Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 04, 1900, Image 2

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bates or bi BBCBimoM :
One Year, In sdvaooe, $1-28
Bii Months, - . .b5
Three Months. ... .85
tima-le Conies. - .06
Arivrtlina rate on application. Conv
for change of"ad"mut tie banded in liefore
Tuesday noon, otherwise setting of tbe
matter will be charged (or at tbe rate of 5c
ner running Inch, ample column. Altera
tions and additions W copy will be charged
or at tbe rate o( 10c per running inch, un-
gie column.
Entered at tbe pout office at Grant !',
uregon, as aeconu-ciaiw mau um.vci.
Thursday, October 4, 1900
Neva now that Princes Tuan,
Yih. Taai Yina. Duke
Tsat Lao, President of Censorate
Ymg Men, General Rang 1 1 and l'real nf Iinaril of Punishment Cho Hhu
Chiaa are all degraded and now in the
bands of those who are to determine
their tat, which court le directed to de
cide on a severe penally in addition to
ths loss o( office and servant!, This Is
Ratifying news and leads to tbe belief
thai there is some hope lor China.
The administration ol McKinlejr bas
been characterised throughout by good,
sonnd judgment, fairness, political toler
ance and solicitude toward granting the
. nnhlir alalia' Indeed, this last item
' baa been taken up by bis criticisers and
bas been and now is, a fruitful source of
so-called arguments used in bis dialavor.
Of all argument which could be used
against a tuan, it seems (o ns that this
is one ol the most far-fetched and pre
posterous. He is accused and con
demned for considering the people's
wishes and making an effort to carry them
Tbe Issue in this campaign is prosper
ity and there is no other. The silver
question is a rattling skeleton, imperial
ism is an inflated bugaboo, the trusts
re universal campaign material for all
participants. The country Is now pros
perous and the conditions which make
It so should be maintained. The elec
tion of McKinley and Koosevelt will
best further this end. It is good judg
ment to let well enough alone. Mc
Kinley has not been found wanting and
as long as things are going well, it is
good policy to take the surest way
toward continuing them in that direc
tion. Ban Francisco bas judge who has
faith in boys. A 14 year old lad was
brought before him some mouths ago on
a cbsrge of robbing Chinese. The
judge continued the charge against him
and released him without bail on con
dition thai lie would report to the court
every ail weeks. Tbe judge has con
tinued the case of four or five boys on
the san.e conditions, in each case sur
rounding the boy with good influences.
It is gratifying to note that there seems
no doubt that the judge will ultimately
rescue the boys from their evil ways
and save them without conviction of
felony and term In the reform school.
Tbe free reading room project Is mov
ing along steadily. Subscriptions for
Its support are being received and also
donations of magazines and periodicals.
This Is movement that should re
ceive 1 he hearty support of all citicuna
who are Interested in the good of the
community and who have at heart the
welfare of the growing boys. Kucha
place bas been the need of this town for
year past aud now that it is an assured
fact we should do all in our power to
belp it along. Let it not be again said
of Grants Pass that the only place for
the boys and young mn to so and
spend an evening is to the saloon or
cigar store or that the stranger who
comes into our city to remain a day or
two has no good place to spend his time
after transacting his business. A free
raiding room well supplied with ruaga
sines and periodicals will do more to
advertise this town than can possiby be
The assault on Koosrvelt in Colorado
shows the effect that demagogiiery and
political superstition has on the ignorant
and vicious human mind. It would
not be fair or right to lay the blame of
such an occurrence as this to llryan or
the democratic party, but such things
would probably not occur but for the
intemperate ulturrnces ol excited politi
cal sneakers, which are taken seriously
to heart by thoao of their listeners w ho
are possessed ol light minds aud vacant
undemtandiug. Political speakers often
(ail to remember that their first duty
should be to advocate principles and
sentiments which aie right and lawful,
rather than to make wild and inflam
matory statements, even, iu the sup
posed interest ol Hie party. When a
man or party eacrillcua principle to vote
getting, be or it is on a ruinous mad.
Mo 011s ol the parties la absolutely free
from this mn and it is the duty ol each,
to purily itself of it as far aa it is
possible to do so. If the political
education nfl'ured the voters is not
rational, reasonable and conducive to
law and order, it is hartulul in
an incalculable degree. Intemperate
speech is one of the most ruinous
agencies iu existence.
Change ol Data.
. II. 1.. Hudson, who the Cm hih said
would be here the Uth, in the interest ol
the foiled Artisans, will be in (iiania
Para Wednesday the I7lh instead, and
will lecture in the I. O. O. K. hall. Mr.
Hudson comes highly recommended as
a tuneable speaker and he will place
facta about the I'uited Artisan before
bia hearers. It you are intc rested in
fraternal insurance make it a point lo
bear him.
Heady for Illiniums.
I have opened an otllce in tbe opera
bouse block, over the poatoHii. in
brants Pasa, snd will enjiiKe in Mining,
Brokerage, Keal Ksiate, liiruraucv and
Collection business. 1 shall be pleased
to consult with p.irfone having mining
properties, who may wish either ti sell
them or place on the stock market. I
am also ready to handle Ileal Katale.
including improved and unimproved
property. It yoa want r ire Insurance
let me write you policy and do il ao
that in raseul loss you get your money.
If you have accounts or notes to rolled,
bouses or farms you want rented, bring
Ihetn to me. K. C. Pe.ntl.imi.
Ladies Tailor
To Close Out at
W. E. DEAN, & CO.. Propr.
Post Office Building.
Uncalled for Warrant!.
Most people would be snrDrlsed at
the number of warranto at the county
clerk's cilice that are awaiting the
owners. At present there are 135 such
warrants issued prior to the last meeting
of the county court, written for amounts
varying from 35 cents to 115 and some
of which have been wailing 10 years for
claimant. A great many were Issued
for witnesses on juries snd those to
whom they were issued had not ex
pected to draw pay. The county is
ahead on these warrants as they do not
draw Interest until havinirbeen nreaented
to tbe treasurer for payment. Following
is a list wuicn will bring money into
I he pockets of many of the Conuna
readers :
Kdward Abiaham, Oct 17, '00 2 (XI
V W Allen. Jan 7. 'Bll 9. no
Otto Anderson, Nov 111, 'Uy. 1 00
W 1) Alley, June 2fi, 'M "00
0 Bennett, JanU.'M n
W K Maker. Anr 7. 'UK 9 no
Jesae Barnes. Nov III. 'Ik! . no
John ilaatell, Jan 10, 10. 1 8 811
J W liennett, Apr 7. 'U9 3 20
Clarence U llrown, Jan 0, 1900. .. . 2 50
(i I llrown. Oct 1(1. 'mi . 1 iui
Chss llallurd, Apr 6. '00 3 50
U U Burnett Apr 8, '08 2 00
A J. uanister, flov JO, 'SI7 inn
B K Itartv. th-l 17 'no 'J no
I. Barney, Feb 21, '95 .'. 1 60
J V ISanfleld, July 0, '00 2 00
l Li cousino, Jan 7, '00 2 00
" " Julv ft. 'no l no
'ieoCarpy. fiept 8, '00 100
E Cohurn, Jan 0, '00 1 00
K Chamberlain July 8, '00 6 Hi I
Mrs I. M Cham .Inns MO MM A III
H A Cortes.Nov 10. 'U7 . 70
Ueo Carter, Jan 0, 02 1 10
J A Cruel I, Kept IU, '05 3,10
Duncan Campbell Apr 8, '00 1 Ml
Stephen Croisant July 7, '118 76
W 1 Coburn. Apr 4, '00 1 10
u r I'avis, Nov ia, '07 1 60
Mrs llaUn. June 25. 'Ml nn
Jas Ilonar.lmin Aug 17, '00 1 50
Wm & Eii Uarlney Apr 7, '0 12 00
You will find a complete assortment ol XKW FALL,
GOODS in every Department.
Dress Goods
Wool Waists
Also a complete lino of
IN MY SHOK DKl'ARTMIvXT you will find the best
makes to he found. In light, medium and heavy weights.
I handle nothing but itrictly First-Clan llp fo Date Shoes.
J C Kadis. July 11, '00
Wm Fiddler. Oct 17. '00
8 (VI
2 00
2 HO
1 00
11 (
10 00
1 (H)
2 00
Jaa Fraiuey Oct 17, '00
J A flowers. April 4, '00.
M 51 (iolbreth, Apr 7, '07. . ..
1. T tireeti, Julv u, '00
J T Hordlow, Apr 0, 'ol
ieo dreen, Oct 17. '09
Win licurne. Jnn tl. '00
2 .HI
J N liotcher, July 7, '00
li OO
John llackett, July 8, '08
win Melius, Jsn HI. '1KI .
J C Hoar. Jan 1. '05
J R Hale, July ti, '00
I 10 '
1 10 1
1 (si :
II (VI i
2 00
1 ho
2 40 '
(i 01 j
5 2.'.
2 00 I
2 (V i
2 00 i
5 00 '
(1 00 i
2 00 1
12 SO
1 ho ;
ii on
2 (V) 1
1 Ml'
1 70;
2 (HI I
1 501
1 40 I
2 00
2 O.i
.i ml
it 00 ,
1 ,'si
2 00.
1 IV I I
1 ;so
ti oo
lohii Howell, Jan 7, 00
Tom I litinl v. Jan 0. '0L'
E V Mull. Jan 0. '02
J K Holland, July il. Mil
r llocue, u. iK)
Mrs F Hailed, Oct 10, '90
Henry I luck, Vt 17. '00
I'.-li llolcomli, Julv li. '00 . . .
Juk'I h J hnn'ii, .1 uly 0, 'iVI ..
Jan II, '00. . .
I'll Julinson, Apr li, '00
Warner Johnson, Apr it, 'iki ..
Andre Johnson, Apr 11, V
I A Ji-lliey, July I. US
Win Knox, July li, '1X1
Win knox, l. t 17, '00
Ernest Kansler, Apr 4, '00
.1 1' Keenan, J uly 7, 'on
II C Kimiev, Julv i . VO
Jsjs Kmghlen, Apr 5 !V
W Lister, July 7, 'IHI
J M l.oveland, Nov 17, '07 . .
(ieo l oveless Sept 10, 'IU ....
Lut I. sue, Jan 1(1, 'Oil
J N Lsrimore Jan 7, '00
Mrs C It JJy. Apr (1. '00
J A Leonard, Jan :V, 'Ol .
W A Leon.irJ, Apr 4, W
C F Lovelsce, July, tl, '00
Jas Mctiuire, July 0, Vm
J I. M irion, June 2,'i, 'Isi
Win Mi Allisler, Jan 10, 'tsi...
J P Miller. Apr 7. '00
II C Melniosh.. July 0, '00 . . .
M A Morrison fov 10, '97
J II Montgomery, Nov 19, '97 ,
Hen Mensch, Oct 17, 'W,
l-red Mensch, Oct 17, 't'9
Clars Nukerson, Apr 4, '0,1 . .
W li O'Dell, June :to, US
Alex Ornie, Jan 'JO, '00
Ernest Kesri e, July 8. '03
H T I'ankfT, July tl, '00
Jas Pollock. July (I, '01
2 . !
I on
14 HO
1 50
8 15
1 50
1 101
3 00
- Made Suits
a Reduced Price.
M A Powers July 7, '00
J T Kuweit, Jsn 0, '02
Jno Kolierts, Jan 0. V8,
C Unsenbiiric July 0. t
John Hehkoir, July 0, '00
H C Unlile, JulyO, 'IO
John hobineon, July 0, '00
Oct 17, '09
Milt Reynold, July 7. '00
Cynths R Rimer, July 1, '08
Kdith KepkofT, Apr 18, '97
M Hire, Jan 0, '08
J Rehkotf, July 1, '08
W J Savage, July tt, '00
J A Seylerth. July 6. '00
W C Utiles, July 7. '00
Oscar Sargent, July fi, '00 ,
Ora Smith, July 7, '00
Philip Spiegel, Apr 6, '05
School Dial. No. 21 July 18, '05. ..
School Dial No. 3, July 18, 'Oo . . .
School Dist. No. 11, July 18. Da..
Chaa Stephens, Jan 1(1. '0U
Jaa Hpense, Nov IS, '00
Mrs H M Sini'h, Jan 9, '02
Mrs Sarah Seyferlh, Apr (i, '00 ..
W W Spsulding, Nov 110, '07... .
John Htelipiiat, July , 'no
tl W Shipley. Nov 18, 'OH
School Dist. No. 3. Jan 8 '97 . . .
" No 24, Jul. 9, '90...
J I Tuffs. Oct 17. '1)0 ...
" " Apr 7, '90 .'
A R Taylor, Jan 10, 'Oil
P C Thompson, Sept fi. '05
Kd K Kerry, Jsn 1(1, '00
K M Thorman, Juiv 9, '0B
Umatilla County, July II, '00
Isaac Wiley, June 2:t, 'Oti
II I' Waller, Sept (1, '05
io II Wheeler, June 30, '05
Martin Williams Jan 1(1, '90 ...
Alex White, July 0, '00
Oilie Young, Apr 1.1, '0(1
0 00
1 On
2 70
1 50
2 00
U 00
2 00
fl 00
2 40
1 50
I 00
I 00
19 00
0 00
6 00
2 00
(I 00
1 50
1 35
2 W)
1 50
2 30
1 10
2 00
l no
I 50
1 40
2 00
2 00
1 0 1
1 oo
4 70
1 00
1 00
14 70
4 35
1 70
3 50
1 50
0 20
1 50
Editor's Awful rjljlit.
F. M. Higuina, Editor Seneca till.,)
News, was afllicted for years with Piles
that no doctor or remedv helped until he
tried Ilucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in
the world. lie writes, two boxes wholly
cured him. Infallible for Piles. Cure
guaranteed. Only 25c. Sold by Dr.
Kremer, druggist.
Ruhlier Goods
Amsrlraa llouls anil Minn Mould
Una Hrsil) Ssle In (.rrmnii) Us-
uf 5 o per In r Wnke.
Consul (leiicrul Kichnrd Cueiitlur.
lit Kriiiikfcul, has Milnuittc.! to the
slate department some inleii - t i a a ar
stiitisi i s ii 1 1 u i; mm in 's import nt inn
of A nf rii';tu t'ooiN in l'io.
Tin IbruresiU'iiiiirsn me saystli. one
111. Hint nliilv Hie t niteil Slates fur
nishes ll iiirirc pelveut i-e of ui tieles ,if
neeeMt, such tls ct real. Im ati. !un.
petroleum, cot ton-ei l nil, oleoioari;a
line, ele, in little competition
eUl-., other iirttelis lo nor fl;;nr,. n
prominently ns there is reason to ex
pect, on iHcount of tluir MiH'riority
nnif conip.aatiu ly low price
(oTinai'V. he yaiil, ly r. a-i'ii of lo r
ihiiMi- population, her aeeumulateil
wealth In r p in ral prosperity of
fell spleleliil np ol ' unit il s for lllftliy
irinniv of Vm ncMii manufacture. For
iiisii.nce. the hum! stales. American 1
ln.nle l.oois ami shoes arc (.'eiieriilly
in! i i!',.! lo he the best anil cheapest
in lie worhl. ami yet In the wealthy
city of I'i.m Ufoi t he cannot Mini suit
able I'oo's ami shoes lor himself nml
fan i' v i ,1 sel lii;. .l lo' si ml, to the
I nil. .! Si t.s for tin in. ticrinany Inst
year lie; .it.'.t mern-nn hoois and
shoes In the n!ite of lol,:t!S, as
ll(fuii'st . MS iu s"7. This iuerense,
say Cti'sul l.inerul tiiien'her. while
arrn t i f ii. u in way. is not at nil what
it kIioiiM he. anil only imlieales what
coiihl' he aeeoinplislieil if our boot and
shoe tliauur.ictut't rs wouul (file more !
ntlctition lo this pmtiulile (ierinan
tlchl for trade.
W Willi sist ,l tuM IAiij. FT
I M HMIlKiulllijrutk TL V....1. I'm PS
' Tlx Bandit Ball.
The grand benefit ball given by the
Deuiaree orchestra at the opera bouse
Kii lay evening, was tbe greatest success
nf therea-on both socially and financial
ly. The ill tendance was large and all
ey they never had a more enjoyable
lime st a ball given In (iranls Pass.
The reception cummitiee and floor
nisnagers were in the rhiht place at
all times and did much to nuke the
occaaion a pleasing one.
The cake walk was participated in hv
Mr. snd Mrs. Demaree, Miss Emma
Hyde and Fred Koper and this testure
was greatly enjoyed by all present, the
waiters receiving hearty encores. Cake
walking is a new festure added to the
dances of this place and it was well
received. The general opinion was that
Urania Pass bas cake wa'kers that can
compel with any of the neighboring
The music of the orchestry was sunerb
and the terpsichorean art was indulged
in 'till the wee.ama' hours. The supper
was served by Mrs. Almy, at the Stone
i louse and was enjoyed by about 40
Mr. Demaree hands in the following
Amount received. $57 00
raid ball rent t 550
" floor wax 50
Printing 11 00
Orchestra's supper 5 00 22 00
Net proceeds $35 00
The above' amount is he!. by the
Dcinaree orchestra as a'publicfund and
a meet inif. will be held Ibis week to de
cide on the best way to distribute the
The orchestra wishes to express its
thank, to the public, to the committee,
in sltendance, Company II, for the liber
al donation nl $.", and also to Miss Ethel
Taluier for her kind assistance in the
DauKhlrr of Cincinnati flanker Pre.
lers a I'uat, Uets II, and Takes II
to (he A I (nr.
One of Cincinnati's society younff
women preferred a pug doir to n wed
inv.g rinjf. She got it. The tfirl was
.M.irjrnrct Harrison, duuifhler of Pres
ident L. I!. Harrison, of the First na
tionnl bank, while the piver nf the dog
vwis lloHiinl ( hihls. who is now her
hii'linnd. When I he young people
pHehled their troth Mirs Harrison de
cIiImI thnt an engagement ring was not
up to dale, so she nsktil her fiance,
who is from llostou, to give her a (log.
The pug una decorated with white
sat In ribbon nnd iiceompnnied. the
bridal party to the nltar. Mr. ( hilds
is the young man whose friends led
him to liellcve that he must get a
health certificate before he could pro
cure n marriage license, fie hopped
around the health ottiee and went
through various gyrations to prove
himself tomtit, while a party of nc
ipuiinlaiicis enjoyed themselves huge
ly. Hope for Government Milpa.
Nearly nil the rope used by the, Unit
ed Stales navy is mnnufnet ured In the
government ropi walk at the Charles
ton navy yard. The plant has just been
thoroughly overhauled nnd electrical
mothe power has been iiist.Jli il there.
At the time of the outbreak of the
Spanish war the government ropewnlk
had been nlloweil to deteriorate and
the navy department was obliged to
buy large ipianl ities of supplies out
side, hut the improvements made
since then, at n cost of over $lii(l,ntKi,
have so incienkid the rapacity nf the
plant that it Is now cue of the largest
iu the world.
The llsl That Killed.
A man fill dead while looking at his
wife's new hat. Most men. says the
Chicago Record, are able to slave it
off until the bill is presented.
Nitrllna II. His' llrlmtlrs.
An example of patina industry Is
the sorting of :, .' ,;,,!,., as "it Is
carried on at 'lien I .in, chin,,. Kaeh
l.rbtli' of r, ., 1 U. giants .sported
from that place in Is'.,- ,-d to be picked
out. measured nnd p!.:ei! in the bundle
of hairs of com-sp, .tiding length; and
Ihediirereiit lengths by which the hairs
are sorted are numerous.
lie ware of Ointments for Catarrh
that I'oiilalu Mercury.
As mercury will surely destroy the tense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mucous surfaces. S.icb articles
should never be used except on prescrip
tions from reputable physicians, aa the
.latiiae they Kill do is ten fold to the
good you can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, nisiiufac'.urid by
F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., contains
no mercury, and is taken internally,
-ting directly upon the blood and inu
cuos surhiceH ol the sjsieni. In buying
Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the
genuine It is taken internally aud
made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney
A Co. Teslluioiiisls Iree.
Sold by liruggists. price 7V' per Isillle.
Mali's Family Tills are the best.
I neiinselous risKlnrlam.
The latest victim of a case of ap
parently unconscious plagiarism is the
author of a story s. 1. 1 to a magazine
some 1 ti..- ii;; .. After his story had
been ae,,rt,. he picked up another
ll.aga'i.e. and there was his steuy .with
pn . i-e!y the same plot, t,,;,! ,v writer
he hail no er met. '1 here na just time
for him l.i send won! lo the magazine
that had accepted his contribution to
have the story taken from the form.
Two hours Inter he would have been
too late.
( nn.. l InDnrnan.
Dr. 1'feilTi T. intlueliia to..c . .1.-
disease to the handkerchief, and rec
ommend, the J.ip.i,;e paper ,u
w ipes.
ssnnlelnal l.lnktln l . Aflame...
tilnsgow nnd Fdinlotrirh have 1. '
'.'. invested in vTtctric lighting; I
Aberdeen. Ayr. Dundee, (iovan. tlreen- 1
" '. r.rth. f iw.oou.
The Hi atcry or Woman.
Was grandly hon by Mrs. J tbn
IVwIing ol llutler, Pa , in a ihre years'
struggle with a malignant stomach trou
ble that caused dis'ressing atta ks nf
nausea and ludigeition. All remedies
failed to relieve her unlit lis tried Elcc
trie Putters. After taking it two months
she wrote: "1 am now a holly cured
and can rat anything. It is truly a
(rand tonic for the ahole svstemasl
gained in aeighl and feel uuuh stronger
since using it." It aids digestion, Vtires
dyspepsia, improves appetite, nives new
life. Only fsV. liujrani.ccd, at Dr.
Kremer's drug stoic.
A Kusli or Ilustnrna Can sea
Damn to Poalpnnn Leaving
l itiil November II.
Dr. Dariin, (he eminet physician and
specialist, at tbe tequest of many friends
and the great interest shown by tbe
sutTcrinj and afllicted in Grants Pass,
hss consented to slay with us uutil
November 11. The truly wonderful
cures be has accomplished are beiru
testified to by a host of attlicted sufferers
who can be seen and consulted on the
miraculous cures on tbeir behalf. It ie
safe to say that no specialist has at
tained tbe brominerire iA fir. IWr:n in
this eoilntrv. and ha nnm.i I...I
meet with good success.
Dr. Damn's vieit ha. been marked
with good re,.l... Not only hash-
oeen crowned witn patients, but the
marvelous results achieved in bis treat
ment by electricity is almost beyond
belief. One cure in particular is that of
Mr. Eggers. formerly of Wilderville now
residing at Dillard, Ore., well and
favorably known, whose card we publish
below. The art of curing diseases bv
electricity can be classed with the other
discoveries of the day, s ml who knows
but what all diseases and ills of the
flnab will be conquered by this subtle
force. It is a theme for study and
reflection :
Diilabu, Ore.
Ma. Kditor: After reading the
notice of the arrival of the famous Dr.
Darrin, I wieh to make the following
1 lulfered for over fifteen years with
catarrh and for over five years my right
ear bas discharged more or less every
day. and I had got so deaf that I could
not hear one word in ten of ordinary
conversation. The discharge from my
ear was almost constant, hacking and
.pitting had become very annoying to
my family, and ao much annoyance to
myself that I many times wished my
self dead. I tried many catarrh
remedies, but constantly got orse. I
visile.) Dr. D.urin at Grants Pass, Ore.,
during the summer of 18'.H5, and bis
first application .lopped the discharge
from my ear, and his electric treatment
restored my bearing. I would not be in
the condition I was before visiting Dr.
Darrin for one thouaanJ dollars, and
would advise those suffering aa I was,
to visit the doctor at once and be cured.
Jno. II. F.uokns.
MRS. stanton's opinion.
Mu. Editor : I notice by your paper
that Dr. Dirrin is in (jrants Pass. 1
wish lo state that I was cured by Dr.
Darrin four years ago of eatarrb,
dyspepsia and sour stomach. I cannot
recommend Dr. Darrin to highly,
Keler to me on Deer Creek, seven miles
from Rotcburg.
Mas. Stanton.
Dr. Djrrin will remain until Novem
ber II, and ran be consu'ted at bis office
at tho Hotel Josephine, free from 10
a. m. to 8 a. tn. daily ; Sundays 11 a. in .to
11 p. in. Charges low and reasonable
according to circumstances and ability
to pay. He gives fr-w and confidential
examination to all at the oll'u e or bv
letter. Patients desiring tieatim nt wi'l
do well to come sism, as nianv ca'as
n"eJ a seconj treatment by ele :tricity.
Eyes tested free, and eye glas" fitted
Out of town patients are treated nitb
unfailing nuc.iss through correspond
ence; one visit desirable but not
necessary. Write for symptom blank
and circular. I.elters of inquiry
promptly answered.
Thle Shows Thnt Knarllsh Mrrchanli
Are Tito Ciineervallte for
Their Own Good.
The Intense conservatism of the Ilrit
ish character is illustrated in the story
of u young Englishman who came to
America to seek his fortune and found
it in a new process for manufacturing
lampblack, soys the Kansas City Star.
The principal market for his product
was (lerinany, hut he found that the
Herman buyers, iu turn, sold it in Eng
land. So he conceived the logical idea
of going to England and selling the
lumpblack direct, which appeared to
be certain of success, for he was able
to say to the English firms:
"Instead of buying my lampblack
through (ierinauy and paying for un
til I'essury transportation, to say noth
ing of the middleman's profit, let lne
set.d you the product direct. You can
then buy even cheeper than ti.' tier
mans, to whom y ou now pay a profit."
Ili head of one of the largest
houses replied:
"lieal'.y. Mr. Smith, our bouse has al
ways found the goods bought in tier-
many satisfactory. This house has
oeen in existence ;i jeara. nnu we can
see no reason for changing satisfactory
I'oor Mr. Smith got this reply on all
sides and his trip was a failure.
An flent uf Interest.
They were sitting In tne twilight,
ami he was explaining how he lost
llis llloT'ey.
"You sec. it was this way: In the
piarter stretch my horse was two
.ing'hs ahead, but he gradually lost
:t'oiiud, till in the home s' retch he
.v ., neck and neck with the young --"
' l!ow lovely," she exclaimed, inter--ut:og
him and moving- a little
c' s r.
"How lovely," he repented. ''You
.loii't understand. I had my money
o-i i!tc horse that was dropping be
hind." "Yes. Harry. I know; but I was
thinking how perfectly beautiful it
must have been to be neck and neck "
Then he rtar n nr,,tr:iel.-,l sicli s i.
Jiistetl his Msition. and therein the
silence ami gloaming they illustrated,
in pantomime, a modern racing term.
Fudiirod Heath n Agonies.
Only a roaring fire enabled J. M. t;ar
rettson, of Sau Antonio, Tex , to lie
down when attaked by Asthma, from
which he suffered for year.. Ha wi ilea
his misery was often so great that it
seemed be endured the agonies of death ;
but Dr. King's Sew Discovery for Con
sumption wholly cured bim. This not
veloua medicine is ths only known cure
for Asthma as well aa Consumption.
Coughs aud Colds, and ail Throat, Chest
and Lung troubles. Price Me and 1.00.
Cujrauleed. Trul bottles free at Dr.
Kremer's Drug Store.
T.. Leadl.a Men Are Those
Have Been lllsnppolnlrd 1st
Trrlnar to Obtain USDce.
The most important of those socie
ties are known under tbe names of the
-T-iiife the "I'oignard," the "Pure
the "Knife's Sect," the v em-
phar" ar.d the most widely spreau
amonir the cultured clas-ses is called
Heaven, Earth, Man," says a Paris pa
The society of the lioxers is a branch
from the "Closed Hand, an" ""V
must have been called so by souk Eng
lish sporting men residing in thina.
The mother society is one of those in
numerable associations which exist in
I I lio fvlesrial emnire. as there existed
in Spain the "Klaok Hand." in Italy
the "Carb.nari.'' the "Mafia the
" ,(hlnl- " " 'I nt
i population and democratic regime, is
( " tienighted land for such associationa.
They disguise themselves under a,l
kinds of Inoffensive appearances, phi
lanthropic, philosophic or utilitarian.
Thus the "Closed llamr" claims to le
merely a gymnastic association, with
out any religious or philosophic tend
encies. It aims at a race wur. a war
of revenge, against Cue Manchus. the
conquerors of China. I'.ut its branch,
the 'lioxers, leaves to the future the
settlement of that question, and aims
at the destruction of the Europeans,
whose infiltration into China is of
more recent date snd is sure, if unre
stricted, to alxirb and conquer peace
fully the Chinese race as thoroughly
as it ha bc-n subjugated by the Man
chus. These associations include all the
disappointed men who have passed
those examinations without which no
oflice can be obtained in China, but
which do not guarantee the holding
of such oflices. for there are more jiji
plicants than places. lcse npt(X the
head of most of the si-re't societies.
They teach to the-'uiiedueated mem
bers that th-'iiivusion of foreigners
has causr the misery and want of
work;. recently so prevalent in China.
What the lt?rrhf of German
Sciential la Sew Gutaua
Have Ilevealed.
In a recent issue of the Deutsche
Meiliinische Woekenschrif t there is
an interesting necount of the discov
eries made by Prof. Koch in (iermnn
New (iiiinea iu regard to malaria. The
professor began his investigations at
StephanSort, and learned that 25 per
cent, of the population of that place
were sulTering from malaria. Out of
21 Europeans. 12 were sick; out of
240 Chinese, C.I; out of 200 Malays.
S.'l, and out of 20-1 Melanesians, 29. In
New Hanover not a single Melanesian
was afflicted with the tnaladv, where
as out of l'J Melanesians of (iarilner's
island 9 were ill. In King William's
Land, as in Java, Prof. Koch found' a
large number of native children in
fected with the disease, nnd as a re
sult he niaiiitaius that only by a thor
ough examination of the children can
it he ascertained whether any dis
trict is infected' or not.
The entire coast of King Willinm's
Lund is. he thinks. Infected, while
the iieighnoring islands set m to be
more or less free from the disease.
The presence of malaria in some places
and not in others may oe accounted
for in a measure by the formation of
the land and by the unusual activity
of the pestiferous Anophelis flies. It
would lie unwise, however, says Prof.
Koch, to attach too much weight to
these factors, nndi especially to the
latter, since these Hies are to he found
in regions which are wholly free from
The Liberal Territorial Craalitna
t'blnn Una Made from Time
la Time.
Each conflict In which Chins has en
gaged has resulted in a loss of terri
tory. The principal cessions made bv
the Mongol government as the price of
peace have been the following: The
island of Formosa was tvdnl to Japan
in ls'.ii, after the war with China. In
ls7 (Icru.auy seized the port of Kiou
Chou on the east coast of the Shant ling
peninsula, her excuse for so doing be
ing a massacre of missionarii s which
had taken place there.' Two months
later she rccihi'd from China a Ml- ear
lease of the port ami district. In lsys
Itiissia obtained from China a 25-ear
lease of Port Arthur. Taiienwan and
their pdjaeent territories and waters.
The lease can be extended by mutual
agreement. The san.e y ear the Chinese
government gave permission for (ireat
liritain to occupy V i-Ilai -Wei for as
long a period as Knssia shall hold Port
Arthur. "To compensate France for
the concessions given to (iieat Itrilain
and Russia a ll'.t-year lease was given
her of the hay of Kwang-Chau Wan. on
the coast opposite the island of Hainan,
and last year two islands at the en
trance of the bay were definitely ceded
to her. llong-Kong was ceded to (Ireat
liritain in IMI.
rorelitn schools In Athens.
Four fonign Countries- lirrnmnr
i France. England nr.d the I'nlted States
I now have schools at A'htns. The
imted Mates school has n students
i ar,j ::l Cl)t
i prt " i ,e
ges contribute t,, its sup.
school has d'.iit L'uishcd
Itse.f by its ep. oration at I i i 'nth. ac
cording to the SciintiCc .V neriean.
The students go to Ci.r'i'tr. vai-a'ions
rent a house and pursue their investi.
gat ions.
Counterfeit t'.iffee.
I'nronsttd coffee berr i nre r.ftcn
ulude from oat and rye H:,tr and corn
meal. The natural aroma of tluse
gruins is destroyed by some proc. ss.
aud after the prop, r amount of coffee
aroma is added the I , -ri, are forn.ed
and eniise.' .1 o ;,;,ii . 1 1.. ;r haiie.
You Will
IM Strike
j, I M III
it tight by purchasing
our school supplies al
our store. We have a
complete stock of School
Books, Tablets, Pens,
Pencils, Inks and the
New National Note
Books. To tee them is
to purchase. Trices
very low considering the
Sloyer Drag Co.
Kraut Sr., Opposite lVrpoi.
.j,,,,,! "tfl
and Labor
Sold on Easy Installments.
Take One on a Week's Ttial.
(ifnnfiftfTtittiit .in ntf $f
Use tbem freely they are cheap.
Our prices are bargains
to keep yon warm, are cheap at the
New York
a :ii:st i:.T
The Acme of Perfection; Light, Strong and
We furnish any make of tire on six makes of wheels.
Now is the time to buy a tandem, the 97 model; a $75 wheel for $35.
Your wheel taken in part payment for a new one.
We furnish anything made for the Bicycle.
Coaster Brakes put in any wheel.
Our stock is the largest and assortment the best iu Southern Oregon.
Up-to-date goods and down-to-date prices.
T. A. HOOD & CO.,
" Not slow as the fifth wheel of a hearse " are the celebrated
Kept By
F. H. Schmidt.
Who Also Keeps
Reapers and all Farm Machinery
Light and Heavy Wagons and Buggies
Eorthe Uniucctiiful Treatment 0! Hii fcift,
and Finally Had to Go to Dr.
Darrin for s Curt.
Mr. K litor 1 feel it my duty to (ay
thiit lr Iurrin curej my nif,., s;x
wars ago. She lia.l bn sill, .'tej for
:'H years with kidnry complaint, ililtef
and pain in the back Man physicians
liad Rivn hi-r up, alter having pa,,( 0,it
over 1100) lor her treatment. We only
saw Iir. Urrln one time. e KaVe her
reiutdiei ana advice, and frum that dav
to this her symptoms have never
reapiared. and I am ao pleased ith
bia treatment that I have placed
under hit rare for deafness. I l,ve near
Mcdford Or. C. MlKUIS
Chart. It.d'. Mono.
'I propose nevrr , kmi. s9 ..-,t I can
U,,w fliis mono a ,;,;,, a(In
hcrcd to by the author, who!,. !,'," .
"'vunicv oL.,-.:,t that h -,Mr
venh ,vcrv siaioJuthe
-ir.,1 ,o make in ny of hi, ,llllti;
in resu.i. He ;, jtl.,.f,lti , .
collector of newspaper clip,,TSV
nil nation,, which he oarcfuHv r-W
loportsofnw,,,,,,,,,, n
.crounta of trial., ,,
Manifold ilc-ripiiona of all ,.
y filed for futu
lh' ?'"" these rrpl k.
hem iharlc, n.-ade d.-.iv..l prea, sM.
Mcfon: if"fra.,yfhi!.s,a,eni.n,,
1.;.Mloned or hi- fw
h- would turn triumphanrlv ,0 hi,
c!asfie,l scrapboou.nd r. fuietheoU
"nT,hv:,hiome i!iv- p"--
Truth MiS T chtn'r'
by using a
St. Louis
Washing Machine
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co
m crtfff i iowmuiujl,
Racket Store
Wuinine n 10 years Miind. lo!d i
notnow have to be endured. MEM'ti a
Iivmmc TiHCLEs (ealled dynamic from
their enerirv) crowd a week's or.linary
treatment into 12 hours and al ont tli
worts of colds over nigtit.
''It was the worst case of prip 1 ever had.
A half doien friends had sure cure. Mid
it hunir on. Heard of the Hvvvno Tra
ins. To my amareiiient thev stoppcl I""!1
cold and couch the first ni'ht. 1 emtor
and recoinnieiid them to the people."
llaacLAT Hkstsr, Kx-nieintier ot ( oin-rcJ
amt Attornev. lm sanwuie Mit, an
rranctco, July 7. l!KJ.
"Winter colds have alwava been fcrii'in
thinir-. to me. They are hard and tav lor
nioiitbs. Km tiieiat was stopped -n.i.l. iily
by W sni'KL livavsic T vsi'Ltn. IVith
c"uj;b and cold disappeared in a coi:p!e of
ilnyn. Noihuij! else does this for me."
Mas. Km ma ,. Hoi us, 14 Moss M-. .-n
rrannsi-o. A up. (I, Xio.
"1 live across the street from where
llial is how I first Uok them, rt.ev iop
"oWs without notice. I liik a d'.-aen lww
ith me u.r self and friends when 1 went
'iV- ","!e" Va Wiskls. apua ft,
a-hinpion Street, fan Krann-vo-August
111, p.lyj.
.'yn'!0--l paid for -r cents in stamps by
1M.AM) WKI'U f(), ''Hi Washiiiirlon
Mreet, .-an Krmcisoo. Also on saie by our
local ajreiit M. Climsss.
Jonephlne Coanly Maps.
The official map of Josephine county
can be had at the Coikier otfice at re
duced prices, roldinir pocket map, '. ;
all maps in colors. 3.50 Call and get
one. '
Cleaning and
Dyeing Works
; 1 iniiaaass iiiiih
Repairing of all kinds.
: Ladies garments dyed with
; out rippine the seams.
1 inniiiiiiiiniii
Works next to Clevenper's Gallery.
Subscrib. for THE COURIER Jt jl ji
u c layman, Prop.
11 1 a 1 1 1