GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. Al GUST i6, 1900. XVI Washington Letter. Hop Pickers banted SAID CHRIST HAD BROTHERS. Ouo hundred bop pickers wanted at UMTKD STATU. From Our Regular Correspondent). I th« hop (arm of J. P. ILuixau on Rogue __ cllt ■ • ............ William McKinlayJ river below Grau»a Pa-«. W XMU.XtiTON, Aug. m , 1AX). SMb Ï resident.............. Address J. P. Ranzau, P. O. Box 300, 1 M. Clemens. Prescription Druggist. wry of Slate .... ........ Joho Hay Tiie Cliineee government is ei«her .LymanJ Gage Grants Pass. ary of Treasury Thw latest in Bicycle« at T. A. Hood throwing off the mask and defying the lary of Interior.. ... C N Bue» Because she told her scholars that 1 A Co ’ ». power or is making a gigantic bluff. It» Christ was one of ten brothers and sis­ gry oi War ........ ........Elibu Boot Wuerw do you get your hair cut” Try notice to the powers that the foreign ters. Miss Anna It Hasbrouck, an in­ John ..... l> Lung , _ ■; arv of Navy......... ary of Agriculture James A Wilsou ministers al Pekin would not b«* allowed structor in history, was dismissed “ Meet Us on the Midway.” Will Mallory. aster-« lenerai ........ James A Gary Bicycle hospital for all repairing at tu send or receive cipher messages is an from the Holyoke (Maas.) high school The Event of the Times . Joseph McKenna fney-Geiierwi. . acknowledgement that the minister« are faculty by the school commit tee. Miss Cramer Bree. state or * OREGON. Hasbrouck was asked to resign, and Ed Van Dyke went to Cole«tin Friday prisoners, held as hostages, and instead her letter was accepted without a dis- U ice W McBride 8. Senat.-rs ' of resulting in stopping the march of t Jose ph Simon for a ►‘hort outing. senting vote, «ays an eastern ex­ (TL(»s H Tongue Co. II will give a »oc.;al dance Thurs­ | the allied army to Pekin, 1« likely to change. Coifgresamen............ (MA Moody . hurry it, i! any thing can conquer the The incident which cost Miss Has- day evening at the Opera house. Attorn v-Generat........ 1» K N Blackburn • international jealousies and bickerings brouek her position happened in the ............. T T Geer Governor................... M sa Laura Thomas is visiting here sufficiently to hurry it. The war de­ medieval history class a few days ago. Fl imnbar Secretai\ ÔÎ State from Jefferson with her sister, Mrs. T. partment now knows that the press The discussion drifted as to the pa­ . .. Ch as S Moore State Treasurer .. B. (’orneli. Hupt Pub Instruction. ... J 11 Ackerinas dispatches announcing the starting of rentage of < hrist, ar.d one student W H Leeds Hfctte Printer ............ Miss Fannie Cheathem ha« l»e< n visit- the army for Pekin, were premature wanted to know if Christ was the only fC E Wolverton Occupying many solid blocks, ■ mg trien U and relatives at Kerby dur­ It also knows considerably more about son. Miss Hasbrouck replied: “No; Supreme Judges..........-Rs Bean He is one of u family of ten brothers taking in an entire street from ing the past week. the situation at Taku and at Tien Tain, and sisters.” f F A Moore curb to curb Clmlk Board School LandCom, W HO’dell A. B. C. I>ennison, general passengen as it has received two long messages \ Fevond student doubted Miss Has- Dairy and Food Com..........J. W. Bailey agent of the Great Northern, made from General Chalice, which it was brouck’s statement and wanted to fib « t judicial district . deemed inadvisable to make public. know her authority. i Grants Pass a vivit last week. I "I cannot tell you accurately just Wettern Division....... ludge H K 11 aiuia In view of the : trong and aggressive the school land pro- j The hearing in Eastern Division Judge H L Benton I now,” she replied, “but 1 have the im­ attitude this government has taken in U. S Coin ni ¡«lutter > j test cases before Proee. i. ing Attorney A. E Krames pression the statement is made in the 1 Arthur Conklin lia. been postponed demanding its treaty rights in China, Bible.” Meinljer Board of Equalizat KA Eminitt it becomes important for every body to | until August 30. Some of the students, still skeptical, E U. K. LAND OFFICE RO ä EHL R(i. know just what these right« are First repeated the assertion nt home. One W. H. OJell, formerly clerk of the Receiver ...............................Henry Booth Register...................................... J 1 Bridgts | school land commission board, was here I aud foremost, of course, comes the ob- of the prominent clergymen of the i ligation of the signatory powers to pro city. Rev. P. J. Harkins, took occasion last week to appear for the state in JOSEl'illN E COUNTY tect the person of each others ministers, to denounce the teacher in his sermon school land contest cases. ........ KA Booth Joint Senator........... diplomatic and consular agents. This at St. Jerome's church. The Streets nf Cairo ........ Abe Axtell County Judge . Rambler Bicycles are becoming more I all the world now knows, notwithstand “Pupils." he said, "should be with­ The Oriental Theatre ....John Weils Commissioner.......... drawn from the school if incompetent popular every day. Don’t forget to look ■ many conflicting stateuientsjhe Chinese . . Roy Bartlett The German Village County Clerk ... at the Rambler, when looking for a govern meat failed to do, ami there is teachers are to misinstruct students ....... Ed Lister tMkorii! I he Dancing Girls . .. .G W Uolvig wheel. Price $40. Hair—Kiddle Hdw. grave doubts as to w hether it ever made as this one has.” flfihreseillative... An Arabian Pageant Miss Hasbrouck declined to make a ........ J T Taylor Tfoasui ■ r................... Co. ' the attempt to do until after it imagined statement. She was appointed a Crowning the Queen School Superintendent Lincoln Savage Mis« Jennie Dunkle and her niece, it heard the tramp of the allied army on teacher in the Holyoke high school in 1 boa Smith Rex. King of the Carnival Attended ■¡••Mot......................... Miss .lean Stinfeon, left on Friday moro­ its way to Pekin. Next in importance January, 1896. She is a graduate of ..Il C Perkins by His Magnificent Court Surveyor ................ j A ood Coronet ............... ing for Wadsworth, Nevada, after visit­ is that seerton of the treaty dealing with the New York state normal college. The great parade* of the Elks and ing for two days with Grants Pass citixene of either country residing in the ether order«. The Italian Park ami HORSES CARED FOR IN BATTLE Fountain. The magnificent triumphal friend«. other. Ihat promised the broadest Justice ..................... Jamu.« Holman aich ami grand Midway filled with Constable....................... ME Stockbridge wonderful attraction.«. Mining. Mercan­ A. B. Cousin of («slice visited (¡rants protection, in the exact words of the tile, Agriculture. Horticulture and otip*r Pass last Friday. He is getting his treaty, promising to “assure to citizens CITY OF GRANTS PAbH. industrial exhibit-. The Women’s mines at Galice in good shape for work- of the United »Stales in China, and to Pavilion, designed bv women, built by . IIC Kinney Mayor inb a id will probably operate several Chinese in the United Slates eutira . J W Barker w omen and decorateci by women for the Aaiiil'ir....................... Horses wounded on the bettlefleM exhibit of women s industrial work. .. .Col Johnson The grain palace built of Oregon and gianta during the coming winter. liberty of conscience ami exemption are duly attended to when do dang«i Traai-11 ' L V Slewart Washington grains anil grasses. Music City Attorney . ■ from disability or pcreecution on at- to human life is involved, sa.v» Pear- .......... li E Beil Gayety ami Fun. Night turned into Marróni .................. Prevented u Tragedy. count of their religious faith or worship son’s Magazine. The veterinary nur- .. . .Theo. Mott day. Da» F lice................ Tim ley information given Mrs. George in either country.” ¡1 is not denied geon i> expected to follow close on the Htree* < >mii.;--i"'c r. ; .. . J olili Patrick Long, of New Strailsville, Ohio, suved that American citizens have been fighting line, and, together with a I ( Tom Smith two lives. A frightful cough had long butchered bv Chinese, for no other number of aids, to inspect properly i I E W Kuvkendall kept her awake every night. She bad uati-e than their practice and preaching wounded anima's and give instructions l-EE Dunbar T A Hood tried many remedies und doctor« but of Christianity. That is another count for their removal or slaughter, as the : Count Ihnen ease may be. The veterinary surgeon N E McGrew steadily grew worse until urged to try lliat China must settle satisfactorily is naturally exposed to considerable I J A Rehkopf Dr. King ’ s New Discovery. One bottle XÇ P. DODGE, with tins government. To what extent danger, but if his work is not carried I , Frank Fetich wholiy cured her; and »he writes, this [ W A Haskins our commercial tieaty rights have been out during the progress of hostilities it 1 NSC R ANCE and marvelous medicine also cared Mr. Long violated is not yet definitely known; cannot be accomplished afterw ard, for, Regular meetings of the city council of REAL ESTATE of a nervous attack of Pneumonia. Such but every dollar of damage done will although the royal army medical corps Grant's Pas« are held in the council Life, Fire and Accident Insù ranee. rooms in the city hall on the first and cures are positive proof of its power to have to i>e paid by China, with interest. is allowed to proceed to the rescue of the wounded men under the red cross, third Thursday evening«of each month. O regon . mre all throat, chest and lung troubles. Revenge is not dictating the policy ot the members of the army veterinary G rants P ahs . - • Only 50 • and $i ,00. Guaranteed. Trial this government, winch ia asking no CIBCUIT COUNT. department are not permitted to at­ bottles free at Dr. Kremer’s drug store. nice and will take no less tiiao what tend to the injured horses, because Meets on the third Monday in April and the fourth Monday in September. A C. HOUGH, elongs to it under its treaties with hey are not under the protec­ Neu Dance Hall Opening. tion of the Geneva conventions which COUNTY COURT. China. ATTORN EY-AT LAW, Ou Wednesday evening August 22, Director Merriam,of the census bureau makes no provision whatsoever for Probate court meets first Monday of Practices in all State and Federal Courts John R. Ranzau will open the bop could safely otter a valuable prize to the wounded animals. January, April, July and September. Office over Fl ret National Bunk. At the conclusion of the battle, if it County commissioners court meets first season with a dance at bis newly com- city that is satisfied with the census - - O regon . has been decisive and one or the other Wednesday after the meeting of the i rants P ass , pleted dance ha'l at hit Lop farm on returns of its population with little of tbecombutant armies have been driv­ county court. Bogue river below (¡rants Pass. There danger of having to award it. if there en from the field, a party of veterinary will be an oyster supper aud ice cream is such a city, it hasn’t been bean! from, surgeons, with their assistants, is sent TAIL J JENNING> will be served. Good music wi’l be while the dissatisfied ones are heard out to examine every animal thaf has RESIDENT DENT! T. provided for tho occasion ami an eu* I from hourly by mail, by wire, and by fallen, and to shoot such as are badly JO Years Exi>en<*m e. j »yable time is a.sured to all who word of mouth, and the hearing is not wounded. Those suffering from only slight wounds are collected and taken Office in Opera House block : «ee the sign . attend. pleasant for Director Merriam and his — OF — of The Big Tooth. to the veterinary hospital lines, formed immediate subordinates. Tim burden as fixe») camps and established on a : SOUTHERN OREGON. loll nd. G rants P ass , O kkgok . of all the complaints is the same. The similar basis to those of the royal army Near the Racket store in Grants Pass overlooking of thousands that should medical corps. $50,000. Capital Stock,’ about July 25, two ladies jackets, one have been counted. Of course, on 4 JI C. PERKINS, black and one brown. Owner may call general principles, the census official GLOSSARY OF CHINESE TERMS. Itec. ¡1 e«iU >ub|Kt to check or od at this utiice and recover property. deny that anybody was overlooked by U. K. DEPUTY certifie;.'- payable on demand. the enumerators, but they are neverthe­ MINERAL SURVEYOR, 8.11 k eight draft» on .New York, San Fran­ less a little uneasy on account of the Fables of the Rail-VI. cisco. and 1’otJ/nd. ( >KKUON. Telegt >i »c tranafera Bold on all jtoinle in iRANTb PAES, A Bu-ine?H man was sitting in a din­ threats of the buriness men in several Tsung li ynnien i he foreign office. the United States. ing car one Day and when the Waiter cities to have a new census thken at Bow Wong Wui--Society for the pro­ SperF.I Attention given to Collections and ÇOSHOW&SHERIDAN, their own exjiense, just to show the brought, him in. some Sickly looking tection of the emperor ♦he reform ry(roed that 1« French losing ground abroad— TABLEW RE the administrarion will come now to that is to say, is it bring less s|X»krn SWEET I AM) & CO. realize its mistake and these safe am! am! read by educated people on the DCALVR IN reliable Cubans will supplant th? continent than waa formerly the rase? GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED Fine irresponsible classes in th? forma'ion This Is a ep'rstion which has from time FRESH and SALT, to time given rise to Interesting ot ha*, on a protein, ly uttered by a Parisian review have Handeotne, Life Size Crayon made by General Mil?«, ordered that brought it on<-r more rather promi­ or Water Color Portrait ’P hone 21 I RONT and FOURTH STS. the contract for the new three-inch nently to the front, »ays the London ’P hone N o . 85 fiid l guns, be held up until after th? Telegraph. testa, which are to be ¡i.ade at Sandy " There is no doubt, that during recent White Grocery years it Las met with formidable rivals, E. < DIXON... Hook, New York, AugnaC 23 Co. S taple ani » F ancy G bochbihs 'i he tongue of united Germany is more studied th Yin it was ii. the old days, Kiory of a Mia v e DRY GOODS, CLOTHING HARDWARE and various enterprising nationalitie» To l»e bound hand and foot for years BICYCLES of the «mailer kind are bestowing more L adies ’ and G ents ' SHOES by the chains of disease is the worst attention on their own language and SEWING MACHINES form of slavery. George f>. Williams, of literature than th^y had had the op­ E verything IM STYLE 'F h ONK 131 ’I’llOXK 1Í Manchester. Mich., sava: “My wife port of doing for centuries. AB Lar been ao hwlplera for five years that this n»nv lx* readily admitted, and noth­ she could not turn over in bed alone. ing <r female diseases were all bound to lead to this result. HARTFORD WHEELS verwear aryl Jewelry FIXE R AMD FEED joickly cores nervousness, sleeplessness, A*«ortiiu-nt of Bri GIANT POWDER E tc . Heart P«an Grrn.Rn Steel Raila. melancholy, heads« he, backache, faint* Germany’s i •xfjort in steel rails ia in- Clemen» Dreg Store hag and dixxy spells. It is a god«wn<1 « utkb » row $.3.i'94.O(iO. The importatici n of «feel Dealer in T he Pori! ar Gao rails Into Germany decreased from ICE CRI \M A thg for Your S P akib , July 23,1M0. HOP p I c K E R S PICKERS OUTFITS We can fit you out cheaper than any concern because we carry the stocks and the assortment. By concentrating your purchases you buy cheaper. Tho giant nniveraity of the Weot that hu oeen eo rplendtdle endowpd by Get our prices on Mr. Kockfeller has a moet intereating exhibit at Paria, allowing feature« of university work and axparimaatal acien- titic apparalua. Mr.r.y of the inatru mania ehown were invented by Prof. Micheleoii, and made in the nniveraity labralory. Among lheae ta an apperatua lor analyxitig aound; a ruling eugtue for drawing liuea of great *t»sne»»ee metal; Ktuve and Forks <3 cent set ot six knives and folks a machine for nteaeuring length» and Full five-pound Government Blankets only angle» to the accuracy ot a wave length Two-quart retinued Saucepans io cents ol light, and aeveral other» oi tnlereat to Turkish Bath Towels 25 cents pair •cienti»« and apeciahala. Vuivereity egtenaioii 1» picturesquely expressed by Three-quart Tea Pots 12 cents maps »bowing its great apread and pro­ Gloves 25 per cent, discount gress. A glance at these mans will Looking Glass very cheap show that the work has been extended Tin Saucepans 5 cents from western Pennsylvania to the Cotfee Mills 20 cents Hawaiian islands. Foreign savant» and and educators ate no little intpieeaed Spoons 10 cents set with the immensity and growth of the Pillows 75 cents np Chicago Vnivureity. Pie Plates 5 cents The British and American exhibitors st Paris are holding reunion» twice a month iu Paris, and are getting better acquainted with each other at the festal It is our business to furnish houses, that's why we carry board. Their last dinner and smoking everything and sell so close. concert, as it is called, was held at the Restaurant de» Palaia Avenue de Sullen. Theee reunions of a people who speak the »ante language, and the language UR NITURE.. which ia rapidly becoming the univer­ ..WALL PAPER.. riCTUMK MOULDINGS sal language, will no doubt have an UMAMTIWAMK I.ACB A UBTAINM WOOD KN WARK effect to strengthen friendship between i OTR AUATKWAKK the many industrial representatives of t.lNOLKUMk Gl-ANKW ARK MVTTRKSSRM TINWAKK the two nations itseembled in Paris. MATTING« LAMPS By showing my card as the representa­ MIKKOU CUTLERY tive of your paper, 1 secured adutiaion ...CARPETS . .(’R(H KERY last week to the English pavilion, not­ withstanding the fact that it was closed THE ICEMAN’S L0S& \ that day. The management is tn the Americana In Taris, have bad much to habit of closing it every rainy day to rated by men They are kept in cold storage. Small of every station, just as if the iceman's lota are exhibited from day lu day In lot was an earthly paradise. A« a mat­ order to keep a fresh supply in the ter of fact, the individual who embarks At the kaiser’s express wish the con­ on a career which involve« the market­ glass receptacles. French. Herman. Swiss and Italian Iruit growers are very firmation of his two eldest sons took ing of congealed moisture doesn’t have to run around searching for Ada trou­ much astonished si this display. The place on a recent unday at tin Fried enakirchc, in Potsdam, the scene of bles. How many people, do you «up- cold storage ia eqiecially puxxling to the kaiser's own vinsegnung, special poee, ever think of the amount of them. trains rom eying the imperial family money that drips right out of the ice- Chicago must be cre.IiU.-J with the ami It* guests (about TO in number) man’s hand« when the sun beats down daring and enterprise of setting up an from Berlin tn Potsdam. The empress on hiM heavily loaded wagon? Don’t Well, you’ll American heritor shop with American had, with her usual thoughtfulness, amount to much, eh? bar tier chairs, in the heart of Paris. invited her son’s musters to be present change your opinion when I bring up Th* shop is not fsr »bort of an American at the ronfirnuitlon. and the princes a few figures for your consideration. tin insehi M bad own allowed to bring Starting out with a ton of ice, I esti­ exhibit, although it is not within the ► even cadets, the companions of their mate that melting alone causes a dead grounds. Frenchmen and foreigners studies and games, with them for this loss of about 100 pounds to the dealer. stand without and look on with curious event. The Fi b ileiiskirche, adjoining This doesn’t seein much, but when you ■ tirprise. The American barber chair ia which is the mausoleum where Kaiser calculate that aliout 1,000 wagons a day much more elaborate and luxurious Friedrich li< s at rest, had been beauti­ right here in town lose that amount the One hundred than the little stiff-backed chairs in fully ileeomted with shrubs und flow­ figures are amazing. which Frenchmen era accustomed to Ire ers for the important service, which thousand pounds, at, say, ten cent« was a choral one. The young princes per hundred, runs up the tidy sum shaved. wore otEeors’ ui.ifotin of the First of $100. Three hundred and slxty-flve Another exhibit scarcely le»» interest­ foot gur.rds, with the orange ribbon times $100 gives us the annual loss lo­ ing is an American bootblack, with an of the orib r of the Black Eagle, ami, ns cally as $36,500. Takes a little nerve, improved chair and paraphernalia for Is the cmi .torn nt the confirmation of doesn't it, to be an iceman? Then, producing a shine. His use of two the royal family, each rend in a clear if during the summer these drippings brushes and s ribbon of cotton produc­ voice a confession of faith composed could be collected, I figure that they’d ing a brilliant polish s»toniah«» the by himself. After this service a con­ supply all the hospitals in town with gratulatory reception wns he Id nt the ice water baths for sunstruck patients. natives, lie is doing a thriving fallal stadtscdilc ss in Potsdam, which was F’rozen into a solid lump, if the entire tie«», aud is fieiliap» the only artiet in followed by a breakfast there. In ac­ of these drippings could be collected, Parts capable of giving lioot» the bril­ cordance with anothe r Gcri an cus­ 1 figure as a ten-story building. Then liant finish they gel ir. America. tom, the* princes were the recipients again, the waste when the cake« are The memliers of the jury on wine» of numerous pre *r nts in boren •» r I heir cut is enormous, to say nothing ot had a moat sumptuous banquet last week confirmation, ami several hi; b decora­ what vanishes into the air when the ice is whisked clean with a brush at the hotel Mnrguery. It was given tions ..cue co lii rred on fl. broom. But without going into further by I’rince Galiteino, the foreman of the prim •. details, I think you'll agree that the It lfl«*lpe and |30. Hair-Riddle Hardware (to. »»« able to fender a verdict on the com­ Druggist. parative merit* of tfie wine, after thia tenet. The Riiwnan ,tmbaaeador, I'rince OoroaieofT, praeided and Hie gneeta included prominent rapreeentatiree in Official fife. The two twenty-two time, happy American» preaant were Mr. Ie*e J. Vance, of New York, and hr. H. W. Wiley, of Waahinitton, The dinner laeted from »even I*. M. until midnight A number ot American wineohavtf tieeii excluded from competition on accoont of Incorroct name» ami label» in imita­ tion of Frem h trade mark». There ta a rumor that the Caar and il'xarinaof Ituaaia will viait the I’arie eipoettion early in September anti occupy a houee that he« l>een purchaa-tl for them on the ChaMpe Flyeea. A Pitteburg firm ha» an intereating exhibit in the Bota de VincenttHi. They are alnktng an arteaian well with tho | unproved apperatua well known In America, but new in France. When the well ii completed, it will remain, ol Makes hot breakfast-breads wholesome courae, and lie preeented to the French yeast germs, no alum. Makes cake, biscuit capital, a monument of American »kill and inrention, a» lading »» thoae and p? try ot superior fineness, flavor and deli­ recently erected ot f^fayetta and Waoh- ngton. In order to »trike a auftli-ienl | cacy. Makes food that will keep moist and volnmn of water, it will he neceaaary to sweet. I most economical, because it is the go down 2,000 feet and it la expected that a fountain, throwing a jet of water purest and great« t in leavening strength. In from Ml to 75 leet in the air will reault. the ea -y, expeditious preparation of the finer The < it» of Peril will ornament the fountain with bronxe figure» and Bar and pastries, Royal is indispensable. ' iholdi, who 1» inimitable in thia line of work, will probably tie the artiet em- Car« «I be taken to avoid (taking (•owdeni mad« ' ployed. There la r.o doubt that the S'Kh |>owdrf« are auid cheap, because the* Cn bat « few cent» per pound. Nut only crrection of the monument of Weahing- will th the cake but alum h a ion and Mfayette, thia well and ah ««cl wliiih ink tn in loo*l mesa» injury to health. | fountain, U> aay nothing of the recent Cots, Mattresses, Blankets, Pillows Tinware, Granite ware, Glassware Camp Stools o u T F I T S I ßivkincf Powder Absolutely Pure cake ROVAI BAKING PQWi.fR CO., ’ QQ WILLIAM IT., NtW VOR«.