ROGUE RIVER COURIER CwwulMectMftg » » leet TburiMia) wax (he rnfe^r «wt- PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY mg sight of tbe cky ectescii and the MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. mayor and focr cun’Ki.u^en, ^wHth.DdJV- BY bar, katerh ard KcUkopT, |.r*»ente«i A camel can easily carry a load of A. E VOORHIES l L cu .-wve» promptly at the proi^er 1> j < j pourda. aaTBs or suaouair*»v.s ; There are Cve automobile club» in acd w»i*$d pwtiftuUy for time lor •1 A One Yr»r, in edvai’»*. «no'her member to complete tbe quor Ecljfium, and their ec^xbiar«* tneiuber- Jib hix Month». um, me«uwbibr engaging io a diacuaaioM sbip is 740. Infectious diseases are unknown in Three Monti*. • «• io U m * advMMMMMty and feaaibibty of a Greenland, on aecoant of tbe dry, eoW Fuigte top*», • • • diteb from fc-. m ue Kiver, a «urvey of the at sod»; here. ▲dventemg rat«« on apun-auoa <Wy r>att- U w • h Lad jaet b*—u made. Tbe for change of ad mu»t he United n twfore itepyr made from seaweed is so trans Tue*<la> noon, other»»** «e<ûng oí lb* mar»La. »a* finally H-nt o*M to round up parent that it is used for w»cd«ws in luattrr wUl be rhax/ml for at the rate of 5c »n .'ber meunber if p -Rbte. He gath stead of glass. pe• ruuioi’S >tM-h, single co»utun. A.tem- ered in T. A. Lfoed aod !hc rtift-’ieg «nut b«u ad4iu«i» U> copy •»*> '* lhw”'i Mweramesto i> to have a new mansion or at U.S r»t« u l'<.|-cr ru.-mmg uv b »in Eor Winter, then called. for tbe governor. It will hr of granite (fw lolwnm 4 The f»k»n peGltun for «i- and brick, and will cost IfiO.GGQ. An EnglLb scientific journal speaks ■ een-eofL A. Heber he iw presented Strictly Ip-to-lh»«-, Stylish Goods. »¿th Jarne« Tnuibie afi<i W. F. Kremer of a coup e of Japsaese p/P <r:a one of .Manufactured by Beifeld oi C hu-ago, which to < ? ... the <>• her jhrar». we Luudemen. Tbe bond wan accepted j who sends -out nothing but honest Spurious ar»- made in T hursday . AUGUST 23. 1900. and tbe lieeuMs or<lered i««ued. France and shipped al! over the world. gotxls. Th«« a) » and means c^mmiUoe, who •Shrewd antijuanans. before purchai»* Lad been mwiruited to investigate the inr, «bould examine the mummy with Tta Me-l orJ ol U« ■«'« I RTTf H matter of ,'r>jcuring* water for fire prutee- the X-ray k. and in this light the sham £ Á All UiwilM, •U'.ag in their deouncMUinn of the b<M^J- tfow, mad« tbeir report. They had em- article is readily discovered. I urn Mm which teciu» to ini'« L*en »ery . E BEAN. Í. CO.. Propr. pluyed rveyur H. €. 1'erkiM to ven a j Enfos’ced cleanliness prevails ameny *r>aeh in erUieoce al uie rmenl bund>) ( Post Building. Boe of level» from tbe liew<l of -*»avAge I the j.-» the ; b’i«. m bools of Co bail gMta, which m »»I »try ri«t>l *r><1 < V ( Rapids to a point near the White Bo0t*l penhagen Three times a week they cou.iuenUable. They *re nnanituou« in « .a a a dw a du dh da da a da a a da a da da a a a da da must take baibs in the Beh'xHs» and i and hi» written report was read to the wbih; they are sporting n tbe swim- oppoeitton to an» »"»• Pumla) iMawball ’ council. He found <be distance io and ve ara pleaaed that the» ba\e taker. I »bug tank their e!oth*s are purified in Le about fir» and a bad miles and tbe i steam oven«. thia aland, which ia ouraexactiy. in ( * fad uf the river to be about 47 feel. The | In Waukegnn, Wit., there is an old their denunciation of rowijistn they many of the loughs that are found ia . route is a leaaibiw oca, p'eaeating no • church which for Jb years has been voice IL? aenliinenl ol the be,t p pie of nearly every locality and of times cast« a Rotee J great engineering ddficuiUee, and little without a steeple. A »’• rm struck the both town«. They «eeoi to hara felt ! blighting influence upon the rising gen i i fluming would be necessary. 7be first steeple I d 1S6X. and it fell up :» an ad- obiijed, boaevar, to temper lie propel [ eration. A I »al I game should tie con* , joining bouse, wrecking it. The owner superintendent of ^‘e ditch would run along of the house obtained a& inj'iuctioa re- < . VV. Tbomppof). Waprrinwnweni ci i «y of their remark« by unfair ataertion« ducted as civil a« any other public gath I perpendicular bluff ol cement ering.- Medford World. the Vi. tof, Jr. mine »I Placer, wa» in almo»! and wur«e .nainuation« concerning I be »tra'ipng the church trustees from j grave!, whefe the construction ol the erecting another spire. town Tuesday on a businese trip. Granta l'aaa ball tram and area the Portland Exumiea. ... town and ita people, and «eem to have «... man -/I of cl« h v ou Id be attended with tome difli- C. C. Hammood, The people of Granta Pa«« •nd ANÆSTHETIC REVELATION marJe a deaperate effort to «Lift al. the note from I ten ver, Colo., is here looking ¡ t’ii y, but nut meurmountable The; Southern Oregon will be given an ' river fall« rapidiy from tbe be».! of the iniquity of the occa»ii>o to the «boulder» over tbe mineral resources of «outhern opportunity to attend the Elka’ Carni | prup'.sed diten, which mat* nally le«»en» I of Graau P*e». We might here remark val and Mt reel Fair in Portland at the Or egon I the danger of damagA by winter ireebete. i that the extent of hoodlumi.m detailed H. C. Perkin» spent a number of days 17.75 for tha round irresistible rate of By far the larger portion of tbe ditch | by Um Medford paper« woaid aot have last week on Little Picket creek, survey Uip. would be very easily constructed. Mr "Some of the queerest experience» been allowed m Granta Pae«, it it too Tha excursion is under U m * manage* ing claims on the newly dis^nvertsd clip Berk in« also aabmitted a number of ex-1 of a doctor are pretty certain to be well cr odoctad a town. Hoodlom«, we ment of Dr. W. Barr of Astoria and per belt. »ruf»foa «bowing tbe amount of power! connected with the administration of regret to »ay, form a portion ol the pop will tie run from Montague on Septem Benedict Crowell, oue of tha owners araewtfotics.” said a New Orleans oiatioa of neariv every town, and if Med her 6. Returning, the excursion leaves of the C C hydraulic placer on Jump a given fall. The report w«a accepted phyMcian, chatting the other day with ford i* an exception in that reepecl. it ia on September 13, giving a week in the off Joe, and W. D. O'Brien, ' the - :p»r- <ni| tlrf c muiHtee was inaifucted to ob- a New Orleans Time»-Democrat friend, a fact which bai not been exlenaivelv city. iutendent, returned to tiranta Pas*« tain estimates of ti*e coat of ceBitraction "and apropoa of th^ subject I recall advertiaed hitherto. Tbe effort on tbe a little story that I don’t mind tell Pie Carnival will be the greatest ex Thursday after a visit to that property. dttchet* of different dimeneion«. ing. a* the incident occurred long part of the Medford pre«* to abi/k Med position ever given in Portland, with A large rich depo«ít of cinnabar bar Herbert Smith appeared in behalf of J . siuee and in another city. A dozen ford's «hare of reefonsibility ia unmanly Midway Plaisance and foreign exhibits, lately been found on Ramsey can) on. L. Scott to obtain ”}«erm;-*>on to erect a years ago, when I was temporarily and email apinted. The Mail, especial •ame a« Midwinter fair. There will be about two miles ea«l of Bybee springs, w<xxl«hed in the rear ot >lr. Mcott’« located in St. Louis. I was called one ly, torn« on the ga«b tap to tha fulleal excursions to The Dalle«, Astoria, by Jake V'cbrman oí P>rllao i. wh / i« ■ Et ibhi.g« on Front «’.reel, the budding day to the old Lindell hotel to give extent, when, speaking of the Mciford Seattle and Tacoma; opportunities to interested in the Black Bette «dlteabar ! of whicb had been cbe«*ked by tbe fire chloroform to a young woman who ball team, it telle bow "eorely aggrieved" wa« about to undergo a slight surgi see tha Columbia river scenery, the property. | »nd water committee. Mr, Smith ex- they were and now it will never happen cal operation to remove a morbid grandest in the world, been re your The riling Star mining company are uiai»*<-<• that they were building a board growth in the ear. again, and so forth, all to their exalta- your ticket« early and be sure of ac steadily pursuing operation« at tbeir nnce six their ¡ ÍW® »ix feet high, high which would be used tiea and oor disparagement. It lays "The patient, as it developed on my commodation«. . * i>- . . • I ja» a»... I property on Williams creek. For tbe lito back of « «1. the she«! and that tbe arrival, had been married only a few great streas on tlie fact that tbe Medford Apply for ticket« to A E. Voerbiaa, present the orc will l>e hauled f>om tfie |T fl^ wou’ul be of ehv* t iron. The re day» before and was in the city with hall team ia compoaeii of gentlemen, ( et aixa uffi- e mine to the mill, a distance of one snd | i«'red permission wa« readily granted. her husband on a bridal tour. Al which we l.ave no thought ol denying. a'k .a ureet ccmaiiltee announced i that though quite handsome, «he was no a a ba 1. ’i mi - » lee, a by wagon, ■ but ... the company I The A Few Pointer». However, there are others, ft is not longer exactly in her first youth, and necessary to ray that tbe members of The receut «tatisiics of tbe numb« r of ie contemplating a double traik tram I they had decided to report adversely on she was very much averse to having ■l proposed bridge acroM Gilbert her husband present at the operation. the Granta Pass ball team are gentlemen deaths »bow that tbe lartf* majorily die way tubs used for this purpose later tbe with consumption. This d'seaae may on. I creek on‘’H” street, as, in their opin- However, he insisted and she finally lor tbe whole ralley knows that they commence with an apparently baimless are. If hoodlums went to see tbe game, rough which «.an be cured inwtantly by Tbe Kubli brother« have recently | ion. it wa« not an absolute nece««ity and agreed that he should stay, but I no- it ia not the fault of tbe team. The Kemp's Btham for the 'Ibroal and made another extraordinarily rich strike • he city’« expanses were already Iar^e tierd that she seemed very nervous and preoccupied. Medford World aava, very fairly; "The Langs, which is guaranteed to cure and On the Goi len Standard mine, located on Tbe ref»ort wu a cepul. "The operation as I said before, The following bill* were allowed . H.C Granta Paas base trail team which played relieve ail cases. Price 25c. and 50e. Galls Creek. A fine body of ore, vary* For sale by all druKffi«t«. was trifling She took the chloro the Medford team last Hunday were well ing from 2'g to 4'7 lent wide, La» been Perkin“, surveying and making mapa, form easily and aU went well until That Sorth Carolina Amendment behaved young men but we regret to say opened. The rock runs 1150 to per 1101; K P D. A L Co., lumber 171.09; she was just regaining consciousness, E ihtob C oi mix »;—A« some of our ton The ore at tbe 100-foot level of tbe <a. H. Banns, superintending «ewer. |So, when she opened her mouth and out that aotn» who accompanied them not only lost their money but tbeir temper, Republican friend« oaem to regard the (iolden Standard is proving to l»e tbe John Patrick, «irret work, 0-50; J fell a set of false teeth. She had said their good uianuera and tbeir respect North Carolina amendment a» a step most valuable ever found in this mine. Wolke, hardware, f-’O’i; Oregon Obser- nothing alxiut that detail, and the truth was that she bad hoped, poor • • r, f-riu «g. for tbe audience and tha occasion ” 'oward« imperialism, permit me through Work on the Nye mining property, on Ci‘y Attorney .Stewart s resignation woman, to pas* through th»* ordeal The prime cause of Uie wrath wa« the the column« of yout paper to vff« r a (¿alls creek, where the rich strike wa* baliaf that tha Granta Paas ball team few thought« by wav o’ correction. Im recently made, is progressing rptendidly. having taken effect, the rustler of etert- without the fact of her wearing such things being known to her husband. were being male tbe victirua of crooked perialism, an now u«ed, means to exer Tbe first ebute of 190 feet that has l»**en ing a new city attorney was brought to "But the effect on that individual work on the part of tbeir opponents. cise authority over the people of some cut shows in the ruuf of the tunnel ol the attention of tbe council. The name wa« entirely unexpected. He gave This was no sufficient excuse for rowdy other government without their content. the mine great quantities of fine gold. of C. E. M n bee was mentioned for that one horrified glance and then rusheel / 'i nd - / ' !i . ism but la worthy of mention in connect Tlie people of a ttate or nation have a At 13 feet in tbe tunnel a new chute tffh-e and he wan tio'Linatey by T. A • lion with tbe subject. Tbe whole scan- right to define the qualifications of ha« been «truck. Along the banging Ifnod. No other nomination*» being the throat ’You infamous scoundrel! elected by ac he yelled. ‘You have broken my poor dsloua affair shoo id put a permaueiit voters at their own ele« lions. In Ore wall of the vein, ih at »treak ol ore 1’2 • nade, Mr. Maybee w <!: rllng’» jaw!’ At that Mage of af datapar on Huuday base ball in Nouthern gon a voter tnu«t be a man twenty one inches thick an 1 half an inch wide, clamation. The matter of continuing the day po fairs I beat a retreat. I never did years old and fr«-e from certain disa Oregon. _________________ which may practically be called s learn exactly what the husband lice nt his present «a try was brought bilities. But we Lave never been ac The saloon buaineae it one that re«t« cused of Imperialism on this account. streak of solid gold, ¡ tie jock from the liefiire the council a' ibis < me, according | thought had happened or what sort ,f ffer« <1 '* on too insecure a foundation to take un Tbe people of North Carolina, for their Nye mine will lie milled at the Kubli to the arinuum ernent warranted libertie« with the law«. At own good and the good of all concernfai, brother’s Golden Standard quartz mill. of his ap|Muntment. < the beat, it la only tolerated and the have «een fit to require all negro*« to No strike made in Southern Oregon of unanimous opinion o ( nt flrhirhtfully put compli- Talk nearer tboce who conduct that buainee« be able to read la-lure being allowed to recent date creates so much interest as Mr. Mott bad roads a ment a. supper de liver benreif of a perfect jewel the can conform to the law« and the limits vote. Every negro in the state can doc*» this one at the Nye ledge. officer, and an bis pre»* other night. She leaned across the 141 st M onday the writer and auulber with which it ia necessary to hedge that coMpiy with this «onditiou in one year table—tbe table next tue -to say it, buaineae about, the longer they will be if be so desires. The amendment will tfvnllemari visited I he Lawrence mine and she meant well. able to carry on that buaine«« in the hue prove to be a blessing to tbe negro. on Galls creek and were shown through “Oh. MiMS Dumdum,” she said, cor tbe tunnel by H. B. Nye ami hi« partner of the ever iscraaaing adverse public Harvey Hcott says the enfranchisement the dially, *‘Fve got a trade-last for sentiment. In Granta Pana, every -a of the negro was a “Republican inis- Mr. Wortman. The tunnel at that time you.” looti keeper who takes out a license tak».” Ol course it wa», tnd we Item- was 135 feet long. E'gbty feet from the “A »wap?” asked Miss Dumdum, signa a bond to comply with the condi* ocrats knew so at the time. He wavs entrance these getnlemen are sinking a Imnming with anticipatory delight. mai I’hhuh.” answered the other. tiona of a certain ordinance, one of those again tliat the negro is more degraded shaft which was twelve (cel deep. At a Ulli "Lieut Bulbul said it.” auditions being that he shall not keep now than hr was during the “plantation the end of the tunnel they are digging kiwer in which to ury tbs fire Lo- "<>h. do tell ft!” pleaded Miss Dum hia saloon opM or sell liquor on Munday. era.” This proves that carpetbagisu», upward in order to have an air shaft sucli a lower wotild hr a grr> dum. eagerly. No man ia compelled to take out a saloon such an we bad in the South for «even from the surface. There ie a vein of tow a’ I t !.• |• r’ v*u. -'i - > , he i < ’ t ,«n awfiiHx I. -«' one." said license in Granta Paas. If be docs not years after the civil war, baa a degrad quarts about twelve or thirteen inches eornmiltee was instr.n-ted to obt the first girt "and Lieut. Bulbul like the condition«, let him go some ing tendsnev. The negro was eufram h- In width at this point that in beautiful thnates at to its rest meant it, too. He said you waltzed where else with hi« saloon or engage in isrvi in order to humiliate the southern to look st, being studded with ttia jel No farther Rtfdaftss aj nesting, c council ! divir.« ly. He said he was awfully sur- acme other business. There ia absolute* white people. This alone bad much to low metal They had just finished mill adj timed. j pri; 1. too, to find it out, so I know I hr meant it. He said he wouldn’t have ly no excuse for the saloon keeper who do in making him vicious ami lusuknt. ing three tons of waste ore at the K >guc •n j thought from swing you walk that goes back on hia bond which he signed, it should be reuietnlx red tliat tb*»« who Rir*r Mill on "atnrday and thought it 1 yoti v* ul<l dance at all.”—Washington knowing its requirements well enough. are laboring to settle the race problem would probably go about twenty dollars I Post. When a man deliberately goes bark on in the South are citizens of that aet lton, to the ton, but to their surprise when % I'reriirtuo« Hoy. the cleanup » «» made they found it bad the agreement by which he 1« given a and abundantly able to attend Io their Nice little boys are always the sub- license, the license should be withdrawn. own businesa. They possets a keen gone considerably over |M0 to the t-?u I jrct of friendly Interest, but one never iM-nw of justice, and are going to prove Mr. Nye losing a hat on the valu« | know» what kind of an aniwer to ex Our city council Is curnp<>we<l of good their devotion to American principles cleanup. A visit to a few mors pert from them when questioned. anti substantial men, but sotneof them by voting for W. J. Bryan in the coming like th<s would give moat any < ! "Yo»i are a nice little boy.” aa:d a are subject to criticism for playing election. mining fever.—Gohl Hill New I.rkiti ; kindly old gentleman to a bright boy btriiio J xwkll . hookey when the night for council meet of the; "have you any brother»?” ing arrives. There are three or four H taix or Omo, ( ìtv of T oi . k’i<M "No, sir.” replied the boy: ”I’m rather - f Lt < as Col wrv, council men who are strictly on time for | short on brothers, but I’ve got ais- he oath that F mamk J. C hknkì make« f trrs to burn.”—Detroit Free Press. every meeting, and it is not soothing to is the senior partner of the firm of F J their lem|M»rs to stroll around the conn* C hsnmv A Co., doing basine« .- h . I ><»- ( ‘. t y An InnpproprintF Gift. cil rooms for an hour or so, waiting for of Toledo, (’minty ami Slate aforesaid, She—-I’ve bought a Noah*« ark an a a quorum. Thia council started on its ami that said firm will (my the turn ul irthday gift for the Jones little oy. official career with the Leet of intentions JNE HUNDRED DOLLAR for each and every cam* of Untanh that cannot be He—-Good graciou»! Don’t 1 for prompt and faithful attendance, but cured by tbs use of llui/a C at kknii know the Joueaea are vegetarians It has fallen from grace in a most re- Cl RK. ••Well, what of that?- markable manner, <>n the meeting "Why. the Jon»-a baby will I mp sure night previous to the la«t one, only to put the animals in his mouth, and three of the eight m«inhere ap|*earod probably «wallow them.”-Philadel and at the lad meeting there were four phia Press. on time, who were o obliged to wait an I.ookini F«rw«r4. indefinite time lor the * filth mem tier to The Tramp (who has been given a complete the quorum so that busine»« pair of old shoes) —Pardon me. lady, might tie transacted. A hmm res »re but do yer know where yer husband tumelimes net-veeary, of course, but it bought deae? taken only five members out of eight to The Lad^v Why do you ask? “Hreause it’s likely de «tore he got constitute a quorum and it seem« a» dem frum t*hi»i ■« Here shoes free uv though that percentage should be able charge, ah’ dat would »save me a lot uv to reach the coun« II rooms at some labor.” Purk. where near Hie app«>intpd hour. I » I » » » I I > I k » I > I I I I k FURS < 4 I CAPES 4 SKIRTS 4 4 WAISTS 4 JACKETS TAILOR-MADE SUITS < lall and 1900. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Office fTininj We are informed that a number o young men ol this p'v * went to Med for ! wearing the color» of the ''Oregon' saloon and Vrpre» wiping that institutim at the recent ball game. have discharged that very thoroughly, but the M people Grant« The game of ba*e bad is an athletic sport which many go<> t moral ciiisen» Jove to wilnes« if carried on in a civil, man!», x < mh 1 iiwturvd mannar. If, how ever, rowdyism, foul language »nd qnar* rel» ensue, then it br<• o»»«*s <1 gu«tmg and obnoxious to tbe sensibilities of the average moral citlsen. ThU fvrhrg i» much intensified when the game ia playeti « mi tbe habitath day. Anotlier element which s uuetlines enters these games that is obnoxious to the real lover of true «port i« the garnb'ing on the results of the contest Games of thia kind pUycd on Sunday usually attract HÍDIANS AS LUMBF.StMEN. w V MOODY AND THE ROWDY. Warb woman i*, t the mc.ttts of cure for womanly dtaeaaes offeree! in Ikiclor Pierrs’« Favorite I'rescri ption. It niâtes the peri- . dries enfechl- draina, inflammation ulceration, Cure« f- mate It make« weak women irtrong and sick women well. vrrík>*rímí with e-»titwAe •« well lie !•* >»■■■ *’MÌ V • M»y* Mt*» ftnrebwrg Ct* F fir f*atnc**a * • b * w ’ k to wy lint« th« Wcll-hitiw# K m «navi lata Quick. Ult Sat «4 him from a Trobablr llrnhhlna. A. • Hieb *•• The Chirr«»«« lr* um Their «!•■« Lak» *•$•«***- TM* ,xp*r.Œ-lX! f t < 1 ia tke loKff.n< >’ carr.'-u y of Duluth «• by a somp* M.aa . wh.ih ta» • «»e ract for eu» tlaj many b .1 .c-t d fr st of plot 1* »horeof L*V reaervaUca» oa th* s contract« Superar. Tb* co «PpJ ¿j»n bureau. ie were mad* w-th r»' I morey for Th* Indian, sat c rated by the ttaibcr. wbkb ia . ftneramret aad p«-<i to th»: » inaudi Mattt*. bat tb»y »»» * k»i>* ti Wwa ao lacF a— th* * u.b*r rrcoaíc* OI th. harui». thu» cí’.sff then» »wp ’O • n>rl • cd teaahto f 'ihrsu an oc. -pw O» tbe lied Çliff. E-d R-»er aBd La* liosa «bere a de F"» resemi» »nd operated u saw milla, caco ouwt an< th the Indian b der tlús with reau. and all the adu’t ma't Indiftbâ wbo want work are kept bu year round. They Lave acid ber for a large pnce, the has put their m rv into boadi pays them the :ul re*t. It <i'c hev art many other to earn « ho 4 tbeir hui. lime even reserva fioca year» Ite ibe«e lui have tfc. moat moved fr Tbe exp dia DA «S' able timidii) fu!. It 1 'must be kept n two whites won a -sub.*’ for tbi !oog at a « voce ia aw tepee. An keep the force up most caset « they re«pon»ibh e work. are ebopp never team in lume ear pusl dem hu . bier hat yers or ski do at lit with a wh in the !u are need» exception Indians bl tor busii few on i.Wf conf well ia t able to get a In nmst o pc was ha» four in the ref to obey o dian boss man. Mo have gcn< tho fact. About 4 timber are being ’ * three res- ervatio racts have been n purtment. », from $2 1 10 f-4 In the »ultimerai rom $1 to <1.25 per «a n a in t . t ; ’he mil - - N and Labor by using a St. Louis Washing Machine XlO.OO Sold on Easy Installments. Take One on a Week's Trial. Hair-Riddle Hardware Co AT JEWELL S OLD STAND A CRESCENT CHAINLESS —-Bicycle----- The Acme of Perfection; Light. Strong and Easy -Running. We furnish any make of tire on six makes of wheels. Now is the time to buy a tandem, the 97 -totlel: « $75-wheel for J35. Your wheel taken in part payment for a new one. We furnish anything made for the Bicycle. Coaster Brakes put in any wheel. Our stock is the largest and assortment the best in Southern Oregou. Up-to-date goods and down-to-date prices. T. A. HOOD & CO., THE BICYCLE MEN. ^EN/MORE S E E N Q LICKEN T H Say Mister ! • i Gitnine oue of them glasses of soda water fur 5 cents. It’s the best 5cents worth I ever seen. .Ma says that and so does Pa. Our folks thinks thh is the best drug in town anyhow.” W Tbi* i*» what "the tmall bov” say*, of people agree with him and «how it. though they don t put it quite th»« way If you don’t agree with him coiue in and trv one of those "big J glass*-«» yourself. And that is not'all every thing we keep i* the l>e't of its kind. — SODA WA- TKK DKI G&-TOILET ARTI CLES—AH the be<t value for your money. The Onh Ball-Bearing, Tvpe-Bar Machine on the Market ? We Rent AH Machines We Sell All Kinds Second-Hand We Repair All Machines We Kell ALL the BEST New Machine« F cll L ine S vppubs L etter B ooks O ffice S tationery ...SEND FOR ¡CATALOGUE... UNITED TYPEWRITER & SUPPLIES CO. 230 STAKE street PHOTO 5UPPLIE5 - - PORTLAND. O regon ¿T. B. PAEEOCK, PROPR. i am prepared to furnish anything in the line ofCemetery work in any ku of MARBLE or GRANITE Nearly thirty years of experience in tbe Marble business warrants my saving tliat I can till yonr orders in the very best manner. I. an furnish work in Scotch, >wede or American Granite or any kind 0» Marble. Front Street N<n to Grcriir'o Gan.hop Slover Drug Co. flHATEUK - MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS- J. B. PADDOCK, Southern Oregon Stale Normal School. Front S< . Opposite Depot. ASHLAND. OREGON. Strictly N >rmal School. Thorough academic instruction. The higher professional training. . Each Teacher a Specialist ... Bvnutiiul an healthful location, and homelike surroundings. Write for <ata1ogue and further information. Fall term begins September io. A. M. Clayton, Pris ; T. A. Hayes, Vice-Pres.; I. E. Vin ing. . v M ks Ella F. Byxbee, Miss Alice A. Appiedate, Miss Esine: Silsby Miss Mary Silsby, Mrs. Ardiuell Claj ton. THE MILWAUKEE.” If you have a CAMERA «fa not fail to look rn our supplie«: A familiar name for the Chi« • ago. Mil- waukee A Nt Paul Railway, known I PAPERS all arhoti Velo» Iriftlo I’ial- over the Union a» th“ Great t Riilwav in l.itmum, ideal Ferro Pru» running tbe •‘Pioneer Limited ’ trains Rojal >d brunet. *atir. Ir. Hfue every , day and night between —------- - s t. Panl Prim and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. DtVELLPERS “The only perfect train» in the world ’ M « t»l Qi tx»l. K. <».. Melo! Myd I ndefwtand: Cootievtiods are mule Kantia. none Ami I, Hydro-Met with All Transcontinental Line«, a»«ur- iagto passenger« the best service known Luxurious coacltea, electric bght», steam ‘•Lff a verity equalled by no other P< .-rf that vour ticket reads vi MOUNTS Milwaukee” when going to anv j the I lifted ‘•tate* «( anula.' t et agents tell them. Sw \DRI S ^or tetes, pan.pblets or othe: malion, address, , TW C;.’“'-1 r.J. Em rrar. I «■« A«». General A, t tirrtx, W ash . P orti » x hen EvangelirW In the slums of J itv >.< rating sa\« a j The ' and as he BOOKS ing he found a number of i r»g to annoy him. As hr Fir.4 *»«1 , he »heard them say: mn nrst” end they prepared » from the vide walk. Go ( up tn the ringleader. Mr. and. with 5 B Al Viete n that commanded com- Pn.t> p. «5 No. 5 ’ Rosy, f I*m»»r» 1 » O. V M Huh E By was ever more completely taken by surprise. Re held the over- con! for the evangelist to get Into H. awd then thinking the yot*n*y man for DENS HOKE 1900 on. {MUSEUM OF ANATOMY* r n DARK Ì it.iaiunrr Mirti- »«.i - - F-..«’..* /' * ' ‘ V SÜTT m ' a -------------- • - ••* re»*«--------------------------- *” « U cart OST T H 1 nf Their Lorka, ha ini FREE I v Y ENTMRY For tbe ww and e'Wtenirac« of my fl. E. VOOKHItò IMd aari 1 ROOM A m J 5* 'S«. ; y an dt - # Wad.. « Y —X -w. T. r MI.U&HU A .- I^** * en. t-'l a. **-*>**-* * . ’ y A rd D on ’ t B e D uped Them have N>en placed upon the mnr'<et *¿'.’.’2- < iHwp n prints of an obsolete «lit >n .1 \' eteu r’«» Dictionary." They are being ’•nerva under various naines at a low price By <]ry ffrvwig lealers, grocer«, agents, etc., and in a ew instant'«« a» « premium for«ut* up- tions to paper«. ■ of these ctimparativ Worthless IXprints ar* very nmh ading: for Initen e. ’ advertWd to be the subeta • «! - I’liralcnt of a higher-priced book when in 1P»"0 fBr * know an<1 beMevr, t!jey an- ail. from A to Z. Reprint Dictionaries, phot, type copl«, <,f , bn„k of nr r fifty iy»lr* u<r“- which in its day wan sold for about F» o, «nd which waa much superior in r«i- r. prnt. a:»d binding to these imitation», leinfi ’ara a «<»f ftNM 1^««^ of ■ •o* Long Since Obsolete. “»ppiemmt of 10,000 «xtiw new w"‘*'h wme «»I t bear* hooka areal' • r- or?r r««r« W. wn*1 ** c.iM» ! teter? L • Rath. other mi”* wkiitious art probably of more or iesa ' slue* p Teb.,«.’, l‘Ms.,d^4 DIctiMMtv ’ ’.T '"‘t bstw ta th. ttnlr tnrrll- r •» > t ¿5 . nam*‘ Gmillw to tbl. eWM-rtt " IL2 ‘ ,jn’ •«» I«««. 'r”h»- «tarty every paar, and hear- our f?L ,hM1 work •’•““ ia. “ we •o0- bare «♦ _ rt«* _ . 2 a1“ 1'*- ,rn t“ " th» « rr-nw put4tah«i , tbonai<bly twv*-’ tt ’ZU' n the world a» * et»»ter • International Dictionary- •M a uu ternary last, a U'etluK- you »b"UjU Get the Best. I I mt rated | «mph let free. Addrere t-O. MEiBUM CO, SretaafMti. »U m .