L'XVL GRANTS PASS . JOSEPHINE COUNTY OREGON THURSDAY SEPTEMBER ay, 1900. 7 " " TrT J OUR Fill LINE OF... p'9 pfifoyti sfl Neckwear, Overcoats, Boots, Shoes, - - - Rubbers, Furnishings Reduced prices to close out line of LADIES and CHILD REN'S SHOES jtjtjtjt WELCHS' CLOTHING STORE NEXT TO P. O. GRANTS PASS JK. CLIVE MAJOR General Practitioner of MkDH'INI AND Sl'RUKKY. Oltiio in Williams Block Subscribe for THE COURIER jt j j local toippcnf 1130 N. P. DODGE, INSURANCE and HE A I. ESTATE Life, Fire and Accident Insurance. CCiltAJin pABS. - OEEQOIf. HOUGH, ATTORN EY-ATLAW, Piacticeain all Stale and Federal Courts ' Office over Firet National Bank. Ghanth Pass, Ohsoon. Old Papers 10 cents per bundle at tliis otfi. An Observation Car Of unique deidktn, will alway be found at tlio end i( ilio Northern Parifli-'e Norlli Coast Limite d, both east and west bound, tfbservatinu platform is six and a lialf feet long and entire width of car. Ladies' cbfervnlion psilor is 23 feet long A. ). Chailtnn, Ass't Uen'l Pasui Ag't, 255 Morrison Si., Cor. 3d, Portland, Ore jy.. J. JENNINGS ' RESIDENT DENTIST. 30 Yean Expeiienee. Offioe In Opera Hooho block ; see the sign of The Big Tooth. Ubajcth Pass, Obec.on. H. C. PERKINS, V. 8. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR, Ohkoon. (iKAKTb Pass, QOSHOW & SHERIDAN, MINING ATTORNEYS, Special attention given to Mining and Land taws, and Land Office practice. P. H. HARTH &. SON CLOTHING, SHOES, FUR NISHING GOODS, HATS TRUNKS AND VALISES RoHKHlKO. OllKQON. aamJ HAKTFORDS are sold bv Cramer Bros Tablets of all kinds at tlie Coiuikb Bicycle hospital for all .repairing a1 Cinmer Bros. (.rants successful business men advertise in Ibe Cor Rika. R. K and James Montgomery spent a few day last week rusticating at West Fork. Ten Cants a ill puichasea bundle of old papers at ibis olp.ce come bandy in undeilying carpets. The Uold News reports that C. A. WoKolk is in Cold Kill lwking up a location for a blacksmith shop. Harry Diinmiek, who was cp from Astoria last week attending Ibe funeral ol his fattier, returned on Fridav eve ning. F. J. Martin, publisher ol the Mc- Minnviile ProgreM and Secretary of the urtgon t ire Keliet association., was In Grants Paea on Friday. 11. L,. vt allien, lor 10 or moro years connected with the Oregon Pacific rail way, passed Mirougli here Monday for Yreka. wliere lie :oes to enter railway service. J. L. M.riri spent a week hunting on Ritllo creek, near West Fork, with Dr, Dixon of Uosuburg. Two fine bucks besides smaller game was the result of the hunt. Quarterly muter of Company "II,' O. N. U. will be held at the armory on Friday evening, September 28. All mom hers aie expected to bs in attend ance at muster. Mies Laura E. Jones, now of the Rosehnrg Plaindealer. spent several days in Ursula Pars last week on her return from attending the Press asaoci- a! ion meeting at Ashland. Hon. F. E Halloway, of Indiana spoke on political is-mes from the republican standoint on Thursday evening at the opira house to a fair sized audience, thus opening the campaign of lt00. Warranty Deeds. Quit-Claim Deeds. Notices of Quartl Location. And all other blank forms on sale at the Coi aiKR. A new supply just fresh from the presses. (From Our Regular Correspondent). Washington, Sep. 17, liWO. Uen. Chaffee and the American troops now there are likely to eat their Christ mas dinner in Pekin, so rar as can be seen at present. It ia believed that the refusal of England and Germany to withdraw their troops caused Russia to change iis mind and that it was because of a knowledge of that change although mere has been no official annomice- ment, that this governmen'. made NEW CUIUS (Oil THE DISEASES OF MEN. QEORGE H. BINNS, ASSAYER, OftWe optoMile lintel Josq.iine, Grants Pahh, - - Okeuon. II. E. McGrew Pioneer Jruck and Deliver; GRANTS PAS. OREGON. Willis Kramer MANI KALTIKKU OV Myrtle Creek Extra" Family Flour And Everything that goes with First' ' Class Milling. For Hale by Chubs, Delkmater, wads, Pikk and Cornell. J Call for it; same price as oilier brands ' Painters are not made they are Borm We are Natural Born Painters." The Grants Pass Painting Co, Wm. Bogo, Propkiktok HOUSE. SIGN AND CARRIAGE PAINTERS, GRAINERS PAPER HANGERS AND CALCIMIXORS UET our prices before making your contract JJJJt.jtjtJi Satisfaction Guaranteed ' T" A Postal Card Receives Prompt Attention Klnrou vs. Kinross. It is seen by the San Francisco papers that Adelaide Kinross, wife of W. II. Kinross, has begun devorce proceedings against her husband for failure to sud port. Mr. Kinross ia lighting the case, and in answer to the complaint seta np tho claim ihat Mrs. Kinross deserted him. Mrs. Kinross is at present on the vandoville slago in Oakland. The di vorce proceedings were begun by her several weeks ago, whi'e Mr. Kinross was Hllinii an engagement as vocalist at Memphis, Tenn. She recited in her complaint that the husband was an idie, prrtligale and dissolute man, who had (ailed to provide for the support of her and her child. W. 11. Kinross is quite well known in Southern Oregon, having acted as director at musical conventions in Ash land and lirants Pass. The ilravery of Woman. Was grandly shown by Mrs. John Dowling of Butler, Pa., in a three yeara' struggle with a malignant stomach trou ble that caused distressing attacks of nausea and indigestion. All remedies failed to relieve her until she tried Klec trie Hitlers. After taking it two months she wrote: "I am now wholly cured and can cat anything. It is truly a grand tonic for the whole system as 1 gained in weight and feel much stronger since using it." It aids digestion, cures dyspepsia, improves appetite, gives new life. Only 50c. Guaranteed, at Dr. Krenier's drug store. lAAAAA&AAA j i Representative Grants Pass Business Firms. : You will find LOUIS BELFILS Reliable Watch Maker at Krenier's Drug Store. Watch and flock Impairing a Specialty i N. DeLAMFTER 4 4 PKALSR in GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED Wilh Every 20 Ceh Purchase of Groceries Yoo Are (iiven a Handsome, Life Sir Crayon or Water-Color Portrait 'Phonx So. 85 J. M.CHI LES GHOCFRIFS IIAR1JWARF TAIJLFWAUF Fine lUittcr a Specialty FRONT and FOURTH STS. a- ' Eisnian & Uurns IJros. Fresh and Salt Meats Fish on Fridays Pourtry on t-a'urilay The popular barber shop Get your tousorial work done at IRA TOMPKINS' On Sixth Street Three chairs lath rooui m ronnei'tjrn White House Grocery Staple and Fancy Groceries THE BBT OS t 11K Wll IX(l AT 41.1. Iltlka .. 'PlIONX 131 R. O. McCroskey, lry tiil, SIiivh, IjulienCiipesaiidJ.u k ct,juliea' and ients' Kuniiliing 'ii, lints, Miners' (iiMl, Trunk and Valin. Grants Pass Greatest Store. SWEETLAM) & CO. FRESH and SALT MEATS.52- '1'IIOKX 21 ...E. C. DIXON... ; DRV GOODS, CLOTHING I Lawes" and Gkmts' SHOES i 1 j KvaavTiiiKu in Srri.a CLAL'S SCHMIDT 1 II. II. IURTON, STAPLE GROCERIES CANNED GOODS j FLOUR and FEED! Sum tr., "if. Cur ll ux '' Calhoun Grocery Co. Tut Port i.x Oxix-iaa FRESH VEGETABLES and FRUITS- 'P11 os x M WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. Full a,rtiiini i,l W.l. l,, .ks, Sil ver wnir and Jeiry. A liml Avinm,iit of Brweli U and Heart lUnlcs, Clemsss' Drug Store. promise. if protecting LI Hung Chang if he needed protmion, which makes it practically certain that our troops will be kept in Pekiu as long as the negoti at ions which Li and several other Chinamen are to conduct on lw.lili nr the Chinese government, go on there. Minister Conger has sent an important communication concerning those neiroti' ations, but the department of the stale declines to give it out. It ia known that Mr. Conger does not feel as much confidence in LI Hung Chang, as this vernment has exhibited, and he has probably sent a word of warning as to tue danger ol trusting him too far, Shrewd observers are predicting that soon alter the opening of negotiations with the Chinese the allies will split and mai eacn nation will endeavor to get the bt t settlement it can regardless ol what the others get. That is believed to I tie end that Li tiuug Chang is aiming at. The number of those who believe that Uermauy and Russia will in th end be found acting together and tint both will demand teriitory is increasing. mj we necessary lor l;Ucle Sam to show his wilhnguesa to flaht for his treaty trade rights in China, if not actually to fight for tfiein before the business is settled. Several of his allies are his greatest trade rivals and the old gentle man uas need to be very wide awake to escape being buncoed. Mr. S. Iwaunira, who is a graduate of the Japanese Imperial University and Chief Secretary ol the Kjota Chamber ol Commerce, who is making a armi. official tour of tin Uuitod Slates, with view to increasing business between Americans and Japanese. Is ,.n- i Wsshliigtoii. He expressed himself as to what ought to bo dona by tlm powers 111 vnina: "There are two uoi. luio courses lor Ihe power to take in ueaimg wun me tuture iu China. One is to make a confederacy out of the country, with the different provinces as independent states, like the (ierinan rnipirs. 1 ue sneonu course ia to preserve the Chinese empire under new rulers. The formation of a confederacy would be no easy taik for the powers. and they would have to act as protectors and general overseers all the time. If the powers interested in China would stand firm in the maintenance of th Chinese confederacy, tho thing could be accomplished. The present dynasty has not suiRcient support nor popularity to maintain its authority. Many of the ignorant and siiierstitioiis natives are led to lielieve through the "star u...r." that the end ol the piesent dynasty ia ear, ana I lie multitudes look lor a new . wiuiiii a snort time. A atrnin. army will bu needed in China all the time, and Japan can furnish this army if the other interested powers will come forward with the money." Washington people have already done much for the Galveston sufferers, but they are to do more. Wednesday of this week has been set aside as Oalveston day. Every theater iu the city will give a bentflt performance, the entire gross receipts to go to the relief fund, and there are lew persons in the city who will not contribute something, directly, or Indirectly on that day. Ex-Secretary and Ex-Senator Carlisle was in Washington on leal business for several days, but all efforts to get an expression of opiulon from him 0u current politics were met by the smiling reply that he was out of politics and had nothing lossy at this time Mr. Car lisle is said to bo rapidly accumulating ealln ill the practice ol law. The government is being run j,,,t no, almon entirely by minor ulftcula, al though the n-ual raratiou .e.i.on Is abuulover. due reason for this is that the Piesident and memtrs ol the cabinet spent moro lime ihuu usual, osi,, r,, the Chinese troubles, in W.l,i,,i.... . . - I'iring the past summer, and they are now getting .,.. j,,,, preparatory to Ihe winter's work before i uimi,. Aiionier reason is that the political campaign Is now full v m,,!... wsy and several members ol Itie cabinet are in iieniauu as stump speakers. Th I resident is at Canton, presumably or rest, but ti telegiaph relKjrtn Inn, constantly holding important conferences IIU Ins polilical Iriends, so he evident ly Isn't there entire!, lor rear. in,.,..-.. (reneral tiriggsaud Secretary Hit. hi k both of whom have ha.1 long vacations are ihe only members ol the cabinet in town. Scientific investigation, supplemented by experienca, has shown that urinary diseases are more prevalent aad de structive to lite, health and happiness than any other class known to the medical fraternity. They are not con Sued to the low and degraded portions of humanity, as many suppose, but are to be found among the pur of heart, the innocent, -the truly pious and the aealthy. Many of them are transmitted from parents to children, from generation to to generation. Thousands of peopli suffer untold agoniea from their ravag ing effects, and meet and early and on timely death, often ignorant of the cause. Though transmitted innocently Ihe effects of these diseases are not th less terrible. It'ls a sad truth that the innocent are often greater sufferers thau the guiltv. Of all the organs of the budy few are more Important than those engaged in tho urinary functions. In perlect health that great blessing which so few enjoy one will scarcely direct a mo merit's thougut to these important organs, and at the first unpleasant symptom, good advice, such as may easily be obtained, should be immediate ly solicited. . Among me cuiet and most common diseases is seminal weakueas and nervous debility, or loss of nurv power, due to mastuibatiou and veual exercises, Thousands of young and middle aged men suffer with nervous diseases' for years and may be ignorant of the causes when a little timely advice would niak life's pathway full of cheer and happi ness. When the first symptoms of seminal weakness manifest themselves the sufferer ia noticed to become dull and morose and Is trouble with indiges tion, though the appetite may remain good. Rut the strength vanishes and the lalient .grows thin. He becomes indolent and debilitated, and loss of memory and all vigor of the sexual organs may fullow. In time he way fall Into a complete state of lin potency total loss ol sexual power. Among its terrible effects may be mentioned w,ak nets of the memory, confusion of ideas, nervous despondency and general weak ness. It needs no mirror it reflects itself, The pale lace, the sunken eye.tli downcast countenance, the stooping aged lorin- all serve to announce the victim' troubles. It seldom kills of tself, but it opens the gate to other diseases, such as consumption and disease ef the heart. The unfortunate sufferer cannot sleep. In that Inter mediate statu, between life and death, intended, for the recuperation of the mind and body, he can know no rest for his dreams are dark and foreboding. nd the constant drain UKn his system robs it of its vital fluid. This alDlalion may be the result of self-ahiiseor the result of excesses in mature years. As "man is but a bundle of habits," how essential that be should start right in life; that his mind should be full ol sublime thought and pure con ceptions. All of you who suffer from this disease should lose no time in consulting Dr. Damn, for the lime may come when you will be beyond the aid of all medical skill. No matter what you have taken, or who has failed to cure you, call and see the Doctor, as he can permanently aalety and privately cure you In on hall the time and at one half the ex penses reiiil-cd by others. The Doctor makes a ipecialialy of curing stricture, gonorrhea, syphilis,. it. jarrin can lie consulted Iree at the Hotel Josephiu?, (irant Psss, until October 14, iiatteriua and belts fur nished if necessary. PARIS EXPOSITION LETTER RapM Mvssiccnvtnt of th Japan Race ACeuatryefSmall . - farm. . Since Or. the a OVSTERS Every Day and Nig . . nt , . . F. W. I! LAKE'S 4 Neil to 'o'. ) ht T. F. CROXTON, Iealer in GROCERIES, DRIED FRUITS. FLOUR AND FEED. Front Street. Darns' Cars. dvent of Dr. Darrin in Grant Pas, suffering humanity has crowded his r!or at Hotel Josephine until it is iuipomiiMu to He all thut cine. The old story, "the lame walk, the blind s.-e, the d-af bear," bus be come a reality in our midst, ami as a proof they do not seek in vain we -nd the following card from Mrs. K.is Um, of Kuaeuurg, a My well known to any Oregonians. It ia really worth or time to visit the doctor office and - the alllirte.1 a they erne from un der the electric treatment. Many cn.-s are cured on lhes,t, while others take lime. Th doct never Uk raw iu nimble, ami hi consultation are. free. n EasiM' Cara. Row-burg, Or., Dr. Karr.u: I'lew use my name among the cum! by you ix year ago. I hail bc-n allliiicl with granulate! eyelid all my lift?. The eye hud. ail gone. I a almost totally bliud, and had to be M to your office. I hare been rfrctly cum! for si t y..-ar. Mm. II. Tastou. An Ortjon Pioneer Dud. Col, J. X. T. Miller died at hi real deuce near Jacksonville, Ore , Sept. 18th, aged " year He was born In Kentucky, an, came to Oregon In IH45 and In Jackson county in IH5t. Mi. Millei a as a member ol the house and enate frum Jackson county and was through all the Soul hern Oregon hi'lisii wur, and was commissary general during the Modoc war. He was married in liV3 to Elisabeth Aim Aahry and light children were horn to them, sis of tin with hi wile urvive him. Col. K A. Miller, of Ore. . I.. Miller, who is al home, lieueral ii'im r. jiiiiit, 01 naleio and hmmetl Miller of Nevada ar brother and Mi. Charlton (I the Sauvie island, Is sister. At Und Time. I lake a pleasant herb drink, the next morning I I re I hright and my complex ion i n. tier. My d,clur i, lc gently on my tomarh.liverand kiducya, and is a pleasant laiative. It U made from herbs and I prepared a easily as wa. It I called I.sne' Mediciu. All dm, 1. 1. toll it at 75 ct. Lane's Fami ly Medicine move the bowel each day. II )uo raiinoi get it, ieluj (u, , (., ,.,. pie. Address, Orator V. Woodward, Le ivoy, , I , The Home Life of (;,IIS. Laura It. Starr, a ho for several year resided in China, and who bad great facilities for understanding lbs feminine aide of Chinese life, contribute to Ihe October Delineator an article thai throw rood, light on the home life of C'biutae women. Tin, arlu It-ts illustrated with evral authentic pho'ograpb of Chinese women of various social position. The October number ol The Dliilor( addition 10 Mis Siarr' ailicle and lb eighty or ni,r sketches of prrsaut da Styles, which are prominent featurea of lb muttit,; contains twenty other valuable contribution. Fur thirl. year it has been trusted by Amerle.- women lor guidance in boo. dr Disking and boo, management. (From Our Regular Correspondent) Paais, September 3, IvOO. Th Japanese agricultural exhibit at tract attention not only on account ol it novolty, but also because of the development iu this line, as in o many other direction, ol this remarkable Eastern people. "The wonderful trans formation ol the Empire of lb Rising r-unnss ottered an example, without precedent in the history ol nations, ol a people passing In less than thirty years troin tl.e most feudal of government. to democratic and parliamentary form" from civilisation rusty with ate to one cloaely resembling our own" say a French writer, iu a recently published book on Japan. His observation I a true ol the agricultural innltutiona aa of the other changes Impressed npon th ocial organisation ol Japan since 1808. A visitor can easily trace the revolution in economic conditions 'of agricultnrt by examining, in the hall on Ilia Champ de Man, the maps, photographs, papers, diagrams, eto. which accompany the collection ol Japanese Drodnci. Tim working people have especially bene- mica ol recent years, having aroiiired be right lo own the soil, which lor eighteen centuries had been the prop erty 01 me imperial government or ol leudal seigneurs. Japan ia composed, as I well known 01 a considerable number ol islands ol more or Iws importance, scattered from the South in north-westerly direction. Mountain cover the country and almost touch the shore everywhere; plain are rearely touod and are ol (mall extent. The soil 1 not very productive, and it i necessary to ue all of the aewage ol the town and cltle tor fertilising purpose, The total sis o! th laud 1 a little less than that ol France, or about lb tarn a the Slate ol California. This sup port a population ol over 40,000,01)0, the native inhabitant forming about forty three and a quarter million, of Uii number. The people are essenti ally agricultural, and rice i the chief product 0! the soil. Counting the number ol acre under cultivation, and the number ol Inhabitants, it is lonnd that each family ha on an average 3 acre from which lo draw sustenance. Evidently, Japan is country of (mill farm, and i not adapted to ibe use of large agricultural machinery. The pop ulation, alo, i so dense that baud labor very cheap, Workmen' wage are about $16 per year, women earning about hall that amount. Thei I yery little live .lock In lanan the use el meat and milk by the natives being extremely rsre. There are now j l,WKJ,000hore In the country, 1,123.- 0U0hodof catllo, 100,000 pig. 40,000 goats and 4,3000 aheep. The govern inent andeevorlng to extend the us ol the horse in agriculture, In order, per aps, that the army may have a belter source of supply. The horse la a email nlmal, but hi employment lor agri cultural purpose would be evenchoaper than band lalior. Oxen are also until! xud lo a small extent j the Japanese ox weighs V0 pounds; he cau draw HOD pouuds twelve mile a day. lleaidei rice, wheat, barley, polatoea, cotton, lea, indigo, (ugarcane, camphor eto. are cultivated in Japan, The government i endeavoring iu every way to Increase the surface ol land adapted for cultivation and to improve the pro duct, in order to ameliorate the eon ditlon of the poorer claeae, Japan ha a department of agriculture; agricultural instruction is a branch of the depart ment ol education ; experiment ground and nation, agronomical Institution, agricultural school and societies, traveling professor, laboratories, in hurt, beat ol foreign Institution and method have been introduced and prosiier In Japan. Agricultural bank ooinpanie (or buying and loaning farm implement al common expense, central bureau for (ale ol the product of the son, etc , are to be found on all of the island. The government I building mad, reclaiming land, draining and irngaling; It belitve that scienlifi. m.iituiioiis and cooperation form the two most poweilul factor in agiiciillural prog 1 est. A section ol III exposition of interest lo Aiitrriciu since the dale of 0111 acipiisltlons In the Philippine, is thai devoted to cord and cables, iu much aa in beat material (or the ankles come from our Pacific uossem,.,. Many other product are, however, used lor this purpose. Th.r are shown here coids uiaileof Ihe ssnie kind of line 11 1.. 1 1. .....1 1... . , m uui lex'iits; lues are only lor ornamental purpoae, and wear very poorly. Lotion I also utilised iu the same manner, Jut give sery unsatisfactory result; , l0lM!ll . very apt to break where they are lied. Ramie, or China gra i belter, and is coming Into gaueral us. Aloe (lot r, obtained from the leave of the Ameri can gave, or century plant, la popular (or Ihe reason that ropi made Iheie Irom float on water, which make them very aseful at sea. Esparto cats phornluin lenax, or New Zealand das roduct ol the banana Iree, and cw'oanut fiber are more or les utilized In lb manufacture of cordage. How ever hemp ta vr tontvr, r till tls.s ol work. A good hwer should not break until after it ha been lrtcbd more than 111 or 12 per cent ol ii. original length. lh. re,t .,., . rope la moisture ; an attemot is u,..l. to Obviate ill del.lrlou. effect by In,, meriing the rope in Uf for a certain length ol lime belt,,, u,iuZ .1,. " .tevertheles, Urred rop ,uhi. i,l sea water ,, ln three month. 4 1 per cent of iu power of reaiatanr. In one corner of the F.ilnbit He manufacture of rope M abown. II,. workmen with their ......... ...11. .. them looking like nothing to much s enormou spiders. correct tilings fop .pt o "otlicrs like 111 cm, ko will yezi " Carpets A beautiful new line from ascents per yard up to $t.2o. , . . . . " Mattings Choice new goods the Cream of this FaII' Imports. Rockers ; Full of Ele ' trance and Comfort.' Pleasing prices. RhaHoa Wimlow Shades WallJPapers SOME EXCEPTIONAL, VALUES. We tave a few lines just a few we're closing out. Three to Ave rolls of a kind, 10 cents per double roll and upwards. Here's a chance to paper that little room you've wanted to fix up for so long for little money. Lace Curtains are going fast, 65c to $1.75 per pair. SOME PENNY SAVERS Gold Pan , . .20 Prospector Pick 4t Clothe Pin, three doien 05 Tin Water Pail 18 Clothes Wrimrora 1.48 np 18 inch Hand Haw 30 Waah Hoards ,ao SOME PENNY SAVERS Retinned Stew Kettle. Copper bottomed Wash Boil- era Cobbling Oul8t Hcrub brushes, good ones Lanterns,,. Tin Cop (two).. NEW LAMPS-Ultl price. .15 up 1.00 . .90 , .11 . .25 .05 ..FURNITURE.. riCTVHI MOI'LlriKOKl LACE CVKTA1NS COTS LIN01.(1'MS HATTUKHHK8 MATTISOS MIKXOIW ...CARPETS .. IIS ..WALL PAPER.. aaANirxwaaa WOODXJiWA AOATXWAX QLARSWAR TINWAB . LAMP . CUTLMT .. CROCKERY... Savin, Flour Cold. A. Powell, a Portland engineer, re turned Thursday Ironr Minidoka, Idaho, where ho superintended the erection ol a gold-saving dredge (or the Yale Dredge Company. This company has been dredging the bar ol Hnake river in the neighborhood ol Minidoka for the past Ave vears, and ha succeeded so well that it decided to put in a larger p'ant In addition to tho old one, ' which wa worked on the suction principle, the gold-bearing (and and gravel being drawn up to a system ol sluire-boxes on board the dredge, Mr. Powell says th gold In the bar of Snake river i very fine and light, and is known a "flour gold" by miner. ' It doe not link to the bed of the river, but settles In the gravel within a few feet of th surface, and o It extreme lightness make it bard to aave. A system ol bur laps connected with the sluices, how ever, baa proven (uccessful, and ground that pat ten cent to th cubic yard can be profitably worked, no gold being left la the tailings. The dredge he has Just set up and built in Portland al a cost ol $15,000, and it bucknta bring up grave and gold from a depth of 30 feat below lbs surface of the water. It capacity I 2000 yards per day, and a crew of 10 men keep It In constant operation. The old suction dredge will also b operated day and night, about .11) tr.ilo below the new one, a a bar ha been found wliere pay gravel exist near the top. Dredging can be carried on successfully lor nine month In a year, he say, a the slaga ol water doe not affect the working ol the machinery, and Ihe depth ol the bucket can be regu'atcd to suit (resbei or low-water apell. The freeslng period liable to occur In December, January and Fer ruary would put a atop to th work (or a few week at a lime. The only other dredge at work on Hnake River at present, be says, Is the "Kanake," owned by th Uold field of Oregon Company, torn diuUnca be low, at what I known aa Hi Dig llend ol the Hnake, oppotil Parmer station on th Oregon Hhort Lin. He look t lor an increase in the number ot the plants, however, a there are, donbtles, other bars on Bnaks River, between fta headwater and Riparia, where good prospects can be found. The construction ol dredging plants ha become quite an industry in Port land, where a number have been built within the past lew year. Borneo! these have been sent to Southern Ore gon jothor to Alaska, while the only bucket dredge successfully worked on the bar of Snake river have been built in this city, . A glance at the picture ol ooe ol theee dredge will causa one lo think ol a river tean.boat, a the craft let on the water much after the laab ion ol a pas senger and height carrier, but there is neither propeller nor stern wheel, and so the dredge can only be moved by out side aid. The crew ol the dredge live on board ol her, and so are clow to their work at all lime. In sand bar th oraft make a canal for heraell, be ing moved forward a he dig out the goldberlng gravel, which I thrown off to one side after the flour (old ha been ex trailed. -',' Rndwred Death Agonies. Only a roaring fir enabled J, M. Gar- retton, of San Antonio, Tex , to lie doi when attacked by Asthma, from which he suffered for year. H write hi misery was often o great that it eemed be endured Ihe agonies ol death ; but Dr. King' New Discovery (or Con sumption wholly cured him. . Thl mar velous medicine I lira only known ear (or Asthma a well a Conaumptioo. Cough and Cold, and all Throat, Cheat nd Lung trouble. Price 00c and $1.00. Guaranteed, Trial bottle free at Dr. Krenier's Drug Htore. Elrolrlu Llghta. In th berth of the Standard Pullman cl the Nortl.srn Pacific' new North Coast Limited wilt be appreciated by racinccoast and Inland empire traveler. Two lighta (o each section. Ask our agent lor th North Coast Limited leal let. A. D. Charlton, Aas't General Fa, senger Agent, 2&5 Morrison Ht. Cor. Jd. Portlsnd, Ore. Absolutely EWa Made from most highly refined and healthful ingredients. ' Assures light, sweet, pure and wholesome food. Housekeeper niut exercise wre In btiyinn bak ing powders, to avoid alum. Alum powoScr are sold ciiciip to catch liie iinwarv, but alum Lh a poi son, and lb use in toud se,rUuly injure health. aOYAL SAKINO SOWOt CO., tM WIlUAM ST., NfW VOSK.