r found to ‘pockM” again and agesa HINDOO HuEKOKS. It is an axiom of the prospector, that as I*uUh>Msi E v«ry TVuml>y. filmina Rote» long as rr4d can be fused, even in lit r^rrfbie Suffers Oecaa.oued A E. VOORHIE8, minutest quantity, ths prosper* is u jrtL tne Drougnt- following. Prospect:ng 1« a besir.rst In rBot-urrtNi. W. P. Wngtif. the n ;i ..g ti„ which as little exact and aala.uiig lass been spending • good purUuu u* !b« < gJuptaeeas 1* C nice«« lellB vf know ledge enter», probably, as any other t'ws in CMd Hill lately, mssing surxet s Miner«*« •* tbe F«-«r ia the w«ld, and in uo other is there BOTH COTTON AND RUBBER on mining property. iMtUtgiou atx. F. MrotiiuB, proprietor of thr Oregon offers opportuniiiee for the oroe- “The prune Lt drought in India B one Illinois tramp»relation line, was a visitor SILK WAISTS, pe< lor nnexcel'.ed by any other region. | to Greets Pa-s tn«! week Mr. te rven* of lbe most acvere ever known,” said Cents. TLe different forms ef gold deposits are Price per Foot J t Jti operates a tnule train o»i the Illinois Mr. Vinerst L. Tia^-re recently. SATIN WAISTS, found here in variety. W« have tbe “1 ein fr;'Ui 1 Wl nnd E■ ’>* what trails detached “kidney," the aerm.ngly de . the borrure of a famine resulting fr<>D» PERCALE WAISTS W D. O’Brieu came in Tbarnjay from drought are. Ten or 12 year» ago the wu lied, bat perhaps continsoo», strmger? tbe C. A C. min* on Jump-off* Jue They i (eyloaeee were tbe »ftctim« of a «-oin- t>»e defined and permanent ^ig«* and SKIRTS, > ALL UP-TO-DATE have •ate»- svflk*i*e! ye* for a six or I paretiveiy mild water famine, but tbe the Luge dike of mineralised matter, rigot hours run ea< b day. Tbr pros pec» suffering I witaeswefi then wrung my ft sometimes hundred» of feet in width for a good cleanup are very encourage f . heart and I can see as plain r» though 1 and traceable for mile». Tbe auriferous ft wore in the country the agon? of the Every' loot of Hose ‘‘lxJVe ioc per Foot or upwards (jome now- puesihilities uf southern Oregon are T uuusday , M ay io , 1900. John Louden, member of tbe new lum­ »tarring Hindoos. The British pajiers »urpasse-1 by no other region of l.ke ‘ Guaranteed. ber firm of Kock A Louden of Thompson have not riven the truth in iu piuful ft creek, was in Grauts Pass Thursday. rf»mpíeter«e*«s. and «vea though they did Canadian acbool children bate sent extent in civilization. ft Mr. Louden reports the mill in perfosl all in their power toaReriate the pre*- reawluUoua of aympalhy to Ajfauiaido. City EiaxtMNi 4 order, lbe mill is running to its fullest I rnt di»trr«« tbwmand* must die of Tuia ia a retaliatory tueasura and de­ I uli Line of Sprinklers and Nozzles. i starvation. Bsuasa*» proffered aid wa« W. E. DEAN. Í CO.. Propr. CApaeity, with a local demand for I^aat Wednesday evening tbe city con- < signed to offset the reaul aliona sent to I refused by tbe English for j*oliticnl rea- tbe entire output. Oom Paul by tbs Philadelphia cbildrM veauon waa held at tbe oj«era teouss and > M.na. John Bull want* nothing done Post Office Building. < John F. Ajrkham vn in town this that will augment theMtirdly feeling* It is a childish affair throughout, and two men were nominated for each uf tbe 4 city offne». For mayor W. T. Coburn 4 week (rein the big Yank ledge at (¿slice. uf the Hindoo- fur the Eueriaaa. There a good object lesson. and H. C Kinney received tbs High eat W jrk on this immense property is being are 2üfi/JüO,000 people and nearly all of 1 be ru»ii to Nome i. du « on *aJ number of vote» and were declared tbe steadily prosecuted and tbe favorable them are irgeienan*. They believe it c sin to kill an animal and tbe result i» tbauMnil* arc goin, to make ibeir nominees. J. W. Barker, Geo. P Fur Aiw»kor api*earancee still conti rue There see ink ¡ easilv aren. No vegetation on which BATH CABINETS. fortune» from the goldeu wunfa. Tbe man and J W. Partlow were na.oed fer Tbs office of aseeRBur is one ol i be to remain little ro»>tn for doubt that this the;, can »ub*i*t can esrape tbe drought, | We all inuat bathe, aud a, our neat AT JEWELL S OLD STAND vm I tnajurity Lave do wore idea «bat the recordership and Barker and Fur autboritee. aud do;aor, claim that tort- most important offices in the county, mine sill be developed into one of the and pathetically sincere in their belief they are join, to or vbtt they «ill do man were chosen a» nominee» Cofonel biggest propovHk'Us on tbe coast. of tbe teachings of Ft rfha. tbe |»oor, He must tie well informed in property itb Hol Air aud Vapu, Baiba are au «ben they get tber», than il they «»re Johnson for city treasurer b«d s»a oppo- ignorant prople will »tarve rather then I ruueb bet er lor cleanlineaa »nd toiallb value». He must !*e houe»t, efficient , Ed Haunuin went out to Placer Thurs­ prove unfaithful to this tune-honored atariwg for tbe moou. O«e Is t •aitou«. r or city attorney,L V tetewartand and coal nv more tbau »jap aud aator, and able to terve aii alike, and not be day, «here be i» developing some quartz tenet of their religion and eat the fle«h tboueaud may wake a fortune Tbe H.b Norton were named. Barunljempke ANNUL NCEMtNTS. allured from the p*tb of duty by tbe t pra to often expressed, that there my friend," but afterward» withdrew it. ; pie for nliatoatiug tbe poie-iia tharttave should not a-Me? the lands of a corpor- J be has found 1» very rich in tree gold, lars in sending and maintaining mis- waukee A St Paul Railway, kn«.wni Representative are bundled» of mile» uf bea> b ssnd Tbe election waa held on Munday. The atiun at 40 cents an acre, while aimdar | though its extent is not yet determined siunaries in India and 1. a» a i hristian. accutuulatod in lbe ay atom. ver the Union a» the Great open to any on«. »here from 130 per iaUreal centered principally on the adj scent land« owned by a po r settler, Mr. Hann urn 1» one of tbe discovert re of i»ni thankful for it. but now is the time Fricea from »4 tu f 12. running tbe "Pioneer Limited' tnim day op can be taaen oat with a rnckti office ol mayor and a dose race wm an­ when tbe American*, and tbe churches G. W. COLVIG, J oskph Moea, A(l. ( are a‘jM-t«*e«l at $5 to |10 per ax re He tbe Victor Jr. Hi» partner in that prop­ especially, can show that tbe love and every day and night between St. Pm is too abaolalely ridieulous lor credence ticipated, a» the conteatants were both should a»srM the ranr<>ad bed for one- erty, Mr. Browning, ba» since discovered and Chicago, an«i Ouaha andChic^o charity they have preached &o many by any sane |«rson. Ol course, there is men ol political strength and activity. Try Allr n’s F wwt-iCaae . third of ita real value, instead of its one- a ledge which bide tair to rival that ia- yearn to my countrymen are not merely "TLe only perfect train» in the worid a>.me foundation for these stories, but il (Juite an intense undercurrent of feeling A powder to be shaken into tbe shoes. teuib. He »buuld have backbone stiff fuuui mine, an 1 Mr. Hannum Heems d«- Regular Republican Nominee. subjects of discourse but real condi­ Cnderetand: Connections are •boeld be understood that they are existed, although there was no exdte- Your ffeet had swollen, nerve us and hot. enough tu aeses? every one alike. UrriMined to imitate hi« example. tion». Aid from America would do more with All Transcontinental Line», bmq >. eaagaerated past tue bounds ol recogni­ ntntx Kinney marls a stronger race and and get tired easily. If you have smart­ Mr. A. D. Custar of Murphy precinct, W. G. Palmer, who has been prosper ­ for the conversion of these people than For Representative ingto passengers tbe best service knosa. tion, as ia always th» case in a wining won by a more decided majority tbau ing (eel or tight shoes, try Aden's F ool- baling be« n regularly nominated by two ing in the Mt. Reuben district for tLe all tbe preaching that has been done in Luxurioua coaches, electric light»,»Um •xc lenient. Hauity sbould rule in tbe bis most ardent admirer» dared hope. Esse. It cools tbe feet and makes walk* uf lbe prumiuent parties of thi» county all the years since mbwioca were first past two years, made a visit to Grants beat, of a veri y equalled by no etke cBtanliabed in India. It is a charity Drilling business as in other iiuea. Good cilisen» and aubstantui men were ing easy. Cures swollen, sweating feet, I fur ai»"«*fefeor, fboukl receive tbe hearty Pass last WednrtuJay. He ba« mad- the ignorant could understand and I I line. W.M H. HAMPTON. elected as osancllruen in every ward. I ingrowing nails, blisters aud callous »uoj».»rtuf not ooly the parties that num-1 three very favorable appearing location« know and < «ori knows how woefully they Our unsalaried eity officers tread a Tak**n throughout, the election may be See that your ticket read«» via 'Tta I sputa. Relieves corns and uanions of mated him, but svery taxpayer in tbe in the past year. In two of tiueni. the are in n«*<-d of it now. path which is not all paved with roars 'xznmdered a» a decided triumph fur the Milwaukee" when going loanypoiati» I all pain and gives rest and comfort. county would never regret it if they gave I ro< k shows high values in free gold and Independent Candidate. “A car load of husk* would be re­ Criticism is abundant, appreciative com moral element and those who are <*esir* tbe United State» or Canada. AUtirk- ¡Try it today. Sold by all druggists and him their support. Mr. Caster is a well- 1 the other is a copper claim, catiymg ’^3 ceived with tbe joy of a jeople who merit much mure rarely given. It must «>us of good, clean city government, and et agent» Bell them. shoe store« for 25 cents. Trial pack sg** I to-do farmer uf mature age, always at- i per cent copper and |5 50 per ten in have bren living on roots that th- often seem to the mayor or councilman ia a well-adminirtered and aeii-desevved For rale», pamphlets or other infor Free. Address, Allen N Olmsted, I>e- i tends tu his own huaine«», is never seen gold. Mr». Palmer and their little boy drought has sj>ared. Millions of people For Representative that bls is a thank lees aud discouraging rebuke to the free beer people. Wheth­ Roy. N. Y mation, aJdre»», hair no other food and knowing the , on the rtieete soliciting votes for himself have act om pa med .Mr. Palmer during task. This, however, ia one of the pen­ er rightly or otherwise, the vandal of likely results of such diet they still J. W. C asxy , C. J. E ddy , it* well hked by hia neighbor? aud will the whole time of hit e’ay in this die Electric Lights alties of gieatness and must be con­ the special election free fozer clings to W. F. HORN, must eat. Leprosy is the outcome in Trav. Fa»». Agt. General Agen', receive au almost unaniruou« vote in triet. many cases, but what will not a Carv ­ sidered as such. Now, before -the new Coburn's skirts and undoubtedly caused In the bertha uf the standard Pullman» S eattle , W ash . PoBTi.txn, Ot. Bi. John A Scott, proprietors of the ing man do? Think uf your own arctie council have taken their official poei- biiu tbe lens of many vote» in Monday'» of the Northern Pacific’» new North hie part of the county. Voters, lax liayerr, citiaens, vote f >r Custar. • vplorers «ho resorted to cannibal it-m. Dem. and Peo. Party Nominee. Rising Star mine < od Williams creek, tmns, Is a good time te criticise their election. His »uccessor. Mr. Kinney, is j (k>a»t Limited will be appreciate«! by But l«*proe\, though the m<«-t dreaded T axpayku , future acts. If they allow jiersorial well-known as a man of strength and I Pact fie coast and inland empire travelers. • have received a five-stamp mill and disease, and a common one in India, is other machinery which will he put into not tbe most prevalent or fatal of tbe animosity or narrow minded prejudice decision and clean principle? He is a Two lights to ea«*h se« tion. An <>ur For District Attorney . To < ure a Cold in One Ila, oj»eratiou at the mine. Thi» add» an­ ills that come from root dart and im­ to influence their municipal acta, re man of high business ability and is well* agHiits for the North Coast Limited leaf would have done better not to elect fitted to fill the position of mayor in the 1st. A. 1>. Charlton, A»»'t General Pa»* Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet., other to the list of new quartz mills be pure water. A plague called in the them. They are elevated to public most creditable manner. I senger Agent, 255 Morrison M. Ccjr. fid, All rtrurm-t« refund money if it fail* to . ure. tog 1 nr lai ied in this county. Tbe indi­ native tongue ‘burbonic’ fever, «ome- C B WATSON, offices to serve public interests in tbe E. W. Grove'» ruirnature un every lx»«. 2V cations are that tbe coming summer will thing like yellow feveT, «arrie* off Portland, Ore. John Barker, though on crutches, ran ihouf-ands. 1 hear daily that it Las be ­ best sense, and they must nut forget witness a remarkable advancement in altogether too swiftly for George Fur­ the quartz mining industry in every sec­ gun it« ravages to add to the horror of this fact. The moral element is credited Regular Republican Nominee. '-tarvation and poverty. One day 800 Repairing of all kinds. man, and came down ths home stretch tion of the county. The WilHams di» with a victory in thia election and oar died of it. but it has not begun todo ita Ladies' garments dyed without ripping trict is one of the foremost in quartz re worst yet.” newly elected officials shoal! proven well iu the lead. Furman has held tbe For District Attorney .. the seams. office of recorder for two years aud La» credit to the people who put them there sources snd a numler of mill» are oper­ Mr. Tissrra is a Ceylonese. At the a Well been a ispabie and efficient official, Works next to Clevenger's Gallery. This isconfidvnlly expected. ating with good result in that section. time of the world’s fair be came to »me have expressed the opinion that America in charge of the agricultural A W. Sturgis is still piping on hi- A. E. REAMES. Daring the two years of bis occupancy his rates fur disorderly conduct were a Forest creek claim, though with a con­ product« of Ceylon. Obtaining a three Spends less money and look better of the office ol county clerk, Koy Bartlett trifle low, but every uns can not be months* leave from the railway by which L siderably diminished bead of water, say» be w « mj loved at home that he might than his neighbor who has the longer has shown himself to be absolutely one pleased, and Furman cum e» in fora? tbe Medford Mail. He will run th«* pipe Dem. and Peo. Party Nominee. •g:t . *’ e (c rtry with which he purse. That's judgment in buying— ol the most capable, efficient, and in little public criticism ae any recorder as long as be can catch a reservoir bead I • every way satisfactory officials that ever who has ever held tbe position In (¿rants getting everything tasteful ami har­ to do so, and depend» upon early winter hd til ex-r the r.'cr. 1 ba’, «ke.ued held office in this county. He has Pass. His successor, John lUrkrr, 1» For County Clerk monious. rains or a »mall sluice head to clean up ujiu and he resolved to make America failed In none of the qualification», iiu well-known and respected, wa» f rmerly his home. He is the first of his nation­ with. He says he is not particular Sack Suits portant or otberwiee, that perlaia to tbe siarsha), and ha» a reputation as a man about cleaning up the bedrock, anyway, ality to go into business in this city. make a man look well every day iu office and in every phaee ot its require­ of strength and integrity. A good report Beside bi» native tongue, he sp-ak» R. L. BARTLETT, a» he does nut need the money and cm Portuguese. Tamil, tbe tongue of south­ ments has shown biuisell equally corn pc is expected from him. Colonel Johnson the week; nobby, com lot table and do that at hie leisure He has one of ern India. Spanish. English and is now tent, lie io rapid, accurate and thor­ had a clean walk-away for the treasurer­ and business like for the money, they the note«! claim» in Southern Oregon, mustering tbe German language. He oughly up-to-date in bueinaoa methods, ship. Stewart snd Norton ran tbe clos­ Regular Republican Nominee. aud haw taken a large amount of money is not a recent convert to Christianity, are the chea|>est suit you can buy. est rare of all for tbe office of city attor ­ bts records are carefully and systemati­ out of it. Hie clean-up this year, when as tbe religion has been handed down in You will find them here' in all the cally kept, bis integrity is unquestioned, ney, tbe former winning by 30 vole» complete«], will In* the largest of any the family from the time of the first For County Treasurer and be is particularly atroag in that im­ F2ach is well-qualified for tbe position desirable fabrics, choice weaves and tui«Moi«arie<, 100 year.- ago. when the season since he owned the mine. portant quallBcalion of being always ac- an«l fully deserving of all the honor forefather of the present Tis^era wa* beautiful pat T. B. Meade wae down from tbs Meade- coni erted.—Chicago News. oomiuodating and pleasant. No matter which tbe office afford». T B CORNELL, terns. Gilbertson pl acsr on Foots creek. The\ The appointment of a marshal and h how great tbe »train or rosb of business, A Keen. Clear Brain have had a good run this winter an i tbe preaeure has uever yet been suffi ■treat aopsrintendsnt will oe one of the FKEHOJ, F0Q05 *2 Your best feeling?, jour social position I their cleanup was very satisfactory. cient to cause any of that crankinees responsibility» of the new administra­ Regular Republican Nominee Mi. Meade exhibited some Rampies of or business »uccfss depend largely on | CLONES which is so common with public officials. tion, and woe to them if they choose' nuggets ranging from 17 or |8 pie es tbe perfect action of your s’o uacb and Two years ago when be appeared before net wisely. Tbs office of marshal is one If you are on the market for a Camera do down to |1. The gold »bow« some wash Liver Dr. King s New Life Pill» give j For Treasurer the people, be was, in an official sense, of tbe most im|*ortant that the ciiv not fail to see my line. t ut is not perfectly smooth, and it- increase! strength, a keen, clear brain, an unknown quantity, but since that affords, and if there is a man within the Men’s Shoes high ambition. A 25 cent box will make A complete stock of Card Mounts. I>e- gswsral appearance is that it ha been time be baa been tried and proven, aud city limits that can satisfactorily All tbe J. T TAYLOR, you feel like a new being. Sold by I>r vele|»en>. Toning Sulm ions. Plates. PapeHj We have everything that ', new in moved only a short distance from its has experienced a steady increase in position, be Is the man we want for the Etc , Etc constantly on hand. original point of deposit. Mr. Meade IV F. Kremer, Druggist in all lite utw Lasts and Toes in Tan popularity during his whole term ol of­ place. He should be sslsctsd for his FREE DARK ROOM tb nk» that there is a good possibility fice. l’erlectly satisfactory officials aie qualifications and nzt for any personal ■ nd Black, with fancy Silk Vesting Diager«»« Rending. Dem. and Peo. Party Nominee. For the use and convenience of my Patroni that in f flowing the channel the point not so common that their services can friendship or |K>liiical service A mother was recently very much ■ nd plain tops, may le found where it cu s tbe ledge «urprised to find that her’ young be pa»eed over unapprec iated. Following is the vote by ward» AA to see our and if this occurs, it will probably mean «laughter of 13 was reading a very For Assessor . fl. E. VOOKHIES. « «kb a forlutis for the operator, as ths ledge, poor class of paper-covered novela. Tbe eln-tic-D ol senators by dliecl vole ARMORED CRUISER SHOE ' 1 Í 3 4 »•< ■toi MAYOR. ol the people te now being agitau-d and if found, must be on* of remarkable which Rhe admitted buying for five for boys. CHARLE1' CROW. ; *1 io 29 M cents at the corner stationery store. «1 richness. ia undoubtedly n popular measure, l be Kmney Coburn ..... I 33 32 5 h 72 195 Investigation revealed that she and senate iteelf, however, may prove an ef­ The ( spper Stain mine on Mt Reuben her young companions in the neigh- ruUCK JV1KJK fectual barrier to auch legislation, as a Barker is rapidly nearing that stage of develop borhood were in the Lai< cf buying ‘ 90 ah 50 *1 AH. 104 1 Regular Republican Nominee large number will prefer the old way of Furman . ■ ■ 40 1 142 msnt which will he marked by the in these books and e\ch urging them TRKABl HER. being elec ted. Auutuberof Ibeir epiu I Rtalmrnt of a quartz mill. The men with each other until each story had Johnson 441 ions are on record, all to the effect that CITY ATTURXKY. 117 111 &> 127 Dry Goods. Shoes and I'urnishinK'. operating Uns property are taking no !*•< n passed around the little circle. For Assessor .. it would be as easy to buy up cvnven ' • .«art ra»h chance«, but are going ahead »tea«!- The stories were not of the tradition­ 71| hfi 42 64 2:: ; .30 Docs Uons as legislatures aud that there Norton . 44 5H 39 i depth . show? young men, and tell them confidently do business with you report . 1.6^9 my girl needed the same care. I am > rauk J. Cheney makes oath that be pariyisiu becomes oppreoive, there is al­ an e ght or nine-foot vein of high grado finding it a genuine struggle to get is tbe senior partner of the firm of F J, what I do when I lake cold. Al drug ways a remedy. Voters ebou Id k<*ep lbe Phrnoy A Co , doing (»uainess in the city gists, 2>e. aud 60e. Regular Republican Nominee ’ ore and its extent has been satisfactor her interested in any reading that she on this basis. power ia their own hands. A certain of Toledo, county and state aforrsaid, Cash t'eipte for year ending May 1.1'AO ily ascertained. A mill will be ere« ted ought to hare, so fillet! is her little arc .sal ol political manipulation u aud end that said firm will pay the sum o( ( alllurma hre«la Given Away I.h'enaea collected .... <>n the property so»n. bend with these trashy lore stories.’* For County Commissioner .. » 2;«4 Police court tinea always «111 be practised, bat if lbe voter* IhM) for ea< h and every case uf *!arrh 2ÏS Dan Green is still piping on hie Gslice This may sene es a warning to other I’ntil August I, 1900, anyone sending Sidewalk repare that cannot lie cured by the uae of Hall's mothers, who think that girls come to keep tbe power well in Ibeir grasp, op Catarrh Cure. Faakx J. C iiknby name and full address, with 10 rent» in .Miscellaneous— talee, rent, ; placer, with a goo«! head cf water. This giww! reading »y a sort of natural in­ pre »ire partyism ia always bold in Sworn lu before tne and subeenbed in »tamp» to defray poatage. packing etc., «ate of property H S. WOODCOCK. 3,225> 24 I pr« party has a grand advantage in its 1 stinct.—N. Y. Post. check The a-si age sots: of today Is my presents, thi* <>lb da\ ol I k* eiui»t*r, a ill receive five a pa. kage containing a I unusually ex«el ent water supply, A. I) . iNflfl. A. W. G ibsmix , Total collected, gen fund, 5,R7S 03 much mure broadly lulelligenl than in Frrnrlt I' mmr and nplnarh. choice relecuoii uf tiret claw fl*»wet or i XV bi Is tbe placers all over the country Neal. Notary Public. past years, aud the- position ol political KXPfWtilTt* Poach «s many erga as you may re­ Hail's ( atarrb Cure is taken internal vegetable see»!. All are of the flne»t are cleaning up and cfoaing down L>r the Regular Republican Nominee. rrant« i~y on the rion, now almost entirely dissipatrd, observation Car ot the new North ( a«t •• :ound. place the eggs in a row on Hot imo », Santa Paula, Cal. Reguiar Republican Nominee. In tbe night will turn on the electric absence of snow in th? muantains this t th!» and pour round a rood brown that we Lad na peringmont ledge» bers, I united, in operation on ant! af er Mav year canoed a qiiick cessation of the t>erlL light in the Pullman Standard 3. nr* the Northern ¡ ‘ a- .tic It..» Obavr sraiy. -St. Lomg (,h*fo? I democrat. is one of which there i» much y*i to >f il » Machinery yon are banting. Sleeping Cars, on the Northern Pacific's abundant'« of water, after the rait.» For Sheriff learn. The "pocket," in the sense in ration ('ar will lie a dandy, tie! a North Coaat Limited lestief A 1» Ipplr l'ad«lf«tM North Coast l imited Two lights in »tast'd. Mr. Grwa ha? removed hi? 1‘aintoor Oil», I have in plenty; which it is generally understood, is a < harltoa, Aaa’t Grn’l I a«r A<*1, 2-Y> An rwsilv made ruiMinff that hits Iter, yoa'l fin,| jjen ’ l *11 in my line), hunted extent, and occurs in severe! ED LISTER l U uiiian • Awful I*, ell Pnsa. Ag t. M Morrison Kt.. Cor id, ing the short time that yet remain» be- | i •‘FgrncT occaaior 1» 1» prvparvd by •'(u«cr., Bak«« and Binding T«ine. UlfTeieot l »r ma. Uw very c> miuon aking a mixture of one cupful of f ire the water fails. The un«l he has • ’ There ia only one chance to wave Portland, Oregon. llufoid handle, rara '■vg c to tolret from, we have many form uf "pucteai" is ths qnar s stringer erar, one enpfu! of •urwr. one capful worked this winter has paid vert nts. Regular Republican Nominee. -tmlrb»krr, th. beai of any. f F milk, a half cup -ini of bntter wtxi or seam, containing often, ure whicli is your life and that ia thr<»uirh an opera lacrativsly and lepers I kids will be A Mtncrttr s Mistake R L. Cos A Co ' u■ ivator», Cement ami Lime—¡lie ’», and three egg e«w. «off adding w.'.lirqr to it three rich in almost incredible degree, the Hon," were the alarthug word» heaid by nine, A city mmmfer •«• recently handed ma lelow ri it Mi I aiors advaatage- ch.qipe.! apple, and three quarter, of go d bring generally cores, with the Mr». I. It Hunt ol Liuie Ridge, Wie., For Sheriff oosly text sreson. A N* Pwatcrv a cupful of chopped raiwina Thi. a notice to U* read from his pulpit Ac Imitation ia never aood at any time quarts ver> mucL decomposed and Um Iron» lier dot tor after be had vainly tried should be Lake.1 In a m-.terate oven The recent »tatiatic» of thr number of c u pant ng it was a « lipping from a lorn Plantar« and Plo«a —they go 1«I often much stained and discolored lu «-ure her of a Inghtiul « are of atomavh about half an hour Serve with hard N »thing Elka it trouble and yellow jaaikfow. Gall new»pa|«er bearing npoa tbe natter. d*ath<« thua that the ta ’ g- »nt> daisiea too, or "rusty." The gold is generally light harry L LEWIS. aauce N Y Tribune »id remember that no other Ti»ey »mt other, and «ill eait you. •nd porous, lacking the solidity nsUce- atone» had formed and al e run »tank ly With consumption Tin» d'»ea»r may Tbe clorgymeai started to n*ad the then she began Io use commence with an apparently ha>tulrrs •Street and found that it began . 'Take i like > ii fob's Contuuipln-n ’’"1» that yoor neigh bora recommend— •bie in pirn s? or “ehsnssl" nsggrts. grew a or ae y respect. If o;her ramed.es For Surveyor frade with me < nee. you will Iradeaflain. Mauy Uiussands ol dollar» have been Elert lie Ritter» which a bully cured her. (wagk which can be curri luvtaat » by Keinp*» Katesm, the he»t (.'««ugh Cure * I>m and Peo Party Nominee. It's a wonderful stomach, Liver .-xpri tN|' i to reliare your cough or cold Kemp’a Balaam for th* lhr<>at and 1 I - • 4- I’ 1 V -i a taken from jast such placre in south* q nek and neatly done. Kidney remedy. t orve Ifyspspms, the more reason why you Lua<», tbicb ia gu»r«hle«d to cure and nd, after a moment's hesitatiow, he Ano tnsk from timber both aea-viod wn Oregon by men who have diS'tnervd For Sheriff I Ap petite IL C.-PERKINS .» loh ’ ». Always wld und*r Ty it Only W relieve all care«, i’rier .3.. and 50 . turned it over, and 1 • r« I <«a tbe ottesr »n«i strong. tbe richness and taken all in sight and Guaranteed. Ft pareóte* H it dore not he p *» !** 'I"‘ '1 *••.. « ishM le^i for t'-nij- Fur nule by a l draggists. Take train or road right into town, then abandoned the place, ft is tbs Urnggiat. ugg.at must gire back your 1 1* fixed opinion ol a number of intelligent »ben Stop at Schmidt*• before yoa <>»*• Dem and I’eo Party N -minee. J » COLBY, , fifia. and II 00s bottle. W prospectors of experience, lhatil»Uih Eschange a vein ran be followed, it pays to do so, Five aerea in fruit, g --I hotaae and A STOVE WOOD- ANY AM0UN1 •ven though the prospMta may be dis* barn, fur residence pr pert y in Grants ni I Independent Candidate Tab’et« ot all kinds at th - C'A BIBB Law pr-.-ev—PrrwwH dab very. l»»n ccuragu<> 11 foifo»rd u ay he las». Inquire at thia ofikv*. off. e '« m mt Co«, a- s . i._ office. „. — — j ” t «ino I 1 H. Schmidt, order» si Msrbis teboy. ROGUE RIVER COURIER, » » ft Suits > > > > ft rz : STAR st : rz . < Hair-Riddle Hardware Co “ MILWAUKEE." Cleaning and ...Dyeing Works, Many Dressed Man Clayman, Propr PHOTO 5UPPLIE5 E. C. Dixon Pure Drugs Slover Drag Co. Ail Aboard.... ....All Aboard GRAFTS PASS, ORE.