG, - . OllKUON. G GEORGE II. BINNS. ASSAYKR, Office nposile Hotel Josephine, (jUANTH l'.hS OiikuoK. Willis Kramer MANITAL'TUBRH OF Myrtlo Creek Extra Family Flour And F.verj thing that lines with First Clan Milling. For sale by -Chiles. Dklkmater, Wadij. Pike and Coknli.l. Call for it; same price as other brands Painters are not made they are Born. We are Natural Born Painters." The Grants Pass Painting Co. CKDAK & BoCti, I" INTERIOR PAINTERS, CIMINORS. UET our prices before making your contract Satisfaction Guaranteed 4T" A Postal Card Receives Prompt Attention Representative You will find ! LOUIS BEL1-TLS I Reliable Watch Maker j at Krcmer's Drug Store. j Watch and Clock Repairing a Specialty : N. DeLAMETER 1 DKALtk IS GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED With Every 10 Cash Purchase ol (iroceries You Are (liven a Handsome, Life Site ('rayon or Water-Color Portrait Tiioxa No. 80 Eisman & Burns Bros.) Fresh and Salt Meats Fish r Krulays Poultry on Sa:unlay The popular barber chop Get your tonsorial work done at IRA TOMPKINS 1 On Sixth Street Three chair J ! ath riMm in ronnetiin (aihoun Grocciy Cp. Tux Poitliss Ukim-eks FRESH VEGETABLES and FRUITS-., 'Pliosr 14 1 ERW San Jose and Mackinaw u Shirts ami Coats, None better ! GRANTS PASS P. H. KARTH &. SON CLOTHING, SHOES, FUR NISHING GOODS, HATS TRUNKS AND VALISES L . Some Reasons Why You Should Insiit on Having EUREKA HARNESS OIL U "equaled bv any other. Renders harj leather soft. Especially prepared. Keeps out water. A heavy bodied oil. Harness An excellent preservative. Reduces cost of you' harness. Never bums the 'leather ; its Efficiency is incread. Secures beat service. Stitches kept from breaking. Oil s sold in nil Localities Mntiiif.n-tiirp.1 ti r-taettiit-ri nil f-oin pnnT J PARKER'S UAI1J DAI CAM A-vcr Fails to Bert or Gray Cum "'" in A hair IbIIuic WSL I'ROl'llIKTOKS w a rib! lJJvCOKATORS, HOUSE AND CARRIAGE GRAINERS, PAPEU HANGERS AND CAL- ' . Grants Pass Business Firms. J.M. CHILES GROCERIES HARDWARE TAKLFWA in- Fine Butler a Specialty FRONT and FOURTH STS. White House Grocery staple and Fancy Gkockkiks TUB HtsT OK KVE:iVTIII.Sl AT ALL TWKt .. i , I Tiiujii: 1.11 GLAUS SCHMIDT STAPLE GROCERIES CANNED GOODS I-LOUR and FEED! Sixni St.. ..i f. ( rrv H t 1. OVSTFRS Every Day and Night XI t . F. V. DLAKE'S ( Next lo r oe's. ) I local Tbappcn.nas Chas. Nickell returned to Jacksonville Satin Jay. Bicycle hospital for all repairing Cramer Droa. Judge Hale went to Eugene Friday for a few days. N. C. Boynton maJe a trip to New port last week. Clias. B. Ensign, of Kerby, was visitor to the Pass last week. II. C. Perkins and assistant made surveying trip to (ialico last week. Ten Cents will purchase a bundle of old pupers at this oir.ee come bandy i underlying carpets. Skagway is now connected with the outside world by telegraph, the first telegram Iroin that pla .e being received at Seattle last Wednesday. Hon. T. J. T. Berry, of Crescent Citv was in town last week on an electioneer tng tonr; and no doubt made a good many votes while in the Pass!! Mr. lierry is running for assemblyman for Siskiyou and Del Norte counties. Asiiianu is to nave an ice plant an cold storage next season, John Coleman having purchased the Uohhin's planing mill site, water posur and buildings for that purpose. Mr. Coleman will also rebuild the cannery and evaporator. Job C011UI11 l Have Stood It If he'd had Itching Tiles. They terribly annoying; but Eucklcn's Arnica Salve will cure the worst case of Piles 011 earth. It has cured thousands. For Injuries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions it's the best salve in the world. Price 25c a box. Cureguaiatiteed Bold by drug gist Dr. kremer. Snakes Oslor. I). Applegate, the Wells, Fargo & Co.'s agent in this city, had the most in teresling lot of wiggling live sleek to ship, Monday, that has left Ashland for a long time. The shipment consisted of seven boxes and cunUined 200 pounds of live snakes en route from Klamath Falls to Rochester, Minnesota. They nan oeen purciiaseil at Kfj cents per pound from J. II. Jaidin, the city maishal of KJamiili Falls, by Messrs. Kelts A Haines, who operate a snake Tarm at Rochester, Minn. These snakes are harmless repiiles and very thick along Link river which connects the Upper and LoerKlaiuuth hikes atovo the town. On a warm sunshiny day thousands of them cn be seen crawling along and Higgling over each other on tlie laud and swimming in the shallow waters, or dialing themselves over or dangling on fences. Tliey seem to live and breed among the rocks along the Link Kiver falls, are about 3 feet long hen fully matured, of daik oolor with a lighter strip running along the middle of their backs. The people of Klamath Falls are hoping that a new industry will spring up lor the towuoutof this first Shipment, for thy can supply thousands of pounds of tha reptiles without cllecting the visible supply. Tidings. How's TI1U3 We offer -One Hundred Hollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not hn cured by Hall's Caturrh Cnre. F. J. Ciiknkv & Co., Props., Toledo.O. We, the undersigned, have known F. -I. Cheney for Die last 15 vears. and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. ei.t & Tki ax, Wholesale Druggists, loledo, O. Wai.dino, Kinnan & Mak- vin, W holesalu Druggists. Toledo. (I. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 7;V. per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. R. O. McCroskey, Hrytiissl, Shoes, Ladiesf'ae.and Jack et, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing iissls, Hals, Minem'tioods, Trunks and Valises. Grants Pass Greatest Store. SWFFTLAM) & CO. FRESH and SALT MEATS.-fT TllONK 21 ...E. G DIXON... iDRY GOODS, CLOTHING Ladiks' and Gksts' SHOES KvtavTinxo in Srvi.K II. II. BARTON, WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. Full aKninent of Watches, (lurks, Sil Terwear arwl Jenrlrr. A(,.l A--siirtnwut of linuvlets and Heiirt Bangles, Clemtns' Drug Store. T. F. CROXTON, Kaltrm GKOC1CRIES, DRIED FRUITS, FLOl'R AND FEED. I Front Street. wV V vvv'vVWv M aahlnuton Letter. (From Our Regular Correspondent. Wasiiixuton, Oct. 1, 1000. It is now np to Germany to mak iiuiner piay in me ctunese game, Having only got the positive support of Austria and Italy in its first play, whic consequently counted for nothing, Ger many will probably be certain of stronger support from the powers before making another. There have been new developments in Washington dur ing the pst week, unless the talk of the Chinese minister to the United Stales may be considered such. II wishes the United States to assume the role 01 mediator between the liowera an China, and he is doing considerable talking about it. He is smart, too. He ii putting forth the argument of dollars and cents in favor of the idea. He say II is the only suie wav to prevont the dismemberment of the Chinese Empire, and that if dismemberment takes place me open door to American trade w ill bo speedily closed forever. Whatever else there may be there is no doubt that the Chinese are capable diplomats. Although it Is only a little more than month to election day, the politicians have not succeeded in working np any lung like the usual excitement at this stage of the campaign. They claim everything, but are really up in the air so to speak, themselves as to what the result a ill lie, so far as being able to produce any tangible foundation for their claims, and they Tear that if the people are too busy to do the ordinary campaign shouting, they may be too busy to vote. From the best obtainable evidence, sifted - without prejudice, it eems almost certain that control of the house will go with the presidency if Mr. McKinley is re-elected, his party will elect a majority of the bouse, and if Mr. Bryan la elected, his party will have the houBe. The uncertainty about the presidency is largely owing lo the belief that the vote is going to be much mailer than it was in 18'.'(i, when the country was worked up to fever heat Li-Congressman Dung in, of Ohio, is ue of the expansionists who believes like Senator Beveridge, that America is eslined to rule a big portion of the world. He said, in a speech In Wash ngton: "(jeorga Washington was the rtt American expansionist, when he toikbr force land that Fiance had a title to. In my opinion title is fixed only by the survival ot the fittest, ami hat is ahr America is going to rule the earth. There is just 0110 American people, whose hearts b?at for their flsa nd country, and they will stand by the man who is lilies', to lead them." Secretary Long, who has authority to lonlract for the armor required for war hips now in the coursii of construction. at what lie considers a reasonable price, oeiieves luat he can reach an agreement h the Ihr-ie companies which sub mitted the bids that were rejected because the price was too high. He h is talked ho matter over with representatives ol he' bidders the Carnegie. IH!lillim nd Midvaie steel companies and will hold further conferences with them. He loesn't islf to exercise-the authority con ferred upon him by congress to establish government armoi-inaking plant, un less compelled to do so. The post olH-ju department is after the negiectiui ana inelhcient postmnstuis with a snarp stick. In a general order sent to every postmaster in tlio United States, the following language is used: "The number of pjstmasters who failed tJ send proper repocts with stubs or manifold receipts for the quarter ended June 30th, last, is astonishing, when it is considered that postmasters are recommended for appointment because ot their exceptional fitness, ability, in telligence, diligence, and punctuality." The order warns the delinq itmts that mere Is trouble ahead of them if they don't do better. . Senator Morgan, of Alabama, whose conservative opinions have a h.gh value, is in Washington. He said of the coal strike: "I don't believe that the mining troubles in Pennsylvania and other sections will cut much figure in the electian. As for the charge that the democratic committee was influential in bringing out the o.-dur for the general strike, I don't believe it. Either party would fight shy of getllng mixed up In such a matter. It will he over and cut no figure in November, I believe from the outlook." The figures shuwing Hie business done by the post ollice department in money orders during the last fiscal year are eye openers. The in iney orders issued amounted lo JM,70,0l7.98, and the money, orders paid to 21l),120,ii5 8.', a total ol o0t,7'.0,:iia.80, being an increase over the previous year ol fitt.SOtt.Uill.&s, or more than II per cent. This broke all records of the postal service both ir. the amount of in. reuse and in the per centage of increase and tells its own Uiry of the prosperity of our people. Itobbed The Grave. A startling incident, Is narrated by lohn Oliver of Philadelphia as folloas: J I was in an awiul conditiou. My skin as almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain conllniullv in hark and ides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians ha I fciveu me up. Then I waaadvUed to uie Kleejrie Hitters; to my great joy, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I con .inued their lor three weess, and am oow a well mn. I know they rohl.J ;he grave of another victim. " No one should fail to try them. Only 60c., na-anteed, at Dr. Kremer's drug store. ftals or Kxrhang. Flighty acres on Williams creek, three miles from post olfi , ) miles from iranta pass. One-half under cultiva- ion, orchard of fenr acres, good water r'B Two barns, cnmtortabte houns, ood outbuilding, plenty of berries. a acres standing limber, good for In in n-r. New saw oiili near. Will exc' !or town prowr(y or sell lor I12W. ange Ulsnd Sittings. Chains Acer s has found a good ledge at the head of Coyote creek. Times are lively here now and a large amount of freight ia leaving Leland daily. We are having cool, cloudy weather these days with showers. Good grass. The miners are very busy fitting np Uietr mines for the winter. Help Is very scarce at present.' Everybody is well and the people are busy gathering in their crops. There a good deal Of hay yet to cut. James Nickersou has found a good ledge on the Chapman & Rosa ranch and got good prospects by pounding out the rock. We are , needing some politic speakers at Lelantl. There are yet some unconverted Bryan men here, poor fellows! We had the pleasure of seeing and hearing our old friend, Mr. Forbes, of Irowmown. Mr. Forbes is one of the oldrsl business men In Oregon and noiuing ma age well. He expects lo lake tha slump for McKinley for he says, "Wiien we have protperity and the government is in a progressive state, why do wewauta change." Mv partner and myself are both democrats but we can't go llryan and his issue. We be Hove in letting well enough alone. We think that if Stephen Jewell would read up a little more he would vote for Mckinley and Roosevelt too. We have a good many men here who voted for Bryan four years ago and who "chewed the rag" a good deal but this year Ihev have Iheir eyes opened and will vote (or McKinley. A Thousand Tnnguea Could uot express the rapture of Annie b. c-priugcr, o! Philadelphia, when Dr King's New Discovery cured her of hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. She says: "After all other remedies and doctors failed it soon removed the pain in my chest and can now Bleep soundly, something 1 can scarcely remember doing before feel like Bounding its praises throughout the Universe." Dr. Klng'a New Die covery is guaranteed to cure all troubles of the Throat, Chest or Lungs. Price 50c and II. Trial bottles free at In- Kremer's drug store. Kalilea ofihn ltall. XIV. unce upon a tuns a kind and good mg had a very beautiful daughter and it was his great desire that she should wed some one In her own station, but the young woman did not lake kindly 10 the princes and others who played golf wilh lior and spent their pin money lor ice cream, etc.. so she irava Ilium II the marble heart and ran away to Hudson with a coachman, ami ii,,,.- Iter look in washing for a living. Moral If the king, her pa, had been ise he would have desired the yung oinan lo he wed in the North-Western ine station, the convenience! and beautiful surroundings of which would ave at once put her in a trance, when would have been a simple matter for one of the princes of the realm to win her hand. Illauiark a Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid heulih f.l H..I.I- ...in .... . iiiuuiiuiaoin win an 1 tremendous energy are not 1011ml where Stomach. Liver. Kidneys and bowels are out ol order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills, Only 2o cents at Dr. Kremer's Drug Store. Hammond Gelt Another Rosd. A. B. 1 1 a in 1. o id, owner of the Astoria A Columbia Hiver Hailroad, is now in California. Ho has purchased the Eureka A K'amstli Kivir Hailroad from the Vance family, of Humboldt county, together wilh a large sawmill and heavy timber interests. The road, which ia 30 miles lung, runs from Samoa to the Mad river country by way of Areata, and Mr. Hammond intends to extend it to Cres cent City, via Trinidad. Kival roads are fighting to prevent Hammond getting into Eureka, and he ia likely to have a legal b.tlle over the matter V Cough, Cough, Night and day, until the strength is entirely exhausted, and that dreaded word 'Consumption begins to I whis pered among fnends. That's a common atory, familiar to the people of every town and village. There's another story which ought to be aa widely known as the alorv of dis ease, and that la the story of the cures effect ed by the use of Dr. Pierre's Golden Medical Discovery. Bronchitis, asthma, distillate, deep seated cnnglia, bleeding of the lungs, awl other forms of disease which affect tlie respiratory organs, are permanently cured by tilt use of " Golden Medical Ihscovery. Only for Dr. PVrw's CoMts Mrrilral Irts. rwry I think I otmiM t my rrmve liKdsy." niM Mr. M sws Milr. -A Nllliatd, l.'inla Co., Wyoming. "1 lisd ssllllns so tmt I cuuM 14 Irrn at nirtit snit was cnmprllrd to give up work. It fe9rlrl my luuga so Inst I toushrd II the time, hmh aiglit and day. Mf furo.la II thotight hsd cortMinipttoo. My wlfr In aistM cm my Irving !r ricrcr'a tilden Medical iMacwerr which I did. I haw Uarn (our bat!' and am now a wlt man. wrlsliinr ins Kunda, thanks to 17. Pierce's Coidra Medical acorery." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent ret on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only, fiend ai one-cent stamps for book in paper covers or 31 sumps for cloth-bound. Address Dr. k. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. OUR PARIS EXPOSITION LETTER A Vult to the Catholk Missions Building Ftw rrtnch Wayors Accept lavltatlont - to VUlt Exposition. (From Our Regular Correspondent) Paris. Sept. 17, PJ00. The question ot most interest at tl. moment here ia which- ot two feelings not to say two interests, will influence the French government in Its far eastern policy, the alliance with Russia, or the oft-repeated promise of France to act in . concert with the collective powers. Wilh the mass of the peopl the first feeling It by far the stronger and in the end will probably prevail because, while the ministry strongly desire to keep lis plighted word, at any rate to the world'! ear, it fear of falling is stronger still and opportunism will therefor rule its councils. French ministers are far too fragile a kind to risk knocking against Die iron pot of popular sentiment when floating down the stream ol politics, and particularly when, as in this case, the ministers, as men, heartily sympathise with popular predilection. Whether the alliance with Russia can be called an interest as regards China ii highly doubtful Controversy is always rife, even in France, as to whether the alliance ii of material benefit to that country or not; whereas it is pretty certain that France ia likely to get far more of the Chinese pickings from tha powers collectively than from Russia standing alone or in opposition. Many people hold that the French are simply "spoiling" for a war, and that once the Exposition closes she will invite or make one. Certainly, il sue now throws In ber lot with Russia, there will be no iinall chance that the longing will be gratified since exceed ingly delicate complications are bound to arise. I was on the way to the Chinese and Japanese section! of the Exposition the other day when I was diverted from my purpose by the a' tractions of the 'atholio Mission! building. It Ii cer tainly one of the most Interesting and at the same lime horrifying in the show As yon push back the heavy curtains at the entrance yoj find yourself in a dimly lighted hall with wag-work scenes on either band and visitors ulidinu fearfully about. One ot the scenes, all of them by the way are marveloualy lifelike; shows an old missionary, gaunt nd pale, but with the Ore of religious enthusiasm in his eyes, sealed on a chair, with a Bible on his lap, at the very mouth oi a -loaded cannon to which an Arab Is about to apply the fuse. This il a Jean de Vacher who in 1UJ8 wai blown from the cannon's mouth in Algeria for refusing to for- wear Christianity and adopt the creed of Mahomet. Another group, even more horrible, is that of which lbs hief figure ii Moniignor Borie, who in 1AM was decapitated at Tonkin, bul not till after the sword of the execu tioner had fallen aeven times. Tha ishop ii kneeling, after ths first or second blow, with his head th rust through a balk of timber which be bad carried with him from the day of his captivity. A third group represents! ster of charity dressing the lores of a leper at ftfandalay In l'pier Burma. and is, from the loathsome and terrible atureofthe disease, the most horrify n g of all. One other group must be mentioned since it relieves (lie horror of llie rest; that ol a missionary, a eal, strong, bearded man, completely othed in skins, arriving at the hut ol Lhri.tisnir.ed Eskimo. The snow is II aliout, the sledge and dogs are In the background, and tha splendid figure of 10 missionary, as he greed the convert bis simple Icelandic hut, wondnrlully in presses you. Upstairs in the same building are collection! of charts, and wearimr pparel, and miscellaneous article! of II sort from nearly ever cliina ami ginn where the evangelist has peue- ated. There is the figure of a Chines riest, a convert, and at his feet a acanl showing the stale ol ths missionary enterprise at the beginning nd at the end of the Huh century. Briefly, at the beginning of the century there were in the whole of China but mission nations and 200,000 Catholic converts; at Its close there were 40 station! and 1.000.000 converts. Yet lat a drop In the ocean of Chinese millions. One of the statistical charts of interest lo Americans as showlna broadly the state of Catholicism in the nited Htstes. There are 3,000 mayors In France and have been Invited by tlie Paris uniclpallly to the fetes it il giving on 2'Jod and 23rd of the month in celebration of the Exposition. On ou Id hardly have thought that any of the mayors would refuse to atteud so pur rely festal and non-political a gather ,', but refine several of them do, and no very courteous terms. The reason Hist Hie last Paris municipal lections resulted ill a large nationalist majority, and among the majority. some of the choicest denia iroiriies Ilia aris working class-is can nrodn e French provincial mayor, as a rule, a level-beaded if somewhat rustic rson, who sees in in acceptance of ths vii.uon an act ol uisovatv to ' Liberty. Equality, and Fraler nity" as by law and Loiibet established. Ths two most important towns whose mayors have rehired are, so far, Lyons and Marseilles. The mayor of the latter excused himself on the ground Ihst the recent strikes left him so sad that he has no spirit for the gaities the Paris municipality promises, and will no doubt brtlliantlv provide. lo Yoa Writ 7 Oetyour writing paper by the ream and save money. W otfer a ream ol note paper, 4m0 sheets, 2', pounds, f..r Vte. We get the paper in larieqnanil tie and can sell chtap; Ibis is not i-heap paper but first class goods. Col an a olhce. Wall Paper CARPETS AND MATTINGS 1 Over ricnty FURNITUR E Eoods' We do not an1 nf handle sec f ond hand goods, but will sell yon new goods J at reasonable prices. ,, 1U AlVKPIX i 0,,r Cve-pound wool, Government blanket ULAIHRLI3 p proving a " winner" ....,.$300 NICKLE STEEL 1 It's not chenn sroods but the best riwk AGATE HAHli J mat made CRAYON POR TRAIT FRAMES BABY CAR RIAGE ..KUKNll'I'KK. VICTURS MOl.DINllH LACK Ct'HTAlNS COTS L1NOLIIIUS MATTKKSSES MATTINU8 MIHKOHS ...CARPETS... At Bed Time. I take a pleasant herb drink, the next morning I feel bright and my complex ion Ii better. My doctor rays it acta gently on my stomach, liver and kidneys, and is a pleasant laxative. It Is made from herbs and la prepared as easily as tea. It Is called Lane's Medicine. All druggists sell It at 75 eta. Lane's Fami ly Medicine moves the bowels each day If you cannot got it, lend fur a free sam ple. Address, Orator F. Woodward. L Roy, N. Y. A llraaar'a Slorl.s. Charities" tells of an Enirllah eh.r. liable eoclcty which recently Investi gated the record of a man who, accord ing 10 nia various "hard luck" stories, had lout three wives, 17 children, four fathersand twomnthers; had fourtlmra been made a bankrupt bv a t reseller oua brother; had once lost hl place be cause ne was a stanch. Protestant, and again because he was a stanch Catho lic; and had once been shipwrecked and lost all h- had In the world. A Jesuit priest now In South Africa write lo the hoys In the New York col. lege where he was formerly a profea- aor: "Nine in the blessed Language la dlheramanwiinmngwalieia, but this la nothing lo two, which Is mashumiamair. duamahiiH-iuanwanninangwahela-ana manhiimiliamnhera nianwaiiaintrov- alra-gowakadiheranamanwannmirwa. hela." Stat Offlelal Wis (oulda'l Writ.. The Philadelphia llecord aeya that a man was once elected to a responsible stale oilier In Pennsylvania, and w-rred acceptably, who could not write his name, lie w ns Intelligent and of sound bualnew Jiidvinent. The l.isM, islssls. It la reported in Boston from . Ign Miuree that the famous pink which he I lost on broker, Thomas W. Law. in, bought for H MSI and ihiiii.mI ih. "Mrs. Thomas W. Luwson pink," after his wife, hns been wild again. The lut eal purchaser, the report sava. Is no less a ersair.agr than Hie Uedlve of Egypt, now sojourning lit London, who made the purchase through an agent. The price he is supposed to have paid Is not included In the story. Ilns the Justices lit. The sewt on the right of tlie ehlef Justice Is alwuye occupied by the asso ciate Justice who lins hern Inngcwt on the bench; Hint on the left by the next In order or ss nlorlt.t , and so on altsr ruitrly from right to left. Tbruluwr l.oal (Jroaa. Twenty-seven year ago there were twice as many medical aa theological students In Berlin. This year there are four times as many medical student. Mat. -Absolutely Pure- - For the third of a century the standard for strength and purity. It makes the hot bread, hot biscuit, cake and other pastry light, sweet and excellent in every quality. No other baking powder is "just as good as Royal," either in strength, purity or wholesomencss. OVAL BAKINQ POWDCK CO., New Goods All Prices 2000 yards, new patterns, new effects. more beds and Chairs all new and at a right price. 3000 ROLLS Handsome oak and gold, six-inch frames, alt complete with glass and hangers. .$i 75 J Lots ol other styles at right prices. I Have only one left want the room first comer gets it for $6. 75, less than cost I Don't wait 1 ..WALL PAPER.. OaANITkWASB WOODIHWAII AOATIWAal OLAHSWAXa . TINWARB LAMPS CUTLIlt CaOCKKHY... DANGEROUS TO GET AlfGRT. raroirssss Hare rrssjweBtlr tesalt. est la Desufc Mesial lajwry, A study of anger from experience) In about ,000 cases, col lee ted from re name observers, has been made by O. (Stanley Hall. The causes were many and various, and often bring trivial, and the physical sensations accom panylnff It differed greatly with ths Individual, say Stray Stories. Flushing was very general, although pallor wna a characteristic in 27 per cent, of the cases. The heart beats were violent, several cases of death from rupture of this organ being re ported, and (here were sometlmea pe culiar enanllona in mouth and throat, sometimes dirtiness or falntneaa, fre quently tears, anil generally copious salivation, which might produce froth ing at the mouth. Common sound were anlcal-lik crlea in children, and oath and threats In adulta, while In many eaae the throat waa paralyrsd and there will Inability to speak above a whis per, or without crying or trembling. Butting with th head, biting and scratching are noticeable in childish snger. - HABIT IN A HORSE'S WORE. A Coalraetar'a Aalasal Tkat Waa Ba. less H'hsa a llNssrraaa Vaasjat Hlaa. "When I retired from th contract ing business a short time ago," aaid a well known man, relates th Mew York Hun, "1 had a number of horses that I was anxious to dispose of; among them was one named Jerry, which for several yeara had been used to working on th drum. Irs such work a horse become accustomed to lifting hU feet high to avoid striking the hoisting ropes. When the horaea were pit under th hammer Jerry went to a Harlem grocer. "About a week later the purchaser of Jerry called at my house and toM me he had a lot of trouble wfth the horse. .He said that Jerry would go a short distance when he would aton short and lift his feet high, aixt after doing this would go a Utile further only to repeat It again. I told the grocer why the horse stopped short, mid lifted his fret and also advised him to look up some contractor and sell the animal to him for hoiatlng purposes. He did so, notifying m that he received a larger price than he paid me for the horse." The Raliaa Wants a I'alvrrsltr. A university for the atudy of the art and aeleners Is to be founded at Con siantlnoplt by order of the sultan. . Many low rict, imiution tMklnr powder ar uiMn the mark-,. h-w r puje with alum, mik! i-ar wttsMM bsMke.i w avoid ttWnt. a alum is a jrvuvn, Mor lu bu Uku iu lit Kan. 100 WILLIAM IT., NEW YOU. r.