ouricr. ! GRANTS PASS , XVI. JOSEPHIXE COUNTS OREGON - THURSDAY .■f » ■- No, 41. AUGUST 23, 1900. •*-à _ . _____ -- lj - um - u - .--- ~u—-“-•***** ■ ■ ■ », FIREMEN RUN WITH ENGINE. Washington Letter. OUR PRICES MAKE A DOLLAR.. OUR PARIS EXPOSITION IETTER Hop Pkker« WanUd M«»b«ra uf a Colored ( hlea«u Cai II O qa hundred hop picker« wanted at paay la lluraeaa fur a De- lrt<r«>tia< Exhibits ol Chau sad Japan LMTKD «TATKa. Fiotu Oar Regular Ci*ro«pood*jl). tbe bop farm oi J. P. Ranzau on Rogue itro)rd Hur««. ni ........... . William McKiuié.v river belew Grants Pare. P«!m batt and Siberia go a long way. That’s one reason lor the ranid growth of WasHUtuToa, Aux- 13, 1WI0. jSSl';. - -- t ....... . M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist. „ Railway. . . .John Ho» • Addrert J. P. Ranioa, I’. O. Box 300, George Shippy, police captain of the ÜM«ct.. - oi Slate ........... If Ruwia's order to its minister !o ac of this store. Another reason is : That while we aim to The latest in Bicycles at T. A. Houd IKsplaiue« »treet station, was formerly Mtct.i ofTreaai-r» .. .I ; man J Gagr Grant, I’a-w; cept a Chinese escort trout Pekin to T.en sell cheap, we have no use for cheap goods, but buy the .........C N Bita. __________________________ ________ A Go’s. in the fire department, and at out time ÜKm- - oi Interior (From Our Regular Correspondent; B^retary <>I War ................ . . Elibu Root iu charge of the colored members of Tain, after all the other governments very best obtainable anti thus meet the cheap good’s price Bicycle hospital for all repairing at «Mnt.try <>f Navy......... John D engine company No. 21, in Taylor had ordered their ministers to remain in Crauier Broe. pABia, July 30, 1900. Riefet., o! Agriculture JamcsA Wilaon We guarantee this or street. He tell» many stories about the Pekin, should turn out to mean that a anti give a much better article. Mr* Amy Booth-Holmes visited here ÜNtm<- er-General .. James A Gary “Meet Us on the Midway.’’ The buildings erected by tbe two negro fire fighters, »ays the Chicago deal bad been made between Russia and Attorney-General . Joseph McKenna The Event of the Times your money back. last week with her relatives al this great countriv« of the Orient at the Chronicle. China, there would be very little eur- placa. mtatk or ' OKXUUN. “One fire alarm,” relates Capt. ptise in Washington, where the proba Paris Exposition, if not as imposing as IGeo W McBride ' Bev. G. W. Black and family started those of some of the other countries, Shippy, “was given from Harrison bility of one or moie of the powers sup Another Big Lot GLASSWARE U. 8. Senators. . ' ^Joseph Simon ’ last week on their return to their home are certsiuly among the tuoel typical street and the river. It was a ‘still,’ posed to be acting in concert against Bl »4 »* «Tlioa H Tongue CHINA WARK Congreeauien ............ at Burna, Ore. an 1 homogeneous. China and Japan, and ours was the only engine called. China making some sort of s dicker on (M »V Moody The bitch-up was made iu good time, WHIT EWARE • Mr. and Mrs. F W. Cha usee went to although differing wiuiey in customs, and xye swung around the corner of their own book for their owu benefit, AMornev-General.... OKS Blackburn it *« SHELF PAPER U*v>-r : ..................."... ..............TT Geer »San Francisco Thurs lav morning to re I habits and civilisation, have one point Harrison and Clark and started west. has been recognised from the first as one Fl Duubar Haen-iarv ol Slate main about two weeks. iu common; both are powerful countries As we xxere crossing the railroad track« of the most perplexing things about tbe Heute Treasurer........... ... Ch »s S M oore ... J H Ackermaa Geo. Simmons, of the Siinmons-Caui- with distinct individualities, extend an engine bore down upon us. and out* whole bustuees. Hupt I' >'• i'.-’i il- ’. The prices are in ordinary-every-day figures. ......... W H Lee*i« Slat*- Printer ervn mine at Waldo, returned last week ing even io facial types, to architecture, of the horses xvus killetl. Delay meant, Neither this government uor the Chin t C E Wolverton j I to costumes, and eveu to handwriting. perhaps, thousands of dollars' worth ese miuister lias received any official no You can wait on yourself in this store. Occupying manv solid blocks, from a trip to California. Bean Supreme Judges......... < -RS k a r»ean taking in an entire vireel from - A. W. Silsby and family returned last Their re present at ion at the Exposition, of property being destroyed. 1 has tification of the appointment of Li Hung (F A Moore tened to a box to turn in an alarm in curb to curb Clark Foard School LandCom. W HO’dell iVedneeday evening after spending a in architectural features, in decorations, order that other engine companies Cliang to be an envoy for the purpose . Wa'ih Boards f JO 05 4 doa. Clothes Pin« . Dairy and Food Com......... J. W. Bailey and in surrounding«, ra< h having a might be made «ware of the fire, but of suing for peeve. There is uvlLL.g im few week« at Tolman springs near Ash 15 Locks ....................... 10 Egg Poachers Another Lot..... garden planted with native flowers, w hen ! returned to the scene of the ac K. FIRST JUDICIAL DIHTBICT. probable, however about such an ap 5-hole Mouse Traps, land. 1» in. 3 row white wash cident only the ' ’ •ad horse remained I gives an idea of life in the East. Wastein Division....... Judge H K Hanna 10 pointment ; but if made it is not likely Brushes .......... 25 NEW. New Rugs Mis. A. M Woodford and daughter, . Eastern Division . . .Judgo H L BeMQg Japan is installed near the Tracadero, there, f ran to the file and, to my sur Wool Dusters 13 Mias Ruth, arrived in Grants Pass among the building« of British India prise, found my men attaching the en to stop any of the warlike preparations 26.ui. Hand Haws Art Squares Prot<- A ('hop Bowls ......... 10 Dust pan«................. 15 on the pert of the powers. If present Member Board of Equalizat. . KA Em mitt Wtdncuday 01 las', week to make a visit ' an<l Egypt. It is a delightful corner of gine to the fire plug aid untw irling the I.ace Curtains Fruit Funnels........... UÒ p ain are carried out before the end ol Whisk Brooms........ UH Under the auspices of th*- Port at this place. f- U. 8. LAND omex BO8EBUBG. Dish Drainers........... 25 | the Orient, everything, as I have said, hose. Four of the negroes bad stepped September there will be nearly a quar Stew Pans................ Ofi Rocking Chairs land Elk-. SURPASSING in into the harness torn from the body of Rambler Bicycle« are becoming more ■ being characteristic, even to the fences ■Maiv'er .Henry Booth Bread Raiders......... 05 1.5 l’ati.i ............ MAGNITUDE and GRAND ter of a million foreign troupe in China, Fiv Comforters .. .J T Bridqts Knives anil Forks, set 40 Handsome decorated EUR. ANYTHING OF THE popular every day. Don’t forget to look I which surround the enclosure; in the the dead anima! and, keeping pace with its companion, dragged the ponderous of which lees than 10,000 will be Amer Fruit Dishes ( lima Mugs ......... KIND EVER ATTEMPTED at tiie Ramblers when looking for a 15 10 Blankets Y OS THE PAI IFli' COAST. wheel. Price |40. Hair—Riddle Hdw. garden are tiny trees with twisted engine four blocks to the scene of the icans. Li 1 «nj Cbsng's request that Butterdish with cover to 4-piece <»lass Sets. To.vels and Toweling blase. • 1)0 : . R A Booth Co. | branches; exotic growths of various Joint »enator this govern . t endeavor to prevent the 10 . Abe Axtell The Street« of Cairo “They hau iue ¿re under control be landing of the British troops at Shanghai »Sugar Bowls.............. (Si Bake runs .............. 'M Table Covers County J udge 1 kinds; mulberry trees, camphor trees, Mrs. A. C. Hough and Miss Hortense Matches, dos. blks The Oriental Theatre ......... John Welle Com,, ¡-»iouer fore any other engine company ar- Milk Pans................. or Greffoz of Cot valhs, who is visiting here, mahogany trees; the principal touch of Fixed.” will be ignored, as it is the recognised ....... Roy Bartlett County Clerk . . The German Village local color, Lowever, is given by tbe ........... Ed Lister left on Friday mornings stage for a ten Hh.ru' right of any nation to land armed forces ) he Dancing Girl» ......... G W Coivig Sean italiie day8 outing at Waldo and the Josephine Japanese themselves who wo^k and OÜR GOODS IN CHINA. in another country when it la considered An Arabian.Pageant Treasurer............................ .....IT Taylor move among the curious objects with Cavee. necessary to protect the lives and prop Crowning the Queen School Superintendent Lincoln Savage Th« Amertcun Ounaal Sara Th«rt la erty of its ciliaens. ............................... lorn Smith Rex, King of the Carnival Attended Mr. and Mr*. G. W. Wimer and an easy air of familiarity; small of • I i* Great Mark«! There tor Surrey or............................. Hl' Perkins Much depend» upon how a thing is by His Magnificent Court daughter left for Coot county last Wed stature and bright of face, they seem to Cotton. Coroner..................................... 1 A oovi fit perfectly in their environment. done. For a Cuban or Spaniard,or say The great parade of the Elks anil nesday for an outing. They w ill return There are four houses in the garden ; PBKC1NVT orriCBBM. other orders. The Italian Park and by way of Crescent City. Coasul Wildman, writing from body else, to call the average American ..WALL PAPER.. JURNHURE.. Fountain. The niamiilicent triumphal most prominent is a pagoda built in the Hong-Kong, China, says: “If proper » liar means to get knocked down, yet in FIUTVKK MOULDINGS URANITEWARB . James Holman arch Justice Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Topping of Ban and grand Midway tilled with WOODEN WTARB LACK Cl KTAINM ......... M E Stockbridge wonderful attrai-tion-. Mining. Mercan don, who have been visiting relative« old style of Japanese architecture; ly placed before the Chinese. Ameri effect they are constantly calling our Conalalde .. AGATKWARR COTN thick and heavy in construction, Jt H* can cotton foods will obtain the same government a liar and a cheat aud the tile. Agriculture. Horticulture and other cirv or grants rasa. GLAB8WARR LINOLEUM« industrial exhibits. The Women's in this county 101 the past few weeks, setnbles the Chineab tvpe more than foothold in southern China that they most that any American does about it is TIN W ABB MATTRKNNKN returned to their home at Bandon last . . . H (■ Kinney Pavilion, designed by women, built by Mayor ................ have in northern. '1 he present impor the modern habitation which ha« been LAMPS MATTINGS women and decorateti by women for the to scratch his head and wonder if the .. .. J W Barker Audit. week. Mr. Topping, a former Jose tations are not nearly sufficient to CUTLERY oi women s industrial work. MIRRORS placedin close proximity, as if to em meet the requirement*. It must be talker han got it straight, Following ... .Col Johnson exhibit Treasurer. phine county boy, is now one of the The grain palace built ot < »regon and ..CROCKERY.., ...CARPET« City Attorney............. .... L V Slewart Washington grains and grasses. Music most prominent lawyers of Curry phasize the progress made bv the Japan borne in mind that the ( ninese never are words used by Mr. Roderick Alvares HE Bell Gayety and Fun. Night turned into . . Mars I.»! ese ill this line, as in so many others, xvear wool—not even in the depth of of Havana, in a Wasbingtcn hotel,while county. DayP.mce . .................. ........ Theo. Mott day. in recent years. The outlines of this winter; that, generally speaking, the discitssiiig the announced intention of John Patrick Street Commissioner.. . Court Notes. edifice are delightfully simple; there entire population clothe themseivea our government to withdraw Irorn Cuba THE LION-TAMER’S JOB. Lowest rail and water rates ever given EMANCIPATED WOMAN. ( Tom Smith The case of C. M. Stites and W. C. are no supertlnou« object«; everything in cotton all the year round. Their next year: "If the better class uf the to Portland from all parts of E W Kuykendall I bedclothes, timbrel In*, and, in n frxv the Pacific Northwest Our Who H m Deen Dittra Ferir*" Stites vs. Ja«. O. McGee et al appealed has a raison d’etre, and everything is E E Dunbar Cubans and the Spaniards on the island Seven Time« Daim* Hl« Dan t ? A Hood to the supreme court from thia county in place. A tea house and a bazar com instances, boat «ails arc made of cot believed that the United States had any ton. and the consumption is practical Ootnciliuen gerous Car«»?. N E MvGicw ha« been decided in favor of the appel plete the group of buildings. ly unlimited if they are made in ac intention of turning the island over to I , J A lC hk-pl lant« C. M. and W. C. Stites. The The pagoda, built by French workmen cordance with native requirements. the Cubans you would see a scalieration i “Sternal vigilance is the price of im | Frank Fetscli X^' p. dodge , Though In Italy the so-called “eman court held that the compromise decree under the direction of Japanese, ib a The cloths should be a strong, coarse, and removal of everything movable, that [ W A Haskins cipation” of women is by no means sc munity from bites,” said a Mon tamer INSURANCE and entered in the circuit court was a con copy of the temple of Houuo, near unbleacueu cloth, 22 inches wide, re- would surprise you. The fact of the far advanced as in England or the recently to a New York Telegraph man. Reg >lar meetings of the city council of REAL ESTATE tract which no court could open up with Nara, and is a most interesting speci tailable nt about five cents a yard, or matter is, wo all think the United States United States, there are few eountriei “Although my lions do not often catch Grant's Pass are held in the council cents gold per piece of niltf yards. wilt eonst nt of both parties. rooms in the city ball on the first and in Europe where the political influence me, they do with a frequency sufficient men of Japanese art. The general Life, Fire and Accident Insurance. There is also a virgin market for a will be in control of the island for the of women is greater than in Italy. The for all practical purjKJses. third Thursday eveningsoi each montii. Within coloiing is red and bronze ; it contains next 10 year». It is not safe to turn the Prevented a Tragedy. cotton cloth which, tanned oi''other G rants P ass , - O regon . three months I have been bitten twice influence, though great, is not, bow an historical exhibit of objects of Japan C1BCUIT COUBT. island over to a |>eople utterly incapable wise treated, would prove rainproof. Timley information given Mrs. George ever, alwnjs apparent, for it Is chiefly on the leg and once on my right arm. Meets oil the third Monday in April Ixjng, of New Straitsville, Ohio, eaved ese workmanship, bronzes, sword All cotton goods would have to be put of self government.” exercised indirectly and privately by Altogether In my career 1 have been and the fourth Monday iiyfcptember. sheaths, ----------- screens, ,-------------------- wall decorations, ------ etc. up in lengths to suit the peculiar re- As usual, tbe Carnegie and Bethlehem the women of the upper classes, in- bitten something like 47 timet. But A C. HOUGH, two lives, A frightful cough had long --------- I’he tea house ha« been converted into »|uirements of the trade for which companies submitted bids for supplying ■ tend of forming themselves into asso Hon tamers get used to such little x COUNTY COl’BT. kept her awake every night. She had ATTORNEY-AT law . details armor to war ships which divided the lot ciations und leagues and international things. and -..- Kiich a restaurant, and one van obtain a I they are -i designed, —i——i «..«i k Probate court meet» first Monday of Piacticesiu all State an.i l ederai CourtB tried many remedies and doctors but “The moat serious accident I ever ex variety of drinks, including tbe native ' could best be learned after having required and made the price the same. unions and organizations and compet January, April. July and September. steadily grew worse until urged to try As I have Office over First Naitonal ibina. ing with political orators, the Italian perienced was when I was bitten aknost County commiaaionert court meets first .We, a sort of wine made from rice. I made a trial Shipment. A now bidder, the .Midvale Steel Co., of Dr. King ’ s New Discovery. One bottle ; pointed cut before, it is^mpoasible to women interested in political work through the right thigh. With good Wednesday after the meeting of the G kants P ass , - - O lkuon . wholly cured her; and she writes, this The building has two stories, and i« do busifleiift with ('hiñese by corre- Pennsylvania, entered the contest with a treatment I soon recovered. There is county court. ------------------------------ /--------------- marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long made of wood, in an open airy design. respond<'iH'<‘, and the mo«t that ft con lower bid, but setting a long limit for quietly, and certainly not less efilcu no better remedy for an animal bite eiously than their more “emancipated’’ The bazar consists of a Feriesof little sul can do is to supply a hint.* the delivery of the armor and failing to sisters. than lukewarm water and plenty of of a nervous attack of Pneumonia. Such specify that the armor would be tu.de A» a rule, Italian women work by salt, and by using them I have Invar^ ceres are positive proof of its power to shops, ranged side by side; many! RESIDENT DENTIST. . i ure all throat, ■chest and lung troubles. ■ objects are for sale, but f* w » an be nai<l POLICE CAPTAIN CONFOUNDED. by the Krupp process, Secretary ixing mean« of the old French expedient. the ably esc«ped blood poisoning. I am al armed when I enter a cage, though 30 Years Esiienence. ! Only 60c and $1,00. Guaranteed. Trial | to be strictly Japanese; they are largely | Stray Child ut til«* S (litio il ÜM« M Pat must decide whether he will accept salon. In Rome alone there are no ways either of these bids or eierciw the au- fewer than a donen salons devoted al my audience may not know this, and on Office in Opera House block ; see the sign iiottleB free at Dr. Kremer’s drug store. I of a c U kh to be found in any of the i Anmer for the Ottirer’m most entirely to the discuHdon of po five occasions when the l'ona berime — OF — ‘-little kiosks scattered throughout the of Tbe Big Tooth. thority conferred upon hini by the last litical topics. Each salon has it own maddened and I saw death staring me ,Q uer>. Important Supreme Court Decisiou. SOUTHERN OREGON. Exposition grounds, ami in hundreds of naval appropriation bill to establish a O rkuom . political “color,” which is generally In th ? fac e I have had to shoot to kill. G bants P ass , The Oregon supreme court has ren places in the United States, There are < apt. Hajes, Hayi-», who 1« »txtlonvil at th» government plant for making armor, that of the huslwind or father or friend* “1 have found the Asiatic lion the dered an important decision in th«* cast* Thirty-fifth »trert polli-v xl.tiou, will many factories, I am told, in America, lie .!!' lai., lip the iu.tter as soon as he of the mistrt-Mi of the house; but while easiest to tame and the sAfeat to han $50,000. Capital Stock, of John Matti«, appellant, vs. Nelson* where these Japanese objecta of art are question lo.t chiltlrm with caution in returns to Washington. jj C. PERKINS. the thread and web of the polltlos cur dle. The Nubian lion is more treaeher- i hl-future. Etta Armstrong, four yexra Hosmer et ai, res})ondent8, from Jack turned out. Ret. ivedepoeits subject' to check or on Representative Allen (Private John), ried on in a salon is spun and woven by ou« ¿ban a tiger and when he bites he old, who.e paieutx live in Stewart av the men who frequent it, the personal takes a big piece. Males are easier to san county, H. K. Hanna, judge, modi certificai? payable on demand. The managers of the J a púnese exhib- enue, wandered from home anti be of Mississippi, whose defeated aspiration fied. Opinion by Moore, J. Selk !ght drafV on New York, San Fran it had the original and happy idea of came loxt. An officer found her play fer a seat in the senate caused him to Influence of the mistress of the house tame than are the females, and rubs are cisco, an<i Portland. Tins was a suit to enjoin ¡lie appropri inaugurating their buildings at night, ing in thei »»nd and brought her to make promises necessitating bis retire sets on eiudi one of her guests, modify not as easily managed as is generally OXKGON Telegraphic transfers sold ou all points in GRANT« pAHh, ation of water from the west fork of the gardens being illuminated by lan the captain's office, sajs a Chicago pa ment from the bouse at Hie close of his ing views, and softening, or it may I m ? believed.” __ accentuating, the roughness of ambi the United States. Fix it’s creek, a non-navigable steam in terns disposed in unique designs, the per. present term, doesn't appear to lie at all tion. As long nn they remain in their Thai Throbbing lleadach. Spe«-i.tI Attention given to Collections an<1 0OSHOW&SHERIDAN, Jackson county, and to recover damages result was charming emphasizing the "What is your name?" the captain downcast over his early return to private sidon Italian political women are In general busines» of our customers. Would quickly leave you, if you uaed for an alleged trespass. The question Oriental character of the scene; and was asked. every way admirable. life. He was in Washington this week, Colle. iions made throughout Southern MINING ATTORNEYS, Dr. King’« New Life I’illa. Thouaanda «he to'-d him, and though there were preMen ted was one of priority of appro much more effective than the daylight Oregon, and on ail accessible points. and speaking of his retirement tie »aid : of aull'erera have proved their niatebiaaa «eversl officers around she »bowed no Special attention given to Mining priation and adverse user of water rights. inaugurations ol the exhibits of other "I hate to qait for some reasons, but the J. D. FRY, President. It fl«*lp«'<l Win Battle«. signs of embarrax-ment. N -t only on merit for Hick and Nervoua Ifeadacbea. and Land Laws, anj Lanci <ifice practice. The lower court decreed that Hosmer countries. J. T.TUFFS,Vice President. »he tell her name, but she began talk fact is that a nian must get out sooner or Twenty-nine olbcera ami men wrote They make pure blood and build up xx as the owner of the ditch in question, Romeni no. • • O iuwon . China is also located in the grounds ing about other pernona «he knew. She later, and I do not wish to hsng on un R. A. B ooth . Cashier. and entitled to the use, during the irri of tbe Trocadero, next to Siberia; a didn’t know wl.i-re eht- livifi. though, til I get to the patriarchal stage. After from the Front to «ay that for .Scratch**, your health. Only 26 centa. Money gation season, of one half the water 1 situation which waa doubtless dictated but a. Officer Armstrong Ilves In the IB years of the legislative grind one is Bruise«, Cut«, Wound«, Bore Feet and back if not cured. Sold by Dr. Kremer, (JEORGE H BINNS, flow hig in the creek at the head of the less tlirough respect to geographical Ihirty-flfth »free! district the captain justified in letting others serve the coilu Stiff Joint«, iiucklen'n Arnica Salve h Druggist. «.he bent iu the world. Same for Burns, ditch, and during the mining s<*ason, to ¡considerations than by a desire to in thought he had a clew. A SS A VER, Cell at the Cm area office and aee the "Is your father a policstnan?" he try.” H|>eaking of the possibility of an Skin Eruptions and Pile«, 25ct«. a box. the whole there«d. The supreme court I stall between the two bnihlings the ’ (1 extra session of congress, Mr. Allen Cure guaranteed. Hohl by Dr. Kremer, panoramic view, of Granta I'aaa and I mo<lifies this decree by giving the plain* panorama of the Siberia railway, vivit- a«k»d. was inclined to be a little sareastie about "No," my father Isn*t a policeman, vicinity. Druggist. | tiff an undivided half of the water dur-! *ors to the latter take their places in the sizzard with which Washington lias she said. “Ife w-< rks." I ing the mining season. GKXNT s PAR« OREGON. parlor cars, and see through the ('apt. Haye» made no further effort tieen wrestling tor a week. He said: windows a moving panorama of seeneiy, to Jearu the Identity of the child, but "There isn't much chance <il an extra representing the country through an hour laur the mother of the little gession of congress, but in view of Wash which the road pas.>e9. The illusion of one came to the station and found ington’s well merited reputation as a traveling is almost perfect; one might Effie playing house back of the aar- summer resort, I have no doubt the _ well think himself en route from Mos grant's desk. members and senators would be glad to Meria« " ' ' •••'««"■ cow to Pekin. z ' mi summoned here to enjoy this balmy 1*n an ascount of how he piny cd be weather." The thermometer waa danc The Chinese have a garden, and even a little lak<* and stream, which «fiord fore the mi !tun and Li, I :■ rem at ( on- ing around in the upper nineties wliile R. O. McCroskev, R. THOMAS stnntlnople (the <!i. » wire nt the end op;rortuniti< s for charming decorations of the r om 1.« hind a gold grntlng». ' Mr Allen talked I >ry Goods, Shoes, Lad¡E>(’a|M* and Jack Tm: H uhihwuhu in the way of bridges, promenades, etc. Frunx Ondrieek. the well-known vlo- Mr. Albert Cobb, of Augusta, Ga., Is et-. Ladies’ and Gent»' Furnishing One of the most striking edifices In this nbt, ril.it - 11 the New York Trlbfine one oi thoee who believes there will EVERYTHING for the Hats, Miners’Good«, exhibit is a copy of the greitgiteof •i. it he h..-’ to M.i"Ft to the ■■■ hi < '< •' soaner or later be a big rush of gold CUOCI RIES HOUSE FROM A Trunks and Valbe*. , Pekin, one of the nine which enter the a. other perforners that have ap hunters to the abandoned placer mines TACK HAMMER TO a Chinese capital 1 Massive and at the peared at Li dlx Kit *k. »nd piny »* in Northern Georgia. While he waa in II AR I) WARE Grant* Pass Greatest Store. SIDEBOARD... I same time brilliant I in color, it is one of sight noy piece selected by the sultan. '>(asliington a day or two ago bn said: In this can It was nn absurdly easy ar- i tiie beat models of I the art of the conn- ! raiigFfnrnl f f air* frotn “La Sonnam- | "Long years ago plenty ol people were TABLEWARE N. DeLAMETER i try. hit':«” wliiuh M. Onvlrlcck pror«*e<h‘<Flo making money in the placer business SWEETLAM) & CO. Near the gate of Pekin is a copy of DEALER IX ' there, and 1 know a number of men who | the six pavilions which constitute the are washing out ten or fifteen dollars a groceries , flour , feed Fine Butter a Specialty FRESH and SALT residence of the Emperof intburapi- aw day in the little streams or branches With Every $20 Caah Purchase of MEATS-4-^ ' ' tai of the Celestial Empire; it is a two Groceries You Are Given a that run in the mountains. Home very I storied stru dure, with large balconies, Handsome. Life Sine Crayon large plants are iu operation and are or Water Color Portrait ’ P hone 21 so arranged that one can alwajs find FRONT and FOURTH STS. parn.ngoiit good profits, but the resi 'P hoxk N o . R6 shade; the decorai iona are beautiful, extent of the gold veins In those old the colors and contours harnioniz.ng tiills is not understood generally. In White House Grocers' Hair-Riddle perfectly, and the whole is a pure s|*e<i- I tbs olden days primitive machinery ...E. C. DIXON... men of Chinese style. Hardware Co. S taple and F ancy G bocmbihs was in use in the numerous mmra that 9 There are also, in this little Chinese were opened and worked until that ms DRY GOODS, CLOTHING HARDWARE city, other buildings, used m stores ' cliitiery became Ineffective Th« n the THE BKhT OF EVERVTHIMU ( BICYCLES in which vases, furniture and other pro L ambs ’ and G ents ’ SHOES mines were deserted, and the con«« - AT ALI. Ti OS SEWING MACHINES Aoctt of the East may t>e sold; aod queues is that you can find desert, d No other aid so great to the housewife, E verything in S tyle •mailer edifices where various industries ’¡’ honk 131 gold mines scattered all over that sec- 'P hone 1* are displayed , one can even aee a few no other agent so useful and certain in tion." women, all the more interesting as it is making delicious, pure and wholesome CLAI S SCHMIDT II. II. BARTON, CRAMER BROS well known that they are Mldom per- Fables «1 ths Rad -VM WATCHMAKER and milted to leave their country. Their foods, has ever been devised. STAPLE GROCERIES JEWELER. A man who Prided bimealf on his pow HARDWARE tiny feet are specritlly ■n object of at ers of Observation wa« riding through « fltory of a Bia vr CANNED GOODS COLUMBIA and Full x^. rtne-nt of WxU-i^s. ( lork«, f tent ion on tbe part of sUilors, and one vt-rwear and Jewelry. A Good H \RTFORD WHEELS To Ixiuri’l hand and foot for years Beautiful country our« Upon a Time, but FLOUR and PEED can liar Jly refrain from shuddering at Assortment of Brar-elett and GIANT POWDER. Er> the thought < t the suffering li»*y most by the chains of di»ea«m is the worst when bis Wife a«k»»d him what Kind of 1 Heart Bangles, S ixth Nr., oi-r C’rrr H all have undergone; little is left of the foot form of slaver*. fieorgaD. William», of hats the women Pawser.gers wore, the Clemens Drug Store P oors »3 save the big toe, which is about the Mancheater. Mich., sa7s ”My wife man was Stalled ami had to Fake up a •ice of a small apple, with a slight pro La» been o brlpleew for flve vear« that story about Never »Noticing otlrer women, F. W. BLAKE’S Calhoun Grocery Co T. I. CROXTON, jection c the aide of lh?loe-. Tilt •be ould not torn over in bed alone. which, howrrer, did not Wash with hi« 1 ' After aaiag two bottle* of Electric B;t- Jlf ABT kA fos a bole is not kmger than 3 or 4 incliea. I tert «he is wonderfully iosproeod and Wife, who was Onto his Curve«. Dealer in T h « P oia l *« G nucí Moral— To enable ths man to sec able to do her own work ” Tbis JCE CREAM GROCERIES, things he should have ridden on the ' There arc imit.ition Ixaking pow<kr«. sokl che.ip, by •upretoa rTaBedy for female disease« FRESH VEGETABLES ICE CREAM SODA DRIED FRUITS, many grocers They arc made from alum, «1 puMuo* jn rklv core« nerve?"ne«*«, »lceple««nes*, •ervation car« of tiie North- Writern and FRUITS-, r-- * ousdrufe, which tenders th< fixXl injurious to health. meiso' h 'v, hex ■- 1 ■■»- km - r,.- . FLAUE AND FEED. CANDIES-í^-^* Line. mg and d< <y spell«. It is a godsend to T boni 14 Front Street. weak, siealy, run <!own people. Care guaranteed. Only f/k. Mold by Dr. I tirante I' m « «ueceeelul butine.« men ROVAI BAKING FOWDÍR CO, ItO WILLIAM IT, NCW YORK. 1 Kretner druggist. advertían in the Covaiaa. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY local Ijappcninoa Great Street Fair and Carnival JUST RECEIVED PORTLAND,•OREGON, Sept. 4 to 15.1900 ..Popiilar Prices I FIRST NATIONAL E ÏC « ♦ - * N. E. McGrew Pioneer Iruck and Delivery Representative Grants Pass Business Firms I J. M.CHILES J I « ; « « « a aßSOLlHEiy ptl^ *