Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 04, 1900, Image 3

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for breakfast...
Nice fat Alackcrel at id cents,
this year's catch, best we've
had for a long time.
What is
nice Salmon Trout
whole fish something
why it is that new breakfast food made of the celebrated
Red River Wheat. We also have the Celebrated H. O.
Mush and Self-raising H. 0. Buckwheat.
Now Arrival t
Extra Kanry White-Comb Honey.
New Home-Made Sorgliain.
Bananas and New Currants, at the
Do Not Delay
jttending to your HEATING STOVES j
If you need a new ' one, we have
our 1900 stock now ready, and
can givo you the best line to make
your selections from $3 and upwards.
- If your old stovo needs repairs, let
us fix it up.
..He clean, blacken and set up stoves...
Am Tight Heaters
Oakland Stoves
Walk-Overs need no intro
duction to the general public, as
they are known as the best at
the price iu the country.
All the materials used in this
celebrated line are the best
obtainable at any price;
Walk-Overs are made by the
best ot skilled workmen, and are
model products of an up-to-date
They are made on lasts which
6t the feet, and cut by patterns
that fit the lasts.
By a combination of the essen
tials BEAUTY, EASE and
WEAR, a most desirable re
sult is obtained. This combi
nation is found to a greater tx
tent in Walk-Overs than in any
other line.
More Welted shoes are made by the Walk-Over makers, ( GEO. E.
KEITH COMPANY), than any other concern in the world. Thus,
purchasers of Walk-Overs get the result of the greatest experience,
combined with the best and largest facilities.
All Walk-Overs made from American stock are sold for $3,50.
In order to maintain the present high standard on our imported Hey I s
Patent Calf and Sueur's Enamel they must be sold for $4,
In ordering by mail or express, state STYLE, SIZE and WIDTH
plainly, giving name and address. Add 25 cents to the catalogue
price, for transportation charges.
Plumbing and Metal Roofing
Bids furnished for new hot water system and pipe
work of all kind.
Dr. Flanagan,
Resident Dentist.
C. St Louis for watch repairing.
Whips, 10c to 2.50 at llovkett'a.
ralilelt of all kinds at the t'omikB
Koli-I noor pencil at the Coi'kikh
Old Papers 10 cents per bundle at
this otnen.
Cream of Maixo, frosh lol. Cilboun
Urocery Co.
Wood wanted on subscription at the
CoiKiKS office.
New line ol writing tablets 5c to 60c,
at Cutanea office.
New Black Figs (our pounds (or 25c
Calhoun Urocery Co.
Dun't (ail to hear the popular band
concert at 2 :30, p. m. Saturday. Oct. 6.
Wanted A good girl (or genera!
housework; iiiiiuudiat;ly. Mrs. F. 11.
Smith A Stein, ol Portland, have been
looking up Josephine county mining
W. . Dtfin A Co. has a lew odd sixes
ol ladies Tailor Made Suits to close out
at a reduced price.
The new desks (or the South school
have been received and will 10011 be
placed in the room.
Lost Between Grants I'sss and
brave Crerk, a drab colored overcoat
Finder return to this office and receive
obnAuten, who has closed out his
business at Kcrby, left on Wednesday
morning's train (or Klamathon, where
he w ill locate.
I'heby the Photography, has recently
perfected an improved apparatus (or
making enlarged photos w hich be has
added to his plant.
Carl Sctiulii, who was injured last
fhuraduy by (ailing boin a band car is
now at the Uood Samaritan hospital and
getting along nicely.
A district Chtistain Endeavor conven
tion taking in Southern Oregon, will be
held at Med ford Friday, Saturday and
Sunday, October 10, 20 and 21,
The Foiee'.eis ol America o( this hare rented the opera house (or
rhatikngiving evening and will give a
rand mask ball on that date.
Dou't forget the Ideals when looking
or a good medium priced Bicycle. All
kinds (or old and young, prices $20, $25
nl (30. Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
Rambler Ukyclca are becoming more
popular every day. Don't (orget to look
the Ramblers when looking (or a
wheel. Price $40. Hair Kiddle Hdw.
Why pay $1.25 per tier (or wood when
you can get good slab wood from
W. L. Ireland (or 75 cents per tier?
Leave orders at Cramer Bros. Hard
Ktmblers are establishing a good rep
utation (or themselves. A p leaned cus
tomer is the best ol recommendations.
rhose who ride Ramblers always praise
their wheels. Price $40. Hair Riddle
Hdw. Co.
DON T watt until it begins raining
before yon order your winters wood.
Order now and get good dry slab wood
W. L. Ireland at 75 cents per tier.
Leave orders at Cramer Bros. Hard-
Colonel Trevelvan, one ol the (ew
urvivois of the fntuous charge of the
noble six hundred at the battle of
alaklava o( which Tennyson wrote in
he "Chnrtte of the Light Itrigade," died
Frcfno, Calif , Friday.
Hurry L. Gillam the Acrobatic lit'
brew, ib nightly taking (our to five
ncores on hi acrobatic specialty. He
the highest-priced colored stage di
rector in America to dav. He has com'
ele charge of the Ueomia up to date
inistrel steg.
Nye A Wortman now have eight men
on their (ialls Creek mine and two on a
ine w hicn they recently bonded in the
illow Spring district. These gentle-
en say the mine on Oalls Creek where
they made the big strike, Is yielding
steadily and the have every reason to be
ieveit will retain its present reputation.
One evening a short time sgo a party
o( young people wete out for a lark and
thought it would be great (uu to
drop a (ew rocks on an old man's house.
It was (un until the man came out with
a gun and let a few charges fly at them
then the fun was on the other side. It
is perhaps needless to cay that the boys
and girls lei t the premises without
Analann II fi u sounded at 10
o'clock Sunday morning and the smoke
which issued from the rear of the Odd
Fellows block brought a big crowd out
to see the burning of pile of boards.
The proximity of the fire to W. E.
Dean's residence and to Lister A Cal
vert's livery barn caused some alarm
and had uot the fire department been on
hand the results might have been
U. O. Fisher has tented Cramer Bros,
plumbing shop and is now prepared to
do sanitary plumbing. Estimates fur
nished on hot water systems,nstallirig
bath tubs, sinks, etc. Mr. Fisher also
makes a speciality ol roofing, galvanized
iron tanks, etc. and guarantees satiefac
tion. He will have a stock of bath tubs,
wash hksins, patent closets, etc. Orders
can be left at Cramer Bros, hardware or
with Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
Shoes repaired at Hackett's.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist.
Ice-cold Soda at WILSON A ROPER'S
Vanti A nice panther skin.
Cramer Bros.
Dvtirubo (unified rooms (or lent.
Inquire at this office.
WLere do you get your hair cut T Try
Will Mallorr.
Some good bargains in Fur Collarettes
at Mrs. Kehkopt's.
Harness of all Kinds, tirades and
Prices at Hackett's.
All the late novelties in Fur Collar
ettes at Mrs. RehkopCs.
Take your shoes to Hackett for good
work and right prices.
Genuine Eastern Whole CoJUih, 8l,c
a pound Calhoun Urocery Co.
RAMBLERS. High grade Bicycles NO
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co.
Oysters in any style at Blake's. Sixth
street, next door to Coe's store.
Strained Honev in gallon and half
gallon cans. Calhoun Urocery Co.
A Double SnrprUe.
Monday evening was the occasion ol a
pleasant reception at the Newman M. E.
church in honor of return to this place
o( Presiding Elder Suinnierville and
Pastor Jenkins. Rev. Sumrnerville
had been requested to be present as
it was a surprise to Rev. Jenkins, and
Rev. Jenkins had been asked to be
present at a surprise lor Rev. sjunimer
ville. It took the two gentlemen a lew
rniniUes to figure out which one was
really surprised. Every one present
bad a thoroughly enjoyable lime.
Almost Miraculous.
M r. C. C. Presley, formerly o( Wood
ville, Or., express agent at Grants Pass,
was cared two years ago of deafness by
Dr. Darrin while in GraoU Pass. His
cure was almost miraculous, having
been cured in ten minutes. The care is
permanent and perfect and goes far to
support Dr. Dan in's skill.
Opening of Itae Oyster
srasoo has occurred at Clakea, next door
to Coe's store.
nur n v photographer
r II CD I . Opp. Court House.
Another lot of that Cream ol Wheat
and picture tree. Calhoun Grocery Co.
You have heard it said of some thing
"It takes the cake." But Myrtle Uretk
Flour makes the cake.
Smokers will find rare opportunities
(or selection in the many lines of choice
cigars at Wilson A Roper's.
RAMBLER Bicycles have a distinctive
"style" o( their own. See the samples
at Hair Riddle Hardware Co's Store
The price is $40. j
Have you noticed the number ol new
Rambler Bicycles on the streets recent
ly T They are sold at the Hair-Riddle
Hardware Co. store, and the price Is $10.
me Uld Maid s Convention" will be
held at the opera house, Grants Pass, on
ttie evening o( October ai-h aH,i..
eion 25 cents, children 15 cents. Every
body Invited. ,
Maker, a former resident of
Grants Pass, is now iu the city for the
purpose ol opening a steam laundry,
Mr. Buker and brother, Omar, have
owned a laundry in Berkley, Calif., and
the Berkley Dailey Gaxette speaks in
high terms cf the boys and their work.
Mr. Baker has a car load ol the best and
latest improved laundry machinery and
Urants Pass will soon have a plant In
stalled tuat is equal to anything between
Sacramento and Portland, and the work
turned out cannot be excelled In any
city. line city is a good opening for
an enterprising lauudry and we are iilsd
that Baker Bros, have decided to locate
here. Omar Baker will be here in a lew
There has never been a better and
cleaner Minstrel performance in Grants
Pass than the one next Saturday night.
This popular company ol colored com
edians, singers and lancers, have
appeared iu every city in this country
and they always have had the reputa
tion of carrying a company ol ladies and
gentlemen. You may rest assured II
you take your sister, mother, or some
one else's sister, that you will have no
eaiise to regret it. The Pioneer Press of
St. Paul says: It was the brightost and
cleanest minislre! performance eyer
given on St. Paul stage: Aud as a
result the audience were well pleased
and showed their appreciation by the
cuiiuiious applause." The nri, I
this engagement will be 25, 50, slid 7flc.
The Coral Union.
II the first meeting of the Grants Pass
Choral Union can be taken as an Index
to the succeeding meetings of the season
it can truly be said that this year will
eclipse lormer years in interest and
profit to the members. About 35
singers were gathered in the parlors of
the Presbyterian church Mondav eve
ning and next Monday it is expected
that many more will be present.
At the business ression the old officers
were re-elected as follows: President
and musical director, H. C. Kmncy;
vie prtsident, T. P. Cramer ; secretary!
Geo. P. Cramer; treasurer, J, E. Peter
son ; accompanist, Miss Belle Robinson;
assistant accompanist, Mrs. J. N.
It was decided to give the cantatta of
"David, the Sheapherd Bjy," in lull
costume the first week in December
This will be the musical event of the
season, and we can assure our readers
that it will be something worth seeing
and hearing.
It is hoped that all who can sinir will
join the Choral Union as it-will be ol
profit to the singers themselves as well
as the society. The musical covention.
comprising Choral Unions of Ashland.
Medford, Jacksonville and Giants Pass
will meet In this place in March and
the tnnsic loving people exiiect this to
be the most successlul convention yet
held in the Rogue River yalley. Your
joining the Oranu Pass Union will hel p
toward this end.
The yearly membership dues (or
ladies is 50 cents and (or gentlemen $1.
Muntie Brings, o( Ashland, is in Grants
I'ses this week.
J. K. Hale made a business trip to
Glendale last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. (lowland drove
10 Jacksonville Weduesd.y.
Mrs. J. N. Ferguson, left Saturday
evening for a visit at Salum.
Mrs K. U. Smith has returned from
La Giande after a visit to her siater.
Mrs. J. H. McCord and daughter
went to ft ol( Creek Thursday for a
J. T. Leva has rented lbs stag station
at Hays Hill, to Mr. McGalliard. of
J. A. Bish, a teacher of the Woodville
country, was a visitor to the Paso last
E. R. Freeland, of Ashland has opened
s dental office (or a short time in Room
6, Western hotel.
District Attorney Reamea and wife
left south Tuesday morning and will
make a trip into Lake county.
Miee Ida LaRout has returned from 1
three weeks' visit with friends in Port
land and at her home in Douglas county.
Mrs' S. N Butlers and two children,
who have spent the summer In Ludiug
ton, Mich., visiting relatives and Iriends,
returned home Monday.
Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Moore entertained
the Bethany Presbyterian C. E. society
at their monthly business and aorial
meeting Tuesday evening.
1. u. Moon was in town this week,
from Williams. He reports flooring
business good. They are now consider'
nuijr iieiiinu on oruora out will soon
catch up.
nr. k renter and daughter went to
Portland Sunday, where Miss Maud en
ters the medical department of the Uni
versity of Oregon. The doctor returned
xt: t 1 . - . .
miss dusepiiine irow, who utilsned a
successful term of school at Hugo last
week, passed through here on Sunday
morning's train going to Ashland, where
sue enters the Normal.
Rev. Oilman Parker, has resigned the
office of general missionary for Oregon,
accepted the call ol the Whatcom Baptist
church, In Washington and will enter
upon his duties this week.
Mrs. Ed Smith returned homo Sunday
alter visiting relatives In Eureka, Cal
and Portland. She was accompanied
by her daughter. Mrs. L. Martin, of
Sisaon, who was also visiting at Port
Mrs. f. T.Love and Mert Love and
wile are on their way overland to Susan-
ville, Calfl., where Mrs. Love will visit
a (ew months with her sister before
returning home. Mert Love and wife
will go farther south to spend the
School Notes.
I am in receipt ol a report Irom Miss
Lillian Pence, who began teaching in
district No. 20, on Monday Sept. 24 th
Mrs. Ulyssa Woodbury took the
examination for a temporary certificate
F riday, and is going to teach la district
No. 12.
Local institutes will be held throughout
the county this (all and winter. The
first one will be held at Merlin on Nov.
3rd. lbs programmes for It will be
out sometime in October.
Prof. Bish ot the Woodville school
was a visitor at my office Saturday
Mr. Bish is a graduate of the Southern
Oregon State Normal School, and one
of Jackson county's successful teachers,
nr. roert KouDtns called at my
office to record his diploma Friday
Mr. Rabbins is a graduate of the South
era Oregon 8tale Normal 8chool, and be
is going to teach In district No. S at
Upon looking over the names on the
list of teachers for Josephine County,
1 una a lew teachers who have come
from other counties, who have not re
corded their certificates. Teachers
have your certificates placed on record
It will cost yon nothing and It may save
many inconveniences.
School In district No. 7, Grsnts
Pass, under the management ol Prof,
Holmes is progressing uicely. The
classification Is quite well established
and the teachers in the different rooms
manage their class and recitation work
well. The gradation of the school
throughout the different rooms is not
uniform as it should be. This is
caused principally by the breaking up ol
the school last spring by "small pox,
thus leaving the grades in an unfinished
condition. The grading of such a school
to conform with our State course ol
tudy'ls no small thing to do, and can
not be done all at once, but most be
worked up to gradually. The order of
the school throughout Is good and the
system ol marching in and out is excel I,
ent. Five hundred pupilea march in
and out of these buildings four times
every day, l'rof. Holmes and his
corpse ol teachers deserve commenda
tion (or dicipline and the general condU
tion of the school. Lincoln Savaoi.
County Bupt.
Agents Wanted.
No Capital Necessary to sell our Tsss,
Coffees snd Spices.
In every city and town in the States
of Oregon and Washington outside of
Portland, ladies or young men who haye
two or three hours per day to spare wi:i
find selling our Teas, Coffees and Spices
pleasant work and they can make big
money for themselves. Writ for lull
particulars and Catalogue rur.K.
3:'') Washington St. Portland, Ore.
Lamest distributors of Teas, Coffees and
.Spices on the Pacific Coast. fOQ stona
in successful operation.
Miss Ada Umphlette left on Saturday
morning's overland train for San Fran
cisco, where she will enter upon her
studies ol the violiu under a leading
violinist of the Bay City. A farewell
reception was tendered this talented
young lady by a oartvol Intimate (riends
at the home ot Miss Cloe MuKenxie
Thursday evening. The guests num
bered about 20 including both young
ladies and gentlemen and pleasure was
the maxim ol the evening. Disappoint
ment was traceub'e upon the features ol
all, who at that lalo hour bide Miss Ada
good bye and wishing her all the success
ibis world could offer.
A $2,500 Verdict.
After a hard (ought legal battle be
tween A. C. lloiijh, as administrator of
the estate ol Enoch Moon, deceased and
the Grants Pass New Water, Light A
Power Co., a verdict was brought in by
the jury on Saturday ol $2,500 ) lor the
The tacts ol the case are familiar with
most of our readers. On October 2, last
year, Enoch Moon was repairing electric
light wires on Fifth street in the resr of
th6 old PalacA hotel site, when tbs
electric current wa turned on at the
power house, Mojii receiving the full
force of the anock, killing him Instantly
and knocking In 111 from the pole on
which he was working.
The evidence was brought to show
that the company, through its manager
G. I. Urown was negligent in not using a
more sale method of common tcstion to
the powerhouse. It will be remembered
that Mr. Brown sent a man down to
notify the engineer not to turn on the
power but the messenger was obliged to
make a purchase on the way and arrive.!
at the power house after the current had
been turned on.
The company was represented by its
attorney R. E. Moodv.ol Portland, and
A, h. Hammond, of Mudford. Plaintlrl
A. C. Hough, was assis ed by II. D.
The court granted 00 days In which
to file a motion (or a new trial.
KE3SLER At Grants Tsss, Sunday
September 30, 1900, to Mr. and Mil
Harry Kessler, a son.
home of Mrs. Walter Simmons, Mon
day, October 1, ltWO, Owen . Bwear
inger and Miss Luclnda Bucksbler,
both of Josephine county, Judge
Axtell officiating.
BARRETT At Winona, Friday Sept.
28, 1MK), ol typhoid pneamonia, Miss
Eva Barrett, aged 20 years.
The deceased was a young woman of
ability, highly respected by all who
new her and one whose death will
be a deip loss to the community. She
was engaged to teach the Greenback
school which was to have opened Sept.
15, but had been postponed on account
of the Illness. She leaves a mother
nl lour sisters to mourn her loss. The
luneral was held Saturday afternoon and
the interment took place at the Plea ant
Valley cemetery.
8PARLIN At Williams. Oregon, Sun
day September 30, 1900, Mrs. H. II
Sparlin, aged 45 years and t) months
Mrs. Sparlin was the daughter of
Lewis Maya, of Applegate, Ore., and an
old resident ol this county, having lived
here since 1805 ; a highly respected and
estlmsble woman, the mother ol nine
children, six of whom are now living,
The funeral services were conducted by
Rev. Hoxie at Williams Monday after
noon, the remains being intered in the
Williams cemetery.
titrated 1
Strayed from Bolt's Mountain on
Applegate, about the middle of April, a
bay filly, 2 years old, white spot In fore
hesd, right hind ankle crooked. Rra
aonable reward will be given lor infor
mation as to her whereabouts.
Thomas Penny,
Grants Pass, Ore,
Flour to Ksuliange.
Farmers, do nut haul your wheat 20
to 50 miles to exchange, Scott Griffin
will give you as many pounds ol flour
(or a bushel ol wheat as any mill srill
give you. You will find Scott Griffin at
his Hay, Flour, Feed and Heed Store.
Cor. Oth and I streets, Grants Pass, Ore.
One Ladie's
One Gent's
In Mcmorlam.
Kinnv, Ore., Sept. 20, 1000.
Wukkkah, Our friend and beloved
brother, Alberlla Keffer, has passed the
daik river separating time from eternity,
to join the innumerable host gone before
And Whkkkas, Our brother has been
a member of our lodge but a very short
time, since May 20, 1000, nevertheless
he was sn esteemed member and held
by his brethren as one worthy of their
confidence and respect. And while the
sudden snd untimely taking of our dear
brother again reminds us of the un
certainly oi me; ana mat we may soon
be called upon to surrender to the grim
tyrant death. May it admonish and
remind us, that we who are left behind,
should so order our conduct and lives,
not only toward our brethern In Odd
Fellowship, but in our Intercourse with
voe worm at largo, so mat when nor
time comes, we may be able to submit
to the inevitable.
Rksoi vku, Thsl while we sympathise
with the family of our deceased brother
in their berevement, we recnguite the
certainty ol death, and that, while our
brother's work In the inculcation of
tlie prnriples o( F. L. A T. finished on
earth, ws are reminded by his death ;
that it is our duty while living, to csrry
out our cardinal units, to visit the sick.
relieve the distressed, snd bury the
Rihoi.vko, That as a token of respect
for our lata brother, our charter and
hall be draped In monrning, and that
the brethren of the lodge wear the usual
badve ol mourning lor Ilia period ol
thirty days
Rksolvei), That Ksrbyville Lodge
No. 65, tender Its sincere tl tanks tn
(,olden Rule Lodge No. 78, lor their kind
care and treatment of our brother, dur
Ing his illness snd interment.
KisoiAin, That a copy of these res
olutions bespread on the minutes of this
Lodge, a copy of same be presented the
relstives ol our deceased brother and
that a copy ol same be forwarded to the
Cuuaiaa for publication.
F. M. Nick KasoM.
Committee Tikw. K, Kuivn.
Ttioa. A. Glynn.
Office on 0th St. oppo. Court House.
Residence North 7th St.
i ' ii'flSBSiiii1
bkS ram elect IS
hw ior bargains
We are after your fall wants ....
Our second-best rice, sixteen pounds for i.
Just uuloaded, a car of the best salt we ever received.
It's pure and white as snow. Put up in heavy fifty
pound sacks tha iwe sell for 60 cents.
We have not raised the price. Our best sellers are the
uja and cent kinds. We carry all the other
brands and can make you close prices.
If you like ROLLED OATS, that's the kind we sell.
No specks, no hulls, 5c a pound twenty pounds for $1.
Grocery Co
Firemen's Hunt.
On Thursday, the 11th, the firemen
will have a big hunt under the leader
ship of Captains Fred Jasiniu and Dan
Johnson. It behooves the residents of
this connty to chain up their Belgian
hares and post trespass notices in the
vicinity of their poultry houses on that
date for the firemen will be out in (ull
(orce and all animals will look alike to
them. On the following day, Friday,
the boys wilt give a game supper, at
which time the tables will be loaded
dowu with all kinds of wild lowl, fish
and animal. The supper will be follow
ed by a grand ball.
The proceeds ot the supper and ball
will go toward replenishing their treas
ury In order that they may have (unds
with which to carry on their work. On
the faithfulness, efficiency and equip
ment of this organisation depends t he
safety of tha town in time ol conflagra
tion and it stands the sttiseni iu hand to
do all in their power to bring Ibis or
ganisation to the highest possible stand
ard of efficiency.
New and old lumber, or old buildings
awful for lumber wanted. Address
'B, W.," care Couhikr office.
A Second-hand pump with piping.
Address "W. B." Coimaa office.
Wanted I
Second-hand No. 2 giant, ball bearing
and about 000 feet ol pipe to match.
wanted. Address, stating particulars
and price delivered at railroad,
0. A. Cook,
Galice, Ore.
Bids WsnUd.
Bids will be received at tha office of
the undersigned, Waldo, lor hauling 60
tons, more or less, ol coke Irom Grants
'ass to the company's smelting works.
near Waldo, until October 10, 1000. Hie
coke must all ba delivered on or before
November 15.
Waldo Gold A Copper Smelting Co.
T. W.-M. Drapkr.
flttnarsal Ultnanas
Waldo. Or. OcL 1. 11)00.
Coming Events.
Oct. 4 Council meeting.
Oct. 6 George A Hart's minstrels.
Oct. 11 Firemen's bunt.
Oct. 12 Firemen's ball.
Oct. 17 United Artisan lecture.
Forester's grand mask ball, Thanks
Advertised Inciter List,
following is the list ol letters adver
tised at the Urants Pass poet office for
tuo week snding September 29, 1900.
Hayden.MrsAddie, Praiher, Mrs M A,
Morgan.MraElmir, Williams H P,
Williams. II P Atkinson. J L, Esq,
Adams. Mr K 0, Barker, O H,
Byran, Byron Esq, Danlap, W E,
Law, ML, Mo Q Wiley. 8,
Morris, Mr Chas, Nelson, G W,
?)h. Mr V H, Sparks D Burnett,
Richtor. Mr Frans, Wilton. Albert,
(Scavenger, Frank
C. E. Harmon, P. M.
A Powder Mill Explosion
Removes everything In sight; so do
drastic mineral Dills, but both aramluht
dangerous. No need to dynamite your
body when Dr. King's New Life Pills do
the work so easily and perfectly. Cares
Headache. ConstiDation. Onlv 2ft rant.
at Dr. Kramer's Drug Store.
School Books
supplies AT
M. Clemens,
oeo. opens Mouse
Grand Hop Pickers Sale
R. L. COE Ik CO.
11 ml
We arc owning
up the largest
line of full and
winter hhoes for
Men, Ladies and
Children that
have ever been
shown in this
part of the state,
but find numer
ous biolccn lines
of Ihe very best
makes of Shoes
that arc taking
too much shelf
room, and to
make a long
story short have
decided to place
on the
About 300 pairs
Fink, Medium
Anu Huavv
lor Men, Ladies
and Children at
Bttc 79c 98c
$1,25 $1.48
of the
line of
PRICE are the
three interesting
features of our
Cloak Department
Our stock of
ladies and child
drctis wraps is
the largest and
most complete
we have ever
OVER ,soo Gar
ments in every
conceivable sue
and style.
Dunt bur un
til you sec
Shoes was 1.25
to fs.oo
4 inch Steel
Paragon Frame
heavy cot ton
strge 77c
26 inch as above
These Umbrellas
are made of good
heavy cloth,
stetl rod, steel
wire, Paraxon
Frame and cau
not be duplicat
ed under $1.00
We are showing
Silk, Serge and
Mercerized Silk
Umbrellas aud
have ma r k e d
them at prices
to insure quick
50 dozen Child
ren Heavy Rib
bed Patent Fell
ed Seamed Un
derwear, all sizes
from 16 to 34 In
ches, Shirts,
Drawers and
Pants, -
25 cents
Best value ever
sold for Twenty
Five CctiU.
Ladies' Vests
and Pants as
25 cents
50 cents
Still buys the
same garment
that we sold last
year. DiJ you
ever have a bet
ter garment?
We are showing
lines of
r 1 .
Mens and
at from 50c
to $1.25.
Extra sizes
same price.
for Tailor-Madt
. . . Suits , . ,
All Styles of
Heavy Suitincs
are very popular
this Season and
we were very
fortunate in be
in ir able to se
cure large quan
tities of the verv
latest novelties
Two -Toned
and Plaid. Plain
and Fancy Mix
tures to be made
up with or with
out lining.
Tailor- made
Suit:, tnatlQ up
in any stvle de
sired, walking,
kreet , Dress
Skirts made up-
111 short notice.
We make tin all
of our own
kirts. and can
ive you much
lietter cloth and
work than can
be had for fac
tory made goods
41 inch Dress
Goods 25c
Black Satin
beiber ren
-adine .... iOc
All wool Cas- .
simereand "
Surge ....50c
All wool
ritorra Surge 65c