ou. thing l«d >• not «o r*' f r*"*1 Barr s Excursion. lhe excursion to Portland on the | tli«r. beeau»« o« th. dry, hot aeatbvr, event ol the Eike' Carnival and Street and the aaiu. climafic uondiliora make PUBLISHED EVERY Fair bm nub.erou.i'y patronized by tbs it necea-ary to ettabli.li larz» rvfrig*’ WiBis Krarner of Myrtle Creek, who iM-ot»!« of OracU i'ase and .Southern Ore ! ating plant, lor keeping ibe butter. In BY is a prominent mine owner In this coun gon. The attradi venew of Uie oceaaion ’ fact, no »tale in ibe Union ha» »neb A. E. VOORHIES ty, visited uranis Pass last week and the liberality of the rate oom bine ! favorable condition« a* Oregon, but, katk * or si’Bacnirrio«: J. b. Thom peon and Stanley Alien of to secure a targe representation from ! aeatrdina to tbo»e in a position to know. and Labor by using a tbe dairymen are not pushing trade a» One Year, mi «dvatea. Randsburgjee, Cal. are here looking over •So'itbern Oregon. There were 110 ex Kii Month», much an tbe condition» would warrant. ‘ onr mineral field and are very favorably cureiwsHMe from A »»hl and, Medford and Thre. Month., At the prevent time, however, little • the valley town* and 100 tickets wert bingle Copie», • imprerrcd with tLo country . ; ess be done, owing to it being the busy Advertising rate* on application. Copy sold at the Grants I ’ a«-- office. Kerby, ! G. M. Williams, superintendent of the for change uf ad’ must I* banded in l*(«»re •Maon, for gathering crop». Beginning Gold Dre«ige Jorcpninr, arrived here -elma, Waldo, Merlin, Murphy. I-eiand with October an active fall campaign Tuesday n<«on, otherwise setting of the matter will be charged fur at the rate of 5c last Wednesday from Waldo and ha* and Glendale sent re present a* ives to , will be inaugurated in tbe interests of per running inc h, single column. AUera- . swell the number of the pleasure seek gone to Idaho for a shot! stay. (mnsand addition* to copy wiii t* charged ‘ j whieb will be greatly attg- ..For Fall and Winter, HMM).. ers and all but a very few took the train ' dairying nr at the rate ol 10c per running in« h, sin 8. N. Butlers baen in Grants Paes from Grants Psias. The crowd was on rneoted 1 0; a serie« of institute meetings. gle column. lor the l ast week after several week* hand bright and early and waited with I —Teiegraiu. Strictly Ip-to-lJate, Stylidi Goods. Entered at the po*t office at Grants P*-s, «¡»ent in Siskiyou county. Cal, where he patience !t«*y could muster for the train, Ma h h Iact U red by B<-iield of Chicago, Oregon, a* æ*x>nd-cia»B mail mailer. has l*e« n occupied with mining affairs. which was about 40 minutes late. The who H'-ndh out nothing but honest >sin L. Jo nee, tne of the owners of the car* were somewhat crowded as the T hursday , SEPTEMBER 6, 1900. goods. Gold Bug mine, R. A. Jones, the super number uf people was far in advance of intendent ami J.D. Ludwig of Maripota, all expectations, but ail tsucceeded in se Cal., have been ^'»ending some days dur curing mure or let»* comfortable quarters. I Little news of moment comes from Sold on Easy Installments. ing the past week it Altbourc, examin Passenger agent J. P. Junes and Dr. China this week further than jangling Take One on a Week's Tiial. W. E. DEAN. & CO., Propr. ing mining propertie« on that district. of the powers over their future course of Barr both accompanied the excursion. Wright A Son iiuve leased the ground action. Russia wishes the troop« wills- The excursion w a* under the von duel uf Post Office Building. I for their quartz mill. The aite selected Dr. C. W. Barr ol Aston*. Barr’s ex a7id G accused of having schemes A AAA A AAA AAA t A. A is on the south side of the railroad and cursion* are now regularly recognized of her own in regard to the future of it right by purchasing just west of Gilbert creek. The mill event«, this being lhe seventh, and are China. England alill retain* her tradi will be of a capacity ol eight or ten tons deservedly popular, as they are con i your school supplies at tlonal reluctance to withdraw from any daily. There ha* been for a long time a ducted tor occasions of public interest or where she sets her foot and these two our store. We have a Gi«ii rurt^i of Oregon. Oregon’s Grand Gímate. demand fur an enter print* of this char pleasure and the attractive rate* off red nations are the leaders of their several AT JEWELL S OLD STAND complete stock of School Colonel Pal Ikman, uf Portland, has One o< the chief »ource. of wenltli in acter. Grants Pas* is tho center for au are substantial inducement* for the |»eo- parties. ______ _____ been taking up the cudgel« in behalf uf yjjg is tbe lumbar industry, Here Tablets, Pens, Books, extensive mineral district, with unde- pie’s patronage. Following are the p*-<>- the climate of tbe Pacific coast, in vigor tliounani!. of acre, of the fine»t timber Pencils, Inks and the veloped ami promising quartz properties ple who attended from Grants l'ass and ’ One of our needs in county matters is ous fashion, in a letter to the Now York lie virgin to lhe woodman’, ax. In in every direction from the town and National Note New vicinity ; certified copies of field notes *or the use Herald, published uf recent date. He California the land, have been denud lhe new mill will undoubtedly bean ap of the county surveyor and the conven premises bis coni muni cation with the Grants Paet:—Mr. an«i Mr*. W. O. To see them is Books. ed of their foresta. Waatnngton ban preciable factor in the mineral develop ience of the public. Under lhe present statement that "a paper in Portland MaUhett, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kurth, Prices to purchase been enterprising in the manufacture ment ol the district. Arrangements Mr. and Mr*. T. W. Williams, Mr. and conditions If a man wants a piece of publishes an allege«! request sent by you very low considering the of lumber and eliinglr.. The output have also been complated to put in sam Mrs. A. .1. McKinney, Mr. and Mr. W. I. ground surveyed, if it is only a ten acre to your Port!an«l corre*pen«lcnt, for a re baa been something phenomenal, but pling works in connection with the mill. qaabty. Sweetland. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Booth, lot, lhe surveyor is obliged to semi to port of tbe heat prostration* ami deaths the drain upon the timber has had its Six plates, six cups and six saucers, all Mr*. »V. W. Woolfolk, Mrs. L. McGrew, Portland for the field notes with an al in this city and region during the «lay.” efleet; the logger must go deeper ruto Uanted. beautifully flowered.............................. $1-25 Mrs. IL V. Meade, Mrs Geo. E. Goo«i.! ways resulting delay ol some days and an Then he pitches in. the forest for bia material for lumber. Second-hand No. 2 giant, ball bearing Large size bowl and pitcher . ................... pl. 20 expense of several dollars. Certified "Thu veriest typo in United Statian Oregon lias retained her mighty forests, and about 600 feet of pipe to match, Mrs. Geo. Almy, Mr*. L. A. Kinney, (Sold in separate pieces.) Mrs. H. E. Gardner, Mrs. M. J. Davis, , copies could be obtained and placed on climutology ought to be aware that sun save and except at those favored spot» wanted. Address, slating particulars A very pretty lot of dress patterns—ten Mr*. E, E. Davis, Mrs. Geo. E. How-1 file in the surveyor’s office at a reason strokesand prostrations and deaths from where enterprising miliuieii pilched and price delivered at railroad, •70 land; Minses Vida Moore, Mabe! Kin-! yards............................................. .. able expense, which would aggregate heal are unknown in Portland and Ore their tents and planted the busy, mouey- C. A. C ook , Six nice tumbler glasses for...................... •25 ney, Bertha Batrie, Lucile McCroskey, I much less than the expenses in that di gon and the Pacific Northwest. uiaking wheels of commerce. Galice, Ore. .12 Edna Parker, Eiuma Hyde,Ida La Raut, I Awl handles....................... ............. .. rection, which are now being borne by "Climate, a* everybody ab>ve the A recent geological survey of the for .22 I Ella Verdan, Fannie Chatham, May individuals. It is a matter of public grade of an average American statesman Water pails ... ................................ Ten Cents will purcbarc a bundle o est» of the Northwest coniirms the esti William*, Ella Williams, Stella Will convenience and is very deserving of fa or a Digger Indian, in intelligence, is Two Gal. churn ...................... ••• •45 mates of timber eminent and is interest old papers at this office—come bandy in KAMIFACTVKKR OF Copper bottom wash boiler No. S.......... fl.OO iams; F. E. Knight, Ralph Stackpole, vorable action_____________ supposed to know, is not regulated by ing and valuable, in this official enum underlying carpet*. W. I. Dowell, W. L. Ireland, Dr. J. S. Myrtle Creek •27 Gold pan........................................................ latitude alone. Ocean currents and al eration the timber ol Oregon reaches the In the series of temperance meeiings Moore, G. 11. Klover, H. Grelle, B. F. •25 Gloves............................................................ Old Papers 10 cents per bundle at Taber, Arthur Alfred, Tom Booth, Sam heir! here recently by Col. Holt, lire titude are potent fac’urs in it. The enormous total ol 254,<>53,009,000 feet, Extra Family Flour Granite dish pan.......................................... •55 speaker laid special stress on two lines snows ol untold ag«‘S lie unmelted on the board measure. This wondrous growth this office. Bennett. E A. Wade, Geo. H Parker, And Everything that goes with First- Granite coffee pot .......................................... •25 loflv peaks of tbe Cordilleias in Mexico, is found chiefly in the Coa t Range and of work for the temperance cause and Class Milling. O. R. Swearingen, O. A. Metier, R G. A. R Encampment Tickets. We carry a big stock of Glassware, Ribbons, under the present conditions these seem the Andes in Mouth America and the upon the Western elope ol Hie Cascades. Thoma*, G. B. Hockett, Ja*. Daily, R. Silty tickets will be cold at my office, F. Miller, W. T. Cope, H. Hay, Geo. Lace and Embroidery at the almost the only reasonable and effective Himalayas in India. Tbe Ala*kan I.ane is the banner comity ol the elate. For sale by C hiles , D blematei , coast, in the latitude of Labrador and It is estimated that this section ha 1 23 to attend District Encampment G. A. R. work. One is to enforce the existing Ilanrcn, A. Hines, J. P. 1 lari bon, N. E. W ade , P ike and C ornell . laws and the other to educate public sei*r Greenland, has a climate little more rig 000,<X)'),(XX) of feet, board measure. at Ashland September 10»h to 14th in- McGrew, W. F. Horn, Geo. 8. Calhoun, timent. Cling to what you have but orous than that of Maryland and Vir Douglas county is credited with 23,851, elusive, for $1,00 e < h round trip. J. W. Griffith, H. C. Bobzten, W. W. Must have your name and cash bv the Wilson, Amo* William*, J. A, Blew, A. Cail for it; same price as other brand« reach for more. The education of pub ginia California, on the same parallels 0)0,000; Clatsop, 15,476,009,000, while with Nebraska, Kanwas and Oklahoma, Morrow is given 470,009,0)0 of feet. 1st of September, Call early and avoid lie sentiment is, after all, the solution W. Wilson. J. E. 1 KTKKHON. of the problem, for the whole m»!«z •• raiser oianges, bananas, pineapples, figs, KaMeru Oregon is cimplimented with a the rush. Merlin:—Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ott, Mrs. lemons, limes ami pomegranates. total of 17,1)28,950 feet. 'Die Ixiwer Co regards the saloon resolves itself into W. M. IL fling, Mrs. E. J. Hefling; an/lTEUK "And Oregon an«J Washington, in lhe lumbia lia» 8,000,0 >0,00 > feet, the Neha Grant* Pa«* «ucce*-fill business men this: If lhe people want the saloon, Mile* Carter, Cha* llusrcy, Om-ar Guild, latitude ol hard-.rozen Maine am! bliz- advertise in the C ockier . lem has 17,009,000,0')0 feet; Coo» Hay they will have It, but if they do not Unas West. want it, they will not have it and aw zardy Dokato -«here it is mid winter and Coquille river have 18,00 l.OOO OOo Kerby:—Mr. and Mr*. II. S. Wood Lail the year, and a mixture ol furnace Electric Lights the Bull Run reserve has 7,0 )0,(>00,0 >0 soon as there is an overwhelming pub- cock, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Haye*, Mr. and lie sentiment in its dinfavor, it will dm. heated dog-days and very-late-in the-fall feet; Clackamas and Sauliaiu have In the berths of the Standard Pullmans Mr*. J. B. Anten, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh appear. These ars the condition* but during the other half—enjoy a climate 20,000,000,000 feet; Mackenzie and Wil of the Northern Pacific’s new North Nesbit; Mr*. Geo. E. Floyd, Mr*. W. A. they are susceptible to improvement and that, in mildness and equability, is un- lamette have 38,050,000,0M); Umpqua Coast Limit» ! will I m * apjirvciited by Wing; Misses Lucy George, Jessie Mas it is the duty of the temperance worker suri asrcd on earth, ami is unrivaled and Cascades have 22,000,009,009 feet. Pacificcua*l ami inland empire travelers. tin, Eita Mawhinney, Rosa Nesbit, T. Probably less than one-fifth of the com Two lights to each section. Ask our H. White, J. C. Eades, Bert Nesbit, to endeavor to accomplish such improve anywhere else in the United States. "With the Pacific Ocean laving its mercial timber of Oregon lias been cut. agents for the N »rth Coast Limited leaf ment. A truth that is often lost sight of Marshall Nesbit, 4 is that a sdoon is quite as much are western shores for :MM> mile* with the It is estimated that 15 per cent of tlie let. A. D. Charlton, Ass’l General Pas- Selina: -E.C.Churchill,Jessie Church suit as a cause ol wrong conditions and warm walers of the Japanese current, timber lias been destroyed by fire, leav s<*nger Agent, 255 Morrison St. Cor. 3d » ill. if the saloon were eliminated, many and with range on range of giant moun ing U5 per cent inviting the woodman’s Portland, Oie. Murphy:—Mr. and Mr*. C. L. Swin such conditions would still exist and tains, many of them capped with gla ax. don. If you have a CAMERA do not fail to ciers and perpetual snow, traversing its The lumber industry of Oregon is in still create a demand for the saloon. Leland:—G. W . Blalock, H. W. Gar look on our supplies: The (picstion can be met at all ¡»oints by entire length, Oregon is climatically a its infancy. It will so m he one of the bers. realized dream of paradise. greatest sources of wealth in all this PAPERS studious effort in lhe advancement of Placer:—Mr. and Mr*. A. Scharing- Special and <’arl»on Velox, Aristo-Plat fortunedavored region. The older Hates what is moral, clean and right, without Mil«» Ft*r« General W*r. so n. j ino. Kirkland's Lithium, Ideal Ferro P his - prejudice and with fairness to all. GlendaleMrs. Carrie Johns, I>. N. •date. Royal and French Satin, Jr. Blue General Mil« h regard* it a* quite possi have practically exhausted their supply of merchantable timber. It is not an Print. I ble that a general conflict of the power* iah. DEVELOPERS Oregon Postal Order«. may result from the conflicting interests uncommon thing in Minnesota to Metol Quinol, K. <«.. Metol Hydrochi Oregon ’ s Activity Contagious. \\ e furnish any make of tire on six makes of wheels. A postal office has been established at in China, and he believes that an at from 10 to 20 so-called logs, to make N- t 1 air. Oregon’« unprecedented avUviiy in none, Amidol, Hydro-Metol, Karma. Bruce, Benton county, Oregon, to lie tempt ou lhe part of some power* to par 1000 feet of lumber. It is very different Now is tlie time to buy a tandem, the 97 model; a $75 wheel for J35. "A low-down iri k was played on dairying has aroused California to TONING supplied by special service from Corvall tition the (’«leslial Empire among them here, where a | single tree yields thous County Auditor I' pe the other day by \our wheel taken in part payment for a new one. Ari'to Single Toner. Karma, Gold. action in lhe same line. C. II Maik- ands of feet of the very finest lumber. is. Lucinda Norwood has been appoint selves would t>e sufficient grounds ior Lithium Powders. one of a parly ol girls employed in the liam, general passenger agent of the We furnish anything made for the Bicycle. ed postmaster. lhe United Slates to resort to arm*. But the standard is sure to be lowered court-house who were visiting him at MOUNTS Southern Pacific Company, who has Coaster Brakes put in any wheel. The portmaster at Virtillas, Klamath Gen. Mllee also believe* that lhe dis- in tune, even in this mighty growth of his farm,” the Oregonian. "Mr. Card Mount*, all ¡»ize.-», from the .Stamp county, Oregon, has been moved two tiieinberment uf China will bold lhe pos forestry. Inntead of using one-third of Pope ha* a place near Clackamas Sta just returned from a visit to California, Photo.* Our stock is the largest and assortment the best in Southern Oregon. tu 4x5. ?'ight .*t\ es of 4x5. miles to the north, without change of sibility of* nreat danger to lhe United the tree, double It.at will be utilized, tion, in whi«*h hr takes great piide, and , repoits that the people of that stalo I p to-date goods and down to-date prices. i propose to eclipse Oregon if poseible. SUNDRIES poet master. Stale*, in that the time might come and many small trees now destroyed by especially in h - garden, where he grow» Print Trimmer-«, Cutting Board and Ooe of the largest creameries in the when the Lu repvan nations would turn fire in culled areas will be cut. Certain all sorts of vegetables of (he flneet «¡ual- Wheel Cutter-; Tripod*, Cases, Print More Melon«. world lias been started in Fre noCounty. Frame*, Negative Ka<k>, print Roller*. their covetous iaevs toward lhe riches sjwcies of wood not now in general use ity ami in the greatest prufusi«»n. The R. A. N. Reytuer, of the Rogue River Thi* has a capacity of (»000 pound* of I!ui»y Lamps, Flash Lamp* and Powder*. will I m « brought into the market; areas of America and I hj tempted to combine young women bad gone out to sample Kay Filters, Lense*, Lit THE BICYCLE MEN. valley, wn* in Portland Wednesday with formerly inaccessible will, unit u«j, his fruit, cream, irgetable* and every bitter per day. which means a daily bums, Etc , Etc. a carload of watermelons which were against thio country. consumption of 120,000 ¡» Hinds of milk. serve as s >nrces of supply, ari l the new BOOKS ”1 don't believe that lhe acute stage thing else < n the ranch, and were boast raised a few miles below Granta Pass. It *e«>ms that California is fully growth on cut arid burned area* will He says Portland's supply of melons has of the Chinese crisis has passed," sai I reach commercial size long before the ing about hoM much they were going to awake to the great opportunities of a Second " " •• the general. “ I believe that it is possi eat. B doie g ling to the table they all Photographer tieen cut short this season, by a lew hoi marki‘l off red by the Oriental trade. Amateur old growth is exha sled. Amateur Portraiture at Hume had themrclve* weighed, and one ol I'he fact that a large part of the Golden days in the latter Dart of July, when the ble that the conflicting interests of the The more valuable varieties of timber powers will yet bring on a general con them afterward loaded herself down by CAMERAS young melons were literally “oooked in State’s butter supply has bgen shut off in this region are spruce, pine, fir, hem the hot sand," and their growth there Hid, which will involve all the civilized lock, red and white cedars. Of the mer H.i*p<*nding several flatirons under her from the Oregon market by'hecreamer 5 B Al Vista .. Poco l>. 4x5 powers in the greatest war of modern nkirts. After dinner they were all after stunted. 1 he late melons have — the — ies t stablishe.l here iu no wise serves to No. 5 Cyclone chantable hardwoods there are myrtle, done bettor and there is a fair supply ot times. Danger arises from the chance ash, maple and oak. They grow to weighed again, and each bad gained discourage the dairymen there, who are Kozy, folding Premo “V" SYRACUSE PLOW these, but he dues not expect to bring that iwiiw of the powers will oppose th«' goodly size and are commanding the at from two to three |>)unds. and when the going into th btiaineM with a vim that Poco Magazin»* more than four or five carloads to Port dismemberment of the Chinese empire. tention of furniture manufacturers and Excelled by no plow manufactuied would certainly make California a ban-1 Bull’s Eye, No. land, even should the weather continue If lhe United Stages and Russia succeed others Timber acreage has more than an increase of 13 pound* Mr. Pope came tier butter state in a »-bort time it she j It does its work to perfection. warm through September, which would in acting in harmony along hues of the doubled in value wilhiu the last 11 near fainting and ordered a doctor sent possessed lhe many natural advantages i FREE DARK ROOM reported agri* mill proposed between for at once, tie was at length per increase the demand. clinging to this state. months, Portland is the popular ren For the ine and convenience of my HEADQUARTERS FOR Portland's supply of melons, lie said them, it may ¿suit in a ¡leacelul out desvous on this coast for buyers and suaded that this wa* not il vcercary, as By comparison with Oregon, Califor come from the present situation.'* this young woman war habitually a nia will stiffer cornea from Grants Pass, the I mpqua, a biilter store. For | fl. E. VOOKHIES Reapers and all Farm Machinery sellers. Our lumber trade with the hearty eater, ami her health wit The Dalles, and lhe Payette, Idaho, but Strayed. Light and Heavy \\ agons and Buggies Orient is increasing Last year 18,555,- 18, not in danger. The young w man «si the crop is light al the three last men Strayed from Bull’s Mountain Oil 008 feet were shipped to Shanghai, l ien tioned ¡loints, and not heavy in Rogue Applegate, about the middle of April, a I'-in Kobe, Port Arthur, Hong K ng. much pleased with the *uece*s of her HARDWARE, PAINTS AND OILS Rivet valley. Casaba melons are look bay filly, 2-year* old, while spot in fore Kiao Chou ami Yokohama. Oregon’s trick, but complains that tier ►Hine are ing well in thia locality, and as they are head, right hind ankle crooked. Rea total cut of lumber and shingles for last al! black ami blue where the flatirons a I »out ripe, mixed loads of watermelons tollable reward will be given for infor year was f»99,425,0u0 feet. Portland banged against them. Mr. Pope will 1 probably think twice before he enter and casabas may l»e looked lor hereafter. mation as to her whereabouts. uses 10,000.000 feet of lumber * «lay. A* tain* that crowd of v -ung «omen again. Melons hate ripened two weeks earlier T homas P khkv , a result of this bcayy demand fur than usual this year, he said, and if Grants ras*, Ore. the chopper is compiled to go deeper early frosts do nut cut the season short, State Normal School. into the woods for material.~ Telegram. melon men will do fairly well, but not C. P. Huntington’» Will. MONMOUTH, OREGON so welt as last year, lie ha* notict*! The will of the late Colli* P. Hunting N<»t the house, however fine it may be; Shot * Boy. that a frost occurs in Rogue Liver Val ton was made public in New York Fri not it* furniture, picture* and anpoint- Fail term o|»en* Sejfi. lHth. Saturday at Salem, Everett Fisher, a nients. The wife ami mother maxes the ley either on lhe night of the -All* or 5th day. It gives $l,(XH),tHM> in trust (or I he student* of the Normal School Are pre lad y years old, while returning from home, an«! t •» ?peak of going home pared t<> lake the State Certificate immediately <* of September, nearly eierv year since be Princess liatzeldt »luring her life, pnn graduation. means to go I u k fnto the shelter of the ha* been farming there, but if these cipal io go to her issue at her death; «luck hunting, received a charge of bird* mother’s love and care. Graduate.) readily secure good position*. dates are passed without frost, lhe whole $500,(kld in Itu*l is given for llm l»enefit shot in the fleshy part of th« left arm, And when womanly ill« sap the Exitenrc of year from $120 to $l 'i0. tearing *w*y the muaclea and pirt of the mother ’ s strength, the home life suffers. of Ke pt ember may go by without one. of Mrs. Huntington, the widow, for life, Strung Academic and Professional cour*es H«1 1‘ ID t > . ■< k. •' • < •» k ■» : bone, making a painful but ivd a d\n« A frost usually kills the vines and stupa and afterward* for the t enetll of lrclier New 'pc« ial department in Manual Training. Everywhere the the growth of the melons, so the ouly M. Huntington fur life, tno third* oi th«- gvruus wound, lie and hi* bruibtr in lack of wifely I «>r (-altduguu containing full a!inoun«-ei”*nM law and »lug weto in a boat crossing the P. L. C amfhkix . thing to do then is to turn the hogs in Southern Pec fir Railway Murk is to b» supervision and «lough, and had a gun lying in the b«»a or W. A. W avjt , president. motherly thought among them given to Mrs. Huntington and one third >e< uf Faculty. fulness is apparent. ‘‘But melons make lhe l>est hog feed 1 to Henry Edwtsrds Huntington on r >n load»*d and a ! nalf-»»»k. lhe dog, h What a cliange, rushing out at the ¡lading, knocked know of," he continued. “You may Union that no part thereof shall bo sold then, when this turn a regular old rotor-back into a »luring ths lifetime of either, eire| t with against lhe hammer, discharging the wife and mother ♦IAR1ÎLE AND GRANITE WORKS- THE ONLY B ALL-PCARING. TYPE come* I mc K to take watermelon patch and in four weeks hr the runsrnt of truth. The Fift> seventh- gun with above BAR MACHINE ON THE MARKET faddock frofr her old place in the will be fit for pork. The hog eats an Strevland Filty-eiglith Avenue re*i«ieme family. Thousands otM2^L774i¿inÍ‘n,thi,,íin tbe ktt awful lot ol them, howrser, slid prefers in New York, together with all articlr- of women who, lie cause of wemanlv the seeds to any other portion, devour tliervin, is ghen to Mrs. Iluntin^toti for ills, had Iwen shut wxrr.nt. »5 ^io* ing these with real enjoyment. It takes life, afterward* to lx* given to An tie: M. 5.11 «a hll jour ord.„ ,n the very beet manner. out m home life a good many water melons, therefore to Huntington; $270,«*>1 is given intrust and h'*me happi Marble ' '** S''otc,,, or American Granite or any kWZ latten a hog, and it would not pay to (or the benefit of Harriet E. Huntington, ness, have l*een enabled to once raise them tor that purpose.” Elizabeth Purdy, >u*«i> P»>rter ami Al more take their Mr. Rvyiner thinks he has a corps ol len Gates, in porti»m* of $ »O.uOd earli, J. B. PADDOCK. Fron. 8,ree- >ril ,o R„(„ht)|> place in the family after twiiqj cured b\ expt-i is | irkmg m« !ons in bii> field*, a- |o0u 8) lor th«* tieurtit <d II Sammi* !>r. Pierce’s Favorite Preemption. It e«t-ludie* regularity, dries w. ikening they never send one to market wb.cli is ami $20,(Mh> .-*» ti lor lhe Itrnrfii oi Elea- drains, heals inflammation ami ulcer* not just right, so far as ripeness is con nora Loveland and I rank Paid«**. \ ar THE LATEST IMPROVED t on and cutes ‘euiale weakness. It cerned. They tell by thumping lb« lous other »pm itic l»e»piv«ts are mad**. makes weak worn n strong, sick women melon about to be picked. II a hobow | well * 1 commenced tail e yovr Rseestts rrrsertf* ASHLAND, OREGON. Bound responds to the blow of th* Netnc ol Mcihmj vl Board id Iqui . i ' oh tk'u «*<1 ' 'Ateal tMwwery «»<>«1 knock les, lhe melon will do; if a ringing Notice is htrvl \ ¿iven l . t >r iU the 10th UiM L»ecer e» onr ve*r ago.*- writr« Mr« b'tM Wright. U MiHiuUtnvtew H -wrll sound results the melon is nut ripe yet p’ir|»oi*c ol correcting m H riror* in salt ' inn .1 School. Thorough academic instruction. The high«» Cv M»<»”»ir1 "I have baren very ahowt writing to vd « «lth<’*i«h I «m thanhfu! I «m ‘Rial ripe ones, when rapped, sound atlou, destriplioii or qu nht here t.*»«1*y *mt have th«- privilege of «aving I professional training. a« though you wars lapping your shoe.*' lots or olbtr property, thauh yon a th>>uaand time« tor your hind «<1 viler I ran truthful^) «ay that it wm thm»a*h be continued. "1 guarantee ail my HM»I- equalisation fur ii lie t uoni y ol • • Lach readier a Specialist ... Kall Bearing, High Grade and rtmt hind adhHkw and your medicine and the wiU of the t.-'ot that I am ttvtag 1 am *ii one, an I have never found it netrssary •tala of Oregon, will alUi Superior in every respect. tn !wtt«f health than 1 haw brew h»r three year« I have lahrn «me-half »toeea IwStle« ot li n ake one g. km ! Yet.”—Oregon ia»i. county clerk's uilitv QU Mv ea\ h medkmr ! am sble to A* mv w«»hi«f u -,• u5d't'1!u\h>cation, and homelike surroundings- VERTICAL and UNDERFEED. l«ml>er 10, 1V00, and continui L»v tn family, and all my h<'u«ew«eh. cook- tug aitd nUahiltg. ffciL » f««» ok« • »»» ‘';r catalogue and further information, tu day u’llil the a»»et»uu For Sak bv w«'»nan ” , examined. fall term begins September io. WftS WHlW Ali [1ST TAilb l>r Herve s Pleasant relicts cure con Dated at Grants u stipation ami its almost countless conse- ¡Bib day of July, IIKX n In t n, >»■ .1 >y drp. . VV. M Clayton, Pres.; T. A. Hayes, Vice-Pres.; I. E Vm qu» nces. They do not react on the l‘£l Jlli- system nor beget the pill habit. FURS CAPES SKIRTS 4 WAISTS < < JACKETS TAILOR-MADE SUITS < r------------------------ - toinino IHûtcs Firne .St, Louis Washing Machine sio.oo Hair-Riddle Hardware Co, Willis Kramer PHOTO SUPPLIES A CRESCENT CHAINLESS t he Acme of Perfection; Light, Strong and asy-Ru tilling. T. A. HOOD & CO GEI THE BEST... e t <• e * ft Whdl Makes the Home? K s< fii 1“ “I « K« T< be pr K' I F. H. Schmidt. I DEXSMORl B- r , . Southern Oregon Staie Normal School. > i SewingMachine »• L« K tk •V1,sst Eila F- Byabee, Mtss Alice A. Apple«»«’ -'• ict St.s.,yi Mlte Marv S1. >jy Ardinell C d RS.’ 1